UNIVERSITY OF HUDDERSFIELD SCHOOL OF ART, DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN Missguided Store Launch Marketing Strategy Chelsea Wallis A Major Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion Module THD 1101 Fashion Communication Promotion Major Project The candidate confirms that the work submitted is their own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. The University of Huddersfield School of Art & Design Department of Design Huddersfield West Yorkshire ENGLAND (26th April 2014)
e x e c u t i v e s u m m a ry This report details a strategic multichannel marketing campaign to elevate the profile of Missguided as it celebrates over five successful years of trading, with a flagship store opening. The promotional plan aims to generate brand recognition and awareness, with a triple phase strategy, concentrated over three months. The prime location for the store launch will be Manchester, acknowledging the heritage of Missguided and the rapid growth it has achieved since inception onto the market. The city is rapidly developing a reputation for its retail environment, with its shopping avenues being considered the second best outside London, which is also mirrored by the recent relocation of Vogue’s Fashion Night Out from the capital to Manchester. Such attributes will be favoured by the young, fashion target audience who flock to the city for shopping breaks.
Missguided aims to target the social, fashionable and connected consumer of the value market sector; specifically the Determined Dreamer, Stylish Professional and Cautious Creative. These consumers share a mutual love of fashion and styling, appreciating the fresh and unfamiliar. All of the consumers have strong online presences, and prefer the social attributes of shopping in-store. A multichannel promotion that centres on print advertisements, competitions, celebrity endorsements, guerrilla marketing, web advertising, press coverage and a cohesive social media campaign is recommended for Missguided to achieve the dual company aims of promoting brand awareness and enticing the target market. The marketing strategies will be split into three concentrated stages; customer-focused, media-focused and brand-focused tactics.
Missguided has already established a successful ecommerce website and The tactics for the store launch will achieve the promotional plan aims social media presence that has attained a strong following. Many and objectives to generate awareness, elevate the brands positioning, of the brands major competitors invest significant funds into their increase sales and endorse the brands core values and messages. promotional activity, however the majority of direct competitors are yet to establish a retail setting. Therefore this launch strategy gives the company a competitive advantage and provides a hub for the brand to influence and build loyalty with the competitor’s consumer base. Manchester also amasses a student population of more than 85,000 which presents the opportunity of high sales and a successful store environment. The 16-24 age demographic are some of the fashion industry’s highest spenders due to their disposable income, as Missguided is considered a value fashion retailer research suggests that the company will gain profit.
i n d u s t ry
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39 s t r at e g y logistics
46 conclusion
CONTENTS 1.0 1.1
I N T RO D U CT I O N Rationale
01 02
2.0 2.1
b r a n d h i sto ry Brand Values
03 03
3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.6.3
i n d u st ry a n a lys i s Market Analysis Competitor Analysis Competitive Advantage Market Position Target Market Consumer Segmentation The Connected Creative The Determined Dreamer The Stylish Professional
04 05 06 07 07 08 08 09 10 11
4.0 4.1 4.2
c o m pa n y a n a lys i s External Analysis Internal Analysis
12 13 13
5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 6.0 6.1
m a r k et i n g st r at egy Aims & Objectives Campaign Message Flagship Store Overview Promotional Tactics Store Launch Campaign
14 15 15 16 17 17
7.0 c o n s u m er fo c u s ed st r at eg i es 7.1.1 Pre Store Launch Advertising Online Advertising Social Media Website Store Window 7.1.2 Launch Day In-Store Promotion Website Direct Mail Social Media Email Marketing Guerrilla Marketing 7.1.3 Post Store Launch Website Social Media
18 19 19 21 22 23 24 26 26 26 27 28 29 30 33 33 33
7.2 m ed i a fo c u s ed st r at eg i es 7.2.1 Pre Store Launch Store Opening Press Release Loyalty Card Scheme Launch Event Invites Launch Event 7.2.2 Launch Day Launch Day Press Release Media Event Press Release
34 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 36
b r a n d fo c u s ed st r at eg i es Celebrity Styling Targets
37 38
8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3
p ro m ot i o n a l st r at egy lo g i st i cs Promotional Strategy Schedule Budget Campaign Monitoring
39 40 43 44
9.0 c o n c lu s i o n
1 0.0 r efer en c es
1 1.0 a p p en d i x Competitor Analysis Market Position Research PEST Analysis SWOT Analysis Target Media Lists Celebrity Dressing Justification
52 53 56 58 60 61 53
I n t ro d u ct i o n This document will detail the marketing and promotional strategies for the flagship store launch for online fashion retailer Missguided, to expand and establish the brands profile onto the British high-street. The purpose of this document is to integrate Missguided’s online platform with its proposed offline flagship. This will allow the brand to develop their existing identity and values into a recognisable fashion outlet to celebrate the rapid success of the Mancunian based retailer.
The outlined tactics and strategies have been designed with the aim of reaching the desired target audience through the national market. The plan includes market research, competitor analysis that provide justifications for the rationale of a store opening, interactive look-book, social media and press campaigns. The promotional strategy has been developed to ensure the brand message is clear and consistent in all means of communication.
T h e i n t e n t i o n o f t h e m a r k e t i n g p l a n i s t o e s ta b l i s h t h e i n t e r n e t r e ta i l e r o n t o t h e h i g h - s t r e e t m a r k e t , a n d
d e v e l o p b r a n d l oya lt y by c r e at i n g a p e rs o n a l a n d i m m e rs i v e e n v i r o n m e n t t h at w i l l a l l o w c u s t o m e rs t o interact with Missguided both in-store and online. The p r o p o s e d ta c t i c s w i l l i n i t i at e t h e f u t u r e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e b r a n d , a n d s t r e n g t h e n i t s p o s i t i o n i n t h e fas h i o n i n d u s t ry w i t h a c o m p e t i t i v e m u lt i c h a n n e l a p p r o a c h .
- Rationale
b r a n d h i s t o ry _
Missguided was founded in 2009 by entrepreneur Nitin Passi. The company operates from its Manchester headquarters where it adds over 150 new products every week and ships across Europe, Australia and the United States. Missguided digital marketing strategies and quick reaction to the market are key to the growth and international success of the brand. Joining forces with powerful fashion bloggers increases the brands profile to a wider audience and allows Missguided to continue to influence and empower girls to make a fashion statement through their innovative and accessible website design and social networking platforms. The brand have also generated awareness by sponsoring the Manchester Fashion Network in multiple events such as MCR Fashion Week, and supporting emerging design talent at Graduate Fashion Week. The fast fashion retailer have achieved a reputation for must-have fashion with its cult following of popular and trendy celebrities. A recent collaboration with Nicole Scherzinger capitalised on the brands link with celebrities with a 30 piece collection designed with the musician to celebrate five years of trading. Missguided also unveiled a premium diffusion line entitled ‘PEACE + LOVE’ which has opened the brand to new demographics who seek high quality garments. 2.1
Missguided convey a key message of delivering what the customer wants when they need it, through elements of style, fun and innovation through an overwhelming sense of a virtual community. This message is achieved by constantly updating and reviewing trends and ensuring the brand communicates a notion of affordable fashion using new faces, eye-catching website design and collaborating with the key-players of the online community so it’s always one step ahead of competitors. The brand message and personality can be characterised in the following keywords: Edgy, confident, creative, stylish and flirty. 3
3.0 3. 1
i n d u s t ry a n a lys i s _
The fashion industry has experienced a period of austerity following the recent economic downturn, the direct value of the industry to the UK economy is £26 billion – a 22% rise since 2009 (British Fashion Council, 2014). Mintel (2013) reports that fashion has continued to a priority for consumers, annual spending on clothes and accessories was estimated to be £49.8 million in 2013. The value fashion sector was the most successful market with retailers such as Primark leading the way in shares, due to the affordability of the on-trend products. While the convenience of e-commerce has grown in popularity research highlights that buying in-store continues to dominant the market. The 16-24 age demographic are the segment most likely to browse online and buy in-store as they view shopping as an opportunity to socialise with friends (Mintel Youth Fashion Report, 2013). Brands that provide a multichannel approach with an exciting store layout and in-store services will attract the attention of the young fashion consumer. The United Kingdom is credited for its creative environment and its fashion capital status projects an image of the country as a global centre for style. As a result, this enhances tourism as consumers continue to visit predominant city centres to shop for fashion. Statistics reveal that Manchester is identified as the largest shopping destination outside London, and a hotspot for tourism due to its football and nightlife scene with 936,000 overnight vacations per year alone (Visit Britain, 2013).
To achieve a greater understanding as to where Missguided currently sit in the market and how they can successfully elevate their position, key competitors were analysed to review the validity of the scheduled marketing strategies. The brands online and offline competitors were evaluated to see what areas Missguided needs to improve and the tactics it currently invests that outperform particular brands. For a full guideline, please refer to appendix A.
KEY STRENGTHS 1. Topshop, River Island and H&M have branded content magazines that are available instore, online or digitally downloadable to a mobile device or tablet. 2. H&M use celebrity endorsements to promote their collections to appeal to younger consumers
The leading high-street retailers have an immersive multichannel environment with seasonal advertising campaigns, cohesive branding and implement strong social media strategies to engage with their customers.
3. Topshop have a strong connection with London Fashion Week, with their own showcase line and their NEWGEN initiative.
However, some of the brands direct competitors such as Boohoo and ASOS operate solely on an online basis, which provides Missguided with the opportunity to become the first of the triage to merge into the bricks and mortar environment.
KEY WEAKNESSES 1. Many of the competitors, including River Island have poor social media campaigns that fail to reach or make an impact with the target audience. 2. Miss Selfridge have basic marketing communications, with low intensity advertising campaigns.
These are some of the key themes that Missguided should implement and implore to ensure they compete effectively with the market. The brands consumers are interactive and creative individuals that prefer frequent communication with the brand that is engaging and innovative.
In comparison to fellow competitors, Missguided has an advantage with its quick reaction to trends that allows the brand to give their consumers what they want, when they want it with a fresh showcase of products every week. The brands outlook for flirty, fun and fashion forward design is curated through its creative visuals that are updated weekly to ensure the retailer communicates new messages to the consumer on a frequent basis. This is translated through an innovative use of marketing communications that are updated monthly to maintain an engaging relationship with the target audience.
The keywords consumers used to identify Missguided included being on-trend (15%) fashion-forward (12%) stylish (11%) and flirty (11%). This emphasises that current advertising and branding is successfully transmitting the core values and messages to the target market. The aim of the promotional strategy is to continue to express these messages to raise awareness of the store launch and connect with customers. Further information regarding consumer research can be found in appendix B.
Such social features paired with inspiring graphics have become a signature style of Missguided, and the element of innovation is what will allow the brand to thrive against competitors as it has established a social community with its clientele.
Missguided is an affordable fashion retailer with a low price entry ranging between ÂŁ2.99 to ÂŁ74.99. The brands core values of on-trend affordable clothing and digital communications are some of the key characteristics that give the brand commercial advantage and promote Missguided as a retailer that understands their target market, thus building trust and consumer loyalty. Since inception onto the fast fashion market, Missguided has achieved yearly sales growth, and has established a global reputation, however it still holds a relatively low market position in relation to brands such as Topshop, River Island and H&M. All of which are established fashion companies with distinguishing factors such as quality, style and celebrity appreciation.
Creative Edge
Fig 1: Marketing Positioning Graph displaying Missguided amongst its high-street competitors in terms of price and creative edge.
Consumer research highlighted that 44% viewed Missguided as a value fashion brand, whereas 33% considered the retailer as high-street whilst 15% saw it as an up-market high-street like market leaders such as Zara and Warehouse.
Missguided have developed a strong understanding of their target audience over the past five years. The independent retailer is primarily aimed towards females between the ages of 16-24, this demographic are described as fashion-conscious, confident and connected.
Missguided have a primary target audience of creative, connected and fashionable young adults aged 16-24 years of age, who have a strong sense of style and express their identity through their clothing choices.
The socioeconomic range of the brand’s target audience are ABC1C2 of the Acorn Social Grading system. The key target market within the mid-market retail sector are predominantly C1 and C2 consumers, as the cost of living continues to rise individuals are growing to the appeal of fast fashion retailers, as they allow consumers the ability to follow the latest fashion trends without breaking budgets.
For the purpose of the promotional campaign, three consumer groups have been profiled with the aid of Mintel reports to highlight distinguishing features for each segment.
Affluent AB consumers are likely to purchase from Missguided because of its brand values and identity, alongside its product selection and reputation with celebrities and bloggers regardless of the quality of the garments. Students also account for a large proportion of the retailers target audience, this market have very limited income and Mintel reports that this segment will favour value stores as they allow them to update their wardrobes as often as they like, and fit in with social trends. Research highlights that the 16-24 year old demographic account for 12% of the population (Youth Sight, 2013), and Manchester has a student residence of over 85,000 (Manchester Online, 2014) signifying that there is vast growth potential for value fashion retailers, such as Missguided.
These consumers are at the peak of their university education, and enjoying the care-free nature of living away from family. They are considered naturals within their industry with a flair for creativity, whilst being driven and self-assured. Generally these females are in the C2 social group, and financially skewed with their income supporting rent, bills or paying off debts. A small minority of this demographic work part-time in social occupations such as a waitress or bartender to increase their bank balance. On the other hand, they are not prudent and live in the moment spending money without thinking and using a credit card to maintain their lifestyles. The Connected Creative is fiercely sociable, and has a wide group of friends with whom she enjoys planning holidays, attending music concerts, festivals or house-parties. In their spare time, they are interested bloggers or vloggers, keeping up to date with their social media presence continuously thriving from the latest celebrity news, social trends and apps. They are also keen Instagram users and share every aspect of their life with their online following, as well search for style muses and quirky fashion trends. They are affectionate towards clothing and use clothing as a medium of expression, their creative background gives these females a strong eye for style and a constant awareness of trends. They gain inspiration online or through social applications viewing street-style content and alternative fashion blogs. They are dedicated media consumers and open minded when it comes to shopping preferences, and likes to explore new experiences and interactive content. They are likely to browse online at independent clothing websites and bargain sites such as Ebay.
Connected Creative
Overall they are confident, stylish and care-free consumers.
Fig 2: The Connected Creative.
The Determined Dreamer is aged 15-18 and a full time student who is realising their full potential and aiming to enhance their career prospects with higher education. Usually living at home with parents, this sector spend freely but remain financially conservative preferring value products and discounted retailers as it allows them to update their wardrobes regularly to adapt to fashion trends. As full-time students, the Determined Dreamer does not yet have the income to reflect their aspiration. They are heavily influenced by fashion bloggers and vloggers who dictate their wants and needs in the realms of fashion and beauty, as they place a large importance on looking fashionable. When they aren’t searching the internet for fashion inspiration, they are indulging in print media for insight into trends, celebrities and events. Their chosen media titles feature Miss Vogue, Nylon, and Company alongside weekly gossip and lifestyle magazines. They also enjoy exploring online content on fashion ecommerce websites to find their own style and taste. Being financially free from the burden of bills, allows this segment to spend freely with their parents more likely to purchase products for them. As a result, the Determined Dreamer can afford more expensive clothing and gadgets. The Determined Dreamer is considered the fashion innovator of their generation, their clothing choices mirror the characteristics set by their style icons, they are bold and confident.
Fig 3: The Determined Dreamer.
The stylish professional accounts for elder female consumers with a medium age of 27, this target demographic withhold secure careers, and have a high rate of job satisfaction carving careers in in the creative industries, such as architecture, interior design, art and fashion. Individuals in this sector lead busy regimes and cohabit with friends or partners in the city. Whilst they are financially secure a large proportion of their salary funds rent and bills, or is invested into savings. Members of this demographic are confident, independent and determined with strong goals and work ethics. They are constantly striving throughout their personal and professional life, to search for the latest trends and technological advancements. They are committed net-workers online and offline, and if they are not checking or maintaining their social presence they are spending time with friends and family. The Stylish Professional is very interested in fashion, reading fashion tabloids and publications such as Vogue and Elle, and online style blogs for inspiration. They have a very tailored and minimal personal style, preferring to buy statement pieces with eye-catching prints or silhouettes to mix with basic cotton shirts or denim. Brands they shop at include Zara, H&M, Warehouse and Mango however they also shop in value retailers for essentials. In general the shopping habits of these consumers are quite varied, as they will shop at department stores, one-off boutiques and outlet stores alongside vintage shops dependent on what they can afford at a given time. As this segment are pre-family, they do not have parental responsibilities and enjoy their free seeking inspiration from travel and exhibitions, reading fictional novels, cooking and socialising with friends. Despite their glamorous lifestyles, they do feel the credit crunch opting the shop around for the best deals and use money savings websites so that they can afford luxuries. Overall, they are ambitious, hard-working, knowledgeable and self-assured.
Fig 4: The Stylish Professional.
C o m pa n y A n a lys i s
A PEST analysis was conducted to examine the market environment to ensure the proposed rationale to expand Missguided was appropriate and attainable. A full outline can be found in appendix C.
A SWOT analysis has been produced to evaluate Missguided and the weaknesses and threats the company will need to manage for the purpose of the project, please refer to appendix D for further information.
Manchester generated an estimated £920 million in retail sales throughout 2013, the second highest revenue to London’s premier shopping district Oxford Street (Retail Vision, 2013). Tourism figures for the city reached more than 10.3 million for 2012, seeing the sector grow in value by £325 million throughout the same year (Knight Knox, 2013). Manchester has also amassed a student residence of over 85,000 and this demographic have contributed £20 billion to the UK economy every year (NUS, 2013) . These key points provide a strong justification for the launch of a flagship store in Manchester
The key strengths the brand have achieved have been the growth and success of the company over the past five years, receiving positive press, awards and interest from the media and it’s most influential celebrities such as Nicole Scherzinger.
A recent Mintel report (2013) highlighted that the women’s fashion market grew by 4% in 2012 to reach £20.7 billion as clothes remain high up on women’s spending priorities, lending the sector a degree of resilience in an overall tough economic climate. The economic downturn has encouraged many young adults to invest in fast fashion as it allows them to adopt the latest trends at a more affordable price than luxury or designer fashion retailers. Stores such as Missguided can capitalise on the growing trend for affordable throwaway fashion by reacting quickly to the changing market. Such news gives confidence in the store launch proposal and is positive news for Missguided.
The brand has a clear understanding of their target market which has enabled Missguided to gradually develop a strong and eye-catching brand identity. Their immersive use of social media and modern marketing communications are fundamental to the rapid growth of the fashion retailer worldwide, and have enabled Missguided to become a recognised label with a reputation for fashion forward, celebrity inspired clothing. Missguided embrace characteristics of creativity with its innovative website design embedded with bright colours, moving graphics and social content, which is an echo of the brand’s on-trend product selection. Unlike other competitors who have not fully engaged with this medium, the website is updated daily to communicate with consumers. Missguided must guarantee it translates a sense of community by promoting the brand identity and values clearly to establish interest with new consumers, and encourage previous customers to visit the flagship store. A retail setting will also provide consumers the opportunity to try on and feel the quality of a product before they purchase which has discouraged many traditional shoppers from purchasing online before. It also eliminates waiting time for delivery, and will allow consumers to purchase a garment they see online, and wear it the same day. The opening of a physical outlet gives Missguided the opportunity to connect with consumers on a personal level to build loyalty and trust. It also allows the brand to develop a multichannel environment through its online platform, furthermore enabling Missguided to build a strong brand presence with clear messages and values. Additionally, the flagship store will provide Missguided with a convenient setting to maintain and establish a creative, fun and fashionable experience that is the ethos of the brand. The store space will generate publicity and interest, as it will not only provide a location for press events but showcase a physical component of the brand through in-store visuals and window displays (Shopworks, 2012).
5 m a r k et i n g st r at egy
Aim To establish Missguided onto the UK high-street with a flagship store launch using a focused three-part integrated multichannel campaign in 2015 over a three month timescale, that will transmit the brand message and increase company sales.
The purpose of the promotional campaign is to reinforce the core brand values among the target audience, whilst successfully promoting the opening of the flagship store. This aim will be achieved by utilising the brands established social media platforms and website, alongside a selection of innovative and creative strategies whilst maintaining an element of exclusivity.
O bj e c t i v e s 1. To effectively introduce and generate awareness of the store opening using a combination of print advertising and promotions, digital communications, social media and an event launch to attain coverage in twenty publications and attract two thousand visitors during the first month of trading. 2. To increase recognition of the brand, by ensuring the website and flagship store integrate successfully to promote the brand messages throughout the promotional strategy in a multichannel demeanour.
To attain the proposed objectives the promotional strategy will be split into two stages; pre-store launch and post store launch. This will ensure the aims for each phase remain clear and focused and success will be easily distinguished. Whilst the central aim of the campaign may vary for each period, the focus of the promotional plan is to strengthen the brand message, raise awareness, generate interest and ultimately increase sales for Missguided. An overview of the store launch has been outlined below, this is to demonstrate how each component of the strategy will connect to communicate the brand ethos.
3. To encourage consumer interaction with the brand through social media content to embed the core messages and values of the brand to increase the Missguided online presence. 4. To affiliate Missguided with key celebrities who represent the brand ethos and reflect their style through celebrity dressing at ten key events pre and post launch.
The first Missguided store is planned to launch in late July 2015. The flagship store will be situated in Manchester city centre within the Arndale shopping complex. The retail unit is a 1622sqft single floor premises. The main concept of the store is to provide a hub that connotes a sense of community by promoting the brand ethos through strong branding, visuals, in-store promotions and events. It will also provide access to new collections of clothing, shoes and accessories and services such as style consultations and exclusive promotions. The store aesthetic combines the brand values and personality to present a space that is interactive, inspiring and stylish. The shop floor will be arranged into sections to ease the customer journey, a focal point will be the designated ‘Shoe Lounge’ in a distinctive curved design that will provide consumers with a relaxing space to try designs on. The fitting rooms are positioned in a separate room, where personal shopping services will also be available. Missguided retail floor will feature the full product range of the current season, and it will be an area to test new products and ideas within the flagship. To retain the values credited with online shopping of accessibility and convenience, a key feature of the store are the clothing displays that will showcase full outfits with a selection of mix and match products. It an anticipated this merchandising strategy will inspire consumers how to create outfits and drive sales. Digital communications will be installed to enhance the shopping experience such LED screens and tablets. For further information please refer to the store proposal document. Being located in such a popular and widely recognised shopping area amongst established competitors will cement the brand’s positioning in the market place. The purpose of the flagship store is to firstly provide the Missguided customer with a memorable, entertaining and immersive experience that differs from rivals, and secondly reinforce the brand attributes and message to its target audience.
Fig 5 and 6: Missguided Store Visuals
Reviewing the consumer’s interests and information, the technological advancements in the market and the key competitors’ in the fast fashion market, an integrated promotional campaign will be devised. Due to the elective nature of the target audience, a variety of marketing strategies will be proposed, to ensure the consumer is knowledgeable and aware of Missguided. A selection of marketing tactics will be devised to expand the brands existing website and social media presence to generate interest and speculation surrounding the store launch. This drive will attract the target consumers’ attention as the Stylish Professional, Cautious Creative and Determined Dreamer all engage with social networking sites and are interested in new technological developments.
The following subsections will illustrate the proposed promotional tactics for the store launch in detail. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the Missguided flagship store launch in a creative and interactive panache. This will be conveyed in three sections: customer focused, media focused and brand focused, to ensure that the brand message is consistent and that implementation is successful. The campaign will span over three months from May – July 2015. There are three core stages: Pre-Launch, Launch and Post-Launch.
To ensure the store launch is successful, a range of media initiatives and brand focused strategies will be developed and complimented with strong branding and visuals to reinforce the brand ethos. To attain maximum effectiveness and publicity throughout the campaign and thereafter, Missguided’s’ existing domains will be utilised as an interactive extension of the brand.
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P r e S t o r e L a u n c h S t r at e g i e s
A d v e rt i s i n g P l a c e m e n t Members of the target audience look to magazines as a source of inspiration and information to replicate in their everyday lives. Consumers envisage magazines as a trusted agent, they are more likely to pay particular interest to an advertisement featured in their favourite publication because they consider the products or services promoted as similar to their personal interests and trusted (PPA Marketing, 2013). An advertisement promoting the impending store launch would be targeted towards a mixture of weekly and monthly fashion and lifestyle publications such as Look, Company, Cosmopolitan, Shout and Bliss. Appropriate local newspapers and regional magazines based in Manchester will also be contacted to raise awareness among the native audience. The advertisement will imbue the brand personality of the Missguided girl who is fun, care-free, confident and flirtatious. The bright, tongue in cheek nature of the imagery will attract the attention and interest of the consumer, to intrigue them to visit the website and/ or social networks to find out more. (Fig 7 and 8). The advert would serve a dual purpose, not only promoting store launch but also the website and the spring/summer 2015 collection. A QR code will be prominent that would allow the user to connect to the online store instantly using the camera on their smartphone device. Upon navigation, the landing page would highpoint a countdown clock to the day of the Missguided retail opening. This feature would add an aspect of exclusivity, something that the Determined Dreamer would enjoy.
Publication Name Cosmopolitan Stylist Cosmo on Campus (June Issue) Bliss Company Shout Miss Vogue Fabulous Elle Look Heat The Mancunion
Target Audience 25-30 Female Commuters 18-23 / Students 14-17 18-28 11-14 16-22 C2DE / Females 18-35 18-30 18-35 / ABC1 Students
Average Circulation 279,127 435,975 250,000 50,043 88,059 40,115 192,973 N/A 166,680 186,055 241,328 8,000
Figure 7. Advertisement Target List The table above details a selection of publications that have been chosen to target Missguided consumers. A diverse range of media with has been identified that will generate interest in the Cautious Creative, as well as the Determined Dreamers and Stylish Professional. The magazines encompass the ethos of fashion, enthusiasm, creativity and fun appealing to the Missguided customer as well as targeting an army of potential new consumers, maximising the success of the store launch.
Fig 7 and 8. Missguided Advertising Campaign
O n l i n e A d v e rt i s i n g The internet is the defining influence on the Millennial and they are hooked up to and dependent on the internet for managing almost every aspect of their lives (Stylesight, 2012). Missguided currently invests heavily on web based advertising to target their consumers. This form of advertising targets users whilst they visit websites in a variety of styles such as pop-ups, banners and videos. Online advertising will be used to communicate and engage with consumers, the style of marketing is prominent on blogging platforms and gossip forums which are viewed regularly by the target audience. Fig 9 shows an example of the proposed online advertising.
Website Name Daily Mail Sugarscape Company Look Glamour Cosmopolitan Lookbook.nu
Target Audience ABC1C2 12-17 18-30 / ABC1 16-34 18-34 22-30 / ABC1 16-25
Daily Average Unique Users 11,768,620 1,521,254 201,253 424,400 2,650,898 2,085,954 1.2m registered members
Figure 10. Online Advertisement Target List
Mintel research emphasised that digital advertisement was successful, engaging over two fifths of internet users, and almost half who noticed such adverts have gone on to click at least one of these. Generic online advertising (eg. banners, pop-ups and display ads) gained the widest reach attracting 78% of consumers. Geo-targeting generates personalised content based on a viewers’ regional location using their IP address, this enables advertising to be specifically targeted towards consumers based on their current location. Therefore internet users who are active in Manchester or surrounding towns and/or cities would be visible to such marketing promoting the impending store launch. Personalised adverts are also likely to encourage consumers to click onto the advert and find out more. This format of advertising will integrate with Missguided’s existing marketing strategy, so that consumers are also directed to the website to shop. Whilst this kind of advertising is creatively redundant, it will create a high impact if visible on websites that the target audience use on a daily basis. This strategy will encourage the consumer to focus attention and generate interest towards Missguided, which is the first core principle of the AIDA model.
Fig 9. Online Advertising Mock Up Visual
Statistics gathered by the ONS highlighted that 73% of the UK population accessed the internet daily in 2013, and of those the 16-24 segment were proportionally the largest users of internet activity (ONS – Internet Access, 2013).
The key aim of the Facebook and Twitter accounts is to build excitement and intrigue in the run up to the store opening; this will include countdowns and continuous hints on a weekly basis. The profiles will continue to engage the consumer with its regular stream of interactive content throughout the duration of the store opening promotional strategies. All content associated with the store opening will feature #MissguidedMCR, it is anticipated this will encourage followers to find out more.
Millennials’ are enthusiastically led and native to digital technology synonymous to their identities. Technology acts as a critical part of their daily lives where they are constantly connected online as a way of living, decision-making, creating emotional bonds and for endless inspiration. The aim of the social media campaign is to raise awareness of the store location, opening date and promote the brand ethos and core values, using Missguided’s established social presence. The campaign will utilise the following networks to ensure an integrated approach is attained through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest. Using a variety of platforms will enable Missguided to target multiple demographics that will raise awareness and contribute to a successful store launch. As the sites have different attributes, each of the social networks will fulfil a different expectation; Facebook and Twitter will promote interaction and awareness whereas Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest that are predominantly image based will create excitement and interest surrounding the launch.
A competition will give the opportunity for an individual to win two tickets for the official store launch event, and a £100 Missguided gift voucher so that they can attend in style. To enter the competition, the consumer will have to create an outfit that they would wear to the event using Polyvore, they will then have to upload their set to Facebook or Twitter and tag the brand in the post. Polyvore is a social commerce website, where members create collage style ‘sets’ using products from the wide product index, Missguided will add images of items from their collections to enable consumers to create their look using products from the brand. This platform was selected for the competition because it is synonymous with fashion creatives and a fun way for consumers to engage with the brand. Throughout the competition the favourites will be reposted onto the Missguided social media sites along with details of how people can enter to raise awareness of the campaign and encourage other followers to get involved. The creative and fun nature of the competition alongside the collaboration with Polyvore will appeal to all target audiences’ that have an interest in clothes, fashion or styling.The incentive to be invited to the official media launch party will also appeal to the audience’s love of socialising, celebrities, parties and being part of an exclusive set.
P I N T E R E S T , I N S TA G R A M A N D T U M B L R
Due to the visual nature of Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr, they will all connote behind the scenes imagery and sneak peeks that gives consumers an insight into the development and focus on the imminent store launch. These posts will also feature the hashtag #MissguidedMCR so that the brand promotion and identity is consistent.
Throughout the store launch campaign the website will be the promotional component where all digital strategies will converge to portray a strong coherent brand message.
The chief strategies of the three social sites will mirror those of the Facebook and Twitter campaigns. Missguided already has an extremely large following on Instagram and Pinterest so keeping followers engaged with the progression of the store design and promotion materials is likely to attract interest.
The homepage will feature a live countdown to create suspense and enthusiasm for the store launch day (fig 10). The remainder of the website will resume as normal with visuals and content to promote existing collections and new lines. The social category of the website currently contains links directing to the brands social media platforms, to ensure all components of the brand are interlinked and consistent.
Tumblr will provides customers with the journey from concept to reality to provide inspiration and knowledge so that they feel part of the experience as the target consumer likes to be involved and prefer exclusivity over accessibility. The social media platforms will provide information of the competition and also showcase entries on their individual accounts, in particularly Pinterest where a board will be filled with all the entries received to inspire consumers to enter. Sharing details of the competition on multiple platforms will increase interaction and send a clear brand message to consumers, whilst also raising awareness of the store launch to consumers.
Fig 11. Missguided Website Homepage with Store Countdown Feature.
STORE WINDOW The fortnight before the store launch, a large format advertising screen will be installed to the front of the retail unit. The advert aims to reinforce brand recognition and raise awareness to the local public of the store location and opening day. The 14 day period in which the advertisement will be visible, is long enough to gain traction but won’t cause people to lose interest and lead to the advertisement becoming unnoticed. Overall the underlying purpose of the cover is to allow for construction development and finishing touches to be applied out of the view of the general public. The aim of the advertisement is that it will generate a sense of mystery among the target audience as they will speculate what the store will envisage.
Fig 12. Missguided Store Window Advertising.
S t o r e L a u n c h D ay s t r at e g i e s
IN-STORE PROMOTION To celebrate the launch of the Missguided flagship store, the first one hundred consumers who visit the store and make a purchase will receive an exclusive branded tote bag. This will incorporate with the social media campaign and guerrilla marketing strategies. Additionally, following the media launch event prior to the opening, the ‘hot picks’ recommended by fashion bloggers will be labelled for consumers to see, this will integrate with the brands online collaborations with bloggers. To further encourage customers to visit the flagship and increase publicity, Nicole Scherzinger will make a personal appearance at midday, where she will aid the staff by serving customers and assisting with style consultations to create a memorable personal experience for the target audience. Nicole Scherzinger has become synonymous with the brand, with her own collection and style icon status among the target audience. The launch day will also see the introduction of the Missguided customer loyalty card. The card aims to provide a motivation to interact with the brand. Consumers will be rewarded 5 points per £1 on any purchase they make when using the loyalty card, whether online or in-store. The points can be exchanged as credit towards a purchase, and cardholders will also receive exclusive discounts on particular products such as the ‘pick of the week’ and third party discounts. The programme will provide Missguided with the opportunity to enhance consumer loyalty and further promotional offers in relation to the store card. This feature will integrate with the website, with an interactive hub where customers can review their points and redeem offers. The card will be available in a variety of designs, or personalised with a photo upload to appeal to consumers, particularly the Cautious Creative who likes customised experience as it is unique. In collaboration, these elements will encourage the public and target consumers to browse in-store, develop consumer loyalty and provide an incentive for the target market to visit the store on launch day. Fig 13. Loyalty Card Sign-Up Visual
WEBSITE The websites role will be to support the store launch by publishing a visual diary of the launch event on the social section of the website, an image of the store will also be promoted on the homepage to establish that is it open and to persuade customers to visit when they have the opportunity. The website will integrate with the store by hosting an online booking service for personal style consultations so that it is quick and convenient for consumers who prefer 24 hour accessibility. However the website will perform as a single outlet, with the in house events and promotions being documented via the brands social media platforms, or again the social aspect of the domain
DIRECT Mail To support the proposed marketing strategies, flyers announcing the store launch will be mailed to all home addresses and student accomodation situated within a 50 mile radius of Greater Manchester. This form of marketing will attain large coverage of the target audience, and that the brand message is successfully communicated to the consumer on a wide scale. The flyer will feature details of the store address, to promote the launch and increase brand awareness. The flyer will also highlight the brands online presence to encourage consumers the interact with Missguided.
Fig 14. Direct Mail Flyer Design
P i n t e r e s t , I n s ta g r a m a n d T u m b l r
Social media will play a key component to promote the flagship store on opening day, as the target audience are constantly attached to their smartphones, which enable instant access to Missguided’s social presence.
As with previous strategies, these platforms aim to compliment the messages promoted by both the Twitter and Facebook profile, with cohesive branding and visuals captured during the store launch that will keep the target audience informed and aware of the exciting events taking place in-store.
Social media content will vary throughout the day, allowing a consumer insight into the behind the scenes action at the store launch, and also website features regarding new lines so that it doesn’t lose connection with foreign consumers or those who aren’t able to purchase from the flagship store.
Pinterest will leak details of the merchandise and store atmosphere including images of the fixtures and design aesthetic, to attract followers who are interested in the store detail.
As before, each social channel will perform different strategies to certify content remains creative and unique rather than repetitive and alienated for consumers who follow the brand on its multiple social endeavours. By doing so, Missguided will maintain a cohesive multichannel communication and increase visibility and interest in the store opening.
Fa c e b o o k a n d T w i t t e r Both of these platforms will provide commentary of news and events over the course of the day, content will comprise of behind the scenes images, information regarding the guerrilla marketing locations and details of the loyalty card scheme all of which generate a sense of a surplus of intrigue, excitement and enthusiasm towards the events. Additionally, posts regarding Nicole Scherzingers’ store visit will be released the night before and the morning of the flagship launch for a surprise reaction that will encourage consumers and fans of the celebrity to plan a visit to the store. Overall the frequency of posts throughout launch day will be high, but should remain focused on promoting an integrated campaign that benefits Missguided both online or offline.
Tumblr will reflect on the construction phase of the store in a creative and gimmicky style. The post will details in numbers how the store was installed, for example 100 cups of coffee, 5 nights without sleep and 1 fabulous pair of shoes. The feature will be decorated with design sketches and images of the S/S 15 collection. The companies Instagram account will be overtaken at the media launch event by fashion blogger Kavita of She Wears Fashion, who will provide a series of images and videos from her perspective for the duration of the event. This promotional tactic to appeal to her diverse group of followers (as she promote the takeover on her own platforms) and the target audience as she is a popular blogger heralded for her personal style. Additionally, Instagram will be a continuous visual commentary of all behind the scenes action, from set-up, customer reactions, special guest visitors, merchandising insights and guerrilla marketing strategies. Overall the Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram accounts aim to build excitement by giving followers an exclusive vision of the flagship in a cohesive brand style. Social media will be a substantial element in the advertising and promotion of the store on launch day.
EMAIL MARKETING On launch day, emails will be sent to all consumers who have signed up to the brands mailing list, with a personalised invitation to the store opening. The invite is directed towards individuals who enjoy the element of being a part of a secret collective and encourage them to attend and establish a connection with the brand. The design of the email will be coherent with the brand identity, and feature moving images (gifs) to attract the consumer’s attention and be aesthetically appealing for the stylish, creative and on-trend consumers of Missguided. The email will combine the attributes of all the pre-launch tactics and make reference to the launch day strategies to enable the consumer to link the campaign together. The email will also encourage individuals who aren’t able to attend the store launch, to watch all the action as it happens over on the brands social platforms.
Fig 15, 16. Missguided Email Invite Mock Ups
GUERrILLA MARKETING On the penultimate week leading up to the store opening, a range of guerrilla marketing strategies will take place in several locations in Manchester city centre. The objective of the tactics is to raise awareness and encourage consumers to visit the store. To increase brand awareness, the Missguided logo will be strategically placed around the city centre to develop a sense of mystery and intrigue for the general public to find out more about what the brand represents. To do so lamp-posts, bins and electricity units will be sticker bombed with the logo, in addition Missguided will also publicise the logo on walls, streets, and buildings around Manchester using clean graffiti – a process where a stencil and pressure washer are used to remove dirt on pavements etc. to reveal a design. These marketing concepts represent the brands innovative and creative values. The graffiti will be positioned in popular meeting points and streets around the city centre. Please refer to fig 23 for a detailed list of target areas. It is anticipated that this strategy will generate interest and information will be spread through word of mouth, the concept will integrate social networking strategy encouraging consumers to find all the ‘secret’ locations the logo is visible. Launch day will also see the addition of vinyl floor stickers in the form of the brand logo and arrows leading the consumer to the location of the store. The stickers will be positioned around the Arndale centre to create excitement as people draw closer to the flagship store, it may also inspire consumers who have never heard of the brand to follow the directions and find out more. Furthermore, vinyl floor stickers will also be visible on the escalator entrance to the shopping centre. This location has been selected because it is the main entrance from the high-street, and used a large volume of shoppers daily. Whilst approaching the escalators, consumers will look down and interact with the Missguided logo and are likely to remember the design as it is an unconventional and unusual means of advertising.
Furthermore, on the day of the store opening Missguided will overtake the cover of the Manchester Evening Standard. The publication is handed out generously to people as they walk by, the Evening Standard is popular with the Stylish Professional and other members of the target market as it is free and provides an opportunity for consumers to indulge in the latest news and event details. Missguided will decorate a cover overlay to promote news of the new store opening, by obtaining the cover the brand will communicate with a large demographic who may be encouraged to visit the store. The overlay will feature bright, creative visuals and strong branding to appeal to commuters so that it isn’t ignored. As the flagship is located in Manchester, collaborating with the Evening Standard will ensure coverage of the new store reaches the target market, and also presents an opportunity to distinguish the brand as trustworthy because the publication is meticulous about whom it chooses to endorse.
Fig 17. Sticker Bombing Mock Up
Fig 18. Guerilla Marketing Example
Fig 19. Electronic Billboard Mock Up
Fig 20. Guerilla Advertising on Escalator
Finally, a street team will be working live in the city centre handing out flyers and freebies from the hub of a branded ice cream van. The van will be playing live music to attract consumers to find out what’s going on. As the store opening is scheduled for the summer, the ice cream van is synonymous with the season and will reflect the launch of the brands new season collection. Staff will be handing out ice lollies with branded packaging so that consumers continue to interact with the brand identity.
The target location for the flyer promotion will be Piccadilly Gardens as it is a key attraction for tourists, and in close proximity to the city’s transport gateway that will enable the brand to communicate with commuters who are likely to fit into the target audience. It is also likely consumers will pass the promotion as they walk towards the Arndale Centre. Staff will be dressed casually but stylish to represent the brand values and the epitome of the Missguided girl.
Flyers will also be handed out to passers-by highlighting the location of the flagship store and opening times. The leaflet will represent a scratch-card design, encouraging consumers to scratch off the logo to reveal an exclusive discount that can be redeemed in store, prizes will range from 10% off to a free item of their choice. This concept will provide a surprise element to interact with consumers and inform them of the store opening.
The Instagram account will document all the action from the street team event, showcasing winners to encourage consumers to come and join in the fun.
Fig 23. Guerilla Marketing Target Areas
Fig 21. Store Launch Advertisement
Fig 22. Live Store Countdown Advert
Location Oldham Street, Manchester City Centre, M4 1LW
Promotional Strategy Sticker Bombing, Posters, Clean Graffiti
High Street, Manchester City Centre, M4
Clean Graffiti, Posters, Leaflet Distribution
Deansgate, Manchester City Centre, M3
Sticker Bombing, Posters, Leaflet Distribution
Market Street, Manchester City Centre, M4
Clean Graffiti, Leaflet Distribution
Portland Street, Manchester City Centre, M1
Sticker Bombing
Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M60 1HX
Street Team
The University of Salford Students Union, The Crescent, M5 4WT
Posters, Leaflet Distribution
Manchester Metropolitan University Students Union, Oxford Road, M1 7EL
Posters, Leaflet Distribution
The University of Manchester Students Union, Oxford Road, M13 9PL
Posters, Leaflet Distribution
Arndale Centre, Market Street, M4 3AQ
Vinyl Floor Stickers, Posters, Leaflets
The Printworks, Withy Grove, Manchester City Centre, M4 2BS
Leaflet Distribution
7 . 1 . 3 P o s t S t o r e L a u n c h S t r at e g i e s
Website Following the store launch, the website will continue to maintain an interactive and accessible indicator of the brand, as it did before the store launch. Visual branded content will communicate in-store events or promotional offers to create a seamless multichannel approach. The website will be updated weekly with new banners and style features to ensure it continues to connect with consumers online through entertainment, advertising and social media engagement. The MISSGUIDE social section of the website will be the main focus post launch to communicate the potential success and awareness attained through the promotional launch strategy. Managing the website daily will also allow the brand to continuously review and improve, to guarantee that they are captivating the target audience.
Social Media Social media will continue to be a key focus for the brand, as it will be on-going promotional tool for Missguided, as they have a large following and are a predominantly ‘social’ brand and are pioneers in their marketing for establishing innovative social campaigns. Following the store launch, Missguided social presence will focus on promoting in-store services, promotions and behind the scenes insight to drive sales which is the main objectives in addition to increasing customer loyalty. Particular gratitude will be directed towards to followers for the success of the store opening, the social networking pages will be illustrated with imagery of events throughout the course of the store launch day including highlights such as Nicole Scherzingers’ in-store appearance and retweets of posts expressing customer satisfaction. Overall, social media will be an underlying mode of communication to blend in-store and online promotions, events and future collaborations to generate an integrate facet of the brand.
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Please refer to the campaign press pack for all information regarding press materials, the press pack also contains a detailed version of the press releases mentioned. The target media list is illustrated in appendix E.
The invitations are scheduled to be released two weeks prior to the event, to enabled guests to organise their calendar for the event, to attain maximum publicity coverage. For further details please refer to the event proposal.
7.2.1 P r e-Sto r e Lau n c h
Event Launch
S t o r e O p e n i n g P r e s s R e l e as e
The event launch will provide the media with a primary insight of the store aesthetic and services. The event will commence on the 22nd July 2015 at 8.00pm for a duration of 2 hours 30 minutes. During the event there will be live entertainment in the form of speeches by Missguided CEO Nitin Passi, a capsule collection catwalk and live music provided by guest DJ and fashion blogger Bip Ling.
Prior to the promotional strategy a press release will be published informing the media of Missguided’s intention to expand onto the British high-street, with a flagship store located within Manchester’s’ Arndale Shopping Centre. The press release will target a range of publications and websites that are aimed towards the brands target audience. The information detailed will be straight-forward fulfilling the aim to inform the media of the store launch, by doing so the press will become more intrigued to gain a further insight.
Please see the store launch event proposal for a more detailed outline.
L oya lt y Ca r d S c h e m e A further press release will be circulated towards the beginning of July, highlighting the ntroduction of a Missguided loyalty card system. The press release will document the structure and features of the store card, to entice customers from the target market to sign up for the card. The statement will also show an example of the interactive point screen that will be available for card members on their account settings. E v e n t L a u n c h I n v i tat i o n s Event invitations for the store launch will be distributed on July 8th 2015. The invite design will mirror that of the email invitations, however to reflect the brands fun and innovative aspect the invitation will be in the form of a jigsaw puzzle. The interactive concept will captivate the attentions of the brands media guest list, as all the proposed attendees will mirror the values and attributes of Missguided. It will also create a hint of what to expect at the media launch event.
7 . 2 . 2 L a u n c h D ay L a u n c h D ay P r e s s R e l e as e Two days prior to the store opening, a press release will be dispersed among key media executives and influential fashion bloggers regarding the complimentary tote bag for the first one hundred consumers who make a purchase in-store. It will also detail Nicole Scherzinger personal appearance. The press release will be included in the gift bags at the store launch event, to warrant maximum coverage following the event. The aim of the media statement is to promote the store launch, and provide an incentive for the target audience to attend by generating awareness and an aura of excitement. M e d i a E v e n t P r e s s R e l e as e A further press release documenting the highlights of the media store launch event will be forwarded to selective media including attendees and non-attendees. The purpose of the release is to express gratitude to the media for their support of the store launch, whilst also providing an overview of the evening’s event. Details features will include information such as entertainment, quotes from influential and popular guests along with the social media competition winner’s thoughts and feelings regarding the event. The press release will also feature a short video captured on the evening that will also be shared via the brands social outlets. It is hoped that the video will also be shared by fellow bloggers or that they will also provide their own reviews or videos to increase publicity. It is anticipated that the press release will encourage the media to utilise the information within their own features. The release will work in collaboration with prior announcements to maximise the potential coverage that can be achieved on launch day so that Missguided is visible in the media enhancing brand awareness.
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7 . 3 B r a n d F o c u s e d Ta c t i c s C e l e b r i t y s t y l i n g Ta r g e t s In the build-up to and following the store launch, Missguided aim to provide influential celebrities and fashion style icons with the opportunity to wear the brands products. The selected individuals reflect personal traits that resonate with the brands ethos and personality. The media has the power to promote the brand as the celebrities highlighted are frequently captured by the paparazzi with their every movement documented online or in magazines. Like celebrities, fashion bloggers are also influential figures and can create a fashion trend or demand for a product by simply wearing it in a blog post. By dressing the following celebrities, publicity will be generated and sales will increase as members of the target market who are interested in celebrity fashion are likely to purchase the items worn by a particular celebrity. Additionally, dressing celebrities will also create an association with the celebrity to which brand awareness will be transferred. The strategy will certify Missguided’s overall promotion and the personality it has established with the public. The celebrities have been selected considering the TEARS framework, to ensure they represent positive attributes. Some of the identified celebrity targets feature ‘it’ girls such as Kendall and Kylie Jenner, Cara Delevingne, Amber Le Bon and Sky Ferreira. Fashion bloggers will also be contacted post-launch which will emphasise the brands relationship and involvement in their sponsorship of the Company Style Blog Awards. Collaborating with the fashion bloggers following the store opening will allow the continuity of the brand message, so that interest doesn’t saturate. The status of the celebrity dressing choices will be monitored and continued post launch, also developing a working relationship with particular celebrities for strategic website content. Please see Appendix F for a detailed list of clients with appropriate justification.
8 p ro m ot i o n a l st r at egy lo g i st i cs
P r o m o t i o n a l S t r at e gy S c h e d u l e
The promotional campaign will span over a duration of three months. The short time frame will ensure that Missguided receive constant press awareness and hype throughout the campaign, and is not long enough that information and publicity will begin to saturate with the target audience, who lose interest. The schedule below details all the tactics, to ensure the campaign remains focused and successful.
Month May
Initiative Social Media Content – Countdown to Flagship Store News
Strategy Customer Focused
Date Start 04/05/15
Date End 10/05/15
Store Launch Press Release
Media Focused
Email Newsletters with Store Launch News Store Launch Advertisements sent to Monthly + Weekly Magazines
Customer Focused
Customer Focused
Polyvore Competition launched on Social Media
Customer Focused
Parklife Music Weekender: Celebrity Dressing + Store Launch Leaflet Distribution
Brand Focused
Store Launch Advertising banner added to website Celebrity Dressing Isle of Wight Festival
Brand Focused
Brand Focused
Store Advertisements released in Weekly Magazines
Customer Focused
Store Launch Content Initiated on Social Media Store Advertisements Released in Monthly Magazines
Customer Focused
Customer Focused
Celebrity Dressing Glastonbury
Brand Focused
Frequency Once a day, at prime time to engage readership
Daily, posts will range from concept inspiration, behind the scenes imagery and interviews with designers/staff July and August Editions
Month July
Initiative Store Launch Countdown Initiated on Website Favourite Competition Entrants Shared on Social Media Online Store Launch Advertisements Released Store Launch Advertising released on Electronic Billboards Store Preview Event Invitations sent to Magazine Offices
Strategy Customer Focused
Date Start 27/06/15
Date End 25/07/15
Frequency Continuous by Months, Days, Hours, Minutes
Customer Focused
Every Wednesday
Customer Focused
Customer Focused
Media Focused
Store Launch Event Invitations Sent to Key Editors/ Celebrities/Bloggers
Media Focused
Guerrilla Marketing –Posters Installed Store Window Poster Installed Loyalty Card Press Release Distributed
Customer Focused
Customer Focused
Media Focused
T in the Park Music Festival Celebrity Dressing Competition Winners Anounced on Social Media
Brand Focused
Customer Focused
Evening Standard Promotion
Customer Focused
Guerrilla Marketing Sticker Bombing/Clean Graffiti Customer Focused Strategies Initiated
Clothing Samples Sent to Bloggers for Store Launch Brand Focused Event
Store Launch Event
Media Focused
Store Launch Event Instagram Takeover by She Wears Fashion
Customer Focused
Bloggers Reviews of Store Preview + Services
Media Focused
Email Distributed to Mailing List with Loyalty Card Customer Focused Information/Registration
Strategies will be left to create constant interest and hype surrounding the brand.
Month July
Initiative Strategy Social Media Content regarding Launch Day In-store Customer Focused Promotions
Date Start 23/07/15
Date End 25/07/15
Media Event Press Release Distributed
Media Focused
Frequency Three times per day
Store Opening Day 25/07/15 July
Guerrilla Marketing Street Team
Customer Focused
Store Launch Landing Page Takeover on Website Celebrity Dressing; Nicole Scherzinger Personal Appearance
Brand Focused
Brand Focused
Brand Focused
Social Media Store Launch Live Takeover
Loyalty Card Account Section enabled on Website Customer Focused Email Store Launch Invitations to Mailing List Customer Focused
Rotate around following venues in two hour slots; Piccadilly Gardens Market Street High Street
Emails will be sent at 12am
Vinyl Floor Stickers Attached to Escalators and Arndale Walk Ways
Customer Focused
Store Opening Times Advertising released on Electronic Billboards.
Media Focused
Store Launch Highlights and Website Content Published
Customer Focused
Monthly Website Feature
In-store Promotions and Highlights shared on Social Customer Focused Media
Twice a week
Email Marketing: In-store Promotions + Services
Customer Focused
8.2 B u d g et The estimated cost of the three month promotional campaign is approximately ÂŁ2,340,000, including a budgeted allowance for contingencies if elements of the plan are unsuccessful. The total accounts for the cost of the functioning and design of the entire store, alongside advertising, promotion and retail assistants. A breakdown of the budget has been outlined below, costs are still to be approved and negotiated with the vendors. Budget Store Rent Store Design Packaging Advertising Promotional Materials Staff + Employees Contingencies
Cost 750,000 20,000 2,500 1,500,000 7,500 50,000 10,000
8 . 3 Ca m pa i g n M o n i t o r i n g
9 . 2 C o n t i n g e n cy P l a n
A variety of monitor tactics will be implemented to measure the effectiveness of the campaign to ensure that the aims and objectives are achieved successfully.
Adhering to the monitoring strategies mentioned above will present Missguided with an opportunity to evaluate the success of each component within the promotional plan. To manage the risk of failure in the event of a strategy not being as successful as scheduled, the following contingencies have been outlined for consideration.
Publicity and press coverage will be observed on a daily basis, alongside corresponding brand initiatives such as celebrity dressing and press releases. Additionally the website will be monitored on an analytic programme such as Kiss-metrics to ensure that the website is attaining a high correlation of traffic for the duration of the promotional campaign. It will monitor the activity of each page to inform forthcoming features and content for Missguided. The social media platforms will also be assessed using an analytic system, doing so will allow Missguided to gage statistics regarding impressions, shares and key trends on the network. Again, this strategy will evaluate the success of promotional strategy and on-going marketing communications. In-store activity will be examined through internal sales reports and a thermal sensor that will depict daily consumer traffic to inform future promotions and strategies to increase traction.
In the adverse case that press manoeuvers aren’t working as originally intended, additional tactics will be implemented to engage the media. Further meetings will be scheduled with key media editors to discuss additional media proposals such as product placement and alternative story angles alongside more brand focused activities. The in-store and online analytics system will be vital to continuously monitor the success of the promotional strategies, that will aid the healthy growth of the company. If a pattern of decline emerges, publicity stunts and collaborations will be considered to promote the brand message. These will include special events in-store such as guest appearances, live DJs and competitions that reflect the target audience’s key interests. Secondly, the statistics attained will allow Missguided to review the online community, and develop trends regarding what content is popular or fails to reach. The information will be utilised to adapt and instruct supplementary strategies should they be required. If the guerrilla marketing tactics fail to generate a reaction form the target audience, alternative locations will be sourced alongside the contingency plan as follows. A relationship with Arndale centre marketing executives will be attained to increase internal advertising. Promotional material could be added to the shopping centre maps, and flyers will be located in busy areas such as the food court to raise awareness of the store. Finally if promotion of the store launch through social media fails to entice consumers, increased user-generated content will be created and weekly entrants to the #MissguidedMCR competition will be rewarded with spot prizes to fuel constant hype and interaction around the company. This along with the other contingency outlines will enable Missguided to efficiently maintain the successful publicity of the brand.
9 C o n c lu s i o n
The purpose of the promotional plan is to increase brand awareness and effectively communicate the brand message in a strategic and resourceful way to promote the launch of the Missguided debut store. The strategies outlined are devised to integrate, and complement another to present a focused multichannel campaign that will achieve maximum publicity throughout 2015, that will effectively raise sentience of the brand online and offline. Missguided’s website and social media presence has been utilised for the tenacity of the marketing strategies. The brand has already established a strong relationship with its consumers which provides solid ground for the expansion of the company onto the high-street and determines that brand recognition will be achieved, and provides the opportunity for innovative promotional tactics alongside the traditional routes of elevation. The strategies outlined have all been considered with the focus of the target consumer, their likes and dislikes, how they indulge in media, what they read, watch and listen to, alongside other contributing factors regarding their influences to ensure that the campaign is relevant and ultimately, successful. The brands core values to effectively communicate the brand ethos will be attained by applying brand focused tactics that are coherent with the primary messages projected by consumer and media orientated goals. The brand focused strategies, specifically celebrity dressing will be fundamental in shaping the general publics and target markets perception of Missguided.
The brands core values to effectively communicate the brand ethos will be attained by applying brand focused tactics that are coherent with the primary messages projected by consumer and media orientated goals. The brand focused strategies, specifically celebrity dressing will be fundamental in shaping the general publics and target markets perception of Missguided. Furthermore, the interactive components of the campaign will encourage consumer engagement and affiliation with the brand. These features are likely to develop trust and loyalty between the individual and the brand, whilst providing a product and service that directly appeals to the target consumers tastes and interest that will reinforce the brand ethos and values. The continuity of such strategies is likely to increase future profitability with the Missguided consumers. Adopting a fully integrated promotional campaign within a diminutive time frame enables the brand to receive constant press attention and awareness for the duration of the three month period and beyond. Maintaining a focused outlook and constantly monitoring success will support future profitability and expansion, cementing the brands reputation as a leading fashion retailer.
R efer en c es British Fashion Council. (2014). The Value of Fashion Report. Retrieved from: http://britishfashioncouncil.com/content.aspx?CategoryID=1745
Bradinsight.com,. (2014). Bliss Magazine Circulation Figures. Retrieved 30 April 2014, from http:// www.bradinsight.com/BRAD/Profile/Title/a0HD000000B2b04MAB#circulation Bradinsight.com,. (2014). Company Magazine Circulation Figures. Retrieved 30 April 2014, from http://www.bradinsight.com/BRAD/Profile/Title/a0HD000000B2bIFMAZ
Knight Knox. (2014). Manchester – Britain’s ‘Second City’ Reports Bumper Tourist Numbers - Knight Knox International. Retrieved from: http://www.knightknox.com/news/article/manchester-britains-second-city-reports-bumper-tourist-numbers.
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11 A p p en d i x
a p p e n d i x a _ c o m p e t i t i o r a n a ly s i s BRAND
Targeted towards twenty-something’s of both sexes.
Stocks diverse array of brands including own collection.
Brand does not advertise on a marketing platform
Strong social media presence, on all popular platforms
As online only, consumers don’t have the option to try garments on – leading to large returns.
Brand operates by its word of mouth, it doesn’t in advertising campaigns with limited PR strategies.
Fashion conscious individuals with a disposable income. Avid fashion lover who leads a digital life and uses fashion to express their identity. Aims to deliver fashion they want, when they want it.
Maintains interactive and innovative ways to merchandise to customers e.g virtual catwalk
Multiple lines with no definite distinction.
Monthly magazine sent direct to consumers, provides editorial perspective of the brand Blog that is regularly updated with a variety of popular content. Free Shipping & Returns service Student Discount provides incentive to make a purchase Fashion UP mobile app and website extras such as Fashion Finder.
Aimed towards fashion admirers aged 17-25. The girl-next-door, image obsessed female who is an avid follower of celebrity style.
Strong search engine optimization, one of the first results on google if you search ‘dresses’. Prime time TV commercials Sells own brand clothing at affordable prices. Boohoo Boutique range offers exclusive designs at higher entry prices, but still more affordable than other high-street competitors.
Website design and advertising campaigns lack creativity Boohoo have a very strong marketing strategy featuring TV commercials, magazine and billboard advertisements. and don’t reflect the target market. It looks cheap and tacky. They are very successful with engaging with their consumer through email newsletter to promote new arrivals and ensuring social media platforms are Black and pink logo is not universal to dual target constantly updated with features. audience. They also have a strong affiliation with music sponsoring music festivals and supporting emerging musicians.
International brand sells in over 100 countries. Active social media presence predominantly Facebook. Boohoo TV and Magazine offer alternate insights into the brand and their merchandise. LAVISH ALICE
16-24 year old age demographic, who are addicted to their mobiles to read celebrity gossip and indulge in fashion on social networks.
Stocks five emerging brands alongside its own collection of affordable clothing, shoes and accessories.
Despite celebrity following and active social media presence the brand has low social statistics.
Free next day delivery for UK customers, encourages purchases and rivals competitors.
No active marketing campaigns, the brand does collaborate with bloggers providing outfits to wear but this could be stronger
Strong association with celebrities, especially reality stars who are frequently pictured in their products.
Poor promotional activity the brand doesn’t have an advertising campaign, relies on social media and PR initiatives to engage with consumers
Blog ‘The LA Edit’ is updated daily with popular culture content such as blogs to follow and style advice. Recent re-brand is slick and sophisticated which stands out amongst competitor’s website design.
Targets females of shapes and sizes, with a mater- Good website design with lots of style features and look-book that nity, petite, teen and plus size range. The brand may influence purchase and impulse buys. believes in accessibility and providing on-trend, celebrity looks to suit personal tastes. Social section of the website engages with target audiences interest Aimed towards 16-30 year olds.
Online magazine application
Click and collect service is only free if a consumer spends over a certain amount, which may limit interest. Menswear section is minimal and content on the website is directed primarily towards women.
Magazine advertisements Celebrity ranges e.g Kelly Brook
Store card loyalty programme with access to exclusive promotions and events.
Targeted towards the fierce, confident and cool female who is experimental with style.
Adds new products daily which encourages consumers to visit the website.
In comparison to established competitors the brand is still emerging and lacks a large following.
TV commercials and outdoor media campaign introduces the brand to new demographics.
Targeted towards 12-25 year old age segment.
Immersive website design with eye-catching visuals, however very similar to Missguided’s stance so lacks innovation.
Product selected is similar to competitors and easy for other brands to emulate.
Social media has raised brand awareness and allowed the brand to engage with consumer.
The brand is stocked in other stores e.g Bank and Topshop which limits exclusivity.
Magazine advertisements
Popular with young females and students for affordable fast fashion.
There is no clearly defined target audience, as the company stocks many products.
Primania website format provides interaction with consumer and encourages shoppers to browse online and purchase in-store.
Stores are very cluttered and busy.
Brand has limited promotional activity, it has recently begun to market via social media to engage with followers
Large range of products with low price points.
Despite growing success of the company, the brand does little to inform consumers and promote the brand.
Active social media presence, predominantly Instagram which is the most popular with the target audience. Free returns and next day delivery if the consumer spends over a certain amount, alongside student discount incentives. Tbc ‘EDIT’ website feature will provide style advice. Strong branding MOTEL ROCKS
Aimed towards the 16-25 female consumer, who has a love of vintage inspired, edgy, unique and eclectic fashion.
Free delivery and returns service provides incentive to buy online Competitive 20% student discount rate, which is an incentive for their student target audience.
Blogger outreach programmes and digital marketing allow integration with the target audience.
Strong visuals and branding Strong association with bloggers allows Motel the ability to market clothing as ‘IT’ pieces. Website has lots of features other than simply being an online store, it’s a social site. PRIMARK
Dual target audience of Under-35s who want on-trend clothing, shoes and accessories at affordable prices
Internationally recognised brand with 270 stores worldwide. RIVER ISLAND
Dual gender audience of 18-35 year olds.
Celebrity collaborations such as Rihanna for River Island
Aimed at fashion savvy females who are fierce, confident and use fashion to express their identity.
Strong understanding of core consumer and how to engage with them. Style Insider magazine integrates with online content to present a physical component of the brand to influence consumer purchase intentions. Click and Collect service combines online and in-store platforms Offers diffusion lines with clear distinction and merchandising Strong branding and visual merchandising in all stores.
Poor reputation for quality and working condition.
Poor social media presence, fail to communicate effectively on popular platforms.
Advertising campaigns in several fashion and gossip magazines that are coveted by the target market. Celebrity collaborations
Dedicated to providing on-trend, high quality clothing, shoes, make-up and accessories to young target demographic.
The only high-street brand to show collection at LFW with premium Topshop Unique line.
Product pricing is still high for cash-strapped target Large emphasis on digital marketing initiatives audience, not as competitive as other high-street brands. Celebrity endorsements and collaborations.
Aimed at fashion conscious 15-30 year olds on a budget.
Big supporters of emerging fashion designers with NEWGEN sponsorship programme.
Charity and event sponsors such as NEWGEN.
Collaborations with celebrities and popular designers such as Kate Moss and Christopher Kane.
Celebrity seen wearing Topshop garments offers free publicity and often leads to sold out stock e.g. Kate Middleton
Personal Shopping service that is used by celebrities. Pioneer in digital marketing strategies with live streaming of their catwalk show on the website. Stock smaller brands in-store and online to widen customer profile. Established as a cult fashion brand with a large following on social media and a celebrity fan base. Innovative store design, flagship stores feature beauty bars, tattoo studios and WAH nails. Seamless multichannel integration. H&M
Aim to provide fashion and quality at the best price.
Diffusion lines have clear distinction and allow the brand to target different age segments
H&M is targeted towards 18-35 age demographic, the DIVIDED range is aimed towards fashionable 16-21 year old females
Designer collaborations allow affordable access to exclusive products
Website could be stronger
Advertising campaigns for multiple lines such as DIVIDED and Conscious collection Celebrity endorsements such as BeyoncĂŠ and Gisele Bundchen
Strong presence on social networks with the largest social statistics of its competitors Internationally recognised brand with a strong reputation. Good store locations with a consistent brand image and store design. Multichannel approach allows accessibility to the company online or in-store. Loyal customers
Young, feminine, fashionable women aged 18-24 years old. Stylish, individual and self-assured customers.
Strong visual identity and branding. Part of the Arcadia group, with strong high-street presence.
High price points put off many from purchasing as it is too high for their budget
Store design is immersive with a boutique feel that is comfortable to browse.
Despite large following on Facebook posts seem to go unnoticed or hidden with less than 100 likes on the majority of content.
Personal shopping and style consultation services
Very competitive market.
Free order online and collect in-store service.
Poor website content in comparison to competitors, no social features or trend updates.
Minimal advertising.
appendix b _ market position research
Image Source: Free Online Surveys
a p p e n d i x c _ p e s t a n a ly s i s
e c o n o m i ca L
Regulations implemented by the trading standard authority will impact the store environment as there are specific laws that need to be abided to ensure the store retains a safe, relaxed and positive atmosphere.
The estimated resident population of the United Kingdom is just below 61 million, young adults aged 16-24 account for 12% (7.4 million) of the population. Manchester has an estimated residence of 502,900 a 19% increase since the 2001 census. Manchester’s growth was the highest for any provincial city.
Manchester Arndale Centre, the vicinity in which the store will be located operates the following trading hours; Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 7pm and 11.30am to 5.30pm on Sundays. On bank holidays, trading hours are between 10am and 6pm except from Easter Sunday and Christmas Day when the shopping mall is closed. The Sales of Goods Act 1979, Sale of Goods and Services Act 1994 and the Price Marking Order 2004 depicts that products should be sold as described and priced clearly and accordingly. As a fashion outlet, clothing should be labelled and priced to ease the consumer journey, as garments without a price tag may perplex customers. Missguided should ensure the product assumes good value for money to maintain its reputation as an affordable fast fashion retailer. The store should be accessible to all consumers as declared in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The installation of lifts and stairs etc. should be considered to ensure that access to multiple floors is accessible to all types of consumer to avoid iscrimination. The provision of fixtures and rails should also be carefully considered to ensure the retail environment is spacious and allows the ease of mobility for consumers with either wheelchairs and/or pushchairs.
S O C I O - C U LT U R A L
Research indicates that whilst we live a community of rapid growth of digital communications and online shopping, physical retail is still preferred as it offers personal interaction between the brand and consumer and is a more social and sensory experience for the individual. A report by Hitachi highlighted that 65% of Britons shop in-store rather than online, with 13% adding that they like to A recent Mintel report highlighted that the women’s fashion browse online and purchase in-store. market grew by 4% in 2012 to reach £20.7 billion as clothes remain high up on women’s spending priorities, lending the sector a The UK has the second highest proportion of social network users degree of resilience in an overall tough economic climate. in Europe, 90% of the 16-24 year old segment have active profiles. The increase in social media is partly due to the accessibility to the Speakers at the 2012 Retail Week Conference addressed the internet via mobile devices. In 2012, 7 out of 10 people questioned possibility of a general reduction in stores as up to 40% of retailers had recently accessed some form of social media via their mobile are up for renewal in the next five years. Failure was a result of device. limited multichannel activity and too many stores. The value fashion retailers have also grown share from 20.9% in 2003 to Missguided communicates effectively on social media platforms 24.6% in 2008, equating to a growth in spend of £1.4bn. and has established a large following, it is vital to maintain these relationships as technology continues to expand and welcome new Online sales represent a small proportion of multichannel retailer’s methods of integrating with the consumer. profits, store sales are expected to increase between 1.5-2% over the next five years. Mintels’ 2013 report on Clothing Retailing cited that consumer confidence had recorded a strong upward trend during the Missguided will have to implement a secure strategy to ensure a summer, although until the income inflation ends, consumers will seamless multichannel shopping experience is generated with the not have any extra money in their pocket. However statistics show opening of one store that clothing has been immune to cut-backs with many shoppers avoiding unnecessary spending elsewhere to fund their clothing Based on the current rate of growth, fashion manufacture will spend. contribute £2.1 billion to UK GDP by 2015.
The economic downturn has led to many young adults Failure to comply with legislation is a criminal offence and can investing in fast fashion that allows them to adopt the latest trends result in a large fine or imprisonment which could lead to adverse at a more affordable price than luxury or designer fashion retailers. publicity and tarnish the credibility and reputation of Missguided. Stores such as Missguided can capitalise on the growing trend for affordable throwaway fashion by reacting quickly to the changing market. Such news gives confidence in the store launch proposal and is positive news for Missguided.
t e c h n o l o g i ca l The accessibility to digital technology and the internet has created the platform for the global success of online shopping which ease of purchase whilst on the go. In 2013, 36 million adults (73% of the British population) accessed the internet every day, 53% accessed the internet from a mobile or smartphone which is more than double the figures gathered in 2010. The ownership of smartphone devices is now 7 in 10 people, tablet ownership has risen to 24%. The average home now owns more than three types of internet enabled devices. Only 23% of 18-25 year olds have made a purchase using a tablet or smartphone showing the lack of confidence in using such platforms. On the other hand above 60% of millennials had shopped online. In-store technology is becoming more widely used in retail, with many fashion brands installing tablets to browse extended stock lines, socialise and complete feedback questionnaires. LED screens, virtual runways and interactive mannequins are some of the innovative features being implemented into forward-thinking fashion chains. Google Glass, a new advancement in technology are lightweight frames equipped with a hidden camera, a tiny display that responds to voice commands. The technology can be used to view content and check emails etc. The high-tech glasses are due to be released at the end of 2014, this technology will enable innovative marketing opportunities.
a p p e n d i x d _ s w o t a n a ly s i s strengths
t h r e at s
The brand are an established online fast fashion retailer and one of the most influential outlets due to the cohesive website design, visuals and styling that sets the bar for competitors.
Primary research indicated that consumers who had previously made a purchase from Missguided, were disappointed with the quality of garments. However as a fast fashion retailer this is common place as clothes are manufactured abroad to cut costs. UK production would improve the quality of garments, however it may lead to inflation on price and slower reaction to emerging fashion trends
As Missguided has already established a successful etail site, there is the risk that the proposed store launch will not initially mirror the success and achievements of the online store due to the ease and accessibility of online shopping.
In the five years Missguided have been trading they have recently been experiencing a 20% increase on sales every month, it is expected to record sales of £50 – 55 million for the current financial year. Missguided has a clearly defined target audience, throughout the website and accompanying social media platforms, it is clear the brand is focused towards to the fashion on females who are active internet users, interested in celebrity fashion, and want to wear catwalk trends on a budget. The brand is target towards the 16-25 age segment. Additionally, the brand has a very strong social identity and is very successful at digital marketing strategies. Young females are the fastest growing demographic in social media engagement therefore constant communication with the target audience via social media platforms such as Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook allows the brand to gain new online followers and engage with them to ensure they repeatedly return. They also have a celebrity following, with reality television stars and musicians regularly being captured by the press in their clothing, maximising positive publicity. The brand has recently collaborated with Nicole Scherzinger on a fashion range which opens Missguided to new target audiences as she is an international musician and personality.
o p p o rt u n i t i e s The strong social media presence and established following of the brand welcomes the opportunity to expand Missguided onto the high-street and build a strong following by integrating online and offline outlets to deliver a multichannel brand that has a strong identity and reputation for catwalk trends at affordable prices. The proposal of a store launch may encourage consumers who don’t online shop to make a purchase as online restrictions such as delivery costs and times, not being able to try garments on and being unable to see the quality and colour of the garment fully will be eliminated.
The high-street is a very competitive market, and particular suppliers to the brand are not exclusive and available elsewhere which could lead to a price war. The current economic climate is unpredictable and the rising cost of living may entice consumers to shop elsewhere if there is a cheaper alternative, which could tarnish the success of the brand. However signing exclusive contract and extending their in-house range could offer an element of exclusivity over competitors.
a p p e n d i x e _ ta r g e t m e d i a l i s t N E WS PA P E RS
o n l i n e / b l o g g e rs
Belle Jacobs – Style and Beauty Editor
Fashion Fade
Penelope Sarah
Beauty Crush
Sammi Maria
She Wears Fashion
Kavita Donkersley
Fashion Influx
Lydia Rose
Effie’s Make Up Box
Heather Croston
Charlotte Martin
A Fashion Forte
Rosie Fortescue
India Rose
India Rose
David Hayes – Fashion Deputy Editor
Lucy Rance
London’s Closet
Shope & Shore Delano
The Little Magpie
Amy Spencer
Natalie Wall – Fashion Editor
Refinery 29
Connie Wang – Style Editor
The Business of Fashion
Imran Amed – Editor
Manchester Fashion Network
Fiona Mcintosh
Fashion Monitor
Hannah White
Trend Company
Angela Rumsey – Retail Editor
Manchester Evening News
Emma Johnson – Fashion Editor
The Sun
Toni Jones - Fashion Editor
Fabulous (The Sun on Sunday)
Supplement: Weekly/Online
Lynne Mckenna – Fashion Editor
Financial Times
Vanessa Friedman – Fashion Editor
The Mirror
Amber Graafland – Fashion Director
Daily Mail
Eliza Scarborough – Fashion Editor
You Magazine (Daily Mail)
Supplement: Weekly
Philippa Bloom – Style Editor Amy Williams – Fashion Features Editor
Weekend (The Guardian)
Supplement: Weekly/Online
Jess Cartner-Morely – Fashion Editor
Lancashire Evening Post
Gillian Parkinson – Editor
National Student
James Thornhill – Editor
Claire Dickinson – VM Editor
Amy Nickel – Entertainment Editor Pluto (UCLAN Student Newspaper)
The Mancunion (University of Manchester Student Newspaper)
Rebecca Boffey – Fashion Editior
magazines Title Look
Frequency Online/Weekly
Heat Star Reveal Now Glamour
Online/Weekly Online/Weekly Online/Weekly Online/Weekly Online/Monthly
Cosmo on Campus
Bi-Annual (June Issue)
Shout Bliss Grazia
Online/Fortnightly Online/Monthly Online/Weekly
Marie Claire
Miss Vogue Stylist
Bi-Annual Online/Weekly
Contact Erica Davies – Fashion and Beauty Editor Chloe Wood – Fashion Editor Ali Hall – Editor Jo Hoare – Style Editor Olivia Cantillon – Fashion Editor Brigitte Swimer – Fashion Features Writer Alison Tay – Style Editor Karen Preston – Fashion Editor Hope Lawrie – Fashion Assistant Jo Elvin – Editor Associate Fashion Editor – Oonagh Brennan Fashion Editor – Emma Bigger Fashion Stylist – Laura Martin Victoria White – Editor Shelly Vella – Fashion and Style Director Sairey Stemp – Fashion Editor Holly Cooper – Fashion Coordinator Katie Saxon – Fashion Assistant Laura Brown – Editor Alison Perry – Editor Catherine Nieto – Fashion Editor Sophie Ferguson Jones – Fashion Editor Shopping Editor – Lily Russo Tanya Semikoz – Fashion Editor Jayne Pickering – Fashion Director Jess Wood – Fashion Features Director Amanda Bellan – Fashion Director Olivia McCall - Executive Fashion Director Natalie Hartley – Senior Fashion Director Emily Sheffield – Editor Maggie Hitchins – Deputy Editor Anna Brech – Online Writer
a p p e n d i x f _ c e l e b r i t y d r e s s i n g j u s t i f i c at i o n Name Cara Delevingne
Industry Model
Contact Julia Charteris
Justification A key figure in the media, creative with her fashion choices and named the most influential figure in 2013, with more than 4 million followers on Instagram.
Kendall Jenner
One of the top 10 most followed celebrities on Instagram, Kendall is an emerging model and has already walked for Marc Jacobs, Chanel and Givenchy.
Kylie Jenner
Reality Star
Only 16 years old with a huge following and already herself as a fashion designer. Kylie represents the brand ethos with her fierce outfit combinations.
Amber Le Bon
Amber epitomises the personality of the Missguided ethos, she is care-free and spirited and heralded as a style icon.
Sam Faiers
Reality TV Star on The Only Way is Essex Lauren@lunnfarrowmedia.com
Sam has become a household name to many, and many members of the target audience hold a personal connection to the star since her appearances on TOWIE and Big Brother as she shares many aspects of her life, she is regularly featured in gossip magazines and websites due to her clothing choices.
Lucy Watson
Reality TV Star on Made in Chelsea
Lucy is also a reality TV star and has over 400k Twitter followers, she is honest, confident and feisty and a favourite with the target audience. Made in Chelsea is very popular and wearing Missguided would speculate interest.
Sky Ferreira
Modelled for fashion houses such as Saint Laurent and Chanel, Sky adds a rock chick look to anything she wears, which is popular with the target audience. She is also a spokesperson for Redken and heavily influential. Big things are expected for the singer in 2015, as she has recently signed a deal with Lady Gaga’s management company.
Pixie Lott
Lauren Hales Lauren.hales@umusic.com
Pixie is a British style icon whose clothing choices lead to sold out stock. The singer represents all the traits of the Missguided girl, and also confesses to a love of fashion. She has over 1m twitter followers and is scheduled for an European tour in 2015.
The younger sister of Beyonce, Solange is also a singer but is recognised as a style icon in the general media. She is also an ambassador for Rimmel London.
Solange Knowles Iggy Azalea
Iggy is a popular rap artist who is known for her individual fashion taste involving bright prints and silhouettes. She represents the Missguided ethos and speaks her mind, encouraging others to stand up for what they believe in. She is also listed for many music festival appearances during the summer.
Lily Collins
Lily is a rising British actress, who is currently under popular demand on the Hollywood film circuit, with several films due to be released throughout 2015. She is already being noted in fashion magazines as a style icon, and imbues a friendly and modest character. 53