During our 2022-2023 fiscal year, the Junior Board of Christiana Care, Inc. raised funds/gifted $329,000 to ChristianaCare projects. Recipients of our funds included the Pediatric Care Center ($85,000), Forensic Team ($67,000), Reach Out and Read Program ($10,000) and Securing Tomorrow ($167,000). The articles to follow highlight our recipients and their requests, as well as our JB Cause 2023 fundraising and event.
The theme of Pediatric Pride encompassed the Junior Board’s fundraising efforts in 2023. The Board of Directors selected the newly opened Pediatric Care Center for JB Cause 2023. This round-the-clock facility on the first floor of the Center for Women’s and Children’s Health offers combined short-stay inpatient and emergency care for pediatric patients Dr Megan Mickley, Director of the Pediatric Care Center, summarized the future use of our funds by stating:
“Philanthropic support of the Pediatric Care Center through JB Cause allows us to continuously optimize our patients’ and families’ experiences as we improve care access and expand care services for the ChristianaCare pediatric community. Our gratitude and the impact of your support are truly immeasurable!”
Dr Megan Mickley, MD MBA FAAP FACEP
Tomorrow: “You Can Count on Us!”
With our final payment of $166,000, the Junior Board completed our lead sponsor pledge to ChristianaCare of $500,000 Initiated in 2020, Securing Tomorrow was designed to help our healthcare system to achieve, maintain and expand current and future important care services during the unprecedented pandemic The Junior Board remains committed to assist ChristianaCare in all endeavors to secure excellent care for our neighbors You can count on us!
Special thanks to our dedicated Junior Board Fundraising Committee of Diane Thomas (Chair), Claudine Richardson (Treasurer), Susan Katz, Linda White, Paula Cobb Sheldon, Joanne Abruzzese, Connie Euston, Judy Holloway, and Kathleen Fenimore.
After five years without a fundraising event due to COVID, the Junior Board’s Event Planning Committee hosted “A Very Special Day” at the Ammon Center on ChristianaCare’s Newark campus that showed our “Pediatric Pride”. Fun and enthusiasm were evident throughout the day-long event, as JB members, hospital staff, family and friends attended a variety of activities. The day began with a marketplace of fourteen vendors selling a diverse array of handcrafted items and homemade food, as well as raffles offering enticing gift cards, gifts and wines.
Later, a happy hour featuring the up-beat tones of The Brandywine Riders and beverages by Magnolia Lounge delighted our guests. To top THAT off, a ticketed evening event featured delicious appetizers by Bachetti Brothers and the enjoyable sounds of the Piano Dudes whose vibe created a sing, clap and dance along atmosphere for our guests.
Thank Thank Thank you! you! you!
Special thanks to our many Junior Board volunteers and to our extraordinary event committee: Diane Thomas and Claudine Richardson, (Co-Chairs), Judy Legge, JoAnn Vahey, Joyce Strojny, Kaye Crouch, Lori Wright, Pam Russo, Judy Holloway, and Lois Capone. In addition, kudos to our enthusiastic ChristianaCare honorary chairs: Megan Mickley, MD, Director of the Pediatric Care Center, and Ashlee Rowles, Director of Operations, Women’s and Children’s Services.
The combined efforts of our fundraising and event committees enabled the Junior Board to present a check for $85,000 to the Pediatric Care Center.
Pediatric Pride smiles all around!
Thanks to our JB Cause 2023 generous donors including Junior Board members, corporate donors and individuals. You made us all Pediatric Proud!
Junior Board of ChristianaCare
Dr Janice Nevin & Dr Charles Pohl
Lammot Copeland Jr
Dr. Patricia Curtin & Family
Charles H & Ella Emery
Seiberlich Trane Energy Services
Phyllis & Charles Adams
Cassidy Painting, Inc.
Claudia & Richard Fischer
Helen F Graham Cancer & Research Center
Lynn Herrick & Rodney Sharp
Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield Delaware
Dr & Mrs Howard Zucker
Breakwater Accounting & Advisory Corp.
Barbara & Richard Burd
Chandler Funeral Home & Crematory Cirillo Brothers, Inc.
Dr. Richard Cuming & Mr. John Lally
W L Gore & Associates, Inc
Kleon Diamantopoulos
Elliott-Lewis Corporation
Ann Kappel
Milestone Construction Company, Inc.
Dr. Renee Oleary
Lear S Pfeiffer
Nancy & Dan Rich
W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Debra Ackerman
Betty & Elmo Beyer
Brew HaHa!
Charles Copeland
Lois Capone
Michael & Tookie Clark
Carol A Coughenour
Kaye Crouch
Delaware Today Magazine
Joseph DeStephano
Diamond State Promotions
Kathleen Fenimore
Denise & Gary Ferguson
Jim & Paula Flynn
Chris Frysztacki
Furness Electric Company, Inc
Gunnip & Company, LLP
Tom & Kathleen Johnson
Leslie & Lynn Jones
Mary Julian
Susan & Alan Katz
Irene Larson
Farid Moosavy
Barry & Susan Niziolek
Pratt Insurance, Inc.
R. L. Laboratories, Inc.
Paul & Georgianna Riley
Pamela Russo
Sacksy Thyme, LLC
Tom & Paula Sheldon
Diane H Thomas
Dwight & Pamela Thomey
Norm & Suzy Veasey
Joanne Abruzzese
Joan Altmaier
Mary Lowenstein Anderson
Sharon Anderson
Sylvia Bachman
Lois Backes
Nancy Barefoot
Georgia Brereton
Susan Burchenal
Dr Hal Byck
Dr & Mrs Charles G Case, Sr
Susan Carty
Jeanne T. Checkel
Donna M. Cohen
Ann Davidson
Elizabeth Dougherty
Rose Ebner
John A & Lena Elzufon
Marianne Ennis
Connie Euston
Elizabeth Fahl
Sandra Farrell
Elizabeth Feldman
Catherine Fernald
Helen Ferris
Susan E. Fletcher
Jean Fong
Tina Furman
Carol Gallagher
Arthur Gray
Marie Hanley
Claire Herrington
Shirley Hills
Judith & Joseph Holloway
Kathleen Keogh
Judy Legge
Lincoln Financial Group
Jane & Ernest Linsay
Lolita Lopez & Don Jesse
Mary Ann Marshall
Anne S McCarren
Ann Marie Markovchick
Larry & Karen Maurer
Jane E. McKinstry
Julienne Melchior
Alice Missimer
Blanche A. Moaney
Debbie Mooney
Jane B. Moore
Barbara R Morgan
Mike & Keri Morton-Wiedner
Lynda Moses
Marilee H. Mullett
Harriett Porter
Janet Protack
Claudine D. Richardson
Joan Roberge
Nancy & Robert Rothman
Marie Rule
Anne Saunders
Ellen & Dave Schonbach
Denise Schwartz
Rosemary Shidner
Helen Shields
Cathie & Lew Shumaker
Nancy Snyder
John & Joyce Strojny
Peggy & Marty Tracy
Robert & Connie Travis
Marlene Tribitt
JoAnn N. Vahey
Dru Vari
Walter’s Steakhouse
Norma Jean Welsh
Elizabeth S. White
Kevin & Linda White
Dia Williams Adam
Frances F William
Lori Wright
The national program, Reach Out and Read, incorporates children’s books into the pediatric well visit. The books identify developmental milestones and teach parents how to engage their children through reading. There is nothing better than sharing a book with your child and helping them gain a love of reading…a lifelong gift.
Currently, Wilmington Hospital provides 1300 books annually to its patients. To expand this program to additional pediatric providers, Dr. Allen Friedland, Director of ChristianaCare’s Residency Program, requested funds from the Junior Board. The Board of Directors thought this program had such a critical need that we doubled Dr. Friedland’s request, thus gifting $10,000. Soon, many children will leave their wellness visit with a smile and a great book to add to their home library.
Imagine your daily work routine involving the care and support of patients physically or sexually abused, strangled, or victims of a gunshot wound? Fortunately, ChristianaCare has a nationally recognized Forensic Nursing Team that has the specialized training and compassion to offer exactly what is needed for those traumatized patients
After two compelling Forensic Nurse Team presentations to the Junior Board, members unanimously voted to support funding for specialized nurse training and additional equipment and materials that will support patients. These truly dedicated and amazing Forensic nurses will utilize the funds for gunshot and strangulation training, specialized care equipment and supplies, and educational materials There will even be stipends offered for nursing self-care to combat burn out, compassion fatigue and PTSD
The Junior Board is thrilled to support the Forensic Nurse Team and their Forensic Nurse Examiner Team Coordinator, Amy Stier, with our gift of $67,000
On Christmas Eve morning 2022, the Junior Board resumed a gift giving event that COVID had paused Lovely poinsettias were distributed to patients being cared for at both Wilmington and Christiana Hospitals Patient thank you’s, applause, and even tears were evident as holiday bedecked Junior Board volunteers cheerfully visited patients.
“Our Junior Board is to be congratulated on the many ways that we respond to the needs of our ChristianaCare community. We give of time, talents, and monetary gifts. Members and donors alike should be proud to be part of such large giving hearts: past, present and future.”
Thank you!
Thanks to our Junior Board Newsletter contributors and staff: Linda White, producer; Diane Thomas, editor; Lois Capone, Claudine Richardson, and Tina Furman, contributors; Phyllis Adams and Angela Case, proofreaders.