THE MESSENGER September 2014

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Volume 12, Number 8


September 2014


A Message from the Dean Dear Cathedral Family, In this The Messenger you will find descriptions of the many ministries that will have life among us here at Christ Church Cathedral over this program year. On Rally Day, September 7, I hope as many of you as possible will be present to take the opportunity to sign up for one or more of these ministries during coffee hour in the Chapter House. Deacon Dan Wagner has been working with our young people and their parents to fashion Christian Education and youth activities for the year, and he will also be partnering with our young adults as they plan their gatherings. ECW chairs Julie McClelland and Lucy Brady have been working to coordinate the many ministries that are shared among the women of the church, including special events such as ordinations and Advent and Lenten lunches, as well as UTO ingatherings and other service opportunities. Organist and Choirmaster Christopher Powell has been planning a year filled with midweek and Sunday afternoon musical offerings in addition to the music in



worship on special days of the year. Look for a separate flier later in the month describing these events. In mid-August your vestry met together with the Cathedral staff for a beginning of the year retreat at the Dauphin Island home of Hetty Newell. We enjoyed relaxed time getting to know each other better and enjoying a lunch of ribs from the “Get Fired Up!” event benefiting Wilmer Hall. Most importantly, we looked to the year ahead, discussing and beginning planning for several important new elements in our shared life. On July 25, 2015, we will host the consecration and seating of the 4th Bishop of the Central Gulf Coast. This will be the first time in our young life as a cathedral that we have welcomed a new bishop in this way, and it will be a massive undertaking necessitating the help of every member of the Cathedral family. Please continue to pray for the election of our new bishop, as the search and transition committees continue their work leading up to the election at diocesan convention in February, 2015 at Trinity Church, Mobile. (continued on page 3)

R A L LY D AY — S U N DAY , S E P T E MB E R 7 !

It will be a big kick-off for our new program year with Eucharist, Rite II and commissioning of our Christian Education teachers at 10:00 a.m. Following church:  Our students will exit to their classrooms to spend a few minutes enjoying snacks and hearing about their classes.

 Young Adults will have a short planning meeting in the Chapel.  You are invited to wander between tables in the Chapter House to sign-up for our many ministries from Altar Guild to Pastoral Care—they will all be there. This is also a great time to complete your ECW form, pick up the 2014-15 Christian Education calendar, and give us your student’s information.

THE CATHEDRAL CHAPTER John Stephenson McClelland Senior Warden

Robert Willis Israel Charles Stephen McKay Junior Wardens

William Kennon Drew Treasurer

Harwell Ellis Coale, Jr. Chancellor

Ronald A. Snider Clerk

Class of 2014 Robert D. Forster Tray W. Hamil Ann H. Luce John S. McClelland, Jr. Elissa E. Watkins Wythe L. Whiting Class of 2015 John D. Davidson Mary Esther T. Elliott Banks C. Ladd Alison S. Mitchell Lucy F. Moore Henry R. Seawell IV Class of 2016 Sage M. Bolt Lewis H. Golden George B. Inge Robert W. Israel Charles S. McKay Hetty C. Newell

A Message from the Deacon So what is going on at Christ Church Cathedral these days when it comes to our children and youth? Well, I bet more than you think. As September meets all of us, it is time for our programmatic offerings of the Cathedral to begin. For our children and youth this means Christian formation classes for all ages, confirmation class for those in sixth grade and above, choir, annual acolyte training, and the launching of our EYC. As you can tell, our children and youth play an active role in the parish. Our children have even taken an active role in our outreach efforts through last year’s Episcopal Relief-Development project. With our Christian formation, we are excited at the opportunities, as we are using several lectionarybased Sunday School curricula for our children and youth. Our group of youth is getting excited about EYC. Plans are underway to have monthly activities ranging from laser tag to service projects like attending the Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage in August 2015.

Our records tell us that we have 74 parishioners between the ages of 5 and 18. These could be your children, your grandchildren, or maybe even your Godchildren. We would love for our life together as a parish to be enriched by more of our children and youth participating in Christian formation! Parents and grandparents, please help us by bringing your children and youth to Christ Church on Sundays and encouraging them to stay for activities after worship. Also, we would love those interested in teaching or substitute teaching to help enrich our parish life by helping our formation efforts. I would love to hear from you all, so feel free to contact me with any questions about Christian formation or EYC. Have a wonderful September and I look forward to seeing you all at the Cathedral.

God’s Peace,

The Reverend Daniel A. Wagner Deacon

Chapter Members Mendy Henderson, 2016 St. Agatha’s, deFuniak Springs

Gary Moore, 2017 St. Paul’s, Daphne

The Rev. Aaron Smith, 2018 St. Paul’s, Magnolia Springs

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Pilgrims at the site where Daniels was martyred. Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage 2014 (Source:

Dean’s Message (continued from front page)

We also reviewed the master plan for our facilities approved by the vestry in 2008, specifically looking at the plan's recommendation for the relocation of our nursery and choir spaces. Your vestry approved the relocation of our nursery to what has been the choir room and choirmaster's office in the Brantley and Huger Houses. The choir will be housed temporarily in the Huger Meeting Room until plans are finalized and approved for their new space. More information on this is included in this The

Messenger, and more conversation will follow in the months ahead. Finally, we reflected on our outreach ministries over the past several years, considering both those local missions that we support financially and the service activities in which we engage. Your vestry committed themselves to prayer and active listening for ways in which we can grow in this vital aspect of our spiritual life and our mission as a downtown church and the cathedral church of the diocese. In my sermon following the recent death of Sam Power,

long our lay leader in outreach, I asked the Cathedral family to join us in prayer and listening to each other, to the world, and for the Spirit about our outreach. Together, we will see a year of tremendous growth in ministry here at Christ Church Cathedral, as we seek more and better ways to share Christ’s love with the world. Faithfully, The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean

N u r s e r y / C h o i r R e n ova t i o n a n d R e l o c at i o n At its August meeting, the Christ Church Cathedral Vestry approved moving our children’s nursery from its present location in the basement beneath the chapel to the space previously used as our choir room in the Huger and Brantley Houses. This move is in accordance with the Master Plan for our buildings and grounds, approved by the vestry in 2008. Renovation on the new nursery space will begin the first week of September, and we hope it will be completed early in the fall. The choir will be housed for the time being in the Huger Meeting Room, and Choirmaster Christopher Powell’s office has been moved directly upstairs in Huger. Further plans for renovating the upstairs spaces in Huger and Brantley are under consideration. The space previously occupied by the nursery will be repaired, painted, and furnished for use as a youth room.



Master Plan Detail

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Music Ministry Dear People of God at Christ Church Cathedral, Firstly, I must express my deep appreciation for the very kind welcome so many of you have given to me, my wife, and our children. I am grateful to be your Organist and Choir Master and am thankful for your kindness and support. Starting in this issue, I will write a letter in The Messenger every month to inform you of various happenings in our musical life together. Mainly, these letters will serve to announce events, inform you about our musical selections, and update you on our direction and progress as a music ministry. From the outset, I want you to know a bit about my personal approach to sacred music. Sacred music is an important ministry of the church. It is also, however, one of the most nebulous and is therefore often difficult to understand. For me, sacred music has a manifold purpose. Firstly, it must act as a spiritual cloud descending upon its listeners to separate them from the cares of their daily lives, and therefore enable them to better communicate spiritually during liturgy and prayer. Secondly, it must be of such a nature as to “soothe the suffering . . . shield the joyous; and all for your [God’s] love’s sake.” For me, the above quote from Evening Prayer II, intended as a petition to God, is vital and worthy of imitation by sacred musicians. Our music must be joyful, but not manic, solemn, but not depressed. This is one thing that sets truly sacred music, music of the church, apart from just "music during church". Music that is meant solely for entertainment can so often giggle instead of rejoice or whine instead of weep. While our music must be comforting for worshipers, it must also express the nature of the readings, the life of the congregation, the theme of the day, and so much more. Sacred music, like the Biblical readings, must truly be a music set apart and consecrated to prayerful and holy use by its ministers. Thirdly, sacred music must evangelize its listeners by offering something of a physical and spiritual quality that is not found elsewhere. Like us, it must go out into the world, not debasing itself or being less than it should be, but showing all who hear it a glimpse of the fullness of worship. The choirs and instrumentalists of the Cathedral are ministers of sacred music, but so are you! As parishioners of the Cathedral, you are called to sing hymns, psalms, and spiritual songs to God during our liturgies. Let us be a musical people. Let us be a people who participate in the high quality music of the church. This month, we welcome our adult, children’s, and

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handbell choirs back from their summer break. If you would like to become one of our music ministers, please consider joining one of these ensembles. We offer fantastic opportunities to become close to God and neighbor through the creation of sacred music here at the Cathedral. You do not have to read music to join the choir. Consider ringing in our handbell choir if you would like to be part of an instrumental ensemble that is both easily accessible for the uninitiated musician and rewarding for the seasoned professional. Talk to your kids about the children’s choir. It’s open to children of all ages. Also, keep an eye out for more information on a special program we will offer in the spring semester for older children. Children’s choir rehearses on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. until around 4:45 p.m.; handbells rehearse at 5:30 p.m.; and the adult choir rehearsal is at 6:30 p.m. Let’s keep in touch. My email address is cpowell@ You are always welcome to email me with any questions or comments you may have in regard to our music. Also, if you haven’t already signed up for our weekly email blast, you might consider doing so. Not only does the email blast help people keep up to date with all sorts of events in the parish and the diocese, but it also contains a music article that contains facts and histories of some of that week’s musical selections. Watch the email blasts for information about our hymns, organ pieces, and choir anthems and motets. Finally, as your Organist and Choir Master, I pray that I will provide solid musical leadership for this parish. Already, you have built a musical program that has stood for generations, a musical program to be proud of. Together, let us continue the Godly work of those who came before us. Let us stand among a great cloud of witnesses singing and playing spiritual music that cuts through the cares of the world and connects us with that which will never pass away. In Christ, Christopher W. Powell Organist and Choir Master

C hr i s t i a n F o r m a t i o n

Students: Find your classroom, meet your teachers, and have a snack on

Rally Day - Christian Formation Kick-off S u n d a y, S e p t e m b e r 7 T h e C h i l dr e n’ s C h a p e l C r uc i f e r w i l l l e a d t h e g r o u p f r o m c h ur c h before the procession begins.

September Christian Formation Calendar Sunday, September 7  Rally Day  Find your room and meet your teacher(s) Sunday, September 14  Curriculum for all classes  Confirmation meeting with youth confirmands and their parents in the Chapel. Sunday, September 21  Curriculum for all children and youth classes  Confirmation: Session I The Creeds Sunday, September 28  Group Christian Formation  Training: Acolytes, Crucifers, and Children’s Chapel Crucifers Nursery—Age 3 and under Meets in the nursery. Curriculum: Living the Good News. Coordinator: Tray Hamil For children who will not be in the Christian Formation class, Deidre and Joe Williamson will be in the Nursery from 9:00 a.m. before Church until after Sunday School dismisses. Elementary—Grades K, 1, 2 Meets upstairs in the large central room. Curriculum: Living the Good News Teacher: Kristen Seawell FUN Club—Grades 3, 4, 5 Meets in new location upstairs behind the Elementary Classroom. Curriculum: Feasting on the Word: Teaching the Revised Common Lectionary. Teachers: Banks Ladd, Mary Carol Ladd, Lucy Moore

Youth Christian Formation Monthly Group Meetings All of our youth will gather five times during the year to learn together. Sundays September 28—Acolyte Training October 5—Music in Worship November 30—Advent January 25—Outreach March 1—Communion Conversation All Christian Formation classes will begin September 14 and will go through May 3, 2015. Once a month, there will be a group-wide Christian Formation offering, allowing all Cathedral children and youth the opportunity to learn and participate together. Middle School—Grades 6, 7, 8 Meets upstairs in the first room on the left, the room with the big round window. Curriculum: W eaving God’s Promises Teacher: Alison Mitchell Youth Confirmation—Grade 6 and up Meets in the Cathedral Office. Details are on page 6. Teacher: Carolyn Jeffers High School—Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Meets in the Brantley Parlor. Curriculum: Feasting on the Word for Youth Teachers: Deacon Wagner, Carl Cunningham, Jr.

For any questions about the Christian Formation offerings, or if you are interested in assisting in teaching any class, please contact Deacon Wagner at or 438-1822.

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Yo u t h C o n f i r m a t i o n C O N F I R M AT I O N C L A S S 2 01 4- 2 0 15 S CHEDULE September 14—Meeting in the Chapel for youth confirmands and their parents. September 21—Session I The Creeds October 12—Session II Teaching, Fellowship, Bread, Prayers November 9—Session III Resist, Repent and Return December 7—Make-Up Class as needed January 4—Session IV By Word and Example January 25—Group Class Outreach project lead by youth confirmands. February 8—Session V Seek and Serve March 1 Communion Conversation March 15—Session VI Into the World in Witness April 19 Confirmation Preparation April 26 Cathedral Celebration and Confirmation

Meeting—Sunday, September 14 11:15 a.m. in the chapel for the youth and their parents. The path to joining the Episcopal Church is through the laying on of hands by a bishop, or, as it is better known, confirmation. At Christ Church Cathedral, Mobile, we confirm our youth generally in the 6th grade. If you have a child who is ready to explore what confirmation means, they are welcome. Our bishop, the Right Reverend Philip Duncan II, is scheduled for the 10th Annual Cathedral Celebration and Confirmation on Sunday, April 26, 2015. The confirmation class will meet one Sunday a month separately from their regular Sunday school class. The curriculum will again be I W ill with God’s Help. This confirmation program, developed with the help of Episcopal educators, clergy and theologians, encourages youth to enter into a uniquely Episcopal—yet profoundly Christian—faith journey. It is built entirely on the Baptismal Covenant from The Book of Common Prayer, offers seekers a solid reflection on Episcopal heritage and belief, together with the riches of Episcopal liturgy and prayer. If you have a child who is ready to consider being confirmed, please contact Carolyn Jeffers at cjeffers@

A R E YO U C AL L E D TO B E A C O N F I R M AT I O N M E N TO R ? We are looking for a mentor for each of the youth confirmands. The mentors will meet with students both individually and as a group. Each will be given direction on what to do for their confirmands throughout the year. If this is a ministry that appeals to you, please contact Carolyn Jeffers at cjeffers@ or 438-1822.

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T he E p i s c o p a l Yo u t h C o m m u n i t y ( E Y C )

S E P T E M B E R E Y C C A L E N DA R Sunday, September 21 Junior High Kick-Off (grades 6-8) at Beckwith Camp & Conference Center The group will leave following church and return to the Cathedral by 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, September 28 EYC Kick-Off Details to follow.

For more information, contact Alison Mitchell or Deacon Wagner.

A T T E N T I O N 3 R D – 1 2 TH G R AD E R S Fun Club is for students in grades 3, 4. 5.

EYC is for youth in grades 6-12.

If you are not receiving emails about EYC or Fun Club, please contact the Cathedral Office at office@ or 438-1822.

Our Cathedral youth met on August 24 to help plan the EYC’s upcoming program year. Through their comments, the EYC’s goals are to build a Christian community for the youth of the Cathedral, go deeper in their faith journeys, and have some fun at the same time. The EYC will meet monthly and our activities hope to include:  Mardi Gras parade night cookout  Laser tag  Downtown scavenger hunt  Paintball  Wilmer Hall or Murray House visit  Jonathan Myrick Daniels Pilgrimage Other activities may be added, so be on the lookout! The group wants to participate with other area Episcopal youth and take part in diocesan youth offerings, especially at Camp Beckwith. We are excited that Sarah Bolt will be assisting the youth. We also are looking for other adults, especially if you have an EYC-aged child (but that is not a prerequisite), to consider assisting.

Fun Club enjoying the Floral Parade on Lundi Gras, 2014

If you are interested in serving the EYC or have any questions about EYC, please contact Deacon Wagner at 438-1822 or

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Ve s t r y E l e c t i o n s 2 0 1 5

R e q ui re me nt o f Ve s t r y Me m b e r s  To be a confirmed communicant of Christ Church Cathedral, 18 years of age or older.  To demonstrate meaningful and sacrificial financial support of the church, including making and fulfilling an annual pledge of support; to consider that Christ Church Cathedral Vestry upholds the tithe as the standard of giving; to encourage the parish to consider proportionate giving; and to work personally toward the tithe.

Responsibilities of Ve s t r y M e m b e r s Resolution of Christ Church Cathedral Vestry approved on October 10, 2005

The Vestry Nominating Committee will meet on Mondays, September 8, 15, 22. Please speak with the members of the nominating committee and give them names of those you would like to have considered for vestry. You may submit names by phone or email, as well. It is not necessary for you to tell those you are suggesting for vestry that you are doing so. The Nominating Committee is charged with presenting a slate for vestry elections in December, as well as a slate of delegates to our diocesan convention in February (at which our next bishop will be elected). Delegates to the Diocesan Convention must be available for a business meeting on Friday, February 20 and for the election of the 4th Bishop on Saturday, February 21. Both will be held at Trinity, Mobile. Delegates must also be available to attend one of three Walk-Abouts scheduled around the diocese on January 12, 13, 14. The Walk-About closest to Mobile will be held on Wednesday, January 14, at St. Paul’s, Daphne.

 To live a daily life reflecting the Christian faith; to strive to grow spiritually through Sunday, December 7 worship, prayer, and educational Vestry and Convention Delegate Elections opportunities.  To participate faithfully in the worship of will take place at the Annual Parish Meeting during coffee hour. the church.  To attend vestry and chapter meetings and retreats.  To work for unity among the clergy, vestry and congregation through open communication; to accept the position of vestry member as an opportunity to serve our Lord.  To demonstrate meaningful and sacrificial financial support of the church including making and fulfilling an annual pledge of support; to consider that the Christ Church Cathedral vestry upholds the tithe as the standard of giving and encourages the parish to consider proportionate giving; and to be working toward the tithe.  To accept the role of leadership, work diligently and congenially at assigned tasks, and seek out ways to improve the Cathedral Church including: ~ To make new and regular members and visitors feel welcome through personal greetings, visits, and an invitation to participate in activities of interest to them, and ~ To encourage all members of the congregation to become a part of activities and ministries of the church and to attend parish meetings.

Vestry Nominating Committee Please direct to these individuals your nominations for candidates to fill 6 vestry positions.

Graduating Vestry Class Robert D. Forster Tray W. Hamil Ann H. Luce

John S. McClelland, Jr. Elissa E. Watkins Wythe L. Whiting

The Dean’s Appointed Members Lucy Brady Kennon Drew Tom Garth

It is to these individuals that you should direct anyone who wishes to nominate someone or be nominated themselves.

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Jennifer Grehan Lucy Lyons Robby McClure

CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL VESTRY Left to right: Chuck McKay (Junior Warden), Lissa Watkins, Sage Bolt, Hetty Newell, Bob Israel (Junior Warden), John McClelland (Senior Warden), Dean Gibson, Bishop Duncan, Mary Esther Elliott, John Davidson, Lewis Golden, Alison Mitchell, Henry Seawell, Banks Ladd, Ann Luce Not pictured: Harwell Coale (Chancellor), Kennon Drew (Treasurer), Bob Forster, George Inge, Tray Hamil, Lucy Moore, Ron Snider, Wythe Whiting

2 0 1 4 D i o c e s a n C o nve n t i o n D e l e g a t e s The Diocesan Convention will be held Thursday, February 19 to Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Trinity Mobile.

R e q u i r e m e n t s o f C o nve n t i o n D e l e g a t e s  To be a confirmed communicant of Christ Church Cathedral, 18 years of age or older.  To demonstrate meaningful and sacrificial financial support of the church, including making and fulfilling an annual pledge of support; to consider that Christ Church Cathedral Vestry upholds the tithe as the standard of giving; to encourage the parish to consider proportionate giving; and to work personally toward the tithe. Resolution to Christ Church Cathedral Vestry approved on October 10, 2005.

R e s o l u t i o n C o n c e r n i n g C o nve n t i o n D e l e g at e s Rather than electing a new slate of four (4) persons to serve in this capacity each year, the terms of service will be staggered among the delegates. One (1) person will be elected each year to rotate onto our delegation for a 4-year term. This will allow for both continuity of experience and service within the delegation, while allowing more people to participate in this important ministry. Resolution to Christ Church Cathedral Vestry approved on November 20, 2011.

Diocesan Canons on authority of the Convention and the election of a bishop Article VII Section 3. The Diocesan Convention shall be the Legislative Authority of the Diocese. It shall be composed of Clergy and Lay Delegates as provided by the Canons. There shall be an annual meeting of the Diocesan Convention at such time and place as the Canons shall provide. The Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese shall have power to call a Special Diocesan Convention, provided thirty (30) days’ notice thereof shall be given to all Clergy and Congregations entitled to representation, in writing, specifying the time and place of meeting and the business to be transacted. Section 4. The Election of a Bishop of the Diocese shall be had in Regular or Special Diocesan Convention. The quorum required for the election of a Bishop shall be two-thirds of all Clergy entitled to vote and two-thirds of all Lay Delegates entitled to be members of the Diocesan Convention. The election shall be in the following manner: After nominations have been made in open Convention, the vote shall be by Orders (Clergy and Lay) and by secret ballot, and a qualified Bishop or Presbyter shall be chosen. A concurrent majority in both Orders shall be necessary for a choice.

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E CW CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW) ANNUAL REPORT Our year began with transitions. First we planned a celebration for Dean Cook’s retirement on Sunday, August 25. Once we had feted Johnny and Mary’s time with the Cathedral Family and sent them traveling, it was time to prepare for the seating of the second Dean, Beverly Findley Gibson. In conjunction with her Service of New Ministry on Saturday, October 12, Bishop Duncan hosted a breakfast in the Brantley Parlor honoring the new Dean and President of The General Theological Seminary, The Very Reverend Kurt Dunkle. Our ministries have great teams who work well together. We are blessed. Barbara Archer and Paula Watkins began to take over the Altar Guild from former Chair Carolyn Stephenson. Thank you Carolyn for the countless hours you have spent polishing, washing, ironing, and teaching. We have four strong Altar Guild teams with 18 members. Our Flower Guild has 10 teams and 18 members. They arrange flowers for the altar and for all Cathedral events. Robbie Lynn Irvine served as chair this year. Robbie Lynn is collecting photos of the Cathedral altar flowers as a guide to how differing arrangements and color combinations look on the altar during the different seasons of the church year. We appreciate Robbie Lynn’s hard work. The nine Sunday hospitality teams rotate preparing delicious Sunday delights during coffee hour. Each team has its own personality, and special treats. They are always willing to go the extra mile to help

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Lucy Brady, Erica McElhaney, Julie McClelland 2013-2015 ECW Leadership

serve for luncheons and receptions. They bring a new dimension to Cathedral hospitality. The Pastoral Care Teams began working this year. They function through the rector and Cathedral office, independent of the ECW but they work in close conjunction with the ECW ministries. The ECW helped serve at seven funerals during the year, assisted by the Pastoral Care Bereavement Team. The Flower Ministry Team rearranged the altar flowers to be taken to the sick and shut-ins. We only had one United Thank Offering (UTO) ingathering in the fall this year because of the emphasis the Confirmation Class/ EYC Project had on Episcopal Relief and Development in the spring. UTO is an important ministry of the ECW across the Episcopal Church, and we will continue to emphasize the importance of using your blue UTO boxes to remember your blessing. Each year our Advent and Lenten Music Series becomes more popular. We had record attendance this year at the concerts and the seven lunches following. More than 80 volunteers helped serve the over

500 meals for this time-honored ministry. Additionally, in December we sold textile works of art—Arpilleras— from Threads of Hope ministries. The Morning Circle met on the first Monday of each month for Bible Study and fellowship. We helped serve lunch honoring our high school graduates and following the Cathedral Celebration and Confirmation in May. None of these ministries would happen without the many, many ECW volunteers who shop, chop, cook, wash, enlist teams, help when asked or divinely show up just because they wondered if help was needed. And of course, nothing could happen without the help of Judy Jones! Thank you for the opportunity to serve. We look forward to the upcoming year with our new ministry team. Faithfully, Erica L. McElhaney Chair Julie M. McClelland Co-Chair


Lucy Brady, Co-Chair The Episcopal Church Women is a church-wide organization with the continued goal of 100% participation from the women of our parish in at least one or more areas.

If you are currently on a ministry team, we will assume that you wish to remain on that team.

W H AT W E NE E D MO S T: Y O U R H E L P! (Please checkmark the ministry area you can assist with and we will contact you.)

___ SUNDAY HOSPITALITY TEAM—Teams plan, prepare/purchase, and serve refreshments for coffee hour. Teams will be on 9 week rotation (5-6 times per year). Teams help with special celebrations. ADVENT/LENTEN LUNCH TEAMS Dates: Advent—December 10 & 17 Lent—February 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25 ___ Team Member—Prepare and serve the meal. ___ Team Chair—Plan luncheon menu and organize volunteers. ___ CATHEDRAL TOUR GUIDE—Learn about the history and architecture of our building and be available as needed to give pre-scheduled tours. ___ ALTAR GUILD—Join an Altar Guild Team and volunteer to help with ordinations, weddings, and other festival services. ___ FLOWER GUILD—Join a Flower Guild Team and volunteer to arrange altar flowers and flowers for special events. Please update your contact information. We would appreciate an updated form from each member. You may complete on-line, return in the offering plate, or complete it at the ECW Table on Rally Day. Name:

Please circle your preferred method of contact: Home Phone Cell Email

Home Phone:


Email: The above are our current needs. Volunteers are still needed to help with special services (funerals, ordinations, Diocesan events, etc.) and outreach projects. If you are currently on a ministry team, we will assume that you wish to remain on that team. ___ I am unable to commit to an on-going ministry, but would like to help. Please contact me. ___ I am interested in: ___ I would be willing to serve in a leadership role in the following area(s): ___ I would like to change or add areas of ministry:

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2 0 1 4 S ave t h e D a t e s

Sunday, September 7 Rally Day

Sunday, November 30 4:00 p.m. Advent Lessons and Carols

 Sundays, October 5, 12, 19, 26 Stewardship Sundays

 Sunday, November 30 through Thursday, December 11 Threads of Hope—Arpilleras

 Sunday, October 5 4:00 p.m. in the garden Blessing of the Animals

 Sunday, November 2 All Saints’ Sunday, Cathedral Celebration, and Stewardship Ingathering

 Saturday, November 22 10:00 a.m. Diaconate Ordination and Reception

 Sunday, November 23 United Thank Offering Ingathering

(ECW Project)

 Saturday, December 6 10:00 a.m. The Reverend Daniel Wagner Ordination to the Priesthood

 Sunday, December 7 Parish Meeting

 Wednesdays, December 10 & 17 Noon Advent Music Concerts and Luncheon

 Wednesday, December 21 Christmas Pageant

Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving Day Ecumenical Service

Wednesday, December 24 5:00 p.m. Christmas Festival Eucharist

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Mo r n i n g C i r c l e


Monday, September 8 10:30 a.m. Home of Carolyn Stephenson 161-B North McGregor Avenue Morning Circle is a Bible Study Group that meets at 10:30 a.m. on the second Monday of each month—from September through May. The study topic for this year is Paul’s Letter to the Romans. The group has been meeting continuously for as long as the current members can remember. They believe it was begun in the 1950s or earlier. The group is open for membership and everyone is invited to attend. If you want to learn all there is to know about Christ Church, we suggest you join this group. For more information, please contact Carolyn Stephenson at 342-5637.

A nnu a l Pa r i s h D i r e c t o r y You will find a copy of the Parish directory within next month’s The Messenger. Additional copies will then be available on the Ministry Table or in the Cathedral office. The directory contains names of parish members, friends of the Cathedral, and Chapter members. We have worked to confirm address and telephone changes, but sometimes changes occur that we have missed. Please contact the Cathedral office immediately if we have made an error on your family’s listing or you may make corrections on a mock-up on Rally Day. And, please remember throughout the year to keep the Cathedral office apprised of any changes. There is change of address form in the back of the directory. Thank you to everyone who has responded so quickly over the summer as we have been working to improve our records. If you have children who are out of town (including those in college), send us their email and physical addresses, and we will stay in contact with them.

We will print corrections in the November The Messenger so that you may pencil them into your directory.

Finance Committee Repor t

(dated August 11, 2014)

June 2014

July 2014

$ 752,265

$ 752,265

Year-to-Date Revenue

$ 314,366

$ 366,828

Month-to-Date Actual

$ 61,866

$ 52,462

$ 344, 692

$ 335,264

Operating Budget:

Expenses: In line with budget General Fund Balance:

Heretics and Heroes by noted author and historian Thomas Cahill. Mr. Cahill is the inaugural speaker for the Stephen and Ruth Dill Lecture at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church. Mr. Cahill will speak on Sunday, September 28 at Dauphin Way in the 10:30 a.m. service and give a lecture that afternoon at 5:30 p.m. Copies are available in the Cathedral office at a cost of $24 each.

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Sunday, October 5 4:00 p.m. in the Garden Many people bring their pets to the church to be blessed on or around St. Francis’ feast day, October 4, because of his love for animals as expressed in his Canticle of Creatures. St. Francis is the patron saint of animals and the environment. The service includes a blessing and is held in the garden, where different animals can gather peacefully.

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D i o c e s a n N ew s Good Shepherd 160th Anniversary

Cursillo #151 Thursday, September 25 - Sunday, September 28 Beckwith Camp and Conference Center For more information on Cursillo, please see Dean Gibson.

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, the oldest AfricanAmerican Episcopal Church in the state of Alabama is celebrating its 160th anniversary this year. Good Shepherd had its beginning in the gallery of Trinity Church where seven slaves, freed men and women joined together to for the Parish. Their official celebration will be in October. Everyone is invited to attend any or all of the events. Friday, October 10 Reception and Dinner Dance The Battle House Hotel Saturday, October 11 Motorcade from Warren and State Streets to their present location at 605 Donald Street followed by Holy Eucharist and a reception in the Parish Hall

Sunday, October 12 Holy Eucharist followed by dinner on the grounds As a part of the celebration, Good Shepherd is seeking to strengthen and renew their outreach programs. You are invited to assist by becoming a sponsor. There are four levels of sponsorship: Diamond $ 1,000+ Gold $ 500+ Silver $ 100+ Patron $ 25 - 99 If you would like to contribute, please send your checks payable to The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 605 Donald Street, Mobile, Alabama 36617 or to Christ Church Cathedral and we will make a donation on your behalf.

A Diocesan Homecoming Weekend at Beckwith Friday, October 31 Sunday, November 1 For additional information, call 928-7844.

D i o c e s a n Yo u t h N ew s The Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast has planned several upcoming events for the youth. The Cathedral is planning on taking a group of Junior High students for the Fall Kickoff in September. For more information, contact Deacon Wagner at or 438-1822.

Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast Upcoming Youth Events    

 

 For questions, contact the Good Shepherd church office at 452-9596  or churchofthegoodshepherd@ 

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September 21 Junior High Fall Kickoff (6-8 grades) 11:00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. at Beckwith. Cost: FREE. October 31–November 2 Fall Camp (6-12 grades) at Beckwith. Cost: $50. November 7-9 Happening (10-12 grades) Diocese of Alabama, Birmingham. Cost: $40. December 4-7 Province IV Leadership & Network Meeting, Diocese of Louisiana. December 27-31 Winter Woods (6-8 grades) at Beckwith. Cost: $150 for one or $250 for both sessions. Session 1: December 27-29 Session 2: December 29-31 January 10-12 Bishop Walkabouts February 6-8 Mother/Daughter Retreat with Becca Stevens at Beckwith. February 19-21 Diocesan Convention at Trinity, Mobile. July 24 Youth Event with New Bishop July 25 Consecration of the 4th Bishop

Ca t he d r a l P r aye r L i s t

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be September 2 Bill Bullock TrĂŠ Mitchell turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

We Pray for: Members: Brink Brinkley, Dunn Chandler, John Wade Thurber, Nick Nichols, Butch Trawick, George Gartman, Billie van der Giessen, Peter van der Giessen, Patti Biel, Alice Carwie, Raymond Fields, Yvonne Holladay

Friends & Family: Janie Houser, Michael McMaken, Leland Moore, Sr., Deborah Beverley, Peggy Naughton, Gary Davis, Harrison Leff, Michael Cameron, Nancy & Don Cameron, Rob & Amy Archer Ellis, Dottie McCord, Joyce Lee, Davis Nelson, Michael Sumrall, Dot Smith Ditsworth, Sheri Neely, Gwen Cook, Alfred Showers, Michael Daves, Michael Sumrall, Jim Elia, Anne Brown, Mark Brown, Harriett Lillich, Bonnie Orillion, Dave Carlyn Block, Scott Craver, Rachel McClanahan, Beverly Schubert, Tom Cunningham, Francis Grace Hirs, Anna Laura Plovanich, Norma Beazley, Curtis Bullock, Valerie Boatman, Brian McArdle, Ann Jones, Hank Wozniek, Lisa Thompson, Stella Phillips, James Thomas, Ted Fraiche, Mark Miles, Susan Guilian, Rhett Travis, Noel Fell, Tot Swanson, Art Swanson, Chris, Anne & Philip Gill, Hayden Jenkins, Maggie Jenkins, Betty Ruth Patek, Carolyn Pryor, Merle Findley, Louise Douglas, Shirley & Dunlap Peeples, Steve Harris, Sandy Fortner, Carole Graf, Johnny McLeod, Marian Macpherson Currie, Jim McCall, Mary Lou Peake, Bill

Goodloe, Karen Sharpe, Kit & Roger Geil and the Geil family, Marie Harrison, Angel & Larry Torres, Kathy Boucvalt, Bill Stevens, Mancil Lee, Ginger Simpson, Carrier Yankie, Karen Sentilles, Melody Williams, Lila Fisk, Kendall Stanton, Tracey Johnson, Charlie Mae Moree, Gen Austin, Joe Lowrey, Viva Weeks, Temple Webber, Dianne McCall, Celeste Hall, Joel Hopper, Betty Browder, David Lannie, Beth Rutledge, The Reverend Mark Wilson Sara Phillips, Pastoral Leader, Mary’s, Coden

Those Serving Military:



Darrien Gibson, Kelley Hood, Evan Sizemore, Robert McNeil, The Rev. Bowen Woodruff, Daniel WhiteSpunner Reed, Jonathan Duralde, Ron Lansong, Sam Garcia, Chris Marslender, Jerry Olin, Abby Hutchins, Tyler Gamble, Todd Mouthaan, Jean-Michael Lemieux, Albert Robinson IV, Michael Nassar, Josh Power, Ryan Anthony Thomas, Randy Johnson, Susan Reniewicz, Brian Caselton, Brian Hudson, Keith Moss, Ryan Walker, Tyler Oubre, Brian Pennell, John Snyder, Louis Coggin, Jason Norris, Conner Thigpen, Zack Miller

Souls Departed: Samuel Henry Power

Please contact the Cathedral Office to let us know if you would like to remove or keep the names of Friends and Family you have submitted on the prayer list. We will update this list regularly.

September 3 Banks Griffith Joe Gunter Brady Elizabeth Hall September 6 Noreen Hume Craig Pittman Carrie Speegle Jerry Speegle September 7 David Ross September 8 Travis Russell September 9 Lynne Davis September 11 Gin Arnold September 12 Celeste Powers September 13 Sam Eichold Kim Ellis Matt Ritchie September 14 Brink Brinkley Will Israel Laura Rutherford September 15 Elizabeth Arnold Livy Ferguson Cornelia Gaillard Louise Prichard September 16 Anna Kelly Elizabeth Kelly September 17 Dylan Butler Sara Phillips September 18 Christopher Hoitink, Jr. Hugh McClelland September 20 Yvonne Holladay September 21 George Inge Bill Youngblood September 22 Susannah Israel Stella Reindl September 23 Stephen Griffith September 26 Anna Israel Carolyn Levensailor September 27 Tori Hall Thad Hendrix September 28 Emily Ruth McElhaney September 29 Adrienne Golden Louise Collins September 30 Ginny Behlen Catherine Crosby Blake Ferguson Steve Hall Sayre Kearley

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CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL 115 South Conception Street Mobile, Alabama 36602



CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL Corner of St. Emanuel and Church Streets 115 South Conception Street, Mobile, Alabama 36602 Established 1822 The Right Reverend Philip M. Duncan, II, Bishop The Very Reverend Beverly F. Gibson, Ph.D., Dean The Reverend Daniel A. Wagner, Deacon Carolyn S. Jeffers, Provost Christopher W. Powell, Organist and Choir Master Brenda J. Stanton, Financial Secretary Marla J. Reis, Cathedral Secretary Polly M. Garner, Assistant to the Provost Deidre and Joe Williamson, Nursery Judy J. Jones, Housekeeping ✠Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday Phone 251.438.1822 Fax: 251.433.3403

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