Prayer & Action
Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky
DEEP CALLS TO DEEP A look at Art at the Cathedral during the Lenten season.
BRINGING OUT GOD-COLORS We were each given unique gifts and places to use them!
e n t 2013
A Parish of
Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I February 2013 Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula L. Ott > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling >
The Seating of
EPISCOPAL DIOCESE OF LEXINGTON Thursday, the Twenty-First of February In the Year of Our Lord Two thousand thirteen Seven o’clock in the evening
CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Your prayers and presence are requested.
Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Youth Ministry Coordinator ɪ Amanda Musterman-Kiser > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Schoner Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Brownell Haddix Vestry Chuck Baldecchi, Senior Warden ɪ John Brice, Junior Warden ɪ C.B. Baize ɪ Nancy Bogue ɪ Cissy Collins ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Sherry Ferguson ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann-Whitney Garner ɪ Tom Howard ɪ Tracey Meyers ɪ Gary Stewart ɪ Marc Mathews, Treasurer
WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral seasonally throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the March issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is February 11 at noon. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@
FEBRUARY PRAYER Everlasting God, give us grace to be present with you in your Word and Sacraments, and to recognize you in the lives of those around us. Enkindle in us the flame of that love which burned in the heart of your Son, and let it burn in us to eternal life and to the ages of ages. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER Caroline Chapman kisses the camel at The Epiphany.
THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497
February 13 /
Bernie Conrad leads one of the camels on The Epiphany, January 6.
Rising to New Life
Art at the Cathedral
Associate Dean
Lent 2013
Cathedral Kidz
College & Young Adults
Cathedral Outreach
From the Deacon
Bulletin Board
Rising to New Life By The Very Reverend Carol L. Wade
hat an adventure we are on together at Christ Church Cathedral. As the season of Epiphany draws to a close and we prepare for our Lenten journey, we have much to be grateful for at Christ Church Cathedral. Epiphany, the season of vision and dreams, began with a special visit from Magi and camels seeking to worship the Christ Child and to carry his light into the world. This celebration brought the Epiphany story to life for young and old alike, as we envisioned our call to serve Christ’s world. Baptizing two young men as “new lights” in Christ underscored this call as we celebrated the feast of the Baptism of Jesus. During Epiphany, we also sent 17 youth on retreat in preparation for Confirmation in May, when they will make a mature affirmation as followers of Christ, and embark for a summer mission trip to Belize. As the season progressed, the light of Epiphany shone brightly in our collective lives as we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Choir of Men and Boys. The reunion of choir directors and distinguished alumni from the last half-century not only kindled warm memories, but also offered exquisite music to the glory of God and to the delight of all. The season celebrating Christ’s light and love also brought news of a faithful and successful fall Stewardship campaign. We witnessed new levels of commitment and generosity
in response to God’s call to mission at Christ Church Cathedral. How grateful we are for God’s blessing in the faithful opening of heaven’s gates in God’s unfailing generosity (Malachi 3:10). How blessed we are for such vision and vitality at Christ Church Cathedral. The final Sunday of the Epiphany season culminates in a story of an extraordinary vision. Christ, who appears in dazzling light, is further revealed as the Messiah who will lead us out of sin’s bondage and into the freedom of the resurrection life. This story concludes our Epiphany celebrations and functions as an overture to Lent and Easter in sounding the themes of Christ’s death and resurrection. As we turn the corner into the penitential season of Lent, Shrove Tuesday provides a bridge into Lent by way contrast. We gather for one last carnival night of fun and feasting as we anticipate the solemn call of Ash Wednesday. Along with our feast of pancakes and a Cajun fare,
Lent reminds of the sufficiency of God’s grace, as we rise to new life, and give thanks for the power of God’s transforming love.
one of the playful celebrations of Shrove Tuesday is the “burying of the alleluias.” During the season of Lent, we do not use the word “alleluia,” and so on Shrove Tuesday we symbolically bury our joyful shouts of alleluia until they rise again at the first celebration of Easter. Finally, we gather in the Garden to burn the palm branches collected from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration for their conversion into the dust and ash that will mark our foreheads at the Ash Wednesday services. During Lent, the church is called back to its essential story, “that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day ” (I Corinthians 15:3-4). Week by week, the Lenten Scriptures invite us, both individually and collectively, into a process of self-examination, forgiveness, and new life. As we reconsider particular behaviors that draw us away from the life that God intends for us and for our world, Lent reminds of the sufficiency of God’s grace, as we rise to new life, and give thanks for the power of God’s transforming love. I wish you a holy Lent. Carol+ CCCLEX.ORG / 5
Our 2013 Pledging Members By Chuck Baldecchi & Anne Garrett
ere at Christ Church Cathedral we have concluded the year with the windows of heaven being opened and God’s overflowing blessings pouring out upon us (Malachi 3:8-12). This is a result of the faithful, generous and giving parishioners of the Cathedral. Because of this commitment to supporting God’s work in the world through this Cathedral, we have reached several high notes that will bless and enable Christ Church in the coming year and beyond. First, an anonymous donor was moved to pay off the Cathedral’s $165,000 mortgage. This act of generosity means that together we advance into 2013 completely free of debt! Second, as a result of the faithful completion of pledges made for 2012, Christ Church Cathedral concluded the year $32,000 in the black. This is the first time in at least ten years that this has happened! Third, we have been truly
blessed by the generous pledge responses and the many new pledging individuals and families for 2013. These blessings will enable Christ Church Cathedral to live into God’s vision for this Cathedral. We give humble and heartfelt thanks for this incredible generosity! If you have not yet pledged, we ask you to prayerfully consider pledging. How has God called you to Christ Church Cathedral? Where does God touch you? Why do you love Christ Church Cathedral? If you would like to pledge, please contact Lesa Schoner Wehrle at 254-4497 or lschoner@ For all of these blessings and more, we give glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Amen! Ϯ
Mr & Mrs Don Adams, II
Mr & Mrs James Bell
Mr & Mrs Randall Burke
Mr & Mrs William Cox
Mr & Mrs David Aiken
Mrs Jane Binger
Mr & Mrs Paul Carpenter
Mr Nathaniel Craddock
Mr & Mrs Richard Anderson
Mr & Mrs James Birchfield
Dr & Mrs David Cassidy
Mr & Mrs Thomas Crehore
Miss Sarah Anderson
Dr & Mrs Lars Bjork
Mr & Mrs John Catto
Mr & Mrs Joshua Curtis
Mr & Mrs Tim Anderson
Mr & Mrs David Blanchett
Ms Dale Chapman
Ms Cynthia Cyr
Ms Katherine Andrews
Dr & Mrs M. Cary Blaydes
Dr & Mrs Mark Christensen
Mr & Mrs John Dailey
Ms Patricia Arnold
Mrs Nancy Bogue
Mr & Mrs C. Lance Churchill
Mrs Katherine Dalton
Mrs Anne Arvin
Mrs Barbara Bohart
Mrs Mary Ruth Clark
Dr Waller Dalton
Ms Elizabeth Atinay
Mr & Mrs James Boyd
Mr & Mrs Alexander Clay
Ms Katherine Davenport
Mr & Mrs Thomas Baird
Mrs Mary Boyd
Mrs Susan Clay
Dr Sara Madison Davenport
Mr Charles Baize
Mr Reginald Bradbury
Mr & Mrs Ross Clements
Mr & Mrs William Davis
Mrs Melissa Baize
Ms Marie Bradshaw
Mrs Barbara Clifton
Mr & Mrs Richard DeCamp
Mr & Mrs Charles Baldecchi
Mrs Scott Breckinridge
Mr & Mrs Harry Collins
Mr & Mrs John Lucian Dearborn
Mr Kenton Ball
Dr Sharon Brennan
Mr & Mrs Huston Combs
Ms Susan Dellarosa
Mr & Mrs Erich Balling
Mr & Mrs John Brice, II
Mr & Mrs Bernard Conrad
Mr & Mrs Darrell Dennis
Mr & Mrs Edward Barr
Mrs Melissa C. Bright
Mr & Mrs Robin Cook
Mr & Mrs Richard Dirksen
Ms Elsie Barr
Ms Jane Britton
Mr & Mrs Ted Corman
Mr & Mrs Richard Donworth
The Rev Donna & Mr Garland Barr, III
Mr & Mrs Louis Brock, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Paul Counts
Mr & Mrs Daniel Dorsett
Mr & Mrs Raymond Barry
Mrs Joan Brown
Mr George Cox
Dr & Mrs Tom Duncan
Mr & Mrs Philip Baugh
Mrs Louise Bryans
Mr Leonard Cox
Mr & Mrs Dwight Dunlap
Mr & Mrs Stanley Baugh
Mrs Susan Bullard
Mrs Leslie Cox
Mr & Mrs. Clay Duvall
Mr James Beers & Mrs Michelle Catlin
Mr David Burg
Ms Penny Cox
Mr Bruce Eastwood
Dr & Mrs Guy Ellis, III
Ms Charlette Hummel
Mr & Mrs John McWaters
Ms Sarah Sloan
Ms Tracy Ellis
Mr & Mrs Terry Hutchens
Mrs Winifred Meeker
Mr & Mrs Mike Slone
Ms Martha Jane Emmott
Ms Kathleen Imhoff
Mr & Mrs Guy Mendes, III
Mrs Emily Smith
Ms Marilyn Faughn
Mr & Mrs Robert Ireland
Ms Tracey Meyers
Mr & Mrs George Smith
Mr Joel Fay
Ms Sarah Jackson
Mr & Mrs Charles Michler
Mr Henry Smith
Ms Janie Fergus
The Jacobs Family
Mr & Mrs Ron Milburn
Mr & Mrs Johnny Smith
Mr Eugene Ferguson
Mrs Wanda Jaquith
Mr Michael Miller
Mr & Mrs R. Wendell Snyder
Mrs Sherry Ferguson
Mr & Mrs Russell Jarvis
Mr & Mrs Greg Milward
Ms Anne Sorenson
Ms Joell Finney
Mrs Elizabeth Jett
Mr & Mrs John Milward
Mr & Mrs Steven Specht
Miss Katherine Fitzpatrick
Mr George Jett
Mr & Mrs John K. Milward
Ms Rebecca Spencer
Ms L. Flanagan
Mr Daniel Jividen
Mrs Martha Mooney
Dr & Mrs Robert J. Stamps
Mrs Elizabeth Flynn
Ms Lisa Johnson
Mrs Patricia Moore
Dr & Mrs John Stempel
Mr & Mrs George Freeman
Mr & Mrs Guy Jones
Mr & Mrs Michael Moran
Ms Sonya Stephens
Ms Nancy Freeman
Mrs Helen Jones
Ms Sara Moreno
Dr Gary Stewart & Dr Sharon Stewart
Mr & Mrs Robert Fugate
Mr Peta Jones
Mr & Mrs T. Greg Mullins
Mr & Mrs Jack Stewart
Dr & Mrs John Garden
Mrs Dianne Kearns
Mr & Mrs Shannon Naish
Mrs Lela Stromenger
Mr & Mrs Allen Garner, Jr.
Mr Thomas Kearns
Mr & Mrs Bradley Newsome
Ms Muffy Stuart
Dr & Mrs David Garrett
Mr Paul Keller
Mr Richard Nunan & Dr Anna Demaree
Ms Brenda Stull
Ms Karen Garrison
Ms Sandra Kestner
Mr Ralph Odima & Mrs Joyce Disoba
Ms Judith H. Stump
Dr & Mrs James Gay
Mr & Mrs Ken Kikuchi
Mrs Jessie Ogden
Ms Ann Sturm
Mrs Elizabeth Geddes
Mr & Mrs Shelby Kinkead, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Steven Osborne
Ms Eleanor Surrency
Ms Gaile Geddes
Mr & Mrs Sidney Kinkead, Jr.
The Rev Paula Lee Ott
Mr & Mrs C. William Swinford, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Herbert D. Geddes
Mr Roger Kirkpatrick
The Rev & Mrs Brent Owens
Mr & Mrs Christopher Thomason
Mr & Mrs Herbert D. Geddes, Jr.
Mr Kody Kiser & Mrs Amanda Musterman-Kiser
Mrs Betty Jo Palmer
Mr & Mrs Alexander Thompson
Mrs John A. Palumbo
Ms Margaret Trafton
Mrs Martha Park
Mr & Mrs Daniel Tudor
Mr & Mrs Hill Parker
Mr & Mrs Daniel D. Tudor
Mr & Mrs Ron Parkey
Ms Julie Tudor
Ms Laura Parrish
Mrs. Karen Tufts
Mrs Gertrude Patch
Mr Keith Turner
Mrs Linda Patrick
Ms Lisa Underwood
Dr & Mrs John Perrine
Mr Thomas Underwood, Jr.
Mrs Maria Maxwell Perry
Mr Billy Van Pelt, II
Mr & Mrs Kell Pollard
The Hon Laurance VanMeter
Mr & Mrs Charles Powell
Mr & Mrs Robert Voll
Mrs Leonard L. Preston
The Very Rev Carol Wade
Mr & Mrs Henry Prewitt, Jr.
Ms Cate Wagoner
Ms Shelley Quire
Dr & Mrs John Wahle, III
Ms Patricia Ramsey
Mr & Mrs Robert Walsh
Mr & Mrs Stephen Ranft
Mr & Mrs James Ware
Mr & Mrs Hunter Ratliff
Ms Mary Ware
Ms Lisa Ritcher
Ms Mary Blanton Ware
Mrs Jo Robertson
Mr & Mrs Samuel Ware
Dr William Robertson, Jr.
Mrs Lesa Wehrle
Dr & Mrs Schuyler Robinson
Mr Frank White & Mrs Pat Allen
Mrs Marie Rogers
Mr Thomas Wigginton
Mr & Mrs Fredrick Roughton
Mr & Mrs Charles Williamson, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Robert Russell-Tutty
Dr Mark Wilson
Mr Robert Sandford
Dr Steffen Wilson
Ms Elaine Schwartz
Mr John B. Winn, Jr.
Mr & Mrs Harry Scott, Jr.
Mr & Mrs William Woodward
Mrs Shirley G. Seabrook
Mr & Mrs Christopher Wright
Mrs Janet Serrenho
Mr Patrick Wylie
Ms Barbara Silcox
Ms Isabel Yates
Mr S. Brandl Skirvin
Mr Tom Yates
Mr & Mrs Peter Slagel
Ms Ann Zimmer
Ms Melissa Sloan
Anonymous (2)
Mr Herbert F. Geddes Mr & Mrs Eugene Getchell Mr Richard Giles Mr & Mrs John Gillig The Gillum Family Mr & Mrs Joseph Graves, Jr. Mr & Mrs Howard Gray Mr Gray & Mrs Hollingsworth-Gray Ms Anne Gregory Ms Juliana Gregory Mrs Ann Greis Mr & Mrs Allen Grimes, III Mr & Mrs David Gyor Mr & Mrs J. L. Hacker, Sr. The Rt Rev & Mrs W. Douglas Hahn Mr & Mrs John R. Hall Ms Lisa Hall Mr & Mrs R. D. Hall Ms Marythom Hamblin Ms Ann G. Hart Dr & Mrs Eric Headley Mr & Mrs Roderick Heard Mr Nicholas Herbert-Jones Mr Robert Hill Mr & Mrs Buck Hinkle, Jr. Mr & Mrs John Hodgman Dr Randolph Hollingsworth Mrs Rebecca Horine Mr & Mrs Addison Hosea, III Mr Kyle Howard Ms Patti Howard Mr Thomas Howard Mr Timothy Howard
Dr Judson Knight Mr & Mrs Matt Koger Mr Samuel Kraus, III Mr Michael Lacki Mrs Rosa Landrum The Rev Charles Lawrence Mrs Mildred Lawrence Dr & Mrs Alex Lesueur, Sr. Mr Alex Lesueur, Jr. Ms Virginia Lewis Mrs Mary Lisle Ms Ann Livingstone Mr & Mrs Timothy Lucas Mr & Mrs Peter Lufkin Mr & Mrs Matthew Lutz Dr Priscilla Lynd Mrs Carojean MacDonald Mr & Mrs Duncan MacIvor Mr Harold Mann Mr & Mrs Jesse Mark Mr Vincenzo Marletta, Jr. Ms Diana Martin Dr & Mrs Loys Mather Mr & Mrs Marc Mathews Miss Mary Rollins Mathews Mr Wilson Mathews, Jr. Mrs Elizabeth Mattingly Mr & Mrs Robert May Mrs Florence Mayer Mr Allen McDaniel Ms. Margaret McDuffie Mrs Kathryn McKinley Mrs Susan McLaughlin-Jones
Deep Calls to Deep By Jesse Mark
DEEP CALLS TO DEEP The Artist thinks about Lent. A work of art is at the tip of the fingers for some artists, for others it’s a struggle like birthing. The struggle might be to just express what is felt inside, getting it out on canvas. Or struggling to present to the viewing public the beauty and passion felt about a portrait, a landscape, an abstract. Lent is an opportunity for all of us to ponder the meaning of birth, living, dying--the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. And then our own birth, life, death and hope of eternal life. For the artist, it is a seeing. For others it might be a making, a hearing, a speaking, a thinking. Lent is a time when, as the Psalmist says, “deep calls to deep.” MOVING FORWARD Art at the Cathedral is transitioning into a new organization with my retirement March 31st. Diane Milburn has graciously agreed to lead the new organization, which looks like the following: Artists within the Cathedral membership will manage one exhibit each. These artists for 2013 in order of their appearance will be Brenda Dennis, April Gallery Hop; Tom Wigginton and Paul Counts (photographers), June Hop; Cate Wagoner, a September invitational; and Anne Bjork,
November Hop. Marsha Bloxom and Nancy Blaydes will supervise art intake; Carole Constantino will do data entry and manage the email file of 230 artists; Mike Sloan will direct the hanging of the exhibits. Dan Tudor will continue the history docent program with the assistance of Cathedral Art Committee members. The role of the curators is to compose the theme, select the art and artists, and place the exhibit. Looking ahead to 2014, Robert Sandford, Kathleen Imhoff and Janet Serrenho will be the curators. Other artists and Cathedral Art Committee members will assist in the enterprise. Programs to be performed during Gallery Hop will be developed by Linda Robinson and Bill Adams.
Amanda Tudor will manage the Gallery Hop receptions. Amanda has been co-chair ever since her move from Savannah School of Art and Design to EKU about eight years ago. She and many others have served on the art committee faithfully and without them the art program would not be possible. She is open to additional fresh volunteers. For my farewell Gallery Hop, Art at the Cathedral has engaged Constance Grayson, who has exhibited in both the United States and Italy. The exhibit, “Holy Lutes,” frames poetry and art side by side. Gallery Hop is Friday, February 15. Grayson painted responses to each of the poems in an abstract, colorist style, which she favors over realism. The poetry, which is universal and international, will be accompanied by music by our own Bill Adams. ECW will host the reception. You are all invited. Ϯ
The Mudslinger By The Rev. Brent Owens
n John 9:1-41, Jesus is the least popular character in the story. Why? Because he throws mud at everyone. On the Sabbath Jesus and his disciples see a blind beggar on the side of the road. The disciples ask: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” They believed that illness, disease and disabilities were punishments for sin. To their surprise Jesus says, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned…” In fact, Jesus says that the man’s blindness has nothing at all to do with sin. To make his point, Jesus spits in the dirt and scoops up mud. He spreads the mud over the man’s eyes, and tells him to wash in the pool of Siloam. When the man washes he can see. But the man’s friends and neighbors don’t rejoice. Some question if this is the same guy, or if he was ever blind. They demand an explanation, because after all, wasn’t he blind as punishment for being a sinner? The man is dragged before the Pharisees, the God experts. During multiple hearings, it is clear that the Pharisees want the man or his parents to say Jesus is a sinner, that
the devil healed the man, or that he could see all along and he’s a liar. They find the healing and “making mud” to be work, which was illegal on the Sabbath. So, Jesus must be a sinner too. Unable to beat the man down, the Pharisees throw him out of the synagogue and out of their society. Jesus hears what happened and talks with the man. After the healing, the man knew only that Jesus healed
him. Under questioning by the Pharisees, he says Jesus had to be a prophet. In the next hearing, the man’s sight is clearer, and he confesses that Jesus is from God. Now before Jesus, the man proclaims that Jesus is the Son of Man, the Lord, and worships him. Now the man has 20/20 vision.
But the Pharisees become ever more entrenched in their blind view of God. For them, God is in a box, a box that they made. God can only operate they way they can imagine. Jesus is the mudslinger. He drags everyone through holy mud. He upsets everyone and everything. Jesus reveals the nature of God on God’s terms, not on people’s terms. Jesus shows that God’s imagination is a lot bigger than ours. Closely held traditions and beliefs about God fall away as Jesus shows them to be irrelevant. As we move through Lent, it might be a good to ask ourselves: “What is Jesus throwing mud at in my life? What is Jesus upsetting? What are my closely held beliefs that I’m certain are true, but might not be? What traditions and ideas do I cling to, but might be irrelevant to God? How is God’s imagination bigger than mine?” Like the formerly blind man, sometimes we have to be dragged through holy mud to get to the point of seeing. Ϯ
“Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way
e n t
to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life...� Pope Benedict XVI
LENTEN EVENTS from Bishop Doug Hahn. Sign up at the Welcome Center for each Wednesday you will attend.
Shrove Tuesday February 12 Pancake & Cajun Supper 5:30-6:30pm $5/pancakes, $8/Cajun, $25/family max Children’s activities begin at 6:15pm Sign up at the Welcome Center. Ash Wednesday February 13 Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 9:30am St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm With Bishop Hahn Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm Rite of Reconciliation 5:00-6:00pm Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm With the Choir of Men & Boys Gallery Hop Friday, February 15 5:00-8:00pm Exhibit: “Holy Lutes” Theology on Tap Sushi Fridays+ Every other Friday during Lent 6:30-8:30pm Venue changes First venue is Yamamoto, Tiverton Way on February 15. Lenten Quiet Day* Saturday, February 16 9:00am-1:00pm Sign up at the Welcome Center. Adult Confirmation Classes February 17, 24, March 3, 10 & 17 12:45pm Childcare provided. Please bring sack lunch. Contact The Rev. Brent Owens at for more information. Wednesday Nights During Lent February 20, 27, March 6, 13 & 20 6:00pm dinner, 6:30-8:00pm program Great Hall Wednesday nights during Lent will explore themes taken from this past year’s Trinity Institute. You will hear through a taped webcast conference Joan Chittister, OSB, who will offer tools for making the vital connection between contemplation and social action. Other workshop leaders including theologians, spiritual directors, and activists will share their wisdom. On March 20, we will conclude with a message
Seating of Bishop Doug Hahn Thursday, February 21 7:00pm We welcome newly ordained Bishop Doug Hahn and as he is installed in the chair appointed to his office. Diocesan Convention February 21-23 Lexington Hilton Organ Recital & Evensong Sunday, February 24 3:30pm With the Choir of Men & Girls and Vestry Installation Commodores Friday, March 1 7:00pm Youth: 30 Hour Famine^ March 1-3 Good Shepherd Youth fast for 30 hours while participating in community service projects throughout Lexington. During the 30 hours youth pray, worship, and study the causes of hunger and homelessness in our community and in our world. The event ends with a youth-led service at Christ Church on Sunday, March 3. Children’s Lenten Activity Day* Sunday, March 10 12:30pm Children should come in comfortable/play clothes. We will begin with lunch in the small dining room. Youth: Happening^ March 15-17 Cathedral Domain A not-to-miss weekend retreat for 10th-12th grades at the Cathedral Domain. Happening is often described as the best experience of a young person’s life. During Happening, participants experience the love of Christ through prayer, worship and the ministry of both adults and peers around them. Henry Garrett will be the Rector for this Happening. Evensong Sunday, March 17 4:00pm With the Cathedral Girls Choir
w w w. c c c l ex . o r g
Dream Group* 12:00-2:00pm Meditation Room This semester we will be studying Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams. Theology on Tap+ 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays 6:30-8:30pm The Village Idiot, Corner of Short & Mill Are you a 21-40ish adult looking for practical theology in a fun and non-judgmental setting? Join us the 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the month, 6:30-8:30pm, at the Village Idiot on Short Street for laughter, thought-provoking conversation and fellowship. This great small group does not prescribe solutions but discusses in open and respectful ways how we find God at work in our daily lives. Appetizers provided!
Tuesdays Books & Beliefs February 5 10:00am Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford At the home of Sharon Brennan, 634 Tateswood Dr. March 5 10:00am Love, Life, and Elephants: An African Love Story by Daphne Jenkins Sheldrick At the home of Anne Garrett, 1609 Bon Air Dr. Wednesdays
Men’s Bible Study 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room Group will decide subject of study. Contact The Rev. Ron Summers at 519-4938 for more information. Prayer Shawl Knitters February 6 & March 6 12:05pm Meditation Room Knitters of all ages share our gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information contact, Flo Mayer 299-5552.
Centering Prayer* 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room We are reading The Path of Centering Prayer: Deepening Your Experience of God by David Frenette. The last 20 minutes of the class will be devoted to the practice. Email with questions or to register.
Thursdays Episcopal Campus Ministry at UK+ 7:00-9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Take a break from studying to enjoy a free meal, good conversation, engaging program, and vibrant worship. Whether you have much faith or little, you are welcome! Sundays The Forum
Tilford Room, 10:00-10:50am Entering God’s Welcome February 17 - March 24 Lent is a springtime for the soul. A time for learning how love God, each other and ourselves more deeply as we prepare for the joy of Eastertide. Exploring the reflections offered by The Very Rev. Dr. Jane Shaw in her book, A Practical Christianity: Meditations for the Season of Lent, we will seek to develop practices of transformation for ourselves and the world. Led by the Dean and clergy.
Christ and Culture
10:00-10:50am Artist Constance Grayson February 10 & 17 Chapel “All my life, I have been moved by and drawn to color, form and texture. I have struggled to find ways in which I could connect with those strong emotions aroused in me when I observed vivid color, bold form or strong texture. I mastered first one craft and then another, never recognizing that I was striving to find the right way for me to express the passion within me. Then I put a paintbrush loaded with cerulean blue oil paint on a canvas and I knew that I had arrived, arrived at that place where I could realize my world view in a tangible and permanent way. I also perceived that I had just begun the long process of learning the techniques to enable me to do that. In my art, I strive to do “niente senza gioia”--nothing without joy.”
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LENTEN CLASSES God’s Welcome: Hospitality in a Gospel-Hungry World by Amy Oden February 24 - March 24 Library Led by Hilary Jarvis & Steve Specht Class will read, explore, ponder, and practice the ideas and practices in this book. Class is led by a team of parishioners who have already been incorporating these concepts.
Observance of a Holy Lent
Dear People of God: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature, let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. BCP 264
Morning Prayer
The Chapel will be open for Morning Prayer during Lent at 8:00 on weekday mornings with clergy and staff. The Healing Service will still be held on Wednesdays at 12:05pm.
Christ Church Bookstore
Christ Church Bookstore carries a wide and stimulating selection of books and gift items. Almost any book can be ordered through the bookstore. For information or to place an order, call 252-8064 or email Lenten devotionals and books are available in the bookstore.
Bookstore Hours of Operation Monday through Thursday, 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday, 9:30am - 10:30am
Episcopal Campus Ministry at Transy+ 7:00-9:00pm CARE House, 439 W. Fourth St. Take a break from studying to enjoy a free meal, good conversation, engaging program, and vibrant worship. Whether you have much faith or little, you are welcome!
Easter Memorial Flowers
Easter Memorials requests are due no later than Wednesday, March 20. Please send checks and names to Cindy Ware at 217 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, KY 40502. A minimum of $15.00 per name is suggested. Thank you.
“Holy Lutes” Exhibit
“Holy Lutes,” an exhibit of abstract art and poetry, opens February 10 with a gallery tour by artist Constance Grayson. Beginning in the Chapel, Grayson will tell of her inspiration for this exhibit. Reading Love Poems from God (Daniel Ladinsky), she explored the world of sacred poetry for the first time. Creatively she moved gracefully from word to painting in her abstract, colorist style. An exhibit birthed in her mind’s eye: Holy Lutes. ^ Please contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser at the church or by email ( for more info. * Please contact Elizabeth Conrad at the church or by email ( for more info. + Please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at the church or by email ( for more info.
A Safe Place to Wonder By Gwen Mathews
ike several of us who spend Sunday morning on the Helm Building second floor, I have lost track of the years that I have taught Godly Play. I remember our first year with Lois Howard and having mixed feelings about the Montessori-based Godly Play method. I was certain that we would return to teaching Sunday School the old way as the children would grow bored hearing the same story every year. Twenty years later, we are still using Godly Play and I have been a storyteller for most of those years. Recently someone told me that they didn’t think Godly Play worked. I was surprised because in my experience Godly Play nourishes spirituality -- not just small people’s but for big people, too. In my years of teaching, I had forgotten my own early doubts. In Godly Play we tell stories straight from the source, Scripture, and while I suspect, based on conversations with my own teen-aged children, that in a few years my students may not remember every Godly Play story, I do believe our children have learned how to wonder about God’s Word and have a language and knowledge of a loving God. Our classroom truly is a sacred space and we try to enter it in a thoughtful, prepared way, just as
we as adults try to enter our own Sunday worship in the Sanctuary in a thoughtful, prepared way. Naturally some days, like the children, we are better at it than others -- we can be distracted by friends in another pew or the temptations of a Spalding doughnut. In Godly Play, we discuss important theological questions in the context of stories from Scripture. It is a safe place to wonder where we are in these ancient stories. I often think that most adults could use a little Godly Play and time spent wondering about where we are in a Story. In the weeks leading to Lent, our Godly Play classes will be exploring the Parables, which are housed in golden boxes. We have already told many of the important Old Testament desert
stories and we just journeyed on the road to Bethlehem with the prophets, the shepherds and the Holy Family. We followed the wild star with the Magi and to the delight of my second grade boys we used matches to burn some stuff (frankincense and myrrh). Of all the stories we tell, our Lenten stories – The Faces of Easter – are my favorite. They follow the life of Jesus and we carefully approach the sorrow of the Cross and joy of Easter with wonder. During Lent, the children are invited to draw closer to the mystery of Easter by bring pieces of other stories to Jesus’ story. Perhaps during this Lenten season, you, too, might prepare to for the mystery of Easter with a quiet sense of wonder and bringing pieces of your own story to God. We have much to learn from our children. Ϯ
Taking On, Not Giving Up: Our Lenten Journey By The Rev. Joe Mitchell
“I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination; by... reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.” – BCP, p. 265
ith these words, The Rev. Barry Neese and I invited a group of young men and women into this season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. For college students, this time of year can be a real endurance test: midterms become overwhelming, freshmen anxiously look ahead to the end of their first year, and seniors experience the mixed emotions that surround the impending graduation. When one tacks on the usual emphasis on repentance that generally is assigned to Lent, it is clear how this time of year can become a burden. Yet the Cathedral Young Adults are approaching this season not as a burden, but as an opportunity. Lent affords us the opportunity to do a bit of spring cleaning, to take stock of who we are, where we are, and what God is calling us to be. Oftentimes people will give something up for Lent as a sign of their intentional approach to the season. And while many of us give something
up this season, we also recognize that Lent can also be a time to take on something new, to examine our lives and find that God is calling us in a new direction. Both the Episcopal Campus Ministry and 20s & 30s Group will be taking on something new this season.
Starting this month the Episcopal Campus Ministry will be expanding to Transylvania University. As we have done at UK, we will now gather weekly for worship, table fellowship, and conversation with students at our neighbor university just up the street. The 20s & 30s Group, which continues to meet for Theology on Tap, will also meet for Sushi Fridays during Lent. This additional gathering will take place every second and fourth Friday at a different sushi restaurant.
By taking on new programs, the Cathedral Young Adults are answering God’s call to take on something new, to examine ourselves and create space in which God’s voice may be heard within us. Throughout Lent we will be engaging in conversations about how God has so richly blessed our lives, and how we might turn to God in gratitude, take stock of where we are, and equip ourselves for whatever new thing God may be planting within us. We hope you will join us as we embark on this Lenten journey of self-reflection and discovery. Episcopal Campus Ministry meets: • UK, Thursdays, 7:00 pm at St. Augustine’s Chapel • Transylvania, Sundays, 7:00 pm at the CARE House 20s & 30s meets: • 1st, 3rd, & 5th Monday at 6:30pm, Village Idiot (Theology on Tap) • Every other Friday during Lent beginning February 15 at 6:30pm (location TBA) For more information on the Cathedral Young Adults, contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at jmitchell@ccclex. org or 319-9262. Ϯ CCCLEX.ORG / 15
Walking with Our Youth Confirmands By Amanda Musterman-Kiser
“Be very sure now, you who have been trained to a self-sufficient maturity, that you enter into a generous common life with those who have trained you, sharing all the good things that you have and experience.” Galatians 6:6 – The Message
ent is a time when we prepare to reaffirm our own baptismal vowels. For those who, like me, were baptized by full immersion it is a powerful reminder that we participate in Christ’s ongoing death and Resurrection. That when our priest gingerly lowered us into that pool of water, we symbolically went into the tomb, and when we were raised up out of that water we were raised into a new and resurrected life with Christ. Lent is a time to prepare individually for a renewal of our own baptismal promises through fasting, prayer, and self-examination. Lent is also a time of communal prayer and preparation. In the end, on Easter Vigil, we will stand and say our Baptismal Covenant together. Part of this communal Lenten preparation is helping to teach those who are about to publicly affirm their Baptism, or remember their Baptism through public reaffirmation, Confirmation, or reception. For our young people confirmation is just this, “a mature affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities
of their Baptism.” (BCP, 412). In the pray, prepare, and try on Christian early church, those preparing for such adulthood on their own. an initiation would enter a process Confirmation is a communal of rigorous fasting and prayer and practice. On Easter Vigil, as we end scrutiny over their ethical and moral the Lenten season and look towards behavior to see if they were truly living our resurrection, we will baptize. And Christ-like lives. They were assigned as we baptize, we will promise, as we sponsors who could vouch for their always do, to do all in our power to moral character. Sometimes, they did support the newly baptized in their life not bathe for 40 days so that the water in Christ. (BCP, 303). At confirmation on of Baptism would wash them both May 5, we will again affirm our baptissymbolically and physically. mal promises. At Christ Church Cathedral, ConfirAt our Baptism, we received the mation process for our youth maintains ministry of Christ. As our prayer book its roots in these early rituals. While we tells us, that ministry is to follow Christ, hope our youth bathe many times dur- worship weekly, and to “work, pray, ing this process, we have maintained and give for the spread of the kingdom some of these rituals. Last week, each of God.” As we mentor our students of our 17 youth were assigned an adult through the process of making an adult sponsor. Not necessarily to “vouch” for affirmation of faith, we are doing the their moral behavior, but to help guide work that all of us were called to at our them into Christian adulthood, to show Baptism. Join with us as we do so. them the ways of prayer and acWHERE WE ARE IN THE CONFIRMATION PROCESS tion, to help them navigate the Bible Fall 2012: Pray and discern about entering and to help them Confirmation process discern what a life Fill out Confirmation Commitment form. of Christ looks like 1/4-1/6: Attend Confirmation Retreat for them. Many of 1/13: Receive mentor and start one-on-one our students will meetings fast both with a Start Sunday School class lessons traditional Lenten 2/8-10: Attend New Beginnings, Diocesan event practice AND for 3/1-3/3: Participate in 30 Hour Famine for 30 Hours on March Community Service 1-3 as part of our 5/5: Confirmation: “I will with God’s help!” annual 30 Hour 6/27: Mission/Pilgrimage to Belize Famine. They will
Those praying for our youth Confirmands: 3 Sunday School Teachers 17 Adult Mentors and Sponsors 4 Clergy Members of the Diocesan Happening Staff Members of the Diocesan New Beginnings Staff 30 Hour Famine Volunteers 2 Overnight Retreat Hosts A host of individuals already praying
Pray for our confirmands: Brennan Burke Chanel Lufkin Charlie Grimes Claire Headley Connor Dellarosa Darby Rose Jones Davis Fugate Diane Clements Gretchen Bryant Emma Seale Erilyn Jackson Lucy Macfarlan Margaret Clifton Quentin Prewitt Siobhan O’Neill Will Mathews William Woodward
At our Baptism, we received the ministry of Christ. As our prayer book tells us, that ministry is to follow Christ, worship weekly, and to “work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.”
Join with me in praying for our young people during this time of preparation: O God, you prepared your disciples for the coming of the Spirit through the teaching of your Son Jesus Christ: Make the hearts and minds of your servants ready to receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit, that they may be filled with the strength of his presence; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. (BCP, 819). Ϯ
Harrison Neighbors By Amanda Musterman-Kiser
decade ago, two retired schoolteachers – Laura Parrish and Jo Robertson -- wanted to continue their teaching ministry. After some deliberation, they began after-school tutoring at Russell Elementary. Often students would come to Christ Church after school for tutoring and a snack. When Russell Elementary closed in 2003, they discovered Harrison school. Located
a few blocks away, near Second and Jefferson, Harrison was not only close to Christ Church but also had the need for tutors. A new relationship was born. Today, the relationship between Harrison and Christ Church continues to grow. The tutoring program is running strong with the leadership of Loys Mather. At Christmas, we support Harrison families through Angel Tree with help from the Marc and Gwen Mathews and
many others. In the summer months, we donate school supplies for those who would not otherwise be able to afford them. We give a lot to Harrison, but the greatest gift we give is the one of lasting relationships. Time after time, we hear that our relationship with Harrison is one that is very much appreciated. Join us as we host Harrison families in a new type of relationship for a movie night on February 17! ĎŽ
Bringing Out God-Colors By The Rev. Paula Ott
ne of my favorite passages in the Bible comes from Matthew 5:15. As Jesus tells His followers, “You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand— shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” (The Message) I especially like the line about bringing out Godcolors in the world. God has given each of us such unique gifts. Some of us received the gift of gab, enabling us to use our words to encourage and uplift others. Some of us have the gift of the written word, allowing us to write correspondences with others in ways that brighten their days and bring comfort to their souls. Some of us are blessed with outstanding culinary skills, endowing us with the ability to create wonderfully nutritious meals. Others of us are blessed with the gift of being a listening presence enabling others to lighten the burdens they
carry in their hearts by talking about them to someone else. Some of us are blessed with the abilities to do all of the above and more. But, as Jesus tells us, we were not given these gifts to keep them unto ourselves, but to share them with others, particularly with those in need. I am reminded of times when it was difficult, if not next to impos-
“You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.” sible, for me to see God-colors. Times when loved ones were suffering from terminal illnesses and the loss of loved ones come to mind. Then there have been other times when temporary crises in life got the better of me and life took on a gray color. Sometimes all it took was a call or a card from a friend to say someone was thinking of me to lift my spirits and remind me the grayness was only temporary and that God continued to surround me with His love even during that tough time.
There are 11 pastoral care teams here at Christ Church Cathedral in addition to our clergy that respond to God’s call to be light-bearers for others through their provision of pastoral care to fellow parishioners. Ten of the teams provide cards and meals as needed to brothers and sisters here at the Cathedral as needs arise. These teams generally function on a 10-week rotation. Each team has a team leader who works with Deacon Paula, Mimi Milward and Margaret Christensen in determining pastoral needs. Team Eleven regularly visits the critically ill and shut-ins. Some members of Team Eleven take Communion to parishioners who are no longer able to attend church. These pastoral care teams have consistently functioned in the background of activities here at Christ Church. Lowkey as they may be, their work is so critical to the health and well–being of fellow parishioners. Sometime in the next few months, we will be providing a recognition luncheon for all pastoral care team members in gratitude for their faithful service. Through your efforts, God’s light shines brightly for others during their times of darkness. In sharing God’s light, you share God’s eternal love. Ϯ
What Does the Christ Church Legacy Society Mean to Me? By Steve Specht
he Christ Church Legacy Society is a large and growing group of people who love Christ Church and have made an arrangement to leave something to the church after their death. There are currently 112 members. You can read their names on the plaques by the Welcome Center – many of them are your friends. The story of why I became a member of the Legacy Society begins with loving Christ Church and its people – the tradition, the thinking, the acceptance and God’s love. I believe that our purpose and calling
is to love and worship the Lord, and to love our neighbor. I believe that we are all blessed by God with abundant gifts and talents. We are charged with being good caretakers or stewards of those gifts and talents. I believe that part of that responsibility involves leaving a portion of the abundance we are blessed with to the church, so its ministries and programs can survive and thrive in the future. My wife Lori and I have made an arrangement in our wills directing that 10% of the estate of the secondto-die will go to Christ Church’s
We will be having our annual Christ Church Legacy Society celebration dinner in May in the Great Hall at Christ Church. All Legacy Society members are invited, and will be receiving an invitation. Non-members, if you submit an enrollment form by May 19, we would love to have you at the dinner. Please contact Steve Specht for more information: 268-9817.
Endowment. There are many other ways to leave something to the church in addition to putting the Cathedral on our wills. Some examples include a life insurance policy with Christ Church Cathedral as the beneficiary or an IRA in the name of the Cathedral. It makes us feel good that we are helping Christ Church to continue and expand its ministries and programs for many generations to come. Please pray about joining your friends and becoming a member today. Ϯ
I believe that our purpose and calling is to love and worship the Lord, and to love our neighbor. 20 / PRAYER AND ACTION_FEBRUARY 13
Ash Wednesday February 13
Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Chapel Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 9:30am St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion, Cheapside Park If you are on lunch break and unable to attend a service, clergy will be stationed outside to impose ashes as you begin your Lenten journey.
Bishops’ Funds Sunday March 10
The Bishops’ Funds were established to honor the six previous Bishops of Lexington. On March 10, you will have the opportunity to support the funds that have been created to perpetuate the life and work of our bishops.
March 10 • 12:30-2:30pm
Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm & 5:00-6:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church, at the altar rail and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm Church The Choir of Men & Boys Childcare Available
The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton Fund Assist seminarians in the Diocese with their training The Rt. Rev. Henry Prior Almon Abbot Fund Assist new and continuing missionary work in the Diocese The Rt. Rev. William Robert Moody Fund Help fund projects are the Cathedral Domain The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund Help with continuing education The Rt. Rev. Don Adger Wimberly Fund Help fund projects involving youth and young adults The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund Help Reading Camp and Literacy Programs in the Diocese
A Children’s Activity Day Preparing for Holy Week
Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm Church The Cathedral Singers
Children will experience events of Holy Week. Wear comfortable clothes to church. Lunch is provided.
SHROVE TUESDAY Join us on February 12 for a pancake and Cajun supper to celebrate the last day before the beginning of Lent. Supper is 5:30-6:30pm in the Great Hall. We will bury our Alleluias in the church and burn palms in the Garden together! Children’s activities begin at 6:15pm. Please contact Deacon Paula Ott at or 254-4497 if you can assist with setup, cooking or cleanup. ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICES Christ Church Cathedral will offer three services with the distribution of ashes and Holy Eucharist on Ash Wednesday, February 13. The Rite of Reconciliation will be available as well. The schedule of the day is as follows: Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Chapel Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 9:30am St. Augustine’s Chapel Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm Near Cheapside Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm Church The Cathedral Singers Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church, at the altar rail and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Rite of Reconciliation 5:00-6:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm Church The Choir of Men & Boys LENTEN QUIET DAY The Lenten Quiet Day is a break from the rush and an opportunity to slow down. It will be held on Saturday, February 16, 9:00am to 1:00pm in the Great Hall. Please note that this time has been changed from the Spring Christian Formation Brochure to account for the UK basketball game. Please
register at the Welcome Center by February 13. Please bring a sack lunch; drinks will be provided. And let the church know if you will need childcare. Look for more information soon.
MINISTRIES/// NEWCOMERS TEA Are you new to Christ Church Cathedral? Please join us for the Newcomers Tea Sunday, February 10, at 12:30pm in the Tilford Room. Enjoy scrumptious homemade treats and tea and coffee while you get to know other members. We celebrate your presence among us and look forward to getting to know you better. Childcare will be provided. BOOKS & BELIEFS Books and Beliefs will meet Tuesday, February 5, at the home of Sharon Brennan, 634 Tateswood Dr. Coffee hour will begin at 10:00am, followed by the program at 10:30. Lu Crehore will present Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. All church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome. NEW BEGINNINGS New Beginnings, February 8-10, is a weekend of fun, relaxation and deepened friendships with God, new friends, and self for Grades 7-9 at the Cathedral Domain. Join us in a discovery of questions – Who is God? Who is God to me? And who am I to God? This small group retreat will focus on self, friends, brothers, sisters, and parents. As we get ready for Valentine’s Day we will discover together how we love more fully. Contact for more info. COMMODORES The March Commodores program by Constance Grayson is entitled “HOLY LUTES.” The program is about the exhibit of abstract art and poetry, which opens February 10th. Ms. Grayson will tell of her inspiration for this exhibit. We’ll gather at 7:00pm on Friday, March 1 for a pot-luck dinner followed by her program. Bring a meat, vegetable, or salad dish to serve 10-12. Please note that dessert, appetizers, bread and beverage are furnished. All members and friends of the Cathedral are welcome.
NOTICES/// GET YOUR PHOTO TAKEN FOR THE CATHEDRAL DIRECTORY Picture taking for the new Cathedral directory will take place in the “studio” in the nursery area, first floor of the Helm Building. There will be signs directing parishioners to the location. We plan to take pictures after the 8:30am service and before and after the 11:00am service each Sunday unless circumstances preclude. We hope to get 100% participation! ADULT BAPTISMS AT EASTER VIGIL The Cathedral will be celebrating the sacrament of Baptism at Easter Vigil, which will be held Saturday, March 30, at 8:00pm. If you would like to be a part of this service, please contact the Parish Secretary at 2544497 for more information. TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP Bishop Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for Confirmation and reception on Sunday, May 5. If you are an adult and would like to be confirmed or received, we have a series of five classes (February 17, 24, March 3, 10 and 17) to prepare you. The class is at 12:45pm (after the 11am service) so that it does not conflict with other Cathedral activities. There will be childcare provided. Bring a sack lunch. The classes will end by 1:45pm. • Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which baptized candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayers and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” BCP p. 860 • Reception is for baptized persons who have made a mature commitment to another Christian denomination and now wish to be members of the Episcopal Church. The candidate is received through the laying on of hands and prayer by the Bishop. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting The Rev. Brent Owens at or call 254-4497, Ext. 103. Ϯ
1 Addison Hosea
7 Brad Newsome
1 Judith Stump
7 Jeanette Dalrymple
1 Kaitlin Hizny
7 Jim Ware
1 Tate Fugate
8 Katherine Dotson
1 Vaughn Smith
8 Johnny Smith
1 Lesa Wehrle
9 Bill Swinford
2 Mabel Trumbo
10 Bob Milward
3 Martha Park
10 Steven Osborne
3 Diane Milburn
11 Don Adams
4 Will Marletta
11 Lorie Corman
4 Priscilla Lynd
12 Aaron Morgan
5 Thomas Burchett
13 Rebekah Gray
5 Lynne Harper
13 Curte Ferguson
6 Cary Blaydes
14 Libby Geddes
6 Janie Fergus
15 Dominik Lacki
7 Ben Newsome
15 Mason Wahle
17 Anne Thomas Howard 17 Pat Allen 17 Rush Mathews 17 Virginia Lacefield 17 Tom Duncan 19 Dick Collins 19 James Bell 19 Liz Bryant 19 Tom Baird 19 Sonya Stephens 20 Jack Baugh 21 Kell Pollard 22 Zach Denniston 23 Laurel Catto 24 Chase Corman
25 Chuck Williamson 25 Mary Bullard 25 Rick Anderson 25 William Carey 25 William Milward 26 Alex Ratliff 26 Joe Mitchell 26 Sara Moreno 26 Madelyne Stephens 27 Clinton Kinkead 27 Harry Scott 27 Tess Rudzik 27 Betty Hollingsworth 28 John Hodgman 28 Lucy Macfarlan
166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507
SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm
Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Welcome Reception • Great Hall Youth Groups • Basement Activities Room
WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel WEEKDAYS 7:30am
Lenten Morning Prayer • Chapel
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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS February 1-2 Youth Ski & Swim February 8-10 Youth New Beginnings February 10 Newcomers Tea February 12 Shrove Tuesday February 13 Ash Wednesday February 15 Gallery Hop February 16 Lenten Quiet Day February 17 - Adult Confirmation Classes March 17 February 20 - Wednesday Night Lenten Series March 20 February 21 Seating of Bishop Hahn February 21-23 Diocesan Convention February 24 Organ Recital & Evensong March 1-3 30 Hour Famine