To restore all persons to unity with God and one another
Christ Church Cathedral 2011 Annual Report
From the Dean Worship Cathedral Music Nursery & Children Youth College & Young Adult Adult Education Pastoral Care Art at the Cathedral CROSS Ministries Ministries & Committees Old Episcopal Burying Ground Archives & Bookstore Publications Facilities Junior Warden Finances Senior Warden Membership Photos
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25
From the Dean
nergy and enthusiasm describe life at Christ !"## commitment to call a new dean and rector and $ % & % & & ' $ (
; + + : ' ' 4 & & & % . ' & $ ( , ' & only ) $ at Christ Church Cathedral! I write this less than one month $ & % + , - & & . & $ $ $ ' / . / & $ & 5 ( ) ' % - , great ( food, great fun, and fellowship abounded because so ( ( 1 ) & ## - $ !"#! worship, glorious music, deep prayer, meaningful preaching to pray and care for and countless others, too, through our outreach ministries in our city and beyond, myriad ) , $ 2 3 ( 3 , 4 5 > / 8 5 % 5 3 5 6 % ( % Canterbury ministry and Commodores, lunch with diocesan 2 $ + 5 ( for mission in Kenya, and the new chapter of the Junior , 7 & = 8 9 !) ) 1 + ) $ & , 5 : ; 3 ) God has a dream to heal the world and intends for us to / 8 9 < ? & ( & : 5 < ( ) ; 4 1 ' 2 = ( = ( -;&& < ( 2
. ambassadors when people enter Christ Church Cathedral, either through the front doors ; each person, whether guests, new members or long standing members, and let them know how happy we are that they are . each door, and when we meet 1 % . located in the hallway near the $ , ( . ( 1 of a tour of the Christ Church % grateful for the Greeters, for their ministry is but an example of the welcome we are all called 1 5
USHERS The usher ministry of Christ @A
#! ; B4D" A4D" ##4"" ) of our usher ministry is % ( and represent the Cathedral , 3 ( to grow our ministry, both men and women, as well as new young usher teams to represent . in our church and diocese and, most of all, a way to meet and welcome Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family at Christ % ( faithfulness and courtesy as they lead Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s people into the
Cathedral Music F
; 1 . translated to bringing new choristers and their families
The music ministry remains a 2
The Cathedral Choirs H learning new music and ? 8 5
L music were introduced to & + The Cathedral Schola Choir M 5 N launched and currently . 6 The boys and girls choirs A4D" ##4"" chorister the opportunity 2 & & $
< F
. < 3 M 1N % , 6 Sunday morning Eucharists % L . 5 by the people and clergy of $ the choristers had the opportunity to learn and see the great monuments and 5 The Choir Guild hosted the ) / Cathedral cake fundraisers, ) 3 O . < (
. 1 6 & +
. !" ) performance of George : 9 5 Messiah with orchestra, soloists 1 , D
The Cathedral Singers M 8 N sang hymns, anthems and . musicians, who come from our parish and other parishes , (
The Cathedral Choir Camp . , $ 7 for the coming season and to get to know each other 2
& 2 - & < < L (
) ( 4 & ( 1 4 . P & ?) Q ( ) ; P 7 3 < ) P , & - P and parents for their contagious musical excellence and grace; , ' 1 and parishioners of Christ Church
Nursery Children
NURSERY % 2 nursery 1
% U much ( during this interim period in this $ . < , ) ( & 5 5 Children Sing is a class taught by / - School hour for infants through D . . % Q 5 . diligently ministered to and with D V Q <
: 5 . / . L ) childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s programs are centered around a desire to create a safe and 8 Throughout the seasons of the to teach children about the season ) & 5 ) & 5 9 ( ; 6 3 / ) & . ) : / , 7 '3& % the Gospel and children, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Taste & 4 W X ( & ? = H that promotes sustainable urban (
< !"## ) = ? 4 - #D MGrades B?AN !) (Grades \?#"N ) MGrades ##?#!N ) L from childhood to adulthood and 8 $ & !"## ) . #D? ? < % ( beginning of their Journey to ) : : & M = !""\?#" N ; 6 #B = = $
!) $ % ( : & : Six youth graduated from Christ : - < .
% Y or more other ministries #! % Y three other ministries #!
$ , 7
, 7
& & 8 ## & & teachers, and countless parents ( (
: 6 !"#"?##4 D ) &( Y & ! ) 3 5 3 & 3 : < L / (?
!""\ . $ !""\ than four ministries of the church ## !"#" #! !"##
; 6 !"#"? ##4 - & Q : 9 5 Q ] 3 D" 9 : 5 < -;&& 3 ( & ) . 5 6 & ) 9 / 3 - $ & , !"#"? ##4 $ Q = - = < Q & < - 7 ) ( , : 6 4 ! !) Seeker Scramble, Italy Stocks, 7 & $ !"#" A" V?#! & #B 8 D#
YOUTH INVOLVEMENT #B % ; #@ % Y ministry !Z % Y ministries #! % Y ministries #! % Y other ministries OUR PROGRAM A" V members #B ( D@
Our Program
Youth Involvement % ; #B
% Y other ministries !Z
% Y other ministry #@
; D@
% ( #B Y members V
continued A"
College Young Adult
% ^ / ]7 ( & . meant that the College Students M N & + % % Z4D"? B4D" % . & 2 at the church of their choice P most of them worship at the ? 6 )+ dispersal, the group this fall is a faithful and strong core of % ( hard on the facility to make it brighter and more usable for our ( . ( ; 3 $ that when our space has been
= (something they already do N ^ . . emerged as strongly, so there ^ ) of our groups, students do not 6 . P 6 2 college students in the mode of 8 3 < operates the ministry for the , / 8 ( , / 8 4 , < M & N / . M& ) 5 < N - 3 M; & < N / able to gather members from all of these Canterbury groups 3 7 6 7 , . to expand that into worship
YOUNG ADULT . . . $ began in the fall with a faithful . H !#?D" M N % ( about how our faith connects in % and now plan to meet at Christ Church Cathedral! The group #@ !Z ^ . X
Adult Education
ne of the highlights ) : Q , 6 Q ( & ; 9 ^ < O always arise in the church on this 9 , & , 9 % ( 2 . & The Catechumenate class has been L take this class as well as many â&#x20AC;&#x153;old W 6 < ( . 6:< M6 < N (
: < , _ 5 3 . ( , Q . < 6 ( ` , ) / Q ( and are then free to go throughout . H ) (
Pastoral Care
; 9
ne of the great blessings among my ministries at Christ Church Cathedral is that of Q . $ 2 ( ) $ pastoral care teams who rotate by the week, and this year added . ## Supplemented by our core of / 6 ' = ) - , ( 9 = % ( most important piece of this Q we only know what you tell us! < ( ) 2 ( ) her is the best way to get a name ; 1
= & % place a system for emergency 3 + hours, callers can obtain an Calling this number means that their call is forwarded to the cell . has allowed us to be present at = the life of our parishioners, and I < < Q ) has been changing the name Q 2 j ( . of the Ten Teams gather once a year for prayer and support to communicate the ongoing needs
In my year among you, it has been $ opportunity to answer this call in 3 $ ( ( 5 ^ % Q . ( together to make sure the system works in the best possible ways Q ( thoughts or ideas about that!
Art at the Cathedral
rt at the Cathedral is a 2 within the church and ; q W ) 1 8 \4D"?D4D" < through Friday and by special O < 8 start or to end; others bring a
. ) 9 : & L : )
; an opportunity to share with the public the rich heritage of Christ $ 9 O ) = #V" P backbone of the many exhibits
% % large exhibits are scheduled .
) q ) W 8 ; ( be the curator of an exhibit and an exhibit on a theme mutually : example, is the curator of the 8 q. 9 > < W ) by the Cathedral, entry fees, ( are made to the state arts council / 8) % these are matching O The backbone of ) !! ) 2 1 9 other art related
CROSS Ministries ANGEL TREE . ) . #\Z !"#" 9 6 9 < : . O 9 6 & donors at the Cathedral will ( ( q W + + 9 < : - < ? < <
THE BAKE SALE $ !""\ 3 ( & zD @"" -;&& 2 < can select dishes they wish to ; \
CHRIST CHURCH COMMUNITY CUPBOARD The Christ Church Community < ( % items for clients referred by 3 ( 7 $ 1 , !"## #@" !"" Funding is always a challenge as prices increase, and . , , ) ( 8 . O / 8 ?
CHURCH UNDER THE BRIDGE Christ Church hosted Church
3 ) D !"## < #@" and marginally housed men 5 ministry was reduced during !"## Chairpersons Caywood and 3 Q 2 meal, ministry and music on three separate Sundays during !"#!
DOWNTOWN CHRISTIAN UNITY TASK FORCE . , ] . ( : 9 H , 3 ( selects books on challenging moral and religious issues and meets the third Sunday of the
EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE FUND . 6 ) : = < 1 & 6): ) \{#{!"## #ZZ .
#ZA : ? heartening increase in the past two
!Z = ( < to us physically and mentally ill, - = ' D """ ; item was for bus passes, which zD" 8 !D" zB """
% 9 6 & $ QQ- , !" $ , , 3 ) ( the grand piano playing European who were reading below grade ' ( readings from former Kentucky ? - . = ) ; ? grade students increased their #!!| ? ROOM IN THE INN !""| - $ U underway ) -;&& supplying a special group of books < ) to the library so that the students / 8 ? q3 monthly for a group of homeless % W . ( / 8 - < . 9 - and are constantly checked out, Fugate and others are working with Church members also donate school supplies at the beginning of % ( who make them possible, and to PYRAMID PROFESSIONAL the parish of Christ Church for RESOURCES % , Q Christ in our neighborhood through Q - @A = ?
Ministries Committees
BREAKFAST TEAMS ; ( of the newer ministries, and is becoming one of the most L breakfast, but at Christ Church, ( 8 % O ^
. ( teams with six to eight members ) = O ) (
4 3 5 Churchillâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s salsa, Timâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s grits, Ken 7 ( 5 & 5 ( + q & , Q W % are grateful for the ministry of our teams! 3 O ? % looking for more parishioners ?? ( U ( parishioner while cooking or cleaning up!
COMMODORES The primary purpose of the Christ Church Commodores is to promote fellowship within the ) and friends are encouraged to 2 L welcome since these gatherings 8 to get to know the Cathedral Q 3 , parish programs and happenings , The group meets for a potluck = Fridays from September through
DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The women of Christ Church . prayers for the Cathedral clergy, 1 = O % ( : < which has now been accepted by / & < % 9 .
Q ? ?Q 9 % , ) 1 -;&& < were able to send money for these women to buy materials to make uniforms to wear when they sing ( / - presented a program on prayer 9 , ) $ =
, , , & % plan to begin a new study group this fall to include girls from our Cathedral and from other / 8 & a ( , scholarships to camps at the , / 8 , 7
EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN . 6 % 1 in & !"## ) ? ' & 9 % 9 5 throughout, we got bids and z# """ % contribute and accepted other $ ? document our needlepoint ( + memorials, stained glass windows . 1 !"##
GATHER AND GROW O ministry that combines food, fellowship and fun in a small group U ^ % & ; q< W ( 6 group of eight to ten people meets 2 = ) opportunity to include new comers to Christ Church in a small and U
$ < for the & . % ) < ( $ , / - - O + % PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Church kitchen for sack lunches for Now in its eighth year, Q - ( & <
#D?#B 5 % ( and ? = . past June, we were able to send 1
3 , of the King, this ministry has ( 2 . !! ( 2 ( U 7 2 Q & 2 . is the personal decision of each ( 2 . ( 2 4 q< 5 < ( W ( 5 The completed shawl is blessed 9 6 ) Q . 7 2 ( ; = % & < ##4"" ? #4"" 3 5 - who are able gather together ( ) 3 & 2 9 & Those who knit or would like to : < !\\?@@@!
Old Episcopal Burying Ground MISSION STATEMENT ! " !
n the spirit of our mission ;63 many members of the and retreats were held in the & 8 5 2 3 . / : M/: N ' 3 & ? O they can teach other youth how % . / ) & ? , < M, , N ; !@" 2 9 hours were dedicated to the 2 . ( 1 by Seedleaf and dedicated to
: /: produced hundreds of pounds nourishment to those who tended Z" to the community in general from
FOUR MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS : /: It will be installed and dedicated ;
& 3 & . 6 & ) 9 2 . ?
aligning the marble perimeter ( #"" . H . D" ]7 worked at the grounds as part of q: W & . ( completed the clearing and < . 1 assuring that the area will be kept Fourth, a Kentucky State ( in the process of being installed 3 $ ; ) ? 1 ;63 2 (
Archives Bookstore ARCHIVES $ ) ( L ( past year in a number of 4 ,', needlework and memorials, ; 6 3 ( = of hundreds of photos on = = < = O ( % < 3 ( and would welcome someone who is a calligrapher to keep . ) % ; which limits the number who can work in the room at one % we feel the room is as secure as any place can be; but we 2 possibility of a larger room and the need for temperature % ( H
; ( #A"" . most important documents in ) ) ) (
BOOKSTORE . 3 ( assortment of books, prayer ( 3 % ( % < . #"4"" !4"" & % ( / & Q ) 1 . ( ; #@ 3 ( workshop with author Elaine Q . 3 ( < ( : !Z , . 3 ( 1 an opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people in our church and from other % ) =
8#A Internet banner ads + ) !"#" % 2 !"## able to run an ad for six months ~ ) < ) & P ( L , % 8 this again at the end of the budget
6 $ - ( = . % =8 $ U The # 6 printed in a year, with a combined
{) . Prayer # + & !"## L 1 ( ) reader has been changed so you j Prayer # , rather than scrolling Q,: ) welcome to submit to an issue of the # Q 8 . ' 6 % : % to keep costs down in other areas by emailing many things, we feel are important enough for each The website and the churchâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s : ( ) are encouraged to post photos
on the Christ Church Facebook The website photo galleries The galleries are now powered by Flickr and changed like a ) ( < , $ ( < 5 photos, simply click the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shell & W 2 % , % & % L ( %
M (N $ is now being printed as a separate piece, and . ( % . ( feel more welcome!
Facilities FACILITY PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN AND COMPLETED F Q were installed in the Great 9 6 1 U ( . for precise temperature control {
F ) { 9 and eliminates the cart and its ? F 9 QQ- room were suggested by Staggs and Fisher but this work was F . j - damaged by a leaking water F : ? =8
j j 9 & , - . z@"" F . & = ( F % O 9 2 + ) O F The Chapel stained glass windows ( bowing that may be a future % to look at these windows and O F The basement windows and doors on Church Street and a L ] &
Junior Warden
t has been an honor and
% !# , $ on deferred maintenance and ?? ? ( mortar, replacing brick along the , ( ?? ( U %
$ : 2 6 member has a designated area of . as a liaison to the members of ( 2 3 % ? #VV < ( & 9 3 & Q % & ? #BV < ( & #D# & buildings / ? & / < ? 3 - . - ) / , ? garden, parking lot, streetscape ; 6 3 Ground $ ( important for the long term future ?? O
( )+
% $ 2 ( lot and our building at the corner ] $ to help explore the feasibility 4 Q ( 2 3 & ' = H ( structure design, bond counsel = , /:] / 8 ?: 2 Q ( ) D , < 5 ;_ . 8? ( D"! ! @"" O _ j ( . ( structure when the gates are open
( + . number of places in the downtown area where a parking structure can be built, with a design that ?? property is one of those places! The conceptual rendering showing 8 ] & and the Church Street faรงade is for ) = . { ; ? The important thing to remember
. increased . !"#" = 8 = z@# """ = 2 !"#" < < . = z#VB """ . O = = = = = 1 ) OPERATING RESULTS ? 8 % $ &'( )'**+ 8 . and the interim dean and new dean, and the biennial youth 8 = !"## - 8 !"#! - 8 & D" zZ"" = . = = Mz#!B #D!N & D" !"##
OPERATING FUND - 4 . $ . $ $ ; $ . - 4
\{D"{## )
\{D"{## 3
) 3 !"##
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zB#B ZA! zZZ !@" z#DD \AA zBD \\B z!"# #!# z@V D#B zV# Z!# z#D !"" z# D"# BBV
Mz#!B #D!N
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68 4 Q & Y 3 = z@"@ DAD $ zZD !D" < Y ] z#"Z "BV Y ; 68 zZ@ @D! , Q z#@" AZ# % ( ; zDB @!# . Q zZA Z!# Q 68 z\ D"B . 68 4 z\ZZ D## L $ M/ N4
3 ; 4 / - 6 . L
BUDGET PROCESS . !"#! & . : 2 ; L ' . : 2 ( , % = j
Senior Warden
) 21
s my tenure on the ' & % Church enters the homestretch, I feel more humbled and honored than $ $ history, grandeur, elegance, in? = 3 H the most is the breadth and depth ? . = ) of that being said, we must stay P God and on Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two Great Com? !"## $ a good thing, though, to pause j $ 8 in the history of Christ Church % , - % % stronger in many ways than when % = members and more new mem? % ? 8 . q HHW $
not seen in my fourteen years at % accomplish big things, and we are 2 things â&#x20AC;&#x201C; for Christ Church, for our & + 9 8 ^
) & % $ q (W ? ? $ ( = 5 # First, pray about choosing and . list is endless â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Community 3
( ] - % ? & ? day School teacher, commit? If you already do a lot of ac? ( ( someone else and start a new ! & of yourself by pledging and q W ? !"#! $ ? % already do so many wonder? ful things for our church and community â&#x20AC;&#x201C; there is so much more that we can and want = 5 $ !"## !"#! $ 5 !"## pray about pledging some? !"#! % your pledges to accomplish all 8 $ genuinely excited about the fu? ) $ $ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; peace, strength, wisdom, cour?
CLERGY & STAFF The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade , - 8
Bob Lancaster : ) 8
Dana Davis 6 % Loys Mather Commodores
The Rev. Janey Wilson Y Q < 8
Ashley Goodrich Q Y % 8
The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine Q ) ( #
John Hodgman : < 8
Flo Mayer Q & <
Canon Erich Balling < 8
Brownell Haddix Sexton
Kathleen Balling < ) ( 8
Elizabeth Conrad < : H 8 Amanda Musterman-Kiser < 8 Michelle Dunlap Nursery Coordinator 8 Lesa Schoner Q ) 8
Jesse Mark ) Anne Bjork Greeters Len Cox 3 ( . ] Carolyn Ware )
3 ( Martha Park -;&&
Mimi Milward Q
Steve Specht & % Billy Van Pelt
% Marc Mathews Treasurer C.B. Baize Nancy Bogue Ted Corman Doug Geddes Val Getchell Tom Howard Diane Milburn John Stempel
Margaret Christensen Q & 8
Bob Voll ; 6 3
Carolyn Ware Jim Ware
, ! - ( . / !
F % 3 & < 5 6 / 8 7 F < 6 2 & / ( 5 6 3 ;7 F 6 ) 7 Church of the Good & / 8 7 F , & & ) ( <& F / & & ) 5 6 . )Â&#x20AC; F % & < 2 5 6 )Â&#x20AC; F 6 % & < 2 5 6 )Â&#x20AC;
TRANSFERS OUT F ) 3 ( ' % . ) / 7 F : 7 & 3 & 9 5 6 / 8 7 F Jennifer Falk to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Q ;F . 9 & Q 5 6 L 7 F < 2 < & Q 5 Q % , F < & &
7 L9
% L ' & / ( 5 6 9 9 $ & F ( - & / 8 7
INQUIRERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S/NEWCOMERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F
) ) < 3 , , Karen Garrison < . 9 , 9
9 / < < / Q ( ) Q - ( / & Judith Stump Tom Sturgill % % 1
BURIALS F % < / ; D# !"#" F < % L Z !"#" F 7 ( : ( ) 2 L #! !"#" F Theodore Serrenho died L !# !"#" F 9 q W < L !D !"#" F . - < & '
'$ , !\ !"#" F ) & #Z !"## F Jaramy Cartlidge Karns died : #Z !"## F 7 . + < , < !" !"## F Catherine Sedgwick Colbert < !D !"## F , Q < < !! !"## F . - &
! !"## F 9 9 ,
A !"## F : < &
#B !"## F 3 ) %
#A !"#" F 7 7 ;
#\ !"## F 6 ( < 9 ) !! !"## F - : < ) !! !"## F % ( % 1 ) !Z !"##
7 ) / ' Sara Grace Eames % 6 ; < 9 : & 9 9 9 9 & $ / 9 - ' , 7 5( , ( 9 / (
F L , / H F % 2 Q / H F 3 Trumbo F 7 6 % F & 2 ' % 2 F , ?6 F 9 Q ( % F ) 6 H
RECEIVED F / / H F < 2 / H F ; '
7 % ) & ) < 7 ( ) 3 3 3 - ( , Jennifer Canada < : % & : 9 < 2 ' : 3 / 9 ) 9 - , 9 . 9 ) 7 ' , 7 5( < - < < - < ' ' L
Q 2 . - ; & ) & 9 & ) % & & %
F Joan Farnsley Tribble and The - & Q 8 9 ( F ) . . Quisenberry F ) - 6 ( 3 3 F 7 3 ) , F 9 & / F ) . 9 F Jennifer Canada and Tyler 9 F 3 <
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859.254.4497
Vestry & Convention Deputy Voting & L !" B4D" ? # ##4"" ' % Q Z ' Y Z , ELIGIBLE VOTERS % 0 0 0 12 + F
8 Q - 8 ) Q < M) q W = 3 6 3 = 3 : 9 N ) ) Q < H 8 Q - 8 ) Q < ? Q ' 8
Annual Meeting & L !" / ##4"" 9 /