Mographies: ProBrand ID Casestudy

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Brand Identityy Re-design: g A Case Studyy * XYZ Company is a hypothetical brand used for the simulation of a corporate identity design project.


Brand Identity? B d Id Brand Identity tit process XYZ Co. Existing Identity XYZ Co Co. Brand Audit XYZ Co. Brand Redesign R Recapitulate it l t Additional resources

Brand Identityy Re-design: g A Case Studyy

A Bottom to Top Approach Logo Look and feel Customer Experience Touch points Strategic positioning B d Offerings Brand Off i

Brand Identity


Visual Identity Planned brand Perception Brand definition: Who, What, Why, How, Where?

Verbal Identity + Strategic and Systemic Identity: S i / Processes/Positioning Services/ P /P iti i + Content Identity: Strategic Content Communication + Perceptual Identity: Targeted perceptions and Experiences + Visual Identity: Look and Feel Consistency + Logo

Brand Identity? y Much more than visual identity.

Company’s Base Information

Work Agreement and Appointment Present



Approve pp

4. Logo Development



5 Final Logo &Visual Identity Design 5.

P Present t


1. Brand Audit: Existing Brand Identity 2. Redesigned Brand Strategy (Communication Guidelines, Guidelines Positioning, Positioning Content Strategy)

3. Logo Concepts

6. Identity Applications: Print (basic)

6.1 Layout design



6.2 Template design and Standards


7. Identity Applications: Web (basic) 8 Additional Content 8. Content: Video/ ADs Approve

Approve 7.1 UI Design Present Approve 7. 2 UI Guidelines Present

8 1 Concept > Design > 8.1

Brand Identityy Redesign g Process Brief introduction



Business Head Head and Founder Technical Head

Finance Team Analyst Team Research Team

XYZ Co. Organization Structure

Who & What?


Business Consultants offering sound state-of-the-art state of the art strategic services to Corporations, start-ups and medium businesses. The name XYZ implies versatility to handle any type of business or market sector. T Team off 20-30, 20 30 started t t d iin early l 2008, heading for 50Lakhs annual turn-over.

XYZ Co. relies on a dedicated diverse and trusted team of managers, managers financers, analysts, accountants and research groups to present state-ofthe-art sound solutions to their clients through discussions, meetings, audits, dit reports, t presentations, t ti weekly, kl monthly, yearly reviews. They operate from a small office and through internet with their pproprietary p y software application. pp

Why? 25-






Market volatility forces businesses to tackle surprises and be prepared with necessary knowledge and sound strategies.. They need regularly updated know-how and research to keep sailing through tough times.. XYZ Co. also acts as the go-between for important mergers or alliances, alliances so small companies can make it big and grow.

Where? The target market was start-ups, family run businesses and middle size organisations in Tier-2 cities. Businesses from any sector but predominantly IT, Agro, Manufacturing, Financial Sectors.

XYZ Co. Existingg Identity-Part y 1 Knowing the brand (* All of the above information is fictional )

Brand Touch ppoints

Look and Feel

XYZ Co. reached out through promotional brochures, business cards, website, word-of-mouth, manager presentations and meetings att prospective ti ti clients. li t

XYZ Co. had a neutral look, emphasis on simplicity. Shades of blue resonated with business and corporate feel. All promotional communication i ti had h d clip-art li t images i of businessmen, money, growth. Website was simple, in shades of blue. Icons were standard symbols.

Planned Perception Strategists Innovative P f i l Professional Growth agents Friendly and Cooperative

XYZ Co. aimed at a savvy, professional corporate image. image Aiming to attract businesses that wanted to excel. XYZ Co. also wanted to appear as an innovative group that spotted hidden t iti for f young andd old ld opportunities businesses alike. Their tone of communication was enthusiastic, filled with business jargons, motivation and success.

L Logo Logo was simple with the name XYZ Co., company was intentionally abbreviated. Also the dot was square emphasised with a black square. Symbolising stability.

XYZ Co. Existingg Identity-Part y 2 Knowing the brand (* All of the above information is fictional )

Actual Customer Experience Better Brand Presentation Brand Consistency N Newer market k t Effective Projection of original Vision of XYZ Co. Greater Client satisfaction Better information design Better Outreach Greater Revenues Bigger gg Team size

XYZ Co. worked with start-ups and family businesses who were happy with their innovative techniques. Medium size businesses approached after the market swing -late 2008, they were impressed with their ITenabled work but had some criticism about content presentation presentation. Some suggested better usability of their software while appreciating their techniques, team work and enthusiasm enthusiasm. Tier-1 city businesses and corporations showed initial interest but did not pursue further owing to a regional base of works.

Need for Redesign Consultancy’s image needed to be re-designed compared to Tier-1 city consultants. A new brand strategy needed to be created to augment the company’s growth to the 50 lakh turn turn-over over mark. mark To expand functions and team size. Higher end consultancies and corporations needed to be attracted from a range of sectors such as real estate and construction as well. Newer channels of marketing needed to be established. Also introduction of consistency in routine presentations to clients involving high level factual information was a must.

XYZ Co. Existingg Identity-Part y 3 Knowing the brand (* All of the above information is fictional )

Market Positioning XYZ Co. Competitors Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector

Regional market

Current market Regional, Tier-2/3 cities.

Current audience

Start-ups to medium businesses

Current business sectors


IT, A IT Agro, M Manufacturing f t i andd Financial sectors.

Observations Tier-1 cities market

Global market

There is extreme competition and polarization of competitors in big cities and international territories for medium to large businesses. There is still a huge market available for small to big business in the regional to Tier1 and even global market space.

St t Start-ups

Other major services and manufacturing sectors can be explored.

XYZ Co. Brand Audit-Part 1 A Review of the existing brand (* All of the above information is fictional )

Brand Strategy and Brand Message Future?



Current Strategy

To connect with businesses small, medium and big and help them with market strategies, investment and growth th avenues.



2009 2010



Strategists Innovative Professional Growth agents p Friendlyy and Cooperative

The logo and name XYZCo. doesnot convey it is a market strategy consultant. Lack of tagline also creates ambiguity. Lack of targeted market and message h resulted has lt d iin a narrow market k t space. Existing philosophy needs to be repositioned keeping in view the strengths g and growth g trend in the coming 1-5-10 years.

XYZ Co. Brand Audit-Part 2 A Review of the existing brand

Brand Offerings Current Services Business Audit Market Analysis Risk Analysis Revenue and Financial Plans Merger Plans New Business Portfolio

C Current t Workflow W kfl Interfaces for Client login Database generation Automatic Result mapping

Tangible Deliverables Reports/ Publications Presentations

Current Sectors Agro IT Manufacturing Financial

Future Sectors Real Estate Construction Media

Intangible Deliverables Stress free results Stress-free Ease of use and comprehension Achievement, Success

XYZ Co. Brand Audit-Part 3 A Review of the existing brand

Observations Current list of services and market sectors is diverse and vast. It is offered as packages. There is a need to explore other sectors for greater revenue. Current workflow uses proprietary Strat Strat-EZ EZ Software to perform the mundane tasks and file management. While a lot of emphasis is on tangible deliverables, deliverables there is little thought given to intangible deliverables. While the work done may be unique, how XYZCo.’s XY C ’ brand philosophy reflected in normal functioning is not known.

Communication-Channels, Tone, Image Current Image Non-serious Informal Business-like Not unique q

Intended Image Savvy Professional Stylish Friendly/ Amicable

Current Channels

Business Card, Brochure, Website Presentations and direct meetings

Current Tone/ Voice Technical Factual Formal

Communication Objective Tell that XYZCO, is useful in these areas: Strategizing Innovative solutions Growth seekers Building connections in business business.

XYZ Co. Brand Audit-Part 4 A Review of the existing brand

Observations XYZCo. Doesnot have sufficient communication channels and strategic content to market their uniqueness. Also content is repetitive across media. There is a mismatch in intended and conveyed message. Their content is factual and technical that fails to communicate their qualitative importance. Imagery used is Clipart illustration that projects business but not serious and strategic as intended. The enthusiasm and friendliness in work should reflect in the communication for better outreach and trust building.

Visual Identity- Logo, Look and feel Current Visual system

Current Identity

Observations The logo doesnot convey the full intentions of XYZCo. XYZCo Also the symbolism of the square conflicts with growth and movement.

Current Assets Reports, Paper, Presentations Software, Website, Business cards, Brochures, Invoices, Forms, Letters, Orders etc.

Choice of colours is formal, but not very lively or dynamic. dynamic There is no standard typography asserting a standardized look and feel to their tangible deliverables such as reports or presentations.

The applications of XYZCo. Mark is also non-standard, with various shades of blue or other colours used in their promotional communication.

XYZ Co. Brand Audit-Part 5 A Review of the existing brand

New Market positioning

New market Original + Tier 1 cities and Global

New audience Original+ corporations and MNC’s


New business sectors Original+ Real estate+Construction and Media

Regional market

Tier-1 cities market

XYZ Co. Competitors Primary sector Secondary sector Tertiary sector

New Strategy Global market

By identifying B id tif i gaps iin th the market, k t reposition the brand to offer services in more revenue-generating sectors with bigger businesses. Start-ups can also be very lucrative, when seen from a global perspective.


With electronic channels it is easy to get seen and operate operate.

XYZ Co. Brand Redesign-Step1 g p Building the foundation (This is only illustrative, it may be as detailed as possible to understand one’s market space.)

New Brand strategy and message New Tagline

New Strategy gy Focus on building connections Innovation Professionalism Growth of XYZCO and Clients

Reposition the brand


Cooperation and Support

Proactive: Grow with us Know your business Connect with future Stay ahead always A i Success Aspire S

Customer experience. experience

Also introduction of a tagline that conveys the essence of the brand willll boost oos it too uunknown k o audience. u e ce.

Descriptive: Connecting Growth Garneringg success Growth Catalyst

Vs. Mixed: Link to Grow

Keeping future of XYZCO in mind, build connections both in industry and academia for making the name familiar familiar.



Design the message to be universal. Think beyond regional market.


Name XYZCo can be rebranded as XYZCO all in caps asserting the strengths.

2013 2014


EExtend t d th the new bbrandd iimage tto allll customer touchpoints.

XYZ Co. Brand Redesign-Step g p2 Building the foundation

(This is only illustrative, it may be as detailed as possible down to detailed specifications.)

New Brand Offerings New Services

Original services fused with global practices and standards.

New Workflow

Create better experience with Strat-eZ software. C t more audience Create di specific ifi software for varied users.

New Approach

Content may be presented with more self-explanatory text, maps, and graphics giving both highlights and overview.

Intangible Deliverables Are equally important and must be part of XYZCO from client client’ss first touch-base. Reflected in actions and tangible forms such as interfaces, tangible d li deliverables, bl electronic l t i correspondences, appreciation cards, messages , market updates and reminders etc.

XYZ Co. Brand Redesign-Step g p3 Building the foundation

(This is only illustrative, it may be as detailed as possible down to detailed specifications.)

New Communication Strategy New Image Business Savvy Professional with a unique style Contented Clients Smiles/ Dreams Freshness and Vibrance Forward-looking Innovative Mediators

New Voice

Ambitious Proactive Emotionally connected Dynamic No agression

Communication Objective Tell that XYZCO, caters to functional and emotional needs, both: g g and Innovative business Strategizing solutions but also. Fulfill dreams, Protect from market threats and Offer important link to growth.

New Channels

According to new strategy, connect with industry and academia: Conduct joint research/study with reputed schools/colleges Participate at business summits, conferences, tradeshows, TV presentations. Utilise social media/ internet, direct ee-mailers mailers, newsletters newsletters, Web Ad banners.

New Content strategy

Recurrent theme is ‘XYZCO: Link to Grow’ g p of past p clients, Use pphotographs video documentaries of how they were helped by XYZCO. Maintain blog with employee generated or shared content. Publish newsletters newsletters, stories of business success stories, innovation etc. Media specific Copywriting: Print vs Web. Both reflecting the new voice i without ith t technical t h i l jjargons. Limit illustrations to icons and buttons not for promotional print. Make tutorials to use Strat-eZ. Offer freebies to visitors and clients as reports, apps etc.

XYZ Co. Brand Redesign-Step g p4 Building the foundation

(This is only illustrative, it may be as detailed as possible down to detailed specifications.)

Logo/ Brand Mark Concepts XYZCO must reflect Exploring one idea innovation, link, growth, singularity.

XYZ appear as a chain h i link, li k while hil close look shows all 3 letters in Selecting one idea one compact symbol.

Focused Concepts Taking cue from the new communication strategy’s voice and message, message ideas are focused on one or two main ideas only. The idea is developed to see whether it is appropriate and refinement If not worth further refinement. then this process of sketching is revisited. Instead of generating multiple options. One idea is identified and developed.

Doodles on paper

Sketch on grid paper

Electronic version with correct angles and curves

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p1 Making the brand visual

Logo/ Brand Mark Development

Line weight, g Scale, Typography, yp g p y Layout y and Colour Explorations p

Symbolism: Single unit can be repeated to create DNA type li k A link. As the h lilinkk grows, so does d the h business. b i Also Al XYZ are contained in the single symbol, meaning they are inherent in building the link. Colours reflect the corporate image and add vibrance.

The re-constructed mark, signature and tagline are aligned to regular geometry with centrelines, margins and clear spacings.

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p2 Making the brand visual

Final Logo/ Brand Mark Mark


Service sectors/ Portfolio differentiation

Tagline Final Logo Presentation

Product Identity

Grayscale Black and White and 2-Colour Grayscale, 2 Colour Versions

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p3 Making the brand visual

Brand mark extensions-Print

2012 Annual Report

Brochure, T-shirt, T shirt, Anuual Report/ Document Design

Banner/ Event backdrop

Letterhead, Envelope Letterhead Envelope, business card

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p4 Making the brand visual

Brand mark extensions- Applications

Proprietary software UI, Layout, Typography, colours, buttons etc.

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p5 Making the brand visual

Brand mark extensions-Web

Web Layout, UI guidelines, Colours, Iconography

Emailers/ Newsletters

Headline 36pt Myriad Pro SemiCondensed Subhead 24pt Myriad Pro Semicondensed Body Text 14pt Myriad Pro Light Captions 12 pt Myriad Pro Light

XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p6 Making the brand visual

Visual Identity standards and Brand book Clear Spacing


Brand Book 1/3 With and Without Tagline

Clear Spacing

Brand identity summary, standards and templates

Wrong Uses


XYZ Co. Visual Identityy Redesign-Step g p7 Making the brand visual

Brand Identity Redesign‌ Visual Identity Planned Pl d brand b d Perception

‌begins with the information of the existing brand, followed by design of the future vision and then the final design of the visual representation of the new vision for the brand. brand

Brand definition: Who, What Why What, Why, How How, Where?

Existing Brand Identity (Part 1-3) Preferably given to designer as baseline information Brand Audit (Part 1-5) Preferably conducted with designer Redesign of Brand (Step 1-4) Preferably conducted with designer Redesign of Visual Identity (Step 1-7) 1 7) Full scope with designer approved by stakeholders stakeholders.

Recapitulate p Identity redesign process

If you wish to explore the complex area of brand identity design, you may find these personally recommended resources useful:


Designing Brand Identity, Alina Wheeler, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, ISBN 978-0-470-40142-2

Websites http // http://themarketingspot com/2008/12/ designing-brand-identity.html

http // http://imjustcreative com/bulging-sacksack of-brand-identity-guidelineresources/2011/10/05/ understanding/ of-understanding/ 0/05/creating-a-logotype-dependsmore-on-the-means-than-the-end/ 22/why-logo-design-does-not-cost-5dollars/

Additional Resources 04/the-logo-design-process-from-startto-finish/

Thank You! Case study Series | Apr 2012

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