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ruby editor





Ruby Psychology

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Sit & Sip

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Ruby Food



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Ruby Living

Ruby Book Club

WE MADE A BOO BOO! This year seems to have flown by faster than any I can remember. It’s seen its fair share of highs and lows, as most years seem to, but feels somehow busier than other years. Do you feel that too? For the first few months, I thought it was just those of us swinging wildly between the mad rush and flat-out bedlam that is the normal state of being for working parents with a child in kinder. But no, I quickly realised it was just about everywhere; that there was no work-life balance for the vast majority of us, just a continual juggling act involving the mental equivalents of chainsaws, flaming torches and samurai swords.

In the Spring 2013 edition, the “A Time for Action” article was mistakenly attributed to Davina Montgomery, instead of to the actual writer of the piece, Courtney Buchanan-Huhn. RUBY is an Adcell Group publication. We try to get out as many free copies as we can, but we know that they disappear faster than fairy bread at a 4th birthday party. So if you can’t get your hands on a copy, why not subscribe to Ruby Network for a guaranteed copy of your very own. It comes with a membership too! See below for details. PUBLISHER Maureen Tayler ISSN: 1838-1456 MANAGER Caroline Tayler EDITOR Davina Montgomery

Sure, some people make it look easy, but most of us know we’re just a twitch away from it all making a very nasty mess on the carpet.


So, in these last few crazy weeks of 2013, the thought of the summer break – with its blissful days empty of appointments, meetings, drop offs and deadlines – is so very sweet. I can’t wait to be sitting out on the back deck with my favourite people, kids playing in the yard, the cricket on (hopefully with Australia cleaning up in the Ashes) and plenty of good food. It’s what we like to call a holiday at home, and it’s my favourite thing in the world. Whatever your favourite things are, I hope you get to revel in them at some point over summer – to wallow in them until your soul goes all pruney from the sheer joy of wallowing.

ADVERTISE IN RUBY MAGAZINE Vinnie Kerr M 0409 427 473 Tanya Carroll M 0418 302 869 Adcell Group Geelong - Head Office T (03) 5221 4408 / F (03) 5221 3322 203 Malop Street, PO Box 491, Geelong, VIC 3220

Be happy, be safe, be sun smart and be your favourite version of yourself this summer season – because you’re too precious to be anything less.

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Network words davina montgomery 02 Ruby Summer

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Judy Baulch Living the daily juggle, Judy is an experienced journalist and editor. When she’s not running around after her two young kids, or busy with any number of work projects, she brings us her warmth, her humour and her insight into the ups and downs of life as a working mum.


Charmaine Morse As a highly regarded local psychologist, when it comes to relationships, Charmaine has heard it all. While we are very grateful for her professional experience, what we love about her is her life experience and insight into just how funny basic human nature can be.

Annah Stretton A wildly successful New Zealand entrepreneur, author and speaker with an online following of over 210,000, over 30 retail stores and 3 books. Discussing everything from entrepreneurialism, living fearlessly, females in the work force, to helping inspire millions o of people to commit mit to a healthier lifestyle. life

Elisha Lindsay With a passion for capturing special moments, Elisha Lindsay is a Geelong-based photographer who is fine-tuned to seeing life through the lens. When she’s not peeking out from behind a camera, she juggles the many and varied demands of a family ranging from teen to toddler.

Anna-Marie Hughes A wise, warm and wonderful woman of a certain age, Anna-Marie has been writing for more years than she cares to remember. Like many of you, she knows that when the kids move out, a woman’s work is still not done… especially if the hubbyy is still at home!

Olivia Mackinnon Olivia Mackinnon has been working as a beauty journalist since 2007. She has worked across all facets of beauty media and won numerous journalistic awards in that time. She is currently the Hair, Body and Perfume Editor of beautyheaven is Australia’s number one social beauty network, featuring the very best mix of product reviews, news, tips and advice.

READ Olivia’s very first Ruby column, “The Tan Commandments” on page 54 of this issue.

Bianca White With photography so delicious it makes you hungry, Bianca is a talented young photographer from the Geelong region. Her textural, evocative work is in demand across regional Victoria, and her beautiful food photography is on show in each edition of Ruby.

photos elisha lindsay, 03 Ruby Summer

04 Ruby Summer

ruby psychology

happy spousal embarrassment season Tis the season to be mortified, fa la la la la, la la la la. Keep a bottle of sanity stashed in the pantry, fa la la la la, la la la la. Hark, he’s doing his comedy routine again, fa la la, la la la, la la la la. Time to head back to the kitchen, fa la la la la, la la la la… Well, here we are again, leading up to that special time of the year where you navigate your way through the joyous season and all that comes with it. It would be so easy if it were just about pressies for the kids and cooking up a storm. But alas, it’s the personalities of all those who cross your path at this particularly stressful time of the year that cause you the most strife. And it’s not always those on the periphery either, darn it, it can be your nearest and dearest! Have you ever felt that hot sting of embarrassment when your partner is oblivious to his social faux pas? Well, of course you have. So why would you think that his behaviour is miraculously going to change for the better just because it’s Christmas time? Here you are running around like a woman possessed, with family and friends about to arrive for the Christmas feast, when your mind hijacks

in the male species after considerable consumption of Yuletide refreshment. It has been noted that as the alcohol intake increases, the recipient believes he becomes more amusing to his audience than Billy Connolly. Maybe the first time he delivered his repertoire of jokes many, many years back they were witty and so was he. But, unfortunately, times have changed and his jokes haven’t. Therefore, circumstances dictate that you roll your eyes and head for the kitchen.

At long last, the Christmas guests have dissipated and you have emptied the dishwasher for the ninth time in succession, and finished off that last piece of pudding. And you start to ruminate again. It’s probably the snoring emanating from the recliner that reminds you that some things in life don’t change. Will you bother to discuss the stand-up comedy routine and his predictable “Well, everybody else thinks it’s funny” response? Probably not; after all, it never worked before.

Perhaps he becomes the dreaded closetalker. You watch from afar as the target of his interest attempts one subtle backward step after another, only to become wedged against the Christmas tree with no possible escape route. You have seen that desperate look on the faces of unsuspecting and unwittingly trapped folks before. You could rescue the ensnared

You wonder hypothetically if you have ever embarrassed him on occasions. Well that’s just silly, of course not. You are very socially aware and your personal boundaries concerning your effect on others are very firmly in place. Well, there was that one time when you danced on the table, but that was just having a bit of fun and everybody was laughing. Weren’t they? And then there was that time when you…(oops), and also the time that you…(oops again). Well, that’s enough of that nonsense, you know you don’t get to the point of being an embarrassment, and besides everyone loves you. You’re not the one with the problem.

“Have you ever felt that hot sting of embarrassment when your partner is oblivious to his social faux pas? Well, of course you have. So why would you think that his behaviour is miraculously going to change for the better just because it’s Christmas time?” you with memories of his past foot-in-mouth transgressions. Please, please, you pray to nobody in particular - don’t let him start in on the sexist witticisms. I might add that this alarmist self-talk is all happening in sync with scoffing down another glass of Christmas cheer to soothe your soon to be frazzled nerves. You are face to face with what they term as spousal embarrassment. Embarrassment is actually a very useful self-monitoring emotional mechanism and inherently evolutionary. We all want to be socially appropriate and valued by others. After all, none of us wants to be banished from our particular family and social groups, do we? So, how is it that your nearest and dearest doesn’t comprehend this concept? It’s supposed to be inherent. Is he one of those fellows who think his jokes are hilarious? This is often observed

victim, after all, you have practically made a career of it, but care factor zero kicks in these days. You sigh, roll your eyes and head for the kitchen. What happened? You used to care. Perhaps once you assumed he was a reflection of you - what would people think? You felt accountable for your loved one’s conduct, and were mortified by his political rants, his bad puns and his non-existent table manners, just to name a few! You tried your hardest to point out his foibles over the years, sometimes subtly and sometimes not so subtly. And where did that get you? He still dances around with the lampshade on his head expecting to amuse the masses, and doesn’t even notice the collective wince. You take a deep breath, sigh, roll your eyes and disappear into the kitchen.

With that said, I’d suggest that you lower your expectations for the silly season as a means of avoiding disappointment. No one actually died of embarrassment. And besides, everyone knows what he’s like. Don’t forget, your female friends are probably so busy cringing about their own partner’s behaviour that they don’t even notice what yours is up to. And if they do, it’s only fleetingly as he greets them, not with the obligatory peck on the cheek, but the full-on kiss fair on the lips. Did I mention that he believes he becomes irresistibly attractive to women in direct correlation to the amount of alcohol he consumes? It is Christmas, after all, so smile politely, sigh deeply, roll your eyes discreetly, and disappear into the kitchen. Well, that’s where you have the wine stashed, isn’t it? All jokes aside, I wish you all, dear readers, a very happy time over Christmas and a special New Year ahead in 2014.

words charmaine morse,name psychologist words author’s 05 Ruby Summer

ruby women

Justine Devonport, pictured fifth from left.

It started with syliva... As families go, mine is pretty normal; kids, teenagers, parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents; but I am beginning to feel that I am involved in something a little more significant. pregnant and working full-time as a teacher, she declined, mainly for concern over how my father would cope.

It started with Sylvia…determined to have a voice, she involved herself in her community and paved the pathways of empowerment for her three daughters. She was the sort of women for whom no task is impossible, you just knuckled down and got it done. She would turn up at the school gate, immaculately fitted out in gloves, hat and a suit she had made for herself - a true power dresser. Not only was she an active artist, gardener, sportswoman, seamstress, renovator and surfer, she was always president of the Mothers’ Club, or fundraising committee, actively advocating for positive change. This sort of role modelling rubs off. My mother, Coral, was the eldest child of Sylvia and always a trailblazer: making all her own clothes in high school, seeking out the latest designs and creating her own style around these ideas. Mum claims that Germaine Greer changed her life, but I think Sylvia sowed the seeds much earlier than the 1960’s. Coral was present at the equal pay rally at Melbourne Town Hall in 1963, she was asked to join the newly formed Women’s Electoral Lobby in the 1970s, but being

Keen for further knowledge, Coral completed two university degrees whilst working fulltime and raising children. She went on to join a regional board within the Department of Education, designed to advise on women and girls empowerment within the school system. She advocated strongly for equality for girls in schools around teacher time and attention and available opportunities. My childhood memories include many discussions around her latest findings about girls not being given the same opportunities and how she intended to change this. I was impressed. Coral also role modelled the ‘no task is impossible’ ethos. It was not unusual for her to teach all day, attend meetings until dinner, whip up a nutritious meal, repaint a bedroom and oversee my homework whilst sewing a new outfit. She has embraced every opportunity that has been presented, as well as embracing life. Unsurprisingly, I have become a woman who never sits still. I am raising three kids, strive to continually update my education, say yes to any opportunity, keep fit and healthy and love networking with other women in my hometown on the Bellarine Peninsula. My job at YWCA Victoria Geelong allows me to empower women on a daily basis, which gives me immense personal satisfaction. I have been on local committees from playgroup, to kinder, to school. I am passionate about educating both my

daughters and my son about respect and equality for women. On Monday the 25th of November, I had the great privilege of meeting Australia’s Governor General, Her Excellency, the Honourable Quentin Bryce. What a woman! Along with the other members of the City of Greater Geelong Women in Community Life Advisory Committee, I was enthralled. Her stories about working throughout the decades with the underprivileged and disengaged and her attitude toward life had us on the edge of our seats for the hour. I was not surprised to hear of her involvement with YWCA NSW many years ago, of which she holds fond memories. I felt proud to be representing an organisation with such a strong history of empowering women, and in accepting her praise of this work on behalf of all the women that have gone before me, and those currently working tirelessly to make a difference. The Governor General was generous in sharing her wisdom and experience through the telling of personal stories and I’m sure it was an afternoon that will be treasured by all the women on the newly formed Women in Community Life committee. So, driving home with my 6 year-old daughter that afternoon, I happened to mention whom I had met that day and how exciting it was for me. The response that Eve gave not only brought tears to my eyes, but indicated that Sylvia’s legacy will continue: “Mum, when I grow up I want to be just like you, not just nice, but MAGNIFICENT!”

words justine devonport, program manager ywca victoria geelong photos 06 Ruby Summer

sit & sip

just breathe out and relax Wholefoods Cafe has become part of the fabric of the city. It feels like it’s been here forever, which is why I was surprised to realise I hadn’t actually been in there in years. Ducking into the entrance of Wholefoods, I instantly found myself smiling and breathing out. From the bright fabric flags and light shades, to its mismatched tables and chairs and cheerfully informal menu boards, everything seemed to say, ‘Relax, have a coffee.’ As a spot for a long overdue catch up with a friend, it was perfect. The coffee was both prompt and delicious. The shared fig and walnut slice was sublime. And I realised I was a bit sad we hadn’t come for lunch, the menu board was covered in all things healthy and delicious. After our coffee, slice and conversation, we couldn’t leave without wandering around the grocery section. With its boxes of certified organic fruit and vegetables, and a huge range of cereals, nuts, grains, rice, beans, pastas, coconut products, teas (including an amazing chai blend) and dried spices sold by weight, not only did everything look fabulous, it was really good value too. Easy to park, great food, great coffee, fabulously relaxed and just quirky enough... and they cater! If you’ve forgotten this hidden gem, perhaps it’s time you reminded yourself why Wholefoods is a Geelong café institution. 2 Baylie Place, Geelong / P: (03) 5221 5421 Café: Mon to Fri: 10am-3pm / Shop: Mon to Fri: 10am-5pm, Sat: 10am-2pm Visit ‘Like’ us at Geelongwholefoods

words davina montgomery photos elisha lindsay, 07 Ruby Summer

ruby events

get the conversation started! planitroxie.c

it’s party time! Yep, time to put on your party heels, dust off your party frock and have the taxi on speed dial. The festive season sneaks up on you, so we thought we’ d share some tips on making your celebratory season memorable. If you can’t get Roxie to organize your party, here’s some ideas to give your event a little bit of the Roxie sparkle and help you get through the season in tact. Everyone loves a theme and why have a boring party when you can force everyone to dress up: Dress up as each other (shoddy not being Roxie! Hats are fun and everyone has one – maybe try and find the ones that have drinking straws. Dress in all your Christmas finery – tinsel and reindeer ears go with everything! Bring an international vibe to your party – Bollywood anyone? Nothing makes people smile more than seeing a whole bunch of people dressed up and celebrating. Tis’ the season to give, give, give! Why do the same old Kris Kringle thing? Here’s a few different takes on that old theme: Everyone brings a gift to give that they’ve been given, but hate! Gifts have to be made by the giver – food, craft, art. Op-shop giving! Set the challenge to find the best Op-Shop gift for under $10. Everyone donates to an appropriate charity in the name of someone else - is a great site with lots of charities to choose from – we love this because it actually is all about giving. And, if you party too hard, here are our top tips for a speedy recovery so you can do it all again the next night (or at least make it to work the next day...)




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Rehydration sachets. Available from chemists, keep a box in the cupboard and they’ll give you an almost instant fi x. Protein is a cureall – nothing beats a couple of perfectly cooked googies. Hair of the reindeer! A wise man one said “You can’t get a hangover if you don’t stop drinking.” (Mind you, we don’t necessarily recommend this one.) All the team at Roxie HQ would like to wish you a happy and safe festive season and look forward to catching up in 2014. words roxie bennett,

08 Ruby Summer

ruby business

A team challenge with a difference There is nothing like sharing an extraordinary experience to bond a team together and that is exactly what happened when the Morris Finance Management Team climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge together in late November. The theme of the trip was: “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.” The group climbed a total of 1,332 steps to the top, encouraging each other along the way and enjoying the spectacular view… I bet the office stairs seem like a pleasant stroll by contrast! The climb was a bucket list experience for many of the team, however with four of the group having to battle a fear of heights

to reach the top, it really was a case of succeed as a team or fail as a team. Dinner in Darling Harbour gave everyone a chance to relive their extraordinary day, but there was no celebrating into the wee hours. The group was Harbour side bright and early the next morning for a group exercise session with fitness and motivation guru, Steve ‘Stoofa’ Lewris, around the Opera House, where they worked up an appetite for a buffet breakfast before the flight home.

Morris Finance Managing Director, Nathan Murray, organised the trip as a team building exercise and as a reward for effort, saying the management team provide exceptional leadership and deliver results within the business. “I really wanted to do something different, something that would bring us all together and something that we would remember.” I think he might have got what he wanted.

words davina montgomery


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Call 1300 4 MORRIS 09 Ruby Summer

the hormone beast strikes back! The tragic tale of how the intrepid Ms Jones found herself half naked and wholly ashamed outside the discreet entrance to a pay-for-pleasure establishment… Oh, Ms Jones! I will freely and honestly admit that at certain points along the lunar calendar I have been known to get a teensy bit tetchy. There are some clear and obvious signs of this. There is the crazed hair pulling during the usual and expected madness of getting out of the door in the morning. The growling over lack of shoes, water bottles, the howling of ‘Where’s the sodding*

10 Ruby Summer

keys?’ (*I’m saying sodding here to be polite, just in case you are reading aloud to your mother, or a priest, or you could be both a mother and a priest… although the odds are rather small that you are…) And, ‘What do you mean you forgot to put jocks on?’ The shrieking harpy sent forth from the 28th dimension of hell, Terra Hormona, is well known to become enraged by odd socks,

wide open fly screens and anything uttered by man kind. To be fair, on the 27 days either side of the hell gate, I’ve repeatedly given instructions on how to manage the beast from Terra Hormona: close doors promptly, be particular about what goes in the wash and back away silently whilst throwing chocolate at the harpy. The folly of man is that I have to repeat these warnings monthly – and they (mostly

ruby tuesday me, really) say hormonal women have the attention span of a concussed goldfish!

$10 throw out sunnies to take away on our weekend trip, and I was on my way.

It was one of those days. With one kid at school, the other at kinder, I ducked home to tidy up what could forgivably be mistaken for the scene of a violent crime (and, let’s face it, almost was) before heading into work. An hour later, and with the howls still echoing around the house, I stomped out to the car and headed to work, ignoring the orange glow of the fuel light the entire way.

We all know that frayed nerves have a way of betraying themselves. For me, they tend to result in frazzled hair, the kind you would expect to see on cat ladies and ageing 80s rockers. So I wasn’t surprised to see a few curious expressions as I purposefully strode through the lunchtime crowds. ‘Look, this isn’t me at me at my best,’ I wanted to explain, but of course didn’t. ‘But just wait ‘til I have my fab new pants on and have actually blow dried my hair instead of this mad mop!’

Into the relative calm and serenity of the office, I could feel the hormone-beast settling down for a now overdue nap. Right, time to nick into town and grab that engagement present for the weekend.

Happy that a sleeker, more poised self was only a clothes change and quick restyle

“The shrieking harpy sent forth from the 28th dimension of hell, Terra Hormona, is well known to become enraged by odd socks, open fly screens and anything uttered by man kind.” I do not enjoy shopping the way the Tuesday of 20 years ago did. It’s a necessary evil – a little like hormones really – and almost as uncomfortable, which is why I have perfected the art of smash and grab shopping. See it, grab it, and get out quick. So, when I saw replacements for my favourite pants as I shot past the store, I had to duck in and grab them. You know how hard it is to find great-fitting black pants? Well that’s what I have, or had, until they started to shed those pube-like little fibres around the inner thigh and butt that had made them all but unwearable. Ten minutes later and heavier by I pair of pants and some

away, I found the cute and funny card, and the thoughtful and practical engagement present, all the while ignoring the looks.

through town, but I had also had my dress on inside out, with tags loud and proud. Then again, I hadn’t bumped into anyone I knew, so nothing to worry about (Why? Why do I have to be so completely and utterly mad?) I did the furtive look around to see that no one was walking nearby, then dropped down the seat, whipped off my thankfully super stretchy dress and was just struggling to get the arms in the right way when a car came whizzing around the corner and started slowly trawling for a park. Panic! I’m pretty short, so I’m fairly sure no one could see from their car into mine, but if they walked past I would be absolutely busted, and bust out, in the alleyway that we share with the ladies of negotiable affection who ply their trade in the building next door.

And there it was… a tag where no tag should be.

After frantically pulling my dress on, I tried to seem casual as I gathered up my bags and checked my phone as I got out of the car. Yep, it was someone from work. Nope, it wasn’t one of the Ruby girls who would find my predicament hilarious. So I made small talk as I surreptitiously walked just behind my hopefully oblivious male colleague while sneakily trying to adjust my dress, before diving into my office and collapsing into a fit of shame and horror.

I may have had crazed cat lady hair and a disturbing tunnel vision focus as I walked

… Please Santa, all I want for Christmas is to be a sensible adult!

Mission accomplished, I shot out of the car park and did the loop around Ruby HQ in search of a park. After finding a spot in the alley behind the office, I was just gathering up my bags (‘cos you just shouldn’t leave stuff you don’t want nicked in your car) when something caught my leg.

words tuesday jones


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11 Ruby Summer

ruby food

12 Ruby Summer

ruby food

A PUKKA COOKING CLASS For Christmas last year my beloved gave me a cooking course and a recipe book. Wait! Before you gasp in horror and ask if he has since starved to death in the dog house, let me go on. Would you feel better if I told you the book in question was Jamie Oliver’s 15 Minute Meals? Yes, I know it’s impossible to make them in just fifteen minutes without the aid of a crew to pre-prepare everything and a wonderful kitchen with herbs growing just outside the door, but frankly, who cares if it takes half an hour instead? Or even an hour? The result is still a meal that tastes great and impresses your friends. And, although I somehow missed it when the Naked Chef first burst onto our TV screens, I came on board in a big way once I discovered Jamie’s School Dinners and American Food Revolution.

Street in October last year, I was excited about taking the ten-week cooking course. I needed quick and healthy, low fuss recipes and I needed kitchen organisation skills. Most of all, I desired knife skills; I wanted to learn to chop like the chefs on television, but I’m not that co-ordinated, so I knew I needed a professional to teach me (they tried). The course delivered all that, plus tips on how to purchase and store the best fresh ingredients, how to keep food at a safe temperature, to put a damp tea towel under my chopping board so it doesn’t slip around and a nifty way to slice and dice an onion before the tears can start.

Horrified by the notion of western children who couldn’t name broccoli, I made mine identify every vegetable we saw in the fruit and veg shop, just to check they could, and had a serious think about the freshness and healthiness of the food I was serving them for dinner. I hate cooking dinner and would rather eat toast or Weetbix for my own evening meal (known in my circle of friends as ‘breakfast tea’) but the whole philosophy of Jamie’s Ministry of Food seriously appealed to me. So, when Jamie’s Ministry of Food Geelong opened in Moorabool

“Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia is a community-focused program that aims to inspire people to get back to basics in the kitchen,” explains Jamie’s Ministry of Food Geelong’s Centre Manager, Lindy Mills. “Jamie believes that the art of basic cooking has been lost through the generations. The program is about teaching people to start cooking for themselves once again and equipping them with some simple skills and knowledge. The program inspires and empowers change in the way they and their families eat, and how they think about food.”

In Victoria, Jamie’s Ministry of Food operates as part of Healthy Together Victoria, an initiative of the Victorian Government that applies a concentrated and coordinated effort within 12 local areas across the state. The other 11 areas also benefit from Jamie’s Ministry of Food via the Mobile Kitchen program. Ministry of Food partners The Good Guys, the Victorian Government, GMHBA and City of Greater Geelong provide invaluable financial assistance to help keep the classes affordable for everyone. Two thousand, two hundred and forty-six people from ages 12 to 90 have enrolled since last October and the team of five food trainers and an army of dedicated volunteers deliver 24 classes to around 360 people each week. The first class was about eggs – how to boil them, poach them, scramble them and omelette them. Well, I thought, glancing through the notes as Hamish, our trainer, ran through the safety procedures and emergency exits, we certainly are starting with the basics. Such a cooking snob! By the time I left that morning I knew around

13 Ruby Summer

ruby food

12 things I had never before known about eggs – such as the yolk and the white cook at different rates, that’s why it’s important to whisk them together well before scrambling or omletting them, and that it takes fi ve minutes to cook a runny boiled egg, exactly 7.5 minutes for semifirm and 10 minutes for hard boiled. For scrambled eggs, the only ingredient you need is: eggs. And did you know eggs have air in them so they don’t break when the hen lays them? This is what turns to gas and makes them float when they’re off.

and simple and aid digestion; that you should cook with pure olive oil, not extra virgin as heat makes the good things in extra virgin oil turn nasty; that if you put the oil in the marinade, or on your hands when you’re rolling hamburgers, that you won’t need to put it in the pan and will therefore avoid being splashed with hot oil; that not everything should be cooked over screaming high heat; that there’s few dishes a squeeze of lime juice won’t improve and that you can freeze citrus fruit whole.

All this and more was relayed by Hamish, a professional chef of many years with experience in several countries, who often seemed to be channelling Jamie - without the accent - and who taught us to tuck

My class was a community cross section, from young to older, from mothers and fathers with their young daughters, to a pair of teenage girls learning to cook. As the weeks went on we got to know each


willing participants. And they ey help with the clean up!”


I may never be bothered making king chicken stock, but at least I now know how to and why it’s better than the supermarket arket version, and I continue to make pesto in the food processor because it’s quicker than an using the mortar and pestle (sorry Lindy!)) even though the mortar and pestle version n tastes so much better; and I will never make e my knife fly so fast you can’t see it withoutt losing all my fingers, but still, I am part of the food revolution and will spread the word: it’s perfectly acceptable, and highlyy recommended, to give your loved ones a Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food cooking course for Christmas!

MINISTRY OF FOOD SERIOUSLY APPEALED TO ME. our tea towels into our apron strings rather than tossing them over our shoulders, where they could possibly fall into the frying pan, while regaling us with restaurant anecdotes to rival Hell’s Kitchen. But that’s not all. Over the ten week course, as we worked our way through chargrilled chicken kebabs with smoky barbeque salsa that was also fantastic; the next week on the cracking burger; an all-rounder’s, all-purpose stir fry recipe; risotto; and a mouth-watering roast chicken for our final meal, we learnt how to make dressings for salads and vegetables which were healthy

other and swapped tips about tried and true techniques, growing vegetables and the best place to get a coffee. We also got to know Hamish and Lindy, our usual trainers and the lovely volunteers, who are critical to the running of the Geelong Centre. We only met a few, but there are over 50 of them, some of whom are previous participants who couldn’t bear to say goodbye, who together contribute more than 150 hours per week. “They are all wonderful people and come from all parts of the community,” Lindy says. “Each week they bring incredible knowledge, passion and commitment and we couldn’t run such successful classes without them. And of course we couldn’t do it without our words judy baulch photos justin fields photography

14 Ruby Summer

Ministry of Food Geelong classes can be booked online at They cost $100 for the ten week course, or $50 concession, and gift vouchers are available.

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miss myrtle, 108 pakington st, geelong west p: (03) 5224 2776 15 Ruby Summer

ruby money

the toasted sandwich test As I stood in line, reading from the available selections on the menu board, I read ‘Freshly made Ham and Cheese toasted sandwich’. Mmm, just what I felt like. My expectations of a delicious lunch, were about to be fulfilled. You’ve probably had a similar kind of experience? I’d imagined thick slices of hand cut La Madre sourdough. Local Geelong made ham, sliced thinly off the bone and piled up in little layers of goodness. Add a Meredith feta, velvety smooth and tasty, with little peppers dotted around. The price suggested it should be delicious; it wasn’t the cheapest ham and cheese toasty I had seen. They wrapped it up in some white paper, then a little brown paper bag; it smelled good. Taking my lunch, I eagerly open it only to discover it was made with sandwich sliced bread, possibly of the no name variety, the ham is just plain old packet ham and the cheese is what my kids term ‘plastic cheese’, the single wrap assortment. Not smothered and cooked golden in butter, but a few thin scrapings of margarine, burnt around the edges and, to top it off, it was stuck to the paper! It wasn’t anything like what I was expecting. You may wonder why such an analogy, but as with food on the run, when it comes to insurance you need to be sure you know what you are buying, as you don’t always get what you are expecting. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve have heard from people comparing their insurance: ‘It’s exactly the same, but cheaper’... I’d be very rich. Insurance isn’t all the same, and the price is not even an indication of quality. You must read the policy wordings to fully know what it covers, just as you need to study the menu carefully. If only I’d asked what ingredients they use in their toasted sandwiches, I could have made a different choice. Just some of the things to think about are what are the limits for jewellery? Does it include rebuild costs, and does it cover items away from home? Does it have delicious La Madre sourdough or thin sliced supermarket bargain bread? DISCLAIMER: This article is for guidance only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the writer, publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this article. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

words melissa vella, allsure insurance

ALLSURE insurance Having the right insurance, is no accident.

16 Ruby Summer like us on follow us on

InsureAllsure @InsureAllsure

P: 5278 6808

ruby money

christmas bonuses & party planning What to consider when giving a Christmas holiday bonus... and planning for the staff Christmas party. Holiday bonuses can go a long way in making employees feel appreciated at their place of work; but businesses need to think carefully about the bonus they will give their workers, as it sets the stage for what employees will expect from the business in 2014. Different industries have differing ideas on what constitutes a holiday bonus. Holiday bonuses are a long-time tradition for large industries. These businesses usually have a set precedent on what to give their employees.

Small businesses, however, often have to use personal discretion and set their own precedent for holiday extras. Business owners could consider asking around at similar companies to get an idea of what they constitute a holiday bonus. Businesses need to consider the role the holiday bonus will play in their year long pay scheme. Is it a substitute for a year-end bonus? Or is it a token of holiday spirit? If businesses already pay a year-end bonus, then the holiday bonus becomes more a gift of appreciation. Businesses should look at the company’s performance throughout the year, and use that as an indicator on how much to spend. Be careful of being overly generous, as it may not be possible to maintain the high standard if the company does not perform as well the following year.

A gift can be just as meaningful as money, especially when combined with a thank-you note. It can also serve as a cost-effective approach to holiday bonuses for smaller businesses. The key to holiday bonuses is structuring them to be affordable, yet considerate. Businesses should put the focus on showing appreciation to their staff, not on how much to spend or what gift to buy. And when it comes to end of year celebrations, smart employers take precautions when planning the work Christmas party, to prevent being left faced with post-party legal and HR issues. Keep safety in mind, be responsible with alcohol by providing non-alcoholic drinks and food, and consider organising safe travel arrangements for employees, such as a mini bus or taxi.

DISCLAIMER: This article is for guidance only, and professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. Neither the writer, publishers nor the distributors can accept any responsibility for loss occasioned to any person as a result of action taken or refrained from in consequence of the contents of this article. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

words reneé jovic, jovic accounting

Specialised Services

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80 Pakington Street, Geelong West E: P: 03 5222 6962

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17 Ruby Summer

ruby shop


‘Bop Girl Jewellery Holder’ $14.95

n’ Me tal $285 Chair .00



e’ve all heard those lines – about how your home should be a reflection of you; your style, your personality and your individuality.

But finding those quirky, interesting pieces that give your home that sense of, well... you... aren’t always so easy to find.

That is why Ruby has sourced a range of gorgeous bits and pieces to bring your home style together. Whether it’s adding whimsy to a plain paling fence in the garden or making a dramatic statement on that big brick wall, you will find pieces that make you smile.

*All prices include delivery to Geelong and Melbourne metro areas. Full range of colours and styles available on Ruby Shop.

18 Ruby Summer

‘Grand Crumple’ Impact Platter $145.00

‘Rustic Tap’ Lantern $29.95

‘Riviera Wood Wall Decor’ $79.95

‘No Understanding Anytime’ $27.50

‘Cast Iron Owl’’ Book Ends $59.95

‘Audrey Metal Chair’ $285.00

‘Elizabeth Metal Chair’ $285.00

‘Raw Linen’ Door Stop $19.95

‘Pale Blue Mini Station Clo ck’ $35.00

‘Cast Iron Owl’’ $18.95

‘Monastry Decor’ $195.00

‘Metal Stool’’ $69.00 19 Ruby Summer

ruby real estate

To Self Manage or Not to Self Manage, that is the question... Owning an investment property can open a can full of emotions: stressful, exhausting, frustrating, exhilarating, rewarding, challenging, interesting, these are just a few of the words to describe them.

Purchasing might have been the easy part, but what happens next? Do you manage the property yourself, or do you employ the services of an experienced property manager? Private landlords and property management professionals have to follow the same laws as required under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997. If you choose to self manage, you will need to ask yourself some serious questions. • Do I have time to follow up on rent? • What are my legal responsibilities? • Do I know the Law and do I have time to read the Act and abide accordingly? • Will I be able to represent my interests adequately in difficult situations? • What is a condition report? • What is a bond, and how much can I ask? • What questions can I ask when reference checking? Alternatively, you can employ the services of an experienced property manager, a professional who knows the law, who can answer your questions, who will work with and for you. Maintaining honest communication with your agent is vital to a healthy relationship during your business partnership. Consider employing the services of an agent you connect with, not necessarily one who offers the cheapest rates. The following are some points to ponder when employing the services of an agency: • Consider how well you connect with the property manager? • Do the ethics of the agency fit in with your ethics? • How experienced is your property manager? • How will your property manager represent your interests? It is important to consider the above factors when making your decision. Try not to be too hasty in making a decision. Don’t feel pressured to make a decision. Always keep in mind that your investment is your asset and you have the right to ensure it is being managed by capable professionals. words gina tobolov, 20 Ruby Summer

ruby style

HOME IS WHERE THE HAIR IS... Geelong born and bred into the large Caruso Family of renowned business operators, Mary was destined to own and manage her own enterprise at a young age.

Salon Symmetry: Mary Posterino (front right) with members of her salon staff.

At 18, it was a choice between a degree in architecture or a hairdressing apprenticeship. Yet to reach 30, Mary (now a Posterino) employs around ten staff at her bustling corner hair and beauty salon on Pako. Mary was a mere 23 year-old when ‘Salon Symmetry’ in Geelong West was born. Mary quickly established a solid following of regular clients to her Pakington Street salon, designed and renovated by her favorite builders, father, Mr Nat Caruso, and husband, Anthony Posterino. In the short space of 5 years it was time for the salon to upsize, so when the opportunity arose to move to a bigger space in 2012, Mary had no hesitation in shifting only 5 doors down with her loyal staff in tow. Mary says: “I am very fortunate to have both an amazing team of talented staff and very

loyal clientele, many who followed me from my apprenticeship days. Although I am very comfortable with all my clients, I am always striving to provide them with the best possible service I can, so I am constantly trying to better myself, my skills and my services.” Salon Symmetry is a unisex and child friendly salon that prides themselves on high standards of service with a professional approach. This spacious modern salon offers a welcoming atmosphere where clients can relax and be confident they in the good hands of their experienced stylists and colorists. Of course, it’s not all about just hair at Salon Symmetry & Associates. Mary and her dedicated team are passionate about amplifying beauty and are professionally trained in make-up artistry, using their extensive Napoleon Perdis prestige range of make-up. Special occasions such as bridal parties are always a muchloved flurry of activity and excitement at the salon. Hair extensions, hair taming treatments, lash and brow tinting are all part of their beauty services.

Mary’s hot trends for summer: “There’s not a single distinct style that’s vogue at the moment, however the ‘look’ that seems to be regularly requested by females includes natural, soft and flowing styles, from the loose beach curl to a glamorous vintage wave. Of course the umbre’ / root fade is still very much in demand for women wanting a colour change. Our Global Keratin hair taming system is also in high demand for women with frizzy and unruly hair. The 1 hour leave-in treatment can tame hair for around 3 to 4 months, making it much quicker and easier for clients who are time-poor to style and manage their own hair at home. Mary’s make-up tips: “Pretty much anything goes when it comes to colour at the moment... However I am a firm believer in less is more. My advice is to invest in the right foundation/base in the correct colour suited to your skin to ensure a flawless finish. If you’re up for a pop of colour choose between featuring the eyes or lips – never both! We love a splash of colour in the warmer months.”

Follow Salon Symmetry on Facebook and Instagram to win spot prizes and receive style updates and special offers on products and services. New clients welcome. advertorial salon symmetry words donna carroll,

experienced hair stylists, colourists & make-up artists

bridal parties & special event hair/make-up

global keratin hair taming & conditioning treatments

hair extensions & lash/brow tinting

119 Pakington Street GEELONG WEST

5223 1775

21 Ruby Summer

ruby travel

aromatic & market fresh photos main and insert on opposite page: accession. thumbnails (left to right): ben smethers, zanzibar cordoba (2,6), volodina olya (4) 22 Ruby Summer

ruby travel

real food adventures in vietnam Vietnam’s delightful and eyecatching cuisine is sprinkled with fragrant herbs, brimming with vegetables and bursting with veg freshness and flavour.


hop, slice and eat your way through Vietnam, experiencing one of the freshest and most fragrant cuisines on the planet.

uncover a world of authentic, mouth-watering food adventures to suit any budget, time frame and appetite.

From pho and ancient buildings in Hanoi, banh khoai and imperial citadels in Hue, banh xeo and lantern-lit streets in Hoi An and banh canh and pulsating markets in Ho Chi Minh City, experience Vietnam’s cuisine and its tightly woven place within its culture.

Drink in cafes and beer halls that sprawl out over city streets, buy fruit from wicker baskets draped over a vendor’s shoulders and sit at market stalls as aromatic noodle soups are whipped up in front of you. Experience all of Vietnam’s iconic sights, spend time cooking with some of the country’s top food experts and get a true taste of Vietnam on this delectable Real Food Adventure.

trip highlights > • Sip bia hoi beer in one of Hanoi’s colourful beer hallsEat Hanoi’s best street food at the bustling Don Xuan Markets. • Sail the emerald-green waters of breathtaking Halong Bay. • Slurp bun bo hue (beef and vermicelli noodle soup), Hue’s local specialty. • Bike through herb gardens of Tra Que Village.

• Be part of the raucous making of banh xeo (savoury crispy pancake) in Hoi An. • Learn the secrets of central Vietnamese cooking at Hoi An’s celebrated Morning Glory Cooking School. • Float past markets and farms on your way to a welcoming homestay on the Mekong Delta.

23 Ruby Summer

ruby travel

real food adventures in northern spain

food with passion Spain’s sun-kissed gastronomic traditions meld simplicity with the best of local ingredients to create a truly mouth-watering experience.


et ready for a journey through northern Spain’s most alluring sights, sounds and tastes. Immerse yourself in the amazing culture, history and cuisine of Barcelona, tasting local produce at La Boqueria market that has been trading since the 1200s, whipping up Catalan specialties in a cooking class and wandering the stunning Las Ramblas and Barri Gotic (Gothic Quarter). Famous for its tapas and eclectic array of bars, Logrono is a beautiful city in the heart of Spain’s La Rioja wine region. Tapas-hop through the city, learn the workings of a family-run vineyard and explore the medieval streets of La Guardia, a place where underground tunnels and wine caves weave beneath the city. Venture on to the north of Spain’s most celebrated city, San Sebastian, where beautiful beaches, historic buildings and a thriving food and arts scene bask together under a beaming sun.. Experience a traditional sagardotegia (cider house), indulge in pintxos (Basque-style tapas) while exploring the Parte Vieja (Old Town) and feast on San Sebastian’s celebrated Basque cuisine. Let this Real Food Adventure take you through the cultural and culinary heart of Spain and taste all the flavours of this exceptional region.

1. Travel Ins uran ce is a MUST whe h n travellin g


2. Pack you r suit case, then tak e half out tha you really do not need. Saves space for all t you r NEW shopping! :) 3. Che ck in early at the airport to avoid crow ds. 4. Inve st in a special travel han dba g tha t can not be slas hed. 5. Eat in reputable rest aura nts and always use han d san itize rs befo re eati ng. 6. Purchase a multi cash passport before you

advertorial photos clockwise from top left: manuel.a.correro, sacker foto, j grana, syrian sindibad

Visit Karin and the team today to book your next adventure.

Corporate changes are happening at Harvey World Travel Geelong West. From January 2014 we will rebrand as helloworld. To go with our fresh new look we decided to move to a fresh new location as well, so look out for helloworld Geelong West at Shop 1, 226 Pakington St (cnr. Autumn St & Pako). But don’t worry, it’s only the name and office that’s changing - you’ll still find the same smiling face, the same great service and the same super travel advice!

24 Ruby Summer


ruby voices Looking back: A fresh faced Annah Stretton in her Morrinsville Office. (Insert): Annah today.

be brave & chase your dreams Those long, lazy summer days are perfect for giving some serious dream time to those future plans. But going from dream to reality can be a tough journey. So we asked the fabulous Annah Stretton, NZ entrepreneur and international fashion designer, what advice she would give to her younger self about making her business dreams come true. How do you get past the ‘What if this doesn’t work’ thoughts? Firstly, you think of anyone that is great at what they do, whether it be a sport, business, cooking, whatever… it all takes time and lots of practice. It’s very rare that a gold medal is won at an athlete’s first Olympic Games. Be proud about failing. At least you are out there giving it a go when most people are not. There is absolutely no stigma in failing (you are trying things). It simply means success is so much closer. If you have a great idea, obviously do the research and see that you actually have a market to sell to. Talk to as many relevant people as you can. But NEVER fear failure. It’s a healthy part of the business process and so very necessary in advancing you and your business idea forward. Capable business people of today will tell you that their past is littered with business failures. Get out there and talk to them.

Do I need to have a back-up plan? No. If you continue to hedge your bets you will never really make a go of this dream. Give it your best shot straight from the outset. I am constantly challenged by those that endeavour to start a business, but they never make the decision to really leave their employment, so every base is covered in a half-cut way. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing properly. Simply make sure those initial risks that you take are calculated and will not cause the loss of the family home, then draw a line in the sand and make a start. You will work a lot harder to achieve success when you know that your total income base is riding on you achieving the budgeted outcomes. Most businesses from start-up will need some sort of funding, so think about where this is coming from and what hardship it will cause if all the money is lost and the business doesn’t fire. And if it doesn’t, before you walk away, it’s always great to consider why the concept didn’t work… was it in your methods of operation or was there simply no market for your product or service? How do I sell my business idea? It depends on who you want to sell it to,

e.g. a partner, a financier – but whoever that is, it’s important to put together a strong business plan. Look at a one-year time frame and then a three-year one. Set revenues and costs, budgets and expectations - these will be your yardstick of measurement going forward. Consider how and where you will take the product to market and the resources you will need: staff, money, premises and equipment. Be prepared to show a loss in the first instance as you invest in getting the idea up and running. Facts and figures and data are the best way to support your initial sales pitch around your business idea, but make sure you get this prepared professionally and accurately. How do I know that I can afford to do this? From the very onset you will need to put together an operating plan, expected revenues, timeframes, costs of operation and capital. You will then know how much you need to get access to if you don’t have this funding yourself. This may be through a loan or a partner/investor.

words annah stretton 25 Ruby Summer

WHO’S KEEPING YOUR HOME & FAMILY SAFE? Not all security products are actually secure. At ‘Brax’ we choose Crimsafe™ because we strongly believe in the quality of this product to do what it says it will. ‘Ultimate’ is a whole new system from Crimsafe. It has all of Crimsafe core features, with extra strength and extra benefits.


• Seven times stronger than the impact level required by the Australian Standard


• Tested to withstand the equivalent of 30 years exposure to harsh environments

More than just blinds…

• 5 year extended warranty, in addition to the standard Crimsafe 10 year warranty

Brax Window Treatments Pty. Ltd

Both Regular Crimsafe™ and Ultimate are manufactured locally by ‘Brax” – proudly an authorised Crimsafe Licensee since 1998.

Showroom: 332 Pakington Street, Newtown, Vic. 3220


(03) 5221 5533


was staggered to read recently that the Crime Statistics for Victoria show that on average one in 71 households have had a break-in or home invasion in the past year. What was even more frightening was that one of our local towns was ranked in the 10 Worst Suburbs - Anglesea is 9th in the state - with an average of 1 in 36 homes being burgled.

The statistics do lead to a number of questions, such as are we leaving ourselves vulnerable and making ourselves easy targets. In towns like Anglesea, where there is a higher than normal percentage of holiday homes, its possibly less likely to be someone present when the burglary occurs. But what if you were home? As someone who does spend time home alone fairly frequently, I must confess that on those occasions I am far more vigilant with locking up. Having someone uninvited enter my home at any time is not desirable, but to have it happen whilst I was home would have to be one of my worst nightmares. So how can we protect our loved ones and ourselves? Part of our great Australian lifestyle is not to lock ourselves away, but I think we need to use a bit of care and not make it easy for intruders to gain access to our homes, and our businesses. Secure your doors and windows with security screens – such as Crimsafe® – that make it almost impossible for thieves to break in. Crimsafe is a woven stainless steel mesh that looks just like a fly screen. Crimsafe is the only one with the unique patented ‘screw-clamp ™’ system that secures the mesh into the frame. (Many of the competitor products rely on a wedge system to hold the mesh into the frame). Protecting your home or office doesn’t mean you have to have unsightly bars or grilles, with Crimsafe you won’t lose your views. Locking up all of your windows and doors may protect you from intruders, but what do you do if you need to get out in the case of fire or another emergency? The Crimsafe product range offers a Safe’S’Cape for windows, that turns your security screen into an emergency exit if required. This unique keyless exit system, features a ‘lift and flick’ quick release handle that can be opened easily with just one finger. We recommend the use of these on bedroom windows or where access to an exit door may be limited or difficult. All Crimsafe doors come standard with a triple lock, meaning the lock engages in three positions, even when the door is snib locked from the inside. This means a single flick and release is all that is required making it simple for emergency exiting as well. Crimsafe is not just a security screen – it will keep out bugs and insects, and also offers protection against ember attack if you live or are building in a bushfire zone. There are many brands of security products in the Australian market. At ‘Brax’ we choose Crimsafe® because we strongly believe in the quality of this product and its ability to do what it says it will. Not all security products are actually secure. Protecting your home and loved ones is easy with genuine Crimsafe products.

Visit our website to find out more or visit our showroom to see our displays.

Locking up all of your windows and doors may protect you from intruders, but what do you do if you need to get out in the case of fire or another emergency?

ruby living

add a little luxury with beautiful bluestone There is nothing like the look and feel of real stone. Add instant glamour and wow factor, with all the benefits of easy maintenance and enduring style.

28 Ruby Summer

ruby living



ow warmer weather has arrived, the plant nurseries are abuzz and there is nothing nicer than entertaining family and friends in the backyard, cooking a BBQ and watching the kids play on the lawn. But does your yard need a bit of rejuvenation? Whilst planning your new garden, it is important to consider your hardscaping first. Hardscaping can consist of walls, fences, pathways, entertaining areas, pools and often dictates the character of your space. Materials used in hardscaping can include, but are not limited to, natural stone, pavers, concrete, metal and hardwood. The use of appropriate, good quality and durable materials will reduce long term maintenance costs, whereas the use of an inappropriate material, purely

because it has a low initial cost, can be more expensive in the long run and may even need to be replaced.

Bluestone pavers are volcanic stones that have formed from cooling lava and hardened over millions of years.

Bluestone is perfect for the smallest city terrace or courtyard design to the most sophisticated large scale commercial build.

Soft landscaping is the living material including plants, trees, shrubs and grass used to compliment your hardscaping design.

Natural bluestone pavers are available in a huge variety of sizes, formats and surface textures, offering a high level of paver customisation including pool coping bull nose, square edge and rebated units.

So, if you are considering your hardscaping options, visit Suregrip Ceramics to see an excellent showcase of Bluestone, Sandstone, Granite, Limestone, Travertine, Marble, Slate, Reconstituted, Cladding, Facades, Bull Nose Surrounds and more.

Colours and textures of hardscaping materials can be selected to create a desired effect and where new materials are placed in close proximity to old materials, the options are vast to make a complimented fit. A change in colour or texture can be a creative way to denote changes in function/area use in your backyard too. A popular choice of hardscaping material is bluestone. Bluestone pavers are extremely dense and hardwearing, enabling its use in the most vigorous applications.

Think an organic bluestone stepper for the pathway to allow planting between the stones, a sawn surface paver externally to ensure a slip resistant finish, and then carry through the same size internally in a honed finish bluestone tile, ending in a soft feel underfoot. Bluestone is also available in cobblestones: perfect for path and driveway applications, crazy paving, traditional format wall cladding and more.

The team can provide you with advice on your indoor and outdoor projects to achieve the look you are after whether is be modern, classic or something unique. Complimentary concept consult appointments are also available with the Design Team to ensure a successful selection that you can be confident in.


Large Range of Bluestone and Natural atura al Stone for your Landscaping Needs. ds.. Tile & Stone Showroom 03 5222 6066 I 2a Gordon Avenue Geelong West

Be Inspired Today


*Offer available for Summer 2013. Not transferrable for cash - but you can try -

29 Ruby Summer

ruby arts WIN A WICKED PRIZE To win a Double Pass to WICKED the Broadway Musical, log on to the Ruby Facebook page at: and tell us about your Wicked Witch moment.

Witches & Bitches It’s nothing short of WICKED!

30 Ruby Summer

ruby arts THE WORLDWIDE PHENOMENON RETURNS! WICKED The Broadway Musical returns to the Regent Theatre, Melbourne. Season commences 11th May, 2014. For performance times, ticket prices and bookings please visit, or call 1300 889 278.

old on to your pointed hats ladies, WICKED is winging its way back to the Regent Theatre in Melbourne in 2014. Be prepared to get your witch on!

Elphaba – destined to become Glinda the Good and The Wicked Witch of the West. But so much happens before that… and it’s all here, complete with magical sets, dazzling dance routines and singing that will enchant you.

We all know that formative female relationships can be fraught battlegrounds of emotion… it can be heady stuff, and when you mix in a little magic, the results are, well, WICKED.

Many of the stellar cast have returned for this new Australian tour, including Lucy Durack and Jemma Rix in the lead roles of Glinda and Elphaba, and stage and screen doyenne, Maggie Kirkpatrick, reprises her role as Madame Morrible, head mistress of Shiz University, who takes Elphaba under her wing and trains her in sorcery.

Th at’s right, the tale of the two witches of Oz returns to Melbourne in 2014 as part of the smash hit musical’s 10th Anniversary world tour. There was a little witchy dance of joy in the Ruby office when we heard the glad tidings. If you didn’t catch it in 2008, WICKED tells the tale of what happened before Dorothy landed in Munchkinland, dropped a house on an unsuspecting despot of the cackling variety and donned the Ruby slippers. At University, two young women form an unlikely friendship. One is beautiful and popular, ambitious and a little vulnerable; the other is powerful, talented, misunderstood and emerald green. They are Glinda and

The New York Times has hailed it as “The defi ning musical of the decade.” When WICKED opened on Broadway, it worked its magic on critics and audiences alike, winning 35 major awards including a Grammy®, three Tony® Awards and six Helpmann® Awards. Currently in its 10th year on Broadway, WICKED’s North American and International companies have cumulatively grossed over US$2.9 billion and been seen by nearly 36 million people worldwide. Since opening at the Gershwin Theatre on Broadway in October 2003, WICKED has regularly broken box office records,

consistently grossing more than $US1.8 million a week. In the week between Christmas and New Year, 2012, it grossed a chart-topping $2.95 million, the highest grossing week in Broadway history. In London, WICKED had the highest weekly gross in West End history (a record WICKED also holds on Broadway, as well as a North American weekly touring record in both the United States and Canada), and in Tokyo and Stuttgart it again set new box office records. During its three year tour of Australia, WICKED was seen by over 1.5 million people – that’s the equivalent of more than 1 in 20 Australians. Based on the novel by Gregory Maguire, WICKED features music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz (Godspell, Pippin, Academy Award-winner for Pocahontas and The Prince of Egypt) and a book by Winnie Holzman (My So Called Life, Once and Again and thirtysomething). The production features musical staging by Wayne Cilento and is directed by Lisa Leguillou, based on the original direction by Joe Mantello. photos jeff busby 31 Ruby Summer

ruby fashion

CONFESSIONS OF A SHOE ADDICT Hello, my name is Bridget and I am a shoe addict. My mum bought me my first pair of almostheels and I was instantly hooked. They were a cloginspired wooden-soled style that made me feel fabulous and complete. Sure, I moved to other styles, but I never forgot my beloved clogs, and now they’re back!

I blame my mum for my shoe addiction. She often jokes that I was born with a pair of high heels on my feet, but on closer reflection I’ve come to realise that it was her who fostered and nourished my love of shoes. I have many fond memories of our regular trips to the Candy factory in North Geelong when I was young. An outlet full of shoes, segmented into individual sizes, all styles at amazing prices. I mean, come on, was I ever going to escape that without becoming a serious addict? And it was here that mum bought me my first pair of high heels. I found myself a little pair of clog-inspired shoes that I immediately fell in love with and just had to have. Putting a high heel on (okay, they were a low heel, but that’s a minor detail) made me feel oh so grown up and totally amazing. I was instantly hooked. I think I wore those little clogs for about six months straight. Any chance I had, those babies were on the feet – supermarket, church, school friends’ parties. Gee did I get my Mum’s $25 worth! So, imagine my delight to see the emergence of clog-inspired shoes for spring and summer. Not only have I been able to rediscover the style that begun my heel crush, but I’ve been able to spread the love to my wonderful customers. I couldn’t help but get myself a couple of different styles and they have instantly become my go to shoes. In black and tan, I’ve worn them days upon days in the shop with any matter of different outfits. It’s taken my back to those heady days of my first heels and reminded me what I loved so much about the style. Their wooden heels are so sturdy and thick, you feel instantly secure on your feet. They are also the type of shoe that can seamlessly take you from day to night. They’re certainly not too dressy to throw on with jeans or shorts during the day, but if you need them to work for you at night; they’ll easily go there too. Pants, dresses, skirts – you name it, they’ll work with it! This season, the choices are endless in terms of how clog inspired shoes are finished. Our T-bar mid heeled leather clogs in black and tan have been really popular for their versatility. The ladies have also been loving a suede finish on a blonde wood heel which gives an overall lighter look – a good option if you’re worried about the more traditional style looking too chunky. The clog style is also carrying through different heel heights, meaning you can go as low or high as you dare. I’m the first to admit that the wooden sole and heel can feel a little strange at first. But trust me, you do get used to it, and once you do, it’s hard to go past them. If you still feel the wood is a little hard underfoot, try popping a gel pad under the balls of your feet for a little extra cushiness. So all these years on I feel like my shoe love affair has come full circle. The style that lured me into the world of heels has found its way into my life again. But this time around I get to share the addiction love with a whole new band of ladies. Oh mum, what have you started? words bridget connor, footique

32 Ruby Summer

“ Tis the to go sho season pping”

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13. 25.


15. 21.





Bauble 1: Femme Connection: 1. Maxi Dress (Multi Black/Blue) $39.99. Dymocks: 2. ‘Maggie’s Christmas’ by Maggie Beer $49.99. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 3. Serenade ‘Champs Elyses’ patent leather wallet (red with dots) $69.95, 4. Serenade ‘Champs Elyses’ patent leather handbag (red with dots) $189.95. Target: 5. Hot Options ring (gold) $10, 6. Disc bracelet (gold) $15, 7. Hoop earrings (gold/coral) $15. Bauble 2: Femme Connection: 8. Sandals (orange/yellow) $29.99. Dymocks: 9. ‘Eat In’ by Anna Gare $39.99. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 10. Serenade ‘Rodeo Drive’ patent leather wallet (multi) $64.95, 11. Serenade ‘Rodeo Drive’ patent leather handbag (multi) $179.95. Specsavers: 12. Boss Orange frame (#0054 25636161; prescription lenses) $299. Group Shot: Spendless Shoes: 13. Vybe ‘Nora’ (blue) $19.95. Novo Shoes: 14. ‘Romona’ (red coral) $49.95. OPSM: 15. Rukku ‘Penguin’(Blue; #355208) $29.95, 16. Vogue sunglasses (VO27295 #354421) $129.95, 17. Oakley ‘Junkyard’ frame (black/green; #350651001) $249. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 18. Bazaar leather handbag (assorted) $69.95, 19. CBD Travel Wallet (red) $29.95, 20. Oran ‘Johanna’ leather wallet (green) $59.95, 21. Oran leather card holder (assorted) $14.95, 22. Oran ‘Katerina’ leather handbag (green) $79.95, 23. Riccardo laptop business handbag (red) $79.95, 24. Serenade ‘Monika’ leather handbag (black patent gold) $189.95, 25. Kardashian Kollection ‘KK Laser Cut Shopper’ (black/white) $129.95.

33 Ruby Summer

ruby fashion



at Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre







15. 6.


2. 19.






4. 18.


Gifts Galore: Novo Shoes: 1. Future (mint) $59.95, 2. Mia (white) $79.95, 3. Magia $49.95. Priceline: 4. Eco Pure Feet Relief gift set $15. Katies: 5. Love K necklace (gold) $24.95, 6. Love K earrings (gold) $10.95. Target: 7. Hot Options clutch (turquoise/silver) $40, 8. Ring (gold/peach) $15, 9. Flower hair clips (green) $10. Specsavers: 10. Alex Perry sunglasses (prescription lenses) $299. OPSM: 11. Rhythm and Blues ‘Radstock’ glasses $99.00. Dymocks: 12. Bonkers - My Life in Laughs by Jennifer Saunders $39.99, 13. Journal (assorted) $29.95, 14. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai $32.99, 15. Fashion House Illustrated Greeting Cards $16.95. Femme Connection: 16. Bangle set (tangerine/turquoise) $12.99. Tonik: 17. Nixon unisex watch (black) $125.99, 18. Billabong ‘The Weaver’ wallet (black) $29.99, 19. Rip Curl ‘Horizon’ automatic watch (silver) $399.99. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 20. Kardashian Kollection ‘KK Laser Cut Shopper’ (black/white) $129.95, 21. Kardashian Kollection ‘KK Laser Cut Wallet’ (jade) $49.95. Mix n’ Match (Opposite Page): On Stage: 22. Filo scarf (blue/white) $30, 23. New Cover shirt (blue) $79. Femme Connection: 24. Cut out handbag (coral) $29.99, 25. Strapless dress (coral/black/white) $29.99, 26. Crochet Top (beige) $12.99, 27. Printed Floral Pants (blue) $19.99. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 28. Pierre Cardin Handbag (multi) $99.95, 29. Stitched edge wallet (assorted) $9.95. Novo Shoes: 30. ‘Raina’ sandal (coral) $59.95, 31. ‘Randi’ sandal (black) $49.95. Target: 32. Hot Options cuff (silver/jade/navy) $20. Tonik: 33. Billabong ‘Happy Hour’ boardshorts (coral) $39.99, 34. Billabong ‘Summer Sun’ bikini (aquamarine) $69.99.

34 Ruby Summer


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32 2 2. 32.

mix n’ match

31 31.






25. 29.




DISCLAIMER: Price and product availability accurate at time of printing and subject to change without notice.

35 Ruby Summer

t . r . . o Sh tory S

ruby fashion 4. 4.













35. 1. 2.

20. 6.




Short Story: Novo Shoes: 1. ‘Cachet’ sandal (white) $49.95, 2. ‘Raine’ sandal (tan) $59.95, 3. ‘Samantha’ sandal (white) $69.95. OPSM: 4. Dolce & Gabbana frames (blue) $329. Target: 5. Hot Options bangle set (pink/gold) $20, 6. Hot Options platted twist necklace (gold/neon pink) $25. Tonik: 7. Von Zipper tank top(mustard) $45.99, 8. Rusty ‘Wonder Walk’ short (knockoutpink) $79.99, 9. Nixon ‘Kensington’ watch (rose gold) $259.99, 10. Rip Curl ‘Horizon’ automatic watch (silver) $399.99, 11. Rip Curl ‘Cruise’ watch (purple) $99.99, 12. Rip Curl ‘Cruise’ watch (aqua) $99.99, 13. Rusty wallet (purple) $29.99, 14. Volcom sleeveless shirt (paisley print) $59.99, 15. Billabong ‘Laneway’ short (blue cloud) $49.99, 16. Billabong tank top (pink) $39.99, 17. Von Zipper ‘Siren’ short (bubblegum) $79.99, 18. Rusty ‘Flippin’ thongs (assorted) $19.99, 19. Billabong towels (assorted) $49.99. Dymocks: 20. ‘And The Mountains Echoed’ by Khaled Hosseini $32.99. Lifestyle Bags & Luggage: 21. Kardashian Kollection ‘Twin Studded Tote’ (assorted) $129.95.

Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre 173-199 Pioneer Road, Waurn Ponds Tel: (03) 5244 2580

36 Ruby Summer

Extended Christmas Trading Hours


22 Dec 9:00am - 5:00pm



16 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


23 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


29 Dec 10:00am - 5:00pm 30 Dec 9:00am - 5:30pm


17 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


24 Dec 9:00am - 5:30pm


31 Dec 9:00am - 5:30pm


18 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm



/ 2014


19 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


26 Dec 10:00am - 5:00pm



20 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


27 Dec 9:00am - 9:00pm


21 Dec 9:00am - 5:00pm


28 Dec 9:00am - 5:00pm

1 Jan

10:00am - 5:00pm


2 Jan

9:00am - 7:00pm


3 Jan

9:00am - 9:00pm

ruby fashion

FROM BOILED LOLLIES TO CHOCOLATES How one girl went from DIY knock off Oakleys in the 80s to a pair of genuinely gorgeous and ridiculously fabulous Pradas - learning along the way that great sunglasses do more than just save your eyes, they can help you see the coolest version of yourself. Back in the day, the on trend brand for sunnies was Oakley. All the cool kids were wearing them. I desperately wanted to fit in with the cool kids - a rather large ask, seeing that I was the shy nerdy kid with coke bottle glasses who was as blind as a bat! Nevertheless, I had to have them. After much begging and pleading to Mum the answer was a definitive NO. The mother/daughter conversation went a little something like this: Me:

“Please Mum - I’ll look after tthem, all my friends are wearing them, they are sooooo cool!”


“I don’t care how cool they are, there’s not a hope in hell that I’m spending $60 (which was a lot of money in 1980) on a pair of sunglasses for a 12 year-old!”


“But Mum - that’s just not fair - everyone will think I’m a dork you’re so mean!”


“End of discussion.”


“Humph!” (Accompanied by an Oscar-worthy dramatic storm off and bedroom door slam.)

After what seemed like days sulking in my room (realistically, probably about 10 minutes) my imagination kicked in and the creative juices started to flow. I already had in my possession a cheap pair of sunnies from the servo around the corner, which cost me all of about $8. I swiftly rummaged through my Dolly magazine collection until I found an ad for Oakley. It was the prominent position of the O on the arm of the sunnies that separated the knock-offs from the real thing. Some time later, after a fair bit of scissor and sticky tape magic - I finally had myself a very cool pair of fake Oakley sunnies. No one would know the difference, would they? It didn’t matter - the feeling I got when I had my Oakleys on was indescribable... euphoric even. I was one of the cool kids - I couldn’t stop looking at myself in the mirror (nothing’s really changed!) Jump ahead some 33 years and I have gradually, slowly but surely, pair by pair, moved up in the sunnies style stakes. I have just purchased my first pair of Prada - yes ladies, PRADA sunglasses. So excited! I have modelled them to everyone at work - and they have very politely pretended to give a toss. Bless them xx. When I’m driving around G-town with my Pradas on, in my trusty Mazda 3, my mind wanders and I imagine that I’m a sexy older version of Miranda Kerr zooming along the Amalfi Coast in a convertible Porsche. Just why do sunglasses make us feel so glamourous and special? I’m not really sure; perhaps it’s the anonymity of it all - or perhaps it’s because I remember back to the good old days of my fake Oakleys and now finally feel like one of the cool kids! P.S. Eyewear on Pako has an awesome range of stylish sunnies to choose from - pop in and see them – oh, and make sure you wave to the nerdy chick in the Mazda 3 wearing Pradas next time she zooms by. words tanya carroll

Find us on facebook 37 Ruby Summer

ruby musing

Deakin Management Centre presents an ideal location for your wedding. Nestled in the back of Deakin’s Waurn Ponds Campus on 200 acres only 20 minutes from Geelong CBD, it’s the perfect natural background for your special day.

SPREADING THE CULTURE With different flavours to suit different tastes Geelong is packed with health-giving, heart-lifting, happiness-making culture. Tasty, versatile and oh-so-good for you... If you ever wondered what the combined effect is of all Geelong’s concerts, shows, publications, exhibitions, gardens, architecture, displays, markets, yarn bombs, flash mobs, wandering elves, special events, and festivals... it’s called ‘culture’ and we have bucket loads of it. Close to my own heart is Geelong’s culture of music. It’s one of the reasons I came ‘home’ after 33 years away. When it comes to its music, Geelong has sung loud and proud for generations.

We Offer: ~ Attentive dining and fine cuisine ~ Large open spaces stylised with modern art and decor ~ Elegant & affordable onsite accommodation ~ Flexible packages ~ Dedicated,friendly and professional staff ~ Fantastic audio facilities

Someone who knows more than most about Geelong’s music scene is Helen Lyth. A chorister of many years standing, Helen has been singing in choirs since she was in primary school and, as someone who has heard her on many occasions, I’ll also whisper that she’s also a rather fabulous soprano soloist – and don’t tell her I said that! But it is her role as editor for the Choral Grapevine, a newsletter for choristers and choirs and musical groups in SW Regional Victoria, as far flung as Mt Gambier and Werribee, that keeps Helen’s finger on the pulse of music in our town, and according to her, its heartbeat is strong. “Choral music is booming in Geelong, with close to 1000 people involved in regular music,” she says. “We also have new groups forming all the time, plus the old ones.” That’s a lot of live music. Culture is all about us. And by us I mean our forefathers (and foremothers) and our children and their children. And then there’s us. Geelong’s culture is a massive work in progress and, together, we grow it. And that is precisely why it is so important to add our voices (or other talents) to a group of others for the purposes of ‘the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement [that are] regarded collectively’ – because we are defined by it. In our town, you can join local choirs, clubs, causes, groups, and conversations... if I’m at home watching television in the evening, I feel as though I’m meant to be somewhere actually doing something, and I’m usually right.

Deakin Management Centre Pidgons Road, Deakin University Vic 3217 p. 03 5227 3000 f. 03 5227 3101 e.

Want to do something culturally significant for your community and raise your levels of happiness, confidence and visibility? Then sing about it... paint it... build it... dance it... make a film about it... protest about it... write a book about it... because when you do – or support those who do – you aren’t just doing it for you, you’re doing it for us. words anna-marie hughes

38 Ruby Summer

ruby business

Celebrating 18 years of Special Care by Women In November 1995 Kings Funerals introduced a new concept to broaden its range of specialist personalised services to the families of Geelong. Noted for leading industry response to national and international market trends, Kings Funerals introduced their all women’s division, Louise King Funerals by Women, in response to a growing worldwide preference for the softer, more gentle approach that female funeral consultants and their staff can give. Now, 18 years later, Louise King Funerals by Women has built strong connections in the community and a team of dedicated women led by Louise King and Tricia Van Grondelle. Arranging a funeral when someone close has died can be very stressful and painful. People are often vulnerable and confused and some find comfort in working with a team of women at this time of loss and grief. The most important skills of Louise King Funerals by Women staff are the abilities to truly listen and empathise with the families they serve. Louise King Funerals by Women has a

special affinity with taking care of funerals for babies and young children but the requests are many and varied. There are daughters preparing a funeral for their father, widowers wanting to pre-pay their own funeral, wives planning their husband’s funeral as well as many families who want a woman to look after their mother’s funeral. Louise King Funerals by Women has enabled many special requests from families over the years. One common theme has been to give ownership of the process back to the family if that is what they need at that time. The funeral experience can seem like a great big express train that is sucking them up in its wake and that they have no control over. Many people expect the day of the funeral to be a depressing, drawn out, painful experience and they are often surprised at how uplifting and healing it can be when memories, even precious funny stories, are shared.

Louise King and Tricia Van Grondelle.

The whole team at Louise King Funerals by Women know what a privileged position they are in to be able to help at a time when everyone else feels helpless, to create an event that can be remembered and treasured and to help families feel they have done their relative proud as they begin their grieving process. Tricia Van Grondelle is available on 03 5222 6363 and to answer any questions you have about services and funeral options offered by Louise King Funerals by Women.


39 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight

now we see “having down syndrome is good because it’s part of who I am, and I really like being me. when people think I can’t do things because I have down syndrome, it makes me feel sad. I know I have down syndrome. but I know I can do anything!” - jessica watt hine, now I see.

photos cathy satre 40 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight


abe Blakston and Clem McDiarmid are six months apart in age and were both born with Down syndrome. Their births sent their mothers, long-time friends Angela Blakston and Carolyn McDiarmid, and their families on a journey of discovery about living with Down syndrome. In their hunt for information they sought the stories of others, but found Australian voices were lacking. And so Now I See was created: a collection of 50 stories from families in Australia and New Zealand about the impact of Down syndrome on their lives. “We wanted it to be the sort of book we would have wanted to read when we first found out that our sons had Down syndrome,” says Angela, a journalist of 20 years and the book’s editor. “We’re hoping it will offer insight and a huge amount of encouragement to parents who have just found out that their son or daughter, whether born or unborn, has Down syndrome. We also hope to better educate the public generally, and perhaps the

and Carolyn found it difficult to access helpful local sources of information that would help them deal with finding out, while still pregnant, that their sons would be born with Down syndrome. When my husband and I were told that our son had Down syndrome, it was perhaps the most distressing news I had ever received up to that point, Angela writes in the introduction to the book. Why was the news so difficult? Because, for me – and for many parents in this situation – there are myriad emotions and questions to process, all of which are too much for the mind to deal with in one go: How will Down syndrome affect my child? How will it affect me? How will we cope as a family? What will other people or society think of our child and us as a family? Why am I so sad? Will I ever be happy again? These are but a few of the difficult questions that assault you, and can keep recurring to hit you. “There were a couple of books that were helpful and encouraging to us that Carolyn and I read around the time our sons

“Some of the most amazing people I have met are people with Down syndrome and their families... because of some of the challenges and obstacles I now understand people with Down syndrome and their families can face, I think it’s the coolest thing to see many people with Down syndrome - and their families - living full and fruitful lives...” medical profession too, about some of the out-dated perceptions of Down syndrome. With early intervention, better health procedures and integration into mainstream schooling, the potential for children with Down syndrome has never been greater. We’re not thinking we’ll change the world with this book, but hopefully, in some small way, it might offer a counter to a lot of the negative information out there about Down syndrome.” Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, is a genetic condition - not an illness or disease - and occurs as a result of an extra chromosome known as chromosome 21. The condition results in a range of physical characteristics, health and development issues and varying levels of intellectual disability. According to Down Syndrome Victoria, it is not a new or particularly rare condition, in fact it’s one of the most common chromosome disorders and one of every 700-900 babies born will have Down syndrome. It occurs at conception, across all ethnic and social groups and to parents of all ages. Despite its prevalence, however, Angela

were newborns,” she says now. “One, in particular, called Gifts, is a compilation of parents writing about their children with Down syndrome and how they have enriched their lives. They were very real stories, telling about life as it really is with Down syndrome, without glossing over any of the issues or difficulties. But they also spoke about another huge side of the story, a side that is not always told about all the wonderful things to do with the individual natures of children with Down syndrome and then to do with the life-changing lessons, or gifts, these parents had learnt and gained as a result of their children; the gifts of resilience, thankfulness, living in the moment and unconditional love, for instance.” Gifts is an American book, however, and after doing some research, Angela and Carolyn, a midwife who now works supporting parents of children with disabilities at Gateways Support Services, realised there was nothing that told local stories, a situation they set about remedying. Putting out a call throughout Australia and New Zealand through

Down syndrome associations and via their website at to parents of children with Down syndrome, they invited them to write their stories and set in motion a fundraising program for the book’s production. The response was overwhelming and, just over three years later, the result is Now I See. “I came across Gifts soon after Clem was born,” says Carolyn, who has overseen the administration of the book and the website. “I just wish it had been available when I was pregnant. I know I would have been able to humanise the diagnosis if I had been able to read something like it. Although there have been hard days since Clem was born, none of them have ever been as hard or as dark as the days during my pregnancy. I hope that Now I See might be able to lessen the extent that other families go through what Angela and I went through.” Despite the dark days and hardships, both Angela and Carolyn say there’s nothing they would change about their boys. “I would not have chosen for Gabriel to be born with Down syndrome,” Angela says. “However, now that I’ve come to know and love him, I would not swap him, or a single cell of his being, for the world. And I mean this! Even on the hard days when, like a lot of typical boys his age, he is playing up or not doing as he is told. While Gabe does have to work harder to achieve milestones than other typically developing children his age, his achievements are all the sweeter to us as a family and a cause for celebration because of this.” Carolyn, who was 28 weeks pregnant with Clem when she found out he had Down syndrome, says the last 10 weeks of her pregnancy was one of the toughest things she has ever gone through, “but the minute I met that gorgeous baby, I knew everything would be okay. I loved him with every fibre of my being. He was far more than just a diagnosis. He has slotted in to our family beautifully and has taught us all about acceptance and diversity. “I want people to realise that people with Down syndrome are pretty much just regular people, like you and I. They work, they play, they rest. They may be happy, but they can also be sad or angry, yes, just like us. With the right support and nurturing environment, people with Down syndrome can make amazing contributions to society and, living in Geelong, I have seen just how involved people with Down syndrome are in many local businesses in the area.”

41 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight

opening page: oscar mcewen. left: oscar with his family. below: gabriel blakston, son of author angela blakston.

“We are quite proud of the range and diversity of stories we have sought out and included in the book... We have stories by parents from all over Australia and New Zealand and while many mothers have contributed their stories, we also have stories from fathers.” Angela agrees. “Some of the most amazing people I have met are people with Down syndrome and their families. That’s not to put any of these people on pedestals; they are normal people like you and me. But because of some of the challenges and obstacles I now understand people with Down syndrome and their families can face, I think it’s the coolest thing to see many people with Down syndrome - and their families - living full and fruitful lives, both young and older, often contributing to society in positive ways.” Angela and Carolyn hope Now I See will be a resource to other families experiencing a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Available through nowisee., with free copies distributed to

new parents in hospital or through Down syndrome associations, any funds raised by sales of the book will be used to keep it in print and go towards distribution costs. “We are quite proud of the range and diversity of stories we have sought out and included in the book,” Angela says. “We have stories by parents from all over Australia and New Zealand and while many mothers have contributed their stories, we also have stories from fathers. We were also at pains to offer a range of experiences to readers, so have included stories by parents of very young children right up to adult children with Down syndrome. There are stories by parents who already have a child with Down syndrome and then chose to adopt another and the story of an indigenous

family living in northern Australia. One parent tells about the wonderful marriage of her daughter with Down syndrome. The book’s foreword was written by the very talented Jessica Watt Hine, who has represented Australia in the World Down Syndrome Swimming Championships. There are no particular stories I would highlight above another, other than to say that even after reading all of them numerous times in the process of creating the book, I still sometimes get a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye whenever I read them again.” Now I See, edited by Angela Blakston and created by Carolyn McDiarmid and Angela Blakston will be available at

words judy baulch

Generations of experience tailoring recruitment to your needs. We take the time to understand your business to ensure we present you with candidates that have the skills, behaviours and attributes you need for a productive workplace. We provide recruitment services to industries including: Sales s Finance s Marketing s Retailing Engineering s Facilities Management Mining s Transport Business Services s Construction industries Recruitment Services Geelong and Ballarat CALL US: Sarah 0487 591 660 | Adam 0439 000 292 |

42 Ruby Summer

ruby food

Enjoy the fresh flavours of summer. The golden summer sunshine is too precious to waste, so get out there and make the most of it. Baveras Head Chef, Darius Sarkis, serves up two fantastic recipes that are zinging with fresh flavours and just perfect for sharing outdoors at your home this summer.


Cunningham Pier (03) 5222 6377 | Baveras


Relaxed Dining | Out Over The Water | Open 7 Days—Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner* (*excluding Sunday evening)

43 Ruby Summer

ruby food Method

Method To make salad, combine the lime juice, fish sauce and brown sugar together and allow to stand for half an hour.

Lamb Cutlets

Place chillies, spring onions, lime juice, coriander, garlic and olive oil in food processor and process until roughly chopped. Lightly coat both sides of the lamb cutlets and allow to marinate for at least 1 hour. Place lamb cutlets on a baking tray and cook under a hot grill for 3 to 4 minutes each side.

12 lamb cutlets

Coriander and Peanut Salad

1 cup Greek yoghurt

½ cup lime juice

5cm piece ginger, peeled and grated

1 tbs fish sauce

4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

2 tbs brown sugar

Salt and pepper to taste

2 continental cucumbers thinly sliced

Combine the yoghurt, ginger and garlic and season to taste.

Chilli crusted lamb cutlets, coriander and peanut salad with a ginger garlic yoghurt

4 large chillies, deseeded and chopped 2 spring onions chopped 2 cloves of garlic, crushed 2 tbs lime juice ½ cup fresh coriander 1 tbs olive oil

1/3 cup coriander leaves 1/3 cup mint leaves Âź cup toasted and crushed peanuts

44 Ruby Summer

Place the cucumber, coriander, mint and peanuts in a bowl and coat salad with the lime dressing. Ginger garlic yoghurt

Allow to sit in fridge for at least 1 hour for the flavours to infuse.

ruby food

Grilled King Prawns with Coconut and Celery Salad 8 large green King Prawns 1 tbs vegetable oil 2 tbs lime juice 1 cup shaved fresh coconut 2 stalks celery cut into ribbons ½ cup Thai basil Method Remove the heads from the prawns and with a sharp knife split the prawns in half. Devein the prawns and place in a bowl. Coat the prawn tails with the vegetable oil and lime juice and refrigerate for at least 10 minutes. Preheat a char grill or barbeque to high. Cook the prawn tails for 4 to 6 minutes, turning occasionally until cooked through. COCONUT DRESSING Ÿ cup coconut juice 2 tbs lime juice Ÿ cup vegetable oil 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 1 tsp wasabi paste 1 tsp palm sugar, grated Method To make the dressing, combine the coconut juice, lime juice, vegetable oil, garlic, wasabi paste and palm sugar in a bowl and whisk until all ingredients are combined. Place the celery, shaved coconut and Thai basil in a medium size mixing bowl, toss to combine and coat with the coconut dressing. Any remaining dressing can be used to lightly drizzle over the cooked prawn tails.

words darius sarkis, baveras 45 Ruby Summer

ruby wine


Bring a bit of sparkle to the festive season “Sparkling Shiraz,” Steven Paul from Oakdene Wines tells me with absolute conviction, “ is the Christmas drink. And I’ ll give you three reasons why...” Really, I don’t think I would be alone in thinking that Christmas and drink was reason enough, but as he seemed to be on a roll, it seemed a shame to interrupt. “One: It’s sparkling, and therefore festive. Two: It’s served chilled, and Christmas in the southern hemisphere happens in summer. And Three: It’s red wine, so matches all those cold meats that we love like ham, turkey and chicken.” Hmm, maybe he was on to something after all. I was on the verge of mentally adding sparking Shiraz to the (already horrifying) Christmas shopping list.

Appearance: Garnet in colour Bouquet: The bouquet exhibits lifted red/dark fruits, white pepper and spice (clove). Palate: The palate is dominated by rich spicy red fruits (clove/white pepper) leading to a soft, medium bodied mid- palate fine mousse and balanced acidity. Conclusion: Enjoy chilled as an aperitif with our without food. Alcohol: 14.0% v/v. OakdeneVineyards @Oakdenewines

“My family all have sparkling red at Christmas, and it’s become such a tradition now that we all try to bring something different and unique that the others may not have tried. And sparkling Shiraz ages really well on the cork in the cellar, so you can put it away and keep it to bring out on those special occasions.” Well… I do like a good celebration… “And you’re celebrating a truly unique Australian style of wine.”

That makes sense – after all, Australia has a long and proud history of innovation. Sure, everyone knows about things like the refrigerator, the hills hoist, the black box flight recorder, the bionic ear, frozen embryos and the winged keel originating in our great land, but what about the lesser-known genius moments of the wine cask, for example, and the Splayd? At some point in the distant past, one enterprising wine maker looked at the age-old, treasured traditions of wine making and thought: you know what this spicy red needs, a few bubbles and a couple of hours on ice! Sparkling Shiraz is thought to have originated in Victoria over one hundred years ago. And, like so many other Australian inventions, it’s genius. All joking aside, Australian wine makers have proven themselves to be the equal of those found anywhere in the world. Sparkling Shiraz may be an acquired taste, but it has proven to be an elegant wine, both complex and crisp, and zinging with festive joy. All right Steve, it’s on the list!

Restaurant - Cellar Door - Wine Sales - Accommodation - Events - Functions Oakdene Cellar Door: Open 7 days, 10am to 4pm | P (03) 5256 3886 | E Oakdene Restaurant: Lunch Wed - Sun, Dinner Wed - Sat | P (03) 5255 1255 | E 255 Grubb Road, Wallington, Victoria 3222 |

46 Ruby Ru by SSummer umme um merr

Holiday Trading Times Closing Saturday 21st December at 12.00pm. Reopening Thursday 2nd January at 9.00am

2014 WOMEN’S HEA January

Commit to a healthy future. Did you know that in 2012 there was only around one centenarian to every 100 babies in Australia, but by 2060, that figure is expected to rise to 25 people aged 100+ to every 100 babies?

Tip: Healthy choices today will help you become one of the 100 club.

February Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month Every woman needs to know the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Make sure you do. The four most common symptoms of ovarian cancer include, 1: abdominal or pelvic pain; 2: increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating; needing to urinate often or urgently; and 4: difficulty eating or feeling full quickly.

Tip: Know the symptoms, see your doctor if you are concerned.

March Epilepsy Awareness Month Recent longitudinal studies show that people with epilepsy have lower levels of education, are less likely to find and keep steady employment and have lower levels of financial stability, with a startling 49 per cent estimated to be living below the poverty line.

Tip: Help end the stigma and get informed about epilepsy.

April World Health Day (April 7) In 2014, the World Health Organisation will highlight the global impact of diseases spread by bugs, themed ‘small creatures, big threat’. Every minute, a child in Africa dies from malaria, and across the world 40% of the population is at risk of dengue.


Tip: Educate yourself and see your doctor before travelling.

65 Roses Day (May 30) Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life-shortening illness affecting young Australians. The last Friday in May is a day of awareness and fund raising around this devastating condition.

Tip: Help families affected by Cystic Fibrosis by getting involved in 65 Roses Day.

June Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Bowel Cancer is Australia’s second most deadly cancer, second only to melanoma, and is the second most common cancer. It affects women and men almost equally. Almost 90 per cent of bowel cancers can be treated successfully if detected early.

Tip: If you are aged 50 or over, take a BowelScreen Australia’s screening test.

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FEMINSURE You have a choice

48 Ruby Summer

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FEMINSURE You have a choice

Dry July Clear your head and make a difference this July by knocking off, not knocking back, the booze. Dry July raises funds to actively help adults living with cancer and their families to improve their quality of life.

Tip: Switch to fruit cocktails and do your body a favour.

August Jeans for Genes Day (August 1) Chances are you probably know someone who has a genetic disease, because one in twenty children are born with some form of genetic fault. There are children with leukaemia, cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, genetic defects and many other disorders. Jeans for Genes supports research into these disorders at the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

Tip: Wear your jeans and make a donation or buy a pin.

September Heart Foundation Door Knock Appeal Heart disease is the Number 1 killer of Australian women. Women are almost three times more likely to die of it than breast cancer. Heart disease is largely preventable – being overweight, being physically inactive, smoking and having a family history of heart disease are all risk factors.

October World Osteoporosis Day Over 1 million Australians have osteoporosis, and more than 6 million more have low bone density. Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, particularly calcium, quicker than your body can replace them. The result is fragile bones, making sufferers at an increased risk of fractures.


Tip: Be kind to your bones, give them plenty of calcium, vitamin D and weightbearing exercise.

MOvember Because men’s health is important too, join the global campaign to fund research and raise awareness for depression and men’s health.


Tip: Find out more about women and heart disease.

Tip: Encourage your menfolk to talk about their health.

World AIDS Day (December 1) Cases of new AIDS infections in Australia have jumped alarmingly and it’s estimated that 25 per cent of cases remain undiagnosed.

Tip: Get tested!

Your Feminsure adviser is: Shane Matthews E: P: 1300 FEMINSURE (1300 336 467) Feminsure and Investinsure Private are registered trading names owned by Investinsure Group Pty Ltd ABN 56 762 085 493 Investinsure Group Pty Ltd and Shane Matthews are authorised representatives of The FinancialLink Group Pty Ltd ABN 12 055 622 967 AFSL No. 240938

49 Ruby Summer




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51 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight

words author’s name 52 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight

smarten up about skin cancer Ah summer, season of sun and fun, when we emerge blinking from our winter cocoon into the light and... get sunburnt, even on those cool, cloudy days that are so often part of a Geelong summer. It’s ultra violet radiation (UV) that’s the culprit – something we can’t see or feel, but which causes wrinkles, skin and eye damage, ultimately leading to skin cancer. Fortunately, we can protect ourselves from overexposure to UV, because, like so many other things, there’s an app for that. Dorothea Mackellar may have been referring to the landscape when she spoke of loving her sunburnt country, but she could also have been talking about the people who live here. Australia has one of the highest levels of skin cancer in the world: over 750,000 of us are treated for skin cancer each year - that’s over 2000 people every day – and 2000 Australians die from it every year. In Victoria, melanoma is the fifth most common cancer for women and men behind prostate, bowel, breast and lung. According to Cancer Council Victoria’s SunSmart program, what we call ‘sunlight’

54 per cent of Victorians aged 13 to 34 still say they like to get a tan and 30 per cent intentionally attempted to tan last summer. Almost half of young Australians hold the misguided belief that a tan looks healthy when it’s actually a sign that your skin has been exposed to enough UV radiation from the sun or solarium to damage it, eventually causing loss of elasticity, sagging, yellowish discolouration and even the appearance of brown patches (that doesn’t sound so attractive, does it?) and, above all, increases the risk of skin cancer. The message this summer from Cancer Council Victoria and SunSmart is that if a tan is your must have accessory, then fake it, and use sunscreen as well. Even if you’re not out to get a tan, your skin still needs to be protected from UV rays during peak times of the day, regardless of how hot it is.

“Slip, slop, slap” is still the message for sun protection this summer, with the addition of “slide” – slide on some sunglasses that meet Australian standards for UV protection. And don’t use the excuse that your skin doesn’t like sunscreen.” is the visible light the sun provides, what our skin feels as warmth is infrared radiation and what damages our skin is something it can’t detect – UV radiation. It’s this UV radiation that causes sunburn and tanning, not the temperature, and even on a cool, cloudy day it can take less than 20 minutes for skin damage to occur.

“We want Victorians to think UV, not heat, when it comes to sun protection this summer,” says SunSmart Manager, Sue Heward. “UV, not temperature, is what counts when it comes to skin damage and sunburn. That’s why lots of people get caught out on cloudy, cool days. We need to be checking the day’s UV level.”

In Australia, we have some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world because of our proximity to the equator and because we have a lot of those clear, blue-sky days we all love. The Earth’s orbit also takes countries in the southern hemisphere closer to the sun in our summertime than countries in the northern hemisphere in their summer.

The free SunSmart App, available for iPhone, iPad, Android and Samsung devices, makes it easy to know when you do or don’t need sun protection for any location in Australia. It also features a sun protection alert, which sends you daily reminders of the times of day sun protection is required, including the exact time UV is forecast to reach a level that can damage your skin and eyes, and a sunscreen calculator to find out how much sunscreen you need to apply, taking account of your size and clothing.

Despite the frightening statistics and heartbreaking stories of young people dying of melanoma contracted from sunbaking or solariums, our love of tanning endures, with new Cancer Council research showing

“Victorians also need to get in the habit of remembering to bring sun protection with them when they are going outdoors and reapplying sunscreen every two hours,” Sue says. “Buy lots of sunscreen in advance and put it somewhere you’ll see it before you go out – near the door is a good idea. Then make sure you use the SunSmart app to set a reapplication reminder. “We also encourage people to get familiar with their skin. Skin cancer found early can usually be successfully treated. However, if left untreated, it can be fatal. It’s important to get to know your skin and what’s normal for you so changes will be quickly noticed. Don’t just rely on an annual skin check to detect any suspicious spots. Check all of your skin, not just sun-exposed areas. If you notice anything unusual, including any change in shape, colour or size of a spot, or the development of a spot, visit your doctor as soon as possible.” “Slip, slop, slap” is still the message for sun protection this summer, with the addition of “slide” – slide on some sunglasses that meet Australian standards for UV protection. And don’t use the excuse that your skin doesn’t like sunscreen. As Sue points out, there are so many sunscreens on the market these days, including natural, chemical free options. If you have sensitive skin, go for a sunscreen labelled as ‘sensitive’ or a children’s sunscreen, which are less likely to cause irritation. Test the sunscreen on a small area of your skin to make sure there isn’t a reaction. “If you really can’t find any sunscreen that you can use then make sure you use clothing, shade, a broad brimmed hat and sunglasses when you are in the sun during the sun protection times,” Sue says. It’s also important to make sure you apply enough sunscreen (most people don’t) at least 20 minutes before going into the sun and reapply it every two hours, especially after swimming or working up a sweat. Download the free SunSmart App from or visit sunsmart. for more information on staying safe in the sun this summer.

words judy baulch 53 Ruby Summer


ruby beauty


5. 3.




The Tan Commandments The do’s and don’ts to remember in the quest to achieving a natural looking faux glow... Fact: everything you wear looks better when you have a tan. The problem is, tanning in the sun isn’t safe – in fact, trying to tan in the sun will not only put your skin at risk of burn, but it’ll age your skin – super fast. For those reasons alone, it’s safe to say your bronze summer glow should definitely be coming from a bottle. So what should we know about using fake tan before reaching for a bottle of the bronze stuff? Well there are a couple of dos and don’ts one should always follow to look effortlessly bronzed and beautiful the safe way this summer... 1. Th ou shalt always exfoliate before tanning Exfoliator of choice: SunSense Self Tanning System Pre-Tan Scrub, $9.50, 1800 033 706 Exfoliating before tanning is so important, especially if you want your tan to last for as long as possible. SunSense Self Tanning System Pre-Tan Scrub contains creamy cocoa butter mixed with ground walnut, husk and pumice to gently scrub away dead skin cells and leave your skin radiant, soft and ready for tanning. 2. Thou shalt always start slow Gradual tan of choice: Bondi Sands Gradual Tanning Milk, $17,95, Using a gradual tanner is a great way to control the depth of your colour. Applying it over your whole body daily means that you can gradually build up the depth of your tan until you reach your desired colour. Bondi Sands Gradual Tanning Milk contains a cocktail of nourishing ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin

E and antioxidants to leave your skin soft and hydrated with a hint of tan. 3. Thou shalt always wear a glove Tanning mitt of choice: Ella Bache Great Tanning Mitt, $15, 1800 789 234 Not only do tanning mitts help you to keep your hands free from tan stains, they also ensure that your tan applies streak-free to your skin. Ella Bache Great Tanning mitt is a reusable mitt made with cushiony foam that works to spread your tan with ease and protect your hands from staining. 4. Thou shalt always move quickly The important thing to remember when using fake tan is to move fast. Once the tan touches your skin it begins to develop, so it’s important to spread it around as quickly as possible for a completely streak-free finish. 5. Thou shalt never leave out thy back Back-tanner of choice: Loving Tan Easy To Reach Back Applicator, $19.99, 07 3162 6354 Reaching your back is often the biggest hurdle when it comes to self-tanning. Only the doublejointed among us seem to have it down pat – the rest of us have always had to ask for a helping hand – until now. Introducing Loving Tan Easy To Reach Back Applicator – the self tanning tool that features a long handle with foam pads on the ends. Simply apply your tan to the foam, reach over your shoulder and start applying. 6. Thou shalt never forget thy face Face tan of choice: Summer Tan Face Tan, $24.95, 03 9580 7274 words olivia mackinnon,

One of the most common self-tanning blunders is failing to match your face to your body. Be sure to pick a fake tan that’s designed for use on your face, as these are generally gentler than body tans and not quite as deep, which means you can start with a light colour and build upon it if necessary. St Tropez Gradual Tan Everyday Face provides a natural-looking, healthy glow to your skin that deepens over time. 7. Thou shalt always check for missed spots Ever completed a do-it-yourself tanning job and realised you’ve missed the insides of your legs, or that you’re sporting giant streaks on your arms? Some of the most commonly missed spots when it comes to tanning are the backs of your legs, inner thighs, heels and triceps – so make sure to go over these areas twice for good measure. 8. Thou shalt never stress if thy forget to tan Instant tan of choice: Le Tan Wash Off Bronze, $14.99, 1300 650 981 Have you ever woken up and realised you forgot to apply your fake tan the night before? Don’t cancel your plans just yet; instant tans have come a long way from the days when the slightest bit of rain would have the colour running down your legs. Le Tan Wash Off Bronze sprays on effortlessly, dries instantly and is rain proof and transfer resistant, meaning you need soap and water to remove it. 9. Th ou shalt not avoid fake tan if thy have sensitive skin Tan of choice for sensitive skin: jane iredale Tantasia, $54, 1300 SKINCARE People with sensitive skin have mostly stayed away from fake tans over the years for fear of a bad reaction to the ingredients. Before using any skin product, you should always conduct a patch test in the inner part of your elbow around 24 hours before you want to tan – or stick to tans that have been sensitivity-tested, such as jane iredale Tantasia. This buildable tan features ingredients that work with your skin’s own melanin to produce a tan that suits you.

beautyheaven is Australia’s number one social beauty network, featuring the very best mix of product reviews, news, tips and advice.

54 Ruby Summer

ruby health

A NEW APPROACH TO HEALING Reconnective Healing is a remarkable new transformative paradigm in healing that has been learned by more than 75,000 people globally. It’s the cutting edge of what researchers are calling “Information Medicine,” scientifically documented frequencies that [have been] credited with bringing about a state of restored health. Stanford Professor Emeritus Dr. William Tiller states when information carried through these frequencies is introduced, it creates coherence and order. The result: dramatic reports of regeneration, instead of degeneration and account after account of seemingly unexplainable, often instantaneous and life-long healings from medically documented cancers, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, arthritis, and more. These bandwidths – comprised of energy, light and information – appear to innately “know” what needs to be done. You are returned to an optimal and appropriate state of balance merely by experiencing or interacting with this healing continuum. The trained Reconnective Healing practitioner simply facilitates the process. By feeling the frequencies and playing with them – an act that appears as if the healer is stretching taffy in the air – physical and emotional health shifts suddenly come about. Even the healing practitioner can see the impact on the person receiving Reconnective Healing as the person’s closed eyes flutter and begin to rapidly dart back and forth, fingers or feet move, even involuntary muscles of the face move in a way that couldn’t happen intentionally. All this occurs even though the practitioner usually isn’t even touching the client! Tiller and other scientists, such as Dr. Gary Schwartz (University of Arizona) and Dr. Konstantin Korovkov (St. Petersburg Technical University), have been studying Reconnective Healing practitioners and the charged environment that results in the rooms where this work is taught. As a result, these world-renowned researchers are now measuring and validating the frequencies, and the impact that Reconnective Healing has on humans, plants, water, and more. Dr. Eric Pearl is the first to tell you he is not a scientist. He was a very successful chiropractor for 12 years before his life took a dramatic turn. As he recounts: “I left my office on a Friday, thinking I was I chiropractor. I came back on a Monday and was something else…” Then his humor begins to show as he adds, “My parents always told me I was ‘something else,’ but this was probably not what they had in mind!” Over that weekend he had an experience that introduced an ability within him to facilitate this work. When his patients arrived, they told him they could feel his hands on them even though he wasn’t physically touching them – and they could report accurately where he held his hands. They suddenly began relating astonishing healings from physical conditio ns that were present for 10 years or more, and had been crippling their lives. It became clear to him this was something that needed to be shared with the world. Eric’s book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, has been published in 36 languages. He teaches children as well as mainstream healthcare practitioners worldwide how to do this work. Reconnective Healing has given many people the joy of personally helping those they serve, love, and care about to heal physically, emotionally and spiritually. words jackie lapin, extract from ‘radiance’ sep/oct 2013 55 Ruby Summer

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57 Ruby Summer

ruby conscious

a gift of days If I was writing this article a few weeks ago, I may have started it with the words, “Most of us” as in: “Most of us, when it comes to that time of the month, reach for our sanitary hygiene product of choice and get on with it.” But, since researching this article, I’ve realised that wouldn’t be correct, that “many of us” would be more accurate than “most”. Menstruation is still a somewhat taboo subject in the western world and I’m not sure now that there aren’t girls and women in our own society who are faced with a choice between putting food on the table and buying sanitary products, but that may be a story for another day. This story is about girls and women in a disturbing proportion of the rest of the world who don’t even have access to sanitary products, who are forced to use mattress stuffing, corn husks, leaves, cow dung and stones instead. It’s about the link between the lack of sanitary products and lack of education, and the link between education and what the future holds for these girls and their communities. The evidence that educating girls can lift whole communities out of poverty is well documented. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), educating girls has a huge impact on society: girls with higher levels of education are less likely to get married at a young age (if all girls had a primary education, there would be 14% fewer child marriages) and less likely to die in childbirth; a child born to a literate mother

is more than 50% more likely to live past the age of five; education means women are more likely to find work and narrows the gap between men and women’s wages. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says educated mothers are more than twice as likely to send their children to school. Then there’s the wider economic impact on whole nations: in India, adolescent pregnancy results in nearly $10 billion in lost potential income per year; in Uganda, 85 per cent of girls leave school early, resulting in $10 billion in lost potential earning; and, by delaying child marriage and early birth for one million girls in Bangladesh, the country could potentially add $69 billion to the national income over these girls’ lifetimes ( According to The Girl Effect, adolescent girls “play a crucial role in solving the most persistent development problems facing the world today. By investing in their economic potential through education and by delaying child marriage and teen pregnancy, issues such as HIV and AIDS can be resolved and the cycle of poverty can be broken.” However, behind all these facts and figures words judy baulch

58 Ruby Summer

and the better-known reasons why girls around the world are not receiving the education they need is a simple fact of biology. Ignorance and taboos about menstruation are common, and a lack of knowledge about how women’s bodies function and woefully inadequate supplies of suitable sanitary products mean that millions of girls around the world miss days of valuable schooling or drop out altogether. Cultural issues surrounding the idea of a girl who menstruates being ready for motherhood also contribute to girls being taken out of school and married at an early age. According to Days for Girls, a not for profit organisation established in 2008 to address the link between inadequate sanitary supplies and education, girls can miss up to eight months of school in three years because of their menstrual cycle. If it’s not the actual bleeding that keeps them out of school it’s the infections caused by the substitutes for pads and tampons. Days for Girls International was founded by Celeste Mergens after a visit to an orphanage in Kenya, where the answer

ruby conscious

Opposite Page: Feminine Hygiene Kits being distributed to a remote village in Nepal. Left: Teaching women in Kigali, Rwanda, how to make the Feminine Hygiene Kits. Below: An example of the products found in the Feminine Hygiene Kits that are provided to the women of Rwanda.

to the question, “What are the girls doing for their monthly sanitary needs?” was “Nothing, they wait in their rooms.” Celeste began working with donors to supply sanitary products to the girls at the orphanage, but quickly realised there was no way to hygienically dispose of them and that sustainable, washable products would be required. After much research and feedback from women worldwide, Days for Girls International and the chapters it has created around the world, including in Australia, now provide kits containing washable cloth sanitary napkins and underwear to girls and women in 60 countries and has reached over 60,000 girls. Each kit contains eight absorbent flannelette pads, two soft cotton shields with a moisture barrier to hold the pad in

The kits are made by groups of women, and men, and individuals around Australia and the world who meet to cut and sew and pack. Through DaysForGirlsAustralia and www.facebook. com/DaysforGirls, www.daysforgirls. org and word of mouth, connections are made and distributions organised. In many communities, women now make the kits themselves. “Every girl in the world deserves education, safety, and dignity,” Gloria says. “We accomplish this through both direct distribution with many non-profits, by raising awareness, by helping other organisations start their own programs and, importantly, by helping impoverished communities start their own programs to supply kits and training. It’s working!”

“Girls’ education. It makes social sense. It makes financial sense. But it’s not yet common sense... the issues facing girls and women are not new... But the way we approach them is. That’s where we can make a difference.” place, a washcloth and pairs of underwear, a bar of soap, zip lock bags that also serve as mini-washing machines so the pads can be washed using very little water and a drawstring bag, resembling a school book bag, so the kit can be carried discreetly. “The soft flannelette used for the liners provides super absorbency when folded in three and can be layered for extra coverage,” explains Gloria Buttsworth of Days for Girls New South Wales (Days for Girls began in Australia in 2012 after the same question about feminine hygiene was asked at a children’s home in Kitgum, Uganda). “Unfolded, they are square, so they dry fast and girls can dry them without risking taboos because they look like facecloths hanging out to dry in the sun.”

That the efforts of Days for Girls and other programs like it are making a difference is beyond doubt, as evidenced by the first hand stories on the Days for Girls’ Facebook sites. Susan, a sixteen year old from Kenya writes: “The Days for Girls towels have been very beneficial to me because I can wash and re-use them. I do not now have to fear what I will do when my periods come and I do not have the sanitary pads. The Days for Girls are comfortable just like the other disposable pads and easy to use. Because in our community this is an issue with a lot of stigma, I can never ask for money for pads from my father. My parents have never budgeted for this need although it means a lot to me and often times I have missed school or improvised with pieces of rags and cotton wool. Some girls in my village

have even used toilet tissue or even tried to recycle used disposable towels.” Linda Guzha, who is now the Days for Girls Zimbabwe Director, tells her story at “I am among thousands of girls in Zimbabwe who suffered during high school days. I used to hate my period... It meant I had to choose between humiliation of managing a period with no resources at school or stay at home. Most of the time I would end up using newspaper, which used to give me rashes. I was very scared of messing my uniform ‘cause it had happened to me and to others and the boys in our class laughed at us. We would stop going for a while. It seriously interrupted our learning.” However, despite all the good work, the fight to educate girls about their bodies and to keep them in school continues and we can all contribute, whether we can sew or not, by donating funds or fabric or underwear or soap, passing on information about ministries or organisations who could take kits when travelling to their areas, or educating ourselves about the issues facing those of us who can’t just pop down the supermarket for a packet of tampons. “Girls’ education. It makes social sense. It makes financial sense. But it’s not yet common sense,” said Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan in a speech in 2010. “And that’s frustrating, because the issues facing girls and women are not new; talking about them isn’t new; lamenting their lack of progress isn’t new… But the way we approach them is. That’s where we can make a difference. Because today, we have a toolbox of new technologies and social media innovations altering the media landscape. Phones and Facebook… blogs and widgets… Twitter and texting. We can reach every corner of the world - from African villages to the US Congress. And we can rally the masses around causes we care about.”

for more information on this program please visit 59 Ruby Summer

ruby beauty

Oh, to age like Emma I have very little time or interest in celeb culture, but a chance viewing of The G zraham Norton Show this week reminded my why I have always, and no even more so, just adored Emma Thompson. Smart, funny, sexy and settled in her own skin: this lady is everything I want to see in myself when I’m 54. I actually enjoy seeing the ageing process in my face. I like the crinkles around my eyes and mouth when I smile and am quite fond of those first few grey hairs (redheads go grey too, don’t believe the hype!) as they remind me to go to the hairdresser on a semi-regular basis and do something about my otherwise sadly neglected locks. What I don’t like is having pimples and wrinkles, and as I was in the midst of a hormonefuelled state of slurry skin, my latest trip into Australian Skin Face Body couldn’t have been better timed.

60 Ruby Summer

I want to be ageing like Emma, damn it – but instead I just felt like Nanny McPhee! After a completely mad week, I can’t tell you how much I was in need of a bit of a relax, but as last time I wandered in to the beautiful Western Beach clinic I had my face punctured repeatedly with fine needles, I was prepared for just about anything. By the way, that Infini treatment kept my skin clear and smooth for months afterwards. In a recent chat to Desi and Chanelle as ASFB, I had mentioned – without giving due consideration to who I was chatting to – that

I had always had very dark circles under my eyes, and was told that there had been good results with Infini treatments used to firm the skin under eyes. I only remembered having this conversation as I was pulling into the car park, and to be honest, I really didn’t feel up to having my very delicate under eye skin punctured that day, even though I am an Infini convert. But this time around Chanelle took pity on me. “How about we do a pre-summer freshen up with some dermabrasion and a peel?” Now, neither of those things sounds

ruby beauty pleasant and I instantly thought of Samantha in the Sex and the City – remember the episode where she got a ‘freshening peel’ and came out with a face like a peeled tomato? Oh well, I was heading home straight from the appointment and had no particular plans for the weekend. “Sure, let’s do it,” I found myself saying. Although, I realised as we were heading into a treatment room, Chanelle has such a calm and capable manner about her that I would probably have said the same thing if she had suggested we peel off my face, run it through a strong wash cycle to give

peels before going on to stronger peels, which I suspect was Samatha’s mistake is SATC. There was a tingling sensation, perhaps verging on mild stinging, but not unpleasant, and having recently jumped on board glycolic acid serum, I didn’t have any problem with it. A quick glance in the mirror afterwards confirmed I was still more peach than peeled tomato. What a relief! As a pamper package priced at under $100, I could get used to this. We ended my pamper session with the addition of 20 minutes under the Heallite II LED light. Light therapy has received plenty of press recently, with Kerri-Anne Kennerley

“What I don’t like is having pimples and wrinkles, and as I was in the midst of a hormone-fuelled state of slurry skin, my latest trip into Australian Skin Face Body couldn’t have been better timed.” it a really good clean and then pop it in the drier on high heat to get the wrinkles out. Thankfully that’s not what she had in mind. Smiling gently, Chanelle told me to lay back and relax as she explained the crystal microdermabrasion treatment. While it sounded like small-scale sand blasting, the sensation of having very fine crystals blown onto your skin was actually really pleasant. If you are a fan of exfoliating, as I am, you’d recognise the feeling. It was gentle and felt very cleansing. Then she applied the peel – only a mild Lactic Acid peel, as your skin needs to build up its resilience to chemical

a prominent fan of 20-minute LED sessions. Chanelle explained that the light works best as a boost to other treatments. The basic theory is that the low-level light stimulates your body’s natural cellular recovery. At ASFB it is used post-surgery to speed up and improve recovery and help heal incisions, to help treat acne and other skin conditions and to boost the results of treatments including Infini, microdermabrasion and chemical peels, Botox and fillers. It was also lovely, warm and deeply relaxing. Just before I left I had a friendly reminder

that on the prepped for summer wish list should be a hair-free Doonda (yep, this is what happens when the ladies get talking). But the lovely Chanelle is nothing if not thorough, and before she let loose with the laser, she asked if I was taking any medications – as some medications, and antibiotics in particular – can make your skin susceptible to burning under the strong lasers. I wasn’t, so all good. But she also asked if I had used any fake tan. As it happened, the Dove had come out before a quick trip up north the week before, just to take the edge off my usual lily whiteness. Hmm, it seemed the laser session would have to wait a few weeks. Laser hair removal works because it’s attracted to the pigment in darker hair – which is also why fair hair, often on legs, arms or face, can’t be effectively removed by laser treatment. Fake tan – skin-saving miracle that it is – actually stains the hair follicles, and that’s the gradual tanning creams as well as spray tans. The laser is attracted to the pigment of the fake tan, and that can result in laser burns, so it’s best to wait at least two weeks after your last tan application before heading in for laser treatment. I was very excited to hear that ASFB have extended their half-price hair free by summer promotion on all medical grade laser hair removal to the end of the year – mainly because I didn’t want to lose my post-pamper contentment. I might have walked in feeling like Nanny McPhee, but I was floating out a happy girl!

words davina montgomery photos nick haddow, woman&home magazine

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61 Ruby Summer

ruby spotlight

Denise Main: On Art & Memory “Words matter and the right words matter most of all. In the end they are all that remains of us.” Michael Robotham, ‘Shatter.’ randomness itself becomes a pattern’ and ‘Memories are the keepers of our past’. For those who have been touched by dementia, either as a sufferer or carer, any of the quotes on this canvas would strike a chord.


hen her husband Russ was diagnosed with late onset, early stage Alzheimer’s disease, Point Lonsdale artist, Denise Main, began collecting quotes about memory and once she began she couldn’t stop. They come from medical tomes and detective mysteries, biographies and novels. “I’m still at it,” she says, indicating a handful of recycled envelopes covered in handwriting on the dining room table. “There are scraps of paper all over the house with quotes from everywhere.” ‘Memory is evergreen’, says the one on top. One of Denise’s artworks consists of quotes stuck to a canvas, words like ‘Memories, no matter how small or inconsequential are the pages that define’ us or ‘Sometimes

62 Ruby Summer

Without our memories, who are we? It’s a question Denise and fellow artists from the Springdale artists group in Drysdale explore in the travelling exhibition, On Memory – Art and Conversations: Living with Dementia and Memory Loss. Launched twelve months ago at 135 Gallery in Drysdale, On Memory is a unique combination of paintings, drawings, installations and information about living with dementia, of which Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form, with the aim of using the images and words to prompt conversations about dementia. Born out of the images evoked by Denise’s collection of memory quotes, the series of haunting works includes Annette Playsted’s depiction of how language and memory are the old growth forests of the mind (“If you log it, it’s gone forever,” Denise points out), and how things go in one ear and come out the other all tangled, based on something Russ said to Denise one day when she was

impatient with him for forgetting what she had just told him. Then there’s the chair, beautifully decorated by Gwen Cook. with painted flowers and gardening tools and titled I love gardening but have forgotten how to do it and Gillian Turner’s moving poem Gossamer Man. Trees are a recurring motif in Denise’s work; the Moonah trees in the coastal woodlands of Point Lonsdale are an ongoing inspiration. “When Russ said to me about things going in one ear and coming out the other all tangled, I got this image of the Moonah trees. I thought yes, I can see that, the light’s there, the sun’s shining through, but there’s all this tangle and you don’t really get a vista because there’s all these enmeshed boughs and branches.” Denise came late to creating her own art, but is a lifelong appreciator of others’ works. Growing up in Bendigo, she spent hours in the Bendigo art gallery and still has her favourites there. “When all my cousins would come from Melbourne to stay for holidays, we’d go into the park and they’d be roaring around playing hidey but I would always go into the gallery and hide from them,” she

ruby spotlight says with a laugh. “So yes, I had an appreciation, but I didn’t practice: too busy! I had a full time job and family and study, so I didn’t do it.” Instead, she did several degrees and a Masters in health science. “When I was thinking of retiring from lecturing at La Trobe I thought I’d really love to do some things I’d never tried before, so I started with some watercolour and then met people and joined the Bendigo Art Society, mainly as an observer, and I just took off. In interest,” she adds hastily, “I won’t say with talent, but in interest.” She also completed a Diploma in Visual Art at the Brougham School of Art and Photography in Geelong, which fuelled her interest even more. On Memory and Conversation also has its genesis in the worldwide spread of art and memory programs, a major one of which was initiated by the New York Metropolitan Gallery with the idea that art is a prompter to memory. In Australia it has been taken up by the National Gallery, the NGV and various regional galleries. As a volunteer guide at Geelong Gallery, Denise was involved in early trials there and it seemed to link with her “dabbling around doing her memory thing.”

elphotog raphy Proud supporter of the Barwon Health Foundation & Geelong Hospital Appeal

“On Memory and Conversation is on similar lines, but actually the target audience for mine isn’t so much people who are afflicted [by dementia], but for the general population and carers to have an understanding of what it’s like to be losing something so integral, so personal. So much of who you are is your memory. If you lose your memory, then who are you? Who have you been?” She shares an incident she witnessed in her mother’s aged care facility a long time ago, with a distressed older lady who had just been admitted and was calling for her mother. “She was crying and weeping, but the therapist was brilliant. She sat beside her, took her hand and said, ‘Now, I know you want your mother, but you need to tell me all about her,’ and it calmed the woman and then she could describe her mother. It was just beautiful and without shackles, without reprimand, without medication, without… it was just the most wonderful, personal approach.” While Denise keeps very busy, too busy, she notes, to paint every day, the exhibition has taken on a momentum of its own. Each space it fills, from 135 Gallery to regional art shows and, next February, the Queenscliff Neighbourhood house, offers new challenges and decisions about which pieces and how many to include. “We’ve got quite a few pieces now, so it’s a little bit different each time. I suppose we have our mainstays, but I guess as time goes on we’ll probably need to refurbish it and paint new ones. It’s not a commercial exercise, we’re not in it to make money, so after February I really don’t know, I’ll just wait and see what happens. “Really, the people I would like to see it and have a conversation [about it] are those who are experiencing dementia, not necessarily themselves, but someone they know and the quotes are really to raise awareness of what it’s like, that people are not necessarily doing this on their own, that there is an awareness about memory loss and it should be more out in the open. One of the great things about Russ is that he’s not afraid to say he has Alzheimer’s. He doesn’t say it a lot, and he doesn’t focus on it, but he’s not afraid of it. And I think if we can remove some of the fear and the stigma that would be a great thing.” One quote in particular, out of all the poignant, pertinent quotes, seems to sum it up: ‘Dementia is not a dirty word, or a sentence. It may close one door but also opens up others.’ “I guess the last thing people want is to be pitied and this is not about pity,” Denise says. “It’s about an empathy and an insightful understanding, being mindful of where people are at and that there, but for the grace of whoever, go all of us.”

e l i s h a @ e l p h o t o g r a p h y. c o m . a u 0 4 39 353 9 58 e l p h o t o g r a p h y. c o m . a u

words judy baulch 63 Ruby Summer

ruby health

having a back up It is as true today as it was when Dorothy Gale declared it: there’s no place like home. But home is rarely without its own challenges, and that is where MACS Complete Care can help. Providing everything from one-off transport to and from medical appointments or procedures, to Nana-sitting or child minding when needed, right through to regular visits and assistance at home, the service has been designed to fill a growing gap between traditional healthcare, aged care and child care services and the needs of Geelong families. How many people do you know caring for an elderly relative or family member with a disability that avoid or cut short special occasions and holidays because there is no one else to lift the care load? Caring is a wonderful thing, but without the opportunity to have a break every now and then, it can also be incredibly draining. “It’s a good chance for people who may want to get away, but have concerns about Mum or Dad or Nana or Grandpa. They need someone to check on them, often as a safety check, and perhaps to do a few things for them,” says Nancy Buckley, Complete Care Manager. We regularly hear stories like, ‘Mum’s broken her hip and after rehab she’d really like to go home, but with young children there’s only so much I can do. She needs someone to check on her and provide a bit of assistance.’ Joy Leggo, MACS Chief Executive Officer says the benefit of this new care gap service is that it can be tailored to almost any situation and budget, and is backed by the experience and service history of MACS, and is staffed by qualified caregivers who hold all the appropriate police checks. With a generation of single middle-aged people living alone, Complete Care can provide a peace of mind back-up, or an alternative to relying on busy friends and family after medical procedures or during an illness. It’s ideal for people who are on their own, so that they know that if something happens, there is always someone to help. You don’t have to be ill, or expecting to become ill to use the service, but to have care available at call, you do need to be registered. “Get in contact. Staff will come and sit down with you, explain where and how we can help,” Nancy says. “It’s important to have contacted and met with Complete Care beforehand, because if something unexpected happens and you need a hand, we can’t send a staff member to a strange house at night, for obvious reasons.” Few people want to be a burden – particularly men and women who live on their own, are still active and healthy and live perfectly independently. But when they need to have surgery or even day procedures like dental surgery, they need someone to pick them up and get them home safely, perhaps pick up a script and some essentials on the way home, to check on them and maybe do a few things around the house. Complete Care can deal directly with the hospital and with patients and families to arrange appropriate care. “If you are feeling vulnerable, isolated, or just want to feel that you have a back up without having to worry the family, call and get on the books. You might not need us for 12 months, but at least you know that if you do need us, we are there to help,” Nancy says. “It can be a one-off service. It can be sporadic or it can be regular care. Everything is tailored around what people need and can afford.” advertorial 64 Ruby Summer

ruby beauty

HAIR, HAIR: GO AWAY! Facial hair is a good thing if you’re a hipster bloke and/ or it’s Movember. But for the rest of us, it needs to go. When hair decides to grow in places where we don’t want it, it’s good to know that in Thomson Street Belmont, a skilled professional by the name of Helen Hochreiter of Geelong Laser and Electrolysis Clinic can make it go away. For many men and women, permanent hair removal comes under the heading of ‘Things I Need To Do To Look Gorgeous’, but for many others, laser and electrolysis is a far more profound – and necessary – undertaking. Helen, with 15 years as an electrologist and nine years as a laser hair removal technician, has treated thousands of clients. Helen talks about the loneliness of those who are affected by excess hair and does all she can to remove the embarrassment and stigma of excess hair: “It really affects some people and their self esteem is shattered,” she says. “For some people, it’s taken all their courage to make that appointment. One lady carried a clipping of my ad in her bag for 18 months before she could pick up the phone. I do my best to make sure they understand that they are not alone.” Many health issues have symptoms that result in the production of dark ‘terminal’ hairs on the body and face, and more often than not hormones are involved. The main conditions that result in increased facial hair include Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), pregnancy, menopause, endocrine health issues, or simply being on The Pill or of a particular ethnicity. A ‘typical’ treatment plan for these scenarios is 10 to 12 laser treatments over 18 months, then maintenance as required.

Geelong’s specialists in laser hair removal and electrolysis

Hair removal options have undoubtedly improved over recent years, but Helen offers only electrolysis and laser because, she says, plucking, abrading, shaving, depilatory creams and even waxing all stimulate stronger, darker hair growth, and are the precursor to many people needing permanent hair removal. “Waxing reduces many a grown man to tears, even big, strong, buff footballers.” she says. “And then there is the huge problem of regrowth and ingrown hairs. Many guys get their backs waxed and, within a day, they can find they’re covered in painful red spots and, for some, it gets infected and develops into full-blown folliculitis.” Helen’s state-of-the-art Soprano 4B diode laser machine delivers a much less painful experience than other lasers and IPL machines. Large areas, such as backs, chests, legs and arms can be treated with IN-MOTION™ Pain-free, Hair-free™ method. “We don’t have nearly the same issues with ingrown hairs with the laser or electrolysis as they do with waxing,” she says.

Helen Hochreiter & Lyn Waugh

Helen smiles as she recalls memories of those people who have come the end of their treatment plan; they look back to the person they were at the start and realises what a positive – and wonderful – change that hair removal has made to them and their lives. “Unwanted hair is a problem for many people,” says Helen, “but for my clients, I’m doing my bit to make sure it’s no longer going to be their problem.” Geelong Laser and Electrolysis Clinic 49 Thomson Street Belmont Phone 5243 0431 words anna-marie hughes

49 Thomson St, Belmont 3216 P (03) 5243 0431 65 Ruby Summer

ruby health

naturally good tea There is nothing quite like a good cup of tea on a cold day, rich in antioxidants, tea can bring a welcome winter boost to our immune system.

All teas are not equal, with more and more tea drinkers turning to organic teas, grown and picked under fair conditions, on environmentally sustainable plantations. High in the mountains of Sri Lanka, home to the world’s finest Ceylon tea plantations, there is a quiet revolution taking place. Old plantations that had been run down and left to stand fallow for over a decade have been replanted as organic plantations – free from chemical pesticides and fertilisers. Organic certifications for tea are not easy to qualify for, so that buyers know that a fully certified organic tea really is organically grown. Workers on these plantations are also work under fair conditions, and the quality of the tea being produced in uncompromising. Virgin Garden is a local Geelong family

company, importing and distributing these teas Australia-wide. Ian Murray, who owns and operates Virgin Garden with his son, Nathan Murray said the plantations are spectacularly beautiful, with the tea bushes interspersed with larger flowering trees, planted to attract insects (not that you get a lot of pests at 3,600 feet above sea level). There is very little machinery on the plantations, and so stringent are the plantation operators about their organic certifications that even the cattle the produce the ‘natural fertiliser’ are fed organic feed. The range of teas are sold online, through the Ryrie Street office and available at Coles supermarkets and various other outlets throughout Australia, have developed a cult following.

The strict organic growing conditions mean the teas are naturally 98 per cent caffeine free – which is a boon for those of us that like a late night cuppa, but don’t enjoy the insomnia that can come with it. But Ian says what has really won people over is the flavour. Tea is a culture all of its own. Unfortunately, the global appetite for tea has seen mass production bring pesticides, chemicals and deteriorating working conditions on many of the world’s plantations. Virgin Garden, and others that pride themselves on environmental sustainability and social responsibility, are helping to change that. Find out more about Virgin Garden black and green teas at “Taste the Bliss.�




66 Ruby Summer

ruby fitness

feast or fast: what to believe They are the basic rules of being healthy that we all know: regular exercise and a good diet. Aren’t they? Or is it how we eat, even more than what we eat, that gives us the best chance to live healthier for longer? Let me preface this article with stating that I am not a nutritionist. But that said, I am in the health and fitness industry and what I have been told to be true about healthy eating, weight loss, heart disease, cancer, stroke and a number of other health issues has seriously been brought into question of late. For as long as I can remember the ideal way to lose weight from a dietary point of view is to eat a higher protein, lower simple carbohydrate diet, eat smaller regular meals (from 4 to six meals a day) to keep your metabolism firing. But recently I have been hearing a lot about new research conducted on fasting. That’s right fasting. I’m not going to go into the science of it, and I’m not going to suggest you try it. The crux of the idea is that if you fast for a specified time your body starts to repair itself at a cellular level. Some of this new research suggests two days of fasting, consuming 600 calories per day for men and 500 calories per day for women followed by five days of normal eating. In other research being conducted, subjects fast one day and feed the next, and on the alternate day you can eat whatever you like! The early results are showing a

massive reduction in key indicators for many forms of cancer, heart disease and a number of other nasty things we don’t want to think about. It causes you to lose weight, and some researchers even believe it may be able to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. There are also suggestions that a high protein diet can have a very negative effect on your health at a cellular level. I’m confused. Are you? This brings me back to my point. If I’m confused and you’re confused, where do we turn? What you can’t do is jump on every fad diet that comes out. My suggestion would be to really research whatever plan of action you are going to take. I think too many of us hear snippets of the next best thing and jump in, not really bothering to find out the real benefits or negatives associated with diets or diet plans. So speak to an expert, which I’m not, but I can give you the advice to seek one out. Talking to your GP would be a very good place to start. Food for thought… words scott dumbell, jetts fitness




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67 Ruby Summer

ruby health

Let’s Talk About Sex Girls as young as 12 - 15 are testing positive for chlamydia at rates higher than for older women, new research released at the Australasian Sexual Health Conference in Darwin revealed. The news came as Annual Surveillance Reports identified chlamydia as the most frequently reported sexually transmissible infection, with 82,707 cases diagnosed in 2012.

68 Ruby Summer

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hlamydia, often known as the “silent infection” because affected people may show no symptoms, affects men and women of all ages, but most frequently occurs in the under 25 age group. In women, if left untreated, chlamydia may infect the cervix and spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, causing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which can lead to chronic pain and infertility. Spread by unprotected vaginal, anal or oral sex with an infected person, chlamydia is easily treated with antibiotics, but the lack of symptoms often means the infected person doesn’t seek treatment. “Unfortunately, [the research results are] just the tip of the iceberg,” says Professor David Wilson from the Kirby Institute, which publishes the reports. “It’s likely there are five times as many more Australians with undiagnosed chlamydia who may be at increased risk of infertility and other reproductive health problems. We estimate that as many as one-in-20 young Australians between the ages of 15 and 24 have chlamydia.” The study, conducted by the Burnet

“Clearly, Australian adolescents as young as 12 are vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but the younger they are, the less likely they are to be tested. We need a better understanding of the sexual risk practices of young people in order to minimise their risk and ensure they have access to testing and treatment,” Carol says. “[However] testing young people aged under 16 years is complicated by legal policies relating to age of consent, and privacy concerns are a barrier to testing for young people. The sexual behaviour of younger adolescents potentially increases their risk of infection, but little is known about their sexual risk practices. We are working towards more routinely capturing data about young people from general practice and high caseload clinics to continue to monitor chlamydia rates and understand their reasons for testing and associated risk behaviours.” Levels of gonorrhoea and syphilis are also soaring in Australia with levels of gonorrhoea increasing to 13,649 cases in 2012 and syphilis rates close to the highest levels recorded in Australia with 1,534

“IF WE TAUGHT YOUNG PEOPLE ABOUT WHAT IS GOOD SEX, THEN OUR RESEARCH SUGGESTS THAT THEY WOULD BE MORE LIKELY TO HAVE SAFE SEX...” Institute, found the percentage of positive chlamydia tests among females was highest in adolescent girls aged 12-15 years (13%), compared to 12% in those aged 16-19 years and 8% in women aged 20-24 years. Among males, the percentage of chlamydia positive tests was highest in those aged 16-19 years (15%) compared to 9% in boys aged 12-15 years and 13% in men aged 20-24 years. Lead researcher on the study, Carol ElHayek, suggests the apparently higher prevalence in girls aged 12-15 years “is likely due to testing of girls presenting with identified sexual risk or symptoms, whereas girls in the older age groups are more routinely tested and therefore more negative tests are captured. Similarly, the high prevalence in young men is probably due to them testing after a partner notification or detection of symptoms.” She says her study included about a dozen 12 year-old girls who had tested positive for chlamydia, but 14 and 15 yearolds were more commonly diagnosed in that age group.

diagnoses in 2012. Surveillance data also released from the conference provides an indication of unsafe sexual behaviour among men who have sex with men in Australia. “The rise in unprotected sex with casual partners has been occurring gradually over the last decade and we’re now at the highest level ever recorded in our surveys of gay and bisexual men,” says Professor John de Wit, Director of the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH). Both syphilis and gonorrhoea can be transmitted through other sexual practices such as oral sex. “Other practices, including oral sex, appear to contribute significantly to the acquisition of primary syphilis and urethral gonorrhoea,” explains Jessica Nash from the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. “Our findings suggest that successful programs to control sexually transmitted infections, particularly syphilis and gonorrhoea, will need to utilise additional strategies, such as frequent testing, as well as promoting condom use.” All this is particularly concerning in light of other research presented at the conference,

which revealed that while 38% of young Australians are at risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection, just one in seven (16%) accurately perceived they were at risk. “Many young people are at risk of acquiring an STI, but most do not perceive themselves to be at risk,” Alyce concludes. “The finding that STI knowledge is associated with accurate risk perception suggests that interventions to increase sexual health knowledge may be a useful strategy in improving personal risk.” That disconnect may be addressed by more research presented by Anne-Frances Watson and Professor Alan McKee of Queensland University of Technology on why young people should be taught about good sex – yes, good sex. “If we taught young people about what is good sex, then our research suggests that they would be more likely to have safe sex,” says Anne Frances. “Young people are taught about safe sex in school, but they think that’s all science and doesn’t have anything to do with the real world. This means that they don’t put into practice the information they have about safe sex.” Anne-Frances and Professor McKee conducted 20 focus groups with 89 young people aged 14-16 years in Brisbane. They found that, perhaps contrary to popular belief, young people had good knowledge about safe sex, but very little idea about what constitutes good sex. Yet they were much more interested and focused on relationships and pleasure in their sexual experimentation. “Parents and schools rarely, or never, speak about how and why sex can be good,” says Anne-Frances. “Friends and the media are the only place where they are reassured that sex can be pleasurable, and that it is okay to want to have sex, and particularly to want sex that is good.” If young people were taught in school and by parents about pleasure and good sex alongside messages about safe sex, the mismatch between safe sex information and everyday practice may be bridged. “Because they are taught that sex is a ‘bad’ thing, unfortunately they learn that it is better to get drunk and have (unsafe) sex ‘by accident’ than to plan for it by buying condoms – because that would mean that they were deliberately planning to do something ‘bad’. And because nobody ever talks to them openly about sex – parents or teachers – they don’t have the ability to talk to their sexual partners about what they want – like, asking them to put a condom on!”

words judy baulch 69 Ruby Summer

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ruby book club






Mireille Guiliano

Jo Nesbo

Judy Nunn

Sandra Lee

We loved it when she told us about why French Women Don’t Get Fat, and now the inimitable Mireille Guiliano, President and CEO of Clicquot, Inc. and a director of Veuve Clicquot, is back to explain why French Women Don’t Get Faceifts. Mireille exhorts women over forty to attack the upcoming decades with attitude and style, pointing out that it is the wrinkles in our self-esteem, not those on our face, that send us screaming to the surgeons. Witty, perceptive, frank and fabulous, French Women Don’t Get Facelifts touches on skincare secrets, fashion tips and how the path to aging elegantly lies in lifestyle choices and attitude adjustments, rather than Botox and collagen fillers. After all, while American, Brazilian and Chinese women lead global cosmetic surgery figures French women don’t even make the Top Ten.

If it’s a pile of murder mysteries you’re looking forward to this summer, then add this to the top of your list. The thrilling sequel to Nesbo’s debut novel The Bat, The Cockroaches sees Detective Harry Hole sent to Bangkok to investigate the murder of the Norwegian ambassador. Harry arrives in a steaming hot Bangkok. But it’s work not pleasure. The Norwegian ambassador has been found dead in a seedy motel room, and no witnesses have come forward. The ambassador had close ties to the Norwegian Prime Minister, and to avoid a scandal Harry is sent there to hush up the case. But he quickly discovers that there is much more going on behind the scenes and very few people willing to talk. Jo Nesbo has taken the world of thriller fiction by storm, and like all the great thriller writers, they just keep coming.

A powerhouse of Australian literature, Judy Nunn brings her latest sweeping saga just in time for the holidays. In 1881 ‘Big Jim’ Durham, an English soldier of fortune and profiteer, creates one the finest of the great sugar mills of the Southern Queensland cane fields for Elianne Desmarais, his young French wife, and names it in her honour. The massive estate becomes a self-sufficient fortress, a cane-consuming monster and home to hundreds of workers, but ‘Elianne’ and its masters, the Durham Family, have dark and distant secrets; secrets that surface in the wildest and most inflammatory of times, the 1960s. A rollicking saga that sweeps from the history of the Queensland sugar industry, to the Vietnam War to the development of a more tolerant Australia. Read it on holidays, on the beach, in the air or lazing around at home, just read it.

A heartwarming and enchanting novel about family, friendship, forgiveness and food. Grace D’Angelo is a woman at her wit’s end, trying to create a life from broken pieces. Recently divorced from her highschool sweetheart, dealing with a truculant 14-year old daughter, and losing her best friend to breast cancer, she just doesn’t know where to turn. Determined to get her life back on track and help her daughter do so as well, Grace and Emma return to New London for the summer. Over the summer, Grace rediscovers the healing power of cooking, comes to terms with her past, and connects with friends old and new, proving that not only can you go home again, sometimes that’s exactly where you belong.Read it when you need something to make you smile, and when there is plenty of food on hand, this book will make you hungry!

71 Ruby Summer

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