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constantinichloe@gmail.com chloé constantini

Paris- 36, rue sorbier, 75020 +33 7 86 07 51 56


ENSA Paris La Villette diplôma with highest distinction 2016 ETH Zurich (exchange student) 2014 Camondo, Les Arts décoratifs, Paris 2012

Professional -CHATIER-DALIX, Paris (ongoing) -GITAI architects, Tel Aviv -KCAP architects & planers, Zurich -Salewski-Kretz, Zurich Internships -EM2N, Zurich -VOGT landschaftsarchitekten, Zurich Education -HMONP ENSA PLV ongoing professional thesis (Oct. 2020) -ENSA ParisLaVillette -Master’s degree in architecture -ETH Zurich (exchange student) -Camondo, Les Arts Decoratifs, Paris -design school -Bac section economoics and social sciences, mention Bien

Achtung, Die Landschafts, ETH Zurich (erasmus) StudioBasel dirigé par Herzog et De Meuron projet de recherche prospective réalisé avec Arthur De Buren publié ETH StudioBasel 2015, Lars Muller Publishers

Projet de diplôme sur la ville productive, Ecole Normale Supérieure d’architecture de paris-la-Villette, 2016 Dirigé par Didier Rebois et Thibault Barbier, projet libre, site Inocenti, zone péri-urbaine de Milan Félicitations du Jury

Summary urban research projects: territorial landscape

The sprawl of the forest, research and planing ETH publication* production and the city

Urban weave, Diploma project. (Segrate, IT) ENSAPLV highest distinction CU-Areal, urban study (Uetikon, CH) KCAP

St-Fiden, KCAP, 2017 Concours pour requalification de zone urbaine (St-Galle, Suisse) Projet gagnant

architecture projects:

architecture and biodiversity

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, arch. competition (Paris, FR) CHARTIER-DALIX winning project Olympic Village 2024, (Ile St-Denis, FR) Ongoing arch. project CHARTIER-DALIX architecture and climate

Jaffo appartment, private GITAI arch. medium variation:

statement and production Israeli pavilion text introduction, Venice architecture Biennale 2012 publication** (with B.Ori Gitai) nudes photo booklet and drawings video performances workshops Camondo /ENSAPLV

Appartement Jaffa, Gitai Architects, 2018 ESQ, PRO, lancement chantier

painting writing

* Achtung Die Landschafts, ETH StudioBasel 2015, Lars Muller Publisher ** Common Pavilions, Diener&Diener architects 2013, Scheidegger & Spiess Publishers

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Chartier-Dalix, 2019 Paris Dialogue compétitif pour requalification de l’ancienne maternité en équipement culturel et éducatif Projet gagnant

urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015

urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015


-MetroBasel, Basel canton, Switzerland

MASTER 1 (SEM 7) Architecture and urbanism -Feb. 2013 ETH Zurich - prof. Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron // tattara@arch.ethz Assistants Tattara Martino, Charlotte Von Moos, Lisa Euler -- 2 students working groups Basel

/ Academic and prospective for the Studio-

In charge with general statement analysis, mapping and diagrams Intervention site

Sundgau - Upper Rhine Plain A territory definined by natural limits

0 1

5 km

ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE, POLITIC The site is located on the french part of the Rhine valley in-between 4 different types of landscapes and geological conditions -the Rhine river, the Forest of La Hardt, Jura montains and the Black Forest on the east. Indeed, its natural features enable industrial and pharmaceurical infrastructures and more generally high productivity activities (agriculture, wood production, airport). Nevertheless, although settlement growth is quite controlled, this is not the case of the unbuilt territory that stands currently as a leftover of the built one. As a result, this whole area, with its patchwork of elements is neglected and underestimated: this combo of land use could play a strategic role for the futur develeopment of MetroBasel. The limits of this whole territory are defined by natural elements but the most natural edge condition between nature and urbanisation is, to our view, the forest, since the figure of the tree is acting like a visual abstraction and is the best element to sharpen a space and provide a proper identity to a territory. The sprawl of the forest would be our concept to handle leftovers and to restructure this neglected area, remaining the land production features of the site, in order to anticipate the future developmebt of the region. As already present on the site, we ould develop research and biotechnological centres that need a certain milieu to exist, that is present here. This would be a new kind of forest, not a forest as an outside (its basic word meaning), but more a urban forest, a linking element that would reconcile opposite notions of urbanisation and nature. This forest would be developped from the ancient structural grid of the forest of La Hardt, and would be integrated into a more bigger scale since one of the Haut Rhin’s feature is the presence of this forest. As the Rhine, this would become a hudge natural element entirely man-made that could be considered as an infrastructure. This project integrates a crossing boulevard starting from recreation parks, linking Basel to Mulhouse -France to Switzerland- following the topographical and the structural orientation of the territory, meaning enclosed in)between the railway, the highway and the Rhine. A second main axis crosses the area from the Sundgau valley to the Rhine. Then, the sprawl of the forest is integrated into the grid that is parallel to the main boulevard and divides tha land into three steps of vegetal densities: the production sites, public parks, and private gardens. The grid allows to find a gradient way to connect nature to urbanity, forest, to villages. Biotech gardens act as edge elements between thoses two entities.


The sprawl of the forest


urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015

urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015

Section on the four landscapes

lower rhine plateau, a meadow landscape Lower Rhine plateau, wet landscape

upper rhine plateau, a dry landscape Upper Rhine plateau, dry landscape

Sundgau, Hilly Landscape

Sundgau, a hilly landscape

The rhine valley


lower rhine plateau, a meadow landscape Lower Rhine plateau, wet landscape

upper rhine plateau, a dry landscape Upper Rhine plateau, dry landscape

lower Rhine plateau a meadow landscape

ction on the four landscapes

upper Rhine plateau a dry landscape

infrastructures and production sites Infrastructures and production sites

settlements settlements Settlements

andsites prod. sites infrastructures and production Infrastructures infrastructures and production sites

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

Evolution of the territory: 1909 Niederterrasse

Markgrafer Hugelland


Sundgau-Upper Rhine Plaine: city, forest, terraces

Definition of site of intervention Site of intervention

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

1958Evolution of the territory: 1971

Evolution of the territory: 1958

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

Figureground diagram

Form of the built Form of the built

Land use: a Neglected area

La Hardt agricultural fields Forestde of forêt La Hardt Agricultural fields Forêt la deHardt Agricultural fields

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

1971 Evolution of the territory: 2013

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

1958Evolution of the territory: 1971

Evolution of the territory: 1958 5km

The rhine valley

The Rhine valley

La Hardt agricultural fields Forêt de forêt la deHardt Agricultural fields

-settlements settlements settlements Settlements


Evolution of the territory: 1909

Sundgau, a hilly landscape

Sundgau a hilly landscape

Sundgau, Hilly Landscape

Architecture of the Unbuilt, a continuity?

Form of the unbuilt Form of the un-built


Land use: a Neglected area

Evolution of the territory Forest, infrastructures; settlements

Settlements, forest, infrastructure

1971 Evolution of the territory: 2013


Evolution of the territory Forest, infrastructures; settlements

Maps of the built and un-built territory


Oberterrasse Mittleterrasse Untererterrasse Rhin RhinRhin Niederterrasse Unterterrasse IleIle dudu Rhin Niederterrasse Oberterrasse Mittlereterrasse

Definition of siteof of intervention Site intervention Site of intervention Sundgau-Upper Rhine Plaine: city, forest, terraces

Form ofof the built Shape thethe built Form of built 5km

Figureground diagram

Form of the Shape of the Form ofunbuilt theunbuilt un-built Architecture of the Unbuilt, a continuity?

Maps of the built and un-built territory




Markgrafer Markgrafer Hugelland Hugelland

urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015

urban research_territorial landscape_ETH_2015

Masterplan diagram of the proposal -infrastructure, highway, railway, Rhine, forest -Recreation park as starters -Biotech centers along the boulevard

Masterplan of the proposal




A gradient Nature: from Urban to Nature


portfolio_production and the city_diploma project_ensaplv urban research_production and the city_Ensa

chloe constantini_ architecte d.e.

Paris la Villette_2016

urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016


-Segrate, Milan, Italy dIPloma DIPLOMAProJEct PROJECT Architecture Architecture -Jun. -Jun.2016 2016 ENSAPLV ENSAPLVMilan Milan- - prof. prof.didier Didierrebois, Rebois,thibault ThibaultBarbier Barbier General Generalsecretary secretaryofofEuropan Europanwww.europan-europe.eu, www.europan-europe.eu,ateliergeorges.fr ateliergeorges.fr water territory: Lambro river



Tangeantiale road

« redevelopment of a brownfield site in suburban areas: between continuity and fragment » urBan wEaVE

« redevelopment of a brownfield site in suburban areas: between continuity and fragment »

The project envisions a resilient form of inhabited landscape, that takes place into an old industrial wasteland near Milan. The point would be to use at its maximum the existing capacity of the land to « build » the project. Thus, the project is based on the possibility of pre-thinking an adaptable design for theproject region,envisions implementing a new philosophy forlandscape, a sustainable whilst various discourses The a resilient form of inhabited thatcity, takes placeusing into an old industrial wasin thenear analysis. teland Milan. The point would be to use at its maximum the existing capacity of the land to « build » the project. Thus, the project is based on the possibility of pre-thinking an adaptable design for It isregion, based implementing on interdisciplinary approach of both (history, theory,using project) and city sciences the a new philosophy forarchitecture a sustainable city, whilst various discourses sociology, economics of the environment, settlements and networks, urbanism). It fed on in(geography, the analysis. the sharp understanding of other disciplines than architecture, such as engineering landscape, socioor even semiology, in order to respond thearchitecture most accurately to the territorial issues at city large scale. Itlogy, is based on interdisciplinary approach of both (history, theory, project) and sciences

Industrial fabric

(geography, sociology, economics of the environment, settlements and networks, urbanism). It fed on the sharp understanding of other disciplines than architecture, such as engineering landscape, socioThe or studied was envisioned as a newthe inhabited park in thetocontinuity of the existing Lambro park logy, even region semiology, in order to respond most accurately the territorial issues at large scale. along the river. The project was developed into different phases. Each of the steps were designed to generate the next one so as to enhance the attractiveness and activity within the forsaken region.

The studied region was envisioned as a new inhabited park in the continuity of the existing Lambro park Based onriver. the careful reading anddeveloped understanding of the territorial the steps region,were the proposal a along the The project was into different phases.features Each ofofthe designedisto multi-scale tothe develop a new principle of settlement vegetation generate theintervention. next one so Itasattempted to enhance attractiveness and activity within the where forsaken region. and public spaces became the prime territorial ordering tool. This was pre-designed in a first phase as the establishment ofreading a « resource-territory ». Based on the careful and understanding of the territorial features of the region, the proposal is a multi-scale intervention. It attempted to develop a new principle of settlement where vegetation and Basically, the became work is athe reflexion on the local potential forThis transformation of a contemporary city, public spaces prime territorial ordering tool. was pre-designed in a first phase as regarding new paradigms. the establishment of a « resource-territory ».

Rural fabric

Basically, the work is a reflexion on the local potential for transformation of a contemporary city, regarding new paradigms.



urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016

urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Landscape materiality map

Paris la Villette_2016

Industrial enclave turned into an inhabited park

Planning adaptability: adaptable urban system



urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016

Former Inocenti Halles

Inside the Halles

Renovation plan of the Halle

The productive hangar



The Greenhouse museum

urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016

urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016

“Bio-political production does not onlymean a material production in the strict economic sense but also affects and helps to produce all other aspects of social life, that is economi, cultural and political. This production, in increasing the value of the commons, creates the possibility for another democracy today.� Antonio Negri (2008)



urban research_production and the city_Ensa

Paris la Villette_2016

The commion is the area of what is between the private and the public. The common is what is between the individual and the state, the gradient in-between, where possibilities can flourish. So it is here to manage a class in common with things to share. The project attempts to install processes, to make visible the cycles that will enable to renegociate the adaptation and change in the urban fabric. It attempts to set up solidarity networks, developp collective practices and the sharing of space and highlight coexistance principles. Those ate the solidarities that create the commons.

The realm of the collective: shared living flat floorplan



View of the common room in the shared living flat

urban planing_production and the city_KCAP_2017



architecture_architecture and biodiversity_chartier-dalix_2019

architecture_architecture and biodiversity_chartier-dalix_2019

ST-VINCENT-DE-PAUL Winning Competition, Paris 14e, FR chartier-dalix,

Architect -Feb. 2019- Jan. 2020 Romain Granoux, Chloé Constantini, Ulysse Daufresne www.chartier-dalix.com Dialogue compétitif, 2019 (competition) Land owner: Ville de Paris Developers/ Paris&Métropole Aménagement, RIVP (public) Program: school, kindergarten, sports hall and activities 6 400m2 Team: Chartier-dalix, Atelier Roberta, ZEFCO, R-USE, B-52, EVP, BMF, LASA, AEU

SUPER-EQUIPEMENT PINARD Transformation of a former maternity home built in the 1930s into shared public facilities of around 5,000 m2 comprising a kindergarten, a school and a sports hall, combined with 1,400 m2 of activity area. The specificity of this equipment lies in the pooling of “common” spaces between the programs (courtyard, library, refectory, kitchen, etc.), and the opening of certain spaces in the neighborhood outside their operating hours (evenings and weekends) . The proposition offers more space than the strict program ask for, it frees up spaces in addition to “third-spaces” not required in the program, due to the optimization of spaces and in particular the distribution of double-orientation classrooms sharing common spaces between them. Several strategies have been settled in order to reach an accurate answer: first, a heritage strategy with the removal of the non-original side roofs and the 1969 extension building that was enclosing the plot, which would have cost more to restore than to remove because of its fragile structure; then an urban strategy with the creation of a 1500m2 public square open to the district and usable outside school hours; a bio-climatic strategy with the creation of an oasis courtyard like an island of freshness; a vegetal and pedagogical strategy with the creation of accessible gardens, and finally a functional strategy with the clear distribution of the program in each wings of the building.


Design work with both existing and re-used bricks material, from the demolition of the old building, and integration of later vegetation to grow in it

* Image made by professional render artist


architecture_architecture and biodiversity_chartier-dalix_2019

architecture_architecture and biodiversity_chartier-dalix_2019


Declination of garden typologies

haven garden

flexible courtyard and pavilion

soothed yard

VÉGÉTAL ET PÉDAGOGIQUE Une cour oasis, un îlot de fraîcheur pour le super-équipement

SCHEMA BIODIV Construction d'un super-équipement


Singe Construction d'un super-équipement


multipurpose room

sport hall

Section of the super-equipment



EDUCATION AND BIODIVERSITY Some transformations bring the building back to its initial configuration. They also constitute a symbolic act: creating space for biodiversity to develop. It goes so far as to climb on the gable walls located on either side of the new garden, released by the demolition of the building enclosing the courtyard. To facilitate the installation of living entities, we adorn these walls with reused bricks arranged to create roughness, crevices and overhangs. The plot thus becomes a support for nature and biodiversity, for living continuities. * Image made by professional render artist



* Image made by professional render artist


architecture_architecture and biodiversity_ chartier-dalix


OLYMPIC VILLAGE Ongoing project, Ile St-Denis, FR chartier-dalix,

Architect -Jan. 2020 Lucile Le Rouillé, Chloé Constantini, Leia Roberts www.chartier-dalix.com

Competition, then ongoing studies, 2019-2020 Land owner: SEM, Plaine commune St-Denis Developers: Pichet-Legendre (private) En phase travaux: Program: 47 000 m2 of housing surface -uneTeam: réunion tous les deux mois Chartier-dalix, Pichet-Legendre, BE -Un jour de travail par mois pour un architecte de l’agence

Contrat ZACa DE FLUVIAL Ce qui été L’ECO-QUARTIER proposé comme contrat (et refusé par l’agence) : un peu moins du double de ce modèle For the construction of the Athletes’ Village for Honoraires : on a autant de sous pour a phase concours que the 2024 Olympic Games, we are participating in pourthe le design reste du temps des études sur le in projet, donc OPTIof two housing buildings and the coMISATION ! of 5 lots of housing and office buildings. ordination

NosOne référents en tant que coordinateurs en phase etude of the: two buildings we are designing is (après autres de lot partleofconcours) a building: seulement shared withlestwo otherarchitectes archide notre les autres archi. coordinateurs de la tects. secteur The ideaetofnon ​​the agency is therefore to work ZACa selon ce qui building withnégocié. six hands by sharing common rules which give a general coherence but also Stratégie (de mission leaves room for the coordo.) expression of each team. Si l’on veut pourvoir lâcher au maximum sur la mission de coWe therefore started developing afin specificaordination en phase étudeby(maintenant), d’optimiser nos tions for invariants. project aims be donc high- mettre au resources humaines et The financières, il noustofaut ly un qualitative at référence an environmental point document commun level, which is a major challenge a group of this scale. + Chacun des autres archiforveut aussi voir l’AMO, donc nécessité pour nous d’établir une fiche de lot Finally, the buildings that will first have to welcome athletes, to reconPlanifier et fairethesortir de terrewill 13 have nouveaux bâtiment quasivert into an eco-district will cette wel- partie de ment en même temps à partir de which rien puisque coming a new population to the island. l’Ile était quasi vierge d’empreinte bâtie permanente avant le projet, est un geste violent. Malgré toutes les bonnes intentions, transformer et planifier la transformation de zones ur

baines entières dans un temps aussi court participe je trouve à un urbanisme “libéral” et de consommation. Malgré les bonnes volontés de chacun des acteurs, la portée politique et les répercussions de tels projets sur les territoires doivent être pris en considération. Le language architectural utilisé est celui de bâtiments signaux etSite, de programmes ultra denses ouvrant sur des espaces puba project from scratch liques démesurés. Ces projets oscillent entre trop plein et vide et donnent à la ville un caractère inhumain, qui ne s’inscrit dans aucune temporalité. Tous les objectifs ne sont pas clairs. Les attentes environnementales sont un peu superficielles (on doit répondre en conformité à certaines normes quant à l’utilisation de produits -triple vitrage par exemple imposé afin que l’on atteingne le label PAssif, alors que nous sommes en isolation par l’intérieur.., comme on le verra plus loin). Le plafonnement des loyers part aussi d’une intention politique visant un accès à la propriété au plus grand nombre, mais dans le faits, proposer une majorité de T4 et T5 (car la ville a une offre de petits logements déjà trop importante sur le reste de son territoire), même en loyers pplafonnés, revient à s’adresser à la même catégorie socio-économique que si les loyers n’étaient pas plafonnés: cela représente dans l’absolu des sommes trop importantes pour des budgets plus modestes.

PROPOSER UNE IMAGE COHÉRENTE POUR L’ENSEMBLE DES CONSTRUCTIONS ENTRE Bien le projet estZAC dans ambitieux, mais les Axosûr of the planned for l’ensemble 2024 UNITÉ ET DIVERSITÉ délais imposés par le cadre des JO rendent toutes les entreprises un peu anecdotiques et inefficaces. Générale 2000 ZAC DE L'ECOQUARTIER FLUVIAL DE L'ILE-SAINT-DENIS


Chartier-Dalix mission de coordination du lot PA







Chartier-Dalix “Bâtiment à six ains”

* Image made by professional render artist


Groupe Pichet × Groupe Legendre – Village des Athlètes – ZAC Éco-Quartier fluvial de L’Île-Saint-Denis – Secteur olympique



* Image made by professional render artist

architecture_architecture and climate_ gitai

architects _2018

architects _2018 architecture_architecture and climate_ gitai


Execution and site project, Tel Aviv, Israel GITAI Architects- Architect, August 2018 Ben Gitai, Charli Crochu, ChloĂŠ Constantini

Image of the shell

Mock-up of the breathing wall

The appartment is a 60m2 inside with 110m2 terrasse, facing the sea and the old city of Jaffa in the outskirt of Tel Aviv. As the climate allows it, we want to treat the whole surface as one object, playing inside-out. To do so, there will be one continuous surface running everywhere as one element of terrazzo ground, and there will be introverted rooms with specific functions and lower ceilings. We designed everything in the flat, from the terrazzo ground material till the pieces of furniture. The appartment composition plays with a limited number of elements: curved and breathing walls, terrazzo floor running up to 40cm plinth all around the flat, outdoor library. As materials, terrazzo, earth and light blue metal will compose a strong palette responding to the existing physical situation.

Hemp wall: zoom-in

Cut in the terrazzo plinth of the wall: a hollow joint in between two materials

The flat and its terrace facing the sea and the old city of Jaffa



architects _2018 architecture_architecture and climate_ gitai

architects _2018 architecture_architecture and climate_ gitai

OUTDOOR LIBRARY Terrarium as a curiosity cabinet The basic aim of this element is to hide from the neighboors, but not completely. It s also considered as the only element of begetation of the terrasse. In consideration with the climate and laintenance, a proper decorative garden was not desired.

Floorplan materiality

The idea of the library emerged since we needed place for storage outdoor. We decided then to create, iside this latter, a curtain of vegetation that would be presented as a cabinet of curiosity of regional plants, mini-landscapes exhibited both to the terrasse but also to the neighboors. Most of the plants are cactus and herbs. The lower part of the object is a storage cabinet, and on the upper part stands a metal ring-shelves that is designed to host plant pots. All this metal work is done by an artisan. An irrigation and drainage system is integrated to the object thanks to dropby-drop technology and can handled remotely. The materiality of the object is galvanised and painted metal that can manage moist, water and salt. Due to rust, the library will have to have a maintenance treatment reguMateriality: galvanized and painted perforated metal for the larily. doors of the library

Zoom-in the floorplan with different carpets of terrazzo

Elevation of the library



Detail on the library

medium variations_painting_personal


_2020 medium variations_painting_personal

PAINTING -statement

Painting is a loop In painting there is no point, painting is total idiocy. Indeed, a painting is always a failure in the attempt to express a reality, because if you construct qualities that can be said, you always leave out the ones that can not be said and these are therefore always the most important. What you make does not represent nothing in the end than itself, and therefore represents its own reality, painting is a loop, because it does not represent anything but itself. A painting if it represents something, represents its author: the author disguised in many ways, it does not represent any other reality than his.

Acid distortion I want to build-up a reality that would be easy to access and get lost in, a precipitation in reality. I play with distortion of impressions, and parasitic feelings. This Analogic-painting method is a counterpoint to minimalism, it works with mental references, impressions and feelings through colors. It rejects everything original in favor of the ordinary. The autonomy of the painting no longer depends on types and signs, but rather upon moods, which are elaborated without comment through colors. Nonetheless these ‘ordinary’ pieces are not ‘simple’: in them, the ordinary is condensed into symbolic images.

Semblance By conveying a thing through the medium of language you change it, and doing so, you create something new. But something that only concerns itself. Like no other art does, it deals exclusively with semblance. The painter sees the semblance of things and repeats it. That is, without fabricating the thing itself, he fabricates their semblance. Painting is the making of an analogy, for something non-visual and incomprehensible.

Renting objects The paintings are not for sale but for rent. The agreement with the client is dealt through a contract, that is the only thing that has a given price. Then the client is free to pay each month the amount of money that he wants to the painter, from 1 symbolic euro on. So, the beholder of the painting is prompted to constantly re question his attachment to the painting. As an object that requires, from the beholder, a constant attention about its worth, the painting stands out from the mass of things that surrounds him and populate his ‘everyday’. This status aims to prevent the weariness that certainly comes with the process of possession and accumulation of things.

Color They are always challenging one critical skills’. Colors are propaganda for reality because they can change the tone or the temperature of a discourse, they have the ability to win visual and intellectual acceptance from the observer, whatever the statement or the topic is. I am using vivid colors to soften my paintings. They are a translation of mood. One can paint twice the same subject but it will never have the same palette, because the colors one uses, represent actually the moves of its inner-self. I aim to experiment the effects of colors and materials on mental perception and opinions.


As the beholder has to constantly have a new regard toward the object and re question his opinion about it, forces him to keep granting a value to it over time, whatever this latter is. This process can be comprehended as a kind of gentle consumption, but at least it aims to question it.


medium variations_writing architecture_Venice

Biennale _2020

medium variations_photo and drawings_Camondo

(school) 2012


Text written for the catalog of the Israeli pavilion exhibition


charlotte, atelier de mise en lumière de Dominique DouLa

charlotte, atelier de mise en lumière de Dominique DouLain

23 -regard nus -mouvement -espace -chair -lumière -expression -courbes - pose





Léa, poses rapides, école camondo poses tenues, poses tenues, école penninghen école penninghen










medium variations_video instalations_Camondo/

ensaPLV (school)_2014

medium variations_video instalations_Camondo/

ensaPLV (school)_2014


The videos (urban Gallop -1) Alienated Heloise is filmed in close-up, her face in black and white and the noise of her tensed breath. She walks but she is locked out, everything seems closed in the city.

The context (film 1, above) During art school education (Camondo), we were invited to a workshop in Barcelona to experience different mediums of expression.

Gallop Fast pace, traveling of the camera, random dance following the rythme of the lights, subway, fences, alll graphical elements that allow us to loose ourselves in an unknown city, generic rythm elements. Anonyous beauty.

In groups, we have to say something about our one week trip there. The topic is open, professors and professionals are helping us every evening with feedbacks and references. Urban Gallop

Dream Distorsion of reality, caption of deformations created by spatial elements, an opening for interpretation, the key for understanding.

We want to cope with urban invisibility, making a statement about an urban condition, with no other tool than sensitive senses, and no scientific references, but our feelings.

The context (film 2, lower) Art studio at the school of achitecture (Ensa Paris la villette) The aim was to experience video to express space and urbanity. Two friends and I.

We deciide to use videos, as we want to include humans, sounds and rythms in our analysis.

Urban Gallop (1) Working in Barcelona, we find ourselves free in the city, and have to introduce our journey, after reading and understanding of the place, to an audience.

Running subway

Running subway (2) Spontaneous capture, we followed a random person, on his way to catch a train in the parisian subway. The man was speed up, feeling of oppression, density of the place.

Discovery, analysis, retranscription, message. Each video shows a different pace of exoeriencing places.

The installation We built a traveling raill out of wood, where we placed the projector. The object was standing in the middle of the room. A layer of white paper was enclosing it, on which we would screen the video, following the shape of the room. The path left for the audience was a small corridor in between the walls and the paper.

We make a tryptic of videos (3 friends and I) that we show together and at the same time, in a room after the trip. The spatial installation to show it, is an enclosed figure of three screens resonating to each othes, and illuminating each others (physically and conceptually).

The audience was supposed to follow the way the videos projected the images, mimitating the run of the man captured.




Chloé CONSTANTINI Architecte DE 31 ans, française 135, rue de la République, 93230 Romainville 07 86 07 51 56 constantinichloe@gmail.com Français, anglais, allemand

Professionel 2019-20 Chartier-Dalix (Paris) . Saint-Vincent de Paul, dialogue compétitif (projet retenu) . Sous-préfecture des Hauts de Seine, appel à projet . Nice, Joia Méridia, Etudes pour bâtiments de logements (APD-PRO) . Village Olympic, coordination + études pour logements (PC) 2018 Gitai Architects (Jaffa, Israel) . ESQ, PRO, lancement de chantier, appartement familial

Education 2020 Formation d’Habilitation à la Maîtrise d’Oeuvre (en cours) Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-la-Villette 2016 Diplôme d’Etat en architecture (Félicitations du jury) Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-la-Villette 2014 Echange international Erasmus Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Zurich (ETH) Suisse

2016-17 KCAP architects ans planners (Zurich) . Plaine du Loup (Lausanne) concours pour une école . CU-Areal, Uetikon, Dialogue compétitif, requalification de zone . Glaisraum, Wintertur, Etude pour développement de lots SBB . Gare de Genève, Mandat d’études parallèle, espace public . St-Quentin (France), concours développement de zone “gare” . Port de Marseille-Joliette, 2e phase de concours . St-Fiden, concours (projet gagnant), requalif. zone urbaine SBB

2013 Passerelle, licence d’architecture Ecole Normale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-la-Villette

2016 Salewski-Kretz (Zurich) . Concours réhabilitation caserne militaire (Florence) . Etudes pour requalification centre urbain (CH)

2009-12 Cycle licence en design et architecture d’intérieure Ecole Camondo, Paris

2016 Gitai architects (Paris) . Concours ouvert pour une école à Zurich (Manegg)

2008 Prépa. en arts appliqués (7e/90) ESAG Met de Penninghen 2007 Baccalauréat -sc.économiques et sociales (mention Bien) Lycée Carnot

Intérêts Peinture, Danse (gaga) Logiciels ArchiCad +++ Vectorworks +++ AutoCad ++ Sketchup ++ Rhino + 3DS + Maxwell + Suite Adobe +++

Stages 2015 VOGT Landscape architects (Zurich) 6 mois . Concours pour espace public à Lausanne . Design d’un Herbarium pour une gallerie (LUMA, Zurich) . Etudes pour jardins d’un hôtel a Zurich (Dolder) . Etudes pour espaces extérieurs d’un bâtiment public (Zu) . Etudes pour intérieur du bâtiment Novartis (Bâle) 2014 EM2N (Zurich) 6 mois . Concours pour un bâtiment mixte à Kloten . Maquette de présentation de concours pour une station de tram . Etudes de design pour l’entrée d’un bâtiment public a Zurich 2012 Hermès immobilier (Pantin) 3 mois . Relevés pour dessin de plans de certaines maroquineries 2011 111 Conzade (Paris) 3 mois, architecture d’intérieure . Assistance à supervision de chantiers d’appartement à Paris



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