mangtso 2011

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The Statement of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Tibetan Democracy Day With due obeisance to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in whose august presence the 50th anniversary of the founding of Tibetan democracy is being celebrated. I, on behalf of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, extend my warm greetings to the Sangha led by the Religious Heads of all tradition or their representatives, Present and Former Heads of the three Organs of Tibetan Government, Autonomous Institutions, Honourable Member of National and Provincial Parliaments from different part of the world who have travelled a long way to be a part of this Celebration, the Heads of the various local governmental and non-governmental institutions and organisations, the students and the general public who have gathered here to mark this important day. Soon after coming into Exile, His Holiness the Dalai Lama advised that the nature of Tibetan Polity be transformed into a democractic one founded on the principles of liberty, justice and equality for the short and long-term benefit of the Tibetan people. Based on which the first parliament, what was then known as the Commission of Tibetan People’s Deputies, popularly elected by the Tibetan people, took the oath of office on 2 September 1960. This marked the beginning of the exiled Tibetan’s march on the path of democracy. From the time the Tibetan democracy day began to be celebrated officially on 2 September 1975 until now, all the formal ceremonies of the day were held at Dharamsala, the seat of the Central Tibetan Administration. However, the fact that the current 50th anniversary is being held at one of the larger Tibetan settlements in India, namely Bylakuppe, is indeed glorious in that the event is taking place after the successful conclusion of two very special programmes the first 6-day National General Body Meeting and the long-life prayer offering to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We would like to express our deep sense of gratitude to His Holiness for his gracious presence in our midst on this very special occasion. The main purpose of holding these events in one of the larger Tibetan settlements was to create awareness among the Tibetan people at the grassroots level about democracy and so it is hoped that our efforts will meet this objective. Today, on the one hand, is a very proud moment for all of us because our democracy is completing 50 years and over these years, the Tibetans have been able to exercise their democratic rights and privileges to the fullest. On the other hand, however, today is a sad moment for us if we were to go by the reality of the Tibetans inside Tibet experiencing hell on earth due to the arrogance and intransigence of the Chinese leaders and the fact that we have been living in exile for more than 51 years with the resolution of the Tibet problem nowhere in sight. We are well aware that most of the democracies across the world today have been able to enjoy the fruits of democracy as a result of their persistent struggle towards it by sacrificing many human lives. However, when His Holiness guided or advised the Tibetan exiles to bring about a democratic transformation into their political life soon after his coming into exile, they were not really willing or prepared to do so. Even then, His Holiness the Dalai Lama persisted with it. This is something one would not witness or scarcely witness in the history of the world. His Holiness has nursed the desire to alter the Tibetan political system along modern lines right from the moment he assumed both the spiritual and temporal responsibilities


¸»µnDž ØÅn¸Ø³nºÎÂÎ nº§n¥»ŀn³DŽ n¸Ɣ ÖÈnµÈnºÎnÅØn ǿ ÎÅn¶Øn¤ØÄn¸ÂÎnƤ Èn©Öµp of Tibet long before the country lost its territory [to the invading Chinese communists]. The prevailing political situation then, however, prevented him from carrying out these far-reaching reforms. Soon after his coming into exile in India, His Holiness the Dalai Lama instituted what is today known as the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. With great foresight, he made this important organ of the administration to be representative of all the three traditional provinces and five religious traditions of Tibet. Moreover, he circulated a draft constitution for future Tibet on 10 October 1961 that blends the traditional value systems with modern norms of democracy. The final version of the draft constitution as mentioned above was promulgated on 10 March 1963. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has, thus, laid a solid foundation for the short and long-term benefits of the Tibetan people and their religion and politics. Earlier, due to our lack of proper knowledge about and understanding of democracy coupled with a host of livelihood problems that we encountered in the beginning of our exile life and particularly due to our apprehensions about devolving the power of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We have not been able to follow his wishes during the initial 30 years. All these years, however, His Holiness the Dalai Lama kept guiding the Tibetan people, just as parents do with great compassion and patience to their children, about democracy in general and particularly about such varied issues as the functions of the Kashag, the purpose of the Tibetan Justice Commission, role of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, duties and responsibilities of the Central Tibetan Administration staff, Tibetan religion and culture, education, economy, social conditions and the changing Tibetan political scenarios. At times, he went so far as to make his personal intervention when minor conflicts arose among the different religious, provincial and regional groups within our community. All these sustained efforts on the part of His Holiness the Dalai Lama have gradually paved the way for the formulation and adoption of the Charter of the Tibetans-in-Exile and various other rules and regulations, changes with regard to the appointment of Kalons, evolution of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile into a fully empowered legislative body and the eventual direct election of the Kalon Tripa by the exiled Tibetan populace. We have, thus, been able to make dramatic progress in terms of the functioning of democracy in our exile community. The current policy of engagement with the Chinese government was also laid down through this well-entrenched democratic process. Our experiment with democracy during the last 50 years has exposed the Chinese government’s lie to deceive the world that “the Dalai Lama is hell-bent on restoring the old feudal system of Tibet”. In sum, all the progress that we have been able to make so far was due solely to His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s untiring efforts. There is, therefore, a need for us to make further efforts towards the realisation of all his deeper vision for humanity in general and Tibetans in particular. Notwithstanding the many difficult and unfavourable circumstances we faced over the last 50 years, we have been able to not only establish all those institutions which are very essential for a democracy but also frame a number of laws as well as rules and regulations that suit our exile situation. All this was possible mainly due to the efforts of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and those many people in the leadership past and present who supported him in this endeavour. Hence if we do not lag behind in fulfilling our democratic rights and duties in the future, we have all the required institutions for a vibrant democracy. Many foreigners who take keen interest in Tibet and the Tibetans and support them speak highly of the organisational efficiency of the Tibetan diaspora and recognise it as being “different among the equals” when compared with the many other refugee communities across the world. As for the Kashag, the executive branch of the Central Tibetan Administration, it is taking utmost care


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................................................Translated from the Tibetan..................................................................


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Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche’s introductory remarks before reading formal Statement of the Kashag in Tibetan

Your Holiness, His Excellency Shri Ramachandra Gawda, honorable members of parliament from various countries, the dignitaries of democratic institutions of Tibetan Diasporas, brothers and sisters, Today we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Democracy for Tibetans in Diaspora. With the mixed feeling, we are happy that under the dynamic leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and most liberal treatment of the host country; India and the others, the Tibetans living across the globe are able to enjoy the benefit of democracy since the establishment of democratically elected Assembly of Tibetan People’s Deputies on the 2nd of September, in 1960. Since then, we have strived hard in establishing our democratic institutions and rule of law and today we have reached a stage of maturity as far as democratic system is concerned. Since 2001, the political leadership was also directly elected by the Tibetan People in Diaspora through free and fair election. At the same time, we are saddened by the fact that our brothers inside Tibet who are living under Chinese rule are deprived of all democratic rights and privileges. They are suffering under the oppressive policies of one of the world’s most brutal totalitarian regime in today’s world. Democracy of the Tibetan people will remain incomplete in many ways until we seek genuine autonomy for entire Tibetan people where freedom of conscience, speech, human dignity and human rights are respected. At this crucial juncture, our supporters and sympathizers are of great value for us. It is indeed very encouraging that several senior parliamentarians from India as well as from countries far and near are here with us today, despite inconveniences of traveling many hours, to sympathize human solidarity for a genuine cause. I have no words to thank you all appropriately but I could only say we are deeply touched and moved by your presence. We are immensely grateful to all of you. Dear friends, His Holiness always says that Tibetan supporters are neither anti-Chinese nor pro-Tibet. But they are anti-injustice and pro-justice, anti-violence and pro-nonviolence. Thus, the value of your support and solidarity cannot be measured from Tibet issue alone. It needs to be measured from the future well being of humanity as a whole and the promotion of democratic values. You are aware that Tibetan issue is not a single isolated problem of Tibetans alone. In fact it is a symptom of larger human malady. In other words, the problem of Tibet is a direct result of lack of democracy and rule of law in China. We shall have to look at the Tibetan issue from this perspective. Ladies and Gentlemen, democracy in today’s world is endangered by ever increasing centralized negative forces. Trade and economic values are dangerously over riding the democratic values. I read an article entitled “Never Mind Human Rights, Money Matters”. I think this is the true picture of today’s world scenario. Therefore, I would like to urge to you and through you to all the parliamentarians of the world to make an all out effort to save democracy and bring democracy in those nations where it does not exist. A genuine democracy is the best remedy for all human problems of today. With these few words, let me thank you again ladies and gentlemen and now forgive me to bore you while I will read the Kashag’s Statement in Tibetan language for my Tibetan peoples.

........................... This is a verbatim transcript of Kalon Tripa’s introductory remarks .......................


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Hon. Matteo Meccaci, Co-chair of International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT) working group and the President of Italian Parliamentary Inter-Group for Tibet. Good morning Bylakuppe! Good morning Tibetans! Despite the weather, it is a very pleasant morning. Let me express on behalf of the International Network of Parliamentarians for Tibet, our sincere appreciation to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, to the Prime minister Prof. Rinpoche, to the Speaker Penpa Tsering, the Deputy Speaker Dolma Gyari for inviting us here today. It has been a privilege to be here over these two days for an intense program that has shown us the strength of the Tibetan people and the democratic institutions in exile. Thank you again for inviting us here. Last year in Rome, as a result of the convention (World Parliamentarians Convention on Tibet) that was held at the Italian Parliament, we have established this network of parliamentarians that includes more than 100 MPs from over 30 countries. Our aim is to advance the cause of a Free Tibet inside a Free China in all parts of the world. Let me say that I share the analysis that was just made by Prof. Rinpoche who said that in order to have a Free Tibet we need to have a Free China. These things go together. We have to promote freedom in China to get freedom for Tibet. Our goal is very difficult because, despite the increasing integration of China in world affairs, especially in economy and finance, the Chinese leadership has not yet shown the capacity to find a just solution to the Tibetan question. Well, if China wants the world to accept that the solution of Tibet is by eliminating the Tibetan culture, our answer will be very clear. No, we cannot accept the dissolution of Tibet. The reason why we are saying this is not just for Tibet. We are also doing this campaign and conducting this struggle for our own countries. If Europe, the United States, Africa or Latin America accepts to stay silent today while the Tibetans are being killed and imprisoned just for saying what they think, it also means that the freedom and democracy do not mean anything also for us in our own country. This is the truth and we have to find the courage to speak the truth even in difficult times. If for commercial reasons, we accept to lower our standard on human rights, we are also complicit in the killing of not only of people, we are also complicit in the killing the very basis of the concepts of freedom and democracy. And this is a crime of which we cannot be complicit. For people who have no power, like you, like many of us, in the face of difficult times, there are very simple things that need to be done. We have to keep alive the faith in our values. The main value to which we must remain attached is the value of seeking the truth. For this, we have to seek the truth on the violations of human rights in Tibet. For this, we have to seek the truth on the Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy that was presented by the Tibetan government through the Tibetan Envoys to the Chinese government. And to seek the truth, we have to use compassion and non-violent strategies and techniques.


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Hon. Takam Sanjoy, Member of Lok Sabha and Member of INPaT Working Group Jai Hind Jai Tibet His Holiness the Dalai lama, Prime Minister of the exiled Government, Speaker and the Deputy speaker of the exiled Government, Members of Parliament, my colleagues from various countries, hon’ble Minister from Government of Karnataka, My dear sisters, brothers, Monks, Ladies and Gentlemen who are present here. Your Holiness, we as Members of Parliaments from various countries has joined you not only to celebrate and commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy and struggle, we have also come here to express our solidarity and support to the cause that Tibetan people have stood since the last many decades. I have come across several Tibetan members of the Parliament along with my Chief Minister Dorjee Khando who was in Delhi, immediately after he became the Chief Minister. Madam Dolma was also there. We discussed about the status, problems and the difficulties that the Tibetan people in various camps of Arunachal pradesh (AP) are facing. Tibetans in AP and North eastern states are safe, secure and we also try our best to develop them economically. My dear friends, you are not all alone fighting for Democracy. Those who believe in God and those who believe in Democracy are all with you in your struggle for freedom. Democracy in tibet is the essence of Asian people. The geopolitical and ecosystem in Tibet is as important for Tibetans as it is for us. It is eessential for us to preserve our eco- system. With the climate change that is takinig place we are disturbed with various infrastructural constructions in Tibet. With dams and bridges being unscrupulously built over Tsangpo River (Brahamaputra), it will disturb the entire eco system of the Himalayan region. Your Holiness, the Tibetan people in India are our brothers and sisters. You are not really far away from Tibet. We in India also struggled to attain our freedom. Mahatma Gandhi is a symbol of Indian Independence. He manifested our freedom struggle and the only instrument that he used was peace and Non violence. Your Holiness, we believe in your leadership, the message of non violence that had been inherited from the teachings of Lord Buddha. This will be imbibed by the Tibetan people and the people all over the world strugglinh for freedom in Tibet. Your Holiness, we the members of parliaments from various countries also pray that the dialogue process that have been initiated few years ago should be carried on. A meaningful dialogue for a maximum autonomy within the PRC, Genuine Autonomy with respect to religious freedom, with respect to natural resource utilization for the Tibetan people in Tibet are important essence of our struggle for freedom. I wish success for the freedom struggle and it will be achieved in the near future for our Tibetan brothers and sisters . We pray to God so that more and more strength be given to our people in the struggle to freedom.


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Senator Consiglio Di Nino, President of the Canadian Parliamentary Group for Tibet and the member of INPaT working group. Tashi Delek. Your Holiness, honorable Kalon Tripa, high lamas, honorable members of the Kashag, honorable guests, honorable heads of the three pillars of the government in exile, residents of Bylakuppe settlement, ladies and gentlemen, friends. This is an incredible honor for me. As I look at this vast crowd, it makes my heart feel good. I am from Canada, and I would like to take a couple of minutes to tell you about how the Tibetan community in Canada is doing in its support for a just and reasonable solution to the Tibetan cause. Firstly, I believe you all know that His Holiness is an honorary Canadian citizen, but we don’t charge him taxes. Not yet, your Holiness. We have one of the largest Tibetan communities in the world numbering about 7 to 8 thousand, very active, very strong, very vocal and very supportive of the Tibetan cause. We are in the process of constructing and His Holiness will be coming to visit us next month to bless the opening of the new Canadian Tibetan Cultural Centre in Toronto, where some 5,000 Tibetans have come to make Toronto their home. And I would like to say to you that the Tibetans in my country honour Tibet and honour all Tibetans. They are welcome citizens who have come to enrich our multicultural nation. Ladies and Gentlemen, the struggle for freedom and justice, I guess, in life never ends. But for Tibet, it is becoming a long run. I have a couple of message I want to leave you with. One message is directed to the Chinese; ‘His Holiness is not the problem, His Holiness is the solution to the problem, His Holiness will lead his people to a just and fair solution.’ That is the message that the Chinese have to understand. The other message I want to leave you with is that the world will not abandon the Tibetan cause. Some-


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Hon. Peter Slipper, Member of Australian Parliamentary Group for Tibet and member of INPaT working group for Tibet (now the Deputy Speaker of Australian Parliament) Your Holiness, Prime Minister, Mr. Speaker, High Lamas, monks and members of the Tibetan community in exile. Firstly, I bring you greetings from the Parliament of Australia and also from the leader of the opposition in Australia who met His Holiness, when he was last in Australia, and who, following the elections two weeks ago is poised to become the Prime minister of Australia. As a member of the All-party Parliamentary Group for Tibet, I want to assure the Tibetan community in exile that it enjoys very strong support not only from the Parliament of Australia but also from the people of Australia. His Holiness is a living world treasure. His Holiness is an inspiration to all of us. His Holiness has the capacity to make us all feel humble and to be happy. His Holiness is a role model and an inspiration to the world. In 2010, the countries around the world talk about self-determination and human rights. My argument is that the human rights of Tibetans are equally important to the human rights of people of other countries. His Holiness is guiding the world with his suggestion of a Middle Way for Tibet. Many people see this as being an extraordinarily generous response from His Holiness the Dalai Lama and also from the Tibetan Parliament and the Tibetan people in exile. This is a golden opportunity for China to prove that it is a modern country and wants to be a good world citizen. China will not be respected around the world until it engages meaningfully with representatives of His Holiness the Dalai Lama with a view to solving once and for all the great inequity which currently exists, and that is, the dispossession and exile of Tibetan people. It is absolutely vital that we as members of parliament and the non-governmental organizations, bring pressure upon China to genuinely negotiate for a mutually satisfactory outcome. The world owes the Tibetan people its support. In 2010, the human rights of Tibetans are as important as the human rights of others. I implore China to remove one of the blots on its world copy book. What it should do is to negotiate meaningfully with a resolve of solving once and for all the Tibet issue with equity, fairness and decency. Thank you for your hospitality here at Bylakuppe. I have been to Dharamsala but I have been so impressed with what is being achieved here in this area with the cooperation of the Government of India. Congratulations. Our thoughts, our prayers and good will are with His Holiness and the Tibetan people, as they strive for a meaningful, fair, decent and equitable solution to what is a problem not of their making.


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Hon. Birgitta Jonsdottir, Member of Iceland Parliamentary Group for Tibet and the member of INPaT working group. Dear honoured guests and dear fellow human beings. To speak to you at this historical moment in time, fills me with humbleness and happiness. Thank you for your spirit of compassion and tolerance. Today marks the 50th Anniversary of your government, 50 years of experiment with the democratic model, 50 years of government in exile, and 50 years of trying to build the bridge between the Chinese authorities and the Tibetan people. It seems at times that there is no progress, and there seems at times as if the suffering of Tibetan people may never end, if things are carried on as they are doing. But for an outsider like me, I have seen the Tibetan people take an impossible situation and do something remarkable with it. The government in exile and its work towards giving the growing number of people in exile, a structure of democratic nature, its service to the people in exile all over the world, is nothing but an incredible social experiment and I applaud you for its brilliance. It is pure alchemy to be able to transform such difficult task into what you have done. We in the west often claim that we know democracy. We live in democracies but some nations want to impose their model to other nations. But if you look beyond the pretty words, you might find that many countries do not know true freedom and the people in power have no ties or compassion for the common people. Sometimes I see dictatorship with many hats in the west. Democracy is as complex an action as any other idea developed from the human mind. True democracy is only true if it is a reflection of the people it is supposed to serve. I feel it is of great urgency that we as humanity start to face the fact that we are running out of planet if we carry on living as we are doing. And we need to start to work together for a common vision for our planet, and humanity as a whole, as well as become more aware as citizens, of our responsibilities in the democratic process. If we want to live in the society we dream of, we need to help co-create that reality. In the last year, many environmental disasters have hit Tibet and the regions surrounding Tibet. Global warming is not a fiction, but something we are witnessing with incredible imbalance on our nature. One of these places on our planet is the so-called Third pole. The mountains in Tibet with its glacier caps are melting at an alarming rate. It is changing the monsoon seasons here in these areas, the regions around Tibet and they are the big factor behind the terrible floods in Pakistan and China. Yet very few speak of it, because the world is not aware of the situation in Tibet. I pledge to do everything in my human capacity to raise awareness about this situation because nature has demonstrated to us that there are no borders. In Iceland, we only have six Tibetans. One of them once said when we were protesting outside the Chinese Embassy every Saturday for 9 months around the time of the Tibetan uprisings in 2008 that if you


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No matter what is going on, Never Give up Develop the hearts, too much energy In your country Is spent developing the mind Instead of the heart, Develop the heart Be compassionate Not just to your friends, But to everyone Be compassionate Work for peace in your hearts And in the world Work for peace, And I say again Never Give up No matter what is going on, Never Give up


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Hon. Ramachandra Gowda, Minister for Medical Education, Karnataka State, India. Namaste to everybody. Tashi Delek. I shall begin by paying my obeisance to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Greetings to all the dignitaries on the dais, to the venerable monks, brothers and sisters of the universe. Freedom is the birth right of every living being. More so the freedom is the birth right of every human being. If freedom is the right of every being, freedom is also the right of every family. More so freedom is the birth right of every Tibetan. In the last 50 years the Tibetans have been fighting for freedom and are living here as the co-citizen of my country. You are not a second citizen here, but you are equal to that of the people of Karnataka. Many of you here were not born 50 years ago. At that time there were very few of you. But the numbers of Tibetans have been growing since. Growth is a natural phenomenon and therefore growth is taking place. We are very happy. On behalf of Karnataka and on behalf of my beloved Chief Minister Mr. B.S. Yeduyarappa, we have decided to give Ration Cards to all the Tibetans. We have already given 1031 ration cards. When I came here the last time along with Sudarshanji, I promised to make arrangements for road construction and other things. Already Rs. 1.5 Crore have been sanctioned and the road construction will begin in a few days. With regards to Tibetan people’s right to land, the land for the Tibetan Refugees are leased land and therefore the decision has to be taken at the national level. As soon as we get clearance from the Central Government, we will see what best can be done regarding the right to land. We will give it. Friends, the entire world should join together to get freedom for the Tibetans. Many countries are represented here; I believe everybody will join me in the struggle for the Tibetan freedom. And it should be through the means of love and compassion just as Mahatma Gandhi got freedom for our country. Abraham Lincoln once said I do not want to be king, as I do not want to be a slave. Nobody is a slave; everybody is a king in a democratic set up. Everybody deserve to have all the rights and more so every human individual should get it. Our late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and the then Chief Minister of Karnataka Nijalingappa and Devaraj Urs has given all the facilities to the Tibetans. Today there are nearly 40 thousand Tibetans in Karnatka at Bylakuppe, Hunsur, Kollegal and Mundgod. They are all living very comfotably. I have only one small request. I request you to mix with the local people. Do not feel you are different. Be in the mainstream. It is said that birds of the same feather flock together. The entire human beings in the universe are one and there cannot be differentiation. No one can take the right of the other person by force, if someone does that, we have to fight together and that should be the attitude of all the human beings.


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Hon. Pernille Frahm, Member of Parliamentary Group for Tibet, Denmark. Good morning everybody. Your Holiness, dear colleagues, dear friends, dear men and women and not least dear children of Tibet. You are the future of Tibet. So a special welcome to you. First of all, I would like to thank you all for the honour of being invited to come here today and take part in the 50th anniversary of the exiled Parliament for Tibet. And even more so, I am honoured to give you my greetings along with my colleagues to the members of the Tibetan exile Parliament and to all of you gathered here today to share the celebrations. Since my early youth, I remember all the stories we heard about the people of Tibet who suffered so severely from the Chinese occupation but who still managed to keep the dignity and their principles of nonviolence. We in Europe have felt powerless when we saw men, women and children fleeing or dying during the severe oppression of Chinese military. We have on the other hand felt a big inspiration for the strong will to insist on non-violent resistance. The question of human rights in China and Tibet came again on the international agenda a few years ago when Beijing was selected to host Olympics in 2008. Then the hope for change had a new chance, and we all again hoped that China will live up not only to the Olympic standards but also to basic universal standards of friendship, cooperation, understanding, democracy and human rights. It gave many democratic countries a chance to address the question of freedom and human rights in China and Tibet under Chinese authorities. But it soon became clear that the Chinese government wanted business as usual, and that the only change was


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Today, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Parliament In Exile. We must keep in memory the strength and the patience of a large number of men, women and children. Their patience and hope is strongly connected to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. But they are not and can never be the responsibility of one person whoever he or she is. They must also build and trust in democracy and in democratic institutions. ³ÖnÄΧn§n¼ŀÈn¸»µnDž ØÅnµ§n¸Ø³nºÎnº§nƻ ÎnÂơ Ènȁ µn¼ŀ¥Èn³DŽ n¸Ɣ ÖÈn±ÖnÅØn ²ºn¶n¤ØÄn¸ÂÎnƤ Èn©Öµnǻ §n¸ǣ ÎnǬ nť ¸Èp ¸Ø³n

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Hon. Mario Ambrosini, Member of Parliament, South Africa. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, high lamas, lamas, members of the Cabinet, members of Parliament, Parliamentarian colleagues from all over the world, brothers and sisters. We all are brothers and sisters, as we fight under the trenches of democracy alongside with those who came before us, and alongside with those who will come after us. A great deal has been said to mark the 50th anniversary of Tibetan democracy in exile and reflect on the unwarranted invasion of Tibet. Coming as I do from Africa, I will limit my remarks to highlight the importance of Tibet for the whole of the sub-Saharan Africa. A new scramble for Africa and for its resources is now coming. China is leading it and alas! It is both setting the tone and limiting its goals. Money is given to the African leaders and governments right there where, the western Governments laboriously worked for 20 years to bypass such people and such entities to reach directly for the intended beneficiaries through NGOs. China is far more relaxed in its practices, and this is fuelling endemic corruption and chronic tendencies towards undemocratic practices, unfortunately breeding throughout Africa. Arms are shifted from China into African countries, especially small arms, undermining both African and global effort in arms control. This is most concerning, considering the setbacks and evolutions in the process of democratization of a continent which this year marks the 50th anniversary of the commencement of its liberation and the 60th of the completion of such a process. China will not change its way in Africa until it changes its way in China. China will not change its way in China until it rights the wrongs in Tibet. Tibet has indeed become the possible turning point of history. Unless China democratizes, Africa will be gravely harmed. Tibet now stands as the crucible in which China’s democratic transformation is to be forged with the help of us all. This realization underpinned the declaration of the 5th World Parliamentarian Convention on Tibet held in Rome which not only supported the Tibetan Autonomy but also peculiarly went to great length and strength of stating in its aim that of supporting democratization of China. And indeed China is a continent, and it has its roles in the world. For these reasons, from this turning point of the 50th anniversary of democracy in exile for Tibet, we must turn the cause of Tibet into a mass mobilization of Parliamentarians, churches, NGOs, governments, and all the relevant institutions across the world, and across the spectrum of civil society to help China to walk the path of its democratic transformation. There is also another important reason to do so. History will recall how a group of peaceful monks led by His Holiness, leading its people, has pursued the long struggle exclusively through the methodology of non-violence, negotiation and moral high ground. By granting Tibet the limited and reasonable autonomy it now seeks, China will be leave on the world at large the legacy of successful non-violent struggle which will undoubtedly form the basis of how the


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Hon. Santosh Vinita Kalyan, Member of Parliament, South Africa. His Holiness, Honourable Speaker, Honourable Minister, Honourable Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen. All protocols observed. It is indeed an honour and privilege to address this august body on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day. Thank you very much for your invitation. I bring you greetings from the leadership of the Democratic Alliance which is the official opposition in the National Assembly and the Parliament of South Africa. Having grown up and lived some of my adult life in the apartheid era, I can fully understand the plight of Tibetans and I can draw many parallels between your struggle and that of South Africa during apartheid. During the apartheid era, white supremacy reigned. Laws like the Group Area Act ensured that black people who live in townships and informal settlements without light and water away from the whites. Black people had to carry a pass on them at all times. And if they were caught outside their area in a white area after 8 O’clock they were arrested. The Immorality Act prohibited relationship between blacks and whites and if I was caught associating with a white person I was sure to be arrested. In my student days, I was in possession of a literature which the white government decided I shouldn’t have. And of course, my home was raided and I was arrested. Buses, movie houses and even bus seats had signs on them which said “For Whites Only”. After nearly sixty years, I can proudly say South Africa is free. Many people paid a heavy price for this freedom. Some paid with their life. Some paid with exile and it is the same sacrifices that you as a people are paying. The great advantage of democracy is that it puts power in the hands of the people. This is what makes democracy preferable to every other form of government. It is exactly what the struggle against apartheid was all about. Only in a democracy, politicians are afraid of the people instead of the other way around. Because only in a democracy can the people kick the government out. Central to the success of democracy are the principles of openness and transparency. Without a free flow of information, power abuse goes unexposed, unchecked and unpunished. The truth gets covered up and the result is that people cannot make informed decision and they cannot hold their leaders to account at the ballot box. This means democracy withers and dies. China’s bully boy tactics based on protecting the public interest by protecting its so called national interest is a smoke screen and is a great danger zone for democracy. The people of Tibet have spoken and it is up to us to assume a collective responsibility to action as they will. I undertake on behalf of my party Democratic Alliance to help your cause. I am more determined now than ever before and there are three reasons for it. First, I am very ashamed of my government. They declined or denied your visa. Your Holiness, when you are supposed to come to South Africa on the occasion of the celebration of the Nobel Laureates. It’s an absolute disgrace that the


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Hon. Tonino Picula, Member of Parliament Croatia (former Foreign Minister)

Your Holiness, honourable Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, The Prime Minister and dear members of the Tibetan community. In a way this is for me a return visit to your community. Because the Government of Croatia, when I was Minister of Foreign Affairs already proudly hosted His Holiness in the city of Zagreb in year 2002. So I would like to thank for this exceptional opportunity to speak where words have special weight. Now I am a member of the Croatian parliament and a devoted pleader of the right to speak freely. Especially there, where words are clamped and where it needs to be whispered. International order in history is being based on either hegemony or power equilibrium. However today we are facing the so called multi-polar world. But what is the content of that order? Has such a world become more rightful? More moral and safer for human being and his primary community? We are witnessing the globalisation of market and capital. Is solidarity being globalised as well especially among groups that are being affected by the uncertainties brought along by globalisation? However it puts permanent pressure on the ingrained values and identities. In the age of globalised opportunities, the threats are also being globalised. There is almost no regional crisis that has no potential to grow into a global one. We have an obligation to insist on human values in the processes of globalisation in lieu of its bad effects such as exclusion of the whole communities from the processes of wealth creation, poverty,


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Hon. Beata Bublewicz, Member of Parliamentary Group for Tibet, Poland. Your Holiness, Ladies and Gentlemen, the youngest Tibetans. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the possibility of being here today with you. I would like to present to you today the issue of Tibet from the Central and Eastern European perspective. On the one hand, obvious historical similarities call for spontaneous solidarity with Tibet among nations of our region. And I do not mean only recent tragic history. For example, Poland like Tibet once ruled a very powerful kingdom. It chose to introduce new religion, Christianity, which was to completely transform the nation through Czechs, not Germans, as Tibetans adopted Buddhism from India, not from China. At one time, this kingdom broke into provinces, united again and emerged greater but later disappeared from the maps of world for 150 years till we adopted the first European constitution seized by neighbouring powers. Like Tibetans, we had government in exile and a strong refugee community. It is enough to say that some of the most importance works of arts which shaped our modern national identity were written in exile. We have experienced Germanisation and racification just as Tibet is experiencing sinification now. During genocide of World War II, Poland had not only had its underground army but also the whole underground State, with independent judiciary, schools, universities etc, struggling against occupants. After the war, the Pols like Tibetans felt forgotten, betrayed and insulted by the world to Stalin’s empire. Through all these tragedies, from partitions to Nazi and communist genocides, Polish nation like the Tibetans kept its identity, language and culture mainly because of strong bonds of religion and efforts of the church. And finally, as envisaged by His Holiness the Dalai Lama after all these bloodsheds, we regained our independence, freedom, and strived for non-violent means and dialogue. There is no more powerful symbol of this than the date of June 4, 1989, when we cast our vote for the first partially-free elections that was to transform not only our country but the whole region. Tanks and army massacred students and citizens of Beijing. On the other hand, the pressures of the Beijing combined with very difficult and vulnerable internal economic situation often prevented this widespread understanding and solidarity from being translated into substantial political support for Tibet. Communist China resorted to all means to prevent criticism of her human right’s abuses or expressions of solidarity with Tibet. Sadly, I am of the opinion that we missed a historical opportunity of the new international quality of the voices of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It is even sadder that the Beijing is not taking lessons of our regime. It is clear that the transition was much more successful and peaceful in the countries with strong democratic opposition like Czech Republic or Poland than in the countries with regimes that did not tolerate slightest dissent like Romania. It is absolutely clear for us that on the contrary to the fears of the Chinese


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Honorable Gianni Vernetti, Vice-Chair of the Italian Parliamentary Inter-Group for Tibet (former vice Foreign Minister of Italy) Tashi Delek to everyone. Your Holiness, honourable members of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, honourable members of the Kashag, high Lamas and of course, all the nuns and monks and the Tibetan friends. First of all, I once again want to thank the government of India that seized the terrible time of 1959, hosted His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet, and through the Tibetan refugee community, made it possible for this great experiment of democracy in exile. We all really love and respect the great Indian democracy from which since ancient times we have so much to learn. Thanks again honourable Minister of Education of the State of Karnataka, Minister Ramachandra Gowda to be here is an honour and pleasure that your government is here to attend this important ceremony. Together with you today, members of Parliament from many countries are witnessing another unique example of democracy, that one of the Tibetans in exile. During these long 50 years, the Tibetan diaspora decided to be inspired by freedom and democracy, something unfortunately the Tibetans living in Tibet cannot yet afford. I have been in Dharamsala twice, and I attended proceedings of the Tibetan Parliament in exile, I met with the elected members, I met with elected Prime minister, the Kalon Tripa and I met with several people experimenting an incredible unique initiative of democracy in exile. This has not happened very often. Many people that are frustrated, many people that are humiliated by violent regimes and dictatorships, they choose violence and revenge. The Tibetans, you chose peaceful way of resolving conflict and you chose freedom and democracy, and you decided to build democratic institutions. It is something really that we have to learn. We still have to learn from you. So you really made something different. And then when we are witnessing this experiment, we recognized something very familiar, Executive power separated by Legislative power, your hard work for preserving your unique heritage, culture and religion. This is really extraordinary. But we are here also for some really clear goals. We are here for asking the Chinese leadership to resume direct dialogue with the Tibetan government in exile. We strongly support the Memorandum for a Genuine Autonomy of Tibet that you presented to the Chinese government. We support your Middle Way approach. But we also ask the government of People’s Republic of China to halt the cultural genocide in Tibet, to end forced immigration, to respect the fundamental human rights, to stop the militarization of Tibet, to stop deforestation and environmental destruction, to stop violence and to free the political prisoners. As every human being, the Tibetans also have the right to profess their religion, to learn their language at school, to live in dignity and freedom. These are the reasons why the Italian Parliament voted several resolutions over the years supporting His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the people of Tibet. Really, thank you again for what you are doing. And as my Canadian friend said, I want to make an imitation of what he said before. Thukcheje. Bod Gyalo. Thanks again. Freedom for Tibet.


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Honorable Son Chhay, Member of Parliament, Cambodia. Your Holiness, Honourable Parliamentarians, children of Tibet, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is both sad and proud day for the Tibetan people as they celebrate today 50 years of democracy and it also means 50 years of suffering. It is too long for the general people of Tibet, who have to endure under the brutal occupation of communist China. Yet today, because of your great culture and Buddhist legacy you have survived and under the leadership of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, continue to live in dignity and courage. If I compare the Tibetans with that of the Cambodian people who have suffered under the Khmer Rouge regime, a regime which was also supported by China’s brutal policy, the Cambodian people themselves have previously come close to extinction. How can we as the global community continue to turn a blind eye to the crime against humanity that the regime in Beijing have committed and continue to commit on the Tibetan people, the world leaders must find an effective measure to protect the right of self determination of the Tibetan people. As a Cambodian delegate representing the group of Cambodian parliamentarians, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Tibetan Parliament in exile on the occasion of celebrating the 50 year anniversary of the founding of democracy in exile for your great achievement in serving the Tibetan people and protecting your rich traditions and culture. This has given hope to all Tibetans in exile as well as those still having to endure the Chinese occupation in Tibet. It has also given the world a unique and enduring legacy which we cannot afford to lose. As a Cambodian, I pray here today that a day will come soon rather than later where you will once again prevail as a sovereign nation on Tibetan soil. Congratulations again.

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Honorable Csaba Sogor, Member of European Parliament Tibet Inter-Group, Romania. Your Holiness, Your Excellencies, Dear friends, Tashi Delek. I am very honoured to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day here with you today. But I am also here to celebrate not just the last 50 years but the last 500 or last 1000 years of your history. I am a Hungarian coming from Romania, and 160 year ago, one compatriot of my region left his homeland to find the ancient Hungarian homeland somewhere in Tibet. He never reached Tibet but he travelled 23 years. He learnt your language and he made the first Tibetan-English Dictionary. Alexander Csomo de koros is his name. Through him everybody in Romania especially the Hungarians know about your history, about your language, about your struggle for democracy, freedom and autonomy. So I am here on behalf of these 1.5 million Hungarians and I am bringing their greetings, admiration, support and love. We minorities from all over the world have two great values. One; that is we can always transform our enemies into our friends. And the second is that if we don’t succeed in our way to reach our goals we always find new ways. In the last 20 years, in Romania there have seen a lot of changes. We passed the communist system, and in the last 20 years, we did not succeed to get back our autonomy. But we decided to rule our whole country. So my party is in the Romanian government, in the Romanian Parliament and through me, also in the European Parliament. And may be in a few years, we will have a Hungarian in the chair of the Romanian President. Why not? The Americans succeeded. It took them 200 years to have an AfroAmerican President. I am deeply convinced that once this your government in exile will be a member of the Chinese government. And your Parliament will be a member of the Chinese Parliament. And why


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Ms. Alexandra Derrington Clark, senior staff representing Honorable Edward McMillan Scott, the Vice-President of the European Parliament. Tashi Delek. Your Holiness. I am here to speak on behalf of Edward McMillan Scott, MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for human rights and democracy. Your Holiness, I have long campaigned on behalf of those suppressed and persecuted peoples around the world particularly with regards to religious freedom. Through my many years as a politician, I have witnessed appalling abuses of human rights but none more so by China’s despotic communist party and its agencies, which I believe to be most tyranical regime in world history. The persecution of the people of Tibet, as well as Falung Gong practitioners, Uighurs and other groups in China itself is continuing on an unprecedented scale, and because of the Chinese Communist Party’s complete control of the media, this is going largely unnoticed by the international community. In certain cases, the persecution amounts to genocide in terms of the international convention. I continue to believe in a day that His Holiness will return to his homeland which I visited in 1996. I was struck by the beauty of this ancient country yet also saddened by the very visible Chinese occupation, and appalled by their treatment of the Tibetan people. The European Union was founded on the principles of human rights, democracy and the rule of law. And it is our duty to work together to end the persecution of the Tibetan people. The imprisonment and torture of those whose only crime is the practice of traditional life style. Tibetan Buddhism is culturally unique from Chinese culture. We cannot afford to let this further eroded by methods such as social exclusion and the prohibiting of worship. We must consider the future of the children, growing up in a country with a history, their history, which is rich in tradition, which are their birthright. On this issue, the European Union must adhere to ideas that the human rights are the cornerstone of any society. The present global


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Honorable Thomas Mann, Co-Chair INPaT working group and the president of the European Parliament Tibet Inter-Group. Tashi Delek. I think we can be happy because it is the last of all our speeches. I am very proud of all those speeches of my colleagues from different countries. Competent speeches, involving speeches and I think very important speeches. Your Holiness, dear colleagues of the Kashag, dear Tibetan friends, the children, the monks and the nuns, the parents, and many people who used the opportunity to be here to celebrate very important day and I have the honour to share with you this big event of inspiration, of interesting teachings and lectures. I think we have learnt a little bit. I hope so. And of course, also we have the opportunity to do it in a political way, the 50th anniversary of the Tibetan democracy day and of course the establishment of the Tibetan institution in exile. As the President of Tibet Intergroup of European Parliament and the Co-chair of the International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet, I am glad to be part of this very important demonstration of solidarity with the Tibetan people, with your fight for religious freedom, the preservation of the cultural heritage, your sovereign language, your free education, also all the opportunities to have employment, to use the language and of course, the protection of the environment especially on the unique high plateau. Very often we have conferences concerning these subjects. We support all your remarkable initiatives from the 17 Point Agreement until the Memorandum of Genuine Autonomy in November 2008. And we always share the position of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Middle Way, the dialogue and the non-


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dent of the Canadian Parliamentary Group for Tibet and the member of INPaT º©Ø¥n³§n¸£ÂnºØÅn¥µ§n¸Àεn¶p

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