THE MESSENGER October 2013

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Volume 12, Number 10


October 2013


SPECIAL STEWARDSHIP 2014 ISSUE INSIDE The Wardens and Chapter of Christ Church Cathedral request your prayers and presence at the

Celebration of the New Ministry of

The Very Reverend Beverly Findley Gibson as twenty-third Rector and her installation as the Second Dean of Christ Church Cathedral 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama

Saturday, October 12, 2013 At eleven o’clock in the morning Reception to follow. The festival color is red.



The Right Reverend Philip Menzie Duncan, II, D.D. will be hosting


General Theological Seminary Alumni


for breakfast with

Please call the Cathedral Office at 438-1822 to volunteer.

the Very Reverend Kurt Hughes Dunkle Dean and President of The General Theological Seminary Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:00 a.m. In the Brantley House on the Christ Church Cathedral campus

Me s s a g e f ro m t h e R e c t o r Dear Cathedral Family, Nearly 650 invitations have been sent for the Celebration of New Ministry and Installation of the Second Dean on Saturday, October 12 at 11:00 a.m. These have gone out to the Cathedral family and friends, our friends in the Mobile community, clergy and officers of the diocese, and clergy and friends across the southeast. It promises to be a glorious day, and I hope that everyone reading these words will be able to attend. Cathedral organist and choirmaster Peggy Lyden is working with Cathedral musicians and special guests to prepare gorgeous music for the day. The Flower Guild is planning beautiful arrangements for the church, the garden, and throughout the campus. Hospitality is being planned. Altar Guild, ushers, acolytes, lay ministers, presenters, and greeters are all being lined up for the day.

Our guest preacher will be The Very Reverend Kurt Dunkle, new Dean and President of The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York City. Kurt was a fellow seminarian during my time at General, and after graduation he went on to serve as Canon to the Ordinary in the Diocese of Florida and then as Rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Orange Park. A graduate of Duke University and the University of Florida School of Law, Kurt practiced law in Florida for many years before being called to the Episcopal priesthood. He and his wife Cathleen have two daughters now in college. They also have friends of long standing in Mobile, and Kurt has been with us previously as a Lenten speaker. Bishop Duncan will join with us in hosting a breakfast on October 12 to which General alumni have been invited to meet their new Dean.

Why all this to-do? I am not “new”! However, this day will mark the beginning of a new chapter in the life of Christ Church Cathedral, as we look forward to the next stage of our growth and development as the Cathedral church of our diocese and the mother church of Episcopalians in Mobile and Alabama. We will gather to celebrate the gifts God has given us here to equip us for the mission and ministry to which we have been called. Together, we will renew our commitment to sharing the Good News of God in Christ with the world around us. I ask for your prayers and for your presence here at Christ Church on that special day. Faithfully, The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Rector

Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 p.m. in the Garden Many people bring their pets to the church to be blessed on or around St. Francis’ feast day, October 4, because of his love for animals as expressed in his Canticle of Creatures. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment. The service includes a blessing and is held in the garden, where different animals can gather peacefully.

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Ve s t r y E l e c t i o n s 2 0 1 4 R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f Ve s t r y M e m b e r s Resolution of Christ Church Cathedral Vestry approved on October 10, 2005

Leslie Patrick Ladd Senior Warden

John Stephenson McClelland Junior Warden

William Kennon Drew Treasurer

Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor

Ronald A. Snider Clerk

Class of 2013 Leslie P. Ladd Gerry M. Phillips Leigh J. Rendfrey William E. Skinner Ronald A. Snider

Class of 2014 Robert D. Forster Tray W. Hamil Ann H. Luce John S. McClelland, Jr. Elissa E. Watkins Wythe L. Whiting

 To live a daily life reflecting the Christian faith; to strive to grow spiritually through worship, prayer, and educational opportunities.  To participate faithfully in the worship of the church. Sunday, December 1  To attend vestry and chapter meetings and retreats. 11:15 a.m.  To work for unity among the clergy, vestry and congregation through open Elections will take place at the communication; to accept the position of Annual Parish Meeting vestry member as an opportunity to serve that will be held at coffee hour. our Lord.  To demonstrate meaningful and sacrificial financial support of the church including making and fulfilling an annual pledge of support; to consider that the Christ Church Cathedral vestry upholds the tithe as the standard of giving and encourages the parish to consider proportionate giving; and to be working toward the tithe.  To accept the role of leadership, work diligently and congenially at assigned tasks, and seek out ways to improve the Cathedral Church including:

Annual Parish Meeting & Vestry Elections

~ To make new and regular members and visitors feel welcome through personal greetings, visits, and an invitation to participate in activities of interest to them, and

~ To encourage all members of the congregation to become a part of activities and ministries of the church and to attend parish meetings.

Class of 2015 John D. Davidson Mary Esther T. Elliott Banks C. Ladd Alison S. Mitchell Lucy F. Moore Henry R. Seawell IV

Chapter Members The Rev. Ken Cumbie

Vestry Nominating Committee Please direct to these individuals your nominations for candidates to fill 6 vestry positions.

Graduating Vestry Class Leslie P. Ladd Gerry M. Phillips Leigh J. Rendfrey William E. Skinner Ronald A. Snider

St. Luke’s, Mobile

Magoo Hamilton

Rector’s Appointed Members

St. Thomas’, Greenville

Carolyn Eichold John Ferguson Tom Garth Lucy Lyons Robby McClure

Mendy Henderson, St. Agatha’s, deFuniak Springs

Joy Tway St. Andrew’s, Destin

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Memorial Names for All Saints’ Sunday

November 3 at 10:00 a.m.

List names to be remembered during the service Sunday, November 3. Please denote those who died after November 1, 2012.

We give thanks for those who have gone before us in faithful love and service to the Lord.



LEGACY SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Thank you to everyone who has remembered Christ Church in your estate planning. If you have been intending to complete the Legacy Society Form so that you may be included as a founding member of the Society, please return the form by Monday, October 28. Forms are available in the Cathedral Office. Resolution to Establish the Legacy Society Whereas God has bestowed upon Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama many blessings throughout the years; And whereas the Clergy, Wardens, Vestry and Officers recognize our responsibility in being good stewards of these blessings for future generations; Now, therefore, be it resolved this day to establish the Legacy Society of Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, Alabama for the benefit and security of those who have made provision for the same in their estate plans; And be it further resolved that members of the Legacy Society will be recognized annually at a Cathedral celebration in order to encourage every member of the parish to do likewise. Approved at Christ Church Cathedral Vestry Meeting, April 21, 2013

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The name list is on the Cathedral website. You may submit names by placing this form in the alms basin, calling the Cathedral Office at 438-1822, by email to or via online submission form. Please submit additional names by Monday, October 28.

COLUMBARIUM Enrollment continues for the Courtyard Columbarium, Phase I A courtyard columbarium has been designed to meet the needs of our Cathedral family. It is located in the garden area between the Office/Rectory and the Brantley/Huger Houses on Conception Street. A fountain and benches will create peaceful space for family and friends. We envision it as a place for quiet and reflection, where loved ones can gather for prayer and remembrance. Your check for $3500 made payable to Christ Church Cathedral with the notation, Columbarium—Phase I will reserve your niche. Construction will begin when 35 niches have been purchased. Each niche holds two sets of cremains.

Here are the options: 1. Double niches are available in Phase I for $3,500 (includes engraving on the granite face of the niche.) 2. In the same area, “green” interment is available for those wishing their cremains be buried in the garden. An engraved granite plaque will be placed on the Chapter House wall that faces the garden and will be available for $1,000. 3. For those whose cremains rest elsewhere, a granite plaque where names may be engraved will also be placed on the garden wall of the Chapter House at a cost of $1,000.

C hr i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n DEAN’S FORUM CALENDAR Sunday, October 6  C4 sings in church  Curriculum for all youth classes  Confirmation: I Believe. . .  Adults: Finance Committee Meeting

Sunday, October 13  Curriculum for all youth classes  Adults: Stewardship Leadership

October 20 Biblical Basis of Stewardship November 24 United Thank Offering and Episcopal Relief and Development December 8 The Bible and the Birth of Jesus The discussions will be led by Deanelect Gibson. The sessions will be held in the Chapel.


YOUTH CONFIRMATION Sunday, October 20  Welcome Ashland Place United

Methodist Confirmation Class  Curriculum for all youth classes  Adults: Dean’s Forum

Sunday, October 27  Curriculum for all youth classes

Defend, O Lord, your servant with your heavenly grace, that he may continue your forever, and daily increase in your Holy Spirit more and more, until he comes to your everlasting Kingdom. Amen. Bishop Duncan will repeat these words at Confirmation on Sunday, May 11, 2014. Our Youth

Confirmand Class began preparing for that day on September 22. We are again using curriculum developed by the Episcopal Church titled: I will, with God’s help. The program includes a classroom component, a student journal, and a mentor handbook. Ellen Douglas Alves has agreed to serve as catechist. The class will take a little longer on Sunday mornings, but we are excited about helping our children explore their spiritual lives. Please speak with our students during the year as they take this journey: O God, you have taught me since I was young, and to this day I tell of your wonderful works. Psalm 71:17

M us i c M i n i s t r y A NEW YOUTH CHOIR FOR CHILDREN IN GRADES 4 AND UP We are excited to offer our older youth the opportunity to sing with the Adult Choir on Sunday mornings. Please be here at 9:00 a.m. on the Sunday mornings when the Youth Choir is scheduled to sing so that you will have time to vest before rehearsing at 9:30 a.m. The vested Youth Choir members will sit in the pew across the aisle from the Adult Choir.

In additional to leading congregation singing the Youth Choir will join the Adult Choir in presenting a special piece. Youth Performance Dates  Sunday, October 27  Sunday, December 15  Sunday, February 16  Sunday, May 4 Questions? Please call: Mrs. Peggy Lyden—342-3130 Mrs. Teri Williams—680-1230 We look forward to seeing you!

C4 Rehearsal Schedule Wednesdays through December 4 4:30-5:15 p.m.

November 27 No Rehearsal C4 Church Dates Sunday, October 6 Sunday, November 3 All Saints’ Celebration Sunday, December 8 Advent Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 22 Christmas Pageant

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O ut r e a c h NOVEMBER IS OUTREACH MONTH! November 3

UNITED THANK OFFERING INGATHERING Sunday, October 27 Part of the ministry of the Episcopal Church Women (ECW), the United Thank Offering invites people to offer daily prayers of thanksgiving to God and outward and visible signs of those prayers which will benefit others. Look for a blue box soon in a pew near you. The blue box can serve as a reminder of our many blessings. In sharing our thank offerings with those throughout the Communion who seek to address compelling human need and extend the mission of the Church, we deepen our sense of participation in the lives of others. On UTO Sunday, October 27, please bring your filled Blue UTO Box and place at the cross set up in the Sanctuary. You may also write a check to Christ Church Cathedral designated—UTO and place it in the alms basin or mail it to the Cathedral Office. If you miss the fall ingathering, we will give you an opportunity to be thankful again in May, 2014.

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All Saints’ Sunday

Stewardship Ingathering

Legacy Society Recognition

November 10 

Food for the Poor

Father Hyvenson Joseph from Food for the Poor will preach.

November 17 

Community Outreach Fair

November 24 

United Thank Offering

Episcopal Relief Development



Arpilleras—Threads of Hope will be available for purchase in the Chapter House on Sunday, December 1 through Wednesday, December 11. For more info, visit

FIT (Family Intervention Team) Christmas Outreach Project This will be our fifth Christmas for the members of Christ Church Cathedral to reach out to children in need through the Family Intervention Team (FIT) Specialists of the Mobile Police Department.

L OAVES & F ISH Monday, October 21 11:15 a.m. 15 Place

T h e C at h e d r a l R e a d Reza Aslan’s Zealot has attracted an extraordinary amount of media attention and continues to enjoy a place on The New York Times bestseller list. Whenever conversation about Christ takes place in the wide arena of our culture, it is important for Christians to participate in it from an informed point of view. Consequently, while we may take issue with Aslan’s perspective on the life of Jesus, we do so most responsibly when we have read his work. If you would like to read (at least portions of) his book, we have several copies available through the Cathedral office for you to borrow and return. We will discuss Zealot and the responses to it in the popular and academic media at our October book group gathering.

Thank you to September volunteers: Lynn Davis Charlotte Fox Elizabeth Harrison Sam Power

Then in early December we will discuss a traditional Anglican perspective on Christ, N. T. Wright’s Simply Jesus, copies of which are available for purchase through the Cathedral office. This should prove an interesting comparison, and Wright’s book makes a wonderful Advent preparation for the coming of the Christ child.

Thursday, October 17 5:30 p.m.

Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth

If you have questions, would like to volunteer or need more information on Loaves & Fish, please call Sam Power at 653-1203

 REMINDER While you are traveling, don’t forget to grab the hotel toiletries and bring them home for Sam Power to give to 15 Place clients.

by Reza Aslan Both books are available in Kindle and audio versions.

Thursday, December 5 5:30 p.m. Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters by N. T. Wright

We will have a limited number of both books available for purchase for $18 each. To reserve a copy, please contact Angela Burgin, Cathedral Secretary, at or 438-1822.

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MORNING CIRCLE Monday, October 14


10:30 a.m. Home of Mary Jane Cobb 1413 Regency Oaks Drive For directions, please call Mary Jane at 454-9904.

YOUNGER WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, October 23 7:00 p.m. Home of Fran Thurber 305 Dogwood Lane For directions, please call Fran at 209-6266. 2013-2014 The Practice of Prayer by Margaret Guenther Meeting Dates: Wednesday, November 20 Wednesday, December 11

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Our newest bride is Louise McClure Prichard, daughter of Robby and Rosemarie McClure.

We are collecting photos of brides (and grooms) at Christ Church. If you can spare a photo, we would appreciate a copy of any Christ Church weddings. Please include the maiden and married name of the bride, the name of the groom and the date of the wedding.


THE ORDER OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE KING ANNUAL MEETING At the home of Mary Jane Cobb (1413 Regency Oaks Drive) For directions, please call Mary Jane at 454-9904.

Finance Committee Repor t

(dated September 11, 2013)

Operating Budget: $ 730,265

Income: $33,066.45 better than 2012 but still $59,271 under budget

O CTOBER B IRTHDAYS October 1 October 3

Expenses: in line with budget October 4

Vo l u n t e e r s N e e d e d We are enlisting mentors for each youth confirmand. Mentors will be available for one-on-one time with their student to examine their faith, wherever each may be. If interested, please contact Carolyn Jeffers at

October 7

October 8 October 9 October 10

Children’s Chapel continues to be an important part of our younger children’s worship experience.

October 11

We are looking for new leaders. No experience necessary. We will team you with an experienced leader until you feel ready to head a team.

October 12

Youth who are leaders are important within the Cathedral formation structure. We have youth who take part as acolytes and work in Children’s Chapel. To volunteer, please email or call the Cathedral office.

Wo r s h i p S e r v i c e L ive S t r e a m When you cannot be in church you may still enjoy the service. Each Sunday we are streaming the worship service live. To view it live, go to: You will be asked to create a free account. Once you have an account, you may search for Christ Church Cathedral Mobile to view the service. Past services are archived on our website:

October 13 October 14 October 16 October 17 October 19

October 20 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 27 October 29 October 30 October 31

Pa r i s h D i r e c t o r y C o r r e c t i o n Lucy Pryor Brady 656-3669

Virginia Van Antwerp Stephen Baker Rebecca Tait Sonny Burchfield Dunn Chandler Meg McGovern Richard Wright Virginia Inge W.C. Hines Abby Slaton Bubba Watkins Tricia Coggin Leslie Ladd Jimbo Blankenship Tee McCarron Mary Esther Elliott Richard Jeffers IV Erica McElhaney Margaret Thigpen Eleanor Baker Ed Crowson Skip McDonald Stephanie Hopper Homer McClure Raymond Fields Jordan Chow Malcolm Warren Katy Patton Mikell Leland George Morton Ella Phillips George Wetzler Kristin Butler Ponnie McClelland Edward Ladd William Sledge Chris Douglas Peggy McClelland Susan Clinton Winks Floyd-Jones Kyle Griffin Corinna Luce Caroline Buster Richard Jeffers III Charlie White John Ferguson Bennett Griffith Catherine Taylor Ashley White

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D i o c e s a n N ew s 




November 1 - 3

Bay Lights is an old-fashioned homecoming where members of all of the parishes across our diocese come together for a weekend of fun, fellowship and worship. Featuring inspired preaching from The Rt. Rev. Larry Maze with The Rt. Rev. Philip Duncan. Weekend events include: praise filled music, activities for the entire family, a silent auction, a diocesan youth event, and a Beckwith Alumni Association meeting. Arts and crafts, badminton tournament, children's games, and family activities occur all day Saturday. Food and drinks will be sold all weekend or create your family a picnic area and bring lawn chairs, blankets, etc. Admission is free. Off-site parking on Mary Ann Beach Road with shuttles available all weekend. For more information: Eleanor Reeves - 251-928-7844

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The Episcopal Church will host a major topical forum “Fifty Years Later: The State of Racism in America” on a live webcast November 15. This will originate from St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, Mississippi. It will be a 90-minute ecumenical forum beginning at 1:00 p.m. central time. The forum will be moderated by well-known journalist and PBS commentator Ray Suarez. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will keynote the event. Two panel discussions will focus on: Racism in America Today— why does it persist? and “Racism in American’s future—where is there hope for change? For additional information on how to participate: Neva Rae Fox, Public Affairs Officer,

October 4-6, 2013 Beckwith Camp and Conference Center

 EFM MENTORS’ WORKSHOP Hold the date for the next EFM Mentors’ Workshop, January 17, 18 & 19, 2014 at St. Paul’s, Daphne. This workshop is for all Education for Ministry Mentors (EFM Continuing Education). The trainer is Noel Workman, a well-known EFM trainer from The University of the South, Sewanee. The training begins Friday at 2 p.m. and ends Sunday at 3 p.m. For more information: Mary or Dale Miley, EFM Coordinators 251-625-1025

C a t he d r a l P r aye r L i s t O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for: Members: Brink Brinkley, Alice Carwie, Dunn Chandler, John Wade Thurber, Nick Nichols, Sam Power, Butch Trawick, George Gartman, Joy Dean

Friends & Family: Janie Houser, Michael McMaken, Billy Ezell, Leland Moore, Sr., Merle Findley, Deborah Beverley, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Bill Thompson, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, David Leff, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Gordon Moulton, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Michael Daves, Michael Sumrall, Corky Ollinger, Jim Elia, Ken Huffstutler, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Florence Seymour, Dianne McCall, Bonnie Orillion, Marian Macpherson Currie, Dave Carlyn Block, Marty Barnes, Scott Craver, Jamie Martin, Carole Greene, Rachel McClanathan, Beverly Schubert, Russ Ramsey, Tom Cunningham, Maudie Huff, Jack Busbee, Francis Grace Hirs, Anna Laura Plovanich, Norma Beazley, Carolyn Bullock, Curtis Bullock, Jim McCall, Bill Browder, Ken Stanton, Erika Buschmann Lynam, Valerie Boatman, Brian McArdle, Webb

Windsor, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips

ď ˜

Nancy Quitmeyer, Trinity; The ministry of Sara Phillips, Pastoral Leader of St. Mary’s, Coden

Those Serving in the Military: Brad Israel, Darrien Gibson, Kelley Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Daniel White-Spunner Reed, Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong, Brett Granger, Sam Garcia, Chris Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd Mouthaan, JeanMichael Lemieux, Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar, Josh Power, Austin Rexroad, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson, Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton, Brian Hudson, Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler Oubre, Brian Pennell, Staples Wood


W EDNESDAY N OON H OLY E UCHARIST followed by Brown Bag Lunch and Study Wednesdays in the Chapel through May, 2014

Following Eucharist, please join Canon Gibson in the Chapter House for a brown bag lunch and study of the lectionary reading for the next Sunday.

Brady Elizabeth Wall, daughter of Charlotte and Kyle Wall, Granddaughter of Lucy and David Brady.

Souls Departed: Gladys Mae Campbell Moss, Kathleen McShane Keller, mother of Shannon Reeves, Victor Principe

Please contact the Cathedral Office to let us know if you would like to remove or keep the names of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will update this list regularly.

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602



CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Bishop The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Rector and Dean-elect Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Peggy L. Lyden, Organist and Choir Master Teri B. Williams, Assistant Choir Master Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary M. Angela Burgin, Cathedral Secretary Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery Judy G. Jones, Housekeeping ✠Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Website: Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403 E-mail:

S t ew a r d s h i p 2 0 1 4




B ECOMING F AITHFUL S TEWARDS Dear Cathedral Family, The theme of our 2014 stewardship campaign, Growing in Grace: Becoming Faithful Stewards, reflects the two-fold movement at the heart of Christian life: God graciously gives us all we need to live full, creative, and productive lives, and our response to God’s grace is faithful use of what we have been given. As individual members of the Body of Christ, we do this by offering our talents and time in worship and service of God and by returning to God a portion of our material gifts for the mission of the church. As we practice such giving of ourselves over time, we grow in our awareness of God’s grace and in the living of our faith. In this special The Messenger insert you will find items meant to be helpful as you reflect, pray, and respond to God’s grace through your stewardship. Senior Warden Leslie Ladd explains in her letter your Vestry’s commitment to stewardship and working toward the tithe. To assist each of us in understanding the tithe, there is a worksheet for your personal use; this might be something to keep with your devotional materials at home for reflection and prayer. You will also find schedules for stewardship speakers on the Sundays of October and for the every-member canvass. Junior Warden John McClelland will introduce and explain the canvass on Sunday, October 13 during the announcement time in our worship. Every household in the Cathedral family will be contacted by a member of the Stewardship Leadership Team and asked to prayerfully consider their pledge for 2014. That week, every household will receive a letter from me, along with a pledge worksheet (for personal use and not to be returned) and a pledge card. We are asking everyone to return a signed pledge card on or before our ingathering celebration on All Saints’ Sunday, November 3. Why do we need a pledge card from every household? It is more than a kind help in planning our budget. It is a statement affirming your belonging here in the household of God. And, in the words of Hugh Magers, veteran stewardship consultant, “a pledge card is the only document that most of us sign every year saying we claim Jesus as our Savior and submit our lives to his Lordship.” For all of these reasons, and most especially the latter, I hope and pray that each of you will join me in making a pledge to be faithful stewards.

Yours in Christ, The Reverend Canon Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Rector

S TEWARD SHIP P RAYER Gracious God, we offer our praise and thanksgiving for all the gifts that fill our lives. Give us such grateful hearts that we may offer back to you with joy a portion of what we have been given. Then, fill us with your grace, so that we may faithfully use those gifts to your glory. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

L E T TE R F R OM L ES LI E P AT RI CK L A DD , S E N I OR W A RD EN Dear Cathedral Family, As we begin our annual stewardship campaign for 2014, Growing in Grace: Becoming Faithful Stewards, I invite every member of the Cathedral family to join with your vestry in committing to an annual pledge, intentionally planning and working toward the tithe. In 2005, your Vestry passed a resolution in which they agreed to uphold the tithe (10% of one’s income) as the standard of giving. Every Vestry member demonstrates meaningful and sacrificial support of the church by making and fulfilling an annual pledge of support. In addition, Vestry members agree to work toward the tithe. Please read carefully and pray about the stewardship materials you will receive in The Messenger, in your weekly bulletin, and in a letter from your Dean. Every household will be contacted by a member of the vestryled Stewardship Leadership Team and asked to consider making a financial commitment to the life and health of Christ Church. We would like for every household in the Cathedral family to complete and turn in a pledge card on or before our stewardship ingathering on All Saints’ Sunday, November 3. As you fill out your card, I hope that you will have a smile on your face! If you don’t, you are probably giving too little or too much, and you need to find a happy amount! Please join with your Vestry and me in joyfully giving to God and God’s household here at Christ Church Cathedral. Yours faithfully, Leslie Patrick Ladd Senior Warden

A P R I VAT E A NA LYS I S O F M Y S T E WA RDS HI P I. What I think my stewardship response of time and treasure ought to be:

In 3 years. . .

In 5 years. . .

II. What my stewardship response really is:

IV. These things are preventing my stewardship response from being what I would like:

III. What I would like my stewardship response to be (may be different from either I or II):

IV. These are the things I can and will change to move closer to the response I would like:

Today. . .

In 1 year. . .


S T E PS T O WAR D B E C OM I N G A T I THE R This worksheet is for Christians who:

Trust God to give us the gifts he promises;

Want to give a responsible proportion of what God has given them to do what God wants done in the world;

Believe in tithing as an important Biblical standard for Christian stewardship;

Cannot, because of already existing commitments, become tithers immediately;

Are considering making tithing an active goal for their lives.

1. Enter your annual income. 2. (Optional: subtract the amount you pay in taxes)


3. Balance



4. Move the decimal point one place to the left.

This Would Be Your Tithe

5. Enter your annual contribution to your parish and to other Godly causes outside your family.

+ +

6. Add these up.


7. Divide line 6 by line 3.


(÷ line 3)

This Is The Percentage of Your Income You Are Now Giving

8. Set a date by which you want to achieve your goal of tithing:

1 year

9. What percentage would you give next year to reach your goal of tithing by the date you have set? 10. What would be the total dollar amount of your giving next year? 11. How much would you like to give through your parish?

This Would Be Your Pledge


3 years

5 years %

Photo by Blue Room Photography/Cindy McCrory

C H RIST C HU RC H C ATH EDRAL V EST RY Front row: Second row: Back row:

Canon Gibson, Banks Ladd, Alison Mitchell,Tray Hamil, Kennon Drew (Treasurer), Leslie Ladd (SeniorWarden), Ron Snider (Clerk), John Davidson, Bill Skinner Mary Esther Elliott, Gerry Phillips, Leigh Rendfrey, Henry Seawell, LissaWatkins, John McClelland (JuniorWarden) Lucy Moore, Bob Forster Not pictured: Ann Luce, Wythe Whiting

Calendar for Stewardship Sunday, October 6 Sage and Preston Sage Bolt

Sunday, October 13 through Saturday, November 2 Visits to every household.

Sunday, October 13 Introduction of the Every Member Canvass by John McClelland Rebecca and Chip Tait

Sunday, October 20

All Saints’ Sunday, November 3

I NGATHERING The joyful gift of our stewardship is part of our worship.

Carol and Bill Rodgers

THE CHALLENGE: Turn in estimated giving sheets on or before Sunday, November 3.

Sunday, October 27

We will celebrate the ingathering of our stewardship commitments by enjoying a special treat following our worship.

Brie and Grant Zarzour

As you consider your 2014 pledge, please remember to complete your 2013 pledge.

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