Prayer & Action
Lent 2015 FEBRUARY/15
Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky
A People of
Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I February 2015
Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > cwade@ccclex.org Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > bowens@ccclex.org Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > jmitchell@ccclex.org Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > paula@ccclex.org Associate for Youth ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > kbyrd@ccclex.org Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > eballing@ccclex.org Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > kballing@ccclex.org Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > lhall@ccclex.org Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > elizabeth@ccclex.org Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > mdunlap@ccclex.org Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > lwehrle@ccclex.org Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > mchristensen@ccclex.org Communications Director ɪ Ashley Goodrich > agoodrich@ccclex.org Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > lcritchfield@ccclex.org Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > jhodgman@ccclex.org Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Lance Churchill ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Lamar Grimes ɪ Tim Lucas ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ Tracey Meyers ɪ John Perrine ɪ Caywood Prewitt ɪ Amanda Tudor ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer
WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the March issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is February 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ ccclex.org.
FEBRUARY PRAYER Everlasting God, give us grace to be present with you in your Word and Sacraments, and to recognize you in the lives of those around us. Enkindle in us the flame of that love which burned in the heart of your Son, and let it burn in us to eternal life and to the ages of ages. In Christ’s name we pray. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER Fr. Joe Mitchell gives the children an Instructed Eucharist.
THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859-254-4497
February 15 / ccclex.org
The Sufficency of Grace
Centering Prayer: Silencing the Heart and Mind
Snack Pack Program
The Importance of Youth Overnight Retreats & Events
Lent 2015
Chapel Talks: Important Discussions in a Safe Space
Much More Than Fellowship
Gallery Hop: A Mission of Christian Hospitality
Do You Have a Kroger Plus Card?
Friday Fish Frys
What's God up to at St. Mark's, Hazard?
New Member Profile: The Grafs
Bulletin Board
The Sufficiency of Grace
ent is just around the corner. Seems impossible, but it's true! Some of us look forward to Lent; some may be wondering what Lent is about, while others may hardly even take notice. Here’s a good question as we approach this special season. What does Lent mean to you? Lent, an Anglo-Saxon word for spring, referring to the lengthening of days, is a season that calls us to follow a new road on our journey to the joy of Easter. How do we prepare for such a journey? That’s the fun part! Our Lenten journey is preceded by one last night of feasting as we anticipate the solemn call of Ash Wednesday. Along with our feast of pancakes and Cajun fare, one of the playful celebrations of Shrove Tuesday is the “burying of the alleluias.” What on earth do we mean when we say that we bury the alleluias? Lent is a season shaped by simplicity and calls for self-restraint. We see this reflected in our worship when we refrain from using use the word “alleluia” during the season of Lent. On Shrove Tuesday we symbolically bury our joyful shouts of alleluia until they rise again at the first celebration of Easter. Shrove Tuesday concludes in the garden where we burn the palm branches collected from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration. The burnt palms converted into dust and ash will mark
our foreheads the very next day as we gather for the Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. So what are the ashes about? The tradition of wearing ashes goes back to the Hebrew Bible and signifies the fragility of life and our need for spiritual renewal, an apt symbol as we begin our Lenten journey. How long does Lent last? Lent lasts for approximately forty days and is symbolic of Jesus’ forty days of preparation and testing in the desert before he began his public ministry. Week by week, the Lenten scriptures invite us, both individually and collectively, into a time of preparation for Easter. The scriptures ask us to name the things that separate us from God as we set out on a journey of selfexamination, forgiveness,
and new life. We reconsider particular behaviors that draw us away from living the life that God intends for us. Why do we observe Lent? Because we are reminded of the sufficiency of God’s grace, and in drawing closer to God, can experience a love that never lets us go. How does Lent change our lives? Through the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, selfdenial and generosity, our hearts are opened to God and our lives expanded in service with others. As we reflect on the love and hope that is ours through the events of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, Lent opens our eyes to fresh perspectives and new possibilities as we journey together towards God’s dream of wholeness for us and our world. I look forward to our journey together as we begin this holy season of Lent.
is the Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral.
WHO Open to all who love the Cathedral WHAT Our most important spiritual opportunity as a congregation of the year WHY It just may change your life WHEN Saturday, April 25 WHERE Christ Church Cathedral Great Hall If you love your Cathedral, you won’t want to miss this. Dynamic speaker Mary Parmer will share with us her remarkable stories and show us how simple it is to invite, welcome and connect others to our church home! Her transformational approach teaches us how to live more faithfully as followers of Jesus.
entering Prayer is a method to silence the heart and mind in order to hear both ourselves and God. I have been practicing some form of this method since I was 19 years old and can't imagine where I would be had I not found it. At 19 I found myself with anxiety and trouble sleeping. I was introduced to a form of meditation very much like centering prayer and found my life changing slowly and subtly. I continued to practice off and on but mostly on, as I married, had children and found my way in the world. If I would delete the practice due to busyness, I would notice a difference and it was not a good difference. About 30 years ago I switched from the meditating that I was doing to centering prayer. The difference was the intention to be in the presence of the divine. It became a practice that aids my dying to the self that keeps me from being who God had created me to be. As I sat in prayer, I would notice all of the unhealthy thoughts that were guiding my life. I could see
them and then gently let them go. The best part was that in my life in the world I would see these same thoughts and could let then go. I could then be present to what was before me. We have a new Centering Prayer group beginning at the cathedral on Tuesday, February 4 at 7:00am in the chapel. We will continue to meet at this time on Tuesdays. During January Dr. Gary Stewart, Beth Prewitt and I have been meeting to pray together and are looking forward to others joining
us. We would be happy to talk with you about it. If you come on Tuesday, please arrive no later than 7:15am as the building is not yet open. The Wednesday 5:00pm group has been at centering prayer for many years. Others are always welcome. CENTERING PRAYER METHOD • Choose a sacred word as the symbol of your intention to consent to God's presence and action within. • Sit comfortably and with eyes closed, settle briefly and silently introduce the sacred word as the symbol of your consent to God's presence and action within us. • When you become aware of thoughts, return ever so gently to the sacred word. • At the end of the prayer period, remain in silence with eyes closed for a couple of minutes.
n the fight to eliminate hunger in the United States, Feeding America started the Snack Pack Program fifteen years ago. Children, who attend public schools and are on free or reduced meals, are eligible to participate. They are given a sack of healthy and easy to prepare foods to take home with them each weekend. The sealed snack packs are discreetly distributed by teachers each Friday afternoon. The goal is to make sure no child goes hungry over the weekend. In January of this year Christ Church started participating in this program. CROSS Ministries donated $1,375.00 for the Fayette County BackPack Program at Breckinridge Elementary. Breckinridge is located at 2101 St. Mathilda Dr. It was selected because the school was looking for sponsors and it has 90% of the school population on free or reduced meals. Christ Church is providing 25 snack packs. This number gives Breckinridge a total of 75 packs for their school population. Their goal at this time is 100 snack packs. Throughout the country food banks are supplying the products for this initiative. In Lexington God's Pantry is the supplier. The money for the food is obtained through grants and individual donors. Volunteers go to the warehouse located at 1685 Jaggie Fox Way and fill the sacks with food. Then God's Pantry delivers the packs to Breckinridge and other schools in Fayette County. Anyone interested in donating to this program or volunteering time to pack the food, please contact Laura Parrish (859-266-6519) or Jo Robertson (859-333-1940).
L E N T E N M O R N I N G P R AY E R W�������: F������� 19 - A���� 3 8:00-8:15�� �� ��� C����� All are invited to meet God each morning of our Lenten journey through Morning Prayer. It is in prayer we watch and look for the signs of new life that will come with the resurrection of our Savior. We seek God in community as we pray together. Cathedral clergy and members of the congregation will help lead morning prayer as we seek God’s life and insight. If you would like to help lead a service or be an intercessor/reader, please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at 254-4497 or by email at jmitchell@ccclex.org.
Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Chapel Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion, Cheapside Park If you are unable to attend a service, clergy will be stationed outside to impose ashes during lunch break. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm Church The Cathedral Singers
Ash Wednesday February 18
Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm & 5:00-6:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church, at the altar rail and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 4:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm Church The Choir of Men & Boys Childcare Available
s a college student I was drawn to camp counseling, but not just any kind of camp counseling, specifically overnight camp counseling. I felt that in an overnight camp setting I would more fully get to know and connect with the campers, as opposed to a day camp setting. A former overnight camper myself, I hold great memories and emotions tied to my days as a camper. When you leave behind the comfort of your home and family, you have the opportunity to put yourself out there in a new way that allows you to experience vulnerability and humility that may not otherwise have been available. And, most importantly, as you allow yourself to embrace the vulnerability of the new and unfamiliar you are able to connect with people in a deep and meaningful manner. This, I believe is why camp experiences are often so life changing and formational to young persons. In a similar light youth retreats and overnight events lend a similar setting and opportunity for our youth to connect with God and one another on a new, and often, more meaningful level. When we get the opportunity to step away from the day-to-day and enter into a new setting and rhythm we open up space for the Holy Spirit to enter and move around, stirring up new insights, new discoveries, and new friendships. The next few months lend themselves to opportunities for youth overnights and retreats, from Ski & Swim (February 7-8) and 30 Hour Famine (March 6-8) to New
Beginnings (Grades 7-9 / February 13-15) and Happening (Grades 10-12 / March 20-22). I would highly encourage all of our youth (Grades 6-12) to take advantage of these formational and fun events happening here at the Cathedral and in our diocese. For more information or to sign up please contact Rev. Kate (kbyrd@ccclex.org).
Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and
e n t
forgive the sins of all who are pentitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we ... may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness. ...
LENTEN EVENTS Centering Prayer in the Chapel Daily, 7:00-8:00am Chapel Please be at the church no later than 7:15am in order to attend as doors are still locked. Contact Gary Stewart, Beth Prewitt, or Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ccclex.org for more information.
The Lenten Series: What Do the 12 Steps Have to Teach Everyday People?* Lenten Wednesdays, March 4-25 Dinner at 6:00pm, Program begins at 6:30pm Led by Harriet Dupree Bradley & Julie Hamilton Sign up at the Welcome Center or at www.ccclex.org for each Wednesday you will attend.
Shrove Tuesday February 17 Pancake & Cajun Supper 5:30-6:30pm $5/pancakes, $8/Cajun, $25/family max Intergenerational activities begin at 6:15pm Sign up at the Welcome Center or at www.ccclex.org.
Books & Beliefs Tuesday, March 3 10:00am At the home of Wanda Jaquith, 250 S. Hanover Ave. My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor
Ash Wednesday February 18 Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm Fifth Third Pavilion Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm With Bishop Hahn Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm Rite of Reconciliation 5:00-6:00pm Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm With the Choir of Men & Boys Lenten Morning Prayer Weekdays in Lent 8:00am Chapel
30 Hour Famine^ March 6-8 St. Michael's, Lexington Grades 6-12 Daylight Saving Time Starts Saturday, March 7 Set your clocks FORWARD one hour before going to bed! Organ Recital & Evensong Sunday, March 8 3:30pm Recital by the Cathedral Organists 4:00pm Evensong with Cathedral Choir of Men & Girls Gallery Hop Friday, March 20 5:00-8:00pm Rites of Spring by OLLI
Theology on Tap Sushi Fridays+ Every Friday during Lent 6:30-8:30pm Venue changes Friday Fish Fry Every Friday during Lent 5:30-7:00pm Great Hall Sponsored by the Brotherhood of St. Andrew & Cathedral Choirs Spirituality of Young Adults+ Sundays, February 22 - March 29 10:00am Lambeth Room The Gospel According to Mark: A Staged Reading and Discussion* Wednesday, February 25 Dinner at 6:00pm, Program begins at 6:30pm Great Hall Sign up at the Welcome Center or at www.ccclex.org.
Happening #52^ March 20-22 Cathedral Domain Grades 10-12 Children’s Lenten Activity Day* Sunday, March 22 12:30pm-2:30pm Children should come in comfortable/play clothes. We will begin with lunch in the Small Dining Room. A Lenten Quiet Day with Bishop Hahn* Monday, March 23 10:00am-2:00pm Please bring a sack lunch. Childcare available. Sign up at the Welcome Center or at www.ccclex.org.
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LENTEN CLASSES Wednesdays Fr. Horine's Men’s Bible Study 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room Group will decide subject of study. Contact The Rev. Ron Summers at 519-4938 for more information. Prayer Shawl Knitters March 4 12:05pm Meditation Room Knitters of all ages share our gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information, contact Flo Mayer, 299-5552. Companions in Christ: The Way of Blessedness 9:30-11:30am Spirituality Room Each week group participants explore one of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. Centering Prayer* 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life! We will begin the hour by discussing excerpts from The Loving Search for God by William A. Meninger, which can be purchased in Christ Church Bookstore.
Thursdays Episcopal Campus Ministry at UK+ 7:00-9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Are you a UK student looking for an intimate, open community to call your own? Then you are invited to join us for Episcopal Campus Ministry! We meet every Thursday evening for fellowship, worship, and a FREE MEAL! Come see us at St. Augustine’s Chapel or visit our website: www.saintaugustineschapel.com Fridays Men’s Cursillo Reunion Group 8:30-9:30am Bride’s Room This group of men gathers every Friday morning for prayer and discussion.
Sundays The Forum
Tilford Room, 10:00-10:50am The Gospel of the Lion February 8 - March 8 Led by Dr. Jerry Sumney This study of the earliest Gospel will explore the way Mark understands who Jesus is and what he accomplished. We will see the ways he tells his stories about Jesus so we can come to a fuller understanding of what God has done for us through him. We will also look at how those closest to Jesus responded to him and what Mark tells us about life as disciples through them. Even though this is our shortest Gospel, it is full of rich insights into the faith and the life of faith. Cathedral Pipe Organ March 15 Join Canon Musician Erich Balling as he leads a discussion and demonstration of the Cathedrals Holtkamp organ. With over 3000 pipes, this is a fascinating look at how the instrument works and creates its majestic sound. We are Building Another Habitat House! March 22 We are going to build another Habitat House in the summer of 2015! We will build on Florida Street, about one mile from the Cathedral. And who will live there? Julia Escobar de Carnas, who is delighted to be building a house near her son and grandchildren. Please join us as we discuss this exciting opportunity.
Bible Study: We Make the Road by Walking
10:00-10:50am Spirituality Room, 1st Floor Helm Following author Brian McLaren’s invigorating new Bible study book, We Make the Road by Walking, leaders will help us engage with readings and discussion questions designed to challenge and encourage us to understand the biblical story and to live responsibly and joyfully as agents of God’s justice, creativity and peace.
The Wired Word
Ongoing, 10:00-10:50am Bride’s Room Come to a lively conversation of current events as we discuss how they connect to Scripture and faith.
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LENTEN CLASSES Cathedral 101
Ongoing, 10:00-10:50am Dean’s Conference Room, 3rd Floor This class welcomes everyone into the life of Christ Church Cathedral, and equips us to carry out the work of Christ in the world. Whether you are new or a longtime member, we invite you to explore the Episcopal Church with us as we also discern our own spiritual journey. Each session is a “stand alone” class so you can attend one, or all, or something in between.
Observance of a Holy Lent
Dear People of God: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s Passion and Resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature, let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. BCP 264
Morning Prayer
The Chapel will be open for Morning Prayer during Lent at 8:00 on weekday mornings with clergy and staff. The Healing Service will still be held on Wednesdays at 12:05pm.
Christ Church Bookstore
Christ Church Bookstore carries a wide and stimulating selection of books and gift items. Almost any book can be ordered through the bookstore. For information or to place an order, call 252-8064 or email ccbookstore@ccclex.org. Lenten devotionals and books are available in the bookstore.
Bookstore Hours of Operation Monday through Thursday, 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday, 9:30am - 10:30am
Easter Memorial Flowers
Easter Memorials requests are due no later than Tuesday, March 19. Please send checks and names to Cindy Ware at 217 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, KY 40502. A minimum of $15.00 per name is suggested. Thank you.
“Rites of Spring” Exhibit
Open March 15 through May 3 An exhibit of art and photography by participants of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Kentucky. Join us March 20, 5-8pm at Gallery Hop for music and entertainment in the Great Hall! * Please contact Elizabeth Conrad at the church or by email (elizabeth@ccclex.org) for more info. + Please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at the church or by email (jmitchell@ccclex.org) for more info. ^ Please contact The Rev. Kate Byrd at the church or by email (kbyrd@ccclex.org) for more info.
n January 28 Episcopal Campus Ministry and Ignite Lutheran Campus Ministry presented the first in a series of dialogues at Saint Augustine’s Chapel called Chapel Talks. The purpose of these talks is to focus on those issues that are important, and at times quite sensitive. Pastor Dana Lockhart, campus minister for Ignite, says that having these discussions shows that the Church is paying attention. “The issues that we are raising with these talks are the kinds of issues that everyone is talking about, just not in church on Sundays,” he said. “Folks need to know that the Church is paying attention and that this is a safe place where sensitive issues can be discussed in a thoughtful, compassionate way.” The first Chapel Talk, entitled “God is Love: A Christian Response in Favor of Marriage Equality,” was a great success! The panelists included
three Lutheran pastors and two Episcopal priests, one of whom was The Rev. Laurie Brock of St. Michael’s Church in Lexington. “We have an active chapter of Integrity, the Episcopal Church’s LGBT-focused ministry,” said Mo. Laurie. “We at St. Michael’s have committed to supporting our LGBT brothers and sisters, so it made all kinds of sense to be here and speak about our ministry and why the Episcopal Church is committed to fighting for equality for all God’s children.” One ECM student, Austin Norrid, was especially glad that such a conversation was being had. “As a gay Christian,” he said, “there is no other Christian space on campus where I can feel comfortable with who I am. This Chapel Talk has let folks like me know that there is a safe space on campus where they can worship God and be who they are.” With a capacity crowd of over 70 people, and our bishop in attendance, the community of St. Augustine’s was honored to be a part of such an affirming conversation. Members of the Gay-Straight Student Alliance are planning to do more events in conjunction with St. A’s, and the expectation is that another talk on an equally important topic will take place later this semester. Meanwhile, we hope that all students know that St. Augustine’s is a place they can call home, a place that is safe, and a place where God loves them just for who they are.
ne of the things that the Cathedral Young Adults are great at is fellowship. Our gatherings of Theology on Tap, Sushi Fridays (which resume this month), Date Night, and Hospitality at Home offer us a chance to come together over food and conversation and to build a stronger community of faith with one another. But the Cathedral Young Adults are about so much more than just fellowship. On January 21 more than 10 of our members showed up to the cathedral to host 15 guests for Room in the Inn, the outreach ministry that provides shelter for homeless men during the winter months. Young Adults prepared a smorgasbord of food: two kinds of salad, green bean casserole, pulled barbeque chicken, chili, cookies, potato salad, rolls,
macaroni and cheese, and 'tater wedges. Everything was either fixed or provided by members of the Young Adults. But preparing the meal was just a piece of our time that evening. Members of our group sat at table with our guests and chatted with them, getting to know them, hearing their stories, and creating relationships. “This is what it’s about,” said Kenny Pierce, a member of the Cathedral who is preparing for Holy Orders. “Jesus was all about sitting at table with folks and forming relationships with them. That’s the most important part of this ministry and why I love it.” For one Young Adult, this was anything but a onetime thing. “I’ve made Room in the Inn my main ministry here,” said Mary Catherine Dorsett. “I come here every week to help with the meals and talk to the guests. I grew up in this church, and this is one way that I can give back and live into what I think it means to be a follower of Christ.” Normally folks are done talking with guests around the time dinner ends, but not this time. As I went into the kitchen and started cleaning the dishes I noticed folks staying at their tables, continuing their conversations with our guests, and it made me smile. The spirit and love of Christ are alive and well among the Cathedral Young Adults! If you’d like more information about the programs offered by the Young Adults, contact me at jmitchell@ ccclex.org.
t is a cold January morning and Amanda Tudor is busy decorating the Great Hall with flowers and laying tablecloths in preparation for the guests who will attend the Gallery Hop reception from 5:00 to 8:00pm. On six Friday evenings a year Christ Church Cathedral opens its doors to the Lexington community as an art gallery venue on the “Hop.” Happy and inquisitive people visit one or more gallery receptions in town, and the Art at the Cathedral committee enjoys hosting these bimonthly receptions. The Christ Church Gallery Hop crowds range from 200 up to 550 visitors. By 5:00pm, Lyon Bradbury and Kit Andrews are waiting by the door to greet visitors and answer questions about Gallery Hop and the Cathedral. Very often visitors arrive through the church garden and soon are drawn to the sound of music flowing from the Sanctuary, where Lisa Hall is playing the piano. Guy Ellis and Dan Tudor invite our guests to come sit or walk around the sanctuary and answer questions about the history and architecture of the church. Next the visitors walk down the halls of our art gallery and stop and admire the photographs and read the accompanying stories. Mike Slone, the curator for this members’ photography exhibit, answers questions regarding the exhibit. The guests walk into the Great Hall, which is filled with the piano music of Bill Adams, and find a large table filled with delicious food prepared and served by Marythom Hamblin and Kenton Ball. A cup of hot apple cider is offered by Brenda and Darrell Dennis or a simple glass of water by new member Denise Kozemchak. At 6:30, Linda Robinson arrives
for the second shift carrying trays of homemade brownies. Marilyn Tudor is busy washing dishes in the kitchen. Throughout the entire evening, our clergy, Joe Mitchell and Kate Byrd, greet our visitors and make time for conversations with the new faces and the church members in attendance. Committee members like Roger Kirkpatrick are always ready with a smile to make the "Hoppers" feel welcome and at home. The sharing of Christian hospitality is a mission and a joy of our church. We are fortunate to have a downtown location and membership that is so welcoming to the Gallery Hop visitors. Please join us at Christ Church by inviting guests and by attending the Gallery Hop receptions held on the third Fridays of March, May, July, September and November.
id you know that you can link your Kroger Plus Card and Kroger will donate to Christ Church Cathedral without any cost or loss to you? Our Kroger code is 10747. If you already have a Kroger Plus Card, you can log on to the krogercommunityrewards. com website and sign up for the required Kroger Rewards Online Account by entering your ZIP code, clicking on “favorite store,� entering your email address and creating a password, and agreeing to the terms and conditions. Then you will need to link your Kroger Plus Card to this new online Kroger Rewards Account. When it asks you to select your charity to support, if you type 10747 in the box and click search, it will pull up Christ Church Cathedral. Kroger Public Affairs Manager Tim McGurk says that customers will still receive their usual discounts like fuel points, while also helping their selected organization.
he Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Cathedral Choirs are hosting Fish Frys every Friday in Lent beginning February 20. We will begin at 5:30pm in the Great Hall. Tickets will be sold on Sundays beginning February 8, or you can RSVP by emailing Robert Fugate at robert.fugate@kyfb.com. Tickets are $8 for dine in and $9 for carryout.
n Sunday, February 1, I was blessed to celebrate Holy Eucharist with the faithful folks at St. Mark’s in Hazard. While the congregation was small—a mere 10 people—the Spirit was alive! As a product of small church ministry myself, it meant so much to stand at that altar and see the ways that God is working in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. It was a beautiful thing to see everyone in the congregation contribute to the setting up and execution of the service, for example. If someone was not helping set up the altar or light candles, they ended up leading the singing or reading during the Divine Liturgy. Afterwards, everyone stayed to talk about upcoming outreach opportunities in the community, including: hosting NA meetings, hosting girl scout meetings, fixing dinner for the homeless, and providing hospitality for the small outdoor theatre that will start back up in the spring. The community of St. Mark’s knows that growth is not about numbers but about faithfulness. And this small crop of Episcopalians in the coalfields is incredibly faithful. God is doing great things at St. Mark’s, and I was immensely blessed to be a part of their ministry!
“My Lord, What a Morning!”
A special thank you to Dr. Everett McCorvey, Phillip Bullock, baritone; Shareese Arnold, soprano; La’Shelle Allen, contralto; and Tedrin Blair Lindsay, piano for joining us for worship on February 1. It was truly remarkable!
his month we welcome Greg, Tanya, Lauren and David Graf. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us about making Christ Church Cathedral your church home! Tell us a little about yourself – your family, occupation, hobbies, and what gives you joy. Lauren is in the 9th grade and attends Lafayette High School in the pre-engineering program. She is a member of the Cathedral Girls Choir and the Youth Group. She likes getting good grades, hanging out with friends, golf, warm weather, shopping. David is in the 7th grade at Morton Middle School, where he’s the mascot at school games, and on the speech and math teams. David is a member of the Cathedral Boys Choir, an acolyte, and he “makes great bacon” on breakfast teams. David likes golf and is a “pretty good chef.” Tanya works at the U.K. College of Medicine, sings in the Cathedral’s Schola, and serves on the Cathedral’s Altar Guild. She is the family’s “official taxi driver,” and she enjoys cooking, taking care of her children, golf, and warm weather. Greg is an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at U.K., and is in charge of a research lab. Greg is a member of the Cathedral’s Brotherhood of St. Andrew, is on breakfast team #3, and serves on the board of directors for St. Augustine’s. Greg enjoys watching the kids in their sports and other activities, long runs with the dog, and golf, and loves the Psalm 150 recessional at Evensong. Greg
and Tanya have been married 20 years and enjoy hanging out with each other. How long have you been attending services at Christ Church Cathedral? Almost 2 years. What is your faith background? Greg Missouri Synod Lutheran. Tanya – Methodist. Lauren was confirmed in the Methodist church, and is now going through the Cathedral youth confirmation. David started out Methodist. How did you find Christ Church Cathedral? Crystal Owens (a Cathedral member and Lauren’s good friend) invited Lauren to church! Lauren fell in love with the girls choir, and the family has been at the Cathedral ever since. Greg and Tanya added that they were looking to make a move to another church and had been looking around. But Crystal told the Grafs all about “her” church, Christ Church Cathedral, and they were intrigued. The Grafs felt warmly welcomed and were surprised at how many people they knew. What inspired you to make the Cathedral your church home? The Christ Church Cathedral Youth Program, Confirmation process and Choirs were significant to the Graf family. If you invited a friend to come with you to Christ Church Cathedral, what would you tell them? The Grafs make it a point to invite friends to come with them to Evensong services as a point of entry because the music is beautiful and it’s an easy way to bring people to church. They say that breakfast is also a good thing to invite people to attend. At Christmas, the Grafs buy extra Messiah tickets and pass them out to friends.
EVENTS /// NEW CLASSES!! CONFIRMATION & RECEPTION: TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP Were you unable to attend the first round of confirmation & reception classes? If so, no worries! We have another set of 5 classes on Sundays beginning February 22 – March 22 at 12:45-1:45pm. There will be childcare provided. Bring a sack lunch. Bishop Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for the Confirmation and Reception service on Sunday, April 26. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting The Rev. Brent Owens at bowens@ccclex.org or call 254-4497, Ext. 103. ECW LUNCHEON: WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? This second Tuesday of the month luncheon invites us to get to know our neighbor. The business meeting begins at 11:00am, followed by the program at 11:45am. Lunch follows at approximately 12:15pm, and can be purchased for $10. Please sign up in advance at the Welcome Center. Sponsored by Episcopal Church Women (ECW). On February 10, Rasheedah El-Amin, Executive Director of the Lyric Theatre and Cultural Arts Center, will speak about her vision for the growth of the historic Lyric Theatre and its connection to the local African American art scene. Her talk is entitled “The Historic Lyric Theatre: Then and Now.” RECITAL & EVENSONG Please join us Sunday, February 15, for a 3:30pm recital by noted guitar, lute and theorbo musician, Dieter Hennings, Assistant Professor of Guitar at the University of Kentucky. Following the recital, the choir of Men and Boys sing a service of Choral Evensong featuring music of Peter Hallock and Ralph Vaughan Wil-
liams. All are invited and all are welcome! THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO MARK: A STAGED READING AND DISCUSSION Wednesday, February 25 Dinner at 6:00pm, Program begins at 6:30pm Have you ever read or heard the story of Jesus in one sitting? It is a powerful experience. The Gospel According to Mark, the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament, is filled with urgency and action! Cathedral members trained in the art of reading Scripture will present a staged reading of this compelling Gospel. A discussion will follow. Join us for this exciting presentation of the Gospel According to Mark and be inspired by the great story of our faith as we begin our Lenten journey.
2015 ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS When wishing to schedule a flower memorial, please contact Barbara Silcox, Altar Guild Director, at silcox.barbara@ gmail.com or by phone at 492-2471, or the Parish Secretary, Margaret Christensen, by email at mchristensen@ ccclex.org or by phone at 254-4497 to make your request. A list of the available weeks is posted outside the Atrium. Please note, some Sundays you may be asked to share memorials, if more than one person signs up for the same week. The suggested donation per memorial is $100. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS MARCH 8 Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 8. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour the night before
BISHOPS’ FUNDS SUNDAY The Bishops’ Funds were established to honor the six previous Bishops of Lexington. On March 1, you will have the opportunity to support the funds that have been created to perpetuate the life and work of our bishops. • The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton Fund - Assist seminarians in the Diocese with their training • The Rt. Rev. Henry Pryor Almon Abbott Fund - Assist new and continuing missionary work in the Diocese • The Rt. Rev. William Robert Moody Fund - Help fund projects at the Cathedral Domain • The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund Help with continuing education • The Rt. Rev. Don Adger Wimberly Fund - Help fund projects involving youth and young adults • The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund Help Reading Camp and Literacy Programs in the Diocese
ROOM IN THE INN NEEDS YOUR HELP Christ Church is honored to host 15 homeless men for housing and dinner on Wednesday evenings and breakfast Thursday mornings during the cold months. We need the help of individuals and groups to host these men. Please sign up to do the following: help prepare and eat a simple dinner with our guests; spend the night at the Cathedral; have breakfast the following morning; prepare a sack lunch to go. For more information and to sign up contact Tom Howard at 368-8684 or email thoward@ milwardfuneral.com; or Robert Fugate at 270-519-6355 or email robert.fugate@ kyfb.com.
Lynne Harper
14 Libby Geddes
23 Lizzie Stephens
Addison Hosea
Cary Blaydes
15 Dominik Lacki
24 Chase Corman
Grayson Pollard
Janie Fergus
15 Mason Wahle
24 Mary Allen
Judith Stump
Ben Newsome
17 Anne Thomas Howard
25 Chuck Williamson
Kaitlin Hizny
Brad Newsome
17 Pat Allen
25 Mary Elliott
Tate Fugate
Jeanette Dalrymple
17 Rush Mathews
25 Rick Anderson
Vaughn Smith
Jim Ware
17 Virginia Lacefield
25 William Carey
Graham Newsome
Johnny Smith
17 Tom Duncan
25 William Milward
Jo Ann Kirkpatrick
Bruce Eastwood
18 Drew Byrd
26 Alex Ratliff
Mabel Trumbo
Bill Swinford
18 Janis Gilbert
26 Joe Mitchell
Jamie Monck
10 Bob Milward
19 Dick Collins
26 Sara Moreno
Judy Miller
10 Steven Osborne
19 James Bell
26 Madelyne Stephens
Martha Park
11 Don Adams
19 Liz Bryant
27 Clinton Kinkead
Diane Milburn
11 Lorie Corman
19 Tom Baird
27 Tess Rudzik
Will Marletta
12 Aaron Morgan
19 Sonya Stephens
27 Betty Hollingsworth
Priscilla Lynd
13 Curte Ferguson
20 Jack Baugh
28 John Hodgman
McCutchen Arvin
13 Rebekah Gray
21 Kell Pollard
28 Lucy Macfarlan
Thomas Burchett
14 Charlie Frederick
23 Laurel Catto
166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org
SUNDAYS 7:30am Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel 8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 9:30am Breakfast • Great Hall 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 12:15pm Welcome Reception • Coffee Area 6:00pm Sanctuary • Church Youth Group • Basement Activities Room 7:00pm Sanctuary Reception • Tilford Room WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS February 7 & 8 Youth Ski & Swim February 10 ECW Luncheon
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Youth: New Beginnings Brotherhood of St. Andrew Installation Recital & Evensong Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Lenten Morning Prayer Begins Diocesan Convention Friday Fish Fry & Young Adult Sushi Friday The Gospel of Mark Pastoral Care Teams Luncheon Friday Fish Fry Young Adults Hospitality at Home Bishops' Funds Sunday Books & Beliefs Lenten Series Commodores, Young Adults Date Night Daylight Savings Time Begins Recital & Evensong ECW Luncheon Lenten Series