2 • Prayer & Action Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 Phone 859.254.4497 Fax 859.254.7876 www.ccclex.org
S T A F F The Rev. Janey Wilson Pastoral and College Ministry jwilson@ccclex.org The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine Priest Associate bobandbecky1@ insightbb.com Canon Erich Balling Canon Musician eballing@ccclex.org Kathleen Balling Music Assistant kballing@ccclex.org Shi-Ae Park Assistant Organist spark@ccclex.org Elizabeth Conrad Minister of Christian Formation elizabeth@ccclex.org
Michelle Dunlap Nursery Coordinator mdunlap@ccclex.org Lesa Schoner Parish Administrator lschoner@ccclex.org Margaret Christensen Parish Secretary mchristensen@ccclex.org Ashley Goodrich Publications & Webmaster agoodrich@ccclex.org John Hodgman Facilities Manager jhodgman@ccclex.org Brownell Haddix Sexton
Amanda Musterman-Kiser Youth Ministries Coordinator amusterman@ccclex.org
V E S T R Y Steve Specht , Senior Warden Billy Van Pelt, Junior Warden Nancy Bogue • Ted Corman • Doug Geddes Val Getchell • Diane Milburn • Tom Howard C.B. Baize • John Stempel Carolyn Ware • Jim Ware Marc Mathews, Treasurer
August 2011
In This Edition From the Clergy............................................................3 God’s Pantry Food Drive Challenge........................4 Holiday Bake Sale........................................................5 A Farewell from Our Interim Dean.........................6 Are we being called by God to be a partner in Haiti?......................................................................7 Walking in the Footsteps of St. Francis...................8 What Is Province IV?..................................................11 Cathedral Kidz.............................................................12 The Curate’s Corner..................................................14 Music Notes.................................................................15 The Spirituality of Sustainability.............................16 At Your Service............................................................18 Keeping marriages moving in a healty direction..............................................................20 J2A Seeker Scramble: Save the Date......................21 Bulletin Board.............................................................22 Birthdays.....................................................................23 About the Cover: Ross Cook, Benji Headley, Graff Wilson, Gates Corman and Henry Garrett sit outside of the Coliseum in Rome on the J2A Italy Pilgrimage
C O M M U N I T Y August Community Prayer Set us free, heavenly Father, from every bond of prejudice and fear, that we may show forth in our lives the reconciling love and true freedom of the children of God, which you have given us in your Son our Savior Jesus Christ.
P R A Y E R Prayer List PRAY for those who are ill PRAY for the deceased PRAY for our military Contact Margaret at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather 299-8569, or the church office.
Prayer and Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral monthly throughout the year. Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@ ccclex.org. DEADLINES: For the September issue, the deadline for announcements, photos or articles is August 22nd at noon. Announcements / articles are preferred emailed. If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email agoodrich@ccclex.org. www.ccclex.org
3 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
From the Clergy
By The Rev. Janey Wilson, Pastoral & College Ministry
ear Christ Church Family,
no Bishop in charge of the Diocese, the Standing Committee shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority in all cases, except as otherwise provided by Constitution, or by the Constitution and Canons of this Diocese.” [You can find the link to this document under the Resource tab on the DIOLEX web page.] The process has begun, even though the timeline cannot officially begin until September 1, 2011, when Bishop Sauls begins at the Episcopal Church Center. The timeline process suggests an average of 18 months from the previous Bishop’s departure to the new Bishop’s election. We will most likely be blessed during this time with the services of a part-time retired Bishop, and the duties and schedules pertaining to that arrangement will have to be worked out. Bishop Clay Matthews of the Office of Pastoral Development (OPD to those ‘in the know’. . .I was not!) has already met with our Standing Committee and his staff has developed a treasure trove of helpful documents to assist dioceses during this time. You should know that we have an experienced, capable and dedicated Standing Committee at the helm right now. In times of transition, rumors fly, especially in the church. As you hear things that concern you, please come and ask me. If I do not know, I will find out. As the Cathedral in this Diocese, we have a leadership role that can be best lived out by continuing to be informed, calm and steady. Diocesan events like ordinations will continue, and we will need to be ready and hospitable as we support those events. We can lead by example and provide stability in our ministry, not just to our congregation but to the Diocese and beyond. We know how to do that! The Christian Formation event this month with the Diocese of Kentucky is a wonderful example. And I am so proud, as always, to walk a part of this journey with you.
Now that our Vestry and Nominating Committees have had made such a successful call to our new Dean, The Very Rev. Carol Wade, we might feel some stability and give in to the desire to pause and smile for a moment. And we should! We have wonderful and amazing days ahead. But we also must acknowledge that we have not arrived at a destination—this is just a lovely moment in our journey together, and the surrounding environment is still filled with change. As one tshirt I recently viewed proclaimed, “when you stop changing, you are done.” Not grammar at its best, certainly, but still rather evocative! We will grow and thrive in the coming months and that will require us to flex those “changing muscles” we developed together during our interim period. We must also be aware that our Diocese will be undergoing significant change as well, and that as the Cathedral, we have a special place and responsibility in responding to that transition. Just a few days ago in the Diolex Link, we found out that our Canon to the Ordinary will also be leaving. For our community, it is important to know that Canon McDonald and his family will maintain their Georgetown home. I hope that this also means that they will also remain members of Christ Church and that we can be a supportive community to them as the family navigates this challenging transition. On July 19th, the Diocesan Clergy met with members of the Standing Committee. According to our Diocesan Constitution, the Standing Committee is a group of dedicated Lay and Ordained Episcopalians who “shall perform the duties assigned to it by the General Convention, the Diocesan Convention and by the Constitution and Canons of the General Church and of the Diocese. When a Bishop is in charge of the Diocese, the Standing Committee shall Faithfully, serve as the Bishop’s Council of advice. If there be Janey+ www.ccclex.org
4 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
God’s Pantry Food Drive Challenge By Anne Garrett
unger knows no season. Food drives are not keeping up with the demand for food assistance and we have entered the summer months which are historically low in food donations to our food pantry program. Every month it takes over 140,000 pounds of food to feed the 1,600 households in need. In June God’s Pantry received only 5,906 pounds of food. Food drive donations are down, yet the demand for assistance continues to increase.
• Canned beans • Canned soup • Pasta • Rice • Flour & grains • Potato product • Sugar, salt, pepper, oil
In order to assist our local food bank with their summer shortages we have entered into a friendly challenge with our neighbors at First Presbyterian. Our goal is to raise as much food and donations as possible to help feed God’s sheep. Help us fill a couple of barrels with canned God’s Pantry’s Guidelines soup, vegetables, fruit, or tuna fish, as well as baby • Check that items are still formula or peanut butter. The blue barrels will within their “Use by” code be located in the Welcome Center for your dodate. nations. If you’d prefer a financial contribution, please make your checks to God’s Pantry and put • NO GLASS! It breaks. it in the collection plate. Similar to the “Fishes & • We can only accept unLoaves” miracles, God’s Pantry is able to turn evopened items. ery $1 donation it into $10 worth of food. We will • All items donated must collect your contributions from July 24 through have a label. Sunday, August 7 for this challenge. THANK YOU • We cannot accept home canned, baked or pre- for your assistance and support of this MISSION. If pared items. you have any questions please contact Anne Garrett 266-7441. Most Needed Items
(in priority order)
• Baby food & formula • Canned meat • Cereal • Canned fruit • Canned tomato product • Peanut butter C h r i s t i a n s www.ccclex.org
R e a c h i n g
O u t
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S e r v i c e
a n d
S u p p o r t 859.254.4497
5 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
holiday bake sale
t is time to get out your favorite recipes for the BAKE SALE! The two previous bake sales have made over $6400 for C.R.O.S.S. Ministries thanks to you. Let’s do it again! Please help us by preparing something from casseroles, soups, rolls, candy to your grandmother’s cheese biscuit recipe. Sign up by listing the item and the quantity (i.e. two 8x11 spaghetti casseroles, serves 6-8; 4 doz. cheese biscuits – 1 doz. in a bag/container) by September 14th. A list of all items will be available to everyone around the first of October. In October, orders will be taken on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. All food items should be delivered to the church on Saturday, November 19th so that orders can be picked up on Sunday, November 20th. There are several ways to sign up for the bake sale. There are sign-ups forms and a box at the Welcome Center, by email to ksc5567@ yahoo.com, or by phone to 859-255-9535. A form is below. If you have any questions, please let us know.
to donate your specialty, sign up at the welcome center, by email: ksc5567@yahoo.com or by phone: 859-255-9535. any questions, contact cissy collins, leslie cox, sherry ferguson, susan stempel or joanna walsh. deadline september 14th
to benefit cross ministries
Thanks, Cissy Collins, Leslie Cox, Sherry Ferguson, Susan Stempel, Joanna Walsh
6 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
A Farewell from Our Interim Dean By The Rev. LaRae J. Rutenbar
earest People of God,
risk, growth and stability at Christ Church Cathedral I offer my heartfelt and sincere thank you for has done it well in the past and, I have no doubt, the picture, vase and many other gifts that will continue as it shares the good news of God I received as a gift as I completed my ministry at in Christ with a new dean and rector. The Bishop, Christ Church Cathedral. I was so moved by the last Nominating Committee and Vestry have chosen service that we shared together and the ministry of an absolutely stellar person and faithful pastor for everyone involved. It has been my joy and privilege your spiritual guide and leader. May you continue to serve the Cathedral for the Diocese of Lexington in your candid, yet, loving nature with Dean Wade for the past fifteen months. I am so proud of this as you have been with me and my ministry among parish that has continued to flourish and grow dur- you. God’s blessings as we part and until we meet ing the time again... of transition when oth- The Rev. LaRae J. Rutenbar er churches Transitional Specialist for the Episcopal Church stagnate and shrink with 8238 Greengate Cove the possibil- Cordova, TN 38018 ity of change. molarae@rutenbar.com The strong tradition of
7 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Are we being called by God to become a partner in Haiti? By Linda Robinson
First, and most importantly, the Partnership Program is about building relationships. We do many wonderful things together in Christ’s name, but most of all we come together to grow in oneness with each other and with Christ our God. All that we do and all that we are, by God’s grace, grows out of our inspired hearts, which moves us to serve. Blessings abound for all that are involved, receivers and givers alike.” So writes Rev. Kesner Ajax, Coordinator of the Partnership Program in the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti. I became aware of this Partnership Program on my first trip to Haiti in November, 2010. I traveled to Haiti to be with the ladies of the Holy Trinity Cathedral chapter of Daughters of the King as they took their vows, had their chapter installed, and participated in the first Assembly of Daughters in Haiti (over 200 attended!). My trip was an extension of the prayer partnership our Christ Church chapter of Daughters of the King has had for three years. While in Haiti, I saw the caring relationships between the Haitian people and several of the USA team members whose home parishes have been in the Partnership Program for several years. As I learned more about the Program, I was also impressed by the way it facilitates mission and assists in the development of projects which benefit both parishes. Rev. Ajax, in consultation with Bishop Duracin, puts a USA church in contact with the priest in a Haitian church. The planning of the mission and projects takes place in conversations between members of the two partner churches so that the www.ccclex.org
needs of the Haitian community and resources of the USA parish can be identified. Rev. Ajax and his office have structures in place to assist in travel, transfers of money, plans for projects, and other concerns of the Partnership Program. Almost every Episcopal church in Haiti also supports schools, medical clinics, and other community outreach projects, so the possibilities for ministry are vast and can be tailored to fit the resources of the USA church. Our Cathedral has been involved in Haiti through several Diocesan mission trips, our Daughters of the King prayer partnership, and donations to other projects. Recently, the Cross Ministries Committee, along with the Christ Church Daughters of the King chapter and Diocesan Daughters of the King Assembly, have donated money to be used by the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Haiti) Daughters chapter to buy fabric so they can make uniforms for them to wear in their ministry. Are you – is our Cathedral – being called into partnership with a particular group of God’s people in Haiti? The beaming smiles on the faces of those who have experienced such tremendous difficulty deliver a strength and warmth to all who are blessed with their encounter. We have much to learn from these people who express the love of God in a way that is seen in few other places in the world. Those of us who have been in Haiti know this blessing first hand and are always ready to share our experiences with others. I would be happy to talk with anyone who might be interested in the Partnership Program for our Cathedral. Please pray about the possibility of service through this program and have conversations about how we might begin a new adventure of ministry with our brothers and sisters in Haiti. “God is good – all the time!”
8 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Walking in the Footsteps of St. Francis By Amanda Musterman-Kiser, Youth Ministries Coordinator
une 23-30th, 13 recently confirmed students, and their 4 fearless adult leaders walked in the footsteps of Saint Francis in Italy. The trip was a spirit-filled, transformative experience. We share part of their journey with you. THE ITINERARY Wednesday June 22: Travel Day Depart Lexington, 4:30 pm The red-eye to Rome! Thursday, June 23: Ancient Roma The Coliseum & Forum Check in at Guest House of the Blessed Assumption Dinner : Pizza & Watermelon Compline & Daily Wrap-up Friday, June 24: Rome’s Churches Morning Prayers The Holy Stairs in silence on our knees Saint Peter’s Square The Vatican Pantheon Dinner: Antipasti, Fettuccini, Gnocchi Compline & Daily Wrap-up Saturday, June 25: A City in the Sky – Orvieto Morning Prayers The FUNicular! Noon day prayers from the city’s tallest tower! Cathedral of Orvieto The FUNicular again! Check in at the Convent of Saint Elizabetta with the best nuns ever Dinner: Pizza, French Fries, Soda! Silent Hours & Compline Sunday, June 26: Firenze Silent Breakfast Morning Prayers Eucharist at St. Mark’s Anglican Lunch Academy Free time/exploration www.ccclex.org
Vespers at the Duomo Surprise party at Hardrock Café Evening Wrap-up & Compline Silent Hours Monday, June 27: Saint Francis Land Silent Breakfast Morning Prayers Bus Ride to Assisi Lunch: McDonalds Santa Maria delgi Angeli & Porziuncola (St. Francis’ first church) Check in at Assisi Garden Explore Assisi Gelato! Dinner: 4 courses! Wild Boar! Daily Wrap up &Compline Tuesday, June 28: Saint Francis Breakfast Silent Pilgrim Walk Church of Saint Claire Assisi Cathedral The Castle! Church of Saint Francis Dinner at Hotel Daily Wrap-up & Compline Director: Molly Wren: Wednesday, June 29: A retreat with Saint Francis Eremo Delle Carceri Monastery & Grounds Silent morning exploring the grounds where Saint Francis retreated Cannara/Pian d Arca Cappella del Croscifissco Lunch San Diamiano Swimming Celebration Dinner at Hotel Week wrap-up & candlelight compline! All night discussions & games Thursday, June 30th: On the way home Bus to Rome On the plane back home!
9 • Prayer & Action MY FAVORITE PART OF THE TRIP WAS… …the entire journey in Assisi, I came to my greatest spiritual resolutions there.” (Hannah) …definitely the castle in Assisi. Although there were a lot of fun and interesting things in Italy this by far stood out to me the most. There were spectacular views from the castle. I’m pretty sure I could see my house from that tower. (Ross)
August 2011 it was amazing to look over a hillside and see the villages and meadows. I also liked looking down the streets to see the picturesque views of Italian streets. (Benji)
…seeing our young people grow in their relationships with God and each other. At the academy, we had to pick out a piece of art that spoke to us besides the David. Our young people had tremendous insight and spiritual wisdom to add to the art. I enjoyed …literally the entire time we spent in Assisi, a getting to have conversations with many of our beautiful and young people about their favorite piece. (Amanda) very spiritual hill town. Each …seeing 17 pilgrims of different sex, ages and backchurch that we grounds truly develop into a community that will visited there have a life long bond. (Robert) was extraordinary. I loved ...sitting on the mountain of Alverna talking to my our visit to St. friends and being able to open up to them and let Francis’ retreat, them know how much I care about them. (Graff) built on the side of a mountain, which was an- I EXPERIENCED GOD… Gates Corman with a God moment cient and won- …while sitting on the mountain St. Francis retreated derful. We had quiet time there to walk alone in the to and prayed. I could feel the presence of God flowwoods or write in our journals. It was a peaceful and ing through me there.”(Hannah) a holy place. (Trisha) …During silent journaling time in the woods on the …getting to know everyone in the group in such an last day. I was sitting by myself listening to music amazing place. (Mary Rollins) when a group of old people came and did a service where I was sitting. I was really mad at first because …spending the afternoon in the small mountain they took my spot but when I was about to leave one town of Orvieto on our way to Florence; it felt like man from the group came up to me and rubbed my the true Italy! (Virginia) cheek and put a cross over my neck. I thought that was pretty cool and then they asked me to take part …visiting the small town of Orvieto. This quaint town in their closing prayer. But I couldn’t really underis perched at the top of an enormous cliff. While we stand them so I don’t know for sure what they were were there we got a chance to visit the local ca- saying. (Ross) thedral, it was by far the most beautiful cathedral I had ever seen in my life. Not only was the cathedral …in the young beautiful but the city was also stunning. When we people on our went, the town was preparing for a festival and flags trip. We started of all different colors decorated streets, windows and out in Rome doors. This town really captured the essence of the as tourists, but Italy you pictured in your head, a beautiful city with along the way picturesque charms hidden in the streets. (Madison) w e b e c a m e pilgrims. I saw …Orvieto! Because orvieto was like what I thought God in the way of when I thought of Italy with the cobblestone they changed streets and the buildings close together. Also that from shoppers The group from left to right Ross, Benji, was where I had my favorite meal of the trip. (Gates) and sightse- Gates, Henry, Sarah, Virginia, Caroline, ers to spiritual Madi, Graff, Mary Rollins, Hannah, …that it was a very spectacular and beautiful place, seekers. I saw Ashley, Allyson www.ccclex.org
10 • Prayer & Action God in their generosity with one another, and in their kindness and support at times when one of our group was suffering. It was an extraordinary experience. (Trisha)
August 2011 …in the forest where Saint Francis used to pray, it was a very peaceful place and walking there by myself really allowed me to reflect on God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (Benji)
…when I was standing on the top of the castle in As- …through the movement of the Holy Spirit. There sisi looking out at all of God’s creation. (Mary Rollins) were many times on our trip that the Holy Spirit was really real. There were too many coincidences on …in the beautiful little side chapels of the cathe- this trip to be coincidences. drals we visited and when we climbed to the top of the castle and looked out on the vast countryside. The God moments are too numerous to mention (Virginia) but often it is the little ones that stick out the most. Early in the trip while in a service in a small church …when we were in the original church of St. Francis in Florence in the midst of approximately 70 people (the Porziuncola at Santa Maria), which was about the size of a bathroom. To think people worshiped God in such a small place. It makes our huge Cathedral seem almost a bit extravagant compared to that tiny little place. (Ashley) …in many moments. One God moment stuck out to me in particular and that was when we were climbing the Holy Stairs. This is the set of stairs that Jesus climbed up to meet Pilate, in order to climb the stairs you had to climb on your knees. While you were on the stairs every move you made was a prayer. It was one of the holiest places that I have ever been to, while climbing I could almost feel God right next to me, his presence was so strong. (Madison) …when we were on top of the castle and we could see for miles across Italy. It was cool because we could see what God made for us and how awesome it was. (Gates)
singing a hymn with a familiar tune I heard the voices of our 3 choir girls join the song. Those 3 voices allowed a somewhat harried chaperone who is somewhat of a control freak to feel comfortable enough to realize that it was time to follow instead of lead. (Robert) It is hard to pick just one moment where I saw God. But, the best was probably hearing Vespers at the Duomo in Florence. (Graff) Thanks to all our supporters, donors, and prayer partners who helped our trip. For the full details of the trip please visit www.ccclex.org – click youth then 2011 Italy Pilgrimage. Save the Date – August 28th 6pm. A Night in Italy: Celebration Dinner. Stock holders free, other tickets on sale soon.
11 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
What Is Province IV? By The Rev. Janey Wilson, Pastoral & College Ministry
will be present at General Convention of course, but not as our Bishop, so it was good to hear his thoughts now. THIS MATTERS, because in understanding our system of governance, we can understand changes that appear to happen at a remote location and sometimes surprise us with their relevance in our local congregations. We are Deputies, not delegates, so we are not expected to vote with a certain view point, but rather to learn, to listen and to move as we feel the Holy Spirit calls our hearts so to do. As a reminder, the other Clergy Deputies are The Rev. Dr. Jan Cottrell, The Rev. Bob Sessum and rom June 8-10, 2011, the Deputies to GenThe Rev. Elise Johnstone. The Lay Deputies (penderal Convention from the Episcopal Dioceses ing the promotion of Alternate Deputies of course!) of Province IV gathered together at Kanuga are Allison Asay Duvall, Ann Davis McClain, Sam Conference Center in North Carolina. We gather McDonald and Mary T. Yeiser. the summer before and the summer of General In the coming months, ask me about this any Convention, which will meet this next time in Indi- anapolis in 2012. It is a good time to network, and time! I will try to put regular updates in Prayer and to learn about Provincial Ministries such as those Action. The actions of The Episcopal Church are for youth and young adults. More importantly, it implemented by canon in our local congregations, is a helpful way to prepare the Deputies to under- usually after a time lapse! We are stronger, and betstand in depth the issues they will perhaps face in ter understand who we are, if we are all informed. a voting context at General Convention. There are General Convention is an amazing congruence differences between the Dioceses of course, but of all of the streams that make up The Episcopal Church. I look forward to sharing it with you! much more that we have in common.
This summer, the four main issues which had presentations (and then breakout sessions,) were Congregational Evangelism, the Denominational Health Care Plan, The Anglican Covenant and Immigration. Not all of these will come up for a vote; the Denominational Health Plan was voted into place in 2009, but this was an update on the implementation. We also worshiped together, and had Diocesan Caucuses which were a chance for each Deputation to bond, share ideas, and reflect on the information we had heard. It was also good for our Bishop to spend time with us. Bishop Sauls www.ccclex.org
12 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Taste & See That God Is Good By Karma Cassidy
e Americans have a strange relationship with food. We know we are overweight and for the most part acknowledge the health risks associated with overeating. Normal size people obsess, “If I could just lose 5-10 pounds”. We are all very certain of the aesthetic consequences of being overweight. We also may be very smart about fat grams and calories but in our hurry and anxiety we forget about the sacredness of food. It is almost as if we are afraid of food.
But we have to eat. Wendell Berry says, We cannot live harmlessly or strictly at our own expense; we depend upon other creatures and survive by their deaths. To live, we must daily break the body and shed the blood of creation. The point is, when we do this knowingly, lovingly, skillfully, reverently, it is a sacrament; when we do it ignorantly, greedily, clumsily, destructively, it is a desecration. …In such desecration, we condemn ourselves to spiritual and moral loneliness, and others to want. The theme of Vacation Bible School held on the first week of summer vacation was, Taste and See: God is Good. Through scripture and active learning the children, young people, and adult volunteers experienced the sacrament of food. We learned about the labor of bees that produce the incredible sweetness of honey and saw how Tom Steele, the beekeeper, faithfully cares for his bees by knowing their ways and respecting their habits. Then we tasted honey with bread and butter. Did you know that honey is nonperishable? Bacteria thrive on sucrose but the pH of honey is inhospitable for bacterial life. We also admired Brent Jacob’s young goats and learned how goats produce milk that is made into cheese and then we tasted the salty, creaminess of goat cheese. God
13 • Prayer & Action
oversees the making of perfect food. The Bible is full of images and metaphors of food and all are good. We examined the goodness of God’s gift of food by dramatization of scripture, music, reflection, play, and by getting our hands dirty. On Monday, Ryan Koch, director of SeedLeaf and his staff showed us how to plant a row of seeds and turn compost in the community garden at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground. We learned that through faith we expect a tiny seed nurtured by God’s gifts of rain, sunshine and soil to produce life in great abundance (Genesis 1:11-12; Mark 4:3-9, 26-29). On Tuesday, we experienced gratitude for food by learning about the miracle of manna. In a dramatization of the Israelites’ journey through the wilderness, we were reminded about how easy it is to fall into habits of ingratitude when we disregard God’s promise that God will always provide (Exodus 16: 1-36). On Wednesday, we learned how powerful simple ingredients can be when we are faithful and hospitable. The poor woman that fed the starving profit Elijah, was reluctant until Elijah promised her that God will always supply what is needed. We tasted how these same simple ingredients of flour and oil that sustained Elijah make delicious bread even today and they will always be sufficient (1 Kings 17: 8-16). On the final day of Vacation Bible School, the children followed Christ’s example of abundance and inclusiveness. Jesus feed thousands with loaves and fish, reflected on the abundance of fruit trees, feasted with tax collectors, and the resurrected Christ revealed himself to the disciples through the simple act of eating (Luke 14: 15-24). Acting on the invitation of the celebrant, The Rev. LaRae Rutenbar, the children searched the corridors of the cathedral and invited all whom they encountered to participate in the celebration. Through generosity and faith we tasted that God is good.
August 2011
Events Food Collections for Children’s Chapel:
July 24, 31, and August 7th Please bring in canned goods instead of a monetary offering these Sundays. CROSS ministries is collecting cans during this time for God’s Pantry as they are in desperate need.
Questions? Questions Concerning Children should be directed toward Elizabeth Conrad, 254.4497 or elizabeth@ccclex.org
14 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
The Curate’s Corner By The Rev. Janey Wilson, Pastoral & College Ministry
tor! I have also had offers to help with the work, but as of yet no funds to make that possible. We have hit a slight stall while our Archdeacon, The Ven. Bryant Kibler, who oversees the building, double checks with the city about the requirements for commercial stoves in public buildings. [IF you know the answer to this please let me know. . . ] I am beginning to worry that Canterbury (really only about 3 weeks away at this point—yikes--] will not begin with this in place. Regardless, we are making plans for an August gathering of new and returning students. That will be here before we know it—I am still hopeful that the kitchen will too. If you would like to donate to college ministry, please make your check out to the Cathedral and mark the memo “Canterbury.” We do not have enough in our acCATHEDRAL FLASH CARDS In the last Prayer and Action, I mentioned count for groceries either! the possibility of putting together a stack of cards for the new Dean to better learn who we are! I have THEOLOGY ON TAP had ONLY one response. . . It seems likely given the This group absolutely rocks! We are changtime that this will be a secure electronic format, but ing our location to Shamrock’s (also on Richmond our new Dean is already excited about this. We ALL Road) and will continue to meet at 6:30pm on the need to contribute, so PLEASE do! first, third and fifth Tuesdays if there is one. We eat, As someone who is still trying to learn all of talk and laugh a LOT! Please join us. Our group is you, I cannot tell you strongly enough how impor- growing! tant and helpful this would be. Electronic is best, but we can make it work however you send it. Remember that a current family or individual photo on one side and stats you want the new Dean to know about you will make this a great resource! Also, if you can be helpful in assembling this process, please let Ashley know. This is not a one person event! CANTERBURY UPDATE Pastoral Care has kept me busy this summer, but my office, (and now garage,) have become filled with gifts for the kitchen. We have a refrigera-
15 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Music Notes By Erich Balling, Canon Musician
he Cathedral Choir of Men & Boys and the within the choir was presented to Stewart Cook Cathedral Girls Choir have had a busy and and Jason Jackson. The Robert Quade Award given prosperous spring! to the boy chorister who demonstrates exceptional May 22, 2011 marked the final Evensong musicianship and leadership was presented to Eli of the academic year. Several choristers received Dunlap. The Jeffrey Smith Award given to the girl their promotions: Julia Clements, Rebekah Dunlap, chorister who demonstrates exceptional musicianChloe Devre, and Cooper Garner to Junior level; ship and leadership was presented to Harper Smith. Davis Fugate, Sarah Anderson, Brennan Burke, Di- Congratulations to all our Choristers! Christ Church Cathedral hosted the opening service for the American Guild of Organists Regional convention on June 12. The recital prior to the Evensong featured all new (premier) compositions. These were played by Lexington area organists including our own Schuyler Robinson and Shi-Ae Park. Our MBG choirs, under the direction of Canon Musician Erich Balling, sang for several hun The annual choir banquet followed Even- dred musicians who travelled to Lexington from song with well over 100 in attendance. All choristers around the globe to attend the convention. Both were recognized for their accomplishments during the recital and Evensong were enthusiastically rethe year. Combined rehearsal and service hours for ceived and reviewed. the Boys, Girls, Men, Schola and Cathedral Singers Do you have a boy or girl who wants to surpassed 11,000 hours! The Choirmaster Award, sing? The choirs are accepting new singers for the for exceptional growth throughout the year was fall term now. Contact Erich or Kathleen Balling for presented to Diane Clements and Clay Fugate. The more information at eballing@ccclex.org or kballDean’s Award, for promoting Christian community ing@ccclex.org. ane Clements, Erilyn Jackson, Darby Rose Jones, and Claire Rose to Senior level; Autumn Geddes and Harper Smith were promoted to Scholar level. Connor Dellarosa was named Head Chorister for Boys Choir. Eli Dunlap and Davis Fugate were named Deputy Head Choristers for the Boys Choir. Caroline Balling and Stewart Cook were name Head Choristers for the Girls Choir.
16 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
The Spirituality of Sustainability By Dr. Bonnie Anderson, From the Mountain: University of the South (Spring 2011)
Have you heard that saying, “It’s all about relationship?” It is a popular saying around the Church. Usually it is said when someone is talking about a vibrant congregation, or when a particularly difficult situation has been addressed in a healthy and life-giving way. It even comes up when, for one reason or another, outcomes are less than desireable and in retrospect we see that more could have been done to develop a meaningful relationship. After all, it’s all about relationship. As we know from our own personal life, relationships are at the very core of our being. The deeper the relationship, the more it means and the more we care. This includes the thoughtful thanksgiving for the care of creation. The challenge is that we don’t easily see or understand the depth of our relationship with creation. We enjoy the beauty of a special place or any number of the beauties of nature, and we worry about the degradation of the planet when it is brought to our attention. We take steps to reconcile the earth, but for the most part, we see ourselves as the “caller of the shots” instead of the creatures of creation that we are. We often confuse dominance with stewardship.
new way. Creation refers to and describes the relationship between God and all God’s wonderful works and how all of creation is intricately connected. Environmental prophet John Muir said, “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he’she finds it attached to the rest of the world.” In other words, everything is connected to everything else. We enjoy relationship and mysterious interdependence with all creatures. But we need to get rid of our superiority complex about the earth and start thinking of ourselves as creatures. We tend to set ourselves apart, using our ability to reason and use tools to think about and exercise stewardship as “power over” instead of understanding the relationship and interdependence among all creatures, including us, and this fragile earth.
When we are in relationship, we care. And being in relationship with each other, all of life and the whole earth is how we are meant to be. Like Buckminister Fuller’s spaceship earth, so perfectly crafted that we forget we are on it, the web of life is so intricately woven we don’t even notice our interdependence. But itsn’t it just like God to weave And though our call to Christian Steward- us together so perfectly that we have the audacship of creation is an important part of Christian ity to believe that we are the ones in control? But teaching, caring for creating until the recent past if we pay careful attention, we are smack dab in has not been primary to us. In fact, we may have the middle of the relationship with creation that we even been asleep at the switch - somewhat un- need to have in order to care for creation. derstandable when we consider our perception of Let me give you some examples of what inthe earth as what Buckminister Fuller described as “spaceship earth - so ingeniously designed that no terdependent earth cretures we really are: At this very minute, we are breathing in one has a clue that we are even on a spaceship, fly- the very same air that has been in someone else’s ing through the universe at a million miles per hour with no need for seatbelts, lots of room in coach lungs. and really good food.” Talk about being in relationship! That’s not As we know, all of that is changing and the only just relational; it is intimately relational. But obstacles we face as stewards are requiring us to that’s not even the half of it. The blood that runs rethink the very concept of stewardship and to through each of us is 60-70 percent oxygen. Forty come into relationship with creation in a whole million centuries ago the first living cell came into being, and the direct descendents of that cell are www.ccclex.org
17 • Prayer & Action coursing around through us at this very moment. Literally, we are breathing molecules this very second that were inhaled by King Solomon, Rachel Carson, and even Bono. Talk about being connected not only to other living creatires but also to our ancestors! Creation is vastly interconnected. All creatures including ourselves - bacteria, archaebacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals - are genetically related. And all living beings arebound together in countless exological communities of life.
August 2011 the creatures of the sea and lakes, combing with other water, evaporating, cleansing herself, cleansing us, reinventing herself, replenshing herself back into us and the earth and all the creatures of the earth. None of this water goes floating off into space; it all stays right her in the earth’s ecosystem, recycled over and over again. Recycled water for all time. You may have inhalded some of the same air as Solomon, Rachel Carson, and Bono, but just think, Cleopatra may have taken a bath in your ice cube.
How has God made it so creation stays interconnected? God has designed the most intricate recycling system ever. The evidence of God is so front and center you have to close your eyes, plug your ears, and hum not to get it. Consider this: If the Holy Spirit has a muse, it is water. She infused herself into our bodies and into the earth and back again, a cycle of pure precision and efficiency. In fact, just like the cells and molecules of oxygen, water flows through every creature that inhabits this island home, and it is a closed recycling system.
How about baptism? Well baptism is the Niagra Falls of the Holy Spirit. Holy Baptism, the exclamation point of water! We are infused with the Holy Spirit, the earth is infused with the Holy Spirit but our very creation, by the very gift of our birth, even before our grand entrance on sister earth, we float around comforted by the rhythm of the amniotic fluid (which is 98 percent water) and the heartbeat of our mother. But baptism is where it all comes together. That’s where relationship gets its juice - with water and the Holy Spirit. Marked as Christ’s own forever by water, the element that The Holy Spirit and her muse, float around in flows through us and flows through the earth withthe air we breathe, mist and vapor, gently misiting out which there is no life. our lungs, and when the very depth of our spirit It’s all about relationship. Out of believer’s is touched and even if we don’t want anyone to heart shall flow rivers of living water (John 7:38), know, she makes herself known as she squirts from the wellspring of everylasting life, flowing rivers our eyes and runs down our cheeks, even if we of living water. Over water the Holy Spirit moved don’t want her to - with tears. The Holy Spirit has in the beginning of creation. Through water God a mind of her own. She even shows up when we led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt laugh, really, really hard. And what about the earth? into the land of promise. In water Jesus received Doesn’t she live in the aquafers and in the soul as the baptism of John and was anointed by the Holy groundwater? Flowing through the earth with the Spirit as the Messiah, the Christ. Through water we same regularity, constancy, and erratic unpredict- are reborn by the Holy Spirit. ability she has as she flows through our own bod- All of creation, you and me, sun and moon, ies. fire and hail, snow and frost, creeping things and The Holy Spirit is in cahoots with water. She has infused herself into the 66 percent of the water that is in every one of us - sloshing around inside of us, bumping right up against our souls every second of every day. Washing through us, assisting us with our health and our physical functions, recycling herself from our bodies back to the earth into the oceans and rivers, enveloping the fish and all www.ccclex.org
flying fowl, all the elements are called upon to give praise, and all of creation responds with praise for its Creator. And at the coming of the Lord, the morning stars sing together, the mountains skip like rams, and all the trees of the field clap their hands. And we who give human voice to our gratitude are also called upon to give thanks for this wonderful gift, for all of creation for which we humbly care. 859.254.4497
18 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
At Your Service is a way for our parish to connect---for those with skills for hire; those who need services; and those who would like to participate in volunteer opportunities This space is available to members of our parish and offered free of charge. Please see information below on submitting items. SERVICES FOR HIRE Meals for You by Bibie Cook Meals to go. Casseroles, box lunches, soups, desserts. Small catering jobs. Email pkcook05@aol.com, Phone 312-7643. Expires 12/30/2011 Computer Expertise Experienced computer technician and networking services available from SW3 Industries. Services include PC Repair, Data Recovery and Backup, Hardware and Software installation, Home Networking, Virus Removal, Wireless installation and security, and IT Consulting and Project Management. Call or email Steve Ware for more information at sw3ind@gmail.com or (Cell) 443-928-4934. Expires 9/1/2011 Lawn Services Experienced lawn mower. Free estimates. Ross Cook 268-7728. Expires 9/30/2011 Tutoring Retired high school teacher will gladly tutor middle and high school students in biology, physical science and chemistry. Call Joell Finney Ph 859-255-5617; joell.finney@yahoo.com. Expires 9/1/2011 Available for Hire Zachary Cassidy, Phone: (859)351-8388.Email: zacazidy@yahoo.com Will: mow lawns, garden, plant, wash windows, etc. I have good experience mowing lawns, spreading mulch, doing any basic yard-work. I can use most tools competently, and will work, no matter the job or heat. Prices negotiable. Expires 9/11/2011 The next deadline for At Your Service is August 15th. Send submissions to: atyourservice@ ccclex.org www.ccclex.org
Experienced Babysitter Brennan Burke. 859-333-2425 Expires 12/30/2011 Electrical Services Electrician. Residential and Commercial. Robin Cook. 859-233-2077 Expires 12/30/2011 859.254.4497
19 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Complete Cuisine Personal Chef / Event Planner. Marythom Hamblin. Phone 859-494-9280. Email marythomh@yahoo.com. 214 Sycamore, Lexington 40502. Expires 12/30/2011 SERVICES NEEDED Explorium of Lexington is looking for someone skilled in general maintenance. This is a part time/as needed position. Skills required include but not limited to painting, moderate to heavy lifting, machine repair and light bulb replacement. We’re looking for a “fix- it” person who is versatile and friendly. Contact information: Margaret Trafton, Explorium of Lexington, 400 West Short Street, Lexington, 40507, 859-258-3253 #12, trafton@explorium.com Expires 9/30/2011 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES An Invitation to Join. Please remember that every woman at Christ Church is a member of ECW (Episcopal Church Women). We will be busy over the summer planning programs for next year. Please plan to become involved and be a part of the fun. Dana Davis, President. Expires 9/1/2011 ***************
The Christ Church Cathedral information in At Your Service is provided here as a service to our members and to the community. We hope that you find it helpful. Christ Church Cathedral neither promotes nor endorses anything contained herein. We, however, reserve the right to edit submissions. Requirements for having a listing published in Prayer & Action: 1. Be a member of the Christ Church Cathderal parish. 2. State on the listing the date the posting was submitted and the date it should expire - can be posted for up to one year. May be renewed but, again, a posting date and an expiration date must be indicated on the listing. 3. Postings are due by the 15th of each month to Christ Church Cathedral with your contact numbers/address provided. 4. Listings are limited to a 50 word maximum. 5. Items for sale are not eligible for posting here at this time. The next deadline for submissions is August 15th. Send submissions to: atyourservice@ccclex.org.
20 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Keeping marriages moving in a healthy direction By Margaret Treadwell, borrowed from EpiscopalCafe.com: Daily Episcopalian
love to do out- side of family and work; now consistently schedule these passions in. You’ll begin to see your life and your marriage - in a more positive light when you take care of yourself.
Staying in marriages over the long haul is a hot topic lately. The Washington Post recently reported on the decline of U.S. divorces and ran a story about a service at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where an estimated 600 couples celebrated their marriages of 25-plus years. Those interviewed spoke mostly about how they met, while a few mentioned humor, teamwork, faithfulness, God and prayer.
In my work, I define a strong couple and marriage as the health of the whole family unit - parents and children - rather than solely the couple relationship. Stress in families can manifest with symptoms in one of three places - between the couple (from constant conflict to not speak- ing), in one or other of the couple (from headaches to serious illnesses), in one or more of their offspring (from rebellious acting out to anxiety and depression). No family ever scores 100 percent health - which would mean no symptoms at all. My favorite New Yorker cartoon shows one gentle- man sitting alone in the audience under a banner proclaiming “Conference For Normal Families.”
s in many movies, the classic romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally (1989) ends with a happily-ever-after wedding. The film tells the story of how two friends became lovers. Interspersed throughout are clips of long-married couples lovingly reminiscing about how they met, scored with soaring music. How these strong couples made it through the inevitable rough patches is left to our imagination.
Some of us are “born lucky” in love, but many more need a road map to develop into a strong couple. Using family systems thinking, I’ve created the following four signposts to keep marriages moving in a healthy direction: •
Grow into your fullest potential in body, mind and spirit and encourage your partner to do the same.
Remember the sparks that attracted you to each other in the first place. Keep your fun and spontaneity fresh, individually and together.
Believe in something greater than you.
If you have children, defocus them and make the top three bullets your priority.
This applies regardless of your culture, race, religion, sexual identity or socio-economic group.
I believe that we can grow to our fullest potential in marriage. It may take several “marriages within a marriage” to achieve this goal - before children, with children and after children, for starters. One young husband brought the family calendar to a counseling session and asked his wife to schedule him in. She replied, “I’ll be happy to, but I have to schedule myself in first, and then I can have more fun with you.” Far from being selfish, she was taking a clear stand for her self-preservation. How can we love someone else when we won’t love ourselves first? List three things you
It is remarkable how many parents send their children off to a therapist for a symptom fix rather than taking a thoughtful look at their own relationship. These family leaders - the only ones capable of making a lasting family change - often carry levels of stress that are too big to contain between the two of them. This stress trickles down like an anxiety flu to the most vulnerable child. When people tell me about rough spots in their marriages, they usually are describing some variation of this pattern. Bottom line: If the couple is OK, over time their children will be OK, too. When they “get” the importance of becoming a strong couple for their kids (even if they aren’t particularly interested at the moment in working on it for themselves), the symptom relief for children is swift. But here’s the paradox: techniques for strengthening a marriage are successful only to the extent that the individuals in the marriage are willing to strengthen themselves, rather than place absurdly high expectations on a spouse or partner to create their happiness. In his homily at the April 29 Royal Wedding, the Bishop of London held up faithful and committed relationships as a door into the spiritual life: “Marriage should transform, as husband and wife make one another their work of art. It is possible to transform as long as we do not harbor ambitions to reform our partner. There must be no coercion if the Spirit is to flow; each must give the other space and freedom.”
21 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
J2A Seeker Scramble: Save the Date By Amanda Musterman-Kiser, Youth Ministries Coordinator
youth ministry by allowing students to attend the J2A Pilgrimage – a life changing spiritual pilgrimage J2A Seeker Scramble of prayer, service, and growth experienced by youth Sunday, October 2, 2011 following their confirmation. Funds also suppleA 18-hole, 4 person Scramble ment scholarships for youth throughout the year Connemara Golf Course who would not otherwise be able to attend youth activities, trips, and service projects. Sponsorship Opportunities hen J2A visited Saint Alban’s Parish for their Title Sponsor - $500 Urban Adventure and mini-mission in June • Company name on event advertising including of 2010, they fell in love with Saint Alban’s T-Shirts, Brochure, and in the Prayer and Action and the National Cathedral. What is more, they fell in • Ability to distribute company literature love with the mission of the church at Saint Alban’s. • Display table at event “We welcome the faithful, the seeker, and the • Ability to put freebies in goody bags doubter, for God’s embrace is wide and God’s Good • Large Sign at Event New is for all.” • Special recognition at party That’s what the J2A group figured confirmation was all about: seeking, doubting, believing. And Green, Tee or Refreshment Sponsor - $100 that’s what they figured was what life was all about. or The Seeker Scramble is designed with all of us in Contest Prize Sponsors – Prize valued at $100+ mind. Those who are faithful, seeking, and doubting, • Sign at the tee or green both in their golf abilities and in their relationship • Ability to put freebies in goody bags with God are welcome! • Recognition at party Funds raised in this tournament will support
YES I’D LIKE TO HELP!!!!! Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Business Name (if applicable): _______________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________________ I’d like to be a ... Title Sponsor $500 ________ Green Sponsor $100 ________ Tee Sponsor $100 ________ Refreshment Sponsor $100 ________ Contest Sponsor (Prize valued at $100+) ________
Checks may be made out to Christ Church Cathedral with Scramble on the memo line. If you would like to sponsor, please fill out the form or contact Amanda Musterman-Kiser at 859-254-4497. www.ccclex.org
22 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
The Christ Church Bulletin Board For more updates, please see our website at www.ccclex.org & click “Cathedral Reminders”
Catechumenate Class 2011-2012 Learn about the Episcopal Church! If you are an unbaptized adult 18 years or older, or you are new to the Episcopal Church, particularly if you are from other faith backgrounds, or if you are in need of a refresher course, please consider the catechuminate class starting this September. The class will include, but will not be limited to, such topics as church history, the book of Common Prayer, church polity, basic questions of faith, sin, redemption, communion, identifying gifts for ministry and many others. The classes will be led by clergy and lay persons with extensive opportunity for questions and discussion. For more information call Elizabeth at 254-4497.
while providing them with information on the worship, education, music and outreach programs. Please call Allen McDaniel (340-0278) or C.B. Baize (509-0447) to sign up.
Men’s Bible Study to resume August 3rd Men’s Bible study will resume its meetings at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, August 3, in the small dining room. The commentary will be William Barclay’s “Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians,” and the book will be available in the bookstore. If you have questions, you may call Fr. Bob Horine at 269-5742.
AATC 2011-2012 Season Art at the Cathedral will open its 2011—2012 season with a watercolor exhibit juried by art instructor and painter, Cindy Flora. The theme, The Heavens, Meditative Spaces, will include artists in the ECVA (Episcopal Church in Visual Art) as well as local artists including Cindy. The Gallery Hop opening is Friday, September 16. Scheduled for November 18 is the presentation of a portion of our historic collection produced by artists with Kentucky connections. Following that in February, 2012, is the Cynthia Matyi Celtic exhibit which will be a prelude to the Lenten program on Celtic spirituality.
Christian Education Day, August 13th The Christian Education Committees for the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington and the Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky are co-sponsoring a Christian Education Day for clergy and laity of our diocese who are interested and involved in formation ministries for children, youth, college, young adults and adults. They have worked extremely hard over the last several months to put together an outstanding conference of practical workshops. They have also creatively collaborated to bring in nationally known leaders in education and formation to be our keynoter and other workshop leaders. Christ Church Cathedral is hosting the event. This event qualifies for continuing formation credit for licensed lay ministers. Join us Saturday, August 13, 8:30 a.m to 3:30 p.m. The cost is $20. Contact Mary, 859-433-6341, or Amanda, amusterman@ccclex.org for more information. Sign up online at www.ccclex.org. Welcome Table Volunteers Needed Help is needed to staff a new Welcome Table on Sunday mornings. We hope to give a warm and positive impression to our visitors at Christ Church www.ccclex.org
Bishop Sauls Farewell Celebration, August 27th The farewell celebration for Bishop Sauls will be held on Saturday, August 27. The event will begin at 11 a.m. with a special liturgy at Christ Church Cathedral. Immediately following the worship, there is an outdoor BBQ, reception, music, and presentations at Mission House. Watch diolex.org for additional details as they become available. We hope the entire diocese will be represented as we thank the bishop for his service!
MTD - 6/30/11 Revenue $ 86,510 Expenses $ 110,110 Net ($ 23,600) Loose Offering $ 795 YTD - 6/30/11 Revenue $ 564,070 Expenses $ 637,022 Net ($ 72,952) Loose Offering $ 5,807 Loan Balance $ 175,728 Line of Credit $ 19,596 Stewardship 2011 $ 898,233 • 295 Pledgers
23 • Prayer & Action
August 2011
Happy Birthday August
9 Leonard Cox
18 Catherine Grace Hawley
25 Thomas Kikuchi
1 Cassie Jackson
10 Elsie Barr
19 Eliana Greissworth
26 Marilyn Tudor
2 Gavin Wigginson
10 Margaret Kannensohn
19 Katherine Fitzpatrick
26 Sharon Brennan
2 Wyatt Lutz
11 Graham Thomason
19 C. Lance Churchill
26 Christopher Chi
3 Allen Grimes
11 Harper Smith
19 Lanier Whitton
27 Anna Baumann
4 Guido Baldecchi
12 Emma Fay
19 Wanda Jaquith
27 Elizabeth Schnabel
4 John Geddes
12 Haden Allen
19 Gaile Geddes
27 Ralph Bright
4 Laura Newsome
12 Joseph Howard
20 Margaret Clifton
27 Erin Baldecchi
5 Elizabeth Gambet
12 Zachary Cassidy
21 Chris Watson
27 Rachel Eldridge
6 Elizabeth Flynn
13 Nancy Bogue
21 Hill Maury
28 Carol Rippetoe
6 Erin Langfels
14 Robert Voll
21 Timothy Lucas
28 Marsha Bloxsom
6 James Bright
15 Mary Ann Geddes
21 Hilary Worne
29 Laurance VanMeter
6 Randolph Wilson
15 Laura Lutz
21 Eric Rouse
29 Ronald Hall
6 Zoe Harper
16 Kathleen Walsh
22 Allyson Slone
29 Samuel Burchett
6 Robert Hill
16 Susan Isaacs
22 Elizabeth Prewitt
29 Brendan Naish
7 David Conrad
16 Virginia Lane
22 Linda Patrick
29 Christy Adams
7 William Tuttle
16 Doris Parsons
22 Rosa Landrum
30 Anne Kraus
7 Michael Westneat
16 Victoria Coleman
24 Brenda Coover
30 Greg Yeakley
8 Elizabeth Conrad
17 Robin Cook
24 Shelby Kinkead
30 Joseph Arnold
8 Jeffrey Jones
18 Robert Fugate
24 Suzanne Segerstrom
30 Joshua Curtis
8 Robert Dearborn
18 Emily Smith
25 Joshua Morgan
31 Shelley Quire
166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 www.ccclex.org
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WORSHIP Sundays 8:00am Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel 9:00am Donuts • Great Hall 9:30am Summer Forum Series 10:30am Holy Eucharist Rite II • Cathedral Wednesdays 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel Upcoming Services & Events August 13th Christian Education Day August 27th Farewell for Bishop Sauls
September 4th Rally Day Dean Carol Wade’s First Sunday!