Central Horse News What's On Autumn Special 2024, Issue 226

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And suddenly, autumn is here! Just a few weeks to go until the clocks change, and the winter regime begins.

If you are looking for competitions to attend this autumn, head to page 17 for the start of this issue’s diary - just over 800 events to choose from!

Also in this issue, we have features on Bridle Fitting, and Equine Careers. On page 38 there is a very inspiring article about a lady and her horse who head to the Scottish borders for their holiday.

We love to hear from our readers about their horses, achievements and challenges overcome. If you have a story to tell, email it to h.dodd@centralhorsenews.co.uk

Our next issue sees the start of our Christmas shopping guides, and also part one of our 2025 Year Planner. Something to look forward to as the dark nights descend.


It's been a very busy few months since my last update. At the end of August both boys went to Aintree to compete atThe Jockey Club ROR National Dressgae Championships; Wally at Elementary and Biscuit at Prelim. Both also made the finals of the National Dressage Leagues. In total we did six championships over three days, which was a real challenge for me as I had to ride a total of five different tests from memory. I did have one test though which I rode on both horses, so at least it was not six!

We travelled up the night before and got settled into the amazing stables at Aintree. A highlight for me was seeing which National winners stable we were close to, as everyone has a plaque above the stable they stayed in. This year we were three along from a local legend, the Whaley Cohen owned Noble

A Passion for Racehorses by Aimee Cayless

Yeats, which was a good omen.

Day 1

We had a very early start the next day as both boys had an arena walk in the international to get them used to the environment and the Championship dressed stage that we would be back in later on. We had a very busy day ahead with both horses having the Dressage League finals at two levels each.

We started with biscuit in the Prelim championship. He was really tense and slightly overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and put in a huge spook which unfortunately reflected in our score. He then did the Novice Championship which was a better test with no spooking. I wanted to ride him safely and quietly, rather than really push him and for him to boil over. We finished a respectable 16th in a

class of 30.

Then it was Wally’s turn, who was also in the Novice Championship. He also found the atmosphere a but much and

had stage fright in his first test, so finished 24th (I did have a quiet word with him and let him know that he had in fact been beaten by his brother!).

The Elementary was next up for Wally, and this time he did a lovely test finishing 7th. Any finish within the top 10 in a National competition for me is a win, so I was super pleased with him. Whilst riding in the prize giving, I realised I had been in and out of the International arena for 12 hours now and felt totally exhausted, but was very happy with both boys.

Day 2

Biscuit was up in the National Dressage Horse Prelim Championships. This is a large class and he tried so hard. it's a big ask for him, being so sensitive, and all I wanted to achieve is to actually get round with no spooks. As he began to relax he did his best, and actually managed a calm and correct test. He finished again mid-way through the field.

Day 3

Wally was up in the National Dressage Horse Elementary Championships. This year was particularly special as Wally has not been sound, he has been intermittently lame since the spring. This hasn't been down to anything really bad, it's simply down to the fact that he had bruised souls. We weren't even sure whether we'd actually get to enter this year because he was still sore a month beforehand. Thankfully, with the help of farrier, Ollie Gardner, who fitted pads to his fronts. Plus, the help of my physios; Hollie Hookway, who does all of the maintenance and came up to Aintree with me to treat the horses during our competition, and also Robin Hutchison at RA therapy who had Wally for three day spa a month prior to him going to Aintree where he had six sessions in her equine salt therapy spa. He came away from Robin’s a different horse, much more comfortable and ready to go.

Wally did a super test, however I had a wardrobe malfunction and my hair bobble fell out and bounced off his hind

quarters half way through the test, which made him have a costly spook. He still was placed 10th in a hot class and who knows, he may well have come in the top 6 without the spook.

I'm super proud of both boys and find going up to Aintree on an annual basis with them one of the highlights of my year. It takes a huge amount of time, commitment and effort to get to these Championships; not to mention the cost of qualifying, fuel, stabling and training. It wouldn’t be possible without the help of all the other equestrian professionals whose skills and knowledge get us there.

Having got back from Aintree we've had a bit of a break, but we're now gearing up to go to the first qualifier for next year and both horses have qualified to do the Southern Regionals at Blenheim. After which, we will have the winter off and a well-earned break from competing. I will just tick the horses over until next spring when I'll pick them back up and start competing them again.

WLast Dance in Belgium

hen we last left Sofia and Team Oliver Games, the European Qualifying scores of 70% plus were still being chased all over Europe. If Esso did air miles we’d ALL be going to Australia on holiday.

Myerscough Premier League was next on the agenda with Cadillac. A satisfying second place was secured with the elusive 71.29%. Bocelli came fourth in the Juniors with 67.02%.

The next stop on the 70% plus Merry Go Round was Addington CDI. Here Cadillac secured two second places and a third. The individual test scored 71.2% and the Freestyle 71.81%. Bocelli secured two third places, and achieved a personal and mutual best of 72.57% in the Freestyle. These results ensured that Sofia with both Cadillac and Bocelli was long listed for the European Squad.

The next expedition down south was to watch Honey being ridden by Jezz at the NAF Five Star Winter Dressage Championships. It was also Honey’s Birthday weekend. She surpassed herself and became the Reserve National Champion in the Prix St. George’s Freestyle Gold, as well as securing fourth in the PSG Gold, missing the podium by a mere 0.1%. A minuscule margin. The next day she was third in the Advanced Medium Gold Freestyle. It is exciting to envisage the future that she and Sofia have together.

It was back to the all too familiar venue of Addington for the Premier League, where Sofia learned that where there are ups, there are downs. It is the equilibrium. Sometimes SatNav would be handy. It was her “Most horrifying moment of the year”. Her navigation failure lost Bocelli 0.5% from each of

the three judges and left them on 69%. A European Championship qualifying score lost. This followed on from a humiliating face plant in Lier when Bocelli got his legs in a twist during a trot movement and also lost vital marks. To coin a phrase “If it doesn’t beat you, it makes you stronger”.

A short time later it was back over the Channel for Compiegne CDI in France to pursue the necessary qualifying scores. Bocelli and Sofia qualified for the Freestyle with 72.2%, 68.5% in the Team Test and 70.4% in the Individual Test.

Hickstead CDI was next on the calendar. Still chasing the qualifying percentages. Sofia was smack bang in the middle of her GCSE’s, and essentially galloped from her Biology exam, into JoJo’s car and straight to Arena familiarisation with three minutes to spare. She had to change in the car to be ready. Very much ‘On the hoof’. Caddy did not disappoint and despite the pressures for both, they pulled off his first International win after five years together.

Bocelli was sixth in the Team Test with 67% and was primed for the Individual test on Sunday. Sadly an English Literature exam at 9am on Monday, meant that a Test at 7pm on Sunday night and a three hour journey home was not viable, so they withdrew. Essentially Shakespeare robbed Sofia of a potential victory. But Sofia was wise to put the exams first. Academia and Dressage training are not compatible with time constraints and revision boundaries. Sofia had to prioritise foundations for her future over a six minute test in June 2024.

Sofia then had a two week break whilst cramming in twenty GCSE exams before the final Selectors Observation at Wellington CDI. With such a consistent record throughout the preceding months Sofia was selected for the Pony Team with Cadillac, and as a reserve for the Junior Team with Bocelli.

The journey to Belgium began, and little did Team Oliver-Games know that Caddy would never set his hoof on British soil again. He was the unexpected star attraction at Dover, with coach loads of US tourists wanting to take selfies with him, as he stood proudly gazing out over the Channel

Upon arrival the Team Camp was fabulous and the Opening Ceremony a wonderful celebration of Nations united in sport. Smoke bombs were prolific

Having established camp, Team Oliver-Games was bemused to receive regular visits from a small, and obviously very expensive fluffy little dog. It was later identified as a Pomeranian. He regularly relieved himself up against the camp table, chairs, and anything else that was within reach of his tiny stature. He would then nonchalantly stroll off without a care in the world. Retaining the British stiff upper lip, nothing was said to the ‘parents’ which turned out to be fortuitous. He was to be the secret lynch pin for what was to happen next.

Caddy and Sofia were rocking a very solid 70% performance until a very large horsefly decided to enter the fray, bite Caddy, and derail their performance. Its appearance prompted a centre line contortion from Caddy which was not helpful. Their only consolation was that the offending horsefly had enjoyed a fantastic 24 hours of fun before ultimately dying.

The Individual Test went well, but the standard was phenomenally high for the qualifying combinations to go through to the Kur at 71%, when in previous years 68/69% had been the average required. Sofia just missed a qualifying spot, but was happy that the last dance she was to share with Caddy on the International stage was a happy one.

Unbeknownst to them, the stage was about to be set for an entirely new chapter. Enter stage left, the owners of the insolent little Pomeranian. They happened to be in the market, looking for a suitable International pony for their daughters and Caddy fitted the bill. They had been scrutinising Caddy during training and competition along with their (Czech) National Team Trainer, Team Vet, and the (Dutch) Team trainer for the Under 25’s. The decision had already been made. “We want to buy your pony”.

The perfunctory procedures took place and the arrangements were made for Caddy to be driven to his new home 1800 miles away by JoJo. This was important, as Sofia wanted to see his new home and settle him in. Caddy and Sofia had shared five years together and for her peace of mind this was vital.

To have found such a sterling home for Caddy was better than any Gold medal.

This is where the Pony Era ends and the Junior/Young Rider Era begins.

To keep up with Team Games, please follow Sofia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sofiagames.dressage/?hl=en

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Managing Chronic Pain in Horses Carys Morgan BVSc MRCVS

Why is chronic pain important?

Pain is a very important consideration for all animal owners, not just horse owners, freedom from pain is an essential part of the welfare commitments we make when taking ownership of an animal. Chronic pain is an increasingly common issue to manage in equines, largely due to advances in veterinary medicine meaning that our equine friends are able to live and be healthy for longer.

Signs/ causes of pain

Because equines are prey animals, they will naturally try to appear as strong and healthy as possible so as not to attract the attention of predators in the wild. Therefore, signs of pain vary greatly and can be very subtle, especially in donkeys.

We usually see chronic pain in older horses, common causes include arthritis, dental disease, chronic soft tissue injuries, chronic laminitis.

Obvious signs of pain such as overt lameness or colic like symptoms are easy to spot, it is the more subtle signs that can be tricky. Things to look out for include:

- Change in demeanour. This can be subtle such as being a little quieter than usual, being less willing to come over for their food, or being more grumpy with people or other horses.

- Change in usual behaviour. This can include not greeting you at the stable door in the morning, or being pushed down the pecking order in the herd.

- Changes of facial expression can be an indicator of pain, this can be more easily demonstrated in the pain scale that we often use to measure pain.

- Lameness is a clear sign of orthopaedic pain, ocular pain can be shown by holding an eye closed, and dental pain can be seen by dropping food or abnormal chewing patterns.

Targeting the Source of Pain

In some cases, it is possible to treat pain at the root cause. In cases of arthritis, especially in the earlier stages, medications such as steroids, polyacramide gels, or even stem cells, can be injected into the affecting joint to reduce inflammation and pain. In cases of chronic dental pain, the affected tooth can often be removed to remove the source of pain. In other cases, it may not be so simple and the use of pain medication or other therapies can be needed.

Pain Medication

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly used pain relief option for horses with chronic pain, these include bute (phenylbutazone), Metacam (meloxicam), Equioxx (firocoxib), they are effective at reducing inflammation and pain. For chronic pain conditions these drugs are usually given in oral form, either tablets, liquid or powder, for chronic pain cases.

We can introduce different types of pain medication for horses in whom NSAIDs alone are not enough to manage their pain, drugs like paracetamol are often used in combination to reduce the amount of NSAIDs needed and to increase the pain relief effect.

It is important to note that all pain relief medications should be used only after consultation with the horse’s treating vet, they are prescription only and should be supplied only by the veterinary practice, or against a prescription provided by your vet.

Supplements can be useful for chronic pain, boswelia serrata is proven to have anti-inflammatory properties and can safely be used alongside NSAIDs and other medications.

Alternative therapies

For chronic pain associated with arthritis or other musculoskeletal disorders there are additional therapies available to help reduce pain.

Physiotherapy is extremely useful to relieve tight and sore muscles which occur as a result of poor gait due to arthritis, physio will also help to maintain range of motion and correct gait. Just because a horse is no longer able to work, this doesn’t mean that physiotherapy is any less beneficial to their wellbeing.

Acupuncture is also a good adjunct for relief of chronic pain. Similar to physio, acupuncture will relieve tension and soreness in muscles, it can also help to reduce overstimulation of nerves and provide

analgesia in that way. Most horses tolerate acupuncture very well and often seem to enjoy the experience. It is important to note that in the UK acupuncture is classed as an act of veterinary surgery, and as such can only be carried out by a qualified vet.

General management

It is important to manage horses in the way that best suits and is comfortable for them, for example, many arthritic horses will find that they are less stiff and painful if they can move around, so plenty of turnout is often a good option for these cases.

Horses with chronic foot pain due to laminitis or navicular disease will often struggle on hard ground, so making provisions for soft areas for them to walk on (without excess grass for the laminitics), for example wood chip or rubber matting, can help these cases a lot.

Farriery is another important consideration that can be forgotten in older, retired horses. In order to remain comfortable it is imperative to maintain good foot balance, regardless of whether this is achieved barefoot by good quality trimming by an experienced farrier, or using shoes.

Considering temperature and weather is also important, pre-empting a time of year that your horse struggles, such as when we have wet muddy ground for horses with soft tissue problems, or cold frozen ground for those with stiff arthritic joints, can help to allow us to increase pain relief when necessary or facilitate extra rugs for warmth, shelter provisions or other management changes that may help.

If you are concerned that your horse is suffering with chronic pain, or that the pain management you are currently using is not enough for your horse, it is important to speak to your vet and arrange to re-assess the situation in order to maintain the best welfare for your horse.

About the author:

Carys Morgan BVSc MRCVS

Avonvale Equine Practice, Ratley Lodge, Ratley, Banbury OX15 6DT www.avonvaleequine.co.uk Tel: 01295 670501

Carys has worked in equine practice since graduating from Liverpool in 2018, and after a brief stint working in Shropshire moved to Warwickshire. She enjoys all aspects of first opinion practice but is particularly interested in sports horse medicine, lameness and wounds.

Carys was a member of the England Vaulting Squad and has represented Great Britian on a number of occasions, notably at the World Equestrian Games in Tyron 2018, the European Championships 2019 and World Championships in Herning in 2022. She now runs her own vaulting club.

QCatherine Baker advises on Fitting Bridles Correctly

Catherine Baker is a Society of Master Saddlers Master Saddlers and Qualified Bridle and Saddle Fitters. Catherine is the Course Leader for the SMS bridle fitting courses.

: What checks should I make to ensure my bridle is fitting my horse correctly?

A: Correct bridle fit very important, and riders are now much more aware about how it can impact on their horse’s comfort, welfare and performance. You can seek advice from a Society of Master Saddler Qualified Bridle Fitter who has the knowledge and expertise to ensure your bridle is the best possible fit.

Here are some simple checks you can make to see how well your bridle fits.


This should sit comfortably over the poll and behind the bulbs of the ears. Some headpieces are anatomically shaped around ears with the aim to reduce peak pressure against them, but all horses must be fitted as an individual, as the shaping may be in the wrong place for some and may cause more pressure rather than less.


This should not be so short that it pulls the headpiece forward against the bulbs of the ears, nor so long that it gapes at the front. If you can place your hand flat against the horse’s head underneath the browband that’s about right.

Shaped browbands are now a popular choice but you need to check that any browband isn’t bulky around the end loops to avoid unwanted pressure near the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).


A cavesson, or crank noseband should be fitted with two fingers space below the facial crest. If you use a noseband that sits below the bit, the front should not sit so low that it impedes the flare of the nostrils. Horses can only breathe through their nose so impeding the nostrils restricts the horse’s breathing and his ability to perform.

The cheek straps should sit behind the facial crest and any buckles should be clear of the lips or the bony area under the jaw.

Research has led to the redesign of many types of noseband, and none should be used to keep the horse’s mouth closed –over tight nosebands are too commonly seen at all levels and disciplines and is a major welfare issue. On any style of correctly fitting noseband, you should be able to get at least two adult fingers under the noseband on the front of the

Cheek Pieces

These should run parallel to and behind the facial crest, and the buckles should sit roughly level with the corner of the eye. If the cheek pieces are too long the buckles will be fastened up near the browband. This creates pressure on the TMJ, which can cause discomfort, behavioural, and performance issues. This also applies to the cheek pieces or hangers on all types of nosebands.

The Bit

The bit must be fitted at the correct height and be the correct length for the horse. The height should not be determined by the number of wrinkles in the lips alone, but by looking in the mouth and seeing where the mouthpiece sits in relation to the mouth conformation. The length of the mouthpiece should be wide enough so that it does not pinch the cheeks or restrict the tongue, but not so wide that it hangs low in the mouth. The tongue is an extremely sensitive large muscular organ, usually filling the whole of the oral cavity. It varies in size from horse to horse and can be thick and fleshy, or thin. Therefore, the mouthpiece of the bit must be one which the horse can relax into. We want the horse to seek the contact, not be afraid to take it.

nasal bone.

For the health and welfare of your horse it’s important to take time to check the fit of your bridle and seek advice from a qualified bridle fitter who has the knowledge and expertise to ensure your bridle is the best possible fit.

If you fancy training to be a qualified bridle fitting, look at the This City & Guilds Assured Certificate in Bridle Fitting, including measuring and bitting (Qualified by the Society of Master Saddlers). The course consists of online modules combined with practical days with continual assessment throughout the course.

This comprehensive bridle and bit fitting qualification is open to anyone who would like to pursue a career as a bridle fitter. The course takes approximately 18 months to complete and after successfully completing the final assessment, students will have the title of Registered Qualified Bridle Fitter with the Society (SMS RQBF).

For more details and to enrol, visit www.mastersaddlers-training.co.uk

For more information about The Society of Master Saddlers and to find your nearest SMS Qualified Bridle Fitter visit http://www.mastersaddlers.co.uk or contact on 01449 711642



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Unlock a Career in Saddlery and Leatherworking at Capel Manor College

Do you often admire the craftsmanship that goes into your horse’s saddle? Have you ever been curious about what goes into the intricate production of each piece, or looked on in envy wanting to improve your own craftmanship?

Capel Manor College offers a unique pathway into the world of saddlery and leatherworking, opening an array of career opportunities in a highly rewarding field.

Capel Manor College is the only college in Europe running a full-time saddlery course, with two prestigious courses in this field, the Worshipful Company of Cordwainers Diploma in Saddle, Harness, and Bridle Making, and the Worshipful Company of Saddlers Certificates.

These courses provide a comprehensive education in the craft, covering a variety of traditional and modern techniques essential for a successful career in saddlery and leatherwork.

What are the options?

Pursuit of a part-time Certificate in Saddlery will give you the core skills and confidence to craft your own leather pieces or find a career in the saddlery industry. You’ll tackle several

techniques including bridle or harness marking, pattern making, and traditional, sewing and machining techniques, giving you a perfect opportunity to make further advances in the industry.

If you’re looking for a more in-depth qualification, you may be enticed by the Worshipful Company of Cordwainers Diploma in Saddle, Harness, and Bridle Making. Students on this Diploma program will master the intricate art of making saddles, bridles and harnesses, and in the second-year saddlery accessories, production for the equestrian industry and a strong foundation in saddlery business skills.

Set amongst the historic stables

of Capel Manor, the college boasts excellent facilities and fully equipped workshops, while students have access to quality tools and materials, ensuring they gain hands-on experience alongside quality tutoring from industry experts.

Leather working Futures

Capel Manor College graduates of these programs have pursued various career paths, from bespoke saddle and bridle makers to repair specialists and designers for equestrian brands. Previous students

As individually crafted as you Learn the art of saddlery and leatherwork at London’s environmental college.

If you are interested in horses and horse riding, or working with leather and have artistic flair, one of our historic and prestigious saddlery courses could be perfect for you.

Scan here to find out more and secure your place.

have also utilised these transferable skills to enter other leatherworking professions, from luxury leather goods makers to fashion designers and even the British Army, broadening employment opportunities beyond the horse industry.

Embark on your journey to becoming a master saddler or leatherworker. Visit www.capel.ac.uk or contact marketing@capel.ac.uk to learn more about Capel Manor College courses and start shaping your future today.

Abbey England set to celebrate crafting talent

Artisan leatherwork and equestrian supplier Abbey England is looking for new applications for its acclaimed scholarship. Abbey England, a leading international supplier of premium artisan leatherwork products and tools to the UK and beyond, hosts the Abbey England Scholarship annually to celebrate talented makers and crafters.

Now in its seventh year, the Abbey England Scholarship is designed to encourage up-and-coming saddlers or craftspeople to embrace leatherwork and assist their professional development. As well as the UK, the Abbey England Scholarship receives submissions from all over the world, including Belgium, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Sweden, and the USA.

The company will ensure the successful applicant will receive financial and practical support, with £500 worth of Abbey England leathers and tools. This will provide an opportunity for them to invest in quality tools to help them develop their skills. They will also receive expert advice and online support for their businesses.

The winner will also receive an additional £200 to cover the cost of travel expenses and accommodation to attend training courses and workshops to enhance their skills.

Applicants are required to complete a submission form, detailing no more than 500 words of why they want to be considered. The application should also include a photo of the applicant and examples of their work, showcasing products such as saddles, headcollars and bridles, to bespoke leather fashion purses, shoes, bags, clothes and belts, which may then be used on Abbey England’s social media channels. Completed forms, along with photos of the entrant and projects, should be submitted by 31 October 2024.

As an additional incentive, the overall winner will also secure a place on Abbey England’s upcoming Masterclass workshop. To be held on Wednesday 4 December 2024, the workshop will be hosted by award-winning saddler, leatherworker, and YouTube star Jo Heard from J H Leather. The workshop will also be open to all Abbey England customers. As spaces are limited, all those interested in attending should apply, with the successful names drawn at random.

Abbey England will be exhibiting at BETA International (22-23 September), and will be offering help and advice to interested parties on submitting their entry. Whilst at BETA, Abbey England will also be hosting a Masterclass, ‘Mastering the Art of Leather’. There will be two talks; ‘Sitting Down with Leather’ (encompassing the saddlery-making side of leather), and ‘A Head for Fashion’ (encompassing both the bridle and fashion aspect of the workshop).

Last year, Abbey England was proud to announce its Scholar-

Broxton is an exceptionally talented leatherworker from Walsall, beating nearly 50 applicants to the title.

Speaking of her Scholarship win, Lauren said, “Beingrecognised by such a world-class supplier such as Abbey England has added an extra distinction to my reputation as a leather fashion designer. Winning the scholarship is an incredible accolade to include with my credentials, and I was delighted to receive it from a business that I use so much for my working practice.”

The unenviable task of judging this year’s entries will fall to Abbey England’s CEO Richard Brown, who comments, “From our years of experience working in the industry, we know how important it is for saddlers, leatherworkers and craft makers at the beginning of their careers to have the right tools and materials.

“Our scholarship programme has been designed not only to help out financially, but also provide expert advice to help artisan makers take their careers to the next level.

“We are always so inspired by the entries we receive, and how passionate entrants are in keeping alive heritage skills in new and exciting ways. We can’t wait to see what creative pieces up-and-coming makers have been crafting and I look forward to reviewing the entries immensely.”

If you are interested in applying for this year’s scholarship, or for further information on Abbey England, visit https://www.abbeyengland.com/scholarship-2024

Abbey England scholarship 2023 winnerLauren Broxton

Course starting this September – Level 2 Certificate for Equine Hydrotherapy Assistants

Moulton College is proud to be able to offer the Level 2 Certificate for Equine Hydrotherapy Assistants as of September 2024 for those over 18. If you are currently utilising hydrotherapy equipment in the training or rehabilitation of horses, or you would like to work in this sector in the future then this qualification could be for you.

What is the Qualification?

The qualification has been formally endorsed by the ‘Institute of Registered Veterinary and Animal Physiotherapists’ (IRVAP) and is the only OFQUAL regulated qualification that relates to Equine Hydrotherapy. The course has been developed by industry professionals

to support standardisation and regulation within the sector, and will be delivered at the Moulton Equine Therapy Centre.

Course Overview:

The course itself is comprised of eight modules including an introduction to equine anatomy and physiology, equine health and welfare, pool plant and equipment maintenance and assisting with the application of equine hydrotherapy.

Course Delivery:

In order to suit those that are already working, the course will be offered over a period of

four months (from September through to December). This will incorporate a full days training every Monday to include both formal classroom and practical sessions, with an additional one Sunday per month.

Why Study at Moulton?

We are committed to small class sizes and the provision of high quality teaching resources in a unique environment. Our onsite Equine Therapy Centre boasts an Equine Water Treadmill, Swimming Lane and Salt Water Spa, which provide fantastic resources to support this qualification. The course itself will be delivered by Dr Jessica York who is a leading expert in the field with a real passion for education.

Course Fees: £844 with fully funded options available.

For more information on enrolment please email equine.therapy@moulton.ac.uk or call 01604 673570.


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05/10/2024 Unaff Dressage at Checkendon Equestrian Centre, Reading RG8 0NE. T: 01491 680225 info@checkendonequestrian.co.uk www.checkendonequestrian.co.uk

05/10/2024 Coleshill Heath Riding Club Dressage, Working Hunter & Showing Show at Coleshill Heath Riding Club Show Ground, Cornets End, Coventry,W Midlands CV7 7UW. Contact:entries@chrc.co.uk www.chrc.co.uk

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

05/10/2024 British Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

05/10/2024 British Showjumping (4th-6th) Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

05/10/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Silver Leys Polo Club, Millfield Lane, Bury Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 2ED. Contact: 07775 516945 events@equestrianevents.uk www.equestrianevents.uk

05/10/2024 British Dressage at Fairoak Grange, Ashford Hill, Berks. Contact: 01635 299637 / 07785 720799 www.fairoakgrange.co.uk

05/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

05/10/2024 Showing Show at Finching Field Equestrian Centre, The Elms, Finchingfield, Essex. www.finchingfieldequestriancentre.co.uk

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

05/10/2024 Arena Eventing Clear Round & Dog Show at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

05/10/2024 British Showjumping at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

05/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

05/10/2024 Mini & Novice Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Email: mfec@btconnect.com. www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk

Diary Dates

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL.

Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

05/10/2024 British Showjumping Octoberfest at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

05/10/2024 Stoneleigh Riding Club Unaffiliated Dressage at Warwickshire College. Contact: 07912 367778 entries.stoneleighrc@gmail.com www.stoneleighridingclub.com

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 05/10/2024 British Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

05/10/2024 Mini Eventer Challenge at Twin Trees Equestrian Centre, Thorncote Road, Northill, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9AG. Contact: 01767 627414 www.twintrees.net

05/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

05/10/2024 PetPlan Dressage Championships (2nd-6th) @ Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


06/10/2024 In Hand & Ridden Showing Show at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

06/10/2024 Minley Fun Ride at Minley, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU17 9LP. www.staffcollegedraghunt.co.uk

06/10/2024 Gate RC Dressage Championship at Gate Inn Riding Club, The Show Ground, Coton Road, Whitacre Heath, Warks, B46 2HL. Contact: 07717 477203 gatesecretary@outlook.com www.gateridingclub.co.uk

06/10/2024 South Oxfordshire Sponsored Ride Nr Watlington, Oxon. OX49 5NL (Nearest postcode to car park field). Contact: Sarah O'Hara Tel 07957 668703 www.sosr.org.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

06/10/2024 Aspley Guise and District Riding Club Open Summer Dressage Series at Wing Jumping & Dressage Centre, Cedar Farm, Cublington Road, Wing, Bucks, LU7 0LB. www.aspleyguiseridingclub.co.uk

06/10/2024 Junior BS Pony Show at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

06/10/2024 British Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

06/10/2024 British Showjumping (4th-6th) Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk


6/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

06/10/2024 British Showjumping at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

06/10/2024 British Dressage at Silver Leys Polo Club, Millfield Lane, Bury Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 2ED. Contact: 07775 516945 events@equestrianevents.uk www.equestrianevents.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

06/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

06/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

06/10/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

06/10/2024 Malvern Pony Club Show Jumping Competition at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. Contact: 01538 361388 www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com. www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk

06/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Petley Wood Equestrian, Petley Farm, Marley Lane, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0RE. Contact: 01424 871677 www.petleywoodequestrian.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaff & JFS Show Jumping at Snowball Farm EC, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 8EH Contact: 01628 666222 shows@snowballfarm.co.uk www.snowballfarm.co.uk

06/10/2024 Combnined Training at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage (long arena) at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980

846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

06/10/2024 Eventer Challenge at Twin Trees Equestrian Centre, Thorncote Road, Northill, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9AG. Contact: 01767 627414 www.twintrees.net

06/10/2024 Unaffiliated Hunter Trials at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

06/10/2024 PetPlan Dressage Championships (2nd-6th) @ Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com

06/10/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Brackley Grange. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk

06/10/2024 RDA Fun Ride at Newnham Paddox, Monks Kirby, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV23 0RX. www.horsemonkey.com/equestrian_event/64010/Newnham+Paddox+Fun+Ride


07/10/2024 Racing at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse, Luddington Road, Stratford-uponAvon, Warwickshire, CV37 9SE. Contact: 01789 267949 info@stratfordracecourse.net www.stratfordracecourse.net

07/10/2024 British Dressage at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. Contact: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

07/10/2024 British Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

7/10/2024 Winter Woolies at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. Contact: 01538 361388. www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

07/10/2024 British Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

07/10/2024 Outdoor Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

07/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Witham Villa Riding Centre, Broughton Astley, Leics, LE9 6PA. Contact: withamvillarc@yahoo.co.uk www.withamvilla.co.uk


08/10/2024 Training Show at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

08/10/2024 Unaff Evening Jump Around at Silver Leys Polo Club, Millfield Lane, Bury Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 2ED. Contact: 07775 516945 events@equestrianevents.uk www.equestrianevents.uk

08/10/2024 British Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

08/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

08/10/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Winter Show Jumping Qualifiere at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

08/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke,

Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training

08/10/2024 Evening Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


09/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

09/10/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

09/10/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

09/10/2024 Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

09/10/2024 Horse Of The Year Show (9th13th) at N.E.C, Birmingham, B40 1NT. Contact: 02476 858205 info@hoys.co.uk www.hoys.co.uk

09/10/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

09/10/2024 Dress Down Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

09/10/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

09/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


10/10/2024 Evening Unaff Dressage at Grove Farm Equestrian, Grove Farms, Milton Hill, Harwell, Oxfordshire, OX13 6AD. Contact: 07768 174075

belinda.shaw@grovefarmequestrian.co.uk www.grovefarmequestrian.co.uk

10/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

10/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

10/10/2024 Horse Of The Year Show (9th13th) at N.E.C, Birmingham, B40 1NT. Contact: 02476 858205 info@hoys.co.uk www.hoys.co.uk

10/10/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

10/10/2024 British Showjumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

10/10/2024 British Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

10/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180



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10/10/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


11/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Combined Training at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

11/10/2024 British Dressage at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

11/10/2024 Horse Of The Year Show (9th-13th) at N.E.C, Birmingham, B40 1NT. Contact: 02476 858205 info@hoys.co.uk www.hoys.co.uk

11/10/2024 British Dressage at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk


12/10/2024 British Eventing Askham Bryan College Horse Trials (12th-13th) at Askham Bryan College, York, Yorkshire, YO23 3FR. www.britisheventing.com

12/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Checkendon Equestrian Centre, Reading RG8 0NE. Contact: 01491 680225 info@checkendonequestrian.co.uk www.checkendonequestrian.co.uk

12/10/2024 Dog Show at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

12/10/2024 Swalcliffe Park British Evening ODE (12th-13th) at Swalcliffe Park Equestrian, Grange Farm, Swalcliffe, Oxon, OX15 5EX. Contact: 01295 780206 info@swalcliffeparkequestrian.co.uk www.swalcliffeparkequestrian.co.uk

12/10/2024 Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

12/10/2024 Arena Eventer Challenge at Aston Le Walls Equestrian, Washbrook Farm, Welsh Road, Aston le Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT. Contact: 07854 335542 astonlewalls.ec@gmail.com between 10am - 3pm www.astonlewalls.net

12/10/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Combined Training e at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

12/10/2024 Junior British Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

12/10/2024 Arena X-Country at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

12/10/2024 British Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk

12/10/2024 No Stress Winter Dressage, Show Jumping, Combined Training & Clear Round at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Team Quest at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

12/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping Championship Show at Silver Leys Polo Club, Millfield Lane, Bury Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 2ED. T:07775 516945 events@equestrianevents.uk www.equestrianevents.uk

12/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

12/10/2024 SDHE Pony Club Show Jumping Show at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

12/10/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

12/10/2024 Horse Of The Year Show (9th13th) at N.E.C, Birmingham, B40 1NT. Contact: 02476 858205 info@hoys.co.uk www.hoys.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

12/10/2024 British Dressage at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

12/10/2024 Winter Dressage Series at Mount Mascal Stables, Vicarage Road, Stable Lane, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW. www.mountmascalstables.co.uk

12/10/2024 Junior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

12/10/2024 BS & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

12/10/2024 SRC Stella Zhang Physio Unaffiliated ODE at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

12/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Afternoon Show Jumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. T: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 12/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. Contact: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk www.wellington-riding.co.uk

12/10/2024 British Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. Contact: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. Contact: 02475 901024 secretary@westonlawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

12/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Wing Jumping & Dressage Centre, nr Leighton Buzzard, Beds, LU7 0LB. Contact: 07552

810200 www.wingjdc.co.uk

12/10/2024 Emma Massingale Demo Evenin g@ Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


13/10/2024 British Eventing Askham Bryan College Horse Trials (12th-13th) at Askham Bryan College, York, Yorkshire, YO23 3FR. www.britisheventing.com

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Arena Eventing at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

13/10/2024 HH Horse Trials at Heath Farm, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1LN. Contact: becca@munsteadhorsetrials.co.uk www.munsteadhorsetrials.co.uk

13/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. Contact: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com

13/10/2024 Rearsby Lodge RC Dressage Show at Pickering Grange Equestrian, Ellistown Terrace Road, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EZ. Contact: 07748 644740 info@rearsbylodge.com www.rearsbylodgeridingclub.co.uk

13/10/2024 Fun Show at Rugby Riding Club, Rainsbrook Avenue, Ashlawn Road, Rugby, CV22 5QE. Contact: 01788 571309 www.rugbyridingclub.co.uk

13/10/2024 Swalcliffe Park British Evening ODE (12th-13th) at Swalcliffe Park Equestrian, Grange Farm, Swalcliffe, Oxon, OX15 5EX. Contact: 01295 780206 info@swalcliffeparkequestrian.co.uk www.swalcliffeparkequestrian.co.uk

13/10/2024 Gate RC Show at Gate Inn Riding Club, The Show Ground, Coton Road, Whitacre Heath, Warks, B46 2HL. T: 07717 477203 gatesecretary@outlook.com www.gateridingclub.co.uk

13/10/2024 Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

13/10/2024 Dressage & Show Jumping at Alsager EC, Church Lawton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST7 3RQ. Contact: 01270 872083 alsagereqc@btinternet.com www.alsagereqc.co.uk

13/10/2024 Area 7 Arena Eventing Qualifier @ Dallas Burston Polo Club, Stoneyhouse Estate, Southam, Warwickshire CV472DL. info@aspleyguiseridingclub.com www.aspleyguiseridingclub.com

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Winter Dressage Series at The Avon Centre, Kings Weston Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QT. Contact: info@theavoncentre.org.uk T: 01179 590 266.


13/10/2024 British Dressage at Beech Tree Farm, Badgworth Equestrian Centre, Badgworth, Axbridge, BS26 2QU. Contact: 07989 320978 www.badgwortharena.co.uk

13/10/2024 Dressage at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. T 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Showing at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Burrows Court Farm, Nibley Green, Dursley, Glos, GL11 6AZ. Contact: 01453 542488 www.burrowscourtfarm.co.uk

13/10/2024 Whaddon Chase Area 12 Dressage Spring Festival Qualifiers at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114


13/10/2024 OBH North Arena Eventing Area 12 Spring Festival Qualifier at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114


13/10/2024 British Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

13/10/2024 British Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk

13/10/2024 British Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

13/10/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

13/10/2024 British Dressage at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

13/10/2024 British Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage Championship at Silver Leys Polo Club, Millfield Lane, Bury Green, Ware, Hertfordshire SG11 2ED. T: 07775 516945 events@equestrianevents.uk www.equestrianevents.uk

13/10/2024 Junior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

13/10/2024 Halloween Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

13/10/2024 Unaff Dressage at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

13/10/2024 Horse Of The Year Show (9th13th) at N.E.C, Birmingham, B40 1NT. Contact: 02476 858205 info@hoys.co.uk www.hoys.co.uk

13/10/2024 British Dressage at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

13/10/2024 British Dressage at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

13/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

13/10/2024 BS & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk 13/10/2024 Dressage at Seechem Equestrian Centre, Rowney Green Lane, Alvechurch, Worcs B48 7EL. Contact: 01214 452333 seechem@hotmail.co.uk www.seechemequestrian.com

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Snowball Farm EC, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 8EH Contact: 01628 666222 shows@snowballfarm.co.uk www.snowballfarm.co.uk

13/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage Series with Trailblazer First Round Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

13/10/2024 Hunter Trial at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk 13/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. Contact: 0118 932 6308




13/10/2024 Cotswold Edge Riding Club Arena Eventing (open to all) at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

13/10/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Swerford Park, OX7 4BF. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


14/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. Contact: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk www.wellington-riding.co.uk

14/10/2024 Clear Round Arena Eventing at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


15/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. Contact: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

15/10/2024 British Dressage at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

15/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

15/10/2024 Evening Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

15/10/2024 British Dressage at Widmer EC, Lacey Green, Bucks, HP27 0PG. Contact: 01844 275139 widmerec@hotmail.co.uk www.widmerequestrian.co.uk


16/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

16/10/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

16/10/2024 UK Armed Forces Equestrian Championshipe 2024 at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

16/10/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

16/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

16/10/2024 British Showjumping at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

16/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

16/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


17/10/2024 Combined Training at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

17/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

17/10/2024 Eventers Combined Training and Clear Round Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


18/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage & Unaffiliated Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

18/10/2024 Indoor Tack Sale at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

18/10/2024 British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk


19/10/2024 Racing at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse, Luddington Road, Stratford-uponAvon, Warwickshire, CV37 9SE. Contact: 01789 267949 info@stratfordracecourse.net www.stratfordracecourse.net

19/10/2024 Fun Ride at Cotswold Farm Park,

Guiting Power, Cheltenham, Glos. GL54 5FL. Contact: 01451 850307 hello@cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk www.cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk/fun-rides/ 19/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage Quest Club at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

19/10/2024 Dressage at Beaver Hall Equestrian Centre, Bradnop, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EZ. Contact: 01538 304433 horses@beaverhall.co.uk www.beaverhall.co.uk

19/10/2024 Affiliated Dressage at Burrows Court Farm, Nibley Green, Dursley, Glos, GL11 6AZ. Contact: 01453 542488 www.burrowscourtfarm.co.uk

19/10/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

19/10/2024 Junior British Showjumping at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

19/10/2024 Halloween Quest/Unaffiliated Dressage at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

19/10/2024 BRC Area 17 Dressage Qualifiers at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

19/10/2024 Junior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

19/10/2024 NSEA Eventer’s Challenge at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

19/10/2024 British Dressage at Fairoak Grange, Ashford Hill, Berks. Contact: 01635 299637 / 07785 720799 www.fairoakgrange.co.uk

19/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

19/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

19/10/2024 British Dressage at Kingswood EC, County Lane, Albrighton, West Midlands, WV7 3AH. Contact: 01902 374480 support@kingswoodec.co.uk



19/10/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

19/10/2024 Unaffiliated afternoon Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

19/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com. www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk

19/10/2024 British Dressage Team Quest at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL. Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

19/10/2024 British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

19/10/202 HorseBall at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

19/10/2024 BRC Winter Novice Team & Individual Junior & Senior Dressage Qualifier at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

19/10/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

19/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping inc. Trailblazers Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

19/10/2024 Wiltshire Shetland Pony Show at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

19/10/2024 BSPS Hereitage Championships (19th-20th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com 20/10/2024 Coleshill Heath Riding Club Showing, Jumping, Handy Pony & Fun Show at Coleshill Heath Riding Club Show Ground, Cornets End, Coventry,W Midlands CV7 7UW. Contact:entries@chrc.co.uk www.chrc.co.uk 20/10/2024 Fun Ride at Cotswold Farm Park, Guiting Power, Cheltenham, Glos. GL54 5FL. Contact: 01451 850307 hello@cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk www.cotswoldfarmpark.co.uk/fun-rides/ 20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. Contact: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Beaver Hall Equestrian Centre, Bradnop, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EZ. Contact: 01538

304433 horses@beaverhall.co.uk www.beaverhall.co.uk

20/10/2024 Dressage at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. T: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Bow House Equestrian, Bishops Castle, SY9 5HY. Contact: 07779 259933 bowhousefarm@googlemail.com www.bowhousefarm.co.uk

20/10/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

20/10/2024 Halloween British Dressage at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

20/10/2024 Hunter Trial & Team Chase at Deer Park Cross Country, Brockhampton, Cheltenham, Glos, GL54 5SR. Contact: events@deerparkcrosscountry.co.uk www.deerparkcrosscountry.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

20/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

20/10/2024 Winter League Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

20/10/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Fenning Farm, Chapel Lane, Soham Fen, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5UL. Contact: 07875 044829 carol@fenningfarm.co.uk www.fenningfarm.co.uk

20/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

20/10/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

20/10/2024 British Dressage at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

20/10/2024 Quest Dressage at Kingswood EC, County Lane, Albrighton, West Midlands, WV7

3AH. Contact: 01902 374480 support@kingswoodec.co.uk www.kingswoodec.com

20/10/2024 Junior British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

20/10/2024 Fun Day at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. Contact: 01538 361388. www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

20/10/2024 British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

20/10/2024 HorseBall at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

20/10/2024 Team Quest at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

20/10/2024 Eventer Challenge at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training

20/10/2024 British Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

20/10/2024 Halloween Gymkhana at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

20/10/2024 Halloween Show Jumping, Dressage & Showing at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Hunter Trials at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

20/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

20/10/2024 BSPS Hereitage Championships (19th-20th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com

20/10/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Admington. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


21/10/2024 British Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

21/10/2024 British Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

21/10/2024 Indoor Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


22/10/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508

light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

22/10/2024 Training Show at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

22/10/2024 British Dressage Associated Championships (22nd-26th)at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

22/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 22/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping & Dressage at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk

22/10/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


23/10/2024 Unaff Dressage at Checkendon Equestrian Centre, Reading RG8 0NE. Contact: 01491 680225 info@checkendonequestrian.co.uk www.checkendonequestrian.co.uk

23/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

23/10/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

23/10/2024 Clear Rounds Arena Eventing at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

23/10/2024 British Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford,

Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

23/10/2024 British Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

23/10/2024 Winter League Dressage & Show Jumping Training Show at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com 23/10/2024 Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

23/10/2024 British Dressage Associated Championships (22nd-26th)at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

23/10/2024 Senior British Showjuming at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

23/10/2024 Unaffiliated Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

23/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk


24/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping (24th-26th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk 24/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at

Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 www.duckhurstfarm.com

24/10/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

24/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

24/10/2024 Tiny Tots Halloween Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

24/10/2024 British Dressage Associated Championships (22nd-26th)at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

24/10/2024 British Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

24/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

24/10/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


25/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Combined Training at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk


25/10/2024 British Dressage at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

25/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping (24th-26th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

25/10/2024 Sportjumping Final at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

25/10/2024 Evening Show Jumping Series at Mount Mascal Stables, Vicarage Road, Stable Lane, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW. www.mountmascalstables.co.uk

25/10/2024 British Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

25/10/2024 Dress Down Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

25/10/2024 British Dressage Associated Championships (22nd-26th)at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

25/10/2024 NSEA Eventers Challenge (25th & 26th) at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. Contact: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com

25/10/2024 British Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training


26/10/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Fullers Hill Farm, Fullers Hill, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 5RQ. Contact: 07711 199 166 (before 8pm) www.amershamdressage.com

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Combined Training at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

26/10/2024 Dressage at Beaver Hall Equestrian Centre, Bradnop, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EZ. Contact: 01538 304433 horses@beaverhall.co.uk www.beaverhall.co.uk

26/10/2024 British Dressage at Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Essex, RM4 1EJ. www.brookfarmtc.co.uk

26/10/2024 Affiliated Dressage at Burrows Court Farm, Nibley Green, Dursley, Glos, GL11 6AZ. Contact: 01453 542488 www.burrowscourtfarm.co.uk

26/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping (24th-26th) at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

26/10/2024 Arena Eventing at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. T: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

26/10/2024 Halloween Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

26/10/2024 Indoor Driving Show at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

26/10/2024 Combined Training & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net 26/10/2024 Arena Eventing at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire,

ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

26/10/2024 British Showjumping at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

26/10/2024 British Showjumping at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com. www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL. Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

26/10/2024 British Dressage Associated Championships (22nd-26th)at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

26/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping and Arena Eventing at Petley Wood Equestrian, Petley Farm, Marley Lane, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0RE. Contact: 01424 871677 www.petleywoodequestrian.co.uk

26/10/2024 NSEA Eventers Challenge (25th & 26th) at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. Contact: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Stressless Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

26/10/2024 Unaffiliated Halloween Fun Show Jumping at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. Contact: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk www.wellington-riding.co.uk

26/10/2024 Junior Halloween British Show Jumping (26th-29th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


27/10/2024 Hunter Trial at Larkhill Equestrian, Stirling Barracks, Salisbury SP4 8QT. Contact: net@bvrc.co.uk www.bvrc.org.uk

27/10/2024 Tadley & District RC Unaff Dressage at The Croft Equestrian Centre, Mays Lane, Padworth Common, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4QP. www.tadleyridingclub.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaff Dressage at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com


27/10/2024 Rearsby Lodge RC Open Halloween Show Jumping at Pickering Grange Equestrian, Ellistown Terrace Road, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EZ. Contact: 07748 644740 info@rearsbylodge.com www.rearsbylodgeridingclub.co.uk

27/10/2024 Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping at The Avon Centre, Kings Weston Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QT. T: 01179 590 266. www.theavoncentre.org.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Beaver Hall Equestrian Centre, Bradnop, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 7EZ. Contact: 01538 304433 horses@beaverhall.co.uk www.beaverhall.co.uk

27/10/2024 British Dressage at Bluegate Hall Farm, Braintree Road, Great Bardfield, Essex, CM7 4PZ. Contact: 07527 482847 charlotte@bluegatehalldressage.co.uk www.bluegatehalldressage.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Bow House Equestrian, Bishops Castle, SY9 5HY. Contact: 07779 259933 bowhousefarm@googlemail.com www.bowhousefarm.co.uk

27/10/2024 Arena Eventing Show at Brendon Pyecombe, Brendon Stud, Haresdean Lane, Pyecombe, Brighton, W Sussex, BN45 7EG. Contact: 01273 844508 light16@hotmail.co.uk www.brendonpyecombe.co.uk

27/10/2024 Halloween Fun Show at Burstow Park Equestrian Centre, Horley, Surrey, RH6 9TF. Contact: 01293 279924 Office@Burstowparkridingschool.com www.burstowparkridingcentre.com

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Spooktacular Show Jumping & Dressage at Bury Farm Equestrian Village, Mill Road, Slapton, Nr Leighton Buzzard, Buckinghamshire, LU7 9BT. Contact: 01525 222114 www.buryfarmequestrianvillage.co.uk

27/10/2024 Halloween Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

27/10/2024 Tadley and District Riding Club Championship Show at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

27/10/2024 Fun Pumpkin Trail at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

27/10/2024 Winter League Show Jumping at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

27/10/2024 British Dressage at Fenning Farm, Chapel Lane, Soham Fen, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5UL. Contact: 07875 044829

carol@fenningfarm.co.uk www.fenningfarm.co.uk

27/10/2024 Halloween Show Jumping at Glebe

Farm Equestrian Centre, Bozeat, Northants, NN29 7LB. Contact: 01933 666034 glebefarmec@gmail.com www.glebefarmec.co.uk

27/10/2024 Halloween Fun Show at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

27/10/2024 Arena Eventing at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

27/10/2024 Spooktacular Mini Show Jumping and Show Jumping at Hall Place EC, Sulham Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5UB. Contact: 01189 426938 www.hall-place.com

27/10/2024 Affiliated Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

27/10/2024 Wyre Forest Pony Club Dressage Competition at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

27/10/2024 British Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

27/10/2024 Pony British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483

616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Arena Eventing at Rectory Farm, Duntisbourne Abbots, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 7JW. Contact: 01285 821715. www.rectoryfarm.com

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage Series with Trailblazer First Round Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Mini Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

27/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. T:02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

27/10/2024 Junior Halloween British Show Jumping (26th-29th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com

27/10/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Opening Meet. T: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


28/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

28/10/2024 Junior Halloween British Show Jumping (26th-29th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


29/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre,

Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. Contact: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

29/10/2024 Training Show at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

29/10/2024 British Dressage at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

29/10/202 Afternoon Dressage (3pm start) at Hall Place EC, Sulham Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5UB. Contact: 01189 426938 www.hall-place.com

29/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

29/10/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 29/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

29/10/2024 British Dressage at Widmer EC, Lacey Green, Bucks, HP27 0PG. Contact: 01844 275139 widmerec@hotmail.co.uk www.widmerequestrian.co.uk

29/10/2024 Junior Halloween British Show Jumping (26th-29th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


30/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

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30/10/2024 Halloween Style Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

30/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. T: 079741 51272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

30/10/2024 British Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

30/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

30/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

30/10/2024 Senior British Showjuming at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

30/10/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

30/10/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

31/10/2024 Racing at Stratford-upon-Avon Racecourse, Luddington Road, Stratford-uponAvon, Warwickshire, CV37 9SE. Contact: 01789 267949 info@stratfordracecourse.net www.stratfordracecourse.net

31/10/2024 Halloween Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Beechwood EC, The Wheatsheaf Centre, Main Road, Rettendon Common, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 8DY. Contact: 07510621428 info@beechwoodec.co.uk www.beechwoodec.co.uk

31/10/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

31/10/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

31/10/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

31/10/2024 Combined Training & Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

31/10/2024 Senior Halloween British Show Jumping (31st-3rd) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


01/11/2024 Equine Car Boot Sale at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

01/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

01/11/2024 Senior Halloween British Show

Jumping (31st-3rd) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


02/11/2024 Unaff Dressage at The Croft Equestrian Centre, Mays Lane, Padworth Common, Reading, Berkshire RG7 4QP. www.tadleyridingclub.co.uk

02/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. T: 079741 51272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk

02/11/2024 Junior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

02/11/2024 Arena Eventing inc SEEL &BE Qualifiers at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

02/11/2024 Shropshire South Riding Club British Riding Clubs Area Dressage to Music Qualifier at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL. Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated & Mini Show Jumping at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

02/11/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

02/11/2024 Stoneleigh Riding Club Unaffiliated Dressage at Warwickshire College. Contact: 07912 367778 entries.stoneleighrc@gmail.com www.stoneleighridingclub.com

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping inc. Trailblazers Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

02/11/2024 Dressage at Twin Trees Equestrian Centre, Thorncote Road, Northill, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 9AG. Contact: 01767 627414 www.twintrees.net

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT.

Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

02/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk

02/11/2024 Senior Halloween British Show Jumping (31st-3rd) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


03/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

03/11/2024 In Hand & Ridden Showing Show at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

03/11/2024 British Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

03/11/2024 British Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

03/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

03/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

03/11/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

03/11/2024 Arena Eventing Clear Round (tbc) at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

03/11/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

03/11/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

03/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

03/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. Contact: 01538 361388 www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

03/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

03/11/2024 Unaff & JFS Show Jumping at Snowball Farm EC, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 8EH Contact: 01628 666222 shows@snowballfarm.co.uk www.snowballfarm.co.uk

03/11/2024 Saxon Dressage Group Championship & Open Show at West Wilts EC,

Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

03/11/2024 Senior Halloween British Show Jumping (31st-3rd) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


04/11/2024 British Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

04/11/2024 Clear Round Arena Eventing at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

04/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Witham Villa Riding Centre, Broughton Astley, Leics, LE9 6PA. Contact: withamvillarc@yahoo.co.uk www.withamvilla.co.uk


05/11/2024 British Dressage at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

05/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

05/11/2024 Evening Progressive Clear Round Show Jumping at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

05/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training

05/11/2024 Evening Eventers Show Jumping & Simulated XC at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


06/11/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

06/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

06/11/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

06/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

06/11/2024 Unaffiliated Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


07/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

07/11/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

07/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. T: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

07/11/2024 British Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

07/11/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


08/11/2024 Evening Clear Round Indoor Jumping at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

08/11/2024 British Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 08/11/2024 British Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. Contact: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

08/11/2024 British Dressage Team Quest Championships (8th-10th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


09/11/2024 Dog Show at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 www.fenlandec.co.uk


09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

09/11/2024 Junior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

09/11/2024 British Dressage at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

09/11/2024 British Dressage at Fairoak Grange, Ashford Hill, Berks. Contact: 01635 299637 / 07785 720799 www.fairoakgrange.co.uk

09/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

09/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

09/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

09/11/2024 British Showjumping at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk w ww.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

09/11/2024 British Dressage at Kingswood EC, County Lane, Albrighton, West Midlands, WV7 3AH. Contact: 01902 374480 support@kingswoodec.co.uk www.kingswoodec.com

09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Mini Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

09/11/2024 Junior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

09/11/2024 British Showjumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk 09/11/2024 Combnined Training at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Stressless Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

09/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

09/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. Contact: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

09/11/2024 British Dressage Team Quest Championships (8th-10th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


10/11/2024 Sunshine Tour Unaffiliated Arena Eventing at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

10/11/2024 Dressage & Show Jumping at Alsager EC, Church Lawton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, ST7 3RQ. Contact: 01270 872083 alsagereqc@btinternet.com www.alsagereqc.co.uk

10/11/2024 FFRC Open Winter Dressage at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

10/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

10/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Codham Park Equestrian Centre, Braintree, Essex, CM7 5JQ. www.codhamparkequestrian.co.uk

10/11/2024 Unaffiliate Indoor Show Jumping at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

10/11/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

10/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Team Quest at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

10/11/2024 British Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

10/11/2024 NSEA Show at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

10/11/2024 British Dressage at Fenning Farm, Chapel Lane, Soham Fen, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5UL. Contact: 07875 044829 carol@fenningfarm.co.uk www.fenningfarm.co.uk

10/11/2024 Unaff Dressage at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

10/11/2024 Wyre Forest Pony Club Show Jumping Competition at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

10/11/2024 Quest Dressage at Kingswood EC, County Lane, Albrighton, West Midlands, WV7 3AH. Contact: 01902 374480 support@kingswoodec.co.uk www.kingswoodec.com

10/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

10/11/2024 British Showjumping at Willoughby

Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

10/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping and Arena Eventing at Petley Wood Equestrian, Petley Farm, Marley Lane, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0RE. Contact: 01424 871677 www.petleywoodequestrian.co.uk

10/11/2024 Dressage at Seechem Equestrian Centre, Rowney Green Lane, Alvechurch, Worcs B48 7EL. Contact: 01214 452333 seechem@hotmail.co.uk www.seechemequestrian.com

10/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Snowball Farm EC, Burnham, Bucks, SL1 8EH Contact: 01628 666222 shows@snowballfarm.co.uk www.snowballfarm.co.uk

10/11/2024 Mini Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

10/11/2024 British Dressage Team Quest Championships (8th-10th) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


11/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


12/11/2024 British Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

12/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

12/11/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Winter Show Jumping Qualifiers at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

12/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 12/11/2024 Evening Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

12/11/2024 British Dressage at Widmer EC, Lacey Green, Bucks, HP27 0PG. Contact: 01844 275139 widmerec@hotmail.co.uk www.widmerequestrian.co.uk


13/11/2024 Arena Eventing Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

13/11/2024 Winter League Dressage & Show Jumping Training Show at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

13/11/2024 Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

13/11/2024 Dress Down Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

13/11/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk



13/11/2024 Unaffiliated Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


14/11/2024 Evening Unaff Dressage at Grove Farm Equestrian, Grove Farms, Milton Hill, Harwell, Oxfordshire, OX13 6AD. Contact: 07768 174075 belinda.shaw@grovefarmequestrian.co.uk www.grovefarmequestrian.co.uk

14/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

14/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

14/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

14/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


15/11/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

15/11/2024 British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk


16/11/2024 Arena Eventer Challenge at Aston Le Walls Equestrian, Washbrook Farm, Welsh Road, Aston le Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT. Contact: astonlewalls.ec@gmail.com 07854 335542 between 10am - 3pm www.astonlewalls.net 16/11/2024 British Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk 16/11/2024 Meon Riding Club Open Indoor Show Jumping inc Team Jumping at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

16/11/2024 NSEA Eventer’s Challenge at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com 16/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

16/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping & Dog Show at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

16/11/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk 16/11/2024 British Dressage at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147

arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

16/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com. www.mooresfarmequestrian.co.uk

16/11/2024 British Dressage Team Quest at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL.

Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

16/11/2024 Winter Dressage Series at Mount Mascal Stables, Vicarage Road, Stable Lane, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW. www.mountmascalstables.co.uk

16/11/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

16/11/2024 Pony British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

16/11/2024 Unaffiliated Stressless Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

16/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

16/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk www.allenshill.co.uk


17/11/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

17/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Fenning Farm, Chapel Lane, Soham Fen, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 5UL. Contact: 07875 044829 carol@fenningfarm.co.uk www.fenningfarm.co.uk

17/11/2024 Arena Eventer Challenge at Aston Le Walls Equestrian, Washbrook Farm, Welsh Road, Aston le Walls, Daventry, Northamptonshire, NN11 6RT. astonlewalls.ec@gmail.com 07854 335542 between 10am - 3pm www.astonlewalls.net

17/11/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping & Dressage at The Avon Centre, Kings Weston Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QT. Contact: info@theavoncentre.org.uk T: 01179 590 266. www.theavoncentre.org.uk

17/11/2024 Arena Eventing at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

17/11/2024 Combined Training at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk #www.cherwellcompetition.com

17/11/2024 British Dressage at The Croft EC, Padworth Common, Berks. Contact: 0118 970 1019. www.thecroftec.co.uk

17/11/2024 Unaff Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

17/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com 17/11/2024 Winter League Show Jumping at

Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

17/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

17/11/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

17/11/2024 British Showjumping & Dog Show at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

17/11/2024 Mini Show Jumping and Show Jumping at Hall Place EC, Sulham Hill, Reading, Berkshire, RG31 5UB. Contact: 01189 426938 www.hall-place.com

17/11/2024 British Dressage at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

17/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

17/11/2024 British Dressage at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

17/11/2024 Fun Day at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. Contact: 01538 361388. www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

17/11/2024 British Dressage at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk www.merristwoodarena.co.uk

17/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

17/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

17/11/2024 British Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

17/11/2024 Dressage, Combined Training, Show Jumping & Arena Eventers Challenge at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk

17/11/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Blakesley. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


18/11/2024 British Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com www.tedworth.ecpro.co.uk

18/11/2024Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 www.westwilts.com


19/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272

entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

19/11/2024 British Dressage at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

19/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

19/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training

19/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping & Dressage at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk

19/11/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

19/11/2024 British Dressage at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com


20/11/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. T: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

20/11/2024 British Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

20/11/2024 British Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

20/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East

Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

20/11/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

20/11/2024 Unaffiliated Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


21/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

21/11/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

21/11/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

21/11/2024 British Showjumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

21/11/2024 British Dressage at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

21/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

21/11/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com



22/11/2024 British Dressage at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk


23/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

23/11/2024 Indoor Driving Show at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

23/11/2024 British Dressage at Fairoak Grange, Ashford Hill, Berks. Contact: 01635 299637 / 07785 720799 www.fairoakgrange.co.uk

23/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

23/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

23/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

23/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

23/11/2024 Eventer Challenge at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training



24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

24/11/2024 Rearsby Lodge RC Dressage Show at Pickering Grange Equestrian, Ellistown Terrace Road, Ellistown, Leicestershire, LE67 1EZ. Contact: 07748 644740 info@rearsbylodge.com www.rearsbylodgeridingclub.co.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping at The Avon Centre, Kings Weston Road, Henbury, Bristol, BS10 7QT. info@theavoncentre.org.uk

T: 01179 590 266. www.theavoncentre.org.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

24/11/2024 Senior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

24/11/2024 Clear Round Arena Eventing at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

24/11/2024 Winter League Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

24/11/2024 Pony British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

24/11/2024 Unaff Dressage at Fenland Equestrian Centre, Redmoor Lane, Begdale, Elm, Wisbech, Cambs, PE14 0RN. Contact: 01945 466617 fenlandequestriancentre@aol.com www.fenlandec.co.uk

24/11/2024 Arena Eventing at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com www.fieldhousemarchington.co.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

24/11/2024 Arena Eventing at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com www.gwequine.co.uk

24/11/2024 British Dressage at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk www.kingsequestrian.co.uk

24/11/2024 British Show Jumping at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk www.leylandcourt.co.uk

24/11/2024 British Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage/Team Quest at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane,

Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk www.speedgate.co.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

24/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. T:02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

24/11/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Peopleton. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk www.farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


25/11/2024 Horsey Car Boot Tack Sales at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 3EW. Text 07766 731832 www.horseycarboot.co.uk

25/11/2024 Horsey Car Boot Sale at Crofton Manor Equestrian Centre, Titchfield Road, Stubbington, Near Fareham, Hampshire PO14 3EW. Contact: 01329 667323 competitions@croftonmanor.co.uk www.croftonmanor.co.uk

25/11/2024 NSEA Eventer’s Challenge at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com 25/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


26/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Parwood Equestrian Centre, Westwood Lane, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2JE. Contact: 01483 616313 bookings@parwood.co.uk www.parwood.co.uk

26/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 26/11/2024 Evening Unaffiliated Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

26/11/2024 British Dressage at Widmer EC, Lacey Green, Bucks, HP27 0PG. Contact: 01844 275139 widmerec@hotmail.co.uk www.widmerequestrian.co.uk

26/11/2024 BS Tuesday Show at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


27/11/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

27/11/2024 Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net 27/11/2024 British Showjumping at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. Contact: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

27/11/2024 Affiliated Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

27/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE.

Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

27/11/2024 Unaffiliated Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com


28/11/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

28/11/2024 Dress Down Dressage at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk www.nvec.co.uk

28/11/2024 British Showjumping at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

28/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Solihull Riding Club, Four Ashes Road, Bentley Heath, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 8QE. Contact: 01564 770180 www.solihullridingclub.co.uk

28/11/2024 Combined Training & Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com www.westwilts.com

28/11/2024 British Showjumping Winter Classic (28th-1st) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


29/11/2024 Evening Show Jumping Series at Mount Mascal Stables, Vicarage Road, Stable Lane, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW. www.mountmascalstables.co.uk

29/11/2024 British Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 29/11/2024 British Showjumping Winter Classic (28th-1st) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


30/11/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Fullers Hill Farm, Fullers Hill, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 5RQ. Contact: 07711 199 166 (before 8pm) www.amershamdressage.com

30/11/2024 Junior British Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com www.ccrequestrian.com

30/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk www.cherwellcompetition.com

30/11/2024 Junior British Show Jumping at Duckhurst Farm, Clapper Lane, Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0JW. Contact: 01580 891057 duckhurstsj@btinternet.com www.duckhurstfarm.com

30/11/2024 Senior British Showjumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

30/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. T: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com www.goldencrossec.com

30/11/2024 British Showjumping at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk www.hartpuryequineevents.co.uk

30/11/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Newbold Verdon Equestrian Centre, Barlestone

Don’t forget to mention CHN when responding to adverts


Rd, Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, LE9 9NE. Contact: 07860 348679 office@nvec.co.uk

30/11/2024 British Dressage at Willoughby Park, Onley Grounds Farm, Nr Rugby CV23 8AJ. www.willoughbypark.co.uk

30/11/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage Series with Trailblazer First Round Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

30/11/2024 British Showjumping Winter Classic (28th-1st) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com


01/12/2024 British Dressage at Cherwell Competition Centre, Mill Lane, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX3 0QG. Contact: 07974151272 entries@cherwellcompetition.co.uk

01/12/2024 Arena Eventing at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

01/12/2024 Winter League Show Jumping at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com

01/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

01/12/2024 British Dressage at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com

01/12/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. T: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com

01/12/2024 Aff Dressage at Hunters Equestrian, Cherry Tree Lane, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5DT. Contact: 07974 387385, 01285 640790 www.huntersequestrian.co.uk

01/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Leyland Court Farm, Trench Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol BS36 1RY. Contact: 01454 773163 info@leylandcourt.co.uk

01/12/2024 North Staffs Pony Club Christmas Show at Lodge Farm EC, Wetley Rocks, Staffs. T: 01538 361388. www.lodgefarmriding.co.uk

01/12/2024 British Dressage at Merrist Wood College, Worplesdon, Guildford, Surrey, GU3 3PE. Contact: 01483 884147 arena@activatelearning.ac.uk

01/12/2024 British Dressage at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk

01/12/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 01/12/2024 Unaffiliated Outdoor Show Jumping at Wellington Riding, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 0LJ. Contact: 0118 932 6308 ridinginfo@wellington.co.uk

01/12/2024 Mini Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com

01/12/2024 British Showjumping Winter Classic (28th-1st) at Arena UK, Grantham, Lincs, NG32 2EF. Contact: 01476 591569 entries@arenauk.com www.arenauk.com 01/12/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at The Crown, Weston. T: 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


02/12/2024 British Show Jumping at Tedworth Equestrian Centre, Humber Lane, Tidworth, Wiltshire, SP9 7AW. Contact: 01980 846464 events@tedworthparkriding.com

02/12/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com

02/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Witham Villa Riding Centre, Broughton Astley, Leics, LE9 6PA. Contact: withamvillarc@yahoo.co.uk


03/12/2024 British Dressage at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. T: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net

03/12/2024 British Dressage at Kings Equestrian Centre, Sturts Farm, Winslow, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4SR. Contact: 01885 400650 events@kingsequestrian.co.uk

03/12/2024 Clear Round Show Jumping & Dressage at Tumpy Green EC, Cam, Dursley, Glos, GL11 5HZ. Contact: 01453 899002 www.tumpygreenequestrian.co.uk

03/12/2024 Evening Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com


04/12/2024 Clear Rounds at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. T: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com

04/12/2024 Winter League Dressage & Show Jumping Training Show at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

04/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage & Clear Round Training at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net

04/12/2024 Unaffiliate Long & Short Arena Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. T:01225783220 info@westwilts.com


05/12/2024 Christmas Open Evening at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com 05/12/2024 British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com


06/12/2024 Equine Car Boot Sale at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. Contact: info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

06/12/2024 British Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training 06/12/2024 British Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. Contact: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk www.weston-lawns.co.uk

06/12/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk


07/12/2024 Senior British Showjumping at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com

07/12/2024 NSEA Show (7th & 8th) at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury

House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moulton College EC, Northampton, Northants, NN3 7QL. Contact: sam.gregory@moulton.ac.uk www.moulton.ac.uk

07/12/2024 Christmas Fun Fancy Dress Dressage at Mount Mascal Stables, Vicarage Road, Stable Lane, Bexley, Kent DA5 2AW. www.mountmascalstables.co.uk

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage/Team Quest at Speedgate Events, Mussenden Lane, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact: 01474 888474 events@speedgate.co.uk

07/12/2024 Stoneleigh Riding Club Unaffiliated Dressage at Warwickshire College. T07912 367778 entries.stoneleighrc@gmail.com

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Prestige Equestrian, Bath Road, Hardwicke, Glos, GL2 2RG. Contact: 01452 726633 shows@prestige.training www.prestige.training

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at West Wilts EC, Nr Trowbridge, BA14 6QT. Contact: 01225 783220 info@westwilts.com

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage at Weston Lawns Farm, Bedworth Rd, Bulkington, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9JA. T: 02475 901024 secretary@weston-lawns.co.uk

07/12/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Allens Hill, Pershore, Worcs, WR10 2DU. Contact: 01386 555616 office@allenshill.co.uk


08/12/2024 Sunshine Tour Unaffiliated Arena Eventing at Enborne Equestrian Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Nr Newbury, Berks, RG20 0JL. Contact: 07929 873071 ruth.gardiner2@btinternet.com www.enborneequestrian.co.uk

08/12/2024 FFRC Open Winter Dressage at CCR Equestrian, Chambers Farm, Brookthorpe, Glos, GL4 0XA. Contact: 07787 083390 info@ccrequestian.com

08/12/2024 Christmas Pony Parade at Eland Lodge Equestrian Centre, Newborough Road, Draycott In The Clay, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, DE6 5HD. Contact: 01283 575856 events@elandlodge.com www.elandlodge.com

08/12/2024 British Dressage at Elms Farm Equestrian Centre, Frieston Heath Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 3HD. E:info@elmsfarmec.com www.elmsfarmec.com

08/12/2024 NSEA Show (7th & 8th) at Felbridge Show Ground, East Grinstead, Sussex, RH19 2NU. Contact: 01342 321601 info@felbridge.net www.felbridge.net

08/12/2024 Arena Eventing at Field House Equestrian Centre, Field House Farm, Birch Cross, Marchington, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8NX. Contact: 01283 820310 info@fieldhousemarchington.com

08/12/2024 Unaffiliated & British Dressage at Golden Cross Equestrian Centre, Chalvington Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3SS. T: 07595 777265 admin@goldencrossec.com

08/12/2024 Unaff Dressage at GW Equine, Highbrook Stables, Lyss Place, Hawkley Road, West Liss, Hampshire, GU33 6JP. Contact: 07771 908816 gwequineltd@gmail.com

08/12/2024 British Dressage at Hartpury University & Hartpury College, Hartpury House, Hartpury, Gloucestershire, GL19 3BE. Contact: 01452 702397 shows@hartpury.ac.uk

08/12/2024 Unaffiliated Show Jumping at Moores Farm EC, Corse Lawn, Glos, GL19 4LY. Contact: mfec@btconnect.com.

08/12/2024 Unaffiliated Dressage Series with Trailblazer First Round Qualifiers at Swallowfield Equestrian, Rising Lane, Lapworth, Warwickshire B94 6JD. Contact: 01564 784475 www.swallowfieldec.co.uk

08/12/2024 The Farmers Bloodhounds Meet at Swerford Park, OX7 4BF. Contact: Emma Checkley 07940 705648 emma@farmersbloodhounds.co.uk


here do I begin? Probably September 2022 when I decided my next adventure with Clippy needed to be more of a challenge, so I opted for the Lake District. I had been thinking about it for a few days before I decided to think “out loud” when the reply from my long suffering husband Rob, as he rolled his eyes at me, was “Okay, but I’m too busy on the farm so you will have to do it alone!” Challenge accepted.

I already had an idea of where I wanted to go, so narrowed down the probable dates which had to fit in with work (have to pay for my hobby somehow), weather (always a dodgy one) and pre-

tourist season ( I didn’t want to share scenic routes and views with endless others). In the end, I decided upon early to mid-May.

Next, I began the task of finding accommodation for myself and Clippy. There are actually quite a lot of options available, especially post covid. However, as I don’t do camping in a tent, and don’t have a horsebox to sleep in, I looked at B&B in a pub. I was in contact with a lady, Angie Coulston, via Facebook, about suitable places to ride around Ullswater and grazing. It transpired she is ‘Ullswater Saddle Back Horse Trails’. Following a discussion, and for a very reasonable fee, Clippy could have a paddock for the duration of our stay and we could ride out on some lovely half day and full day rides with Angie as our guide. Although Angie doesn’t usually have lone riders she was happy to accommodate us whilst also recommending a good pub at Pooley Bridge. This is a five minute walk from her base, so the bookings for our four days were made.

It was then I decided that actually Ullswater in the Lake District is quite a long drive with a horse in a trailer for just a few days … so why not extend this trip and

go the Scottish Borders as well? Again Rob just rolled his eyes. I had previously joined the ‘Ride Cumbria’ Facebook page, where I came across ‘Off The Beaten Track Rides’ run by Chris Parsons in the Scottish Borders. This is based not far from Newcastleton very near to the Borders, where I spent holidays with grandparents. Following an exchange of messages and the completion of a booking form our next four days in the Scottish Borders were booked. Clippy would be in a paddock, or stabled if the ground was wet, with myself in the house on a full board basis, including unlimited cake!

At this point I decided I might as well have a second stop in the Lake District to break up the journey home. By this stage Rob is not surprised that I am now planning to be away for twelve days on what became known as the ‘Epic Trip’. Anyway I found a lovely cottage through Facebook, and got in touch directly with the owners of Widewath Barn. They were able to accommodate myself in their lovely renovated barn and Clippy could have a paddock as well. Widewath is situated south of Askam which is to the East of the Lake District almost halfway between Ullswater and Haweswater, meaning we could add on some lovely rides at the end of our trip. The final stage of our trip was now complete with three nights booked in the barn.

Within about three weeks I had researched where I wanted to go, when I could go; I ‘d booked time off work, booked the accommodation we would need at three locations and paid the deposits to secure everything. Now we have to wait … for what seems like an eternity … until the end of March when we start our fitness work and pay off the balances on our bookings. Plenty of steady walking and trot work for three

weeks, with a couple of long canters being introduced in weeks four and five. By this time we were also doing a faster weekly ride of ten to fifteen miles on a hilly route, such as The Ridgeway or the Barringtons. Plus, I was on an exercise bike to improve my stamina and leg strength. Two weeks prior to departure Clippy had a new set of shoes, a week prior we both had a Bowen Therapy session and two days before leaving home Clippy had a chiropractic session. The day before we set off we had a five mile leg stretch, in walk, around the farm and then I spent the rest of the day packing the car & the trailer… and there was a lot to pack.

I had done some head scratching regarding what I needed to take, what I should take and what I wanted to take. Packing for a show or competition is bad enough, but when you’re about to head off for twelve days there is a lot to put on the list. Not only did I have to take the basics but I needed a first aid kit, tack cleaning kit, fly stuff, spare this and that in case of breakages, enough numnahs so that a dry one was used each day, flymasks & ears, rugs for all weathers (well two if I’m honest, a light weight and a medium weight would have to do) hi-viz gear, saddle bags, spare gloves, spare boots and chaps for me, enough jackets to cover every weather possibility, after all it apparently always rains in the Lake District and Scotland and the weather can and will change in the blink of an eye. I needed to take a reel of electric fencing, a charger and electric fence standards as well as hay and feed, haynets, water and feed buckets and a large jerry can of water. I also made sure that I had a spare lead rope, bale string loops and hoof pick attached to my saddle in case

of emergencies. Speaking of emergencies, I had purchased two ID tags with emergency contact details on them from the BHS Online Shop. One is fitted to Clippy’s bridle and the other is fitted to my hat so in the event we became separated on the fells, in the middle of nowhere, the lucky finder would know who they should contact.

So it’s now Day 1 and I’ve been well awake since about 3am thinking about things such as have I got everything I’m likely to need, should I take extra hay and God forbid how long will it take me to unpack the boot of my car in the event I have a flat tyre and need to change it! A quick breakfast for us both, Clippy is loaded, I say goodbye to Rob and we’re pulling out of our drive at 6am. I thought it would take approx five hours to get from Bampton, Oxfordshire, to Pooley Bridge and it took six hours forty minutes with two stops when I offered Clippy a drink and I had a loo stop and coffee break. The Thursday traffic was fairly busy till about Preston after which the roads were a lot quieter but there were roadworks to get through, an accident holding up traffic and then a breakdown in the middle lane. All stuff beyond my control which in the end added on the extra travelling time.

We get to Hole House Farm, Pooley Bridge, at 12.40 where we are warmly welcomed by Angie Coulston. It is lashing down with almost vertical rain so Clippy is quickly off-loaded and popped into her new home for the next four days where she has a quick trot around the paddock before starting to graze. She came off the trailer as though I’d just driven her ten minutes down the road to Lower Haddon not six plus hours to

the Lake District. After coffee and cake with Angie we have agreed a plan for our ride on Friday and I head off to check in at the Sun Inn which will be my home for the next few days. I pop back to check on Clippy at about 7pm and it’s stopped raining and she is totally chilled out in the evening sun.

Friday morning beckons with moderate wind, sunshine and clear skies so we do not require too many layers today. We head off, with lunch in saddle bags, along quiet lanes and climb up on to the fells above Ullswater where the views are quite something. There is mist in the distance hovering over Hellvellyn, Loadpot Hill and other ridges but once we have climbed up further on the fells we can see Penrith, Askham and Lowther and the Pennines sticking up above the mist. There is nobody on the fells today and we descend down into Askham, where we ride on to Lowther Estate which is the home of Lowther Castle which formerly held annual carriage driving trials. Our ride takes us through Lowther Park via a splash in the river and we make our way through grazing Longhorn cattle before riding through the park to arrive at the castle. We are invited in to the courtyard where we are treated to cake and coffee courtesy of one of Angie’s friends who works there before we head off again. We stop for a picnic lunch on the village green at Askham where the horses free graze for thirty minutes and then set off again taking another loop on Askham fell back down to Ullswater. There are skylarks everywhere, a few grouse and wild Fell ponies grazing in the next valley and by the time we get back to base, we’ve ridden fifteen miles and once the horses are sorted and I’ve cleaned tack it’s about 4pm. Time for a stroll along the lake, with compulsory tea and cake, a walk back to check on Clippy at about 7pm before I have supper and go to


Our ride on Saturday is shorter, so we don’t set off too early having a paddle in the river, before riding through Pooley Bridge and up on to the Fells. We head of towards Arthur’s Pike which, after a steady climb, offers fantastic views of the surrounding area including the ridges and peaks on the westerly side of Ullswater. There is no mist today, hardly any wind and the sun is out in full force. There are a lot of walkers on the main path today so we opt to take the longer route which has no walkers. We’re off the recognised track and Clippy has to learn how to cross boggy ground; Angie knows the route and whilst it is very soft and boggy in places, it is not dangerous provided you look where you are going. Once we get to the top and we ride to the edge of the ridge the views are quite spectacular. Angie is naming the peaks and ridges and pointing out things of interest. There is a regatta on the lake, boats sailing about, hang-gliders floating around us, some drones in the sky and plenty of things to interest horses. As we climb back down we follow a natural ravine, which brings us to a crossing point on a stream, where after a long drink we continue back down towards Pooley Bridge, this time through fields of ewes and lambs, past cattle grazing and through a caravan park. Today was ten miles We are not doing fast work but just steady walking and trotting with the occasional canter when ground conditions are right but we are climbing quite high. Clippy got to meet her new equine neighbour, Pearl, who will be joining us for our ride on Sunday.

Sunday is another great day with sunshine, clear skies and moderate winds.

We are all ready to set off, complete with picnic lunches in saddle bags, by 10am. Today we are riding to Howtown, along the shores of Ullswater before climbing back up the fells and down to the other end of Ullswater. The route today is very steep and very stoney so most of it is done in walk. Again the views are to be seen to be believed and we can see for miles. There are a lot of ramblers and mountain bikers on this side of the fell and thankfully they were able to pass us all without any issues, raised voices or whip waving. The going is steep and when we finally descend towards the Howtown on the shores of Ullswater we decide a pit-stop at the Howtown Tearoom is in order. Clippy and I knock on the door where we are warmly welcomed and if she could have squeezed in through the door she would have been quite at home. We opted for coffee and the best sausage rolls whilst the horses each had a carrot. We were soon back on the road where we had a long paddle in the lake before riding along the shore for a few miles. We then climbed back up on to the Fells to

make our way back over towards Pooley Bridge. By the time we were on the climb back down to Pooley Bridge the paths were crawling with walkers, mountain bikers and joggers all out enjoying the beautiful weather and spaces. Today we did twelve miles and didn’t get back to base till about 4.30pm. It’s still a glorious afternoon so rather than a walk I opted for cold cider in the pub gardens where I sat on the lawn and cleaned my tack. A quick check on a relaxed Clippy at 7pm before supper and then another early night. This is the end of day four, and by now I’m surprised at just how fit we both are as clearly our fitness plan did what it needed to do.

Monday morning sees us pack up everything, say thank you and goodbye, pop Clippy in the trailer and then head off to our second stop, ‘Off The Beaten Track Rides’ at The Row, in the Scottish Borders. I expected the trip to take about ninety minutes and we were there in about seventy five. Clippy was soon settled in her stable munching on

a haynet and I was drinking coffee, whilst my host for the next four days was making lunch. There was supposed to be a group of five ladies staying at this place but they had all cancelled for one reason or another, so I was to be on my own which didn’t worry me at all. However a lovely lady, Kirsty, from Kirkintilloch in Scotland joined us for a couple of days. We had a lovely two course lunch before our first ride out in the afternoon. We followed quiet country lanes, crossed a ford before heading into the forest where we rode for miles along gravel roads before returning to The Row. Horses done and tack cleaned followed by tea and cake, an amazing supper from our super hosts Chris and Cal and then another early night.

Tuesday beckons and our host Chris decided that if we were up for it then we should do what is known as ‘The Bloody Bush Route’. I had researched this route as a possibility anyway and had mapped it along with some other options as well. This is an old drover’s road that goes from Newcastle upon Tyne through to the west coast. The actual bloody bush part is where countless battles have been fought between the English and Scottish. It is also a point where two counties, Northumberland and Cumbria both meet, on the Scotland/England border so it’s got endless history. There is limited parking as it’s very rural so we popped both horses into Kirsty’s trailer (her truck can tow 3.5T) and off we went. Chris showed us the best grass verge to park on and off we went. We climbed up for approximately 512 metres through felled forests before we reached a viewpoint that offers spectacular views

through 360 degrees. We then continued along the top of the ridge to the stone toll pillar at the point where the counties meet on the borders and then on towards Willowbog Cottage, which is so old it’s mentioned in the Doomsday Book. We then turned around and after twelve miles had made our way back to the trailer, where we were met by Chris complete with picnic lunch. Chris has not taken any riders to this ride since 2017 so we were very lucky to do this. It’s an extremely remote and wild place to ride and it was lovely to ride there.

An hour later horses and riders are both rested, fed and watered and are ready to go. This time we are off to the ‘Deserted Village’. Both horses loaded quickly and after a thirty minute drive we pulled in to another secret parking spot. Both horses were confused when they came off the trailer because they didn’t expect to be doing another ride today. Chris sent us up a steep grassy track and we trotted and cantered our way to the top where, again, we were rewarded with stunning views of forestry, hills and fields. We then made our way back down to start the ride to the deserted village. Up until the 60’s there was a village built around Riccarton Junction which was only accessible by train as you could not get to it by road. In the 1960’s the Government decided to get rid of rural stations so the village eventually became deserted however the Station Masters house is still standing and the platform remains, as do some cottage ruins. A new station sign has been erected by Scottish Railway Heritage and it is visited by walkers, cyclists and occasional horse riders so were lucky to be able to ride here. By the time we finished our second ride of the day and

we had boxed up and driven home we didn’t get back to The Row till about 7.30pm. Horses done, twenty miles under our belts, another lovely supper then straight to bed.

Wednesday dawns and we have time for a leisurely nine mile leg stretch before lunch and then Kirsty sadly heads off home leaving Clippy and I to relax in the sun. Kirsty and her lovely mare, Sepal, do a lot of endurance riding in Scotland, so had opted for a couple of days at the Row in preparation for a ride the following Sunday.

Thursday starts as a clear day and after a lie-in by the time I’d mucked out and fed Clippy and had my own breakfast it was 8.30am. I decided that I was going to drive to Kielder Water and ride there for the day. After telling me that no one has ever gone to Kielder, from her base, for the day, Chris made me a lovely picnic and we set off. It’s a leisurely eighty minute drive through beautiful countryside to get there and we arrive and park up.

The trail around Kielder Water is a surfaced multi-user path and is used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders. We met a few dog walkers, some ramblers, a lot of people visiting Kielder for the day as well as a few cyclists, a group of school children and a group using amazing off-road wheelchairs. Everyone was so happy to be outside enjoying the space and beautiful countryside and everyone was pleased to see a horse on the trail. We stopped lots of times to chat which Clippy just loved, as she is very sociable and enjoys the attention . The views around the trail vary and are changing all of the time from lovely Scots Pine and Larch trees to open

areas where you can see the water. You can reach the edge of the water for a drink and you can watch the boats, kayaks and canoes. There were a few people fishing as well and people just sitting about watching the world go by. We kept to the trail and as the surface is too hard for cantering we walked and trotted. Some of the trail goes through fields with livestock and whilst there are a number of gates to open and close, they are all doable from horse back as they are horse friendly and hang properly. We ride as far as the tower on the dam and then retrace our steps back to the trailer where I calculate from my OS map app that, had I been organised and arrived earlier, we could have easily ridden completely around the water as it’s only twenty six miles and we have by this time ridden 21.5 miles. Oh well there is always next time. By the time we return home to base it’s about 6.30pm and once Clippy is fed and settled I have my supper, a bath and then off to bed again.

Our last morning at The Row is soon here where I have a final breakfast and then Clippy and I head off for a leisurely ride down the lane to the ford, through the forest and then back across farmland. It’s yet again a beautiful day, where only shirt sleeves are required and we are enjoying more exploring. Just before lunch the next batch of five excited guests and horses arrive. They all get settled in and we have a chat

over lunch when I tell them they are going to have such a great time I then pack up my bits and pieces, load Clippy, say my goodbyes and head off to our final stop in the Lake District at Widewath Barn south of Helton. As we travel down the M6 back to the Penrith junction I stop off to get a few supplies for the next few days as I am self-catering and need to cook my own meals.

My hosts for the next few days, George and Alice, welcome me in to their beautiful barn conversion and make sure Clippy is content in her paddock with a few sheep for company and everyone is happy. I have decided to do the route known as the High Street and plot this on my OS App. Another early night followed by breakfast and an early start on Saturday and we set off at 6.30am. We climb up on to Askham Fell, Heughscar Hill where we can see the Pennines and then Ridding Brow where we can see Penrith, up to the stone cockpit and along the roman road known as High Street and up the top of Barton Fell to Arthur’s Pike where we look across Ullswater. We then continue to Loadpot Hill where there are new views to take in including Red Crag, The Nab and Deer Forest. We are surrounded by skylarks, lapwings and grouse who are all chattering away, and there are hares and in the distance a herd of wild Fell ponies. We did not pass a single person today and have all of this to our-selves. We descend from Loadpot Hill and make our way to Daleshead Farm where we are greeted by a very interested herd of Fell ponies comprising mares, youngsters and stallions. Clippy has been calling to them and is very chatty so they are very interested in us. They all start coming over with what I would describe as purpose so I take this as our cue to keep walking and we leave them to graze. From Daleshead we head to Heltondale and back to Widewath. Previous planning had indicated that this ride would take approximately six hours however Clippy was on a mission, marching out, so we are back in four hours! Once Clippy is washed off and back out in her paddock and I’ve cleaned my tack I take a trip to Pooley Bridge where I have a walk along the lake again. I return to the barn and sit in

the late afternoon sunshine watching lambs playing in fields and listening to Curlews and Skylarks. This side of the fell is much quieter than the Pooley Bridge side and there are less people here as well. Supper is quickly followed by bed.

After a late Sunday breakfast I wash up, pack the car and fill two haynets for Clippy, say my final goodbyes and load Clippy before we head off on our return trip home. It’s mid-morning on a lovely, sunny Sunday morning and we steadily drive home. No dramas, no traffic problems and no diversions. In fact our journey is so straightforward that we are pulling in to our home driveway five hours later. Clippy is unloaded and straight out to her paddock with our two sheep and is none the worse for her twelve days away, miles and miles of riding and the long road trip. I unpack the car and trailer, as I’m back to work on Monday, put everything away, park the trailer up and head off to the pub with Rob for a well earned celebratory drink.

By now the enormity of what we have just completed is beginning to dawn on me as friends are congratulating me on what Clippy and I have just achieved.

When I think about it, yes I am actually very proud of what we have both just completed; from driving my trailer up the M6 to Ullswater, staying in new places, meeting new people, riding in new and strange places, riding across varied terrain including very steep hills and boggy ground whilst exploring amazing places. Clippy and I have an amazing partnership and we have done lots of things together. We’ve both just completed the most intensive riding that we’ve done together and neither of us is stiff, sore or lame. I am very lucky to have her in my life and there is not a better pair of ears to sit behind. If someone had told me when I bought her that one day we would be doing this epic trip by ourselves I would have laughed out loud; but here we are, we ’ ve done it creating amazing memories that I will reflect on when I am no longer able to do amazing things with Clippy. She really is my horse of a lifetime and I am privileged to have her in my life.


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