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Volume 13, Number 4 May, 2015


2015 Annual Cathedral Parish photo taken on Palm Sunday

A Me s s a g e f r o m t h e D e a n Dear Cathedral Family, As we come to the close of our program year in May, we look back and give thanks for the year of growth that has passed even as we begin to look forward to the events of what promises to be a busy and momentous summer. On Sunday, May 3, we said “thank you” to the many good people who gave themselves, their time, energy, and love, to working with our young people. The full list of their names appears on page 6. I am especially thankful for the leadership of Canon Dan Wagner with our youth, and for the presence, beginning this year, of Corinne Betbeze coordinating children’s ministries and Sara Bolt coordinating youth activities. Carolyn Jeffers continues her faithful work in preparing our young people for confirmation. As always, we have a wonderful group of parents and adult mentors who are actively involved in helping our young people grow in their life in Christ. As we said our prayers on that day for our high school seniors, I was reminded of how much each of them has grown and matured in leadership here at Christ Church Cathedral. We are all proud of and confident in them, and our prayers follow them wherever they go.

Cathedral Organist and Choirmaster Christopher Powell says “thank you” to the members of the Cathedral Choir for their beautiful work this year on page 5. Our choir has grown and matured under the leadership of Christopher and his assistant and wife Katie, and they have worked hard this year in preparing exceptional music for many, many services. The choir’s increased presence in our worship throughout Holy Week this year was especially moving. Christopher has also overseen the creation of a master plan for our organ’s care and maintenance, and the first major initiative in that plan has been accomplished. Look for more information this summer about the launching of a fund for sponsoring the care of the very special instrument that has been entrusted to us. I am deeply thankful every day for Christopher’s presence with us. The tenth annual Cathedral Celebration on April 26 was a glorious day. We gave thanks for the ministry of Bishop Duncan and his wife Kathy on the occasion of his final visit to the Cathedral for confirmation, baptism, and teaching. The vestry expressed special thanks in a resolution and the clergy and staff presented them with a framed picture of their Cathedral Family. Bishop Duncan named The Very Reverend continued on page 2

D e a n ’s M e s s a g e THE CATHEDRAL CHAPTER 2015

Robert Willis Israel Senior Warden

Hetty Cunningham Newell Charles Stephen McKay Junior Wardens

William Kennon Drew Treasurer

Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor

Ronald A. Snider Clerk

Class of 2015 John D. Davidson Mary Esther T. Elliott Banks C. Ladd Alison S. Mitchell Lucy F. Moore Henry R. Seawell IV

Class of 2016 Sage M. Bolt Lewis H. Golden George B. Inge Robert W. Israel Charles S. McKay Hetty C. Newell

Class of 2017 V. Lyn Bennett Cartledge W. Blackwell III Steven B. Hall Barbara L. Mitchell Margaret M. Thigpen Thomas B. Van Antwerp

Chapter Members

Mendy Henderson, 2016 St. Agatha’s, deFuniak Springs

Gary Moore, 2017 St. Paul’s, Daphne

The Rev. Aaron Smith, 2018 St. Paul’s, Magnolia Springs

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Johnny Cook “Dean Emeritus.” A beautiful celebration followed in the Garden—oysters, the Excelsior Band, fried chicken, the works. I am thankful for the hard work of our ECW chairs, Julie McClelland and Lucy Brady, in planning this and other events throughout the year. Beginning this summer, Rosemarie McClure will join Lucy as co-chair for the upcoming program year. This will be an extraordinary summer in the life of Christ Church Cathedral as we host the consecration and attendant celebrations for our fourth bishop, Russell Kendrick. Provost Carolyn Jeffers has served for the past two years as chair of the diocesan Episcopal Transition Committee, giving untold hours of her time, energy, and organizational expertise to that task. All members of the Cathedral staff and numerous talented members of the Cathedral parish are

now working hard to prepare for the events of July 23-26. There will be jobs for everyone as we move forward! I am thankful for the much good work that has already been done, and I want to thank you all in advance for the efforts yet to come. Stay tuned for more information! Please keep Bishop and Kathy Duncan in your prayers as they prepare for their retirement, and please also remember Russell and Robin Kendrick and their family as they begin the process of transition into our diocese. Please also pray for the transition team and for us here in the Cathedral family as we all undertake the labors of the months ahead. Faithfully, The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean

A M e s s a g e f r o m t h e C a n o n Pa s t o r As we wind down our program year here at the Cathedral, I want to say a big “thank you” to all of those who have helped with our children and youth offerings. We are blessed to have parishioners who give of their time and talent in the area of children and youth in a variety of ways. We have acolyte parents, Sunday School teachers, sponsors for our youth Confirmands, FUN Club leaders, and EYC helpers and cooks. Also, I am very thankful for the help that Sarah Bolt has given to our EYC and Corinne Betbeze who helps to oversee our Children’s Chapel and K-2 Sunday School class. June is just around the corner and that means, other than time over the bay and hitting the beach, it is time for Vacation Bible School. This year, our VBS takes place June 9-11 and our program will be Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus was a Kid. I hope you will consider bringing your children or grandchildren to the Cathedral for this fun and educational time. We are in need of volunteers, both adults and youth. Service opportunities are various. If you are interested in assisting or have any questions, please contact me.

Over the summer, we will be planning for the upcoming program year; yes, even with the upcoming consecration! We would love for more people to help with our youth and children’s ministries. This would only strengthen our offerings and bring a greater variety of interaction between our adults and children and youth. This could be you! We have a variety of ways in which we could use your gifts for ministry. We can use assistance in serving snacks at events, assisting acolytes Sunday morning, teaching Sunday School (or being a substitute or team teacher), mentor a youth for confirmation, or help with our FUN Club and EYC events. I would encourage you all to think and pray to see if there is an interest or desire to volunteer your time and talent with the children and youth ministry opportunities here at the Cathedral. If you have any questions about our opportunities to serve, please do not hesitate to contact me. Have a wonderful May and I will see you at church! Blessings,

The Reverend Canon Daniel A. Wagner Canon Pastor

Dean Emeritus Named Whereas, The Very Reverend Johnny Walter Cook served faithfully as 22nd Rector and 1st Dean of Christ Church Cathedral for ten years, from 2003 until his retirement in 2013, and

Whereas, he led the Christ Church family in their establishment as the Cathedral Church for the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast and guided them in their first steps as a baby Cathedral, and

Whereas, Dean Cook has been to us a loving pastor, an inspirational leader, a trusted friend, and has distinguished himself in every regard as Rector and Dean, and

Whereas, Dean Cook and his wife Mary have Resolved, that we pray for a long, ongoing relationship maintained their ties of friendship with us during these last two years of retirement;

Now, therefore, be it: Resolved,

that the Wardens and Vestry and congregation of Christ Church Cathedral give thanks for their continual presence in our life together, and

with Dean Cook and Mary, and

Be it Further Resolved, that we respectfully ask Bishop Duncan that Dean Cook shall be named Dean Emeritus of Christ Church Cathedral. Approved by the Dean, Wardens, and Vestry Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama this 26th day of April, 2015

Bi s ho p Co ns e c rat i o n Vo l u nt e e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s — Ju ly 2 4 & 2 5 We need your help with events for the Bishop Consecration on Friday, July 24 and Saturday, July 25, please sign-up on the form at the ministry table or contact the Cathedral Office at or 438-1822.

F RIDAY , J ULY 24 10:00 a.m. CLERGY EUCHARIST Christ Church Cathedral 

Greeters: 8:30 a.m. until 9:45 a.m. We will need 10 to 12 greeters stationed around the campus.

Hospitality: 8:30 a.m. until 9:45 a.m. Prepare refreshments.

Ushers: 8:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. We will need ushers to hand out bulletins and assist during the service Sunday.

S ATURDAY , J ULY 25 2:00 p.m. CONSECRATION OF Mobile Expo Hall

Afternoon Set-up for Consecration Celebration: Time and responsibilities to be announced.


Afternoon Set-up for Reception: Time and responsibilities to be announced.

4:00 p.m. RECEPTION Christ Church Cathedral 


Greeters: 3:30 p.m. until end of reception. We will need 10 to 12 greeters stationed around the campus.

6:00 p.m. CONSECRATION CELEBRATION Christ Church Cathedral

(This is a ticketed event.) Page 3

M us i c M i n i s t r y Dear Friends in Christ, Recently, I’ve had the occasion to drive up and down the beautiful stretch of I-65 between Mobile and Atmore that crosses the Five Rivers Delta. The natural beauty of the woodlands, wetlands, and the rivers gave me the feeling of being part of something larger. In a way, one might call it a sacramental experience, an outward sign of an inward and spiritual grace, and a visible experience of the invisible God. In the face of such natural grandeur, my mind turned to a poem titled, A Farewell, likening a river to eternity and reflecting on our own mortality. Flow down, cold rivulet, to the sea, Thy tribute wave deliver; No more by thee my steps shall be, Forever and forever. Flow, softly flow by lawn and lea, A rivulet then a river; Nowhere by thee my steps shall be, Forever and forever.

But here will sigh thine alder tree And here thine aspen shiver; And here by thee will hum the bee, Forever and forever. A thousand suns will stream on thee, A thousand moons will quiver; But not by thee my steps shall be, Forever and forever. Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

Our sacred music is also like this river and this poem. When we sing our hymns and hear anthems and instrumental music by great composers and poets of old, we observe a river of art, beauty, and faith on which a thousand suns have streamed and will stream. We may not observe this flow of faith forever in the flesh, but, as Christians, we believe that after we die we may become a part of these traditions, this river. When choosing music for the month of May, I’m keeping the spirit of this Easter season in front of me. During Easter, we celebrate the reality of our victory over death and our participation in eternity. We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism, the Ascension of

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Christ into heaven, and the fire of Pentecost. Our hymns and spiritual songs mark seasons of faith just as surely as the new flowers mark the spring. However, there is still room for new things and new traditions! As the prelude on the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 17, the Sunday after Ascension Day, I will play Prière du Christ montant vers son Père (Prayer of Christ ascending toward his Father) by Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992). This piece symbolizes Christ’s prayer for us before his ascension in a vivid way. The music literally rises from low to high. When some think of Messiaen’s music, they imagine dissonant tone clusters that offend the ears, but this music isn’t like that at all. While his music is on the more mystical and surrealistic side of art, Messiaen uses each note as a separate color and then blends these colors together to create new ones. Because of this approach, his music doesn’t function like a hymn tune or a work by Bach. Instead, Messiaen’s quiet music often has a static quality that symbolizes timelessness. Messiaen himself was synesthetic (meaning that when hearing sound he actually saw colors in his mind). A pupil of the French Romantic school of organ playing and composition, he inherited the traditions of such giants as Franck, Widor (of the famous toccata), and Vierne. Messiaen’s music flows from this sensibility even though it expands the musical language these composers used and defines the 20th century “sound”. Messiaen was a deeply spiritual person and served as the organist at La Trinitié church is Paris for over 60 years! Like Messiaen, we strive during this continuing Easter season and through Pentecost to rejoice in the vibrant colors of our faith all around us. Even though our present form must come to an end one day, we can take courage in the words and music of those gone before us. They stand as a testament to the ebb and flow of our lives and our art. In Messiaen’s own words, “My faith is the grand drama of my life. I'm a believer, so I sing words of God to those who have no faith.”

Peace in Christ, Christopher W. Powell Organist and Choir Master

M us i c M i n i s t r y T h a n k Yo u As our program year draws to a close, and our 2014-2015 Music Season has officially ended, the time has come to give thanks for all who have made it possible! I could not have asked for a better first year as Organist and Choir Master here at the Cathedral. I am indebted to our choirs, clergy, staff, guest musicians, and congregation for a beautiful year of music to the glory of God and to the refreshment of the soul. Our Cathedral Choir has worked tirelessly in service, rehearsal, and concert to present music that has inspired us. They have truly accompanied our joys, sorrows, and everything in between.    

The Cathedral Choir of Christ Church Sopranos: Elisha Anderson, Amy Butler, Doris Kohler*, Katherine Powell*, Emily Stubblefield Altos: Stephanie Hopper*, Ann Moody*, Brenda Stanton Tenors: Glenn “Skip” Archer*, Cleamon Downs, Thomas Halbrooks, Joshua Hopper Basses: Gary Kohler*, Trey Koss, George Morton, Charles York *Handbell Choir member

The Cathedral Handbell Choir is made up predominantly of choir members. However, special recognition goes to Chris Douglas, our non-choir member bell ringer, for his contribution to our ensemble. Special thanks are due our Music Librarian, Stephanie Hopper, who keeps us organized and assists in certain office related tasks. We are also indebted to my wife, Katie Powell, whose assistance in administrative tasks and conducting of the choir is an invaluable aid to our ministry.

Furthermore, we take this moment to give thanks for the presence of our bass Section Leader this past season, Charles York. Charles is leaving to continue musical studies in Indiana in the fall at the Butler School of Music. We wish Charles all the best in what promises to be a noteworthy and rewarding career! A music season takes much work and support to exist. Our music every week and for special services (ordinations, funerals, etc.) is enough to keep a music ministry busy, but to add concerts and special musical services takes extra commitment from all involved. I am proud that were able to offer 19 concerts and special services beginning in October and ending with our Easter Sunday celebration. Our Friends of Cathedral Music make this possible, as we rely entirely on their financial support to fund our concerts and guest musicians. I cannot thank them enough for making all of this possible. Our volunteers, who prepare our Advent and Lenten lunches, are also invaluable to the success of our noonday concerts. Their generosity is appreciated by us all. We give thanks for Dean Gibson, Canon Wagner, Carolyn Jeffers, Polly Garner, Brenda Stanton, Marla Reis, and Judy Jones—our clergy and staff here at the Cathedral. Without their support, we would not be able to function. Because of their support, we flourish. In closing, we look forward to a beautiful 2015-2016 Music Season! So much more has been accomplished than I can list here. To make music in this temple of God is a privilege and a labor of love on the part of all involved. We ask God’s blessing on our work and your continued prayers for our ministry in the year to come!

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C hr i s t i a n E d u c at i o n R e c o g n i t i o n — S u n d ay, M ay 3 Our dedicated Christian Education teachers have done a wonderful job this year with our Cathedral family children. Sunday School may be over, but Children’s Chapel will continue throughout the summer. Vacation Bible School will be held June 9 through June 1. Special thanks to Alison Mitchell for her leadership and planning.

Now is not too soon to decide to help with Christian Education, which will begin again in the fall on Rally Day, Sunday, September 6. If you are interested in helping, please contact Canon Wagner or Corinne Betbeze.



Grammar School

Skip Archer Harwell Coale Robbie Lynn Irvine Barbara Mitchell Lissa Watkins Brie Zarzour

Eleanor Baker Jordan Ellis Kim Ellis Brandi Lindsey Chuck McKay Kristyn Seawell

Middle School Alison Mitchell


EYC Sarah Bolt Canon Wagner

FUN CLUB Banks Ladd Mary Carol Ladd Lucy Moore

Carolyn Jeffers

High School

Youth Assistants Janie Chow Jordan Chow Rose Elliott Annabel McKay Tré Mitchell


Carl Cunningham Canon Wagner

Corinne Betbeze


Elizabeth Claire LaRené, Sadie Davis Ladd, Trevor Stafford Mitchell, Joseph Banks Griffith, Davis Crenshaw Ashcraft (from left:)

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S ENIOR S UNDAY 2015 OUR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES You are cordially invited to

An Afternoon of Song    The Senior Voice Recital of Janie Alexis Chow A program of selections from Art Song and Musical Theater

Saturday, May 23 3:00 p.m. Reception following in the Chapter House (from left:) Sarah

Elizabeth Grehan, Annabel Marie McKay, Janie Alexis Chow


Not pictured: John Owens McElhaney III, John Paul Williamson, Summer Joy Wozniek

E YC In April, our youth partnered with the youth from Trinity Episcopal for a live action game of Clue!

EYC EVENTS IN MAY Sunday, May 17 4-6 p.m.

Study Break at Waffle House 3262 Dauphin Street

Sunday, May 31 following the service

EYC Blow Out from left, front row: Janie Chow as Madame Mint, Jordan Chow as Mrs. White, Jordan Moore as Miss Scarlett, Sadie Ladd as Chef Lemon, Anna Frances Weeks as Private Navy

The McElhaneys’ Dog River House 2007 Riverview Drive

back row: Leland Moore as Mr. Green, Charlie Weeks as Mr. Khaki, Charlie Ramo as Colonel Mustard

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Ca t h e d r a l C e l e b r at i o n 2 0 1 5

Kathy Duncan, Elizabeth Harrison Front row: Leland Moore, Elinor Gibson, Kate Watkins, William Russell, Jordan Moore Back row Janie Chow, Jordan Chow, Bishop Duncan

Provost Carolyn Jeffers, Bishop Duncan Dean Emeritus Johnny W. Cook, Bishop Philip M. Duncan II, Dean Beverly F. Gibson

Spencer Hughes Portacci baptism

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Julia and John McClelland

V BS 2 0 1 5 — S ave t h e d a t e : Ju n e 9 , 1 0 , 1 1

Tuesday, Ju ne 9 th rou gh Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus Was a Kid! You’ll travel back into Bible times to see what it was like to live in Jesus’ hometown—without setting foot outside our community. You’ll explore authentic marketplace shops, visit Jesus’ mom, Mary, take part in games, dance to lively Bible songs, and sample tasty tidbits as you discover more about Jesus’ childhood. These experiences make God’s Word come alive with new meaning for all who participate!

Thu rsday, June 11 9:00 a .m . to Noo n Volunteers of all ages needed: We have many opportunities for: Tribe Leaders, Shop Keepers, Drama Leaders, Outdoor Play Leader, Kitchen Helpers, and Pre-event Shoppers

As we plan and prepare for Hometown Nazareth VBS, our team requests your prayers.

To volunteer or register your child, sign up on-line at

You may also show your support by making a monetary gift. The village well will appear in the Chapter House in May for receiving your gifts.

Set up—Sunday, June 7

Training/Decorating—Monday, June 8

Take down—Thursday, June 11

Contact Alison Mitchell at


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CONGRATULATIONS to John Halbrooks for being named University of South Alabama Arts and Sciences Teacher of the Year.

MORNING CIRCLE Monday, May 11 10:30 a.m.

At the home of Betty Reniewicz (3805 Cottage Hill Road) For directions or more information on Morning Circle, call Carolyn Stephenson at 342-5637.


Thursday, May 21 7:00 p.m.

Mobile Baykeepers—Cancel The Plastic Bag of Ads? In March 2015, Mobile Baykeeper began a campaign to combat the staggering amount of litter generated by Gulf Coast Life handbills. So far the response has been outstanding. The movement, originally initiated by the Mobile City Council, has drawn enormous community involvement and helped raise awareness about the larger litter problem in our community. “Anything you throw on the ground ends up in a river, creek, or waterway and then ultimately the Bay” said Executive Director, Casi Callaway. “Baykeeper developed the ‘Cancel the Plastic Bag of

Ads?’ campaign to raise awareness to the litter issue that unused Gulf Coast Life handbills add around Mobile Bay. To date, the campaign has received more than 220 shares directly from our Facebook page, resulting in hundreds of likes and comments, reaching over 21,000 people. The ‘Cancel the Plastic Bag of Ads?’ posts have been some of our most viewed and have garnered the most community interaction since the BP oil spill” she continued. If you have canceled, head over the to Baykeeper Facebook page and let them know!

D i o c e s a n Yo u t h We e ke n d — Ju ly 2 4 - 2 5 We are collecting items for the Wilmer Hall Thrift Shop. On Friday, July 24, we will join the new Bishop in donating these items as part of a service project for Wilmer Hall. We will stay overnight on Friday, July 24 at Camp Beckwith in the cabins. There will be a campfire and youth program that evening. On Saturday, July 25, we will join the Diocese at Mobile Expo Hall to take part in the consecration for the 4th Bishop of the

Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. We are renting vans and providing transportation (for free!) from three locations along I-10 between Dothan and Mobile as well as return transportation on the way back. All meals and lodging are being provided by the Commission on Youth & Young Adult Ministries. Registration forms will be emailed to each church, so mark your calendars!

At the home of Sarah Bolt 108 Levert Avenue

2015 Beckwith Summer Camp

RSVP to Sarah at or 214-4512

For any questions about camp programs, contact James Lawrence, Diocesan Youth Coordinator & Summer Camp Director at or 616-2162.

WEDNESDAY NOON HOLY EUCHARIST Wednesdays through May 21 Noon Eucharist will resume the Wednesday following Labor Day, September 9. Page 10

Register Now at All camps are for the grade the camper would be entering in the Fall of 2015. Session 1 Grades 10, 11 & 12 May 31- June 5 $480 Sailing Camp (B) 4th grade and up May 31- June 5 $530 Session 2 Grades 2 & 3 June 7-9 $220 Junior Counselor Training 14 years and up June 9-12 $288 Session 3 Grades 7 & 8 June 14-19 $480 Session 4 Grades 4 & 5 June 21-26 $480 Session 5 Special Ministries June 28- July 1 Session 6 Grades 8 & 9 July 5-10 $480 Sailing Camp (A) 5th grade and up July 5-10 $530 Session 7 Grades 5 & 6 July 12-17 $480 Session 8 Grades 3 & 4 July 19-23 $330 Session 9 Grades 6 & 7 July 26-31 $480 Session 10 Family Camp July 31- Aug 2 $240

**Please notify the Cathedral Office when you register and let us know when your child/children will be attending Summer Camp.

Ca t he d r a l P r aye r L i s t O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for: Members: Brink Brinkley, John Wade Thurber, Nick Nichols, Butch Trawick, Patti Biel, Alice Carwie, Raymond Fields, Lisa Williams, Fairley Morton, Katherine Deaton, Carol Rodgers, Bart Elliott, Hank Cobb, Icy Lee Neel, Dorothy Fulton

Friends & Family: Deborah Beverley, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Jim Elia, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Dave Carlyn Block, Rachel McClanahan, Tom Cunningham, Francis Grace Hirs, Norma Beazley, Curtis Bullock, Valerie Boatman, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips, James Thomas, Ted Fraiche, Mark Miles, Susan Guilian, Tot Swanson, Art Swanson, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Betty Ruth Patek, Carolyn Pryor, Merle Findley, Louise Douglas, Shirley & Dunlap Peeples, Steve Harris, Marian Macpherson Currie, Dianne McCall, Mary Lou Peake, Bill Goodloe, Kit & Roger Geil and the Geil family, Angel & Larry Torres, Kathy Boucvalt, Bill Stevens, Ginger Simpson, Karen Sentilles, Lila Fisk, Tracey Johnson, Joe Lowrey, Temple Webber, Celeste Hall, Betty Browder, Allan Tucker, Wyatt Ison, Kathy Sanders, Davis Sarrett, Clarise Waters, Glenn Hill, Leslie Ellis Sharbel, Cora Lemmon, Dewey Hardeman, Marian Hall, Homer Kemp, Jane Behlen, Dan Jones, Florence Tucker, Betty Larison, Mike Barnett, Eleanor Taylor, Carolyn Graham, Ralph and Catherine Neal, Willie Stanton, Jr., Willie Thomas, Mark Mason, Anita Stead, Gillette Slaton, Alice Jones, Jim McCall, Tim Fulton, Carter Albrecht,

Marty Davidson, Bennett Stenger, Gladys Crowson, Joe McDaniel, Sr., Billy Yost, Noel Fell, the Ward Family, Sybil Willis Rodgers, Hap Myers, Jr., Paul Vickers, George Robison, Georgia Dominick, Mitch Johnson, Robin Wade, Randy Moore, Rick Nichols, Eric Kosche, Patrick Smith, Kate Heddrich, Louis Henry, Julie Brinson, John Aduston Rogers IV

Sara Phillips, Pastoral Leader, Mary’s, Coden

Those Serving in the Military: Brian Caselton, Louis Coggin, Jonathan Duralde, Tyler Gamble, Sam Garcia, Darrien Gibson, Parker Hollinghead, Kelley Hood, Brian Hudson, Abby Hutchins, Randy Johnson, Ron Lansong, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Chris Marslender, Zack Miller, Todd & Jordana Mouthaan, Keith Moss, Michael Nassar, Jerry Olin, Tyler Oubre, Brian Pennell, Josh Power, Daniel WhiteSpunner Reed, Susan Reniewicz, Evan Sizemore, John Snyder, Conner Thigpen, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Ryan Walker, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Angela Brunson Buysman

Births: Wyatt Joseph Zarzour, son of Joseph Grant and Brie Stanley Zarzour

Souls Departed: Joseph Hunt Booth, Sr.; Doug Tappan; Jim Botts, grandfather of Brandi Lindsey; Anne Mandeville Inge

Please contact the Cathedral Office ( or 438-1822) to let us know if you would like to remove or keep the names of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will update this list regularly.

MAY BIRTHDAYS May 1 May 2 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8

May 10 May 11

May 12 May 14

May 15 May 16

May 17 May 20

May 21

May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26

May 27

May 28 May 29

May 30

Schley Rutherford Janet Rich Pittman Carolyn Eichold David Brady Julianna Ramo Robby McClure Charlie Ramo Bart Elliott Carson Ashcraft Debbie Broome Rose Elliott Kris Portacci Jill Chow Trey Coale Mendy Henderson Carolyn Stephenson Virginia Betbeze Tom Hudson Tommy Garth Ginny Ritchie Julia Hoitink Sam Ritchie Will Ritchie Luke Tait Hayley Adkins Emily-Marie Butler Beverly Gibson Ross Holladay Brad Israel Doris Kohler Christian Hines Nick Nichols Mary Lynn Cooper Julie McClelland Ashleigh Leland John Davidson Lilly Hooker Stephen Griffith, Jr. Julia Sledge Kitty White Harris Cooper Sadie Ladd Katherine White Lissa Watkins Sydney Betbeze Jane Inge Allison Peebles Cammie Israel

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602



CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean The Reverend Canon Daniel A. Wagner, Canon Pastor Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Christopher W. Powell, Organist and Choir Master Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary Marla J. Reis, Cathedral Secretary Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost Sarah S. Bolt, Youth Activities Coordinator Corinne R. Betbeze, Children’s Program Coordinator Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery Judy J. Jones, Housekeeping ✠ Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403

Website: E-mail:

The Cathedral Mission Statement The Cathedral is the spiritual center of the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast. The Cathedral is a dynamic and evolving church that serves as a liturgical, educational, and pastoral center for Diocesan life. It serves as a visible symbol of unity and promotes growth, hope, and a deepening trust in the Lord. The Cathedral is a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ will be faithfully preached and responded to, and it will model new concepts and ideas for education, evangelism, and outreach to which the Gospel calls us.

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