Beating Depression & Craziness
Christina Sponias November 2007
Š 2007 by Christina Sponias. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this e-book should be reproduced by any means without prior written permission from the author. This is a free e-book and not for sale and can be distributed freely.
Beating Depression
Table of contents
1. Introduction 2. What is Depression? 3. Preventing Depression 4. Your Happiness and the World in Which You Live 5. Beating Depression 6. Basic Craziness Prevention 7. Beating Craziness 8. Discovering Wisdom, Peace and Happiness
Beating Depression
1- Introduction
This book is about ways of beating the familiar malaise that affects many of us: Depression. It is a much talked about, yet poorly understood mental ailment. I have been a practicing psychologist for many years and have found that people live with this disease for several years. Thanks to my years of research, I have evolved techniques that can help you overcome depression. The book is a result of all the requests I have received from my patients and readers. Here, I give answers to their questions, clearer definitions and more detailed explanations.
Beating Depression
2- What is Depression?
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary provides the following definitions for the word “depression.�
1. A state of feeling sad 2. A psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies
Beating Depression
The human psychic sphere comprises two parts: the human conscience, which is the good part, and the wild conscience, which is the evil part. Depression is the result of the conflict existing in the human psychic sphere, where the wild conscience fights the human conscience, trying to destroy it and control a person’s behavior. Depression is also due to the craziness in our world that influences our behavior and affects the way we live. It is a logical consequence of the way we live, in a world where terror, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, futility and indifference prevail. Depression can occur as a result of the death of loved ones, misfortune, physical ailments and material losses. It is a feeling that turns into a disease over time. Depression has several dimensions, depending on the reasons why it appears in a person’s psyche and in the way it is reflected in the person’s behavior.
Beating Depression
Poverty and the dependence on money for survival force the human being to disrespect one’s moral principles. Therefore, we cannot expect, from him or her, the behavior of a sensitive, peaceful and helpful human being. This world, due to the way it functions, its conditions, dangers and everything else that forms its structure, can only create depression among its inhabitants. However, depression originates in the human psychic sphere. Since a wild and violent conscience occupies the biggest part of the psychic sphere and is inherent in the human being, one’s behavior is constantly threatened by it. The wild part of the human conscience leads human beings to craziness. Depression is an indication that craziness is approaching or is about to dominate a person. Depression can be overcome if the person follows the directions one receives in one’s dreams. Dreams contain powerful messages regarding a person’s psyche and by interpreting dreams, a person can develop one’s psychological functions and stop making the mistakes one may have committed in the past.
Beating Depression
There are four psychological functions: thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuition. However, since there is also an attitude that characterizes each person, depending on the attitude, which can be extroverted or introverted, the psychological functions acquire different aspects. Including the dimension called attitude, there are eight psychological types because there are both extroverted and introverted psychological types in each psychological function in an individual. In my ebook, “Craziness Prevention: Free and Safe Psychotherapy through Dream Interpretation,” I wrote a summary of the psychological types discovered by Carl Jung. He analyzed many personalities and proved that his statement was correct on the basis of several examples he presented in his work entitled “The Psychological Types” (2 volumes). Knowledge of the different psychological types is very important because if we know the behavior, mistakes and tendencies of each type, we can correct the defects in a person’s personality.
Beating Depression
In our dreams, we receive messages that clearly reveal to us our mistakes and what we must do to develop our personality completely, so that we are able to strike a balance between the extroverted and introverted types. Understanding dreams can help us understand exactly what provokes depression in anyone and how we can help the person overcome it and develop all his or her capacities. When someone is a rationalist and does everything based on just cold calculations and logic, one is likely to make mistakes because of lack of sensitivity. One cannot understand how cruel and cold he or she is— the person believes that the way he or she thinks is absolutely correct and that he or she is right in considering only logic and disregarding feelings and emotions. One may have the intuition urging him or her to consider emotions and feelings; however, the intuition may not be strong enough. What happens then? With time, the mistakes made get accumulated and their consequences start appearing in one’s behavior and life.
Beating Depression
One develops enemies that may hate one’s behavior and one has made many mistakes that cannot be corrected now. So, the psyche starts complaining because of the one-sided behavior and because the mistakes that were made cause suffering in one’s life. One may insist on his or her behavior and keep believing that he or she is correct for being only rational, without caring for one’s own or other people’s feelings, sensations and intuitions, besides the bad consequences of his or her cruel rationalism in life. In this case, a strange and unexplainable depression will appear in one’s psyche. The person won’t be able to understand why he or she feels so sad and has no courage to do anything, despite believing that one is balanced and one’s actions are correct. Even if someone tells the person that he or she is wrong, the person will not understand why and may even become very irritated with the person who tells him or her that he or she is wrong! The person’s nervousness is then provoked by one’s ego that tries to dominate the person. Beating Depression
The ego is the centre of the human conscience, but it is an organ that connects the human conscience with the wild conscience. It is totally absurd and this is why its desires can ruin the human being. Pursuing one’s ego’s desires, one gets lost in the labyrinth of craziness because one despises moral principals and ends up doing horrible things against others. The human psyche tries to defend itself from the domination of the wild and violent anti-conscience, the conscience that is primitive and works against the human conscience. Thus, the depression that starts appearing in the person’s psyche is actually a defense against craziness. Craziness is a part of human nature, since the biggest part of the human psychic sphere belongs to the anti-conscience, which is a conscience that has not passed through the same process of consciousness as the human conscience. Therefore, it remains as primitive as it was at the time of formation. This is why it is absurd and very violent, like a wild animal.
Beating Depression
However, the anti-conscience is not stupid. It is wild but very smart and tricky. This is why the wild anticonscience can easily dominate the naïve human conscience, using the person’s ego. Depression is the result of the formation of a crazy world by crazy human beings who cannot control their behavior. It is also the result of the indifference of people to psychological functions that have not been developed in their psyche and the result of the invasion of the crazy content that belongs to their wild side, into their human side. Depression can easily be cured through dream interpretation. However if neglected, it can easily become neurosis, hysteria, psychosis or schizophrenia and lead a person to suicide.
Beating Depression
3- Preventing Depression
We can easily prevent depression by analyzing our dreams systematically from the first days of our adolescence. It would even be good for us to learn something about dream interpretation when we are kids, so that we are familiar with the technique of translating the icons we see in our dreams into words that we can understand. Everything we see in our dreams has a symbolic meaning. For example, you see an apple in your dream. The apple doesn’t represent a fruit. It represents wisdom. You have to learn the symbolic meaning of everything in order to translate dream messages in the same way you translate one language to another.
Beating Depression
Depression prevention is craziness prevention and vice versa because depression and craziness are related. Depression is the sadness due to the existence of craziness in the human psychic sphere, in our lives and world. Craziness ruins everything. It exists inside us and in the outside world; it is everywhere. Unfortunately, the bitter truth is that human beings are more crazy than sensible, since the biggest part of our psychic sphere belongs to the wild conscience. We can only feel depressed when we start feeling the existence of this content in the psychic sphere, since the absurd content confuses the brain and creates several problems in our lives. Depression can be prevented in the same way that craziness can be prevented: through development of the atrophic psychological functions of each individual, using dream interpretation. Some psychological functions are atrophic; they remain in a wild and childish condition. They must be completely developed so that the person is able to understand reality in all its dimensions and not only based on the one predominant psychological function.
Beating Depression
Dream analysis can be figuratively compared to a surgical operation since the person penetrates the unknown region of the psychic sphere. The human conscience starts acknowledging the existence of the anti-conscience and recognizing the wild and crazy content hidden in this part of the psychic sphere. Our dreams reflect our psychic reality, so when we interpret them we penetrate in the psyche, being able to see its content. This is why we have a clearer vision of each psychological problem. Carl Jung concluded that a person should research his or her psychic sphere’s content only if he or she has a necessity. However, I would advice everyone to start learning how to interpret dreams and caring about the psychic world at the soonest possible time in their lives. I would advice even those who are not afflicted with depression to do this since the knowledge of dream interpretation can help detect any negativity in one’s mind as soon as it arises. This can help in prevention of ailments such as depression.
Beating Depression
4- Your happiness and the world in which you live
If you take life seriously and wish to really be able to live without fear and remorse, by building your resistance and fighting depression and craziness, you will discover the way to psychological balance and general satisfaction, besides discovering how you can do something to improve the world you live in. The world were you are is very important because your environment and the people with whom you live have a tremendous effect on your psychological system. This is why you have to care for humanity the same way you care for your own family and friends. Many psychologists and psychiatrists doubted my seriousness when I told them that I discovered the unique cure for schizophrenia and psychosis (which cannot be cured by any psychiatrist) because I’m not a doctor but only a writer.
Beating Depression
In fact, I should condemn doctors since they don’t cure their patients while I do. I cure patients using the scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung. I could improve and simplify his method because I continued the research from the point where he abandoned it and I could see everything that exists in the human psyche. Thus, I can teach everyone all that I know and everyone can verify how serious and true all my statements are. Psychologists are not able to cure schizophrenic and psychotic patients and psychiatrists only give them medicine, so that they are not a big threat to their surroundings as before. Psychiatrists don’t know what happens inside their patients’ minds. They are outside their psyche, trying to end their despair through chemical reactions and by taking chances.
Beating Depression
This means that they may in fact provoke more problems and damage the psychic spheres of their patients since they don’t really know if the medicine they are giving to their patients is likely to be effective. Medicines may help patients calm down for a certain period of time, but they don’t eliminate the problem. Also, medicines can be counterproductive due to the side effects they create. Through dream interpretation, we can have a vision of what is happening inside the patient’s psychic sphere, even if the patient never relates his or her dreams. The unconscious helps the doctor understand the content of the patient’s psychic sphere. Our dreams are alive and they provide us with daily information about everything. We can penetrate into the patient’s conscience and know what is happening to him or her and how he or she can be helped and cured.
Beating Depression
The cure of patients who suffer schizophrenia and psychosis takes a long time. It can take even as long as 15 years, but it works, even though schizophrenic and psychotic patients cannot recover completely their human conscience, but can only understand the meaning of their actions, accepting their suffering without revolt. The patients can completely recuperate their human conscience if they agree to pass through a process of purification that will lead them to sanctity, but they never agree with such a sacrifice. In the end, they can find peace and happiness though, but only after suffering a lot in order to regain their sensitivity. Depressed, neurotic and hysterical patients can be cured through dream interpretation (by relating, writing and interpreting their own dreams) within a very short period of time varying from 6 to 8 months of psychotherapy. For hysterical patients, the process is longer.
Beating Depression
Depressed, neurotic and hysteric patients lose only a small part of their human conscience and hence, they can be cured by psychotherapy. Psychotherapy of schizophrenic and psychotic patients is a heroic attempt because their human conscience has been completely lost and replaced by the wild anticonscience. They are not human anymore, since they are completely dominated by the demonic anticonscience that has no human feelings. This is the problem; crazy people are totally insensitive because they are dominated by the anticonscience that is totally cruel: they become monsters. This is not their fault however, because they are not responsible for the evil conscience that is inherent in the psychic sphere and because they are victims of the world we live in, since everything in the world only provokes and increases the already inherited craziness in everyone.
Beating Depression
I told you in the beginning that you must care for everyone’s happiness in the same way that you care for the happiness of your family and yourself. People are selfish because they are governed by the totally absurd logic that governs our world. And this false logic is accepted by everyone and is considered reasonable! And the psychiatrists agree with this logic, trying to cure schizophrenics and psychotics, who are victims of terror, immorality and violence, in a hell governed by terror and hypocrisy… How can we cure victims of terror during wars? Without peace and without the basic conditions of life for everyone in this planet we will never be able to put an end to schizophrenia and psychosis. The attempt to cure crazy patients in such a hell, governed by terror, immorality and violence reflects the absurdity that exists in today’s psychiatry and as a matter of fact, in the attitude of humanity in general.
Beating Depression
Just as human beings understood that they needed to clean their streets and follow certain rules of hygiene if they wanted to get rid of cholera in the middle age, humanity has to understand that we have to clean our world from corruption, prostitution, selfishness and hate besides providing the necessary conditions of survival to everyone, if we wish to see health and happiness in our world. Hungry people sell their soul for money and kill their brothers for a piece of bread. We have to put an end to terror, violence, immorality, hypocrisy, futility, indifference and poverty if we wish to save humanity from craziness and its terrible consequences! This is the unique way we may save the schizophrenic, psychotic, hysterical and neurotic population of our planet from eternal despair and suffering.
Beating Depression
The other barbarous characteristic of our world is the existence of prisons! The crazy murderers are in fact victims of the terror they experience in their lives and of the evilness inherent in their psychic sphere. They have no chance to ever overcome craziness in their lives because they can only hate their enemies and their own existence if they are prisoners, treated like animals and abused by other prisoners that are suffocated in the same horrors with them. What can we say about asylums and clinics for crazy patients? Given the conditions these patients live in, do they have any hope and can they ever recover their lives back? Shall we also talk about the common hospitals of our world and how badly sick people are treated? It’s really impossible to win the battle against craziness and despair in a world like this, with despicable living conditions. Only a social transformation that will follow the psychological transformation of humanity can solve all the problems, giving an end to craziness and despair on Earth.
Beating Depression
5- Beating Depression
Only resistance to the wild side of your conscience can help you if you are depressed, because you have to fight the tendency to abandon yourself and everything else. Write down your dreams and analyze them everyday, using the method discovered by Carl Jung and improvised by me. You will have guidance through the wise messages that you’ll learn to decipher, by translating the symbols you see in your dreams into words that your conscious mind can understand, in the same way you translate one language to another. Your resistance and the guidance you’ll receive from the unconscious in your dreams will help you fight against the wild side of your psychic sphere that provokes problems in your life and in your psyche.
Beating Depression
First of all, you have to work, without letting the indisposition and the unbearable sadness beat you down. You have to be strong and resistant, even though you only want to disappear. This is important because only by being resistant you will be able to face life without falling and you’ll build a strong personality that won’t be threatened by pain and despair. Start working, getting dressed, being occupied with several services and near people. Tell yourself that all the people that are around you have many problems too, but everyone continues living without giving up and you will continue the same way until you are able to solve your problems and be happy. In the ebook “Craziness Prevention: Free and Safe Psychotherapy through Dream Interpretation,” you will find a glossary with the most important dream symbols. This is a very advanced tool I’m providing to everyone, since I saw exactly what exists in the unknown region of the human psychic sphere and how to prevent the crazy content from destroying your human conscience and life.
Beating Depression
Jung didn't see everything and that is why he is obscure in many points. My work is different, exactly because I continued with his research, without ignoring any aspect. So, I can clearly define the meaning of the dream symbols: I saw the entire unknown region, where the dangerous wild conscience is alive and constantly working against the human side of the human conscience. I can provide you with a map with the route you have to follow in order to develop your psychic sphere, showing you exactly where all the dangers are and where you will find peace, balance and happiness for life.
Beating Depression
6- Basic Craziness Prevention
I’m going to present here a few paragraphs from my article “Crazy Behavior and Basic Craziness Prevention”, published at on 08/09/07. “Craziness’ symptoms are many, but the general behavior of a crazy person is characterized by a constant suspicion and fear of everyone. Crazy people acquire a suspicious character. Nevertheless, according to each psychological type, craziness in their behavior appears in different forms. People who are introverted become somehow extroverted but without understanding what they are doing, and extroverted people start being afraid of everything, while before they were very sociable and gregarious.
Beating Depression
Our human conscience respects other people, respects rules, follows examples, studies, thinks, feels, tries to capture the general meaning of everything, believes in goodness and aspires to be happy. However, our wild conscience is completely evil, hates rules and never obeys anyone. It can only destroy because it’s cruel, lacking feelings. Therefore, it doesn’t respect moral rules. If this content invades the human conscience, it induces the human being into being immoral. It wants to destroy the conscience to take its place, and so it causes the human part to make several moral mistakes that will provoke very serious damage to the person. This is how it starts destroying it.
Beating Depression
If someone doesn’t respect moral rules, one becomes vulnerable to craziness, which has many forms and can be hidden, since our society is absurd. A crazy person is able to work, have friends and live a supposedly normal life, but their behavior is not controlled by their human side. At some point the difference will start to appear, but nobody can understand that the person starts doing horrible things against others because they are crazy. They think that this is their decision, while they are dominated by their wild and evil conscience, which has no human feelings�. Morality is in fact what gives the human characteristic to the human being, because this is what makes the human being really human, not his intelligence. The cold human rationalism created tremendous technological progress without worrying about basic conditions for the survival of a large part of the population of our planet that lives in abject conditions.
Beating Depression
The human being is human only if he respects moral rules, because this way he will respect the other human beings that live with him: he won’t provoke wars and terror against their lives. However, everyone despises their moral principles as soon as they grow up in this world governed by evil, believing that they can have advantages in their lives if they despise the goodness that characterize their behavior, since they are humans. This is why they get caught in the anti-conscience’s traps and they start pursuing something that doesn’t belong to them, to experience total failure and misfortune at the end of their adventures, where besides all the horrors they have to face, craziness awaits them. The saintly and wise unconscious can guide everyone in this challenge and help everyone acquire health, wisdom and happiness forever if they agree to follow its wise directions. The wise unconscious is really a doctor that tries to put an end to terror and violence and is constantly helping your human conscience become stronger and protecting it from the attacks of the wild anticonscience. Beating Depression
You need guidance in your life and you need psychotherapy, since a wild and evil conscience is inherent in your psychic sphere. Fortunately, you can have the luxury of having a private doctor who will cure your case without delay and entirely free of charge, if you learn how to interpret your dreams. Start writing down your dreams in a notebook today and soon you’ll discover a new world inside your psychic sphere, new possibilities of life and several solutions for all the problems that have been torturing you for weeks, months and years! This is a miraculous solution, at a time when the Earth is almost being destroyed by human bombs, factories and other machines. At a time when children are born sick and the teenagers abuse their bodies due to depression, when suicides and crimes happen each second and poverty, violence and craziness are part of the daily scenario of our lives.
Beating Depression
Everyone needs guidance and psychological health in the same way everyone needs food, a place to live and income to pay for their bills, in order to put an end to their material misery. By analyzing your dreams, you’ll not only help yourself, but also help others by leading a life of balance and wisdom. The world needs compassion and organization, while you need sensitivity and sensibility to be able to transform it into a place where everyone will have the chance to live peacefully and happily, developing their capacities and their intelligence to the most. I waited for 19 years to present my work to the world because craziness is too well entrenched in this world and it took me several years to explore all its dimensions. Craziness defines the way the human being lives in his planet and is the reason for the degradation of our planet. Only seriousness and responsibility can save humanity from eternal despair!
Beating Depression
The respect for moral principles and the guidance of the religious teachings of all religions of the world are important for the conservation of sensitivity in our hearts. Only sensitivity can protect us from the invasion of the cold and wild anti-conscience and only morality can protect us from the temptations of this evil world. However, the solution for humanity doesn’t depend only on a different attitude, but on indispensable psychotherapy for everyone, since the wild anti-conscience is powerful and influences everyone. Resistance, loyalty to the moral principles of goodness, religiosity and a philosophical and artistic development can help everyone fight against depression and craziness, but only dream analysis can help everyone develop completely their human conscience and eliminate these diseases forever.
Beating Depression
7- Beating Craziness
When your depression becomes neurosis and you start having absurd ideas and doing strange things, you need a treatment that analyzes your dreams, since if left untreated, your neurosis can lead to hysteria, psychosis or even schizophrenia. I’m going to present here a summary of my articles concerning craziness prevention and cure, so that you may understand what craziness is and what you have to do to fight against this disease in order to find health, peace and happiness:
“Neurosis is the beginning of the invasion of the wild content of our psychic sphere into our human conscience. This invasion can be interrupted and we can prevent the wild, evil, and absurd content to continue its destruction of the human part of our conscience, but we have to first cooperate with the unconscious that orients us through our dreams’ messages.
Beating Depression
A neurotic patient is someone whose psychological functions are not normally functioning. This person’s thoughts, feelings, intuitions and sensations are different from what they were before the invasion of the wild ancient content of the psychic sphere in the human conscience. This invasion can have many characteristics, according to each person’s psychological type. For instance, we notice that neurotics are always anxious, afraid, and suspecting that someone will do something harmful against them. They start having the need for some protection against their invisible enemies and that’s why they start overprotecting themselves. They live only in fear of other people’s opinion, just because they are insecure and afraid of their bad intentions. There are many different and specific characteristics for the neurosis or each psychological type.
Beating Depression
The intention of this wild content is to make the person feel victimized by other people, so that they may want to take revenge and this way completely lose what still remains of their human conscience in their psychic sphere, or it tries to make the person do terrible things against others. This is the tactic used by the wild part of the psychic sphere in order to provoke conflicts with tragic consequences, so that it may be able to control the person’s behavior completely, after completely destroying their human conscience by provoking despair. This is the beginning of an even worse kind of craziness, which can take many shapes. However, if we perceive this invasion and start fighting against this wild and absurd content, we can prevent the destruction it causes and transform it into the human part of our conscience. We can learn how to change our behavior without following our inner tendencies, while developing all our psychological functions.�
Beating Depression
“When we talk about craziness in general, we are not talking about neurotics alone. Craziness comprises 3 more specific psychic diseases, which are as follows: 1. Hysteria 2. Psychosis 3. Schizophrenia Hysteria is the worse state of neurosis that has the aspect of fear of some part of the body or strange fears in general. This happens when the invasion of the wild conscience into the human conscience provokes very bad situations and horrible problems in the patients’ lives. They don’t know how to deal with them, so their fear becomes a crazy, desperate fear that has no hope of relief. Like neurotic patients, they can be cured through dream interpretation and regular psychotherapy.
Beating Depression
Psychosis is the result of the complete invasion of the wild conscience into the human conscience. This destroys the capacity the person has to discern and judge what is right and what is wrong. Psychotic patients have completely abandoned their moral principles, falling into the trap of the evil wild conscience. They accept strange life situations and conditions without criticizing how they act. Some day though, they suddenly realize that they have become victims of the people who tried to take advantage of them while they could not see what was harmful for them. Then they try to get revenge by attacking their enemies. However, since the invasion of the wild conscience is complete, they cannot control their behavior anymore. Now, their actions exceed the harm of what their enemies did against them. In the end, they cannot understand how they could have been so cruel, since they attacked their enemies with too much anger and hurt them too much.
Beating Depression
Schizophrenia is the worst psychic disease. This happens when the invasion of the wild conscience is too strong and the patient becomes a murderer. The patient’s actions are not human, because he has no human side left when the invasion is complete. Their psychotherapy is similar to that of the psychotic patients, but they need more time, more effort, and more caution than the psychotic patients because they are more violent. There are several variations of these main diseases, which have multiple characteristics.
Beating Depression
Psychotic and schizophrenic patients can be cured through dream interpretation, but as already stated, they are bad patients who don’t cooperate with their doctor and who also attack the doctor who is trying to help them. If one can convince them to accept suffering and change their behavior, they can be completely cured. This solution is the ideal scenario, but they would never agree to pass through so much suffering, due to their nature. Hence, they can only be partially cured. This partial cure will be enough to help them be independent and live freely in our society, without the necessity of medicine and several painful treatments. The above are quotes from the articles 1. Neurosis Definition and Cure 2. Craziness Definition and Cure
Beating Depression
As you can see above, craziness is a very serious disease that you should combat early with a serious and sincere attitude so that the wild anti-conscience, which works against your human conscience won’t have the chance to destroy your human side.
Beating Depression
8- Discovering Wisdom, Peace and Happiness
Everything is very difficult for an ignorant human being whose psychic sphere is dominated by craziness. Such a person has an underdeveloped human conscience that is one-sided and hence follows the absurd desires of one’s ego. The ego is nothing but a channel that links the wild anti-conscience with the human conscience. By pursuing the absurd desires of your ego you can become schizophrenic in the end, when all the consequences of your mistakes will show you that you cannot expect the world to function in a way that would satisfy your selfish desires. However, if you are not naïve, are serious and care for your psychic health very early in your life, you can lead a balanced and happy life. Mental health is the health of your mind, which will be clear and intelligent. By developing all your psychological functions through dream interpretation you can even become a genius.
Beating Depression
Psychological health is the health of your psychic sphere, which will be peaceful and uniform, instead of being dominated by the wild, violent and evil anticonscience that occupies its biggest part. Emotional health is the health of your sensitive side, which plays a very important role in your life, as important as the functionalism of your mind. You’ll discover in the wisdom of the unconscious, all the answers for all the questions you have and discover a philosophy of life that will save you from the narrow route you follow by imitating the patterns of the society and civilization where you belong. You’ll see that your happiness depends on everyone’s happiness as well, and you’ll do your part to help this world become more humane. You’ll have in your own dreams a constant guide that will reflect your behavior, showing you your mistakes, how you can correct them and how everything will develop in the future.
Beating Depression
Examples of some dreams and their interpretations are as follows:
If you have plans that are not based on the objective reality of where you are, you’ll know that in your dreams, because the unconscious will show you in your dream that you are flying in the air. Whenever you see yourself flying you can conclude that you are far from reality. You are being naïve and supposing that impossible things can become true. When you see in your dream that you are near someone that is selfish, absurd or a liar, it means that you are being so, because other people in your dreams represent parts of your personality that look like them, parts of your personality that have exactly the same or similar characteristics of the personality of the people that appear in your dreams.
Beating Depression
When you dream that you are near the sea, you have to be careful because the sea represents the craziness that is hidden in the unknown region of the psychic sphere, where the wild anti-conscience remains. If you find jewelry somewhere or diamonds in your dream, the meaning is very good: you’ll find wisdom and success! You can have entirely free of charge real information about everything that is important for you and during your entire life, from the best psychiatrist you could find: the wise and saintly unconscious! This way you will not only beat your depression and craziness, but live free of fears, be always calm and wise and live really happily for life!
Beating Depression