Spring 2015 Christian Formation Brochure

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Creating Sacred Rhythms 2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5 C h r i st i a n Fo r m a t i o n Deep in the heart of every human being is a desire to be fully alive. Not just to exist but to thrive. Do you have a sacred rhythm for your life that makes you feel alive? Or do you long to live life at a different pace? Scripture tells us there is a time for everything and God has made everything beautiful in its time. At Christ Church Cathedral, creating sacred rhythms is about listening to an ancient echo deep within that opens resonant pathways to our true selves and to God, where rest and restoration, work and play, reflection and worship ebb and flow with life force and divine energy. If you are eager to find a design for your life that accords with your creativity as it propels your life of service, prayer and generosity, we invite you on this exciting journey at Christ Church Cathedral. The promise is this: Creating sacred rhythms can reveal our deepest selves and highest purpose as we become more fully alive. When we live a life in sync with God and in tune with others, we thrive and God’s love overflows in our lives and the world. Welcome to Christ Church Cathedral where creating sacred rhythms has the power to make us whole.

Carol+ Dean and Rector Christ Church Cathedral

You are invited! Your most important spiritual opportunity at Christ Church Cathedral this year Christ Church Cathedral Saturday, April 25 Save the Date!

If you love your Cathedral, you won’t want to miss this. Mary Parmer, a sought-after speaker, will share with us her remarkable stories, and teach us how simple it is to invite, welcome and connect others to our church home. Childcare will be available.

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Adult Special Events pg • 4

Living by Words: Kentucky Authors Speak One Wednesday a month 7:00pm Led by Guy Mendes How often do we get to sit face-to-face with the authors we love? Join us for a night of wisdom, wit, and words with some of Kentucky’s most engaging writers. Childcare is provided. • January 14 - Jeff Worley • February 4 - Gwen Hymen Rubio • April 15 - Chris Holbrook • May 13 - Eric Scott Sutherland ECW Luncheons: Who Is Our Neighbor? 2nd Tuesday of the month 11:45am-1:00pm This second Tuesday of the month luncheon invites us to get to know our neighbor. The conversation begins at 11:45am. Lunch follows at approximately 12:15pm, and can be purchased for $10. Please sign up in advance at the Welcome Center. Sponsored by the Episcopal Church Women (ECW). • February 10 - Rasheedah El-Amin, Executive Director of the Lyric Theatre and Cultural Arts Center, will speak about her vision for the growth of the historic Lyric Theatre and its connection to the local African American art scene. • March 10 - The Rev. Troy Thomas, Pastor of historic St. Paul AME Church, will speak about the historic significance of his church and share his personal reflections on Lent. • April 14 - The Rev. Dr. Maxine Thomas, of St. Paul AME Church, will talk about women and the church. Confirmation & Reception: Take the Next Step in Your Membership Sundays, January 18 - February 15 12:45-1:45pm Dean’s Conference Room Bishop Hahn will be at Christ Church Cathedral for confirmation and reception on Sunday, April 26. If you are an adult and would like to be confirmed or received, we have a series of five classes to prepare you. Childcare will be provided. Please bring a sack lunch.

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Adult Special Events pg • 5

Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which baptized candidates “express a mature commitment to Christ and receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayers and the laying on of hands by a bishop.” BCP p. 860 • Reception is for baptized persons who have made a mature commitment to Christ in another Christian denomination and now wish to be members of the Episcopal Church. The candidate is received through the laying on of hands and prayer by the Bishop. Please RSVP for attendance and if you need childcare by contacting Rev. Brent Owens at bowens@ccclex.org or call 254-4497 ext. 103. •

The Gospel According to Mark: A Staged Reading and Discussion Wednesday, February 25 Dinner at 6:00pm, Program begins at 6:30pm Have you ever read or heard the story of Jesus in one sitting? It is a powerful experience. The Gospel According to Mark, the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament, is filled with urgency and action! Cathedral members trained in the art of reading scripture will present a staged reading of this compelling Gospel. A discussion will follow. Join us for this exciting presentation of the Gospel According to Mark and be inspired by the great story of our faith as we begin our Lenten journey. Lenten Series: What Do The 12 Steps Have To Teach Everyday People? Lenten Wednesdays, March 4-25 Dinner at 6:00pm, Program begins at 6:30pm Harriet Dupree Bradley & Julie Hamilton Harriet is excited to break open the 12 steps which are rooted in Episcopal tradition, having been created by Episcopalian Bill W. The 12-step approach to life will enrich every facet of our lives, helping us to live more freely by trusting in something greater than ourselves. Lenten Quiet Day Monday, March 23 10:00am-2:00pm Lent is a time to make space for welcoming the peace of Christ into our lives and the world. Quiet day opens us to this experience.


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om o R d ilfor T e h des nt i n e m p uy M G 7:00 y b Led January 14 Jeff Worley author of The Only Time There Is February 4 Gwyn Hyman Rubio author of Icy Sparks April 15 Chris Holbrook author of Hell and Ohio May 13 Eric Scott Sutherland author of Pendulum

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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 7

The Forum

TIlford Room, 10:00-10:50am, except Focus Sundays when all classes wll meet in the Great Hall.

Not Really Ordinary Time: Baptism and Call January 11 & 18 Dr. Margaret Ralph In the liturgical year, the time between the end of the Christmas Season and the beginning of Lent is called Ordinary Time. Among the Gospel passages we will examine are baptism stories and call stories. We will listen carefully to these stories to understand both what the inspired authors were teaching their audiences and how the living word of Scripture speaks to us today. Dr. Margaret Ralph is a director of pastoral studies at Lexington Theological Seminary and author of 15 books. ISIS and the Struggle Against Violence January 25 Dr. John Stempel ISIS poses the greatest danger to Middle East peace of any threat in recent years. What can the world’s temporal and spiritual powers do about it, if anything? Focus Sunday: Everett McCorvey February 1 Great Hall Growing up around the corner from Martin Luther King, Jr., Everett McCorvey shares his experiences with the Civil Rights Movement in Montgomery, Alabama. Everett McCorvey is the founder and Music Director of the American Spiritual Ensemble. Dr. McCorvey has given concerts, master classes and workshops throughout the United States, Europe, South America and Asia as a soloist and with his wife, soprano Alicia Helm. The Gospel of the Lion February 8 - March 8 Dr. Jerry Sumney This study of the earliest Gospel will explore the way Mark understands who Jesus is and what he accomplished. We will see the ways he tells his stories about Jesus so we can come to a fuller understanding of what God has done for us through him. We will also look at how those closest to Jesus responded to him and what Mark tells us about life as disciples through them. Even though this is our shortest Gospel, it is full of rich insights into the faith and the life of faith. www.ccclex.org

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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 8

Cathedral Pipe Organ March 15 Join Canon Musician Erich Balling as he leads a discussion and demonstration of the Cathedrals Holtkamp organ. With over 3000 pipes, this is a fascinating look at how the instrument works and creates its majestic sound. We are Building Another Habitat House! March 22 We are going to build another Habitat House in the summer of 2015! We will build on Florida Street, about one mile from the Cathedral. And who will live there? Julia Escobar de Carnas, who is delighted to be building a house near her son and grandchildren. Please join us as we discuss this exciting opportunity. Faith and the American Civil War: The Enduring Impact Palm Sunday, March 29 Dr. John Stempel The sesquicentennial of the end of the American Civil War is a good time to remember the profound impact our faith has had on the world, not just our country. Graceful Aging: Experiencing All that Life Has to Offer April 12 & 19 Robert McClelland Robert McLelland, a local elder law attorney, will lead a two-part discussion of legal essentials for aging and disabled individuals. Topics addressed will include planning for long-term care, wills, and medical and legal powers of attorney. Sponsored by the Christ Church Legacy Society. How the New Testament Church (Re)interprets the Old Testament April 26 - May 17 Dr. John Cook This class will focus on how Jesus and the New Testament writers saw themselves in continuity with the hope of the Old Testament people of God. We will learn about reading the Old Testament with a fuller understanding of its connection to the New Testament. Dr. Cook, who is the Associate Professor of Old Testament at Asbury, is passionate about teaching others how to read God’s Word and how to live, with wisdom and holiness, into the Gospel in our daily lives.

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Adult Sunday Classes pg • 9

Every Sunday Bible Study: We Make the Road by Walking Begins January 11 10:00-10:50am Spirituality Room, 1st Floor Helm Following author Brian McLaren’s invigorating new Bible study book, “We Make the Road by Walking”, leaders will help us engage with readings and discussion questions designed to challenge and encourage us to understand the biblical story and to live responsibly and joyfully as agents of God’s justice, creativity and peace. The Wired Word Begins January 11 10:00-10:50am Bride’s Room Come to a lively conversation of current events as we discuss how they connect to Scripture and faith. Cathedral 101 Begins January 11 10:00-10:50am Dean’s Conference Room, 3rd Floor This class welcomes everyone into the life of Christ Church Cathedral, and equips us to carry out the work of Christ in the world. Whether you are new or a longtime member, we invite you to explore the Episcopal Church with us as we also discern our own spiritual journey. Each session is a “stand alone” class so you can attend one, or all, or something in between.

No classes will be offered on January 4, April 5 (Easter) and May 24 (Pentecost). www.ccclex.org

Christian Formation

Adult Formation at a Glance pg • 10 Date 1/11

Not Really Ordinary Time: Baptism and Call

Bible Study


Cathedral 101 C101


Not Really Ordinary Time: Baptism and Call

Bible Study




ISIS and the Struggle Against Violence

Bible Study



2/1 2/8

Focus Sunday: Everett McCorvey The Gospel of the Lion

No Class Bible Study

No Class WW

No Class C101

2/15 2/22

The Gospel of the Lion The Gospel of the Lion

Bible Study Bible Study


C101 C101

3/1 3/8

The Gospel of the Lion The Gospel of the Lion

Bible Study Bible Study


C101 C101


Focus Sunday: Invite, Welcome, Connect with Mary Parmer We are Building Another Habitat House!

No Class

No Class

No Class

Bible Study




Faith and the American Civil War: The Enduring Impact

Bible Study




Easter Sunday No Class – Join us for worship and brunch!

No Class

No Class

No Class


Graceful Aging: Experiencing All that Life Has to Offer

Bible Study




Graceful Aging: Experiencing All that Life Has to Offer

Bible Study




How the New Testament Church (Re)interprets the Old Testament

Bible Study




How the New Testament Church (Re)interprets the Old Testament

Bible Study




How the New Testament Church (Re)interprets the Old Testament

Bible Study




How the New Testament Church (Re)interprets the Old Testament

Bible Study




Pentecost Celebration No Classes – Join us for worship and reception!

No Class

No Class

No Class


The Forum

Bible Study

Creating Sacred Rhythms

Wired Word

Christian Formation

Children Sunday Classes pg • 11

Nursery - Birth - 3 years 8:15am-12:15pm 1st floor Helm Loving, nurturing care is provided for the youngest members of our church family and those of our visitors during all worship services, including special services. Children’s Chapel - 4 years - Grade 4 8:30am & 11:00am Children’s Chapel, 1st floor Helm We love having children in worship! Children’s Chapel is a service designed specifically for the youngest members of our church. Children may join the the opening processions of the 8:30 and 11:00am Sunday services, then go into the Children’s Chapel, and join parents during the “Peace” in time for Holy Communion. God’s Children Sing - Birth - 3 years 10:15-10:45am Children’s Chapel, 1st floor Helm Come and join this lively group for music, play, and fellowship on Sunday mornings! This class meets in the Children’s Chapel for singing, moving, listening, and playing rhythm instruments. The parents play musically with the children in an atmosphere of faith and fun! Godly Play - 3 years - Grade 3 10:00-10:50am 2nd floor Helm Godly Play is a creative, playful way to know the love of God and to learn wonderful stories of faith. This class gives children the language and place with which to express their experiences with God. God’s Team - Grades 4 & 5 10:00-10:50am 3rd floor Helm God’s Team is a fun and creative way to move deeper into the stories of our faith. This group also meets for fellowship from time to time to build friendships in community. www.ccclex.org

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Children Special Events pg • 12

Communion for Kids: A Children’s Instructed Eucharist Sunday, January 11 12:30pm We will gather in the Great Hall after the 11:00am service for a light lunch. Then, we will walk through our service of Holy Communion and talk about how Jesus meets us in our prayers and the sharing of a holy meal. Ages 3-10 are welcome! Shrove Tuesday Tuesday, February 17 Dinner 5:30-6:30pm Activities begin at 6:15pm. Lenten Event Sunday, March 22 12:30-3:00pm Children will experience the events of Holy Week. Wear comfortable clothes to church. Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, April 19 10:00am Old Episcopal Burying Ground Parents should bring two dozen eggs per child to church the week before. Vacation Bible School June 7-10

Creating Sacred Rhythms

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Youth Sunday Classes pg • 13

Middle School: The Awakening - Grades 6-8 10:00-10:50am 3rd floor Helm Through group discussion, drama, art, song, and YouTube, we will learn about Scripture and Christ. Activities change weekly based on Scripture. Students discover their own identity through events on their Christian Journey. Confirmation Class - Grades 9 & Up 10:00-10:50am 3rd Floor Helm Bldg This time is reserved for study as we spend six weeks together in class preparing for Confirmation and our pilgrimage to Costa Rica. We will be using Mary Lee Wile’s I Will with God’s Help as our guide. High School: Coffee and Conversation - Grades 9-12 10:00-10:50am Youth Activities Room, Basement Students meet for relevant and meaningful discussions about their Christian faith in relation to the realities of everyday life. The class often travels to local coffee shops, as they experience the Church outside the walls of our Cathedral. Junior Daughters of the King - Grades 6-12 4:00-5:45pm (Monthly) Jr. DOK Chapel, 3rd floor Helm This group of girls focuses on service, prayer and invitation. Jr. Daughters is a subset of the Daughters of the King, a group of Episcopal women. Jr. members are supported and mentored by a Sr. daughter. Sunday Night Youth Group - Grades 6-8 and 9-12 6:00 -7:30pm Youth Activities Room, Basement Youth gather for food, fun, and fellowship. Come to share a meal, engage with friends, and deepen your experience of the faith. Each week is different but is always centered on meaningful, interactive activities and discussions. www.ccclex.org

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Youth Special Events pg • 14

DioLex Youth Lock-In at Trinity, Covington January 17 & 18 Trinity Episcopal Church; Covington, KY On January 17-18, Trinity Episcopal Church warmly invites all junior and senior high students (grade 7-12) to downtown Covington for the annual dance party and lock-in we like to call “The Electric Revival.” Shake off those mid-winter blues with twenty-four long hours of music, worship, fellowship and, of course, dancing. This year the Electric Revival will feature live music, yoga classes, an open mic coffee hour, a Taizé worship service, and of course, more of that late night POWER MUSIC ELECTRIC REVIVAL! Register at trinitychurchcovky.com. Acolyte Festival January 31, 9:30am-3:30pm Christ Church Cathedral Calling all Acolytes for a Diocesan wide Acolyte Festival at the Cathedral. The festivities will include a Holy Eucharist (led by Bishop Hahn), interactive workshops, and Acolyte Olympics. Lunch will be provided. Registration is $10, please sign up at the Welcome Desk. For information contact the Rev. Kate (kbyrd@gmail.com) or Jim Ware (jorieware@gmail.com) for more information. Ski & Swim February 6-7 Grades 6-12 Join us for our annual Ski & Swim Retreat weekend to the mountains of Indiana. This Friday/Saturday getaway will feature fellowship and fun as we enjoy an indoor waterpark at Big Splash Adventure, and the slopes of Paoli Peaks. Needs-based scholarship available. Sign up today with Rev. Kate at kbyrd@ ccclex.org. New Beginnings February 13-15 Cathedral Domain Grades 7-9 A weekend of fun, relaxation and deepened friendships with God, new friends, and one’s self. Join us on a discovery of questions – Who is God? Who is God to Creating Sacred Rhythms

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Youth Special Events pg • 15

me? And who am I to God? This small group retreat will focus on self, friends, brothers, sisters, and parents. As we get ready for Valentine’s Day we will discover together how we can love more fully. 30 Hour Famine March 6-8 St. Michaels, Lexington Grades 6-12* The 30 Hour Famine is an incredible opportunity for students to join together in the fight against hunger as they participate in a 30 hour juice fast. During this Diocesan wide youth weekend, we will spend time learning about world hunger through tribal games, praying for those who suffer from hunger, looking at the Bible in relation to these issues, and taking part in mission projects across Lexington. Our 30 Hour Famine will end with Eucharist and a feast as we break our fast and celebrate our success in support of this great cause. *you must be 12 years or older to participate

Happening #52 March 20-22 Cathedral Domain Grades 10-12 A major event for youth! This weekend retreat is a transformative religious experience full of fun, laughter, songs and prayer. The event is led by youth for youth. Cathedral Domain Summer Camps Camp can be a profound place of spiritual growth for our young people. At camp, a communal atmosphere promotes spiritual renewal, recreation and education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Each week, students from different grade levels gather with clergy and lay leaders to focus on a Christian learning theme, as well as personal learning goals. Camp is a powerful experience of God and community. Scholarships for all camps are available based on need. For camp dates and additional information, please visit cathedraldomain.org. Contact The Rev. Kate Byrd (kbyrd@ccclex.org) for more information. www.ccclex.org

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College Gatherings pg • 16

Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) at UK Every Thursday 7:05pm St. Augustine’s Chapel, 472 Rose Street (between the AD Pi & Tri Delt Houses) Are you a UK student looking for an intimate, open community to call your own? Then you are invited to join us for Episcopal Campus Ministry! We meet every Thursday evening for fellowship, worship, and a FREE MEAL! Come see us at St. Augustine’s Chapel or visit our website: www.saintaugustineschapel. com Chapel Talks Every month (date & time TBA) St. Augustine’s Chapel This semester St. Augustine’s will be hosting a series of talks relating to topics so many of us talk about, but not in our faith communities. Join us for this new series of dialogues on topics ranging from marriage equality to the relationship between science & religion. All are welcome! For more information about Chapel Talks contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell at jmitchell@ccclex.org.

Creating Sacred Rhythms

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Young Adult Gatherings pg • 17

Theology on Tap 1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays of the Month 6:30-8:30pm The Village Idiot, 307 West Short Street Are you a young adult looking for conversation and fellowship in an organic, non-judgmental setting? Then join us for Theology on Tap on the first, third and fifth Mondays of each month at The Village Idiot. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at the table! Date Night 1st Friday of the Month 6:30-8:30pm Are you a young couple looking for a night out with folks your age? Then you’ll love Date Night, a fun night out with dinner and drinks. Single folks are welcome too! And if you have kids, they’ll be cared for by our Cathedral Nursery staff while you enjoy a few hours out. Sushi Fridays Fridays, February 20 - March 27 Times and Locations TBA Join us for lively conversation, great sushi, and good times together. There’s no agenda and all are welcome! Spirituality of Young Adults Sundays, February 22 - March 29 10:00am Lambeth Room Our exploration of the spiritual lives of millennials returns this Lent. Join us as we use the works of Thomas Merton to generate conversations about our everevolving relationship with God during this meaningful time of our lives. Contact The Rev. Joe Mitchell (jmitchell@ccclex.org) for more information.


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Fellowship Opportunities pg • 18

Brotherhood of St. Andrew The Brotherhood of Saint Andrew is a men’s organization of the Episcopal Church founded in 1883 for the purpose of prayer, study and service. Our chapter, which was formed in 1893, was reactivated in 2011 after over 30 years of inactivity. We welcome and encourage all interested men in the parish to join us. Call John Perrine at 268-0306. Commodores Remember to save the first Friday of each month at 7:00pm for the Commodore meetings. This fellowship meal and program is for adult parishioners and their guests. Please check the Sunday Times and Cathedral Reminders, or contact Loys Mather, 299-8569, for the most up-to-date details. Daughters of the King (DOK) The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international religious order for Episcopal women and girls. Founded in 1885, its purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of our parish and missions. For for additional information, contact Joanna Walsh at 296-4299. Dream Group This group meets regularly to discuss the dream, believing the dream is a way the divine communicates with us all of the time. We discuss books and work with dreams. If you have an interest in joining in the Fall, please contact elizabeth@ ccclex.org. Episcopal Church Women (ECW) Six times a year, ECW has an engaging speaker series featuring prominent community leaders. This is open to all in our Cathedral community and beyond. The speaker program is offered at 11:45am on February 10, March 10, and April 14, followed by a buffet lunch. Prayer Shawl Knitters Knitters provide shawls knitted with prayer for our Cathedral members who are shut in or having surgery or a new baby. Led by the Daughters of the King, we knit at home individually, but come together the first Wednesday of the month to knit, pray, and study. Contact Flo Mayer at 299-5552 for more information. Creating Sacred Rhythms

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Fellowship Opportunities pg • 19

Art at the Cathedral Art at the Cathedral strives to integrate art into the religious life of our Church. In addition to the permanent fine art collection, rotating exhibits featuring Diocese and local artists are displayed throughput the year. Contact Mike Slone at art@ccclex.org for more information. Cathedral Music Children have a unique ability to absorb and to learn. A hallmark of the Cathedral music program is imbuing children and youth with a passion, joy and sense of purpose for singing great sacred music. Contact Canon Musician Erich Balling at eballing@ccclex.org for more information. CROSS Ministries Christians Reaching Out in Service and Support is the name of our outreach and mission initiatives. Outreach has always been an important part of the life of Christ Church. Since the late 19th century, Christ Church has been the center of a number of significant mission and outreach activities. Contact Martha Park at 263-5878 for more information. Communications Ministry If you have a gift for design, advertising, the web or just want to help complete publications for mailing, this ministry needs you. Contact Publications Coordinator & Webmaster Ashley Goodrich at agoodrich@ccclex.org for more information. Education for Ministry (EFM) EFM is a program designed to equip the laity for ministry in their daily life. EFM provides a comprehensive, experiential education in the foundations and messages of our Christian faith. If you have an interest in joining in the Fall, please contact elizabeth@ccclex.org.


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Weekday Offerings pg • 20

Tuesday Centering Prayer Begins February 3 7:00-8:00am Chapel Do you yearn to be quiet with God? Centering Prayer is a way to find your center and rest in God. Please be at the church no later than 7:05 in order to attend as doors are still locked. Some time will be used to share resources and experiences. Everyone is welcome, and no experience is necessary! Yoga Ongoing 5:00-6:30pm Great Hall $85 / 12 sessions This is a great opportunity for people new to yoga as well as those who have more experience. The instructor, Madelaine Enochs-Epley, is wonderful at working with all skill levels.

Wednesday Fr. Bob Horine’s Men’s Bible Study Named in honor and memory of The Rev. Dr. Robert Horine Begins January 14 8:30-9:30am Small Dining Room Led by The Rev. Ron Summers The men’s Bible study group meets for an hour in the Small Dining Room. The group is studying the book of Acts.

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Weekday Offerings pg • 21

Companions in Christ: The Way of Blessedness Begins January 14 9:30-11:30am Spirituality Room Led by Lynne Slone Each week group participants explore one of the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount. Holy Eucharist & Sacrament of Healing Every Wednesday 12:05pm Chapel Prayer Shawl Knitters 1st Wednesday of the month 12:05-2:00pm Bride’s Room Knitters of all ages share their gifts with others who are in need of God’s love and warmth. Knitters gather once a month to knit in community. While knitting, we meditate on Scripture and join in group prayer. Centering Prayer Begins January 7 5:00-6:00pm Spirituality Room Each week the Centering Prayer group sits together for 20 minutes in silence, allowing our thoughts to pass by, resting in God. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. Centering Prayer will change your life! We will begin the hour by discussing excerpts from The Loving Search for God by William A. Meninger, which can be purchased in Christ Church Bookstore.


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Weekday Offerings pg • 22

Friday Men’s Cursillo Reunion Group Begins January 16 8:30-9:30am Bride’s Room This group of men gathers every Friday morning for prayer and discussion.

And on Sunday . . . Service Schedule • Holy Eucharist Rite I • 7:30am • Chapel • Breakfast • 9:30am • Great Hall • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 8:30am • Church • Sunday School • 10:00am • Holy Eucharist Rite II • 11:00am • Church • Evensong • 4:00pm • Church (Visit website for dates) • Sanctuary • 6:00pm • Church

Creating Sacred Rhythms

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Books & Beliefs pg • 23

Books and Beliefs meets the first Tuesday of each month. Coffee Hour begins at 10:00am followed by the program at 10:30am. Please attend these lively discussions and bring a guest to one or all of these opportunities for fellowship. All Christ Church members (men and women) and their guests are welcome.

February 3: The Memory Keeper’s Daughter and The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards Presented by the author Christ Church Cathedral, Tilford Room Hostesses: Trudy Patch, Karen Garrison, and Sandy Ireland March 3: My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor Presented by Ann Heard At the home of Wanda Jaquith, 250 S. Hanover Ave. Co-hostess: Mildred Lawrence April 7: Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly: The Remarkable Story of the Friendship Between a First Lady and a Former Slave by Jennifer Fleischner Presented by Priscilla Lynd At the home of Brenda Pettit, 316 West Second St. Co-hostess: Marsha Bloxsom May 5: Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup Presented by Sharon Brennan At the home of Sharon Brennan, 634 Tateswood Dr. Co-hostess: Gina Hallick and Betsy Davenport


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Art at the Cathedral pg • 24

CCC Member Photo Exhibit Quilt Artists of Kentucky: Quiltography Project 2013-14 January 11-March 8 Two interesting exhibits: one featuring photos taken by members of Christ Church Cathedral and their families and the other featuring quilts by Quilt Artists of Kentucky interpreting four photos. Join us January 16, 5-8pm at Gallery Hop for music in the Great Hall! OLLI Artist Invitational: Rites of Spring March 15-May 3 An exhibit of art and photography by participants of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Kentucky. Join us March 20, 5-8pm at Gallery Hop for music and entertainment in the Great Hall! SCAPA Art Program May 11-June 21 An art exhibit by students of the School for the Creative and Performing Arts in Lexington, Kentucky. Join us May 15, 5-8pm at Gallery Hop for music and entertainment by SCAPA students in the Great Hall!

Creating Sacred Rhythms

Christian Formation

About Christ Church Cathedral

pg • 25

Find Your Soul Purpose at Christ Church Cathedral Christ Church Cathedral serves a unique downtown ministry in the heart of Lexington. We are a people of prayer and action, eager to serve those in our community. We have programs and events for all generations. Everyone can find a place for involvement and service as we seek to extend God’s love made known in Jesus Christ. The mission of Christ Church Cathedral is to restore all persons to unity with God and one another in Christ Jesus, through prayer, worship, proclamation of the Gospel, and the promotion of Justice, Peace and Love. God has a dream to heal the world. Cathedrals are meant to give us a glimpse of that dream, and in so doing, to fortify and inspire us for that life-giving work. If you would like to know more about the Cathedral, please call Parish Secretary Margaret Christensen at 254-4497 or email her at mchristensen@ccclex. org to set up an appointment. Also, visit our website at www.ccclex.org.


Christian Formation

Table of Contents pg • 26

Adult Special Events ................ 4 Adult Sunday Classes ............... 7 Children’s Sunday Classes ....... 11 Children’s Special Events .... .... 12 Youth Sunday Classes ............. 13 Youth Special Events ............... 14 College Gatherings ................... 16 Young Adult Gatherings ........... 17 Fellowship Opportunities ......... 18 More Cool Ministries ................ 19 Weekday Offerings .................. 20 Books & Beliefs ....................... 23 Art at the Cathedral................. 24 About the Cathedral................ 25

For questions regarding Christian Formation or to register for a class, contact Elizabeth Conrad at the Cathedral, 254-4497 or elizabeth@ccclex.org.

Creating Sacred Rhythms

Christ Church Cathedral 166 Market Street Lexington, KY 40507 859.254.4497 www.ccclex.org Return Service Requested

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