September 2013 Prayer & Action

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Prayer & Action

Christ Church Cathedral 覺 Lexington, Kentucky

TRAVELING TO THE HEART OF GOD: BELIZE PILGRIMAGE J2A pilgrims reflect on their experiences on mission in Belize.

GREAT MUSIC AT THE CATHEDRAL There are exciting things happening this year with the music program!



A People of

Prayer & Action Prayer & Action I September 2013 Dean & Rector ɪ The Very Rev. Carol L. Wade > Associate Dean ɪ The Rev. Brent Owens > Curate ɪ The Rev. Joe Mitchell > Deacon ɪ The Rev. Paula L. Ott > Canon Musician ɪ Canon Erich Balling > Music Assistant ɪ Kathleen Balling > Assistant Organist ɪ Lisa Hall > Minister of Christian Formation ɪ Dr. Elizabeth Conrad > Youth Ministry Coordinator ɪ Amanda Musterman-Kiser > Nursery Coordinator ɪ Michelle Dunlap > Parish Administrator ɪ Lesa Wehrle > Parish Secretary ɪ Margaret Christensen > Publications Coordinator & Webmaster ɪ Ashley Goodrich > Financial Assistant ɪ Linda Critchfield > Facilities Manager ɪ John Hodgman > Sexton ɪ Brownell Haddix Vestry Chuck Baldecchi, Senior Warden ɪ John Brice, Junior Warden ɪ C.B. Baize ɪ Nancy Bogue ɪ Cissy Collins ɪ Lance Churchill ɪ Sherry Ferguson ɪ Robert Fugate ɪ Ann-Whitney Garner ɪ Tom Howard ɪ Tracey Meyers ɪ Gary Stewart ɪ Marc Mathews, Treasurer WANT TO WRITE FOR US? GREAT! Prayer & Action is published by Christ Church Cathedral seasonally throughout the year. DEADLINES: For the October issue, the deadline for announcements, photos and articles is September 13 at noon. Email is preferred. TO SUBSCRIBE If you wish to receive this publication via email, or to unsubscribe from church publications, please email To sign up to receive Prayer & Action by mail, please call 254-4497, Ext. 106. INQUIRIES? Please address correspondence to Ashley Goodrich, c/o Christ Church Cathedral, 166 Market Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507 or email agoodrich@

SEPTEMBER PRAYER Holy God, enrich and purify our lives and deepen us in discipleship. Make us humble, brave and loving, ready for sacrifice. We do not ask thst you keep us safe, but that you keep us loyal, that we may follow the example of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. NEED PRAYER? Contact Margaret Christensen, Parish Secretary, at the church if you or a family member is admitted to the hospital or in need of congregational care. For the Prayer Chain, call Loys Mather, 299-8569, or the church office. ABOUT THE COVER The J2A students load up wood during their pilgrimage to Belize.

THE MISSION OF CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL To restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday

8:30am - 4:30pm


166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497


September 13 /

The Family Picnic at the Old Episcopal Burying Ground on July 28.

Finding Home


The Fall Fellowship Dinner


Great Music at the Cathedral


Excitement on the First Floor of the Helm Wing


Looking for Home Together


The Grace of Connection


Traveling to the Heart of God: Belize Pilgrimage


Finding Home in Youth Ministries


CROSS Elects New Officers


Storing Up Treasures


We Belong Here


Visitors in Our Midst


And a Good Time Was Had By All


Starting a New Journey


Bulletin Board




By The Very Rev. Carol Wade


eep in the heart of every person is a longing for home. If some kind of house is necessary for our physical survival, a home is necessary for our spiritual fulfillment. This year at Christ Church Cathedral, we will begin the surprising adventure of “Finding Home” and what that can mean for us, and the world we serve. At Christ Church Cathedral, finding home is about finding our soul purpose — to fulfill our destiny, to be what God wants us to be as we aim our lives at blessing others. The benefits of finding home are profound. It provides assurance of where and with Whom we belong. It enables us to put down deep roots and bloom where we are planted, no matter the length of our days. As a community, we have had an astonishing year of celebration, spiritual growth and blessing. One recent visitor quipped that our joy and generosity are contagious! Everywhere I looked this summer, I saw you sharing Christ’s love as you responded to God’s mission of hope and healing both near and far. “Transformational!” This is the description I am hearing from so many of you of our lives together this past year. Indeed! Now, an exciting year unfolds before us. Whether we are returning to Christ Church Cathedral after a time of summer rest and refreshment, or a life-changing pilgrimage or mission trip, or whether we are discovering the Cathedral for the first time, there is satisfaction and exhilaration in finding and returning home. We gather on Rally Day, our annual fall kickoff, on Sunday, Septem-

ber 1, followed by a cookout after the 11:00 service. There will be fun activities for all ages, and a ministry fair that will enable us to explore the many opportunities for growing in God through learning and service. Be sure to browse through our spiritual formation brochure for the many offerings this fall at Christ Church Cathedral. We will explore “Finding Home” through book groups, spiritual practices, Sunday school classes, worship and opportunities for fun, fellowship and mission. If you are eager to find your true home, where you are accepted in the depths of God’s love, I invite you on this exciting journey at Christ Church Cathedral.

You trace my journeys and my resting places and are acquainted with all my ways. - Psalm 139:2

God’s promise is this: No matter how far we travel or how ardently we search, in seeking our home we will find the greatest of treasures — the love of God, our true selves, a caring community and the opportunity to respond to the hurts and the hopes of the world. Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral. Welcome home. With gratitude, Carol +



THE FALL FELLOWSHIP DINNER: A Great Night for Feasting and Fun


utumn is special a time to celebrate the grace of connections. The Fall Fellowship Dinner, a great night for feasting and fun, is our opportunity to give thanks for our many blessings as we gather for good food and good company. The Fall Fellowship Dinner will begin with a spirited cocktail hour, live music and a fun spin on each table. Each table will have a “captain” and all who attend will be assigned to a table in advance. The table captain will decide on a theme, perhaps “formal,” or “picnic,” or “Italian.” Everyone assigned to that table will be asked to 6 / PRAYER AND ACTION_SEPTEMBER 13

bring a side dish that fits the theme. The dishes, centerpiece and the like will be assigned to match the theme. Perhaps some tables may even dress the part to fit the theme! Please mark your calendars for the Fall Fellowship Dinner on October 4 as we gather for feasting and fun and give thanks for our lives together. Childcare is provided, and youth in Grade 10 and up are invited to attend the dinner. You will receive an invitation with response card in the mail in the next week. Please return it promptly to be included in this celebration! Ϯ




reat Music at the Cathedral Series begins Sunday, September 15 with an organ recital by Dr. Jan-Piet Knijff from the Netherlands. Recitals begin at 3:30pm, followed by Evensong sung by the Cathedral Choirs at 4:00pm. We have expanded our recital offerings this year. In addition to organ recitals by students from the University of Kentucky and Indiana University, Alluring Community Handbell Choir and the Ashland Trio will present recitals. Our concert series includes Messiah and the Faure Requiem presented by the Cathedral Choir, and concerts by Ecco Chamber Choir and Cornell Glee Club. Malcolm Archer, director of Chapel Music at Winchester College, United Kingdom, will be a part of our visiting conductor series. Please be sure to pick up your copy of the music brochure for more information. You are invited to join the music ministry! The Cathedral Choirs are accepting membership in Cathedral Boys, Cathedral Girls, Cathedral Imps and Schola. Cathedral Imps is our training choir for boys and girls ages

4 through 7. Cathedral Boys accepts boys beginning at age 8 through voice change. Cathedral Girls is open to girls in grades 3 through 12. Women are invited to join Schola. Please visit the music page on our website for rehearsal times and contact information. You can also email Music Assistant Kathleen Balling for more information at GIRLS' CHOIR AT WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL Eighteen Girls, four chaperones, music staff and chaplain traveled to

Washington, D.C., July 10-15. Our Cathedral Girls sang Evensong on Friday and Sunday evenings and were joined by the lower voices of the Washington National Cathedral men’s choir for two Sunday morning Eucharist services. The girls sang beautifully and were very well received by the Cathedral community. It was a special connection that they sang a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis written by Richard Wayne Dirksen, the former Washington National Cathedral organist and choirmaster. Thank you to our chaperones, Kathy Anderson, Michelle Dunlap, Ann Whitney Garner and Amanda Ferguson, who helped make our time in D.C. smooth. RSCM MONTREAL CHOIR COURSE FOR BOYS AT PRINCETON This course is just for Men and Boys and for the last 52 years has been held in Montreal, Canada. It was moved to Princeton, New Jersey, this year. Of the 24 trebles, 9 were Cathedral Boys! Our boys were leaders throughout the week. They sang Sunday morning Eucharist and evensong at the Chapel of Princeton Theological Seminary. Congratulations to our eight choristers who took the RSCM Bronze or Silver exams in June! All of our

It was a special connection that they sang a Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis written by Richard Wayne Dirksen, the former WNC organist and choirmaster! 8 / PRAYER AND ACTION_SEPTEMBER 13


EXCITEMENT ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF THE HELM WING choristers passed with distinction, making choristers from the Cathedral the largest group to do so in 2012-2013! Bronze Award: Sheridan Wagner and John Young. Silver Award: Brennan Burke, Diane Clements, Erilyn Jackson, Michael Naish, Abbie Paris and Woods Prewitt. Don’t forget to pre-order the Cathedral Choirs’ new CD: Sing We Merrily! The recording will include favorite anthems and psalms from the church seasons. The CDs will arrive in November and will make great Christmas gifts! Visit www. for ordering information. Ϯ


he first floor of the Helm Building has been spruced up this summer! In the first floor hallway you will encounter crisp, clean linen white walls, new carpet, and new light fixtures. In the Children’s Chapel you will experience new soothing colors and new carpet to prepare our children for worship. A cry room has been painted and has new carpet. Our nursery is now a soft blue, and the toddler room is clean linen white. We have new artwork, new toys, and new furniture for both. This fall we will continue our sprucing up with more first floor rooms to be renovated. We give thanks for the many parishioners who have donated

their time and money to help with these renovations as over 20 gallons of paint have been applied! Special thanks go to Alice Dearborn who created the color schemes and helped plan out the work. We are very grateful to Brad Newsome, and Ben, Grace, and Graham Newsome who have shouldered so much of the work. We give thanks for the work of John Hodgman, Brent Owens, Dean Wade, Wardens, Vestry and the many parishioners who have come in on several Saturdays to wield a paintbrush. And we are grateful for the efforts of our staff on this project. Another work day is forthcoming, and we would love for your to join us!Ϯ CCCLEX.ORG / 9




all of 2013 finds our community looking for home together. You will find many opportunities to help you in that search. By home, I am referring to a soul thing. Home is that place and time when we are living into who God created us to be. We do that gradually and we do that together. There are so many ways in which we are lured away from home, and church calls us together in that search to come back. Those friends on the road to Emmaus taught us to listen within in order to find home. In doing so, we will feel our hearts burn within us. From the cradle to age 116, there are many opportunities for us to grow together. From birth up to the age of 3, children and a parent or other adult are invited into God’s Children Sing. Children play musically with adults who also assist in their developmental process and musical growth. Experiences center on topics of faith. Godly Play is the primary approach to Christian Formation that we use for young children. This Montessori approach begins with age 3 and goes through the fifth grade. Young children are trying to make meaning. Every week the teachers and children look at a story together and wonder what it really means in their own lives. They listen together for God and respond to what may be stirring within. One of the teachers of the teenagers recently commented on the theological depth of the teenagers. She imagined that this must have a lot to do with seeds formerly planted in Godly Play. Adults will find many choices through which to continue that search for home. Some of the Sunday morning offerings will be concerning Sabbath when Dr. Matthew


Sleeth, author of 24/6, visits. Dr. Glenn Hinson will lead a series on “The Working of Grace in Your Life.” There will be a series on “Caring for Our Parents” led by Deacon Paula Ott and team. An ongoing class called the Wired Word will meet to explore current events in light of our faith.

You will not want to miss our speaker this fall, Glennon Doyle Melton. She will visit us on Friday evening, October 25. Her book, Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed, guides us into taking off the armor we have worn, in order to find home. Glennon will explore this aspect of our journey with humor and honesty. Please prayerfully read the Christian Formation brochure for details and find where you will step into this journey towards home. Ϯ


THE GRACE OF CONNECTION By Cate Wagoner and Carol Constantino

SEPTEMBER GALLERY HOP >>> Please join us for an opening reception during Gallery Hop Friday, September 20 from 5:00-8:00pm. Regular gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10:00am-3:30pm.

I THE GRACE OF CONNECTION On display September 8 through October 27 Our connections to each other, to animals and nature, to our work, to special places near and far, and to our spirituality all bring grace into our lives. Art is a visual language which reflects that. I am grateful to be able to bring together three generations of artists who have communicated grace and beauty through their art as a life-long endeavor. Each of them has truly enhanced our lives. As you view this exhibit, I hope it inspires you to reflect on the grace connections in your own life. Cate Wagoner, Curator

t seems I learn, grow, and respond best to visual images. This is one of the reasons I have enjoyed such a rewarding connection to Christ Church Cathedral. The church itself is a beautifully appointed venue with the offerings of its revolving art gallery, the many fine art works in the permanent collection throughout the building and the simple peaceful spaces to just sit, look, and contemplate. I appreciate the fine architecture, the woodwork, windows, and attention to interior design that some very talented individuals must have dedicated their skills to in the past. Then come the inspiring people – artists and art aficionados alike. Whether viewing interpretations of life seen through the eyes of other artists or attempting to understand another person’s interpretation, I find myself in someone else’s shoes, drawn away from my own day to day dilemmas and duties and connecting to their concerns and emotions and enriched by the spirit of others. Perhaps this is God’s grace for me (and maybe some of you, too?) – to connect, to ultimately find new or different ways to understand and help others, and to strive to be a better person. Ϯ Carol Constantino



TRAVELING TO THE HEART OF GOD: BELIZE PILGRIMAGE By Amanda Musterman-Kiser, Emma Seale & Lucy Macfarlan

children of all ages ran to greet us. Two blocks away from the Learning Center, we built a bathroom for a family whose children attended our tutoring sessions. God’s abundant joy was all around us, and the people of Belize transformed us in their joy. Here are two accounts of that joy!


une 27-July 5, our ninth- and tenth-graders traveled to Belize for a mission/pilgrimage trip. Having just completed their confirmation, these young people journeyed toward new discoveries in their adult relationships with God. As we traveled, we learned much about God’s work. We grew as individuals, as a community, and most importantly in our relationships with God. We lived and worked with In His Will – a missionary organization that focuses on preparing students for school through English tutoring. Each day began and ended with joy! Each day, as we opened the Learning Center doors, we turned up the music and sang songs of faith. As soon as we started singing, smiling

MY FAVORITE PART of the trip was doing the service projects. We helped the people who we lived with and worked with complete strangers. I really enjoyed working with the local children. We got to play with them and learn with them, and we got to see how they see the world. This trip impacted my life by opening my eyes

to others’ perspectives. I thought I knew how people in third-world countries lived, but in Belize I experienced it in person. We also saw how even people with very little were very happy to have family, or a tiny rickety house to live in, or even clothes on


their backs. I see myself carrying my open mindset that I discovered while in Belize into everything I do. – Emma Seale MY FAVORITE MOMENT in Belize was when we went to the Blue Hole, where we all had a great time and were entertained by a pool of water for hours. I saw transformation at the airport when we were all saying goodbye to our Belizean friends. It was apparent that we were going back as very different people. God's presence was evident at the house where we were building the bathroom for the family because they were finally getting something that they desperately needed. – Lucy MacFarlan Ϯ

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YOUTH uses YouTube, the Internet, and daily life lessons to search for meaning in the world around us. Classes meet surrounding a theological or biblical concept on a four-week rotation. Week 1: Introduce - Mentors present a topic to students Week 2: Relate - Students relate the topic to their lives Week 3: Create - Students create the topic through art, music, Internet, and other creative media Week 4: The Unveiling - Students unveil their creations The Unveiling will find its home in the Basement Activities room which has been remodeled to accommodate the needs of this class.



outh Ministries at Christ Church Cathedral houses youth Grades 6-12 in a variety of programs which allow youth to experience God’s love, be transformed by that love, and share that love with the world. Beginning in August, youth ministries will house new ministries. For more than ten years, our youth ministries have followed the Journey to Adulthood curriculum. This fall, we say goodbye to Rite 13, J2A, and YAC and embark on an exciting journey as we embrace new styles of learning specifically designed to meet the needs of our young people.

THE AWAKENING Sunday, 10:00am, Grades 6-8 will be using Living the Good News. This interactive Bible study uses the week’s lectionary gospel text and relates it to art, drama, group discussion, YouTube, and songs. Through discovery, students relate biblical events to meaning in their lives. THE UNVEILING Sunday, 10am, Grades 9-12. The Unveiling is a not-to-miss program designed specifically to meet the needs of Christ Church Cathedral youth. The Unveiling is an active learning program which allows students and teachers to work together in groups or as individuals to create class content. Highly technological, the Unveiling

In addition to our new pilot programs, youth ministries will continue to house Junior Daughters of the King led by Pat Arnold and Cassie Jackson. Junior Daughters will show hospitality this year as they welcome new members and continue to participate in Christ’s service through Room in the Inn, Church Under the Bridge, and other projects. Sunday night youth groups will continue in the fall. In October and November, Sunday night groups will focus on why hunger is not a game. Using The Hunger Games, Bible study, group discussion and interactions, the group will learn what hunger looks like on a global scale. No matter what your interests are, if you are a youth Grades 6-12 there is always a space to find home within Cathedral Youth Ministries. Ϯ





CROSS Ministries has elected new officers and looks forward to a productive fall. Robert Fugate, the new chairman of CROSS was instrumental in starting Room in the Inn, a program serving homeless men and a significant CROSS ministry. The new CROSS secretary is Dr. Priscilla Lynd, and Lamar Grimes will continue to serve as treasurer for the coming year. Planning for two important upcoming CROSS activities is under way. First, the Bake and Craft Sale teams are soliciting food and handmade items for their fall sale. Proceeds from this sale enable CROSS to remain financially stable. Second, CROSS is working on December’s An-

gel Tree, a project carried out in conjunction with Harrison School. Selected Harrison students receive not only a toy, but also clothing and shoes. Additionally, chosen Harrison families receive groceries to supplement their food needs over win¬ter break. Another significant CROSS activity, Church Under the Bridge, will hold its final meeting for the year October 14. Church Under the Bridge provides a religious service followed by a meal for the homeless every Sunday afternoon. Chairpersons Beth and Caywood Prewitt are planning the menu for this event, but they need volunteers to help prepare and serve

the meal. To learn more about CROSS Ministries, stop by the CROSS Ministries table during the Ministry Fair on Rally Day. The number and variety of groups served by CROSS Ministries provide everyone opportunities to address vital community needs. Ϯ




admit it, I am a packrat. I could be a contender for the Packrat of Kentucky Award if such an award existed. But, I am reforming myself. I have slowly been going through things deciding which ones I should keep and which I should trash or give away. This process has been both funny and emotional. I have managed to part with a collection of things going back to my teaching career, school photos going back to grade school, previous students’ work and directions for projects I never seemed to start -- you get my drift. One particular day, as I forestalled getting to the task at hand because I was going to go through some things my parents and grandparents had given me, I read the parable of the rich fool, a person who was more concerned with storing his excess riches than with striving for the

By The Rev. Paula Ott

kingdom of God. The man’s solution to an unexpected overabundance of crops is to tear down his barns and build even bigger ones in which to store his excess. After that, the man plans on taking it easy, telling his soul “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.” Giving up things from my family was going to be far more difficult than giving up much of the other things that abided in my house. But as I sat dreading the task at hand and thinking about the parable of the rich fool, I admitted to myself that it wasn’t really the things, but the presence and loving memories of my family that mattered. I still have much work to do to de-clutter my life and my attic. There are some treasures with which I will never part and other treasures which will soon be out of my house. But,

when I consider all the blessings I have had in my life, if I could hold them in my arms, then I would most certainly need a much bigger house with a very big barn. My buildings would be stuffed to the rafters with the blessings I have received. By the Grace of God, those in my family who have gone on before me live in light perpetual. I live in a country where I need not fear the sound of bombs going off and gunfire ricocheting all about me. My wonderful family is healthy as are my beloved mutts. I am doing work I believe God has called me to do. I serve at a beautiful cathedral where there is a fantastic staff, majestic stained glass windows, incredible music and an absolutely awesome congregation. You must agree I am truly blessed. Ϯ With Thanksgiving to God, Paula+ CCCLEX.ORG / 15


e belong here! Such a powerful statement. And a true one. Discovering our soul purpose is about discovering that we belong, that we have a place where we can gather, a place where we can express ourselves, a place where we are free to be who God has called us to be. We belong here…at Christ Church Cathedral! What does belonging look like? Belonging looks like young adults who found a seat for them at the table of a pub, which led to them leading a Sunday School class. Belonging looks like young adults volunteering time to paint our nursery or work toward the goal of building a Habitat for Humanity house. Belonging looks like the young adult who comes to church on Sunday night and is welcomed by someone his or her own age and told that, yes, you DO have a place here! The Cathedral Young Adults is the place where one can find that soul purpose, where one can find that place of belonging. Many members of the Young Adults have said that the bi-weekly Theology on Tap gathering (Mondays at 6:30 at the Village Idiot Pub) was their first introduction to the life of Christ Church Cathedral. Still, it was just the first step in the journey of finding their place in the life of our community. From the discussions at Theology on Tap come greater conversations about where our gifts lie and how we might be able to use them to the glory of God and for the building up of the Kingdom. Before we know it a person who was first introduced to the church through Theology on Tap is now singing in the


WE BELONG HERE The Young Adult Journey in the Church By The Rev. Joe Mitchell

choir or running for vestry. It is at this open table where we are invited into the life of Christ Church Cathedral, and in doing so we find our place of belonging, our soul purpose. As a new program year starts the Cathedral Young Adults are incredibly excited for all the opportunities ahead of us this year. We will continue to gather for Theology on Tap, but those gatherings have also sprouted new opportunities for fellowship and conversation, including Hospitality at Home and Parents’ Date Night, both of which we will be starting this fall as chances for deeper discussions. Sanctuary service at 6:00, where we have served as ministers, and where we take time afterward to share an exchange together over a light supper. So what does belonging look like to you? What is your soul purpose? This year come and join the Cathedral Young Adults and find out! You belong here! For more information on the Cathedral Young Adults, email The Rev. Joe Mitchell at Ϯ





ost of us have had the experience of being a stranger in a strange place. Whether it is the first day at a new school, a new job, a new city, or a new church, we have all been there. We may have some anxiety – What should I wear? Should I arrive early? What about parking? – and other concerns that raise the heartbeat. We have also experienced someone befriending us in that new place. A person who recognizes we need a friend. Someone who shows us around, or helps us with parking, or gives us the heads up on what to do. When this blessing happens, a flood of relief washes over us. The next time we go, we look forward to seeing our new friend and we feel more at home in that new place. What we know from experience is borne out in research. Research

suggests that if a visitor to a church makes a friend in the first 2 or 3 visits, he or she will be back. But if that connection isn’t made, that person will not be back. In Hebrews, we are counseled: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” The angels in our midst are those who visit us. The word is out in Lexington that something wonderful, something glorious and something holy is going on at Christ Church Cathedral. People are drawn to this holy place by word of mouth, by invitation, and by the Holy Spirit. A wonderful thing about worship is our fellowship. In fellowship we deeply connect with other Christians in our spiritual journeys together. When we see a friend we haven’t seen for a while, we want to talk. But the challenge is to not ignore the visitor in our midst. Coffee hour

can be one of the loneliest places for someone who is new at a church if no one talks to her or him. We already have a number of visitors every Sunday. This fall we will have a lot of visitors. Remember what we are challenged to do in Hebrews. As we come to worship, think about who might be visiting, who might need a friend, who is the stranger in our midst. Consider spending the first 10 minutes of coffee hour looking for and talking with someone you don’t know. Sit in a different place at worship, in a pew with someone you don’t know. Look for the person who isn’t familiar with our worship and give him or her a hand. Who knows, you might have just entertained an angel without knowing it! Ϯ

SOARING TO NEW HEIGHTS Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, Kentucky 40507 859-254-4497

Experience Great Music at Christ Church Cathedral, Lexington’s premier historical setting for discovering the power of music to stir your soul and inspire your mind.

GREAT MUSIC at Christ Church Cathedral

At historic Christ Church, the Gothic architecture offers a unique setting in which to savor unforgettable music and where classics become new with surprising detail. Enjoy Christ Church Cathedral’s highly acclaimed choirs, who breathe new life into the centuries-old tradition of choral and liturgical music, organists inspired by the Cathedral’s exquisite Holtkamp Organ and concert artists whose incomparable gifts promise to thrill and enchant. Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral where Great Music soars to new heights. Pick up a 2013-2014 Music Brochure today.

September 2013 - May 2014




arishioners of Christ Church Cathedral gathered together with parishioners of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church at The Old Episcopal Burying Grounds for our annual picnic on July 28. It was a glorious day with mild temperatures, a light breeze, great food and some wonderful music. Christ Church

Cathedral “adopted” Fire Stations #1 and #13, and so a fire truck, firemen and firewomen were in attendance. Kids of all ages got to sit in the fire truck and try on fire fighting gear. We even got to turn on the siren! We are grateful for the fantastic BBQ of Robert Fugate and all the excellent dishes brought by everyone. Ϯ



STARTING A NEW JOURNEY: Finding a Home at ECM By The Rev. Joe Mitchell


here are a number of milestones in our lives. One such milestone is beginning the exciting new journey of college life. For many of us it is the first time we have ever been away from home. And for this reason it can be a tumultuous time, with emotions running at a fever pitch. It is a comfort to know, then, that there is a safe place where we can go, a place of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. It is a comfort to know that Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) is there to be our home away from

home as we go on this thrilling, but sometimes frightful, journey. Twelve of our University of Kentucky Episcopal students, as well as nine of our Transylvania University Episcopal students, are underclassmen! That’s a pretty staggering number, which shows just how important it is for us to be able to offer hospitality, fellowship, food, and worship for young men and women who are venturing out into the unknown world of adulthood. College is a time of questions, about God and about life. College is a

time of exploration, of faith and of oneself. At Episcopal Campus Ministry students are given the opportunity to question and to explore. This year our conversations will ask those tough questions about where God is in our lives and where do we see our lives going. We will engage one another in thoughtful conversation, enjoy one another’s company at campus sporting and social events, and find our center at quiet, contemplative worship services. If you are looking for a safe, open, and welcoming community where you can ask your questions, explore who you are, and engage with folks your age, then Episcopal Campus Ministry is right for you! For UK students we invite you to join us at St. Augustine’s Chapel (472 Rose St.) on Thursday nights at 7:05 for fellowship and food, followed by Nighttime Prayer at 9:35. You can also take a break from class to find some quiet worship at Noontime Prayer at 12:05 each weekday (this service is a Holy Eucharist on Thursdays). For Transy students you can find ECM every Sunday night right here at Christ Church Cathedral! Join us for our contemplative service, Sanctuary, Sundays at 6:00 pm, followed by a free meal and open, engaging conversation. Wherever you are on your journey, you have a place at Episcopal Campus Ministry! Welcome home! Ϯ CCCLEX.ORG / 21


EVENTS /// RALLY DAY Sunday, September 1 is Rally Day! On this day we rally together as we launch into fall by renewing our life in Christ through play, learning and worship. Our Rally Day includes a cookout, inflatable slides, a bounce house, live music, and a ministry fair, following the 11:00am service. Hamburgers, hot dogs and a vegetarian alternative will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share at the cookout. Please note that we will have our regular worship services at 7:30, 8:30, 11:00am, and 6:00pm. There will be no Children’s Chapel. Please dress very casually for church so we can go straight to the festivities. Sign up at www., or at the Welcome Desk, or call or email Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen, 254-4497, mchristensen@ccclex. org, so we can get a count for lunch. The fall schedule will begin on Sunday, September 8, with four services: 7:30, 8:30, 11:00am, & 6:00pm, and Sunday School at 10:00am. COMMODORES The Commodores will begin their new year on Friday, September 6 at 7:00 p.m. in the Great Hall. Dean Carol Wade will bring her annual message and plans for the coming year. All members and friends of the Cathedral are encouraged to attend especially since the September gathering provides an excellent opportunity to get better acquainted and learn more about the Cathedral's ministries. Please bring a meat, vegetable, or salad dish to serve 1012. The following items will be furnished: desserts, appetizers, beverage, and bread. PHASE 3 OF THE HABITAT PROJECT BEGINS SEPTEMBER 13 Phase 3 of our Habitat house will begin on Friday, September 13. This is the final phase and will consist of painting, installation of kitchen and bathroom cabinets, lighting, flooring and landscaping. Christ Church is to provide two workers for each

shift 8:30-11:30 and 12:30-3:30 on September 13, 20, 21, 27, 28, and October 4, 5, 11 and 12. Volunteers are encouraged to work a double shift if possible from 8:303:30. Lunch will be provided. If you did not have an opportunity to participate in Phase 1, you are encouraged to volunteer for Phase 3. Please email bettyjopalmer@ to sign up for the time you wish to work or see her after the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. services today at the Welcome Center. Like the Facebook page at www.facebook. com/COW.Habitat to stay in touch with the team and follow the project.

in the fall and spring, and following the noon healing service in the winter. For more information, contact Joanna Walsh at 859-533-8853, championbluegrass@gmail. com.


NEXT OPPORTUNITES FOR BAPTISM Your next opportunities for Baptism are on September 15 and October 6 at the 11:00am Sunday service. If you or your child would like to be baptized, please contact Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or

HOLIDAY BAKE/CRAFT SALE TIME Thanks to you, our Bake Sales have made over $14,000 for CROSS Ministries and the Craft Sale gave more than $1,200 to the Community Cupboard. We are asking you to share your gifts and talents again this year by donating crafts that you make or preparing your favorite recipe. Signups begin August 1 and end September 11. A list of all items will be available to everyone in October. In October, orders will be taken on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Bake Sale items will need to be delivered on November 23 and pick up for all items is Sunday, November 24. There are several ways to sign up: There are sign-up forms for both the Bake and Craft Sale items and a box at the Welcome Center. For Bake Sale, you can also send an email to or phone 255-9535. For the Craft Sale, you can send an email to or phone 509-4092. If you have any questions, please let us know: Susan Baird, Cissy Collins, Leslie Cox, Sherry Ferguson, Kathleen Imhoff, Laura Parrish, Susan Stempel, Muffy Stuart, Joanna Walsh. Thank you!



DAUGHTERS OF THE KING The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious order for Episcopal women and girls. Founded in 1885, its purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our parish and missions. The Christ Church Chapter meets on the third Wednesday of the month, evenings

THE DIRECTORY IS IN PRODUCTION! The printed version of the 2013 CCC directory is in production. We will give details in the Sunday Times and Cathedral Reminders on how to receive your copy. Stay tuned! And the online login information will be supplied soon after the printed versions are complete. Thanks for your patience!

STEP OFF THE CONVEYOR BELT OF LIFE AT SANCTUARY Find Sanctuary at 6:00 Sunday evenings at Christ Church Cathedral. Sanctuary is a place and time of deep peace, heartwarming music of the Celtic tradition, candles, contemplation, communion and worship. Sanctuary is where you can feel close to God, find peace of mind and heart, and bring into focus your purpose and place in the world. Sanctuary is worship that gives both solace and strength in the joy of Holy Eucharist. Sanctuary is followed by a simple meal.



Ann Breeden


Tripp Geddes

19 Nancy Freeman

26 Caroline Parker


Awbrey Wahle


Terry Hutchens

20 Joy McRoberts

26 Chloe Hall


Jean Shearer


Kathleen Imhoff

20 George Cox

26 Robert Sandford


Rick White

10 Jess Mendes

20 Tyler Jackson

26 Ron Lasher


Adam Endorf

12 Pamela Russell-Tutty

20 Marilyn Faughn

26 Amanda Naish


Lucy Sandmeyer

13 Elizabeth Geddes

21 Barbara Clifton

27 Amy Brice


Melissa Koger

13 Mildred Lawrence

21 Chris Shaughnessy

27 Gates Corman


Ramsey Bell

13 Lynn Roser

21 Paige Tuttle

27 Maggie Donworth


Richard Giles

14 Bryan Conrad

21 Ruth Mark

27 Patricia Arnold


Sophie Bell

14 Dana Davis

21 Steffen Wilson

27 Robbie Cattoi


Beth Mitchell

14 Joel Fay

22 Chris Wright

27 Virginia Newsome


Elizabeth Moore

14 Kathy Anderson

22 David Gyor

28 Joseph Mucci


Karen Arnold

14 William Stewart

22 Mary Wigginton

28 Richie Donworth


Bruce Noe

14 Clay Duvall

22 Matthew Lasher

29 Mary Duke


Sterrett Whitton

16 Robert Ireland

22 Marcia Hunter


Harold Mann

16 Abigail Morgan

23 Jennifer Morgan

29 Susan McLaughlinJones


Noah Lutz

16 Edith Anderson

23 Neil Sturgill


Trisha Moore

17 Ed Barr

24 Anne Anderson


Susan Stempel

17 Ellen Woodward

24 Carojean MacDonald


Cary Howard

17 Norman Powell

24 Cooper Headley


Mary Ruth Clark

17 Lynne Slone

24 Susan Thompson


Vella Scott

17 Alex Lesueur, Jr.

25 Ray Barry


Emily Mullins

18 Nate Craddock

25 Amanda Tudor


Kathy Dalton

18 PD Davis

25 Diana Martin

29 Nancy McDuffie 30 Jim Gay 30 Paul Counts 30 Jon Dodds


166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507

SUNDAYS 7:30am 8:30am 9:30am 10:00am 11:00am 12:15pm 6:00pm

Holy Eucharist Rite I • Chapel Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Breakfast • Great Hall Sunday School Holy Eucharist Rite II • Church Welcome Reception • Great Hall Youth Groups • Basement Activities Room Santuary • Church

WEDNESDAYS 12:05pm Healing Service • Chapel

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UPCOMING SERVICES & EVENTS September 1 Rally Day Ministry Fair & Teacher Commissioning September 2 Cathedral & Church Offices Closed September 4 Prayer Shawl Knitters September 6 Commodores September 8 Sunday School Begins September 10 ECW Luncheon September 11 Speaker: Steve Stratton September 15 Baptisms September 18 Speaker: Steve Stratton September 20 Gallery Hop September 22 Choir Pool Party September 25 Speaker: Steve Stratton September 28 Acolyte Festival Youth Seeker Scramble October 4 Fall Fellowship Dinner October 5 Blessing of the Animals

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