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Volume 13, Number 3


April 2014


D e a r C a t h e d r a l F a m i ly, It is appropriate that our Lenten time of reflection and self-examination has been spent in the work of ministry transition. Such work asks us to reflect on our mission and to consider the directions in which God is calling us in our ministries supporting that mission. I would like to thank the Cathedral vestry for their fine work in conducting a visioning process that involved every household in the Cathedral family. The conversations they engaged in asked a few basic questions about the ministries that are most important to us and about the gifts that we are seeking in persons who will be called to fill the roles of canon pastor and organist/choirmaster. In their report-out on the findings of these conversations, the vestry concluded that our priorities in the role of canon pastor are someone who will: 1) Complement the qualities of the Dean; 2) Engage with young families and youth; 3) Lead and facilitate pastoral care ministries; and 4) Expand outreach ministries.

In an organist/choirmaster, we seek someone who will: 1) Further our tradition of excellence in worship; 2) Develop our children’s and youth choirs; and 3) Enhance our musical outreach to the wider community and the diocese. Screening and interviews of candidates for the clergy position has begun, and a organist/choirmaster transition committee comprised of vestry, choir, and congregation members is being constituted. We also continue to participate in the search and transition process for the fourth bishop of our diocese. Thanks to all of you who took the time to complete the on-line survey; it has now been completed and the results will soon be shared with the search committee. Focus group attendance for the meeting here at the Cathedral was wonderful; it was a positive process, which will be very helpful, along with the survey, as the search committee compiles a profile of our diocese during April. Soon thereafter, we will begin the work of soliciting nominations.

Photo by Blue Room Photography (Cindy McCrory)

(continued on page 2)

9TH ANNUAL CATHEDRAL CELEBRATION CONFIRMATION AND PAROCHIAL VISIT Sunday, May 11 at 10:00 a.m. Luncheon in the garden to follow.

The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II will be at Christ Cathedral for the Cathedral Celebration on Sunday, May 11. If anyone is interested in being confirmed at that time, please speak with Dean Gibson. There will be an Adult Inquirer’s Class on Tuesday, April 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the library.

THE CATHEDRAL CHAPTER John Stephenson McClelland Senior Warden

Robert Willis Israel Charles Stephen McKay Junior Wardens

William Kennon Drew Treasurer

Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor

Ronald A. Snider Clerk

 Class of 2014 Robert D. Forster Tray W. Hamil Ann H. Luce John S. McClelland, Jr. Elissa E. Watkins Wythe L. Whiting Class of 2015 John D. Davidson Mary Esther T. Elliott Banks C. Ladd Alison S. Mitchell Lucy F. Moore Henry R. Seawell IV Class of 2016 as elected December 1, 2013

Sage M. Bolt Lewis H. Golden George B. Inge Robert W. Israel Charles S. McKay Hetty C. Newell

 Chapter Members Mendy Henderson, 2016 St. Agatha’s, deFuniak Springs

Gary Moore, 2017 St. Paul’s, Daphne

The Rev. Aaron Smith, 2018 St. Paul’s, Magnolia Springs

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HOLY WEEK 2014  Palm Sunday, April 13 10:00 a.m.

 Monday, April 14



Thursday, April 17

begins in the garden


Noon in the Chapel


following service

 Maundy Thursday, April 17

 Good Friday, April 18

5:30 p.m. in the Chapel

Noon in the Church



Easter Sunday, April 20 10:00 a.m.—FESTIVAL EUCHARIST Wood Brass Quartet & Timpani

11:15 a.m.—EASTER EGG HUNT in the garden (continued from front page)

As we come to the end of Lent and look forward to Holy Week and the Easter celebration that will follow, I encourage you to continue in your personal devotions and disciplines, to remember especially the transitions here at the Cathedral and in the diocese in your prayers, and to avail yourself of opportunities to worship together here at the Cathedral. Our corporate worship and prayers strengthens us, binds us together both here in the present and with the saints of our past and our future. From this we draw energy and hope, which make us ready for the work God has for us to do.

In Simply Jesus, N. T. Wright writes, “When Jesus rose from the dead on Easter morning, he rose as the beginning of the new world that Israel’s God had always intended to make.” We look forward together here at Christ Church Cathedral to the new world that will open for us on Easter morning. Faithfully,

The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean

Decorating the Church for Easter Eucharist Saturday, April 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Flowering of the Cross Easter Memorial Donations Envelopes for Easter memorial or thanksgiving donations are enclosed in this issue of The Messenger. Donations are $15 each and can be designated for Easter lilies, music, or for seasonal planting in the garden. All designations received by Monday, April 13 will be noted in the Easter bulletin. Additional envelopes are available on the ministry table or in the Cathedral office.

Palm Crosses We will gather following the final Lenten lunch on Wednesday, April 9 to make palm crosses.

Please remember to come a few minutes early on Easter Sunday, April 20 and bring flowers for the Easter Cross.

Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Donations Our Children’s Easter Egg hunt for toddlers through grade 2 will take place in the garden following the Easter service, Sunday, April 20. Please bring a dozen stuffed, plastic eggs (no nuts or chocolate) for each child who will hunt by Good Friday, April 18.

Fun Club will hide Easter Eggs Please join us. No prior experience is necessary.

The Fun Club has a VERY important job on Easter Sunday, April 20! (Shhhh! Don’t tell the little ones.)

Stripping The Altar

Please meet Ms. Alison at the back door of the church immediately following the processional hymn. You will return shortly thereafter to sit with your parents during the service.

Traditionally, the altar is stripped following the Maundy Thursday service, the last Eucharist in the church until Easter morning. We will strip the altar after Eucharist on Palm Sunday, April 13. The Maundy Thursday worship service will be held in the Chapel.

We will meet again at the back of the church immediately after communion to guard the garden! Questions? Contact Alison Mitchell 689-7874

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Morning Circle Cooks—March 12

10:30 a.m. Monday, April 14 At the home of Marolyn Kruse 1052 Cross Gate Place Call Carolyn Stephenson at 342-5637 for information on Morning Circle. Next Meeting: Monday, May 12

(Above, left to right) Marolyn Kruse, Elizabeth Harrison, Lynn Yankie, Joy Dean, Debbie Broome,

Betty Reniewicz, Carolyn Stephenson, Harriet Jean Boughton, Martha Middleton, Peggy McClelland

C4 CHOIR CALENDAR Rehearsal Schedule Wednesdays 4:30-5:15 p.m. April 23—No Rehearsal May 7—Final Rehearsal

Marolyn Kruse, Gaye Formanek

Sam Power, Joy Dean

Lenten Cooks—March 19

Church Performance Dates Sundays during 10:00 a.m. service

April 13—Palm Sunday April 20—Easter Sunday May 11— Cathedral Celebration/ Mothers’ Day Page 4

(left to right) Barbara Mitchell, Betsy McCafferty, Sage Bolt, Lucy Brady, Carolyn Eichold

2 0 1 4 C at h e d r a l C o n c e r t S e r i e s

2014 L ENTEN M USIC & M EDITATION Wednesdays, April 2 &9 11:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I in the Chapel 12:05 p.m. Meditation and Music in the Church 12:30 p.m. Luncheon in the Chapter House ($8 donation)



Myles Garver, vocalist; Tjaden Cox, vocalist; Peggy Lyden, pianist

St. Paul’s Episcopal School Strings under direction of Holly Compton

Crucifixion—Samuel Barber

Mantras—Richard Meyer Sanctus from The German Mass

Tjaden Cox, soloist

Gentle Airs, Melodious Strains—George Frideric Handel Myles Garver, soloist

Panis Angelicus—Cesar Franck The King of Love—Harry Rowe Shelley We Hasten, O Jesu—Johann Sebastian Bach I Will Magnify thee, O Lord—Joseph Corfe The Prayer—Carole Bayer Sager & David Foster

Franz Schubert /arr. James Curnow

O Magnum, Mysterium—Morten Lauridsen Shenandoah Traditional—arr. John Wilson/Rick England Scenes from The Emerald Isle—arr. Carrie Lane Gruselle She Moved Through the Fair The Rakes of Kildare The Green Fields of Erin

The Christ Church Cathedral Concert Series is underwritten by generous contributions from our supporters.

The Atkinson Duo: Rebekah Atkinson, Mathew Atkinson

✠ WEDNESDAY HOLY EUCHARIST (left to right) The Archduke Trio: Enen Yu, Bob Holm, Goushen Huang

April 2 & 9—11:30 a.m. in the Chapel followed by Lenten Music/Lunch April 16, 23, & 30—Noon Page 5

C hr i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n C a l e n d a r Sunday, April 6  

Sunday, April 20

Curriculum for all youth classes. Confirmation: Review and Confirmation Preparation

Sunday, April 13 Palm Sunday  C4 sings in church  Remain in Church for Parish Photo  Christian Formation Holiday

Easter Sunday  C4 sings in church  Easter Egg Hunt in garden following the service for children through grade 2.  Christian Formation Holiday

Sunday, April 27 


Curriculum for all youth classes.

 Our Christian Education calendar is quickly coming to a close. Sunday, April 27 will be our last day for Christian Education classes.  The Children’s Chapel ministry continues year round.  We will honor our Christian Education teachers on Senior Sunday, May 4.

ADULT INQUIRER’S CLASS Tuesday, April 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the library.

Yo u t h C o n f i r m a t i o n C l a s s Sunday, April 6—Review and Confirmation Preparation Meet in the church during Christian Education to review the May 11 services. Completed forms should be turned in at this time.

We will honor our graduating high school seniors on Sunday, May 4 during the service. The seniors and their parents will be asked to come forward for a blessing. Following the service on May 4, we will have a picnic in the garden in honor of the seniors.

Sunday, May 11—Confirmation

Co n f i r m at i o n / S u n d ay S c h o o l E R D P r o j e c t DRINK, WASH, COOK, LIVE Go to the Cathedral website to view our video for our fundraising project in support of Episcopal Relief and Development. Or for more information, visit the ERD YouTube link: The Confirmation/School Sunday ERD Project has expanded to include the members of the Fun Club but the goal of this ambitious Lenten outreach project remains the same; raise $2500 in contributions to be given to Episcopal Relief and Development to fund two water treatment facilities. The group is asking Cathedral children to donate the change they collect in their “ERD Hope Chests” to the clean water program. For adults who would prefer to make donations, ERD envelopes are available. Please make your checks payable to Christ Church Cathedral, with the notation ERD project. The class was drawn to the Clean Water project because they have never had to consider whether the water they drank was safe. In many third world countries, people cannot

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afford to filter their water. Water that is not clean can contain parasites and other things that can hurt the human body. When people consume the water, they will become sick. Some of the diseases can even cause death. If we can reduce the amount of unfiltered drinking water in these countries, that help build up the economies. When there are fewer people getting sick, there are more people working and earning money for their families. Every 15 seconds, a child dies from a water related disease. When you donate to this cause, it helps empower communities to create safe and clean water sources by building wells and piping systems to prevent waterborne illnesses. Also by training members of communities on the use and maintenance of the water systems. Please help us achieve our goal is to help two villages DRINK, WASH, COOK, LIVE. Our goal can be reached with a $10 donation from each of our 250 Cathedral families. Will you give today?

Please confirm that you have a graduating high school senior by contacting the Cathedral office before Monday, April 27.

Also please let us know if you have a soon-to-be college graduate. We will recognize college graduates in the June issue of The Messenger.

H ow t o Jo i n E p i s c o p a l C h u r c h

(paraphrased from The Episcopal Handbook)

By far, the most important requirement for joining the Episcopal Church is just showing up. Many Episcopal parishes are intentionally vague about assigning membership. We don’t want to be known as places where weekly attendance is taken, annual contributions are tabulated, and your membership is assigned only if you pass muster. We’re much less concerned about counting the people who are in, than we are about leaving someone out. To serve as a Lay minister you should be baptized in this or any Christian church, confirmed or received by a bishop of the Episcopal Church, attend services, receive Holy Communion, and make a financial commitment. Of course, some people claim membership to our churches because a long-lost relative once attended, and this is fine by us. We believe the church should reflect the open and accepting arms of Jesus. If one is baptized in a parish, he or she automatically becomes a member. If one is already a member of an Episcopal parish and moves to another, a Letter of Transfer is typically requested. However, the paperwork generally plays second fiddle to the importance of a feeling of belonging to a parish family. A Youth Confirmation Class is currently underway. There will be an Adult Inquirer’s Class on Wednesday, April 15 at 5:30 p.m. in the library. Confirmation and Reception by the Bishop will be Sunday, May 11.

T he F u n C l u b Floral Parade Mardi Gras Party—Monday, March 3

(Left to Right) Front Row: Chambliss Brister, Parke Brister, Annabelle Ramo, Janaé Wilson,

Elinor Gibson, Will Gamble, Walt Hamil, Livy Ferguson, Sophie Ferguson Back Row: Malcolm Warren, Stephens Ashbee, Tré Mitchell, Sykes Ashbee, Charlie Ramo,

Julianna Ramo, Jordan Chow, Kimberlie Gaillard, Trinity Gaillard, Lawson Hamil (Stephens & Sykes Ashbee attend Government Street Presbyterian Church.)

Repor t of the Finance Committee

( date d February 20 14 )


$ 752,265

Capital Debt: ($ 269,629)


$ 48,168


$ 805,680


$ 38,894


$ 249,812 (will reach $ 250,000 this month)


under budget

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O ut r e a c h

Goodwill Easter Seals of the Gulf Coast

Good Samaritan Program Dear Friends, Wilmer Hall Children’s Home serves children and young adults in need due to poverty, abuse, neglect and homelessness by providing them with a warm, loving and nurturing home where they can live, learn and grow. Wilmer Hall was founded by Bishop Richard H. Wilmer in 1864 as a home for children who were victims of war, poverty and disease. In 2014 we look forward to celebrating 150 years of mission and ministry. We celebrate not only our past, but look to the future as we continue our legacy of caring for children and young adults. Due to an ever increasing census, we need to renovate both Carpenter Hall and Quigley Hall in order to expand our Transitional Living Program and our Transitional Family Program. Our goal is to raise $1,500,000 for our renovation and expansion project and to strengthen our endowment so that Wilmer Hall will be sustainable for many more years. The Board of Directors of Wilmer Hall joins me in asking for your support of our Rejoice, Restore and Renew campaign as we seek to continue and sustain this very special ministry. Sally Greene Executive Director , Wilmer Hall


Tickets: $5 (eat-in/carry out)

On the front lawn of Wilmer Hall (3811 Old Shell Road.) Menu: Pancakes, Conecuh sausage, Carpe Diem coffee, milk and juice Several local celebrities, including University of South Alabama’s Head Football Coach, Joey Jones will be on hand supporting the cause. Children’s Activities include face painting, pancake toss, inflatable jumpers All proceeds from the pancake breakfast directly benefit Wilmer Hall. More information: 342-4931 or

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Whenever you empty your closets and spare rooms, take your donations to Goodwill and donate to the Good Samaritan Program in the name of Christ Church Cathedral. You will be provided with a voucher. Please bring the voucher to the Cathedral for Sam Power to distribute.

T h a n k yo u On behalf of Family Promise of Coastal Alabama. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Together we can end homelessness, one family at a time. Brandi Purvis Resource Development

R em i n d er While you are traveling, don’t forget to grab the hotel toiletries and bring them to the Cathedral for Sam Power to give to Waterfront Mission Rescue/15 Place clients.

D i o c e s a n N ew s


ULTREYA! Come enjoy an evening of fellowship, prayer and music. Saturday, April 5 St. Paul’s—Daphne 28788 N. Main Street 4:30 p.m. R&R for Staff & Pilgrims of Cursillo #152 in Malone Hall 6:00 p.m. All are invited to Holy Eucharist followed by potluck dinner, fellowship, and song. Coffee and tea provided. Bring a dish to share. Musicians: Bring your instrument! Mark Your Calendar for the next Ultreya May 3 at 6:00 p.m. Holy Spirit Church—Gulf Shores

To u r t o I s r a e l — Ju ly 1 3 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 4 Join Rabbi Steven Silberman & Congregation Ahavas Chesed on a tour to Israel To register: TOUR HIGHLIGHTS TEL AVIV  “Join up” with Israeli paramilitary forces at the Palmach Museum  See the artists & entertainers at Nachalat Binyamin  Evening walking tour through Old Jaffa THE NORTH  Tour the ancient seaside port of Caesarea  See the Bahai Temple and Persian Gardens in Haifa  See the grottoes of Rosh Hanikra  Enjoy a jeep tour of the Golan Heights  Visit Capernaum and the Mount of Beatitudes  Kayaking along the Jordan River  See the Church of Annunciation

JERUSALEM  Enjoy a walking tour of the Old City  Tour Yad Vashem  Explore the Mount Herzl Museum and cemetery  Join the amazing archeological dig at Beit Guvrin  Explore the Israel Museum  Visit Yad La’Kashish  Tour the Western Wall Tunnels THE SOUTH  Ascend Masada  Hike to the desert oasis of Ein Gedi  Float in the Dead Sea

BCP on the Go! Electronic Common Prayer app for iPhone Looking for all of the worship services and devotional content of the BCP along with the full lectionary texts in one app? Look no further than the eCP app! Requires iOS 5.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad (except first generation), and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. eCP offers the following features:  An interactive Calendar with complete access to Years A, B, & C of the RCL for Sundays and Holy Days, Daily Office, and Lesser Feasts and Fasts lectionary texts in the NRSV  Feast pages include title and color in addition to presenting multiple feasts in order of precedence  Most commonly used services from the 1979 BCP, fully hyperlinked to lessons, Collects of the Day, and Psalms  The complete Daily Office with readings and Psalms for each day in both Years 1 and 2  Canticles supplemented with all of the alternatives from Enriching Our Worship  Psalm options for the Daily Office include both Psalms Appointed and the Thirty Day Psalter  Swipe left/right navigation through Services, Psalms, and other indexed material  Bookmarking of content for easy access throughout the app.

. . . AND SO MUCH MORE! $3,499 per person, based on double occupancy. Land only.

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Join us at Wilderness Escape VBS, where we’ll explore what life was like for the ancient Israelites. They’ve escaped slavery in Egypt…but now what? You’ll craft cool projects in the Israelite Camp, race through the wilderness as you play games, visit with Moses, and eat some interesting new food. Plus, you’ll meet lots of new friends!

Tuesday, June 10 through

Thursday, June 12 9:00 a.m. to Noon

To re g is t e r o r volu nteer— S i g n u p o n - l i n e a t

VBS Meeting—Sunday, May 4

in the Chapel during Coffee Hour

The first meeting for all who are interested in helping with VBS.   

Set up—Sunday, June 8 Training/Decorating—Monday, June 9 Take down—Thursday, June 12

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Contact Alison Mitchell 689-7874

APRIL BIRTHDAYS April 3 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 13 April 16

April 17 April 19 April 20

April 21 April 22 April 23 April 25 April 26 April 27

April 28 April 29 April 30

John McClelland Day Peake Donna Moree Robert Drew Christopher Clinton Greer Radcliff Carolyn Jeffers Bob Dean Lyon Israel Helen Hendrix Fairley Morton Chip Tait Carter Wetzler Barbara Archer Bob Forster Terri Armbrecht Angus Cooper Mary Carol Ladd Virginia Ladd Chad Slaton Glen Vinet Chris Hume Christopher Russell Hetty Newell John Daly Baumhauer Johnny Cook David Carwie Betty Reniewicz Bill Drew Julie Hoffmeyer Kim Kearley M. J. Ramo Elizabeth Warren Malcolm Warren Willson McClelland Chris Vinet David Powers Henry Chappelle

C a t h e d r a l P r aye r L i s t O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for: Members: Brink Brinkley, Alice Carwie, Dunn Chandler, John Wade Thurber, Nick Nichols, Butch Trawick, George Gartman, Amy McElhaney Butler, Billie van der Giessen, Peter van der Giessen, Patti Biel, Jean Halbrooks, Lucy Lyons

Friends & Family: Janie Houser, Michael McMaken, Leland Moore, Sr., Deborah Beverley, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, David Leff, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Michael Daves, Michael Sumrall, Jim Elia, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Florence Seymour, Bonnie Orillion, Dave Carlyn Block, Scott Craver, Jamie Martin, Rachel McClanahan, Beverly Schubert, Tom Cunningham, Francis Grace Hirs, Anna Laura Plovanich, Norma Beazley, Curtis Bullock, Bill Browder, Valerie Boatman, Brian McArdle, Webb Windsor, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips, James Thomas, Ted Fraiche, Mark Miles, Susan Guilian, Rhett Travis, Noel Fell, Tot Swanson, Art Swanson, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Betty Ruth Patek, Carolyn Pryor, Merle Findley, Louise Douglas, Shirley & Dunlap Peeples, Steve Harris, Sandy Fortner, Carole Graf, Kit Geil, Roger Geil, Harvey Wright,

Johnny McLeod, Marian Macpherson Currie, Mary Searles, Peggy Freeman, Margee Adams, Francis Robison, Jim & Dianne McCall, Dale Williams, Mary Lou Peake, Sasha’s Home Orphanage and all the people of the Ukraine, Viva Weeks, Bill Goodloe, Carolyn Bullock, Karen Sharpe, Kit & Roger Geil and the Geil family, Norman Pharr, Marie Harrison The ministry of Sara Phillips, Pastoral Leader of St. Mary’s Coden

Those Serving in the Military: Darrien Gibson, Kelley Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Daniel WhiteSpunner Reed, Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong, Sam Garcia, Chris Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd Mouthaan, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar, Josh Power, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson, Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton, Brian Hudson, Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler Oubre, Brian Pennell, John Snyder, Louis Coggin, Jason Norris

Births: Arden Camille Ross, granddaughter of Lynn and David Ross

Souls Departed: Charles Weeks, father of Mark Weeks Carolyn Butler, grandmother of Angus Cooper

Please contact the Cathedral Office to let us know if you would like to keep the names of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will keep everyone who has been submitted within the last month and all others from whom we hear.

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602



CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of Saint Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Peggy L. Lyden, Organist and Choir Master Teri B. Williams, Assistant Choir Master Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary M. Angela Burgin, Cathedral Secretary Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery Judy J. Jones, Housekeeping ✠Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone: 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403

Website: E-mail:

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