Audience Research Questionnaire 1. How old are you? Under 16 16-18 19-21 22-30 30-35 35+ 2.Are you male or female? Female Male 3.Would you be interested in a magazine that covers all the latest charts? Yes No 4.How often would you want if published? Daily Weekly Fortnightly Monthly Never Other, please state; 5.How much are you willing to pay?
Free 50p £1 £1.50 £2.00 +£2.50 6. What colours would attract you to the magazine? (Pick 4) Red Blue Green Yellow Red Pink Purple White Black Orange 8. What would like featured on the cover to attract you? Members of the public Food Bands or artists Celebrities out of the music industry Animals Location 8. If there anything that you wouldn’t like featured in the magazine, if yes please state
9.Would it interest you more if there were freebies with the magazine? Yes
10. Do you keep up with the charts? Yes No