December 2014 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

Making Space for Jesus ADVENT & CHRISTMAS 2014 What a full season! Check out everything the Cathedral offers this month.

PARISHONER PROFILE Meet the Debrot famiy!


A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I December 2014 Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > Associate for Youth ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Chuck Baldecchi, Senior Warden ɪ Tracey Meyers, Junior Warden ɪ John Brice ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Cissy Collins ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Sherry Ferguson ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ Caywood Prewitt ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the January issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is December 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@

DECEMBER PRAYER God of all hope and joy, prepare us in heart and mind for the coming of our Savior; make us eager with expectation as we await the fulfillment of your promise. Grant that we may be ready, and this prayer be on our lips: Come, Lord Jesus. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER Girl choristers wait in the alcove during Messiah.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497


December 14 /

Day of the Dead Festival

Making Space for Jesus


Advent & Christmas 2014


Day of the Dead: Honoring Those Who Have Gone Before Us




Parishoner Profile: The Debrot Family


Junior Daughters of the King Fall Retreat


How You Can Help the Cupboard During the Winter Months


Calling All Photographers: Cathedral Member Exhibit


O Come All Ye Faithful... To St. Augustine's Chapel!


It's the Season of Fellowship


A Look at All Saints, All Souls & Halloween!


Bulletin Board




Making Space for Jesus


When Jesus makes his humble home in our hearts, we are also called to make space for others.



ow will you make space for Jesus? Preparation, expectation and hope are the themes of Advent, the four weeks leading to Christmas. John the Baptist, who foretells the coming of the Messiah, cries out to prepare the way for the Lord. Mary’s visitation by the Angel Gabriel creates an air of expectancy. When Mary learns that she will bear the Christ child, her “yes” is our yes to make space for Christ’s presence in our lives and God’s hope for healing in our world. For some of us, this season is a time of joy. We eagerly anticipate festive gatherings with family and friends, sharing gifts and time away from our daily routine. For others it is a time of anxiety. We anticipate a first Christmas without a loved one, or worry about our ability to buy gifts or provide comfort for those in sickness or need. Whatever our situation, the season of Advent affords a time to make space for God’s humble coming among us in the gift of Jesus. The gift of Advent is a call to explore the inner places of our lives and the shared spaces of our world as a way of making room for Jesus to come among us. We anticipate the wonder of God being birthed more deeply into our lives, and we hope for the coming of God’s reign of peace and justice as we meet Christ among those whom we serve daily in our world. In a season where expectation can turn to frenzy, a practice of daily prayer is never more needed. We can create space to begin our day in prayer, even if it is only enough time to pause and say, “Thank you, God, I am grateful for today.” Perhaps you can slow down enough to read a bit of scripture, or some short devotional material, or just sit quietly in the presence of God. Then commit to carrying one holy intention into the day. When our hearts are shaped by quiet gratitude, there is always space for Jesus. The season of Advent at Christ Church Cathedral is shaped to create abundant space for God with us. There is beloved music, meaningful worship and quiet days for contemplation. The Messiah, Lessons and Carols, and A Ceremony of Carols ring in the joy of the season, while a special service called Blue Christmas, creates space for those who are grieving, feeling blue, or simply wanting a quieter ap-

proach to the season. There are opportunities for friendship and service too as we share the light of Christ through the ministries of Angel Tree and Room in the Inn. Most of all, Advent at Christ Church is time to be one with God, each other and the world as we prepare to celebrate the Nativity of Christ. One of the truly significant ways in which we can make space for Jesus this year is by inviting a friend or neighbor to attend a Christmas Eve service at Christ Church Cathedral. When Jesus makes his humble home in our hearts, we are also called to make space for others. To invite someone to experience the joy and holiness of Christmas Eve is to give a wondrous gift. In fact, one of the most important ways our Cathedral is making space for Jesus is by offering three services of Holy Eucharist on Christmas Eve. In year’s past, we found that we were so full that some people were turned away. Three services make ample space for all. All three services include Holy Eucharist with the choirs singing traditional carols and anthems of the season. The 2 pm service will also include a festive pageant for children with costumes provided at the door. These services provide a wonderful opportunity for each of us to invite a friend or neighbor to experience the beauty of Christmas Eve at Christ Church Cathedral. I wish you a blessed Advent, and in this season of preparation, expectation and hope, may our Advent yearning find fulfillment as we make space for the wondrous gift of Christ. Ϯ


A dvente


Christmas See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: `Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight (Mark 1:1-8)

Advent & Christmas Events G.F. Handel's Messiah Concert Friday, December 5 7:30pm with The Lexington Baroque Ensemble, the Cathedral Choir and Guest Soloists

A Candlelight "Blue" Christmas Sunday, December 21 6:00pm with Pleasant Company

Tickets on sale at the Welcome Center or

For those who mourn, feel “blue,” or who simply feel a need to await the coming of the Christ Child in contemplation.

St. Nicholas Festival Friday, December 6 4:00pm A Diocesan children's Christmas party with Bishop Hahn

A Ceremony of Carols Monday, December 22 Noon with the Cathedral Girls Choir Elaine Cook, Harp

Please bring diapers or socks for the cupboard.

Advent Quiet Day Monday, December 8 10:00am - 2:00pm What Are You Waiting For? with Bishop Hahn

Sign up at the Welcome Center or at

Episcopal Church Women Christmas Luncheon Tuesday, December 9 Noon Tilford Room

A special Christmas luncheon, provided by our own Bibie Cook, will be held in the Tilford Room at Christ Church Cathedral with uniquely decorated tables created by ECW members. $15/person

Lessons & Carols at St. Augustine's Chapel Thursday, December 11 7:00pm 472 Rose Street

Hosted by Episcopal Campus Ministry, Ignite (Lutheran) and Chi Alpha (Pentecostal) Campus Ministries. A light reception will follow. For more information, contact The Reverend Joe Mitchell (

A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols Sunday, December 14 7:00pm with the Cathedral Choir Reception to follow in the Great Hall.

Chili lunch available in the Great Hall after the concert. Dine in or take out. Benefits Youth Ministry.

Christmas Eve Services Wednesday, December 24 2:00pm Christmas Eve Pageant with Cathedral Choirs & Holy Communion A Christmas Eve Pageant for children of all ages. Come discover the story of Christmas. Costumes provided - wear a white shirt. Shepherds, bring a bathrobe. Questions? Contact Kim Knight at 859266-6386. Reception to follow.

5:00pm Candlelight Carols with Cathedral Girls Choir & Holy Communion

This service includes many familiar and well-loved carols. Preludes of Christmas begins at 4:30pm. Reception to follow the service.

11:00pm Festival Holy Communion with the Cathedral Choir

Festival Holy Communion with the combined Cathedral choirs. This service includes many familiar and well loved carols. This service will have incense. Preludes of Christmas begins at 10:30pm.

Christmas Day Eucharist Thursday, December 25 11:00am Christmas 1 Service Sunday, December 28 11:00am

Baptism and congregational carols. No 7:30 or 8:30am services, no Children’s Chapel or youth, and no Sunday School or Breakfast, but coffee and donuts will be available.





n November 1, Christ Church Cathedral again partnered with the Living Arts and Science Center for the celebration of the Day of the Dead. This is a celebration which honors our ancestors and has its roots in both All Saints Day and the Latino culture. It is traditional that altars are created in honor of loved ones who have passed on. This was the best one yet! The estimates are that we had around 800 visitors to our OEBG. There were 28 altars created, including those that Christ Church Cathedral wonderfully decorated: the Obelisk and the altar in the cottage. We had great TV coverage on Channel 36 News. Our hospitality was out in full force with Cathedral members who greeted folks and gave out 250 servings of hot chocolate and about 180 cookies on a cold blustery evening. On a personal note, I found that by decorating my own family's altar in honor of Malinda's and my respective grand-

By The Rev. Brent Owens

mothers that I was deeply moved by this celebration. It was a celebration of our grandmothers (each of whom was a remarkable women) in a way that brought to life our memories of them. This is really an extraordinary way to honor the saints who have gone before us, to connect us with our own All Saints Day, to learn the traditions of other cultures, to share the OEBG with the community, and to partner with the Living Arts and Science Center. ĎŽ


INVITE! By The Rev. Kate Byrd


hink about the last time you invited someone. It may have been more recently than you thought. When was the last time you shared a good restaurant find with a friend, or raved about a recent movie theater experience? It probably wasn’t that long ago, and it may have even been with a complete stranger. We are continuously looking to share the good things in our lives with others around us. Because, let's face it, you can’t keep a good thing to yourself -- you want to share it. I know I am constantly engaging with friends, family, even strangers about good Trader Joe finds, fabulous coffee shops, and addicting television shows. It brings me excitement and joy to connect with others over those experiences and events that bring joy and happiness into my own life. Furthermore, it’s easy. It’s easy to strike up a conversation about Greek Yogurt Artichoke Dip or House of Cards. These are obviously enjoyable aspects of life that take us away

from the ho-hum business and chaos of our everyday lives. So, why am I not sharing more about my faith, my place of worship, or my experiences with prayer? How can we talk with our friends, neighbors, co-workers and those we encounter about Christ Church Cathedral? Perhaps we can begin with those things that give us joy at and that we most love about our life in this community of Christ. What activities or ministries excite you? Where do you encounter God in this place of beauty? How have you felt transformed? Where do you see the Cathedral involved in our community and the world? How does the worship, music, teaching and preaching affect you? Is there a fun Cathedral event that you enjoy? What is your spiritual story? These are just a few of the many ways that we can share Christ Church Cathedral with our friends, neighbors, coworkers and the people we encounter. Bringing the joy and love of God into the hearts of others will make a difference in their life, just as it has in ours. Ϯ

Where do you encounter God in this place of beauty? 10 / PRAYER AND ACTION_DECEMBER 14




his month we welcome David and Lam Debrot, and their two sons, Jacob and James. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us!

Please tells us why you made Christ Church Cathedral you church home. David and Lam tell us that they moved to Lexington from Vietnam a little more than a year ago. They were ‘ready’ to find a church home. They were both raised Christian, but for many years we were not very strong in faith. They were attracted to the Cathedral’s architecture and the wonderful music, and went to the Messiah concert one year ago and loved it. David and Lam say they were impressed by the people of Christ Church Cathedral because they are so very welcoming They tell of how at one of their first visits, Brent showed them around, introduced them to members, and members took time to say hi. This was important to David and Lam. Tell us a little about yourself – your family, occupation, hobbies, what gives you joy and the like. Jacob is 8 and James is 2. David is from Kansas originally. Lam is from Saigon, Vietnam. David is a financial advisor. Lam is a stayat-home mom. We enjoy hiking, fishing, and reading. How long have you been attending services at Christ Church Cathedral? One year this month. David and Jacob were baptized early this year at Easter. What is your faith background? Lam was baptized and grew up in the Catholic Church. David grew up in Southern Baptist Church, but he left the church becoming a ‘devout’ atheist. David and Lam tell us, “We used to think that science and reason could explain everything. But then we

came understand that we could accept the mystery of God, and not have to explain everything.” How did you find Christ Church Cathedral? When David and Lam moved to Lexington they did an internet search for Episcopal Churches. They loved the Cathedral’s website because it gave them a sense of the community and the photos were great. What inspired you to make the Cathedral your church home? The people and the opportunity to serve. What Cathedral activities and ministries are you involved in? David is a member of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Lam says, “I work in the Christ Church Community Cupboard, and I am thankful to give back. I love to do outreach ministry through the Cathedral. And this Cathedral is doing numerous things that have a positive impact on the world and Lexington.” Both have attended the Cathedral 101 class and the parenting class. If you invited a friend to come with you to Christ Church Cathedral, what would you tell them? David and Lam: “We tell people that if you come to Christ Church Cathedral you will see beauty and hear wonderful music, and you will find that the people are also really warm, welcoming and great. We have found Cathedral members to be non-judgmental too.” David says, “this is the first church I’ve ever belonged to that I’ve ever invited people to visit.” Ϯ






n November 7-8 our Mother Teresa Chapter of Junior Daughters of the King at Christ Church Cathedral went to Transfiguration Spirituality Center in Ohio for our Fall Retreat. Eleven of our thirteen girls attended. It was truly an amazing retreat and one of the highlights was seeing Mother Teresa of Calcutta's framed Rosary there outside of the chapel. The girls wanted to have a picture of them with the Rosary in the background. Some of us even got to pray with the Rosary! The retreat was a spiritual experience! ĎŽ

Advent Morning Prayer Advent Weekdays, December 1-19 8:00am Chapel




hink Saturday mornings are quiet at the Cathedral? Not so. The Altar Guild volunteers create the beautiful altar arrangements and get the church ready for Sunday services. The organist often practices then. But, the busiest place on Saturday is the church basement where hardworking Community Cupboard Volunteers provide service to people in need of help. In the last year, 7,601 people received personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, diapers, clothes and books through the generosity of the people of the church, EFM and CROSS ministries. The 3,438 adults and 4,163 children in 2,432 families want to keep their living space clean and have good hygiene but are living in poverty which makes their day-to-day lives challenging. The people who come to the Cupboard are a mix of single working parents with several children, people over 75 with small or no social security income, women who are victims of domestic violence and living in a shelter, the long term unemployed, grandparents taking care of their grandchildren full time, and young single girls living in shelters with their new babies. In order to be eligible to come to the Cupboard and receive supplies once a month, clients must be vetted by a Social Service Agency, Fayette County Family Resource Centers or a Community Action Center. Each center has an assigned number of


THE CUPBOARD'S MOST NEEDED ITEMS >>> • Warm, winter clothes, shoes, coats, boots, gloves for men, women & children • Children’s clothes of all sizes • Diapers of all sizes

slots. Most agency staff tell us their slots for a Saturday are usually filled by 9:15 Monday morning. The need is great, and the Cupboard funds are limited. Cupboard volunteers serve an average of 49 families each week in a two hour period.

Diapers are the most expensive and most requested item the Cupboard provides. The diapers we provide last for only one week. Here is a little-known fact: Child care centers will not let a young child attend unless the parent provides diapers for the child. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the diaper drive in the Spring. With winter approaching the Cupboard needs warm clothes, shoes, coats, boots and gloves. Children's clothes of all sizes are most requested. Check your closets and see what you can share. In the words often heard from clients after receiving their supplies, "God Bless You." Items may be delivered to the Cupboard on Saturdays, 10:00am-Noon. Ϯ




ou know how you love to stroll down the CCC hallways and admire the ever changing and beautiful artwork? Well, your favorite photograph can be hanging on our gallery walls in January 2015. This Member’s Photography Exhibit is the first opportunity to showcase photographs from our membership. In order to make this happen, we need YOU to submit up to two photos and their stories to us at the Church on Sunday, January 4, between 9:30-noon, or on Monday, January 5, between 4-6pm. There is no special theme; simply choose a photograph or two that you love and want to share with the rest of the membership. It can be a recent photo or a favorite family photo from years past. The only requirement is that the photo must have been taken by you or someone in your family and you must have a story to share about the person, place or occasion depicted in the photo. The story should explain why the photo is so special to you in 100 words or less. If you do not already have a favorite photo, get creative— black and white, collage, Photoshop. An iPhone takes great

pictures! For this exhibit the photos should be a minimum of 8x10 inches and be framed or ready to hang. You can make an 8x10 inch print of your photo very reasonably at local drugstores such as Walgreens. One of our members took her iPhone to the FedEx store (next to Dunkin Doughnuts on Main Street) and the cost to print, enlarge and paste on sturdy foam board was less than $10. AATC has some 8x10 frames you can use for this exhibit, and businesses such as Michael’s crafts also sell frames at very reasonable prices. Thank you all for your continued support, and please contact Mike Slone with any questions at or 859-494-5168. Ϯ GALLERY HOP, JANUARY 16, 2015 >>> Join us for a Gallery Hop on Friday, January 16, 5-8pm!

SAVE THE DATE The Ordination of

Kate Hahn Byrd to the Sacred Order of Priests Saturday, January 24 Two thousand fifteen Two o’clock in the afternoon




n 2012 a new tradition was started at St. Augustine’s Chapel. For the first time we hosted a gathering of not one, not two, but three Christian organizations for the purpose of celebrating Advent & Christmas. This celebration was done in the form of A Service of Lessons & Carols, and this year that tradition continues! On Thursday, December 11 members of the Episcopal Campus Ministry, Ignite Lutheran Campus Ministry, and Chi Alpha Pentecostal Fellowship will host this festive gathering of nine lessons and beautiful carols, featuring music on the chapel’s organ, as well as from the Chi Alpha Praise Band. The service will begin at 7:00pm and conclude with a reception hosted by the Christ Church Cathedral chapter of the Daughters of the King. The service itself has been a huge success, measured by more than the number of folks attending. By coming together the three denominations that minister in the chapel bear witness to the unity of Christ’s Body and the importance of ecumenical relations. “There was a time when our groups did ministry together all the time,” said The Rev. Dana Lockhart, the new campus minister for the Ignite

Lutheran Campus Ministry. “When we come together like this we are truly living into our common mission as Christians.”

Chi Alpha’s minister echoed those sentiments. “It’s a unity in diversity,” said The Rev. Todd Yates, “and while our churches may have different theologies, we come together for the same reason: to praise God in Jesus Christ. This service does that.” While the service will be very familiar to Episcopalians it will feature hymns and Christmas carols familiar to all. Students from all three faith communities will also serve as readers for the service. The students have been decorating St. Augustine’s since late November in anticipation of the gathering. “We hope folks will come out and pack the place!” said Dawson Fugate. For more information contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at jmitchell@ Ϯ

ECM LESSONS & CAROLS >>> Thursday, December 11 at 7:00 pm, St. Augustine's Chapel You're invited to join the Episcopal Campus Ministry, Ignite Lutheran Campus Ministry, and Chi Alpha Student Fellowship for our 3rd annual Lessons & Carols. Journey with us to Bethlehem in song and Scripture and stay for a lovely reception provided by the Daughters of the King. Come, let us adore Him!





By The Rev. Joe Mitchell

s Dean Wade mentioned in a sermon a few weeks back, Christ Church Cathedral is gifted with fellowship. We know how to throw a party, how to invite others in, and how to enjoy one another’s company. The Cathedral Young Adults are especially good at this, and during this Advent season we will be sharing in a number of fellowship opportunities. And we hope you’ll join us!

Jesus was not exactly a loner. He was surrounded by apostles, disciples, and a host of other folks. He commanded the disciples, as they were sent out in a group of 70, not to travel alone, but stick by each other. The Holy Eucharist, after all, was a gathering of Jesus and those closest to him. Fellowship, thus, is a vital part of our spiritual journey. By simply inviting someone to the table at the pub, or by asking someone to share his or her story, the seeds are being sown for something rich, meaningful, and godly. Many have said that the fellowship shown them at Theology on Tap led them to come to church on a regular basis and eventually to become members. Conversation and fellowship can lead to wonderful things, and there is plenty of both when we get together! Join us for any of our Advent offerings:

Dec. 1—Theology on Tap (6:30, Blue Stallion) Dec. 12—Sushi Friday/Date Night (6:30, Seki) Dec. 19—Sushi Friday (6:30, Sugano) Dec. 20—Hospitality at Home Christmas Party (6:00, home of Allison & Clay Duvall) During this holy season we are preparing for the Christ child to be born again in our own lives. And we remember that to welcome others is to welcome Him. We have been blessed to welcome new folks to our gatherings this year, many of whom have found their home here at Christ Church Cathedral. Whoever you are and wherever you are on your faith journey, know you are welcome at the table with the Cathedral Young Adults! For more information contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at Ϯ


Come discover Christmas as we watch our youngest bring the story to life! • • • •

Youth and all children are invited to participate either as an angels, sheep or shepherds. The Pageant Rehearsal will be on Sunday, December 21, at 10:00am during the Sunday school hour. All costumes will be provided. Please wear a white shirt. Contact Kim Knight at 859-266-6386 with any questions.





he festivities of All Saints, All Souls, and Halloween got under way with a pilgrimage parade led by the band of Alden Beers and company playing "When The Saints Go Marching In." We traveled to visit Saints Claire, Cecelia, Catherine of Alexandria, Hubert, Francis, Teresa of Calcutta, Margaret of Scotland and Teresa of Avila. We learned about the lives of these wise souls who have gone before us. After spending time with each saint, we were gifted with treats in the grand Halloween fashion! A rich afternoon was had by all. ĎŽ



EVENTS /// MORNING PRAYER DURING ADVENT As we enter this holy time of preparation, we invite you to Morning Prayer each weekday, December 1-23, at 8:00am in the Chapel. This service of quiet, reflective prayer lasts about 15-20 minutes. If you are interested in serving as a leader or reader, or if you have any questions, please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at BOOKS & BELIEFS Books and Beliefs will meet on Tuesday, December 2, at the home of Ann Demaree, 2521 Pascoli Place, at 10:00am, with the meeting to begin at 10:30. Attendees should bring recommendations for pleasure reading and/or gift giving, and be prepared to give short synopses of their suggested books. All members and their guests are welcome. ECW CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON On Tuesday, December 9, the ECW will offer a special Christmas luncheon, provided by our own Bibie Cook. Join us in the Tilford Room at noon for a delicious meal at uniquely decorated tables created by ECW members. We will not have a business meeting or guest speaker, but we will offer a short Christmas program. Lunch is $15. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. YOUTH: A NEW YEAR IN THE SPIRIT Grades 7-12 head to winter camp at the Cathedral Domain, December 27-30! We will reflect on where God has been in 2014, and where God is calling us to be in 2015. Lots of singing, dancing, fun and games are planned. SAVE THE DATE: ORDINATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD OF THE REV. KATE BYRD By the grace of God, and with the consent

of the people, Bishop Douglas Hahn will ordain our own Kate Byrd to the Sacred Order of Priests on Saturday, January 24. The service will be here at Christ Church Cathedral at 2:00pm, followed by a reception in the Great Hall. Please join us as we celebrate this wonderful new step in Kate’s ministry.

NOTICES /// HANDICAP PARKING: A GENTLE REMINDER Please help us keep all of the handicap parking spaces available for those who truly need them on Sundays and during other events. There are many members of our community whose attendance depends on being able to park close to the entrance. REMEMBER TO PICK UP YOUR NAMETAGS Remember when you order a nametag, it will be placed on the purple ribbon located on the side of the nametag board once it has been created! Remember to put your nametags on the board in alphabetical order! Thanks to all for wearing your nametags as they are so helpful for our visitors! CATHEDRAL IMPS & SCHOLA REHEARSALS Cathedral Imps, boys and girls ages 4-8, meet Saturdays 8:30-9:00am in the Choir Room. Schola, our women’s choir, rehearses Tuesdays 6:30-7:30pm. Contact Music Assistant Kathleen Balling for more information at SUSHI FRIDAY / DATE NIGHT Looking to try something different this Advent season? Join the Cathedral Young Adults for Sushi Friday! Our next gathering is Friday, December 12 at Seki. Childcare will be provided by our wonderful


Cathedral nursery staff starting at 6:30!

MISSION /// ROOM IN THE INN NEEDS YOUR HELP Christ Church is honored to host 15 homeless men for housing and dinner on Wednesday evenings and breakfast Thursday mornings during the cold months. We need the help of individuals and groups to host these men. Please sign up to do the following: help prepare and eat a simple dinner with our guests; spend the night at the Cathedral; have breakfast the following morning; prepare a sack lunch to go. For more information and to sign up contact Tom Howard at 368-8684 or email; or Robert Fugate at 270-519-6355 or email robert. CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIALS Christmas Flower Memorials are being accepted through December 18. If you would like to remember your family member or friend in the Christmas Flower Memorials section of the Christmas Eve service bulletin, please contact Cindy Ware at 266-6947, cindy.ware6947@, or send your information and check to 217 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, 40502. Minimum suggested is $15.00 per name. Your memorial gift helps fund the work of the Christ Church Altar Guild all year long. CATHEDRAL CHOIR CAKE SALES Cathedral Choir Cake pre-sales are going on now! Cakes are $20. Orders must be placed by December 10. Cakes will be available for purchase and pick-up on Sunday, December 14. Chocolate Kahlua, Amaretto, and Butterscotch flavors make a great gift! There is a table near the Welcome Center, or email Kathleen Balling at Ϯ


Pat Henricksen



Claire Henkel


Peggy Collins

18 Lamar Grimes

26 Gary Stewart

10 Heidi Fay

18 Erilyn Jackson

26 Nancyetta Palumbo

Linda Robinson

10 Rebecca Chapman

19 Philip Wahle

27 Jane Emmott


Tracey Meyers

11 Christian Schnabel

20 Sandy Stuart

28 Bill Woodward


Dino Marletta

12 Joyce Disoba

20 Sally Wahle

28 Eli Dunlap


Lily Brice

13 Becky Horine

21 Cade Baldecchi

28 Shelby Martin


Vera Jones

13 Jesse Mark

21 Carl Gray

28 Thomas Kearns


Spencer Lutz

13 Lee Ellis

21 Charlie Naish

28 Robert Williams


Tim McWaters

13 Susan Dellarosa

21 Kristin Hosea

29 Katie Burd


Mark Taylor

14 Carol Wade

21 Lela Stromenger

29 Wilson Hampton


Dick DeCamp

14 Missy Baize

21 Will Burke

29 Jane Burke


Paula Ott

15 Charlie Lisle

21 Caroline Kinkead

29 Susan O'Neill


Sherry Ferguson

15 Finn Hall

22 Cissy Collins

29 Susan Hart


Jeff Milward

15 Roger Kirkpatrick

22 Quentin Prewitt

30 Bennett Wethington


Jonathan Fitzpatrick

15 Terrie Brewer

22 Tommy Roser

30 Mia Sheesley


Ned Crankshaw

15 Emily Duncan

22 Woods Freeman

31 Bryan Irwin


Will Milward

16 Ginny May

23 Diane Haynes

31 Jonel Sallee


Anne Bjork

16 Steven Murry

23 Virginia Pisacano

31 Keza Murekatete


Ron Parkey

17 Katherine Sturgill

24 Beth Jett


Grif Smith

18 Cooper Garner

25 D.J. Geddes


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507

SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm

Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Welcome Reception • Cofee Area Youth Group • Basement Activities Room

WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS December 1 Advent Morning Prayer at 8:00am begins December 2 Books & Beliefs December 3 Room in the Inn begins December 5 Handel's Messiah Concert December 6 St. Nicholas Festival

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December 7 Newcomer Welcome Youth Christmas Party December 8 Advent Quiet Day December 9 ECW Christmas Luncheon December 11 Staff & Vestry Christmas Party December 12 Young Adults Sushi Friday December 14 A Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols December 19 Young Adults Sushi Friday December 21 Blue Christmas Service December 22 A Ceremony of Carols December 24 Christmas Eve Services at 2, 5 & 11pm December 25 Christmas Day Service at 11am Church Offices Closed December 26 Cathedral & Church Offices Closed December 27-31 Youth: New Year in the Spirit December 28 Christmas I Service with Baptism at 11am January 1 Cathedral & Church Offices Closed January 4 Epiphany Service at 11am DOK & Jr. DOK Installation Sanctuary returns

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