Medicine Grand Rounds Schedule August 2010

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CHRISTIANA CARE HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE MEDICAL GRAND ROUNDS AUGUST 2010 Target Audience: All Physicians 8:00 A.M. – THURSDAY John H. Ammon Medical Education Center Main Auditorium Christiana Hospital Campus

Video conferenced to 8th floor Conference Room Wilmington Hospital


“Cardiorenal Disease “ Guido Boerrigter, MD

Research Associate, Cardiorenal Research Laboratory, Mayo Clinic Assistant Professor of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Rochester, Minnesota

Objective(s): 1) Identify the complexity of cardiorenal interactions and apply in the management of heart failure; and 2) explain the complexity of the natriuretic peptide system with some of its implication for B­type natriuretic peptide as a biomarker and as a therapeutic. Dr. Boerrigter receives grant/research support from Bayer Schering Pharma AG. Mayo Clinic has a patent on CD­NP, a novel dual guanylyl cyclase A and B agonist, and has licensed CD­NP to Nile Therapeutics, Inc. This activity is not commercially supported.


“Update on the Management of Cerebrovascular Disease” Anthony Munson, MD

Section of Neurology, Department of Medicine Christiana Care Health System

Objective(s): 1) Assess the benefits of current antiplatelet therapies for management of cerebrovascular disease based on the most recently available guidelines and studies; and 2) assess the benefit of currently available testing modalities for evaluation of acute and chronic cerebrovascular disease. Dr. Munson is on the speaker’s bureau of Boehringer­Ingelheim. This activity is not commercially supported.


“Central line­Associated Bloodstream Infections: The Goal is Zero” Marci Drees, MD, MS, FACP, DTMH

Director of Resident Research, Department of Medicine Christiana Care Health System

Emily Penman, MD

Medical Director, Breast Center Associate Vice Chair, Department of Surgery Christiana Care Health System

Objective(s): 1) State the definition of central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) and current surveillance data for CLABSI at CCHS; 2) apply the evidence­based guidelines for preventing CLABSI; 3) communicate the 5­step central line insertion checklist to other members of the health care team; and 4) participate with all members of the health care team to take steps to reduce CLABSI at CCHS to zero. Dr. Drees receives grant/research support from Sage Products, Inc. Dr. Penman denies any personal or financial relationships with commercial entities that may constitute a real or perceived conflict of interest in regards to this educational activity. This activity is not commercially supported.


“Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer” Bruce Millring Boman, MD

Medical Director, Cancer Genetics and Stem Cell Biology Helen F. Graham Cancer Center

Objective(s): 1) Identify diagnosis gene test for pancreatic cancer; and 2) define the management of hereditary pancreatic cancer patients. Any personal or financial relationships with commercial entities that may constitute a real or perceived conflict of interest in regards to this educational activity will be disclosed at the presentation. This activity is not commercially supported.

Accreditation: This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essentials and Standards of the Missouri State Medical Association through the joint sponsorship of MEDICUSCME and the Department of Medicine ­ ChristianaCare Health System. MEDICUSCME is accredited by the MSMA to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Designation: MEDICUSCME designates this educational activity for a maximum of one (1) AMA PRA Category I Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

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