Following Your Purpose Isn’t Always Smooth Sailing (Finding Your Why)

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Following Your Purpose Isn’t Always Smooth Sailing (Finding Your Why) /personal-development/quotes-notes/following-purpose/


Keep Your Eye On The Goal And Take One Step At A Time.. Whilst Enjoying The Journey.. And As Sure As The Sun Rises Tomorrow, You’ll Achieve Your Dreams”.. Live Like The Master

Chris T Atkinson P.S If you want help to Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams click here!..

Recommended Resources: 1. 1.Life Purpose iMaster: My Special NEW Breakthrough Report Revealing How To Find and Live Your Life Purpose! – ..(Click Here For More Information) 2. 2.MasterPeace Achieve Your Dreams Art Prints (As Seen below)


Achieve Your Dreams (MasterPeace Art | Original Quote) My Thoughts Behind This Creative Quote: The image of a man in the mountains at sunset speak to us of the following truths.. Sometimes we know precisely what we would like to be doing, but we feel circumstances are blocking us. After all we have responsibilities to those we love and bills that need to be paid.. So how can we follow our purpose and chase our dreams?.. But there is always a way.. and the way is to set you will to get to where you want to go and then to just take one step at a time, pausing along the way when you need to.. All the while trusting your journey to a Higher Spiritual Power and enjoying the journey along the way.. And then before you know it you will wake up one day and realize you have indeed achieved your dreams.. So enjoy the journey there my friend with all its ups and downs for you are truly LIVING!..

Yes.."Keep Your Eye On The Goal And Take One Step At A Time.. Whilst Enjoying The Journey.. And As Sure As The Sun Rises Tomorrow, You’ll Achieve Your Dreams"..


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