Level Three Proposal Ideas

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Level Proposal Ideas


Contents: Preface:4 Intro:6 Proposal One:10


Proposal Two:16


Conclusion:22 Appendix:24

Fig 1. No Thank you, 2015




Fashion Communication and Promotion has helped me to gain a greater understanding of the fashion industry whilst broadening my skills and abilities in other areas such as using Adobe Suite to create publications, edits films and imagery. Developing my skills and working on various briefs and collaborating has helped me to create pieces I am proud to present, as well as finding I am most passionate about working within the Creative Concept and Final Execution stages of the Fashion Communication and Promotion Triangle: whether this is styling or creating final promotional imagery which could be executed as a campaign or fashion film. Photography and Fashion Film are two sectors that I have really enjoyed working within, both independently and collaborating: where understanding the concept

in which you want to express within imagery executions is vital in achieving the message you want to portray. Producing work around self-branding which has been dynamic and successful, is encouraging me to bring together these areas to brand and promote my level three proposal ideas involving photography and fashion film. In the future, considering a role or position I would like to enter as a postgraduate student, I am interested in working within Public Relations or for a brand’s Press team. I like understanding and researching the relationship between a brand and the consumer, and how to successfully create an event or launch party that would appeal to the relevant consumer. Due to these areas of interest within Fashion Communication and Promotion, I feel I am most enthusiastic about, working to these strengths which

Execution Creative

Fig 2. Pinterest, 2016







adhere to a potential position within PR and would situate me within the creative concept and execution areas of the FCP triangle. In this report I am proposing two ideas for my level three project that I plan to develop further in researching and developing, in regards to research and generating execution ideas. I will apply all aspects of my two separate ideas to every stage of the Fashion Communication and Promotion triangle, and will potentially execute my ideas to my desired areas of interest as mentioned previously, such as Photography, Fashion film or branding. Making these executions relevant to my area of interest as a postgraduate student, which would appeal to a brand or agency within the PR sector.



We live in a society, which rely upon technology and the internet to fulfill our daily lives from work to play; yet we thrive upon creating and being involved in experiences, through the use of new emerging technologies. I am interested in exactly what the next step is to the relationship between experiential technologies: considering combining the future of technology and festival experiences. With a demand for change of festival experience’s every year from the digitally connected age that attend various festivals within the UK and abroad, it’s the millennial consumer that is excited by the next best thing that technology has to offer, if it enhances their experience, they want to be involved. The young engaged consumer is creative, enthusiastic and excitable when within the festival environment, new

Fig 3. Gottwood, 2015


experiences evoke feelings that lead to exploring opportunities. The idea is take the next step for technology and using this advantage to create a brand or an immersive event surrounding the next notion of festivals. (WGSN, Future of Festivals, 2016) Conducting and creating a fashion film and imagery surrounding this concept would be one potential direction for my proposal idea, as the target market for festival consumers are visually stimulated and interested in newness of brand presence, this would run alongside an event to promote the new experience that would be executed at a festival experience. From my initial research, I want to investigate the next step into the future of technology and exploring the ways in which this could enhance festival experiences of young demographics, leading to my first proposal idea.



Depression, Insecurities or Pressure, these are topics that are not widely or publically spoken about and rarely exposed in regards to half of the populationmen. A recent report has been published exposing the shocking statistics that the primary reason of death in men under the age of 30 and living in the United Kingdom is suicide. (Office for National Statistics, 2015) Mental health is an increasingly concerning illness, thousands of pounds are being invested into researching mental health, (Office for National Statistics, 2015) as it is killing a record number of young adults and diagnostics are on the rise. But these figures are inadequate into the comparison that researchers and the government spend on researching and treating other causes of death, which is concerning as a predominantly larger amount of young males die due to suicide.

Fig 4. Overthinking. Julius Designs, 2015


Shocked when I discovered the current reports and published articles surrounding the increasing concern and issues of suicide, I realised there was a need to spread awareness for this concern. Is there a pressure of men to be dominant and masculine? Is this killing them? Analyzing different regions within the UK and average income has a correlating relationship between the suicide rates, (Perry, G, I am Man, 2016) After carrying out my own primary Qualitative research, I gained an insightful and interesting understanding of men’s opinions on themselves and other men, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, women’s opinions of men, which leads me in wanting to gain a greater understanding as to why suicide is the devastating case, which has lead to my second proposal idea.


Proposal One:


The future of festivals: exploring new emerging technologies consumed by millennials, that thrive on new experiences

Fig 5. Gottwood, 2015

Fig 6. Media New York, 2014


Millennial’s love to be a part of an experience, with 14.7 of these millennial’s attending at least one music festival each year, (WGSN, Future of Festivals, 2016) I am curious as to how festival experiences are going to develop further in our future, considering emerging technologies. There is a backlash against technology playing a great part in the festival experience people believe many are commercially driven to make money, Trend drivers are acknowledging the health and wellbeing trend, by creating alternative festivals, abolishing technology and embracing nature and serenity within festival locations. On the other hand, there is a thrive for development of technologic experiences, through Virtual Reality, involving scent, evoking emotions and enhancing ones experience, immersing the digitally active consumer into a world of imaginative and something new that has not been experienced before.

Evoking an sensory experience is something that has the potential to be executed within a festival experience, contemporary food and design agency Bompas and Parr are leaders in flavorbased experiences: the idea of bringing together different sectors in order to enhance the consumer experience is my motive. Ghislaine Boddingdon, a creative director and co-curator of future festival, has deep expertise in body responsive technologies and immersive experiences, she has conceived and produced numerous projects converging telepresence, sense/gesture tech and virtual worlds. Attending future festival will help me understand and visualise how immersive technologies can help fufil and inspire my apposed idea in a festival environment. Consumers demand highly visual and thought-provoking events, which has been met by institutions incorporating a myriad of creative


industries together in order to build and create a festival experience which covers many creative areas from performance to poetry, music and the arts. (Fig 5, Gottwood, 15) Thousands of millenials, born and raised in the digital age, love to be part of an experience, trialling new products, and being a part of the next biggest thing that they can share together and later express online. One next step in enhancing experience-using technology is the development and fascination surrounding virtual reality and oculus rift. People remember virtual reality experiences not as a memory of something they saw, but as something that happened to them, (Wired, VR hacks the Brain, 2016) enhancing the enthusiastic festivalgoers existing festival experience is a sector in which Virtual Reality could be positioned in the festival and technology market.

Part of the Early Adopters, is the positioning of the millennial consumers that would want to enhance their festival experience and participate within the new immersive experience: as highlighted on E.M Rogers Diffusion of innovation curve.



Early Adopters



Early Majority



Late Majority




Fig 7. Electric Hotel, 2013

Fig 8. Bompas & Parr, 2015

Sadler’s wells are world leaders in contemporary dance, who displayed one of their pieces in an immersive setting of Latitude festival, designed to take the audience out of the auditorium and into a new environment. The unique outdoor spectacle was three stories high and it was titled Electric House. (Fig 7, Electric House) This execution brought together different creative sectors that were displayed at the festival: architecture design, performance art and music, which the audience had a personal connection with. Headphones were provided which heightened the individual experience, the audience could hear every sound that was played out by performers, immersed within the performance the audience were positioned in an outside location, which would


heighten the exciting experience as its down to personal interpretation from the audiences perspective, one example of how an immersive experience could be executed. I could be inspired by an experience similar to this performance piece which I can explore further, the experience may not involve Virtual Reality or Oculus rift but its important to understand and explore ways technologies could filter down into the festivals market. Developing both areas of experience may influence ideas further into the experience I want to create. It could be the bringing together of different creative, sensory and experiential elements in order to enhance and individual festival experience: potentially a collaboration piece with Sadlers Wells or Bompas Parr to fulfill this idea. (Fig 8. Bompas & Parr)

Fig 9. Getty Images, 2014


Fig 10. Bestival.com, 2013 For the more outlandishpersonalities seeking a psychedelic experience, Virtual Reality could evoke a visually stimulating experience reminiscent of an acid trip mimicking the feeling of a hallucination, but without the illegal substances of ¬-this intervention have been researched by Robin Arnott’s, who has created Soundself, which is a virtual reality called technodelic. (Wired, Soundself: A VR Acid Trip, 2016) Into the early hours at festivals, silent disco’s are an exciting and memorable experience for the festival go-ers, which isn’t down to the line-up or headline act as its conformed of several channels you can tune into via a headset, it the experience that people have together tuning in and out of different channels creating a memorable, popular and humorous experience. Tomorrow World festival is an example of people wanting the next thing that’s in a world of

tomorrow: they are embracing technology to enhance the online experience. Through a virtual 360 degree video you can view the festival which is represented on the festival website, viewing the festival from any angle or perspective. Virtual Reality is a sector that conglomerate companies are investing millions of pounds into, take Magic Leap from Google who led a $542 millions investment into the company, (Wired, Magic Leap Just Landed an Astounding Amount of VC Money, Jessi Hempel, 2016) whose creative team are working on VR technology although it is yet to be announced when tech will be available for consumers. These virtual reality taboos will soon to become a reality that will filter down into the mainstream market, to create a buzz around the experience, enhancing a already desirable festival experience is something the millennial generation thrive upon.

Fig 12. Roadtovr, 2012

Creating a Cartogram covering key themes running within the Future of Festivals and technology has helped me to understand the direction in which the trend has emerged by recognising the trend impact and trend drivers. As well as understanding the consumer that will participate in the future of festivals experience and the way in which my idea could be promoted and presented. Following this I could gain a greater insight into the trend consequences and the future of the trend, which will help situate my proposal within a festival

Fig 11. Pinterest, 2015

Fig 13-15. The Guardian, 2012



environment. I appose to carry out Qualitative and Quantitative creative research whilst at Glastonbury and Bestival, inspired my photographer Gillian Wearing. ( Fig, 13-15) which are both UK festivals in order to generate further ideas surrounding the future of festivals and the impact that technology will have on the experience, as well as talking to the millennial consumer and developing ideas that could filter down into the festival market and be successfully executed.

Proposal Two:


A campaign to spread awarness of mental health supporting the increasing concern young male suicides under the age of 30.

Fig 16. Mercedes, 2015

of Men are more than often represented as powerful, masculine and strong in advertising campaigns both fashion and within other sectors, such as car promotions, technology and alcohol. (Fig,16) This representation does not correlate to recent reports revealing the suicide rate and statistics within men under the age of 30: which makes me question how this matter reflects in reality today. Since watching two documentaries from Grayson Perry (I am Man, 2015) the lengths in which the young men go to in the documentary, in order to feel powerful and masculine, fascinated me. The young men featured in these episodes highlighted the pressure young men are under as well as the pressure in which they put upon themselves.

There is a stigma surrounding men and having this masculine persona, when in a sensitive state men can often be aggressive holding this idea of masculinity, figures tell us that young men are very much more likely to commit an aggressive act of self harm against themselves, (C. Davis, 2015) This adheres to the recently released statistics, showing when in a unstable mental state, over reflecting their their emotions onto someone else, men can become aggressive taking an approach that effects them, leading to suicide. All the efforts and topics within my fashion film must identity the risk factors to be tackled and eliminated or at least minimised towards the prevention of suicide in young men. (Dorais, Lajeunesse, Simon, Tremblay, March 2004) Considering current political

Fig 17. I Am Man, 2015



and social issues, I feel I want my film to counter stigmatization by implanting respect for young men and human diversity that is here within the UK: by not isolating the attention of one subculture or party. Diversity is evident within the UK and I feel this is something that could be celebrated using the suitable tone of voice within my film and imagery, which may appeal to the most opinionated within society. Suicide is a massive killer, and the un-talked about killer. (Davis, C, 2015) with one in four male deaths in the UK being due to suicide I think this a something that needs to be reported and talked about, spreading awareness and highlighting the importance of this suicide stigma being portrayed within a short fashion film, is my main objective.

Fig 18. Dazed, 2015

Part of the early majority, our digitally connected consumers would see the fashion film execution and would share their support on social media platforms spreading awareness of the devastating statistics of male suicide, which I have highlighted on E.M Rogers Diffusion of innovation curve. Innovators


“Young men are very much more likely to commit an aggressive act of self harm against themselves” -The Guardain, Young Men & Suicide, 2014


Early Adopters



Fig 19. Pinterest, 2014

Early Majority



Late Majority




Discovering that a quarter of all suicides in the UK are male. (Sam Parker, 2016) was a harrowing statistic and made me question why this isn’t spoken about more, and what is happening socially, politically and economically that could be influencing these statics. The recession hit in late 2007, resulting in an increase in suicide in young men, which put a great pressure on society and the breadwinner and head of families which is an explanation of this wave, but since the statistics results haven’t altered in the last 10 years, I want to gain an understanding as to why, and utilize this as an opportunity to research and spread awareness through a fashion film execution. Young men in the north of


England are wanting to be the proud breadwinner of the family, which is an expectation, with 14 male suicides in one month in a region of Newcastle, (Grayson Perry, I am Man, 2015) is this representation pressuring men from a young age they ultimately feel they cannot support families an themselves to the point that they slip into a state of depression and often, suicide is the only way out. Many questions have already amounted since I’ve started looking into this sector, which I feel need answering, for the benefit of those vulnerable, families affected by suicide and to spread awareness that this is an ongoing problem. Young men are killing themselves so what exactly are we going to do about it?

Fig 21. The lovers and drifters, 2016

Fig 20. Mollie Mills, 2015

There is a gender paradox when analysing suicide rates and many common factors and experiences that contribute, such as bereavement, relationship breakdowns and financial pressure, which affect both sexes. (Parker, S. 2016) It is revealed that men commit actions and carry out acts which amount to suicide, whereas women attempt suicide and often are not successfully in this act, and are more often saved. The trend of female empowerment and the feminism wave have been an apparent trend in fashion and the media for several years now, in reflection to these upsetting statistics of male suicide, I believe it is time to address the matter within the media and fashion, and question exactly what we are going to do about young men killing themselves. A short film documentary from film director Mollie Mills, (Mills, M, Men don’t Cry, 2016) took an interesting approach on the subject as she interviewed various men effected by suicide, by perhaps losing a friend or family

member due to mental health. A sensitive subject to approach, may be challenging, I must ensure I plan and understand my objectives, which will be crucial in order to curate an engaging piece to effectively spread awareness. Mental health and depression within young men, is not exposed in terms of media campaigns for young men in society today, I want to develop my understanding of this area and understand platforms in which I could reach the consumer. I believe there is a nuance in consumer for this topic as my objective is to spread awareness: targeting young men but also their close peers the majority of which will fall within the millennial category. I appose to carry out further research in order to gain a greater insight into the consumer. Approaching someone in regards to an interview, with someone who has been directly affected by mentalhealth and discussing the effect suicide has had on their life, is something I am apposing to do.

“Young men are killing themselves so what exactly are we going to do about it?� -Grayson Perry, I Am Man, 2015


Creating a Cartogram surrounding the trend of suicide within young men, was a challenging task, questions arose that will need further research in order for me to answer which is engaging within early stages of my idea. This proposal idea acts as a problem that needs solving within society, as appose to a gap within the market. Regarding this, I believe mental health and depression would act as drivers for this particular topic within a Cartogram, although these are sectors are negative in society they exist as drivers driving the trend, although this devastating when dissecting found research into Cartogram.


Fig 22. Highsnobiety, 2016

I appose to further research both proposal ideas over the summer period, with extensive research both primary and secondary as well as creative research, attending relevant festivals and events, such as Glastonbury, Bestival and Future Fest, and carrying out focus groups and interviews: this will help refine my final dissertation questions. Whilst researching during this period, I will apply my strengths and work on my weaknesses, for example, I intend to successfully produce a creative research outcome, due to this being an apparent weakness in previous feedback, in order to achieve

a better understanding of the context stage. I want to develop my fashion film knowledge and understanding, exploring different videography and editing techniques during this time, and explore independently after reflecting on the fashion film module that I enjoyed.


Fig 23. Bestival.com, 2015


Appendix: Typeform





Cartogram : Future






Cartogram Awareness





2: :




Joe Roberts, December 2015. Avaliable at: http://www.trustedreviews.com/opinions/great-virtual-realityexperiences-(Accessed 7th June) Magic Leap Online Webpage. https://www.magicleap.com/#/developers - (Accessed 23rd May) Marie Brewis, March 2016. http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/gadget/how-make-google-cardboard-vrheadset-v2-3585298/ - (Accessed 24th May)

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Jessi Hempel, February 2016. Magic Leap raises riggest C round in venture history. Available at: http:// www.wired.com/2016/02/magic-leap-raises-the-biggest-c-round-in-venture-history/ (Accessed 1st June)

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“Hard Man” 2015. All Man, Grayson Perry. Series one, Episode one. TV, Channel 4. 25th May 2016. “Top Man” 2015, All Man, Grayson Perry. Series ones, Episode two. TV, Channel 4. 27th May 2016. Articles: David Phelan, June 2016. WIRED Article, Fashion/Tech Supplement, June 2016, Article “The Tech that Comes Home” , (Accessed 23rd May) Kevin Kelly, June 2016. WIRED Article, Magazine, June 2016, Article “Hyper Vision” (Accessed 23rd May) Mathew Postgate, BBC. Broadcast Journal: ‘’Putting the Viewer in the driving Seat” Article, Published May 20th 2016, (Acessed, 23rd May) Ebooks: Dorais, Michel, Lajeunesse, Simon Louis, Tremblay, Pierre, March 2004, MQUP, Recommendations for suicide prevention 8, Dead Boys Cant Dnace: Sexual Orientation, Masculinity and Suicide. Eleonara Pantano, Middlesex university, London, UK, 2015. Avaliabe at: Boots Libray, Ebook. Successful Technological integration for competitive advantage in Retail Settings. (Accessed 10th June) Male bonding could have positive effect on men’s health - 31st March 2016. Available at: Mintel http:// academic.mintel.com/display/767793/?highlight#hit1 - (Accessed 1st June) Academic


Sara Ballaben, Technology Analyst – 23rd May . Mintel Report, Digital Trends Spring- UK - March 2016. Sara Ballaben, May 2016. Mintel Report, Social Media and Networks. Facebook unveils first surround 360 degree 3D video camera. (Accessed May 2016) Sarah Owen, January 2016, The Future of Festivals, WGSN Report. -wgsn.com

List of Illustrations: Fig 1. No Thank you, 2015 – https://www.instagram.com/theloversanddriftersclub/ Fig 2. Pinterest, 2016-06-14- -https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/340162578080021063/ Fig 3. Gottwood, 2015- http://www.gottwood.co.uk/gallery/ Fig 4. Overthinking. Julius Designs, 2015 Fig 5. Gottwood, 2015- http://www.gottwood.co.uk/gallery/ Fig 6. Media New York, 2014-http://media.nbcnewyork.com/images/652*367/GettyImages-515877888.jpg Fig 7. Electric Hotel, 2013- http://www.islingtontribune.com/reviews/features/2010/jun/feature-installationart-pop-buildings-electric-hotel-goods-way-gasholderFig 8. Bompas & Parr, 2015 - http://www.londonsartistquarter.org/artist-hub/users/ellanparry/profile http://bompasandparr.com/projects/view/alcoholic-architecture1/ Fig 9. Getty Images, 2014http://www.roadtovr.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/nuren-oculus-rift-feature-length-musicalexperience-5.jpg https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/321092648407103987/ Fig 10. Bestival.com, 2013 - http://gigsandfestivals.com/news/bestival-2015-tv-show/bestival-summer-oflove-robot-2015 Fig 11. Pinterest, 2015 - https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/298856125251938582/ Fig 12. Roadtovr, 2012- ¬https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/340162578080021063/ Fig 13-15. The Guardian, 2012- https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/gallery/2012/mar/04/gillianwearing-signs-in-pictures Fig 16. Mercedes, 2015- http://www.benzinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Mercedes-Benz-SUVrange-new-marketing-campaign-10.jpg Fig 17. I Am Man, 2015- https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/may/04/grayson-perry-all-manboys-breaking-man-contract-if-they-cry Fig 18. Dazed, 2015- http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/20554/1/beanotherlab-wants-youto-swap-bodies-with-oculus-rift Fig 19. Pinterest, 2014- http://www.juliusdesign.net/12844/creative-inspirations-photography-15/ Fig 20. Mollie Mills, 2015 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srJWa94_9l8 Fig 21. The lovers and drifters, 2016 - https://www.instagram.com/theloversanddriftersclub/ Fig 22. Highsnobiety, 2016 – http://www.highsnobiety.com/2016/06/10/palace-skateboards-history-tanju/ Fig 23. Bestival.com, 2015- https://www.facebook.com/bestivalfestival/photos/a.10153572516740135.1073741 857.62001275134/10153572517715135/?type=3&theater

Virtual reality – enhancing the experience? - 24th June 2014 – Available at: Mintel http://academic. mintel.com/display/707731/?highlight (Accessed 1st June) Virtual reality’s potential beyond gaming - 18th December 2015. Available at: Mintel. http://academic. mintel.com/display/758104/?highlight - (Accessed 1st June) Male bonding could have positive effect on men’s health - 31st March 2016. Available at: Mintel http:// academic.mintel.com/display/767793/?highlight#hit1 - (Accessed 1st June)



Research Methology: Research Method





Effectiveness of Research Method

Suicide in Young Men Audience Participation Qualitative Research: Inspired by Photographer Gillian Wearing


I appose to carry out creaitve research regarding audience participation, asking member of the public to write down three words to summarise thier thouhgts on thw opposite sex. I plan to do this to gain a greater perspective on participant’s thoughts ands views on the opposite gender

One strength regarding this research method would be that the Public are put on the spot when asking for their responses, this will hopefully make the responses honest and accurate as they are put on the spot.

Participants may think of an individual person and reflect on this, I want to gain an overall perspective on the opposite gender as a whole.



Interview someone who has been effected by my Research Topic: Lost a family member due to suicide in young men.


I appose to carry out a interview to gain a personal understanding of how these statistics have an effected on personal lives, and investigate thoughts behind suicide in young men. Does this family member believe enough is being done to spread awareness of this topic, and if he has noticed a rise in awareness or campaigns since losing his family member.

I wil gain a first hand personal view of my research topic and how this has effected a family on a personal level. It will gain empathy and understand into my research topic.

This will be a very emotional and sensitive topic to dicusss with a family member. So I must careful in the way I address the topic with the participate.



TypeForm Survey: Mixture of Qualitative and Quantative Research


To gain a greater understanding of peoples knowledge surrounding the leading cause of death for men under 30. To gain a general understanding as to where people turn when in an emotional state, which could trigger ideas and lead my research further

I have gained an interesting perspective on my research topic and with further analyse this could help me to progress to further research ideas, potentionally another creative research idea and ideas surrounding my execution method.

People may not be as honest and may not accurately answer the questions honestly. Online questionairs can be completed by anyone and answers that are not honest, may cause an anomaly. More women answered the questionnaire and my primary reasoning was to gain honest responses from men, as I didn’t want this to be obvious when gathering the information I asked women to participate, so I could compare results, this this has made the responses harder to analyse

The vast majority of women responded with some predicable answers into the responses three words to summarie the opposite sex, and what ‘being a man’ means to you, these were all powerful, positive adjectives. My intention in asking this question was to get an general overview of men’s opinion on themselves, and their gender as a whole, which hopefully intention that results may lead onto other research ideas. I feel that more men will need to be questioned regarding my questions in the future, but as initial research I feel the outcomes were successfully in leading my research to explore areas to develop my idea further.

I feel the method of research was effective, as I got a good general overview of the information I wanted to find out, but in terms of analyzing these results, using keys words as an option was quiet a difficult method so I will consider this style of answer for future investigation. It seems men are often less hesitant to respond to questionnaires online, so I feel in order to target men for further research I will have to think about other methods of research.

Future of Festivals: Qualataitve Research: Festival Product and Brand Placement Imagery


To gain an understanding of the placement of products and brands at festivals, by taking primary imagery that I could analyse and use within my own report at Glastonbury and Bestival. Also to look into the correlation of other sectors at festivals and how experiences are enhanced: poetry, performance, art, and set design.

Getting a first hand experience at festivals will help me understand the execution part of my proposal idea, and I can use imagery as inspiration. I may also get the opportunity to speak to people and interview people at the festival in order to help me understand peoples views of the future of festivals and the way in which technology will impact the overall experience and if they believe this is an opportunity for it to be explored.

People may not want to participate in research whilst enjoying themselves at a festival, or they could be under the influence so may not respond in an honest and serious way.

Ethnographic Research: Calculating how many people are on their phones at a festival


I’m unsure whether this an appropriate idea to gather research for in regards to my research idea. Looking at enhances the experience of a festival and calculating how many people are wanting to be digitally connected whilst enjoying themselves at a festival: but it this really want I am wanting to investigate? It would lead to other areas of research and generate ideas of the way in which the consumer is connected to the experience after the festival. But I must consider this method over the summer and accurately plan exactly what is it I want to find out.

I will effectively be able to calculate results in a busy time of the day at a festival, and then compare to later on in the evening by situating myself in one area and noting down how many are digitally connected, without participates knowing and disturbing their festivals experience.

I must research, think and plan exactly what my results will achieve and where I want to take this research further. Is it about connecting the consumer to the experience after a festival, etc.

Interview Festival Producer


The primary purpose would be to gain an understanding into the ways in which technology influence’s planning a festival and the influences they believe it will impact in the future. Is it something taken into account, or are other sectors more important aspects currently.

I will gain an honest first hand insight from a professional in the creative industry.

The interviewee is the producer and organizer of a very small festival, so the impact in which he might believe technology will have may differ from larger or smaller organized festivals.



Reflection on Research Methods: Overall I believe I have a wide range of apposed research methods, which I believe will be successfully if carried out accurately. Although, I will have to consider some of my chosen methods, as I will have to take into account factors that may influence results greatly, such as audience participation and if I can gain the right contacts in order to carry out an interview. Carrying out more primary research over the summer will help me to achieve this and hopefully find relevant information that will help and influence my proposal ideas.

References: WGSN, Future of Festivals, 2016) - Sarah Owen, January 2016, The Future of Festivals, WGSN Report. -wgsn.com

(S, Parker, 2016) Sam Parker, December 2015. Available at: http://www.esquire.co.uk/culture/news/a9202/britain-male-suicidecrisis/- (Accessed 24th May)

(Office for National Statistics, 2015) - Office for National Statistics, 2014. Suicides in the UK. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/suicidesi ntheunitedkingdom/2014registrations (Accessed 28th May)

(Mills, M, Boy Dont Cry, 2016) - Available at: http://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/31211/1/ why-are-men-still-not-allowed-to-talk-about-their-feelings - (Accessed May 28th)

(Office for National Statistics, 2015) - Office for National Statistics, 2014. Suicides in the UK. Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/suicidesi ntheunitedkingdom/2014registrations (Accessed 28th May) (Perry, G, I am Man, 2016) - “Hard Man” 2015. All Man, Grayson Perry. Series one, Episode one. TV, Channel 4. 25th May 2016. WGSN, Future of Festivals, 2016) - Sarah Owen, January 2016, The Future of Festivals, WGSN Report. -wgsn.com (Wired Magazine, VR Hacks the Brain, 2016) - Kevin Kelly, June 2016. WIRED Article, Magazine, June 2016, Article “Hyper Vision” (Accessed 23rd May) (Wired Online, Soundself a VR acid Trip, 2016) - http://www.wired.com/2016/05/soundself-vr-ego-death/ (Accessed 5th June) (Wired Magazine,Magic Leap, 2016) - David Phelan, June 2016. WIRED Article, Fashion/Tech Supplement, June 2016, Article “The Tech that Comes Home” , (Accessed 23rd May) (Perry, G, I am Man, 2016) - “Hard Man” 2015. All Man, Grayson Perry. Series one, Episode one. TV, Channel 4. 25th May 2016. (Davis, C, 2015) - Carloline Davis, 14th August 2015. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/ aug/14/young-men-suicide-therapy - (Accessed 7th June) (Dorais, Lajeunesse, Simon, Tremblay, March 2004) - Dorais, Michel, Lajeunesse, Simon Louis, Tremblay, Pierre, March 2004, MQUP, Recommendations for suicide prevention 8, Dead Boys Cant Dnace: Sexual Orientation, Masculinity and Suicide. (Davis, C, 2015) - Carloline Davis, 14th August 2015. Available at: http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/ aug/14/young-men-suicide-therapy - (Accessed 7th June) (S, Parker, 2016) Sam Parker, December 2015. Available at: http://www.esquire.co.uk/culture/news/a9202/britain-male-suicidecrisis/- (Accessed 24th May) (Perry, G, 2016) - “Top Man” 2015, All Man, Grayson Perry. Series ones, Episode two. TV, Channel 4. 27th May 2016.

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