Discourse 49

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D49 Ju une 2011


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The Small Print. For the purposes of this notice, ‘Discovery Owners Club’ and ‘Club’ are interchangeable and assumed to mean the same thing.

Discourse Articles

Back Issues

The Club reserves the right to edit or refuse articles received from members. Views expressed by members contributing to this magazine are those of that member and may not necessarily be those of the Club. Every effort is made to verify the contents of member’s articles, but the Club can not accept responsibility for the veracity of its content.

Members can obtain Discourse back issues via the club web site, where they are available as pdf files to download.

Advertising in Discourse Advertising space is available in future issues of Discourse. Advertisements can be whole page, half page and quarter page in either black and white or full colour. Suppliers and dealers wishing to advertise in Discourse should contact the Editor for a Rate Card and details of available space.

Caveat Emptor Every effort is made to ensure advertisements are bona fide. The Club can not accept responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised. The moral is “buyer beware”.

Small Ads for DOC Members

Public Liability Insurance

Members can place small ads for Discovery stuff in Discourse for free. However, if you have a cottage to let or anything else that would bring in some income, then you’ll also be able to advertise in the small ads section but will be expected to make a contribution to the production costs of Discourse.

The Club has Public Liability Insurance for registered Club events of a non-competitive nature. Cover is provided for full Club members, their spouse or partner and children residing at the same address. Family members as defined in the Club rules travelling in a separate vehicle are also covered. Road traffic accident risks are not covered by the Club’s Public Liability Insurance. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that they have proper and legal Insurance cover for themselves and the vehicle from leaving home until returning home.

Complimentary Show Tickets From time to time, the Club receives complimentary tickets to shows the club is attending. The Club’s policy is to make these tickets available to those members willing to help on the Club stand during the event. If you are willing to help at the event on the Club stand and/or allow your vehicle to be displayed, please contact the Club’s event organiser whose decision on the distribution of those tickets shall be final. Surplus tickets shall either be destroyed or returned to the event organisers.

Club Events Activities in particular but not excluding off-roading and green-laning are undertaken solely at the participants’ own risk. Vehicles should be suitably insured and prepared for the undertaken activity. Participation in any Club organised event is on the understanding and acceptance that safety is the responsibility of the participant.

Data Protection The Club recognises its responsibilities under the 1998 Data Protection Act. The Membership Secretary is the Club’s Data Controller. The membership database of current and past members shall be for the Club’s exclusive use and shall not be made available to any third party. Elected Officers of the Club may have access to member information having shown good reason. Ordinary members may request contact information of another member. This shall only be through a Committee member who will contact the member to first ask permission.

Green Lanes All ‘green lanes’ are highways as defined by the Highways Act 1980. Green laning events require the same level of insurance, road tax, MOT and driver’s licence as normal roads.

Association of Land Rover Clubs The Club is a competitive member of the Association of Land Rover Clubs (ALRC), an organisation bringing together all member Land Rover clubs for organising events (both competitive and non-competitive) and providing many essential services to member clubs. DOC members may participate in competitive events run by other ALRC open club events provided they adhere to the rules set out in the ALRC Handbook. The Club’s ALRC Representative is Janet Smart and Handbooks may be obtained from her.

Committee Meetings Under the rules of the club, members may attend, but not participate at committee meetings. If you plan to come along, please let the Club Secretary know in advance.

Articles for Discourse When submitting articles for inclusion in Discourse, please save the document as a .txt or .doc file without embedded images. Images should be separate from the text and sent either as photographs or digital images in jpg format. All files should be either emailed or put onto CD and sent to the Club’s Editor for selection. Photographs will not be returned unless requested. All submissions gratefully received - we need your input to keep Discourse going!

GLASS The Discovery Owners Club is an affiliated member of GLASS (Green Lane Association). GLASS is a national rights of way user group representing the interests of motor car users on un-surfaced minor highways or ‘green lanes’ in England and Wales. GLASS promotes responsible offroading and the Club endorses this.

Club Web Sites & DOC Forum

The Discovery Owners Club Arbons House Water Street, Lavenham, Suffolk. CO10 9RN

www.discoveryownersclub.com and www.discoveryownersclub.org are the Club’s website addresses. www.doc-forum.co.uk is our forum address. For instant access, all you need is a valid membership number to register on site.


Exe ecutive e Comm mittee

Ma anagem ment C Committtee

MARTIN BISBY Chair Via the Club’s addresss Tel: 0113 2383903 M Mobile: 07771 1 666057 Email: chairman@diiscoveryownersclub.org

ROG GER SPENCER R Discourse Editor 27 Clarkson Drive, Beeston, Nottin ngham, NG9 2WA. 2 Mobiile: 07795 824 4111 Email: editor@disc coveryownerssclub.org

JANET T SMART Vice Ch hair The Ba ales, Cow Lane e, Kimpton, Hampshire, SP11 8NY. Tel: 01264 772851 Email: vicechair@disscoveryownerrsclub.org

LENA A ROWLAND Merc chandising Officer 9 Turrner St, Gt Houghton, Barns sley, S72 0DL L Tel: 01226 0 759618 8 Email: clubshop@ @discoveryownnersclub.org

CHRIS GORVIN ary Secreta Via the Club’s addresss Mobile: 07774 96357 77 Email: secretary@diiscoveryownerrsclub.org

MAR RK BUMSTEA AD Publicity & Press Officer Via th he Club’s address Mobiile: 07830 290 0642 Email: publicity@d discoveryowneersclub.org

ROY PRESTON ership Secrettary Membe "Scawd del", Dove Ban nk, Wormald Green, G Harroga ate, North Yorrkshire, HG3 3PU. 3 Tel: 01765 677124 M Mobile: 07876 6 473714 Email: memsec@disscoveryownerssclub.org

PAUL FRANCE nts Co-ordina ator Even 75 Reresby Road, Whiston, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S660 4DR. 0 324945 5 Mobile: 078855970088 Tel: 01709 Email: events@dis scoveryownerrsclub.org

F JOHN FRANCIS Treasu urer 8 Cotta age Fields, Eavves Green, Chorley y, Lancs, PR7 7 3QE. Tel: 01257 270079 M Mobile: 07766 6 168869 Email: treasurer@disscoveryownerrsclub.org

N BUTLER-LE EE SEAN Interrnet Officer - club c officer Via th he Club’s address Email: internet@discoveryowneersclub.org

NIGE EL HARRISON N (Tiny) Com mpetitions Sec cretary/Rightss of Way Offiicer 51 Kiing Edward Ro oad, Ripon n, Yorkshire. HG4 H 1RR Mobiile: 07884 404 41234 (anytim me) Hom me: 01765 450 0062 (after 18::00) Email: comp@disc coveryownerssclub.org overyownerscluub.org Email: row@disco Email: tiny1973@btinternet.com m

Wellcome tto D49 Cover Photos:: Front: Alex x Rhys-Hurn ck:John Bla ake Bac

ntents:: Con         

 22 AGM Weekend W Carol Bisb by reports on o the goings on at Coventry

FEATU URES 7 The Alan Smart Me emorial Trrophy 8 Off Topic c Some tho oughts from m Jon Rich hardson 9 Discoverrys go on trial Tim Murryy and frien nds enjoy a little trail 12 The Mac cmillan Ch hallenge 2011 2 Andy Ch hell has a little drive around! a 15 An Afric can Marke et Find CENTRE P PAGE Alex Rhyys-Hurn fin nds a barga ain STOR RY 17 Convoy y for Heroe es Event report from Roy R Presto on 18 Hello fro om our ne ew Chairm man Martin B Bisby has a few words overs on the t line 19 Land Ro 21 2 Dirty Da ancing in Yorkshire Y Fran Parish spills the t beans

RKSHOP WOR  11 How to o stop you ur Discove ery crying g Tech – Ed Dave on headlamp washe ers  20 Editor’’s Woes Gear selector s inddicator prob blems on LARA L

     

REG ULARS 3 Hot off the press.. What’s new? n pdates us 4 Committtee Corneer Chris up 5 Readers s’ Drives. Meet Ken n Stow 27 Down Your Wayy. Local section newss 30 Find your LSR aand pub meet m 31 And fin nally. Onee last photo to end with w

www.disc coveryownersclub.org


Hot off th he Prress.... LAN ND ROVE ER DISCOVERY 4 NAMED D 'BEST LUXURY Y 4X4' BY Y CARBUYER.CO OM Gay ydon, Warw wickshire,, March 20 011 – Sure ely the mos st decorate ed SUV eveer, the Lan nd Rover Disc covery 4 ha as scooped d yet anoth her award, being nam med 'Best Luxury L 4x44' in the ina augural CarB Buyer.com m awards. The supremelyy versatile seven-sea at Discoverry 4 feature es a powerful and higghly efficie ent TDV6 3.0 3 gine, fresh exterior ide entity and a premium m cabin. The latest teechnologie es such as litre diesel eng Terrrain ResponseTM offe er class-lea ading dyna mics both on and offf-road. The CarBuyer..com awarrds judging g panel revviewed and d rated eve ery new moodel on sale, focusing g on perfo ormance, ssafety, running costs s, mpg and overall cu ustomer satisfaction aand reliabillity. The Land Rove er Discove ery was a runaway r su uccess as Dan Strong, editor, commented c d: "Our " panel of judges was blown n away a by thhe Land Ro over’s abilitty to turn its hannd to anyth hing. The Discovery D 4 takes ev verything frrom muddy m fieldds to posh hotel car parks p in itss stride – and everyth hing in betweenn. Its huge boot, puncchy diesel d engiine and spacious sevvenseat s cabin tick almos st every box." "Is " it an offf-roader? Is s it an MPV V? Or O is it a lu uxury car? Yes, Y yes and a yes, y becauuse the Dis scovery 4 iss a car c with maany talents s. It is unbeatable u e off-road and a refined d and a comforrtable on itt, while few w purpose-bu p uilt people carriers offfer so s much innterior spac ce and flexibility. f T The allure of o the Land d Rover R badgge and hig gh quality cabin c take care oof the rest."" The award wass presente ed to Dr Ra alf Speth, cchief execu utive officer Jaguar LLand Roverr, Gerry McG Govern, dessign directtor and Joh hn Edward s global brrand directtor, Land R Rover at the 2011 Geneva Motorr Show (as seen abov ve – Ed). The Land Rove er Discove ery first went on-sale in 1989 an nd has received overr 150 awarrds from all overr the world. The Discovery 4 ha as won awa ards includ ding, in the e UK, 4x4 M Magazine's s Car of the e Year and the S Scottish Ca ar of the Ye ear, interna ationally, the Best 4x x4 for Spai n's Car and Driver, Best B Annual SUV fo or Autocar in China and a All-Rou und SUV of o the Year for Bloom mberg's USA A. Price es in the U UK start fro om £36,745 5 on the ro oad. For mo ore informa ation or to arrrange a te est drive log onto www.landrove er.co.uk orr visit your local Land d Rover de ealership.


We elcome to C Committee e Corner in n D49. By tthe time this issue drops througgh your lettter box, the e sum mmer seasson will be e well unde er way and the early summer s ev vents, suchh as Gaydo on, will hopefully be memories of good tim mes had. Afte er the AGM M, we have e tried to imp prove vario us aspects s of the foru um, the moost noticeable, is thatt all the LSR’s nam mes are no ow resp plendent inn a bright orange o font. This s not only m makes the ese guys eas sier to spott for new members, m b but also o shows thhe contribution these guy ys make to general fo orum trafficc. The e Down youur Way sec ction of Disc course alsoo comes frrom the pe ens of th hese guys . In this pa art of the mag gazine, theey feature the eventss and d pub meetts they run; it’s well worrth a look.

We e are alwayys trying to o improve the t informa ation for members, m and two areeas we are e currently wo orking on are the events listed on o the foru m under none n DOC event. Wee will try an nd keep thiis up to date, so o if you are e holding any a local evvents, gree enlaning or days out,, please let Paul or my yself know and we wiill list it for all to see. The secon nd area is Twitter. T @ @discoveryo oc is the add dress for th hose with an a account. For tho ose who are not familiar, Twitteer is a web bsite, owne ed and d operated d by Twitte er Inc., whic ch offers a social nettwork and microblogg m ging servic ce, enabling g its users to se end and re ead messa ages called d tweets. Tweets are text basedd posts of up u to 140 cha aracters diisplayed on n the user's profile pa age, and according a to Wikipediia is estima ated to havve 200 0 million ussers, gene erating 65 million m twe eets a day and a handling over 8000,000 que eries per da ay. This can be rreceived byy your mob bile (if capa able) as well as norm mal desk annd lap top.. The obje ect forr the club tw witter site is i to give all a those me embers an nd non-members as iit does nott differentia ate, up to date infformation on o events and a provid de links to interesting i d Land Rovver related web based articles. It is n not intende ed to repla ace any exiisting club feature, an nd is not evveryone’s cup of tea. If you u are intere ested, and d do not ha ave an acco ount, www w.twitter.com m has the details. On n the publiccity front, Mark M (Press and Pub blicity Office er) had a call c from thhe BBC on the 19th off Ma ay. Warran nty Direct had h on thatt day releassed details s of a surve ey saying tthe Discov very 3 was the e most unre eliable veh hicle on UK K road. In fact, it was s 63% likely to breakd kdown if used. Mark ran ng me, and d after spea aking to the program mme produc cer, I duly appeared on BBC ra adio West Mid dland on th he Danny Kelly K progrramme on behalf of the t DOC to o defend thhe Discove ery 3. I am m gla ad to say th he club gott a few mentions, and d hopeful I redressed d the balannce as far as a the D3’ss go. Ironically, I did spen nd the next weekend d changing the steerin ng arms beecause the ey were wo orn.

The club sho op has suffe ered a num mber of pro oblems late ely so plea ase be patieent. A num mber of iss sues develo oped suddenly which h needed a software update. This T has resstored the shop but witth the loss of the prod duct image es; hopefullly all is ba ack up and running okk now. secrettary@discooveryowne ersclub.org g

Ch heers, Chriss Gorvin 4

Reade R ers’ Drives s It all a started in July 200 08. We had d a Suzukii Vitara as a se econd car and it was s getting pa ast its bes st by a long way. Drriving home e one day, I spo otted an N reg Disco overy 300 on o a local forrecourt at the sort of price I was s happy to pay forr such a ve ehicle. A te est drive fo ollowed and d after agreeing on a part ex price p for the e Vitara, w we dro ove the Disscovery aw way a coup ple of days later. My y car at the e time was a Vauxhalll Vectra Esstate, wh hich, I have e to say, wa as an exce ellent car (co ompletely u useless wh hen it snow wed) but I w was sta arting to ge et a few pro oblems with the engin ne ma anagementt system and electric cs which we ere gettting ever m more costly. I found that I was driving the e Disco mo ore than thhe Vectra, using u it on an alm most daily b basis. Eve entually, my m wife sug ggested tha at, if I liked the Disco so much, I should lo ook forr another one and rep place the Vectra; V I did dn’t need a second telling. Afteer a few da ays trawling the e internet, I found a lo ow mileage e (45k), Y reg TD5 Adventurer A at a local iindepende ent dealer, wh ho was also o happy to take the Vectra V as a part ex. Again, A a te est drive annd an agre eement on pric ces saw m me drive the e Discoverry away the ere and the en, a montth to the daay after getting the 30 00. We e now had two Disco overys (I kn now you ca an get med dication for such afflicctions). It soon becaame apparent that the e 30 00 would bbecome my y wife’s daily drrive and myy off road toy, and th he TD D5 would bbe the ‘shiny’ used fo or work and Suunday bestt. To this en nd, the 3000 was kitte ed out with diff gu uards, som me decent tyres t (Insa a Tu urbo Mounntains), CB B, some roo of lig ghts and I rremoved th he EGR. Come the snnow of earrly 2010, I was amazedd at its perrformance; it went everyw where with no problem ms att all and alsso wound up re ecovering sseveral less fortunate e ve ehicles from m the snow w, including ga Vo olvo, a Meerc and a Ford F Focuss am mbulance ccar. Alas, the t TD5 wa as nowhere re near as good; g on th he standarrd Goodyear Wrangle ers it was w pretty hopeless, and I strug ggled to evven get it safely out of o the drivee. By this time, I had als so joined 4xx4 Respon nse North East E and u used the 30 00 daily forr transportiing the outt of hours doc ctors to rem mote partss of Northumberland. Again, the e Discovery went eveerywhere that it was ask ked with no o bother. On O a training day in K Kielder Forest, it wen nt everywhhere that th he Defende ers we ent. At this point, I decided that I would try to ma ake the TD D5 a bit mo ore capablee so I fitted d Grabber AT A 2’s s, which dra amatically improved its perform mance. I us sed it daily for responnse work in n the snow w of late e 2010, an nd again, it went everrywhere wiith no prob blems, transporting dooctors and d district nurses to pla aces that th hey would otherwise o not have been b able to t get to. The upgrades continue ed, with a winch, w snorrkel, wadin ng kit, CB, PA, ITG aair filter, EG GR remova al, Sa amco XDB silicon turb bo hoses, strobe s ligh hts, Rallye 3300 drivin ng lamps aand most recently, a TD D5 Alive EC CU remap. 5

To ensure tha at it’s all ass well prote ected as p possible, it’s also fitted with a traacker device from Skytag, which is an exccellent and d very cost effective system. s I now have aan excellen nt vehicle that I lo ove driving. If I do anny more to o it, then I will w fit a TD55 Alive inte ercooler & turbo booost, and also, a if it ca an be donee, diff lock. Owners hip has no ot been without problems. In the lastt month I have had to replace the steeering box, clutch c masster cylinderr and osf hu ub bearing g, and lastt year the suspension s n air bagss, but these e have (tou uch wood) bbeen the on nly major expensees in nearly y three yea ars and 40kk miles of ownership o other thaan the upg grades. If you loook closely at the pho otos, you m may even spot s the du uct tape arround the sunroofs, s not n an upgrrade but (h hopefully) a tem mporary me easure to deal d with the unidenttified leak. I am awaiting the prrospect of a couple of o dry y days to h have a go at a removing g the head dlining and doing the job properrly, someth hing that fills me e with drea ad! The 30 00 has had to have a new altern nator and some s weldding but it hasn’t h cost me e a fortune (again tou uch wood), not bad fo or a vehicle e with 143,,000 miles on the clo ock. I susp pect it will w need so ome weldin ng on the rear r cross member before b its next MOT. I have invested in a MIG welder a and I’m hop ping to be competen t enough to do the jo ob myself inn the near future. e now have e two very capable vehicles tha at serve us s well on a daily basiss as well as a helping out o We the e communiity when ne eeded. Sin nce joining the DOC I have yet to make th he monthly y pub meett, although things are e looking goo od for Mayy. I have met m one me ember (Ge eorge from Durham 4x4 who caarried out th he remap) and d have ‘spoken’ with a few morre via the fforum. I’m hoping to get to meeetings and other events on a more regular basiss in the future ~ workk commitm ments, etc permitting. p

Ke en Stow Membership p No: 5661. 6

AGM M 201 11 The Allan Smart emorrial Trrophy y Me Co ongratulatio ons this ye ear go to Le ee Haywarrd and Ian Williams frrom the De evon and C Cornwall se ection for th heir combi ned efforts s in organis sing the Dis scovery Birrthday eve ent held in and a around d Plymouth. Lee collected the trophy on beh half of them m both from m Janet Sm mart (seen n on the lefft).

Previo ous recipie ents of the cup were also a presented with a silver sallver as a permanent keeps sake of the e award, Anndy Timmins (second d left) collecting on behalf off John Crawford.

L Lee and Ian n with theirr well-dese erved cup

n at home later with his h salver John Stevve Gadd

Jan net writes: On n the 26th o of March 20 011 at the DOC AGM M in Coventry Motor Museum, M I presented d the trophyy forr the fifth tim me and, fo or the first time t to be sshared by two memb bers. Du uring one o of the show ws last yearr, a comme ent was ma ade that it would be nnice for the e person who w wo on the troph hy to have something g to keep a after the ye ear was up p. This set me thinkin ng and alth hough whe en Alan had first thou ught of it, w we did not consider c th his point, I thought it was a goo od ide ea. All thatt was left was w to find a suitable keepsake. A trip to our local trrophy spec cialist pro ovided a ra ange of opttions, but none n quite right for Discovery D Owners, O annd I finally settled on box xed silver ssalvers. Each E salverr was engrraved with details of the t award,, the year and a name of the e winner. I was w delighte ed to be ab ble to pres sent these tto the prev vious and new w winners on the dayy, with the exception of John Crawford, wh ho, at the time, was in n hospital. Thanks to o Andy who o collected d on his behalff and delive ered to him m later thatt afternoon. We ell done to all of you for f promotting the Disscovery Ow wners Club b. Jan net Smart 7


W Wheels in n Motion

So ome people e say that there t are to oo many ccars on the road. The e truth is that th here are to oo many pe eople and not enough road spa ace. But h how did it all a come ab bout? Whe ere did it all start? So o, let us takke a journe ey back in time t to the e very birth of motorin ng and d the freed dom of the road. In 1801 1 Richa ard Trevithick, the pio oneering Cornish eng gineer, put a small hig gh pressurre steam eng gine on a sset of whee els. On Ch hristmas E Eve with ha alf a dozen of his friennds he sett out to drivve this s contraption up Cam mborne Beacon. Afte er the succ cessful asc cent they vvisited a loc cal hostelryy wh here drink a and a roasst goose we ere enjoye ed. Unfortu unately the e unguardeed machine e outside cau ught fire an nd that was the end of o the expe eriment. Unperturbe U d, in 1803 he constru ucted his Ce elebrated L London Carrriage whic ch proved ssuccessful. This reliable machhine was ca apable of 10mph but diid not provve a commercial ventture; it was s quietly dis smantled tthe followin ng year, the boiler and en ngine being g used for a more mu undane purpose, driv ving a mill. In the t followin ng years a successio on of steam m carriages s were built. There w was even a regular ste eam coach service be etween Bristol and Lo ondon untiil superced ded by the arrival of the t railwayy age e. A few fo orays were e made into o the field of gas eng gines but all a were moore expens sive to run tha an a steam m engine. In 1832 the e first fatal accident was w recorded when thhe stoker of o the stea am om mnibus ‘The e Enterprisse’ was kille ed when th he boiler exploded. The T ownerr and desig gner were exo onerated w when it wass proved th hat the sto ker had wired down the t safety valve. The coroner returning a ve erdict of ‘death cause ed by own negligenc ce’. The ze enith of thee steam carriage wass rea ached in 18 840 when Hill’s coach travelled d from Lond don to Has stings and return in a single dayy, 128 8 miles witthout a bre eakdown. In France, Ettienne Lenoir develop ped the firsst commerrcially practtical gas e ngine, refin ning it by hav ving a metthod of vap porising pe etroleum sp pirit so it would w be ind dependentt of a gas supply. s In abo out 1863 h he made a rather hea avy and un nderpowere ed vehicle, taking oveer one and d a half hou urs to travel t 5 miiles. In Austria, Siegfried Mark us’s secon nd attempt at buildingg a car resulted in an n ing genious 4 sstroke engine, magne eto ignition n and a carrburettor. This survivves as a museum m exh hibit, but likke so many experime ents it wass never com mmercially y developedd. De evelopmentt of the ste eam carriag ge continu ed, the 1885 Grenville Steam C Carriage built in Gla astonbury, survives to t this day.. Capable of a speed d of about 20mph, it requires a team of thrree to fire, d drive and steer, s and can carry four passe engers. Th hat was noot the end of o steam tho ough, as it continued through to o the 20th ccentury with the Stanley Steam ers, land speed s reco ord bre eakers of th heir time. o men who o can claim m to be the e inventors There are two of the t motor car. Karl Benz B and Gottlieb G Da aimler aro ound 1885//86 both de eveloped a high spee ed (re elative to th he time) fou ur stroke engine. e Wh hilst Da aimler conccentrated on o selling engines e to other ma anufacturerrs, Benz de eveloped an a engine a and carrriage with the intention of sellin ng the who ole ma achine to th he public. In 1887 he e sold his ffirst ma achine to a Frenchma an who the e following year bec came the ssole Benz agent - the e motor ind dustry wa as born. Da aimler mea anwhile co ontinued to o sell eng gines, not making ca ars until after 1890.

Jon n Richardsson - Member No 50 8

DIS SCOVE ERYS O GO ON T TRIAL L Sunda ay 3rd April saw a small group of o memb bers gatherr at Tanym mynydd Farrm on the e northern slopes of Strumble S Head keen to tryy their hand d at a bit of o ‘fun triialing’ . S Sadly our numbers we ere a little depleted d due to thosse age old proble ems of worrk, breakdo owns, and holida ays. And o oh yes, in a most unfortunately strroke of bad timing, itt was Mothering M S Sunday as well. Why mothers m ca an’t turn ou ut for a bit of o trialing iis a mystery of cours se, but beinng taken out for Sund day Roastt Lunch see ems to be more impo ortant. Heyy Ho! West Wales W D.O O.C. memb ber Brian MacFarlan M e is very keen k on pro oper trialingg, and fortunately forr us he is very y involved in the loca al 4x4 trialin ng associa ation, and is a leading g designerr of their co ourses. He is also a close perssonal frien nd of farme er John Davvies, who owns o this most m extraaordinary trract of land d.; and John, also a kee en trailer, hosts h a trail at the farrm once ev very year. Brian was able to pe ersuade Jo ohn to let Dis scovery ow wners come e to the farrm the wee ekend afterr the trial, to t have a ggo on a calmed version of the co ourse.

“The Bo oss” on the w way up


The fa arm is facin ng due norrth and cov vers a large e part of th he northern n slope, rigght up to th he summit. The wind is s just consstant, and very v cold. The local rrecord stan nds at 135m.p.g. in thhe winter they t don’t suffer s from the snow th hat much, but frequently get ice ed in. The roads and lanes nevver thaw ou ut, so each drop of rain n just buildss up the la ayers of ice e until even ntually everything sto ops. Even Johns J faith hful old Series just sttands there e spinning.. But the co ompensatioon is the views, v oh boy! b The viiews all aro ound are quite q something. So to section 1. Following a demonstration rou und by John n, Vicky leapt into theeir Disco, eager e to be e the first to o go, and w well keen to o show the e chaps how w it should d be done. John clim bed into th he passeng ger seat. to t give guid dance. Intto gate 10 which wass a pretty nasty n bomb b hole, andd straight away, a bang g, nosed dived into the ground, bull bar bumper b we ell and truly y rammed into i the groound. Oh how h we lau ughed! Pity no o-one had their came era going at a that mom ment. So after a a bit of o help from m Brian’s winch, w a bitt more calmin ng of the gate, a fresh start, off she went again and made a go ood score.. Later in that secction our L.S.R, Mr Ro oss “The B Boss” Broo okes, made e an impresssive 1 sco ore, and th hen ptly reverse ed into the aforementioned bom mb hole as s he tried to o escape. A Another he elping hand d from promp Brian’s s winch an nd we were e on to the next secti on, but you u can imag gine the lauughter was s more or less perma anent by no ow. As lun nch time ap pproached, John and d Brian deccided that iti was time e to start ouur assault on o the sum mmit of Strum mble Head iitself. The weather had h been q quite kind to us so farr, but a shhower or tw wo had mad de the going very slippe ery. As we e got ever higher, h the sky just got darker and a darkerr, and it loo oked like we w were going g to b be denied the spectac cle from the top. With h help from m Brian’s w winch, we all a got to the summ mit, and heyy presto the e sky clearred to give e us the mo ost spectac cular 360 ddegree pan norama. I hope h the pic ctures give e you a tasste of just how h wonde erful that viiew is. So our o many tthanks to Brian B for arrang ging the da ay, and a very v big tha ank you to farmer Joh hn for inviting us to eenjoy his la and. The vie ew from the ttop.

Tim Murray M 10

HOW W TO ST TOP YO OUR DIS SCOVER RY “CR RYING” ” On the e return fro om a ride on o my moto orbike (Triu umph Tige er) I found a puddle oof water under Old Gold and thought “O Oh no, wha at’s now leaking!” On n closer inspe ection I fou und that on ne of the headlamp wash hers was le eaking and d dribbling down the bumper and on nto the gro ound, it looked like it was crying. I p ut a post onto o the forrum and Rich hard Wilcoxx pointed me m in the riight direc ction. In the e pipe thatt runs from m the washeer fluid tank there e is a “T” piece, behin nd the bum mper, that ssplits the water w supply to both was sher jets. T This “T” pie ece has a restrictor inn it to prevent the washer flu uid leaking g out due too the jets being b below w the tank k. I found t he part req quired, DCP6656, in my parts list and fou und one for sale att Rimmer Brothers. B Unfo ortunately my “T” pie ece has now been repplaced with h a “Y” piece thatt carries the e same pa art number. The probblem with th his is that the t feed d pipe now w has to come from th he side andd not the centre. c Lucckily our local breakker had a 300 3 Discov very being broken so o I manage ed to get the t pipe th hat runs fro om the tank k to splitterr. Above: All three “T”” pieces with the oldest on o the left Right: All finished

Replacing the “T T” piece is a straight forward f job b but made more difficcult on Old d Gold due to the stee ering guard. Having undone the “jubilee clips” and pu ulled off the old d “T” piece e I found th hat I could still use the e original

feed pipe and replace thee pipe to the passeng ger side jet, j saving a lot of woork. All the best, Dave e D.

FRO OM THE E EDITO ORS IN NBOX….. Hi all, I'm afraid it''s rather lookking like I'm going to havve to d as Lond don Section LLSR Unfortun nately, due to losing step down my job b and house at Christmass, I have bee en forced to relocate to Guildfo ord in Surrey,, meaning it's now quite a missio on to get to the London ppub meets in Barnet...Also, my new jo ob is taking up u rather moore time than n expected, meaning that I hav ve had to miiss the last tw wo or three events, e eland for thee whole of Ma ay, I'll miss next n and ass I'll be in Ire month h’s meet as well. w Sadly, I''ve decided that t it's time for someo one new to ta ake over as LLondon LSR,, I was hopin ng to discusss this with th he members at the May pub p meet, bu ut having g just found out I now woon't be able to make it, I though ht it best to put in on herre. Sorry folks, I've really enjoyed getting the London section up unning over the t last year,, but due to my current and ru circum mstances, I th hink it's bestt if someone else takes ovver. I'll still try y to get to ass many evennts as I can though, so will w hopefu ully see you all soon So, the next que estion is, do we have any a volunteers to take onn the role? Cheerss, Steve Best


MACM MILLAN CH HALLENGE 2011 – MA AC10/100 As you u may kno ow, this is the 4th yearr that I havve been pro oud to be associated a d with a sellect bunch of likeminded peop ple who givve up our time and a not incons siderable amount a of ccash to rais se much needed n funds for Macmillan Cance er Support. We comp pete in an event e whic ch has histoorically bee en called the t th MAC4 4x4. This year, to com mmemorate the fact tthat it is the 10 yearr that ‘The Mac’ has been running and allso the 100 0th Anniverrsary of Ma acmillan Ca ancer Support, the name of thee event wa as changed d– MAC10/100. To o mark thiss auspicious event, w we also add ded an extrra day to thhe event, 4 days rath her than th he customary 3. So it was w we fou und ourselvves once again a on a cool morning at Britp part in Cravven Arms. Oh yes, we w also found time for a full breakie e at Sainsb bury’s ‘en--route’. We ell, you wou uldn’t wantt us to starrve now wo ould you? For F those o of you who o know me, there is a actually littlle chance of o that, butt you neve er know where your next n meal is going to come from m! Now you u would thiink after 4 years that I would ha ave learnt to t do all nec cessary pre eparation well w before e the eventt. My Disco o (a 1996 V8) V had deeveloped a bit of a misfire and I had h diagno osed the HT H leads as s the peskyy culprits. A new set was duly ppurchased and then they t sat in my garage e waiting to o be fitted. And there e they staye ed until the e night befo fore the eve ent. And th hen they sat s in the boot of the Disco to be e fitted at B Britpart. To o save time e, my co-d river and I decided to o chang ge 4 each o on either side of the engine. e Big g mistake! Somehow w we mana ged to get 2 mixed up u – but wh hich ones? ? We are re eally fortun nate in thatt the AA do onate their time FOC C to the Ma ac event ovver the whole 4 days, so o their firstt job was to o try and o btain a firin ng order fo or the Discoo. After a couple c of phone p calls to somebod dy with goo od internett access, w we got the firing order sorted annd the lead ds in the rig ght place – a huge rrelief! The AA really are a the sta ars of the show. They y have 3 veehicles and d 6 AA Mecha anics and tthey follow w us around d, never fa ar away. La ast year I managed m too bend a steering s arm m and they fiitted a new w one on a Hotel car park in sub b zero tem mperatures. This was after one of o the Marsshalls drove to Britpartt at 6.00pm m on the Sa aturday nig ght, opened up and came c backk with all off the bits. They T really are a fanta astic bunch h of guys. Britpart do onate all off the parts used to Maacmillan an nd the AA e their time e. They ‘ch harge’ you and you th hen donate e that amount to Maccmillan Can ncer Suppo ort. donate This year y they w were kept really busy, but not byy us fortun nately. Their biggest jjob was a head h gaskket chang ge of a 300 0TDI Disco – and he finished f th he event affterwards! Britpart on the T Thursday morning. m Affter signing g on and sc crutineering, we had the Driverrs Briefing. Selwy yn Kendrickk is the ma ain organiser and he is as cunn ning as the most cunnning fox! We W have lea arnt not to trust a single word he h says. All A we knew w is that we e would be ending upp in Warrington on the Sunda ay evening g, in betwee en these times, anyth hing could and would d happen! We we ere given o our first set of instruc ctions at 2. 30pm and set off. Th here was a road map p to follow which w took us u to a Gre een Lane near Sarn. There T were e code boa ards hidden within thhe undergro owth, up trrees, in valleys, everyywhere, and d our task was to spo ot them an nd write the em down. T The code boards b are e2 s of vehicle e registratio on plates, so s not veryy big! Overr the years s, we have realised th hat we are letters hopele ess at spottting these e, usually ending e up w with less th han half of the actual amount. We W finished d the section in about 2 hours, and a then ha ad to make e our way to t the Swe eet Lamb R Rally Cours se. We havve been here h beforre and it a real r privilege being a able to driv ve around such s a presstigious prrivate close ed rally stage. This tiime, we we ere given a map of th he whole a area and grrid referenc ces. We haad to plot our o route, follow f it and once again look for code c board ds. By this time it was pitch darrk, so evenn more of a challenge e. After this t was co ompleted we w were giv ven the rou ute to our next n destin nation, Holyyhead Ferrry Termina al! Superrb, we were e going to Ireland! We arrrived at Ho olyhead att 10.30pm to catch th he 2.30am ferry. Firstt port off call, find a Chinese Take Awa ay! You willl see a com mmon theme e here, food d. We parrked up in the t ferry te erminal, ate e our Chinese and wa aited for the e terminal to t open. A At midnight, we were allowe ed in to the e compoun nd to wait to o board. A chance to havve a quick freshen f up p and try an nd get a fe ew minutes s sleep. We board ded the ferry and look ked for a ssleeping sp pot. 12

Not ea asy, but se ettled on a couple of chairs c thatt looked slightly less uncomfortaable than the t rest. Needless to sayy, not very much sleep that nigh ht. The ferrry docked at a 5.45am on Friday morning and a we had be een given a rendezvo ous of a Motorway M S Service Sta ation at Enffield, just w west of Dub blin. We ha ad a hearty y Irish Brea akfast – ve ery good an nd pretty g ood value,, maybe ou ur English Motorway Service Sttation operattors should d take a trip over to see s how it should be done! It was here thaat were inttroduced to o the organisers of the e Irish Secction. You re emember I described d Selwyn as a cunning? ? Scrap that, these guys g made Selwyn lo ook positive ely open and a honesst! They pro omised us some sup perb section ns littered with clues . They held d up a sam mple of their code c board ds, a bit big gger than the ones w we were use ed to and only o 1 letteer. But wha at they faile ed to tell us was they would be different d co olours, so w we were never sure which w oness were gen nuine. We also we would drrive for 5km m or more and not fin nd a single e board, jusst enough time for real found out that w paranoia to drift in. Then th here would d be 6 all a at once. As s well as co ode boardss, we are also a given questiions to ansswer, just like a big car treasure e hunt. Once again, we w could ddrive for miles and no ot see a sing gle clue, an nd then the ere would be b 4 bunch hed up toge ether. Som metimes theere would be a whole e bunch h of clues rright by the e start line, so by the time you have h sorted d out wherre you are going, you u’ve missed a whole load! Our ro oute took u us to a villa age in on th he border o of County Galway G an nd County M Mayo calle ed Cong. There T was quite a sign nificance to o this destin nation and d at this point, it is wo orth introduucing our ‘C Celebrity’ driver. d Each year, y Russs Brown wh ho is one of o the com petitors tak kes it on himself to bbring a cele ebrity. In th he past we ha ave had Jullia Bradbury, Charlie Dimmockk and Lynn Bowles fro om Radio 22, but this year we were w blesse ed with Ma arisa Wayne, youngest daughte er of the leg gendary film star Johhn Wayne. John sadly lost his ba attle with ‘T The Big C’ in the mid 70’s and M Marisa is now a patro on of the Joohn Wayne e Cancer Federration. The significancce with Co ong? This w was the village where e John Waayne filmed d ‘The Quie et Man’ and a the wh hole village e was set up u as a min ni Museum m to John Wayne W – siimply magnificent. Evven people e who are not huge Western W fa ans could n not fail to be moved by b the sign ificance off this village e for our ev vent and it was great to be here e. We actu ally arrived d about lun nchtime annd had time e to pitch our o tent att the camp psite before e moving on o to the affternoon se ection. Als so time to bbrew up an nd heat up a tin of chilli. Mmmm!! We comp pleted the afternoon a ssection verry well. Alth hough we are not very good at spottin ng code bo oards, both h Paul (my co-driver) and I are very good at plottingg our routes s and follow wing it closely y. We have e 2 Tom Tom’s rigge ed up so bo oth the driv ver and co--driver cann follow the e route. The codriver is shouting g direction ns and the driver can see exactly where he needs too go. All we e are given n are grid re eferences tto plot on a map, so it can be q quite challe enging follo owing thesee on very small s laness. Arrivin ng back at the camps site about 6.00pm, 6 we walked into town fo or a meal and a a few pints. We were w in Ire eland after all, so it would w be rude not to sam mple the G uinness! I can reportt that everyy pint taste ed slightly better b than th he last and d the walk back seem med to takee much lon nger! As we e have always s found, th he hospitality in Irelan nd and the friendlines ss of everyybody is won nderful. It sseemed as s though we e were thee long lost friends f of everyb body in the e pubs. The e local TV crew had found out about Marrisa Wayne e being in the village e and she was w being interviewe ed in ‘Pat Cohan n’s Bar’ the e scene of the film. We W wanderred up therre and it wa as like a mus seum to Jo ohn Wayne e inside, full of memo rabilia. We sle ept very so oundly thatt night; ma aybe it wass the tiredness of no sleep s the nnight beforre or the Guinn ness, who kknows! We e were up at a 7.00am on Saturday morning g for a shoower and to o cook our breakffast. 9.00a am saw us on the start line for tthe next se ection. Onc ce again, w we plotted the t route really carefu ully and sett off. By this point we e were use ed to not se eeing clues s for a few miles, but then we spotted s our first clue, wh hich was way w down our o list, abo out clue 8. We had missed m loadds! We dou ubled backk to try and fin nd some a and realised d that mos st were in C Cong villag ge itself. If we w hurriedd up, we wo ould have time to go back b and g go around the village e again at tthe end. Even E so, we e still endeed up gues ssing some e answe ers and gavve us a tim mely remind der as to ju ust how cu unning the Irish guys really are! Once back at the e campsite e, there wa as just eno ugh time fo or a quick snack befoore we were off again n. We were told t we nee eded to be e leaving Galway G by 4 4.00pm lattest in orde er to reach Dublin ferrry termina al. 2 sections had bee en abando oned due to o the time constraints s, which was w a bit of a shame. 13

For an nybody who has neve er been to this area o of Ireland, I can truly recommennd it. The scenery s is simply y stunning and the ho ospitality and friendlin ness of everybody is humbling.. In the UK K, we get used to feeling g like 2nd ra ate citizenss for having the auda acity to enjoy our hob bby. But in Ireland, ev verybody we w encou untered wa aved and wished w us well. w Howevver, there was a dow wnside. Thee amount of o unfinishe ed house es was terrrible. It wass a shockin ng reminde er of the sta ate of the Irish I econoomy. Every y road wass littered d with aban ndoned bu uilding sites s, once the e site of so omebody’s dream hom me. The amount of flly tipping g was also o quite appa alling. We were told that the co ost of dispo osing of waaste is very y high, hen nce fly tipping g is rife. We arrrived at the ferry term minal at ab bout 7.00pm m where we w were given g our instructionss once we landed in Holyhead. We were told t to drive to a Moto or Racing Circuit and d pitch our tents there. t The excitemen nt was intense, were we going to be rac cing? The fferry left att 9.15pm and a docked d at around d 12.30a am. The fe erry was prretty quiet and we we ere able to get a mea al quickly b before once e again loo oking for a seat to get a bit of sleep. s It took ages to o get off the e ferry as tthey let all of the lorrries off firsst and we arrived a at the t Racing g Circuit at about 2.00am Sunday morrning. Justt time to pittch the ten nt et a few ho ours’ sleep p before up p at 7.00am m for break kfast. and ge 9.00am m saw us o on the starrt line again and we ffound that this was simply our bbase for th he night! We W were despatche d d into mid Wales, ag gain looking g for code boards and looking ffor clues. The T scenerry around Beddgelert and Ba ala was gre eat – mayb be that’s wh hy we neve er see manny code bo oards! We arrived d at Bala O Off Road Centre, C whe ere the org ganisers ha ad arrange ed a route, once again code boa ards had be een hidden n. We were e warned that t there w were loads s of boards s hidden annd we thou ught we had done pretty p well, until we spoke s to otthers who had found about twic ce the amoount we ha ad. There were w some pretty fun areas with h water splashes, butt nothing to oo technica al; after all , 75 motorrs had got to t get around and the o organiserss could not afford too many gettting bogge ed down. W We found that t this wa as the The boys s with the eventt Celebrity driverr. end of the t event a and our nex xt destinattion was thhe Daresbu ury Park Ho otel in Warring gton. Plottin ng this into o our Tom Tom, we foound we would w be th here at about 4.00pm, farr too early and a surely y we could find some lanes to drive. d g at the ma ap, we foun nd we were e not too faar from Lla andrillo which is Looking the starrt of the Wa ayfarer rou ute. So off we w went a nd spent a good hou ur driving this t lane. T The Wayfa arer is actua ally one off my favourrite lanes. It has some fa airly techniccal and na arrow bits between b roocks as we ell as good open areas where w the sscenery is lovely. There is s always a celebratio on dinner on o the Sundday night where w the results r are an nnounced. As alwayss, we never worry the e winners, but a few glasses g of wine alwa ays dulls the disapp pointment. It is a grea at time to sit s with like eminded pe eople and swap stori es about The T Mac. We W also have h a charrity auction n for goods s which ha ve been do onated. Th hese rangee from a bo ottle of homem made dam mson gin (yyes, we did pay £40 fo for that!) to a winch. But B all fundds go to Macmillan, which w helps to swell the funds. So, ho ow much h have we raised? The final figure es are not yet in, but the latest ffigure is £1 107,000! This T is slightly y down on last year, but still a great g amou unt. It will mean m that overall in tthe last 10 0 years, the e MAC4 4x4 will havve raised over o £3/4M M for Macm millan Canc cer Support. It is a greeat event and a really enjoya able, but w we never fo orget that th he whole p point of the e event is to o raise mooney for Ma acmillan. I am a true fan an nd supportter of Macm millan Cancer Suppoort and am on the verrge of becoming a bore ab out it. But cancer tou uches all off us in som me way or another an nd the Maccmillan Nurses work tirelessly tto help peo ople and th he families off people livving with ca ancer. Can ncer does nnot recogn nise a recession and Macm millan still n need your support s to continue pproviding th he care. If you wou uld like morre information about Macmillann or the MA AC4x4 eve ent, please e do not he esitate to get g in touch h with me. My details s are on the e Committeee contactt page. Andy Chell 14

CHRIISTMA AS PRE ESENT FOUND D IN AFRICA A AN MAR RKET For anybody that has ever visited Africa a, you will kn now that ma arket places s are the ceentral point to t any community, village or town. Th hey are alw ways rowdy colourful aff ffairs that arre held regu ularly and seell anything and everytthing. e a number of specialis st markets in ncluding a travelling t market that vvisits the shopping centres In Kenya we have and se ells only Afriicana artefa acts and currios, anothe er in Gikomb baa sells on nly second hand clothing (ever wo onder what happens h to tthe cloths in n the used clothes c bin in your Asd da car park? ?) and yet aanother, held every Sun nday near th he Jamhuri Agricultural Showground in Nairo obi is a mark ket that sells s cars. It’s ccalled the Car C Bazaar. The market is ope en to anyon ne who wantts to sell a vvehicle and for the pric ce of 500 Keenya Shillings (4 UK Sterling), the selle er can place e their car in n the marke et place for the whole day. d Buyerss are free to roam around and e. Once ven ndors set up p fruit salad d, nyama ch homa (grilled d meat) and d drinks staands by abo out 10 am, th he brwose dealing g can start. It was whilst brow wsing the ma arket for a Japanese J to own runabo out for my mother m in law w that I spottted a likelyy g 2002 TD5 5 Discovery 2 with 88,0 000 Kms on the clock. I kept circlin ng the markket trying to concentratte on looking dering back finding g my mum in n laws car, but my mind kept wond k to the Disc covery.

I struck k a deal witth the sellerr of the vehicle and som me days late er she was ours! Whatt a great Ch hristmas pre esent! Now th he only thing g left to do was to get out of town and play with w our new w toy. It just happened that t a close e friend of ours s was due in n from the United U State es, and wass dying to get out and see s the couuntry, and th his combine ed with the fac ct that my M Mother lives in Tanzania a was all th e justificatio on we needed to plan a safari. As we planned to spend Christmas with my Motherr in Arusha, northern Tanzania, it made sense to take a few days in n Amboseli National Pa ark at the fo oot of Moun nt Kilima'njaro.


The dis scovery carrried our pa arty of five and a all our g gear to the campsite c efffortlessly. B Because we e were heavvily loaded d and going to run on some s very heavily h corru ugated road ds I had the rear tyre p ressures up p to the maxximum of 46 psi p specified d in the own ners guide. The vehicle e was actua ally very well behaved oon the corru ugations. The following two days were spent explo oring the pa ark and gam me viewing, and on thee third day we w packed up u dusty - and headed offf towards th he town of Namanga N on n the Kenyaa / Tanzania a border. I chose c again - now very d a little used route to get there e that passe es through tthe heart off Maasai community la nds and an old abando oned chaum mine e from the fifties. Meesc The bo order crossiing was eassy, mainly because b I ha ave made the crossing g countless times beforre, and so I am familia ar with the p paperwork. Once O you figure out wh hat the systtems are an nd how theyy work, living g and travelling in Africa becomes m much easierr.

g spent a qu uiet couple of days in Arusha A with Family we decided tha at some acttion was ne eeded so offf we Having went to o explore th he beautiful mountain park p called A Arusha Nattional Park. This park iss home to Africa’s A 5th highes st mountain,, peaking att 15,000 Fe eet, called m mount Meru. There are some specctacular driv ves in this park p and a highlight is driving thro ough the enormous fig tree that sp pans the mo ountain tracck at one po oint (see the front cover for fo this one – –Ed).

After a week awayy, the time came to retturn home, a and the Dis scovery did just that, keeeping us comfortable,, safe and so ound. The jo ourney from m Arusha to Nairobi too ok five and a half hours s. All in all I am pleased d with our Christm mas presen nt, but I am sad s to see my trusty o ld TDI 300 Discovery 1 go. Alex Rhys-Hurn R


SUND DAY 24 4TH APR RIL The Help p for Heroes charity iss a great success and raises fun nds in man ny ways. Inn an effort to t add to th he fund, and d at the sam me time to make an attempt a on n the Guinness s World Re ecords for tthe longest convoy of o Land Rovers, the Land Rover R fraterrnity attem mpted to beat the record of 260. Patrick an nd Patricia a Stoner orrganised th he attempt round the Jagua ar/Land Ro over test tra rack adjace ent to the British B Motor Ind dustry Heritage museeum at Gay ydon. Land d Roverr enthusiassts gathere ed at variou us venues around the e country to t travel to Gaydon in n mini convvoys. A mini convoy, sstarting from Banff in Scotland, was organ nised by Kevin Bond (aka Yoda a) to start out o on Thursday 21st w with an ove ernight stop p at Scotch h Corner in n North Yorkshire. Yoda’s convoy sstarted out again on Friday F to trravel down n the A1 wiith further sstops at se ervice stations to pick up more enthusiasts on o their wa ay to Gayd on. Margaret and I had arrangeed with Yo oda to meet the oy at Wood dall Service es but we were w a bit llate starting out from home andd the convo oy had alre eady convo left wh hen we arrrived at Wo oodall. I ma ade a call tto Yoda to say that we w may be able to catch them up u at Donington Services. Sure enough, e wh onington hen we arrrived at Do they were w waitin ng for us. The T convoy y had grown n to eight L Land Roverrs and a fu urther ownerr joined us at Coventtry Services. Among the co onvoy was a couple, Chris and Wendy, who liv ve close to o Squires Café C bar, where w the Yorkshire Sectio on hold the eir club nigh ht. They were not n membe ers, but the ey are now w. Welco ome to the DOC Chris and Wen ndy. When we arrived d at Gaydo on, the members of our mini convoy made theiir various mmodation arrangem ments. Marg garet and I had booked accomm modation aat Lenny Henry’s H placce at accom Warm mington, jusst South of Gaydon, so s after a b browse rou und the BM MIH and a ssnack at th he café, we e made our way to o the Prem mier Inn and d a nice evvening dinn ner at the adjacent a W Wobbly Wheel, Brewe ers Fayre. Saturdayy was spen nt in the sun nshine, me eeting old friends f and d signing inn for the re ecord attem mpt. The BMIH B is an ideal venu ue for gathe erings of th his kind, with w its good d café and facilities. The T exhibits in the mu useum are e under con nstant change so if yyou have been there many timees before, there t is alw ways sometthing new tto see. Two DOC D memb bers had volunteered d to act as marshals, Bill and Maggie M from m Hereford d, and Stua art from Nottingham N m was on hand h on Su unday morn ning to help organise e the 380 LLand Rovers into a su uitable convo oy for the a attempt. Th he rules from GWR re egarding a convoy atttempt are quite strictt about what constitutes a con nvoy and the t spacing g between the movin ng vehicles is quite crritical: no fu urther apart than two ve ehicles length. The ru ule was diffficult to ad dhere to be ecause a great deal oof concentrration was required to make e sure thatt the distan nce was no ot exceede ed or thatt you did n not hit the vehicle v in front. f Some e drivers le eft long gaps, g which h meant th hat others had h to bun ch up behind and so ometimes stop. This problem continued c d during the herefore th three runs and th he attempt may not q qualify. GWR have yet to confirm the t result of o the attem mpt but the e weeke end was ve ery enjoyab ble and the e Stoners h hope to ha ave raised d £10,000 ffor the cha arity. Roy Preston. P Be enji89 #135 54 17

Meet you ur new Mee et your ne ew Club Chairman Martin M Bissby Hello Thank you u to the ou utgoing com mmittee me embers an nd welcomee to the ne ew (not forg getting the comm mittee members who h have staye ed throughout). Manyy more thanks to you u, the members, because without yo ou, there would w be no o Discoveryy Owners Club. C This edition n of Discou urse is the first of ma any I hope to be able to say a fe ew words tto you all. The DOC D is all things to evveryone an nd I don’t ssuppose I can c hope to be all thaat everyone wants. Please P use th he forum, u use the pag ges of Disc course and d use the pub/local p meets m to exxpress your opinions. I inheritt a wonderrful team and I know there are ssome very capable and a willing people outt there to help h make things hap ppen for yo ou, the mem mbers. Look towards t yo our Local Section S Reps and see e what can n be achiev ved locally and nation nally and iff you do nott have a lo ocal section n, form one e; there willl be a pack available e in the neaar future fo or this purp pose. Working groups are being set up to address a so ome issues s raised at the AGM, something g in itself th hat you may m wish to o attend ne ext year. It isn’t at all b boring, stu uffy or overrly serious.. It’s about enthusiassts in a family y club helping one another. The cllub will be represente ed at all the major La and Rover shows and d many moore local sh hows. There are a lot of o social ga atherings organised o by b the mem mbers for the membe ers; show yyour suppo ort and atte end as many as you can n. Somewhere in th his issue are a my contact detailss. If you ne eed to, plea ase use th em, and if I don’t ansswer the ph hone, pleasse leave a message and I will g get back to o you. Lookin ng forward to seeing you all at some time e in the futu ure. Martin n Bisby Chairm man


LAND D ROV VERS ON T THE LINE L M 15TH MAY 1 The Severn S Valley Leaferss Club were once aga ain given the opportu unity to disp play Land Rovers of all ages an nd types att the six stations alon ng the Se evern Valle ey Railwayy line. Steam enthusia asts from all a over the e countrry come to o this line to o indulge in n their hob bby, and La and Rover enthus siasts were e happy to o show visittors the ressults of the eir endea avours to re estore and d maintain some of th he 60 years s old mode els. At Kid dderminste er station the t Series I Land Rov vers were displa ayed, and members m from f the Seeries I Club were on hand to desscribe the evolution e of o the modeels from 19 948 to 195 58. The n next station n on the line was Bew wdley, and before the e train arrive ed at the station the trrack ran allongside th he West Midland Safar i & Leisure e Park, whiich gave thhe train pas ssengers a free look a at the eleph hants and other anim mals at the park. At th he statio n was the Series II models m spaanning 195 58 to1971.w where Seriess II Club members m were w in atteendance. The next station was Hampton Loade, where th here was a display of military LLand Rovers. At Arle ey station w were the Series S III models, m pro oduced betw ween 1971 1 and 19855. 1985 wa as the end of the leaf sp pring era. The next to last station on the line wa as Highle ey, where tthe Severn n Valley Le eafers Club, the host off the eventt, had theirr line up prung Land d Rovers from f the of variious leaf sp early Series S I up p to the end d of produc ction of the Se eries III mo odels. At Highley the Engine House e and Visito or Centre is i where viisitors took advantage a of the view w across th he line from the Bufferss CafĂŠ Restaurant, wh hilst taking g refreshme ents.

S co-orrdinated the collection of the va arious mod dels at the different d sttations, and Bill Jone es The SVLC organised our diisplay of eiight Discov verys at Brridgnorth, from f 1989 to 2011. A souvenir coaster wa as presen nted to all exhibitors..

Memb bers and frriends of th he DOC too ok advan ntage of thee reduced fare for the trip down to Kidderm minster by steam train, stopping off at thhe stations s of their ch hoice. at day out in good we eather with h good A grea company, and itt will be my y diary for next year.

( ##1354 Roy. (Benji89) 19

EDIITOR’S S WOES S (LARA has h been a little poorly of late) This tiime it started on my way w to worrk one morrning; the message m centre c flashe ed up a big “E”, then told t me I had h a transsmission fa ault! I wasn n’t sure if th his was rea al or just gremlins in the works so I carrie ed on to the office. Durring the da ay, I kept getting this same mes ssage alon ng with “park brake faultt”. Over the e next few days, I no oticed that not n only wa as the gear in ndicator slow when telling t me what w gear I was in, th he reversin ng senso ors were no ot working. I noticed that t in reve erse, the message m ce entre was not showing g the “R”, so s the car didn’t d know w when I was w going backw wards. The car drove just fine apart from tthe warnings and eve en towed OK. A visitt to an inde ependent dealer d clea ared the fau ult code an nd all seem med OK. Two T days la ater all the symptoms s were bacck. Loc cal membe er, “Stretch h”, made a few calls ffor me to th he local ma ain dea alers and th hat found the t source e of the prooblem. It wa as the gea ar pos sition sens or (AKA th he “XYZ sw witch”). Streetch got the part at a very goo od discoun nt that I collected the following w week. Whe en we tried d to fit it (o only two fa at chrome screws s and d a wiring cconnector)) we found that its location l on n top of the e gearbox meant bothh boxes ha ad to come e out to get g at it! Th he main de ealer quote ed over £6550 labour, so calling round found Premiu um Service e Centre, who w would ddo the job for £360 with w the dreaded V VAT. LARA A was book ked in andd I arranged d to borrow w a V8 ssic Range e Rover fro om Stretch while the work was carried out. This clas garrage had th he correct alignment tool requirred for the gearbox re efitting and d had alrea ady done th hree other Discoveryy 3s with th he same fa ault. After th he work wa as carried oout, all thatt was left was w to have it recalibrate ed by a maain dealer. Once again, Stretch came to the rescue;; it turns ou ut he drinkss with the Dea aler Princip pal, so a deeal was do one for me to take LA ARA in for the t very goood price of o £45. Aftter a false sttart one aftternoon (thhe worksho op was too busy to get her h in), I returned onee morning two days la ater on my way w to worrk and it waas done att last. The me essage cen ntre now shhows all ge ears as it should s withoutt any errors s flashing uup, and the e reversing g sensors s work aga ain. The billls totalled £595, £ whicch is a large amount for such a small part, but main dealer labour charge es would have h doublled this witth the full price p of the e part. Keep on Disco-ing Roger (Terrierking ( g) spencerr Discourrse editor FROM THE EDITO OR’S INBO OX….. Snail mail m this tim me from Waarrick Black kwell: Wanted d – Discove ery 1 partss book, 199 95 to 1998 8. Also an ny sales ca atalogues ffor 1996 model year and a any rela ated inform mation. Contac ct Warrick at; a 2 PewseeyVale, Fo orest Park, Bracknell, Berksh hire. RG12 9YA 20

YOR RKSH HIRE SECT S TION DIRT TY DA ANCIN NG NIIGHT T Underr normal circumstancces, a gathering of se everal mem mbers of the Discove ry Owners s Club Yorkkshire Sectio on on a Frid day in Marrch would mean m a we eekend of off o roading g and gettinng dirty in the t mud. However, Friday 4 March M 2011 1 saw seve eral very smartly dres ssed mem mbers of the e Yorkshire e section assemblled at the Carlton C Park Hotel in Rotherham looking forward too an alterna ative dirty weeke end of wha at was hope efully going to be a n night of verry 'Dirty Da ancing'! At 7:00pm, we m met up with h Richard and a Rache el and Andy y and Jane e followed by Garry, Lena and the t Puddleducks, An ngela and Stephen, who w were w waiting forr us in the hotel h recepption. The e evening began n when we were all ushered into o the main n area for our o three co ourse meaal before th he residentt, slightly y weird loo oking DJ sttarted the disco d by pllaying a medley of so ongs from the film Dirty Dancing starrin ng Patrick S Swayze an nd Jenniferr Grey. Th he dance floor was so oon taken over by ho ordes of wo omen, some celebrating birthdayss and some out on th heir Hen niights, or, as Angela i nformed us, Spinsterr s as they arre also kno own in som me places. There wa as a distinc ct lack of m men and the e ones tha at nights dared venture on nto the dan nce floor were w more or less eatten alive by the eageer women who w had ‘H Hungry Eyes’ looking forr their own n personal Patrick Sw wayze to ge et up close e and persoonal with! Andy tookk his he dance flfloor with his own harrem of ladiees that con nsisted of Jane, J life in his hands and ventured onto th Angela, Fran and Rachel. By this s time, it w was getting late and Andy A and JJane had to o reluctanttly leave uss. The disc co was win nding down and our m men folk had d escaped to the rela ative safety y of the hotel lobby w where Pudd dleduck Sttephen g in some kind of arre estable offfence behin nd a glass water featture before e also leaving for was participating ela, and We ellie Bob and Richard d were lounging in big cosy chaairs with a drink or home with Ange two. The T last so ong of the evening e ‘I’m m Having T The Time Of My Life’ came on – Garry an nd Lena went off to hav ve the last Dirty Dancce togetherr which leftt just Rach hel and I to have our own girl on n girl Dirty Dance e together as neither Wellie Bob or Richa ard were wiilling to acc company uus on the dance d floor. However, Richard must m have thought t ‘No obody leav ves Richarrd in the coorner’ and joined j Racchel and I on o the dan nce floor where we pa articipated in a very cosy c Dirty Dancing thhreesome! Althou ugh the dissco had finished, we were w all sttill full of be eans (and alcohol!) a sso headed back to the e lobby to carry on n with our evening e an nd get even n more drinks in. At some poinnt, and I ca an’t quite remem mber who, someone suggested d we should d re-enact the mome ent from thee Dirty Dancing film where w Jenniffer Grey ru uns, leaps and a is caught mid airr by a strap pping Patrick Swayzee. We sele ected Rach hel to be ’Je ennifer’ as sshe was th he smallestt and lighte est (although this turned out to be debate eable!!!!!) and a Richard took the e role of ‘Pa atrick’ as he h was wea aring a tigh ht, black t-shirt. How wever, the first f few attemp pts proved d difficult ass Rachel didn’t leap a as high or as gracefu ully as we eexpected and a Richarrd was… ….well Richard was just rubbish and fell in a heap on nto the sofa a with Racchel all akim mbo. More e reinforrcements w were required in the form f of Ga arry and Wellie W Bob. Garry wass summoned in from outside where he was for some s reason, trying o on ladies’ high heele ed shoes onn the hotel steps and d joined Wellie Bo ob and Rich hard who braced b the mselves fo or Rachel’s s final Leapp of Faith. Unfortuna ately, all thre ee men se eemed to have a prob blem lifting Rachel an nd holding her up forr any length h of time. Garry G in partticular brie efly lost his vision as he h struggle ed to hold Rachel alo oft and gavve a whole new mean ning to the we ell known p phrase from m the film ‘I‘ carried a Water Me elon!’ By this s time we w were all exxhausted, particularly p y the men from f their attempts a aat lifting Rache el! Our nig ght of Dirty Dancing therefore ccame to an end and itt was off too bed for eve eryone. However, I think t I can speak for all of us when w I say that on thiss occasion, we rea ally did havve ‘The Tim me of our L Life!’

Frances Parish ((AKA Mrs Wellie Bob b) 21

DISCOV VERY O OWNERS CLUB B, ANNUA AL GENE ERAL MEETIN M NG. 0830 Frida ay morningg Garfield is ready to rock and roll, suitcase packedd, coats on the back seat, s and snacks in the t racks aand away we w go. Firsst stop Morrison’s s, 82 liters aand 4 marrs bars, “W What?” No need to se et clever Chhloe’ Garfield knows his way to RAF Wa addington. Two miles s on the trip meter and the pe etrol gaugee hasn’t mo oved a milllimeter, expletive! Who forgoot to pick up their drivving license and FMT6000, back hom me pdq and d a toilet uess who. stop for gu Right this time t directt to M1 and d the A57 all a the way to Lincoln, bookk in at the guardroom g m and off to the MT section, shhow both licenses an nd sit a on matrix teest, it’s nott rocket sciience but 20 questio Martin didn n’t get 1000% either. No N lollipop there then. Oblig gatory visitt to the spa ar shop and off down the A46, A if anyy one wishe es to buy a Free Lander the en Lincolnsshire is you ur market, common as muck th hey were. This is the time whenn word oug ght to be able to import music files ass well as jpeg, becausse clever Chloe; utte ered her laast direction n when I handed martin the wrong pow wer lead. Good G job we w have a 2007 Morrrison’s roadd atlas in the car, quiick scan for directio ons to Coveentry. Jus st outside Coventry C and follow the signs for Transp port museu um, easily found and bonuss we find an a open airr car park. Lots of wa alking around city cenntre, very impressive e and martin n says it’s b better than n his native e Sheffield!! Time to t book in at the Belg grade Plaz za and arra ange for ou ur friend, from the G44 Owners Club, C to escort us to e his ho ouse for some free pa arking as like its own er, Garfield d was too tall for the multi-store ey. Home from f home and a lot of happ py smiling faces from m Yorkshire e to greet us u in recep ption. Life iss on the up p as we ma ake our o the 6th flo oor penthouse suite and a for the e price wha at turned ou ut to be a ppleasant ro oom overlo ooking the way to motor museum. Off to friends and a surprisse meal ou ut, good foo od and che eap drinks and then bback to the e Plaza forr a cap. nightc

Saturday Silly o’clock o and guess wh ho forgot to o change th he alarm se etting on His H phone, oh well up p in time for breakffast, all you u can eat for f £7.95 (g guess who o made up for the early alarm bby eating everything).. The museu um was bu ut a short walk w away so with Ro oy and Marrgaret, Tiny y, Joel, Maartin and I set off. At the museu um we found Frannyy deep in co onversatio n with an attendant a discussing d p of pa adlocks, the finer points and th hen the firsst Discoverry rolled on nto the fore ecourt of th he museum m. The sam me attenda ant must ha ave been respon nsible for tthe main do oors too be ecause the ey were slo ow to open n as well. The meeting m wa as in a room m on the firrst floor witth access to a balcon ny area whhere the ch hildren could amuse thems selves, con ngratulation ns to them too, they w were very well behav ved whilst tthe adults conducted d their d. Thanks to every one busine ess. The re esults are now n well documente d o for atteending and their supp port. Saturd day was pa arty night, Richard ha ad Goggled d a couple e of likely places to eaat and had d sussed ou ut the night clubs. c The girls got th heir glad ra ags on and d the boys splashed it all over. 22

Then the t usual sstroll through the tow wn to J D W Weatherspo oons, howe ever Saturd rday night is not the time to find d out yo ou can’t wa alk in the fo ootwear yo our wearing g is it Rach hel? On arrrival at We eatherspoon’s it’s a no go, still can’t decide d if th hat’s the thought of 16 Yorkshirre folk turning up or JD’s is not w what it use ed to be. Any A way not farr to go as n next door (pronounce ( ed doer) iss Old Orlea ans, and th hanks to Stteven and Richard th hey were happy y to accommodate uss all, would d we like to o wait in the e bar? Lov vely food annd a superrb Screaming Banan na Banshe ee for desert (Vodka based/lace b ed).

e way backk to the pla aza our new wly elected d chairman n showed his h mettle aand spotte ed more tha an one On the possib ble candida ate for miss world. (J Just for the e record an nd as voted d by the maajority, one e pair of leg gs were more than t up to her armpitts) night ca aps in the h hotel bar and a anothe er surprise.. Thank ks to Lena and Garryy I was pres sented with h a birthda ay cake and a resounnding rendition of hap ppy birthd day from alll present, totally gob b smacked.. Thank yo ou all.

Sund day No sillly o’clock w wake up bu ut somehow manage ed to spring g forward with w the cloocks going forward, (need ( to claim some mon ney off the hotel as we w were rob bbed of an n hours slee ep). Anothher all you can c eat bre eakfast es he did itt again, so o off to town n to chang ge the cloth hes that we ere boughtt yesterday y and for Rachel R to and ye buy th he shoes sh he didn’t buy b yesterd day. Goodb byes said to t Nigel (Sunday nam me) Andy and a Vicky. Roy and Marga aret had alrready left for f his othe er meeting , leaving Frances, F Bo ob, Stevenn, Angela, Richard, Rachel, R Jenniffer, Martin and I to go o on a shopping trip ffor those elusive bargainss.


Couldn’t resist p popping into o the gadg get shop to o see the large numbers n o of Ducks, spotted s one es pink one es camou uflaged ones and eve en flashing g ones. Ne eed to find a shop nearrer for the duck d do though. In th his shop, at the back, werre objects of o a certain n nature, a bit of a helpin ng hand if n nature hadn’t been to oo kind to yyou so to speak k. And out o of the mou uths of babes!

Sharre your expperiences and a tell the e mem mbers of yoour days ou ut, holidayss or modifications yyou have made m to your vehic cle. Don’t fforget any odd photo os you may have for the ‘An nd Finally’ section on the back page e.

A refre eshing cup ppa in Debenhams an nd then arrrange to pick up Garfield,, Richard kindly k took us there. After that t a very meandering route to o the M1 an nd home. Phew! What an excciting and wonderful w w week w lots of w wonderful people. and with

Please remem ber to submit any wrritten work k in ‘Word’ as a document. Acco ompanyingg photos sh hould be se ent sepa arately as j peg image es. All can be emailed in or ssent by sna ail mail on a disc.

Can’t wait for ne ext year.

Than nks

Carol Bisby

Roge er Spencerr Discourse Editor. 23



Lo ocal Section Rep prese entattives s “D Down Your Way y” Overr the next few f pages you’ll find details of your y neare est local section m meeting. Th he following g areas do o not have e an LSR or a Pub meeet organis sed: Norfolk & Suffo olk, North Birmingham & Coven ntry, North hern Ireland d, and last of all Shroopshire & the t Black Country. Conta act the club b vice-chair for deta ils of how to t start a new n sectioon should you feel likke filling g in one off these gap ps

The LSR Rs play a b big role in the DOC, and this iss where you u can find out what’s happening h near you. Local mee ets, days oout laning, caravan and camping g weekend ds, barbecu ues and pu ub nights aare an impo ortant partt of the Club b, and we w want to he ear what yo ou have beeen up to. Send S a notte to editor@discove eryownersc club.org WESS SEX At one e of our me eetings it was w decide ed that, as a club, we would like e to attend the “Spring Vehicle Meetin ng” held on n Easter Monday M nea ar Andoverr. The only y problem was w that laast year the e Club stan nd didn’t produce m much intere est, so it wa as mention ned that we e could show our othher cars plu us a couple e of Discov verys. Tha at meant we e had to co ome up witth a name for our “ne ew” club; I came up with w “South h Hants Independent Touring Society”! But in the e end we went w with Val’s V “Southhern Shire es Motor n our stand d we ended d up with JJanet’s Triu umph TR, Keith’s D1 , Sue’s new (to her) D1, Enthusiasts”. On m’s Series and his so on’s Pontia ac Firebird. Phil’s Series, Tim

A good day wass had by alll, which sta arted off ra ather chilly but ended d up with pllenty med. of ice cream being consum At ourr April pub meeting Mark M (Muttlley) broug ght along his new Lan nd Rover (pictu red right) which w can wheelie! A very impre essive bit of kit and I want w one nnow. Left: he ere’s a rare bird, b a pre-prroduction D33

By the e time you are readin ng this we w will have attended a th he “Old Sodbu ury Sortout” at Beaulieu and a 44X4 evening on Poo ole Quay . Reports on o these in n a future isssue. We will w be at th he th thh Dunsffold Collecttion Open--weekend again a this year being g held on th he 18 /19 June. If yo ou haven’tt been to this s show befo ore, I can thoroughly t y recomme nd it. Therre are only a few tradde stands but b there iss a very re elaxed atm mosphere with w many rare and in nteresting Land Rove ers on dispplay. If you get the ch hance to com me to the sshow, do drrop by the Club stand d and say “Hello”. All the e best, Dave D. 26

BRISTOL AND GLOUCESTER Since the previous issue of Discourse, the section has remained active. Vehicle maintenance has been the main activity for the section after the harsh winter. A big welcome to Chris, a member from Bristol who joined us in April with a well-used early D1. Hopefully, the warmer weather will see some of the section attending some of the Land Rover shows. It appears that the South West Land Rover show, due to take place in June at The Royal Bath and West showground, Shepton Mallet, is not taking place. The turnout for the show last year was relatively low, despite the hot weather. This is a pity, as it is the most local show. Likewise, the LRW show at Eastnor appears not to be going ahead, even though this is probably the best show of all. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know. Lloyd and myself spent half a day fixing the leak on the washer bottle on his D3. On checking the Internet, this appears to be a relatively common issue, but which also requires the stripping of the front end to reach the bottle. The leak was traced to a push-fit connector behind the washer bottle. Two small O-rings wear, allowing water to leak out of the connector. We were unable to source the correct size o-rings from Halfords or any other motor factors, and the main dealer only sold the joint complete with the pipework for the complete front bumper at significant cost. Needless to say, we didn’t opt for this choice, and a tube of clear silicone flexible sealant allowed us to fix the leak at very little cost. At this time, the leak has not reappeared! Land Rover quote a time of about four hours to remove the bumper and headlights, repair the leak and refix, which we were on target for, the sourcing of o-rings taking much longer! Andy’s D1 has lost its rear box, giving it a distinctly V8 sound but without the performance. A Team GB session to fit a replacement system is being planned. Alex’s D2 now has an uprated auto box from Ashcrofts, after a few fitting issues were resolved. Mark’s D1 is approaching MOT time again, and I swear it comes around quicker than Christmas! My D2 continues with business as usual, apart from costing me plenty for my new commute to Cheltenham and back. We meet at The Railway Tavern, Charfield, South Gloucestershire at 8pm on the first Monday of each month, apart from Bank Holidays, when we meet on the second Monday. All are welcome! Rich Knapp (aka “Knappster”) #1449

YORKSHIRE The Yorkshire section have, as always, been extremely busy during the first part of the year. Each year we organise an EAC polishing day to prepare the old girl for her many shows, starting with Gaydon. The weather is usually kind to us, and this year was no exception. The sun shone, as the men (me, Martin, Franny, Stephen and Tiny) polishing EAC until she gleamed! Our new chairman wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, cleaning the wheels with his toothbrush! The ladies (Rachel, Angela and Simone) soaked up the sun in the garden. A picnic was rustled up and we all ate al fresco. Stephen commented that surely the lawn could have been mowed for the occasion, so, lawnmower at the ready, Angela mowed, Rachel edged the lawn, Jennifer raked some loose grass cuttings, little Lee followed Angela with a toy lawnmower, and Simone shouted instructions! We finished off the day with a meal at “The Stanley Ferry” and a stroll by the canal. For the Easter weekend we went to a site at Finghall near Leyburn in North Yorkshire. It was a great turn-out with lots of activities throughout the weekend. There was a trip to Lightwater Valley and Forbidden Corner, a posh meal at the village pub, and Rachel organised all the children, keeping them occupied with all manner of craft activities and an Easter egg hunt on the Sunday. Everyone went home with at least one Easter egg. It was a fantastic weekend with great people and lovely weather. The show at Driffield was well attended by the Yorkshire section, with us all camping on the stand. Several new memberships were taken up along with several renewals and items purchased from the club shop. Roy and Margaret managed to compete in the gymkhana, organised by Jerry Thurston in the arena. Roy was later spotted on the twist off ramp in his G-WAC! Richard Wilcox 27

DURHAM CO OUNTY And so the day d dawned. Not N bright and a dry as hoped, but teeming down. d Thee curse of Robin R Hood’s Bay? But for oncce it was not n the froz zen type wh hich has sc cuppered many m plan ned visits, but was merely m ng type. Th he day wass looking brighter. b the Discovery t-sshirt soakin My Sta ag Day hadd been in the t plannin ng for 6 montths, when A Andy aka Iceman de ecided, despite e my proteests that I had h to have ea day ou ut with the ''boys' and began organis sing and reecruiting. So S on Satu urday 12th March, M at sttupid o'cloc ck I departted Hexham headingg south, armed with “SatNa ag”, waterpproofs, and d a catering g truck. We me et up with ffriends at Durham D an nd Birk Brow and a startedd a proper convoy. Th he sky was ge etting brighhter, and soon 22 Lan ndys filled with w beaminng faces pulled into Robin Hood’s Baay. Embarrrassingly, all a a w with 'Have Mercy M - Batchelor Pa arty' banners provided d by Icemaan, and badges for th he were adorned boys. George su upplied 'Sta ag' stickers s for the ca ars; cheers s lads! After the t 35 bodies from Durham D County, Teesside and Yorkshire ha ad surveyeed the scen ne, it was a mad dash to t the carss to see wh ho would be e first in th he water. What W is it ab bout Landyys and watter? The weather w wa as kind to us u for the re est of the d day, and a 'Chuck Wagon' had been prov vided with pies, p quiche es and lotss of sweet stuff s by my y Domesticc Goddess s, who is no ow my wifeey, (wooho oo!) Catherrine thanks s Mary Pop ppins! Donattions were made on the t day to the Durham m County recognised d charity, T The Great North Air Ambulance, and d £150 wass raised. Well W done to o all. Every yone appeared to hav ave a fab tim me; there wasn't w much damage to o speak of and a tired d but conte ented troop p headed towards t thee sunset and a home. ks to everyyone who came c and played p and d made this s a Stag Day to remeember. Thank Chris



Visit th he online sshop via th he forum where you ccan buy all your DOC C goodies. We sell a wide range e of items from badg ges to stickkers and a good selecction of clo othing and other mercchandise. Payment can c be made online with h pay pal or o with a ch heque. Item ms purchased are qu uickly packked and po osted to you u. Why not n have a browse an nd see if th here is anyything you fancy. f






kna appster1@ho otmail.com 079 974 570621

The Railway Taverrn. Charfie eld.

p.pa apper@ntlwo orld.com 079 977 053369 N/A A

Refer to the LSR

hayyward_lee@y yahoo.com 077 788 996644 chriisjheaton@b btinternet.com m 079 967 284801 / 01661 8356 608 tdi.b bird@btintern net.com 078 876 215360 N/A A cara avan@babes s1.fsnet.co.u uk 077 786 721260 N/A A grahambeales@ @hotmail.com m 077 718 626226 pau ul@kemp75.ffreeserve.co .uk 078 801 285747 ema ail4graham@ @tiscali.co.ukk 078 809 380144 N/A A curttis84@btinternet.com 079 977 157562 N/A A

WHEN N 1st Monday M of the e month, 20:0 00 onwards.

1st Saturday S of th he month, 19:0 00 onwards The Blluebell Inn. Tushingham. T Lastt Thursday off the SY1 4QS mon nth, 19:30 onw wards The Morley M Arms. 1st Tuesday T of th he month, Laira Bridge, B Plymouth. Pl9 7H HP 19:3 30 onwards. The Red Alligator. South Churcch, Nr 1st Monday M of the e month, Bishop p Auckland. 19:3 30 onwards. Refer to the LSR 2nd Sunday S of the e month, 19:3 30 onwards. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 1st Wednesday W o the of Forum m. mon nth, 20:00 onw wards. The Red Lion. 3rd Thursday T of the Reves sby, Boston. PE22 7NU mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 3rd Tuesday T of th he month, Forum m 19:3 30 onwards. The Quays. Crow Lane, Little B Billing, 2nd Wednesday W o the of Northa ampton. NN3 3 9DA mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. The Be eehive. 1st Wednesday W o the of 991 Ch horley New Road, R mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. Bolton n, Lancashire e. BL6 4BA Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 2nd Monday M of th he month, Forum m. 19:0 00 onwards The Nottingham Kn night. West 1st Monday M of the e month, Bridge eford. (A60/A A52 junction).. 18:0 00 onwards. The Bu uchlyvie Inn. 1st Sunday S of the e month, Buchly yvie, Sterling. FK8 3LX 14:0 00 onwards. N/A N/A The Old Post Office. Bonvilston. CF5 6T TQ The Dog & Double et. Sando on, Staffords shire. ST18 00DJ The Woolpack,186 W 6 High Streeet, Banste end. SN7 2N NZ Manorr House Pub, High Lane, Maltby y, Middlesbro ough. TS8 0B BN Bansto ock House Stables. S SL6 3QD & The Halfway Inn. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub Forum m.

1st Sunday S of the e month, 12:3 30 onwards. 2nd Monday M of th he month 19:3 30 onwards. 2nd Tuesday T of th he month 20:0 00 onwards. 3rd Monday M of the e month, 20:0 00 onwards. 1st Wednesday W o the of mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 1st Monday M of the e month, 19:3 30 onwards.

dorlling1@tinywo orld.co.uk 077 788 926623 rcb1 123@btinternet.com 078 842 144731 billjo ones448@bttinternet.com m 077 756 448751

The Golden Lion 99, 9 Alresford Road, Winchester. SO23 0JZ The New Inn, Penttregat Rhydllewis. Landysul, Ceredigion. SA44 5P PT The Kiings Court Hotel Kings Coughton. B49 B 5QQ

2nd Tuesday T of th he mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 2nd Thursday T of the t mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 2nd Tuesday T of th he mon nth, 20:00 onw wards.

rtraw wilcox@hotm mail.com 077 736 350878 ?

Squire es Café Bar. Newthorpe LLane, South Milford, Leeds. LS25 5LX X ?

3rd Tuesday T of th he month, 20:0 00 onwards. ?

N/A A man nthing@slate e67.f9.co.uk 079 900 601040 nda awes@hotma ail.com 012 293 824470 neil.ridsdale@ntlworld.com 077 758 444420 lise106@gmail.ccom N/A A

 Please passs on any reqquired changges/updatess to the Clubb’s vice chaair at: vicechair@discooveryownerssclub.org an nd copy to eeditor@disccoveryowneersclub.org 30

V 2.2


Another shot from John Blake taken out side A Falkland Island Police station


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