Prayer & Action STEWARDSHIP
Christ Church Cathedral ı Lexington, Kentucky
ENVISIONING GOD’S DREAM Dean Wade explores God’s life-giving mission and how the Stewardship Initiative will develop that dream.
J. PHILIP NEWELL’S A NEW HARMONY J. Philip Newell will join us on March 16-18 to teach meditative practices to enhance spirituality.
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Canon Musician Erich Balling discusses the change in music during the season of Lent.
A Parish of
Prayer & Action Prayer & Action ı Lent 2012
Dean & Rector ı The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade > Pastoral & College Ministry ı The Rev. Janey Wilson > Priest Associate ı The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine > Canon Musician ı Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ı Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ı Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ı Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Youth Ministries Coordinator ı Amanda Musterman-Kiser > Nursery Coordinator ı Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ı Lesa Schoner > Parish Secretary ı Margaret Christensen > Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ı Ashley Goodrich > Facilities Manager ı John Hodgman > Sexton ı Brownell Haddix Vestry C.B. Baize ı Chuck Baldecchi ı Nancy Bogue ı John Brice, Junior Warden ı Cissy Collins ı Sherry Ferguson ı Doug Geddes ı Tom Howard ı Diane Milburn ı Gary Stewart ı Carolyn Ware ı Jim Ware, Senior Warden ı Marc Mathews, Treasurer WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer and Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the Easter issue, the deadline for announcements, photos or articles is March 1 at noon. Announcements / articles are preferred emailed.
FEBRUARY COMMUNITY PRAYER God of all mercy, whose Son brought good news to the despairing, freedom to the oppressed and joy to the sad; fill us with your Spirit, that the people of our time may see in us the likeness of Christ, in whose Name we pray.
TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer and Action by mail, please call 859-254-4497 x106.
NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather 859-299-8569, or the church office.
INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email
ABOUT THE COVER Cindy Ware leads the procession at the service on January 29 featuring Guest Conductor Aric Prentice.
THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859.254.4497
Lent 12 /
Youth enjoy “The Big Splash” at Big Splash Adventure Water Park in Paoli, Indiana at the 3rd annual Ski & Swim.
Envisioning God’s Dream
Music Notes
Lent 2012
Cathedral Kidz
Bulletin Board
Envisioning God’s Dream By The Very Reverend Carol L. Wade
he season of Lent is a springtime of the soul when we prepare to live the new life of resurrection. Lent, an Anglo-Saxon word for spring referring to the lengthening of days is a season that summons us to travel a new road on our journey to Easter rejoicing. The gift of Lent is this: It opens our eyes to fresh perspectives and new possibilities as we envision God’s dream for us and our world.
Envisioning God’s dream for us at Christ Church Cathedral was the purpose of the Cathedral’s Holy Conversations, the process generated for the calling of a new dean. During these gatherings, the people of Christ Church Cathedral were endowed with a vision for our future together. At our January Vestry retreat, we thought a lot about that vision. We pondered Jesus’ call to follow a new teaching: to abandon selfishness and follow the path of service—what it means for us, as the people of Christ Church Cathedral, to grow into the full stature of Christ in generosity and love. A lively discussion about the dreams and goals of this Cathedral ensued. We explored the Holy Conversation goals you articulated for our lives together at Christ Church: to live into our mission as a cathedral; to grow in membership, stewardship, and outreach; to maintain varied and traditional worship; and to be a
What do we uniquely do as the body of Christ in this place - or more pointedly, what would the community miss if we were to be no more? welcoming, inclusive, and spiritual community.
We asked this question: What do we uniquely do as the body of Christ in this place—or more pointedly, what would the community miss if we were to be no more? When we discussed growing in stewardship, outreach, and membership, inclusion and welcome, that’s when we really got excited! And so, I unpacked some immediate actions, as well as three- to five-year plans and goals— strategies for our success together. I proposed several task forces (“commissions”) in order to engage our congregation in the realization of the four goals you named, and to minister to the gospel with authority, power and joy! We’ve begun constructing a Heritage Commission, New Horizons Commission, First Impressions Commission, Newcomers, Inc., Entrepreneurs, and a Community Relations Commission. They are assigned the tasks, respectively, of telling our story to new generations, assessing our place in the downtown community and beyond, increasing our message of welcome and inclusion, finding ways of producing events to provide
God has a dream to heal the world. Christ Church Cathedral is called to give the world glimpses of that dream.
extra income for ministry, and getting our mission known throughout the region.
During Lent, we will have an exciting opportunity as a congregation to enter into the same discussion we had at the Vestry meeting. At the Wednesday Night Lenten Soup Suppers beginning on February 29, we will explore our vision and goals for Christ Church Cathedral, and take our part in sharing ideas with the task forces. Another way we are being called to explore God’s life-giving mission for us at Christ Church Cathedral is through the special weekend event with international guest John Philip Newell on March 16-18. In his most recent book, A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth and the Human Soul, Newell invites us to become part of a new harmony, a new spirituality, a Christianity more integrated with God’s dreams for the earth and all humanity. God has a dream to heal the world. Christ Church Cathedral is called to give the world glimpses of that dream. So come to the Wednesday night Lenten suppers and the special weekend with John Philip Newell, where we will dream God’s dream and grow together as we align ourselves with the Spirit’s work for us. What an exciting journey we are on together at Christ Church Cathedral! I invite you to make this a Holy Lent on our journey to Easter rejoicing. Ϯ
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tion Christ Church Cathedral is heading, you will want to help us get there. It also became apparent among the Vestry that for the church to achieve these goals we would need to call a third priest to Christ Church Cathedral.
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Stewardship has a specific role in that plan: to engage people’s Time, Talent, and Treasure to make these dreams a reality. Over the next 60 days, you may receive a call asking to meet and talk with a member of the
divine l u f e t a gr e r c o t a a e g r ity cr un
irst and foremost, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! We asked you to “Pledge Early and Volunteer Often” and you responded enthusiastically. We saw our number of donors increase and have met our initial goals for stewardship: $900,000. We can’t thank you enough for coming together as a congregation and supporting the vision and ministries of Christ Church Cathedral! This success has inspired us to see if we can’t continue this growth and momentum into the new year.
Steward s Jesu follow
loving gra c e p e a ce care sincere es h t a k e r
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By Chuck Baldecchi & Anne Garrett
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Spirit Jesus responsible disciple creator Pledge Early and s u s t a i n e r Ch r i s t blessing Volunteer Often
Each of us can do our part in helping Christ Church Cathedral fulfill its Holy f and goals for e i l e Conversation—our dreams b gratitude ip h s r w otogether in Christ. a vibrant life of faith guardian
m i n i s ter dev o t e d Ste w a r d
At this January’s Vestry Retreat, the Vestry and the Dean reviewed the vision and goals articulated by you—the people of Christ Church Cathedral— during the Holy Conversations conducted for calling our new dean. During the retreat, the Dean began by outlining several task forces that would be formed in order to engage the congregation in the realization of those goals. The six areas the task forces will engage are Heritage: Sharing our Cathedral’s Story with New Generations, New Horizons: Who is Our Neighbor and How Do We Connect, Community Relations: Telling our Story to the Greater Community—Creating Goodwill and Raising Visibility, First Impressions: Welcoming the Guest is Job One!, Entrepreneurs: Creating Resources for Ministry, and Newcomers, Inc.: Incorporating Our Newcomers into Christ Church. As the Vestry reviewed the Cathedral’s goals, our goals as a congregation, the excitement in the room was palpable. The unanimous consensus among the Vestry was to share this message and these plans with the congregation, which Dean Wade did so eloquently on Sunday, January 29. We believe firmly that just like the Vestry, once you hear about the direc6 / PRAYER AND ACTION_LENT 12
Stewardship Committee about increasing your annual pledge. To help us achieve our potential, please accept and please consider increasing your annual pledge by as much as $1,000 to $10,000 this year. And with God’s grace and our response, we can turn our prayer into action. Each of us can do our part in helping Christ Church Cathedral fulfill its Holy Conversation—our dreams and goals for a vibrant life of faith together in Christ. We look forward to sharing more details regarding this Stewardship initiative. There is no question we have the ability to reach our goal of increasing stewardship’s annual pledge revenue by $100,000, but we will need to accomplish it just as all successful communities do—together.
Most recent pledging members since the Epiphany Prayer & Action
Thanks to the generosity of Christ Church parishioners stewardship is ahead of last year, but we are not where we need to be. We are 10% behind the 2012 budget requests. Last year during Holy Conversations, we set our bold dreams down and those bold dreams called Dean Wade to our church. Our first months together have exceeded expectations; now we as a congregation
need to strive for a new level of stewardship. As we move forward to complete the stewardship campaign, we have great hope that the congregation will answer the call to increase their pledges. If you have not had the opportunity to pledge, please contact Lesa Schoner at 254-4497 or We, like you, have faith in the wondrous possibilities for spiritual growth. Please help the Vestry to fulfill our promise, particularly by our various ministries. ĎŽ
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Baird
Mr. Kyle Howard
Mr. Garland Barr, III & The Rev. Donna Barr
Drs. Terence & Amy O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. David Blanchett
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Scott, Jr.
Mrs. J.W. Dunlap
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Curte Ferguson
Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Tibbs
Ms. L.P. Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Williams
Mr. John Geddes
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hall
The Musical Textures of Lent By Erich Balling
he Lenten season offers an array of musical textures and sounds as we journey through the forty days culminating with Holy Week and the joy of Easter. Our hymnody becomes more reflective, the psalm settings create a feeling of longing and the anthems and motets of the season are often punctuated
by the beauty of unaccompanied choral singing. Through our music and worship, the Cathedral itself is a renewed place of thoughtful and dedicated prayer. During this Lenten season, you may want to experience one of our worship opportunities on Sunday afternoons. If you’ve never attended, you may appreciate the diversity and welcoming nature of these offerings. They reflect who we are as a community of faith by providing a place for beautiful traditional worship in the form of Choral Evensong and our commitment to looking at new forms of worship through Celtic Eucharist. Lent provides an opportu-
Friday, April 27, 2012, beginning at 6:00pm. This wonderful event includes fabulous food, and silent and live auctions. Proceeds will benefit the Choir tour Scholarship Fund. The Cathedral Choirs have been invited to sing as the resident choir at Ely Cathedral, England, and Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 13-26, 2012.
nity for all of us to slow down, take spiritual inventory and remember the ultimate sacrifice Christ made for each of us on Good Friday. May this season fill you with hope, renewal and a deeper faith in God as we look towards the Day of Resurrection and a joyous Eastertide. Ϯ
A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth, and The Human Soul Seeking Balance in Our Lives with J. Philip Newell
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Becom e harmo part of a n ew ny, a n ew spi tuality ri, a Ch ri more integr stianity ate God’s dream d with earth and al s for the Regis l humanity. er tod ay!
March 16-18 Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859-254-4497
Provided by Christ Church Cathedral and the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington
J. Philip Newell is a poet, scholar, and teacher. The former leader of Iona Abbey in the Western Isles of Scotland, Newell currently makes his home in Edinburgh, Scotland and now serves as Companion Theologian for Casa del Sol, a retreat house at Ghost Ranch Conference Center.
John Philip Newell
Newell is internationally acclaimed for his work in the field of Celtic spirituality, which includes Listening for the Heartbeat of God (1997), Sounds of the Eternal: A Celtic Psalter (2002), Christ of the Celts: The Healing of Creation (2008), and most recently, A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth and the Human Soul.
The cost of registration is $35.00 for Friday and Saturday, and includes lunch for Saturday. Please make checks payable to Christ Church Cathedral with “Newell” in the memo line. Registration deadline is Tuesday, March 13. You may also sign up online at and pay with PayPal. Please send checks along with this registration form to Christ Church Cathedral, Attn: Newell, 166 Market Street, Lexington, KY 40507. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Conrad at 254.4497 or
Going through Lent is a listening. When we listen to the word, we hear
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where we are so blatantly unliving. If we listen to the word, and hallow it into our lives, we hear how we can so abundantly live again. “A Listening“ by Ann Weems
LENTEN EVENTS Shrove Tuesday February 21 Pancake Supper 5:30-6:30pm $5/person, $20/Family Max Children’s activities begin at 6:15pm Sign up at the Welcome Center Ash Wednesday February 22 Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm With Bishop Knudsen Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm With the Choir of Men & Boys Lenten Quiet Day* Saturday, February 25 10:00am - 2:00pm Celtic-themed meditations relfecting on the works of J. Philip Newell and John O’Donoghue with Bishop Knudsen and Dean Wade Sign up at the Welcome Center Church Under the Bridge Sunday, February 26 2:45pm Central Christian Lenten Series: Bring Our Vision to Life Lenten Wednesdays February 29, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 6:00pm dinner, 6:30-8:00pm program Great Hall During the process of Holy Conversations, Christ Church Cathedral was endowed with vision. Together we identified several big, beautiful, achievable goals for our Cathedral. Lent is the time to align our lives with these goals. It’s been said that we need only 1 percent vision. And then to realize that vision, we need 99 percent alignment. Alignment is what we need to do to shape our lives to reach our goals. Please join our Dean and Vestry in conversation as we explore these goals and bring our vision to life. God has a dream to heal the world. Christ Church Cathedral is meant to give us a glimpse of that dream. Youth: 30 Hour Famine^ March 2-4 Good Shepherd Youth fast for 30 hours while participating in community service projects throughout Lexington. During the 30 hours youth pray, worship, and study the causes of hunger and homelessness in our community and in our world. The event ends with a youth-led service at Christ Church on Sunday, March 4. Organ Recital & Evensong Sunday, March 4 4:30pm Canon Musician Erich Balling With the Choir of Men & Girls J. Philip Newell’s A New Harmony* March 16-18 See ad on page 9 for more details Register online at
Youth: Happening^ March 16-18 Cathedral Domain A not-to-miss weekend retreat for 10th-12th Grades at the Cathedral Domain. Happening is often described as the best experience of a young person’s life. During Happening, participants experience the love of Christ through prayer, worship and the ministry of both adults and peers around them. Darcy Cassidy will be the Rector for this Happening. Celtic Eucharist Sunday, March 18 5:00pm With the Cathedral Schola Children’s Lenten Event* Sunday, March 25 12:30pm Children should come in comfortable/play clothes. We will begin with lunch in the small dining room. Youth: Living Last Supper^ Sunday, March 25 6:00-8:00pm What was the Last Supper really like? What did Jesus do with his friends the last night of his life and why is this meal so important? Join us as we eat and share in a meal similar to Jesus’ last. Palm Sunday April 1 8:30am & 11:00am Chrism Mass Tuesday, April 3 11:00am Renewal of Ministry Vows Maundy Thursday April 5 7:00pm Foot Washing with Bishop Knudsen & Dean Wade Good Friday April 6 12:05pm & 7:00pm Easter Egg Hunt* April 7 10:00am Old Episcopal Burying Ground Please bring 2 dozen candy filled eggs to church the week before. Easter Vigil April 7 8:00pm Baptisms, Confirmations & Receptions Easter Day April 8 8:30am & 11:00am With the Cathedral Choirs of Men, Boys & Girls No Sunday School Extra big breakfast to follow services!
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Dream Group* 4:00-6:00pm Meditation Room God’s voice speaks to us in many ways. The Dream Group meets regularly to explore some of those ways which we often ignore. That still small voice can often be heard through our dreams and synchronistic events. Sometimes this group will study a book together on dreams. If you are interested in exploring the spiritual life in this way please come or contact Elizabeth Conrad 254-4497 or
Canterbury at UK and Transylvania+ 4:30-7:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Canterbury at UK meets every week at St. Augustine’s Chapel. We gather from 4:30-7:30pm to cook, eat, and worship. We often gather for Sunday evening services at the Cathedral, although this is a Diocesan ministry and some of our students are connected to other downtown churches such as Good Shepherd and St. Andrews. In the works for this coming year are some possible mission trips and retreats, and some outreach work in the Diocese too. If you are a student or know a student, let The Rev. Janey Wilson know! We have a terrific group and would love for others to join us!
Theology on Tap March 5 & 19 6:30-8:30pm Are you a 21-30ish young adult looking for practical theology in a fun and non-judgmental setting? Please join us on 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday evenings for two hours of laughter, thought-provoking conversation and wonderful fellowship. This great small group does not prescribe solutions but discusses in open and respectful ways how we find God at work in our daily lives. Appetizers are provided! Books & Beliefs March 6 At the home of Lenora Perrine, 205 Ridgeway Road Co-Hostess: Frances Cox Reasons for and Advantages of Breathing by Lydia Peelle Presented by Muffy Stuart Fr. McDuffie’s Bible & Lectionary Study February 28. March 13, 20 & 27 10:30am Tilford Room Youth: When Bad Things Happen to Good People^ Tuesdays in Lent (February 28 - March 27) 6:15pm A study group based on Harold Kushner’s book for high school aged youth with questions about their faith, God’s existence, and God’s work in the world. Books & Beliefs April 3 At the home of Ann Heard, 2105 Bridgeport Drive Co-Hostess: Eleanor Withrow Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand Presented by Missy Baize
Men’s Bible Study 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room The current study book is William Barclay’s The Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, available in the Cathedral Bookstore. Tolle Discussion Group* Every 2 weeks 1:30-2:30pm Bride’s Room This is for people who have already studied or are interested in studying the writings of Eckhart Tolle such as The Power of Now and A New Earth. Contact Karma Cassidy, 859-351-8387, if you are interested or just show up for the meeting.
Thursdays The Writing Group* 12:15pm - 1:15pm Library There is a storyteller and writer in all of us. This group explores the act of writing and journaling as a medium through which we pray and come to know ourselves better. Writing is not “taught” in this group, but rather we come together to encourage the telling of our stories through the written word and explore the ways in which a regular writing and journaling practice can help us to grow spiritually. Participants are not be required to share their work with others but may have opportunities to do so if they choose. Centering Prayer* 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass on by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life. We will begin with a discussion on prayer. The next 20 minutes are in silence and we leave in silence.
w w w. c c c l ex . o r g
Tilford Room, 10:00-10:50am Voices of Kenya February 26 Led by Jo Robertson & Carolyn Jones Reflections on Jo & Carolyn’s trip to Kenya. Dean’s Lenten Forum: Alive in Christ March 4, 11 & 25, April 1 The season of Lent is a springtime for the soul when we prepare to live the new life of resurrection. In this Forum, we will take a fresh look at the traditional Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving through the lives of mystics, monastics, and everyday saints like us. We will discern how these practices reveal our relationship to intimacy, desire, and gratitude as we encounter the passionate God who longs to awaken our spiritual senses. Our reflections will equip us to choose the good, stay the course and open to the freedom of resurrected life long after Lent has ended. Reflections on A New Harmony March 18 Led by J. Philip Newell
Observance of a Holy Lent
Dear People of God: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature, let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. BCP 264
Morning Prayer
The Chapel will be open for Morning Prayer during Lent at 7:30 on weekday mornings. The Healing Service will still be held on Wednesdays at 12:05pm.
Christ Church Bookstore
Christ Church Bookstore carries a wide and stimulating selection of books and gift items. Almost any book can be ordered through the bookstore. For information or to place an order, call 859-252-8064 or email Lenten devotionals and books are available in the bookstore.
Christ and Culture
Library, 10:00-10:50am Keeping a Holy Lent with C.S. Lewis March 4 - April 1 Led by Shannon Wilson Please join us as we reflect on the penitential season of Lent through the writings of C.S. Lewis. Each class time will feature discussion based on short readings that explore Lewis’s ponderings on sin, grace, judgment, and salvation from such works as Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and other writings.
The Wired Word
Bride’s Room, 10:00-10:50am This class uses a format that weaves current events into weekly Bible studies.
Catechumenate Class
10:00-10:50am This class is for newcomers or those who wish to refresh their faith.
Bookstore Hours of Operation Monday through Thursday, 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday, 9:30am - 10:30am
Easter Memorial Flowers
Easter Memorials requests are due no later than Wednesday, March 28. Please send checks and names to Cindy Ware at 217 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, KY 40502. A minimum of $15.00 per name is suggested. Thank you.
Names of God: Transformative Power of Celtic-Inspired Art “Names of God: Transformative Power of Celtic-Inspired Art” is the title of a solo exhibition of oil paintings from internationally known visionary artist Cynthia Matyi. The show will include over 40 oil paintings. This exhibit opens Friday, February 17, in conjunction with Gallery Hop. A portion of the exhibit will be across the street at First Presbyterian Church. She will be speaking at both locations. See the website “Art” tab for specific dates and times. Programs associated with Gallery Hop include music by the Mize family and dance by Allison Duvall’s Irish dance group.
^ Please contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser at the church or by email ( for more info. * Please contact Elizabeth Conrad at the church or by email ( for more info. + Please contact The Rev. Janey Wilson at the church or by email ( for more info.
Celtic Art and Spirituality
Taking apart the pieces of life
ART By Jesse Mark
rt at the Cathedral will feature the work of Celtic artist Cynthia Matyi opening Friday, February 17, during Gallery Hop. Cynthia will also speak at the Dean’s Forum Sundays, Feb. 12 & 19. The exhibit will include
over 40 oil paintings. Many of these are large, colorful, intricate creations which draw from the ancient tradition of Celtic illuminations. Cynthia also will present a few of her very popular impressionist works. Cyntia uses the complex compositions of the Book of Kells in a way that reflects the questions, concerns and crises of contemporary life. Symbolism and repetition of symbolic shapes form a vocabulary which is essential to this Celtic style. With Cynthia Matyi’s work, 14 / PRAYER AND ACTION_LENT 12
ancient motifs, and many newly created ones, take on special relevance for us today. On the 19th, she will talk about this relevance for us, the spirituality of her art. Cynthia Matyi is the major organizer of the touring exhibition “American Celtic” (2000-2011) and her work has appeared in shows throughout the US, Canada and Europe. She has illustrated CD covers, posters and websites and gives workshops on Celtic art to students of all ages. She is the author, illustrator and publisher of the children’s book Little Town of Spirals (2008) and has performed with the Irish traditional music ensemble Silver Arm for over 20 years.
GALLERY LOCATIONS >>> This extensive show will exhibit at two sites, the galleries at First Presbyterian Church and Christ Church Cathedral. The exhibit closes Easter Sunday, April 8. Ϯ
Your support made this possible!
By Gwen Mathews
he Christ Church Cathedral community has once again been overwhelmingly generous in its support of our Angel Tree outreach ministry. Not only was every last angel taken off the tree, but financial donations once again enabled
us to provide overflowing food bags for each of the Harrison and Hope Center One-Parent Scholars programs that we served. In addition to all of our blessed shoppers, we had an outpouring of kind volunteers who helped the Harrison families “shop” for gifts, wrapped presents, make countless deliveries and even arrived in elf costumes. Thank you all for making Angel Tree such a joyful experience for everyone involved! Ϯ
Looking Forward, Looking Back By The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade
y God’s grace and the people’s consent, we gathered at the Evensong on Sunday, January 15 to offer our prayers, install new members and officers of the Vestry, and to pray God’s blessing upon their ministry, and to give thanks for the service of the outgoing members and officers. What gratitude we feel for the outgoing members and officers, who served Christ in exemplary ways and will continue to do so as they respond to God’s ongoing call in ministry! We are grateful for the faithful Vestry service, including the liaison work with many Cathedral ministries of Ted Corman (youth and the Old Episcopal Burying Grounds), Val Getchell (greeters and outreach), and John Stempel (young adults), who served with dedication, enthusiasm and skill. Their work will bless us for years to come. Billy Van Pelt’s leadership as Junior Warden, marked by vision, imagination, and dedication, brought an astonishing number of improvements to our facilities while caring for our historic building. His important liaison work with key civic lead-
ers enabled us to claim our identity as a cathedral for the city. During a time of transition, and when a Senior Warden is called upon to exercise exceptional duties, including those of ecclesiastical authority in the absence of a sitting dean, Steve Specht earned the people’s trust, led them wisely, and through his faithfulness and self-giving service enabled the Cathedral to flourish. He has done a remarkable job, and we are exceedingly thankful! Congratulations to the new Vestry members elected by our congregation: Chuck Baldecchi, Cissy Collins, Sherry Ferguson and Gary Stewart; we are pleased to welcome them. They are a fine group of leaders with exciting work ahead as they join fellow Vestry members: C.B. Baize, Nancy Bogue, Doug Geddes, Tom Howard, Diane Milburn, and Carolyn Ware-an exceptionally strong group of leaders in whom God delights, and most surely, so do we! Our congratulations ring out for Jim Ware in his new office as Senior Warden, and to John Brice as Junior Warden; we are grateful for their vision, commitment and enthusiasm in stepping forward in the leadership
roles now entrusted to them. And we offer our continued gratitude to our exceptionally gifted clergy and staff, and to the good people of Christ Church Cathedral who do so much to offer our best to God and our community. I am grateful to God for all of you and filled with joy as I envision our ongoing work at Christ Church Cathedral. Ϯ
FEBRUARY 1 Addison Hosea 1 Kaitlin Hizny 1 Tate Fugate 1 Vaughn Smith 2 Mabel Trumbo 3 Judith Miller 3 Martha Park 3 Diane Milburn 4 Will Marletta 4 Priscilla Lynd 5 Thomas Burchett 5 Lynne Harper 6 Cary Blaydes 6 Sam McDonald 6 Janie Fergus 7 Jeanette Dalrymple 7 Jim Ware 8 Katherine Dotson 8 Johnny Smith 8 Keishua Arthur 9 Bill Swinford 10 Bob Milward 10 Steven Osborne 11 Don Adams 11 Lorie Corman 12 Aaron Morgan 13 Rebekah Gray 13 Curte Ferguson 14 Libby Geddes 15 Dominik Lacki 15 Mason Wahle 16 Matthew Good 17 Anne Thomas
Howard 17 Pat Allen 17 Rush Mathews 17 Virginia Lacefield 17 Tom Duncan 19 Dick Collins 19 James Bell 19 Liz Bryant 19 Tom Baird 19 Sonya Stephens 20 Jack Baugh 21 Kell Pollard 22 Zach Denniston 23 Laurel Garrett 24 Chase Corman 25 Chuck Williamson 25 Mary Bullard 25 Rick Anderson 25 William Carey 25 William Milward 26 Alex Ratliff 26 Sara Moreno 26 Madelyne Stephens 27 Clinton Kinkead 27 Harry Scott 27 Tess Rudzik 27 Betty Hollingsworth 28 John Hodgman 28 John Lorton 28 Lucy Macfarlan MARCH 1 Mrs. Hendree B. Milward 2 Randolph Hollingsworth
2 Kate Watson 3 Linda Martin 4 Henry Burchett 4 Ani Hutchens 4 Barbara Silcox 5 Mimi Jones 6 Elizabeth Atinay 6 Russ Bryant 7 Abbie Paris 7 Henry Macfarlan 8 Elizabeth Woodward 8 Mimi Jacobs 8 Patricia DeCamp 8 Rebecca Spencer 8 Joell Finney 9 Mrs. J. W. Dunlap 10 Francesca Egana 10 Ellen Shay 11 Betty Jo Palmer 11 Eddie Grizzell 11 John VanMeter 11 Lee Nan Milward 11 Mary Isaacs 11 John Winburne 12 Allison Duvall 12 Austin Wahle 12 Dave Macfarlan 12 David Burg 13 Ann Maury 13 Darwin Chimaren 13 Flo Mayer 13 Trudy Patch 14 Bryan McLellan 14 Ellen Mills
14 Keyes Rudzik 15 Charles McKinlay 15 Sally Henkel 16 Mary McDowell Boone 17 Marisa Cattoi 18 Kailey Koger 19 Shannon Johnson 20 Aaron Wuchner 20 Avery Durbin 20 Matt Koger 20 Michael Naish 21 Wendell Snyder 22 Blaine Jones 22 Marie Rogers 23 Grace Thomason 23 Jessica Pollard 23 Mimi Gay 23 Philip Burchett 23 Steve Gray 23 Wilson Mendes 23 Mark Wilson 25 Angelika Goodin 27 Victor Korenkov 27 Benjamin Trammell 27 Carolyn Ware 28 Linda Burchett 29 Zach Jones 29 Charlotte Bloxsom 30 Kirby Wright 31 Grace Headley 31 Jane Baugh 31 Michael Lacki 31 Mike Slone 31 Paige Good
Commodores Dinner, March 2 Commodores will be meeting on Friday, March 2, at 7:00 pm in the Great Hall. Please bring a meat, vegetable, or salad dish to serve 10-12. Note that dessert, appetizers, bread, and beverage will be furnished. All members and friends of the Cathedral are invited to attend.
At Your Service Adopts a New Format The “At Your Service” advertisement page that has been published in Prayer & Action during the past year is being revised to provide our parishioners, in a more efficient way, the opportunity to advertise their services. Beginning immediately, parishioners may post services they want to offer for hire; services they would like to have provided (for hire); and opportunities in the parish for volunteering. Advertisements/announcements may be in the form of business cards or postings no larger than a 3 x 5” index card. The parishioner is responsible for posting the notice as well as removing it when no longer relevant. The postings will go on the At Your Service bulletin board located outside the Fellowship Hall. There will be a monitoring of postings for appropriateness. Questions concerning the new format for At Your Service may be directed to Kim Knight at
Prayer Shawl Knitters, March 7 The Prayer Shawl Knitters meet on the first Wednesday of the month (except Holy Week). We will attend the 12:05pm service first, and then proceed to the Meditation Room on 3rd floor Helm to knit, pray and review an African Bible study together. Please bring a sack lunch. We encourage anyone interested in knitting to join us. ECW Luncheon, March 13 The March ECW meeting will be on the 13th at 11am. Sherry Maddock will tell us about the transformation of the London Ferrill Community Garden adjacent to Martin Luther King Boulevard and its positive impact on the neighborhood. Reservations are required and must be received by 9am on the Monday before the Tuesday meeting. Signup sheets are at the Welcome Desk. Payment will be received at the door of the meeting. The cost of the luncheon is $10.00.
each played four matches, up to an hour each. A Special Thank You to Christ Church Dear friends, I was deeply humbled and honored by your many prayers for me on the occasion of my ordination as a deacon. They were felt in a mighty way! Shayanna and I were touched by the wonderful reception following the service and by all of the good wishes. It was wonderful to be “home” and to share this exciting next chapter in my ministry with my church family! With every blessing, The Rev’d. Deacon Marshall A. Jolly Ϯ
PRAISE/// Christ Church Well Represented at Chess Tournament
Daughters of the King, March 21 Please join us for the evening Healing Service in the Chapel at 5:15pm, followed by a meeting of prayer and fellowship. From left: Charlie Naish attends Rosa Parks Alex Baldecchi attends The Lexington School Ralph Bright attends Stonewall Elementary
Charlie Naish, Alex Baldecchi and Ralph Bright competed in the K-1 Division for the Winter Scholastic Chess Tournament hosted January 12 at UK Ballroom. They CCCLEX.ORG / 19
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507
SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm
Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Cathedral Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Cathedral Healing Service • Chapel
UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS February 17 5:00pm Gallery Hop February 18 6:30pm
PPR Fundraiser
February 19 4:30pm 5:00pm
Organ Recital with Henk Linker Evensong
February 21 5:30pm
Shrove Tuesday
Return Service Requested
February 22 7:00am 12:05pm 7:00pm
Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes Imposition of Ashes Imposition of Ashes
February 25 10:00am
Lenten Quiet Day
February 26 2:45pm
Church Under the Bridge
February 29 - March 28 (Wednesdays) 6:00pm Lenten Series March 2-4
30-Hour Famine
March 4 4:30pm 5:00pm
Organ Recital Evensong
March 16-18
J. Philip Newell Happening
March 18 5:00pm
Celtic Eucharist
March 25 2:00pm 6:00pm
Children’s Lenten Event Living Last Supper
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