the Box
the Box
By Christopher Griego
The NAJA Identity Project
the Box
the Box
The Beginning
Picture Marks Research ancient and tribal art and artifacts. Carefully examine a specific set of symbols from any selected cultural period. Develop a research folio consisting of materials collected from books, journals, drawings, notes, diagrams. Visit collections in galleries and museums. After analyzing the research,
GD 2520A Sign+Symbol Spring Semester 2007/RMCAD
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produce 3 black and white simplified picture marks based on the selected historical period. The instructor will present and explain 3 evaluation criteria developed by the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) for symbol signs including: the Semantic dimension, Syntactic dimension, and the Pragmatic dimension. These evaluation criteria will be used for all of the projects produced in this course. The picture marks should be drafted first by
hand using tracing and overlay techniques, then prepared for output on the computer. Center the artwork on 5 inch by 5 inch foam core squares. Ensure each board is identified with name of designer on the back of each board. This project is evaluated using the AIGA evaluation criteria.
Name Marks and Color Identity System
Poster System
Using the 3 picture marks completed in the
Using research, picture marks, name marks,
previous project, develop a contemporary
typography and color studies from the first three
company identity that exemplifies the look and
projects, develop a set of three posters that
feel of the symbols. Create a list of 5 words
amplify the nature and meaning of the company
that exemplify the mission and goals of the
identity. Employ a minimum amount of visual
company. Imagine that the new company has
and typographic information to convey a sense
1 inclusive mark with 2 subdivisions. Combine
of clarity and understanding. Marks produced
names and symbols into a coordinated set of
in previous projects must appear on the posters.
3 picture/name marks first in black and white.
Minimum copy should include: company name,
Then develop a color identity system consisting
company address, toll free phone number, and
of 9 coordinated colors (3 colors per each
web site. The identical color system developed
mark). Mount the 3 completed color symbols
in Project two should be used for the poster
on 5 inch by 5 inch foam core squares. Work
series. Poster format: printed on high quality
in PANTONE color models and devise a grid
11x17 inch laser papers and mounted on
showing all 9 colors in sets of 3 on a black
15x20 inch black foam core rectangles. Clearly
foam core square measuring 8 inches by 8
identify each piece with the name of the
inches. Identify the Pantone numbers on the
designer on the back. Projects are evaluated
display. Use the research gained from the
using the previous criteria: semantics, syntax,
previous project to assist in company identities.
and pragmatism.
For example: Ancient agrarian cultures could give rise to a new high technical farm implement company. This project is evaluated in terms of the pervious criteria: semantics, syntax, and pragmatism. Clearly identify each piece with the name of the designer on the back.
YEES’GHIN Failures
This is my logo graveyard. After doing extensive
fictionally. Upon further examination of the Navajo
research on the Navajo peoples of the four corners
I came upon some patterns. As I looked closer I
region, I came up with three general impressions.
noticed that these shapes (when reduced in size)
On the facing page are the basics from their
began to look technological! From this point
culture: Cactus, Corn and jewelry. However, these
forward I committed to the creation of a highly
didn’t really feel too interesting seeing as how
technological company.
I was going to be creating the entire company
I began by using these interesting triangles I found
I did further experimentation with those triangles
all over the place in my reference photos. This
and based the entire wolf’s head on the pattern.
example came out looking like a BMX logo. While
The ears look a bit awkward and the whole shape
it is hip, it just looks a little too punk, and might be
has a lot going on. I needed to simply.
more fitting for a younger demographic.
I got rid of those pesky ears, and took a look. Still,
I slightly separated the eyes and nose of the wolf,
the shape was too busy and it didn’t communicate
but left the basic “fur” outline the same. To create
that this would be a company with to sub groups.
the aspect of a network I added three squares
I began to think of a way to emphasize that this
above the wolf’s head. What am I even doing? I
company had connections.
needed to simplify, NOT ADD!
In the beginning I knew it was important to create
I had previously acknowledged that his would be
somewhat of a mascot for the company. After
a highly technological company but had yet to
deciding on the wolf, I pushed forward to simplify
decide on what it actually focused on. A previous
it and this is the outcome. It a lot of senses, this
shape I had found in my research lead me to
works, but can be so abstract that it may also fail
distinguish it as a sound company. Think Navajo,
miserably. I continued by imagining what other two
think Red Rocks Amphitheater, think acoustic...
sub companies could follow in the wolf’s footsteps.
Think sound!
This example, just like the first wolf logo, came out
I reduced the number of jagged triangles on the
looking like a BMX logo. This is not simple enough.
bottom of the computer chip and avoided the cross
It needed to come down in detail. I also needed to
by creating a negative shape. While these work as
get rid of that cross in the center because it reminds
graphic illustrations, they are not simple enough to
people too much of religion or health.
become logos.
Someone once suggested that I execute the chip
After several rounds of simplifying, I started to get
looking like one of the many high quality Navajo
closer! I came to this by bringing the syntax into
rugs. I attempted this with no real success. While
the light from my wolf logo. What if I tried using
this could symbolize a rug, it certainly doesn’t help
only squares and triangles made from 45 degree
to convey technology.
The Intelligence
I eventually simplified the computer chip down to
knew that my other logo must eventually carry the
it’s almost bare essentials. It has a pattern, it looks
syntax of the first two logos by only using squares
somewhat ambiguous but can still function. What’s
and 45 degree angles. The only problem was,
even more peculiar is that the wolf logo is actually
how in the world do I graphically represent sound?
repeated here four times along the outside wall
Has anyone ever successfully done this? I had a
of the chip. What I like most is that, like the wolf
challenge in front of me.
logo, this is an abstract shape. From this point on I
I understand now, more than ever, that I think way
I also admit that I looked a bit too closely at the
too much inside the box at first. I mean, look at
competition and what other companies had done
the first attempt I make for each of the three logos.
with symbolizing sound. Especially Amp’d Mobile.
They all look too much like surfing equipment or
Even though I used “Navajo” triangles on the
extreme sports apparel.
speakers, they did not communicate much.
I tried a new idea that I might be able to depict
After repeating the same shapes until it reached
sound as a wave other than being “smooth”. I took
several rows and columns out, I took a look at
the same squares and triangles from the previous
what was soon to be my favorite logo of the entire
two logos and experimented.
project. However, I still needed to get rid of those “speakers”.
YA’HA’DE’TAHI The Equipment
Finally, I reached the end of the logo creations.
alone, but as a whole they mesh and complete one
The speakers, in my opinion, are the best while
another. The next step was to give this company
the wolf is also ideal, but the chip is the problem
a name and to add color to these plain black and
child. However, the purpose is that these logos will
white versions.
relate to each other in a store, or in someone’s entertainment center: They are meant to work together. This is not to say that they can’t stand
BE’TAH’HAS’GLA The Selection
After completing the logo creation, the next step
It was later decided that “Naja” looked like it
was to name our company. I came across many
would fit the part. Although the name is a loose
Navajo terms through my research but couldn’t
term about jewelry in the Navajo culture, the
decide upon the final name myself. From the list to
pronunciation and spelling seemed appropriate.
the left, the words are translated (top to bottom):
What’s even more intriguing is that the spelling
of NAJA looked somewhat like the spelling or
Name of Navajo spirit
pronunciation of the word Navajo.
Navajo ancestors
The next step was to spice this word up to
Navajo ancestors
appropriately relate to the logos I had already
Tlingit blankets
Navajo name
Horseshoe shaped necklace
Navajo weaved piece
Spiritual Navajo weaved piece
A native flower
Navajo belt design
Navajo jewelry design
Navajo name
Navajo name
The Competition
I began by simply typing the name of the company in the selected typeface: Kabel
From there I adjusted the leading of the letters so that the letters had enough spacing
With the same leading above, I adjusted the “J” to descend below the baseline
Finally, I cropped the top of the “N” and “J” so that they had 45 degree angle corners
After doing even more research, I sampled colors
by reflecting sand or dirt. The reds were found in
found in the following images:
jewelry, rugs, blankets and pottery. The blues serve
Landscapes (New Mexico, Arizona,
as yet another compliment to the green as the color
Colorado, Utah)
of the sky, or the darker blue reflected the culture’s
Navajo Architecture
vast collection of Turquoise jewelry.
Navajo Jewelry
Navajo Rugs
Navajo Blankets
Navajo Pottery
Indigenous Animals
& various objects in nature
I eventually narrowed it down to four different hues: Green/yellow, brown, red and blue. I felt the greens were appropriate because in the American Southwest there is a lot of foliage. However, this foliage is not lush and fertile but rather dry and on the verge of dying year round. The browns were selected to compliment the earthy greens
I used both the color palette and type to complete
palette so as not to fall dull against pure white.
the logos. The wolf logo, the mascot of the
Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of
company, comes to life as a German Shepherd.
these logos. It was a very long and hard struggle
The shape is still abstract, but the colors are
that took many hours. There are many versions of
familiar. The computer chip is even more abstract.
the early stages that didn’t make it into this book
I decided that since the red was only found on
because of the fine tuning which is hard to see. I
things created by the Navajo, it seemed fitting that
believe, as a whole that all of these logos work
something created by the company should also be
tremendously well together and could, perhaps,
fitted with that very same color. The shape is now
work in today’s society.
so abstract that it could be confused for a flower on its own. The speakers also came out brilliantly. The blue I used really bounces with the white and black that surround it. I attempted to use alternating colors within this piece, but it became far too noisy and garbled, which is the opposite of what I want this company to reflect: smooth sound. The use of black in each image was important for syntax purposes. The black also served the function of bringing out the richness of the colors from my
After finding a professional poster that I felt
interested in the company. The only issue was to
reflected my personality and the nature of this
capture such insane images that make people look
company, I chose to go with a humorous yet
confusing concept. The idea was to show something
These posters needed to be somewhat personal.
that nobody would want to know, yet reflects how
They needed to let people relate so I didn’t want
they feel about their current audio systems. For
anything extraordinary either.
instance, I know that some speakers blow very easily and the result is that everything sounds like a scratched CD. Another example is that some people feel the technology they own to play music is ancient and they need an update. Lastly, some people want to share their music with the world, outside the confines of their car or their living room. The other aspect that I required myself to focus on was keeping these posters simple. I want people to look at these images and wonder what is really going on. My goal was to attract the viewer to come in closer to read the type and become
After taking photos and scanning objects, I edited
thousand knives”? Not hearing everything clearly?
them so that they reflect my ideal for the concept.
Feeling like you’re missing out on something
The CD is completely scratched, the tin can is
bigger? Audio system “out of control”? Hear The
practically useless and the dog looks pathetic!
Nuge the way he is supposed to sound.”
For the poster color, I used colors found in my palette. The colors were chosen to attract the
“It’s the simple kind of life.
viewer with the subject matter and do not interfere
“Underneath it all” your current speakers may
with the logo at the bottom.
be cluttered with “spiderwebs”. It might be time
The final step to completing the posters was to
for something “new”. Perhaps you should treat
write the copy. To keep the viewer interested and
yourself to something
humoured I titled the imagery to a popular song
“hella good”. Hear No Doubt the way they are
title. Likewise, the text incorporates other hits
supposed to sound.
from the same artist. This also incorporates that
his company produces sound, and people often
“Really bark at the moon.
identify themselves with music so the idea was to
“You’re no different” than anyone else if you want
attract the viewer both visually and personally. The
better speakers. You need to hear everything
body reads as follows:
louder. You’re “so tired” of feeling like you’re
“This isn’t cat scratch fever.
missing out on something better. Hear The Prince of
New CDs sound like they’ve been run through “a
Darkness the way he is supposed to sound.”