The Vintage Scene


£5,000,000 Indemnity for Public Liability and Third Party Cover including use on the road from £4 .00 (with no hidden fees)
Cover as standard:
• Social Domestic & Pleasure use including your own agricultural use
• Cover for Shows including working events and road runs
• Any driver aged 21+ (Cover can be extended for under 21)
• Uninsured Loss Recovery including Legal Expenses up to £100,000

117/08/2024 Ramsey Camp 11940’s Weekend (17th-18th) at RRamsey Rural Museum, Wood LLane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PPE26 2XD. T: 01487 815715 wwww.ramseyruralmuseum.co.uk

LLane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PPE26 2XD. T: 01487 815715 wwww.ramseyruralmuseum.co.uk

Traction engines + steam rollers + living vans + trailers + more!
Tel. 0121 472 0657 Fax: 0121 414 1135 email: sales@bhleakerubber.co.uk 80 Dogpool Lane, Stirchley, Birmingham, B30 2XH Take a LOOK at our website www.bhleakerubber.co.uk check out our gallery 'Carrying on, Full Steam Ahead, through Covid and Global Disruption'.
118/08/2024 Banbury & District VVintage Ploughing Society MMatch at Park Farm, Rousham, BBicester, OX25 4QY. T: 07500 8894217 www.bdvps.co.uk
118/08/2024 Railway Days at WWestonzoyland Pumping Station, BBridgewater, Somerset, TA7 00LS. Contact: 01278 691595 ssteamteam@wzlet.org wwww.wzlet.org
As manufacturing suppliers to several front line services
– Food Industry, Pharmaceutical, Agricultural and MOD –we are proud to be playing our part
TTHURSDAY 22ND AUGUST 222/08/2024 FFRIDAY 23RD AUGUST 223/08/2024

118/08/2024 Ramsey Camp
11940’s Weekend (17th-18th) at RRamsey Rural Museum, Wood

Welcome to the Late Summer/August 2024 issue
This is a bumper issue with additional pages to the normal 32. As it is somewhat later than planned, we have combined issues to make this the Late Summer/Autumn issue. This will not affect subscription runs, they will simply run on an issue. We are back on course now, and will bring you the Winter issue towards the end of November (copy deadline 15th November).
Back to this current issue, we have event reports and previews, as well a nice meaty diary. We are trying to build up the diary section and would encourage those organizing events to send us details so that we can pop them into the diary.
TThe Vintage Scene
4. Through The Misty Gloom
6. The Waterworks Museum
7. Newark Tractor Show preview
8. The Rural Life Living Museum
10. Stoke Row Rally report
11. Auto Fest preview
12. Tern Valley Road Run report
14. The Massey & Ferguson Tractor Owners Group
16. Bloxham Steam & Country Fair
19. British Ploughing Championships preview
20. Fletchertown Vintage Rally & Ploughing report
22. Masham Steam Rally report
FRONT COVER: Steam Engine at Bloxham Steam Fair 2024, Photo by Claire Hancock
We may see some of you at the FFF&B Ploughing Match & Country on 28th September. For more information about this event visit www.ploughingmatch.co.uk
We would love to hear from readers with:
l Tales of bygone years
l Tractor and engine restorations
l Vintage collections – machinery, tools etc.
l Editorial on steam and stationary engines
l Diary dates
l Show/match/rally/working day reports email: h.dodd@vintagescene.co.uk
24. Rousham Ploughing Match report
26. Keith Robinson Road Run report
28. Diary Dates
BACK COVER: ‘Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire’ at Fletchertown Vintage Rally. Photo by: Kenny Wharton www.kenpics..com
Editor and publisher: Heather Dodd, h.dodd@vintagescene.co.uk Tel: 01295 404099. The Vintage Scene is published four times a year as follows: Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter
Published by: HD&R Solutions Ltd, 16 Wimborn Close, Deddington, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX15 0NA. Copyright The Vintage Scene. All rights reserved.
Disclaimer:TheviewsandopinionsexpressedwithinthemagazinearenotnecessarilythoseoftheeditororHD&RSolutionsLtdandwhileeveryefforthasbeenmadetoensuretheinformationcontainedinthemagazineiscorrectandcurrentatthedateofpublication, HD&RSolutionsLtdwillnotacceptanyliability.HD&RSolutionsLtdwillnotbeheldresponsiblefortheappearanceofphotographicmaterialsuppliedwithoutthenecessaryconsent,copyrightand/orphotographer’sdetails.Inaddition,HD&RSolutionsLtdoffersno guaranteeofpublicationandreservetherighttoeditanyreader’sletters,pressreleases,reportsandarticlessubmitted.

Iam a member of the Ferguson Club. I live in Bosley, near Macclesfield in East Cheshire, and have acquired a Ferguson TE20 built in 1952. It will come as no surprise to you to learn that years of grafting in the Cheshire countryside have taken their toll on the old girl. My plan is to restore her into a working machine once again and preserve as much of her original structure as possible. Perfection is not an ambition and a few well healed scars, testament to a noble working life, are entirely acceptable.
I cannot be described as an engineer, amateur or professional, but I did build a kit car in the 1990’s and have spent the last year restoring an ancient dumper truck that I found in a hedge. Other than that I have no engineering experience or training but I do have tools, a large garage and a tendency to ‘tinker’ with things mechanical, even when I don’t know what I am doing. Much to the surprise of my wife and friends, the dumper is now working, and despite the initial satisfaction of a job completed, I was disappointed to find that the rear axle steering caused it to drive like a large oily blancmangerather unpleasantly so. I had been warned that this might be the case. Nevertheless, buoyed up by this modest success, my appetite for a new project was thoroughly whetted and the scene was set for a foray into the mucky world of agricultural archaeology.
A tractor was always at the back of my mind as a possibility for my next project, partly because of the appeal as an ‘objet d’art’ but also because I wanted to minimize the tedium and expense of restoring bodywork (unlike most car renovations), and, the mechanics of tractors, on first impressions, did not appear over complicated (probably, but I could be wrong!). My principal objective was to enjoy
the process without setting deadlines and produce a clean, neat, competent result.
My lack of knowledge was going to be a problem right from the beginning but one or two friends had mentioned that the ‘Grey Fergie’ might be a suitable starter option, if I could find one. All I knew was that it had to be small, not too ‘exotic’ and there had to be a plentiful supply of spares available at a reasonable price. I am fortunate to have a good friend living nearby called Malcolm who is a mechanic, mini expert, motor sport enthusiast and ‘all round good guy’ who mentored much of my dumper project. Fortuitously, he heard of a farm sale nearby, in which an unspecified number of old tractors were for sale. We did not waste any time and promptly made an appointment to go and see what was on offer. As it turned out, for entirely different reasons, both of us had known the farming family for many years, so it was a grand reunion when Malcolm and I arrived. The ‘showroom’ was a dilapidated old barn still standing only because of baler twine, chewing gum and the grace of God. It was full of rusting machinery, benches covered in dust and cobwebs and the ghostly shapes of long forgotten agricultural relics. Through the misty gloom, it was possible to see two old tractors. One was a Ferguson FE35 (I think), in a sorry state, and entombed in a murky corner, was the TE20. Malcolm and I bypassed the FE35 fairly quickly; it was too big, too expensive and probably too ambitious a project for my first bash, but closer inspection of the TE20 revealed that, despite its dishevelled state, all was present and mostly correct! The story of the tractor was that it was bought new in 1952 and had spent all its working life on the farm in Gawsworth ever since, and the farmer, who is eighty-six, remembered driving it around the farm when he was seventeen. It

TE20 barn find sees the light of day
had not been in service for several years but it had been dry stored. Unfortunately, all documentation had been destroyed in a fire. The decision was made very quickly, all my boxes were ticked, price was right, mission accomplished, deal done.
A few days later we borrowed a trailer and, in an episode befitting ‘Last of the summer wine’, we managed to make our way back to Bosley four miles away.
That was Autumn 2021 and since then progress has been interrupted by grand children, holidays, Covid-19 and Christmas but a start has been made and I have educated myself and done lots of reading. I had no previous knowledge of the ‘Ferguson story’ and was fascinated to learn how Harry Ferguson revolutionized farming practice after WW2, not just in the UK, but all over the world. Indeed, the TE20, might be regarded as the ‘Morris Minor’ of the agricultural world a small, cheap, practical machine that replaced the horse and was affordable to most. It had a dazzling array of ‘optional extras’; bolt on gizmos that would plant potatoes, plough a field, mix cement, stir your tea, make sausages etc. And you didn’t always need petrol as the fuel choices were legendary petrol, diesel, chip fat, brylcreme - take your pick. (Mine happens to be a TVO model). Joking aside, the ‘Ferguson System’ was extremely flexible.
Malcolm tolerated rather than encouraged my dumper project with its smelly, dirty, diesel engine but he immediately took to the Fergie and was keen to offer advice. He suggested that one of the first jobs (other than scrape off mud and drench everything in oil) was to try and start the engine. I had been informed by my farmer friend that, with a bit of coaxing, she would ‘start’ but, in the words of Morecambe and Wise, she played the right notes but not in the right order. The operation had appeal as success would mean that I could move her

around, for a short time at least. But a leaky radiator, leaky petrol tank and three flat tyres were hampering progress. The three tyres were beyond salvage and the front wheels were rusted through, so four new tyres and two new front wheels later I am ready to go. With the help of jury rigs for fuel and coolant, massaging the old girl back into life might just be possible - fingers crossed! Diagnosing engine and transmission faults may then be a possibility prior to major surgery on the fuselage (but I am not holding my breath).
I have also been chasing the registration. A grubby tax disc was rescued from its perch on the block and the registration mark PTU 574 was just discernable. Help and advice from Duncan Russell from the Club has been invaluable and with his guidance the DVLA have reinstated this original registration. Chester archives managed to trace the original registration but it appears that the engine number, rather than the serial number, was used in error as the vehicle identifier. I removed half of Cheshire off the engine block to expose the engine number and it is quite clear. The serial number is just about recognizable on the dash plate. So, the provenance stacked up and the DVLA agreed. I am delighted and my sincere thanks go to Duncan for his cheerful and expert assistance.
I am so looking forward to completing this project and it occurred to me that in reality I am just the caretaker/repair man of this fine machine, which with luck will outlive me. My friend, the farmer who sold it to me, should take credit for being the real star. After all, the history belongs to him, not me.
I have resolved that when it is finished, I am going to see that old man and let him drive his tractor once again. I don’t know if he is sentimental but it seems like a nice idea, and, as he is eighty-six and I am seventy, I had better get a burn on.

Stewart keeps an eye on the towing rope


ifty years ago, a group of heritage enthusiasts founded the Waterworks Museum at the Hereford Victorian Pumping Station, built to supply clean water for Herefordshire. Now a thriving Museum, it has one of the country’s widest collections of pumping engines, including early beam and hot-air machines.
The vision of founding member Stephen Southall with colleagues William Herbert Austin, Herbert Penhale and John Townsend was all about telling the story of water supply and preserving and restoring machinery and engines for public enjoyment. The Victorian building has been restored and includes the original Worth Mackenzie steam engine, which used to take water from the Wye and pump it to the adjacent treatments works
The Museum first opened its doors in April 1975. Ever since, we’ve been caring for the collection and welcoming visitors to this very special place. Our collection has grown to include additional water treatment exhibits and buildings and this tradition continues into 2024 with the inauguration and formal opening of two newly restored exhibits, the Sisson Engine Set and the Brockhampton Set.
Throughout this 50-year period, the museum has been supported financially by two benefactors, Dwr Cymru Welsh Water and the Southall Trust. We remain extremely grateful for the encouragement and endorsement of our benefactors and their continuing long association with the museum. The Museum is run entirely by volunteers and receives no public funding.

volunteer community - the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. I am enormously proud and grateful to the efforts, skills and passion of volunteers both past and present.”
On Sunday 26th May The Right Worshipful, The Mayor of Hereford, Councillor Kevin Tillett led the celebratory opening of the magnificent Victorian building and working engines. In the afternoon, Richard Curtis, former Museum Chairman, officially opened the Sisson Engine display. It was built in 1953 for Reading Technical College (now part of Reading University) to train students and apprentice engineers in the efficient use of steam power.
“What is astounding is the fact that this wonderful industrial heritage museum remains open and comes to life through its dedicated volunteers” says Jill Phillips, Chair of Trustees & Governance Director. “This was recognised in 2023 with the highest accolade for any

Information about the Museum www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk.
Waterworks Museum – Hereford, Broomy Hill, Hereford, HR4 0LJ Tel: 01432 342192
Email: info@waterworksmuseum.org.uk

World record attempt at Vintage Tractor Show
Discounted tickets are now on sale for the Newark Vintage Tractor and Heritage Show, which will once again welcome visitors, exhibitors and enthusiasts of vintage machinery from across the country.
Taking place at Newark Showground on 9-10 November, the show will host over 1,000 vintage tractors, stationary engines, implements, horticultural machinery and commercial vehicles – alongside a plethora of trade stands and a lively auction, as well as tractor and trailer rides.
This year’s focus will be on the many milestones of respected manufacturers and a world record attempt for the largest gathering of Massey Ferguson 135 tractors. Co-supported by Friends of Ferguson Heritage (FOFH), the world record attempt will coincide with the 60th anniversary of MF 100 series production, which will be celebrated with the display of the long-standing manufacturer’s ‘Red Giants’ including the 130, 135, 165 and 175 models.
Joining Massey Ferguson in a 60th year celebration will be the Ford 6X 1000 series. A collection of Pre-Force tractors will be on display including the 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 models, dating from 1964 to 1968. Ford will also be celebrating 85 years of the Ford 2N, 9N, and 9NAN models, the latter boasting the Ferguson threepoint linkage system.
Elsewhere on the showground, the show will be commemorating 85 years since the introduction of the Bedford O series, as well as paying tribute to the wartime David Brown VAK1 series. Visitors can also enjoy a celebration of Scammell lorries, 75 years of the John

A showcase of sugar beet machinery will also demonstrate the technical and engineering evolution of the root crop’s production throughout the years. And with its origins in nearby Grantham, Aveling Barford will display plant equipment.
New for 2024 is the Best Modified Tractor class, with the title going to the best substantially changed tractor – a chance for exhibitors to demonstrate their own kind of creativity.
For visitors wishing to stay, the show offers a weekend experience ticket including up to three nights camping and admission to the show for two adults. Camping for exhibitors is also available.
“The show has become a pretty special event over the years,” says show organiser, Elizabeth Halsall.

“It is a complete homage to vintage tractors, vehicles and machinery.
“It is the perfect opportunity for enthusiasts and collectors to enjoy the nostalgia and share stories, which are as much a part of the machines as their mechanical parts. We are looking forward to another brilliant event.”
•Tickets are available at: www.newarkvintagetractorshow.ticketsrv.co.uk/tickets/ Discounted day tickets are £15/adult (17+ years) until 1 November,increasing to £19 thereafter. Children and youths (16 years and under) enter for free.
Deere two-cylinder diesel engine, and 50 years of the ERF B series lorry.

TThe Rural Life Living Museum Faces Closure
he Rural Life Living Museum is unique collection of the discarded buildings, implements and objects of everyday life, collected by Madge and Henry Jackson since 1968. The couple opened their back garden to the public in 1973. Tragically, both their children died young, and the Old Kiln Museum Charitable Trust was formed in 1984 to protect their only surviving legacy. The museum has been created by many thousands of people who have donated objects and volunteered their time, support and skills. In 2024, we now have some 20 buildings and a collection of 40,000 objects displayed.
The Rural Life Living Museum is owned and operated by the Old Kiln Museum CIO, Registered Charity 1200370. The museum receives no external funding and has survived hand-to-mouth through ticket sales and donations. The rising cost of operating the museum now means that expenditure outstrips income generated through ticket sales and donations.
What have we done already?
We have already attempted to curb the effects of rising expenditure by restructuring the staff team, including making redundancies. All maintenance has been cut back so that our remaining resources can be concentrated on public delivery. Finally, we investigated selling a significant asset that is not part of the museum’s collection. The house which Madge and Henry lived and built their collection around, was valued with a view to providing the museum with endowment for a safeguarded future. The Old Kiln Museum CIO agreed that selling the house would adversely affect the future in which the Founders can continue to be a significant part of the story.
What would closure mean?
The collection would be broken up and offered to other museums, but it is unlikely that this collection would be relevant elsewhere and so would go to waste transfer. While the site is ancient, it is not protected, and therefore could be developed upon and the museum in the garden would be gone forever. Much loved events, such as Weyfest and Village at War, would be left without a home. There would be a loss of half a million pounds to the local economy. A loss learning support to over 50 schools and educational groups that use us every year. The purpose that brings together the community of over 150 volunteers would be gone. The legacy which has created a great day out will be gone for our 41,000 visitors each year.
What is our goal?
Our goal is to raise £150,000 by October 31st 2024.
How else can you help?
• Bring your spare coins to put in the campaign milk churn in our shop.
• Tell your friends and share our fundraiser with your networks and on social media.
• Buy a ticket to visit us.
• Share your memory or what the museum means to you with us.
To learn more and donate, visit our website www.rural-life.org.uk
Please help us to continue the irreplaceable museum in the garden. The Rural Life Living Museum, Reeds Road, Tilford, Surrey, GU10 2DL.

Stoke Row Rally 2024 Report & Photos by Guy Champion
The 41st Stoke Row Steam Rally was held over the weekend of 8th-9th June at Whitchurch Hill, South Oxfordshire. The popular show attracted nearly 1000 exhibits along with over 10,000 people over the weekend. Steam engines were a popular draw as always, with 40 full size and 50 miniature engines encouraged to move around the site, delighting visitors before a grand parade in the main ring lead by a marching band.
The public were invited into the ring to view all the engines together, before a whistle salute and the famous “slow race” to finish.
At night, the showman’s engines took centre stage, amongst the traditional fair rides lit up in the night sky.
Steam is a major part, but the show also offers bumper attendance in other sections including nearly 200 classic cars, 150 tractors, 85 timber tractors, 60 commercials, along with many motorbikes, military, auto trucks, garden tractors and stationary engines. All are excellently laid out around the site with working areas mixed in too.
This year the trade, craft and food areas were busier than ever with numbers up. Music could be heard from Friday evening with Dr Busker, two stages packed on Saturday and Sunday, and Johny Trashed headlining the Saturday night in the packed beer tent. Public camping proved popular this year situated right next to the main show
Stoke Row 2025 is 7-8th June – same location.

The impressive steam engine line up in the main arena with 40 full size and 50 miniature engines
A 6” Allchin and full size Marshall traction engine enjoying a well earned stop in the food and drink area for visitors to admire
At night was a great opportunity for photographs with the showman’s engines nestled amongst the traditional fair rides

Auto Fest
Annual show of cars, motorbikes and all other vehicles through the ages
Bank Holiday Monday 26th August 10.30am-5pm, Quainton, near Aylesbury
Owners of all heritage vehicles are invited to come and exhibit at Auto Fest - Buckinghamshire Railway Centre's biggest vehicle rally of the year!
Although donations are always welcome, it is free to exhibit your vehicle at Auto Fest. Plus, steam train rides and access around the site is included for exhibitors. Please pre-register if you want to bring your vehicle, by emailing: office@bucksrailcentre.org. Cars, motorbikes, vans, buses, lorries, fire engines, bicycles… any vehicle will be welcome! All the fun of a 32-acre heritage railway will be on offer as well, including the stunning visitor centre with gift shop and cafe, railway museum, miniature and model railways, the travelling post office and passenger rides behind a steam loco!
Car/motorbike clubs are welcome to join the fun by coming along as a group and why not bring a stand to promote your club and get more members?

Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, Station Road, Quainton, nr Aylesbury HP22 4BY www.bucksrailcentre.org/events/autofest/
The 2024 Stoke Row mascot engine, “Charlie” owned and driven by Luke Wingfield, 22 from Wokingham
The popular Land Rover section featured over 40 examples in various guises
Tern ValLey Road Run 2024
by Barry Job
Tractor road runs have become increasingly popular, with even quite local runs attracting a large number of participants. What is their appeal? The primary objective is to raise money for a charitable cause. It gives an opportunity for a tractor owner to put a newly restored or acquired tractor through it’s paces. It offers the chance for social interaction with friends and like-minded enthusiasts. It will be a grand day out driving over unfamiliar roads and tracks in hopefully glorious sunshine. The events are also becoming increasingly popular with spectators giving them the chance to see the development of tractors over the decades.
The Tern Valley Vintage Machinery Trust's Spring Road Run was held on Saturday 28th April, with 70 tractors taking part. Here spectators could see tractors from the 1950s represented by Fordson Major and Andrew Hollingsworth's very well presented 1959 International B275. It was recognised that diesel engines were easy starting, powerful, economical and reliable, and by the 1960s diesel engines were dominant in tractors.
The most common road run classic tractor in this area must be the Massey Ferguson 135. Introduced in 1964 this was a well styled machine with a three cylinder diesel engine noted for it’s reliability. It was justifiably a very popular model. There were a number of examples on the run, typical was Phil Jefferies 1967 example.

Howard Crewe's 1966 Ford 4000 was another smart tractor. However, this model is not so commonly seen, in spite of them being the best selling tractor in the later 1960s. Nuffield opted for a different look as shown by Gerry Hobday's 1969 4/65. Roger Perry's David Brown Selectamatic 780 was also a 1960s design although dating from 1970.
By the 1970s tractors were becoming noticeably larger and more powerful as shown by Michael Williams' 1978 Massey Ferguson

Leading the convoy was Gerry Hobday, Trust Chairman, on his 1969 Nuffield 4/65.
David Siddorn's impressive 1960 Australian Chamberlain Champion was away down the farm drive
Passing Sydney House Farm was the smartly presented 1959 International B275 driven by Andrew Hollingsworth.
Seen here at Howle, Charles Parton's 2001 New Holland TS115 was typical of the modern tractors on the run.
Peter Johnson gave the Driver's Briefing before the start of the run

590. By the 1980s and 90s four wheel drive had become common as could be seen on Robert Peacock's 1995 Massey Ferguson 6150. The turn of the century saw machines become more sophisticated and typical of modern tractor design as represented by Charles Parton's 2001 New Holland TS 115, a tractor which was perhaps the last link to the previous Ford models.
On this run the spectators were treated to something special; David Siddorn's impressive 1960 road-going Chamberlain Champion. Designed by Bob Chamberlain in 1949 in Western Australia, they were suited to the large land holdings of Australian farmers.
The morning of the 28th April dawned wet and cold, but the sun quickly broke through, although a cold wind continued to blow all day. The 23 mile route to the north of Telford included a lot of off-road,

this did not prove to be a problem in spite of the incessant rain of previous days. Starting at Sydney House Farm, Kinnersley, courtesy of Richard and Isabelle Moseley, the convoy was promptly away at 10.30 am northward, along narrow lanes and through quaint villages, to the halfway stop at Howle Manor courtesy of David Watson-Jones. Suitably refreshed a southward loop returned them to Sydney House Farm. The run had passed off without any breakdowns and everyone said how much they had enjoyed the day.
Nearly £1000 was raised primarily for the Air Ambulance. Thanks must go to Mike Johnson and Gerry Hobday, the organisers, and also to the band of helpers without whom these events could not take place.
For more information of the Tern Valley Trust see www.tvvmt.co.uk

past Howle Fishing
Phil Jefferies, on his 1967 Massey Ferguson 135, was leading part of the convoy.
Approaching Sydney House Farm was Roger Perry's 1970 David Brown 780.
Shepherding the tractors into the Howle Manor halfway stop was Michael Williams’ Massey Ferguson 590 acting as 'Last Tractor'.
Passing through the village of Childs Ercall was Howard Crewe on his 1966 Ford 4000.
Safely at the end of the run was Robert Peacock aboard his 1995 Massey Ferguson 6150.
Photos taken by Peter Aston of The Massey & Ferguson Tractor Owners Group
at Somerset Vintage & Classic Tractor Show, 27th & 28th January 2024 and Malvern Tractor Show on Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th February 2024

Bloxham Steam & Country Fair
on 29th & 30th June 2024


For only the third time in the 73-year history of the event, the county of Nottinghamshire will host the 2024 British National Ploughing Championships. Thoresby Farming have kindly provided a site on the Thoresby Estate at Perlethorpe, near Ollerton, Nottinghamshire on 12th and 13th October.
The Championships are a highlight of the farming year and will feature up to 250 top ploughmen and women from all parts of Great Britain. With 15 different ploughing classes over the two days, visitors will be able to see their skills with tractors and modern reversible and conventional ploughing, compared to various vintage classes with trailed, mounted and classic ploughs; club classes for Ferguson, David Brown and Ford & Fordson; horticultural, crawler and the traditional, stylish high-cut ploughing.
All the competitors will be striving to win the championship in their section along with the title of Supreme Champion and some will get the chance to represent their country at next year’s World Ploughing Contest or European Ploughing Championships.
One of the most compelling sights of the weekend will be the magnificent heavy horses. You can often see horses ploughing at local ploughing matches but rarely can you see so many together – this year, there will be sixteen pairs of horses ploughing side-by-side on each day. The expectation is that they are all Shires but Percherons, Clydesdales and Comtois will also be working hard to win the British title.
The central grassland area of the site will be taken by a trade stand area with agricultural companies selling everything you could need on the farm, from a tractor to a pair of boots. There will also be a wide variety of shopping stalls with all sorts from country wear to giftware and a craft marquee with an extensive range of items.
With steam ploughing engines at work, demonstrations

of new farm machinery and displays of vintage tractors and equipment, the event is set to be a fantastic weekend. All that’s needed is the weather to be on-side in October!
Sue Frith, Chief Executive of the organisers, the Society of Ploughmen, said, “There is terrific interest and enthusiasm in the area and we are delighted that Thoresby Farming have provided a most picturesque site this year, surrounded by trees with free roaming deer. We are a registered charity and our volunteers can’t wait to enjoy the Estate and show off the event in Nottinghamshire”
Trade stands, demonstrations, shopping and crafts can still be booked until August and there are also sponsorship opportunities available for both small companies or market leaders. The main sponsors this year are Bridgestone/ Firestone.
Advance tickets will be online soon with early bird discounts available.
Further information can be found on www.ploughmen.co.uk or from the Society of Ploughmen on 01302 852469 and you can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Jon Cole & Rosie The Dog
Old & New - Martin Kerswell
Fletchertown Vintage Rally 2024
Report & Photos by
Kenny Wharton, www.kenpics.com
The small village of Fletchertown in Cumbria hosted a weekend rally, 17th and 18th August, with a wide range of exhibits and events including a ploughing match and demonstrations of horse ploughing.
This year the rally supported Jigsaw Childrens Hospice. Amongst the classic car exhibits, was a highly conspicuous 1911 Ford Model T immaculately restored in a white finish, not the usual black and an Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire 236. Sapphires were built from 1936 and the 236 denotes a 2.3 litre engine.This is a six cylinder variant of the usual four cylinder engine and is externally distinguished by a bonnet mascot in the shape of a sphinx with namesake Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire jet engines attached.
There was an eclectic mix in the cycle section with one exhibit towering over the others, a “Penny Farthing” more accurately a 1885 Singer. The Singer’s features included radially spoked wheels; the spokes radiate out from the hub never crossing each other and a spoon brake, as well as the addition of a rare Lucas Hub Lamp. The lamp hung within the front wheel beneath the hub. Within the cycle section was an MV Agusta, a 1959 Ottantatre Sport in the very rare 'polychromatic' colour scheme.The motorcycle looked in unrestored condidtion apart from a gleaming exhaust.
Beyond the cycles in the horticultural section was a Howard-Clifford 200 rotorvator, powered by a Villiers engine. Manufactured in 1961 by Rotary Hoes Ltd of West Horndon Essex, this model name was derived from the company founder, Arthur Clifford Howard.Notable features distinguishing this as an early 200 model, is the drive wheels inboard of the handle assembly and the lack of belt guard. Belt guards being fitted from 1965 On display were several tractors. One exhibit was around one hundred years old, an International 10-20 made in Chicago USA. 10 denoting ten horsepower at the drawbar, and 20 being twenty horsepower at the belt pulley produced with a 4.6 litre four cylinder engine. A slightly younger tractor on display was a McCormick Super BWD6, made in Doncaster UK. Its engine was 4.3 litres, and although similar in capacity to the International 10-20, manages 50 horsepower.

One event which drew a lot of attention over the weekend was the horse ploughing demonstrations. Expert horse ploughman Colin Taylor brought along his magnificent Shire horses, “Prince” and “Peggy”, to plough how his ancestors farmed. Colin has a wealth of knowledge and is always happy to chat and educate everyone about ploughing times past. He encouraged everyone to ‘have a go at horse ploughing’ which proved popular. Judging by the wavy furrows, it is clearly not as easy as it looks when Colin ploughs.
Sunday Ploughing Match Results
1st – Ray Alderson 166 points
2nd – Robert Turner 152 points
3rd – Gary Stamper 148 points
1st – Gavin Little 164 points
2nd – Alex Evans 151 points
1st – Jack Turner 133 points
2nd – Geoff Hird 128 points
3rd – Matthew Osborne 114 points
Judges - David Kirkpatrick and Kenny Wiley.

Howard Clifford 200 with MV Agusta in background International 10-20
Singer ‘Penny Farthing’

McCormick Super BWD6
Alex Evans with trailing plough
Gary Stamper being judged
Colin Taylor with Prince and Peggy
Ford Model T 1911 Armstrong Siddeley Sapphire
Trevor Robinson hi-cut ploughing
Gavin Little on his McCormick B250
Jack Turner on his Super Dexta
Masham Steam Rally 2024
Report & Photos by Kenny Wharton, www.kenpics.com
This was the 57th steam rally at Masham held on 20th and 21st July 2024. The rally was formed in the mid 60s by a group of locals to raise funds to save the local Town Hall from ruin. Over the years much has been carried out on the building, however the rally continues to raise more money. More work is planned with roof work and new guttering desperately needed.
The rally organisers wish to thank Mr N Kettlewell, The

Swinton Estate, The Hill Family, Simon Theakston of T&R Theakston Ltd., Masham Parish Council, Masham Community Office, Ripon Farm Services, Tarmac Quarries, I’’Anson Bros, W.E. Jameson Ltd., Ken Rodney, Yorkshire Ambulance Service, Platinum Medical, Andrew & Chris Mitchell, Mark at Savage Graphics, DHMS Plant, Mr & Mrs Charlesworth & neighbours of the site .
For more info visit: www.mashamsteamrally.com

1924 Austin C Cab Bakers Van
'Dreadnought' Fowler A9 Road Locomotive
Murphy & Little Dawn
Lister stone mill demonstration
Marshall threshing machine demonstration
Denby Flyer and Denby Maiden
Rolls Royce and matching caravan
Tar spraying road roller
Volvo F88 and Bedford QL fire engine

Steamer line up
Classic Motorcycles
Foden Steam Wagon 'Cestria'
Miniature steamers
Saw bench demonstration

Rousham Ploughing Match
18th August 2024
1st M Laight
2nd: S Phipps
3rd: S Mitchell
1st K Wilkenson
2nd: R Gibbins
3rd J Dee
1st: P Partridge
2nd: J Kitchen
3rd: T Patterson
1st: B Forster
2nd: C Dodd
3rd: M Harrison

1st J Cole
2nd: C Richard
3rd: H Hoyle
1st D Franklin
2nd: A Davies
3rd R Powell

1st B Shaw
2nd:J Holdges
3rd: M Cherry
1st A French
1st J Cole

Keith Robinson Memorial Run 2024
Photos by Kenny Wharton, www.kenpics.com
North Air Ambulance & Cancer Research UK.
I would like to thank everyone who was able to attend this year’s run, it was a great turn out with a total of 44 tractors. I understand the good weather meant a lot of folk were silaging, but I appreciate the donations still made.
I would also like to thank all the people who have donated from the attendees on the day to the kindness of the local businesses. A shout out to The Pooley Bridge Inn in for advertising for us, and their customers for donating on the day.
Thank you to all the land owners who allowed us access to be able to go on the route planned, and to Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens for allowing us use their land to pit stop at lunch time.
I would like to thank Richard and Rebecca Dickinson from The Filling Station - R & R Catering for supplying us with breakfast before heading out.
I would like to also thank Fiona and David Tutty for helping me collect donations leading up to the event, a great effort has been made by every one of you.
I would just like to give James Robinson a shout out, it was brilliant to see him back in action on his new tractor after the terrible event he has recently suffered.
Finally I would like to thank my family for their support, I couldn’t have done it without them.
Trevor Robinson

Diary Dates Diary Dates
Please check the event is running before setting out.
17/08/2024 Harrogate Vintage Auction at The Great Yorkshire Showground. www.cheffins.co.uk
17/08/2024 Steaming Weekend (17th-18th) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
17/08/2024 Ramsey Camp 1940’s Weekend (17th-18th) at Ramsey Rural Museum, Wood Lane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2XD. Contact: 01487 815715 www.ramseyruralmuseum.co.uk
17/08/2024 Wessex Historic Tractor & Implement Club Tracks Across the Field Working Weekend (17th-18th) at Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1BD. Contact: 07563591256 club@whtic.co.uk www.whtic.co.uk
18/08/2024 Commercial & Communications Day at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
18/08/2024 Steaming Weekend (17th-18th) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
18/08/2024 Ramsey Camp 1940’s Weekend (17th-18th) at Ramsey Rural Museum, Wood Lane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2XD. Contact: 01487 815715 www.ramseyruralmuseum.co.uk
18/08/2024 General Interest Rally at Mill Meece Pumping Station, Staffordshire, ST21 6QU. www.millmeecepumpingstation.co.uk
18/08/2024 Wessex Historic Tractor & Implement Club Tracks Across the Field Working Weekend (17th-18th) at Froxfield, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 1BD. Contact: 07563591256 club@whtic.co.uk www.whtic.co.uk
18/08/2024 Banbury & District Vintage Ploughing Society Match at Park Farm, Rousham, Bicester, OX25 4QY. Contact: 07500 894217 www.bdvps.co.uk 18/08/2024 Railway Days at Westonzoyland Pumping Station, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA7 0LS. Contact: 01278 691595 steamteam@wzlet.org www.wzlet.org
22/08/2024 The Melplash Show at Melplash Show Ground, West Bay Rd, Bridport, DT6 4EG. Contact: 01308 423337 www.melplashshow.co.uk
23/08/2024 Steam and Vintage Festival (23rd-25th) at Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge, SP6 1ND. Contact: 07702 804604 steamandvintagefest@gmail.com www.steamandvintagefest.co.uk
Steam and Vintage Festival (23rd-25th) at Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge, SP6 1ND. Contact: 07702
804604 steamandvintagefest@gmail.com www.steamandvintagefest.co.uk
24/08/2024 Vintage Vehicle Weekend (24th25th) at Great Central Railway, Quorn & Woodhouse Station, LE12 8AG. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
24/08/2024 Poynton Show at Poynton Show, Georges Road West, Poynton, Stockport, SK12 1JY. Contact: 07442 532 450 office@poyntonshow.co.uk www.poyntonshow.co.uk
24/08/2024 Working Weekend (24th-25th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
24/08/2024 Fir Park Wings & Wheels (24th-26th) at Fir Park Farm, Fir Park, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3YL. Contact: 07816 326368 www.firparktm.weebly.com/shows
25/08/2024 Steam Days (25th-26th) at Bolton Steam Museum, Mornington Road, Bolton, BL1 4HW. Contact: 01204 846490 / 01257 265003 john.phillp@blueyonder.co.uk www.nmes.org
25/08/2024 Roads and Rails at The Brickworks Museum, Stanwick Lane, Stanwick, Hampshire, SO31 7HB. Contact: 01489 576248 www.thebrickworksmuseum.org
25/08/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
25/08/2024 Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural Show (25th-26th) at Ardenrun Showground, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6LL. info@edenbridge-show.co.uk www.edenbridge-show.co.uk
25/08/2024 Steam and Vintage Festival (23rd-25th) at Fryern Court Road, Fordingbridge, SP6 1ND. Contact: 07702 804604 steamandvintagefest@gmail.com www.steamandvintagefest.co.uk
25/08/2024 Vintage Vehicle Weekend (24th25th) at Great Central Railway, Quorn & Woodhouse Station, LE12 8AG. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
25/08/2024 Steaming Day at Leawood Pumphouse, High Peak Junction, Cromford, Derbyshire. Contact: 01629 823204 www.middleton-leawood.org.uk
25/08/2024 Classic Motorcycles (25th-26th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk
25/08/2024 Working Weekend (24th-25th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
25/08/2024 Wallop Vintage Gathering at Over Wallop Sports Field, Sailsbury Lane, SO20 8JJ. Contact: 07771 639879 www.wallopvintagegathering.org.uk
25/08/2024 Fir Park Wings & Wheels (24th-26th) at Fir Park Farm, Fir Park, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3YL. Contact: 07816 326368
25/08/2024 Shrewsbury Steam Rally (25th-26th) at Onslow Park, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5EE. www.shrewsburysteamrally.co.uk
25/08/2024 Steam Day at Waterworks Museum, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LJ. www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk or phone 01432 342192
25/08/2024 ailway Days at Westonzoyland Pumping Station, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA7 0LS. Contact: 01278 691595 steamteam@wzlet.org www.wzlet.org
26/08/2024 Steam Days (25th-26th) at Bolton Steam Museum, Mornington Road, Bolton, BL1 4HW. Contact: 01204 846490 / 01257 265003 john.phillp@blueyonder.co.uk www.nmes.org
26/08/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
26/08/2024 Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural Show (25th-26th) at Ardenrun Showground, Tandridge Lane, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6LL. T:01342 832307 info@edenbridge-show.co.uk www.edenbridge-show.co.uk
26/08/2024 Steaming Day at Leawood Pumphouse, High Peak Junction, Cromford, Derbyshire. Contact: 01629 823204 www.middleton-leawood.org.uk
26/08/2024 Classic Motorcycles (25th-26th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk
26/08/2024 Summer Steam Day at Coldharbour Mill, Devon, EX15 3EE. Contact: 01884 840960 info@coldharbourmill.org.uk www.coldharbourmill.org.uk
26/08/2024 Fir Park Wings & Wheels (24th-26th) at Fir Park Farm, Fir Park, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 3YL. Contact: 07816 326368 www.firparktm.weebly.com/shows
26/08/2024 Shrewsbury Steam Rally (25th-26th) at Onslow Park, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5EE. www.shrewsburysteamrally.co.uk
26/08/2024 Westonzoyland Light Railway Gala at Westonzoyland Pumping Station, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA7 0LS. Contact: 01278 691595 steamteam@wzlet.org www.wzlet.org
26/08/2024 Annual show of cars, motorbikes and all other vehicles through the ages at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, Station Road, Quainton, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4BY. Contact: 01296 655720 www.bucksrailcentre.org
31/08/2024 North Cotswold Steam & Vintage Show (31st-1st) at off A436, Notgrove, GL54 3BS. Contact: 07734 351363 hello@northleachsteamshow.co.uk www.northleachsteamshow.co.uk
31/08/2024 Yorkshire Traction Engine Rally (31st-1st) at Scampston Hall, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8NG. Contact: 01751 200839 info@outdoorshows.co.uk www.outdoorshows.co.uk
31/08/2024 The Victory Show (30th-1st) at Foxlands Farm, Cosby, Leicestershire, LE9 1SG. Contact: 07711430472 enquiries@thevictoryshow.co.uk www.thevictoryshow.co.uk
Diary Dates
Are you interested in Old Tractors, Sta琀onary Engines and Farm machinery?

The Na琀onal Vintage Tractor and Engine Club
The only club that caters for all tractor and engine enthusiasts
The NVTEC is over 50 years old and has been catering for the needs of Vintage Tractors and Engines throughout the UK during that 琀me.
Ferguson Club members will be manning our Stands at the Yorkshire Traction Engine Rally Scampton Hall, Malton. N. Yorks. YO17 8NG 31st August & 1st September and at Scone Palace Rally Perth, PH2 6BD 7th & 8th September also at The Northern Ireland International Ploughing Championships, Plantation Road, Gilford. BT63 6JJ 27th & 28th September
There a very warm welcome awaits you! Here you will be able to join The Club. We still believe it will be the best £20 you spend!
You can also join online at www.fergusonclub.com by E Mail membership@fergusonclub.com on Facebook
We are able to o昀er members either membership of a local group, of which there are 30 do琀ed throughout the UK, or Na琀onal Membership where there is not a local group close by.

All members receive a copy of the club Magazine Vaporising which is published 4 琀mes a year, produced by club members and featuring reports from up and down the country.

For details of how to become a member of the NVTEC or how to 昀nd your local group please contact:
Mrs Ann Alcock
Na琀onal Secretary 8 Douglas Road, Forest Town, Mans昀eld, No琀s NG19 0LT nvtec.secretary@hotmail.com 07889242189
Saturday 28th September 2024
Little Faringdon Road, Langford, GL7 3LA A Great Day Out for ALL the Family
Tractor, Steam & Horse Ploughing Birds of Prey Gun Dog Display Tug of War Crafts Food Stalls Trade Stands & much more
31/08/2024 Macmillian Vintage Rally (31st1st) at Langhurst Hill Farm, Balls Cross, Petworth West Sussex, GU28 9JW. Contact 01420474298 / 078032376894 sylvia.haydon@btinternet.com
31/08/2024 Lancashire Steam & Vintage Festival at The Show Field, Salwick Road, Wharles, Nr Kirkahm, Preston, PR4 3SN. www.lanchcashiresteamandvintagefestival.co.uk
01/09/2024 Steaming Day at Bancroft Mill Engine Trust, Lancashire, BB18 5QR. Contact: 01695 424196 www.bancroftmill.org.uk
01/09/2024 Classics at Glemham at Glemham Hall, Little Glemham, Woodbridge, Suffolk, IP13 0BT. Contact: 07836 503209 classiccars.glemham@aol.com www.classicsglemham.org.uk
01/09/2024 North Cotswold Steam & Vintage Show (31st-1st) at off A436, Notgrove, GL54 3BS. Contact: 07734 351363 hello@northleachsteamshow.co.uk www.northleachsteamshow.co.uk
01/09/2024 Yorkshire Traction Engine Rally (31st-1st) at Scampston Hall, Malton, North Yorkshire, YO17 8NG. Contact: 01751 200839 info@outdoorshows.co.uk www.outdoorshows.co.uk
01/09/2024 Open Day at Twyford Waterworks, Hazeley Road, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1QA. Contact: 01962 714716 / 07516 458900 enquiries@twyfordwaterworks.co.uk www.twyfordwaterworks.co.uk
01/09/2024 White Horse Classic & Vintage Vehicle Show at White Horse Country Park, Westbury, BA13 4LX. Contact: enquiries@whitehorsevehicleshow.org www.whitehorsevehicleshow.org
01/09/2024 Steam Sunday at The Whitwell & Reepham Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4GA. Contact: 01603 871694 info@whitwellstation.com www.whitwellstation.com
01/09/2024 Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway Steam Event Day and Tractors at The Warren, Bredgar, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8AT. Contact: 01622 884254 info@bwlr.co.uk www.bwlr.co.uk
01/09/2024 Bristol and South Gloucestershire Stationary Engine Club Vintage Rally and Tractor Event at Frog Lane Farm, Woolside Road, Coalpit Heath, Bristol, BS36 2OT. Contact: 01454 773232 www.bsgsec.co.uk 01/09/2024 Macmillian Vintage Rally (31st-1st) at Langhurst Hill Farm, Balls Cross, Petworth West Sussex, GU28 9JW. Contact 01420474298 / 078032376894
01/09/2024 Romney Marsh Ploughing & Cultivations Society Ploughing Match at Caldecott Farm, Lydd, TN29 9QQ. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: 07821 009693 romneyploughing21@gmail.com www.romneymarshploughing.org.uk
01/09/2024 Strumpshaw Trosh at Strumpshaw Steam Museum, Strumpshaw Old Hall, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 4HR. T: 01603 717936 info@strumpshawsteammuseum.co.uk www.strumpshawsteammuseum.co.uk
01/09/2024 Lancashire Steam & Vintage Festival at The Show Field, Salwick Road, Wharles, Nr Kirkahm, Preston, PR4 3SN. www.lanchcashiresteamandvintagefestival.co.uk
01/09/2024 Wythall Young Farmers Club Ploughing Match at Land off Tanners Green
Diary Dates
Lane, Wythall, Worcestershire, B47 6BE. Contact: Emma Stevens 07869 804904 estevens0701@gmail.com
01/09/2024 Cambridgeshire County Ploughing Championship at Copley Hill Farm, Cambridge Road, Babraham, Cambridge, CB22 3GN. Contact: David Stearn 07935 912854. 01/09/2024 North Cumbria Tractor Club Ploughing Match at Winton, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4HL. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact: Sandra & Colin Hewetson 01697 323025 shewetson1710@aol.com
01/09/2024 Summer Steam at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, Station Road, Quainton, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4BY. Contact: 01296 655720 www.bucksrailcentre.org
02/09/2024 NVTEC (East Anglia) Working Weekend (2nd-3rd) at Hall Farm, Fincham, PE33 9DQ. Contact: stradsett@nvtec-ea.org.uk www.nvtec-ea.org.uk
01/09/2024 Showbus 2024 at Buckinghamshire Railway Centre, Station Road, Quainton, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP22 4BY. Contact: 01296 655720 www.bucksrailcentre.org
06/09/2024 BPPC Classic & Steam Vehicle Show (6th-8th) at Haycrafts Lane, Harman’s Corss, Swanage. Contact: bppcltd3@gmail.com www.bppcltd.com
06/09/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (6th-8th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
07/09/2024 Festival of Fireworks & Steam Rally at Catton Hall, Catton Park, Walton-onTrent, Derbyshire, DE12 8LN. Contact: 01384 402266 festival@jubileefireworks.co.uk www.festivaloffireworks.com
07/09/2024 Vintage Tractors (7th-8th) at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
07/09/2024 Belmont Woodfest and Country Fair (7th-8th) at Belmont House, Throwley, Faversham, Kent, ME13 0HH. Contact: 01795 890202 administrator@belmont-house.org www.belmont-house.org
07/09/2024 BPPC Classic & Steam Vehicle Show (6th-8th) at Haycrafts Lane, Harman’s Corss, Swanage. Contact: bppcltd3@gmail.com www.bppcltd.com
07/09/2024 Buntingford Classic at High Street, Buntingford, Herts, SG9 9AB. info@buntingfordchamberofcommerce.co.uk www.buntingfordclassic.com
07/09/2024 Heritage Open Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
07/09/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (6th-8th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
07/09/2024 Haddenham Steam Rally and Heavy Horse Show (7th-8th) on the A1421, Sutton Road, Haddenham, Ely, Cambs, CB6 3PT. Contact: 07442 344870 info@haddenhamsteamrally.co.uk www.haddenhamsteamrally.co.uk
07/09/2024 Malpas Yesteryear Rally (7th8th) at Hampton, Malpas, Cheshire SY14
8JN Contact: 07552 709759
07/09/2024 Heritage Weekend (7th-8th) at the Museum of Power, Hatfield Road, Nr Maldon, Essex, CM9 6QA . Contact: 01621 843183 www.museumofpower.org.uk
07/09/2024 The Orsett Show at Orsett Showground, Rectory Rd, Orsett, Grays, RM16 3BD. Contact: 01277 210292 www.orsettshow.co.uk
07/09/2024 Vintage Stationary Engine Rally and Mill in Steam at Etruria Industrial Museum, Lower Bedford Street, Etruria, Stoke-onTrent, Staffordshire, ST4 7AF. Contact: 07900 267711. www.etruriamuseum.org.uk
07/09/2024 Charity Ploughing Match at Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Leicestershire. Contact Steve Webster 07970 434457 sjwebster@btconnect.com
07/09/2024 Ploughing match held by Pandy & Monnowside Ploughing Society Monmouthshire . Contact: Hazel Williams on 01873 890160 or 07903 765689 hazelwilliams420@btinternet.com
07/09/2024 Ellel & District Ploughing & Hedging Association Ploughing Match at Hardhead Farm, Cockerham, Lancaster, LA2 0BS. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact: Andrea Gardner 07921 020655 andrea.gardner@yahoo.co.uk
07/09/2024 North East Horticultural Society and Beamish Museum Annual Show (7th & 8th) at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 museum@beamish.org.uk www.beamish.org.uk
08/09/2024 Vintage Tractors (7th-8th) at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
08/09/2024 Belmont Woodfest and Country Fair (7th-8th) at Belmont House, Throwley, Faversham, Kent, ME13 0HH. Contact: 01795 890202 administrator@belmont-house.org www.belmont-house.org
08/09/2024 BPPC Classic & Steam Vehicle Show (6th-8th) at Haycrafts Lane, Harman’s Corss, Swanage. Contact: bppcltd3@gmail.com www.bppcltd.com 08/09/2024 Chertesy Ploughing Match at Wey Manor Farm, New Haw, Surrey KT15 3JQ.ncludes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact:Emma Brace 07920 099339 www.thechertseyshow.com
08/09/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (6th-8th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
08/09/2024 Haddenham Steam Rally and Heavy Horse Show (7th-8th) on the A1421, Sutton Road, Haddenham, Ely, Cambs, CB6 3PT Contact: 07442 344870 info@haddenhamsteamrally.co.uk www.haddenhamsteamrally.co.uk
08/09/2024 Malpas Yesteryear Rally (7th-8th) at Hampton, Malpas, Cheshire SY14 8JN. Contact: 07552 709759 www.malpas-yesteryear-rally.co.uk 08/09/2024 Lutterworth & District Tractor & Machinery Club Vintage Ploughing Match at Walton By Kimcote, nr Lutterworth. Contact: Graham 078333 304648 steven.nichols100@gmail.com 08/09/2024 National Heritage Day at Ramsey Rural Museum, Wood Lane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2XD.
Contact: 01487 815715 www.ramseyruralmuseum.co.uk
08/09/2024 SVTEC Farming Yesteryear & Vintage Rally at Scone Palace Parklands, Perth, PH2 6BB. Contact: 01828 640368 rally@svtec.org www.svtec.org
08/09/2024 Wolsingham Show (7th-8th) at Wolsingham Showground, Scotch Isle Park, Durham Road, Wolsingham, Bishop Auckland, Co.Durham, DL13 3JG. Contact: info@wolsinghamshow.co.uk www.wolsinghamshow.co.uk
08/09/2024 Classic Vehicle Rally and Mill in Steam at Etruria Industrial Museum, Lower Bedford Street, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7AF. Contact: 07900 267711. www.etruriamuseum.org.uk
08/09/2024 Vale of Glamorgan Annual Ploughing Match at Great House Farm, Llanmaes, Llantwit Major CF62 2XR. Contact Sarah Radcliffe 07855 414759 valeploughing@gmail.com
08/09/2024 Steam Day at Waterworks Museum, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LJ. T:01432 342192 www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk
08/09/2024 Sidmouth Junction Ploughing Match at Treasbeare Farm, Exeter EX5 2DY. Contact:Phillip Gibbins 07779 685858. sjploughing@gmail.com www.facebook.com/SJDPA
08/09/2024 Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society - Lichfield District Ploughing Match at Shenstone Hall Farm, Watling Street (A5), Shenstone, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 0DL. Contact:Julia Foster 07799 116849 juliafoster1001@gmail.com www.uttoxeteragriculturalsoc.org.uk
08/09/2024 NVTEC Thames Valley Group Ploughing Match at Rinneralm, Mattingley, Hook, Hampshire, RG27 8LJ. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final Contact: Roger Hannington 01189 832230 / 07720 760892 franceshannington@gmail.com
08/09/2024 Makerfield Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Brook House Farm, Eccleston, St Helens, Merseyside, WA10 5QA. Contact: Jeanette Houghton 07974 170675 houghtonjfj@hotmail.com
08/09/2024 North East Horticultural Society and Beamish Museum Annual Show (7th & 8th) at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 museum@beamish.org.uk www.beamish.org.uk
08/09/2024 Banbury & District Vintage Ploughing Society Match at Hinton in the Hedges What3words drip.madder.wiggling Contact: Bob Butlin on 07917 193679 www.bdvps.co.uk
09/09/2024 Cambridge Machinery Sales (9th-10th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
10/09/2024 Cambridge Machinery Sales (9th-10th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
11/09/2024 Royal Forest Agricultural Association Ploughing Match at Windsor Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire. Contact: Tony King 07826 710944 kingtony44@gmail.com
11/09/2024 NVTEC Ouse Valley Group Ploughing Match at Bourne End Farm,
Diary Dates

07850 734221 ford27hp@gmail.com
at Danebury Road, near Stockbridge, Hampshire. Contact: Andy Knight 07533 726670
13/09/2024 Bedfordshire Steam and Country Fayre (13th-15th) at Old Walden Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9EG. www.bseps.org.uk/rally
14/09/2024 Berwick St John Country Fayre (14th-15th) at Church Street, Shatsesbury, SP7 0EX. www.berwickstjohncountryfayre.co.uk
14/09/2024 Miniature Steam Show (14th15th) at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
14/09/2024 Heritage Open Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk
14/09/2024 Cruckton & District Ploughing & Hedging Society Ploughing Match at Harnage Grange, Cressage, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Contact: 01743 884628 info@crucktonploughing.org.uk www.crucktonploughing.org.uk
14/09/2024 North Rode Transport Show (14th-15th) (any age vehicle permitted) at Station Road, Nr Congleton, Cheshire. Contact: 07836573824 www.northroderally.co.uk
14/09/2024 140th Anniversary (14th-15th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk
14/09/2024 Open Weekend (14th-15th) at Tees Cottage Pumping Station, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 8TF. Contact: 07885 242411. www.teescottage.co.uk
14/09/2024 Longstock Rally (13th-15th) at Danebury Road, near Stockbridge, Hampshire. Contact Andy Knight 07533 726670 www.facebook.com/groups/178410460822551/ 14/09/2024 Yesteryear Rally (14th-15th) at Mill Meece Pumping Station, Staffordshire, ST21 6QU. www.millmeecepumpingstation.co.uk
14/09/2024 Patrick Edwards LTD Reduction Sale at Langley Farm, Little Clanfield, OX18 2RZ. Contact: 01367 810259 /07836 353549 www.patrickedwardsmachinery.co.uk
14/09/2024 Bedfordshire Steam and Country Fayre (13th-15th) at Old Walden Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9EG. www.bseps.org.uk/rally
14/09/2024 Kington Horse Show and Agricultural Society at The Ovals Farm, Kington, Herefordshire, HR5 3LN. Contact: 01544 340598 / 07961 945624 i nfo@kingtonshow.co.uk www.kingtonshow.co.uk
14/09/2024 Road, Rail & Ale (14th & 15th) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
14/09/2024 Gravesend and Rochester Agricultural Association Ploughing Match at North End Farm, Park Corner Road, Southfleet, Gravesend, Kent, DA13 9LJ. Contact: Ashley Kenyon on 01233 740077 ashley.kenyon@btfpartnership.co.uk
14/09/2024 Llanwarne & District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at The Burnt House Grain Store, Old Gore, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 7QW. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: Nigel Morris on 01989 569377 nigel@morrisrussell.co.uk
Diary Dates
14/09/2024 Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society - Uttoxeter District Ploughing Match at Lower Loxley Farm, Lower Loxley, Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, ST14 8RU. Contact: David Rushton 07970 628006 dave@davidrushtonmachinery.com www.uttoxeteragriculturalsoc.org.uk
14/09/2024 Haddenham & District Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Coveny, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Contact: David Curtis 07752 066619 david@mppower.co.uk
14/09/2024 East Grinstead & Three Counties Agricultural & Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Ashlea Farm, Turners Hill Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 4LB. Contact: Kate Lewis 07811 202493. eastgrinsteadploughing@gmail.com www.facebook.com/Eastgrinsteadploughing 14/09/2024 Letterston and District Ploughing Match at Sealyham Farm letterston SA62 5NG. Contact: William Miles 07970030751 14/09/2024 Home Front, Home Farm (1940s Farm during the Second World War) (14th & 15th) at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
14/09/2024 Banbury & District Vintage Ploughing Society Match at Sulgrave. Contact: Bob Butlin on 07917 193679 www.bdvps.co.uk
14/09/2024 Auction on instructions from Patrick Edwards Ltd (vintage and classic tractors, vehicles, plant, new and used implements and machinery, Ifor Williams trailers and spares) at Oxfordshire OX18 2RZ. Contact: 01353 777767 vintage@cheffins.co.uk www.cheffins.co.uk
14/09/2024 Vintage Military Vehcile Display & Re-enactment Weekend at Coldharbour Mill, Devon, EX15 3EE. Contact: 01884 840960 info@coldharbourmill.org.uk www.coldharbourmill.org.uk
15/09/2024 Berwick St John Country Fayre (14th-15th) at Church Street, Shatsesbury, SP7 0EX. www.berwickstjohncountryfayre.co.uk
15/09/2024 Miniature Steam Show (14th15th) at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
15/09/2024 Steaming Day at Leawood Pumphouse, High Peak Junction, Cromford, Derbyshire. Contact: 01629 823204 www.middleton-leawood.org.uk
15/09/2024 North Rode Transport Show (14th-15th) (any age vehicle permitted) at Station Road, Nr Congleton, Cheshire. Contact: 07836573824 www.northroderally.co.uk
15/09/2024 140th Anniversary (14th-15th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk
15/09/2024 Open Weekend (14th-15th) at Tees Cottage Pumping Station, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 8TF. Contact: 07885 242411. www.teescottage.co.uk
15/09/2024 Heritage Open Day at Westonzoyland Pumping Station, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA7 0LS. Contact: 01278 691595 steamteam@wzlet.org
15/09/2024 Longstock Rally (13th-15th) at Danebury Road, near Stockbridge, Hampshire. Contact Andy Knight 07533 726670 www.facebook.com/groups/178410460822551/ 15/09/2024 Yesteryear Rally (14th-15th) at Mill Meece Pumping Station, Staffordshire, ST21 6QU. www.millmeecepumpingstation.co.uk
15/09/2024 Bedfordshire Steam and Country Fayre (13th-15th) at Old Walden Park, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 9EG. www.bseps.org.uk/rally
15/09/2024 Road, Rail & Ale (14th & 15th) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
15/09/2024 North Notts Spring Ploughing Match at Coates Farm, Cottam, North Nottinghamshire, DN22 0HA Contact 07976 787751 entrynnpm@gmail.com www.nnpm.co.uk
15/09/2024 Salopian Ploughing Society Spring Ploughing Match at Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4.
Contact Robert Ball 07712 640157 www.facebook.com/groups/1240319026473242
15/09/2024 Haddenham & District Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Pymore, Ely, Cambridgeshire. Contact: David Curtis 07752 066619 david@mppower.co.uk
15/09/2024 Rochford Hundred Vintage Tractor & Engine Club Ploughing Match at Hawkwell Hall Farm, Hawkwell, Rochford, Essex, SS5 4LL. ncludes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: Ken McVittie on 01702 258452 or 07821 537451 valinpaggy@outlook.com
15/09/2024 Cheriton Fitzpaine & District Ploughing Association Ploughing Match & Produce Show at Burrow Farm, Stoke Canon, EX5 4ED. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: 07791 347788 julie_davie@outlook.com
15/09/2024 Forest of Arden Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Station Field, The Slough, Studley, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, B80 7EN. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: Sue Westmacott 01564 793746 sue@westmacotts.co.uk www.forestploughing.com
15/09/2024 Wessex Historic Tractor & Implement Club Ploughing Match at New Barns Farm, Drove Road, Southwick, Fareham, PO17 6EW. Contact: Pate Saunders 01256 329798. parker.saunders@yahoo.co.uk www.whtic.co.uk
15/09/2024 Vintage Military Vehcile Display & Re-enactment Weekend at Coldharbour Mill, Devon, EX15 3EE. Contact: 01884 840960 info@coldharbourmill.org.uk www.coldharbourmill.org.uk
17/09/2024 Witheridge & District Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Hill Barton, Blackdog, Witheridge, Devon, EX17 4QJ.. Contact: Rachael Reed 07756 873798 xpinkyx-14@hotmail.co.uk
18/09/2024 Colaton Raleigh and District Ploughing Association at Greendale Barton, Woodbury Salterton, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1EW. Contact: Kathy Ralph 01395 743530 ralph.dymonds2@gmail.com
18/09/2024 Laughton Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Church Farm, Litlington, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 5RA Contact: 07737 668077 or 07734 209178. laughtonploughingmatch@gmail.com www.laughtonagriculturalsociety.com
21/09/2024 The Grand Henham Steam Rally (21st-22nd) at Henham Park, Nr Southwold, NR34 8AQ. www.henhamsteamrally.com


Live onsite and online Saturday 21st September at Berry Farm Co琀age, Wexham Street, Stoke Poges, Slough, Berkshire, SL3 6NB
Dennison Extendable Tractor Carrier Trailers – 3 of Ferguson TED & TEF Tractors – 8 of
Massey Ferguson 65, 135, 35 & 35X
David Brown 996 Tractor
– Excep琀onal Restora琀on
Fordson Super Dexta, Super Major & E27N Tractors
Ford 7610 Series II & 4600 Tractors
Caterpillar Fi昀een Crawler Tractors
Caterpillar 953LGP Tracked Loader
Case VAC Tractor
Miniature Replica Diesel
Field Marshall Tractors

Foden S83, S39 & S20 Tippers
DAF 2800 ATI Tractor Unit
AEC Mammoth Major 6’s – 3 of
AEC Mantador Tractor Unit

Rover 3.5 Litre V8 P5B Coupe & 10 P2 Cars
Ford Zodiac MK III Automa琀c Car
Ford Orion Car

21/09/2024 Collingham & District Agricultural Show at Larksfield, Newark Road, Collingham, NG23 7RD. E: info@thecollinghamshow.co.uk www.thecollinghamshow.com
21/09/2024 Steaming Weekend (21st-22nd) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
21/09/2024 West Grinstead & District Ploughing & Agricultural Association Match at Westons Farm, Itchingfield, Westons Farm, Itchingfield, Nr Horsham, RH13 0BD. Contact: 01903 879488 secretary@westgrinsteadploughing.co.uk www.westgrinsteadploughing.co.uk
21/09/2024 Shireoaks Gathering (21st-22nd) at The Hewett Arms, Shireoaks, S81 8LT. Contact: 01142694758 or 01142890517 21/09/2024 Lanchester Steam & Vintage Fair (21st-22nd) at Lanchester Showground, A691, Durham Road, Lanchester, DH8 7TG. www.lanchester-steam.co.uk
21/09/2024 St Mawgan Steam & Vintage Rally (21st & 22nd) at St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 4ED owww.facebook.com/stmawganrally/ 21/09/2024 The Spires Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Halesowen & Hagley Farmers Club - Hackman Gate Lane, Belbroughton, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. (What3words/// faded.hedgehog.lookout). Contact Penny Allin 01527 454964 pennyann09@gmail.com
21/09/2024 Collingham & District Agricultural Society Spring Ploughing Match at Collingham, Newark, Nottinghamshire. Contact: Robert Bett on 07903 010773 info@thecollinghamshow.co.uk www.thecollinghamshow.com
21/09/2024 Willingham & District Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Ramper Road Longstanton Cambridge CB24 4RX. Contact:Carol Daff 07743 656231 caroldaff@btinternet.com
21/09/2024 Stoke Bliss & District Agricultural Improvement Society Ploughing Match at Grain Farm, Linley Green, Bromyard, Herefordshire, WR6 5RQ. Contact: Ann Basford 07974 998908 stokeblissploughing@gmail.com
21/09/2024 Ongar & Essex Hunt Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Spains Hall, Willingale, Ongar, Essex, CM5 0QE. Contact: Helen McTurk 07831 138403 / 01279 876151 opmsecretary@btinternet.com
21/09/2024 Northern Counties Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Tyne Valley, Hexham, Northumberland. Contact Reg Wilkinson 01434 600809 wilkinsonreg@btinternet.com
21/09/2024 Weald of Kent Ploughing Match at Honey Farm, Munday Bois Road, Puckley, Ashford, Kent, TN27 0SU. Contact Liz Miles on 07872 501951 secretarywkpma@gmail.com www.wkpma.co.uk
21/09/2024 Bridgwater & District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Chedzoy, Bridgwater, Somerset. Contact Laura Hawker 07890 200482 laura_hawker4519@hotmail.com
21/09/2024 Banbury & District Vintage Ploughing Society Tractor Festival (21st ploughing or cultivating practice /demonstration & 22nd match ploughing) at Rectory Farm, Stanton St John OX33 1HF. Contact: Bob Butlin on 07917 193679 www.bdvps.co.uk
21/09/2024 Museum of Rural Lancashire
Diary Dates
Anvil Day at Alderlee Park, Turning Lane, Scarisbrick, PR8 5HR. Contact: Les 07702 527872 lesrynhart@yahoo.co.uk
22/09/2024 The John Ellin 13th Charity Ploughing Match at Swinefleet, Goole, East Yorkshire. Contact: Howard Dykes 07522 925555.
22/09/2024 Rutland 4x4 Land Rover & Vintage Spares Day at Rutland Showground, Showground Way, Oakham, LE15 7TW. Contact: editorial@lrm.co.uk www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
22/09/2024 Autumn Bus Show at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
22/09/2024 Steaming Day at Bancroft Mill Engine Trust, Lancashire, BB18 5QR. Contact: 01695 424196 www.bancroftmill.org.uk
22/09/2024 Cullompton & District Ploughing Match at Yarde Farm, Silverton, Exeter, Devon. Contact: Sarah Hammett 07870655880 jarvishayes@btinternet.com
22/09/2024 The Grand Henham Steam Rally (21st-22nd) at Henham Park, Nr Southwold, NR34 8AQ. www.henhamsteamrally.com
22/09/2024 Morville Heath Vintage Ploughing Club Match at Corve Barn Farm, Brockton, Much Wenlock, Shropshire, TF13 6QX.. Contact: Tony Maiklem on 01746 789666 or 07970 945258
22/09/2024 Classic Car & Bike Show at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk 22/09/2024 Steaming Weekend (21st-22nd) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk 22/09/2024 Shireoaks Gathering (21st22nd) at The Hewett Arms, Shireoaks, S81 8LT. Contact: 01142694758 or 01142890517 22/09/2024 Lanchester Steam & Vintage Fair (21st-22nd) at Lanchester Showground, A691, Durham Road, Lanchester, DH8 7TG. www.lanchester-steam.co.uk
22/09/2024 St Mawgan Steam & Vintage Rally (21st & 22nd) at St Mawgan, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 4ED www.facebook.com/stmawganrally/ 22/09/2024 Statbus at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
22/09/2024 Royal East Berkshire Agricultural Association Ploughing Match at Castle End Farm, Castle End Road, Rustcombe, Berkshire, RG10 9XQ. Contact: Stuart Wilcox 07831 281121 stuartwilcox77@gmail.com www.rebaa.co.uk
22/09/2024 Chichester Ploughing Match at Funtington, Common Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 9DW. Contact: Mike Rowland 07891 075715 rowlandm31586@hotmail.com 22/09/2024 Northern Area Vintage Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Tyne Valley, Hexham, Northumberland. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: Charlie Halliday 07780 928560 admin.dalesagri@btconnect.com 22/09/2024 Norfolk Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Fakenham. Contact: Jackie Thompson on 01328700475
22/09/2024 Herefordshire Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Ploughing Match. Contact 01432 274187 countyadmin@hfyfc.org.uk
22/09/2024 West Hallam & District Ploughing & Hedgecutting Association Match at Hollymount Farm, Smalley, Derbyshire, DE7 6DW. Contact: John Smith 01159 325517 / 07791 572528 john@lowerhaggfarm.co.uk
22/09/2024 Banbury & District Vintage Ploughing Society Tractor Festival (21st ploughing or cultivating practice/ demonstration & 22nd match ploughing) at Rectory Farm, Stanton St John OX33 1HF. Contact: Bob Butlin on 07917 193679 www.bdvps.co.uk
24/09/2024 Frome Young Farmers' Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Hemington, Radstock, Somerset. Contact: Zoe Welch 07435 316175 fromeploughingassociation@outlook.com
25/09/2024 Mendip Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Green Ore Farm, Green Ore, Nr Wells, Somerset, BA5 3EP. Contact: Judith Ogborne 07783 709619 judith.mps@btinternet.com www.mendipploughingsociety.co.uk
25/09/2024 East Kent Ploughing Match at Bossington Farm, Adisham. Contact: Lorna Astbury 07538 547010 ekploughingmatch@outlook.com www.ekpma.co.uk
25/09/2024 Cheshire Ploughing and Hedge Cutting Society match at Holly Tree Farm, Lower Withington, Macclesfield, SK11 9DT. Includes a National Area Final. Contact Susan Ball on 07703 126142 sueball_lynhouse@hotmail.co.uk
26/09/2024 Flintham & District Ploughing Match & Show at Hawksworth Manor, Hawksworth, Nottingham, NG13 9DB. Contact: Lucie Sheldon 07970 152906 ploughing@flinthamshow.co.uk www.flinthamshow.co.uk
27/09/2024 Weobley & District Agricultural Improvement Society Ploughing Match at Garnons Estate, Byford, Hereford, HR4 7JX. Contact: Rachel Griffiths 01544 327343 weobleyploughingmatch@gmail.com
27/09/2024 All Wales Ploughing Championships & Five Nations Ploughing Challenge (27th & 28th) at Cwrt Malle Farm, Llangynog, Carmarthen, SA33 5BN. Includes a National Vintage Area Final.
Contact Helen Convery on 07786 065488. carmarthenallwalesploughing24@gmail.com www.welshploughing.com
28/09/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
28/09/2024 Fairford, Faringdon, Filkins and Burford Ploughing Society Ploughing Match & Country Show at Little Faringdon Road, Langford, GL7 3LA.
Contact Alison Joseph on 07778 906433 alisondjoseph@gmail.com www.ploughingmatch.co.uk
28/09/2024 Somerset Festival of Transport (28th-29th) at Frome Show Ground, Frome, BA11 5ES. Contact: 07900 695620 info@sfot.co.uk www.somersetsfestivaloftransport.co.uk
28/09/2024 Working Weekend (28th-29th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
28/09/2024 Southwell Ploughing Match & Show at Oxton, NG25 0TD. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact: Sam 07748 468585 info@southwellploughingmatch.co.uk www.southwellploughingmatch.co.uk
28/09/2024 Open Day at Tinkers Park, Hadlow Down, East Sussex, TN22 4HS. Contact: info@tinkerspark.com www.tinkerspark.com
28/09/2024 Bradworthy & District Ploughing Match at Stitworthy, Higher Clovelly, Bideford, EX39 5SG. Contact: Rose Wooldridge 01409 261388 / 07551 010326 bradworthy.ploughingmatch@hotmail.com
28/09/2024 Burley Steam & Vintage Vehicle Show (28th-29th) at Burley Park, Burley, BH24 4DJ. Contact: 07811 573811 mnecider@gmail.com www.facebook.com/BurleySteam/ 28/09/2024 Speech House Vintage Show at Speech House Hotel, Coleford, Gloucestershire, GL16 7EL. www.fvvmc.co.uk/speechhouse 28/09/2024 North Kent Ploughing Match Association at Speedgate Farm, Fawkham, Longfield, Kent, DA3 8NJ. Contact Michael Bax on 01233 740077. michael.bax@btfpartnership.co.uk
28/09/2024 Petworth & District Agricultural Association Match at Scrase Farm, Black Gate Lane, Pulborough, West Sussex, RH20 1DF. Contact: Sarah Kenny 07973 797160 goringlee@aol.com
28/09/2024 Lanreath & District Ploughing Association match at Trenderway Farm, Pelynt, Looe, Cornwall, PL13 2LY. Contact Diana Stephens on 01503 230223 di.stephens@btinernet.com
28/09/2024 Yeovil Ploughing Match Society at Mudford, Yeovil, Somerset. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final. Contact Vincent Baker on 01935 826368 vincentbaker7@gmail.com. 28/09/2024 East Sussex Ploughing Match Society Ploughing Match. Contact Jim Braiden on 07540 598877 jgbraiden@hotmail.co.uk
28/09/2024 Essex County Ploughing Match In conjunction with the Greenstead Green Agricultural Club at Greenstead Green Farm, Greenstead Green, Essex, CO9 1QY. Contact Jackie Hiskey on 07889 780620 essexcountypl@gmail.com
28/09/2024 Bedfordshire Young Farmers Clubs County Ploughing Match at Valance End Farm, Dagnall, Bedfordshire (What 3 Words ///valued.obvious.finger). Contact Richard Norman on 07774696726 ploughing@bedfordyfc.co.uk
28/09/2024 All Wales Ploughing Championships & Five Nations Ploughing Challenge (27th & 28th) at Cwrt Malle Farm, Llangynog, Carmarthen, SA33 5BN. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact Helen Convery on 07786 065488. carmarthenallwalesploughing24@gmail.com www.welshploughing.com
29/09/2024 Land Rover Day at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact:
Diary Dates

01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
29/09/2024 On Track at The Brickworks Museum, Stanwick Lane, Stanwick, Hampshire, SO31 7HB. Contact: 01489 576248 www.thebrickworksmuseum.org
29/09/2024 Working Weekend (28th-29th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
29/09/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. Contact: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
29/09/2024 Plough Day & Country Fair at Ramsey Rural Museum, Wood Lane, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, PE26 2XD. Contact: 01487 815715
29/09/2024 Somerset Festival of Transport (28th-29th) at Frome Show Ground, Frome, BA11 5ES. T: 07900 695620 info@sfot.co.uk www.somersetsfestivaloftransport.co.uk
29/09/2024 Burley Steam & Vintage Vehicle Show (28th-29th) at Burley Park, Burley, BH24 4DJ. Contact: 07811 573811 mnecider@gmail.com
www.facebook.com/BurleySteam/ 29/09/2024 Steam Day at Waterworks Museum, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LJ. T: 01432 342192 www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk
29/09/2024 Penistone, Thurlstone & District Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Bromley Farm, Wortley, Nr Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Contact Carl Fretwell 07901 868992.
29/09/2024 Havyatt Green, Wrington, North Somerset, BS40 5DE. For further details contact Tim Ledbury on 01934 837283. www.nsas.org.uk
29/09/2024 Melplash Agricultural Society loughing Match at Wyke Farm, Chedington, Beaminster, Dorset, DT8 3HX. Contact Lucy Hart on 01308 423337 www.melplashshow.co.uk
29/09/2024 Sheepy & District Ploughing & Hedgecutting Association Ploughing Match at Clifton Campville, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0AR. (what3words: atom.morphing.oven). Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact Mrs Pat Rowland on 07939 162259 rowlandladywood@gmail.com www.sheepyploughing.co.uk
29/09/2024 Sarum Tractor Club Ploughing
Match at Chitterne Farm, Chitterne, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 0LQ. Contact: Keith Stone 01722 743511 keith.stone6@btinternet.com
29/09/2024 West of England Ploughing Association Ploughing Match at Goonhoskyn Farm, Summercourt, Newquay, Cornwall, TR8 4PP. Contact: Kate Williams 07400 414646 k.t13@hotmail.co.uk
29/09/2024 Classic Car Day at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
02/10/2024 Brailsford Ploughing Match at Middleton Park Farm, Alkmonton, Ashbourne, DE6 3DH. Contact: 01335 343274 www.brailsfordploughingmatch.org.uk
03/10/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (3rd-6th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
03/10/2024 Royston & Buntingford District Agricultural Association ploughing at Noons Folly Farm, Royston, North Hertfordshire, SG8 7NG. Contact Ellie Bullard on 07568562919.
03/10/2024 Trumpet and District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match & Fruit Show at Sintons End Farm, Acton Beauchamp, Worcestershire, WR6 5AF. Contact: June Green on 07813 754873 www.trumpetanddistrictagriculturalsociety.co.uk
04/10/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (3rd-6th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
05/10/2024 Steaming Day at Leawood Pumphouse, High Peak Junction, Cromford, Derbyshire. Contact: 01629 823204 www.middleton-leawood.org.uk
05/10/2024 Open Weekend (5th-6th) at Tees Cottage Pumping Station, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 8TF. Contact: 07885 242411. www.teescottage.co.uk
05/10/2024 Cottenham & District Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Cottenham, Cambridgeshire. Contact: 01954 252578 psmith134@btinternet.com
05/10/2024 FMPS Tractor Run & Working Weekend (5th-6th) at Grove Farm, Gt. Henny, CO10 7LT. Contact: 07497514769 www.fmps.org.uk
05/10/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (3rd-6th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk
05/10/2024 Patrick Edwards Tractor Jumble and Spares Day at Langley Farm, Little Clanfield, OX18 2RZ. Contact: 01367 810259 / 07836 353549 www.patrickedwardsmachinery.co.uk
05/10/2024 Hallaton & District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Medbourne area, Market Harborough, Leicestershire. Contact:Gill Burbidge 07950 738732 gillburbidge2014@gmail.com
05/10/2024 Heddington & Stockley Vintage Ploughing Society at Roundway Hill, Devizes, Wiltshire. Contact James on 07967 753305.
Diary Dates
05/10/2024 Wormside Agricultural Improvement Society, Herefordshire. Celebrating 180 years! Contact Katie Dyke on 07583 965281 misskatiejanedyke@gmail.com
05/10/2024 Truro & District Ploughing Match Society at Liskey Hill, Perranporth, Cornwall. Contact Edd Buckland on 07595 893394 edward@edwardbuckland.co.uk
05/10/2024 Basingstoke & District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Folly Farm, North Waltham, Hampshire, RG25 2BS, what 3 words (descended.leathers.webcams) Contact Lauren Cutter on 07788 411686 bdassecretary@gmail.com
05/10/2024 Dishforth Ploughing Society, North Yorkshire. For further details contact Derek Tyson on 07789 373092. Includes a National Vintage Area Final and a Ferguson Area Final.
05/10/2024 Crewkerne YFC ploughing at East Chinnock, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 9EE, what3words (couch.scorched.piston). Contact Rosey Botwright on 07851232603 crewkerneyfcploughingmatch@gmail.com
05/10/2024 Guildford & District Ploughing Association at Milton Court Farm, Westcott Road, Dorking, Surrey RH4 3LY. Contact Janet Hill on 01403 257969. mickb.hill@gmail.com
05/10/2024 Harvest Celebrations at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
06/10/2024 Newbury 4x4 Land Rover & Vintage Spares Day at Newbury Showground, Hermitage, Thatcham, RG18 9QZ. Contact: editorial@lrm.co.uk www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
06/10/2024 Autumn Historic Gathering at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
06/10/2024 Autumn Vehicle Show at Ellenroad Steam Museum, Rochdale, Lancs, OL16 4LE. Contact: 07789 802632 www.ellenroad.org.uk
06/10/2024 Steaming Day at Leawood Pumphouse, High Peak Junction, Cromford, Derbyshire. Contact: 01629 823204 www.middleton-leawood.org.uk
06/10/2024 Open Day at Twyford Waterworks, Hazeley Road, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1QA. Contact: 01962 714716 / 07516 458900 www.twyfordwaterworks.co.uk
06/10/2024 Steam Sunday at The Whitwell & Reepham Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4GA. Contact: 01603 871694 info@whitwellstation.com www.whitwellstation.com
06/10/2024 Bredgar & Wormshill Light Railway Steam Gala Event Day at The Warren, Bredgar, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8AT. Contact: 01622 884254 info@bwlr.co.uk www.bwlr.co.uk
06/10/2024 FMPS Working Weekend (5th6th) at Grove Farm, Gt. Henny, CO10 7LT. Contact: 07497514769 www.fmps.org.uk
06/10/2024 Autumn Diesel Gala (3rd-6th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323 sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk 06/10/2024 Landrover Day at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
06/10/2024 Open Weekend (5th-6th) at Tees Cottage Pumping Station, Coniscliffe Road, Darlington, DL3 8TF. Contact: 07885 242411. www.teescottage.co.uk
06/10/2024 Rearsby & District YFC Ploughing Match at Rotherby Lane, Gaddesby, Leicestershire, LE7 4WN. Contact Hannah Disney on 07484 723095 rearsbyploughing@gmail.com
06/10/2024 Henley & District Agricultural Association Ploughing Match at at Red Lion Farm, Britwell Salome, OX49 5LG. Contact: Jo Taylor 01491 413619 info@thehenleyshow.co.uk www.thehenleyshow.co.uk
06/10/2024 Spilsby YFC Ploughing Match atHoplands Farm, Old Boston Road, Coningsby, Lincolnshire, LN4 4SS. Contact: George Hobson 07535 959331 gthobson@icloud.com
06/10/2024 Ledbury Ploughing Society, Herefordshire. Contact Alistair Young on 07721 424579.
06/10/2024 Launceston & Callington Ploughing Association Match at Werrington Park, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 9RA. Contact: 01752 840468 lisajane800@gmail.com
06/10/2024 Three Counties Ploughing Federation Match at Church Farm, Darrington, West Yorkshire, WF8 3BH. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact: 01777 838720/07870 397486 debbie.savill@btinternet.com
06/10/2024 Harvest Celebrations at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
12/10/2024 Warley Model Railway (12th & 13th) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
12/10/2024 British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival (12th13th) at Thoresby Estate, near Newark, Nottinghamshire. Contact: 01302 852469 info@ploughmen.co.uk www.ploughmen.co.uk
13/10/2024 Ripon 4x4 Land Rover & Vintage Spares Day at Ripon Racecourse, Boroughbridge Road, North Yorkshire, HG4 1UG. Contact: editorial@lrm.co.uk www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
13/10/2024 Macclesfield Vintage Club Rally at Heaton House Farm, Rushton Spencer, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 0RD. Contact before 9pm 01538 755844 www.macclesfieldvmg.co.uk
13/10/2024 Steaming Day at Bancroft Mill Engine Trust, Lancashire, BB18 5QR. Contact: 01695 424196 www.bancroftmill.org.uk
13/10/2024 Steam Day at Waterworks Museum, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LJ. T: 01432 342192 www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk
13/10/2024 Warley Model Railway (12th & 13th) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
13/10/2024 British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival (12th13th) at Thoresby Estate, near Newark, Nottinghamshire. Contact: 01302 852469 info@ploughmen.co.uk www.ploughmen.co.uk
18/10/2024 Cambridge Vintage Auction (18th-19th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
19/10/2024 Cambridge Vintage Auction (18th-19th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
19/10/2024 Autumn Steaming of the Mill at Etruria Industrial Museum, Lower Bedford Street, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7AF. Contact: 07900 267711. www.etruriamuseum.org.uk
19/10/2024 Steaming Weekend (19th-20th) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
19/10/2024 North Staffs and Cheshire Traction Engine Club October Steam Party (19th20th) at Klondyke Mill Site, Draycott in the Clay, DE6 5GZ. Contact: web.nsctec@tiscali.co.uk www.nsctec.co.uk
19/10/2024 The 1940s (19th-20th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk
19/10/2024 Ploughing match held by Fordingbridge & District Ploughing Match at South Allenford Farm, Damerham, Hampshire, SP6 3JP. Contact Sandra Dennis on 01725 552262 sandradennis@rocketmail.com
19/10/2024 Friends of Ferguson Heritage Norfolk and Isle of Ely Group Ploughing Match Off A10, Southery, Norfolk. Contact Roger Thurlbourne on 07470 126650 or 01366 377464.
19/10/2024 Newbury & District Agricultural Society Ploughing Match at Rookery Farm, Curridge, Berkshire, RG18 9EA. Contact: 07760 375512 judith@nadas.co.uk
Diary Dates
19/10/2024 Sussex County Ploughing Association Match. Contact: Jim Braiden 07540 598877 jgbraiden@hotmail.co.uk
19/10/2024 Warwick Vintage Tractor & Machinery Society Ploughing Match at Hill Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7PP.
Contact: Andy Bean 07749 651188 andybean53@hotmail.com www.wvtms.org
19/10/2024 Tractor Gathering 2024 (19th & 20th) at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
19/10/2024 Cambridge Vintage Auction (18th-19th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. Contact: 01353 777767 vintage@cheffins.co.uk www.cheffins.co.uk
20/10/2024 Discworld and Industrial Trains at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
20/10/2024 Autumn Steaming of the Mill at Etruria Industrial Museum, Lower Bedford Street, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST4 7AF. Contact: 07900 267711. www.etruriamuseum.org.uk
20/10/2024 Steaming Weekend (19th-20th) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk
20/10/2024 North Staffs and Cheshire Traction Engine Club October Steam Party (19th-20th) at Klondyke Mill Site, Draycott in the Clay, DE6 5GZ. Contact: web.nsctec@tiscali.co.uk www.nsctec.co.uk
20/10/2024 The 1940s (19th-20th) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938
20/10/2024 Barton upon Humber & District Ploughing Society, Wold Farm, Worlaby Topp, Brigg, North Lincolnshire. DN20 0NS. Contact Mrs M Scowen on 01469 530741 smscowen@btopenworld.com.
20/10/2024 Norfolk Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Fakenham. Contact:Jackie Thompson on 01328 700475 jackvalken@gmail.com
20/10/2024 Tractor Gathering 2024 (19th & 20th) at Beamish Museum, Nr Stanley, Co. Durham, DH9 0RG. Contact: 01913 704000 www.beamish.org.uk
26/10/2024 Steam Days (26th-27th) at Bolton Steam Museum, Mornington Road, Bolton, BL1 4HW. Contact: 01204 846490 / 01257 265003 john.phillp@blueyonder.co.uk www.nmes.org
26/10/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. T: 01283 509929 www.claymills.org.uk
26/10/2024 Halloween Evening at Amberley Museum, New Barn Road, Amberley, Near Arundel, West Sussex, BN18 9LT. Contact: 01789 831370 www.amberleymuseum.co.uk
26/10/2024 Working Weekend (26th-27th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk
26/10/2024 Halloween Steam Fright Night at Westonzoyland Pumping Station, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA7 0LS. Contact: 01278 691595 steamteam@wzlet.org www.wzlet.org
26/10/2024 Steam Day at Waterworks Museum, Broomy Hill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 0LJ. T: 01432 342192. www.waterworksmuseum.org.uk

26/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
26/10/2024 Barugh & District Ploughing Association Match at Mount Farm, Woolley, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF4 2JJ. Contact: Darren 07932 627178 or Cath 07979 253602 bark.ploughing@gmail.com
26/10/2024 Deeping & District Agricultural Association Ploughing Match at Off Meadow Road, Langtoft, Peterborough, PE6 8GX. Contact:Philip Garford 07860 797887 garfordphilip@gmail.com
26/10/2024 Stockbridge Growmore Club ploughing match at Sutton Manor Farms, Sutton Scotney, Winchester, Hampshire. Contact Richard Monk 01794 388496 richard.monk@monkfarming.co.uk
26/10/2024 End of Season Steam Up at Charles Burrell Museum, Minstergate, Thetford, Norfolk, IP24 1BN. Contact: 01842 751166 www.charlesburrellmuseum.org.uk
27/10/2024 Malvern 4x4 Land Rover & Vintage Spares Day at Malvern Three Counties Show Ground, Worcestershire, WR13 6NW. Contact: editorial@lrm.co.uk www.4x4sparesday.co.uk
27/10/2024 Steam Days (26th-27th) at Bolton Steam Museum, Mornington Road, Bolton, BL1 4HW. Contact: 01204 846490 / 01257 265003 john.phillp@blueyonder.co.uk www.nmes.org
27/10/2024 Autumn Steam Up at The Brickworks Museum, Stanwick Lane, Stanwick, Hampshire, SO31 7HB. Contact: 01489 576248 www.thebrickworksmuseum.org
27/10/2024 Steam Day at Claymills Pumping Engines Trust Meadow Lane, Stretton, Burton on Trent, Staffs England, DE13 0DA. T: 01283 509929 enquiries@claymills.org.uk www.claymills.org.uk
27/10/2024 Working Weekend (26th-27th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk
27/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
27/10/2024 Sturton, Stow & District Ploughing Society Match at Thorpe Lane, Sturton by Stow, Lincolnshire, LN1 2BS. Contact: John Crowder 07734 467196 crawlercrowderjohn@gmail.com
27/10/2024 Norfolk Farm Machinery Club ploughing match at Rutland. Contact: Jonathan Tunmore on 07919 104278 demo@normac.org.uk .
28/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
29/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
30/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th-
Diary Dates Diary Dates
31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
31/10/2024 Steam & Scream at Coldharbour Mill, Devon, EX15 3EE. Contact: 01884 840960 info@coldharbourmill.org.uk www.coldharbourmill.org.uk
31/10/2024 Halloween Spooktacular (26th31st) at Statfold Narrow Gauge Museum Trust Ltd, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B79 0BU. Contact: 01827 830389 info@statfold.com www.statfold.com
02/11/2024 Rutland Ploughing Match. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact Edward Griffin 07939 151164 griffinagric@gmail.com
02/11/2024 Central Scotland Reversible Ploughing Association at Drummond Estates, Muthill, Crieff, Perthshire. T: John 07810303613 john.walker234@hotmail.com.
03/11/2024 The West Pennine Wood Turners at Ellenroad Steam Museum, Rochdale, Lancs, OL16 4LE. Contact: 07789 802632 www.ellenroad.org.uk
03/11/2024 Steam Sunday at The Whitwell & Reepham Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham, Norfolk, NR10 4GA. Contact: 01603 871694 info@whitwellstation.com www.whitwellstation.com
03/11/2024 Steaming Day at Bancroft Mill Engine Trust, Lancashire, BB18 5QR. Contact: 01695 424196 www.bancroftmill.org.uk 03/11/2024 Horsham Historics Preservation Society Ardingly Autojumble at The South of England Showground, Ardingly, West Sussex, RH17 6TL. Contact: 07711 177229 horshamhistorics@aol.com www.horshamhistorics.co.uk
09/11/2024 Newark Vintage and Heritage Tractor Show (9th-10th) at Newark Showground, Newark, NG24 2NY. Contact: 01636 705796 tractors@newarkshowground.com www.newarkvintagetractorshow.com 09/11/2024 East Lothian Ploughing Association Match at Samuelston Farm. www.eastlothianploughing.weebly.com
SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER 10/11/2024 Newark Vintage and Heritage Tractor Show (9th-10th) at Newark Showground, Newark, NG24 2NY. Contact: 01636 705796 tractors@newarkshowground.com www.newarkvintagetractorshow.com
11/11/2024 Cambridge Machinery Sales (11th12th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
12/11/2024 Cambridge Machinery Sales (11th12th) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. www.cheffins.co.uk
16/11/2024 Last Hurrah Gala (16th-17th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323
sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk 16/11/2024 Steaming Weekend (16th-17th) at
Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk www.hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk 16/11/2024 Reston Ploughing Association match at Fairnieside, Burnmouth, Scottish Borders, TD14 5SH. Contact Robert Barclay 07855 053026 restonploughingassociation@gmail.com.
17/11/2024 Last Hurrah Gala (16th-17th) at Great Central Railway, Loughborough Central Station, Great Central Road, LE11 1RW. Contact: 01509 632323
sales@gcrailway.co.uk www.gcrailway.co.uk 17/11/2024 Steaming Weekend (16th-17th) at Hampton Kempton Waterworks Railway, Snakey Lane, Hanworth, Middlesex, TW13 7ND. Contact: 01932 212235 admin@hamptonkemptonrailway.org.uk 17/11/2024 Merse Vintage Ploughing Club match at Norham East Mains, Berwick on Tweed, Borders. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact: Bill Wood 07773 041137 bill.wood.1951@outlook.com
23/11/2024 Working Weekend (23rd-24th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk 23/11/2024 Lauderdale Ploughing Society Match at Lauder Haugh, Lauder, Berwickshire, TD2 6PF. Contact: Bruce Richardson 07812 441272 lauderdaleplough@outlook.com 23/11/2024 Cheffins Automobilia Auction (Auction sale of enamel signs, petrol pumps, globes, oil tins, fuel cans, show cards, illuminated signs, advertising etc) at Machinery Saleground, CB6 2QT. Contact: 01353 777767 vintage@cheffins.co.uk www.cheffins.co.uk
24/11/2024 Steaming Day at Bancroft Mill Engine Trust, Lancashire, BB18 5QR. Contact: 01695 424196 www.bancroftmill.org.uk 24/11/2024 Christmas at The Brickworks at The Brickworks Museum, Stanwick Lane, Stanwick, Hampshire, SO31 7HB. Contact: 01489 576248 www.thebrickworksmuseum.org 24/11/2024 Working Weekend (23rd-24th) at Rural Life Living Museum, Tilford, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 2DL. Contact: 01252 795571 info@rural-life.org.uk www.rural-life.org.uk 24/11/2024 Sherwood Forest Ploughing Match at Budby, Nottinghamshire. Contact: Ben Vincent 07581 009507 benvincent617@yahoo.co.uk www.sherwoodforestploughing.co.uk 24/11/2024 Stratheden Ploughing Society Ploughing Match at Fife. Includes a National Vintage Area Final. Contact: Ron Phillips 07825 706924 strathedenploughing@gmail.com
30/11/2024 Christmas Market at Coldharbour Mill, Devon, EX15 3EE. Contact: 01884 840960 info@coldharbourmill.org.uk www.coldharbourmill.org.uk 30/11/2024 Christmas Market (30th-1st) at Papplewick Pumping Station, Notts, NG15 9AJ. Contact: 01159 632938 www.papplewickpumpingstation.org.uk