An Unconventional Way To Find Your Life Purpose (Finding Your Why) /personal-development/quotes-notes/purpose-unconventional/ 25/11/2017
Finding Your Why Quote & Note Day 20 Of 30 An Introductory Note From Chris RE: Finding Your Purpose In Life Our ultimate Happiness, Prosperity and Life Purpose will always be found in the service of others.. For it is a Spiritual Mastery Law that the more good we give, the more good we will receive.. This is why the Master taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive.. For the more we serve others in a way that brings life(happiness) to all(including ourselves) and harm to no-one (as much as within our power) then the more Blessed our life will be. And that is exactly what I want us to focus on today in the great little gem below by LEO BABAUTA From ...
How To Find Your Life Purpose: An Unconventional Approach By Leo Babauta From
Let’s say you’re feeling unmotivated, unsure of yourself, aimless, can’t find your passion, directionless, not clear on what your purpose in life is. You’re in good company — most people are in the same boat. Now, there about a million things online telling you how to find your passion in life, and that’s a good thing. It’s a search worth undergoing. I’m not going to give you a fool-proof method, or a 5-step method, nor share my passion manifesto with you today. I’m going to give you a one-step method. However, that one step is a doozy.
The One Step to Finding Your Purpose It’s simply this: learn to get outside your personal bubble. Your personal bubble is the small world you live in (we all have one), where you are the center of the universe. You are concerned with your wellbeing, with not wanting to look bad, with succeeding in life, with your personal pleasure (good food, good music, good sex, etc.). This is the bubble we all live in most of the time, and people who say they don’t are trying to prove something. When someone tells you you look fat, this only hurts because you’re in your personal bubble. You take that statement (a colleague who says you look fat) and believe that it’s about you, and feel the pain or embarrassment of how the statement affects you. It matters a lot, because in your bubble, what matters most is how everything affects you personally. 2/5
I’m the same way, and so is everyone else. Some other problems caused by this personal bubble: * In our bubble, we’re concerned with our pleasure and comfort, and try not to be uncomfortable. This is why we don’t exercise, why we don’t only eat healthy food. * This fear of being uncomfortable is also why we get anxious at the thought of meeting strangers. It hampers our social lives, our love lives. * Because we don’t want to look bad, we are afraid of failing. So we don’t tackle tough things. * We procrastinate because of this fear of failing, this fear of discomfort. * When someone does or says something, we relate that event with how it affect us, and this can cause anger or pain or irritation. * We expect people to try to give us what we want, and when they don’t, we get frustrated or angry. Actually, pretty much all our problems are caused by this bubble. Including the difficulty in finding our life purpose. But more on that in a minute — I ask for your patience here, because this is important..(To Continue Reading Full Article Click Here)
If You Seek Happiness, It Will Flee From You. But If You Seek To Live A Life In Service To Others Doing Something You Are Passionate About. Then Happiness Will Be Your Constant Companion. For It Is In Pouring Ourselves Out, That Our Own Cup Is Filled".. Live Like The Master
Chris T Atkinson P.S If you want help to Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams click here!..
Recommended Resources: 1. 1.Life Purpose iMaster: My Special NEW Breakthrough Report Revealing How To Find and Live Your Life Purpose! – ..(Click Here For More Information) 2. 2.MasterPeace Happiness Your Companion Art Prints (As Seen below)
Happiness Your Companion (MasterPeace Art | Original Picture Quote) My Thoughts Behind This Finding Your Why Picture Quote: The image of a man with a camera, standing beside a group of friends on a hill as he captured the beauty of the end of a day and the start of a night speak to us of the following truths.. In our day and age where entitlement abounds and materialism and consumerism are King. We are raised to believe that our happiness is found in the latest toy or short term pursuit that indulges our physical senses in a fleeting moment, but that then leaves our souls and hearts empty.. This sort of surface happiness is shallow. For true happiness comes from knowing that we are loved by the Divine in an unconditional way.. And when we know this type of love deep down within ourselves, we are then able to Live Loved, sharing this love with others out of the overflow of a FULL heart and life.. And when we LIVE LOVED our lives are then characterised by thoughts and actions that align with who we really are in our core(our Best Self).. Likewise when we LIVE LOVED we begin to throw off the things in our lives that steal, kill and destroy our potential when left unchecked. The end result of LIVING LOVED being that our lives inevitably and very naturally bless those around us and beyond.. For LOVE desires to GIVE!.. Yes..
If You Seek Happiness, It Will Flee From You. But If You Seek To Live A Life In Service To Others Doing Something You Are Passionate About. Then Happiness Will Be Your Constant Companion. For It Is In Pouring Ourselves Out, That Our Own Cup Is Filled".. Check Out Our "Happiness Your Companion" Art Prints (Click Here To Enter The "MasterPeace" Zone) Show: Acknowledgements Hide + 4/5
This blog presentation may contain a mixture of images that are either:1. 1)Licensed through a purchase and or 2. 2)Used under a Creative Commons License..