Holy Week 2012 Brochure

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hrist Church Cathedral serves a unique downtown ministry in the heart of Lexington. We are a people of prayer and action, eager to serve those in our community. We have programs and events for all generations. Everyone can find a place for involvement and service as we seek to extend God’s love made known in Jesus Christ. Cathedrals have presided over our landscape for more than a millennium, and they are envisioned as a meeting place of the sacred and the secular. As a sacred place in the public square, our cathedrals have a special calling to provide a place where civil conversation and common prayer inspire action. As a vital citizen of the city of Lexington, Christ Church Cathedral seeks to offer opportunity for such prayer and action. God has a dream to heal the world. Cathedrals are meant to give us a glimpse of that dream, and in so doing, to fortify and inspire us for that life-giving work.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859.254.4497

Maundy Thursday

The night before Jesus dies

Good Friday

Jesus dies and is buried

Easter Vigil

Jesus overcomes death



he Three Sacred Days, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil, are traditionally understood as one act of worship taking place over the course of three days. Once the service begins with the opening procession on Maundy Thursday, there is no closing benediction until the conclusion of the Easter Vigil.

This three-day journey into the heart of our faith allows space for contemplating the mystery of God’s love made known to us in Christ. Together, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are one great saving act of God. In Hebrew, the word salvation can suggest the idea of spaciousness. God’s saving love is vast, spacious, broad and deep. The church, in its liturgical wisdom, knew that the story of our salvation, the saving act at the heart of our faith, was something so great that its meaning was most deeply experienced over time. Scripture tells us that God’s time is not our time, and so we journey though Holy Week by creating time and space to experience the richness and mystery of God’s unending grace. In the Three Sacred days, eternity and time meet as we remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and give thanks for a love so spacious that it opens unto us in new life beyond our imagining.

Each service offers a unique faith experience. We invite you to explore any or all of the services.

The Very Reverend Carol L. Wade † Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral

Maundy Thursday April 5 7:00pm

The night before Jesus dies The night before Jesus dies, he enacts servanthood by washing the feet of his disciples, shares a meal with them, and goes to a secluded place to pray where he is then arrested. We gather to celebrate Jesus’ Last Supper with his friends. The word, Maundy, derives from the Latin word for command, mandatum. It refers to Jesus giving the new command to love, symbolized by the washing of feet. The service moves from the supper to the stripping of the altar; celebration turns to betrayal and loss as we depart in silence. Following the service, the chapel is open for silent prayer until 10:00pm, to wait with Jesus, and to engage with what it means to watch with Christ.

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Good Friday April 6 12:05pm & 7:00pm

Jesus dies and is buried 12:05pm

On this most solemn and sober day of the Christian year, we remember Jesus’ death. The cross is draped in black and our space is void of sacred symbols. We gather for meditation, choral music, scripture, and prayer. Love triumphs over death, and we share in Christ’s passion as we light candles and pray for the world God so loves, both beautiful and broken. 7:00pm

At this candlelit service of meditation and chant, the altar is draped to remind us that Jesus is in the tomb and we have no actions but to watch, pray, and wait in faith for Christ’s resurrecting life breaking through the tangles of death for the healing of the world. Private confession will be offered after both of these services.

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Easter Vigil April 7 8:00pm

Jesus overcomes death Our watch and wait for Jesus’ return continues. The late start time of this service reminds us that the world is dark without the light of Christ. We read sacred stories –of our creation, of God’s covenant with us, of Christ’s resurrection. We celebrate the movement from death into life through the sacrament of baptism. We end in light reminding us that the Lord is Risen and Christ’s light and love should be shared with the world. Alleluia! You are invited to bring a bell to ring in celebration of the resurrection.

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FIND YOURSELF IN THE STORY Journey with us this sacred season


he journey from Palm Sunday to Easter invites us to place ourselves in the last week of Jesus’ life. It allows us to share in the pain and ultimate joy of Jesus’ disciples. It challenges us to think about our call to love and serve the Lord. You are invited to journey with Christ, to find your place in this story, and to ultimately experience a love which is so strong that it sacrifices life, triumphs over death, and brings new, abundant life. ccclex.org / 9

Palm Sunday April 1 8:30am & 11:00am Jesus enters Jerusalem on the way to the cross On the way to his death in Jerusalem, crowds of followers greet Jesus, and lay palms on the ground in his path and shout out in praise. We begin by reenacting this parade. Our joyful shouts of “Hosanna!” turn to cries of “crucify him!” Hosanna means save us. We know brokenness, and God’s power to save. We know of our fickleness and of God’s faithfulness. We end in silence, remembering that Jesus’ walk into Jerusalem ends in trial, crucifixion, and death. We ponder such surpassing love.

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Easter April 8 8:30am & 11:00am

Christ is risen After three days in the grave, Jesus triumphs over death into eternal life. Our worship celebrates the joy of the resurrection, as we exuberantly proclaim with all of creation – Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed!

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uring the process of Holy Conversations, the people of Christ Church Cathedral laid out big, achievable dreams. The Vestry and Dean Wade developed exciting plans for building on those dreams. One important step toward realizing our goals is to call a third priest, and Stewardship has been charged with increasing 2012 pledges by $100,000. Many parishioners have already prayerfully increased their pledges. Thank you! If you feel called to increase your pledge in support our dreams and goals for a vibrant life of faith in Christ, please contact Lesa Schoner at 254-4497. We are close to achieving our financial goal, and your continued generosity will make a difference. We have great faith that we will accomplish our vision just as all successful communities do: Together.

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he Rev. Bill McDuffie spent 34 years in the ordained ministry; 17 of those years were here at Christ Church. Among his specific ministries in those years were Bible Study, Confirmation Class for children, a special Sunday School Class with the Choir boys who couldn’t participate on Sundays, Cursillo and pastoral care. He retired from active ministry in 1994 but has continued to teach a Bible study class and often has been called on to fulfill a pastoral role. Nancy, Bill’s wife of 48 years, has not only supported his ministry but has led an active life in the church with Altar Guild and ECW as well as in the community. We give thanks for their ministry among us and wish them God Speed as they move to Colorado.

At the 11:00am service on April 15, we will give thanks for their ministry among us and ask God’s blessing on this new chapter of their lives in Christ. 14 / Holy Week & Easter 2012



nterim Assisting Bishop Chilton invites you to attend an evening of conversation on April 17 at 7:00pm at Christ Church Cathedral, concerning the upcoming General Convention of the Episcopal Church, scheduled to take place on July 5- 12, 2012, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The evening will offer our diocesan community an opportunity to listen to each other as we reflect on the upcoming work of General Convention. Topics for conversation will include: • The Denominational Health Plan • New material in Title IV regarding the ministry of bishops • “Holy Women, Holy Men”, our calendar of “saints” whose lives we celebrate • Trial rites for the blessing of same-gender relationships as an option for those who have cause to consider such rites • Consideration of the Anglican Covenant Be part of this important conversation and listening process as we consider topics of significance to our lives together.

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SERVICES & EVENTS March 28 March 30 April 1 April 2-4 April 3

April 22 April 27 April 28

Healing Eucharist to celebrate the Annunciation Palm Crosses Palm Sunday Stations of the Cross Books & Beliefs Renewal of Ministry Vows & Blessing of Oils Prayer Shawl Knitters Healing Eucharist Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt Easter Vigil Easter Easter Brunch Cathedral & Church Offices Closed ECW Meeting Commodores OEBG Clean Up Day A Farewell to Bill & Nancy McDuffie Celtic Eucharist A Conversation about General Convention Daughters of the King Gallery Hop Earth Day Celebration St. George’s Day Celebration Earth Day Service A Gathering of Angels Christ Church Apartments Picnic

May 15 May 19

Save the Date: Legacy Society Dinner Save the Date: Dean Wade’s Installation

April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 17 April 18 April 20 April 21

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Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497 www.ccclex.org

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