March 2015 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

Invite, Welcome, Connect:

If you love your Cathedral, you won't want to miss this. MARCH/15

ROOM IN THE INN: Hospitality & Shelter OUR 2015 PLEDGING MEMBERS

A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I March 2015

Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula Ott > Associate for Youth ɪ The Rev. Kate Byrd > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Communications Director ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Joe Agee Vestry Tracey Meyers, Senior Warden ɪ Caywood Prewitt, Junior Warden ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Dan Dorsett ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann Whitney Garner ɪ Anne Garrett ɪ Lamar Grimes ɪ Tim Lucas ɪ Gwen Mathews ɪ John Perrine ɪ Amanda Tudor ɪ Jim Ware, Treasurer

WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the April issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is March 15. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@

MARCH PRAYER Eternal Father, through the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ you have offered us renewed life and the hope of life everlasting; help us to face the future with courage and assurance, knowing that no power in creation, nor death itself, can separate us from your love. In Christ's Name we pray. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER The Rev. Joe Mitchell provides Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love.

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497


March 15 /

If you love your Cathedral, you won't want to miss this.


The Rev. Kate Byrd's Ordination


Ski & Swim


We are Building a Habitat House


OLLI Artists and the Rites of Spring


Do You Have a Kroger Plus Card?


Room in the Inn


Our 2015 Pledging Members


Parishioner Profile


Clergy Day in Children's Chapel


Walking for Warmth


Exploring the Spirituality of Young Adults


Kenyan Girls Forward


Bulletin Board





If you love your Cathedral, you won’t want to miss this. ow do we share the "best-kept secret in Lexington" with others? Dynamic speaker Mary Parmer will show us how simple it is to invite, welcome and connect others to our church home! If you love your Cathedral you won’t want to miss this. Since I was called to be your Dean and Rector nearly five years ago, I have heard from many a concern that we must continue to be a growing, healthy and spiritually grounded congregation that attracts and keeps new members. I have listened and have found what I believe to be, in part, a solution. Mary Parmer, who advises many churches across the nation has a newcomer ministry that is biblically based, theologically grounded, and truly exciting! It is called Invite, Welcome, Connect. Her process requires only one thing: as a congregation we take seriously the ministry of connecting others to our Church home. To accomplish this, everyone at Christ Church Cathedral must come to know what Mary’s process can teach us. This is not just the work of a committee; it is the work of the entire congregation. While we have made progress in this area of ministry, Mary can take us to a new level that is crucial for our Cathedral. That is why I am personally asking all of you to make a special effort and commit-



Don't forget to be kind to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it. Hebrews 13:2

ment to come and experience what Mary has to offer. All of us at care deeply for one another. With Mary’s insights and wisdom, we will learn how to deepen those special relationships we cherish among ourselves, while learning to connect others to the “best kept secret in Lexington" – Christ Church Cathedral. Keep the faith,

MORE DETAILS Saturday, April 25 from 8:30am to 3:00pm with lunch and childcare provided. QUESTIONS? Contact Anne Garrett at awgarrett5@, The Rev. Brent Owens at, or me at



THE REV. KATE BYRD'S ORDINATION: Thank You for Your Kindness & Support By The Rev. Kate Byrd

anuary 24, 2015 will forever more be a day remembered, and held close to my heart thanks to all of you at Christ Church Cathedral. From all of those who took part in planning and participating in this special day, to everyone who was present (in body and spirit) to support and witness my ordination to the sacred order of the priesthood, thank you. So many gifts and talents of time and commitment were shared on this day, including: organization, acolyting, verging, altar guiding, reading, oblation bearing, chalice and paten bearing, floral arranging, organ playing, singing, hospitality, food, and more. And, for all of these I thank you. I thank you for putting forth your efforts and your kindness in showing me your support and love. When I remember my ordination I will never forget Christ Church Cathedral. Thank you!






he Cathedral Youth’s 6th Annual Ski & Swim trip was a great success, as we departed from the comforts of our homes, said goodbye to our smart phones and pads, and traveled out to the adventurous mountains of Indiana. The Ski & Swim allowed us all to try new things, learn new skills, and make new friends. Everyone had fun as we skied and snowboarded the mountain side of Paoli Peaks, and swam the lazy river of Big Splash Adventure Indoor Water Park. Please enjoy the pictures from our adventure in Indiana.



Show Your Support at the Run, Walk, Ride Event, May 23! By The Rev. Brent Owens

e are going to build another Habitat House this summer! We will build on Florida Street, about one mile from the Cathedral. And who will live there? Julia Escobar de Canas, who is delighted to be building a house near her son and grandchildren. Julia, a native of El Salvador, has lived in Lexington for 16 years. Julia has four children, 12 grandchildren, and two Chihuahuas. She is an employee of Eastern State Hospital. Julia is the first to tell you that she loves her adopted city of Lexington, and she is truly excited to become a homeowner. Christ Church Cathedral, in partnership with the Coalition of the Willing (other downtown churches) will build Julia’s house. Everyone is invited to


help! And we will need to raise our share of the money for the build, which is $15,000. The Cathedral has $10,000 remaining from our 2013 Habitat fundraiser, so we will need to raise $5,000. We will raise this money with a fun Run, Walk, Ride event, on Saturday, May 23, on the Legacy Trail starting at Coldstream Park. Mark your calendars, because it will be a day of celebration, fun, family, fellowship, food, music, a bounce house, and bike- and trikeriding, walking and running. How will it work? It is open to

anyone of any age to ride, walk, or run any distance. The entry fee for adults is $25, and children $10. We can then pledge to support our favorite riders, walkers and runners. Sign up to ride, walk or run on our website,, or by calling The Rev. Brent Owens at 254-4497, emailing bowens@ccclex. org, or signing up at the Welcome Center.

C����� C����� C�������� F��� F������ The Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Cathedral Choirs are hosting Fish Friday every week in Lent beginning February 27. We will begin at 5:30pm in the Great Hall. Tickets will be sold on Sundays, or you can RSVP by emailing Robert Fugate at Fish and chips, baked and fried, and delicious sides will be available. A special thank you to Weisenberger Mill for donating the corn meal!

To benefit the Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Choirs of CCC

Every Friday in Lent • 5:30pm $9/togo • $8/dine in • $5/under 12


By Lynne Slone

rt at the Cathedral’s March/April exhibit showcases the work of artists of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). The theme for the exhibit is the “Rites of Spring;” it will include works in many different mediums, ranging from oils to watercolors. OLLI students must be age 50 or older, and it is with pleasure that we can present art that reflects the experience of these artists who have witnessed the sacred rhythm of renewal recurring over many springtime seasons. OLLI offers courses each semester in areas as diverse as the humanities, technology, foreign languages, studio and performing arts, and wellness and fitness. For several years, Christ Church member Jesse Mark has taught oil painting classes for OLLI, and many parishioners have enrolled in OLLI classes. Save the date for the March 20 Gallery Hop, which also happens to fall on the first day of Spring! Art at the Cathedral will host a reception for the OLLI artists, and we will have the OLLI Dulcimer Stummers perform in the Great Hall. As a special Lenten event, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew and the Cathedral Choirs are hosting a Friday Fish Fry dinner the evening of Gallery Hop. So "hop” on down to Christ Church and meet some amazing artists, listen to lovely music and feast on a fish dinner.




id you know that you can link your Kroger Plus Card and Kroger will donate to Christ Church Cathedral without any cost or loss to you? Our Kroger code is 10747. If you already have a Kroger Plus Card, you can log on to the website and sign up for the required Kroger Rewards Online Account by entering your ZIP code, clicking on “favorite store,” entering your email address and creating a password, and agreeing to the terms and conditions. Then you will need to link your Kroger Plus Card to this new online Kroger Rewards Account. When it asks you to select your charity to support, if you type 10747 in the box and click search, it will pull up Christ Church Cathedral. Customers will still receive their usual discounts like fuel points, while also helping their selected organization.



ROOM IN THE INN: Hospitality & Shelter By Tom Howard and Ruth Mark

oom In The Inn (RITI) is a nationwide ministry for homeless men. In Lexington, hospitality and shelter are provided by 26 congregations. Two groups of 14 men are sent every night to different parishes from November through March. Each parish/church provides a warm, clean bed; hot evening meal; breakfast the following morning; and a sack lunch for the noon meal. This is the eleventh season but only the fourth season for Christ Church Cathedral. Matt, a multitalented guy, came to Lexington in September via a truck driver who took him to the Hope Center for entry into its rehab program. He was overwhelmed by the more than 200 people on floor mats in the overnight area and the same number in the rehab program. While there, he met a guy who was going to stay at RITI. Matt needed a “stable time” and said “You couldn’t pray for something as good as RITI”. Matt has a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology degree and is also an accomplished musician who has a positive attitude for his future. “Lexington is a remarkable town compared to other towns on the East Coast,” he says. And we say he is a remarkable man, and we are glad to have him in RITI. James is in RITI for the third year. He came to Lexington from Brooklyn to work at Claiborne Farm after getting an offer he “couldn’t refuse” training yearlings. He moved on to another farm and sustained an injury, and has not been able to work except for seasonal jobs at Keeneland. RITI has helped him to reconnect with his children, and to has given him hope for the future. It also keeps him



sober, and reminds him that people do care about him. “Living on the street does something to your self-esteem, your morals and changes your mental outlook. RITI helps you to get life in perspective." Richard comes from the cold north of Detroit. He came to Lexington to attend UK, where he only lacks two semesters of graduating. His dream is to own his own restaurant. He loves the whole scenario of meeting people, trying new foods, and the business side of a restaurant. In the interim, he volunteers at the New Life Day Center (a day center for the homeless). He has been in the RITI program now for two years. He has given invaluable assistance in recommending some excellent men who are benefiting from the program this year. Richard appreciates the experience of RITI. The structure makes him feel safe and secure, yet the group is small enough to get to know everyone. He enjoys meeting the volunteers at all the churches. Martin is from Lexington; he attended UK and then worked for US Airways for 22 years in customer service, doing everything from supervision to “weight and balance of passenger and cargo loads." Due to corporate mergers, he worked at Toyota for more than three years. On the side, he also worked with a program coaching tumbling for cheerleaders and gymnasts. He states RITI “has provided a clean, safe place at a faith-based church … which provides encouragement and a positive mind-set.”

L E N T E N M O R N I N G P R AY E R W�������: F������� 19 - A���� 3 8:00-8:15�� �� ��� C����� All are invited to meet God each morning of our Lenten journey through Morning Prayer. It is in prayer we watch and look for the signs of new life that will come with the resurrection of our Savior. We seek God in community as we pray together. Cathedral clergy and members of the congregation will help lead Morning Prayer as we seek God’s life and insight. If you would like to help lead a service or be an intercessor/reader, please contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at 254-4497 or by email at




s a people rooted in faith and growing in gratitude, we have much to be thankful for this year. 105 members have taken a step up and increased their pledges, and we have 46 additional members have made new pledges. With grateful hearts we give thanks for everyone who calls Christ Church Cathedral their church home. These blessings will enable Christ Church Cathedral to live into God’s vision for this Cathedral. We especially give thanks for our Stewardship Co-Chairs, Allen and Ann-Whitney Garner, and Marc and Gwen Matthews for their faithful work. If you have not yet pledged, we ask you to prayerfully consider pledging. How has God called you to Christ Church

Cathedral? Where does God touch you? Why do you love Christ Church Cathedral? If you would like to pledge, please contact Lesa Wehrle at 254-4497 or For all of these blessings and more, we give glory to God, whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. Amen!

Mr & Mrs Don Adams, II

Mr & Mrs James Boyd

Mrs Mary Ruth Clark

Mr Sam Dailey

Mr & Mrs David Aiken

Mrs Mary Boyd

Mr & Mrs Alexander Clay

Mrs Katherine Dalton

Mr & Mrs Richard Anderson

Mr Reginald Bradbury

Mrs Susan Clay

Dr Waller Lisle Dalton

Mr & Mrs Tim Anderson

Ms Marie Bradshaw

Miss Diane Clements

Miss Morgan Daulton

Ms Katherine Andrews

Mrs Scott D. Breckinridge

Mrs Carol Clemons

Ms Katherine Davenport

Ms Patricia Arnold

Dr Sharon Brennan

Mrs Barbara Clifton

Mr & Mrs R. Patrick Davis

Mrs Anne Arvin

Mr & Mrs John Brice, II

Mrs Julie Coffman

Mr & Mrs William Davis

Mr & Mrs Thomas Baird

Mrs Melissa C. Bright

Mr & Mrs Harry Collins

Mr & Mrs Richard DeCamp

Mr Charles Baize

Ms Jane Britton

Mr & Mrs Huston Combs

Mr Connor Dellarosa

Mrs Melissa Baize

Mr & Mrs Louis Brock, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Bernard Conrad

Ms Susan Dellarosa

Mr & Mrs Charles Baldecchi

Mrs Joan Brown

Ms Lydia Carol Constantino

Mr & Mrs Darrell Dennis

Mr Kenton Ball

Mrs Louise Bryans

Mr & Mrs Robin Cook

Mr & Mrs Richard Dirksen

Mr & Mrs Erich Balling

Mrs Susan Bullard

Mr & Mrs Ted Corman

Ms Priscilla Dolan

Mr & Mrs Edward Barr

Mr David Burg

Mr & Mrs Paul Counts

Mr & Mrs Daniel Dorsett

Ms Elsie Barr

Mr & Mrs Randall Burke

Mrs Sarah Cowden

Dr & Mrs Tom Duncan

The Rev Donna & Mr Garland Barr, III

Mr Gerald Burt

Mr George Cox

Mr & Mrs Dwight Dunlap

Mr & Mrs Raymond Barry

Mr & Mrs Everett Bussell

Mr Leonard Cox

Miss Rebekah Dunlap

Mr & Mrs Philip Baugh

Mr Andrew Byrd & The Rev Kate Byrd

Mrs Leslie Cox

Mrs Nancy O'Rear Dunstall

Miss Chloe Beers

Mr & Mrs Doug Campbell

Ms Penny Cox

Mrs Allison Duvall

Mr James Beers & Mrs Michelle Catlin

Dr & Mrs David Cassidy

Mr & Mrs William Cox

Mr Bruce Eastwood

Mr James Bell

Mr & Mrs John Catto

Mr & Mrs Thomas Crehore

Dr & Mrs Guy Ellis, III

Dr & Mrs Lars Bjork

Dr & Mrs Alexander Chapman

Mrs Linda Critchfield

Ms Martha Jane Emmott & Ms Ann G. Hart

Mr & Mrs David Blanchett

Ms Dale Chapman

Mr & Mrs Philip Crowley

Ms Marilyn Faughn

Dr & Mrs M. Cary Blaydes

Dr & Mrs Mark Christensen

Mr & Mrs John Dailey

Ms Janie Fergus

Mrs Nancy Bogue

Mr & Mrs C. Lance Churchill

Mr Luke Dailey

Mr & Mrs Curte Ferguson


Miss Maggie Ferguson

Mr Timothy Howard

Mr & Mrs John McWaters

Mrs Emily Smith

Mr E. Maner Ferguson

The Rev Marcia Hunter

Mr & Mrs Guy Mendes, III

Mr Henry Smith

Mrs Sherry Ferguson

Miss Ani Hutchens

Ms Tracey Meyers

Mr & Mrs Johnny Smith

Mr & Mrs Todd Ferguson

Mr & Mrs Terry Hutchens

Mrs Jane Michler

Ms Ruby Snider

Mrs Elizabeth Flynn

Mrs Kathleen Imhoff

Miss Emilie Milburn

Mr & Mrs R. Wendell Snyder

Dr Rebecca Fox

Mr & Mrs Robert Ireland

Mr & Mrs Ron Milburn

Mrs Lori Specht

Mr Charles Frederick

Ms Sarah Jackson

Mr Michael Miller

Ms Rebecca Spencer

Mr & Mrs George Freeman

Mr Tyler Jackson

Mr & Mrs Greg Milward

Dr & Mrs John Stempel

Ms Nancy Freeman

The Jacobs Family

Mr & Mrs John Milward

Dr Gary Stewart & Dr Sharon Stewart

Mr Larry Froelich

Mr & Mrs David Jaquith

Mr & Mrs John K. Milward

Mr & Mrs Jack Stewart

Mr Davis Fugate

Mrs Elizabeth Jett

The Rev Joe Mitchell

Ms Muffy Stuart

Mr & Mrs Robert Fugate

Mr Daniel Jividen

Mrs Martha Mooney

Ms Judith H. Stump

Mrs Ann Garden

Mr & Mrs Guy Jones

Ms Doris Moore

Mr Thomas Sturgill

Miss Abigail Garner

Mrs Helen Jones

Mr & Mrs Michael Moran

Ms Ann Sturm

Mr & Mrs Allen Garner, Jr.

Mr Jeffrey Jones

Mr & Mrs T. Greg Mullins

The Very Rev Dr Ronald Summers

Dr & Mrs David Garrett

Ms Peta Jones

Mr & Mrs Shannon Naish

Ms Eleanor M. Surrency

Ms Karen Garrison

Mr & Mrs Thomas Kearns

Mr & Mrs Ben Newsome

Mr & Mrs C. William Swinford, Jr.

Dr & Mrs James Gay

Mr Paul Keller

Mr & Mrs Bradley Newsome

Ms Makila Taylor

Mrs Elizabeth Geddes

Ms Sandra Kestner

Mr Richard Nunan & Dr Anna Demaree

Mr & Mrs Alexander Thompson

Mr Herbert D. Geddes

Mr & Mrs Shelby Kinkead, Jr.

The Rev Paula Lee Ott

Ms Margaret Trafton

Mr & Mrs Herbert D. Geddes, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Sidney Kinkead, Jr.

The Rev & Mrs Brent Owens

Mr & Mrs Daniel Tudor

Mr Herbert F. Geddes

Mrs Jo Ann Kirkpatrick

Mrs Betty Jo Palmer

Mr & Mrs Daniel D. Tudor

Mr & Mrs Eugene Getchell

Mr Roger Kirkpatrick

Mrs John A. Palumbo

Ms Lisa Underwood

Mr & Mrs Kevin Gilbert

Dr & Mrs Judson Knight

Mrs Martha Park

Mr Thomas Underwood, Jr.

Mr Richard Giles

Mr Charles Kraus

Mr & Mrs Ron Parkey

Mr Billy Van Pelt, II

Mr & Mrs John Gillig

Mr Michael Lacki

Ms Laura Parrish

The Hon Laurance B. VanMeter

The Gillum-Koenig Family

Mrs Rosa Landrum

Mrs Doris Parsons

Mrs Nancy Vennes

Mr & Mrs Greg Graf

The Rev Charles Lawrence

Mrs Gertrude Patch

Mr & Mrs Robert Voll

Miss Lauren Graf

Mr & Mrs Isaac Lawrence

Dr & Mrs John Perrine

The Very Rev Carol Wade

Mr & Mrs Joseph Graves, Jr.

Mrs Mildred Lawrence

Mrs Maria Maxwell Perry

Ms Barbara Wagner

Mr Cooper Gray

Miss Molly Lefferts

Mr Kenneth Pierce

Miss Sheridan Wagner

Mr & Mrs Howard Gray

Dr & Mrs Alex Lesueur, Sr.

Mr & Mrs Kell Pollard

Ms Cate Wagoner

Mr Gray & Mrs Hollingsworth-Gray

Mr Alex Lesueur, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Charles Powell

Dr & Mrs John Wahle, III

Ms Anne Gregory

Ms Virginia Lewis

Ms Holli Powell

Mr & Mrs Robert Walsh

Ms Juliana Gregory

Mrs Mary Lisle

Miss Grace Preston

Mr & Mrs James Ware

Mrs Ann Greis

Mr & Mrs Ryan Long

Mrs Leonard L. Preston

Ms M. Blanton Ware

Mr & Mrs Allen Grimes, III

Mr & Mrs Daniel Lowry

Mr & Mrs Timothy Preston

Mr & Mrs Samuel Ware

Mr & Mrs J. L. Hacker, Sr.

Mr & Mrs Timothy Lucas

Mr & Mrs Henry Prewitt, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Patrick Warren

Mr & Mrs John R. Hall

Mr & Mrs Matthew Lutz

Ms Shelley Quire

Mrs Lesa Wehrle

Ms Marythom Hamblin

Dr Priscilla Lynd

Ms Patricia Ramsey

Mr & Mrs James Welch

Ms Jo Ellen Hayden

Mrs Carojean MacDonald

Mrs Sarah Reeves

Mr Frank White & Mrs Pat Allen

Ms Trisha Hayes

Mr & Mrs David Macfarlan

Miss Alison Ritcher

Mrs Mary Wigginton

Dr & Mrs Eric Headley

Mr & Mrs Duncan MacIvor

Ms Lisa Ritcher

Mr Thomas Wigginton

Mr & Mrs Roderick Heard

Mr Harold Mann

Dr & Mrs William Robertson, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Charles Williamson, Jr.

Mr Nicholas Herbert-Jones

Mr & Mrs Jesse Mark

Dr & Mrs Schuyler Robinson

Ms Janice Williamson

Ms Sharon Hill

Ms Diana Martin

Mrs Marie Rogers

Ms Margaret Willingham

Mrs Laura Hilland

Dr & Mrs Loys Mather

Miss Claire Rose

Mr John B. Winn, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Buck Hinkle, Jr.

Mr & Mrs Marc Mathews

Mr & Mrs Fredrick Roughton

Mr Russell Witt

Mr & Mrs John Hodgman

Miss Mary Rollins Mathews

Ms Jonel Sallee

Dr & Mrs William Wood

Mrs Betty Hollingsworth

Mr Wilson Mathews, Jr.

Mr Robert Sandford

Mr & Mrs Christopher Wright

Mrs Rebecca Horine

Mr & Mrs Robert May

Ms Elaine Schwartz

Mr Patrick Wylie

Mr & Mrs Addison Hosea, III

Mrs Henry C. Mayer

Mrs Harry Scott, Jr.

Ms Isabel M. Yates

Mr Fred Hoskins

Ms Susanna Mays

Mrs Shirley G. Seabrook

Mr Tom Yates

Ms Linda House

Miss Rose McClanahan

Mrs Janet Serrenho

Ms Ann Zimmer

Mr Kyle Howard

Mr Allen McDaniel

Mr S. Brandl Skirvin

Anonymous (5)

Ms Patti Howard

Ms. Margaret McDuffie

Mr & Mrs Peter Slagel

Mr Thomas Howard

Mrs Kathryn McKinley

Mr & Mrs Mike Slone




4:00pm with the Choir of Men and Boys Faure’s choral masterpiece, sung by the Choir of Men and Boys with violin, harp and vocal soloists.


Re q u i e m


PARISHIONER PROFILE: The Newsome Family By The Rev. Brent Owens

his month we welcome Ben, Grace, and Graham Newsome. Thank you very much for sharing your story with us about making Christ Church Cathedral your church home! Tell us a little about yourself – your family, occupation, hobbies, what gives you joy and the like. Grace and Ben get a lot of joy from being with others, hosting friends at their house, playing disc golf, being outdoors, and music. Ben also enjoys building furniture, gardening and landscaping. Ben is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Centre College. Grace is guidance counselor at Jessamine Early Learning Village. And Graham is 2 ½ years old.


How long have you been attending services at Christ Church Cathedral? 3 years in July. What is your faith background? Grace grew up in the Free Methodist Church, and Ben in the United Methodist Church. How did you find Christ Church Cathedral? Ben and Grace, along with Ben’s twin brother Brad, were singing in Echo (an acappella group), and sang at the Cathedral in the summer months. Grace and Ben liked Christ Church Cathedral so much they came back! And so did Ben’s twin brother, Brad! What inspired you to make the Cathedral your church home? They all loved the service, liturgy and music. They felt warmly welcomed and embraced. As they became part of this church community, they recognized they could become involved, have responsibilities and contribute. The multigenerational friendships they have made at the Cathedral is something that means a lot to them as well. What activities and ministries are you involved in at Christ Church Cathedral? Grace serves as a reader and lector. Ben sings in the Men’s Choir and has taken on a significant leadership role in caring for the Old Episcopal Burying Ground and the London Ferrill Community Garden. Both Grace and Ben are very active in the 20’s-30’s Group. They have both helped out with summer Vacation Bible School. If you invited a friend to come with you to Christ Church Cathedral, what would you tell them? Grace and Ben would tell a friend, “You are free to ask questions and be who you are without judgment. There is warmth and authenticity at the Cathedral. And the music is awesome.” They add that this is a great community where they and their son, Graham, can grow spiritually.




id you know that on the fourth Sunday of every month, one of the clergy visits Children's Chapel to tell a story? What fun it is to watch the children get to know "those people up front in the robes"! Outside of Children's Chapel I have seen that those times of connection are being strengthened in other places. The children have found friends. Most recently Father Brent came to join us. It was the Sunday after the WEATHER. Due to the ice and


snow, Shrove Tuesday was canceled. Some of you may not realize that a very important event happens on Shrove Tuesday, other than all of the good food. We create colorgul cards bearing the word "alleluia," place them in a box, and then we put them away for all of Lent. We refrain from saying this word during Lent. The first Sunday of Lent was approaching, and the box of "alleluias" had not yet been buried or hidden. After talking with Brent, we decided that we must find a way to do this so that we will all know not to say it. That morning, we carried the box of "alleluias" through the church looking for a safe place to keep it during Lent. We looked in the Nursery, Great Hall,

Priests' Sacristy and other rooms until we found the safest place for them. Ask the children, if you would like to know more about where te box was hidden. Also, we will be taking the "alleluias" out of hiding on Easter morning. Please join the celebration so we can shout "ALLELUIA!" from the mountaintops!

Children’s Lenten Activity Day Sunday, March 22 12:30 - 2:30pm Ages 4-12

Come join the fun!

Lunch Stations of the Cross Baking Planting Art And more!!! RSVP to Amanda Tudor at Amanda. by March 18.

Save t h e Dat e: L egacy S oci et y D i nner Th ursday, M ay 7

The annual Christ Church Legacy Society Celebration Dinner will be held Thursday, May 7. All current Legacy Society members are invited, as well as those returning an Enrollment Form by May 1. The church has been and continues to be a very important part of our lives, deserving as much or even more consideration as any other institution or organization when estate planning. The Legacy Society is crucial to the future of Cathedral ministries and programs. Pray about your own involvement, and save the date, May 7 for the Legacy Society annual dinner!

For more information, contact Marc Mathews at


WALKING FOR WARMTH By The Rev. Joe Mitchell

arly in the morning on Saturday, February 28, a group of college students came out to Phoenix Park to walk and raise awareness for homelessness in Lexington. The 15-degree weather could not stop these Episcopal Campus Ministry students from listening to the voice of Jesus tell them to love their neighbor. And that’s why they showed up. “It may be super cold,” said junior Amanda Stark, “but Jesus tells us to put our faith into action, so that’s why we’re here.” Our Episcopal group joined several college and church groups in town for a 2-mile walk that began at Phoenix Park and ended at Calvary Baptist Church. Everyone who participated raised



money for Lexington Rescue Mission, which provides food, shelter, and other amenities for folks in any kind of need or trouble. At the end of the day the total raised was more than $14,000!! Episcopal students contributed over $200 to the mission. “It took a while for my feet and legs to get warm,” added junior Maggie Sherman with a smile, “but it’s worth it. We’re supposed to live out our faith, not just speak it. Everyone out here was Jesus for somebody else, and that’s pretty awesome!” Freshman Grant Forbes only recently started attending gatherings at St. Augustine’s Chapel, but he’s already finding a place to belong. “I came after the Chapel Talk and knew that this was a place where I could find community and explore my faith,” he said. “I had to be somewhere this afternoon, but when I heard that the group was getting together to raise money and awareness for such an important cause, I had to be here.” The Walk for Warmth was the second outreach opportunity for St. A’s students in the last month; earlier in February they got together to pack meals for God’s Pantry. It’s clear that this little community is about living out its faith in a very big way! You can find more information on Lexington Rescue Mission and the Walk for Warmth at www.



he season of Lent is a time to open ourselves to new experiences and truly listen for God and the ways that God is moving in our lives. As young adults we find ourselves in a very unique place along our respective spiritual journeys. That’s how a new Sunday School class came to be: The Spirituality of Young Adults. Two years ago one of our members, Susan Garnett, suggested gathering with other young adults to talk about what God has been up to in our lives. “I had been doing Dream Group and Centering Prayer and thought, ‘I wonder if other young adults have the same questions that I have?’ And that’s how we decided to start this class.” Now in our third year, Spirituality of Young Adults has been an opportunity to gather in a safe space to talk about the


challenges and joys of our lives at this particular time. Sometimes those conversations center around careers, or sometimes they are about how we find ourselves praying in this ever-changing and confusing world. Using Thomas Merton’s Bridges as a catalyst for starting our conversations, we have found ourselves going deeper and deeper in our conversations. “I’m a very head-oriented person,” said Becky Fox, who teaches biology at Transy. “For me, this has been a great way to get in-touch better with my feelings and my gut. It can be a scary place to go for the first time, but it’s been refreshing to hear about similar experiences that my peers have had.” The class runs each Sunday during Lent at 10:00 am. We gather in the Lambeth Room (second floor of the Helm Building, next to the library). Come join us as we explore what God is up to in the lives of young adults!



KENYAN GIRLS FORWARD: Why Not Indeed? By Susan Stempel

he distance between Lexington and Kenya is approximately 7,939 miles—a long way and a big ocean to have much of a connection with anyone there. But we do and I do because of the work of parishioners Carolyn Witt Jones and Jo Robertson. Through their efforts in Kenya to further education for young women, I have had the opportunity to be a little part of a young Kenyan girl’s life. Named Ruth Nyangate Onyonka, she is now working very hard as a student in a private high school in Eldoret, Kenya. Since there are no publicly funded schools in Kenya, most girls don’t go to school. If uneducated, they are married young, begin having children and, like most of the population, are consigned to lives of poverty. This is poverty that we can’t even imagine. Sometimes women with as many as ten children have perhaps a dollar a day to feed them. If a family does have money to send a child to school, it generally is the sons who are sent. But now through our partner, Rural Women Peace Link (womenpeacelink@yahoo. com), girls are identified as having the potential to be successful in high school. And This young woman is among the because of the work of Carostudents at the Kapsabe Board- lyn and Jo, we have the oping School, one of the schools our girls attend in the program portunity to see that some of that CCC co-sponsors with the these girls can attend school Rural Women Peace Link. Photo and raise themselves up out


by Jo Robertson.


Ruth Nyangate Onyonka with her mother, younger sister and Anne Bwibo, finance officer of the program. Ruth is the oldest of five daughters. Because of having only daughters, the mother has been stigmatized by relatives and her husband. In talking about my scholarship support for her, Ruth says “...Your expression of kindness has give me reasons to smile and I feel I have a reason to live…"

of poverty along with as their families. Wow! When I found out that I could actually have a lasting impact on a young Kenyan girl AND her family—why in the world wouldn’t I? Ruth writes me lovely letters telling me of her progress. She’s hard on herself and says she isn’t doing as well academically as she would like, but that doesn’t disappoint me. Instead, it lets me know that she has high standards for herself and the ambition to achieve. And since I’ve never had to leave school to walk miles home, then take care of little brothers and sisters, haul water, prepare dinner, milk the cow or goat (if they are lucky enough to have one) and then, only then, sit down to study by candlelight—why in the world would I hold her to standards that I couldn't begin to reach? But she IS learning and she IS making her grades and I am so very proud of her. Knowing that Ruth is going to a good private school,

dressed in her school-furnished (attractive!) uniform and being given the opportunity to learn and develop skills is a huge gift to me. It’s not often that I can have that much of a direct impact on another’s life. So far through this program 55 girls have been sent to school, eight have graduated and three are being helped through college by sponsors. So how much do I have to squeeze out to support Ruth through Lugulu Girls’ High School? $350 per YEAR! Hard to believe, isn’t it? How many ways do we spend $350 a MONTH, let alone a year! As Ruth continues through high school, I have every intention of supporting her in this way through college—as some other Christ Church parishioners are already doing with the girls they have supported. Friends, we have a gift

being offered to us—we can help and see the results of that help through offering the opportunity for young girls to create lives full of promise and accomplishments. The alternative for them is most likely a life of poverty. There are many young girls in Kenya waiting for your help. Would you like to reach a hand out to one? I hope so. NOTE: For more information, contact Jo Robertson at or Carolyn Witt Jones, cwjones@ Partners with us in this endeavor include the Bluegrass Community Foundation and the Rural Women Peace Link (RWPL), womenpeacelink@



EVENTS /// RECITAL & EVENSONG Please join us Sunday, March 8, for a 3:30 pm recital by Cathedral organists Lisa Hall and Erich Balling, followed by 4:00 pm Lenten Evensong sung by the Men and Girls Choir. All are invited and all are welcome! YOUNG ADULTS SUSHI FRIDAYS Fridays in Lent 6:30-8:30pm Join us for lively conversation, great sushi, and good times together every Friday in Lent. Location changes. There’s no agenda and all are welcome! Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at jmitchell@ for more information. NEW CLASSES!! CONFIRMATION & RECEPTION: TAKE THE NEXT STEP IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP Were you unable to attend the first round of confirmation & reception classes? If so, no worries! We have another set of 5 classes on Sundays beginning February 22 – March 22 at 12:45-1:45pm. There will be childcare provided. Bring a sack lunch. Bishop Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for the Confirmation and Reception service on Sunday, April 26. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting The Rev. Brent Owens at or call 254-4497, Ext. 103.

ECW LUNCHEON: WHO IS OUR NEIGHBOR? This second Tuesday of the month luncheon invites us to get to know our neighbor. The business meeting begins at 11:00am, followed by the program at 11:45am. Lunch follows at approximately 12:15pm, and can be purchased for $10. Please sign up in advance at the Welcome Center. Sponsored by Episcopal Church Women (ECW). On March 10, The Rev. Troy Thomas, Rector of historic St. Paul AME Church, will speak about the historic significance of his church and share his personal reflections on Lent. His talk will be “Transformational Communities through Sacrifices.”

NOTICES /// 2015 ALTAR FLOWER MEMORIALS When wishing to schedule a flower memorial, please contact Barbara Silcox, Altar Guild Director, at silcox.barbara@ or by phone at 492-2471, or the Parish Secretary, Margaret Christensen, by email at mchristensen@ or by phone at 254-4497 to make your request. A list of the available weeks is posted outside the Atrium. Please note, some Sundays you may be asked to share memorials, if more than one person signs up for the same week. The suggested donation per memorial is $100.

DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS MARCH 8 Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 8. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour the night before!

MISSION /// ROOM IN THE INN NEEDS YOUR HELP Christ Church is honored to host 15 homeless men for housing and dinner on Wednesday evenings and breakfast Thursday mornings during the cold months. We need the help of individuals and groups to host these men. Please sign up to do the following: help prepare and eat a simple dinner with our guests; spend the night at the Cathedral; have breakfast ready the following morning; prepare a sack lunch to go. For more information and to sign up contact Tom Howard at 368-8684 or email thoward@; or Robert Fugate at 270-519-6355 or email robert.fugate@

Holy Week Brochure Journey through Palm Sunday, the Three Sacred Days and Easter with this helpful guide. Coming soon at or the Welcome Center.




Mimi Jacobs

15 Charles McKinlay

23 Steve Gray


Patricia DeCamp

15 Sally Henkel

23 Wilson Mendes


Randolph Hollingsworth


Rebecca Spencer

16 Lisa Johnson

23 Elaine Schwartz


Lucy Donworth


Joell Finney

16 Mary McDowell Boone

25 Angelika Goodin


Kate Watson

10 Francesca Egana

16 Galil Garner

26 Olivia Geveden


Jacob DeBrot

10 Ellen Shay

17 Marisa Cattoi

27 Victor Koren'kov


Mary Martin Hampton

11 Betty Jo Palmer

18 John Forster

27 Benjamin Trammell


Catherine Allen

11 Eddie Grizzell

18 Vickie Crankshaw

27 Carolyn Ware


Linda Martin

11 John VanMeter

19 Shannon Johnson

28 Greg Graf


Sheridan Wagner

11 Lee Nan Milward

20 Avery Durbin

28 Linda Burchett


Adelyn Myers

12 Allison Duvall

20 Michael Naish

29 Zach Jones


Henry Burchett

12 Austin Wahle

21 Wendell Snyder

29 Charlotte Bloxsom


Ani Hutchens

12 Dave Macfarlan

22 Blaine Jones

30 Kenneth Pierce


Barbara Silcox

12 David Burg

22 Brent Owens

30 Kirby Wright


Mimi White

12 Riley Weathers

22 Marie Rogers

31 Grace Headley


Elizabeth Atinay

13 Ann Maury

22 Silvana Minella

31 Jane Baugh


Russ Bryant

13 Darwin Chimaren

23 Grace Thomason

31 Owen Koenig


Abbie Paris

13 Flo Mayer

23 Jessica Pollard

31 Michael Lacki


Henry Macfarlan

13 Trudy Patch

23 Luke Campbell

31 Mike Slone


Elizabeth Woodward

14 Ellen Mills

23 Mimi Gay

14 Keyes Rudzik

23 Philip Burchett


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507

SUNDAYS 7:30am Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel 8:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 9:30am Breakfast • Great Hall 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church 12:15pm Welcome Reception • Coffee Area 6:00pm Sanctuary • Church Youth Group • Basement Activities Room 7:00pm Sanctuary Reception • Tilford Room WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS March 6 Commodores, Young Adults Date Night, Fish Friday March 8 Daylight Saving Time Begins Recital & Evensong

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ECW Luncheon Lenten Series Fish Friday, Sushi Friday Lenten Series Youth: Happening Gallery Hop, Fish Friday, Sushi Friday Children's Lenten Activity Day Lenten Quiet Day Lenten Series Fish Friday, Sushi Friday Palm Sunday Faure Requiem Youth Seder Meal Blessing of Oils & Renewal of Ministry Vows Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter Egg Hunt Easter Vigil Easter Sunday

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