HOW QUICKLY THEY GROW See photos of our children all grown up.
WE ARE STRONGER Senior Warden Steve past year.
THE STORY OF TOBIT Amanda Musterman-Kiser, Youth Minister, asks us to learn from Tobit’s life.
Pledge Early. Volunteer Often.
Prayer & Action Q $ XZ[[
The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade > The Rev. Janey Wilson > The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine > Canon Erich Balling > Kathleen Balling > Elizabeth Conrad > !
" Amanda Musterman-Kiser > #
" Michelle Dunlap > " Lesa Schoner > Margaret Christensen > $
" % $ Ashley Goodrich > John Hodgman >
St. Francis’ Blessing of the Animals Saturday, October 1 10:30am Old Courthouse Steps (Lexington History Museum) Bring your dogs, cats, birds, turtles, hedgehogs, rabbits and even larger animals, if you are so inclined. God loves all creatures, big and small!
Vestry Steve Specht, Senior Warden Billy Van Pelt, Junior Warden Nancy Bogue Ted Corman Doug Geddes Val Getchell Diane Milburn Tom Howard C.B. Baize John Stempel Carolyn Ware Jim Ware Marc Mathews, Treasurer
WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the November issue, the deadline for ' is October 13th at noon. Announce ( " ") TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publica * ' $ $ $ ' To sign up to re * " $ ' call 859-254-4497 x106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email
OCTOBER COMMUNITY PRAYER Almighty God, write your Word upon our hearts , that we may realize our fellowship with one another in You, and may learn to know You more fully, to love You more truly, and to follow more faithfully in the steps of our Lord Jesus Christ. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if $ " + " to the hospital or in need of congre ) ' call Loys Mather 859-299-8569, or ; ) ABOUT THE COVER Dean Wade preaches a children’s sermon on Rally Day.
THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through ' < ' = ' " ? ' and Love.
OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859.254.4497
Count It All Joy!
Music Notes
Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abundance, Simply Given
From the Senior Warden
" \ ) ] Q^ )
= ^
How Quickly They Grow!
The Curateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Corner
CROSS Ministries
At Your Service
Holiday Bake Sale
` ` "
Count It All Joy! By The Very Reverend Carol L. Wade
for all of us as our Cathedral community gears up for the fall. As your new Dean, I have had the joy of Â&#x2021; < * * ) Â&#x192; * + " " * ` Bread Dinners, the choir pool party " Â&#x2026; ' % " day morning menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bible study, pastoral visits, lunch with the ECW, dinner with the Canterbury minis { " try, lunch with diocesan clergy and Cathedral have been richly blessed. |% " " " < * < < $ candidates. I meet with our vergers { " < } '~ ^ < < asked a parishioner at one of the |` ` " Â&#x20AC; )~ for mission in Kenya, and the new I responded by drawing on St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chapter of the Junior Daughters of the King in our Sunday worship. And message to the Philippians, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I count  Â&#x201A;~ " Â&#x192; " $  Â&#x192; * " " ^ < < morning Deanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Forum for the past weeks by sharing my spiritual story. welcoming me. " ' % $ " < Â&#x2020;' * ' " + < * { ' $ " " < $ Â&#x201E; " Â&#x2026; Â&#x2020; * " Â&#x2020; < " " ) It takes a cathedral to rally around Â&#x201E;
"' ' and fellowship abounded because Â&#x2020; " $ = " and each other. ur journey of prayer and $ " what an adventure we are on together at Christ Church Cathedral! It seems that everywhere I go and at every turn, I see you, loving our Lord, serving with joy and buzzing with energy. The very air seems alive! Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s )
On the anniversary of September 11, we opened our hearts in hope for the future of our world. As the vesper light streamed through the stained glass and painted gentle color on the walls of our historic * ' { " " candles in remembrance of all those < * ' { " them in helping others. The night unfolded in the beauty of holiness thanks to the faithfulness of God and to the remarkable worship ministries at Christ Church Cathedral. It was a our life together as family at Christ Church while also living into our " " " to our city and beyond. The beginning of September is busy
) Â&#x20AC; < " " { $ ) " Â&#x2020; ^ " < $ $ community. When I think about my personal stewardship of my life, and my purpose in trying to be a good steward in sharing my life in God with you, the only word that seems { | " ~ $ our life together in Christ. God wants to transform our lives. God has a dream to heal the world and intends for us to join that holy, life-giving adventure! And I count that all joy! " < Â " with you as we answer Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lifegiving call to heal the world, because " < Â&#x192; marvel at your faith and good works, " < = " < ' because as St. Paul reminds us, what looks like our good work, and even
When I think about my personal stewardship of my life, and my purpose in trying to be a good steward in sharing my life in God with you, the only word that together in Christ.
name a few. My goodness, you are " Â&#x201A;
humble service to one another, is < " { ' = "Â&#x2026; < in us. And so, let us give thanks to Looking ahead, I have a brunch the one for whom all thanks belongs: date with the Theology on Tap ' < ' Glory to God whose power work " { an evening with the Commodores, we can ask or imagine, glory to God and so much more as we get to < $ + ) Church and in Christ Jesus forever. Q * What a joy, and an abundance of blessing it is to spend my days with $ ^ < ' Â you! $ ^ < CCCLEX.ORG / 5
The Reward of Gathering By Canon Erich Balling
* year. Of all the seasons, it provides a new opportunity for shaping and building the Cathedralâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s music ministry. { dral chorister program is welcoming new boys, girls and families to the Cathedral choirs. This fall, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve said hello to six new families < " < < tude and love for singing. Imagine for a moment what the Cathedral looks like to a young < { on a Sunday morning or hear the { { and beauty in many voice parts. For many, it is a profound experience that even at a young age $ God and the Church. Perhaps at those moments, I am most grateful for being here and for having the
= "Â&#x2026; ^ music in this sacred place. Following each rehearsal and service, the Cathedral choristers gather to say a simple prayer together. It is called the Choristers 6 / PRAYER AND ACTION_OCT 11
SAVE THE DATE >>> MESSIAH -- Friday, December 2 at 7:30pm. Tickets on sale October 15th! Gathering of Angels -- Friday April 27th, 2012, beginning at 6:00pm. Â&#x20AC; < " * " $
"' " * ) " < $ { Â&#x20AC; ") Â&#x20AC; " have been invited to sing as the resident choir at Ely Cathedral, England, and St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cathedral in Edinburgh, Scotland, from July 13-26, 2012.
" < < + [Â&#x2030;Â&#x160;Â&#x2039; $ Cosmo Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury. Its origins extend back at ) Â&#x192; Â&#x2020; the prayer to you in thanksgiving for the beauty of music and the
wonder that children and adults bring to the Cathedral each week.
Bless, O Lord, us Thy servants, who minister in Thy temple. Grant that what we sing with our lips, we may believe in our hearts, and what we believe in our hearts, we may show forth in our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Abundance, Simply Given By The Rev. Janey Wilson
have been thinking a lot this month about how the Holy Spirit meets us where we are and leads us forward. What happens in that trans-
How are we met, and loved, and led to act in ways that mark us as faithful? How is it that we then
volunteering, perhaps in a fellowship situation. Almost all of these situations have resulted in your giving your treasure in a heartfelt way. Sometimes it has been a relatively small financial amount, but one that represents a great segment of the personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s overall income. Sometimes the gift has been a combination of
your gratitude for this abundant love. Many of the parishioners at Christ Church give selflessly of their time and talent. It is who we are as a community, and it is vital. But as Jesus reminds us in both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Where your treasure is, there your heart will be )~
She did not have much, I knew, but she gave it in such a spirit- filled and joyful way that I knew that she needed and wanted to give from her heart. choose to take action not because it | " '~ $ $ cause we cannot help but respond to Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transformative love for us? I think it is very much like the old hymn, â&#x20AC;&#x153;How can I keep from Singing. ) )~ Many times in the last few months, I have been blessed to walk with several of you in different pastoral situations. Some were painfully life changing, but nonetheless filled undeniably with Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s presence. Others were more of a gentle moving toward God, perhaps with more regular church attendance or
time, talent and treasure. All of the gifts have been overwhelmingly generous. It is as though it suddenly makes sense, in the context of gratitude for belonging to God. We begin to really understand â&#x20AC;&#x153;All things come of thee O Lord, and of thine own * < * )~ = * with no restrictions back to God are what make our ministry in this place both viable and truly given to the Glory of God.
We are blessed, both to have been given and to be able to give in return.
In each of the above circumstances, it has been my great joy to witness God shining through you, and to be present as you express CCCLEX.ORG / 7
The Story of Tobit
Taking apart the pieces of life
By Amanda Musterman-Kiser
othing says middle school like growing pains. Our early teenage years are ones of profound mental, physical and spiritual stretching. * " <' ' torturous process. Middle Schoolers are scary because they challenge us to look < < " in our own lives. Our volunteers and parents of the Rite 13 group (grades 6-7) see these { ) One minute a teenager can be self " < | ~ " the next minute they can give all their money and childhood toys to charity. One minute they are a child, the next an adult. One minute they are shy and awkward, the next * " posed. This week, a former R13 teacher stopped by to share a powerful story of growth that challenged me to stretch. Many years back, the Rite 13 group was " < group. They spent countless hours working at the Old
Episcopal Burying Ground. They also hosted a fundraising auc ) < * ' < + $ ' $ " { ) " when it was over, the group had collected $10,000. Many ideas were passed around with what to do with the money â&#x20AC;&#x201C; they could take a fun trip, they could do mission work, they could buy new furniture. In the end, the R13 voted to give the money to the capital campaign. Â&#x20AC; * { ' < of their own group, so that our Body of
) Our scripture gives us countless examples of joyful and abundant giving without regard for oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s self. This week, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been reading the Apocryphal book of Tobit. Tobit is a wonderful story of hope, about a man working with Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s help to do Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work. Like the Rite 13 group, he gave endlessly to causes and was there to do whatever needed to be done. While the rest of Tobitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tribe was worshiping false idols, he was going ? < * ) Â&#x201C;
$ " " " " + ' * "
" < ' * " ' " " Â&#x160;ZÂ&#x201D;Â&#x201A; When Tobit had money and resources, he gave generously. When he became
' * " life. Â&#x2022; "' {
{ ' "
$ " ' * to give. Each week, at the end of the Prayers of the People, we commend ourselves, our neighbors, and all our life to Christ our God. I think that both Tobit and those youth had a fuller understanding of what those words mean. They entrusted all of their lives to the care of God and they handed over whatever parts of them might be of use. This < Â&#x192;Â&#x2026; $ myself more, commending myself more, giving myself more. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the example that our youth teach us, that Tobit teaches us, that Jesus teaches us. May all our lives be commended to Christ, and my Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
! ! " # ! $ !
' ( ) -- Tobit 4
e are moving into our tenth year of programing in the visual arts. Friday night, $ [Â&#x2013;' Â&#x2039;Â&#x2013;Z + " " Christ Church Cathedral, viewed the art, met friends, enjoyed refreshments, listened to the Firebird Ensemble and toured the nave to hear
) Â&#x201C; $ * $ Â&#x2014; " " < $ " * ) Volunteers Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022; Â&#x2014; ' " * Â&#x2DC; < Â&#x2020; = Â&#x201C; $utes largely to its success. They currently are Amanda Tudor, co-chair; Dan Tudor and Paul Carpenter, history docents; " ' Â&#x161; " Bill Adams, musician. Those and the following serve variously + $ ' " *ers and include Betsy Davenport, Brenda Dennis, Bretagne Â&#x201C; ' = \ ' Â&#x203A; Â&#x192; Â&#x2020;' Â&#x153; " $ ' Â&#x153; Â&#x201C; ' Marsha and Walter Bloxsom, Nancy Blaydes, Teresa Hall and Tom Wigginton. Theresa Williams from the Woodford County * * ' % * ] * ' " ' " Â?Â&#x203A;' ) % Â * "' "" * " ' Â?Â&#x203A; ' " Â&#x153; Â&#x153; Â&#x153; Â&#x192; ) ' * < " ) number 160 and respond to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Call ~ $ " $ " < $ ) " $ "* " " ) Q " < " * " | Â&#x2021;~Â&#x161;
" ' ' is chosen to put together a show made up of several friends. This is the model used last September with â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Art and El Â&#x201C; )~ " < " Â&#x153; " < < "
Art at the Cathedral thanks volunteers By Jesse Mark
WHAT IS IN STORE FOR 2012 >>> $ < \ Â&#x2DC; $ " " " during Lent, we have invited Cindi Matyi from Cincin Â&#x2021; $ $ )
and are challenged to involve the leadership and programs of < ) # < '
Â&#x2DC; ' "
< ) The Cathedral and Spirituality at the 9/11 service of remembrance and hope, our Dean spoke of the Cathedral as being on the boundary of the civic and the spiritual. That is < " ) " * ) * = ") " < " " { "
The Playground of Heaven
By Lesa Schoner
hen my son, Zach was in the third grade, one of his beloved classmates, died due to a congenital illness. Zach, an asthma sufferer, had spent many recesses and PE periods in his buddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s company. Due to the nature of the boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s illness, the class had some slight understanding of its seriousness. However, no one is ever prepared for such a loss. I remember, like it was yesterday, the exchange between Zach and me the day he came home from school with this news. Zachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demeanor was solemn, but definitely not sad. I asked him how he felt as I was somewhat relieved to see he wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t completely falling apart. He shared that he was sorry for his buddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s family and friends because they would miss him terribly. At the same time, he felt great comfort in the fact that he was certain his buddy was busy throwing a football or chasing after others in the playground of Heaven. A smile crossed Zachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s face as he thought of the boyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s heavenly body free from the pain and constraints
) Â&#x20AC; Â&#x2014; ness came over my chatty child as he expressed his worry for some of his classmates. Apparently, as Zach 10 / PRAYER AND ACTION_OCT 11
shared his thoughts of his buddy and Heaven â&#x20AC;&#x201C; many others asked what he was talking about, some even suggested there was no such thing. I just sat there unsure of how to respondâ&#x20AC;Śwhen Zach said â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am just so worried for all those kids because they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know about Heaven. What do you do if you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have Heaven? I guess youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re just left < $ " Â&#x201A;~ Â&#x192; * realized until that moment what a gift the church had given my child. His par-
ish, his spiritual community had given him Heaven. The value of that gift to my child was clearly a HUGE comfort and in turn that gift to me was priceless. It is in this time of schools return, fall programs beginning anew and stewardship that I am reminded of all the gifts a parish gives back to its community. I know that as my 21 year old son continues through all that life has in store; he still cherishes those gifts.
We are stronger By Steve Specht
s my tenure on the Vestry and as Senior Warden of Christ Church enters the homestretch, I feel more humbled and honored than ever to have had the * ) Â&#x192; * " the people of this church. I am awed by the history, grandeur, elegance, ' " { $ ) But what awes and amazes me the most is the breadth and depth of lay involvement and lay leadership. That, more than anything else, de{ ) $ said, we must stay focused on the job at hand; on God and on Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s two Great Commandments. 2011 is in its last months, but " ) Â&#x192; good thing though, to pause and  ) Â&#x192; $
" ' Â&#x2021; ' and even a noteworthy year in the history of Christ Church Cathedral. We now have a new, wonderful leader in our new Dean and Rector Carol Wade. We have emerged many ways than when we entered ) % { ' < * * $ "
more new members. We have gone to genuine excitement. There is a |$ Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC;~ " Â&#x192; * seen in my fourteen years at Christ Church. We are ready to accomplish big things, and we are ready to ac + Â Christ Church, for our community and even for others beyond our community. So climb aboard. Get ready to worship, pray, love and be loved. Get ready to be involved in whatever will be the best use of your personal ^ " ) Â&#x201C; < Â&#x2021; Â&#x201A; As your Senior Warden, I have
| ~ $ * " Christ Church fellow members. I ask that each of you pray about giving of ' { = "Â&#x2026; for us in this very place and at this * ) 1. First, pray about choosing and $ * have not done before. The list is endless â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Community Cupboard, prayer group, bible study, breakfast team, usher, greeter, Reading Camp, welcome center volunteer, Sunday School teacher, committee member, etc., etc., etc. If " " * ' $ " *
to make room for someone else and start a new one. 2. Secondly, pray about giving of yourself by pledging and giving | ~ $ for 2012. I hope that everyone prays about pledging and giving something. We already do so many wonderful things for our Church and community â&#x20AC;&#x201C; there is so much more that we can and < " { ) If you pledged for 2011, pray about increasing for 2012. If you didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t pledge for 2011, pray about pledging something for 2012. % " ' * ' " your pledges to accomplish all of the Â&#x2021; = " " to accomplish. I am genuinely excited about the future of Christ Church. Â&#x192; * " $ ' < "* ) Â&#x192; to pray every day for each of you â&#x20AC;&#x201C; peace, strength, wisdom, courage and humbleness.
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Steward f Ch a i t h f u l r i s t ian
ab undanc e
Spi r i t Jesus responsible disciple creator s u s t a i n e r C h r i s t blessing
Sharing the Abundance of Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blessing:
to think about their 2012 Stewguardian ardship Pledge now. Our goal is to have 150 pledges in hand by the night of the Stewardship Dinner. Please { " " " " - cards available at the front desk. A < " successful Stewardship campaign Â&#x201E; < = " will allow Christ Church Cathedral to in Christ is changing lives in honor every word of our mission: powerful ways though the min- To restore all people to unity with istry and mission of Christ Church Ca- God and each other in Christ as we " ) Â&#x20AC; " pray, worship, proclaim the Gospel " Â ' " * ) life-giving ministries could not exist without the faithful support of your ' " ) % blessed! And so we thank you for the early support of our Stewardship ini- Spend the evening with great * ) % friends. Find the opportunity to
minis ter devo te Stew d ard
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Pledge Early. Volunteer Often. ` ` " = +
meet new ones. Savor delicious downhome bluegrass favorites created by Harriet Dupree. Listen to special musical performances. You will not want to miss this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stewardship Dinner on Friday, October 21, as we come together as a community to welcome our new Dean. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s give Dean Carol Wade a big Bluegrass Welcome. Bring the whole family. The J2A group has fun, "Â&#x2022; " * " " the nursery will be available. Look forward to seeing you there, and to God be all honor and glory.
Sharing Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Blessing, Charles D. Baldecchi & = + * +
God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. -- 2 Corinthians 9:8 12 / PRAYER AND ACTION_OCT 11
Accepting the Gift of Community By Susan Stempel
, ) . / . * ! )
ate this summer, my husband, John, was scheduled to have a knee replacement.
As anyone who knows him is aware, he is an outgoing person. Me, not as much. % Â&#x192; " Â&#x2020; Church of his pending surgery, Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen Â&#x2014; " *) ? Wilson would want to be there for him the morning of the surgery. I " " < ¢ sary. I knew Janey lived in Berea and ¢ < * < would arrive--6:30 AM. But John and Janey talked later and he readily ac " Â&#x2020; ) Â&#x192; < + $ " Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022; ^ ' < ing to take care of the whole congre $ < ¢ leaving and the arrival of our new dean, Carol Wade. That seemed like a big job and here we were adding ) ' Â&#x192; < < < ? ¢ * " < Janey would provide comfort to him. Â&#x192; < { ' $ Â&#x192; < " ¢ have allowed it for myself. The morning of the surgery ar * " " " " < ' Â?Â&#x203A;¢ =
" Samaritan Hospital. John and I were Â&#x2022;
< to get underway and in came Janey-full of cheer and energy. John was delighted to see her and so was Â&#x192;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022; < * " $ < us. But she was there and she was a delight and a comfort. She prayed for John before the nurses whisked him away to surgery.
I was wrong. " } < during the surgery and while I was totally reluctant to impose on her (again), I was secretly comforted that she was going to stay. % + " " < and I learned that her son was preparing to leave for Afghanistan where he would serve as a helicopter pilot--in fact, the coming weekend would be his last one at home before deployment. Yet she was here trying (and succeeding) in ' < < her son was heading to one of the most dangerous places on earth. My
" ' < " " < ¢ generosity come from--giving to us while she was undergoing worry and pain of her own. < <
' there were a number of people " < ) * several of them began--about poli ) Gradually, voices got louder and comments became more aggres * ) ? < Â&#x192; < { " a tremendous challenge to listen to the acrimony and anger. Gracefully, she stood up in her clerical collar and black shirt and stretched her arms out to the group and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;People, there are those in this room under stress as they await the outcome of surgery for their loved
) Â&#x20AC; * ¢ priate for now. Could you conduct it ÂŁ~
< Â&#x2014; ' |! ' ¢ ~ " | ¢ )~ Â&#x192; " |Â&#x201C;  ' ? )~ Â&#x20AC; * $ Â&#x20AC; ? < " $ Â&#x2020; < " $ ' ^ " subdued.
< restored. So, what did I learn from all of this besides that Janey is a treasure? ? ¢
" Â&#x2020; " $ " $ forted and for me to be comforted
) % $ having Janey come were clear to me ' " Â&#x192; * ) Q $ our church, and maybe any church, is community. I do feel that God calls us to be in community and by deny ' Â&#x192; < "ing in the way of an opportunity to bring us into His community through ? ¢ < ) Â&#x192; < " have missed so much by not being with her and John would not have had her laughter, cheer and prayers before he went into surgery. What a loss that would have been--for both of us. " <
< " * " acrimonious discussion and not had a chance to be reminded of what is important and see the presence of goodness in Janey. Christ Church Cathedral has so many ministries that reach out to " " important for us all to help others whenever we can; but it may be Â&#x2014; < Â&#x2020; ") Â&#x192; * " " " ¢ I have to work on. By passing up a chance for community, one passes up the opportunity for receiving grace and for the giver to share their ) Â&#x20AC; ¢
$ ^ | ~ ) " < * ^ < < God empowers us to then share ourselves with others. And that is ^ ) CCCLEX.ORG / 15
how quickly they grow:
Andrew Garner
Ani Hutchens
Alden & Chloe Beers
Anna Miskelley
a year in retrospect By Elizabeth Conrad & Susan Stempel
I give thanks that Christ Church Cathedral is a place that welcomes chil" Â&#x2014; $ the body of Christ. Adults minister to children but children perhaps even ^ adults. Children bless by freely sharing their love, < " " * of God. To the right are of children who Susan Stempel and I visited last year. I look forward to being with more of you in this coming year.
Caroline Chapman Cooper Garner
Graham & Emme Smith
Micah & Haden Allen
Caroline & Mary Beth Parker
Graham & Grace Thomason
Patrick Garner
Paul & Mary Wilson
Michael & Brendan Naish Charlie & Ellie Naish The Howard Girls Rebecca Chapman
Theology on Tap Expands By The Rev. Janey Wilson
!" #$ Our numbers for Theology on Tap have really grown. At our last meeting we had 24 young adults! Al Â&#x2026; Â&#x2020; < * "' < * " " ; talk about Theology with that many $ } ' < moving to the Cathedral for a bit to see how that works out! This move < $ $ $ Â&#x2021;ible and welcoming, so if you are between the ages of 21-30ish, we would love to have you join us.
% & ! ' ( ! Some of you have pointed out that "
" \ $ " Â&#x2020; ) $ " presider are synonymous terms. They are interchangeable, but they " " Â&#x2020; ¤ % $ \ ' < | " ~ at the Altar on behalf of the assembly. As you can see, the term presid ; people at prayer in the Eucharist, < Â&#x2DC; { ministry of the ordained priest. The term presider, or president, used throughout the Anglican Communion and in other ecumenical set ' $ " ' " " ' < { "
\ ' ? Martyr (103-165 CE). Let us know if * Â&#x2014; Â&#x201A;
) * +&/ ) 3 The Curate will be absent for some of October! Now that Dean Wade " * $ + in, I will be away for about 2 weeks
* ) ` " ; year, I am especially grateful to the ] " ^ being able to slip away and recharge $ + ) Â&#x192; < $ $ for the Stewardship Dinner- hope to see you there!
Home is where the is By Amanda Musterman-Kiser & Tom Howard
hat happens when we see the light of Christ? The Apostle Paul literally saw it. On the road to Damascus, on his way to persecute " ' saw a light so bright that it was literally blinding. When his vision was restored, Paul saw love instead of hate, life instead of death, and hope instead of despair. Paul saw as Jesus saw. Most of us are not like Paul. We do not get hit with a light so blinding, so bright, or so obvious. We spend part
" we look for that light, we know that scripture gives us some clues on how ) Â&#x2021; ' + < XÂĽ' we are reminded that when we give food to the hungry, when we welcome the stranger, when we clothe the naked, and visit the sick that we meet Christ. This Fall, Christ Church will experi * through Room in the Inn (RITI). RITI is a seasonal homeless shelter for men in the greater Lexington area. It began in Nashville in 1978 when a Catholic priestâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes became open to the < " " ) Â&#x201C; $ that his neighbors were homeless and cold. What began as a shared peanut $ + "< < < [ÂŚZ * " ter for 1,286 people. Father Charlie $ " Â&#x2020; " "
his vision. RITI transforms the way congrega ) \ # * $ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; March, two Lexington churches host {^ ) Â&#x20AC; $ with a family style meal. As stories of faith, family, and life intertwine between the hosts and the guests, { " $ " < and we with them. We realize that we are all human and that Christ is in the midst of all of us. By doing so, we expand and transform our vision of what Christ looks like. RITI also transforms the sight of the guests in amazing and powerful ways. Â&#x20AC; * " that you and I take for granted â&#x20AC;&#x201C; sleeping uninterrupted, having your own bed, enjoying the evening news on a comfortable couch, reading the newspaper in silence with a cup of coffee, home cooked meals. For most of us these things are a part of daily life, $ < * $ § " in and out of shelters these things are blurry memory of days past. Doing these things helps them to remember what it was like to be what they call | )~ Â&#x192; " ' their self-esteem, the way they think about the world, and their ability to < < " ) It helps them see themselves as having a home and helps them to break the cycle of poverty. Some people in our Parish have
already experienced the power of this program. EFM groups, youth, and parents have served the past two years  < Church. Their vision has been transformed, and like the Apostle Paul, they have become strong evangelists for Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s work through this program. At * " lies, the vestry recently voted Christ $ | '~ < < < $ housing and serving up to 15 homeless men every 2nd & 4th Wednesday * $ ) As we enter the stewardship season, we are reminded that we all have something to share. Those who are " Â&#x2020; ) Â&#x20AC; * powerful stories of faith and redemp Â&#x2020; ) % * < space, hospitality and loving people to
Â&#x2020; ) As the magi followed a night star to { " ' < "ed that home is where the light of Christ is. The light of Christ is found in others. Room in the Inn believes that home is where the * is. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s make our church a home. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s share together. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s see together. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s transform one anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vision and let Christâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s light shine so brightly that it is blinding.
the Inn talk to: Tom Howard, Robert Fugate, Amanda Musterman-Kiser, or the Cooks, Woodwards, Kikuchis or Grimes Families.
SERVICES FOR HIRE/// Meals for You by Bibie Cook Meals to go. Casseroles, box lunches, soups, desserts. Small catering jobs. Email, Phone 312-7643. 0 1234132511 #5 6 6 6 7 89 :6 Brennan Burke. 859-333-2425 0 1234532511 Electrical Services \ ) " " cial. Robin Cook. 859-233-2077 0 1234132511 Complete Cuisine Personal Chef / Event Planner. Marythom Hamblin. Phone 859-4949280. Email marythomh@yahoo. com. 214 Sycamore, Lexington 40502. 0 1234132511
and excellent references available Â&#x2014; ) ` Â&#x201C; <ard at (859) 699-9810. 0 12341311
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES/// Â&#x192; * ? ) ber that every woman at Christ Church is a member of ECW (Episcopal Church Women). We have been busy over the summer planning programs for this year. Please plan to become involved and be a part of the fun. Dana Davis, President. 0 1234132511
! 6 *
! !" !! ) / 7 ) ! ) / "! ) , -
Secretarial Work & Proofreading UK student with publishing experience available for proofreading and secretarial work. Can come to you or review manuscripts by mail or email. Joe Brashear 270-256-6639.
8 ! "
0 134532512
! " ) 4)
Hand-Up Needed! | \ ~ [Z)ÂĽ ' < " \" ' Â&#x192; ' " Â&#x153; <' Â&#x2022; ) * able immediately. Robust resume
9 : 1) ; ! !" 2) * "! + + " ) ' " " !" ) <) ! =5 ! ! !) =) > ! " ! ) * "! :
holiday bake sale PREPARED BY
Angel Food Cake
Barbara Silcox
Apple Pie
Apricot Bread (small loaf) Apricot Nectarine Cake
` ? ÂŤ[X Â&#x2DC;ÂŹ
Sharon Hill
Chicken Tamale Casserole (serves 2-4) $10
Youth Group
Becky Horine
Chicken Tetrazzini Casserole (8x8) $18
Cissy Collins
Mary Preston
] $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Assorted Tarts: chocolate, pumpkin, derby (1 dozen) $15 ` # ` "
Mitzi Fugate
` ? +
% " ÂŤÂŞÂ&#x2021;ÂŞÂŹ Š[ÂŞ
% " ? Â&#x2014;
Chocolate Cake w/chocolate fudge icing $25
Michelle Dunlap
<( $ { ' " " ÂŤ * [Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;[ÂŞÂŹ ŠÂ&#x160;Z Â&#x203A; Â&#x192; Â&#x2020;
Basil Pesto (frozen ½ cup)
Cindy Ware
Basil Pesto (frozen 1cup)
Cindy Ware
` ` ÂŤ[ " Â&#x2DC; ÂŹ
` + \
` ] $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Â&#x203A; Â&#x20AC; ^
Bourbon balls (1 dozen)
Vivian Mitchell
( ` +
Â&#x2022; Â&#x2DC; ÂŤX " Â&#x2DC; ÂŹ $6 Youth Group
Buckeyes (1 dozen)
Renee Mullins
Cinnamon Rolls (8/package)
Linda Robinson
Country Ham Spread (8 oz)
Melodye Kinkead
Anne Arvin
Cranberry Apple Chutney (10 oz) $8
Barbara Hodgman
` Â&#x201C; "
Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies (1 dozen) ŠÂ&#x2013;
` + Â&#x2014; <( ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ $10 ` +
ÂŤ[ " Â&#x2DC; ÂŹ ŠÂ&#x2013; Cheese Crisps (1 dozen)
Cheese Straws (2 dozen)
Luanne Crehore
Cheese Straws (2 dozen)
Martha Mooney
Cheese Wafers (2 dozen)
Mildred Lawrence
Cheese Wafers w/pecans (2 dozen) $10
Trisha Moore
Chess Pie
Chicken & Spinach Lasagna (serves 8-10) $24
Pat Allen
Joell Finney
ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Chicken Pot Pie (serves 4-6)
Gwen Mathews " Â&#x192; " Cissy Collins
<( " * $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ $10
Chocolate Syrup (12 oz)
Joanna Walsh
Lori Specht = + Amanda Musterman
Cream Cheese Pound Cake w/blueberry sauce $20
Shirley Seabrook
Dark Chocolate Zucchini Cake w/walnuts (9x9) $9
Joanna Walsh
Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2DC; " ` +
ÂŤ[ " Â&#x2DC; ÂŹ $6 Mary Rollins Mathews Four Cheese Ravioli (serves 6)
Gwen Mathews
ÂŤ * Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;ÂŞÂŹ $20
Chocolate Chip Cookies (1 dozen) $6
Stacy Decker
] <( { ' " " ÂŤ * [Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;[ÂŞÂŹ ŠÂ&#x160;Z Â&#x203A; Â&#x192; Â&#x2020; Frosted Bourbon Brownies (1 dozen) $9
Sonja Mather
= " ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ Šª
Green Chile Chicken Casserole (8x8) $18
Lamar Grimes
Green Goddess dip/dressing (8 oz) $5
Melodye Kinkead
Green Pepper Jelly (8 oz)
Marsha Bloxsom
holiday bake sale ITEM
Henry Bain Sauce (8 oz)
Kathy Dalton
Henry Bain Sauce (8 oz)
Mary Ware
Homemade Sourdough Croissants (1 dozen) $12
Sharon Hill
Homemade White Bread (2.5 lb loaf) $12 Iced Sugar Cookies (1 dozen)
Â&#x192; $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ Š[Z Jam Cake, made to order
] $ <( ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Carolyn Jones
# `
ÂŤ[ " Â&#x2DC; ÂŹ
Olive Nut Spread (16 oz)
Elizabeth Gambet
Susan Stempel
Walnut & Blue Cheese Bites (2 dozen) $10
Shirley Seabrook
Whole Wheat Crescent Rolls (1 dozen) $12
Judith Stump
% "Â&#x2026; ` } <([X $ ÂŤÂ&#x2013;Â&#x2039; Â&#x2DC;ÂŹ $20 Tracey Meyers % "Â&#x2026; ` } <(Â&#x2039; $ ÂŤXÂ&#x2039; Â&#x2DC;ÂŹ $9
Tracey Meyers
` $
Orange Glazed Teacakes, bite size (2 dozen) $10
; ÂŤÂ&#x2013;ÂŹ ŠÂ&#x2013;
Dick Collins
The two previous bake sales have made over $6400 for CROSS Ministries thanks to you. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s do it again! All Trish Voll food items should be delivered to the church on Satur] = day, November 19 so that orders can be picked up on Missy Baize Sunday, November 20. Leslie Cox
=< <
Pumpkin Cranberry Bread
Linda Patrick
Pumpkin Pound Cake
Priscilla Lynd
Rum Cake
Michelle Dunlap
Rum Cake
Marie Rogers
Shepherdâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Pie (9x13)
Janey Wilson
Sherry Bundt Cake w/brown sugar and pecans $20 Š[¼
Mustard Sauce (8 oz)
] $ ` ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
` ? +
] $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Snickerdoodle Cookies (1 dozen)
? ÂŤ[X Â&#x2DC;ÂŹ
Â&#x20AC; ÂŤÂŞ~ "' * Â&#x2013;Â&#x2022;ÂŞÂŹ
? +
Pralines (10/box)
Diane Milburn
] $ ÂŤ[ Â&#x2014; ÂŹ
Mitzi Fugate
Â&#x203A; ` $
` + ÂŤ[ $ÂŹ
Sun Dried Tomato Jam (½ pt)
Joell Finney
Vegetable Lasagna (serves 6-8)
Â&#x203A; <( ' ' < $ ÂŤX Â&#x2014; ÂŹ $12
Orange Nut Bread (small loaf)
Lillie Crowley =< <
} <( $ ÂŤÂ&#x160;X Â&#x2DC;' " ÂĽÂŹ $12
Trudy Patch Bibie Cook %
TO PLACE AN ORDER Orders may be placed in two ways: Â At church, between services on Sunday, October 9 and October 16 Â ` ' ÂŞ Â&#x2013; ' " " ' October 10 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 14 & October 17 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 21 by calling Leslie Cox at 502-863-1919 (Georgetown) ! "
# " $
Dana Davis
Jane Michler
Stacy Decker
Barbara Bohart
Kenton Ball
` +
Louise Lorton
Barbara Lynn Mucci
Caroline Bryant
Langston Wilson
Tom Underwood
Page Mendes
Allen McDaniel
John Winn
Sarah Anderson
Frank White
Lucas Conrad
Elizabeth Williams
Darcy Cassidy
Â&#x203A; %
Siobhan Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neill
+ < Â&#x153; Â&#x2DC;
Brandl Skirvin
Sonia Lacki
Andy Brice
Lori Specht
Chris Allen
Karen Kirby
Susan Pearce
Stori Hall
Rick Dirksen
Elizabeth Gay
Â&#x201C; = +
Joshua Tudor
Tazewell Schnabel
Robin Wigginson
Luanne Crehore
Â&#x2021; ^
Libby Dirksen
Tom Yates
Gates Corman
Laura Westneat
William Jacobs
Cynthia Cole
Maggie Donworth
Alice Dearborn
\ + $
` ;
Patricia Arnold
Darrell Dennis
Hope Cox
Eryn Blackburn
$$ +
Michael Moran
Peggie Mahan
Browning VanMeter
Virginia Newsome
June Kinkead
Jessie Ogden
Elizabeth Rudzik
Mary Duke
Ralph Chimaren
Douglas Romaine
Luanne Milward
Susan McLaughlin
Bibie Cook
Ann Irwin
John Cole
# ;
Jane Binger
Phillip Tibbs
Schuyler Robinson
Jim Gay
Lucian Dearborn
Ethan Ferguson
Sandra Kestner
` !+
Mary Barry
Allen Fitzpatrick
Autumn Geddes
Paul Counts
Precia Chimaren
\ Â&#x2DC; $ $$ +
Anne Hinkle
Jon Dodds
Robert Ferguson
Bella Baldecchi
Derrick Langfels
Gatewood Gay
} Â&#x201C; < "
Juliana Gregory
MINISTRIES/// Upcoming Music Events Sunday, October 23rd- 4:30pm Organ Recital, John Linker; 5:00pm Evensong with the Choir of Men & Boys and the Cathedral Girls Choir
place for everyone and we would love to have you. Please sign up on the hot pink sheets at the Welcome Center by October 16th. An organizing potluck will be held following Evensong at 5:00pm, Sunday, October 23, 2011.
Happening, November 11-13 Happening is a weekend retreat at Cathedral Domain focusing on Godâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s love, grace, and work in the world. Many youth describe Happening as the best experience of their lives and a tremendous ECW Luncheon, October 11 moment of spiritual growth. Happening Â&#x20AC; Â&#x2021; \ % Â&#x20AC; " Q is led and directed by youth in grades 10ber 11th at 11am. The speaker will be [X) " " " [ZÂ&#x2022;[X + "Â&#x201A; Marsha Bloxsom, who will speak on old Adults work in adult small groups and silver. Bring your favorite piece of silver with other adults, youth in youth small " < * groups and with other youth. Happen ) * Â&#x2014; " " $ " < < " Â&#x2021; Â&#x2026; Â&#x2014; ) $ desk. They must be received by 9am on " $ Â&#x20AC; " ) found online at â&#x20AC;&#x201C; click Payment will be received at the door. The ' " Â&#x2026; ; ' *
) " cost of the luncheon is $10.00. October 30th and scholarship money is available by calling Amanda at the Church =6@ XZ6 * [6\ XZ6
; ÂŤÂŞÂĽÂ&#x2030;Â&#x2022;XÂĽÂ&#x2039;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2030;ÂŚÂŹ " Catechumenate Reunion, October 16 Mission House (859-252-6527). Come visit with old friends, make some new friends, and meet the Dean. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve joined Christ Church in the past few years or are interested in learning more about Â&#x2021; " } ' The Cathedral Choirs wish to thank all of " Â&#x2020; " ' those parishioners who contributed to or Oct 16th at 10 am, during the Sunday purchased items at the Sidewalk Sale on
' Â&#x160; "
Â&#x2026; September 10th. We raised $904 for the Area. Choir Tour Scholarship Fund! Sunday November 6th- 4:30pm Organ Recital, Dr. Schuyler Robinson; 5:00pm Solemn Evensong with the Choir of Men & Boys and the Cathedral Girls Choir
Gather & Grow Group Sign Ups Due October 16 The Gather & Grow groups will be forming soon! This is a community-building ministry at Christ Church that gathers monthly for a potluck dinner, a fun event, a theater performance, a community project or whatever is of interest to the group. Small groups are formed and meet for a year. This is a wonderful way to expand your Christ Church family. Cathedral newcom " ) % have married, single, widowed, partnered, young and old in our groups. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a
Daylight Savings Time Ends on November 6!! Remember to set your clocks back one hour. But at least you will be early to church if you forget! 6 q6 Z66 X 86
86{X 6 ZX
services In order to more accurately facilitate Sunday services, beginning Sunday 9/25, all servers are being asked to assemble in the atrium at 8:15am or 10:45am for a " ) Â&#x20AC; " vergers, readers, chalice bearers, acolytes and clergy. Those serving should be vested
(x-readers) and prepared to processes. We will do this every Suday and will begin on ) Portrait of Bishop Stacy Sauls " Â&#x201A; ! $ toward the cost of Bishop Saulsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; portrait will maintain the historic Bishopsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; portrait record of the Diocese of Lexington. For <<<) Â&#x2021;) ) Make check payable to Christ Church Cathedral and note â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;portraitâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on your check. Mail to: Christ Church Cathedral, + ¤ ÂŻ + Â&#x2026; 166 Market Street, Lexington KY 40507 Help needed in the Christ Church Book X 6( | * 6 \ 6 X Z66
people and learn new skills. Contact Betty Ellis if you are interested, 7 ~X * Â&#x20AC; Â&#x20AC; 9Â Â&#x201A; X86 Â&#x192; Each year the Diocese of Lexington has a Â&#x2020; " ` Â&#x2026; " " ) % $ + < to honor Bishop Stacy F. Sauls, sixth bishop of Lexington? There are six funds, one to honor each of our former Bishops. Checks should be made out to the Diocese of Lex " " Â&#x2020; Q $ X) Â&#x192; " ^ " ) Â&#x201A;#7) Â&#x201E; X \ Â&#x2026; Â&#x2020;6 6 X Â
October 23 On Sunday, October 23rd there will be a " " Q " \ ` Ground historical marker at the corner of East Third Street and and Elm Tree Lane. Also, the London Ferrell Community Garden sign will be dedicated on the adjacent ) + ")
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507
SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am Â&#x2030;¤Â&#x160;Z 10:00am 11:30am
Holy Eucharist Â&#x192; Â Holy Eucharist Â&#x192;Â&#x192; Â " ` Â = Â&#x201C; Sunday School Holy Eucharist Â&#x192;Â&#x192; Â "
* Â&#x2014; "
# Â&#x2022; { Q ) U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 98 Lexington, KY
UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS October 1 10:30am St. Francis Blessing of the Animals October 9 5:00pm
October 23 4:30pm 5:00pm
Organ Recital Evensong
November 1 5:00pm
All Saints, All Souls & Halloween