FSTTCS Event Booklet

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IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


IARCS International Conference On Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science 12th - 14th December IIT Bombay



IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011





IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Welcome Dear FSTTCS-2011 participant, On behalf of the organising committee and IIT Bombay, we extend a warm welcome to you all. The conference is a forum for presenting original results in foundational aspects of Computer Science and Software Technology. FSTTCS-2011 has attracted over 150 participants. The conference programme will feature paper presentations and invited talks by eminent researchers. The conference, held from Dec 12 - 14, 2011, will be preceded by the workshop on Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory (Dec 10, 11) and followed by the workshop on Breakthroughs in Theoretical Computer Science (Dec 15, 16). We wish that your participation and stay in Mumbai to be enjoyable and professionally rewarding. We request you to kindly go through this booklet and we hope this booklet proves to be helpful.

Supratik Chakraborty and Amit Kumar Co - Chairs, FSTTCS-2011



IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011

Contents About the Conference Co-located Events Cultural Event & Banquet Organizing Committee

8 10 11 12

Schedule of events Pre-Conference Main Conference Post-Conference

13 15 18

Local Arrangements Accommodation Transportation Food Miscellaneous facilities Emergency contacts

19 20 22 27 30 31

Institute Code of Conduct






About the Conference Indian Association for Research in Computing Science (IARCS) and Dept of CSE, IIT Bombay anounce the conference on Foundations of Sofware Technology and Theoretical Computer Science. The conference also incorporates other co-located events before and after the main session. Within the scope of the conference are discussions and paper presentations on various areas of computer science such as: • • • • • • •

Algorithms, including randomized and approximation algorithms, distributed algorithms, geometry, online and streaming algorithms, fixed-parameter algorithms Automata and Formal Languages Combinatorial Optimization, Computational Complexity, including circuits, communication, derandomization, PCPs, proof complexity, structural complexity Concurrent, timed and hybrid systems Cryptography and security Logic in Computer Science, including finite model theory, modal and temporal logics, specification and verification Programming languages, including semantics, types, program analysis and correctness

Registration and Help Desk The registration / help desk will be located on the ground floor of the Lecture Hall Complex (C2- in Map 2). In addition to this, we will set up another help desk at the Main Gate (G1 - in Map 2 ) to offer help concerning entry / exit issues.


IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Main Conference: Dates and Venues The venue of the main conference and the workshops is the Lecture Hall Complex, in the L1 and L2 wings. This building is located right opposite the Kanwal Rekhi Building as shown in the Map 2 on the last page. Date: 12th - 14th December, 2011 Venue: LCH-31 & LCH 32, 3rd floor auditoria, Lecture Hall Complex Track A : LCH - 31 Track B : LCH - 32 Invited talks, morning sessions : LCH - 31 on all days. Invited talks, afternoon sessions : LCH - 32 on all days.


Co-located Events FSTTCS 2011 will have two co-located workshops: 1) Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory Pre-conference workshop Date: 10th - 11th December, 2011 Venue: LCH 11, 1st floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex This workshop is intended to introduce the audience to important tools, techniques and results in finite model theory and algorithmic model theory, and elucidate some of their connections to other areas of computer science. The workshop will consist of half a day of introductory lectures covering basic concepts in logic and model theory. This will be followed by one and a half days of talks by invited experts who will cover more advanced topics. 2) Breakthroughs in Theoretical Computer Science Post-conference workshop Date: 15th - 16th December, 2011 Venue: LCH 11, 1st floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex This workshop is intended to disseminate and discuss major advances in theoretical computer science to a target audience of advanced students and researchers interested in theoretical computer science. The two day event will consist of around 9 talks by prominent researchers on breakthroughs in their area of expertise with ample time for discussion and future directions. In addition to the above workshops, a third workshop on Recent Advances in Data Structures is scheduled immediately after FSTTCS 2011 in Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. Note that Chennai is a two-hour flight hop away, with direct flights from Mumbai, and around 24 hours away by train. There are several flight and train connections between Mumbai and Chennai every day of the week. 10

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Cultural Event & Banquet Cultural event A Hindustani Classical music concert by Pandita Shubhada Paradkar will be held on Dec 12 between 7 pm and 9 pm at the Victor Menezes Convention Center (C3 - in Map 2) in IIT.

Conference Banquet Dinner: We will have a banquet dinner on Dec 13, 7 pm onwards, at Hotel Meluha The Fern, Central Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai. Transportation will be arranged for all delegates, from conference venue to the banquet and back to either IITB or MTNL guest house.


Organizing Committee FSTTCS is grateful to the dedicated support and hard work of the students and academicians of the Department of CSE, IIT Bombay, Department of CSE, IIT Delhi and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. Following are the members of the organising committee:

Supratik Chakraborty (IIT Bombay, India, Chair )
 Amit Kumar (IIT Delhi, India, Co-chair) Naveen Garg (IIT Delhi, India) A.K. Bhattacharjee (BARC, India)
 Bharat Adsul (IIT Bombay, India) S. Krishna (IIT Bombay, India)
 Hrishikesh Karmarkar (IIT Bombay, India) Nutan Limaye (IIT Bombay, India)
 Abhisekh Sankaran (IIT Bombay, India)
 Ashish Chiplunkar (IIT Bombay, India)
 Ayush Choure (IIT Bombay, India) Chandrakant Talekar (IIT Bombay, India)
 Jagadish M. (IIT Bombay, India) Jinesh Machchhar (IIT Bombay, India) Jugal Garg (IIT Bombay, India) Pravin Jadhav (IIT Bombay, India) Ruta Mehta (IIT Bombay, India) Shetal Shah (IIT Bombay, India) Soumitra Pal (IIT Bombay, India)


IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011

Schedules of Events



Schedules of Events

Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory Pre-conference Workshop Venue: LCH- 11, 1st floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex Saturday, December 10, 2011: Day 1 8:00 - 8:45


8:45 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:30

Welcome and inauguration Supratik Chakraborty : Introductory talk 1 Abhisekh Sankaran : Introductory talk 2

9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00

Tea/Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

R. Ramanujam :
Introductory talk 3

12:30 - 13:30

Lunch break

13:30 - 14:30

Anuj Dawar: Descriptive Complexity and Polynomial Time : Talk 1

14:30 – 15:30

Phokion Kolaitis: Logic and Databases: Talk 1

15:30 - 16:00

Tea/Coffee break

16:00 - 17:00

Emanuel Kieronski: Decidability and Complexity Issues for Two-Variable Logics: Talk 1

17:00 - 17:15

Cookies/munchies break

17:15 - 18:15

Dietmar Berwanger: Automata for Guarded Fixed-Point Logics: Talk 1

Sunday, December 11, 2011: Day 2 9:00 - 10:30

Benjamin Rossman: Logic and Random Structures

10:30 - 11:00

Tea/Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

Anuj Dawar: Descriptive Complexity and Polynomial Time: Talk 2

12:30 - 13:30 9:30 - 10:30 13:30 - 15:00

Lunch break

15:00 - 15:30

Tea/Coffee break

15:30 - 17:00

Phokion Kolaitis: Logic and Databases: Talk 2

17:00 - 17:15

Cookies/munchies break

17:15 - 18:15

Dietmar Berwanger: Automata for Guarded Fixed-Point Logics: Talk 2

Emanuel Kieronski: Decidability and Complexity Issues for Two-Variable Logics: Talk 2


Schedules of Events

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Main Conference Schedule : Day 1 Venue: LCH 31 & LCH 32, 3rd floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex Monday, December 12, 2011: Day 1 8:00 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:00

Registration, Inauguration and Welcome address Invited Talk Susanne Albers, Energy-EfďŹ cient Algorithms

10:00 - 10:30 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:30

Session 1A : Approximation Algorithms Approximation Algorithms for Union and Intersection Covering Problems Tight Gaps for Vertex Cover in the Sherali-Adams SDP Hierarchy

Session 1B: Automata/Logics with Time and Cost Quasi-Weak Cost Automata: A New Variant of Weakness Using non-convex approximations for efďŹ cient analysis of timed automata

Applications of Discrepancy Theory Shrinking Timed Automata in Multiobjective Approximation

The Quantitative Linear-Time Branching-Time Spectrum 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00

Invited Talk

Moshe Y. Vardi, Constraints, Graphs, Algebra, Logic and Complexity

15:00 - 16:00 Session 2A: Complexity Theory

Session 2B: Petri Nets

Isomorphism testing of read-once functions and polynomials

Petri Net Reachability Graphs: Decidability Status of FO Properties

The Limited Power of Powering: Polynomial Identity Testing and a Depth-four Lower Bound for the Permanent

Approximating Petri Net Reachability Along Context-free Traces

16:00 - 16:30 Tea/Coffee Break 16:30 - 17:30

Session 3A: Graph-theoretic Algorithms Minimum Fill-in of Sparse Graphs: Kernelization and Approximation Cubicity, Degeneracy, and Crossing Number

18:30 - 20:30 Cultural Event


Session 3B: Reactive and Password Systems Conditional Reactive Systems Transforming Password Protocols to Compose

Schedules of Events

Main Conference Schedule : Day 2 Venue: LCH 31 & LCH 32, 3rd floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex Tuesday, December 13, 2011: Day 2 9:00 – 10:00

Invited Talk

Madhu Sudan, Physical Limits of Communication

10:00 – 10:30 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30 – 12:30

Session 4A: Parameterized Complexity

Session 4B: Logics and Proofs

Obtaining a bipartite graph by contracting few edges

Dependence logic with a majority quantifier

Simultaneously Satisfying Linear Equations Over F_2: MaxLin2 and Max-r-Lin2 Parameterized Above Average

Modal Logics Definable by Universal Three-Variable Formulas

Rainbow Connectivity: Hardness and Tractability

The First-Order Theory of Ground Tree Rewrite Graphs Layer Systems for Proving Confluence

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break Invited Talk 14:00 – 15:00 John Mitchell, A Domain-Specific Lamguage for Computing on Encrypted Data Session 5A: Online and Session 5B: Automata Theory 15:00 – 16:30 Streaming Algorithms and Regular Languages The Semi-Stochastic Ski Rental A Tight Lower Bound for Streett Problem Complementation Streamability of Nested Word Transductions

Parameterized Regular Expressions and Their Languages

The Update Complexity of Selection and Related Problems

Definable Operations On Weakly Recognizable Sets of Trees

16:30 – 17:00 Tea/Coffee Break 17:00 – 18:00 IARCS Business Meeting 19:00 – 22:00 Conference Banquet


Schedules of Events

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Main Conference Schedule : Day 3 Venue: LCH 31 & LCH 32, 3rd floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex Wednesday, December 14, 2011: Day 3 9:00 - 10:00

Invited Talk Phokion G. Kolaitis, Schema Mappings and Data Examples: An Interplay Between Syntax and Semantics

10:00 - 10:30 Tea/Coffee Break 10:30 - 12:30 Session 6: Games

Nash Equilibria in Concurrent Games with Büchi Objectives Perfect-Information Construction for Coordination in Games

Efficient Approximation of Optimal Control for Continuous-Time Markov Games Minimal Disclosure in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes 12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break 14:00 - 15:00 15:00 - 16:30

Invited Talk Umesh Vazirani, Quantum State Description Complexity Session 7A: Memory Efficient Algorithms

Session 7B: Pushdown Systems

Optimal Packed String Matching

Deciding Probabilistic Simulation between Probabilistic Pushdown Automata and Finite-State Systems

Dynamic programming in faulty memory hierarchies (cacheobliviously)

Parameterised Pushdown Systems with Non-Atomic Writes

16:30 - 17:00 Tea/Coffee Break End of Conference


Higher order indexed monadic systems

Schedules of Events

Breakthroughs in Theoretical Computer Science Post-conference Workshop Venue: LCH- 11, 1st floor auditorium, Lecture Hall Complex Thursday, December 15, 2011: Day 1 8:30 - 9:25 9:25 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 11:00 11:00 - 12:00 12:00 - 13:30 13:30 - 14:30 14:30 – 15:30 15:30 - 16:00 16:00 - 17:00

Registration Welcome and Announcements Umesh Vazirani - Certifiable Quantum Dice Tea/coffee break Manindra Agrawal A Lower Bound on ACC Lunch break Jaikumar Radhakrishnan - Direct Sum Theorems in Communication Complexity Naveen Garg - The Traveling Salesman Problem Tea/coffee break Aleksander Madry - Online Algorithms and the K-server Conjecture

Friday, December 16, 2011: Day 2 9:30 - 10:30 Madhu Sudan - Multiplicity Codes: Locality with High Efficiency 10:30 - 11:00 Tea/coffee break 11:00 - 12:00 Sanjeev Khanna - Edge-Disjoint Paths in Networks 12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break 13:30 – 14:30 Amit Kumar – Subexponential Lower Bounds for Randomized Pivoting Rules for the Simplex Algorithm 14:30 - 15:30 Nisheeth Vishnoi - The Unique Games Conjecture 15:30 - 16:00 Tea/coffee break 16:00 - 17:00 Aleksander Madry - Electrical Flows, Laplacian Systems, and Faster Approximation of Maximum Flow in Undirected Graphs 18

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011

Local Arrangements



Accommodations Conference-provided accommodations for delegates has been booked at the following places. Rodas Hotel: The conference has arranged for accommodations of invited speakers of the conference in Hotel Rodas, Hiranandani, Powai (A1- in Map 1). The hotel will arrange for airport pickup / dropoff of all its guests. We will arrange for the transportation from the hotel to the conference venue, and back. MTNL guest house: MTNL guest house (A3- in Map 1) has shared (twin-sharing) A/C and non-A/C rooms. The conference will provide shared shuttle transportation from this guest house to the conference venue, and back. (See shuttle schedule on page 21) IIT Bombay guest house: IIT Bombay guest house (A2- in Map 2) is located within the IIT Bombay campus. The conference has arranged for accommodation of invited speakers of workshops in this guest house. The conference will arrange for airport pickup / dropoff of invited speakers of workshops. The conference venue is reachable by a 5-minute walk from the guest house. IIT Bombay students’ hostels: The conference has arranged for free accommodation of student delegates in IIT Bombay students’ hostels. Male students will be accommodated in shared rooms (twin-sharing) in Hostel 1 (A4- in Map 2) while female students will be accommodated in shared rooms (twin-sharing) in Hostel 10(A5- in Map 2). Mattresses, blankets and buckets will be provided in the hostel rooms. The conference venue is at a walkable distance from both hostels. Alternatively, one can use the services of the campus shuttle bus (Tum-tum). All delegates staying in conference-provided accommodation are requested to abide by the rules and regulations of the respective facilities. Information regarding such rules and regulations will be provided by the respective facility managements at the time of occupying rooms. 20


IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


For the benefit of delegates who have opted to arrange accommodation on their own, the following is a partial list of some facilities close to IIT Bombay. Those facilities within a distance of 2 km from IIT Bombay are indicated on the map with corresponding labels. Please note that transportation from these locations will not be provided to or from these facilities, and delegates staying at these facilities would need to commute to and from the conference venue on their own. Hotel Rodas (A1- in Map1) Address: Central Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400076. Website: http://www.rodashotel.com/ Phone number: (022) 6693 6969 Hotel Meluha The Fern (A6- in Map 1) Address: Central Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400076. Website: http://www.meluhafernhotel.com/ Phone number: (022) 2575 5555 Hotel The Beatle (A7- in Map 1) Address: Orchard Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai 400076. Website: http://www.beatlehotels.com/ Phone numbers: (022) 4089 5000 , (022) 6115 1000 CHS guest house Address: Near Cafe Coffee Day, Powai, Mumbai 400076. Website: http://powai.info/2010/04/27/chs-guest-house-powaimumbai/ Phone number: 9869443365 Renaissance Mumbai Convention Centre Hotel Address: #2 & 3B, Near Chinmayanand Ashram, Powai, Mumbai 400087 Website: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/ Phone number: (022) 6692 7777 The Residence Hotel Address: Before Vihar Lake, Powai, Mumbai - 400087 Website: http://theresidencehotel.com/index Phone number: (022) 2858 5100, (022) 2857 5000 21

Transportation Transportation To-from conference venue We have arranged shuttle services for the transportation of delegates from Rodas / MTNL guest house to the conference venue, and back. The timings to report for these shuttle services are as follows.


MTNL Guest House to IIT

IIT to MTNL Guest House

Dec 10

7:45 am

6:45 pm

Dec 11

8:00 am

6:45 pm

Dec 12

7:45 am

9:15 pm

Dec 13

8:00 am

6:15 pm

Dec 14

8:00 am

5:00 pm

Dec 15

8:15 am

5:30 pm

Dec 16

8:30 am

5:30 pm

In addition to these, there will be three trips from IIT to Hotel Meluha The Fern for banquet dinner, and back to IIT for delegates staying inside IIT. The timings to report for these shuttle services (on Dec 13 only) are as follows: IIT to Hotel Meluha The Fern: 6:45pm, 7:00pm, 7:15pm. Hotel Meluha The Fern to IIT: 10:00pm, 10:15pm, 10:30pm. The bus will depart within 10 minutes of the reporting time. If you happen to miss a shuttle service, an auto-rickshaw would be the easiest and quickest way to get to your destination.



IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Getting around inside IITB IIT Bombay provides shuttle-bus (popularly called “tum-tum�) services for commuting inside the campus. You will have to take shuttle-bus number 1A, 1B, 2A, or 2B to reach the conference venue or the hostels from the Main Gate. The nearest shuttle-bus stop from the conference venue is Gulmohur Building / KReSIT Building (C1in Map 2). Pre-paid tumtum coupons / tickets can be purchased from the security table at the Main Gate. Tum-tum coupons / tickets will also be available at the conference registration desk.





Getting around Mumbai BEST buses and local trains are the cheapest means of traveling in Mumbai. We recommend you to consult the Mumbai navigator (http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/navigator) to plan your bus / train travel. You are advised NOT to travel in local trains, in the up direction (from Powai / Kanjurmarg towards South Mumbai) during the morning peak rush hours (8:00am to 11:00am) and in the down direction (from South Mumbai towards Powai / Kanjurmarg) during the evening peak rush hours (7:00pm to 10:00pm). The bus and local train services are not available from 1:00am to 4:00am. Auto-rickshaws, taxis, and cabs are the other options for travel. Autorickshaw and taxi drivers are obliged to produce the tariff card, if requested by the traveller. The tariff cards are also available online at http://www.go4mumbai.com/. In case you want to book a cab for your journey, apart from boarding on the way, the following can be booked online or on phone. Meru Cabs Phone: (022) 4422 4422 Web-page: http://www.merucabs.com/ Easy Cabs Phone: (022) 4343 4343 Web-page: http://www.easycabs.com Mega Cabs Phone: (022) 4242 4242 Web-page: http://www.megacabs.com/ Priyadarshini Cabs (especially for single women; a service managed by women) Phone: (91) 98202 21107 We recommend you to have a look at http://www.go4mumbai.com/ This site provides a wealth of information that could be useful while traveling in Mumbai.



IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


To the Airport/ Railway station By air The airport in Mumbai is called Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) and is located in the heart of the city. It has two primary terminals - Terminal 1 is the domestic terminal and Terminal 2 is the international one. Each terminal is further comprised of several sub-terminals. Regardless of which terminal you arrive in, you can an auto-rickshaw or a taxi / cab from to your place of accommodation. For those arriving in Mumbai for the first time, the cab services is recommended. For those familiar with the autorickshaw system in Mumbai, you can choose to come by the slightly cheaper auto-rickshaws. Detailed information about Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport can be obtained from its official website (http://www.csia.in). By train Mumbai has five major railway termini, and three primary suburban railway routes. These suburban railway routes are popularly called Western Line, Central Line and Harbour Line. You can take an autorickshaw / taxi to any of the five railway termini directly from your place of accommodation. Alternatively, you can opt for cheaper travel by suburban trains (also called “local� trains) and BEST buses. However, if you are a newcomers to the city, we would strongly advise you to not travel in suburban trains and buses during peak rush hours (8am - 11am and 5pm - 10pm) and especially if you have a significant amount of luggage. Also note that these services do not operate from 1am to 4am. IIT Powai Main Gate (G1) is the nearest bus stop and Kanjurmarg is the nearest suburban railway station from the IIT Bombay campus. If you decide to travel by the local trains, you can take a bus (15 mins, Rs. 6) or an autorickshaw (~ Rs. 20) to Kanjurmarg.



Please follow the guidelines given below, to reach the terminus from where your train leaves. Note that suburban trains that stop at all stations are popularly called “slow” trains, while those that stop at select stations are called “fast” trains. Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus Mumbai (CSTM): Take a local train going towards CSTM from Platform 2. (45 mins, Rs. 8) Dadar Terminus: Take a local train going towards Dadar / CSTM from Platform 2. (30 mins, Rs. 7) Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Kurla (LTT): Take a local train going towards Dadar / CSTM from Platform 2 and get down at Vidyavihar (15 mins, Rs. 4). Take the foot overbridge to exit towards “Vidyavihar East”. (You will cross at least 5 railway tracks in this process.) Take an auto-rickshaw or taxi to LTT. Mumbai Central Terminus: Take a local train going towards CSTM / Dadar and get down at Dadar. Cross over to Dadar (Western Line) station using the foot overbridge (you need not leave the station premises for this) and take a local train going towards Churchgate from Platform 2/4 (50 mins, Rs. 8). You can purchase a direct ticket to Mumbai Central Terminus from Kanjurmarg, and use it for both train rides. Bandra Terminus: Cross the road at main gate and go to the IIT Main Gate bus stop on the opposite side of the road. Take a direct bus to Bandra Terminus from IIT Powai Main Gate bus stop. BEST buses from Kanjurmarg West to IIT Powai Main Gate: 396ltd, 403ltd, 425ltd, 409ltd, 398ltd, 496ltd, 346ltd, 425, 424, 422, 461ltd, 307, 459ltd, 460ltd BEST bus from Bandra Terminus to IIT Powai Main Gate: 422


IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Food The arrangements for Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks and Dinner Breakfast: a) Invited speakers Hotel Rodas will provide complimentary breakfast to all invited speakers of the conference staying at Rodas. Complimentary breakfast will be provided at IIT Bombay Guest House to all invited speakers of workshops staying at IIT Bombay Guest House. b) Student delegates Student delegates accommodated in IIT Bombay hostels will be provided free breakfast coupons for use in hostel dining halls. These coupons can be obtained from the registration desk. c) Others. For others accommodated at IIT Bombay Guest House or MTNL Guest House, both Guest Houses will provide breakfast on payment if you inform them the night before. Apart from this, Gulmohar cafeteria (R1- in Map 2) is a good place for breakfast, starts operating from 7.30am, and is at a walkable distance from the conference venue. Delegates staying at IIT Bombay Guest House or at MTNL Guest House will also be provided breakfast coupons at the registration desk that can be redeemed at Gulmohur cafeteria.

Lunch, Snacks and Tea/Coffee: Snacks would be provided right outside the auditoria in which the workshops and conference are conducted. Lunch would be provided at the following venues: 1) Workshops (pre and post conference) : The L1-L2 Student Lounge on the ground floor of the Lecture Hall Complex 27


2) Main Conference: Gulmohar Restaurant within the IITB campus, 3rd floor, Banquet Hall.

Dinner: Participants other than student delegates accommodated in IIT Bombay hostels are expected to make arrangements for dinner on their own on all days except the day of banquet (Dec 13). There are plenty of good restaurants around IIT Bombay. A list of some good restaurants is provided in the following section. Student delegates staying in hostels will be given free dinner coupons, for use at the hostel dining halls. They may also take paid items from the hostel canteens. The guest houses will provide paid dinner.

Restaurants, Eating Joints, Cafeterias There are a plenty of restaurants around IIT. Some of the popular ones among them are the following. Inside IITB Campus 1) Gulmohar restaurant and cafeteria (R1): This is located in the IIT campus itself. It is among the less costly restaurants. The cafeteria located on the ground floor operates only during daytime. 2) Hostel Canteens: Most canteens operate from 5:30 pm to 2:00 am. 3) Brewberry’s: It’s located near hostel 8 premises. This eating joint operates from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm.



IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Outside IITB Campus Laxmi restaurant and bar (R6- in Map 1): This is a pure veg and less costly restaurant located on the way from IIT to Hiranandani Estate. The bar is located just above the restaurant. Mantra’s (R3), Saffron Spice (R5), Kinnkon Roccs (R2): (Refer to Map 1 for the locations) These are among the more costly veg / non-veg restaurants and they provide mainly Punjabi, Chinese and Continental dishes, with an excellent service. Pizza Hut (R4- in Map 1): As the name suggests, this is a resta¬urant specially serving a variety of pizzas and Italian items. China Town: This restaurant, located in the Galleria (S1- in Map 1), specializes in Chinese items. Yoko’s Sizzlers: This is another restaurant located in the Galleria (S1) and serves an excellent variety of veg and non-veg sizzlers. Opposite D’ Mart (S3- in Map 1): Aroma’s, Papa Johns Pizza, Mainland China, Yellow Chilly, Chilly, Kebab Factory, etc. A comprehensive list of restaurants in and around Powai, and their contact details can be obtained at http://www.zomato.com/mumbai.


Miscellaneous Facilities Banks / ATMs

Canara bank has a branch at Gulmohar building(R1) and State Bank of India has a branch at the Main Gate (G1). Both these banks provide ATM facilities which apart from the branches, can also be found within the IITB campus near Hostel 7 and Hostel 5 respectively. A branch of ICICI bank located at Galleria, Hiranandani (S1) provides currency exchange, in addition to ATM facility.


Hiranandani estate is the main marketing area near IIT. Galleria (S1) is a good spot for shopping clothing and also has a lot of restaurants and fast-food eateries. D-Mart (S2- in Map 1) and Haiko (S3) are two malls in the Hiranandani area. Besides these, IIT has a marketplace near the Y-point gate (G2- in Map 2). This is small market and where one can purchase eatables and grocery.


1) Hiranandani hospital (H2- in Map 1): A well equipped hospital near IIT. Contact number: (022) 25763300 - 33. 2) IIT hospital (H1- in Map 2): It is inside the IIT campus. Office contact number: (022) 25767051 Ambulance: (022) 25761101) 3) Powai hospital (H3- in Map 2): It is just outside the IIT Main Gate. Contact number: (022) 25780707

Internet Connectivity

WiFi Internet facility will be available at the conference venue Lecture Hall Complex (C2). In addition, some computers will be set up for accessing the Internet in the Kanwal Rekhi Building (C1), which is next to the conference venue. Students staying in hostels will be able to use the wired network provided in the hostels. You are requested to bring your own lan cables for a wired connection in the hostels. The procedure and information required to connect to the Internet from the conference venue hostels will be made available at the conference venue and hostels itself. Delegates staying in the guest houses or at Rodas are requested to contact the respective reception desks to enquire about the Internet facility. 30

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Emergency Contacts Contact person Supratik Chakraborty

Mobile number 91-9820103723

Krishna S.


Bharat Adsul


Nutan Limaye


Chandrakant Talekar


Hrishikesh Karmarkar


Abhisekh Sankaran


Jinesh Machchhar


Soumitra Pal


Ashish Chiplunkar


CFDVS help desk contact number: (022) 2576 8701 (9 am to 6 pm)


Institute Code of Conduct 1. You will be required to present an identification document with your photograph (passport / identity card issued by your organization / driving license etc.) at the Main Gate, while entering the campus. 2. If you are carrying a laptop: You need to obtain a temporary gate pass as part of IIT Bombay security regulations. Unfortunately, security regulations at IIT Bombay require every visitor to obtain such a temporary gate pass every time he/she brings a laptop into the campus. If you have already sent an email to supratik@cse.iitb.ac.in specifying the make, model and serial number of your laptop, we have obtained entry permits for your laptop from our security office. Otherwise you will be asked to fill up a form at the Main Gate, providing these details, to obtain gate pass for the duration of the conference. There will be a help desk at the Main Gate for your assistance. 3. No entry of males in to girls’ hostels beyond 10pm and vice-versa.


IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011




Map 1: Hiranandani

Not to Scale

IIT Gates


IIT Main gate



A1 Rodas A3 MTNL Guest House

R2 Kinnkon Roccs R3 Mantra’s R4 Saffron Spice R5 Pizza Hut R6 Laxmi R7 KFC

A6 Meluha The Fern A7 The Beatle



S1 S2

Galleria Haiko Mall


D Mart


H2 H3

Hiranandani Hospital Powai Hospital

IIT Bombay | 12th - 14th December 2011


Map 2: Inside IITB

IIT Gates



Main Gate



Y- point Gate

IIT Guest House


Hostel 1


Hostel 10



H1 IIT Hospital

C1 Kanwal Rekhi Building (KReSIT)

Restaurants R1 Gulmohar

C2 Lecture Hall Complex C3 V.M.C.C. C4 Convocation Hall


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