February 2014 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky


Light of the World

WELCOMING SMILES Katie Waddell reflects on her experiences with the Cathedral Young Adults group


SMALL VOICE OF GOD Renee Mullins expresses her experiences with Godly Play.

A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I February 2014 Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > cwade@ccclex.org Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > bowens@ccclex.org Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > jmitchell@ccclex.org Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > paula@ccclex.org Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > eballing@ccclex.org Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > kballing@ccclex.org Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > lhall@ccclex.org Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > elizabeth@ccclex.org Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > mdunlap@ccclex.org Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > lwehrle@ccclex.org Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > mchristensen@ccclex.org Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ɪ Ashley Goodrich > agoodrich@ccclex.org Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > lcritchfield@ccclex.org Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > jhodgman@ccclex.org Sexton ɪ Brownell Haddix Vestry Chuck Baldecchi, Senior Warden ɪ Tracey Meyers, Junior Warden ɪ John Brice ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Cissy Collins ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Sherry Ferguson ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann-Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ Caywood Prewitt ɪ Kenton Ball, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the March issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is February 20 at noon. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ ccclex.org.

FEBRUARY PRAYER Everlasting God, give us grace to be present with you in your Word and Sacraments, and to recognize you in the lives of those around us. Enkindle in us the flame of that love which burned in the heart of your Son, and let it burn in us to eternal life and to the ages of ages. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER The Music Staff gather with guest conductor Malcom Archer.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859-254-4497


February 14 / ccclex.org

Light of the World Music Notes Welcoming Smiles Save the Date: Take the Next Step in Your Membership Small Voice of God Our 2014 Pleding Members Money for Ministry Remembering Hugh and Christ Church Cathedral Journeying Through the Prayer Books Spotlight on the Permanent Collection Bulletin Board Birthdays

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11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19

Light of the World By The Very Rev. Carol Wade

God has made each of us wondrously unique, and as creation is our witness, it seems God deeply values difference and calls it good!


piphany is the season in which we celebrate Christ’s all-encompassing love. Like light extending forth to permeate darkness, Christ’s forgiveness, acceptance and love are meant for all. Therefore, it is not surprising that light is the guiding image of the season of Epiphany. Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will have the light of life” (John 8:12). We begin our journey with Christ through the gift of baptism. In fact, early Christians referred to baptism as enlightenment, as a sign of the wisdom, patience and strength we receive in baptism through the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as we marked the beginning of Epiphany by remembering the baptism of Jesus, we will celebrate again the Sacrament of Baptism. At the conclusion of the rite, the newly baptized will receive a brightly burning candle to signify that we each bear the light of Christ wherever we may go. We are strengthened for that journey not only by the light of Christ, but through the extraordinary love of our community to care for one another. As we gather at the baptismal font, we promise to share God’s unconditional love and forgiveness with one another in our community as we honor the dignity of all. I see that holiness and generosity carried out in your lives on a daily basis. In fact, being a community of love, acceptance and forgiveness is one of your deepest and most cherished values. In a world that too often seems unable to hold differences in a healthy and productive tension, you are witness to a better way: that we are one in Christ because we are each cherished members of God’s beloved family.

What a wonderful gift we have to share with the world. God has made each of us wondrously unique, and as creation is our witness, it seems God deeply values difference and calls it good! (Genesis1) Therefore, the Holy Spirit does not erase our differences, but instead, draws us together to love and care for one another as a sign of God’s reconciling love at work in our beloved community through Christ. May you always bear the light of life as we follow our One True Light. Ϯ


Lift Every Voice and Sing ... 50 Years Later

Sunday, February 23 10:00am The Forum 11:00am Worship

with Dr. Everett McCorvey

We also welcome these musicians during the 11:00am service: Dr. Jeryl Cunningham Fleming, Soprano Mr. Augustine Mercante, Countertenor Mr. Matthew Truss, Countertenor Dr. Tedrin Blair Lindsay, piano

Musicial pieces to be performed include “Stand the Storm” and “This Little Light of Mine.”



recitalist Malcolm Archer. Maestro Archer rehearsed and conducted the Cathedral Choir during Choral Eucharist and Evensong featuring a broad range of repertoire from Bruckner to Francis Jackson. The photo is from the Saturday rehearsal.

By Erich Balling

EVERETT MCCORVEY On February 23, the Cathedral welcomes University of Kentucky professor Everett McCorvey. Dr. McCorvey, who is also founder and director of the American Spiritual Ensemble, will speak at The Forum, sharing his experiences with the civil rights movement in Montgomery, Alabama. At the 11:00 Eucharist, two vocal soloists from the American Spiritual Ensemble will provide music highlighting the tradition of spiritual singing in the United States. MALCOLM ARCHER During the weekend of January 25 and 26 the Cathedral welcomed internationally known composer, conductor and

GATHERING OF ANGELS Christ Church Cathedral’s choristers have received a great honor. The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys and the Cathedral Girls Choir have been invited to a ten day Choir Residency at Yorkminster Cathedral, York and St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, England. The residency, July 18-July 28, 2014, is an opportunity for our choirs to be heard by thousands of people and reflect credit on the choristers, the Cathedral and Lexington. Ours will be the only American choir to sing at Yorkminster and St. George’s Chapel. On April 25, 2014, the Choir Guild and our choirs will host a fundraising gala called “Gathering of Angels”. A ticketed event, it will be an evening of music, food and fun. There will be silent and live auctions for various and excellent goods and services. Put together your table of 8 now, as seating is limited! If you have goods or services you would like to donate, please contact item chairs: Beth Prewitt at ehprewitt863@gmail. com or Amy Burke at amymarieburke@yahoo.com. Be sure to watch the website for more information and updates! Ϯ




t has been a wonderfully strange and exciting journey for me these last few years. And while I could write a book on it all, I’ll spare you of those details. I would, however, like to share the welcome and joy that I have experienced since coming to Christ Church Cathedral last fall. Six months ago I drove from Lakeland, FL to Lexington, KY with my mother and all my earthly possessions in tow. On a Sunday morning, my first day alone in my new town, having left my tearful mom at the Bluegrass airport, I walked through the front doors of this cathedral. I came in feeling overwhelmed– a new city, loneliness, the unknown. But instead of intimidating me, welcoming smiles, the towering ceilings and resonating organ framed a space where I felt immediately at home. I came with an open heart, looking for a place to belong, and the Spirit met me there. The clergy immediately reached out to me, confirming that God was welcoming me to my new home. The following week I met Father Joe and the young adults at the Village Idiot for Theology on Tap, and the rest, well, is history. Since that first gathering I have formed deep, loving relationships with my fellow young adults, who are also looking to explore the profound questions about God, the world, and everything in-between. As a twenty-something, it’s often difficult to find people my age who are committed to community, but God has blessed me with

I felt immediately at home. I came with an open heart, looking for a place to belong, and the Spirit met me there. 8 / PRAYER AND ACTION_FEBRUARY 14

new friends and fellowship that I hadn’t even hoped to find when I first arrived. I am so grateful for the hospitality and generosity of spirit that the clergy and congregation of Christ Church Cathedral express every week. Each service, Sunday school class, Theology on Tap, or other community event I attend helps me grow, brings me closer to this family, and reminds me of God’s presence in my life. I love being a part of this community, and I hope to be the welcoming smile to share our cathedral’s love with any new wanderer looking for a place to belong. Ϯ

A Night of Art and Music

Robert M. Sandford

GALLERY HOP Friday, February 21 5-8pm Christ Church Cathedral Exhibit: “Winter Inspiration” Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market St. Lexington, Kentucky 859-254-4497 www.cclex.org

Music performance by Pleasant Company




ishop Douglas Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for Confirmation and reception on Wednesday, May 14. If you are an adult and would like to be confirmed or received, we have a series of five classes (March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6) to prepare you. The class is at 12:45pm (after the 11:00am service) so that it does not conflict with other Cathedral activities. There will be childcare provided. Bring a sack lunch. • Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which baptized candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayers and the lay-

on of hands and prayer by the Bishop. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting The Rev. Brent Owens at bowens@ccclex.org or call 254-4497, Ext. 103. Ϯ

ing on of hands by a bishop.” BCP p. 860 • Reception is for baptized persons who have made a mature commitment to Christ in another Christian denomination and now wish to be members of the Episcopal Church. The candidate is received through the laying

the lenten series:

DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL PURPOSE Wednesdays in Lent in the Great Hall Dinner at 6:00pm, Speaker begin at 6:30pm $5 suggested donation for dinner

One Cathedral, One Book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown Wednesdays, March 12 & 19 A Pearl in the Storm with Tori Murden McClure Wednesday, March 26 Listening to Our Lives Wednesdays, April 2 & 9

Sign up at the Welcome Center or online at www.ccclex.org




'll be honest - the children can retell the stories better than I can. I am in awe at times. I am new to mentoring children spiritually but I do have a love and passion for working with kids. I have come to recognize my actions, words and silent moments have great power in teaching and learning. I don't have to know the bible verse by verse to teach children to love God and learn how to show that in their lives. Godly Play is an amazing tool for allowing children to listen to God through the story. A couple of the children will ask questions that I don't have an answer to. I am grateful for "the wondering" time. My response when an intelligent young boy or girl asks something I am uncertain of is, "well, I wonder." Their response is amazing. Godly Play and the children have brought the inner child alive in me.

The simple message presented each week is what the love of God is, simple. The children have this creative energy that is brought alive while wondering and working with the story. What I often see is a drawing of superheroes or hearts and flowers but the children may have a very different image in their mind of where this story is going for them. God is alive in each of the children and the creative energy is amazing to see. The children learn from the stories, the wondering, and me. I learn with each interaction from the children. The children bring that small voice of God alive in me! ĎŽ





he windows of heaven have opened and are overflowing with God's blessings (Malachi 3:8-12). Between 2010 and 2013 pledging has increased 33%. This is phenomenal progress. So let us praise God from whom all blessings flow, and let us give thanks for the generous and faithful parishioners of this Cathedral. These blessings will enable Christ Church Cathedral to live into God’s vision for this Cathedral. We give humble and heartfelt thanks for this incredible generosity!

If you have not yet pledged, we ask you to prayerfully consider pledging. How has God called you to Christ Church Cathedral? Where does God touch you? Why do you love Christ Church Cathedral? If you would like to pledge, please contact Lesa Wehrle at 254-4497 or lwehrle@ccclex.org. For all of these blessings and more, we give glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Amen! Ϯ

Mr & Mrs Don Adams, II

Mrs Barbara Bohart

Dr & Mrs Mark Christensen

Mrs Katherine Dalton

Mr & Mrs David Aiken

Mr & Mrs James Boyd

Mr & Mrs C. Lance Churchill

Dr Waller Lisle Dalton

Mr & Mrs Charles Allen

Mrs Mary Boyd

Mrs Mary Ruth Clark

Miss Morgan Daulton

Mr & Mrs Richard Anderson

Mr Reginald Bradbury

Mr & Mrs Alexander Clay

Mr David Davenport

Mr Thomas Anderson

Mrs Harriet Bradley

Mrs Susan Clay

Ms Katherine Davenport

Mr & Mrs Tim Anderson

Ms Marie Bradshaw

Mrs Barbara Clifton

Dr Sara Madison Davenport

Ms Katherine Andrews

Mrs Scott Breckinridge

Mr & Mrs Harry Collins

Mr & Mrs R. Patrick Davis

Ms Patricia Arnold

Dr Sharon Brennan

Mr & Mrs Huston Combs

Mr & Mrs William Davis

Mrs Anne Arvin

Mr & Mrs John Brice, II

Mr & Mrs Bernard Conrad

Mr & Mrs Richard DeCamp

Mr & Mrs Thomas Baird

Mrs Melissa C. Bright

Ms Lydia Carol Constantino

Mr Connor Dellarosa

Mr Charles Baize

Ms Jane Britton

Mr & Mrs Robin Cook

Ms Susan Dellarosa

Mrs Melissa Baize

Mr & Mrs Louis Brock, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Ted Corman

Mr & Mrs Darrell Dennis

Mr & Mrs Charles Baldecchi

Mrs Joan Brown

Mr & Mrs Paul Counts

Mr & Mrs Richard Dirksen

Mr Kenton Ball

Mrs Louise Bryans

Mrs Sarah Cowden

Mr & Mrs Daniel Dorsett

Mr & Mrs Erich Balling

Mrs Susan Bullard

Mr George Cox

Dr & Mrs Tom Duncan

Ms Elsie Barr

Mr David Burg

Mr Leonard Cox

Mr & Mrs Dwight Dunlap

The Rev Donna & Mr Garland Barr, III

Miss Brennan Burke

Mrs Leslie Cox

Mr & Mrs Clay Duvall

Mr & Mrs Raymond Barry

Mrs Jane Burke

Ms Penny Cox

Mr Bruce Eastwood

Mr & Mrs Philip Baugh

Mr Gerald Burt

Mr & Mrs William Cox

Dr & Mrs Guy Ellis, III

Mr James Beers & Mrs Michelle Catlin

Mr & Mrs Doug Campbell

Mr & Mrs Thomas Crehore

Ms Martha Jane Emmott & Ms Ann G. Hart

Mr James Bell

Mr & Mrs Clif Cason

Mr & Mrs Philip Crowley

Ms Marilyn Faughn

Dr & Mrs Lars Bjork

Dr & Mrs David Cassidy

Mr & Mrs Joshua Curtis

Ms Janie Fergus

Mr & Mrs David Blanchett

Mr & Mrs John Catto

Ms Cynthia Cyr

Mr & Mrs Curte Ferguson

Dr & Mrs M. Cary Blaydes

Dr & Mrs Alexander Chapman

Mr & Mrs John Dailey

Mr E. Maner Ferguson

Mrs Nancy Bogue

Ms Dale Chapman

Mr Luke Dailey

Mrs Sherry Ferguson


Miss Katherine Fitzpatrick

The Jacobs Family

Mr & Mrs John Milward

Mr & Mrs Johnny Smith

Mrs Elizabeth Flynn

Mr & Mrs David Jaquith

Mr & Mrs John K. Milward

Ms Ruby Snider

Miss Madison Fogarty

Mrs Elizabeth Jett

Ms Elizabeth Mitchell

Mr & Mrs R. Wendell Snyder

Mrs Allene Frederick

Mr Daniel Jividen

The Rev Joe Mitchell

Mr & Mrs Steven Specht

Mr Charles Frederick

Ms Lisa Johnson

Mrs Martha Mooney

Ms Rebecca Spencer

Mr & Mrs George Freeman

Mrs Helen Jones

Ms Doris Moore

Dr & Mrs Robert J. Stamps

Ms Nancy Freeman

Mr & Mrs Michael Kannensohn

Mr & Mrs Michael Moran

Dr & Mrs John Stempel

Mr Larry Froelich

Mr Paul Keller

Ms Sara Moreno

Dr Gary Stewart & Dr Sharon Stewart

Mr & Mrs Robert Fugate

Ms Sandra Kestner

Mr & Mrs T. Greg Mullins

Mr & Mrs Jack Stewart

Mrs John Garden

Mr & Mrs Ken Kikuchi

Mr Brendan Naish

Miss Emma Stivers

Mr & Mrs Allen Garner, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Shelby Kinkead, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Shannon Naish

Mrs Lela Stromenger

Mr Andrew Garner

Mr & Mrs Sidney Kinkead, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Ben Newsome

Ms Muffy Stuart

Dr & Mrs David Garrett

Mr Roger Kirkpatrick

Mr & Mrs Bradley Newsome

Ms Judith H. Stump

Ms Karen Garrison

Dr Judson Knight

Mr Richard Nunan & Dr Anna Demaree

Mr Thomas Sturgill

Mr & Mrs J. Gatewood Gay, II

Mr & Mrs Matt Koger

Mr Steven Osborne

Ms Ann Sturm

Dr & Mrs James Gay

Mr Victor Koren'kov & Mrs Marina Serdyuk

The Rev Paula Lee Ott

The Very Rev Dr Ronald Summers

Mrs Elizabeth Geddes

Mr Charles Kraus

The Rev & Mrs Brent Owens

Ms Eleanor Surrency

Mr & Mrs Herbert D. Geddes

Mr Michael Lacki

Mrs Betty Jo Palmer

Mr & Mrs C. William Swinford, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Herbert D. Geddes, Jr.

Mrs Rosa Landrum

Mrs John A. Palumbo

Mr & Mrs Christopher Thomason

Mr Herbert F. Geddes

The Rev Charles Lawrence

Mrs Jane Pappas

Mr & Mrs Alexander Thompson

Mr & Mrs Eugene Getchell

Mr & Mrs Isaac Lawrence

Miss Abbie Paris

Mr & Mrs Daniel Tudor

Mr Richard Giles

Mrs Mildred Lawrence

Mrs Martha Park

Mr & Mrs Daniel D. Tudor

Mr & Mrs John Gillig

Dr & Mrs Alex Lesueur, Sr.

Mr & Mrs Ron Parkey

Ms Julie Tudor

The Gillum Family

Mr Alex Lesueur, Jr.

Ms Laura Parrish

Mrs. Karen Tufts

Mr & Mrs Greg Graf

Mr Virgil Lewis

Mrs Doris Parsons

Ms Lisa Underwood

Mr & Mrs Joseph Graves, Jr.

Ms Virginia Lewis

Mrs Gertrude Patch

Mr Thomas Underwood, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Howard Gray

Mrs Mary Lisle

Mrs Linda Patrick

Ms Virginia Underwood

Mr Gray & Mrs Hollingsworth-Gray

Ms Ann Livingstone

Dr & Mrs John Perrine

Mr Billy Van Pelt, II

Ms Anne Gregory

Mr & Mrs Timothy Lucas

Mrs Maria Maxwell Perry

The Hon Laurance B. VanMeter

Ms Juliana Gregory

Mr & Mrs Peter Lufkin

Mr & Mrs Kell Pollard

Mr & Mrs Robert Voll

Mrs Ann Greis

Mr & Mrs Matthew Lutz

Mr & Mrs Charles Powell

Ms Katie Waddell

Mr & Mrs Allen Grimes, III

Dr Priscilla Lynd

Mrs Leonard L. Preston

The Very Rev Carol Wade

Mr & Mrs J. L. Hacker, Sr.

Mrs Carojean MacDonald

Mr & Mrs Henry Prewitt, Jr.

Ms Cate Wagoner

The Rt Rev & Mrs W. Douglas Hahn

Mr & Mrs Duncan MacIvor

Miss Margaret Prewitt

Dr & Mrs John Wahle, III

Mr & Mrs John R. Hall

Mr & Mrs David Macfarlan

Ms Shelley Quire

Mr & Mrs Robert Walsh

Ms Lisa Hall

Mr Harold Mann

Ms Patricia Ramsey

Mr & Mrs James Ware

Mr & Mrs R. D. Hall

Mr & Mrs Jesse Mark

Mr & Mrs Stephen Ranft

Ms M. Blanton Ware

Ms Marythom Hamblin

Ms Diana Martin

Mr & Mrs Hunter Ratliff

Mr & Mrs Samuel Ware

Ms Jo Ellen Hayden

Dr & Mrs Loys Mather

Mrs Sarah Reeves

Mr & Mrs Patrick Warren

Dr & Mrs Eric Headley

Mr & Mrs Marc Mathews

Mr Layton Register

Mrs Lesa Wehrle

Mr & Mrs Roderick Heard

Miss Mary Rollins Mathews

Miss Alison Ritcher

Mr & Mrs James Welch

Mr Nicholas Herbert-Jones

Mr Wilson Mathews, Jr.

Ms Lisa Ritcher

Mr Frank White & Mrs Pat Allen

Ms Sharon Hill

Mr & Mrs Robert May

Dr & Mrs William Robertson, Jr.

Mrs Mary Wigginton

Mr & Mrs Buck Hinkle, Jr.

Mrs Henry C. Mayer

Dr & Mrs Schuyler Robinson

Mr Thomas Wigginton

Mr & Mrs John Hodgman

Ms Susanna Mays

Mrs Marie Rogers

Mr & Mrs Charles Williamson, Jr.

Mrs Betty Hollingsworth

Mr Allen McDaniel

Miss Claire Rose

Ms Margaret Willingham

Dr Randolph Hollingsworth

Ms. Margaret McDuffie

Mr & Mrs Fredrick Roughton

Dr Steffen Wilson

Mrs Rebecca Horine

Mrs Kathryn McKinley

Mr Robert Sandford

Mr John B. Winn, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Addison Hosea, III

Mrs Susan McLaughlin-Jones

Ms Elaine Schwartz

Dr & Mrs William Wood

Mr Kyle Howard

Mrs Elysabeth McRoberts

Mrs Harry Scott, Jr.

Mr & Mrs William Woodward

Ms Patti Howard

Mr & Mrs John McWaters

Mrs Shirley G. Seabrook

Mr & Mrs Christopher Wright

Mr Thomas Howard

Mrs Winifred Meeker

Mrs Janet Serrenho

Ms Vivian Wright

Mr Timothy Howard

Mr & Mrs Guy Mendes, III

Ms Barbara Silcox

Mr Patrick Wylie

Mrs Charlette Hummel

Ms Tracey Meyers

Mr S. Brandl Skirvin

Ms Isabel Yates

Mr & Mrs Terry Hutchens

Mrs Charles Michler

Mr & Mrs Peter Slagel

Mr Tom Yates

Mrs Kathleen Imhoff

Miss Emilie Milburn

Mr & Mrs Mike Slone

Mr John Young, II

Mr & Mrs Robert Ireland

Mr & Mrs Ron Milburn

Mrs Emily Smith

Mr Lucas Zappe

Miss Erilyn Jackson

Mr Michael Miller

Mr Henry Smith

Ms Ann Zimmer

Ms Sarah Jackson

Mr & Mrs Greg Milward

The Rev Joan Smith

Anonymous (2)




The Blessings of a Kroger Card By The Rev. Brent Owens


egardless of how much or how little we may shop at Kroger, I think we can agree that free money is good! Kroger will give Christ Church Cathedral 4% of all purchases when we use a Kroger rechargeable gift card. Another Lexington Episcopal Church has around 50 members who do this and it provides about $7,000 for ministry every year! Using a Kroger card to help the Cathedral will cost you nothing. Many of us will spend some money at Kroger during 2014. We may have our prescriptions filled at a Kroger pharmacy. Some of us with a large family may load up an overflowing grocery cart every week. Some may only buy a few things every couple of weeks.

How does it work? Christ Church Cathedral will buy the Kroger cards pre-loaded with $5 on them and coded so that 4% goes to us. You buy the card from the Cathedral for the face value of $5. You get the $5 back with your first purchase. Go to Kroger and put any amount of money on the card at the service desk or at the cash register before they ring up your purchases. Then pay for your purchase with the Kroger card. There are no strings attached to this free money to the Cathedral. All it involves is one added step for you to put money on your Kroger card before making your purchase. That’s it! If most members of the Cathedral participate over the course of 2014, it will make a big difference. We've

seen success when we've used this for Youth Ministries. We will kick off the 2014 Kroger card Money for Ministry on Sunday, March 2. You can obtain your Cathedral Kroger card before services or during breakfast on Sundays – look for the sign and our Money for Ministry table. Or during the week you can call, email or stop by and parish administrator Lesa Wherle (lwehrle@ ccclex.org), or parish secretary Margaret Christensen (mchristensen@ ccclex.org), (both at 254-4497) will get you a Kroger card either in person or we will mail it to you. Ϯ


Shrove Tuesday

Supper 5:30-6:30PM $5/pancake • $8/Cajun • $25/family max*

*Excess proceeds to go to The Cupboard

Sign up at the Welcome Center or online at www.ccclex.org.




y father, Hugh McEwan, loved the Episcopal Church and he loved Christ Church Cathedral. The journey which led him to the Cathedral, and ultimately to his decision to join the Legacy Society, began in 1932 shortly after he arrived in the United States a young, unchurched Scottish immigrant. It was then that he discovered Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Church leaders invited him to join the basketball team and subsequently provided financial support so he could attend their camp for several summers running. Dad frequently commented on how glad and grateful he was to find a spiritual home at Trinity. He often said his experience there during formative years set him on

Ash Wednesday March 5

course. Trinity helped him grow spiritually and served as a compass directing him to a life which focused on service to the church, the community and his adopted country. When he moved to Lexington after my mother’s death, he was drawn to the Cathedral because the mission of the parish fit his needs, philosophy and goals. He enthusiastically embraced the Legacy Society as soon as he learned of its existence, noting that it provided a way to give back and “pay forward." He was a modest man of modest means; so, this decision involved some sacrifice. I am very proud of my dad’s commitment and grateful for his bequest regarding the importance of stewardship. I, too, have made a commitment to the Cathedral’s future – together with my husband Jim – through a provision in our will. I hope Hugh’s story will inspire you to consider doing so as well. I have no doubt that he is with us serving as a beacon of stewardship, sacrifice and love. What a wonderful legacy! Ϯ

Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Chapel Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion, Cheapside Park If you are on lunch break and unable to attend a service, clergy will be stationed outside to impose ashes as you begin your Lenten journey. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm Church The Cathedral Singers

Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm & 4:00-5:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church, at the altar rail and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 4:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm Church The Choir of Men & Boys Childcare Available




ave you ever wondered why our service of Holy Eucharist looks the way that it does? If so, you will love our current Thursday night program at St. Augustine’s Chapel at UK. Each Thursday from January 16 to March 6 the Episcopal Campus Ministry will be journeying through every single Book of Common Prayer in our history, celebrating Holy Eucharist while exploring the ways that our Anglican worship life has adapted with the times. We began our journey with the very first Prayer Book of 1549! It was unique in that it was the only Prayer Book to call the service “the mass,” and it retained several other subtleties of our Roman Catholic roots. “The strangest part for me was when

we couldn’t take Communion in our hands, but instead the priest put it in our mouths,” said Megan Dennis, referring to a practice that started because people would actually steal the holy bread when the priests put it in their hands! The strangest one so far, according to the students, has been the 1552 service, which is very Protestant in its form. “It was odd seeing the priest ONLY wearing the black robe and nothing else,” said Austin Norrid. “My home church is sort of high church, so that was different.” For others the ever-changing theology of the Prayer Book has been fascinating. “In the first service it was obvious that Jesus was meant to be present in the bread and wine,” said Paul Isaacs, “but in the second service it clearly is meant to just be a memorial. And then in the third one it can be whatever the people want it to be!”


Our journey grew out of a desire among students to see where some of our customs began and how they have shifted over time. So far it has been a huge success! If you are interested in exploring the Eucharists of Prayer Books past, come join us on Thursday nights at St. Augustine’s. Dinner is served at 7:00, followed by Eucharist. All are welcome! Ϯ




uy Ellis was reading The Illustrated Bible, Dorling-Kindersly (2012) and came across “The Prophets” by John Singer Sargent. He emailed me and asked if this could be the same as the prints which hang in the Tilford Room. The original Frieze of the Prophets is in the Boston Public Library. To see photos of the original frieze in full color go to www.bpl. org/central/ sargentinfo. htm. The curator of Fine Arts, Eve Griffin, BPL, responded to my query as follows: As to the dates of the early reproductions, Sally M. Promey writes, “Mass-mediated reproduction began in earnest immediately following the first installation (in 1895). As early as 1896 Boston publishing company Curtis and Cameron offered reproductions of Frieze in multiple sizes and various fractions of the whole. Over the years prints and photographs of Frieze and its components have been available through the library itself, the popular press, and numerous commercial establishments…. The earliest versions were halftone reproductions from photographs or steel engravings. Those first black-and-white images were soon followed by prints in brown or ‘sepia tone,’ resembling ‘expensive art photographs,’ and then

by ‘natural’ color pictures,” Painting Religion in Public: John Singer Sargent's Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public Library (1999), 278-282. If you are interested in learning more about this work, read John Singer Sargent's Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public Library: Creation and Restoration, ed. Narayan Khandekar, Gianfranco Pocobene, and Kate Smith (2009). Researching the history of art at the cathedral is a process of learning, undoing mistaken information, and re-learning. While we thought we knew the date the art was given to the church, it now appears that the date of 1895 was the date that the work was done at the Boston library. And the attribution of the work to Burwell Keith, a Kentucky artist, was incorrect. We now know that the work was by Sargent and hopefully will eventually know when the Keith daughters presented the work to the Cathedral. We have repeated some of the images so you are aware of the piece we are writing about. Ϯ



MISSION /// HELP US CO-SPONSOR A REFUGEE FAMILY We are going to co-sponsor a refugee family! Kentucky Refugee Ministries is one of the church’s resettling agencies and the Cathedral will partner with it for this lifechanging ministry. Fewer than 5 percent of refugees are resettled. Our assistance to the refugee family will be for 3-6 months. We need 25 to 30 parishioners to help. Please call or email The Rev. Brent Owens if you are interested at bowens@ccclex.org or call 254-4497. CUPBOARD VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Can you spare two hours a month to volunteer at the Community Cupboard, the church’s outreach to low-income Lexington families? The Cupboard provides personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, diapers, clothes and books to clients in need. It is located in the basement of the church. Volunteers are needed to help distribute supplies for the team that works each third Saturday from 10:00am to noon. Contact Kathleen Imhoff at 225-9310 to participate in this volunteer opportunity. ROOM IN THE INN NEEDS YOUR HELP Christ Church is honored to host 15 homeless men for housing, dinner, and breakfast Wednesdays during the cold months. We

need the help of individuals and groups to host these men. You can help by volunteering to do one of the following: help prepare and eat a simple dinner with our guests, spend the night at the Cathedral, have breakfast the following morning, or prepare a sack lunch to go. For more information or to sign up for a Wednesday, contact Tom Howard at 368-8684 or Robert Fugate at 881-8695.

NOTICES /// BASKETS FOR DIOCESAN CONVENTION The Diocesan Youth Commission (DYC) is hosting a silent auction at Diocesan Convention. Proceeds support youth scholarships to diocesan events throughout the year. The DYC is seeking donations towards the auction. Donations may be in the form of themed baskets. In years past, CCC has donated baskets with the themes of cupcakes, dogs, cats, family movie night and the liturgical year. If you would like to donate the contents of the basket we will help you put it together, or you may put together a basket on your own or with friends. Single items (gift cards, handmade crafts) may also be donated. Donations are due on February 19. Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at jmitchell@ccclex.org.

CHILDREN'S CHAPEL OFFERING Please remember that an offering is collected in Children's Chapel every week. Encourage your children to give to the mission of God! UPCOMING BAPTISM OPPORTUNITIES Adult baptisms will be offered at Easter Vigil, which will be held Saturday, April 19, at 8:00pm. If you would like to be a part of these services, please contact the Parish Secretary at 254-4497 for more information. SING WE MERRILY IS HERE! Sing We Merrily, the cathedral choirs’ new CD, is here! CDs are available online at www.ccclex.org, at the Cathedral Bookstore, or between services near the Welcome Center. Ϯ


Addison Hosea


Brad Newsome


Grayson Pollard


Jeanette Dalrymple


Judith Stump


Jim Ware


Kaitlin Hizny


Johnny Smith


Tate Fugate


Bruce Eastwood


Vaughn Smith


Bill Swinford


Graham Newsome

10 Bob Milward


Mabel Trumbo

10 Steven Osborne


Martha Park

11 Don Adams


Diane Milburn

11 Lorie Corman


Will Marletta

12 Aaron Morgan


Priscilla Lynd

13 Curte Ferguson


Thomas Burchett

13 Rebekah Gray


Lynne Harper

14 Charlie Frederick


Cary Blaydes

14 Libby Geddes


Janie Fergus

15 Dominik Lacki


Ben Newsome

15 Mason Wahle

17 Anne Thomas Howard 17 Pat Allen 17 Rush Mathews 17 Virginia Lacefield 17 Tom Duncan 18 Janis Gilbert 19 Dick Collins 19 James Bell 19 Liz Bryant 19 Tom Baird 19 Sonya Stephens 20 Jack Baugh 21 Kell Pollard 23 Laurel Catto

25 Chuck Williamson 25 Mary Bullard 25 Rick Anderson 25 William Carey 25 William Milward 26 Alex Ratliff 26 Joe Mitchell 26 Sara Moreno 26 Madelyne Stephens 27 Clinton Kinkead 27 Tess Rudzik 27 Betty Hollingsworth 28 John Hodgman 28 Lucy Macfarlan

24 Chase Corman 24 Mary Allen


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org

SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Welcome Reception • Coffee Area Youth Groups • Basement Activities Room Sanctuary • Church Sanctuary Dinner Transy Episcopal Campus Ministry

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Healing Service • Chapel

UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS February 16 Baptisms Organ Recital & Evensong February 20-22 Diocesan Convention, Covington February 21 Gallery Hop February 23 Dr. Everett McCorvey March 1 Acolyte Training March 4 Shrove Tuesday March 5 Ash Wednesday

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