Easter 2012 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action A R T AT T H E C AT H E D R A L I S T E WA R D S H I P I F R O M T H E I N T E R N


Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

TURNING OUR DREAMS TO REALITY Stewardship gives an update on where we are in acheiving our goals.

WELCOME THE REV. DEACON PAULA OTT Paula is serving as deacon at Christ Church and Hospital Chaplain for the diocese.


Reflections of Holy Week and Easter

A Parish of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action ı Easter 2012

Dean & Rector ı The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade > cwade@ccclex.org Pastoral & College Ministry ı The Rev. Janey Wilson > jwilson@ccclex.org Deacon ı The Rev. Deacon Paula Ott > paula@ccclex.org Priest Associate ı The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine > bobandbecky1@insightbb.com Canon Musician ı Canon Erich Balling > eballing@ccclex.org Music Assistant ı Kathleen Balling > kballing@ccclex.org Assistant Organist ı Lisa Hall > lhall@ccclex.org Minister of Christian Formation ı Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > elizabeth@ccclex.org Youth Ministries Coordinator ı Amanda Musterman-Kiser > amusterman@ccclex.org Nursery Coordinator ı Michelle Dunlap > mdunlap@ccclex.org Parish Administrator ı Lesa Schoner > lschoner@ccclex.org Parish Secretary ı Margaret Christensen > mchristensen@ccclex.org Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ı Ashley Goodrich > agoodrich@ccclex.org Facilities Manager ı John Hodgman > jhodgman@ccclex.org Sexton ı Brownell Haddix Vestry C.B. Baize ı Chuck Baldecchi ı Nancy Bogue ı John Brice, Junior Warden ı Cissy Collins ı Sherry Ferguson ı Doug Geddes ı Tom Howard ı Diane Milburn ı Gary Stewart ı Carolyn Ware ı Jim Ware, Senior Warden ı Marc Mathews, Treasurer WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer and Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the Pentecost issue, the deadline for announcements, photos or articles is May 14 at noon. Announcements / articles are preferred emailed. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. To sign up to receive Prayer and Action by mail, please call 859-254-4497 x106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ccclex.org.

EASTER COMMUNITY PRAYER O God, who by the glorious resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light: Grant that we, who have been raise with him, may abide in his presence and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather 859-299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER Dean Carol Wade and Emilie Wright stop to pose for the camera during the Easter Egg Hunt at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm

166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859.254.4497


Easter 12 / ccclex.org

Reflections of Holy Week and Easter

Bernie Conrad processes the jubliation streamers




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Reflections of Holy Week and Easter

A Vision for Holy Week By The Very Rev. Carol L .Wade


hen I answered the call to serve as dean and rector of Christ Church Cathedral, one of the things I looked forward to was offering a vision for Holy Week and Easter and exploring how that could take on life in our setting, because it was clear that we share a deep love of Christ made real in worship. As Holy Week began, I wanted us to experience the jarring intersection of Palm and Passion Sunday. The startling sound of the tympani awakened us all to the reality of Christ and his passion, and it harkened to the daily crucifixions we enact in our lives and our world. My hope was that we each might find our place in the sacred story

at the heart of our faith, by moving through the Three Sacred Days as one act of worship, with each day offering a unique and varied faith experience for us to ponder. Maundy Thursday offered a gentle invitation to experience Christ’s selfgiving love either prayerfully in the pew or by washing the beautifully gnarled feet of a friend. Good Friday, with its somber readings and soaring music, called us to take our place at the foot of the cross with Mary, the mother of Jesus and John the beloved disciple, to offer prayers and touch the rough and primitive cross standing in as Christ himself in humble glory at the center of our worship. Good Friday night beckoned us by candle light and sacred chant to

The most profound reflection that summed up our life together was this simple statement from one parishioner about our journey through Holy Week: “Jesus became real for me.” What more could we ask for?

enter the garden tomb and wait with Christ in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection. The Easter Vigil called us to witness the transforming movement from darkness to light, from death to life made visible in the sacrament of baptism, the burst of light, the acclamation of the alleluias, the joyful ringing of bells in the cathedral arrayed in floral majesty. And finally there was the joy of Easter Sunday with new its life, new hope and new commitment to live as people of the resurrection, making CCCLEX.ORG / 5

Brass and silver were polished, the Cathedral was swept and scrubbed, music was rehearsed, bulletins crafted, readers practiced, and lights, flowers, and liturgical movement were designed and reviewed as hospitality and welcome was prepared for hundreds of worshippers.

God’s love tangible in every aspect of our lives. The most profound reflection that summed up our life together was this simple statement from one parishioner about our journey through Holy Week: “Jesus became real for me.” What more could we ask for? The days and weeks before Palm Sunday gave new meaning to the definition of the word liturgy as the work of the people. For there was an outpouring of gifts as abundant and rich as the oil Mary used to anoint Jesus. The good and holy people of Christ Church Cathedral gave their “utmost for his highest.”

Throughout Holy Week, we saw an increase in attendance at all our services, and in fact, the 8:30 Easter morning service tripled in attendance, a sign of what a vital mission we provide to our community. But this journey through death and resurrection, which fed so many, could not have been a reality without the work of so many people, who gave of their time and talents generously to make Jesus a reality to us all. From the youngest member of the choir to adults serving in the altar guild, more people than can be named here came together as a community united in the mission of telling Jesus’ story and our story. I am continually in awe of your dedication, your ministry, and your faith. Know that this vision for Holy Week could not have happened without you, and many lives were touched by all you offer to Christ Church Cathedral. On Easter morning at the end of the glorious postlude, a member of our congregation for over half a century pro-


claimed with great joy that this Easter Sunday resembled a new birth, saying that the service harkened to the Christ Church of bygone years,

vibrant and full, yet wondrously made new! That is the Easter message we claim: In Christ we are

made wondrously and eternally new each morning. Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! Ϯ

A Musical Reflection of Holy Week By Erich Balling

A Holy Week The Cathedral offered a rich and extensive tapestry of Holy Week services. All were thoughtfully planned and executed. As Canon Musician it

and strongest symbol of Christ’s crucifixion. Surrounding it were candles and places to kneel and pray or simply reach out and touch the texture of the hard wood. The

Friday made for a brighter and more joyful Easter Day.

It was easy to imagine how that first Good Friday must have been for Christ’s friends and his mother, Mary. was particularly meaningful to see each of our boy and girl choristers devote all or part of their spring break to singing and enhancing our worship.

Of all the Holy Week offerings, Good Friday stands out for me. At noon, the cross stood as the single

Cathedral Choir sang beautiful and reverential music by Lotti and Allegri that helped complete the service. Later that evening, we gathered in semicircle seating in the Chancel. We prayed and sang chants from the Taizé tradition as we recalled Christ’s placement in the tomb. While we knew Easter was just around the corner, the moment was poignant. It was easy to imagine how that first Good Friday must have been for Christ’s friends and his mother, Mary. We considered our own lives and the losses we have endured. Somehow, this Good

May Recital and Evensong Please join us on Sunday, May 20, at 5:00pm. The Cathedral Choirs will sing their final Evensong of the 201112 season. The service will feature music from the choirs’ upcoming residency at Ely Cathedral, England and Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh, Scotland. Assistant Cathedral Organist Lisa Hall will offer an organ recital preceding Evensong at 4:30pm. All are invited and all are welcome. Ϯ


Jesus’ Bargain By Hannah Sturgill


ust hours before his crusifixion Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. I invite you all to take a moment and look at this task as a bargain. Jesus, God’s son, offering to his disciples the lowest task of washing a persons feet and in exchange the disciples must be vulnerable. I know all to well the task of being self-conscious and forced to expose the things that make you most selfconscious. I went to the Maundy Thursday service during Holy Week and had that experience. Going into it I was dead-set on not participating in the washing or the being washed. Bishop Knudsen rapidly changed my mind with her sermon; she spoke of the vulnerability of Peter and how he was nervous. Which are all the things that I was feeling, and I realized that a lot of people felt that way and I should not be ashamed. So when the time came I stood up and faced my fears. I got my feet washed and washed other people’s feet. One instance in particular really got me. I had the opportunity to wash the feet of Amanda (Musterman-Kiser). Her being my youth counselor made the 8 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12

experience extra special. As many of you know, later in the service you carry out all of the things on the altar, including the cross. Watching the cross slowly make its way out of the church was a different experience for me, because every time I have ever set foot in the Cathedral, the cross has stood

prominently. As I watched it leave, I felt the absence of a part of me that I have had since childhood. The next service in Holy Week is Good Friday. In this service there is a large wooden cross. You are invited kneel in front of it or touch it if you want. There are two things that I found interesting about this. One is that the cross is the only cross in the Cathedral at this time

since the Maundy Thursday service. The second is that it seemed more tangible and real. The gold cross sat up on the altar and served as a direction to pray to for strength. The wooden cross is close to the congregation and you could easily access and touch it. It feels reminiscent to a cross I saw in Italy. We were up on St. Francis’ mountain and there was a cross made of wood and altar in front of it. I touched it and it seemed close to me. But crosses come in all shapes, sizes, and levels of accessibility. You can buy a key chain or look at a big cross in the church either way its a symbol of your faith. In all of these items you feel the presence and love of God. Over the time span of two days I completely reaffirmed my faith and felt the support of the many of the congregation. I ask you to put yourself in the shoes of the disciples and challenge how you would have initially reacted to Jesus wanting to wash your feet. I also challenge you this week to stop at a local gas station and buy a cross on a keychain and carry that symbol of your faith with you as a reminder that God is with you always. Ϯ

Reflections of Holy Week and of Transformation By The Rev. Janey Wilson


n our Maundy Thursday Eucharist this year we really embraced the vulnerability of love. In her homily, Bishop Knudsen encouraged us to open our hearts to that experi-

wrapped around our hearts, sorrowful and yet sustaining. The later candlelit service found us close to one another, watching and waiting. The garden tomb which the Altar

We arrived on the morning of Easter Sunday altered by our journey through humility, grief, and hope. ence in order to better understand that night so long ago when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and tried to teach them what it meant for him to do that. They did not understand, really; they had to live with the memory and process it. Some of us had come willing to worship - but not to wash feet and certainly not to have ours washed by someone else. And yet the Bishop’s love and encouragement transformed many of us who had not wanted footwashing to be a part of our universe; we came bravely forward to open our hearts to that place where our defenses were truly down and God could really enter. At the Good Friday evening service we gathered as a family, grieving still from the noon service, when the cross had stood at the center of our focus and the music of the cello had

Guild had created was peaceful, but it was also expectant. In love we sang the Taizé chant, “Wait for the Lord, whose day is near; wait for the Lord be strong, take heart.” At Easter Vigil, we began in the darkened church having just lit the new fire and the new Paschal Candle. A joyful baptism made the first “Alleluia!” of Easter so resonant, especially with the ringing of congregational bells. When the lights came all the way up, it was clear that the church had been transformed by a heroic team of gifted artists. Colorful flowers were hanging from every sconce and tucked into every part of the church. By Easter morning, we were ready

for the tympani, brass and majestic choir. We had traveled this journey together in community. We arrived on the morning of Easter Sunday altered by our journey through humility, grief, and hope. The love of Jesus means that death has no power; we are never separated from the love of God. As we sang in our Easter Sunday Hymn 210: Our hearts be pure from evil, that we may see aright The Lord in rays eternal of resurrection light; And listening to his accents, may we hear calm and plain His own “All hail!” and, hearing, may raise the victor strain.

As humans, we have to navigate farewells. As Christians, it is all about hello. Ϯ


The Living Last Supper By Michael Naish


I learned that Christ could not have always been the flawless, fearless man that I had learned to praise. He was something better.

e are all familiar with the Last Supper, at which Christ addressed his disciples before he was betrayed by Judas. I recently attended the youth group’s version of the Last Supper, called the Living Last Supper. We were able to express our feelings about it and I enjoyed it.

As I arrived at church I was greeted by a flow of waving hands and smiles. Amanda (our youth leader) explained what we were doing, and we all drew names from a hat to see who we were going to be at the supper (it was kind of like a mystery dinner party, but we knew how it ended). My character was Thomas, the disciple who could not believe Jesus had risen from the dead until he could put his fingers in the holes in Jesus’ hands. One of my friends, Olivia, drew Christ’s name, so she got the longest part. We all took our parts and went to the table where Christ held the Last Supper. When we got there, Christ said all of the things that needed to be said to the disciples and we had dinner. Before we did, though, Judas ran off, for Christ had exposed him as his betrayer. As Thomas, I did not have a big part, but I considered it actually a gift. If my part had been bigger, like Christ, I 10 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12

would not have been able to take everything in and understand it as well. Olivia played Christ very well in my opinion, because she had heard the story before, but not every detail. It was just like Christ knowing what was about to happen, but not everything, because it was yet to come. For Christ, it must have been scary to know he was about be betrayed into the hands of sinners and to die on the cross, but he went on because he knew it was important for all of us. Even Judas, who betrayed Christ into the hands of sinners, was forgiven by Christ. As the Lord’s Prayer says, “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Christ forgave us in many ways. He washed the feet of the disciples and he also washed their sins away. He saved us from our sins by dying on the cross. He showed all of us that he was our God, and we can trust him. His gift to us is redemption and he gives it to us as a sign that he forgives. I took many things from this dinner. I learned that Christ could not have always been the flawless, fearless man that I had learned to praise. He was something better. He was human, just like us, and had feelings of love and most of all died like us. Christ forgives as well as loves and I think that is why he was willing to die for us. I left church knowing now what people mean by death being the new beginning. When Christ died, he started a new and better world for us, full of his love, compassion, and forgiveness. Ϯ Michael Naish is a 6th grader and members of the youth group and boys choir

A Hunger Games Reflection By Elizabeth Conrad


n the afternoon of Palm Sunday I went to see The Hunger Games. I had said that I had no desire to see this movie, but since so many people were seeing it, I decided that I needed to be able to be part of the conversation. I was surprised at how moved I was. I came out of the movie speechless, not only because of the violence but because of the truth that the movie portrayed. For me the movie portrayed what Jesus

ing of those on the bottom The movie was a great prelude to the rest of the week. The familiar scriptures of the betrayal, beating, mockery and torture of Jesus sank in on a deeper level this year. Jesus tells the disciples the night before he dies that one of them will betray him. I with them say, “Surely not I, Lord.” But of course it is me, not just Judas, who betrays. It is a high calling to follow Jesus. It requires much sacrifice and humility. It is much easier to take the familiar comfortable road. There are days that my life probably says, “Crucify him.” Fortunately, he loves me and I am able to begin again the next day.

It is me, not just Judas, who betrays. It is a high calling to follow Jesus. It requires much sacrifice and humility. came to redeem. As I went through the rest of Holy Week, there were many parallels between the passion of our Lord and this movie. There was the abuse of power, class warfare, the enjoyment that those on top receive as a result of the suffer-

We are in the season of Easter. He continues to appear to each of us in different ways. He does not come in ways that we are expecting. We must slow down and pay attention. With each appearance, we are strengthened to take that road less traveled. We are strengthened to not go with the crowd, to sacrifice for those in need, and to speak out

on the abuse of power. With each appearance, he tells each of us, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” We will with God’s help. God’s help will in part come within this community. We must bind together and help one another grow in this countercultural way in which we are called. I look forward to continuing this road with you. Ϯ



Turning Our Dreams to Reality By Chuck Baldecchi & Anne Garrett


hrist Church Cathedral has come together in an extraordinary outpouring of generosity! Since our February letter, so many of you faithfully stepped forward and increased your 2012 pledge that we have raised an additional $88,000! What a wonderful testament to the spiritual strength of our congregation. In the February letter we outlined the first steps necessary to achieve the exciting goals set forth in the Holy Conversations: call a third full-time priest, provide a much needed raise to our loyal staff, and balance the budget. Your faithful pledges have brought us closer to achieving those goals. Thank you!

If you have not done so, won’t you please prayerfully consider increasing your pledge? Each one of us has a unique role in this Cathedral, our community of faith; and, we have all been called to lead. Financial stewardship is a form of participation and leadership. Every increase, large or small, gets us closer to the additional $12,000 the Vestry needs to complete their task. Once you have decided how God is leading you, you may increase your pledge by contacting Lesa Schoner, Parish Administrator, at lschoner@ccclex.org or 2544497. We are a people of praise and thanksgiving, responding with gratitude to God’s generosity. We are also a congregation of prayer and action, making a difference by faithfully serving each other, the greater Lexington community and beyond. Every gift, large or small, is crucial to the important mission of this parish. Ϯ

Easter is a time to thank God for the gift of life and and the wonderful community of which we are a part. We give thanks for our journey towards becoming the loving, forgiving, generous stewards we have been created to be. 12 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12


Legacy Society Annual Dinner By Steve Specht


ave you ever wondered what the bronze tree and plaques between the Great Hall and the Welcome Center are all about? That represents the 90 or so members of the Christ Church Legacy Society, which was formed in 2001 and has been growing ever since. Ninety households is a good start for a parish the size of Christ Church, but honestly we could have twice that number of members. How do you become a member of the Legacy Society? It’s easy. You only have to make an arrangement to leave some of your worldly abundance to Christ Church upon your death. For those of you who have already made an arrangement and joined the Legacy Society, the church thanks you. Your gift after death will not only bless you and your family, but it will bless Christ Church and the community for generations to come. If you have not yet made an arrangement and joined the Legacy Society, then this would be a good opportunity to do so. Your planned gift doesn’t have to be a large bequest or charitable trust. Even a small bequest

in your will, or simply changing the beneficiary on a portion of a retirement account or life insurance policy is perfectly fine. You don’t gift now – you just make an arrangement to leave something after your death. Once you have committed to making an arrangement, then you just sign one of our Legacy Society Enrollment Forms indicating that you have committed to making an arrangement and you will be a member. It’s that simple. We don’t need any details about your arrangement type or amount, or any proof. It actually says in the Book of Common Prayer on page 445: “The minister of the congregation is directed to instruct the people, from time to time, about the duty of Christian parents to make prudent provision for the well-being of their children and of all persons to make wills, while they are in health, arranging for disposal of temporal goods, not neglecting, if they are able, to leave bequests for religious and charitable uses.” We all enjoy such an abundant life – we are all so fortunate in so many

ways. This is a way to give some of our God-given abundance back. Anything that is left to the church, unless directed otherwise, will be added to the Christ Church Endowment Fund to be used to fund future ministries and programs. We will be having our annual special Christ Church Legacy Society Celebration Dinner on Tuesday, May 15, in the Great Hall at Christ Church. All Legacy Society members are invited (members have received an invitation), and if you get your Enrollment Form turned in by May 11 then you will be a member and will be invited to the dinner. The speaker will be The Rev. Dan Matthews, the long-time Rector of Trinity Church, New York City. Please PRAY about making a commitment to leave something to the church. It is a pastoral thing. The church has been and continues to be a very important and influential part of our lives and our families’ lives. It deserves as much consideration for part of our estates as any other institution, or more. This program is critical for the long-term future of Christ Church ministries and programs. Call me at 231-5275 if you have any questions. Please PRAY about this. I hope to see a lot of new members at the dinner on May 15! Ϯ


The Right Reverend Chilton R. Knudsen Interim Assisting Bishop of Lexington and The Vestry of Christ Church Cathedral invite you to The Installation and Seating of The Very Reverend Carol L. Wade as Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral in the City and Diocese of Lexington

Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 11 o’clock in the morning Luncheon Reception to follow the service RSVP by May 11 to the Parish Secretary 859.254.4497 Childcare available



Eastertide and the Artist By Jesse Mark


astertide is a time of new life and new beginnings. For the landscape artist it is a time to revisit and respond to the colors of spring. Insofar as spring inspires one with good feelings, hope for a better tomorrow, freshness of thought the artist wants to create something new. Art Historian Linda Stratford, Ph.D., Asbury University, writes that “the doctrine of calling validates the joy of living out ‘who God made when He made me’ in all its intensely felt, existentially experienced reality.” When planning the spring open we give the artists freedom to express their own experienced reality. The Spring Open is an eclectic exhibit where artists are encouraged to present their best work irrespective of theme. I have often felt that the open exhibits are the best. This is not to say the theme exhibits are inferior. They present a particular kind of creativity - that of stretching the artist’s comfort zone to meet the objectives of a proposed exhibit. Following for three successive weeks will be the shows of the various art classes of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UK. OLLI is a program designed for people over 50 who want to extend their

interests and creativity into their retirement years. There are many fine artists, some in their 80s, who continue to hone their skills, some with significant handicaps, stiff joints, failing eyesight, limited working space. Many of the students did art in high school or college but then the cares of career and parenting shelved the interest until late in life. The added value of this program is the opportunity for people to meet with others with common interests. Providing exhibiting space for this important university/community program is an important outreach for the Cathedral. Check The Sunday Times at the end of May for details. One of the values of the art exhibit is that it helps all of us to see. An art student commented at the end of a course, “This class taught me to notice detail in nature which I had not seen before.” The exhibit can do that too. You look at a skyscape which has clouds painted in colors other than white. Then you look at the clouds and notice all the colors of the rainbow that tint the clouds. You appreciate nature more. Enjoy the exhibits during Eastertide. The show will close after Sunday services May 20. Ϯ



Moveable Feast Lexington: A portrait of how to meet the needs of many By Carolyn Witt Jones


hrist Church Cathedral’s CROSS Ministries has supported the work of Moveable Feast in its long-term commitment to provide nutritional support to persons living with HIV/AIDS and to patients of Hospice of the Bluegrass. Caregivers and any dependent children living in the patient’s home are also provided meals. Each day of the week volunteers travel the Lexington community delivering hot freshly prepared meals and in some cases lunches for the next day. In addition to this daily nutritional support, bags of groceries are provided on Friday for the weekend. The meals are modified to address specific needs related to a client’s condition and other health problems such as diabetes, heart problems, renal problems, gluten intolerance and a need for soft foods. Who is receiving these services? A widowed African-American grandmother living only on Social Security and raising three grandchildren was diagnosed with AIDS several years ago. Every penny is precious in that household. This devoted grandmother may not be able to provide the most up-to-date clothing for the children to wear to school or to provide money to go on a field trip with their classmates, or to make sure there will be Easter baskets or Christmas presents; 16 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12

but she does know her family will have good nutritious food on the table each night. Moveable Feast has made a commitment to her and never misses a day of supporting her family with nutritious food. Another client story is about a childless elderly couple who have been married 53 years. The wife has Alzheimer’s and the husband has been caring for her a number of years. He

has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer and worries that he doesn’t have the stamina to cook for them any longer. Moveable Feast delivers meals to both of them, thus allowing them to continue living in their home for a few additional months. For every doorbell that is rung each day for the more than 100 people served by Moveable Feast, there is a comparable story or set of circumstances that provides a somber narrative of why they are in need of help. Clients are served without regard to race, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or national origin.

All services from Moveable Feast Lexington are free of charge. And clients may receive other services such as nutritional counseling as needed. Moveable Feast Lexington, Inc., started delivering hot, nutritious meals to persons in Fayette County in October 1998 beginning with 23 clients. Since that time over 300,000 meals/lunches and 90,000 bags of groceries have been provided to individuals in need. Moveable Feast is staffed mainly by volunteers. Approximately 200 volunteer hours per week are spent on food preparation and delivery. There is always an extreme need for teams of drivers to deliver the hot meals. This is a powerful opportunity to serve others. Christ Church Cathedral parishioners who might be interested in volunteering should contact Carolyn Witt Jones at 333-0944. Fifty percent of the budget must be raised through other funds, such as those provided through the mission commitment of Christ Church Cathedral. As the vice-president of the Moveable Feast board recently said: “It only takes a $25 donation to feed one of our clients for a week. The more we can increase funding for this work, the more we can be assured that individuals won’t have to choose between filling a prescription and eating.” Ϯ


Making Someone’s Day Better By Amanda Stark


y name is Amanda Stark. I’m a senior at Paul Laurence Dunbar and for six weeks I was an intern at Christ Church Cathedral. Here, I shadowed Amanda Musterman-Kiser, who is the youth minister, to see what she does on a daily basis. I would help out around the office by getting copies done, cutting paper, organizing, or mailing letters. But I also planned different youth activities like the Living Last Supper. I’ve learned that it takes many people and lots of work to plan a youth event and that you can’t do it on your own. Being here has really opened my eyes to what youth ministry is all about and how much joy it brings to others. I love being able to make someone’s day better just by helping them with something to give them more free time to do other work. I also love working with the youth and making sure they have fun at youth group and that they look forward to coming to church every Sunday and getting to know God more. I loved helping out around the office. It really does make someone’s day better when you help them out. It

was a hit and it was fun getting to play out the Last Supper and what it must have been like to the disciples. We even got to eat the same things they probably ate too. I got to attend youth group every Sunday night. I was welcomed with open arms and I got to know so many wonderful people like Stewart, Darcy, Madi, Caroline, Dawson, Benji, Ross, Cooper, and many many more. I really enjoyed doing research for my lesson and coming up with fun games for it too. I have learned a lot about how much work it takes to plan a lesson and to make sure it relates to the game and other activities that we do. Being here has been an honor and I wish I could stay here forever. I have learned so much and I have been blessed to get to know so many wonderful people. I will always know now that I will always have a home at the Cathedral and always feel welcomed. I just want to say thank you to everyone who has helped guide me on my journey and helped me figure out what I want to do with my life. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better than the staff at Christ Church. Ϯ

Being here has really opened my eyes to what youth ministry is all about and how much joy it brings to others. was fun too! I got to learn how to use the copier and the mail meter, which puts stamps on the mail we send out. I also got to learn how to use different computer programs that help with organizing all of the people at CCC. I loved planning youth events. The Living Last Supper


PIECES Taking apart the pieces of life


About Christ Church Community Cupboard By Nancy Bogue


ave you ever been to the Christ Church Community Cupboard? I am ashamed to say I had never seen it until I decided to begin volunteering in ways and places I had not done before. Volunteers are asked to serve one Saturday a month for three hours in the morning. And it is the most rewarding of my volunteer work. The rooms themselves are clean, attractive and organized beautifully. I was absolutely amazed. And those who need the products are treated with compassion and care. The clients are so appreciative. Recently, a former client visited the Cupboard. He and his family were in town from Missouri, where he now lives and works for a construction company. He told the volunteers about the times he was in need years ago, and how the Cupboard 18 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12

was there to help. He then wrote the Cupboard a check for $200. The Community Cupboard can use your help. If you would like to volunteer, please email thecupboard@ccclex. org or call Mark Wilson at 536-1522 for more information. We take donations of clothes, books and toys, so if you are doing spring cleaning, then keep us in mind. Donations may be dropped off in the evenings to the security staff at

the desk. Please have everything clearly marked “The Cupboard.” Also, be on the lookout for our Diaper Drive bins in June and July. You can bring a package of diapers sizes 2-6 during the drive and drop them in the bins. Ϯ


United Thank Offering grants fund ministries at home and abroad By Barbara Hodgman


ach year approximately $2 million in grants is distributed from the UTO Spring and Fall Ingatherings. As we place our

thank offerings in the little Blue Box each day we have no idea how many ministries they will help. The money we give at Christ Church is combined with money given from other parishes in our Diocese. Then it is combined with money given throughout our Province, and combined with that of other Provinces sent to the granting UTO committee at the Episcopal National Office in New York City. The grants are used to significantly impact the lives of men, women, and children across the Anglican Communion and to address compelling human needs and/or expansion of mission and ministry. Our UTO Spring Ingathering will be June 3. Ϯ

The Health Room has you covered! By Ruth Mark


id you know that Christ Church Cathedral has a Health Room? The Health Room is the first room on the right going down the Nursery Hall next to the Welcome Center. It was established by the Young Women’s Bible Study group several years ago. There are a bed, chairs, small refrigerator with water and orange juice and hard candy for diabetics and others needing sustenance. A blood pressure cuff and other first-aid items are available in the cabinet. A monitor is available if you need help.

So if you have a sudden headache, dizziness, or any discomfort during church, it is a place to visit for a short rest. There is an defribrilator for an emergency at the Welcome Desk. There are first aid boxes at the Welcome Center, the back of the Narthex, on each floor of the Helm Building, and in the Nursery and the Kitchen ... just in case.... Ϯ



Our Preschool By The Rev. Deacon Lois Howard


he sat alone on a couch, not a part of the group. There was sadness on her face and that thousand-mile stare – that blank staring into space – so typical of persons with dementia. Although she was considered a part of the group, she was not.

never responds.” she repeated. Yet, there she was – this woman who never responds - with her arms wrapped around the little girl, and she had a smile on her face thatreached from one ear to the other. “Yes, Jesus loves me.”

The Alzheimer’s Best Friends “grandmas and grandpas” sat quietly and listened to the Godly Play story with the children from the Ecumenical Preschool sitting at their feet. The story finished. Songs were sung – some in English, some in Spanish, some with motions, and some with sign language. “Jesus loves me, this I know,” sang the little Hindu girl. “For the Bible tells me so,” signed the elderly Jewish gentleman. “Little ones to Him belong,” sang the child from the Cameroon. “They are weak, but He is strong,” uttered one of the grandmas.

This incident occurred at the Ecumenical Preschool, a preschool cosponsored by Christ Church Cathedral and Second Presbyterian Church. The

forgotten, like the woman with dementia, because it is not visible to those at the Cathedral. Easter is the wonderful time of celebrating the risen Christ. Periodically, small snippets of stories like this will be shared to help us remember our incredibly important ministry to “Our Preschool.” The Ecumenical Preschool was founded in 1990. Dr. Anne Brautigam and Dean Burns of the Cathedral

The smiles on the faces of “the grandmas and the grandpas” are a testimony to love – the unconditional love which we are all called to share and which children do so beautifully.

As our time of story and song drew to a close, the children stood and sang, “It’s time to go now... see you next time. Yea!!!” The time for hugs had arrived. No one was missed. One of the little girls had gone over to face the woman on the couch. She reached her arms out to embrace the woman. As the teachers lined the children up to leave, we glanced over toward the couch. “She never responds to anyone,” said one of the teachers. “She 20 / PRAYER AND ACTION_EASTER 12

Alzheimer’s Best Friends program, a Day Center sponsored by Christian Care Community, meets Monday through Friday at Second Presbyterian. For five years, Deacon Lois Howard has met one morning a week, gathering both groups together for a Godly Play story and singing. It is a beautiful experience to witness. The smiles on the faces of “the grandmas and the grandpas” are a testimony to love – the unconditional love which we are all called to share and which children do so beautifully. This Ecumenical Preschool was founded 22 years ago but is often

worked with interested people from Second Presbyterian to initiate a program which would include children from both churches, children from other cultures and ethnic groups and children from the community. Second Presbyterian provides space for the school, as well as financial support. Christ Church Cathedral has provided varying levels of financial support, and a number of children from the Cathedral have attended. Visitors are welcome, according to teacher Kathy Healey. Ϯ


Welcome The Rev. Deacon Paula Ott


was recently appointed by Interim Assisting Bishop Chilton Knudsen to serve as deacon here at Christ Church, and as the Hospital Chaplain for the diocese. My husband, Stephen, and I make our home in Millersburg, in Bourbon County. We share our house with our four dogs and a couple of cats. Our son and daughter-in-law, Jonathan

and Kate Ott, also live in Millersburg, where Jonathan is mayor. I was raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, moving to Kentucky after graduating with a BS degree in Education from the University of Cincinnati. I taught special education classes in Fayette County for five years before taking a teaching position in Bourbon County. After a total of 19 years in the classroom, I became a director of Special Education. I remained in public education for 34 years, obtaining an MA from the University of Kentucky and a Rank I in School Administration. Stephen is a professor in the area of Mathematics at Bluegrass Community College here in Lexington. I was ordained a deacon by Bishop Stacy Sauls in 2011. I served as deacon at Emmanuel Church, Winchester, before coming to here to Christ Church. I believe my particular callings are in working with youth and providing pastoral care. I can often be found at youth events at the Cathedral Domain, where I have served as director at

Reading Camp and Camp Haven. I have also served as a member of staff at Happening and at New Year in the Spirit. This summer, I will serve as part of the clergy at Junior Conference at the Domain. I will also be directing Reading Camp at Emmanuel the last week of June. (I am still in need of some counselors for that camp. If you know of any youth 16 and older who might be interested in working with Emmanuel’s Reading Camp, please let me know.) In February of this year, I was appointed by Bishop Knudsen and the Standing Committee to the position of Hospital Chaplain for the diocese. In this position, I cover all the Lexington hospitals, visiting patients who attend parishes outside the Lexington area, but whose priests are unable to make it into Lexington to visit those who are hospitalized. I will also be providing pastoral care to parishioners here at Christ Church. Bishop Knudsen has given me permission to offer healing and a Deacon’s Distribution of Communion for the 12:05 Wednesday Healing Eucharist. I will also be coordinating the Team Eleven and Lay Eucharistic Visitor Team and helping Mimi Milward with the work of the Pastoral Care Teams. I am eager to get to know people and begin my work here at my new church home! Ϯ CCCLEX.ORG / 21

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 7 8 8 8 8 8 9

Chuck Baldecchi Gene Getchell Guy McDonald Joe Graves Andrew Tudor Charlie Watson Vince Whitton Woods Prewitt Ellie Naish Juliana Noe Susan Westneat Hunter Ratliff Ridgely Knight Ruth Wood Jason Mullins Charlie Palmer Dale Chapman Eleanor Clifton Jane Lucas Marie Bradshaw Sue Bullard Kaitlynn Blackburn

9 9 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17

Margaret Garrett Micah Allen David Gillespie Lissa Macfarlan Shawn Swickard Jane McCready Loys Mather Evelyn Ackerman Hart Graves Ian Sethi Kristen Martin William J. Wood Buck Hinkle Caywood Prewitt Gwen Mathews John Garden Ann Cowden Anne Donworth Drew Newsome Laura Coleman Peggy Counts Elliot Taylor

17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24

Eric LeMaster Noah Cline Richard Jones Tim Anderson Charles VanMeter Martha Barr Jack Mooney Ann Livingstone Andrew Garner Chris Anderson Jim Beers Marc Mathews Marythom Hamblin Sam Burchett Charles Grimes Carol Parkey Michelle Dunlap Rebekah Dunlap Dave Tudor Kathy Howard Douglas Arnold John Martin

24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 31 31

Shari Stewart Margaret Hughes Lyon Bradbury Joshua Goodin Canter Milward Maya McDonald Zachary Harper Jane Fitzpatrick Mary Lorn Howard Rachel Crick Mac Somerville John Durbin Stephen Leist Holly Salisbury Carolyn Jones Christopher Ferguson Guy Ellis Herb Geddes Jane Brady Knight Noah Ferguson





horses. Karen Gustin of the Kentucky Equine Humane Center will speak. Youth: No Weigh - Yahweh, April 29 We will meet at the home of Joanna The Rev. Sarah Renfro, former interna& Bob Walsh, 73 Avenue of Chamtional model, will lead an interactive pions, near Nicholasville. Maps will workshop on body image and what be available at the Welcome Center. it means to be created in God’s imPlease bring a meat, vegetable, or age on Sunday, April 29, during Youth salad dish to serve 10-12. Appetizers, Groups (6:00-7:45pm). Through wisdessert, bread, and beverages will be dom gained in both her modeling furnished. All members and friends experience and her call to ministry, of the Cathedral are invited to come Sarah has an interesting and powerand enjoy a part of Kentucky’s grand ful story of how our bodies relate to night for celebration. our relationship with God. Anyone who is interested in participating is ECW Potluck, May 8 welcome. Please contact amusterOur end-of-the-year potluck and inman@ccclex.org to reserve dinner if stallation of our new president, Wanda you would like to eat with us. Jaquith, will be held at the home of Kathy Dalton, 1066 Lakewood Drive at Books & Beliefs, May 1 11:30am on May 8. Bring your favorite Books & Beliefs will meet on Tuesday, dish. Those who are bringing a dessert May 1, at the home of Beth Headley, know who you are! 3137 Warrenwood Wynd. The book to be discussed is All That’s Bitter and Daughters of the King, May 16 Sweet by Ashley Judd. Co-Hostess: Please join us for the evening HealGwen Mathews. Presented by Sandy ing Service in the Chapel at 5:15pm, Ireland. followed by a meeting of prayer and fellowship. Prayer Shawl Knitters, May 2 The Prayer Shawl Knitters meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except Holy Week). We will attend NOTICES/// the 12:05pm service first, and then Celebration of Manhood & proceed to the Meditation Room on Womanhood, May 6 3rd floor Helm to knit, pray and re- Join us on Sunday, May 6 at the view an African Bible study together. 11:00am service as we pray for those Please bring a sack lunch. We encour- who have celebrated their 13th age anyone interested in knitting to Birthday this year! Psalm 139 reminds join us. us that God knits each one of us in our mother’s womb, never leaves us, and Commodores Dinner, May 4 that there is no where we can go to Commodores will meet on Friday, flee from God’s love. Next Sunday, we May 4, for Derby Festivities as well as will reclaim the promise we made to a time to honor current and retired these youth at their batism, reminding

them that we will do all in our power to support their walk with Christ. We will remind them that as they journey from childhood to adulthood, we will continue to support, love, and guide them. Summer Service Schedule The summer service schedule begins on June 3 and continues through September 2. We will offer two services: 8:30 & 11:00am, both Rite II. The 8:30am service will include organ and hymns, and the 11:00am will include the Cathedral Singers. Children’s Chapel is available during the 11:00am service. Nursery is available at both the 8:30am & 11:00am. Coffee Hour will be offered in the Great Hall between services, and light refreshments in the garden following the 11:00am. There will be no evening services. We will return to three, regular services on September 9. Save the Date: Vacation Bible School (VBS), June 11-14 All children are welcome to an interactive week of play and learning, as we explore connections with children close to home and across the globe. In The Abundant Life Garden Project, we will learn about programs helping families in other parts of the world. As we learn that we can make a difference at any age, we will grow stronger in faith and in our relationships with God and each other. Contact elizabeth@ccclex.org. Ϯ


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org

SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am

Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Cathedral Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Cathedral


Healing Service • Chapel

UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS April 29 9:30am A Farewell for The Rev. Janey Wilson

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May 6 11:00am

Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood

May 13 11:00am


May 15 5:30pm

Legacy Society Dinner

May 19 11:00am

Installation of Dean Carol Wade *Reception to follow

May 22 6:30pm

EfM Graduation

May 27 Noon

Pentecost Reception

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