ICAAP 11: Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero

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First Announcement

Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero

Investing in Innovation 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11) 17-23 November 2013 | Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand

Contents Welcome Messages Overview of ICAAP 11 ICAAP 11 Goal and Objectives ICAAP 11 Programme Overview Registration Fees General Information Accessibility ICAAP 11 LOC

Important Dates Early Registration 1 December 2012 - 28 February 2013

Scholarship Application 1 December 2012 - 28 March 2013

Abstract Submission 1 December 2012 - 31 May 2013

Proposal Submission 1 December 2012 - 28 March 2013

Registration 1 March 2013 - 31 May 2013

Late Registration 1 June 2013 - November 2013

ICAAP 11 17 - 23 November 2013


ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Logo and Theme of the ICAAP 11

Theme: Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation”, the ICAAP 11 theme, elicits not only the regional commitment to join global effort in the fight against HIV/AIDS through an inspirational goal: zero new HIV infection, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths; but also a willingness as a community to expand the region’s knowledge, best practices, lessonslearned on HIV/AIDS to accelerate progress towards achieving global goals and targets. “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation”, highlights the regional response to HIV/AIDS pandemic which is at a critical crossroads as the regional socio-economic landscape of the region has changed in which HIV/AIDS resources are declining and political commitment are needed to be strengthened for fulfilling the persistent gaps. “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation” will also place an emphasis on highlighting initiatives that effectively address the challenges faced by key affected populations in specific environments and settings. These outcomes will be used to develop evidence-based policies and strategies to guide the socio-political response to AIDS along with enhancing political commitment and increasing the capacity of local governments and civil society in tackling the epidemic. These policies and strategies will also serve to guide the investment required to deliver an innovative response to HIV/AIDS.

4 ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

Message from Her Excellency Ms. Yingluck Shinawatra Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand is honoured to host the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11): Asia/ Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation in Bangkok during 17-23 November 2013. In recent years, the Asia and Pacific region has experienced significant progress in the reduction of new HIV infections, increase in the number of people receiving antiretroviral treatment and expansion of programmes to reach key affected populations. Despite the gains made, however, challenges still remain. At present, rapid transmission of HIV among many groups of people can be observed. More and more patients under antiretroviral treatment need second line or higher regimen. These challenges are compounded by the fact that many national programmes are dependent on external financial resources which are threatened by funding reduction. In order to ensure continued success in responding to the AIDS challenge, stronger commitments from leaders in every relevant sector is needed. We also need to advance gender equality and fully recognize that having good health is a fundamental right. In this connection, Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation, as the theme of ICAAP 11, presents a unique opportunity for us to work together in order to ultimately achieve zero new infections, zero discrimination, and zero AIDS-related deaths. I am confident that the ICAAP11 will serve as forum to share experiences, best practices and lessons-learnt in our region to develop innovative strategies on sustainable HIV/AIDS responses. Through such interaction amongst participants, we hope to move forward in realizing our vision of “Getting to Zero�. On behalf of the Government and people of the Kingdom of Thailand, I would like to cordially invite all of you to the ICAAP 11.

Yingluck Shinawatra Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Message from the Chair/Co-Chairs of ICAAP 11

Wilas LOHITKUL Chair

Chantawipa APISUK Co-Chair

Werasit SITTITRAI Co-Chair

Somsak AKKASILP Co-Chair

On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we are cordially inviting you to the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11), which will be convening in Bangkok from 17 to 23 November, 2013. It is our honour to host ICAAP for the second time in Thailand. ICAAP, the largest regional forum on HIV/AIDS has been organized in various cities in Asia and the Pacific region for over two decades. The forum has been a fundamental trigger in stimulating new initiatives for HIV/AIDS policies and programmes; formulating and strengthening networks and collaborations; mobilizing leaderships and renewing political commitment. Each ICAAP had provided a platform for community groups, academia, civil society, governments, and development partners to discuss challenges and come up with effective and sustainable response to HIV/AIDS in the region. We are delighted that ICAAP is returning to Thailand after 17 years. It is our privilege to have the opportunity to welcome you to Bangkok. Thailand’s HIV/AIDS prevention and control efforts have been recognized among the world’s most successful and we are keen to share our experience with partners in Asia and the Pacific region. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy to mention that success, once achieved, does not necessarily stay forever because circumstances and socioeconomic conditions can change. Unless efforts are sustained, commitments are renewed and innovations are identified, our region will be far from meeting the HIV/AIDS targets. The theme of ICAAP 11 “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation” is set to stage a forum for revolutionizing responses to HIV/AIDS epidemic with three inspirational messages: zero new infections; zero discrimination; and zero AIDS-related deaths. Echoing the multi-dimentional goals, the congress has been designed to provide an innovative and comprehensive programme to address HIV/AIDS from community, scientific, socio-economic and political lenses. We look forward to meeting you and continuing our strong partnership in pursuit of our common goal: eradication of HIV/AIDS and social stigma from Asia and the Pacific region. See you in Bangkok.

ICAAP 11 Local Organizing Committee


ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

Message from the President of AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to participate in the ICAAP 11 slated to be held in Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand from 17-23 November 2013. AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP) is the custodian of this international conference held biannually. ICAAP is the second largest HIV/AIDS conferences that is held globally and we are happy that in this biennium it will be held in Thailand. Kingdom of Thailand has the distinction of having a vibrant scientific community, health care professionals who have undertook research projects that impacted on prevention of mother to child transmission, combination therapy, Vaccine and IDU drug trials. They moved the scientific lessons learned from the laboratory to the field. Community is active in Thailand. Several leaders of Thailand have demonstrated a commitment to fight the HIV/AIDS and this has led to the dip in the prevalence of new infections and paved the way for PLWHA to be contemporary members of the society. It is fair to say that most of the prevention lessons have reached the remotest part of the Kingdom. Few years ago Thailand hosted the International AIDS Conference and we are sure ICAAP 11 will be equally a well organized event. The theme of the ICAAP 11 is ‘Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation’. We hope you will plan to attend the ICAAP 11 and contribute to the conference and visit the models that exist in Bangkok and other parts of the kingdom of Thailand. Look forward to see you at the ICAAP 11 in Bangkok.

N.M. Samuel President AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Message from the Chairman of Population and Community Development Association

All 65 million Thai people are delighted that you are coming to join us for ICAAP 11 in Bangkok. We hope that you enjoy our pleasant smiles and delicious food. Twenty years ago, Thailand was dramatically afflicted by HIV/AIDS. However, through a robust awareness campaign launched in cooperation between the Thai government, NGOs and the private sector, there was a 90% decrease in new HIV infections as cited by UNAIDS. Additionally, the World Bank estimated that 7.7 million lives were saved due to our innovative efforts during that period. We look forward to welcoming you and sharing best practices on out-of-the-box ideas to continue the fight against HIV/AIDS. I am confident that if you participate you will get more than you invest.

Mechai Viravaidya Chairman Population and Community Development Association (PDA) and Adviser to Local Organizing Committee, ICAAP 11


ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

Message from the Director of UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific

As a long-standing co-sponsor of the International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) is pleased to warmly invite you to attend the 11th ICAAP to be held in Bangkok from 17-23 November 2013. The UNAIDS family, along with government and civil society partners, are working closely with the organizer of the 11th ICAAP to make the Bangkok ICAAP a very special one, the second to be hosted by Thailand. The ICAAP has become the most visible regional forum for HIV and AIDS in Asia and the Pacific region. It has proven itself as a key rallying point for a broad range of constituencies - community groups, government, academia, and the private sector - to discuss current challenges, to share innovative ideas and practices and to forge new partnerships. The theme of the 11th ICAAP, “Asia-Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation” could not be more timely and relevant for the region. It highlights to us the importance of moving away from ‘business as usual’ approaches and towards a new path informed by new scientific developments, innovative technologies as well as new partnerships in “Getting to Zero”. The scheduling of the 11th ICAAP in November 2013 provides an ideal mid-way point for countries in the Asia Pacific region to take stock of the progress and challenges in achieving the bold targets for 2015 under the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS and the ASEAN Declaration of Committment: Getting to Zero New Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related Deaths. The 11th ICAAP can be a critical opportunity for countries to strengthen collaboration to address the new challenges as they redouble their efforts in ‘Getting to Zero’. I congratulate the Local Organising Committee for the earnest efforts they have made in preparing for the 11th ICAAP. I have no doubt that their efforts will bear fruit and that the 11th ICAAP promises to be one of the most engaging, inclusive and welcoming ever. I look forward to welcoming you to the 11th ICAAP.

Steven J. Kraus Director UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia and the Pacific

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Message from the Governor of Bangkok

On behalf of Bangkok citizens and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, it is my great pleasure to welcome all representatives to Bangkok for the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11), a long-standing regional forum on HIV/AIDS held under the theme “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation” between 17-23 November 2013 at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre (QSNCC). Bangkok is one of the world’s most vibrant capitals where traditional ways of life have perfectly blended together with the modern metropolitan atmosphere. While our unique culture and history have given rise to a variety of beautiful exotic tourist destinations, our thriving business community and ethnic diversity have shaped the city’s cosmopolitan character. These characteristics make Bangkok a truly special place to host important international events. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration has an outstanding record of success on HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and awareness. Our current HIV/AIDS prevention strategy to be implemented between 2012-2016 is guided by the “Getting to Zero” vision to ensure that our response is effective and reflects the changing needs of the community, and we greatly appreciate this opportunity to share our story with all participants. In addition, you will not only have a chance to reconnect with your former medical networks, but also establish new ones and gain some further insights into HIV/AIDS responses in the region. The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is committed to making ICAAP 11 a very stimulating and successful congress, and I look forward to welcoming all representatives to the city of Bangkok.

M.R. Sukhumvbhand Paribatra Governor of Bangkok

10 ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

Message from the AIDS Ambassador of the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Australia

It is with great pleasure that I commend the 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11), which will be held in Bangkok from 17 to 23 November 2013. The Asia-Pacific is one of the world’s most dynamic regions with varied economies and diverse cultures and languages. This regional diversity has shaped unique behavioural determinants of risk and HIV epidemic patterns. Many countries in the region have been hailed as success stories in the fight against HIV/AIDS while other countries continue to see growing HIV prevalence among most affected populations. Responding to these challenges will require political commitment, strong collaboration and innovative thinking across all parts of society. ICAAP is the most significant HIV/AIDS forum in the Asia and the Pacific region, and the theme of ICAAP 11 is “Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation”. This reflects the need for a concerted effort in addressing the ongoing challenge of HIV/AIDS through the aspirational goals of achieving zero new infections, zero discrimination and zero AIDS-related death in the region. As the Australian Ambassador for HIV/AIDS, I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Royal Thai Government for their leadership in supporting ICAAP 11 and to the Local Organizing Committee for their efforts in facilitating this worthwhile forum.

Murray Proctor AIDS Ambassador The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Australia

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Message from the President of the International AIDS Society

We take this opportunity to congratulate the organizers of the forthcoming 11th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP 11) and to express our support. As the custodian of the International AIDS Conference and the organizer of the IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, the International AIDS Society (IAS) is a strong believer in the value and impact of international, regional and national conferences on HIV and AIDS. These events bring people together and provide a unique opportunity to share knowledge and the latest research findings as well as to identify innovations and set the agenda to respond to the challenges that the HIV epidemic presents. Asia and the Pacific is an important region on the HIV and AIDS map. It has made considerable progress, especially where innovative measures have been introduced. These include anti-stigma projects in countries such as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In the Philippines and Thailand great emphasis is put on sensitizing law enforcement to the needs of key populations affected by HIV, and in the past two years Fiji and China have removed their HIV-related travel restrictions. In addition, China and India, which are the largest emerging economies, have great potential to play a critical role in responding to the HIV epidemic. At the same time, challenges remain. In East, South and South-East Asia Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) coverage is lower than 40 per cent. The number of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs is the second highest after Eastern Europe and Central Asia and TB is a ma jor cause of death for people living with HIV. Moreover, new infections among children would need to fall notably for the region to achieve the goal of virtually eliminating new infections among children by 2015. The theme of ICAAP 11, “Asia-Pacific Reaching Triple Zero: Investing in Innovation”, is bold and aptly captures the regions’ approach to the epidemic, in line with the global framework. We wish you a successful conference.

Elly Katabira President of the International AIDS Society 12 ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation


Overview of ICAAP 11 ICAAP is the largest HIV/AIDS forum held in Asia and the Pacific region. For over 20 years, ICAAP has played a key role in raising public awareness, building political commitment, strengthening advocacy networks and disseminating knowledge on HIV/AIDS issues among key affected populations and other stakeholders in the region. Each ICAAP is organized by a Local Organizing Committee (LOC) to enhance ownership and strengthen the positive impact on the host country. ICAAP 11 will be held over six days from the 17th to the 23rd of November, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand. The ICAAP 11 programme has been planned with the needs of the community first and foremost in mind. The leadership, scientific and community programmes will be integrated in order to create an inclusive congress. The ICAAP 11 programme will place an emphasis on identifying innovative cutting edge approaches that are addressing regional challenges in order to guide investment and the future direction of HIV/AIDS policies and programmes. Forums, abstract driven sessions, symposia and bridging plenary sessions will be staged where evidence-based knowledge and practice on HIV/AIDS is presented along with innovative ways to address regional challenges. Other programme activities will include the Asia-Pacific village, skill building workshops, exhibitions, field-trips and additional independent events which will enhance networking and contribute to the professional development of participants. ICAAP 11 will present a unique opportunity for community groups, civil society, academia, governments and development agencies to assess the HIV/AIDS situation, evaluate recent scientific and social developments in the response to the epidemic, and engage in a dialogue on the ma jor issues faced by key affected populations and civil society. It is hoped that the congress will produce the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and what it should address in future policies and strategies to enable the regional community to realize its triple zero vision.

Goal ICAAP 11 aims to create a “Game Change” impact on the HIV/AIDS response in Asia and the Pacific region by providing a forum where innovative and evidence-based research programmes and policies to combat HIV/AIDS are exhibited to generate and reinforce public attention on the issues. The ultimate goal of ICAAP 11 is to advance effective and sustainable response to HIV/AIDS in the region.

Objectives • To enhance public awareness and media attention on the continued impact of HIV/AIDS and the needs for responses to the epidemic. • To gain a greater understanding and commitment for increased investment in community based and evidence-based interventions and innovations. • To share best practices and lessons learned on scaling up, sustaining and effective responses in order to reach the triple zero. • To strenghten political commitment for sustaining resources and programmes for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, support and reducing discrimination and stigmatization. • To strengthen regional collaboration and networks among key affected populations, civil society, governments, and other stakeholders. 14 ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

ICAAP 11 ICAAP 11 Programme Overview Programme Overview


17- Nov


Youth Forum




Youth Forum PLWHA Program


Leadership Programme

20-Nov Plenary Session (CPC, LPC, SPC: Track A B C)



Plenary Session (CPC, LPC, SPC: Track A B C)

Plenary Session (CPC, LPC, SPC: Track A B C)

PresentaCommuni- tions ty Forum Round table Discussion

Community Forum


Debates Nonabstract driven


23-Nov Plenary Session (Declaration from CPC, LPC, SPC: Cross cutting Issues) Rapporteurs Session

Symposia Oral sesSkillBuild- sions ing Work- Satellite shops meetAsia Pacific Village /

Youth Program


PLWHA Program

Asia Pacific Village /

Symposia Oral sessions

Skill Skill Satellite Building Satellite Build- meet- Workmeetings ing shops ings Workshops Youth Program

Community Forum Poster PLWHA Poster Viewing ProViewing gram Time Time


Symposia Closing Asia Oral ses- Ceremony Pacific Village / sions

Poster Viewing Time

Community Sympo- Forum Symposia Oral siaOral sessions sessions

Symposia Oral sessions


Opening Ceremony

Symposia Oral sessions

SymposiaOral sessions

Symposia Oral sessions


Welcome Reception

Satellite meetings

Satellite meetings

Satellite meetings

*Please *Please note note that that this this is is aa tentative tentative agenda agenda and and is is subject subject to to changes changes by by the the Local Local Organizing Organizing Committee Committee of of ICAAP ICAAP 1111 in in the the future* future*

Registration RegistrationFees Fees|| Individual Individual Registration Registration Categories Categories

International International Delegate Delegate Noncountries* OECDOECD countries*

Early Earlybird bird

Regular Regular

Late Late

USD USD 600 600

USD USD 650 650

USD USD 750 750

International International Delegate Delegate NonNon- OECD OECD countries* countries*

USD USD 500 500

USD USD 550 550

USD USD 650 650

National National Delegate Delegate Youth Youth (Under (Under age age 26) 26)

USD USD 200 200

USD USD 200 200

USD USD 200 200

OECD OECD countries* countries* Non-OECD Non-OECD countries* countries*

USD USD 300 300 USD 250 USD 250

USD USD 325 325 USD 275 USD 275

USD USD 375 375 USD 325 USD 325

Nationals Nationals Accompanying Accompanying PersonsPersons- All All countries countries

USD USD 100 100 USD 150 USD 150

USD USD 100 100 USD 150 USD 150

USD USD 100 100 USD 150 USD 150

Free Free

Free Free

Media** Media**

(*) List of OECD Member Countries: (*) List of OECD Member Countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Estonia, Chile,CzechRepublic,Denmark,Estonia, Finland, France, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, IceGermany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, land, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, NorNetherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak way, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United KingSwitzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States dom, United States (**) Please read the requirements for (**) Please read the requirements for media on Media Centre media on Media Centre

Free Free

ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

15 15

General Information Thailand “Land of Smiles” Population: 65,479,453 (2010 Census) Capital: Bangkok Time Zone: GMT+7 Weather: 27-32 Degree Celsius Land area: 198,115 square miles Language: Thai Currency: Baht Country code: +66 City code: 2 Foreign exchange rate: 31.80 Thai Baht/ 1 US Dollar


Generally, a foreign citizen who wishes to enter the Kingdom of Thailand is required to obtain a visa from a Royal Thai Embassy or a Royal Thai Consulate-General. However, nationals of certain countries do not require a visa if they meet visa exemption requirements. For more information, please visit http://www.mfa.go.th/web/2482. php?id=2487

Entry Regulations

There are no entry restrictions or requirements for people living with HIV/AIDS entering and travelling in Thailand.

Bangkok city

Bangkok, the City of Angels or “Krungthep” in Thai, is the capital of Thailand. Bangkok is the hub for most of the commercial and economic activities of the Kingdom. The city is famous and appreciated by the visitors for its versatility and multiple points of interests from temples, palaces, markets, river cruises to nightlife scene that reflect the city’s unique heritage. Bangkok has been described as “cultural phenomenon, shopping heaven and tourist treasure – one of the most cosmopolitan, contrasting and, above all compelling of Asian cities”.

16 ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

ICAAP 11 Desk at Suvarnabhumi International Airport

ICAAP 11 Information Desk will be available at Suvarnabhumi International Airport to assist delegates with any concerns they may have. The ICAAP 11 desk will serve as concierge for all delegates and provide information on practical aspects of the congress.

Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre (QSNCC)

Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre (QSNCC) is Thailand’s premier venue for international meetings, conferences and exhibitions. Located on New Rachadapisek Road in the heart of Bangkok, QSNCC is conveniently accessible by BTS Skytrain (Asoke Station), MRT Subway, taxi, bus and car. Suvarnabhumi International Airport is a 45-minute drive from QSNCC, or can be reached via Airport Rail Link through mass transit connections from QSNCC’s MRT Subway Station. QSNCC is renowned for its hospitality, service excellence and quality of facilities. With 65,000 square metres of space, QSNCC offers up to 900 exhibition booths, and equipped with state-of-the-art communications, translation and audio-visual technology for international events.

Accessibility to Thailand

Thailand’s transportation infrastructure is modern and well-organized. As Bangkok becomes the international hub of Southeast Asia, Suvarnabhumi International Airport serves as the landing port for numerous international airlines, most with direct flights from their destinations. Some regional flights may land at one of the other international airports within Thailand i.e. Chiang Mai, Phuket, Hat Yai, Koh Samui (Suratthani Province).

All of South East Asian Ma jor Cities ~ 2-3 Hours Korea/Japan ~ 5 Hours Australia ~ 8 Hours Europe ~ 10 Hours North America ~ 18 Hours


Local Transportation Sky train (BTS) The Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS), commonly known as BTS sky train is the most comfortable and convenient way to get around Bangkok. For more information, please visit: http:// www.bts.co.th

Subway (MRT) The Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) is the underground train system running from Northwest Bangkok into downtown Bangkok, and connecting with the sky train in some stations. For more information, please visit: http://www.bangkokmetro.co.th

Airport Rail Link (ARL) Airport Rail Link Train connects Survarnabhumi International Airport with downtown Bangkok. The express train service takes only 15 minutes from the airport to the downtown. The city line journey takes about 30 minutes. The Airport Rail Link service is available from 06.00 Hrs. to Midnight everyday. For more information, please visit: http://airportraillink.railway.co.th

Bus Local buses, mostly operated by the Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA), are the cheapest ways to get around Bangkok. For more information, please visit: http://www.bmta.co.th

Taxi Taxi service are available 24 hours from Suvarnabhumi International Airport to downtown Bangkok. All taxis have standard metered fare and air-conditioned. For more information, please visit: http://www.thaitaxiairport.com


ICAAP 11 | Asia/Pacific Reaching Triple Zero | Investing in Innovation

ICAAP Custodian & Convener: AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP) ICAAP Co-Convener: UNAIDS ICAAP 11 Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Ministry of Public Health, Royal Thai G

Local Organizing Committee (LOC) Chair: Wilas LOHITKUL Co-Chairs: Chantawipa APISUK Werasit SITTITRAI Somsak AKKASILP • ICAAP 11 Secretary General Pairojana SORNJITTI • International Congress Coordinator Sirisaranya PAKNINRAT

Programme Committee Chairs • Scientific Programme Committee Sukhontha KONGSIN • Community Programme Committee Promboon PANITCHPAKDI Yenjit SOMPOH • Leadership Programme Committee Suwit WIBULPOLPRASERT • Fundraising and Sponsorship Committee Nicolette C. PRUGSAMATZ


ICAAP 11 Local Organizing Committee Secretariat Population and Community Development Association (PDA) 4th Floor, 6, Sukhumvit 12, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Phone.+66-2229-4611-28 ext 404, 409 Fax. +66-2229-4632 ICAAP 11 Official Website: www.icaap11.org ICAAP 11 Secretariat: secretariat@icaap11.org ICAAP 11 Sponsorship Contact: sponsorship@icaap11.org ICAAP 11 Media Information: mediainfo@icaap11.org

ICAAP 11 First Announcement Brochure is funded by Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau and Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

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