Discourse 50

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D50 0 Augus st 2011


Once O registe ered, you cann log on anyw where in the world to catch c up with h your favourrite club, pos st replies and d help fellow Discovery D Ow wners. Subjeects range frrom Caravanning to Humour. H The ere’s optionaal email notification for ind dividual postings, p enttire topics orr forums.

The Sm mall Prin nt.

For the purposes p of this notice, ‘Discovery y Owners Club’ and ‘Club b’ are interch hangeable an nd assumed to mean the same thing.

Discou urse Articles ed The Club reserves the e right to editt or refuse arrticles receive mbers. Viewss expressed by b members contributing g to from mem this maga azine are thosse of that me ember and may m not necessarily be those o of the Club. Every E effort is made to member’s arrticles, but the Club can n not verify the contents of m sponsibility fo or the veraciity of its conttent. accept res

Back Iss sues Members M can obtain Disccourse back issues via th he club web site, s where th hey are availlable as pdf files to down nload.

Advertis A ing in Diiscourse e

Every effo ort is made to o ensure advvertisements are bona fid de. The Club can not acce ept responsib bility for the quality q of goo ods es advertised d. The moral is “buyer bew ware”. or service

Advertising A space s is avaiilable in futurre issues of Discourse. D Advertiseme A nts can be w whole page, half h page and quarter page p in eithe er black and w white or full colour. Supp pliers and dealers d wishing to adverttise in Discourse should contact the Editor E for a Rate R Card annd details of available spa ace.

Public Liability y Insuran nce

Small S Ad ds for DO OC Memb bers


Caveatt Emptorr

Members M can place smaall ads for Dis scovery stuff in Discourse D for free. Howeever, if you ha ave a cottage to let or anything a else e that would bring in som me income, th hen you’ll also a be able to advertise in the small ads section but will be expected e to make a conttribution to th he production n costs of Discourse. D

The Club has Public L Liability Insurrance for registered Club ull e. Cover is provided for fu events of a non-competitive nature mbers, their sspouse or pa artner and children residin ng Club mem at the sam me address. Family mem mbers as defin ned in the Cllub rules trave elling in a se eparate vehiccle are also covered. c Roa ad traffic acc cident risks are not covere ed by the Clu ub’s Public Liability In nsurance. It is the respon nsibility of the e member to ensure tha at they have proper and legal Insuran nce cover forr themselve es and the ve ehicle from le eaving home e until returniing home.


Complim C mentary S Show Tic ckets

From F time to o time, the Cllub receives complimenta ary tickets to t shows the e club is attennding. The Club’s C policy is to make these t tickets available too those memb bers willing to t help on the t Club stan nd during thee event. If yo ou are willing to help at the t event on the Club staand and/or allow your veh hicle to be displayed, d please contacct the Club’s event organiiser whose decision d on the t distributioon of those tickets shall be b final. Surplus S ticke ets shall eitheer be destroy yed or return ned to the event e organisers.

Club Events E


Activities in particular but not exclu uding off-roading and ertaken solelyy at the participants’ own n green-laning are unde cles should b be suitably in nsured and prepared p for tthe risk. Vehic undertake en activity. Pa articipation in n any Club organised o eve ent is on the understandin u ng and accep ptance that safety s is the responsib bility of the pa articipant.

Green Lanes

Data D Pro otection The T Club rec cognises its rresponsibilities under the e 1998 Data D Protecttion Act. Thee Membership p Secretary is i the Club’s C Data Controller. T The members ship databasse of current c and past p memberrs shall be fo or the Club’s exclusive use u and shall not be madde available to any third party. p Elected E Offic cers of the Cllub may have access to member information i having h shownn good reaso on. Ordinary members may m request contact infoormation of another memb ber. This shall s only be through a C Committee member who will w contact c the member m to firrst ask permission.


All ‘green lanes’ are highways as defined d by th he Highways Act 1980. Green laning events req quire the sam me level of e, road tax, M MOT and drivver’s licence as normal insurance roads.

Association off Land Ro over Clubs

The Club is a competitive memberr of the Asso ociation of La and ubs (ALRC), an organisattion bringing together all Rover Clu member Land L Rover cclubs for orga anising even nts (both competitiv ve and non-ccompetitive) and providing many essential services to m member club bs. DOC mem mbers may e in competittive events ru un by other ALRC A open participate club events provided tthey adhere to the rules set s out in the e ALRC Handbook. The e Club’s ALR RC Representative is Jane et d Handbookss may be obttained from her. h Smart and


Committ C tee Meet ings


Under U the rules of the cluub, members s may attend, but not participate p att committee meetings. If you plan to come c along, a please e let the Clubb Secretary know k in adva ance.

Articles A for Disco ourse When W submitting articless for inclusion n in Discoursse, please save s the doc cument as a .txt or .doc fiile without em mbedded images. i Imag ges should bbe separate from f the textt and sent either e as pho otographs orr digital images in jpg form mat. All files f should be b either emaailed or put onto o CD and sent to the t Club’s Ed ditor for seleection. Photog graphs will not n be returned r unle ess requesteed. All submissions gratefully received r - we e need your input to keep p Discourse going!

The Disco overy Ownerrs Club is an affiliated me ember of GLASS (G Green Lane A Association). GLASS is a national rig ghts of way user group rep presenting the e interests off motor car u minor highw ways or ‘green n lanes’ in users on un-surfaced England and a Wales. G GLASS prom motes responsible offroading and the Club e endorses this.

Club Web W Sites s & DOC C Forum

The T Discove ery Owners Club Arbons A Hou use Water W Street, Lavenham, L Suffolk. S CO10 C 9RN

www.discoveryownerssclub.com an nd e the Club’s website w www.discoveryownerssclub.org are s. www.doc-fforum.co.uk is our forum address. Fo or addresses instant ac ccess, all you u need is a va alid memberrship numberr to register on site.


Exe ecutive e Comm mittee

Ma anagem ment C Committtee

Martin Bisby Chair Via the Club’s addresss Tel: 0113 2383903 M Mobile: 07771 1 666057 Email: chairman@diiscoveryownersclub.org

ROG GER SPENCER R Discourse Editor 27 Clarkson Drive, Beeston, Nottin ngham, NG9 2WA. 2 Mobiile: 07795 824 4111 Email: editor@disc coveryownerssclub.org

JANET T SMART Vice Ch hair The Ba ales, Cow Lane e, Kimpton, Hampshire, SP11 8NY. Tel: 01264 772851 Email: vicechair@disscoveryownerrsclub.org

LENA A ROWLAND Merc chandising Officer 9 Turrner St, Gt Houghton, Barns sley, S72 0DL L Tel: 01226 0 759618 8 Email: clubshop@ @discoveryownnersclub.org

CHRIS GORVIN ary Secreta Via the Club’s addresss Mobile: 07774 96357 77 Email: secretary@diiscoveryownerrsclub.org

MAR RK BUMSTEA AD Publicity & Press Officer he Club’s address Via th Mobiile: 07830 290 0642 Email: publicity@d discoveryowneersclub.org

ROY PRESTON ership Secrettary Membe "Scawd del", Dove Ban nk, Wormald Green, G Harroga ate, North Yorrkshire, HG3 3PU. 3 Tel: 01765 677124 M Mobile: 07876 6 473714 Email: memsec@disscoveryownerssclub.org

PAUL FRANCE nts Co-ordina ator Even 75 Reresby Road, Whiston, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S660 4DR. 0 324945 5 Mobile: 078855970088 Tel: 01709 Email: events@dis scoveryownerrsclub.org

JOHN FRANCIS F Treasu urer 8 Cotta age Fields, Eavves Green, Chorley y, Lancs, PR7 7 3QE. Tel: 01257 270079 M Mobile: 07766 6 168869 Email: treasurer@disscoveryownerrsclub.org

SEAN N BUTLER-LE EE Interrnet Officer - club c officer Via th he Club’s address Email: internet@discoveryowneersclub.org

NIGE EL HARRISON N (Tiny) Com mpetitions Sec cretary/Rightss of Way Offiicer 51 Kiing Edward Ro oad, Ripon n, Yorkshire. HG4 H 1RR Mobiile: 07884 404 41234 (anytim me) Hom me: 01765 450 0062 (after 18::00) Email: comp@disc coveryownerssclub.org overyownerscluub.org Email: row@disco Email: tiny1973@btinternet.com m

Wellcome tto D49 Cover Photos:: Front: Dav ve Dorling ck: Guy “Dissco George e” Sumner Bac

Con ntents::  

FEATU URES 8 The 2012 Discoverry 4 Speciffications Have a look at what’s coming next yea ar 13 The Dun nsfold Dis scoverys The fam mous collecction holds some rare e Discove erys, have a look aro ound 14 The Clu ub Shop Mark ge ets a few “ffriends” to dress up! Get you ur orders in n quick while stock la asts nd 22 2 The 22 Birthday y Party, Oc ctober 201 11 th All down n to Plymo outh for 15 and 16th Lee and Ian share their plans s 24 2 Pot Hole es Sign the e on-line pe etition if you’re fed up p With the em

WOR RKSHOP  20 Hang onto o your spare allo oys Graham m can help you keep your Disco overy 3’s spare wheel w where it sho ould be  12 Leakin ng Transfeer Box Output Seal? ? Dave fixed his, h ere’s how

     

REG ULARS 3 Hot off the press.. What’s ne ew? 4 Committtee Corneer. Chris updates us 5 Readers s’ Drives. Meet “Dis sco_ al” 27 Down Your Wayy. Local section newss 30 Find your LSR aand pub meet m 31 And fin nally. Onee last photo to end with w

www.disc coveryownersclub.org


Hot off th he Prress....

  

Discove ery 4: nam med best 4x x4 in 2011 Diesel Ca ar awards Second d successive win: model m retain ns the hon nour it won in 2010 Land R Rover dom minant: Fre eelander 2, winner in 2008 and 2009 also a top finalist in this year’s a awards

Lan nd Roverr, Gaydon n, Warwiickshire, One year on there iss still nothiing to rival the Land Rove er Discove ery 4 as it claims c its second s succcessive 'B Best 4x4' tittle in the 22011 Diese el Car awarrds. Anno ouncing th he award, Diesel D Car Editor Iain n Robertso on declared d: “If there is a more all-round capa able car than the Discovery 4, we w have ye et to encou unter it. With the latesst generation Discovvery you get everything you need n to driv ve absolute ely everyw where.” The Discoveryy 4 was in good g comp pany in the e competitio on, with its s sister Freeelander 2 model also o in the final f runnin ng, continu uing to impress the ju udges afterr winning th he title in 22008 and 2009 2 and being b a finalist in 201 10. The Brritish-built Discovery D 4 also trium mphed ove er the BMW W X5 in the e final reck koning. The Diesel Carr accolade confiirms the brreadth of capaability of the fourth geneeration Discovery, a modeel that has s picked up pa raft oof industry honours since s its laaunch in 20 009. These e incluude the 201 10 What Car? C 9 4x4 oof the Year and 2009 Scotttish Car off the Year titless, plus two awards in the 20100 Towcar of o the Yearr conteest. Most recently r it was w nameed Best Lu uxury 4x4 by b Carbbuyer.co.uk k.

Colin n Green, M Managing Director D La and Rover UK said: “W We are thrrilled to recceive this award, a doin ng so fo or a second d year running shows that the D Discovery 4 continue es to hold a clear adv vantage ovver its market m rivalls. And with Freeland der perform ming so strrongly, we can be prooud of the strength-in ndeptth of our en ngineering, design an nd perform mance.” The Land Rove er Discove ery 4 is ava ailable from m £36,785 and delive ers a winninng pack kage of imp pressive on-road dyn namics, su perb all-wh heel drive capability and sophistica ated, contemporary design, exe emplifying the t qualitie es at the hearrt of all today’s Land Rover mod dels. 3

ome to Com mmittee Co orner in D5 50, Welco Not a lott to write about a this month, m we will hhave had a long overrdue committeee meeting g by the tim me this hits the door mats, m and hopefullyy the 2012 2 National will w be a step clloser with a site chossen. We prom mised an update u for all a memberrs on the subject of th he Nationall, this will be b in D51.

The mosst recent event e as thiis edition iss written was w Billing, and a big than ks to Mike e for persevvering with the organisers s and the elementts and getting the sho ow on the roadd. I have Mike to than nk for the phottos of the stand s at thiis years shhow.

The cllub shop iss now backk on line, Graham G an nd Sean ha ave worked d hard withh Lena and others to get the sh hop working g, some arrea still nee ed tweakin ng, but normal service has beenn resumed d.

The Twitter acccount continues to grow g g to with many nonne members selecting e feeds from m @discov veryoc. I am take interrested to hhear from members m o on wha at they wannt from the service, I do try and post someething every other da ay if sible to keeep it ticking g over with h poss inforrmation abbout the clu ub and Lan nd Rover’s.

For those mem mbers who o have cara avans, in pa articular thhose built by b the Swifft grou up, the clubb now have e a group secttion on the Swift forum. www.s swift-talk.cco.uk/group p/landroverrdiscoveryyowners is the url. The site doess contain useful u articcles and in nformation,, worth a lo ook if you are a interes ted. By the e way if you u are intere ested in tra ailing and w wouldn’t mind m helping Janet in an advisory role with h the ALRO OC please ccontact her, details as a per the C Committee e page. Fin nally; at som me point during d Octob ber/Novemb ber the forrum will be given a re eboot to cle ear some security s isssues and ex-member e rs logins. Pllease make sure you u have you members hip numbe er and pass sword han dy so you can get ba ack in afterw wards. Cheerrs, Chris G Gorvin secretary@ s @discovery yownersclu ub.org 4

After be eing bitten n by the Discovery bu ug four yea ars ago, I’m m now on m my third one. It all started in 200 07, when I made the decision to o upgrade from a car to t something a bit mo ore substa antial. Previo ous Discoss were a J Reg 200 TDi T 3 door, which, to be hones st, was a biit of a nail, full of rustt and 220kk on the clo ock – one go ood thing ccame out of o it though h, I got a w welder for Christmas C that year. I ran around a in tthis for a fe ew months, m un ntil my nex xt one came e up – a siilver 1990 5 door with h the 3.5 3 v8 EFi engine witth LPG. This was lovvely, apart from the lack of LPG L statio ns round here. h Then in the Sprring of 200 09, I decide ed a change c wa as in order,, as I needed better rrange from m my tanks of fuel f – so I ffound my latest l Disco – a 19944 300 TDi ES E Spec in n Caprice. C It was boug ght from eBay, and collected c frrom just do own the roa ad (w well, Pontyypool). It was w advertised as havving lost drive sudde enly, My initial ponderrings suggested a broken half sshaft or cv joint, but I was to disscover it was w a bit mo ore than th hat. My tru usty v8 wass pressed into servic ce to collecct the new addition, a perforrming well, even load ded up with h a Disco o on the traile er behind, and on nce back h home, inve estigations could starrt. After sta arting to strrip things s down, it b became ap pparent tha at it was a b bit more se erious than n a brok ken cv, it tu urned out that t the output shaft iin the gearrbox had worn, a common n fault on early e R380’s due to n not having the drilled g input gear. A replacement g gearbox wa as sourced d from a loccal speciallist for a reason nable sum, and was duly fitted across a b bank holida ay weeken nd (what el se are they for?). In early May 2009, 2 the D Disco move ed under her own pow wer for the e first time in months.. There we ere a few teethin ng problem ms – the da ay after I got it runnin ng again, th he starter motor m faile d! The next few mo onths were e spent gen nerally justt running around a doin ng normal things, unttil the earlyy part of Jun ne, when w what should d have bee en a routine e trundle ro ound a field checkingg on some cattle got a bit more interesting g – we ende ed up sink king in mud d up to the axles, and d had to bee recovered d by a Merrlo tele handle er (I still bla ame the ro oad tyres fo or this). It tturned out to be a bitt of a blesssing though h, as it highlig ghted the a amount of rust under the archess.


An entire Sunda ay was take en up with welding th he passeng ger side ba ack to a reaasonable state, s including me time I fiitted a “perrformance”” exhaust and a 110 froont pipe, as the old system s the rear arches. At the sam was fa alling apartt rapidly. In Aug gust came the first big test – a holiday to Scotland. Everything g was loadeed in to the e back of the t Disco,, and we set off. It wa asn’t long before b we hit the motorway and d settled inn for the crruise up the e M6, taking g it steady, so as not to drain the tank too quickly – I was challenging myyself to ge et there on one tank of o fuel or le ess! We sto opped for the night a at Gretna services, s pa aying £6 too park up for f the nigh ht, and slept in the Disco! Not exa actly the Ritz, R and it d did get cold d in the sm mall hours – but it was fun! Wakin ng the nextt morning to t a gloriou us sunny d day, we sett off on the last leg att about 10a am, after a well earned cuppa fro om the 12vv kettle I’d bought be eforehand. However, we almostt didn’t ma ake it any fu urther. As already menttioned, it got quite co old during tthe early hours, so I started s thee Disco up to get som me warmtth back in tthe cab. Th his caused d a slight problem the e next morning. I’d nooticed for a few weekks before ehand, quitte a lot of smoke s from m the exha aust in the mornings, and hadn’’t really tho ought much h about it, planning to chang ge the valve stem sea als at a late er date, in order to cuure the pro oblem. It tu urned at the smo oke was a lot l worse after a leavin ng the engine ticking over for a ffew minute es, due to the out tha seals in the turbo being ba adly worn. Murph hy must ha ave been riding shotg gun that mo orning, as a police ca ar followedd us out of the service es, duly pulling p us o over before e we hit the e motorwayy. After a quick q check k of docum ments, and under the bonne et, we were e allowed on o our way y – a close one, and so s after tha at I made ssure that I didn’t leavve it ticking g over for too long. The weeken nd went we ell after tha at, with som me lovely sscenery to match – we w are definittely plannin ng to go ba ack. t weeken nd I was im mpressed with w the fue el consumption, an average a of 37mpg! We W even Over the manag ged to get back from m Aberdeen n to home iin 12 hours s and using g less thann a tank of fuel. The fo ollowing we eekend saw w the head d gasket an nd valve stem seals changed, aas well as a full deco oke – and d judging by b the valvves, it need ded it, as th hey were w at lea ast six timees thicker than they should s have h been, partly duee to the va alve stem seals, s turbo t seals s, and the ddodgy EGR unit. The e Mot followed, f and a she paassed with flying colours – result! r Justt before wiinter kicked d in, I decid ded to get g some new n tyres, and a set of Cooper Discoverer D r ST’s weree purchase ed, just in time t as a it turned d out – winnter hit prop perly, with six inches i of snow s to plaay with. It was w so nice e to have h some ething that was suited d to the conditions, c , and the C Coopers did d their job perfectly. p Christmas C came and went, and in February F I fitted a Saafari snorke el, as we get g some s quite e deep floood water in places rou und here, h and as a we all kknow, Disco os are som mehow drawn d to de eep water. The re est of that yyear passe ed uneventtfully, only requiring a new fron nt prop shaaft as time constraints c s made it easier to o buy a new w one, tha an spend a morning replacing r th he u/j’s. Thhe annual MoT M even flew he only upg grades I ad dded last year y were ssome new HD front springs s andd some Tuffback sho ocks. by. Th By Se eptember I was gettin ng a bit borred with it, and I was even cons sidering seelling it, unttil I decided d to splash h out on a new recon n turbo (I was w still gettting some blue smok ke from thee second hand h one I fitted) and an n Allisport full width intercooler – the chan nge was amazing! She would nnow out-ac ccelerate an a XR2i from f 50-70 0mph, and if I tried ha ard enough h, spin the wheels on n a dry roaad!


Not to oo much off that going g on though h, as I don n’t fancy ch hanging half shafts annd diffs.

This year y has go one relative ely easily, with just a change off suspension, after thhe rough ro oads killed the rear Tuffbacks, T a and so I bit the bullett and fitted d a two inch h lift with Procomp P shhocks and some tastty BFG AT’s in n everyone e’s favouritte flavour - 235/85/16 6. New clear indicato ors and spootlamps ha ave followe ed, and a new steerring box an nd pipes we ere done rrecently too o.

All that remains now w is to startt on the Mo oT preparatio ons for thiss year – a few f holes have h appeared in the sillss from the winter w salt I suspect, and a I have recently changed c all of the front suspension s n bushes.

So tha at is the sto ory so far of o my 1994 4 300 TDi ES S Discoverry – needle ess to say,, there will be e more to ccome. Alan (Disco_al)



Winner of 153 awardss since laun nch of Disco overy 3 in 2004 2 m 245hp to 256hp 2 and CO2 down to 230g/km Power increased from HP70 autom matic transm mission com mes with rottary gear sh hift selector and paddle e shift New ZF 8H Entry-leve el audio and d navigation systems no ow compatiible with Blu uetooth, DA AB & USB/iP Pod Premium H Harmon Kardon LOGIC C 7 now boa asts 17 spe eakers and 825W of poower M Rear Seatt Entertainm ment now av vailable via WhiteFireTM wireless te echnology 'Say Whatt You See' voice v activa ation system m

The 20 012 Discove ery 4 gains a host of ne ew and refin ned feature es making th he best all-ppurpose veh hicle even better. b At the top of the liist is the new ZF 8HP7 70, 8-speed automatic transmissio on, improvinng efficiency y and helpin ng reduce e CO2 emisssions on the e 3.0 SDV6 diesel from m a competitive 244g/km to an outtstanding 23 30g/km. In conjjunction with the new transmission n, the Disco overy 4 is no ow equippe ed with the ' Drive Selec ct' rotary ge ear shift and ste eering whee el-mounted paddle shifft. Despite tthe reductio on in CO2 em missions, LLand Rover engineers have h manag ged to increase the pow wer from 24 45hp to 256 6hp for phen nomenal performance. The 3.0 SD DV6 comess equipp ped with a d diesel particculate filter (DPF), ( mak ing it among the cleanest diesel eengines on the t market. In addition to the d driveline im mprovements s, the Disco overy 4’s de esign and equipment leevels have been b given a makeo over too. Th here are two o new alloy wheel desig gns, three new n option packs and iimproved audio and naviga ation system ms based on n the latest electrical arrchitecture. The entry-llevel audio system has s now been upgrad ded with a ccolour scree en replacing g the previo ous black an nd white unit and availaable with Bluetooth, DA AB and USB/iP Pod connecctivity. Also for the first time, the au udio system m is availablle with a noon-navigatio on touch-scrreen. The ne ew enhance ements to th he Premium m Harmon K Kardon LOG GIC 7 system m with an asstonishing 825W 8 of po ower through a 17-spea aker system m whilst the new ‘Say W What You See’ S voice co ommand onn premium systems s allo ows the driv ver to use sspoken shortcut commands. "Impro oved perform mance, lowe er CO2 emis ssions and enhanced design d and equipment levels, consolidate the e Discov very 4's possition as the e most capable and verrsatile all-pu urpose vehicle on and off the road d today. The e Discov very 4 is quiite simply in n a class of its own," sa aid Colin Grreen, Land Rover UK M Managing Director. D Superr-efficient 3 3.0-litre dies sels combine more p power with greater effficiency The SD DV6 engine e is equippe ed with the ground g brea aking parallel sequentia al turbocha rging system and third genera ation common rail fuel injection sy ystem. Throtttle respons se is stagge ering with m maximum torrque availab ble from only 2,000rp pm.


The new 3.0-litre diesel can significantly outperform its rivals by delivering 500Nm in only 500 milliseconds from idle. This means drivers have instantaneous access to 95 percent of maximum torque. When it was introduced at 2010 model year, the parallel sequential turbocharging system was the first of its kind to be fitted to a V-engine anywhere in the world. The twin turbochargers work sequentially to provide best in class torque at low speeds and pack a huge punch at high speeds. Driving a turbocharger requires pressure from the exhaust, creating pumping losses in the engine and increasing fuel consumption. To minimise this effect, valves isolate the secondary turbocharger both from the exhaust stream and the engine inlet tract when it is not required. A balance pipe connecting the two manifolds allows the gas from both manifolds to feed through the primary turbocharger. A variable geometry, medium-sized turbocharger is in use most of the time during average acceleration and up to motorway cruising speeds and performs with no discernible lag. It is a more efficient system than series turbocharging in which the smaller primary turbo increases pumping losses. The 3.0-litre diesel set new standards of refinement and fuel economy at 2010 model year, with its third generation common rail fuel injection system. Operating at 2,000bar, the piezo injectors are designed to minimise noise while optimising combustion. The system operates in ‘metering mode’ supplying just the right amount of fuel to the injectors rather than returning it to the tank and wasting pumping energy in the process. All diesel models are now fitted with a DPF and have an advanced EGR system to reduce NOx.

Emissions-busting ZF 8HP70 automatic gearbox. First fitted to the Range Rover TDV8 for 2011, the remarkable ZF 8-speed 8HP70 transmission delivers unrivalled response for driving pleasure while driving fuel consumption and CO2 emissions down to an all-time low. Eight speeds provide closer ratios and a greater overall ratio spread, while the higher overdrive ratio compliments the huge torque of the 3.0 LR-SDV6, reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Efficiency is further improved by the internal mechanical layout of the 8HP70 which means that no more than two internal clutches are open at any one time. The 8HP70 is packed with energy saving features. The hydraulic actuating system is more efficient too, the hydraulic pump drawing less energy from the engine. The torque converter is calibrated to lock-up at lower speeds and operating temperature, reducing fuel consumption and once again taking advantage of the 3.0-litre diesel engine's immense low-end torque. Transmission Idle Control seamlessly and transparently selects neutral when the car is stationary and the engine idling in drive, reducing drag on the engine and saving fuel. The 8HP70 has brains too. In hot conditions it selects a lower gear to run the engine and air conditioning pump faster to cool down the cabin quickly. In cold conditions it runs the engine faster to reduce warm-up time and emissions. Apart from CO2-busting efficiency improvements, the 8HP70 offers performance benefits too. Taking just 200 milliseconds to complete the entire shift event, the 8HP70 gears change with an imperceptible interruption of torque for smoothness equalling that of a dual-clutch transmission, while providing a more sophisticated driving experience. The 8HP70 matches the engine speed to its turbine speed in anticipation of oncoming downshifts for an absolutely smooth transition from one ratio to the next. Closer ratios also contribute to making individual shifts smoother. Driver Type Detection monitors driver inputs and the car’s systems to optimise the response of the gearbox to the driver’s style, while Curve Detection makes sure the gearbox avoids unwanted upshifts and holds on to the same gear when taking a sequence of bends. The gearbox also monitors the driver’s use of the brake together with the rate of deceleration to set up the correct gear for entry and exit to the corner. The 8HP70 does not have to change to a lower gear sequentially and can skip up to six ratios if necessary, for much faster response when preparing to overtake. Driver controls include steering wheel paddles as standard enabling the driver to take control of gear shifting manually. The CommandShift lever is replaced by a rotary knob for selecting park, reverse, neutral, drive or sport modes, the last of these optimising the gearbox response times for maximum acceleration, improved response and sharper upshifts. The selector knob is flush with the centre console when the ignition is switched off, rising up when it is switched on. To avoid confusion, the Terrain Response Rotary Switch is replaced by a new Terrain Response Optimisation Switch. "The new 8-speed transmission is a perfect match for our 3.0-litre diesel engine. The additional ratios combined with skip shifts mean the engine is always working in the most efficient part of its operating range," said Paul Walker, Chief Programme Engineer.


Advanced chassis, suspension and brakes The Discovery 4 suspension system was substantially revised for 2010 model year with changes to roll centres, anti roll bars, suspension knuckles, damper bushes and the addition of a variable ratio steering rack for greater stability during high speed cruising and increased sensitivity at acute steering angles. More powerful brakes comprised twin-piston sliding callipers with 360mm ventilated discs at the front and single piston with 350mm ventilated discs at the rear. The understeer control system, which intervenes by automatically slowing the vehicle to bring it back under driver control, was also revised. Off-road ability remains top of the class for 2012 When it comes to off-road ability, Land Rover vehicles are acknowledged as setting the standards for others to follow with its acclaimed Terrain ResponseTM system. For 2011, two additional functions were added, Hill Start Assist and Gradient Acceleration Control. Hill Start Assist retains the initial driver-generated brake pressure long enough for the foot to move from brake pedal to throttle without the car rolling backwards. The brake is released after a sufficient time has elapsed or when the engine is supplying enough torque to move the car up the hill. Hill Start Assist is always available, not selectable, and neither is its operation indicated to the driver. Gradient Acceleration Control is designed to provide safety cover on severe gradients when the driver does not have Hill Descent Control engaged. By pressurising the brake system, Gradient Acceleration Control slows the car to a limit determined by the throttle position when the car is descending the slope in the driver’s intended direction of travel. This includes descending the slope forwards in drive, or rearwards in reverse. Otherwise (such as descending while facing up the gradient with Drive selected) Gradient Acceleration Control restricts speed to 5km/h (3.1mph) for up to 20 seconds, allowing the driver to regain proper control. "These advanced all-terrain functions have proven themselves to be world class since their introduction last year. Both are subtle but effective additions which deliver an added layer of safety to drivers who want to venture further afield," said Nick Veale, Vehicle Engineering Manager. Vision Assist Pack A new option pack is available to customers for 2012 - the Vision Assist Pack. Available from £1000, the Vision Assist Pack has Xenon Adaptive Front Headlamps including Cornering Lamps, Automatic Headlamps with High Beam Assist and the Surround Camera System including Approach Lamps, Tow Assist and Tow Hitch Assist. Detail and design improvements for 2012 For 2012, crisp new steering column stalks with chrome bezels provide clearer symbols and a new premium pebble-like design to the smart key makes it both more attractive and easier to carry. Externally a new 19” alloy wheel comes as standard on the HSE whilst a Gloss Black 20” 5 split-spoke wheel design and extended Satin Black roof rails are available as customer options across the range. The Timed Climate feature, as standard on HSE models, which pre-heats the cabin and engine in cold weather, has been upgraded from a one-day timer to a seven-day timer operated much like a home central heating programmer. Programming is accomplished via the audio system touch screen or remote control. Where touchscreen audio systems are not fitted the feature is controlled with the remote control only. Audio, Navigation and Rear Seat Entertainment move up to another level Discovery 4 audio systems have been rationalised and improved for 2012 and the electrical architecture upgraded to the latest MOST Gen 2.1. A new, entry level 8-speaker system with colour display replaces the previous system with black and white display. The entry level system also has options for Bluetooth, DAB and USB/iPod connectivity. The Hi-ICE Harman Kardon System has been upgraded from 9speakers to 11-speakers and the output boosted from 240W to a substantial 380W. The optional Premium Harman Kardon LOGIC 7 system has seen the most dramatic improvement, from 14 to 17 speakers and an almost unbelievable increase in output power from 480W to a staggering 825W. The higher end touch-screen audio systems were previously available only in conjunction with a navigation system but are now available independently. Navigation is available in two levels - Base and Premium, with the latter enhanced with voice activation. Touch screens have been revised with a new, contemporary style and a ‘Virtual CD Autochanger’.


Mo odels equipp ped with hard-disc navigation allow w storage of o up to 10 albums a in u ncompressed format on o the e same hard d drive. ‘Sayy What You See’ voice e activation gets over th he problem of memoris sing com mmands an nd prompts the t driver by b displaying g command ds in a step--by-step forrmat on the screen. Vo oice com mmands ca an be run tog gether as shortcuts an nd the system is activatted by the P Push-to-Talk (PTT) buttton on the steering g wheel. Rear Seat Enttertainment (RSE) is no ow equippe ed with a sin ngle slot DV VD drive in tthe audio he ead unit so the disc can be co onveniently loaded from m inside the e cabin. This s new syste em replacess the previo ous six DVD D Changer acce essed throug gh the lugga age compa rtment. The e rear seat audio a syste m is operatted by new pow werful wirele ess technollogy called WhiteFireTMM via cordless headpho ones, and ccan also be controlled by b rem mote control. The syste em supports s connectiviity with gam mes console es and videoo playback of MP4 filess sto ored on USB B. The e phoneboo ok capacity for the Disc covery 4 ha as increased d significanttly for 2012 from 700 entries e to sev veral thousa and, whilst the t TFT Me essage Cen ntre interface e has been redesignedd to display audio, phone and d navigation nal informattion. Lan nd Rover H Homelink ta akes the ha assle out o of homecom ming Dis scovery getss a brand new feature for 2011 ma aking return ning home just that littlee bit easierr for ownerss with remote op pening gate es or garage e doors. The e Homelink k option is packaged wiith High Bea am Assist and a can n learn the ffrequenciess of most tra ansmitters u used to ope erate automated garagee doors and d gates. The e pre ess of a buttton is all it takes t to ope erate. e_T TERRAIN T TECHNOLO OGIES boost econom my and lowe er CO2 emissions The e Discoveryy 4 is packe ed with featu ures aimed at reducing g fuel consu umption andd reducing CO C 2 em missions. The e parallel se equential tu urbocharging g system off the 3.0-litrre diesel ma akes use of its larger, primary p turb bo mo ost of the tim me. The sma aller second dary turbo rremains dorrmant when n higher pow wer is not re equired, red ducing pump ping losses and consequently, fue el consumption. The highly efficiennt, third gen neration common c rail injection ssystem with h piezo injectors i an nd fuel meteering, also makes m a substantial s contributionn to fuel eco onomy. Engines E have also beeen optimised d for low-en nd torque t as well w as econnomy, makin ng it possiblle to t activate the t lock-up clutch of th he ZF 8HP70 automatic a trransmissionn at lower speed. This reduces r ‘slip’ in the hyddraulic torque converte er improving i both b fuel connsumption and a CO2 emissions. e The higher torque at lo ower rpm allso enables e lon nger gearingg for more economical e cruising. c The T Discovery 4 incorpporates sev veral other energy e saviing featuress too. At sta andstill, the idle speed s of the V6 is a low ow 710rpm, using the minimum m off fuel withouut comprom mising refinement. r An Intelligeent Power Managemen M nt System S inclludes Smarrt Regenera ative Charging, so s wheneve er possible the alternattor charges the battery b whe en it is mostt economica al to do so, such s as when the car iis coasting rather than accelerating a g. Aerodynam A mic features at the frontt end such as a the t lower ch hin spoiler aand front wh heel deflecttors help h to redu uce drag byy increasing under floorr airflow. a The e air conditiooning pump p is driven through t a clutch whichh disengage es when the air conditioning c g is not in u se, reducing parasitic mprovemen losses l and delivering im nts in fuel f consum mption and C CO2 emissions.


e_TE ERRAIN TEC CHNOLOG GIES in sum mmary:  EU5 SDV6 engine e technology omatic imprroves efficie ency and red duces CO2  New ZF 8HP70 8--speed auto  Diesel particulate filters on alll Discoveryy models e calibration n optimised  Engine  Low en ngine idle speed  Reduced torque-cconverter slip  Higherr torque, allo owing longe er gearing  Intelligent Power System S Management ((IPSM) inclu uding smartt regeneratiive charging g ed air conditioning pum mp to reducce parasitic losses  Clutche  Improvved aerodyn namics The e 2012 Mod del Year Disscovery 4 is s available i n the UK fro om £37,995 5 on the roaad from October. For mo ore informattion please visit v your lo ocal Land Ro over dealerr or log onto o www.landrrover.co.uk

TR RANSFE ER BOX X OUTP PUT-SH HAFT OIIL-SEAL L REPLA ACEME ENT Wh hilst giving “Old Gold” a service e I noticed that I had an oil leak running doown the ba ackplate off the e hand brake which in ndicated th hat the tran nsfer box output o shafft oil seal hhad failed. The follow wing pro ocedure wa as carried out with th he transfer box draine ed of oil. 1. Chock front wheels and jack up u rear of vehicle v and d place on n axle stand ds. 2. Undo the ffour nuts (9 9/16”) hold ding the pro op-shaft to the hand brake drum m. 3. With W a tyre e lever/larg ge screwdrriver bettween han ndbrake dru um and pro opsha aft flange ccompress sliding s join nt to ena able prop-sshaft to removed and d tied to one o side. 4. Apply A hand d brake an nd release the two o cross-head screwss and undo the 30mm nut in the centre e of the dru um. Re elease hand d brake an nd remove drum. Pull hand bra ake drum carrier c clea ar. 5. Below the output sha aft there is an oil catcch plate he eld in place e by two 177mm bolts;; remove itt. 6. Now you ccan remove e the oil se eal holding ring; there e is a notch h at the boottom to allo ow the use e of a le ever to rem move it. 7. Remove th he old oil seal; s I used d an old be ent coat-ha anger. 8. 8 To installl the new ooil seal I found that a hub box-spanner is a perfect fit. Lubricate in nner edge of new oil seal and refit hand brake b drum carrier witth new 30m mm nut (N Nyloc type). 9. 9 The rest of the job is a revers sal of above but b rememb ber that yoou should use u new Nyloc N nuts for f the proop-shaft. I also a had to o clean the ha andbrake ddrum and shoes s due to oil o contamin nation from m the oil lea ak. All A the best, Dave D D. 12

TH HE DU UNSFO OLD CO OLLEC CTION DISCO OVERYS B62C COH V8I PE ETROL This iis possibly y the oldestt surviving Discovery y prototype e left. Itts code name is Jay5 5, Jay beinng the proje ect’s factorry in hou use name. This vehic cle has a V V8 efi engin ne, which is i odd b because prroduction models m werre launche ed with carbu rettors. No otice the “B B” reg. plate te that wou uld have disguiised it as being b a new w model w while on the e road clockin ng up the miles. m C60JK KG 200Tdi

This Discove ery is one of o the first prototypes p s dating from 1988. There is eviidence of trials t in the e Arc ctic Circle. During tria als, a fibreg glass roof pod would d have been fitted. Affter mileage tests, it wa as used as a mule forr Camel Trrophy riggin ng and training, henc ce the full rroll cage and winch. The body dam mage was caused th hrough man ny hours of o off-road driver d trainning and du urability tessts. At one time, tthe vehicle e was left submerged s d for three days in a muddy m holee to test fo or water ing gress into m mechanica al compone ents.

X598JW WP V8 PET TROL This is a pre-prod duction proototype dating from c is w white and th he black was w 2003. The base colour uptive effecct to camou uflage the added as a disru body lines and style. From what we can c tell, the e vehicle e worked overseas, o hhence the “GB” sticker. The re ear lamps are a nothingg like the final build, also th he interior trim is prottotype. This is possib bly the on nly survivin ng prototyppe.

4UKR TDV6 6 (on the le eft) KW04 This is one of the first batch b of pro oduction D Discovery 3 HSE to be built. Its internal bu uild code was w L319. Around d 125 were e built for in nternationa al press lau unch events and thiss one was used u on th he Scottish even nt in 2004. After the press p launcch it was lo oaned to th he Midlandd Fire Serv vice as a trrial veh hicle and itt still retain ns their logo.


CLUB SHOP The Discovery Owners Club collection 2011

Discovery Owners Club Logo Polo shirt. A quality polo shirt, embroidered with the DOC logo.

Choose from available colours and sizes. Some size / colours may be subject to availability.

Discovery Owners Club Formal Shirt Short sleeved shirt embrodered with the DOC logo. Available in various colours.

Discovery Owners Club Beanie Various Colours Available, one size fits all. Discovery Owners Club 3-in-1 jacket - ÂŁ50 A quality 3 in one Regatta coat. Can be worn as coat with removable fleece, jacket without the fleece or just the fleece on its own. Embroidered with the DOC logo. Made by Regatta, a well known brand in outdoor clothing.

Discovery Owners Club Feece A quality fleece, embroiderd with the DOC logo

Discovery Owners Club Sweatshirt A quality Fruit of the Loom sweatshirt. Embroidered with the DOC logo.

Discovery Owners Club Umbrella A large golf style umberella. Finished in a choice of colours. Embroiderd with the DOC Logo - great for keeping dry at shows and events.

Triangle Window Static Cling. no residue when removed. Alpine Window Sticker

Tax Disc Holder

Kids hooded sweatshirt. Red and embroidered with the DOC logo. Front pocket.

Two Colour T Shirt

T Shirt

A 2 colour round neck tshirt, embroydered with the DOC logo.

A quality round neck T shirt. Embroidered with the DOC logo.

Short Sleeve Rugby Shirt

A quality Bruntwood short sleeve rugby shirt. Balck with white collar, rubber buttons and embroidered DOC Logo.

Please see the separate order form for size/colour avaialbility and prices. Please note: Please allow 28 Days for delivery. Whilst we do carry good stocks it may take an additional 14 days for delivery if your choice needs to be ordered from our suppliers.

How to Order If you have internet access go to www.discoveryownersclub.org/store To order by post, use the order form to select theitems you would like, send your order along with a cheque/postal order for the full amount (dont forget to include the postage) to: Discovery Owners Club Shop 9 Turner Street, Great Houghton Barnsley, S72 0DL







XL XX Each L

T Shirt Round Neck

Total Item





T Shirt Round Neck 2 Colour







Polo Shirt One Colour

White/ Red White/ Navy

£10.00 £10.00


















Formal Shirt

Rugby Shirt (Sort Sleeve) Red


Light Blue








3 in 1 Coat





Sweat Shirt

Kids Hoody

Kids T Shirt Red







Beanie Hat






Baseball Cap Black






Navy Blue


Navy Blue


Light Blue


Royal Blue




Childrens Backpack

Golf Umbrella













DOC Pin Badge

DOC Sew on Patch

DOC Triangle Window Sticker White





Tax Disc Holder £2.00

DOC Alpine Window Sticker Silver


Total Price Postage Total


Please send a Cheque/Postal Order for the Total Amount payable to Discovery Owners Club Name Address

Postcode Country (if not UK) Telephone *Please provide a phone number to allow us to contact you in case a query with your order.

*Stock items will be despatched once we have received cleared payment, items out of stock will be despatched as soon as received from our suppliers. We will contact you in case of delay. Please allow at least 28 days for delivery Please send your order to: Discovery Owners Club Shop 9 Turner Street Great Houghton Barnsley S72 0DL 19

DISCOVERY 3 WATCH YOUR SPARE WHEEL… I had read about the high numbers of D3 spare wheels being stolen on various forums and thought, “it won’t happen to me”. Thankfully it hasn’t. However, a friend of mine was amazed when he took his new D3 into the dealers for his first service to be told his spare wheel had been stolen. This got me thinking about trying to protect my wheel against theft. The problem is the spare wheel is held in place by a wire rope, worked from a winch mounted on the rear floor of the car. Certain wheel designs allow low-lifes to simply slot their hand through the wheel and cut the rope, then they simply take the wheel away. Unless you check on a regular basis that the wheel is still there, you probably wouldn’t notice until you needed it. It goes without saying the cost of replacement is well into hundreds of pounds for the wheel / tyre along with about £100 for a new wheel carrier as it’s a complete assembly. After looking at and trying several different ideas, I came up with a simple and cheap way of keeping my wheel where it belongs. I used a piece of 3” exhaust flexi called “bellows type” (as opposed to the “concertina type”). I purchased it from a motor factor for a few pounds. I measured the distance between the wheel and the floor of the car, and cut the flexi 21cm long. I lowered the spare wheel down and removed it. I then slid the flexi pipe over the bottom bracket that holds the wheel and onto the winch cable, refitted the wheel ready to winch it back into place and carefully winched the wheel back up under the car. When the wheel was almost home I checked the flexi pipe and ensured it was sitting square between the wheel and the roof of the boot floor before finally winching the wheel the last few turns until it was fully home. At 21cms the flexi is a fraction oversize so gets clamped nicely between the wheel and the floor of the car and won’t rattle about. If using the concertina type flexi pipe, remember it will compress under pressure, so compress it fully before measuring and cutting it to 21cms. As some wheels / tyres are different, it may be worth taking your own measurement if you are unsure, before cutting your flexi to fit. When the job’s done, it makes it impossible to cut the wire and release the wheel as you have shielded it with the flexi pipe. FROM THE EDITOR’S INBOX…… Member C Ball from the Lizard, Cornwall is looking for an owner’s handbook for a 1993 Discovery Mpi and any other related “bumf”. He is willing to pay a good price for items in a good condition. Please contact him on: 01326 290281 if you can help. 20


22ND BIIRTHD DAY W WEEKE END 15TH/16 6TH OCTOB O BER 20 011 As I siit here puttting fingerttips to keyb board (use ed to be pe en to paperr) I am feeeling mostly y excited but b also a little nervo ous as I re ealise that there t are o only three and a a half months lefft until the next Disco overy's Birthday Weekend. It is its 22nd and if this year’s weeken nd is half as a good as last year’s s it should be a great success. The Birthday B We eekend is open o to an ny owner/d river of a Land L Rover Discoverry old or ne ew. The rea ason? The jo oining toge ether of like e-minded people, p peo ople with a passion fo or their Disscoverys. It’s a chancce to celebrrate and re e-create the e launch of the vehiccle which to ook place in i and arouund the Ply ymouth are ea back in 1989, alsso raising some mon ney for a co ouple of Ch harities too o. (Shelterbbox UK an nd Devon + Cornw wall 4x4 Re esponse) P e for the Weekend W will be rough hly the sam me as last year y but wiith a few timing tweaks. The Programme Saturday 15th O October 2011 We wiill gather on Plymouth Hoe on Saturday S 1 15th Octob ber from 10 0:00 until 1 3:00. Yes, free parkin ng in a big citty. This givves everyo one a chance to regisster with on ne of the Devon D and Cornwall DOC D Team m, then pop do own into th he City of Plymouth, P which w is a 10 to 15 minute m walk k. Time too catch up with w old frie ends, and grrab a late b breakfast or o a big hearty lunch.. Plymo outh, like any big city,, has its fill of fast foo od outlets, good resta aurants annd a pannie er market. Another choice o on offer is the Barbic can area. T This is the old o fishing port of thee city, home e to the Aquarrium, gift sh hops and even e more eating hou uses. The Hoe must be clear oof all vehicles by approx ximately 13:15. On lea aving the H Hoe, via the Torpoint Ferry, we will drive to o Mt Edgcumbe, stoppping along the way to let people e catch up and to takke photos, etc. Mt Ed dgcumbe's smaller Te ea Shop wiill be open, however, last year th hey had ru un out food d just as we e got there e. ng Social a and Charityy Raffle (tb bc) 19:00 tto Late. Evenin ay 16th Oc ctober 201 11 Sunda 09:30 we will me eet at the car c park of the Tesco o Store, Lee e Mill. From m here we will head straight do own to the ste eam railwa ay at Buckffastleigh. This T should d give peop ple plenty of o time to llook around the statio on, catch the train (1 10:45) and d spend some time att Totnes (re eturn train leaves at 13:00) Please checkk their websitte for addittional inforrmation: ww ww.southd devonrailwa ay.co.uk/tim metable At 14:00 we will commencce the drive e across Da artmoor to the Two Bridges B Hootel, reachin ng here at a and a 15:00. Time for a pint or a cream tea few fo ond farewells. Green n laning or scenic drivves may be e organised the da ay before the t event on o the y or the dayy after the event on Monday, M Friday depen nding on de emand.

Please e contact m me via the number prrovided or email hayward_llee@yahoo.com for more inform mation


DISCO OVERY Y BIRT THDAY WEEK KEND 2011PR 2 ROGRA AMME E Saturday 15th O October 2011 e - Registe er/Photos/B Breakfast/L Lunch 10:00--13:00 Plym mouth Hoe 13:00--14:30 Drivve to Mt Ed dgcumbe via v Torpoin nt Ferry - sttopping forr photos 14:30--16:30 Mt Edgcumbe e - Afternoo on Tea/Sig htseeing/p photos Late 19:30 e Evening Social and d Raffle (tb bc) Sunda ay 16th Oc ctober 201 11 0930 Mee et at Lee Mill M Tesco Car C Park 10:00--14:00 Sou uth Devon Steam Ra ailway Buckkfastleigh - Train ride e/Photos/Luunch 14:00--15:00 Darrtmoor Drivve to The Two T Bridge es Hotel 1500 Two o Bridges Hotel H - Afte ernoon Tea a and Farewells The above progrramme is subject s to change c at short notic ce and may y be weathher depend dent. For more information pleasse visit ourr website: ffirst on the e list below or contactt me on 07 792009757 75. Postco odes will b be listed on n our website nearer the tim me.

Useful Websitess www.d discoveryb birthdayparrty.co.uk/ www.s southdevon nrailway.co o.uk/timeta able www.m mountedgccumbe.govv.uk/ www.v visitplymou uth.co.uk

act Lee on 07920097575 or Ian on Conta 07771882622 orr email; haywa ard_lee@yyahoo.com for furtherr details orr questiions.


A ‘POT ‘ ’ HOL LE IN N THE E HEA AD     

Pothole d damage costs UK drivers d on average £400 £ a yea ar i Even if th hey were given g the budget th hey need, it would still s take att least 11 years to repair r the UK’s damaged d roads ii The averrage UK motorist m en ncounters 10 potholes per da ay iii 90% of U UK drivers don’t feel adequate ely alerted d to potho oles on thee road iv Confused d.com unv veils the first f ever w warning siign for potholes and d launche es a petition n for its us se on road ds nationw wide

A new w road sign n has been designed by Confussed.com, specifically to alert roaad users to o the UK’s 2 million n potholes..v The road d sign is the first of itss kind and the car ins surance exxpert is pettitioning to urge the De epartment for Transp port to intro oduce it to roads acro oss the UK K. Confusedd.com is calling on motorists to support the ne ew sign at http://www w.confused d.com/car-insurance/ppothole-da amage-petiition A constant sourcce of frustrration for drivers, d the sign has been b developed in reesponse to o recent find dings that ev ven with su ufficient bu udgets, it would w take councils at a least 11 years y to reepair the UK’s damag ged roads.vi With thiis in mind, 82% of drivers would d like to se ee a road sign s dedicaated to potholes. 4 H Ch hief Marketting Officerr at Confussed.com sa ays: “Although repairring these roads r is Mike Hoban, obviou usly the lon ng term so olution, som mething ne eeds to be done now. Currentlyy the UK’s road r signs includ de warningss for wild horses, h wild d animals, cattle and d even toad ds but pothholes aren’’t considere ed worthy y enough? ? A pothole e road sign is a vital sstep in prev venting accidents annd reducing g insurance e cla aims whilstt road main ntenance continues.” c ” Th he road sig gn design was w inspire ed by local pothole crrusader Te ed Re elf, a plumb ber from Kent, K who made m natioonal headlines in April 2010 wh hen his hom me made warning w sig gn againstt potholes was w removved by the e local cou uncil. Te ed Relf sayys: “We all moan abo out potholees and now w we have the t ch hance to do o somethin ng about th hem. I creaated my ow wn pothole e sign las st year beccause I wa as concerne ed for the ssafety of drivers d on my m roa ad. I fully ssupport the e introductiion of an oofficial poth hole road sign s an nd urge the e nation to sign the petition at C Confused.c com.“ The pothole road d sign has been prod duced in acccordance with the signage gu idelines se et by the Deparrtment for T Transport and is the brainchild of Phil Baines from Central C St Martins, University U o the of Arts London. Ba aines, desig gner and signage s exp pert, says:: “Warn ning road ssigns are th here as a safety s measu ure to warn n drivers of potential dange ers, and po otholes cerrtainly fall within w that ca ategory. G Given the sccale of the curren nt problem I would we elcome a speciffic pothole sign being g added to the Traffic c Sign Man nual.” d you like to see the pothole p roa ad Would sign in ntroduced? ?

Top Potthole Statss and Facts 

If the po othole prob blem increaases at its current ratte, by 2030 0, the amou unt of pothholes in the e UK will be e as long as the M4 (18 89 miles) iff linked tog gether or th he same size as Disn ney World Florida! 7

The stru uctural bud dget for roaads upkeep p has a £686 8 million shortfall s

£10.6 million m was spent on rroad user compensa ation 9 last yea ar 24

Suppo ort the poth hole campa aign by sig gning the o online petition at http://w www.confu used.com/ccar-insuran nce/pothol e-damage-petition Things s You Didn n’t Know About A Potholes - A po othole is only officially a pothole once it’ss 1.5 inches s deep.10 - UK road main ntenance iss currently under fund ded by 50% %. 11 2 - The e average U UK motorisst encounte ers 10 poth holes per day. d

-The average a ro oad in Englland is only y resurface ed every 65 6 years. In n Wales it iis every 81 1 years. 12


Resea arch conductted by one po oll for Confus sed.com with h a survey ba ase of 2000 respondentss (UK) who are a car ownerrs ALAR RM Survey 20 011, Publishe ed by the As sphalt Industrry Alliance iii ALAR RM Suvey iv Research conduccted by one poll p for Confu used.com witth a survey base b of 2000 respondentss (UK) who are a car owne ers v ALAR RM Survey 20 011 vi ALAR RM Survey 20 011 7 Based d on findings from fillthath hole.co.uk 8&9 ALA ARM Surveyy 2011 10 According to guid delines from Lambeth Council 11 & 12 ALARM A Surve ey 2011 ______ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ______________ ii

ARTICLES S FOR DISCOURSE I’m so orry the lasst issue (D4 49) was latte but this was beyyond of my y control. c put this Without articles to print I can’t public cation togetther, and this t was the reason for its latte arrival. se let me h have your articles! Pleas Share e your expeeriences and tell the memb bers of youur days outt, holidays and modification m ns you hav ve made to o your vehicle. v Doon’t forget any a odd photos you mayy have for the t ‘And Finally y’ section oon the bac ck page. Please rememb er to subm mit any written work in ‘Word’ aas a docum ment. Accom mpanying pphotos sho ould be sen nt separately as jp eg images s. All can be b emaile ed in or seent by snaill mail on a disc. Thank ks Rogerr Spencer Discourse Editor.


Lo ocal Section Rep prese entattives s “D Down Your Way y” Overr the next few f pages you’ll find details of your y neare est local section m meeting. Th he following g areas do o not have e an LSR or a Pub meeet organis sed: Norfolk & Suffo olk, North Birmingham & Coven ntry, North hern Ireland d, and last of all Shroopshire & the t Black Country. Conta act the club b vice-chair for deta ils of how to t start a new n sectioon should you feel likke filling g in one off these gap ps The LS SRs play a big role in n the DOC, and this iis where yo ou can find d out what’s s happenin g near you u. Local me eets, days out laning, caravan and a campin ng weeken nds, barbecues and pub p nights are an important part of the Clu ub, and we e want to hear h what you y have bbeen up to.. Send a no ote to editor@discovveryowners sclub.org

BRIS STOL AND GLOU UCESTER R Recen nt conversa ation at the e monthly pub p meet h has turned d to how the Section w will celebra ate its third d birthda ay in July. The conssensus of opinion o wass for some e green-lan ning followeed by a ba arbecue. In n keepin ng with trad dition and having the e most pop pular locatio on within reasonablyy easy trave elling dista ance, an eve ening’s gre een-laning on Salisbu ury Plain w with an ann niversary barbecue iss on the ca ards for late e July or earrly August, subject to Army activ vity on The e ‘Plain. Watch W this space s for a report and d some ph hotos! Our monthly m pub b meetingss have continued as n normal. Otther activities have sllowed owin ng to work and person nal commitments for the Sectio on. Howevver, a main ntenance evening is bbeing held in July to sort s some outstandin ng jobs on our vehicle es. Andy h has a bum mper and Sa afari Snorkkel (both purchased from f myself) awaiting g fitting to his h 300Tdi Disco, and d I have a set of genu uine Land Rover spo otlights, bought on Ebay for a go ood price, awaiting a fittting to myy Td5 Disco o; hopefully y tasks whhich we can n complete e during g the mainttenance evvening. A road trip to o the Newb bury 4x4 sh how in Julyy is on the cards too,, being only an a hour or sso away an nd having a reasona ble autojum mble togetther with thhe opportunity to mee et up with other DOC members. Any parts s that we d don’t find can be obta ained durinng a shopp ping trip to Colin White Services iin Glastonb bury. In add dition to the e aforemen ntioned eve ents, Markk’s 300Tdi commercia al continuees to keep him busy in preparation for itts impending MoT test. The re epair to Lloy yd’s leakin ng washer bottle usin ng silicone sealan nt is holdin ng up well and a Andy’s s 300Tdi iss getting a makeover, as abovee! Alex’s Td5 T Disco iss getting g a Hi-Lift jjack mount for the re ear door an nd my Td5 Disco still has the coondensatio on in its nea arside headla amp to sorrt out and the t spotligh hts to fit. A Additionally y, my atten ntions are bbeing split between planniing my wed dding nextt year and a 300Tdi trransplant for f my Series 3 Landd Rover, a feature on which will ho opefully appear in Disscourse on nce comple eted. The planned 20 00Tdi upgrrade was halted h due to proble ems with th he engine, but more on o this as it progress ses. We meet on the first Mond day of each h month att The Railw way Tavern n, Charfieldd, South Gloucestersshire apart from f when n the meetiing falls on n a Bank Holiday in which w case it is on thee following Monday. All A are welcome! Rich Knapp K (aka a “Knappstter”) #1449 9

YORKSHIRE (Camping Weekend in Oxfordsshire). After our o long wa ait in the trraffic jams on the M1 , we all arrrived at the e camps site at Warrmington, near n Banbu ury to startt our week kend in Oxffordshire. We we ere all pitched up on a rally field next to a site with a falconry centre. Stephen and An ngela (Pudd dleducks) were w the fiirst to arriv ve, followed d by me with Rick, R Ambe er and Jade e; Andy witth Bex and d Tommy; Richard, Rachel R and Jennifer. We W all set up our ca aravans in the scorch hing weather. The ch ildren were e highly en ntertained; Jennifer had h brough ht her Mini Defender D fo or the child dren to ride e in. They a all enjoyed d riding up and down the rally fie eld, while Rick R and th he girls wen nt for a wa alk down to o the falcon nry centre, and walke ed round thhe lake. 26

We all had outsttanding vie ews, espec cially Steph hen and An ngela, who o had pitch ed up on the main siite, as they needed n ele ectric hook up. The next day wa as fantasticc weather. The Rang ger from th he falconry y centre cam me with Bllaze the Ha awk, and fe ellow Rang ger, Jennife er, to have her photo taken in th he Mini De efender (ass the numb ber plate is Jen 1)) with Amb ber and Jen nnifer. We bo ought a paddling poo ol for the kids to keep p them ente ertained in the lovelyy hot weath her. The ch hildren had go ood fun in the paddling pool, with w water b blasters. Am mber and Jade J thougght it was quite q funnyy to keep squirting s m me and Ricck with the water blassters! I got wetter still as I accid dentally slip pped in the e paddliing pool! By the en, more people were e arriving. Janet arrivved in her motorhome e; altogethher there were w around d 13 units – a good tu urn-out. So ome people e were havving barbecues while e the weathher was still scorching hot, and as s the nightt was appro oaching, th he men we ere busy pu utting up th he gazebo.. Then the Welliebob bs arrived d; Francess wasn’t too o pleased, as Bob ha ad forgotte en to pack her wine! We then decided d to venturre into the gazebo, where w we had h a fabul ous time. Welliebob W brought hi s heater and light an nd it was all snuggly. Wine wass drunk, Pringles and d nuts were e passed around – whhat more could c we want? w The kiids were busy doing the activities kindly o organised by Rachel,, who had brought co olouring pa ages for the e kids to en nter a colouring comp petition. Ho owever, Ja anet did ne eed to be toold not to talk t cars, as a that inside subjec ct is usuallyy reserved d for those who want to gather outside o the e gazebo. Subjects discussed d the ga azebo are w wide-ranging, but do not featurre car parts s or off-roa ad antics! On the next n day, all the men went off- roading r to A Avon Dass sett, while the ladies stayed behin nd to look after the kids. Racheel, Angela, Jennifer, Janet, J Frances, Bex and T Tommy we ent to the herb h centree and had a look around, while we e went into Stratford on o Avon on n a boat allong the riv ver Avon. It was very inte eresting an d it was a lovely plac ce. When we e got backk to the cam mpsite, all the men thhat had been off-roadi ng were ba ack. Apparrently, theyy’d had a go ood time, e especially Stephen, S who w arrivedd back covered c in mud from head to to oe, but his D3 didn’t have h even a speck of mud on o it! He’d fallen flat on his face e! As he ap pproached d, and Ange ela’s face had a shocked e expression, the first thing he sa aid was, “The car’s clean, dear! ” Later on in the d day, we all went to a pub down the road (T The Wobbly Wheel) ffor sometthing to ea at. The food d was very y nice and e everyone enjoyed e their meal. Back at a the cam mpsite, we all a went intto the gaze ebo, where e we bough ht raffle tickets s for Open The Box. Prize-givin ng was the following day (Sunday) for thee colourring compe etition and Open The e Box. Jad e, Amber and a Abigail won the ccolouring competition c n and Open The Box w was won byy Andy Hallam, who won £26.0 00, as Bex picked outt the winning key. Be efore returning home, we finishe ed off Jane et’s lovely h home-made carrot ca ake, as shee said she couldn’t ta ake any ba ack with he er. We we ere happy to t oblige! A good weekend d was had by all, thanks to Racchel and Richard. R Thanks to all who atten nded to ma ake it a great weekend. w Shelle ey Darlingto on

WESSEX We ha ave had a b busy couple of month hs down h ere with members m atttending th ree events s, the first being b “Cars on The Qu uay” at Poo ole, Dorsett. Every Frriday eveniing during the summ er, differen nt makes/tyypes of cars s are invite ed to put on a display y. Originallyy the plan was to hav ve local cluubs display ying their vehicles with entry by ticke et only but with only tthree clubs s signing up, Dorset LLR, DOC and a Wesse ex Respo onse, the e event was opened o up p to the gen neral public. That me eant that w we could no ot park up togeth her which w was a sham me. Eventu ually we fo und each other o and a great eveening was had by all in excellent weathe er. 27

Our second event was the “Old Sodbury Sortout” at the National Motor Museum at Beaulieu. Keith and I attended with our 200’s with Keith’s causing some interest due to its unusual colour (Eskdale) and being an early V8i. Keith is selling this at present (having just bought a D2 Metropolis) and throwing in a 200Tdi; if you want to convert it to a diesel, have a look on the Forum. We only signed up one new member but it was great to see folks that can’t make it to the pub meeting. Thirdly, we attended the Dunsfold Collection Open Weekend, held just around the corner from where they film Top Gear (if you Google Map it, you can see the test track). The Collection has some very rare Land Rovers including many pre-production models but has no permanent home, so every other year the Collection is brought together for the public to see. One of my favourite aspects of the show is that anyone turning up in a Land Rover gets to park in the middle of the showground and effectively becomes part of the show. After putting a post on the Forum and asking local members I soon had our allocation of spaces full. The weather on the Saturday was far from ideal but the Club shop did well and we did have a flypast by the Red Arrows. On Sunday, the sun came out and we were much busier on the stand. At the end of the weekend we signed up seven new members and had met up with members from near and far. I would like to take this opportunity to say “Thank you” to all the members that attended the above events but special mention must go to Lena and Garry along with Roy and Margaret who had a very difficult drive down to Dunsfold on the Friday evening. All the best, Dave D.

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE Remember that burning hot weekend, right at the start of July? Well the local section were asked to attend an event in Awsworth, which is right next to the A610 just one junction away from junction 26 of the M1. Four units camped/caravanned there from the Friday evening until the Sunday morning (at the bargain price of £10). Several other local members joined in the fun for the “Party on the Rec” on the Saturday (a total of around ten or twelve Discoverys, I believe) which went on to 23:00 that evening ending with a firework display lit from our field, so we had a brilliant view. A good number of spare Discourse copies were handed out as well as a few flyers so, fingers crossed, we may well pick up one or two more members. Visitors managed to ask several deep probing questions, so the interest seemed quite high considering it wasn’t a Land Rover show. The biggest attraction on our little display turned out to be the white monster Disco of James Hill. Even the next day it had guys looking over it, (read as under it, as we put two of its massive wheels on tree stumps to “cross-axle” it which showed off the suspension). Scott’s lad, Jamie, could even sit on top of one of the rear wheels with just the top of his head in the wheel arch! One of my highlights was a drive to a local chip shop on the Friday evening, which turned more than a few heads as we drove past! I hope to share a few of Scott’s photos for you to enjoy at a later date. On the local news front, we are now sans a LSR, so if anyone would like to volunteer, please contact me or Janet, the Club’s Vice Chair. Contact details are to be found on the Committee page. Keep on Disco-ing Roger (Terrierking) Spencer #840


Something Borrowed…..Something Blue Pink! We’ve done some interesting make overs in the Cow Shed over the last few years, but none as strange as Brooke’s Discovery….Betsy. Some would say he was a little foolish entrusting his pride and joy with us, a week before his wedding, others would say he was an idiot, well, I think many other phrases were used as Betsy entered the Cow Shed to have…..a little bit of dressing applied before the big day! As Brook and Julie Ann prepared for their marriage, we set to on Betsy. With only one critical brief……Not Pink! So in to the shed she went, followed by Billy, Andy, Glen, Chris and myself. The plan was simple, but oh so cunning, as the original bonnet and tailgate were carefully removed, along with her wheels, sill trims, engine cover and clear indicator lenses. 28

Within n an hour, Betsy was looking a little sorry for herselff, but soon began to ttake on a new, more e interes sting appe earance, wiith 205/16 front tyress and a pair of Billy’s 35, 1250’ss on the ba ack……..lucky Brook ke had the fforesight to o put big arches a on h her last yea ar! After several s min nutes of ro olling aroun nd with lau ghter, Billy y’s evil stre eak got thee better of him h again, as he started d to spray the replaccement bon nnet, tailga ate, wheels s and sills, yes you guuessed it… …. Bright Pink… P Once fitted, we w were speechless for a momentt, before bu ursting into o hysterrical laughtter again. The next few f hours w were spen nt applying the worst set of oddment sstickers an nd uneven pin lines yyou have ev ver manag ged you om the back of your garage. g La ast thing re emaining was w to could dig out fro apply the weddin ng characa ature to the e bonnet… ….Job Done e. The big day arrivved, we se ecretly mett at an indu ustrial estate just outs side Bishop p Auckland d to join a convoy of about twellve vehicle es and finis shing touche es were thrown onto Betsy, inc cluding ove ersized bloo omers and d ‘Y’ fronts, dummiess and the usual pre-m marriage ba ack seat “p party balloo ons”, beforre she was s completelly ered with a large tarp paulin. Twe enty minute es later andd they arriv ved, in Chris cove and Catherine Heaton’s immaculatte D2. For several m minutes afte er the unve eiling, Broo oke was sp peechless, as he gaz zed unbelie evably at B Betsy. Whe en he did speak, we had h all take en shelter ssome dista ance away y behind ouur partners s…..but cou uld still hearr him! Once at the reception an nd after he had weren’t his s finally realised that they w net and tailgate, everry guest wa as bonn invite ed to sign the pink bo onnet. During g the next ffew hours of frolic an nd laughterr, karaoke and beer, part two off the plan was w set in place, resu ulting in a ransom m letter be eing read out o during the t speech hes and Be etsy being Disco-Kna apped again. 60 Min nute Mark k Over. On ne week latter and afte er the conffetti in the airr vents had d settled, Betsy B was again centtre stage, though t this s time at R Raby Castle e Classic Car C Show. In her spe ecially cord doned off area, a much h to the am musement of o the passsing public c, she sat awaiting her allo otted time slot s of 1pm m. We had arranged with the orrganisers tto do a con ntrolled re-build ad just one e hour to do d it. and ha As 1pm loomed,, the team prepared everything e g in front off our stand and the crrowds began to build… …..most cla assic cars are bought as shedss and are lo ovingly res stored overr years to show s stand dard. We ha ad took a p perfectly go ood Disco, made it in nto a shed and were about to puut it back, all in little over o a week! The time arrived and d with the help of the e Blues ers CD, pla aying out of o Betsy, sh he was striipped Brothe again… …..”Everyb body needs somebod dy to love” . Once each pane el was changed, the stickers s re moved, the e polishing team p put a shine e back on both b Betsy and Brook ke’s faces… …..she wa as back! Th here were a few quesstions from m the crowd, like “Whyy?” which were w simply answere ed by ”Beca ause we can! ” and “It’s not my carr!” In the hoours that fo ollowed, we w all agreed tthat this would be on ne tough acct to follow w, but who knows what willl be going on in the Cow C Shed next…….Be Afraid, Be Very Afrraid! One las t message e from the team, t Mr & Mrs Norm man…”The e big boys ma ade us do it…and ran n away”. Monty 29




kna appster1@ho otmail.com 079 974 570621

The Railway Taverrn. Charfie eld.

p.pa apper@ntlwo orld.com 079 977 053369 N/A A

Refer to the LSR

hayyward_lee@y yahoo.com 077 788 996644 chriisjheaton@b btinternet.com m 079 967 284801 / 01661 8356 608 tdi.b bird@btintern net.com 078 876 215360 N/A A cara avan@babes s1.fsnet.co.u uk 077 786 721260 N/A A grahambeales@ @hotmail.com m 077 718 626226 pau ul@kemp75.ffreeserve.co .uk 078 801 285747 ema ail4graham@ @tiscali.co.ukk 078 809 380144 N/A A curttis84@btinternet.com 079 977 157562 N/A A

WHEN N 1st Monday M of the e month, 20:0 00 onwards.

1st Saturday S of th he month, 19:0 00 onwards The Blluebell Inn. Tushingham. T Lastt Thursday off the SY13 4QS 4 mon nth, 19:30 onw wards The Morley M Arms. 1st Tuesday T of th he month, Laira Bridge, B Plymouth. Pl9 7H HP 19:3 30 onwards. The Red Alligator. South Churcch, Nr 1st Monday M of the e month, Bishop p Auckland. 19:3 30 onwards. Refer to the LSR 2nd Sunday S of the e month, 19:3 30 onwards. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 1st Wednesday W o the of Forum m. mon nth, 20:00 onw wards. The Red Lion. 3rd Thursday T of the Reves sby, Boston. PE22 7NU mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 3rd Tuesday T of th he month, Forum m 19:3 30 onwards. The Quays. Crow Lane, Little B Billing, 2nd Wednesday W o the of Northa ampton. NN3 3 9DA mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. The Be eehive. 1st Wednesday W o the of 991 Ch horley New Road, R mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. Bolton n, Lancashire e. BL6 4BA Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub 2nd Monday M of th he month, Forum m. 19:0 00 onwards The Nottingham Kn night. West 1st Monday M of the e month, Bridge eford. (A60/A A52 junction).. 18:0 00 onwards. The Bu uchlyvie Inn. 1st Sunday S of the e month, Buchly yvie, Sterling. FK8 3LX 14:0 00 onwards. N/A N/A The Old Post Office. Bonvilston. CF5 6T TQ The Dog & Double et. Sando on, Staffords shire. ST18 00DJ The Woolpack,186 W 6 High Streeet, Banste end. SN7 2N NZ Manorr House Pub, High Lane, Maltby y, Middlesbro ough. TS8 0B BN Bansto ock House Stables. S SL6 3QD & The Halfway Inn. Refer to ‘Pub Meetts’ on the Cluub Forum m.

1st Sunday S of the e month, 12:3 30 onwards. 2nd Monday M of th he month 19:3 30 onwards. 2nd Tuesday T of th he month 20:0 00 onwards. 3rd Monday M of the e month, 20:0 00 onwards. 1st Wednesday W o the of mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 1st Monday M of the e month, 19:3 30 onwards.

dorlling1@tinywo orld.co.uk 077 788 926623 rcb1 123@btinternet.com 078 842 144731 billjo ones448@bttinternet.com m 077 756 448751

The Golden Lion 99, 9 Alresford Road, Winchester. SO23 0JZ The New Inn, Penttregat Rhydllewis. Landysul, Ceredigion. SA44 5P PT The Kiings Court Hotel Kings Coughton. B49 B 5QQ

2nd Tuesday T of th he mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 2nd Thursday T of the t mon nth, 19:30 onw wards. 2nd Tuesday T of th he mon nth, 20:00 onw wards.

rtraw wilcox@hotm mail.com 077 736 350878 ?

Squire es Café Bar. Newthorpe LLane, South Milford, Leeds. LS25 5LX X ?

3rd Tuesday T of th he month, 20:0 00 onwards. ?

N/A A man nthing@slate e67.f9.co.uk 079 900 601040 nda awes@hotma ail.com 012 293 824470 neil.ridsdale@ntlworld.com 077 758 444420 lise106@gmail.ccom N/A A

 Please P pass oon any requuired changees/updates tto the Club’s vice chairr at: vicechair@discovveryownerscclub.org and d copy to edditor@disco overyownersclub.org 30


Another shot from Guy Sumner g AKA “Disco George”


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