What's Your "Why?" 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose In Life!..

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What’s Your “Why?” 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose www.imastersacademy.com /personal-development/quotes-notes/why-4questions/

Finding Your Why Quote & Note Day 21 Of 30 An Introductory Note RE: Finding Your Purpose In Life My Favorite point in the following gem of an article by Margie Warrell is Number 4 titled: How Will You Measure Your Life?.. Because I guess at the end of the day, at the end of my time here on this earth (before I cross over into more celestial places) I don't want to be lying on my death bed or rather "life bed" thinking I stood for nothing, played it safe, took no risks and wasted my life and God Given potential away.. Rather at that time I want to be surrounded by Family and Friends who love me, and whose lives and potential I invested in, because I truly loved them.. So that in some capacity I will know that I truly helped inspire them to become the Best Version of Themselves because that is who I also became. - Chris T Atkinson ..

Do You Know Your “Why?” 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose By Margie Warrell at Forbes.com If you’ve ever faced a significant crisis in your life you’ll have experienced the power of purpose to tap reserves of energy, determination and courage you likely didn’t know you had. Your mission was clear. Your goal was compelling. Your focus was laser-like. Your potential was tapped. The power of purpose is similar to the energy of light focused through a magnifying glass. Diffused light has little use, but when its energy is concentrated—as through a magnifying glass—that same light can set fire to paper. Focus its energy even more, as with a laser beam, and it has the power to cut through steel. Likewise, a clear sense of purpose enables you to focus your efforts on what matters most, compelling you to take risks and push forward regardless of the odds or obstacles. Unlike animals, which are driven simply to survive, we humans crave more from life than mere survival. Without an answer to the question ‘Survival for the sake of what?,’ we can quickly fall into disillusionment, distraction and a quiet sense of despair. The alarming increase in rates of drug and alcohol abuse, depression and suicide, along with the growing reliance on antidepressant medications, seems to indicate many are doing just that.


Likewise, a quick glance at employee engagement statistics points to a crisis of purpose and meaning on an unprecedented scale. Given we’re wealthier today than at any time in history, there is clearly a marked difference between ‘well off' and ‘wellbeing.' German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, ‘He who has a why can endure any how.’ Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living (versus merely surviving!). Indeed, only when you know your ‘why’ will you find the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when the chips are down, and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging, and more rewarding trajectory. Certainly this has been the experience of Tom Hale, whose company BACKROADS will top $100 million in revenue in 2014. “My passion for bringing active travel experiences to more people has driven me over the last 35 years.” In a recent interview, Tom shared with me that in the first seven years of starting BACKROADS, he put in enormous effort for little return. “Given the hours I worked, I think I was earning about 35 cents an hour,” he joked. “However, while I knew we had to make money to grow, I was never driven by the money. Once I got clear that this was my life’s work, doing something else was never an option.” Tom’s leadership of BACKROADS from a small start up to a major player in the travel industry has created an organization whose employees are as passionate about his company’s mission as him. BACKROADS' ongoing growth – in both the range of experiences offered and the company's bottom line profit – speaks for itself. While there’s no one pathway for discovering your life's purpose, there are many ways you can gain deeper insight into yourself, and a larger perspective on what it is that you have to offer the world. As I wrote in Stop Playing Safe, your ‘life’s work’ sits in the intersection of your talents, skills/expertise, passions and deepest values (see diagram to right). Reflect on the corresponding four questions below to help find the ‘sweet spot’ that sits in the intersection between what you care about, what you can contribute, and what will be valued most. – (To Continue Reading The Full Article & 4 Questions To Find Your Purpose Click Here)



Be Bold And Live With Passion & Purpose For You Don't Want To Be Lying On Your Death Bed Thinking You Stood For Nothing, Played It Safe, Took No Risks And Wasted Your Life And God Given Potential Away".. Live Like The Master

Chris T Atkinson P.S If you want help to Love Your Life and Live Your Dreams click here!..

Recommended Resources: 1. 1.Life Purpose iMaster: My Special NEW Breakthrough Report Revealing How To Find and Live Your Life Purpose! – ..(Click Here For More Information) 2. 2.MasterPeace Your Death Bed Art Prints (As Seen below)

Your Death Bed (MasterPeace Art | Original Picture Quote) The image of a rock climber climbing a rock face with a beautiful Island, Ocean and Sunset in the background speak to us of the following truths.. In your time here sojourning through this world you will hear many voices telling you who you are and what you should be doing with your life.. But the voice you need to listen to and follow above all the outside voices clamouring for your attention is the still small inner voice within you that knows who the best version of you is.. And thus who you can become!.. 3/4

And if you will seek to hear and follow the instructions of this inner voice above all other outside voices then you will truly live a life of Freedom and Adventure. For this is the voice that loves you the most and knows where you will thrive and grow the most.. And make no mistake, it will be hard sometimes to follow this voice that many times will lead you down a narrow straight path, when many others are following a different wide path and telling you to join them.. But if you will learn to trust this Inner Voice and thus back you own inner hunches that come from this voice then LIFE will open up to you and you will discover your life purpose.. May you love and follow this voice.. Yes..

Be Bold And Live With Passion & Purpose For You Don't Want To Be Lying On Your Death Bed Thinking You Stood For Nothing, Played It Safe, Took No Risks And Wasted Your Life And God Given Potential Away".. Check Out Our "Your Death Bed" Art Prints (Click Here To Enter The "MasterPeace" Zone) Show: Acknowledgements Hide + This blog presentation may contain a mixture of images that are either:1. 1)Licensed through a purchase and or 2. 2)Used under a Creative Commons License..


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