Chris Brown Architecture Portfolio

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A r c h i t e c t u r e

P o r t f o l i o


Graduate Work Routes of Urban Agricutlure

p. 5

Olneyville Neighborhood Health Station

p. 9

Lavapies Community Center

p. 13

Undergraduate Work New Bedford Wind Energy Center

p. 19

Piazza Brunelleschi Master Plan and UniFi Library

p. 23

RWU Visual Arts Center

p. 27

SketchUp Work

p. 31

Travels, Sketches, and Photography

p. 33

Above and Below | Torino, IT

About Me

Chris Brown Roger Williams University Class of 2015 | 774-313-7459


SketchUp, Autodesk Revit, Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD InDesign,

Portfolio best viewed at:

Hand drafting, sketching and painting _ArchPorfolio Interests: Educational Experience:

Urban design, high-rise design, stadium and arena design, mass transit

Sandwich High School


Roger Williams University


RWU Graduate School of Architecture


Studies Abroad:

International Studies Institute, Florence

Spring 2014

Completed a semester studying at International Studies Institute in

systems, residential design

Florence, Italy; completed Sustainable Insights course in Stuttgart, Ulm, Work Experience:

Augsburg, and Munich Germany. Traveled to London, Barcelona, Zurich,

2 summers interning with Stantec Architecture (formerly ADD Inc) in

Dublin, among others.

Boston, MA. Work experience included construction documents, finish specifications, LEED compliance calculations, model making, construction


administration and punch listing.

Tau Sigma Delta Architecture Honor Society

2 years at cosestudi LLC as an architectural consultant creating renderings

Dean’s List 5 semesters

and collaborating with design work, volunteer work diagraming for Cotuit

RWU Merit Scholarship

Kettleers CCBL. Collaborated with Italian collegues at the Universita degli

Published in And Magazine – Largo Annigoni Student Residences project

Studi di Firenze in Florence, Italy on a design competition for student

Published in Area Magazine – Piazza Brunelleschi Masterplan project


Graduate Work

Routes of Urban Agriculture Graduate Studio 515 | Teaching Firm in Residence: CBT Architects | Boston, MA

Located at the heart of a new urban paradigm centered on urban agriculture and the sharing economy, this new transportation hub combines train travel with urban agriculture, serving as a research and education space of the public on urban farming. Above the intersection of MBTA lines, a series of catwalks and hanging interior plazas form new public space surrounded by research rooms where crops cascade down the facades of the building, doubling as sun shading while creating a dynamic exterior that changes with the seasons. The facility is crowned with a greenhouse space that doubles as a winter garden for the public.

Routes of Urban Agriculture



Routes of Urban Agriculture

Routes of Urban Agriculture


OLNEYVILLE NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH STATION Graduate Studio 515 | Providence | Providence, RI

Built as a part of a system of neighborhood health “stations” designed to tailor healthcare to specific communities across Rhode Island, the Olneyville Neighborhood Health Station is the cornerstone in the revitalization of the Olneyville Square area of Providence. The building’s form rises up from a public plaza, providing its roof to the neighborhood as a public park space. Amenities in the station other than traditional healthcare include a community auditorium, fitness center, and restaurant.



Olneyville Neighborhood Health Station


North Elevation


View toward city

Plaza Evening view


Olneyville Neighboorhood Health Station

First Floor

Roof Park Second Floor

Third Floor

Olneyville Neighboorhood Health Station


LAVAPIES COMMUNITY CENTER Comprehensive Studio | Madrid, Spain

The Lavapies Community Center occupies an infill site formerly reclaimed by the neighborhood for a community garden. The building, featuring a lecture hall, gym, classrooms, cafe, library and computer labs offers an open plaza to the street, defining the edges with a uniform faรงade of plexiglass louvers that take the colors of facades in Lavapies. A large roof structure spans the site, opening in portions to allow trees to grow through, creating a unified space for the community of this Madrid neighborhood to gather and celebrate their culture.

Concept Sketch

Unifying Faรงade


Exploded Axon

Lavapies Community Center


South Elevation

North Elevation

Lecture Hall


Lavapies Community Center

View from Calle Dr Forquet

Building Envelope Mechanical Axon

Supply and Return

Lavapies Community Center


Undergraduate Work

NEW BEDFORD WIND ENERGY CENTER Advanced Studio 413 | New Bedford, MA

The New Bedford Wind Energy Research Facility will redefine New Bedford as a hub of innovation in renewable wind energy development, sparking job creation and economic growth. The design of this center creates a “safe harbor” in which the wind energy industry in the United States can grow. Just as the Port of New Bedford, this harbor creates both a haven and a launch point for wind power on the East Coast. “Post tot naufracia portus” – After so many shipwrecks, a haven. Wind energy is coming home.



Wind Energy Research Center


NB360 (130’)

Storyboard Section

Cape Wind (440’)

Sightline to Cape Wind

South Entry Plaza and Fountain


Wind Energy Research Center

First Floor

Main Atrium Second Floor

View up Blackmer Street


Wind Energy Research Center


PIAZZA BRUNELLESCHI MASTERPLAN Advanced Design Studio: Urban | Florence, Italy

A library, café, and residences highlight a master plan for the new entry to the Università Degli Studi di Firenze. Located just blocks from Santa Maria del Fiore in the heart of Florence, Piazza Brunelleschi is transformed from parking lot into desirable urban space with underground parking and new pedestrian connections to major roads nearby, highlighting the Rennaisance architect’s rotunda. The building is inspired by the Florentine typologies of the courtyard, the loggia, and the tower, all of which find their way into the design.

Existing Bldgs




Piazza Brunelleschi Master Plan and UniFi Library


Exhibition space


Passage to Via di Servi

Piazza Brunelleschi Master Plan and UniFi Library

Parking garage entrance

Library Reading Room

Section through Piazza


Night view of Entry Tower and Media Mesh

Piazza and Ground Floor plan

West Elevation

Piazza Brunelleschi Master Plan and UniFi Library


RWU VISUAL ARTS CENTER Third Year Studio | Bristol, RI

The Roger Williams University VARTS Center creates a place where artists inspire each other through a series of interconnected studio spaces, all open to the greater campus community in an effort to engage the public as they pass through the site. Perched over a rocky hillside in the southern part of campus, the center affords new facilities for the Visual Arts School and provide great views of the Mt Hope Bridge and Bay. The under-passage creates a needed link to the academic quad of campus.

Site Plan

RWU Visual Arts Center


Wall Section and assembly details



RWU Visual Arts Center

CafĂŠ space

North Elevation

East Elevation

RWU Visual Arts Center


SKETCHUP WORK Personal Project | 2006-Present

Cities and stadia of my own creation made during breaks and free time. I designed each city with a distinct theme, climate, and districts as well as realistic highway and transportation networks all inspired by real world metropolises. Each stadium borrows elements from real pro stadiums around the world, and some are geared towards specific teams and/or cities

SketchUp Cities


Travels, Sketches, and Photography North America + Europe

Pittsburgh, PA

London, UK

Venice, ITA

Florence, ITA

Montreal, QC

Bear Run, PA

San Diego, CA

Stuttgart, GER

Barcelona, ESP

New York City

Travels, Sketches, and Photography


Fortessa Pavilion, Florence, ITA

Piranesi Carceri with Stadium, First Year Studio

Naples, ITA


Travels, Sketches, and Photography

Duomo, Milan, ITA

OlypmiaPark, Munich, GER

Statdbibliothek, Stuttgart, GER

Travels, Sketches, and Photography


Contact Information: Chris Brown | 774-313-7459

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