Pembrokeshire Tourism AGM

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Dear Member Please find enclosed paperwork for this year’s Annual General Meeting to be held at Picton Castle on Wednesday, 2nd September 2009. 10.45 am start. Not just any AGM, this is a Pembrokeshire Tourism AGM – we invite you to meet the Board of Directors of YOUR Trade Association, and enjoy a complimentary brunch whilst chatting to the team, friends and colleagues. This will be followed by an introduction from David Evans, new Managing Director of Picton Castle, who will overview the Trustees plans and developments for the future, together with a guided walk around the gardens and house.

Pembrokeshire Tourism Association represents the trade, including accommodation providers, activity providers, pubs and restaurants, green tourism projects, arts and crafts galleries, camping and caravan sites etc. We are proud to currently have over 520 members at the grass roots of tourism. The organisation has a Board of 15 Directors working voluntarily in ensuring that all tourism trade sectors are represented. Full details of the AGM Agenda and voting papers are attached. If you are unable to attend in person as the season is still in full swing, just forward your voting paper by Monday 24 th August, 2009. If you wish to join the guided tour or the Nordic Walking Trade day, please contact Lowri on 07977989723 to book your place. In writing to you, it’s timely to give a quick reminder of your membership benefits. Firstly I would stress that if you are NOT receiving our e newsletter that you contact Liz in the office immediately, so we can check your e mail address. Secondly, if you do receive it that you OPEN it and READ it! This is our main source of regular communication with our membership, full of relevant information on legislative reforms, training, seminars events and all Supplier special offers.

Quick reminder why you joined Pembrokeshire Tourism! Pembrokeshire Tourism saves your business money! We work hand in hand across all business sectors. Pembrokeshire Tourism has a supplier network with over 100 members, where we have negotiated exclusive deals and offers to help you run your business as cost effectively as possible. Pembrokeshire Tourism doesn’t work in isolation: PT works alongside other Tourism Associations in South West Wales, including Tourism Swansea Bay and Carmarthen Tourism Association; representing a total of over 1200 members, making a strong voice for the tourism trade regionally. Pembrokeshire Tourism keeps you in touch? With newsletter and e mails, seminars and workshops with what’s going on in Pembrokeshire and beyond, both regionally, nationally and internationally. Pembrokeshire Tourism Helps Market your Business and works tirelessly to extend the season To keep you busy all year around by developing new products and supporting events out of season. We also produce an Autumn Winter Guide advertising activities which are open during

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