Identity for the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games

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Identity for the 2012 London Summer Olympic Games

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Christopher Griego

Instructor Kendrick



Welcome to Design Systems Flash-back to the first day of class. We sat down, and handed a piece of paper face down. When we flipped it over, there was this unique image that I’d never seen before. Then, without warning there was a heated discussion around me about how horrible this logo was and how it was apparently a failure. It became the goal for the semester to redesign the identity system of the entire London 2012 scene. Not just a logo, not just some colors, not just some business cards or a pamphlet. We’re talking about an identity system. It was now my task to design not only the list I just mentioned, but clothing, maps, signage-the works. Where do I start?

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








The Original Logo Paul Davis, Creative Director of Agenda Design Had this to say, “London 2012 is unprecedented – from the enormous scale of the urban regeneration project in east London to the expectations of an incredibly marketing-literate audience, the event carries great responsibility way beyond the Games themselves. In addition, there have never been so many ways for people to get involved in the Olympics, whether they like it or not. Media channels have increased and expanded, and questions are already being asked about whether the Games will really benefit the people of London who will be most affected. All eyes are on London and we really have to deliver London 2012 has already drawn controversy with its bid identity. The design community gave a very mixed response and a recent straw poll revealed that very few people could actually remember what the bid logo looked like (it was the River Thames, in case you also found it hard to recall)”

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








London 2012 Re-Design? So much ruckus over a silly logo. After heated debate regarding 2012’s integrity, professional designers and common folk alike were dared to create something better. Below are some attempts at what each producer considers “better.” For me, most of these logos just don’t cut it because they are simply tidy, cliche, pooped out logos without any real concept.

Of course, none of these logos will be used to substitute 2012. The next step-after reading about 2012’s creation, it’s denial in mainstream society and the desire to see something new created-was to create my own identity system for the Olympic Games in 2012. What can I bring to the table? I’ve never created an identity so please allow a considerable amount of open-mindedness for the rest of this book.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick



Olympic Games Research






The Olympic flag places the Olympic rings on a white background. As every

”(One of the aims of the Olympics is) to improve the human race, not

national flag in the world contains at least one of the flag’s six colors (black,

only physically, but to give it a greater nobility of spirit, and to strengthen

blue, green, red, yellow, white), this further symbolizes the universality of the

understanding and friendship amongst peoples.”


Information from encyclopedias, IOC web site and Wikipedia

So, what is a brand and why is it important to define both Olympic Games, international sports competition, held every four years at a

Meaning and purpose? In the beginning it was about identify-

The ancient Greeks were highly competitive and believed strongly in the

different site, in which athletes from different nations compete against each

cation, ownership and origin – heraldry, cattle branding and

concept of “agon”, or “competition” or “contest”. The ultimate Greek goal

other in a variety of sports.

Hallmarks respectively. It could be argued that a good brand Identity today, one that will stand the test of time and work

was to be the best. All aspects of life, especially athletics, were centered around this concept. It was therefore considered one of the greatest honors

In order to host the Olympics, a city must submit a proposal to the IOC. After

hard for its owners, will be as simple and as pure as that.

to win a victory at Olympia. The fact that the only prize given at Olympia was

all proposals have been submitted, the IOC votes. If no city is successful

But the world is a faster, more complex place now. An identity

an olive wreath illustrates this point. The athletes competed for honor, not for

in gaining a majority in the first vote, the city with the fewest votes is

must be able to reflect the changing pace and nature of its

material goods.

eliminated, and voting continues in successive rounds until a majority winner

environment and relate to the evolving needs and expectations

is determined. Typically the Games are awarded several years in advance,

of its audiences. An ideal brand, if there was one, would be

The sacred truce was instituted during the month of the Olympiad.

allowing the winning city time to prepare for the Games.

able to adapt to the changing tides of time and place without

Messengers known as “spondorophoroi” carried the word of the truce and

In selecting the site of the Olympic Games, the IOC considers a number of

ever compromising its core essence. It is also about how the

announced the date of the games all over the Greek world. The truce called

factors, chief among them which city has (or promises to build) the best

brand operates – its job is to communicate as well as to

for a cessation of all hostilities for a period of one month (later three months)

facilities and which organizing committee seems most likely to stage the

define identity, so it must have the ability to do this in an

to allow for the safe travel of athletes to and from Olympia. Armies and

Games successfully. The IOC also considers which parts of the world have

engaging and relevant way

armed individuals were barred from entering the sanctuary. In addition, no

not yet hosted the Games. For instance, Tokyo, Japan, the host of the 1964

death penalties could be carried out during the period of the truce.

Summer Games, and Mexico City, Mexico, the host of the 1968 Summer

Juan Antonio Samaranch, former President of the IOC, stated

Games, were chosen in part to popularize the Olympic movement in Asia

that ‘the IOC encourages the cities that host the Games to

and Latin America.

conceive a unique artistic design, which reflects both the

The best amateur athletes in the world match skill and endurance in a series

local spirit and culture, and the Olympic ideals’ (The Olympic

of contests called the Olympic Games. Almost every nation sends teams of selected athletes to take part. The purposes of the Olympic Games

The Olympic Motto
In 1921, Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern

Image, Quon Books, 1996). So any designer approaching the

are to foster the ideal of a “sound mind in a sound body” and to promote

Olympic Games, borrowed a Latin phrase from his friend, Father Henri Didon,

task of creating an identity for the Games must not only

friendship among nations.

for the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius (“Swifter, Higher, Stronger”). The

respect the Olympic symbol; they must also express the

Olympic Oath
Pierre de Coubertin wrote an oath for the athletes to recite at

nature of the place that they will be held in, the culture of

Countries bidding to host the Summer Olympic Games or the Winter Olympic

each Olympic Games. During the opening ceremonies, one athlete recites

the people whose lives will be affected, and the time at which

Games compete aggressively to have their bid accepted by the IOC. The

the oath on behalf of all the athletes. The Olympic oath was first taken during

the Games will take place. The identity must live on beyond

IOC members, representing most of the member countries, vote to decide

the 1920 Olympic Games by Belgian fencer Victor Boin. The Olympic Oath

the Games themselves, delivering positive benefits to the city

where the Games will take place. Members from countries which have cities

states, “In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in

that has invested so much in the event.

bidding to host the games are excluded from the voting process, up until the

these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern

point where their city drops out of the contest.

them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor

The Olympic motto is Citius—Altius—Fortius, which is Latin for “faster, higher,

of our teams.”

stronger.” The intended meaning is that one’s focus should be on bettering

The Olympic Creed
Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a

one’s achievements, rather than on coming in first.

speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games. The Olympic Creed reads: “The most

Each of the five Olympic rings is a different color. Together, they represent the

important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just

five inhabited continents, although no particular ring is meant to represent

as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The

any specific continent. (The Americas are treated as one continent.) The

essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”

rings are interlaced to represent the idea that the Olympics are universal, bringing athletes from the entire World together.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








My Notes Professionalism Logo should not be stationary unless on paper-by 2012 most everything will be on screens. The world is round-spiral brand or globe? The united states is no longer the melting pot, the world is and the Olympics games at London will be at the heart of the stew. Togetherness-unity-comradity-fellowshipLet’s place in HUGE panel TVs or projectors and show families from across the world watching –below is the holographic representation of the earth and the GPS location of the viewer. Every 6.18 seconds the feed changes. The athletes uniforms and colors will only have abstract representations of their countries, perhaps abstracted colors and shapes from their flags. 2012 will be the year that the earth becomes one. Boundaries will be erased and differences will be forgotten. Nations will dissolve and continents will thrive. The Olympics strive to break those boundaries and bring brothers and sisters from all walks of life together. Globalization will become the focus of mankind and the Olympic Games in 2012 are a great introduction to this noble idea. It will be the third time that London will host the world as guests for athletic events that will bring people together. For citizens of the world the 2012 Olympic Games is the greatest sporting event that will strengthen understanding amongst peoples because it emphasizes friendship and global prosperity.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Previous Olympics If I were asked to select my three favorite previous Olympic logos...I’d have to select (in order of most favorite to 3rd favorite) Los Angeles, Sydney and Barcelona. Something about these logos really identifies with the nature and spirit of the games, but they also do a wonderful job capturing the essence of the host city. Paul Davis, Creative Director of Agenda Design discusses what makes these logos so powerful, “Los Angeles: It was essential that the Games were presented as upbeat and positive, particularly as they were subject to a Soviet boycott that prevented 15 countries from participating There was a full visual language and a vibrant colour palette. The identity itself took the undeniably American symbolism of stars in red, white and blue and gave them Olympic movement. Barcelona: It takes its inspiration from the passion for art and design that the city is renowned for, and expresses them with vitality and purpose. The Spanish flag is broken down and becomes a leaping character, with the five rings sitting underneath, as strong as ever The Barcelona Olympics will also be remembered for the success of their mascot, Cobi. Simple and lively, he was able to work hard for the Olympic brand through merchandising and licensing without losing his sense of purpose Sydney: Sydney stepped up to the plate with exceptional style, delivering an identity that encapsulated the landscape, culture and architecture of Australia�

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








A London Identity I began by taking a look at the Olympics as a system itself. My design process always begins with a lot of research. I looked up the answers to all the questions I never knew. I learned a lot about Greece and their ideals. I also learned about previous Olympic Games and their impact on both the world and the host city. Most importantly I got a sense it would be very important to create a system which honored the city of London. I began to lose myself in London and its identity.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick



Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Design Brief Analysis Pros





are to “foster the ideal of a sound mind in a sound body and


to improve the human race, not only physically, but to give it a

I feel the past criteria are overanalyzed and have begun to drown

greater nobility of spirit, and to strengthen understanding and

the games in politics and meeting the needs of ideals from the past.

friendship amongst peoples” (Sigfrid Edstrom, former president of the

These parameters meaning have diminished over the years. Here is a

International Olympic Committee). After a lengthy and competitive

list of the requirements which reflect the ideals of 2012

bid process, the International Olympic Committee has selected


London as the location for the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.


2012 must -reflect the Olympic ideals

universal and “understandable” worldwide simple distinct bold buzzes with energy


-be commonly understandable

The identity should incorporate liveliness and energy. It needs

-be highly aesthetic

to stand for professionalism and sportsmanship but not appear

-be easily remembered

emotionless or intimidating.

-live beyond the Games themselves

London 2012’s ambition is to create an Olympic Games for everyone,

Communicates to a large demographic Will live beyond the Games themselves Cons 80% disapproval rating at Distorted Swastika Lisa Simpson Fellatio Animated mark triggered seizures Is not commonly understandable Does not appear timeless Does not really reflect the Olympic ideals Is not highly aesthetic Is fashionable over timeless Does not respect the Olmypic symbol

Creative Brief

where everyone is invited to take part, join in and enjoy the most

Target audience

exciting event in the world. A strong Olympic Identity should “give

Men, Women and Children from around the world who have a

a greater nobility of spirit, and to strengthen understanding and

vested interest in both athleticism and a passion for coming to

friendship amongst peoples.”

understand the world around them

The Olympic Games of 2012 should become the new melting pot of


nations and peoples.

Olympic athletes

2012 will be the year that the earth becomes one. Boundaries will be

Past Olympic athletes

erased and differences will be forgotten. Nations will dissolve and

Sports enthusiasts

continents will thrive. The Olympics strive to break those boundaries

Curious about events that are new and interesting to them

and bring brothers and sisters from all walks of life together.

Interested in the human body and its limitations/extremes

Globalization will become the focus of mankind and the Olympic

Curious about the life of other families around the world

Games in 2012 are a great introduction to this noble idea. It will be


the third time that London will host the world as guests for athletic

play sports

events that will bring people together.

want to play sports

Traditionally, the world is supposed to be the target audience of

curious about the life of a child around the world

the Olympics. Recently, the demographic that the Olympic Games


reaches the athletic elite and sports enthusiasts who cared. It also

The Olympic Games is an international sports competition, held

garnered attention to patriotic citizens of all nations. 2012 should

every four years at a different site, in which athletes from different

branch out and reach the world and all its inhabitants. Particularly

nations compete against each other in a variety of sports and

it should highlight the prospects of globalization to individuals and

competitions. The first games were held in 776 BCE and were continued until 393 CE. In 1896 CE the first modern Olympic Games were held. Regardless of the time period in which the Olympic

nations, from every creed and all walks of life. This is not intended Olympics, but the 2012 identity should open the audience to a

material goods. The Olympic motto is Citius—Altius—Fortius, which

broader demographic.

is Latin for “swifter, higher, stronger.” The intended meaning is that each competitor’s focus should be on bettering one’s achievements, rather than on coming in first. The purposes of the Olympic Games

Design Systems

families alike. This includes men, women, and children from all to sate that the entire world will vest some sort of interest into the

athletes competed, they were to participate for honor, not for

Christopher Griego


Instead of recognizing nations as individuals, I believe we should begin to view the continents as our shared grounds for humanity.

Instructor Kendrick








Design Brief (Condensed) Describing the Identity in 6 words Universal


Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of all or the whole: universal experience


Applicable everywhere or in all cases


Affecting, concerning, or involving all


Pertaining to life




Sportsmanlike conduct, as fairness, courtesy, being a cheerful loser, etc.



Belonging as a part of the whole; constituent or component


Necessary to the completeness of the whole



The state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability


the belief that all people should act with warmth toward one another, regardless of differences in race, creed, nationality, etc.



Of or pertaining to athletes; involving the use of physical skills or capabilities, as strength, agility, or stamina

Positioning statement The previous summer Olympic Games cemented boundaries and established difference between people of the world. For those who are passionate about athleticism and equality the 2012 Olympic Games is the universal sporting event which recognizes mankind’s biotic similarities. The games will strengthen understanding amongst peoples because it emphasizes sportsmanship and the idea that each human is integral to the greater image that composes the world.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Exploring with Shapes

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Logo Creation Below are some rough draft, variations of my official logo. I continue to experiment with geometric shapes.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Color Selection The idea that each person is integral to the larger image of the world influenced my choice in color. When you get down to it, the earth can be reduced to single colors depending on how closely you view it. For a well balanced scheme, I incorporated a black, a gray, the primaries and one secondary.

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Primary Typefaces

Univers LT STD 47 Light Condensed ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

55 Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Century Gothic Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Final Mark

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Mark (Animated)

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Poster Creation

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick








Identity future Website Design applications




Water Bottles



Business Card

Fax cover sheet

Exterior Signage Vehicle Signage Flag Composite Marks Pictograms Map 30 second spot Mascot?

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick



Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick









Type Faces Univers LT STD 47 Light Condensed 55 Roman Century Gothic Regular Paper Stock Hammermill Laser Print Uncoated 24 Ilb. Electronic Software Adobe Creative Suite 3 Credits Various images are copyrighted by their respectful owners-images shall not be reproduced for intents other than student research Shane Kendrick Kate Wingrove Ad Vogele Designer Christopher J. Griego (C) 2008

Christopher Griego

Design Systems

Instructor Kendrick



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