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Volume 14, Number 8


August, 2016


A Me s s a g e f r o m t h e D e a n

Dear Cathedral Family,

The new school year is upon us—fresh notebooks and pencils, calculators, backpacks, uniforms—bringing another opportunity to start fresh. Again this year Christ Church Cathedral participated in Operation Backpack, working with the Family Intervention Team of the Mobile Police Department to prepare young people in our community for school. Thank you to everyone who contributed materials and funds, and volunteered to coordinate the goods. This program, like our Christmas Angel Tree, reminds us of the care we are called to extend to all children and the children of others. A group of our young people helped assemble the backpacks, and the completed backpacks and their owners will be blessed and prayed for along with our own young people on August 14. August is the month when final details are cemented for the program year ahead—in worship, music, Christian formation, youth events, hospitality, and all the other areas of our life together. This year we are also preparing for something more: this fall we will engage in a time of studying the master plan for our facilities approved in 2009 and determining how best to proceed with improvements to our campus—all with the purpose of extending and expanding our ministries to our community and to the diocese.

Save the Date Saturday, August 13 Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage Hayneville, Alabama Sunday, August 14 Blessing of the Backpacks

These are exciting times of opportunity for us in downtown Mobile. As completion of the Mardi Gras Park in our “front yard” approaches, we can see how we will become more visible and open to increased pedestrian traffic. How can we best position ourselves to welcome the people who come to downtown, extending to them the beauty of holiness and love of Christ? In 2010, our self-study concluded that the three strongest gifts of the Cathedral Family are our worship, our hospitality, and our historic property. These are certainly still gifts we are called to share with others. On Sunday, September 11, our Rally Day introducing the program year, the details of this study will be discussed, and during the fall of the year every member of the Cathedral Family will have the opportunity to participate. As you enjoy the remaining weeks of summer, please pray for God’s grace and guidance in this process. And be on the lookout for more news about the steeple! Faithfully, The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean

Saturday, August 20 Diocesan Acolyte Festival Christ Church Cathedral Sunday, August 21 Organ Recital: A Grand Symphony 4:00 p.m.

Sunday, August 28 Diocesan EYC Kick-Off at Beckwith Sunday, September 11 Rally Day

 THE CATHEDRAL CHAPTER 2016 Robert Willis Israel Senior Warden Jex Ransome Luce Charles Stephen McKay Junior Wardens William Kennon Drew Treasurer Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor Ronald A. Snider Clerk

Class of 2016 Sage M. Bolt Lewis H. Golden George B. Inge Robert W. Israel Charles S. McKay Hetty C. Newell

Class of 2017 V. Lyn Bennett Cartledge W. Blackwell III Steven B. Hall Barbara L. Mitchell Margaret M. Thigpen Thomas B. Van Antwerp

Class of 2018 Jill S. Chow Gretchen V. Cooper B. Herbert (Bert) Eichold II Jennifer S. Grehan W. Christian Hines III Jex R. Luce

Chapter Members Gary Moore, 2017 St. Paul’s, Daphne

The Rev. Aaron Smith, 2018 St. Paul’s, Magnolia Springs

Magoo Price Hamilton, 2019 St. Thomas, Greenville

The Rev. John Riggin, 2019 St. Paul’s, Mobile

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A M e s s a g e f r o m t h e C a n o n Pa s t o r Dear Cathedral Family, August finds most of us transitioning from times of relaxation and renewal to those of readying ourselves for the upcoming school year—when our schedules fill up quickly with lots of activities. The same is true for us at the Cathedral. We are busy planning our program year and developing our annual calendar. We are planning for our youth, Fun Club, Christian formation, youth confirmation, and many other programs. But before we begin the program year, I would like to take a moment to commend to our Cathedral family some unique and rewarding opportunities for our young people during the month of August.

The second event is on August 20. The Cathedral will host a Diocesan Acolyte Festival. We are excited about this event. Bishop Russell Kendrick will be with us, and we will have acolytes from throughout the Central Gulf Coast on campus to learn what it means to be an acolyte, how to process in and out, how to light candles and hold/carry the holy hardware, and how to use a thurible (Holy Smokes!). This is also a great opportunity for our acolytes to meet other youth and to be ambassadors as we welcome our visitors. Following the icebreakers, training sessions, lunch, and time with the bishop, there is a closing Holy Eucharist service.

We have several events happening for our youth. The first is the Annual Pilgrimage to Hayneville, Alabama which this year commemorates the 51st anniversary of the martyrdom of the Episcopal Seminarian, Jonathon Myrick Daniels. Daniels was killed in 1965 during the summer of civil rights protests in the area. The pilgrimage also commemorates the 13 others killed during the struggle for civil rights in Alabama. The pilgrimage is sponsored by the Dioceses of the Central Gulf Coast and Alabama and takes place on Saturday, August 13.

There are several volunteer opportunities available, such as morning greeters and hospitality, lunch servers, and ushers. Any adults who would like to help, please sign up on the list on the ministry table. I also ask your prayers of support for this endeavor. It should be a great event for the Cathedral and for the life of our diocese.

The pilgrims get to walk in Daniels’ steps. Starting at the courthouse, the group will walk to the jail, where Daniels was held for a week. Next, the group will walk to the grocery store where he was fatally shot while trying to save the life of another person. The group then returns to the courthouse for Holy Eucharist. This is the same courthouse where an all-white jury found a white reserve deputy innocent of killing Daniels. I hope that our youth (and interested adults) will participate in this holy, albeit hot, occasion.

The third event for our youth is the Diocesan Youth Kick-Off event at Camp Beckwith on Sunday, August 28. This is another great opportunity for our youth to meet other youth, enjoy the amenities of Beckwith, and worship God on (and in) the water. I do hope that you all continue to enjoy your summertime fun with friends and family. But as we begin this month, I pray that you all will support the opportunities happening here at the Cathedral. Have a great August, and I hope to see you at church! Blessings,

The Reverend Canon Daniel A. Wagner Canon Pastor

M us i c M i n i s t r y

I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.’ Now our feet are standing within your gates, O Jerusalem. Psalm 122:1-2

Dear friends in Christ, Since I am writing this month’s article while staying in Virginia with Katie’s parents, I am taking inspiration from our travels during the month of July. We began with the Sewanee Church Music Conference, where Katie and I experienced beautiful scenery, music, and liturgy on the Holy Mountain. Continuing our travels, we had the opportunity to see historic Christ Church in Smithfield, Virginia, and the Old Brick Church (St. Luke’s), founded in the 1680’s. The Old Brick Church contains an English chamber organ dating from 1630. In All Saints’ Chapel at Sewanee, we sang the glorious St. Paul’s Service (a setting of the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis) by Herbert Howells (1892-1983) during Choral Evensong, and we were inspired by the unbelievable majesty and artistry of Howell’s music in such a space. Amid clouds of incense and accompanied by the exceptionally fine organ of All Saints’ Chapel,

our prayers ascended. However, even amid the absolute silence within the Old Brick Church, one could feel the sense of history and the countless prayers that have filled that place over the centuries. All of this made me feel proud of our Anglican and Episcopal tradition. Even through the difficult times after the Revolutionary War, we were not afraid to reinvent ourselves, persevere, and create our own traditions fueled by the diversity within our own nation. Our musical traditions are a part of our history as much as our liturgical practices and theological beliefs. In the colonial period liturgy of the Old Brick Church, as mentioned by our tour guide, there was probably only a cappella Psalm singing, as the 1630 organ was donated in the 20th century. Psalm singing has been the most basic form of church music and has been practiced since the very beginning. It is no wonder that, when all else fails, this always returns. From the glory of the Anglican chant we sang at Sewanee to the imagined, more primitive Psalm singing at the Old Brick Church, our heritage is at once broad and cohesive. The return of the choir on August 21, marks the beginning of the 2016-2017 Music Season, and this month also begins my third year at Christ Church Cathedral as Music Director. We will focus this season on performing pieces by living composers and greater emphasis on singing the Psalms. We have an exciting future ahead


A Grand Symphony Sunday, August 21 4:00 p.m. Come enjoy a kaleidoscope of musical color! Christopher Powell will present Saint-Saëns' “Carnival of the Animals” and Franck's “Grand pièce Symphonique”.

Choir Practices Resume Wednesday, August 21 Cathedral Handbells at 5:45 p.m. Cathedral Choir at 6:30 p.m.

here at the cathedral, one that takes its place within the traditions of our Episcopal heritage alongside All Saints’ Chapel, the Old Brick Church, and everywhere in between.

In Christ,

Christopher W. Powell Music Director and Organist

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Parish News

DIOCESAN A C O LY T E FESTIVAL Saturday, August 20 9:45 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Christ Church Cathedral We will be hosting acolytes from across the diocese for this soon-to-be annual event. Please contact Cn. Wagner if you want to serve as an acolyte and can attend. Volunteers are needed, so please see the sign-up sheet on the ministry table for details.

Cathedral Calendar August Monday, August 1 Operation Backpack Deadline Sunday, August 7 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II Saturday, August 13 Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage Sunday, August 14 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II Blessing of the Backpacks Tuesday, August 16 Standing Committee Wednesday, August 17 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Saturday, August 20 Diocesan Acolyte Festival Sunday, August 21 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II 4:00 p.m. Organ Recital Wednesday, August 24 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Saturday, August 27 Vestry Workshop Sunday, August 28 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II Diocesan EYC Kick-Off at Beckwith Wednesday, August 31 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal

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September Sunday, September 4 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II Monday, September 5 Labor Day Holiday Wednesday, September 7 Noon HE, Rite II 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Sunday, September 11 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II Rally Day Wednesday, September 14 Noon HE, Rite II 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Sunday, September 18 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II 11:15 a.m. Christian Formation Monday, September 19 5:15 p.m. Nominating Committee Wednesday, September 21 Noon HE, Rite II 5:15 p.m. Finance Committee 5:30 p.m. Handbell Choir 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Sunday, September 25 10:00 a.m. HE, Rite II 11:15 a.m. Christian Formation 11:30 a.m. Vestry Meeting

Clergy Renewal Resolution Whereas, the Rector and Dean called by Christ Church Cathedral (the “Cathedral”) serves in a variety of roles at the center of our congregational life—preacher, teacher, administrator, spiritual guide, pastoral visitor, friend, counselor, and confidant—as well as in the community, the Diocese, and The Episcopal Church; and, Whereas, a Cathedral renewal and education program established in 2009 provides opportunities for clergy called by the parish to step away briefly from the persistent obligation of daily parish life and engage in a period of renewal and reflection to regain the enthusiasm and creativity for ministry; and, it allows the parish and staff to develop skills of self sufficiency during the clergy’s absence; and Whereas, Dean Gibson (employed as clergy at Christ Church Cathedral since July 2005) entered into a Letter of Agreement at the time of her election as Rector which stipulates: “A minimum of two weeks accrued per year of service in this parish for Sabbatical Leave, which shall consist of at least three months away for study, travel, reflection, and rest. During Sabbatical, the Rector will receive full compensation and benefits. A restricted account will be established to accrue additional funding for this, effective January 1, 2014.” Now, therefore, be it: Resolved, that Dean Gibson is hereby granted a leave of absence from May 22 through August 19, 2017, as a period of renewal and education. During this period, Dean Gibson shall be entitled to her full compensation and benefits; expenses incurred for travel, tuition, and study shall be the responsibility of Dean Gibson, but may be off set by individual contributions from the congregation and other designated restricted funds. A Letter of Agreement shall be entered into between Dean Gibson and the Vestry setting out Dean Gibson’s plans for her participation in a renewal and education program and the design for covering the necessary pastoral functions during her absence. She shall appoint a committee comprised of the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden for Finance, the Chancellor, the Treasurer, a member of the current Vestry, and previous members of the Clergy Renewal Committee. Approved by Vestry and Wardens of Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama on the 21st day of June, 2016

Episcopal Church Q & A’s What is the mission of the Episcopal Church? The mission of the whole church is to seek and serve Christ in others, and we do that by teaching, working, and living our lives according to our beliefs. The mission of the Episcopal Church is to follow this plan in keeping with our tradition, and also to live in cooperation and harmony with every other Christian church as we do so. We do this by participating in the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches, and by participating in the ecumenical movement with our brothers and sisters of different churches and with seeking understanding with people of all the world’s other faiths.

BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS On Sunday, August 14, students from grades K through high school are invited to bring their school backpacks (and themselves) to church to be blessed for the upcoming school year.

 RALLY DAY Sunday, September 11 we will kick-off the program year. On that day students will meet their Sunday School teachers. You may join our teaching team by contacting Cn. Wagner. Students in grade 6 and up are invited to join the Youth Confirmation Class. If you have a child who would like to attend, please contact Carolyn Jeffers.

 2016 CATHEDRAL DIRECTORY UPDATES Please email the Cathedral office at: to change, confirm, or update your name, address, and telephone numbers for the directory that will be distributed in September. Please indicate if you would like your cell number, and email address listed in directory. We would like to compile cell phone numbers as part of our disaster preparedness plan, so please make sure we have your current number. Also, your preferred email will be used for surveys this fall, so please let us know of any changes.

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As we celebrate the first year of his episcopacy, Bishop Russell Kendrick wrote a litany to thank God for all of the blessings he has given to us. If you would like to congratulate Bishop Kendrick, please send an email to and we will forward to him.

Hey God. I made it. Not all the way, but far enough to know you are with me, surrounding me, guiding me, and lifting me with the prayers of many good, faithful, and experienced people. First and foremost, thank you for people.

year. For those that gave their time, money and gifts to create a celebration of new life that we continue to share as the Episcopal Church in the Central Gulf Coast. May they find time today to remember the goodness of our celebration and rest in these words, “Well done, good and faithful servants”. Thank you for those who work with me each day at the Duvall Center; those who make me look a lot smarter than I am. Thank you for those who love your people and serve you in our

churches as priests and deacons. Thank you for those people for whom this day is much less stressful than this same day last

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Thank you for the some 19,000 children of God who find your

presence and power in this great room of God’s mansion that we call the Episcopal Church. Forgive me Lord, for being proud of them. Thank you for the children who keep me honest and humble in my funny hat and ‘cane.’ Thank you for the teens I met at Summer Camp; for those involved with Happening. It is their joy and faith that inspires my own. Thank you for those on whom I have laid my hands and claimed as your servants; O Lord: For their tears, their smiles, and for their letters to me about their faith that mean so much to me. Thank you for those I have met that

have abided in our church for many years and love you still. Thank you for their sagely wisdom and persistent concern for the future. Thank you for their hope. It is their faith, O Lord, upon which mine rests.

missed emails; for last-minute changes in my schedule. Forgive me Lord, for times I said too much, or not enough. Thank you for the enthusiasm of the leadership in our diocese: for

Thank you for the courage and faith of the people of Good Shepherd and St. Cyprian. Thank you for their pain, anger and honesty so lovingly shared with me. Help me O Lord, to keep awake, and to find ways towards racial reconciliation and solidarity.

Thank you for guiding me when I was lost on the back-roads of Alabama and Florida; thank you for GPS, NPR, and a good phone. Lord, if be in your will, please make the way straight and wider on Highway 98 and I-10. Thank you for the patience and under -standing by your people for the things I have left undone: for the days I did not make birthday calls; for

chicken, and even caviar. Thank you for the folks who were in the kitchen before I arrived on a visit, and were still in the kitchen when I left. Thank you for the ongoing support of the House of Bishops, for my coach, and for the vision of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry.

It’s good to be a part of the Jesus Movement.

Standing Committee, officers, commissions, committees & task force chairs. Give us imagination, courage and direction to be creative in our ministry. Help us, O Lord, to take risks, to let go, to try something new, even knowing we might fail. Thank you for the fuss people make when the Bishop shows up: for filling me with well-aged wine, and lots of iced tea and lemonade. Thank you for feasts of all kinds of fine food--shrimp, collards, deviled eggs, pimento cheese, raw oysters, fried

Thank you for glimpses of heaven right here on earth. Help me to always remember that it is only by your grace that I am saved, and I am not called to be a savior. Help me to not take myself, or this job, too seriously. Give me strength and courage and grace to do what I can to live these words, “thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven�. Thanks for the adventure, God. Amen.

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In late June our youth had the opportunity to assist residents of the South Broad Street neighborhood improve their homes through the service and fellowship program called Raise the Roof. The program is sponsored by St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Dauphin Way United Methodist Church. The multi-date event was for youth who had completed eighth grade and older. Joining Canon Dan Wagner and Youth Activities Coordinator Sarah Bolt were: Virginia Betbeze, Janie Chow, Jordan Chow, Rose Elliott, Katie Garth, Rose Elliott, Sunny Wozniek, and Gigi and Andy Citrin who attend St. Paul’s, Daphne. Our team assisted Mrs. Bessie Webb of Baltimore Street.

Above: Raise the Roof is very well organized. Left: A view of the front part of the roof with the team working hard. Below left: An awesome group picture. See if you can find the Cathedral members: Virginia Betbeze, Janie Chow, Jordan Chow, Sunny Wozniek, and Canon Wagner. In the front is Mrs. Webb’s great-grandson Kenny.

Below: The end of the day.

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A Note from the Raise the Roof Project Co-Director Dear Dan, Thank you for spending a week serving with us in our first Love Local. Your students were hard-working, mission-minded, and fun to be around. Above: Jordan and Janie Chow with Rose Elliott pause for a picture, and then get back to work. Left: Janie Chow atop the scaffolding.

You guys got so much work done that week. The following week the next group not only finished the roof but also repaired that interior cabinet and bathroom wall. The exterior painting will be done August 8-11. Ms. Webb is SO happy!!! I hope you will serve with us again next summer. And if you would like to have a weekend or school break mission project, please give me a call. We greatly appreciate your support and willingness to partner with Raise the Roof Project.

Above: Andy Citrin, Gigi Citrin, and Rose Elliott are all smiles. Below: Mrs. Webb’s roof ready for shingles.

Above: Part of the Thursday crew. Canon Dan, you look tired. Below: Sunny Wozniek and Virginia Betbeze, part of our awesome team.

Sincerely, Jan Bailey Raise the Roof Project is a home repair ministry for the Oakdale area of Mobile, Alabama. We provide youth groups opportunity to deepen their faith through service to others; we provide roof repairs to homeowners without family or financial resources to make the repairs themselves.

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D i o c e s a n N ew s 

Bay Lights at Beckwith September 30 through October 2 Registration is open online beginning Monday, August 1

 EPISCOPAL RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT CARING FOR THOSE IN NEED IN WEST VIRGINIA  JONATHAN MYRICK DANIEL’S PILGRIMAGE The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast will join the Diocese of Alabama in the annual observance of Jonathan Myrick Daniels and the Civil Rights Martyrs of Alabama. The pilgrimage begins on Saturday, August 13 at 11:00 a.m. at the courthouse in Hayneville. Daniels was an Episcopal seminarian who was killed during the civil rights era. The Commission on Peace and Justice and Racial Reconciliation invites you to join with us in remembering the Civil Rights struggle in Alabama, and more importantly to join with us as we seek to look back so that we can build a better future for our children. To sign up, please contact Canon Wagner.

ECW with Becca Stevens at Beckwith Friday, October 21 at 4:00 p.m. until Sunday, October 23 at 11:00 a.m. Join women from across the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast in this exciting weekend with Becca Stevens and her amazing team as they share their message of the healing power of love. Becca Stevens is many author, speaker, social entrepreneur, founder and president of Thistle Farms, the largest social enterprise in the United States run by survivors. She is an international voice for the growing global movement for women's freedom and a fervently hopeful and determinedly loving champion for the marginalized. Single room/all meals

$ 236.00 per person

Double room/all meals

$ 187.70 per person

Dorm room/all meals

$ 122.60 per person

Commuter rate/all meals

$ 84.80 per person

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ERD is providing financial and technical assistance to the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia following historic floods that killed at least 23 people and displaced thousands across the mountainous southern part of the state. A federal Major Disaster Declaration went into effect on June 25 for Kanawha, Nicholas, and Greenbrier counties, and the Diocese of West Virginia is providing interim aid to families waiting for FEMA assistance. The Diocese of West Virginia reports that churches in White Sulphur Springs and Lewisburg are responding with support from other congregations in the diocese. In addition, ERD assistance will provide temporary shelter for people who are displaced, along with gift cards for clothing and other household goods lost or inaccessible. Please continue to pray for those impacted by the flooding in West Virginia and for those who are responding to the disaster and caring for people in need. Donations made by check to Christ Church Cathedral will be sent to Episcopal Relief & Development. Please note that the check is for Disaster Relief.

Discernment Meeting Thursday, August 21 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. Trinity, Mobile Bishop Russell is holding several events around our diocese in which he will review the current process and policies regarding vocational discernment, answer questions, and discuss the future of discernment in our diocese, including an update on the formation of a diocesan school for ministry.

C a t he d r a l P r aye r L i s t O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for: Members: Sonny Burchfield, Alice Carwie, Katherine Deaton, Hank Cobb, Martha Middleton, Jordan Moore, Marolyn Kruse

Friends & Family: Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Jim Elia, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Dave Carlyn Block, Rachel McClanahan, Norma Beazley, Curtis Bullock, Valerie Boatman, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips, James Thomas, Mark Miles, Tot Swanson, Art Swanson, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Carolyn Pryor, Merle Findley, Louise Douglas, Shirley & Dunlap Peeples, Steve Harris, Roger Geil, Angel & Larry Torres, Kathy Boucvalt, Bill Stevens, Ginger Simpson, Karen Sentilles, Lila Fisk, Joe Lowrey, Betty Browder, Clarise Waters, Glenn Hill, Leslie Ellis Sharbel, Marian Hall, Homer Kemp, Jane Behlen, Carolyn Graham, Ralph Neal, Mark Mason, Anita Stead, Tim Fulton, Bennett Stenger, Gladys Crowson, Billy Yost, Noel Fell, Sybil Willis Rodgers, Hap Myers, Jr., Paul Vickers, Sr., George Robison, Georgia Dominick, Robin Wade, Randy Moore, Rick Nichols, Kate Heddrich, Julie Brinson, Ceaser Bryant, Moana Karstater, Icy Lee Neel, Frances Robison, Emily Hubbard, Mike Dowers, Jason Lockwood, Pat Fisher, Bubba Murray, Bernice Vickers, Jerry Collins, Grady McMillan, Kerry Goode, Chris Schnieder, John Day Peake, Jr., A. J. Villars, Kaye Koffler, Tay Morrissette, Robert L. Hatcher, Mary Katzman, David Keniston, Zaidee Galloney, Maggie Behlen, Chrissie Irby, Adele Stuardi Gwatkin, Lydia

Moore, Bill Betbeze, B. F. Paty Daves, Ralph Boudreaux, Tommy Roberson, Billy Bailey, Henry Trice, Pete and B.J. Cobb, Cathlene Quizon, The Rev. John Rees, Rip Nance, Charlie Mae MoreĂŠ, John Houston Tatum, Jr., Mary Christine Wilson, E. J. Boudreaux, Allison Robinson, Randy Batiste, Louise Batiste, Iris LaCoste, Susan Farr, Robert Zarzour, Christina Stanley, Katherine Carver, Pier Louise Hardin, Jason Greene, Myris Capriles. Ileana Molina, Don McWilliams, Scott Kelly, Austin Brown, Seaby Howard, Mike Curtis, Mary Searly, Jean-Claude Martin, Bob McMillan, Roberta Abrams, The Rev. Maurice Branscomb, Cartledge Weeden Blackwell II, Rene Thompson, Kenny Miles, Wayne Bailey, Tommy Herndon, The Painter Family, Nonie Reed, Diana Miles, Ainsley McNeely, Beth Schramm


Jimmy White

August 3

Rebecca Butler

August 4

Missy Patrick

August 5

Leigh Rendfrey

August 7

David Cooper, Jr. Archie Reeves

August 8

Katie Garth

August 9

May Gamble Barry Weeks

August 11

Suzanne White

August 12

Allison Gamble

August 13

Ron Snider

August 14

Sandra Kendall Win Thurber

August 15

Hallie Inge Baker Lucy Brady Ellie Grehan

Those Serving in the Military: Dan Drew, Brian Caselton, Louis Coggin, Jonathan Duralde, Tyler Gamble, Sam Garcia, Darrien Gibson, Parker Hollinghead, Kelley Hood, Brian Hudson, Abby Hutchins, Randy Johnson, Ron Lansong, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Chris Marslender, Zack Miller, Todd & Jordana Mouthaan, Keith Moss, Michael Nassar, Jerry Olin, Brian Pennell, Josh Power, Daniel White-Spunner Reed, Susan Reniewicz, Evan Sizemore, John Snyder, Conner Thigpen, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Ryan Walker, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Colton Ulmer, Margie Hall Malloy, Charlie Thigpen, Austin Drexler

Births: Willa Margaret Bolt, Charlotte Tate Skillern

Souls Departed: Allan Brown, brother-in-law of Tom Garth; William Russell Buster, Jr., grandfather of Russell Buster; Sally St. John Hume

Carol Rodgers August 16

Harriet Jean Boughton Mary Patterson Broome Dan Wagner

August 18

Ben Coale

August 19

Robin Delaney Dan Drew Alex Gamble

August 20

Marston Raue

August 21

David Cooper, Sr. Louise McClure

August 24

Elizabeth Stevens

August 25

Martha Middleton

August 27

Evelyn McCafferty

August 28

Mimi Hudson

August 29

Miles Patton Spencer Portacci

August 30

Lawson Hamil

Please contact the Cathedral Office ( or 438-1822) to let us know if you would like to remove or keep the names of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will update this list regularly.

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602



CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend J. Russell Kendrick, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean The Reverend Canon Daniel A. Wagner, Canon Pastor Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Christopher W. Powell, Music Director and Organist Katherine E. Powell, Choir Director Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary Marla J. Reis, Cathedral Secretary Michelle C. Wilson, Assistant to the Provost Sarah S. Bolt, Youth Activities Coordinator Corinne R. Betbeze, Children’s Program Coordinator Judy J. Jones, Housekeeping ✠Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403

Website: E-mail:

The Cathedral Mission Statement The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us.

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