March 2014 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

THE LENTEN SERIES: DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL PURPOSE Join us Wednesdays in Lent at 6:00pm for a soup supper and conversation.

FINDING HOME WITH GOD The exhibit opening in April features The Saint John's Bible and Reflected Illuminations.





A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I March 2014 Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Brownell Haddix Vestry Chuck Baldecchi, Senior Warden ɪ Tracey Meyers, Junior Warden ɪ John Brice ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Cissy Collins ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Sherry Ferguson ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann-Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ Caywood Prewitt ɪ Kenton Ball, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the April issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is March 20 at noon. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@

FEBRUARY PRAYER Almighty God, enlighten our hearts that we may clearly see the way that leads to life eternal, and may follow it without stumbling; through Him who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER Dr. Everett McCorvey (right) and his fellow musicians worship during the 11:00am service on February 23.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497


March 14 /

A Holy Journey


Ashland Trio and Choral Evensong


Finding Home with God


A Season of Self-Discovery ... and Sushi!


Lent 2014


Exploring the Book of Daniel (No, Not That One!)


Bulletin Board




A Holy Journey By The Very Rev. Carol Wade By The Very Rev. Carol Wade

Lent opens our eyes to fresh perspectives and new possibilities as we journey together toward God's dream for our world.


he season of Lent is a springtime of the soul when we prepare to live the new life of resurrection. Lent, an Anglo-Saxon word for spring referring to the lengthening of days, is a season that summons us to travel a new road on our journey to Easter rejoicing. Shrove Tuesday provides our transition into Lent. We gather for one last carnival night of feasting and fun as we anticipate the solemn call of Ash Wednesday. Along with our feast of pancakes and Cajun fare, one of the playful celebrations of Shrove Tuesday is the “burying of the alleluias.” During the season of Lent, we do not use the word "alleluia", and so on Shrove Tuesday we symbolically bury our joyful shouts of "alleluia" until they rise again at the first celebration of Easter. Finally, we gather in the garden to burn the palm branches collected from last year’s Palm Sunday celebration for their conversion into the dust and ash that will mark our foreheads at the Ash Wednesday services. During Lent, the church is also called back to its essential story, “that Christ died for our sins in accordance to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day ” (I Corinthians 15:3-4). Lent, therefore, is traditionally a time when we prepare candidates to enter this extraordinary story through the Sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil and anticipate celebrating the Rite of Confirmation during the Easter season. Our Lenten journey is modeled after the forty days that Jesus spent in the desert of temptation. Week by week, the Lenten scriptures invite us, both individually and collectively, to examine the things that lead us into temptation as we are led into a process of self-examination, forgiveness, and new life. As we reconsider particu-

lar behaviors that draw us away from living the life that God intends for us, we are reminded of the sufficiency of God’s grace, and give thanks to God for a love that never lets us go. Through the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, our hearts are opened to God and our lives expanded in service with others. The gift of Lent is this: as we reflect on the love and hope that is ours in Christ, it opens our eyes to fresh perspectives and new possibilities as we envision God’s dream for our cathedral and our world. I wish you a holy Lent. Ϯ





he Lenten season brings many opportunities through worship and music to seek and find God in our sacred and inspiring Cathedral space. One of those moments is on Sunday, March 16. At 3:30pm, the Ashland Trio

Richard Wayne Dirksen, Charles Lang and an anthem by Charles Stanford titled, A Song of Wisdom. This composition is one of six biblical songs, Op. 113 Stanford wrote for treble voices in 1909. It features a text from Ecclesiasticus, which in part reads: “And my branches are branches of glory and grace, And my flow'rs are the fruit of glory and riches. Come unto me, ye that are desirous of me and be ye filled with my fruits.” May we all find a deeper purpose and meaning to our lives during this Holy season. Ϯ comprised of cello, flute and viola will perform in recital. The trio is known throughout the bluegrass for its expressive playing and rich phrasing. Following the recital, the Cathedral Girls Choir sings Evensong under the direction of Canon Musician Erich Balling. The choir will offer music of



The Saint John’s Bible and Reflected Illuminations By Diane Milburn


he Saint John's Bible is a work of art and a work of theology. A team of artists coordinated by Donald Jackson in Wales and a team of scholars in central Minnesota have brought together the ancient techniques of calligraphy and illumination with an ecumeniBaptism of Jesus, Donald Jackson, 2002, The cal Christian approach to the Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA. Used with Bible rooted in Benedictine permission. All rights reserved. spirituality. The result is a living document and a monumental achievement. Back in the 1990s, Donald Jackson observed the monks of Saint John's Abbey processing with their Book of the Gospels for Sunday Mass, and he recognized the importance of "their book." To create a Bible that would capture the beauty and tradition of centuries of liturgy and carry it into the future—that is the vision that united

a calligrapher in Wales with a group of Benedictine monks in Minnesota. “The continuous process of remaining open and accepting of what may reveal itself through hand and heart on a crafted page is the closest I have ever come to God.” —Donald Jackson, Artistic Director, St. John’s University Accompanying the exhibit of 10 prints on loan from The Saint John’s Bible collection is an exhibit of works from local artists responding to each of the featured pages. These are intended to reflect on “Our Home," a spiritual place crafted from our life journeys, individually interpreted and expressed through various media. Ϯ Creation, Donald Jackson with contributions from Chris Tomlin, 2003, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA. Used with permission. All rights reserved.




uring my first Lent as a Postulant for Holy Orders (one of the many stops on the road to becoming ordained) I told a priest with whom I worked that I would be fasting weekly. She asked me, “Why would you do that?!” And honestly, I did not have an answer for why I was doing it. Needless to say, I did not fast weekly during Lent that year. In the past year the Cathedral Young Adults have been engaging in many conversations surrounding the “whys” of what we do. One example: why do we give things up for Lent? Some said that they give things up because they are told, while others shared that they prefer to try something new as a way of taking up a discipline that, perhaps, they will take with them into Easter and Ordinary Time. Such conversations led last year to the creation of Sushi Fridays, a tradition that the Young Adults will continue this Lent. This gathering allowed those giving up meat during Lent to observe their discipline, while it also challenged others to try something new for the season. One


of our members tried a piece of sushi for the first time in his life! The jury is still out about whether he will join us again! Lent is about a journey of self-discovery, one that leads us to the realization that all that we will ever need comes from God. Sushi Fridays, which will be held every Friday during Lent, is one of those times when we gather around the table of fellowship and find God in the community and the self-discovery that happens when we try new things. So come join us as we journey into this holy Lent with renewed focus and energy, as we ask questions and move deeper into our relationship with God. We’ll be sure to save a sushi roll for you! For more information on Sushi Fridays, including dates and locations, contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at Ϯ

Ash Wednesday March 5

Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Chapel Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion, Cheapside Park If you are unable to attend a service, clergy will be stationed outside to impose ashes during lunch break and as you begin your Lenten journey. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm Church The Cathedral Singers

Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm & 5:00-6:00pm Clergy will be stationed in the rear of the church, at the altar rail and in the Chapel for conversation, counsel and confession to help as you prepare to observe Lent. Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 4:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm Church The Choir of Men & Boys Childcare Available

Unleashing the Power of Age A Diocesan Celebration of Older Adult Ministries

Saturday, May 10 9:30am -3:00pm Day includes keynote, workshops, lunch concluding with celebration eucharist with Bishop Hahn.

"That is why I need Lent, because it bears witness to the reality of darkness,


e n t

of doubt, of fear, of pain. And it carries me through those real places, real experiences into one that is more fully and truly Real: the Reality of Resurrection, of Light, of Life." Kimberlee Conway Ireton


LENTEN EVENTS Books & Beliefs Tuesday, March 4 10:00am Home of Lori Specht, 236 Queensway Drive Betsy Davenport will present Totally Unofficial, the autobiography of Raphael Lemkin All are welcome to attend. Shrove Tuesday March 4 Pancake & Cajun Supper 5:30-6:30pm $5/pancakes, $8/Cajun, $25/family max Intergenerational activities begin at 6:15pm Sign up at the Welcome Center or at Ash Wednesday March 5 Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00am Ashes to Go 11:30am-1:30pm 5/3 Pavilion Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 12:05pm With Bishop Hahn Rite of Reconciliation 1:30-3:00pm Holy Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 4:30pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street Rite of Reconciliation 5:00-6:00pm Sung Eucharist & Imposition of Ashes 7:00pm With the Choir of Men & Boys Lenten Morning Prayer Weekdays in Lent 8:00am Chapel Enter through the Garden entrance. Theology on Tap Sushi Fridays+ Every Friday during Lent 6:30-8:30pm Venue changes First venue is Miyako (2547 Richmond Rd) on March 7. Youth: New Beginnings+ March 7-9 Cathedral Domain Grades 7-9 Daylight Saving Time Starts Saturday, March 8 Set your clocks FORWARD one hour before going to bed! Adult Confirmation Classes Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 12:45pm Childcare provided. Please bring sack lunch. Contact The Rev. Brent Owens at for more information.

The Lenten Series: Discovering Your Soul Purpose Wednesdays in Lent 6:00pm dinner, 6:30-8:00pm program Great Hall One Book, One Cathedral: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown March 12 & 19 A Pearl in the Storm with Tori Murden McClure March 29 Listening to Our Lives April 2 & 9 Sign up at the Welcome Center or at for each Wednesday you will attend. Lenten Forum with Bishop Hahn Sunday, March 16 10:00am Recital & Evensong Sunday, March 16 3:30pm With the Ashland Trio and the Cathedral Girls Choir Fish Fry Fundraiser Friday, March 21 Sponsored by the Brotherhood of St. Andrews Men's Clay Shoot Saturday, March 22 9:30am RSVP by March 12 to, 740-7016689. Spots are limited, so RSVP early! Youth: Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood Sunday, March 23 11:00am service Children’s Lenten Activity Day* Sunday, March 23 12:30pm Children should come in comfortable/play clothes. We will begin with lunch in the small dining room. A Lenten Quiet Day with Bishop Hahn* Saturday, March 29 9:00am-1:00pm Please bring a sack lunch. Childcare available. Sign up at the Welcome Center or at Art at the Cathedral Gallery Hop Friday, April 18 5:00-8:00pm A contemplative journey with The Saint John's Bible and reflected illuminations. Silence will be observed. Guests are invited to experience the contemplative power of our Good Friday night worship, Celtic music and candlelighting. 7:00 to 8:00pm in the Nave.

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Dream Group* 12:00-2:00pm Meditation Room This semester we will be studying Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams. Theology on Tap+ 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays 6:30-8:30pm The Village Idiot, Corner of Short & Mill Are you looking for practical theology in a fun and nonjudgmental setting? Join us the first, third and fifth Mondays of the month, 6:30-8:30pm, at the Village Idiot on Short Street for laughter, thought-provoking conversation and fellowship. This great small group does not prescribe solutions but discusses in open and respectful ways how we find God at work in our daily lives. Appetizers provided!

Wednesdays Fr. Horine's Men’s Bible Study 8:00-9:00am Small Dining Room Group will decide subject of study. Contact The Rev. Ron Summers at 519-4938 for more information. Prayer Shawl Knitters March 5 & April 2 12:05pm Meditation Room Knitters of all ages share our gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. The group also attends the Wednesday Healing Service and shares lunch. For more information contact, Flo Mayer 299-5552. Centering Prayer* 5:00-6:00pm Meditation Room We will begin the hour by discussing excerpts from Pema Chödrön’s When Things Fall Apart which can be purchased in Christ Church Bookstore. The last 20 minutes of the class will be devoted to the practice. Email with questions or to register.


Dream Group* 1st & 3rd Thursday 5:00-7:00pm Meditation Room This semester we will be studying Natural Spirituality by Joyce Rockwood Hudson. This is most holy work, to discern the voice of God in one’s dreams.

Episcopal Campus Ministry at UK+ 7:00-9:00pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose St. Take a break from studying to enjoy a free meal, good conversation, engaging program, and vibrant worship. Whether you have much faith or little, you are welcome!

Sundays The Forum

Tilford Room, 10:00-10:50am Do You Believe in Rock and Roll; Can Music Save Your Mortal Soul? March 2 - March 16 Led by John Brice Self-professed prisoner of rock and roll John Brice leads a discussion of the various biblical, spiritual, prophetic, and theological themes found in the music of Jackson Browne. The class will listen to Browne songs containing examinations of our reaction to the physical world, our need to be in community, death and grief, stewardship of the planet, relationships with others, and relationship with God and will then discuss how the thoughts expressed by Browne resonate with the Gospel. Caring for Our Parents March 23 - April 6 Led by The Rev. Paula Ott & Lisa Johnson Many of us will become responsible for the care and wellbeing of aging parents--perhaps with less than 24 hours’ notice. Join our deacon, Paula Ott; family law attorney and parishioner Lisa Johnson; and Ann Loggins of ParentCareKy for a four-week class. We will discuss how both adult child and parent can lovingly and successfully navigate these changes. Obtain current information regarding locally available resources for healthcare services, legal possibilities and obligations for providing the best care for our parents. For additional information, contact Paula at paula@ccclex. org or 859-608-2779.

Christ and Culture

10:00-10:50am Journaling As a Spiritual Practice March 9 - April 6 Led by Diana Martin, Elizabeth Conrad and James Goode Diana Martin teaches English and Women’s Studies at Bluegrass Community & Technical College. She came to CCC 10 years ago as a visitor and immediately realized it was a perfect spiritual fit. James Goode, published author and Professor of English at Bluegrass Community College will also lead one of the sessions on journaling.

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LENTEN CLASSES Episcopal Campus Ministry at Transy+ 7:00-9:00pm Small Dining Room Take a break from studying to enjoy a free meal, good conversation, engaging program, and vibrant worship. Whether you have much faith or little, you are welcome!

Observance of a Holy Lent

Dear People of God: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord’s passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God’s holy Word. And, to make a right beginning of repentance, and as a mark of our mortal nature, let us now kneel before the Lord, our maker and redeemer. BCP 264

Morning Prayer

The Chapel will be open for Morning Prayer during Lent at 8:00 on weekday mornings with clergy and staff. The Healing Service will still be held on Wednesdays at 12:05pm.

Christ Church Bookstore

Christ Church Bookstore carries a wide and stimulating selection of books and gift items. Almost any book can be ordered through the bookstore. For information or to place an order, call 252-8064 or email Lenten devotionals and books are available in the bookstore.

Bookstore Hours of Operation Monday through Thursday, 10:00am - 2:00pm Sunday, 9:30am - 10:30am

Easter Memorial Flowers

Easter Memorials requests are due no later than Tuesday, April 8. Please send checks and names to Cindy Ware at 217 Henry Clay Blvd., Lexington, KY 40502. A minimum of $15.00 per name is suggested. Thank you.

“Winter Inspiration” Exhibit

“Winter Inspiration” opened on February 9 and concludes on March 30. “I was always fascinated with winter -- the trees with no leaves, the ice and snow that blanket the earth and the quiet, the insulated quiet. God’s power is reflected in the winter season. It certainly can be daunting but it also has great beauty with sun glistening off the flat snow covered ground, water dripping off an ice covered branch and blue shadows that stretch across the landscape. These are all things that only God can create. This is why paintings in winter are fascinating; there is something about the cleanness of winter, the color in snow, and the power of God to slow things down. The artist tries to capture some of the things we see during this season, the things that speak to us, and the things that create that memory cascade of what winter means to us.” -- Robert M. Sandford, Curator * Please contact Elizabeth Conrad at the church or by email ( for more info. + Please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at the church or by email ( for more info.




aving just completed our study of past Books of Common Prayer, the Episcopal Campus Ministry will be shifting its focus this Lent to a different kind of study. Starting Thursday, March 13, we will be engaging the popular, yet short-lived, NBC series The Book of Daniel. Starring Aiden Quinn as The Rev. Daniel Webster, this 2006 drama addresses a variety of issues, including: homosexuality, alcoholism, prescription pain addiction, adoption, women’s ordination, and much, much more. And while these topics may not be new to most television-watchers, they are presented in a very different light, as they are experienced by an Episcopal priest, his family, and their congregation.

The idea of exploring such topics came about in a discussion over dinner, when several UK students were asking questions about how the Church addresses many of the issues of our day and age, especially those that some might consider controversial. When someone asked if there was a series of books or films that we could look at that would help generate more conversation, it became clear which series would be right up our alley!

Unfortunately for The Book of Daniel, it lasted a mere six episodes due to the controversial nature of some of its topics. However, those who have seen it know how impactful it is. “I watched it a few years back,” said Stephanie Mattingly, “It’s definitely not like any story about a church that I’ve ever heard before. But that’s what makes it interesting. So I’m really looking forward to watching it with the group.” If you’re interested in joining us for our journey through this provocative series, swing by St. Augustine’s Chapel on Thursday nights during Lent. We’ll have a FREE MEAL at 7:05, move into our program, and finish it all off with Nighttime Prayer at 9:35. Hope to see you there! Ϯ

the lenten series:

DISCOVERING YOUR SOUL PURPOSE Wednesdays in Lent in the Great Hall Dinner at 6:00pm, Speaker begin at 6:30pm $5 suggested donation for dinner

One Cathedral, One Book: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown Wednesdays, March 12 & 19 A Pearl in the Storm with Tori Murden McClure Wednesday, March 26 Listening to Our Lives Wednesdays, April 2 & 9

Sign up at the Welcome Center or online at

L E N T E N M O R N I N G P R AY E R W�������: M���� 6 - A���� 18 8:00-8:15�� �� ��� C����� All are invited to meet God each morning of our Lenten journey through Morning Prayer. It is in prayer that we can watch and look for the signs of new life that will come with the resurrection of our Savior. We seek God in community as we pray together. Cathedral clergy and members of the congregation will help lead morning prayer as we seek God’s life and insight. If you would like to help lead a service or be an intercessor/reader, please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at 254-4497 or by email at

A Contemplative Journey with The Saint John’s Bible and Reflected Illuminations

Gallery Hop F�����, A���� 18 5:00-7:00��

Silence will be observed. Guests are invited to experience the power of our Good Friday evening worship, Celtic music and candlelighting 7:00 to 8:00pm in the Nave. Baptism of Jesus, Donald Jackson, 2002, The Saint John’s Bible, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, USA. Used with permission. All rights reserved.


MINISTRIES /// COMMODORES The March 7 gathering of the Commodores will hear a presentation from Randolph Hollingsworth and other members of the Cathedral's Heritage Commission. They'll be updating us on the interesting work they've been doing in discovering "our roots" as well as entertaining a discussion on where we go from here. We begin at 7:00pm in the Great Hall with a potluck dinner followed by the program. Please bring a meat, vegetable, or salad dish to serve 10-12. Note that dessert, appetizer, bread and beverage are furnished. All are welcome.

MISSION /// CUPBOARD VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Can you spare two hours a month to volunteer at the Community Cupboard, the church’s outreach to low-income Lexington families? The Cupboard provides personal hygiene items, cleaning supplies, diapers, clothes and books to clients in need. It is located in the basement of the church. Volunteers are needed to help distribute supplies for the team that works each Saturday from 10:00am to noon. Contact Kathleen Imhoff at 225-9310 to participate in this volunteer opportunity.

NOTICES /// BISHOPS’ FUNDS SUNDAY The Bishops’ Funds were established to honor the six previous Bishops of Lexington. On March 2, you will have the opportunity to support the funds that have been created to perpetuate the life and work of our bishops. • The Rt. Rev. Lewis William Burton Fund - Assist seminarians in the Diocese with their training


• The Rt. Rev. Henry Pryor Almon Abbott Fund - Assist new and continuing missionary work in the Diocese • The Rt. Rev. William Robert Moody Fund - Help fund projects at the Cathedral Domain • The Rt. Rev. Addison Hosea Fund Help with continuing education • The Rt. Rev. Don Adger Wimberly Fund - Help fund projects involving youth and young adults • The Rt. Rev. Stacy F. Sauls Fund Help Reading Camp and Literacy Programs in the Diocese A NOTE FROM MARY PRESTON ON THE LOSS OF HER GRANDDAUGHTER Thank you very much for all your calls, notes, cards, flowers and food and most of all for your caring. Love, Mary CHILDREN'S CHAPEL OFFERING Please remember that an offering is collected in Children's Chapel every week. Encourage your children to give to the mission of God! UPCOMING BAPTISM OPPORTUNITIES Baptisms will be offered at Easter Vigil, which will be held Saturday, April 19, at 8:00pm. If you would like to be a part of these services, please contact the Parish Secretary at 254-4497 for more information. KROGER CARD MONEY FOR MINISTRY If you shop at Kroger you can help fund ministry at Christ Church Cathedral! Beginning March 2, Cathedral Kroger Cards will be available in the Great Hall during breakfast. Or, you can call, email or stop by and get a Kroger Card from Parish Administrator Lesa Wehrle (lwehrle@ or Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen (, both at 254-4497. • 4% of every purchase (including prescriptions) with a Cathedral Kroger

Card will go to Christ Church Cathedral. • The $5 Cards are pre-loaded with $5 to set up the account so you get your money back the first time you use the card. • Another local Episcopal Church has around 50 parishioners who do this and it provides $7,000 for ministry every year with no strings attached. SING WE MERRILY IS HERE! Sing We Merrily, the cathedral choirs’ new CD, is here! CDs are available online at, at the Cathedral Bookstore, or between services near the Welcome Center. Ϯ


Randolph Hollingsworth



Lucy Donworth


Beulah Dunlap

15 Charles McKinlay

23 Wilson Mendes

10 Francesca Egana

15 Sally Henkel

23 Mark Wilson

Kate Watson

10 Ellen Shay

16 Lisa Johnson

23 Elaine Schwartz


Jacob Debrot

11 Betty Jo Palmer

16 Mary Boone

25 Luke Campbell


Catherine Allen

11 Eddie Grizzell

17 Marisa Cattoi

25 Angelika Goodin


Linda Martin

11 John VanMeter

18 Kailey Koger

26 Olivia Geveden


Sheridan Wagner

11 Lee Nan Milward

19 Shannon Johnson

27 Victor Koren'kov


Henry Burchett

11 John Winburne

20 Amy Lasher

27 Benjamin Trammell


Ani Hutchens

12 Allison Duvall

20 Avery Durbin

27 Carolyn Ware


Barbara Silcox

12 Austin Wahle

20 Matt Koger

28 Linda Burchett


Mimi White

12 Dave Macfarlan

20 Michael Naish

29 Zach Jones


Elizabeth Atinay

12 David Burg

21 Wendell Snyder

29 Charlotte Bloxsom


Russ Bryant

12 Riley Weathers

22 Blaine Jones

30 Kenneth Pierce


Abbie Paris

13 Ann Maury

22 Brent Owens

30 Kirby Wright


Henry Macfarlan

13 Darwin Chimaren

22 Marie Rogers

31 Grace Headley


Elizabeth Woodward

13 Flo Mayer

23 Grace Thomason

31 Jane Baugh


Mimi Jacobs

13 Trudy Patch

23 Jessica Pollard

31 Michael Lacki


Patricia DeCamp

14 Bryan McLellan

23 Mimi Gay

31 Mike Slone


Rebecca Spencer

14 Ellen Mills

23 Philip Burchett


Joell Finney

14 Keyes Rudzik

23 Steve Gray


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507

SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm 7:00pm

Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Welcome Reception • Coffee Area Youth Groups • Basement Activities Room Sanctuary • Church Sanctuary Dinner Transy Episcopal Campus Ministry


Lenten Morning Prayer • Chapel

WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel

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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS March 1 Acolyte Training March 4 Shrove Tuesday March 5 Ash Wednesday March 7 Sushi Friday Commodores March 7-9 New Beginnings March 8 Daylight Saving Time Starts March 9 Confirmation Classes Begin March 11 ECW Luncheon March 12 The Lenten Series Begins March 14 Sushi Friday March 16 Recital & Evensong March 21 Fish Fry Fundraiser March 22 Gentlemen's Sporting Clay Event March 23 Celebration of Manhood & Womanhood Children's Lenten Activity Day March 28 Sushi Friday March 29 A Lenten Quiet Day with Bishop Hahn

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