June 2015 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action


Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

From the Dean

Occasions for GROWTH


A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I June 2015

Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > cwade@ccclex.org Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > bowens@ccclex.org Associate for Youth & Young Adults ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > kbyrd@ccclex.org Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > paula@ccclex.org Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > elizabeth@ccclex.org Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > eballing@ccclex.org Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > kballing@ccclex.org Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > lhall@ccclex.org Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > lwehrle@ccclex.org Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > mchristensen@ccclex.org Communications Director ɪ Ashley Goodrich > agoodrich@ccclex.org Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > mdunlap@ccclex.org Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > lcritchfield@ccclex.org Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > jhodgman@ccclex.org Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Tracey Meyers, Senior Warden ɪ Caywood Prewitt, Junior Warden ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Lamar Grimes ɪ Tim Lucas ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ John Perrine ɪ Amanda Tudor ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the August issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is July 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ ccclex.org.

JUNE PRAYER Almighty God, grant that as we confess one Body and one Spirit, one hope of our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may be of one heart and one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, faith and charity, in our Lord Jesus Christ. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER What a great run, ride, walk event! The Ride Home was so fun!

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org 859-254-4497


June 15 / ccclex.org

Occasions for Growth


The Amazing Betty


The Run, Walk, Ride Habitat House Fundraiser


Congratulations Cathedral Choristers


The Cathedral Wedding Ministry


Hildreth MeiĂŠre, Art Deco Artist


Daughters of the King


VBS: A Mountain Pilgrimage


"Wonderful World" by the Creative Camera Club of Lexington


Pilgrimage to Gethsemane


Bulletin Board




Occasions for GROWTH


Just as summer yields fragrant herbs that grow with ease, Ordinary Time also occasions growth through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

FROM THE DEAN got an early start on my herb garden this year. An array of Kentucky mint, lemon thyme, sweet basil, spicy globe basil and purple basil is flourishing in containers on my patio. The fragrance is heavenly and the herbs are delicious in salads and in simple summer meals. Even my dog Rachel finds joy in the garden. She particularly likes to gently graze on the Italian parsley and Kentucky mint. One delight of herb gardening that I discovered is cultivating basil. It is so simple. A clipping made just above a double set of leaves when immersed in water will sprout new roots and is ready for planting within 10 days to two weeks. Cradle it in soil and voilà! A whole new basil plant takes life and grows, thus creating a sustainable supply of that most glorious herb. In the Northern Hemisphere, the growing season of summer coincides with the long green season of the Church called Ordinary Time. Just as summer yields fragrant herbs that grow with ease, Ordinary Time also occasions growth through the gift of the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Spirit moved over creation and stirred the waters of our baptism, that same Spirit stirs within us and produces growth and transformation. During this long green season of growth, I give thanks for our lives together. Everywhere I look, I see us growing together in Christ. Our children are enjoying summer camps, Vacation Bible School and a host of other activities, and our youth are preparing for their


pilgrimage and mission trip to Costa Rica. Our mission and outreach work grows strong in our downtown community as the Habitat build begins and our Community Cupboard continues to serve families in need of toiletries, diapers and household supplies, and those among us who will serve at The General Convention of the Episcopal Church will travel to Salt Lake City to elect a new presiding bishop and discern mission goals for our church. One of the greatest occasions for growth happens when we step away from the tasks of our daily lives to make space for rest and renewal. In such moments our spirits open in new and surprising ways. A beautiful prayer found on page 825 of the Book of Common Prayer reminds us of this truth. A PRAYER FOR THE GOOD USE OF LEISURE O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant
that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our
spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
 Amen. Week by week, during these glorious days of summer, we hold in prayer all of these opportunities for growth in God through rest, refreshment and adventure as we gather here at Christ Church Cathedral for inspiring and meaningful worship. I hope you will reflect on how God is growing your spirit and deepening your faith as the gentle days of summer unfold.




etty Ellis, one of Christ Church’s treasures, is known for her competence and willingness to serve wherever needed— managing the bookstore for the past seven years, heading the Altar Guild for many years, serving as reader and chalice bearer and serving as wedding coordinator for 11 years. But how does Betty see herself? She tells me, one early Wednesday morning seated at her kitchen table, that if she were going to write an autobiography (and she says with a twinkle, “And I’m NOT), she would title it “Mr. Porter Saved Me.” Mr Porter, it seems, was her Chemistry teacher in high school. She says he understood her situation of not having many advantages and told her about a nursing scholarship offered by Miners Memorial Hospital in Harlan, KY. Mr. Porter helped this



young Baptist girl from Eastern Kentucky fill out the scholarship form and apply. She points out that an uncle was a miner which qualified her for the program. Awarded the scholarship, she headed to Lexington to study at the UK College of Nursing, living with her aunt, uncle and cousin. Betty and nursing were an immediate fit. She loved it, particularly gynecology, where she could be helpful in serving many of the women from Eastern Kentucky who were more comfortable talking to her than to a man. Some of the medical and nursing students had their own plans for Betty—they wanted her to go out with one of the medical students— a very tall one—named Guy Ellis. “Why,” I ask, “do you think they thought you would be a good fit?” Laughing she says, “Maybe because we are both cynics.” I ask, “You see yourself as a cynic?” “Yes,” she laughs, “ a joyful one.” Anyone who knows Betty also knows that she married that young medical student and they became an integral part of Christ Church Cathedral. Now, many ministries later, Betty is stepping down as manager of the bookstore. Under her guidance it has thrived and gone from originally selling only Bibles, prayer books and other religious books to an inventory of many items, including crafts of parish members. Her favorite part of the bookstore is interacting with the people. “It’s been a wonderful opportunity and I’ve really enjoyed meeting the people in the diocese—yes, a wonderful opportunity,” she says. Betty also served as CCC Wedding Coordinator from 2003-2014. Anyone who doesn’t think this is one huge job has never participated in planning a wedding. During Betty’s tenure, she oversaw 83 weddings. With friend and parishioner Marie Bradshaw, they got it all done and thoroughly enjoyed it. One of several unique requests she had was for the bride’s dog to serve as ring bearer. Betty tactfully reminded the bride of what dogs do when they get excited. The bride chose a different ring bearer. Since Betty stepped down, Becky Horine has served

“It’s been a wonderful opportunity and I’ve really enjoyed meeting the people in the diocese—yes, a wonderful opportunity.” as coordinator. A faith-turning point for Betty was, she says, EFM (Education for Ministry), a four-year program headed by CCC’s Dr. Elizabeth Conrad. With her Baptist upbringing in Eastern Kentucky, Betty says that through EFM she came to love the Episcopal Church, a member now since 1967. It’s a love that has continued for her as she and Guy raised their children Jeremy (b. 1972) and Tracy, (b. 1974) here at CCC.

Approaching it with her usual level-headedness, Betty has been under treatment for cancer— going through surgery some months ago and radiation. She tells me she knew she had cancer before the diagnosis—she had worked as a nurse too many years in gynecology not to recognize the symptoms. “Did that make it more frightening for you?,” I ask. She says, “It made it easier—I knew what to expect.” Betty’s successor in the bookstore will be Wanda Jaquith, another parishioner involved in many aspects of the parish. So what advice would Betty offer Wanda? With a big smile, she says, “Keep an open mind.”

Summer Hours Wednesdays 10:00am-2:00pm Sundays 9:00am-Noon

Volunteers Needed!

The Christ Church Bookstore The Christ Church Bookstore carries an amazing selection of interesting books, cards, gift items, Anglican and Catholic rosaries, CD’s, candles, calendars, cookbooks, and James Avery jewelry. All proceeds from the Christ Church Bookstore go to outreach.

Volunteers are needed to help make this Bookstore possible. Please consider making this your ministry! Contact Wanda Jaquith at wajake@gmail.com or 269-6191. Training will be offered in August.



e have met our goal for the Habitat House and we will start building in July! With $10,000 still in our account from the money raised for our last Habitat house build two years ago, we have raised a little more than $7,000 toward the $15,000 our Vestry pledged toward the $60,000 total cost. Our other downtown church partners have pledged the remainder. It was a perfect Saturday for the approximately 150 Christ Church Cathedral members, family and friends that walked, rode their bikes and ran over 500 miles! Several Cathedral dogs participated, as did some of our youngest members in strollers. One of our teams, “The Awesome 80’s” (a team of 80+ year old Cathedral members) was the winner! Grilled hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken were served. We gathered under the tents as we ate our picnic lunch and traded stories of our adventures along the Legacy Trail. And we had fun music by “Dwight and the Trinitones” (Dwight Dunlap, Steve Lyons, and Roger Bon Durant). The beautiful day that God



blessed us with was every bit as wonderful as the fun and fellowship we enjoyed. God has truly blessed us, even as we now begin the construction of a house to bless a family.



ongratulations to all of our choirs and choristers for a remarkable and accomplishment filled year! All of our dedicated singers and choir families were recognized May 24 at the final choir banquet following Evensong. This summer, 14 boys will take part in the annual Montreal RSCM course. The choristers will bring remarkable musical experiences back to our Cathedral as they embark on a new year of musical service in the fall! We are excited as we look ahead to Cathedral Choir Camp at the Domain June 1st-4th. All current choristers attend as well as anyone interested in joining the Cathedral Boys or Cathedral Girls Choirs. The Cathedral Singers, our mixed adult ensemble, begin their ministry again on Sunday, June 14th and will sing through Sunday, September 6th. Singing is a great way to participate in and to lead Cathedral worship. Please contact Canon Musician Erich Balling for more information eballing@ccclex. org. Many more exciting events are planned for the upcoming year, including Handel’s Messiah on December 4. The 2015-16 music brochures will be printed and available August 1. We have much to look forward to and even more for which to be grateful.


S����� S������ S������� SUMMER SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP TIMES We have heard from many of you a desire to combine summer services so participants in different services can worship together during the summer. The schedule is as follows for the next eight weeks: Sunday, May 31, through Sunday, September 6 8:00am - Rite I service in the Chapel without music 9:00am - Coffee and Doughnuts, and The Wired Word in the Tilford Room 10:00am - A traditional Rite II service with choir in the Church; Children’s Chapel will be offered during this service only. 11:15am - Light refreshments in the garden We return to our regular morning service schedule on Sunday, September 13, with three morning services at 7:30, 8:30 and 11:00. SUMMER SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP TIMES (SANCTUARY) Through June 28; break during July; returning Sunday, August 2 6:00pm - Sanctuary in the Church Sanctuary will take a break for the month of July, so there will be no evening service during that time, but will return Sunday, August 2.



une is traditionally a month of celebrations: graduations, weddings, closing of schools, fun summer activities and vacations to wonderful places. For this June, two very special ministries are worthy causes for celebration at Christ Church Cathedral. Becky Bailey Horine will be assuming the role of Wedding Coordinator. A recent interview with Becky revealed several personal perspectives for how she sees this ministry. “Working with people who have committed to starting their lives together through the sacrament of marriage is very special. I consider being a part of this experience as holy. From my perspective, the most intriguing part of this ministry is to be able to capitalize on all that these brides and grooms and their families bring to this memorable celebration. My job is to help make this event significant; while at the same time making the process as simple and lacking in stress as possible. I consider this opportunity a blessing! As a mother of a bride and the wife of a priest – I know how much is dependent on how well the wedding coordinator carries


Tudor-Coffman Wedding Photographer: Tom Carr


Worne-Jarvis Wedding Photographer: Jonathan Palmer

out her responsibilities. Personally, the opportunity to serve in this role has come at a time in my life when I have experienced loss – this service work helps to fill a void. I am committed to bringing to this ministry the skills of listening, compassion, caring, organization and an awareness that it takes a 'village' to ensure that every wedding at Christ Church Cathedral is memorable and successful!" It was obvious during this interview that Becky will bring to this work her amazing sense of humor and her ability to work in all types of situations with extreme respect for the people she is “shepherding." She already has a collection of wonderful stories surrounding her role as Wedding Coordinator as she makes this memorable time one that is not dominated by stress. As Becky states: “Stress can sometimes be an unintended outcome.” One wedding experience found Becky checking in with the groomsmen and asking the best man if he had the rings. The answer was - “No, they are in someone’s car somewhere.” Becky quickly took off her own wedding bands and gave them to the best man. Eventually the rings were found just as the ceremony started. Without question this is only one of hundreds of stories that will fill Becky’s memories as time unfolds. We all thank Becky for the personal gifts she

“I consider Betty as my inspiration. Her dedication over the past twelve years as Wedding Coordinator for more than eighty weddings has provided me with a rich array of stories and lessons learned.”

brings to this ministry and wish her the very best of experiences as she shares with so many her skills, love and gracious demeanor. During the interview, Becky expressed great appreciation for the support Betty Ellis has offered to her in this transition. “I consider Betty as my inspiration. Her dedication over the past twelve years as Wedding Coordinator for more than eighty weddings has provided me with a rich array of stories and lessons learned.” So in addition to welcoming Becky to this ministry, one other celebration is heartfelt thanksgiving for Betty Ellis’s tireless efforts as Wedding Coordinator. When asked about her years in this position, she said “It is a very rewarding ministry! And it has also been fun! It is always very special to see the couples that have been married at our church to then come to church in later years with their children.” Hilary Jarvis, who is now a member of the Wedding Committee offered the following statement. “Betty was absolutely invaluable on my wedding day! There were so

many moving parts and potential pitfalls, but she made sure everything ran smoothly. We had a perfect ceremony and I appreciate all of Betty’s hard work in making that happen.” So we have much to celebrate at Christ Church Cathedral – the ongoing contributions of a talented and committed new Wedding Coordinator and the many years of loving service provided by Betty Ellis.

Weddings at Christ Church Cathedral If you would like to discuss a wedding or the celebration of a lifelong covenant at the Cathedral, please contact Margaret Christensen at mchristensen@ccclex.org or 859-254-4497.

Worne-Jarvis Wedding Photographer: Jonathan Palmer

Tudor-Coffman Wedding Photographer: Tom Carr




Christ Church Chapel is home to a piece of art created by the most famous muralist of the Art Deco Style—Hildreth Meiére (pronounced mee-AIR). On the right wall of the chapel hangs the only known Meiére art work in Kentucky, which was dedicated

in April 1924. Hildreth Meiére (1892-1961) was one of the most influential and decorative artists of the 20th Century. During her time it was extremely rare for a woman to win commissions for high profile art projects. Her most famous works include St. Bartholomew Church (stained glass and shimmering gold narthex domes telling the story of Creation) and Temple Emanu-El (arch and ark in the main sanctuary), both located in New York City. She also has work at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, the National Cathedral in Washington D.C., and Radio City Music Hall. The memorial panel was a gift to commemorate the life of Mary Warfield Bennett (1863-1923) who served many


years as the President of the Christ Church Women’s Guild. The panel is made of wood and the entire face is covered with burnished gold leaf. The design is brought out by raising the leaf and showing the red clay underneath. The rubbed red clay and gold leaf process was developed by Meiére and many of her triptych and mural designs feature this unique process. The memorial panel reads: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and of the Holy Ghost.” On either side are the four archangels— Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael and Saint Uriel. For more information see Art Stories from the Cathedral by Jesse Mark (2015) and The Art Deco Murals of Hildreth Meiére by Catherine Coleman Brawer (2014).



n 1885 our founder, Margaret J. Franklin, envisioned the mission of the Order of the Daughters of the King to be an extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. Today chapters in the Episcopal, Lutheran, Roman Catholic and Anglican churches throughout the world are fulfilling that mission. The Daughters undertake a Rule of Life that incorporates a Rule of Prayer and a Rule of Service. Both help us to help us focus on our walk with Jesus Christ. We make a commitment to pray daily for unity in Christ’s Church, the spread of Christ’s Kingdom, God’s blessings on members of our chapter and our clergy, and the spiritual growth of the parish. We maintain a confidential prayer chain available to all who request our prayers. We fulfill our vow for the Rule of Service by supporting the outreach and pastoral work of the church. We provide dinners for UK students at St. Augustine’s Chapel and for the Lenten Dinners. We support St. Agnes House, which provides housing for patients from eastern Kentucky who are receiving care at UK Hospital. The Daughters head up the Prayer Shawl Knitting Ministry and are adding prayer beads to accompany the shawls.


In service to young girls in our community, Christ Church Chapter sponsors the only Junior Daughter chapter in the commonwealth, the Mother Teresa Chapter, open to girls in grades 6 through 12. We are active with the diocesan Daughters of the King, hosting teas and having members in leadership positions. Next spring, we will host the Diocesan Spring Assembly of the Daughters. We wear our cross every day as a reminder that we cannot live a day

without Christ. We welcome inquiries and women who are interested inner ministries and in joining our chapter. Call Sherry Ferguson, Janis Gilbert or Joanna Walsh, or talk to any member. The website for the national organization is doknational.com and the Diocese of Lexington is diolex.org.




f you don’t have a young person at home you may not know the details of our adventures in Asia as a part of VBS this year. But, because of the diligence of a crack team of young reporters embedded with each expedition team, we can bring you the inside scoop on our Mountain Pilgrimage! Julia King begins the tale: “We are preparing for our pilgrimage by beginning to [get to] know everyone in the group. It is important for all the pilgrims to know each other. Two of the pilgrims in the Panda Group can recite everyone’s name...I think the next few days will be exciting and fun. I and many others will be looking forward to the next day for VBS again.” Charlie Naish wrote about all the exercising that the teams did as a way of preparing our bodies for the hard work of hiking that was coming. Zoe Kannah from St. Andrew’s reported that, after getting to know fellow pilgrims, Base Camp had a special visitor. “We met Moses who saw the burning bush! The bush symbolized holy ground and God also spoke to Moses. This play taught me that God always shows himself through many different



shapes and forms.” The Bible and our Christian tradition are full of the stories of people who made a difficult journey (or Pilgrimage) as a way to remove themselves from their daily routine and listen for God’s call. When pilgrims arrived the next day they had to wait in a bit of a queue at Immigration to get their passports stamped because we had arrived in Japan! While learning about the tradition of climbing the dormant volcano, Mt. Fuji, we also watched while Elijah went on his pilgrimage but didn’t find God in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in a “small voice” after all that noise had stopped, and so our day in Japan was made up of these contrasts. Emilie Milburn documented some of the events of the day like this: “Today on our pilgrimage we go to Mt. Fuji. We made a garden in a small container. They are called Zen Gardens and Buddhists use them to study meditation. Now we are making fans from Japan and I found that they have flying squirrels!” There was quiet time for art and music but equally we explored the excitement of Sumo wrestling. As Iona Campbell summarized in her Haiku she wrote reflecting on our day on Mt. Fuji.

Sakura, Sumo Singing and Origami Brings us close to God Tuesday found us even farther away from Central Kentucky. “Today we climbed Mt. Everest and it was very hard. I learned that recently in Nepal there was a big earthquake and many people got hurt.” Chloe Beers explained further that the teams took time to make fleece blankets that will be sent to help give comfort to kids who have lost so much in Nepal. Moses and Elijah returned for a visit and experienced the Transfiguration of Jesus while on our mountain. We then had a chance to change our appearances too, and talk about how a difficult journey can change how we feel and what we look like! Our last day was spent at the Garner’s farm but we were in fact exploring China by way of our pilgrimage to Mt. Tai (Tai Shan). This was a choose-your-own-adventure kind of day from learning about Chinese landscape brush painting and dragon masks, to eating fresh eggroll snacks and trying to climb to the top of a huge rock wall. We also followed a couple of very sad disciples on the road to Emmaus and were surprised to discover Jesus walking along the way with us. Patrick Garner summarized the whole VBS adventure as a journey where we looked for God in new things, animals,

art and in the people around us. Emilie Milburn, one of our rising 5th Graders had more to say at the closing ceremony: “I thought I was too old for VBS, but I’m really glad I came. I learned a lot and had so much fun!” It was a marvelous four days of exploration and play, none of which would have been possible without the help of dozens of older youth and adult volunteers who set the scene, prepared or donated crafts, food, actively helped small hands stay safe, and guided our young pilgrims on their path each day. So, ask a kid what pilgrimage is all about when you see them at Church; they will have a lot to say!




he Art at the Cathedral exhibit for July and August will showcase the photography of the Creative Camera Club. The theme is Wonderful World and we will display over 40 framed photos in our gallery. The Creative Camera Club is open to all and Club members meet twice a month. Meetings include informal gatherings designed to give members “hands on” opportunities to learn how to use equipment and new technology, member competitions and guest photographers featuring their latest work. We are excited and grateful to have the Creative Camera Club provide the refreshments for the upcoming Gallery Hop on Friday, July 17, 5:00-8:00pm. The Club members always turn out in force at Gallery Hop receptions and it is a great opportunity to learn more about the photographers



(amateur and professional) and the Club. Please save the date for the Gallery Hop and it will be a lively evening featuring the music of our own Dwight Dunlap and the Trinitones. You might have heard the Trinitones playing for the church Habitat for Humanity picnic in May. Dwight’s band will make the evening especially festive. Gallery Hop is a perfect opportunity to practice the Invite Welcome Connect gifts that we recently discussed with our guest speaker Mary Parmer. Is there someone that you might Invite to Gallery Hop? In May we had about 600 people visiting our church for Gallery Hop—most had never been to Christ Church before. We are so fortunate to have a beautiful space in downtown Lexington to welcome and share our hospitality. Ya’ll come!



n Sunday, August 16, following the 10:00am service, we will gather to make our way to to the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Bardstown to remember slain Episcopal seminarian and civil rights activist Jonathan Myrick Daniels. Daniels attended the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1963. Before becoming involved in the movement, Daniels had upheld the Bishop of Alabama’s position to not allow civil rights workers and outsiders into his state. When things escalated and he heard the plea of Martin Luther King Jr. for clergy and seminarians to join in the march from Selma to Montgomery, Daniels was changed. In March 1965, Daniels, along with some other seminarians, journeyed to Selma to take part in the march for voting rights. After the march, Daniels and another seminarian decided to work the rest of the semester in Selma.


“Something had happened to me in Selma, which meant I had to come back. I could not stand by in benevolent dispassion any longer without compromising everything I know and love and value. The imperative was too clear, the stakes too high, my own identity was called too nakedly into question ... I had been blinded by what I saw here (and elsewhere), and the road to Damascus led, for me, back here.” Daniels and others were arrested and jailed following a demonstration picketing white-only stores. They were held in

filthy, crowded conditions for six days. After being released on August 20, 1965, he and three others, including two African-American teenage girls, walked to buy a soft drink at one of the few places that would serve non-whites. An unpaid deputy threatened the group, pointing a gun at Ruby Sales. Daniels pushed her out of the way and was instantly killed. Daniels’s death awakened many in the Episcopal Church to the reality of racism. Sculptor Walker Hancock was commissioned to create a group of sculptures, The Garden of Gethsemani, which were installed at The Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani. Please contact the church office with questions.



EVENTS /// SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ADULTS This summer the Wired Word class will continue Sunday mornings at 9:00am in the Tilford Room. Please join us for a lively conversation on current events as we discuss how they connect to Scripture and to faith. If you would like to receive the weekly Wired Word email to prepare for each week’s class, please email Elizabeth Conrad at elizabeth@ ccclex.org. SANCTUARY TAKES A BREAK DURING JULY Sanctuary, or 6:00pm worship service, will take a break for the month of July, so there will be no evening service during that time, but it will return Sunday, August 2. YOUTH PILGRIMAGE TO COSTA RICA On July 14, 10 Cathedral Youth and three members of St. Raphael’s Youth will travel with their leaders for seven days of mission work and spiritual journey to Costa Rica. Join with us in prayer for the travelers: Crystal Owens, Grace Headley, Lauren Graf, Eli Dunlap, Holden Hall, Levi Lutz, Michael Naish, Woods Prewitt, Clay Fugate, Will Mullins, Thomas Bollinger, Nell Campbell, Rick Anderson, Kenny Pierce, Steffen Wilson, Jonathon Melton, and Kate Byrd. If you would like to further support the trip, stock options are available: $15 for one stock, which includes a Costa Rica Lunch on August 23 and a postcard; $30 for two stocks, which includes two tickets to the lunch, a postcard and a small gift. Through stocks we are hoping to raise additional funds to support our mission project. THEOLOGY ON TAP Are you looking for practical theology in a fun and non-judgmental setting? Join us the first, third and fifth Mondays of the month, 6:30-8:30pm, at Lexington


Beerworks (213 North Limestone Street) for laughter, thought-provoking conversation and fellowship. This great small group does not prescribe solutions but discusses in open and respectful ways how we find God at work in our daily lives. Appetizers provided! Contact The Rev. Kate Byrd at kbyrd@ccclex.org to join the Facebook group and follow the conversation! YOUNG ADULT HOSPITALITY AT HOME Open and organic, like Theology on Tap, our Hospitality at Home gatherings are hosted by members of the Cathedral Young Adults and feature good food and engaging conversation. This month we will be gathering at the Byrd Home on Friday, June 19, 6:30-8:30pm, where we will get the opportunity to participate in a house blessing, provided by Dean Wade. CATHEDRAL DOMAIN SUMMER CAMPS The Cathedral Domain offers camps to students of all ages! Camp offers the invaluable experiences of communing with God, nature, and friends. Campers learn skills and gain self-esteem while studying the Bible and making new friends. Sign up today! Need-based scholarships available: email kbyrd@ccclex.org. All camps based on completed grade. More information at www.cathedraldomain.org.

NOTICES /// CONGRATULATIONS TO THE RECENTLY BAPTIZED! The following infants were baptized on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. Join us in celebrating them! Conrad Matthew Blanchett Elizabeth Kate Chapman Easton Florence Mitchell STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITIES CONTINUE In the summer months, we slow down,

take it easy and go on vacation. However, Christ Church Cathedral remains busy with worship, mission, and planning fall music, services, and a multitude of joyous ministries including the Habitat Build, Diaper Drive, and Vacation Bible School, to name just a few. Please remember to keep your pledge and other donations to the Cathedral current even when you are away. If it is easier, we offer PayPal and automatic bank account withdrawal (ACH); either is a safe and convenient way to pay your pledge even while you are away. Please call or email Parish Administrator Lesa Wehrle for details (254-4497 or lwehrle@ccclex.org). CELEBRATION OF DR. KAY COLLIER MCLAUGHLIN, JUNE 21 Please join us on Sunday, June 21, at 3:00pm at Christ Church Cathedral as we give thanks to God for the ministry that Kay has shared with us. Kay has served the Diocese as the Bishop’s Deputy for in Communications and Leadership Development, and as the long-time editor of The Advocate, the print newsletter for the Diocese. She is also a gifted artist, offering her artwork for Diocesan Conventions and Art at the Cathedral. Join us in honoring her upon her retirement!

MISSION /// CHRIST COMMUNITY CUPBOARD DIAPER DRIVE The Cupboard is in great need of diapers. Each month the Cupboard distributes over 50 packages of diapers to families in need. We are having a Diaper Drive May 10 - June 21 to help with this need! Please donate packages of diapers sizes 4 & 5 and place them in the Cupboard diaper bins in the Great Hall and near the Welcome Center, or provide a financial donation in the collection plate on Sundays with “Cupboard Diaper Drive” in the memo line.



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Jo Robertson Stewart Cook Tanya Sturgill Margaret McDuffie Ellen Heffron Leslie Cox Sandy Ireland Gwenda Williamson Penny Cox Elizabeth Duncan Kim Knight Norman Willard Ginny Adams Letitia Hollingsworth-Gray Sarah Marletta Emily Smith Beth Barr Ellen Stamps Ted Corman Bill Cox Diana Nave Levi Lutz Luke Dailey Steve Smith Kennedy Wright Margaret Gess Mark Watson Melissa Sloan Brent Salisbury George Smith Dennis DePenning Trudy Tibbs Will Mathews Chelsea Powell Sonja Mather Virgil Lewis Patty Barnes Julia Clements Jai Giffin Patrick Balling Anne Garrett

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Hannah Sturgill John Brice Mike Lorton Joanna Walsh Betty Ellis Steve Ranft Win Underwood Louise Bryans Sam Dailey Bruce Engle Cameron Shoaf Dan Tudor Rod Heard Frances Cox Kav Milward Sophia Goodin Emma Seale Allen Garner Elise Watson Patty Ramsey Abby White Donna Counts Duncan MacIvor Jennifer Henson Anne Romaine Anne Gregory Chuck Rolph Bobby Barr Connor Dellarosa


1 1 2 3 3 3 3 5 6 7 7

Alex McBrayer Pattie Stephens Andrew Hart Andy Stephens Howard Gray Tyler Henson Virginia Grimes Graham Smith Ashley Jacobs Carol Barr Kenyon Cook

7 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20

Abigail Young Patrick Combs Sandy Snyder Taylor Rains Will Freeman David Blanchett Ben Gillig Michael Mabe Nemour Egana Tabatha Allen Armine Hutchens Amy Hall Andrew Dieruf Jack Marletta Margaret Hacker Mary Beth Parker Ben Allen Jack Stewart Jena Lowry Noah Roberts Benji Headley Caroline Balling Doug Geddes Kaesyn Jacobs Margaret Willingham Chaucey Slagel Clay Dorsett Lynn Lorch Alex Thompson Fred Roughton Kimberly Chapman Madi Fogarty Russ Bogue Will Jones Greg Hood Trish Voll Lisle Dalton Martha Birchfield Alex Clay Anabelle Lowry Jennifer Smith Will Mullins

21 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 31 31

Dan McGrath Mary Louise Lorton Sid Kinkead David Aiken Tom Howard Hardy Kikuchi Robert Baumgartner Susan Baird Christina Bell Andy Barr Diane Wiles Jackie Justice Carolyn Brock Amy Burke Melodye Kinkead Robert Fugate Tom Sturgill Linda Bussell John Stempel Lesli Yates Muffy Stuart Ron Gullett Colin Ferguson Alex Lesueur Darby Jones Katrina Hood Mitzi Fugate Cassandra Gray Edward Sellier George Jett James Boyd Janey Pappas Doug Campbell Melissa Whitton Barbara Hodgman Barrie Hart Jack Chapman Tracy Davis Sylvia Lacefield


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 www.ccclex.org

SUNDAYS 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 11:15am 6:00pm 7:00pm

Holy Eucharist • Rite I • Chapel Coffee & Doughnuts The Wired Word • Tilford Room Holy Eucharist • Rite II • Church Children’s Chapel • 1st Floor Helm Bldg Welcome Reception • Garden Sanctuary • Church Sanctuary Reception • Tilford Room

WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel

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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS June 19 Young Adult Hospitality at Home June 21 Father's Day Diaper Drive Ends Farewell Service for Dr. Kay Collier McLaughlin June 25 - July 3 General Convention June 28 Final Sanctuary before July break July 3 Church Offices Closed (Independence Day) July 14-21 Youth Pilgrimage to Costa Rica July 17 Gallery Hop July 30 EFM Mentor Training August 1 Youth Kings Island Trip

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