April 2015 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action


Christ Church Cathedral ı Lexington, Kentucky

Invite • Welcome • Connect with Mary Parmer


A Farewell from Father Joe


A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I April 2015

Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > cwade@ccclex.org Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > bowens@ccclex.org Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > jmitchell@ccclex.org Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > paula@ccclex.org Associate for Youth ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > kbyrd@ccclex.org Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > eballing@ccclex.org Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > kballing@ccclex.org Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > lhall@ccclex.org Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > elizabeth@ccclex.org Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > mdunlap@ccclex.org Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > lwehrle@ccclex.org Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > mchristensen@ccclex.org Communications Director ɪ Ashley Goodrich > agoodrich@ccclex.org Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > lcritchfield@ccclex.org Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > jhodgman@ccclex.org Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Tracey Meyers, Senior Warden ɪ Caywood Prewitt, Junior Warden ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Lamar Grimes ɪ Tim Lucas ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ John Perrine ɪ Amanda Tudor ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the April issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is March 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ ccclex.org.

APRIL PRAYER Lord God, help us to travel forward in our lives with you, not becoming stuck in the past, but trusting in your love and your promises, may we move on in the ever new life you give us in your risen Son Jesus Christ. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER A glorious Easter Sunday at Christ Church Cathedral! Alleuia!

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859-254-4497


April 15 / ccclex.org

Invite • Welcome • Connect


A Remarkable Ministry


Music Notes


The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew


Putting Away the Alleuias


230 Years of Devotion


An Exciting New Day


Be Seeing You


Our 2015 Pledging Members


Experiencing the Seder


Bulletin Board





Invite, welcome and connect others to the Gospel of Christ and the Cathedral we so love want to thank you for a glorious Holy Week and Easter. Not even torrential rains, the treat of tornadoes or a team of Wildcats could keep you away during Holy Week! At every turn there was something to quicken our senses and deepen our faith by God’s grace and the power of your faithful work. So many of you gave of yourselves to share Christ’s love during this holy season and I am grateful for your faithfulness. The joy of our journey was evidenced at the Easter Vigil as the newly baptized made their first steps as God’s new creation. Rising from the waters of baptism and anointed by the Holy Spirit, Jack, Virgil and Zach were presented with candles set aglow from the first fire of Easter. Amid pealing bells and loud shouts of alleluia, they exemplified the presence of the risen Christ among us as they answered the call to bear Christ’s light and healing in the world. In the ancient language of the church, the newly baptized are called neophytes, literally, new lights, for they are the new light of Christ given for the world. Our role as a congregation is to get to know these new lights, affirm them in ministry and give thanks for their presence among us. Indeed, their baptism is an opportunity for us all to rekindle the light of Christ that dwells among us.



How is God calling us to carry the light of Christ’s love and healing in the world?

As we journey into The Great Fifty Days of Easter, we will gather as a Cathedral Family on Saturday, April 25, to learn and have fun with Mary Parmer as she coaches us to grow in our call to invite, welcome and connect others to the Gospel of Christ and the Cathedral we so love. Throughout this festive Easter season, some will take the next step in membership as they are confirmed and received into the Episcopal Church on April 26, while some will join the Legacy Society on May 7 with the promise of a sustaining gift, while other new members will prepare for baptism on April 19 and Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Together we will all reflect on Christian vocation in our daily lives through a host of classes and workshops as we are each called to answer the Easter challenge: How is God calling us to carry the light of Christ’s love and healing in the world?

Easter blessings and gratitude to you all!



A REMARKABLE MINISTRY: Invite, Welcome, Connect, April 25 By The Rev. Brent Owens

think that for many, talking about our faith and our church is one of the most difficult things we can do. But what if there was a way to learn and practice in a supportive, non-threatening environment? This is what Invite, Welcome, Connect does. Mary Parmer has created this extraordinary ministry combined of ideas and life experience. What comes through so clearly is Mary’s passion for helping congregations understand the importance of personal invitation, welcoming folks, hearing their stories, recognizing their gifts, and then connecting them to ministry. This is the essence of living into our Baptismal Covenant! I first met Mary Parmer years ago



in Austin, Texas when I was in seminary. Mary is one of those people you remember after even a passing introduction because of her vibrant personality. At least three years ago Dean Wade and I became aware of a new ministry that the Diocese of Texas was doing called Invite, Welcome, Connect, with Mary Parmer as its creator. It was clearly having an important impact there. We heard more about Invite, Welcome, Connect, especially from clergy who had Mary speak with their congregations, and then implemented this remarkable ministry. Invite, Welcome, Connect is not a program, but a ministry, based in scripture, theology, and experience. It is comprehensive and incredibly well thought out, but perhaps most importantly, exciting! Mary's ministry encourages in-

tentional listening by both the congregation and its individual members. She invites us to hear the story each person carries, and in listening, acknowledge a deeper bond in ministry. I invite each of you to RSVP and to attend this event on April 25. Please make this a priority in your life. You can RSVP on our website www.ccclex.org; sign up at the Welcome Desk; or email/ call Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at mchristensen@ccclex.org or 254-4497. There is no charge, lunch/ snacks and childcare are provided. Registration on April 25 is from 8:30am to 9:00am, and the event concludes at or before 3:00pm. I’ll see you there!


MUSIC NOTES By Francois Botha & Canon Musician Erich Balling

FROM VENICE TO ROME: CHORAL MUSIC OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE BY ECCO AND UNIVERSITATIS SCHOLA CANTORUM On Friday, April 17, at 7:00pm, Christ Church Cathedral (CCC) will host an evening of choral music sung by Ecco Chamber Choir, conducted by Dr. Vicki Bell, and the recently formed ensemble Universitatis Schola Cantorum, directed by John Young. Ecco last performed in the Cathedral in November of 2013, under the direction of Canon Musician Erich Balling as guest conductor. The concert, titled From Venice to Rome: Choral Music of the Italian Renaissance, will explore nearly one hundred years of music, including Gabrieli’s Magnificat for twelve voices with period style brass instruments. Music of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina will also be featured. Vicki Bell and John Young will offer a short pre-concert lecture, beginning at 6:40pm that will describe the program and its composers in greater detail. The concert will be repeated on Saturday, April 18, at 7:00pm in Akers Auditorium, on the campus of Asbury University in Wilmore.

RECITAL AND EVENSONG SUNDAY, APRIL 19 University of Kentucky Clarinet Professor Scott Wright will offer a 3:30pm recital at the Cathedral followed by Evensong at 4:00pm. The Choir of Men and Girls will offer the music of Aston, Neary and Stanford. All are invited and all are welcome!

WITH THANKS What glorious music by the Cathedral Choirs! From Palm Sunday worship, the Fauré Requiem concert, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Day truly remarkable singing. Thank you to each of our choristers, instrumentalists, choir families, clergy and staff for a meaningful and memorable Holy Week.

ECCO AND UNIVERSITATIS SCHOLA CANTORUM >>> April 17, 7:00pm; Pre-concert talk at 6:40pm Christ Church Cathedral




he Brotherhood of Saint Andrew was established in 1883 by the men’s Sunday school class at St. James Episcopal Church in downtown Chicago, to encourage young men and boys without a male influence in the home to attend church. Those whose fathers attended church were much more likely to become members themselves and become better students and citizens. From its outset, the disciplines of prayer, study, and service for men and boys in the Episcopal Church have been the theme of the organization. This movement filled a need for the spread of God’s kingdom in the intercity. From this organization grew the Daughters of the King several years later (1885), the Boys Scouts of America, the chaplaincy of the U.S. Armed Forces, and Forward Day By Day. The chapter in Lexington was established in 1893 and remained active until 1980 when interest waned. It was revived in the summer of 2011 and has grown steadily to our present number of twenty-two. We meet on the second Saturday of each month at 10:00am at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. Our meetings have been enriched by the addition



of Lambeth Study led by our Clergy brother, Fr. Brent Owens. Some of our projects include helping build shelves for Godly Play, hosting Room In The Inn, forming a breakfast team, helping maintain the grounds of the Old Episcopal Burying Ground, hosting fish fries during Lent, helping with Vacation Bible School, and numerous other activities. We stand ready to assist the clergy and parish in any way we can. We feel our activities not only strengthen the parish but also enrich and nurture the lives of our members. We are approaching the third annual Brotherhood of Saint Andrew National Day of Service on April 25 when, in cooperation with the Lutheran Men’s Day, we strive to unite parishes and congregations throughout the Episcopal Church. Our plan is to encourage their participation in Christ-centered service projects that lend our neighborhoods and communities a helping hand. We welcome inquiries and men who are interested in joining our ranks. Call Jim Ware, Lance Churchill, John Perrine or talk with any member. The website for the national organization is brothersandrew.net and for our local chapter is bsaccc.org.



he putting away of the Alleluias got off to a late start due to snow storms and the canceling of Shrove Tuesday. That first Sunday of Lent, however, they were safely locked up until they could be said again. Each Sunday during Lent the children would talk about how their lent was going. Some gave up chocolate, some ice cream. A few did extra prayers or service projects! One Sunday afternoon we experienced the Stations of the Cross together. Children took turns helping to carry the heavy cross from station to station, imagining what it was like for Jesus. Activities took place at each station. They made middle eastern head pieces, wrote prayers and tasted vinegar. At the last station, we left crosses wrapped in gauze at the tomb of Jesus. It was a very sad time. Resurrection crafts ended our afternoon. On Holy Saturday we met at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground for a very wet Easter Egg Hunt. Before everyone took off to find eggs we talked



about what had happened the day before and how that day could possibly be called "good". Children then darted in many directions to find eggs in anticipation of the resurrection. Easter morning we celebrated by taking our Alleluias from their safe place and going to the now empty tomb. We continue to watch and listen for the many ways we are now experiencing the risen Christ.


230 YEARS OF DEVOTION By Wanda Jaquith

n the 50th year of her membership at Christ Church Cathedral, Mary Preston continues to serve her church. Married in 1942, Mary met her future husband, Leonard, while enrolled at the University of Kentucky. Leonard attended UK for a year prior to serving in the Army during World War II. Following his service, he came home, married, and played guard for Bear Bryant the last three years of his college career. Mary also graduated from UK and taught English before moving to Germany, Japan and other locales where Leonard was based after returning to military service. Upon Leonard’s retirement from the Army at the rank of major, he and Mary returned to Lexington and bought a house on Louisiana Avenue in 1965. The same year, Mary, Leonard, and their three children, Lee, Bill and Beth, joined Christ Church Cathedral. Beginning in 1965, Mary became actively involved in various ministries to CCC and the community. Currently active in ECW, Mary has been a member an impressive 50 years, serving as its president twice, and serving as chair of ECW’s Hospitality Committee from 1967 to 2010, a total of 43 years. In addition to responsibility for a variety of receptions, including ordinations and funerals, for example, Mary supervised Lenten luncheons for five years. During this five year period, Christ Church Cathedral provided lunch for 60-70 people every week day



during Lent. Two other areas of service to Christ Church Cathedral include Mary’s participation in Altar Guild and the Vestry. For 40 years, Mary led the Brass Committee of the Altar Guild in their weekly polishing of the altar’s brass items. During the 1970s, Mary served a three-year term on the church’s Vestry. Her first year, she acted as the group’s secretary before being elected to the position of Junior Warden the last two years of her tenure. Mary Preston has also participated in CCC outreach ministries benefiting the community, a cumulative total of 89 years. From its founding in 1969, Mary coordinated the Christ Church Cathedral drivers for Meals on Wheels, only retiring from this ministry, after 46 years, in 2014. Mary continues to serve actively on the Board of Christ Church Apartments, a position she has held 43 years, since 1972. All told, Mary Preston’s over two centuries, and counting, of service to Christ Church Cathedral is impressive for its length and scope, but even more remarkable because it continues well into her ninth decade. Mary Preston truly exemplifies Christian service.

Le g acy S o c i et y D i nner Th ursday, M ay 7, at 6: 0 0 p m The annual Christ Church Legacy Society Celebration Dinner will be held Thursday, May 7, in the Great Hall. All current Legacy Society members are invited, as well as those returning an Enrollment Form by May 1. The church has been and continues to be a very important part of our lives, deserving consideration as much as or even more than any other institution or organization when we are estate planning. The Legacy Society is crucial to the future of Cathedral ministries and programs. Pray about your own involvement, and save the date, May 7, for the Legacy Society annual dinner!

For more information, contact Marc Mathews at mmathews@transy.edu

We invite you to come support fellow parishioners as they take the next step in their membership! Baptism Sunday, April 19 11:00am

Confirmation Sunday, April 26 3:00pm

Baptism Day of Pentecost Sunday, May 24 11:00am

Contact Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or mchristensen@ccclex.org if you would like to take your next step!


AN EXCITING NEW DAY By The Rev. Joe Mitchell

t has been an incredible three years for the Cathedral Young Adults! Since 2012 the group’s numbers have increased exponentially, and Young Adults have become more and more visible in the life of our Cathedral. This year, two of our Young Adults were even elected as deputies to Diocesan Convention. We have proven that this generation is not the future of the Church, rather it IS the Church! Some of the programs that have grown over the last three years have been Sushi Fridays, Hospitality at Home, Date Night, Spirituality of Young Adults, and Game Night. Our flagship gathering of Theology on Tap, which was started by The Rev. Janey Wilson, has continued to be a great entry-point for newcomers to get to know folks in our Cathedral. If you ask most of our Young Adults they would say that they became members of CCC



because they were invited to one of our gatherings. This energy looks to continue as we move forward with new leadership in the coming months. Since 2009 the Cathedral Young Adults have also included the Episcopal Campus Ministry at UK. This past school year was our best yet, as we packed St. Augustine’s Chapel for our Chapel Talk on the Church’s role in supporting samesex marriage and strengthened our ecumenical ties with the Ignite Lutheran Campus Ministry. With a strong core group of students and a new advisory board in place, the ministry at St. Augustine's is ready for a new chapter. Pastor Dana Lockhart, currently the Lutheran campus minister, will be stepping in as the new Campus Missioner of the new

joint Lutheran & Episcopal community, which will be called St. Augustine’s Chapel Campus Ministry. “Father Joe and I have worked hard to bring our groups together,” said Pastor Dana. “Our faith traditions share so much and are in full communion with each other. It made sense, and I know our students are excited about our future together.” While the Campus Missioner will no longer be on staff at CCC, that doesn’t mean the Cathedral won’t have a part to play. “We’ll still need meals and support for programming whenever possible,” Pastor Dana added. “Christ Church Cathedral has been a big part of the ministry here, and we hope to see that continue.” The Cathedral Young Adults have done some really great ministry over the last three years. And the best is yet to come!


BE SEEING YOU By The Rev. Joe Mitchell

he writer of the wisdom book of Ecclesiastes (and Pete Seeger) tells us that “to everything there is a season.” Nowhere else is this better exemplified than in the Church, where ministers are often coming and going. The Church is about transition because God is always doing a new thing. And so my season—and Casey’s—at Christ Church Cathedral has come to an end. God is doing a new thing in my life, and starting on the Feast of Pentecost (May 24) I will begin my new season as rector of The Church of the Good Shepherd in Asheboro, NC. Yes, I’m excited. Yes, I’m scared. And yes, I will miss Christ Church Cathedral something awful! Over these three years I have been fortunate to see renewed life at St. Augustine’s Chapel at UK, take my place in the councils


of the Church by serving with several diocesan bodies, and witness our Young Adults blossom into a wonderful community of faith as they take up more leadership role in our Cathedral. Yet more than anything I have been fortunate to walk this faith journey with you, to learn and grow with you. I have stumbled and made mistakes, but you have all been there to pick me up and encourage me. You, Christ Church Cathedral, made me a priest! And for that I will be eternally grateful. I will miss Theology on Tap, Children’s Chapel, the Healing Service, Richmond Place, and Episcopal Campus Ministry. I will miss taking Casey on pastoral visits. I will miss being greeted by our wonderful Welcome Center volunteers each morning. I will miss the collegiality with which I have been gifted through the Network for Pastoral Leadership. And I will miss so much more. With every transition comes a wide range of emotions. Heaven knows I feel them, and I suspect you probably are feeling them too. And that’s OK. Just know that through all of the changes and chances of this life Christ is walking with us. Seasons change. But Christ doesn’t. And Christ will walk with me and with you through every season that is ahead of us. The Episcopal Church is a small church. And because of that, I won’t say goodbye because I have no doubt our paths will cross again. So take care of yourselves, Christ Church Cathedral. Be seeing you.





s a people rooted in faith and growing in gratitude, we have much to be thankful for this year. 105 members have taken a step up and increased their pledges, and we have 47 additional members made new pledges. With grateful hearts we give thanks for everyone who calls Christ Church Cathedral their church home. These blessings will enable Christ Church Cathedral to live into God’s vision for this Cathedral. We especially give thanks for our Stewardship Co-Chairs, Allen and Ann-Whitney Garner, and Marc and Gwen Matthews for their faithful work. If you have not yet pledged, we ask you to prayerfully consider pledging. How has God called you to Christ Church Cathedral? Where does God touch you? Why do you love Christ Church Cathedral? If you would like to pledge, please contact Lesa Wehrle at 254-4497 or lwehrle@ccclex.org.

For all of these blessings and more, we give glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Amen! Additions to the 2015 Pledging Member list includes: The McCready Family Mr. J. Daniel McGrath Mr. Frank Kebbell & Ms. Sharon Stumbo



he Cathedral Youth entered into Holy Week this year by breaking bread together as we celebrated the ancient Jewish ritual of the Seder Meal. We participated in the Seder by remembering the Hebrew peoples' passage out of the bondages of slavery into the land of freedom, and celebrating God’s mercy and grace for God’s people. We reclined on the plush green chairs of the small dining room, signifying our freedom (as reclining while partaking in a meal is a luxury afforded only to the free), and dipped our food in the salty water, remembering the tears of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt. We ate Matzah, breaking it in two, as we remembered God’s hand in our freedom with the parting of the Red Sea. Our Seder experience was made all the more rich by our guest Hannah Burnett (who often sings at our Sanctuary service). Hannah grew up in the Jewish tradition and was able to share her knowledge on the significance


of the Seder and her Hebrew as she chanted many of the prayers from the Haggadah (the service booklet used in ceremony of the Seder). Her presence was such a gift as we were able to see and hear what this tradition means to the Jewish people today thousands of years after the Hebrews were freed from slavery. Together we ate our meal and recited the prayers and responses from the Haggadah, remembering how Jesus participated in this same meal at his last supper with the disciples. Being together and remembering the time our Saviour spent in communion with his friends was a wonderful way to enter into the somber and often lonely

journey of Holy Week. As we shared a meal and one another's company, we were able to celebrate our faith and beliefs as they are centered in community. Furthermore, we were able to remember that God’s hand in history has led us to freedom, not only from slavery, but also from death.

Being together and remembering the time our Saviour spent in communion with his friends was a wonderful way to enter into the somber and often lonely journey of Holy Week. CCCLEX.ORG / 17


EVENTS /// LIVING BY WORDS: CHRIS HOLBROOK, APRIL 15 We welcome Chris Holbrook, author of Hell and Ohio, to our Wednesday night series, Living by Words: Kentucky Authors Speak, on April 15, at 7:00pm in the Tilford Room. Upcoming: May 13 - Eric Scott Sutherland, author of Pendulum. ST. GEORGE’S DAY Join the Diocese at the Cathedral Domain on Saturday, April 18, for St. George’s Day! The Festival Eucharist starts at 3:00pm with Confirmations. Also, the first annual BBQ Cook-off will be held! Other activities include a Youth Rally, a Young Adult Gathering, Paula Larke Music and Fellowship, a silent auction for Youth Ministry, and lots of outdoor activities. Lodging and meals available. Visit cathedraldomain.org for more information. THE NEXT BAPTISM OPPORTUNITIES, APRIL 19 & MAY 24 The Cathedral will be celebrating the sacrament of Baptism on Sundays, April 19 and May 24, at the 11:00am service. If you would like to be a part of this service, please contact Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or mchristensen@ccclex.org for more information. REGIONAL CONFIRMATION SERVICE WITH BISHOP HAHN A regional Confirmation service will be held on Sunday, April 26, at 3:00pm at the Cathedral. This is available for all of those who feel called by God to affirm or reaffirm their faith as Christians and be received into the Episcopal Church. Please contact Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or mchristensen@ccclex.org for more information.


HOW JEWS AND CHRISTIANS CONNECT LECTURE On Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00pm in the Carrick Theater at Transylvania University, Professor Susannah Heschel, the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College, presents “Scholarship and Ethics: How Do Jews and Christians Connect?” CENTERING PRAYER IN THE CHAPEL Do you yearn to be quiet with God? Centering Prayer is a way to find your center and rest in God. Every Tuesday, we gather in the Chapel at 7:00am for an hour. This is a wonderful way to begin your day. Please be at the church no later than 7:15am in order to attend as doors are still locked. Some time will be used to share resources and experiences. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary! Contact Gary Stewart, Beth Prewitt, or Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information. FINAL PRAYER SHAWL KNITTER MEETING On Wednesday, May 6, the Prayer Shawl Knitters will hold their final meeting before the summer break. We will attend the 12:05pm Healing Service, then go to the Bride’s Room for prayer, an African Bible Study and knitting. Please bring something to share for lunch. We will be knitting on our own this summer at home. For questions and the prayer shawl pattern, please call Flo Mayer at 299-5552.

NOTICES /// UNITED THANK OFFERING INGATHERING The United Thank Offering (UTO) gives us the opportunity to be a part of a domestic and international ministry bigger than ourselves. As we give thanks for God’s abundant blessings to us, we can share our thanks with Episcopal

ministries throughout the Anglican communion. Blue envelopes are provided in the pews for your use in your offering of thanks when the offering is collected during the worship service on April 19.

MISSION /// READING CAMP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Reading Camp is in great need of volunteers of all ages! We need teachers, counselors, support staff, and read-aloud volunteers! Lexington Day Camp is June 15-19, 8:30-4:00. Domain Overnight Camp is June 21-28 all day (Volunteers needed 20-28th). Theme this year is Camelot! We will be reading about King Arthur and his knights, slaying dragons, and building castles. Contact Renae Stanger at info@readingcamprocks.org. NEW PROCEDURES FOR COMMUNITY CUPBOARD DONATIONS The Community Cupboard welcomes donations of clean, gently worn clothing (preferably in-season); shoes; adult and baby diapers; and books. Household items cannot be accepted. Donations are to be dropped off in the corner of the stairwell across from the Bookstore rather than at the Welcome Center. If you need a tax receipt, they are available at the Welcome Center. Please place items in small to medium-sized plastic bags (less than 30 gallons) which are not overflowing. Please do not place items in the stairwell leading to the Community Cupboard. For large donations, contact Kathleen Imhoff (225-9310) or another member of the Cupboard ministry to schedule a specific time for your drop-off.




Sandra Barnes

15 Leoma Lewallen

22 Claire Rose


Caroline Chapman

15 David Neal

23 EJ Ott


Annie Forster


Cindy Ware

16 Bill Combs

23 Olivia Seale


Dwight Dunlap


Emily Koenig

16 John Young

24 Doug Hahn


Eleanor Barr


Larry Hacker

16 Kevin Gilbert

24 Maner Ferguson


Grant Geddes


Nancy White

16 Larry Froelich

25 Guy Jones


Karen Fisher


Billy Van Pelt

16 Louis Brock

25 Eleanor Withrow


Greg Milward


Michael Goodin

17 Buddy Bryant

26 Andra Gyor


John Milward


Chris Crumrine

17 Jack Clements

26 Casie Clements


Keith Bohart


Elisabeth Churchill

17 Jordan White

26 Judd Barnes


Joan Brown

10 Allen Garner

17 Nathan Churchill

26 Michelle Catlin


Patrick Garner

10 Jenny Wood

17 Fiona Noe

27 Catherine Clifton


Rachael Anderson

10 Lauren Graf

17 Kathleen Balling

27 Jim Clifton


Shelton May-Murry

10 Olivia Howard

18 Diane Hall

27 Reid Freeman


Teresa Lawrence

10 Sarah Ferguson

18 Ken Kikuchi

27 Val Getchell


Diane Clements

10 Owen Pollard

19 Aaron Lucas

28 Gretchen Bryant


Margaret Slagel

11 Ann Demaree

19 Alden Beers

28 Laura Parrish


Mary-Kate Jacobs

11 David Tufts

19 Jo Geddes

28 Mary Rollins Mathews


William Slagel

11 Jacob Ferguson

19 Julie Coffman

28 Maryann Hammonds


Lillie Crowley

11 Kit McKinley

20 Evan-Arthur Sloan

29 Dianne Kearns


Matthew Szappan

11 Nancy Dunstall

20 Leslie McConnell

29 Mary Clay Barr


Olivia Geddes

11 Allison Stewart

20 Tina Jacobs

30 Mary Mc Lisle


Sharon Hill

11 Coleman Slone

21 Dorothy Grosshans

30 William Woodward


Chloe Beers

12 Sam Ware

21 Molly Norris


Brenda Dennis

14 Laura Hilland

22 David Garrett


Carol Constantino

15 Bush Gess

22 Laine Geddes

15 Kristen Dieruf

22 Marie Taaffe


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org

SUNDAYS 7:30am Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel 8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 9:30am Breakfast • Great Hall 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 12:15pm Welcome Reception • Coffee Area 6:00pm Sanctuary • Church Youth Group • Basement Activities Room 7:00pm Sanctuary Reception • Tilford Room WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel

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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS April 10 Commodores April 12 Church Under the Bridge DOK Tea April 14 ECW Luncheon April 15 Living by Words April 17 ECCO Concert April 18 St. George's Day at the Domain April 19 Baptisms, Recital & Evensong April 25 Invite, Welcome, Connect with Mary Parmer April 26 Regional Confirmations April 29 Painting Workshop for Adults May 1 Commodores, Young Adult Date Night May 2 Kentucky Derby May 3 The Reverend Joe Mitchell's Last Sunday Church Under the Bridge May 5 Books & Beliefs May 6 Prayer Shawl Knitters May 7 Legacy Society Dinner

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