- 2016
“The Blue Book” Episcopal Church Women Christ Church Cathedral Lexington, Kentucky “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and receive without forgetting” Linda LaTourelle
“The Blue Book” for the Episcopal Church Women of Christ Church Cathedral Lexington, Kentucky The Collect of the Episcopal Church Women Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, bless we pray Thee, our work for extension of thy Kingdom, and make us so thankful for the precious gift to us of Thy Beloved Son, that we may pray fervently, labor diligently, and give liberally to make Him known to all nations as their Savior and their King, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Dear Friends, The ECW prayer expresses the purpose and meaning of the Episcopal Church Women’s organization. We strive to serve our Church, our clergy, our community and the needs of our fellow human beings wherever we are able. Every woman of Christ Church Cathedral is part of the Episcopal Church Women. Every member is welcome at all ECW activities. We invite and encourage you to support us in prayer, work, and giving. Your generous contributions make possible our outreach.
Faithfully yours, The Executive Committee Karen, Peggy, Joanna, Susan, and Wanda
“The Blue Book”
Table of Contents pg • 4
ECW Officers.................................... 5 Program Information........................ 6 Meeting Information........................ 8 Books & Beliefs................................ 10 Other Programs................................ 13 Proposed Budget.............................. 15 Special Projects Completed.............. 17
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
“The Blue Book”
ECW Of ficers pg • 5
President Vice President Rec. Secretary Cor. Secretary Treasurer
Karen Garrison Peggy Collins Joanna Walsh Susan Baird Wanda Jaquith
859-313-5055 859-269-3048 859-296-4299 859-299-6949 859-269-6191
karilee@netzero.net collins5peggy@yahoo.com championbluegrass@gmail.com
susanbaird@aol.com wajake@gmail.com
Committee Chairs Altar Guild Barbara Silcox Bishops’ Funds Susan Baird Bible Study Mimi Milward Books and Beliefs Priscilla Lynd Daughters of the King Sherry Ferguson Finance Committee Wanda Jaquith Memorials Project Dana Davis Needlepoint Guild Sharon Hill Nominating Committee Dana Davis Parliamentarian Marie Rogers Past President Wanda Jaquith United Thank Offering Barbara Hodgman Vestry Representative Tracey Meyers Worship Linda Bussell
859-492-2471 silcox.barbara@gmail.com 859-299-6949 susanbaird@aol.com 859-266-0861 msmilward@aol.com 859-269-7275 plynd@twc.com 859-333-6883 sherrywferguson@yahoo.com 859-269-6191 wajake@gmail.com 859-948-5776 danalpdavis@gmail.com 859-457-9676 skhill71@netzero.net 859-948-5776 danalpdavis@gmail.com 859-299-1016 hallenrogers1@gmail.com 859-269-6191 wajake@gmail.com 859-299-4226 bwhodgman@gmail.com 859-321-9433 iamtraceym@gmail.com 859-221-6939 lbussell3@gmail.com
“The Blue Book”
Program Information pg • 6
We welcome all parish members and guests to the general meetings, scheduled September through May. The meetings begin at 11:00am. The speaker delivers the program at 11:45am. Lunch follows the program at approximately 12:15pm and can be purchased for $10. Please sign up in advance at the Welcome Center. September 8: Lisa Minton, Executive Director of Chrysalis House, will give her talk, “Saving Lives,” sharing on Chrysalis House’s treatment of substancedependent expectant mothers and the ability of those mothers to keep their newborns and toddlers with them while in treatment. Hostesses: Sherry Ferguson, Mildred Lawrence, and Sonja Mather October 13: Kathy Ellingsen will present “The God of Christianity and Allah: Are They the Same?” The program will compare Allah and Jesus. The speaker has led many Bible study groups and is known for her biblical studies. Hostesses: Pat Arnold and Carolyn Ware November 10: Melynda Jamison, Executive Director of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) has entitled her talk “Making a Difference in a Child’s Life” and will present the process for getting involved and serving as advocates for neglected and abused children in the court system. Hostesses: Linda Bussell, Doris Moore, and Barbara Silcox December 8: Christmas Luncheon: A special Christmas luncheon will be provided by our own Bibie Cook and will be held in the Tilford Room at Christ Church Cathedral with uniquely decorated tables created by ECW members. (Cost $15.00) Hostesses: Leslie Cox, Joell Finney, and Mary Mc Lisle
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
“The Blue Book”
Program Information pg • 7
January 12: Arts and Crafts with a Purpose: ECW members will make inspirational Valentines for students at Harrison Elementary School. Supplies will be furnished or members may bring their own supplies. Hostesses: Ann Heard and Wanda Jaquith February 9: A Very Special Birthday Treat: Celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday with a tour of his wife’s home, the Mary Todd Lincoln House. Gwen Thompson, Executive Director, takes us on a very informative tour through one of Lexington’s most important historic sites. Hostesses: Kathy Dalton and Linda Robinson Lunch will be served at 11:30am followed by the tour of the Mary Todd Lincoln House. March 8: “Where’s Kentucky Headed?”: Martha Layne Collins, former Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, will talk about the Commonwealth with highlights of what is ahead for the state this year and in the future. Hostesses: Sandy Ireland and Marilyn Tudor April 12: Stephanie Spires, Executive Director of Arbor Youth Services, will present “Safe Alternatives for Families,” a talk about promoting positive growth and development in at-risk children, youth, and their families. Hostesses: Dana Davis, Cindy Ware, and Mary Wigginton May 10: Our end-of-the-year picnic and installation of officers for the coming year will be held at the home of Peggy Collins, 1014 Richmond Road. Bring your favorite pot luck dish and enjoy the beauty of a spring day. Be sure to bring your own lawn chair. Hostesses: Peggy Collins and Karen Garrison
“The Blue Book”
Meeting Information pg • 8
General Meetings Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month in the Great Hall (unless otherwise noted) from 11:00am until approximately 1:00pm. The meeting format will be as follows: 11:00-11:45am Devotional and business meeting 11:45am Program 12:15pm Lunch New business items must be submitted to President Karen Garrison two weeks prior to the scheduled general meeting. This will allow the Executive Committee time to discuss the submitted items and prepare its recommendations to the general membership. This also will ensure ample time for our speakers’ presentations. Speaker and Luncheon Reservations To ensure we have adequate seating for those wishing to hear our speakers and those wishing to remain for lunch, we will post two sign-up sheets at the Welcome Desk. Those wishing to hear the speaker only will register on the speaker reservation sheet. Those wishing to stay for lunch will register on the luncheon reservation sheet. Speaker reservations and luncheon reservations must be made by 9:00am the Monday before the Tuesday meeting. The luncheon buffet will be catered by CCC member Bibie Cook at a cost of $10.00 per person. Payment for lunch will be due the day of the general meeting.
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
“The Blue Book”
Meeting Information pg • 9
Transportation Members and guests needing a ride may call Karen Garrison at 859-3135055 to arrange transportation. Child Care Child care may be arranged through Nursery Coordinator Michelle Dunlap at mdunlap@ccclex.org or 859-489-5958. Hostess Information Please choose a menu with our caterer, Bibie Cook, 859-268-7728, two weeks before the luncheon you are scheduled to hostess. Hostess duties include setting tables, providing centerpieces, providing desserts, clearing tables, washing dishes, and laundering and returning tablecloths.
“The Blue Book”
Books & Beliefs pg • 10
Books and Beliefs meets the first Tuesday of each month. Coffee Hour begins at 10:00am, followed by the program at 10:30am. Please attend these lively discussions and bring a guest to one or all of these opportunities for fellowship. All Christ Church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome. October 6: A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler Presented by Wanda Jaquith At the home of Nancy Blaydes, 471 Woodlake Way Co-hostess: Jane Michler November 3: I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai Presented by Linda Robinson At the home of Dana Davis, 3501 Castlegate Wynd Co-hostess: Betsy Davenport December 1: Book Recommendations Presented by ECW members who recommend titles for Christmas giving At the home of Peggy Collins, 1014 Richmond Road Co-hostess: Wanda Jaquith January 5: Book to be announced Presented by Ann Demaree At the home of Muffy Stuart, 2938 Four Pines Drive Co-hostess: Laura Parrish February 2: Book to be announced Presented by Betsy Davenport At the home of Kathy Dalton, 1066 Lakewood Drive
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
“The Blue Book”
Books & Beliefs pg • 11
March 1: The Zhivago Affair by Peter Finn and Petra Couvée Presented by Priscilla Lynd At the home of Mildred Lawrence, 101 South Hanover Avenue 7M Co-hostess: Jane Burke April 5: The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd Presented by Peggy Collins At the home of Ann Demaree, 2521 Pascoli Place May 3: Striking Change: The Great Artistic Collaboration of Theodore Roosevelt and Augustus Saint-Gaudens by Mike Moran Presented by Mike Moran, the author At the home of DeeDee Moran, 3624 Hidden Pond Road Co-hostess: Priscilla Lynd
Save the Date:
United Thank Of fering Gratitude is not so much an inborn capacity like intelligence or musicality as a quality that can be practiced and developed. It is a choice. And it leads to generosity, as we become conscious of the abundance of our lives. We are inspired to share that abundance. Each day as we place our coins and dollars in our UTO blue box our generosity is evident: feeding the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, helping children improve reading skills, providing desperately needed medical care, and in many other ways right here in our own Diocese of Lexington. Each of us has the opportunity to extend our generosity through the UTO blue box. The Fall UTO Ingathering is on Sunday, November 22. The Spring UTO Ingathering is on Sunday, April 17.
Save the Date:
Bishops’ Funds Sunday The Bishops’ Funds were established to honor the six previous Bishops of Lexington. You will have the opportunity to support the funds that have been created to perpetuate the life and work of our bishops. • • • • • •
The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton Fund - Assist seminarians in the Diocese with their training The Rt. Rev. Henry Pryor Almon Abbott Fund - Assist new and continuing missionary work in the Diocese The Rt. Rev. William Robert Moody Fund - Help fund projects at the Cathedral Domain The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund - Help with continuing education The Rt. Rev. Don Adger Wimberly Fund - Help fund projects involving youth and young adults The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund - Help Reading Camp and Literacy Programs in the Diocese
Bishops’ Funds Sunday is on Sunday, March 6.
“The Blue Book”
Other Programs pg • 13
Altar Guild The Altar Guild meets at 9:00am every Saturday to prepare the altars for Sunday services. Members work on rotating teams. Other opportunities are available for wedding hospitality and linen care. Please call Barbara Silcox at 859-492-2471 for more information. Bible Study Bible Study meets Wednesdays, mid-September through May, 11:30am1:30pm at the home of Mimi Milward. If you would like to join, call Mimi Milward at 859-266-0861. Bishops’ Funds The Bishops’ Funds were established to honor those whom we have called Bishop. Designated offerings go toward one of the six funds to perpetuate the work of our Bishops. Please call Susan Baird, 859-299-6949, for more information. Daughters of the King On the third Wednesday of the month, September through May, the Daughters of the King meet and share Holy Eucharist in the Chapel at 5:15pm, followed by a business meeting. The Daughters of the King have made solemn commitments to prayer and service. Please call Sherry Ferguson at 859-3336883. Memorials Project This project plans to collect and preserve in photographs the beautiful needlepoint kneelers and other treasures of Christ Church Cathedral. These images will be incorporated with text into a published book. Much work awaits in the coming year. Please call Dana Davis at 859-948-5776 for further information.
“The Blue Book”
Other Programs pg • 14
United Thank Offering The UTO is an international ministry of the Episcopal Church for the mission of the whole church. It has been managed by the women of the church since the Women’s Auxiliary of the Board of Missions was organized in 1871. Grant requests are evaluated and funded to provide ministry to men, women and children. Further information about this ministry is available from Barbara Hodgman at 859-299-4226.
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
“The Blue Book”
Proposed Budget pg • 15
Dear Episcopal Church Women, As you know, ECW’s annual budget is predicated on the income from the previous year. Some items in our budget have had increases; the scholarship for Cathedral Domain camp increased to $445, and we felt it prudent to offset those increases. If our income is more than expected, we can begin to add items back. The Finance Committee will keep a list of requests for funding and make recommendations if funding becomes available. Please remember that ECW by-laws require that each request for funding be made in writing to the Finance Committee for the members’ consideration. Our members have always been generous and I’m sure they will be this year, too. An envelope for your contribution is included in this brochure. May God bless each of you and the work of ECW. Thank you, Karen Garrison, ECW President
Macalester Fund Criteria 1. Macalester Fund recipients must be women. 2. Macalester Fund recipients must be members of Christ Church Cathedral. 3. Macalester Fund recipients must demonstrate a financial need. a. Macalester Fund recipients with a financial need for living expenses will have primary priority and will be identified by Christ Church clergy. b. Macalester Fund recipients with a financial need for educational or vocational expenses will have secondary priority and must submit an application to receive a grant. 4. Macalester Fund recipients’ identities will remain anonymous. 5. Macalester Fund recipients’ continued financial need will be subject to a blind review by ECW officers periodically, at least every six months. www.ccclex.org
“The Blue Book”
Proposed Budget pg • 16
For Our Parish Administration Cathedral Youth Group Clergy Discretionary Fund Domain Camp Scholarship Guest Lunches Junior Daughters of the King Receptions Total
$500 $200 $400 $445 $400 $250 $500 $2695
For the Diocese & National Church ECW Diocese Assessment (required) ECW Triennial Fund UTO Memorial & Gift Fund Total
$800 $100 $100 $1000
For Mission Church Under the Bridge The Community Cupboard CROSS Ministries God’s Pantry Hope Center for Women Rape Crisis Center Reading Camp St. Agnes’ House Seedleaf Total
$150 $500 $500 $150 $100 $100 $250 $100 $100 $1950
Total from General Account McAlester Fund Recipients Grand Total
Today is a New Day: Reaching out Beyond Our Neighbors
$5645 As needed $5645
“The Blue Book”
Special Projects Completed pg • 17
Decoration of Bride’s Room
Refurbishing St. Agnes’ House Commons Room
Refurbishing Cathedral Domain cabin
Purchase of a washer & dryer for the Cathedral
Purchase of Advent vestments for the Cathedral
Donation to the Reading Camp
Donation to the church kitchen
Purchase of church tablecloths
Donation to Domain playground
Donation for choir trip to England
Donation for staff member’s trip to Africa
Restoration of Helm frame
Purchase of stole for Curate
Contribution to new audio-visual system for Great Hall
Purchase of Stole for Deacon
Donation of paper folding machine and other equipment for office staff
Tuition for two campers at Cathedral Domain
2013-2014 Scholarship for training the new leader of the God’s Children Sing program 2014-2015 Harrison Elementary backpack program 2014-2015 Fizz, Boom Science program for Harrison Elementary 2014-2015 Purchase of stole for priest
$1000 $368
$265 $560 $205 $281
166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org
Find Your Soul Purpose at Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church Cathedral serves a unique downtown ministry in the heart of Lexington. We are a people of prayer and action, eager to serve those in our community. We have programs and events for all generations. Everyone can find a place for involvement and service as we seek to extend God’s love made known in Jesus Christ. The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is to restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. God has a dream to heal the world. Cathedrals are meant to give us a glimpse of that dream, and in so doing, to fortify and inspire us for that life-giving work. If you would like to know more about the Cathedral, please call Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or email her at mchristensen@ccclex.org to set up an appointment. Also, visit our website at www.ccclex.org.
Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497 www.ccclex.org
Celebrate being an Episcopal Woman
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