CAFO2019 Program

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Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit

May 8 - 10 • Louisville, #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey



When peace like a river attendeth my way, Whatever my lot Thou “It is well, it is


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when sorrows like sea billows roll; hast taught me to say, well with my soul!

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Conte nt s Campus & Exhibitor Map ............................................. 6 Schedule ..................................................................... 8 Day 1 Devotional ........................................................ 10 A Focus on Faithfulness Find, Feed, Focus, Fill .................................................. 12 CAFO Member Organization Opportunities.................... 14 Join the CAFO Community ........................................... 15 Wednesday Workshops, Coaching & Meet Ups ............. 18 Day 2 Devotional ......................................................... 22 Loving From Our Poverty Thursday Workshops, Coaching & Meet Ups ................. 24 Day 3 Devotional ......................................................... 40 The Work of Rest Friday Workshops, Coaching & Meet Ups ..................... 42 Workshop Tracks ......................................................... 48 Find which workshops are best for you CEU & Hague .............................................................. 54 General Session Speakers ............................................ 56 Sponsors & Exhibitors .................................................. 59 Booth locations


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Wel c om e to C AF O2 019 Here we are, kindred spirits joined around what our world would find a most peculiar theme, “In Brokenness and Beauty...It is Well.” Why those words? Why not “Forming the Perfect Family” or “Retire by 50” or “SelfActualization Made Easy”? The answer, most of all, is love. God loved us first. We believe He pursued us and embraced us in our deep need. So we seek simply to go and do likewise. The pulsing core of this community will always be the Gospel … and our shared desire to reflect it in daily choices. Even hard ones. We know from experience that when we follow Christ near to the world’s hurt, we will share in that hurt. To care for vulnerable children and struggling families most always brings us to places where pain and joy come intertwined. Just as in the Gospel story, the glory of resurrection and restoration live side-by-side with thorns, nails and a spear in the side. We do not shrink from this truth. Rather, here we choose to name it. And despite our fears, we choose to live it as well. We step toward, not away from, the places where ache and hope, delight and sorrow co-mingle. We believe that this, after all, is where life-to-the-full is found. Not easy life. But the best life. If beauty and brokenness must come together, we choose both. This is who we are – as individual followers of Jesus and as the entire CAFO community – here gathered from across America and all over the world. And whether in times of great joy – seeing good fruit rise from our love and our labors – or grieving in the hurt of it all, we know that the hands of our good Father are beneath and above and all around, holding us fast in His great love. So we say with confidence, “In brokenness and beauty…it is well.” Jedd Medefind President, Christian Alliance for Orphans

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Wed ne s d a y, Ma y 8 8:30am - 2:30pm CAFO2019 Intensives Creating a Co-Missional Marriage Free to Lead: One-Day Leadership Inventory Experience OVC Research Symposium: Vulnerable Children in a Digital Age

FH 131 FH 111 FH 120

1:00pm - 3:00pm CAFO2019 Block Party: Check-in & Exhibit Fair Atrium & Fellowship Hall (2nd Floor) Grab your attendee goodies, free coffee, exhibitors treats and enjoy the festivities! 2:00pm - 3:00pm First-Timers Reception Media Resource Center (2nd Floor) If this is your first time to a CAFO Summit, we’d love to have you join this reception for snacks, connection and helpful tips to navigate the next couple of days. Sponsored by Buckner International. CAFO Member Organization Reception AT 106 If you are a current CAFO Member Organization join us for a time of fellowship (and a free gift). Sponsored by ECFA. 3:00pm - 4:00pm Opening General Session Worship Center Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide. Southeast Worship Team Jedd Medefind, Christian Alliance for Orphans Chris Brooks, Emcee Robert Gelinas, Colorado Community Church 4:15pm - 5:30pm

Workshops, Coaching and Meet Ups

(pg. 18)

5:30pm - 7:30pm Dinner Break Enjoy nearby local restaurants. For pre-purchased on-site dinner tickets, the buffet will be avialable in FH 122 from 5:30-6:30pm. Seating is available in FH 122 or any open workshop room. 7:30pm - 9:00pm General Session Worship Center Southeast Worship Team Kolia Aksiuta, Ukraine Crystal Williams, Advocate & Foster Alum Jedd Medefind, Christian Alliance for Orphans Mac Powell “formerly Third Day” and The Family Reunion

Join General Sessions 15-min early to enjoy inspiring videos and updates of children served worldwide.


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T h u rs da y, Ma y 9 8:45am - 9:45am General Session Worship Center Robbie Seay Band with Joe Noelliste Sara Vargas, Pontes de Amor in Brazil His Grace Archbishop Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit, Anglican Church of Kenya Paris Goodyear-Brown, Nurture House 10:00am - 12:00pm Workshops, Coaching and Meetups (pg. 24) The African American Church & Foster Care National Strategy Forum (Private for Forum Delegates - AT 106) 12:00pm - 1:15pm Lunch Enjoy lunch sponsored by Orphan Care Alliance. Pick up your lunch in the first floor hallway outside the Worship Center, see campus map (pg. 6) 1:15pm - 2:15pm

Workshops, Coaching and Meetups

(pg. 28)

2:30pm - 3:30pm Workshops, Coaching and Meetups

(pg. 32)

3:15pm - 3:45pm Energy Break Exhibit Hall (FH 2nd Floor) Refuel with coffee and snacks at refresh stations, sponsored by Small World Adoption. Recharge your electronics at the recharge station, sponsored by Orphan Outreach 3:45pm - 4:45pm Workshops, Coaching and Meetups (pg. 36) 4:45pm - 7:00pm Dinner Break & Meet Ups Enjoy nearby local restaurants. For pre-purchased on-site dinner tickets, the buffet will be available in FH 122 from 5:30-6:30pm. Seating is available in FH 122 or any open workshop room. 7:00pm - 8:45pm General Session Robbie Seay Band with Joe Noelliste Curt Thompson, Being Known Dominique White, Birthmother Belay Gebru, Hope for the Fatherless in Ethiopia Krish Kandiah, Home for Good

Worship Center

Fr ida y, Ma y 10 8:30am - 9:30am

Workshops, Coaching and Meetups

(pg. 42)

9:45am - 10:45am

Workshops, Coaching and Meetups


11:00am - 12:30pm Closing General Session Worship Center Southeast Worship Team Stephanie Fast, Speaker & Adoptee Governor Matt Bevin #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey Kondo Simfukwe, Mission Point Community Church


Day One A F O C U S O N FA ITH FU LNE SS The world defines success quantitatively - by what can be measured, achieved and the outcomes we can produce. But is that how God measures success? It’s not that He is against growth and advancement and achievements, but are those the things He uses to ultimately determine whether or not our lives and work were successful? No. In scripture we see that God is more pleased by our willingness to be faithful than He is concerned about our ability to achieve a certain outcome through it. In the end, we don’t hope He says “Well done, good and *successful* servant!” No. Instead we long for the day when He will speak over us, “Well done, good and FAITHFUL servant.” Faithfulness is our success, not achieving some outcomes that only God has the capacity to produce. Take a moment to read the following excerpts from Hebrews 11:

“By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family… By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as on dry land; but when the Egyptians tried to do so, they were drowned. By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the army had marched around them for seven days…And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground.”


#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Did you notice the SIGNIFICANT shift in the middle of verse 35? After listing great accomplishments that came as the result of faith - Noah saving his family, the Red Sea splitting, the walls of Jericho falling, kingdoms being conquered, the fury of flames being quenched, etc., the writer of Hebrews begins to detail other accounts of faith that experienced VERY different outcomes. Some were tortured, imprisoned, persecuted, mistreated and outcast. Here’s how this section ends: 39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. All of them - those who experienced great victories and triumphs AND those who experienced great difficulties and hardships - ALL OF THEM were commended by God for being faithful. Do you see how God redefines success here? Not in outcomes and accomplishments. He is far more pleased with our willingness to be faithful to Him and the ministry He has called us to than He is concerned with our ability to achieve a certain set of outcomes through it. Of course we want to see measures of health and growth and impact achieved in the ministries we lead, but what happens if we don’t see the healing we’ve hoped for in a child or family, if the ministry never gets as big as we want, we don’t have as many families fostering or adopting as we hoped for? What happens if our definition of “success” in ministry never materializes? Does this mean we have failed? Does this mean our work was in vain? Is it really worth it in the end? Sometimes faithfulness will feel like the walls of Jericho are falling in kids’ and families’ lives and the Red Sea is splitting, paving a way for hope and redemption and growth and renewal. And sometimes ministry will feel like we’re being sawed in two and living in caves and holes in the ground. In all of this, God says “Well done good and FAITHFUL servant!” Faithfulness is our success. Everything after that is the mercy of God to do what only He can.

Q U E STIONS T O CONSIDER 1) In what ways is your definition of “success” in the work you are doing tied closely to achievements and outcomes? 2) What hope do these passages bring you as you continue to pursue faithfulness to God and in ministry? 3) Complete this statement as practically and honestly as you can:

In light of this truth, I will choose to honor God through this by...

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


Find Your P e o ple Meet Ups

Get ready to meet, discover, learn and share with others walking the same road and working toward the same solutions as you. Join a meet up — or create your own when you arrive! Find the public meet up postings near Help Desk and add your own!


Download the CAFO App and select your workshop schedule, check out our presenters and exhibitors, connect with others and much more. Available: Apple Store & Google Play Search CAFO2019

Summit Choir

Sing in the worship choir in Thursday evening’s general session! This is a chance for a limited number of attendees to participate on the main stage as part of the CAFO Summit choir. There will be one practice during the day on Thursday, May 9th prior to the evening session. Choir seats are limited, sign-up at the Help Desk.

CAFO Lounge connection.

Visit the CAFO team in the Atrium for rich conversation &

C A F O2019 D ON’T MISS...

Feed Your S o ul Prayer Room

Set aside time for prayer, contemplation and creative expression. Visit the prayer room located next to the worship center.

Praise & Petition prayer.

Join Robbie Seay for an hour of music, thanksgiving and


Renew your mind and encourage your heart through the 3-day Summit devotional. (pg. 10, 22, 40)


#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Fo c u s Your Min d Louder Genius Bar

Meet with an expert team member from Louder Agency to discuss: Organizational Strategy, Brand Clarity, Website Review & Reach. Find us upstairs in the Atrium to reserve your spot!

Workshops & General Sessions

Learn from experts and front line ministries in over 100 workshops. Learn, share & worship together and leave inspired & challenged to love God and the children we serve in deeper ways.

Coaching Tables

Join a Coaching Table led by experts and ministry veterans. Small group conversaions will provide wise counsel and personalized guidance. (Sign-up at the Help Desk)

This year the CAFO2019 Summit is bursting with opportunities, learning, conversation, prayer, resources, refreshment and so much more. See all that’s happening over the next couple of days together.

To Fil l Your Han ds CAFO2019 Bookstore books and more!

Visit the bookstore for shirts, workshop recordings, gifts,

Giveaways & Bingo

At the CAFO Summit we love to giveaway great gifts and prizes! Fill out a Bingo Card and drop in the prize bucket of your choice at the Help Desk. Winners will be announced in Thursday and Friday General Sessions. (Must be present to win!)

Exhibit Hall

Don’t miss opportunities, resources and treats just for you. Stop by and fill your hands! #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


C AFO Me mbers CAFO Organization Member-Only Workshops & Gatherings *Pick up your CAFO Member Organization Bracelet at the Help Desk to access these sessions (Burgundy Bracelet) Room FH 136 is reserved for CAFO Member Organizations connections and side meetings. Enjoy this space throughout Summit to reconnect, plan and encourage. All meetings should include a CAFO Organization staff member. Please be considerate of other meetings taking place at the same time. WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 12:00pm - 1:00pm

CAFO2019 Exhibitor & Sponsor Luncheon

AT 106

2:00pm - 3:00pm CAFO Member Organization Welcome Reception Sponsored by ECFA

AT 106

4:15pm - 5:30pm

Critical Conversations: Innovation and Excellence in Child Sponsorship

FH 111

CEO Forum: 2019 Issues, Strategies & Solutions (Invitation Only)

FH 131

Moving the Needle: OVC Care in Peru

AT 106

10:00am – 12:00pm

Child Protection: Moving Toward a Culture of Safeguarding Children

ED 212

1:15pm – 2:15pm

CAFO Communication Collaborative

WC 246

Building an Organization Culture Rooted in Spiritual Health

AT 206

2:30pm – 3:30pm

Assessing Assessments: How Can We Strengthen the Home Study Process?

ED 214/215

3:45pm – 4:45pm

Government Partnership and Religious Conscience

FH 111

8:30am – 9:30am

(Open for individual meetings and connections)

FH 136

9:45am – 10:45am

International US Policies & Priorities for Vulnerable Children…And How You Might Fit In

WC 248

6:00pm - 7:15pm THURSDAY, MAY 9


*Pick up your CAFO Member Organization Bracelet at the Help Desk to access these sessions (Burgundy Bracelet)


#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

J oi n C AF O Join the CAFO Community There’s room in the CAFO Community for you. Join in a vision for God’s glory and the care of orphans that is larger than any one individual, organization or project. Together, we seek to inspire, connect and equip God’s people to reflect His heart for the orphan.

Membership Includes: Individuals Churches Non-Profit Organizations Global Networks Regional Alliances Affiliate Organizations Responsive Love. To act upon God’s call to care for orphans is not merely a matter of duty, guilt or idealism. It is first a response to the good news, the Gospel: that God, our loving Father, sought us, adopted us, and invites us to live as His sons and daughters (Jn 1:12, Gal 4:6, Eph 1:15; I Jn 3:1). We love because He first loved us. (1 Jn 4:19) Informed Action. Good intentions alone are insufficient. All care for children should be done with love that is guided by both knowledge and wisdom (Phil 1:9-11; Prov 19:2). Amidst the deep complexity of human need, no solution will be without flaws. Yet our aim must always be to offer the excellent care we would want to give Jesus himself – informed by both Scripture and the best available research, knowledge and proven practice. Commitment to the Whole Child. To meet only spiritual or only physical needs is incomplete (1 Jn 3:17; Jms 2:16; Mk 8:36). Christian love seeks to address both. Even a cup of water given to quench the thirst of a child is of eternal worth (Mt 10:42). Yet of surpassing value is to know Jesus and our identity as children of God (Phil 3:8). Just as in the ministry of Jesus, we hold together the meeting of physical need with the Gospel that reveals God’s love. Priority of Family. Both Scripture and social science affirm that the very best environment for children is a safe, loving, permanent family. When this is not possible, the goal for each child should be – as a general rule – to move as far as possible along the “spectrum of care” options toward permanent family. Care for children should always be as safe, nurturing and close to family as is feasible for the given situation. Family Preservation. Children classified as “orphans” that have a surviving parent or other relatives willing to care for them should be helped to remain with family members whenever safely possible. #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Likewise, when families have been separated, reunification of children with their biological family is of first priority whenever children can be returned to a safe, nurturing home environment. Efforts that enable struggling families to stay together are a vital part of the Bible’s call to care for orphans and widows in distress. Residential Care. Even as we champion the ideal of family, we can also honor the devoted care and protection provided by many quality residential facilities. We also recognize that therapeutic group settings can play an essential role in the healing of children with intensive needs. God created the family as the best environment for children, so new orphanages should not be created except in extreme circumstances. Existing orphanages should be helped to improve their quality of care and to develop programs that minimize out-ofhome care. Central Role of the Local Church. The local church in every nation possesses both the Christian mandate and many other resources needed to care for the world’s orphans in a nurturing, relationshiprich environment. Every initiative to care for orphans should prioritize and honor the role of the local church, carefully pairing what foreign resources may be necessary with local believers willing to open their hearts and homes to orphans in their community. The Power of Unity. Scripture overflows with calls for unity in the Body of Christ (Ps 133; 1 Cor 12:12; Eph 4:3, Col 3:11-15; Phil 4:1-3). Such unity yields special strength (Ecc 4:9), welcomes the presence of Christ (Mt 18:20), and ultimately presents the truth of Jesus to the world (Jn 17:20-23). Disagreements are inevitable and sometimes even necessary. Yet amidst all that strains unity, we commit to honoring each other above ourselves (Rom 12:10) – and labor in unison to see every orphan experience God’s unfailing love. For more information visit CAFO.ORG




#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


We believe the Church is the solution to caring for orphaned and vulnerable children. We serve adoptive families and churches at zero cost, and 100% of your donation goes directly to help children in need. See how you fit in:

4 WAYS YOU CAN GET INVOLVED Fund Your Adoption Christian families can apply for matching grants, interest-free loans, fundraising support, and a FREE crowdfunding platform. All gifts given through Lifesong are tax-deductible, and 100% of funds go directly towards adoption expenses. Over 7000 children brought home since 2002.

Mobilize Your Church Create financial solutions for adoptive families by starting a no-cost, personalized adoption fund at your church. Engage in global orphan care projects through mission teams and sponsorship. Join over 400 church partners in 44 states.

Partner With A Ministry Impact a child’s life by partnering with one of our global orphan care ministries; providing food, education, discipleship, sustainable business opportunities, and continued love and support as children transition into adult living. Serving over 8000 children in 13 countries. Advocate In Your Community Support your local foster care community with The Forgotten Initiative. Learn how to build relationships and meet specific needs in your community. Join 30+ Advocates, serving 100+ agencies across the US.

BR IN G I N G J OY & P U R P O S E TO OR P HA N S 309.747.4527 •

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

100% TO C A R E F O R



Wed ne s d a y, 2-3p m Be Still and Be Refreshed: Preparing Our Hearts to Receive Fireside (AT 132) Many of us tumble into CAFO2019 from seasons of rush and weariness. Join us for an experience of rest, refreshment, and preparation before the opening session. This gently-guided time for men and women will include live music, poetry, psalms, and quiet…along with suggested activities and reflection. You’ll be free to choose how best to prepare your heart to receive the good gifts God has planned for you over the days ahead — whether in prayer or thought, journaling, or even a short nap. (Rachel Medefind, Adoptive/Foster Mom & Writer and Robbie Seay, Bayou City Fellowship & Robbie Seay Band)

Wed n e s d ay, 4 : 1 5 - 5 : 3 0p m Bridges to Adulthood: Insights on Proven Aging Out Models (US & International) ED 216/217 The CAFO Aging Out Initiative offers a model for healthy life transitions for youth aging out of international orphan care & the U.S. Foster Care system. This very interactive session is a shared journey across that “Bridge.” (Scott Brown, Christian Leadership Alliance) Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This discussion will be an interactive process were attendees will be guided to create a custom orphan care plan for their church. This process involves walking through a system that will produce mission-critical ministries that play to the strengths of their congregation and work within the bounds of their church’s current overall vision. (Steve Gillis, Patch Our Planet) Building a Mentoring Strategy Aged-Out / Aging Out Youth: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Every year, after a child passes eight-years-old, the odds for him/her to be adopted go down exponentially. If a foster child makes it to adolescence without adoption or a long-term committed foster home, his/her chances for success in any area of life – academic, vocational, social, personal, financial, spiritual – are almost zero without intervention. But, you can make a difference! This discussion will focus on principles and strategies for mobilizing mentors in your church and community who can help bring hope to an otherwise disenfranchised teen. (Sharon Seeberger, Peninsula Covenant Church) Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications Fireside (AT 132) Participants will become empowered in their work with OVC by learning how to maximize communications and develop stronger relationships in order to boost mission impact and foster excellence-driven, comprehensive care of those they exist to serve. (David Rudko, Providence World) Care Communities: Supporting Families with Wrap-Around Care ATCR 207/209 Learn how to launch and maintain Care Communities that serve adoptive, foster, and biological families - a proven model for retention. Discover how to intentionally serve your families with committed volunteers serving in various roles. (Johnna Stein, Promise686) CEO Forum: 2019 Issues, Strategies and Solutions (CAFO Member Organization - Invitation Only) FH 131 Join this time of private conversation and connection with CAFO President Jedd Medefind and fellow CAFO Member CEOs. Together, we’ll explore key national and global trends, as well as critical issues we’re each facing and solutions we see to make a difference. Critical Conversations: Innovation and Excellence in Child Sponsorship Programs (CAFO Member Organizations Only) FH 111 Current child sponsorship models focus on creating a connection between sponsor and child. But do these connections ever come at the expense of a vulnerable child? Hear from an organization that is rethinking child sponsorship and consider how you may reshape your model to protect your children and honor their stories while continuing to engage donors in your mission. (Laura Kost, Open Arms International & Kory Kaeb, Lifesong for Orphans) Financially Stable: Turning Your Start-Up into a Sustainable Organization: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 How to take your start-up organization and raise funds to sustain your orphan care programs through major donor giving and events. This coaching table is designed to assist organizations struggling or just starting to raise support for their programs through major donors. This is an interactive coaching table so come prepared to share your experience, success, fears and walk away with tangible steps that you can take tomorrow to move your organization financially forward in 2019. (Felix Gonzalez, Love Made Visible) Finding Families for Children: The Condition, Needs, and Challenges of International Adoption ED 213 Come join this vibrant discussion on what needs and challenges children face in the midst of the international adoption process. Learn more about the current state of international adoption around the globe — as well as how you as a parent or agency can contribute to solutions. (Facilitated by: Herbie Newell, Lifeline Children’s Services Joined by: Hollen Frazier, All God’s Children International; Ryan Hanlon, National Council for Adoption; and Bethany Haley, CCAI)


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Foster Care, Immigrants, and Shalom: Addressing Broken Systems—and the Brokenness Within Yourself ED 210/211 After 8-months of separation, my five-year-old foster ran to her biological mother and I saw shalom on earth. We’ll lay a framework for how we must address the brokenness within as we address broken systems in orphan care. (Gena Thomas, The Chalmers Center) From Head to Heart: How the Right Stats and Strategies Can Drive Greater Results ED 212 It’s common to hear, “Ministry is about relationships and not numbers.” True, but every number represents a life. Lead your organization to consistently evaluate and analyze objectives, activities, and metrics to multiply its impact for children. (Stephen Robert, One More Child) Government Collaboration: Keys to Successful Partnership from Local Alliances Around the World Six Plex Local alliances of churches and NGOs are changing hearts and minds toward family care in dozens of countries around the world. Come hear how these alliances are partnering with their governments in Romania, Guatemala, Zambia and Paraguay, and learn their keys to success. (Liviu Mihaileanu, Fara Orfani - Romania; Simon Kanyembo, Children in Families Initiative - Zambia; Brian McCobb, Paraguay Protects Families - Paraguay; and Aixa de López, Author and Speaker - Guatemala) How to Build a Responsible Reintegration Program ED 280 Reintegrating children back into their families is a primary goal of successful orphan care and family preservation. Come learn proven and replicable principles of a successful reintegration program. Discover keys to success that you can apply in your own family preservation efforts. (Jonathan Dowell, Agape Children’s Ministries) How to Develop a Church Special Needs Ministry to Serve Adopted and Foster Children…and Others Forgotten ED 214/215 So how do you start and grow a special needs ministry in your church? Based on the needs of the special needs community you hope to support, programming may vary. We’ll highlight the importance of getting to know the families you hope will participate to understand their most significant needs...and then identify an organization from the many we recommend that will offer free resources to bring your vision to life. (Becky Davidson, Rising Above Ministries) Learning How to Father Well ED 202/206 For foster and adoptive dads who know they need a safe place to interact with other dads, this workshop is for you. Find a safe place to share struggles and joys of being a foster or adoptive dad. Walk away with tangible tools to improve as a dad. (Kenneth Camp, Author) Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family Chapel How do we equip our family to battle against the stereotypes and negative impact of society? How do we prepare them for challenges they’ll face beyond our homes? How do we help them form a secure racial identity alongside a Godly identity that is larger than race alone? While addressing issues facing both boys and girls, this panel of African-American dads, daughters, and experienced multi-racial family members will equip you with the wisdom and tools necessary to helping raise black children. Attendees will also receive additional resources and tools provided by Our Daily Bread Ministries. (Clarkston Morgan, Our Daily Bread Ministries & Ambassador Consultants and Julian Goodson, Bethany Christian Services & Thoughts of a Foster Dad, LLC) Stories Matter: How Creativity Inspires Advocacy ATCR 206 Creator of the ReMoved film series, filmmaker and storyteller Nathanael Matanick discusses why telling compelling stories shapes culture, inspires change, and speaks directly to the heart. Discover how telling the right stories in the right ways can build understanding and empathy, inspire action, and cast vision. An interactive workshop, come with questions and we’ll discuss together how stories can change the world. (Nathanael Matanick, Filmmaker & Storyteller) Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places FH 120 Digital technology use is rising exponentially. The benefits are clear, but the risks are less certain. For kids from hard places, the temptations and challenges may be even more significant. Come learn helpful information to navigate the complicated land mines that kids are facing in the digital age. Learn from cutting-edge research examining the relationship between early adversity and technology use, and be equipped with tools to guide you as you shepherd kids’ hearts & minds - and learn how to navigate both the potential benefits and clear risks of a technology-filled world. (Karen Hutcheson, The Center for Family Connections, PLLC; Mandy Howard, Samford University; Trent Taylor, Former Foster Youth & Adoptee; and Nicole Wilke, CAFO) Triple Threat: Teenagers, Trauma, and Talking ATCR 200/202 Triple Threat will explore the difference between trauma teenager behaviors and typical teenager behaviors. The workshop will provide tangible and practical behavior management methods to take home and implement right away. (Stacey Goodson, Child Welfare Professional & Foster/Adoptive Mom)

Meet Ups

Wesleyan/ Hephzibah62:4 Connection Dinner: Meet Up FH 111 5:45pm - 7:15pm Wesleyan denominational leaders and church attendees who are attending CAFO2019, you are invited to join us for dinner on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 from 5:45-7:15pm to connect, fellowship and learn about an exciting new vision to increase awareness and hands-on participation through local Wesleyan churches that will positively impact vulnerable children in our communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Moving the Needle: OVC Care in Peru (CAFO Member Organizations Only): Meet Up AT 106 5:30pm - 7:00pm Connect with other organizations and leaders who are working and advocating for vulnerable children in Peru. Bring your successes and challenges and prepare to meet new friends and partners.

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#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


Day Two L O VI N G F R O M OU R POVE RTY Take a moment to read about an opportunity Jesus took to redefine a very important word for us:

“Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting in their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” Luke 21:1-40 The scene is this: Jesus and His disciples are in the Temple. It’s offering time. Wealthy people are putting in large sums while a poor widow drops in two small coins, nearly valueless, and Jesus has something to say about that! It’s as if he stops everything to say, “Hey, there’s something really important happening right here, and I want to make sure you don’t miss it!” In verses 3-4, He redefines a word that has the capacity to help encourage you in ministry, leadership and life, but also sustain you during those seasons when you just don’t feel like you have what it takes to persevere on or truly meet the needs and demands around you. When speaking of the widow’s small offering in comparison to that of the rich, Jesus says, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had....” (v.3-4) There’s the word: MORE. He flips it upside down for us! In the world “more” is measured in size, quantity, accumulations and advancements. Cleary, the wealthy in this story gave more money - in terms of quantity. However, in the economy of the Kingdom of God, the value of the widow’s offering was not measured in quantity, but quality - of humility, sacrifice and generosity. Notice that Jesus doesn’t discredit the offerings of the wealthy but simply redefines that of the poor. She gave far less than any one of the others (in terms of quantity) but gave ALL she had, and He calls it “more.” Amazing. This is the consistent pattern of how God works - He takes what little we have to offer and exponentially makes it more. You have faith the size of a mustard seed? He can move mountains with it (Matthew 17:20). You only have a few loaves of bread and fish? He can feed thousands with it (Matthew 14:13-21). You only have a couple small coins to throw into the plate? Jesus stops everyone to make sure they don’t miss the truly profound thing that’s happening before their eyes. He calls it more.


#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

This is most often the place from which we love and lead and serve - from our poverty - a deficient and broken place within us. We simply don’t have all it takes or that’s required to solve every problem or meet every need before us. Loving and leading from our poverty feels small and insignificant at times—as though all we have to offer is two small coins. We feel like we don’t have what it takes and that even what we are doing is not near enough. But be encouraged. God isn’t surprised by our weakness or taken aback by our inability. He isn’t embarrassed by what little we have to offer and is certainly not disappointed when He counts it up in the offering box. He’s absolutely, unequivocally, and unconditionally proud of our gifts and efforts—all two small coins of it at times—because He knows it’s a measure of something much deeper and less tangible, a measure not just of all that we have in our hands but of all that we are in our hearts. And it’s at that place, right there, that Jesus stops and says, “Hey, there’s something really important going on here that I don’t want you to miss.” Yet somehow Jesus flips the script on that small offering and declares it “more”—more valuable, more significant, more meaningful, more impactful, and more beautiful than we could possibly measure. In the gospel our poverty is no longer a source of shame but rather the platform upon which the sufficiency and abundance of God can be made most visible— not only in the lives of those we are serving and leading but in our own lives as well. It’s that beautiful and yet hard and vulnerable place that postures us the lowest . . . and ultimately points to Him as the greatest. Believe that Jesus looks on you today, no matter the celebrations or struggles that have punctuated your journey, and pronounces, “What you are doing is more!” In all of this, God says “Well done good and FAITHFUL servant!” Faithfulness is our success. Everything after that is the mercy of God to do what only He can.

Q U E STIONS T O CONSIDER 1) In what ways have you struggled with not having what it takes to truly lead and serve in the capacity or role that God has placed you? 2) What hope do these passages bring you as you continue to pursue faithfulness to God and in ministry? 3) Complete this statement as practically and honestly as you can:

In light of this truth, I will choose to honor God through this by ...

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


T hurs d a y, 10a m- 1 2p m Building an “Everyone Can Do Something” Ministry in Your Church ATCR 207/209 Whether you’re launching a new ministry or leading an existing one, the goal is to engage as many people as possible in your church. In this session, we will discuss building an infrastructure of ministry that everyone can play a role in - from bringing kids into their homes to wrapping around and supporting those who are. If your goal is to continually take steps towards making foster care, adoption and family support a foundational part of the overall culture of your church, this workshop is for you. (Jason Johnson, CAFO) Child Protection: Moving Toward a Culture of Safeguarding Children (CAFO Member Organizations Only) ED 212 As in all good work, excellent care for vulnerable children begins with preventing harm. This focus on avoiding necessary trauma is especially vital for organizations and churches who work with vulnerable children, who may be without the natural security that comes from parental care. This member only organization session will focus on some basic tools, connection, and troubleshooting, and will launch a special CAFO-wide focus on child protection. (Matt Parker, Kids Alive International) Clarify Your Message with StoryBrand ED 202/206 Breaking through the clutter in the nonprofit and ministry space can feel impossible. But it doesn't have to be. We will teach you a repeatable framework to clarify your message and simplify your marketing using the proven StoryBrand method. (Jordan White, 5by5) Conducting Effective Home Assessments for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 What if the home isn’t good enough? This question comes up a lot when discussing reintegration. Come discuss how Agape uses effective home assessments to find just the right home for each child. We can discuss how Agape uses the Child Status Index to determine placement options, effective interventions, and monitor the home to ensure the best interest of each child in our program. (Jonathan Dowell, Agape Children’s Ministries) Crafting Beauty from Broken Pottery: A Hands-On Art Experience FH 131 Kintsugi is the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with gold. In this 400-year-old technique, Kintsugi teaches us an important lesson: in the process of repairing broken things, we actually create something more unique, beautiful and resilient. Join us to create your own work of Kintsugi art that you can take home. Space available while supplies last. (Heidi Marsh, Revive) Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This is perfectly designed for pastors and church orphan care leaders. Attendees will hear from a seasoned orphan care leader about engaging their whole church in orphan care, from children to senior adults. They will have the opportunity to share their experience in this space and will receive coaching and resources to take their orphan care ministry to the next level. (Eric Porter, Backyard Orphans) Engaging Brokenness with Increasing Resilience and Deepening Spiritual Maturity ATCR 206 While there are inevitable challenges in engaging brokenness, it doesn’t have to leave us depleted, dry, or defeated. Come take a deep dive into the spiritual rhythms and disciplines the frontline staff of International Justice Mission use to engage their mission with increasing resilience, deepening spiritual maturity, and surprising joy. (Jim Martin, International Justice Mission & author of The Just Church) Excellence & Best Practices in Short-Term Missions: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This coaching table is ideal for anyone who leads or organizes short-term mission trips, particularly youth and missions pastors. We will candidly discuss common pitfalls and errors made on the mission field and how to remedy these with best practices. The goal should always be to send and lead a short-term team that is truly a blessing and not a burden to those you are going to serve. (Casi Young, Go Be Love) Family Strengthening: Proven Practices and Strategies ED 213 Even with the best care settings, separation from parental care always brings with it a layer of trauma. How can we prevent this? Family strengthening can prevent children from being unnecessarily separated from their parents. Walk away with your one next step toward strengthening families in your context. (Facilitated by: Elli Oswald, Faith to Action Initiative Joined by: Delia Pop, Hope and Homes for Children; Tracy Imbach, American Friends of International China Concern; Chris Page, Agape Children's Ministry; Claudia Leon, Buckner; Kate Borders, World Orphans; and Kimberly Quinley, Step Ahead) Funding Your Adoption ED 214/215 Covering the cost of adoption can be overwhelming, but this session will give you invaluable practical tools to help make a plan. Join this interactive session to learn easy to manage fundraising and creative income ideas. Bring your questions and come ready to map out plans! (Facilitated by: JT Olson, Both Hands Foundation Joined by: Rich Metcalfe, Lifesong; Becky Wilmoth, Bills Tax Service; Kate Johnson, Pathways for Little Feet; Kathy McKinney Show Hope; and Tami Burkett, ABBA Fund) Help! I Don't Know What I Don't Know About Funding My Ministry ED 216/217 Funding fuels ministry opportunities and growth. New and developing ministry leaders will look at four unique funding plans, explore a dozen ministry revenue streams and work on their own Comprehensive Fund Development Plan with experienced leaders. (Janet Rowland & Shelly Radic, Project 1.27 and Brian Strawser, Florida 1.27)


Helping Biological Children Navigate Trauma in Foster Care & Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 How will adoption and foster care affect your biological children? You may be considering or in the midst of figuring this out. Join Pam and her daughter Kristan to discuss common struggles and successes. Glean strategies for healing and helping all the children — adopted, foster, or biological — in your house to thrive. Learn from the experiences of Pam and her family who moved from an 11-year#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey old only child to a family of eight! (Pam Parish, Connections Homes)

How Can We Best Support Kin Carers in Global Settings?: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 When working with kids from hard places you’ll see extended relatives caring for vulnerable children. Although these types of care settings may have characteristics and needs that overlap with foster care and adoption, there are also unique considerations. Join us to discuss ways to best collaborate across all systems involved, and encourage kin to care for their relatives without parental care. (Connie Belciug, Children’s Emergency Relief International) Identifying & Preparing Families for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Finding and preparing a family to receive a child into their home can be hard. Come discuss the challenges of family tracing and preparation and learn how Agape works to find the best placement for each child. No matter if it takes a week or years, this critical step in the process can set the child and family up for success. (Andrea Dowell, Agape Children’s Ministries) Know Thyself….and Your Audience: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 One of the best things you can do to grow your leadership skills is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you. Come receive tailored coaching for your individual personality and team culture, strengthening your leadership for the long haul through the DISC Method. Take these principles back to your team and transform the culture of your office. (Sherri McClurg, New Horizons for Children & John Maxwell Team) Life in Limbo WC 231 Life in Limbo serves as an “on-ramp” giving participants the opportunity to walk in the shoes of foster children, families of origin, as well as the foster families who serve them. Life in Limbo is for all, whether you are just starting out or looking for an advocacy tool for an established church ministry or organization. Join us as we discover together how we can build empathy and competency in caring for children. (Toni Steere and Nick & Rachel Rosenbaum, Houston's First Baptist Church) Living into the Squirm: Open Communication about Sexual Development ED 210/211 Children in residential programs—and also those in foster and adoptive families—often come from high-risk and trauma-laden backgrounds. These backgrounds greatly impact a child’s sexual development. Participants will learn about the sexual development of a typically developing child as well as how trauma impacts typical development, and discuss how caregivers can help the children in their care develop healthy sexuality. (LeAnn Gardner, Baylor) Parents as Partners: From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation Chapel Caregivers of hurt children often need an expanded parenting toolkit. Building trusting attachments often requires caregivers to shift their own paradigms in order to help traumatized children shift theirs. We will delve into the neurobiology of trauma and attachment, and the SOOTHE strategies - a set of skills for helping children when they are not in their choosing minds. (Paris Goodyear-Brown, Nurture House) Shame, Beauty and the Healing Power of Community FH 120 Beauty lies in wait for us around every corner. Who would guess that it is God’s invitation to vulnerability and one of his most profound resources for the healing from shame that we so deeply long for? This two-hour workshop will explore the nature of shame and the necessary place of being deeply known in community as the way home to the goodness and beauty that God imagines for us and the orphans for who are in our care. (Curt Thompson, Being Known and author of Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame) Software Solutions Forum for Effective Global Ministry Fireside (AT 132) Global ministry requires efficient and effective tools for a wide range of issues — including communications, database, case management, outcomes tracking, translations, team accountability, and more. Join this interactive software forum and come with one challenge and one software success you’ve found — ready to share and learn together! (Facilitated by Jeff Thompson, Mercy Projects Joined by: Frank Garrott, Both Ends Believing; Rachel Andrews, Children’s HopeChest; Patrick Childers, Connecting Kids with Care; and Jennifer Libhart, Compassion International) Strategic Planning for Lay Leaders: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This table is for those working in the shadows and experiencing the dynamics of leading a church-based ministry as a volunteer or non-staff leader. Come explore the intricacies of leading a ministry when you’re not in charge. Discussion will include how to work with your staff leaders, strategic planning, and leadership development. (Laura Mobley, Traders Point Christian Church) Sustainable Social Enterprises: Hands-On How to Get Started (or Accelerate!) FH 111 A highly interactive session, allowing in-depth collaboration between actual practitioners and attendees. You will learn some keys to success as well as lessons learned. You will develop your ideas and receive feedback and guidance from experienced practitioners. (Facilitated by: Vivienne Bechtold, CAFO Sustainable Social Enterprise Director Joined by: Joe Knittig, Global Orphan Project/GOEX; Andy Lehman, Lifesong for Orphans; Justin & Emily Carabello, Carabello Coffee; Randy Price, Right at Home; Jeff Greer, Self-Sustaining Enterprises; Lisa Castetter, Framewerk Imaging; Nancy Knapp, Freeset USA; Ryan Berg, Aruna Project; and Don Gerred, Apple of God's Eyes)

Meet Ups

Indiana Church Advocates: Meet-Up Fireside (AT 132) Thursday Lunch 12:00-1:00pm Bring your lunch and join us. If you lead or volunteer with your church’s adoption, foster care, or orphan care ministry - and live in Indiana - we'd love to meet you! Come interact with others in Indiana, share your ideas, and discuss how we can be a unified body of Christ, serving and loving the vulnerable children in our state. (Hosted by Hands of Hope) Social Worker Meet-Up Lunch AT 207/209 Thursday Lunch 12:00-1:00pm Bring your lunch and join other child welfare professionals for connection and fellowship!

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CARING FOR ONE MORE CHILD LOCALLY AND GLOBALLY. To learn more about our worldwide efforts in child hunger, anti-trafficking, foster care, single moms programs and family prevention services, visit our booth at Summit and our website at, or


contact us at 863.577.4657 #CAFO2019

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Tell the world,

“I stand for orphans.” Tell a child,

“I stand for YOU.” Become a James 127 Advocate, and be part of the global ministry of Orphan Outreach.

OO-CAFO-Ad.indd 1

3/11/19 2:15 PM


Our hearts beat for children whose parents are unable to care for them. We want to help, and the need is great.

DID YOU KNOW 80–90 PERCENT OF CHILDREN LIVING IN ORPHANAGES HAVE AT LEAST ONE LIVING PARENT? * Yet when we think about meeting needs for children in other countries, we’re quick to conclude, That child needs an orphanage.

NO. THAT CHILD NEEDS A FAMILY. *Save the Children Catholic Relief Services

Stop by our booth to discover how you can help change the world through family or visit


#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


T hu rsd ay, 1:1 5 - 2 : 1 5p m Attachment: Parenting With Your Brain In Mind FH 120 How can we create relational environments in which secure attachments are the more likely outcomes for those for whom we care? Moreover, how does knowing more about how our brains and relationships work together make this more likely? This workshop will explore these and other related questions as we seek to care for the orphan and love God with all our minds in the process. (Curt Thompson, Being Known and author of Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame) Building a Volunteer Structure for Your Ministry ED 212 Do you have a growing ministry with willing volunteers, but you’re not quite sure what to do with them? Whether your ministry is brand new, or it’s time to rethink your existing framework, this workshop will equip you to create a flourishing volunteer structure in your church ministry. (Laura Mobley, Traders Point Christian Church) Building an Organization Culture Rooted in Spiritual Health (CAFO Member Organizations Only) ATCR 206 Most Christian organizations profess spiritual health as a value they care deeply about for their people as individuals, and their organizational culture as a whole. But what are the practical rhythms and actual practices that promote such health? And how do we go about implementing those rhythms and practices in real time? (Jim Martin, International Justice Mission & author of The Just Church) CAFO Communication Collaborative (CAFO Member Organizations Only) WC 246 Join communication, marketing, and design professionals from across CAFO member organizations to network, learn, and grow together. We’ll tackle some tough questions, challenges, and opportunities as it pertains to our field and the work that we do. (Karl Dinkler, CAFO) Church Foster Care Ministry: Where To Go From Where You Are ATCR 207/209 You’re leading a foster care ministry in your church. “What” you are doing is so, so important. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, “How are we doing?” It’s not about activity, it’s about effectiveness. Are we engaging in the right places -- in the most impactful places, and is our ministry growing in the most healthy and needed places? In this workshop we’ll unpack five key pillars of what an “actively engaged church” in foster care looks like. (Jason Johnson & Jason Weber, CAFO and Adrien Lewis, GO Project) Coalition and Collaboration Building: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Many of us serving in organizations with vision to see children grow up in safe and nurturing families would benefit from starting or joining a coalition with similar goals. Addressing the root causes for family separation and transforming residential care is too large and complex for any one agency or organization to tackle. Coalitions are better at mapping of resources because they create structures for organizations and individuals to share ownership of common goals. (Kimberly Quinley, Step Ahead) Critical Competencies in Preparing Foster and Adoptive Families in International Settings Six Plex Competencies for becoming a foster and/or adoptive family will be defined. Participants will be given clear details and strategies specific to the areas needed to develop the readiness to receive a foster or adoptive child. (Lynn & Ruby Johnston, LAMb International) Cross Pollination: Growing Meaningful Partnership Between Churches of Different Colors Fireside (AT 132) Churches with distinct racial, economic and cultural make-ups have immense gifts to offer one another. But bridging the gaps is easier said than done. Join us to explore how to forge friendship, share strategy and even labor side-by-side with church communities different from your own. (Facilitated by: Clarkston Morgan, Our Daily Bread Ministries Joined by: Mike Osiminski, Greater Detroit Partnership; D.J. Jordan, The Pinkston Group; Peter Watts, World Impact; Sharen Ford, Focus on the Family; and Bishop Aaron Blake, Harvest Family Life Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) ATCR 200/202 Learn how your church or organization can MAP out a plan that will carry your adoption and/or foster care ministry to the next level. Ministry Action Plan (MAP) helps organizations walk through a simple and measurable goal-setting process using an easy-to-use tool that aides church and non-profit leaders in thinking through: recruitment of dedicated people, pinpointing available resources, and setting attainable goals for your ministry no matter how long (or short) it has been operational. (Ty Bryant, Promise686) Empowering Your Children’s Ministry Staff for Success: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This discussion is for leaders and staff working in children’s and student ministries, overseeing the recruitment and training of volunteers. We’ll discuss how to incorporate trauma informed training into children’s and student ministry volunteer pipelines in your church in order to help them feel empowered to service kids best. (Ryan North, One Big Happy Home) Extending Orphan Care to the Unborn: Embryo Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Learn how you can give birth to your adopted child, and how the church can rescue the 1.6 Million orphaned embryos by giving them life. We will discuss topics about Snowflakes® Embryo adoption. (Daniel Nehrbass, Nightlight) From Head to Heart: How the Right Stats and Strategies Can Drive Greater...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 It’s common to hear, “Ministry is about relationships and not numbers.” True, but every number represents a life. Lead your organization to consistently evaluate and analyze objectives, activities, and metrics to multiply its impact for children. This will be a practical small group follow up to the workshop. Attendance at the workshop is recommended but not required. (Stephen Robert, One More Child)


Heading Back to a Child's Country of Origin; Exploring the Current Trends of Heritage Trips and Birth Mother Searches ED 216/217 Considering a heritage trip or pursuing an international birth mother search for you or your child? Come hear practical guidance, things to consider, testimonials, and personal experiences from professionals and families walking this journey. (Herbie Newell, Lifeline Children's Services) #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

How Your Core Elements Results Can Make Your Life Easier: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This is a time to explore how to best leverage your Core Elements results for your organization in programming, fundraising, and communicating with stakeholders. You should come with a copy of your core elements and specific questions. This session is best suited for program coordinators, advancement professionals, and organization leadership. (Mandy Howard, Samford University) Invisible Beauties…A Workshop for Healing Through Poetry ED 214/215 You may not consider yourself a poet, but God can use poetry in your life as a means of revealing depth, truth and healing. Come learn how to write poetry to soothe our own brokenness and find our beauty. No previous writing or poetry experience needed to participate in this workshop. (Vicky Edmonds, Writes of Passage, One Cell in the Body of God, and Invisible Beauties) More Than Possible: Helping Families with Special Needs Children to Keep their Children at Home FH 131 Every parent of a special needs child faces many challenges. In the resource rich western world and the developing world, there are many challenges for families to keep their special needs children at home. In some contexts, helping keep special needs children in their families seems impossible. Let’s learn together how this is more than possible! (David Bondy, International China Concern) Recapturing Lament: A Lost Language of Mercy, Hope and Healing Chapel We will explore the need to recover lament as an expression of faith, instead of understanding it as the opposite of faith. We will then look at specific ways on how Jesus practically applied this lens to the way He lived, which will then allow us to apply this to our lives as well. Ultimately, we will learn a path that allows us to rest in the hope of lament, which is desperately needed, especially when walking with people in the middle of vulnerable and painful situations. (Vernon Burger, His Voice Global) Short-Term Missions: Innovation, Alternative Models, and the Way Forward FH 111 Short-term mission trips have the potential for great good and great harm. Come hear from OVC-serving organizations leading the way toward better practice with innovative models of STM. (Elli Oswald, Faith to Action Initiative; Peter Kamau, Child in Family Focus – Kenya; Kate Borders, World Orphans; Kimberly Quinley, Step Ahead; Erica Switzer, Identity Mission; Becca Arguello & Amy Kelly, Back2Back Ministries; Phil Darke, Providence World; Nicole Wilke, CAFO; Ian Anand Forber-Pratt, Children's Emergency Relief International; Beth Bradford, Changing the Way We Care; Zipporah Mumbi, Kenya Society of Care Leavers; and Fredrick Mutinda, CRS Kenya) Situational Awareness and Security Considerations: Principles for Avoiding and Responding to Crises ED 280 Danger and threats abound. Come for an interactive discussion on minimizing and handling threats to you and your team. Discussion includes thinking like the bad guy, minimizing your profile, handling corruption, bribes and borders, and more. (Christopher Graham & Clint Bearden, Kidron Group) Starting from Scratch: How to Lead Your Ministry from Dream to Action: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 We will discuss strategies for how to identify a leadership team and then guide them through a planning process that involves both dreaming and practical steps. Participants will leave with a step-by-step implementation process, following the Simon Sinek “Golden Circle” model, that they can utilize upon returning home. (Blaine Hamilton, Southeast Christian Church) Surviving Puberty and the Sexual Development of Children with Complex Trauma ED 210/211 Come learn what sexual behaviors should be alarming and what behaviors are considered typical for children with histories of complex trauma. Puberty looks different for these kids, but it doesn't have to be scary. (Melody Aguayo, Real Child Consulting, LLC) The Foster Journey: Characteristics of a Great Foster Parent ED 202/206 Much effort is spent on recruiting more foster parents. But what are the characteristics of great foster parenting and how do we help ourselves and others aspire to this greatness? Come engage in a discussion with former foster youth and seasoned foster parents and glean the most important lessons they’ve learned. (Johnston Moore, Home Forever; Trent Taylor, Former Foster Youth & Adoptee; Pam Taylor, Mercy for America’s Children; and Bruce Kendrick, Watermark Community Church) When Date Nights Are Few ED 213 Marriage is the foundation of the family. Mark and Kristin Orphan will share the key ingredients of a healthy and satisfying marriage in the midst of the challenges of raising children who have experienced abuse and trauma. (Mark & Kristin Orphan, Finally Home Foundation) Working with Governments to Improve Care for Kids: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Anyone who is engaging the government cooperatively or in a significant partnership who has questions on how to best engage, join us! We’ll discuss what challenges will be faced and how to address those and how to work in systems that most times are overly bureaucratic, in some cases corrupt and inefficient. (Mike Douris, Orphan Outreach) Your Child Protection Questions Answered: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Whether or not we have any background in it, we all enter the world of child protection when we engage in orphan care. No matter the role we play, we are first responsible to prevent further harm to vulnerable children. What does that look like practically? Bring your child protection policies and questions for discussion and troubleshooting. (Kristi Gleason, Bethany Christian Services)

Meet Ups

Coffee & Conversation for Adult Adoptees & Foster Alum: Meet Up AT 106 Come join other adoptees and foster alum for a special time of conversation and connection…with coffee! Grab some special refreshments while meeting new friends. Don’t miss this time of discussion and fellowship! (Hosted by Ignite Hope)

Artisan & Trade Ministries: Meet Up ED 232-242 Come meet other artisan and trade ministries who are working to empower communities and combat poverty in the developing world. Connect, discuss challenges, share solutions and brainstorm on new frontiers and ideas to strengthen #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey families and serve vulnerable children. (Hosted by Apparent Project)


Domestic Foster Care, Kinship Care and Adoption in Kenya


uckner is helping educate and facilitate adoptions of Kenyan children to Kenyan families. Buckner staff has taken the lead in the national adoption initiative, educating and helping organizations, lawmakers and top government officials in Kenya to find forever families for Kenyan children.

We also help groups coordinate mission trips to Kenya!

Learn more at


Help surround families in crisis with caring, compassionate community You can play a part in preventing child abuse and neglect. Join a movement fueled by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.

FAMILY CARE SOLUTIONS Faith to Action's Transitioning to Family Care series includes a guidance manual, tool kit, and online training all designed to come alongside as you transition from residential care to supporting care for children within families.



Visit our booth for free resources!

We are a community of devoted volunteers motivated by faith who open our hearts, our arms, and our homes to families in crisis. Ways you can help:Â

Host children in your home Be a Family Friend to a struggling parent Provide goods & services to families in need Donate to this movement Pray that the work will flourish #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

OVC research Through the annual OVC Research Symposium, webinars, white papers and other resources, we help CAFO members apply the best available research and models to their daily service to children.

WORKING TO ELEVATE THE QUALITY OF CARE FOR CHILDREN WORLDWIDE Short Term Missions: 8 Principles for Wise Short-Term Missions Simulation Lab: Transitioning to Family-Based Care The Changing Brain: A Neuroplasticity E-Book


Expanding Family-Based Care $50,000 Challenge Grant Core Elements for OVC Care Accurate Statistics & More



We exist to equip the body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children.

adoption | pregnancy ministry | family restoration | strategic orphan care | education & counseling #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

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T hursd a y, 2: 3 0 -3 : 3 0 p m 7 Global Trends that Impact OVC Care…and 7 OVC Trends that Impact the Globe ATCR 200/202 We can’t see the future. But when we grasp the major factors and forces shaping our world today, we’re better able to anticipate what’s coming…and also to lead and love well in the present. We’ll examine trends that carry big implications for our service to and for vulnerable children…and trends in care for vulnerable children that carry big implications for our world. (Jedd Medefind, CAFO) Assessing Assessments: How can we strengthen the home study process? (CAFO Member Organizations Only) ED 214/215 CAFO Member Organizations will discuss research, best practices, and agency workers’ experiences with providing home studies. Come for an interactive discussion focused on how you prepare and assess families: What does your agency do well? What can others learn from you? Where do you have the most challenges? What do you hope to learn from others? (Ryan Hanlon, National Council for Adoption) Attachment: Parenting with Your Brain in Mind - Part 2 Q&A FH 120 Join Curt Thompson for part two as he explores principles of secure attachment and the affect our brain has on these relationships. This session will also include a robust robust opportunity for the participants to engage in discussion about these topics. (Curt Thompson, Being Known and author of Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame) Building the Social Workforce by Recruiting and Training Para-Professionals FH 111 A robust social workforce is vital. But what do we do when social work staff are in short supply? Recruiting and training social work paraprofessionals can serve to augment the available social workforce. Learn how to identify and equip local leaders to improve the quality of social work in your program. (Delia Pop, Hope and Homes for Children; Ian Forber-Pratt, Children's Emergency Relief International; Kristi Gleason, Bethany Christian Services; & Mick Pease, Strengthening Families For Abandoned Children) Building Support Groups for Adoptive and Foster Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Many foster parents quit fostering because they’re overwhelmed and feel unsupported. Adoptive families struggle because they don’t feel understood by many of their friends and families. This discussion will be about how churches can create support groups that provide some training. Come and let’s discuss how. (Kim Botto, Crossroads Church) Business Professionals and the Cause of the Fatherless ED 212 Leaders from the business world can bring immense gifts to the non-profit sector, far beyond financial support alone. Executives and entrepreneurs offer experience and skills that complement and expand ministry-as-usual. Come learn creative ways that business professionals can be a significant part of frontline ministry to vulnerable children, from Louisiana to Lusaka. (Andy Lehman, Lifesong for Orphans) Caring for Children in Families in Developing Nations: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Ready to help a children’s home transition to family based care? Or wanting to start a new project caring for children in local families? Come ready to share about your project or idea. We’ll work to help you create a personal plan within the context of your country. Let’s dream together about what your project could become. (Philip Aspegren, Casa Viva) Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 We’ll focus on how to successfully use a workable model for coming up with measurable, attainable goals for your foster care/adoption ministry. We’ll walk through a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) and guide you through the best goals for the coming year, and you will learn how having measure goals that are simple to execute is a proven model for building an organized and fruitful ministry. (Ty Bryant, Promise686) Effective Global Partnerships: Connecting Your Church to What God is Doing Around the World ED 213 Healthy partnerships drive fruitful ministry, and nowhere is that clearer than in cross-cultural partnerships and short-term missions trips. Engage with others who believe in the great potential of short-term trips to do both good and harm, and who are wrestling with how to proceed with wisdom and care, for the best possible care for children. (Facilitated by: Elli Oswald, Faith to Action Initiative Joined by: Evans Baggs, Port City Community Church; Toni Steere, Houston’s First Baptist Church; and Kari Stewart, Timberline Church) Empowering Your Children's Ministry Staff for Success ATCR 207/209 Adoptive and foster parents, as well as ministry leaders, need tools and resources to share with their church leadership. We will cover how to approach leadership & what tools they can teach that will help children’s ministry leaders feel empowered to serve our children. Participants will leave with a plan of action to equip their church. (Ryan and Kayla North, One Big Happy Home) Good Grief: Seven Ways to See Grief as a Gift FH 131 Heartache is basically a prerequisite for those of us on the foster/adoption journey, but it doesn't need to define us, and it certainly doesn't deserve the final word in our story. Learn tangible strategies to move past paralyzing doubt or disappointment. And as a bonus: Everyone who attends will receive a gift to take home that is (nearly) guaranteed to change your life. (Trisha Priebe, Lifesong for Orphans) Helping Caregivers Hold Hard Stories for Traumatized Children Chapel Part of becoming a Safe Boss for hurt children is expanding our ability to hold their pain. Learn what it means for caregivers to be containers and history keepers for the children in our care while continuing to delight in the journey. (Paris Goodyear-Brown, Nurture House)


How to Surround Families in Crisis with a Caring, Compassionate Community: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 How can you use, turn, and/or create a compassionate community where children are safe and families are preserved and transformed? Join to start building a community of devoted volunteers to keep children safe and families intact. Learn the steps to host vulnerable children #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey and create extended family–like supports for desperate families. (Jim Whitfield, Safe Families for Children)

Keeping Integrity in the Stories You Share ED 280 When it comes to advocating for orphaned and vulnerable children, how do we maintain integrity while fully connecting with supporters, donors, and the public? This interactive workshop dives deep to discuss how to engage without exploitation, including both crafting and sharing messages that represent our own ministries and ministry work of others. (Ronne Rock, Orphan Outreach; Emily Richards, Show Hope; and Pam Parish, Connections Homes) More than Enough: What Foster Care Movement Could Look Like Right Where You Live ED 202/206 A healthy faith-based state foster care movement involves a lot of different individuals and organizations with a wide variety of backgrounds and expertise. You’ll meet a team of experts from these various entities who have seen thriving foster care movements start and grow in their own states. Hear the most important lessons they’ve learned in starting and growing a faith-based state foster care movement. (Sharen Ford, Focus on the Family; Lauri Currier, The CALL; Kevin Enders, 4KIDS; Philip Pattison, Foster the Bay; Jason Weber, CAFO; and Bishop Aaron Blake, Harvest Family Life) Openness in Adoption: How To Navigate the Hard Stuff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Your child has joined your family and all is well in the home, but is openness with the birth family much more complicated than you expected? Join the conversation and gather information to help you navigate the hard stuff of openness in adoption. (Donna K. Nicholson, Bethany Christian Services) Partnering for Children in Families: Reintegration, Fostering, and Adoption Six Plex Our goal is to see children grow up in healthy families. For many areas of the world, achieving this goal will require a major transition of services, resources, and attitudes. Making this shift requires healthy partnership with the government, community, church and other practitioners. Come learn about a successful model for family-based orphan care that aims for permanency in a healthy family. (Simon Kanyembo, Matrida Phiri, & Cari Armbruster, Alliance for Children Everywhere) Praise & Petition Fireside (AT 132) Amidst the whirl of our lives, perhaps nothing is more refreshing than the chance to raise praise and petition to God, together with others who share our hurts and hopes for vulnerable children and families all over the world. Join for one hour of simple music, thanksgiving and prayer. (Robbie Seay, The Robbie Seay Band) Prioritizing Sabbath & Sabbatical Rest that Rejuvenates Your Soul, Your Leadership & Your Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Leaders are busy, but they should not be hurried. This session will provide practical tips for seeking, requesting and receiving the Sabbath & Sabbatical rest you need to lead and serve others out of the overflow of God’s provision and care - for you! (Gary Schneider, Every Orphan’s Hope) Serving as a Family ATCR 206 The Bachmann family has had the opportunity to serve alongside each other for years. Through political exposure, to caring for orphans, lessons have been learned on how to serve together as a family. (Marcus, Michele, & Elisa Bachmann, Healing Haiti) Strategies for Unlocking Team Potential: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Participants will learn how to harness team potential through a series of case studies that will provide a deeper understanding of team members, keys to optimal team interactions, and insights for peak performance. Attendance at the Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications workshop is recommended but not required. (Dave Rudko, Providence World) Strong Communities, Strong Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Those interested in how to build and strengthen community based support for children and families at risk of separation, should attend. Participants will share and explore successful ways to mobilize people in the community to support children, how to unleash the potential of informal community structures, and how to engage government institutions. (Delia Pop, Hope and Homes for Children) The Power of Identity: Real-Life Journeys to Belonging as Children of God ED 216/217 Our identity — that sense of who we really are — profoundly influences how we live. Hear from individuals whose identity has changed profoundly over the course of their lives: from “orphan” or “foster child” to a vibrant awareness of living as a child of God. (Facilitated by: Sandra Flach, Adoptive Mom & Justice For Orphans Joined by: Alex Sam, Everett Mission Charitable Trust; Mandy Litzke, Former Foster Youth, Adoptee, & Adoptive Mom; Daniel Kaggwa, Dove Ministries Africa; and Jacob Sturges, Adoptee, Orphan Sunday Coordinator) What Can I Do When My Leadership Isn’t on Board? Tips for Leading from the Bottom-Up ED 210/211 Are you passionate about orphan care, but struggling to get your church leadership on board? Come learn what you can do in the waiting. You’ll walk away with practical tools for engaging your pastor and a Biblical understanding of how to serve leaders who “just don’t get it.” (Eric Porter, Backyard Orphans)

Meet Ups

KY Foster Families & Advocates: Meet Up AT 106 Are you a foster parent or advocate interested in learning more about fostering in the Commonwealth of Kentucky? Join others in your community to discuss what it looks like to foster in this state, resources, and ways to get involved. Meet those working in this space and discuss how to be more involved to help Kentucky’s most vulnerable youth. (Hosted by the Bair Foundation) Single Moms: Meet Up WC 246 You’re not alone! Come meet other single adoptive moms who understand the joys and challenges of the road you’re on. Get ready to meet new friends and leave encouraged & energized. We’re excited to meet you! (Hosted by Go Be Love)

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OVC Essentials is an online learning experience providing broadened and deepened knowledge of best practices and critical issues within OVC care. Alongside an encouraging and stimulating community, OVC Essentials supplies challenge where necessary, and plenty inspiration for the road ahead. OFFERING:



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$500 Application Fee Waiver. Use Promo Code CAFO500 The Boaz Project • Image is © 2019 Nickol Teague Photography

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T hursd ay, 3 :4 5 - 4: 45p m 50 Ideas for your Orphan or Stand Sunday WC 248 Is your church new to Orphan Sunday or Stand Sunday and you need ideas to create your first event? Or, has your church been doing Orphan Sunday for many years and you need fresh creativity? Our team will take you through the best ideas from the last 10 years of this amazing movement. (Michelle Vernon, Orphan Sunday) Adopting Older Children FH 120 As a parent to three children adopted in their teens, and foster parent to several teen girls, Beth will share vulnerably about lessons learned over the last 17 years. She will give practical tools to cultivate connection and determine age appropriate discipline as well as addressing maintaining stability in your marriage and other parent/child relationships when one child is challenging. (Beth Guckenberger, Back2Back Ministries) Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This discussion will be an interactive process were attendees will be guided to create a custom orphan care plan for their church. This process involves walking through a system that will produce mission-critical ministries that play to the strengths of their congregation and work within the bounds of their church’s current overall vision. (Steve Gillis, Patch Our Planet) Church and State Partnerships in Foster Care ED 210/211 Let’s be honest – whether you are a social worker or a member of the faith community, you have a least some reservations about working with “the other side.” Learn from those who have seen great results from these vital partnerships and have lived to tell about it. (Tom Lukasik, 4KIDS of South Florida; Rhonda Littleton, A Home For Me; Felicia Mason-Edwards, DFPS; & Brian Mavis, America's Kids Belong) The Cognitive Core ATCR 206 Rewiring the brain is possible! Have a child struggling academically, emotionally, or socially? Walk away equipped with a basic understanding of how the brain works, tools and techniques to strengthen the brain, and resources to implement these techniques. (Ann Maura Hinton, Lifeline Children’s Services) Conflict Management and Team Ministry FH 131 Biblical ministry brings people of different backgrounds, races, and nationalities together. As people work together for this cause, conflicts inevitably arise. How we respond to conflict is critical as we seek healthy relationships and effective ministry. Come learn the sources of conflicts in your ministry as well as practical ways to respond to in a Biblical way. (Maron Chomba, Lifesong for Orphans) Developing a Holistic Approach to Church Orphan Care Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 At this coaching table, we will dialogue about what it looks like to develop a holistic approach to orphan care using a helpful framework. Participants will walk away with clarity on how to effectively and strategically engage orphan care in a broader, more holistic way - from prevention, to intervention, to restoration. (Gabriel Forsyth, Mosaic Church) Effective Reintegration Program Management: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Facilitating family reintegration well requires many moving parts to be successful, but it can be done with the right strategy and good organization. Come discuss your questions about team performance, financial management, and auditing of home visits to ensure each and every family receives the support they need. (Chris Page, Agape Children’s Ministries) Faith-Based Support for Foster and Adoptive Families ATCR 200/202 We will explore three key avenues of support: emotional/spiritual, informational, and tangible. We will dive deep into how to build sustainable and healthy emotional support groups for families that meet the needs of both the parents and the children. (Jenn Hook (Ranter), Replanted Ministry & Refresh Chicago and Mike Berry, Confessions Of An Adoptive Parent LLC) Five Steps to Transition Donors to Support a New Care Model and Improve Fundraising ED 213 When you’re planning to transition your model of care, it can feel overwhelming. Over the past year, we have studied organizations who have successfully transitioned their model and brought their donors with them. You’ll learn the five principles to bring your donors along on the journey, improve fundraising outcomes, and create financial capacity to provide better care for vulnerable children and families. (Brian Carroll, markempa) Government Partnerships and Religious Conscience (CAFO Member Organizations Only) FH 111 Governments are eager for the help of faith-motivated organizations, churches, and families. But recent laws and policies have created significant tensions between government dictates and religious conscience. Is there any hope for solutions that will allow organizations to remain faithful in both service and conviction? Join us to hear about conscience protections and also the the legal advocates defending faith-based organizations in Michigan and Philadelphia to explore the current landscape nationwide and what may lie ahead. (Facilitated by: Jerry Haag, One More Child Joined by Montse Alvarado & Nicholas Reaves, Becket) How to Create Valuable Content for a Blog or Podcast: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Learn how to create content for a blog or podcast. This coaching table provides outlines and insight on how to create content including how to interview foster/adoptive families and orphan care advocates. (Kenneth Camp, Author)


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How to Harness the Power of Story to Help Children Heal from Trauma ED 214/215 Come learn principles and practices of effective storytelling, listen to and discuss clips from RiverCross radio dramas, practice crafting stories that open hearts and bring healing to the children in your care, and learn how to help your children tell stories that give you insight to their experiences, thinking, and hearts. You’ll walk away with a RiverCross Toolkit. (Cindy Finley & Jessica Hughey, RiverCross) The Intersection of Pain and Purpose ED 202/206 The place of our greatest hurt can become the place of our greatest purpose. Hear from adoptees, foster youth, parents and leaders of how God’s grace and personal choices intertwined to turn some of the worst things in life into some of the very best. (Facilitated by: Tony Mitchell, tmLeadership, LLC Joined by: Trent Taylor, Former Foster Youth & Adoptee; Mandy Litzke, Former Foster Youth, Adoptee, & Adoptive Mom; and Ronnie Mosley, Capturing Grace) Preparing Families for Receiving Children: Kinship, Foster Care or Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Churches! NGOs! Wanting to be a resource for children needing families? We will discuss the preparation, recruitment, and retention for foster, kinship and adoptive parents. In addition, the issue of disruption will be addressed and strategies for post-adoptive services explored. (Ruby Johnston, LAMb International) Reframing the Struggle: Finding Hope in the Journey of Foster Care and Adoption ATCR 207/209 Foster and adoptive parents face a unique set of circumstances and experience a wide array of emotions that few can relate to. There is no textbook on how to be a foster or adoptive parent. But there is hope. Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been on the journey for a while, this session will give you some inspirational and practical tools to help frame the hopes, fears, joys and heartaches through the lens of the gospel. (Jason Johnson, CAFO) Refugee Foster Care: Journeys of Hope Fireside (AT 132) There are currently 65.3 million displaced people in the world today, equaling the population of France. Of these, 25.4 million people have left their country as refugees. Broaden your knowledge regarding this afflicted population, and learn about programs in place to help care for them while discussing practical ways to show these children the love of Christ within your church, organization, and community. (Adam J. Baker, Bethany Christian Services & Keith Lussier, USCCB) Simple and Surprising Ways Your Church Can Serve the Foster Care Community: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 You want to do something to help the foster care community. You don’t feel called to bring children into your home but believe there are other ways you can serve. And yet, when you’ve offered help, you’ve been told “We’re fine…” or maybe you’ve heard nothing back at all. If you identify with these questions, this coaching table is for you. (Jami Kaeb, The Forgotten Initiative & Lifesong for Orphans) Single Parent Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This is the place to connect with others who understand the unique journey of single parent adoption. Participants will receive practical guidance and will have the opportunity to ask questions, share ideas and encourage one another. (Autumn Kerr, Go Be Love International) Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACE) in Ministry ED 216/217 Have there been people in your ministry unable to fulfill their commitment? Did it come to light that unresolved issues in their lives bubbled up to the surface under the stress of ministry? One aspect of that is dealing with those things from our past that trip us up. Learn how to use the Adverse Childhood Experiences survey (ACE) in our own lives and the lives of the staff we work alongside everyday. We will address the "HOW" and "WHAT TO DO." (David and Jayne Schooler, Back2Back Ministries) Valuing Attachment Rituals in the Lives of Children Impacted by Early Institutionalized Care Chapel Join us for a panel discussion, sharing the value and importance of attachment rituals in the life of a child, how these rituals are particularly important to kids who have difficulty with transitions due to early trauma, how to recognize the attachment rituals your organization may already have in place, and how to creatively deepen connection and attachment by fostering an important aspect of care that can positively influence a child’s future. (Dan Coley, Cathy Troyer, Katie McGunnigal, and Emily Chapman Richards, Show Hope) The Virtual Office: Effective Volunteers, Interns and Staff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Have you been asking yourself, “Has anyone tamed the new frontier of the virtual office?” The very honest answer is probably not. However, there’s good news! Join this small group to hear and contribute helpful tips and how-to insights on working remotely and managing remote employees/volunteers/interns. Come with your own “what works for me” ideas & your questions. (Ashley Otani, CAFO) When There Isn’t a Doctor: Medical Assessment and Improvised Treatment for the Layman ED 280 When isolated from established medical support by distance, natural disaster or mere time, knowing how to decipher and treat medical conditions may be the difference between a routine trip or a total change of plans. Learn practical screening techniques to discriminate “can wait” from “can’t wait” conditions and how to improvise various treatments. (Clint Bearden and Christopher Graham, Kidron Group)

Meet Ups

Latin America: Meet Up ED 212 Connect with other organizations and leaders who are working and advocating for vulnerable children in Latin America. Meet those working on the same issues and in the same region as you and discover new friends, partners and resources to strengthen your work! (Hosted by Alianza Cristiana para los Huérfanos) Cambodia Prayer & Strategy: Meet Up WC 246 All serving in Cambodia — or simply sharing a heart for the country — are invited to join this time of prayer and strategic dreaming. (Hosted by Sam Cobb, Real Wood Floors)

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Day Three TH E W O RK OF RE ST An especially telling season in the ministry of Jesus can be found in Mark chapter 6. His dear friend and ministry advocate, John the Baptist, has just been brutally beheaded by a vicious king. It’s a devastating and senseless tragedy. One account tells us that when His disciples break the news to Him, Jesus “withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place” (Matthew 14:13). Undoubtedly an emotionally heavy time for Jesus. In the midst of that, His disciples are experiencing great victories in ministry (Mark 6:30) – people were being healed, miracles were being performed, lives were being changed. Their ministry was growing and “so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat” (v.31). The ministry demand was high! It’s in the midst of this very pregnant season of ministry, full of the hardest of hards and the highest of highs, that Jesus puts out a profound invitation to his disciples. He doesn’t say, “We’re going to press on, boys. Soldier on as if nothing has happened. Keep running. Don’t. Stop. Running.” Instead He says, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (v.31) Jesus invites His disciples to stop, sit, be still and be renewed. In His tenderness He says to them, come with me…let’s go take a break. A very wise woman has described this as “strategic withdrawal” – meaning it’s on purpose and with purpose. The quiet and the rest are strategic, not pointless. They are achieving something deeply profound and important, not simply wasting time and being unproductive. Jesus made “strategic withdrawal” a central component of his ministry. He’s sleeping in the stern of a boat while a storm and the fears of all those on board rage around Him. (Mark 4:38) He goes off by Himself – all night – to pray to the Father as the dawn of His death loomed heavy. (Matthew 26:36) Perhaps Luke 15:16 says it most clearly and succinctly – “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” His life and ministry were marked by seasons of intensity and activity punctuated by moments of rest and renewal. It’s often said that, “Ministry is a marathon, not a sprint.” While on one hand this word picture can be helpful, encouraging us to build a long-term perspective in a work that can often be slow to produce immediate and satisfying results, perhaps it can also be a bit daunting as well, setting unrealistic expectations of endurance and persistence that are exhausting and unsustainable. A marathon is one LONG, continuous run, and whatever you do…don’t stop until you reach the finish line! While every illustration breaks down eventually, perhaps ministry is not so much one long run but could be better described as a consistent and patterned regiment of “interval training”. In this type of training we push our bodies for specific periods of time (intervals) and then give them patterned and ritualed periods of rest and renewal. We go hard for a season, and then rest. The periods of resting are just as important to the health


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of our bodies as the seasons of training. Whatever the balance may be, the goal is sustainability – positioning ourselves for the long-haul. This does not mean that in those “strategic withdrawal” seasons of rest and renewal we abandon our commitment to a goal, it simply means we begin to understand rest not as a non-productive hindrance to the more important work, but instead as a crucial and essential component to the long-term sustainability of our work. Rest IS important work. This is how God designed our lives to rotate – within a cyclical pattern of being awake and active and then asleep and motionless. Jesus modeled this rhythm, and even research shows that building in patterns of “breaks” throughout our days every 90-120 minutes increases energy, focus and ultimately productivity. It’s just how God designed it! Resting is not synonymous with quitting. It’s also not a sign that you’re failing. It actually means you care enough about the work you are doing to ensure as much as possible that you’ll be able to do it as long as possible. So, sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is take a break – and not feel guilty about it. But how can I possibly take a break when the need is so overwhelming and the work is so demanding? - you might ask. My team, this church, our organization and these kids need me! - you might say. To that we must ask a different question – How could you possibly NOT take a break when the need is so overwhelming and the work is so demanding? You simply can’t survive this for the long-haul without stopping and resting every once in a while. And you’re right - these people and places DO need you - they need you healthy and whole, because you can’t pour into them what you don’t have in yourself. Everyone we’re serving and leading loses when we don’t stop, rest and renew. Everyone wins when we do – most notably, us. Now, go by yourself to a quiet place…and get some rest.

Q U E STIONS T O CONSIDER 1) In what ways have you struggled to create healthy rhythms of rest and renewal in your life, leadership and ministry? 2) What hope does the ministry and model of Jesus give you as you find ways to make rest and renewal a priority? 3) Complete this statement as practically and honestly as you can:

In light of this truth, I will choose to honor God through this by...

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Fr id ay, 7 : 3 0 -8 : 1 5a m Join the Movement in Kentucky (Meet-Up) AT 106 Grab your breakfast here! Learn about the current state and local opportunities to care for foster and adoptive children in Kentucky. Connect with leaders in this region and connect to the movement as a church, an organization, or an individual. Leave with new friends & next steps to make a difference in the lives of our children. (Hosted by Orphan Care Alliance)

Friday, 8 :3 0 -9 : 3 0a m 10 Policies, Tools, and Templates Every Nonprofit Needs in 2019 ED 214/215 Join the co-author of Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom and ECFA Tools and Templates for Effective Board Governance to learn of practical policies, tools, and templates to help make your board more effective. The takeaways will include downloadable documents that you can immediately put into practice. (Dan Busby, Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) Building a Trauma Competent Kids and Student Ministry ATCR 207/209 When foster and adoptive families bring children into their families, they also bring them into their churches. Are your children’s and student ministry leaders and volunteers prepared to adequately care for kids who have experienced trauma? You’ll walk away with practical ideas to take home and implement in your church. (Kim Botto, Crossroads Church) The Church’s Role in Family Restoration ED 202/206 Christ’s followers are called to a ministry of reconciliation, which is exactly what foster care can be. And since reunification is the goal of most foster care placements, the Church has a unique opportunity to come alongside struggling birthparents and point them to the One who has the power to restore their families and reconcile them to Himself. (Traci Newell, Lifeline Children’s Services) Culturally Competent Ways to Facilitate Attachment: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 We’ll focus on the different facets of attachment and how these may vary across cultural contexts. We will discuss ways professionals can educate caregivers about and facilitate attachment in culturally competent and respectful ways. (Mandy Howard, Samford University) Data as a Tool for Transforming Foster Care Where You Live ED 280 Some people think of data merely as numbers. However, data is used everyday to tell stories that mobilize others to step into the lives of hurting people. The data from the communities where you live has the potential to motivate and mobilize church, organizational, and business leaders in your community to transform the foster care experience for thousands of kids and families. (Bob Bruder-Mattson, Faithbridge; Chris Campbell, 111Project; Michelle Douglas, The CALL; and Adrien Lewis, GO Project) Discipling Children Coming From Hard Places FH 111 Research shows a direct, positive relationship between healthy attachment and a relationship to God. This workshop will guide the application of these findings to develop discipleship strategies for both home and church for kids coming from hard places. (Rick Morton, Lifeline Children’s Services) Embracing Adoption’s Inherent Loss and Grief: Knowing and Loving Adoptees ATCR 206 Few people enjoy talking about loss and grief -- often we just don’t know what to say or do to support someone. As those who love them, it is vital that we become aware and comfortable with loss and grief in order to demonstrate understanding and empathy. Learn about the various losses experienced by each member of the adoption constellation, triggers for loss, and how ambiguous loss best describes the losses within adoption. (Tara VanderWoude, Social Worker, Advocate, Educator) Fearful Women Wanted: How Fear of the Lord Shapes Lives that Saves Lives Chapel Join this invaluable conversation among engaging women from varied life stages and perspectives. Consider Biblical truths and practical insights for actively obeying God in defending children from hard places, challenging the culture, loving your neighbors and impacting your church communities. (Aixa de López, Author and Speaker) Help! I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know About Funding my Ministry!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Dive deeper into creating a Fund Development Plan for your ministry with personalized coaching. Specific funding areas for coaching include grant writing, general donations, earned revenue and fundraising events. (Shelly Radic, Project 1.27) Help! I’m Planning an Orphan/Stand Sunday Event!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Are you interested in using Orphan/Stand Sunday to engage your church or community and don’t know where to start? Speak to seasoned lay leaders about the power of Orphan Sunday and get your questions answered about everything from seeking approval to available resources to implementation, for any size congregation or group. (Jodi Lewis, Families of Promise)


How Can You Best Empower Families in Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Bring your current challenges and questions and come ready to discuss the key questions in successful reintegration. Our conversation will include topics like negotiating school fees, providing food security and helping struggling families with a community-based approach. Learn proven ways to work with established local culture and avoid dependency. (Wesley Corbitt, Agape Children’s Ministries) #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

How to Talk Adoption so Your Child will Listen: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Talking adoption to kids is the #1 question of adoptive and foster parents. This coaching session will incorporate principles about how to enter your child’s world, tremendous opportunities to share, and a unique set-up for sharing that you’ll experience and then be able to use with your children in the future. (Sherrie Eldridge, Author) Institutional and Residential Care: What’s the Difference? ED 210/211 We all want children to be in families. However, for certain children in certain contexts, wise and intentional group care may be the best care option, at least temporarily. What characteristics make some group care healthy and appropriate, while other group care settings are deemed “institutional?” Listen as three veteran experts with varying opinions engage in civil discourse to identify what matters most in group care. (Delia Pop, Hope and Homes for Children; David Nowell, Hope Institute; & Mike Douris, Orphan Outreach) Lipstick on the Mirror: Keeping Your Marriage Vibrant and Your Ministry Moving ATCR 200/202 When being obedient to God’s call to ministry, most of your time feels obligated to emails, meetings, conferences, projects, etc. These are all things that can be good - but aren’t usually the ingredients for a thriving marriage. Find out how to reclaim the “fire.” (Jerry & Christi Haag, One More Child) Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 How can you equip your family to battle against the stereotypes and negative impact of society? How can you help them form a secure racial identity alongside a Godly identity that is larger than race alone? Join this conversation and leave empowered with specific guidance and wisdom for your family’s needs. (Clarkston Morgan, Our Daily Bread Ministries) So You’re Considering Adoption? Five Questions You Need to Ask and Where to Find Answers ED 213 Thinking and praying about whether to adopt can be overwhelming. Where do we start? Where can I get good information? How do I know who to trust? Learn five key questions to ask and where to find the answers! (Amber Steffen, Loving Shepherd Ministries) Soul Care: Luxury or Necessity? FH 131 Busy, Fatigued, Exhausted, Overloaded, Stressed… Do these words describe how you often feel? It’s no wonder: effective ministry to orphans and vulnerable children can take its toll on a human soul. So to return consistently to the wellspring of it all is essential: hearts rooted deep in Christ and drawing life from Him - including habits and rhythms. (Fil Anderson, Journey Resources) Uncovering Hope in the Hardest of Stories: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Our goal is to be messengers of hope in the midst of brokenness. But how do we share that hope in an authentic way when the stories are difficult, complex, or sensitive in nature? This coaching table provides more than a few quick tips. It’s a working session that will equip you with tools to communicate with compassion and without compromise. (Ronne Rock, Orphan Outreach) What’s Working to Transitioning Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Without donor buy-in, transitioning can come to a halt due to inadequate funding. The risk is that donors may disconnect because they do not understand the need for transition and change. Additionally, they have concerns for child safety that need addressing along with matters regarding the orphanage buildings and infrastructure. At our table, we will discuss/learn what’s working to transition donors - and the messaging used. (Brian Carroll, markempa) Working Together: Building Collaboration through Regional Alliances ED 216/217 What does it take to start, lead, and grow a Regional Alliance? How do you create a collaborative space for churches, non-profit organizations, and child welfare entities to work together to care for vulnerable children and families in your region? Learn how to create a network that shares best practices and works together. (Gabriel Forsyth, Mosaic Church; Tiffany Loeffler, Defending the Cause Regional Alliance; and Ray Moore, Empty Chair Ministry) Working with Churches and Communities to Build Economic Capacity in Families Fireside (AT 132) When poverty strikes at its deepest level, parents can struggle to provide food, water, healthcare, shelter, and education for their children. In moments of desperation, parents can face the impossible decision to turn their children over to an orphan care or foster care organization. Learn how churches are helping communities to mobilize small amounts of savings, and provide a dignified way of meeting basic needs and keeping families together. (Kevin Tordoff, HOPE International) Writing and Speaking About your Story FH 120 As a frequent speaker and author of eight books, Beth will share how to communicate your family’s story in a way that honors your children, and inspires/educates your audience. She will answer questions on how to get started, and what the challenges and delicacies are. (Beth Guckenberger, Back2Back Ministries)

Meet Ups

The African American Leadership Council: Meet Up AT 106 We would like to invite you to meet the African American Leadership Council! This Council is a strategic effort created by the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) to inspire, connect and equip African American Churches to rise up in answer to God’s call to care for the “orphan in distress.” Come meet the team, share ideas, connect with others on engaging the African American Church - and be encouraged! (Hosted by the CAFO African American Leadership Council) Southern Africa: Meet Up WC 246 Connect with other organizations and leaders who are working and advocating for vulnerable children in Southern Africa. Meet those working on the same issues and in the same region as you - and discover new friends, partners and resources to strengthen your work! (Hosted by Forgotten Voices)

OVC Essentials: Meet Up ED 212 Welcome all OVC Essential alumni! Come say, “Hello” and connect with one another. For those with interest in participating #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey 43 in future cohorts, or with questions about OVC Essenitals, please join us. (Hosted by CAFO OVC Essentials)

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A unique teaching tool to bring hope and healing to the hearts of vulnerable children‌ *International Curriculum kits full of fun with hands-on learning in multiple languages! *New domestic Initiative for Foster Families to receive a monthly box With crafts and Biblical teaching Specific to their needs!

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LEARN MORE: #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey








Join us for:

Discover the habits and disciplines of a spiritual life that keep us steadfast and vibrant in the long, hard work of justice and mercy. #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


Fr id ay, 9:4 5 -10 : 45a m ACTIVE Family Support: A Practical Model to Prevent Unnecessary Separation of Children & Strengthen Families ED 210/211 Families are helped to assess their needs and strengths based on the outcomes of the assessments and develop a support plan in collaboration with representatives of all agencies working with the family. The plan includes specific aims with agreed timeframes and roles involved. Work with the family is concluded when the family is able to function independently of ACTIVE family support within a sustainable system of formal and informal support. Join this workshop to learn how to apply the model in a fun and interactive session. (Delia Pop, Hope and Homes for Children) Addressing the Resistance to Reintegration from Staff and Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Come discuss the resistance and concerns our staff and donors had when we introduced reintegration. Learn how we addressed staff concerns about losing jobs, the safety of our children, and ensuring the best interest of the child. Ask your own questions and concerns about reintegration and hear how Agape has addressed these kinds of concerns. (Blake Gibbs, Agape Children’s Ministry) The Cognitive Core: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Rewiring the brain is possible! Have a child struggling academically, emotionally or socially? Walk away equipped with a basic understanding of how the brain works, tools & techniques to strengthen the brain & resources to implement these techniques. (Ann Maura Hinton, Lifeline Children’s Services) Creating a Trauma-Informed Culture in Your Ministry Site ED 202/206 The challenge to be trauma-informed can feel daunting if you don't know where to start. Come learn the basic steps to creating a traumainformed culture in your organization, resources to help in the process and lessons we've learned along the way. (Samantha Mathews & Caroline Burns, Back2Back Ministries) Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This is perfectly designed for pastors and church orphan care leaders. Attendees will hear from a seasoned orphan care leader about engaging their whole church in orphan care, from children to senior adults. They will have the opportunity to share their experience in this space and will receive coaching and resources to take their orphan care ministry to the next level. (Eric Porter, Backyard Orphans) Effectively Leading in a Large Church Context ATCR 207/209 We will unpack how one church’s ministry tackles the tensions that arise between serving families, providing pathways to community and maintaining strategy and symmetry within a large, complex and multi-campus system. (Facilitated by: Lesli Reece, Fostering Together Joined by: Toni Steere, Houston's First Baptist Church; Kim Botto, Crossroads Church; Laura Mobley, Traders Point Christian Church; and Blaine Hamilton, Southeast Christian Church) Establishing and Sustaining a Multi Church Collaboration ED 216/217 Come work on ideas to collaborate across organizational and church boundaries in your community in order to achieve greater impact. Take time to assess what you bring to the table and learn how to offer it in a more collaborative way. No one church in your community has to do everything, but each church can do something. (Jen Decker, Westside Family Church; Hannah Mabie, Colonial Presbyterian Church; and Amy Ames, Heartland Community Church) For Senior Pastors: Leading and Influencing Culture from the Top-Down Chapel As a senior leader in your church, how do you strategically move your people towards justice and mercy? More specifically, how does the Gospel compel us to advocate for the orphaned and vulnerable in our cities and world? Through engaging with other churches, state agencies, and non-profits, we can make a collaborative impact for the sake of the gospel. (Renaut van der Riet, Mosaic Church) Go Big AND Go Home FH 120 Dr. Jerry Haag believes in going big in ministry and with family. This is a workshop for church and non-profit leaders who realize putting their families first is easier said than done. Come learn tangible ways leaders can work hard in both ministry and at home - so their families thrive. (Jerry Haag, One More Child) Helping You Disciple Your Adopted Teenager ATCR 200/202 As parents, we desire to see our children become disciples of Jesus. Children who have been adopted - especially teenagers - have unique perspectives on God. So how do we help them embrace their Heavenly Father in spite of their past experiences? (Arthur Woods II, Educator & Speaker) How to Make Social Media Work for Your Nonprofit: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Learn practical tips and strategies for using your organization’s Facebook and Instagram accounts to motivate your supporters, share your message and expand your reach. Find out how to create effective content to get more likes, shares and overall engagement. (Hint: you do not need to be a graphic designer to create beautiful posts.) You will also learn how to save time by planning and creating a month’s worth of social media content in one sitting. (Tammie Haveman, Together for Good)


How Your Organization Can Better Serve the Church ATCR 206 For agencies, bridge ministries and other non-profits, engaging churches can sometimes seem elusive. If you find it to sometimes be a struggle, there are some important things about your message, your posture and your motivations that could make all the difference. This session will be led by a combination of organizational leaders and church leaders who can give you insight into what the church leaders in your community might be thinking and how you can serve their mission rather than asking them to serve yours. (Kiira Churchill, Mission Point Community Church; Jason Johnson, CAFO; and Bishop Aaron Blake, Harvest Family Life) #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

International US Policies & Priorities for Vulnerable Children...And How You Fit In (CAFO Member Organizations Only) WC 248 Hear about the current international priorities, policies and programs that affect global OVC care. Whether you desire to seek public funding, to participate in non-financial partnership, or simply to better understand the environment in which you serve, this is for you. (Sarah Gesiriech, U.S. Agency for International Development) Investing In the Next Generation of OVC Advocates ED 213 Come learn how your organization can be a part of investing in the next generation of orphan care advocates. We'll focus on internships, training, education, missions and more. Bring your own ideas for creative and meaningful ways that we can all contribute to raising up the next generation of leaders. (Facilitated by: Leah St. Pierre, CAFO Joined by: Ashley Otani, CAFO; Erica Switzer, Identity Mission; Olivia Stanton, Show Hope and Carly Glista, Back2Back) Mobilizing Your Church for Mission: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 This coaching table is ideal for pastors and ministry leaders, particularly those focused on local or global mission, as well as lay leaders focused on leading church Orphan Care Ministries. At this coaching table, we will discuss how to mobilize your church for mission using the framework of moving people from unexposed to exposed - and involved to invested. Participants will walk away with a plan to mobilize their church into actively participating in local and global mission. (Gabriel Forsyth, Mosaic Church) Navigating Birthparent Relationships as a Foster and/or Adoptive Parent Fireside (AT 132) As foster or adoptive parents, we often feel at a loss of how to help our kids process the complexity of emotions surrounding their birthparents. We have questions like "How can I help my child process his feelings about his birthmom?" "How can I practically pursue a relationship with my child’s birthparent?” You will walk away with practical next steps and hope, knowing you are not in this alone. (Jami Kaeb, The Forgotten Initiative & Lifesong for Orphans) Restoration at the Core ED 214/215 Christa Hicks, trafficking survivor, will share how children from trauma can work to overcome the past and find restoration in Christ. Learn tangible information that will help you recognize the signs of trauma while also helping others heal. (Christa Hicks, One More Child) Safeguards in Parenting Vulnerable Children in a Digital Age: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 Receive helpful information related to navigating the complicated land mines that our kids are facing in the digital age. Receive tools for shepherding the hearts and minds of kids related to technology. Kids who come from different stories, particularly institutionalization, have a greater risk of being exposed to sexuality or being sexualized. (Karen Hutcheson, The Center for Family Connections, PLLC) Special Needs Adoption & Foster Care: Do I Have What It Takes? ED 280 When considering foster care or adoption of children with special needs, it’s important to be adequately equipped for the journey. Join a panel of parents and glean wisdom and perspective from their day-to-day challenges to help you consider the cost of caring for a child with special needs. (Facilitated by: Michele Schneidler, Chosen and Dearly Loved Joined by: Stephanie Carpenter, Ting Ministries; Darren Lewis, Calvary Christian Center; Kayla North, One Big Happy Home; and Kasi Pruitt, Lakepointe Church) Tips for Engaging Business Leaders to Engage with your Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 One of the greatest opportunities for charities comes from engaging local business leaders in their cause. Yet many non-profits shortchange themselves by focusing only on fundraising and short term goals rather than long-term relationships. This meeting will be about better aligning your mission with the goals of the business executive. How to present the opportunities and how to engage them in a way that provides mutual benefits for both. (Tony Mitchell, tmLeadership, LLC) The Tough Sell: Suggesting Adoption in Medical/Pregnancy Clinics FH 131 Learn how pregnancy center staff can make a huge difference in helping pregnant clients to consider adoption. Gain some insight into effective communication about adoption and be prepared with the best responses after, "I could never do that!" (Theresa Marcroft, Unplanned Good & Valerie Navarrete, RealOptions|Obria Medical Clinics) Training Volunteers to Interact with Kids and Families in Foster Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) FH 118 As you expand your foster care work in the community where you live, you are finding more and more opportunities for people in the church to serve children and families outside of foster parenting and adoption. Whether it’s mentoring, advocacy, or support, you have a growing group of volunteers that need to be trained to work with kids who have experienced trauma. (Kerry Rhodes, Royal Family Kids) Walking the Tight Rope: How to Balance the Tensions and Seeming Contradictions in Foster Care Ministry FH 111 Everyone says keep your message short and clear, but in foster care we live in tensions and contradictions. How do we lead through these? This session is for organizational leaders. We'll discuss leading networks to embrace, not run from, tensions. (Katie O'Dell, AZ 1.27; Shelly Radic, Project 1.27; Chelsea Geyer, DC 1.27)

Meet Ups

Media & Ministry: Sharing our Mission for His Glory: Meet Up AT 106 Sharing our stories via media's many forms demands our very best. From books and magazine articles, to blogs and podcasts, we all desire to keep Christ foremost in our sharing. Come meet other authors, bloggers, and vloggers, including: Mike Berry, Beth Guckenberger, Rick Morton, Sandra Flach, Jason Johnson, and Kim de Blecourt. (Hosted by Nourished Hearts) Child Welfare Policy: Meet Up ED 232-242 Gather with other adoption and child welfare advocates working at the state and federal levels! Connect with stakeholders in the domestic and international policy space over your major policy priorities, challenges, best practices and strategies, and ways to engage government to improve outcomes for children. (Hosted by Congressional Coalition of Adoption Institute)

Moving Toward Family Care in Haiti: Meet Up ED 212 #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey Connect with others interested in learning more about family care solutions in Haiti.


Worksh o p Tra ck s Advocacy & Communication Wed, 4:15pm

• Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications • Foster Care, Immigrants, and Shalom: Addressing Broken Systems--and the Brokenness within... • Stories Matter: How Creativity Inspires Advocacy

Thurs, 10:00am • Clarify Your Message with StoryBrand Thurs, 1:15pm

• CAFO Communication Collaborative (CAFO Member Organizations Only)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• 7 Global Trends that Impact OVC Care… and 7 OVC Trends that Impact the Globe • How to Surround Families in Crisis with a Caring, Compassionate...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Keeping Integrity in the Stories You Share

Thurs, 3:45pm

• 50 Ideas for Your Orphan or Stand Sunday • How to Create Valuable Content for a Blog or Podcast: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • How to Harness the Power of Story to Help Children Heal from Trauma

Fri, 8:30am

• • • •

Fri, 9:45am

• Restoration at the Core

Fearful Women Wanted: How Fear of the Lord Shapes Lives that Saves Lives Help! I’m Planning an Orphan/Stand Sunday Event!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Uncovering Hope in the Hardest of Stories: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Writing and Speaking about Your Story

Building Church Orphan Ministries


Wed, 4:15pm

• • • •

Building a Mentoring Strategy Aged-Out/Aging Out Youth: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Care Communities: Supporting Families with Wrap-Around Care Financially Stable: Turning Your Start-Up into a Sustainable Organization: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Develop a Church Special Needs Ministry to Serve Adoptive and Foster Children…

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • •

Building an “Everyone Can Do Something” Ministry in Your Church Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Life in Limbo Strategic Planning for Lay Leaders: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • • • •

Building a Volunteer Structure for your Ministry Church Foster Care Ministry: Where to Go from Where You Are Cross Pollination: Growing Meaningful Partnerships between Churches of Different Colors Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Empowering Your Children’s Ministry Staff for Success: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Starting from Scratch: How to Lead Your Ministry From Dream to Action: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • • •

Building Support Groups for Adoptive and Foster Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Effective Global Partnerships: Connecting your Church to What God is Doing Around the World Empowering Your Children’s Ministry Staff for Success: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Surround Families in Crisis with a Caring, Compassionate...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) What Can I do When my Leadership Isn’t on Board? Tips for Leading from the Bottom-Up

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • • • •

50 Ideas for your Orphan or Stand Sunday Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Holistic Approach to Church Orphan Care Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Faith-Based Support for Foster and Adoptive Families Reframing the Struggle: Finding Hope in the Journey of Foster Care and Adoption Simple and Surprising Ways Your Church Can Serve the Foster Care...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • •

Building a Trauma Competent Kids and Student Ministry Discipling Children Coming from Hard Places Help! I’m Planning an Orphan/Stand Sunday Event!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Church’s Role in Family Restoration Working Together: Building Collaboration through Regional Alliances #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Fri, 9:45am

• • • • • • • •

Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Effectively Leading in a Large Church Context Establishing and Sustaining Multi-Church Collaboration For Senior Pastors: Leading and Influencing Culture from the Top-Down Go Big AND Go Home Mobilizing Your Church for Mission: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Restoration at the Core Training Volunteers to Interact with Kids and Families in Foster Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Child Welfare and Adoption Professionals Wed, 4:15pm

• • • •

Bridges to Adulthood: Insights on Proven Aging Out Models (US & International) Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications Finding Families for Children: The Condition, Needs, and the Challenges of International Adoption Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • •

Clarify Your Message with StoryBrand Living into the Squirm: Open Communication about Sexual Development Shame, Beauty, and the Healing Power of Community Software Solutions Forum for Effective Global Ministry Sustainable Social Enterprises: Hands-On How to Get Started (or Accelerate!)

Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • • •

How Your Core Elements Results Can Make Your Life Easier: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Short-Term Missions: Innovation, Alternative Models, and the Way Forward Situational Awareness and Security Considerations: Principles for Avoiding and Responding to Crises Surviving Puberty and the Sexual Development of Children with Complex Trauma Your Child Protection Questions Answered: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • • • •

7 Global Trends that Impact OVC Care… and 7 OVC Trends that Impact the Globe Assessing Assessments: How Can We Strengthen the Home Study... (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Building the Social Workforce by Recruiting and Training Para-Professionals Business Professionals and the Cause of the Fatherless Helping Caregivers Hold Hard Stories for Traumatized Children Keeping Integrity in the Stories You Share Strategies for Unlocking Team Potential: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • •

Conflict Management and Team Ministry The Cognitive Core : Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Virtual Office: Effective Volunteers, Interns and Staff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACE) in Ministry

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • •

Culturally Competent Ways to Facilitate Attachment: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Data as a Tool for Transforming Foster Care Where you Live Institutional and Residential Care: What’s the Difference? What’s Working to Transitioning Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Working with Churches in Communities to Build Economic Capacity in Families

Fri, 9:45am

• • • •

ACTIVE Family Support: A Practical Model to Prevent Unnecessary Separation of Children... Addressing the Resistance to Reintegration from Staff and Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Creating a Trauma-Informed Culture in your Ministry Site The Cognitive Core: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Coaching Tables Wed, 4:15pm

• Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Building a Mentoring Strategy Aged-Out / Aging Out Youth: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Financially Stable: Turning Your Start-Up into a Sustainable Org...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • • • • •

Conducting Effective Home Assessments for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Excellence & Best Practices in Short-Term Missions: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Helping Biological Children Navigate Trauma in Foster Care &...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How Can We Best Support Kin Carers in Global Settings?: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Identifying & Preparing Families for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Know Thyself….and Your Audience: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Strategic Planning for Lay Leaders: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 1:15pm • Coalition and Collaboration Building: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Empowering Your Children’s Ministry Staff for Success: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey • Extending Orphan Care to the Unborn: Embryo Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)


Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • • •

From Head to Heart: How the Right Stats and Strategies Can Drive...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How Your Core Elements Results Can Make Your Life Easier: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Starting from Scratch: How to Lead Your Ministry from Dream to Action: (Pre Sign-Up Required) Working with Governments to Improve Care for Kids: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Your Child Protection Questions Answered: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • • • • •

Building Support Groups for Adoptive and Foster Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Caring for Children in Families in Developing Nations: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Surround Families in Crisis with a Caring, Compassionate...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Openness in Adoption: How To Navigate the Hard Stuff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Prioritizing Sabbath & Sabbatical Rest that Rejuvenates Your Soul...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Strategies for Unlocking Team Potential: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Strong Communities, Strong Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • • • • • •

Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Holistic Approach to Church Orphan Care Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Effective Reintegration Program Management: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Create Valuable Content for a Blog or Podcast: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Preparing Families for Receiving Children: Kinship, Foster Care or...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Simple and Surprising Ways Your Church Can Serve the Foster Care...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Single Parent Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Virtual Office: Effective Volunteers, Interns and Staff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • • • • •

Culturally Competent Ways to Facilitate Attachment: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Help! I don’t know what I don’t know about funding my ministry!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Help! I’m Planning an Orphan/Stand Sunday Event!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How Can You Best Empower Families in Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Talk Adoption so Your Child will Listen: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Uncovering Hope in the Hardest of Stories: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) What’s Working to Transitioning Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 9:45am

• • • • • • • •

Addressing the Resistance to Reintegration from Staff and Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Diapers to Dentures: Engaging Your Whole Church in Orphan Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How to Make Social Media Work for your Nonprofit: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Mobilizing Your Church for Mission: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Safeguards in Parenting Vulnerable Children in a Digital Age: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Cognitive Core: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Tips for Engaging Business Leaders to Engage with your Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Training Volunteers to Interact with Kids and Families in Foster Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Engaging Effectively for Foster Youth Wed, 4:15pm

• Bridges to Adulthood: Insights on Proven Aging Out Models (US & International) • Foster Care, Immigrants, and Shalom: Addressing Broken Systems -- and the Brokenness within Yourself

Thurs, 10:00am • Life in Limbo


Thurs, 1:15pm

• Church Foster Care Ministry: Where to Go from Where You Are • The Foster Journey: Characteristics of a Great Foster Parent

Thurs, 2:30pm

• More than Enough: What Foster Care Movement Could Look Like Right Where You Live

Thurs, 3:45pm

• Church and State Partnerships in Foster Care • Government Partnerships and Religious Conscience (CAFO Member Organizations Only) • Refugee Foster Care: Journeys of Hope

Fri, 8:30am

• Data as a Tool for Transforming Foster Care Where You Live • The Church’s Role in Family Restoration

Fri, 9:45am

• • • •

How Your Organization Can Better Serve the Church Restoration at the Core Training Volunteers to Interact with Kids and Families in Foster Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Walking the Tight Rope: How to Balance the Tensions and Seeming Contradictions in Foster Care...

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Engaging Effectively for Orphans Worldwide Wed, 4:15pm

• • • • •

Bridges to Adulthood: Insights on Proven Aging Out Models (US & International) Critical Conversations: Innovation & Excellence in Child Sponsorship...(CAFO Member Organizations Only) Government Collaboration: Keys to Successful Partnership from Local Alliances Around the World How to Build a Responsible Reintegration Program Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places

Thurs, 10:00am • Child Protection: Moving Toward a Culture of Safeguarding Children (CAFO Member Organizations Only) • Conducting Effective Home Assessments for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Excellence & Best Practices in Short-Term Missions: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Family Strengthening: Proven Practices and Strategies • How Can We Best Support Kin Carers in Global Settings?: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Identifying & Preparing Families for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Living into the Squirm: Open Communication about Sexual Development • Software Solutions Forum for Effective Global Ministry • Sustainable Social Enterprises: Hands-On How to Get Started (or Accelerate!) Thurs, 1:15pm • Coalition and Collaboration Building: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Critical Competencies in Preparing Foster and Adoptive Families in International Settings • How Your Core Elements Results Can Make Your Life Easier: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • More Than Possible: Helping Families with Special Needs Children to Keep Their Children at Home • Short-Term Missions: Innovation, Alternative Models, and the Way Forward • Situational Awareness and Security Considerations: Principles for Avoiding and Responding to Crises • Working with Governments to Improve Care for Kids: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Your Child Protection Questions Answered: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • • • •

7 Global Trends that Impact OVC Care…and 7 OVC Trends that Impact the Globe Building the Social Workforce by Recruiting and Training Para-Professionals Business Professionals and the Cause of the Fatherless Caring for Children in Families in Developing Nations: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Effective Global Partnerships: Connecting Your Church to What God is Doing Around the World Partnering for Children in Families: Reintegration, Fostering, and Adoption Strong Communities, Strong Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 3:45pm Fri, 8:30am

• Effective Reintegration Program Management: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Preparing Families for Receiving Children: Kinship, Foster Care or...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • • • •

How Can You Best Empower Families in Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Institutional and Residential Care: What’s the Difference? What’s Working to Transitioning Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Working with Churches and Communities to Build Economic Capacity in Families

Fri, 9:45am

• • • • • •

ACTIVE Family Support: A Practical Model to Prevent the Separation of Children and Strengthen Families Addressing the Resistance to Reintegration from Staff and Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Creating a Trauma-Informed Culture in your Ministry Site International US Policies & Priorities for Vulnerable Children... (CAFO Member Organizations Only) Restoration at the Core Safeguards in Parenting Vulnerable Children in a Digital Age: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Family and Marriage Wed, 4:15pm

• Learning How to Father Well • Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places

Thurs, 1:15pm

• When Date Nights Are Few

Thurs, 2:30pm

• Serving as a Family

Thurs, 3:45pm

• Adopting Older Children

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • •

Discipling Children Coming From Hard Places Fearful Women Wanted: How Fear of the Lord Shapes Lives that Saves Lives How to Talk Adoption so Your Child will Listen: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Lipstick on the Mirror: Keeping Your Marriage Vibrant and Your Ministry Moving Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri,#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey 9:45am • Go Big AND Go Home


Family Preser vation & Reintegration Wed, 4:15pm

• How to Build a Responsible Reintegration Program

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • •

Thurs, 2:30pm

• Caring for Children in Families in Developing Nations: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Strong Communities, Strong Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 3:45pm

• Effective Reintegration Program Management: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 8:30am

• How Can You Best Empower Families in Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • The Church’s Role in Family Restoration

Fri, 9:45am

• ACTIVE Family Support: A Practical Model to Prevent the Unnecessary Separation of • Children and Strengthen Families • Addressing the Resistance to Reintegration from Staff and Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Conducting Effective Home Assessments for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) How Can We Best Support Kin Carers in Global Settings?: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Identifying & Preparing Families for Reintegration: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Sustainable Social Enterprises: Hands-On How to Get Started (or Accelerate!)

Help for Adoptive & Foster Families


Wed, 4:15pm

• • • • •

Finding Families for Children: The Condition, Needs, and Challenges of International Adoption Learning How to Father Well Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places Triple Threat: Teenagers, Trauma, and Talking

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • •

Crafting Beauty from Broken Pottery: A Hands-On Art Experience Funding Your Adoption Helping Biological Children Navigate Trauma in Foster Care & Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Parents as Partners: From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation Shame, Beauty and the Healing Power of Community

Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • • • •

Attachment: Parenting With Your Brain In Mind Critical Competencies in Preparing Foster and Adoptive Families in...(CAFO Member Organizations Only) Extending Orphan Care to the Unborn: Embryo Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Heading Back to a Child’s Country of Origin: Exploring the Current Trends of Heritage Trips and Birth... Invisible Beauties… A Workshop for Healing Through Poetry Surviving Puberty and the Sexual Development of Children with Complex Trauma

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • •

Good Grief: Seven Ways to See Grief as a Gift Helping Caregivers Hold Hard Stories for Traumatized Children Openness in Adoption: How To Navigate the Hard Stuff: Coaching Table # 5 The Power of Identity: Real-Life Journeys to Belonging as Children of God

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • • • • •

Adopting Older Children Faith-Based Support for Foster and Adoptive Families Reframing the Struggle: Finding Hope in the Journey of Foster Care and Adoption Single Parent Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Cognitive Core: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Intersection of Pain and Purpose Valuing Attachment Rituals in the Lives of Children Impacted by Early Institutionalized Care

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • • • • •

Culturally Competent Ways to Facilitate Attachment: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Discipling Children Coming From Hard Places Embracing Adoption’s Inherent Loss and Grief: Knowing and Loving Adoptees How to Talk Adoption so Your Child will Listen: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Lipstick on the Mirror: Keeping Your Marriage Vibrant and Your Ministry Moving Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) So You’re Considering Adoption? Five Questions You Need to Ask and Where to Find Answers Writing and Speaking About Your Story

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Just Getting Started Wed, 4:15pm

• Care Communities: Supporting Families with Wrap-Around Care • Financially Stable: Turning Your Start-Up into a Sustainable Organization: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • •

Building an “Everyone Can Do Something” Ministry in Your Church Funding Your Adoption Help! I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know About Funding My Ministry Helping Biological Children Navigate Trauma in Foster Care & Adoption: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Life in Limbo

Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • •

Attachment: Parenting With Your Brain In Mind Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) The Foster Journey: Characteristics of a Great Foster Parent Starting from Scratch: How to Lead Your Ministry from Dream to Action: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • • •

Building Support Groups for Adoptive and Foster Families: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Ministry Action Plan (MAP): Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Effective Global Partnerships: Connecting Your Church to What God is Doing Around the World More than Enough: What Foster Care Movement Could Look Like Right Where You Live Serving as a Family What Can I do When My Leadership Isn’t on Board? Tips for Leading from the Bottom-Up

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • • •

50 Ideas for your Orphan or Stand Sunday Building a Custom Orphan Care Strategy for Your Church: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Developing a Holistic Approach to Church Orphan Care Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Reframing the Struggle: Finding Hope in the Journey of Foster Care and Adoption When There Isn’t a Doctor: Medical Assessment and Improvised Treatment for the Layman

Fri, 8:30am

• Help! I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know About Funding My Ministry • Help! I’m Planning An Orphan/Stand Sunday Event! : Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 9:45am

• Training Volunteers to Interact with Kids and Families in Foster Care: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Leadership Forums and Roundtables - CAFO Organization Members See page 14 for session times.

Loving Children with Special Needs Wed, 4:15pm Thurs, 1:15pm Fri, 9:45am

• How to Develop a Church Special Needs Ministry to Serve Adopted and Foster Children… and Others Forgotten • More than Possible: Helping Families with Special Needs Children to Keep their Children at Home • Special Needs Adoption & Foster Care: Do I have What it Takes?

Maximizing the Impact of Your Ministr y Wed, 4:15pm

• • • •

Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications Financially Stable: Turning Your Start-Up into a Sustainable Organization: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) From Head to Heart: How the Right Stats and Strategies Can Drive...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Stories Matter: How Creativity Inspires Advocacy

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • •

Clarify Your Message with StoryBrand Engaging Brokenness with Increasing Resilience and Deepening Spiritual Maturity Help! I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know About Funding My Ministry!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Know Thyself….and Your Audience: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Software Solutions Forum for Effective Global Ministry

Thurs, 1:15pm

• Building an Organization Culture Rooted in Spiritual Health (CAFO Member Organizations Only) • CAFO Communication Collaborative (CAFO Member Organizations Only) • How Your Core Elements Results Can Make Your Life Easier: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 2:30pm

• Keeping Integrity in the Stories You Share • Prioritizing Sabbath & Sabbatical Rest that Rejuvenates Your Soul, Your...: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) • Strategies for Unlocking Team Potential: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • •

Conflict Management and Team Ministry Five Steps to Transition Donors to Support a New Care Model and Improve Fundraising How to Harness the Power of Story to Help Children Heal from Trauma The Virtual Office: Effective Volunteers, Interns and Staff: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 8:30am

• • • •

10 Policies, Tools, and Templates Every Nonprofit Needs in 2019 Data as a Tool for Transforming Foster Care Where You Live Help! I Don’t Know What I Don’t Know About Funding My Ministry!: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) What’s Working to Transitioning Donors: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Fri, 9:45am

• • • •

Go Big AND Go Home How to Make Social Media Work for your Nonprofit: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required) Investing In the Next Generation of OVC Advocates Tips for Engaging Business Leaders to Engage with Your Ministry: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

The Soul of Sustainable Ser vice Thurs, 10:00am • Building an Organization Culture Rooted in Spiritual Health (CAFO Member Organizations Only) • Crafting Beauty from Broken Pottery: A Hands-On Art Experience • Engaging Brokenness with Increasing Resilience and Deepening Spiritual Maturity Thurs, 1:15pm Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • • •

Invisible Beauties… A Workshop for Healing Through Poetry Recapturing Lament: A Lost Language of Mercy, Hope and Healing Good Grief: Seven Ways to See Grief as a Gift Praise & Petition Prioritizing Sabbath & Sabbatical Rest that Rejuvenates Your Soul & Leadership: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

Thurs, 3:45pm

• The Intersection of Pain and Purpose

Fri, 8:30am

• Soul Care: Luxury or Necessity? • Uncovering Hope in the Hardest of Stories: Coaching Table (Pre Sign-Up Required)

C EU & Hag u e CEU Eligible Workshops To receive a certificate, complete the online survey for each workshop you attend listed below: CAFO.ORG/SUMMIT/CEU, also available on the app.


Wed, 4:15pm

• • • • • • •

Bridges to Adulthood: Insights on Proven Aging Out Models (US & International) Building Stronger Teams through Empowered Communications Care Communities: Supporting Families with Wrap-Around Care Foster Care, Immigrants, and Shalom: Addressing Broken Systems--and the Brokenness within Yourself Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places Triple Threat: Teenagers, Trauma, and Talking

Thurs, 10:00am

• • • • •

Family Strengthening: Proven Practices and Strategies Life in Limbo Living into the Squirm: Open Communication about Sexual Development Parents as Partners: From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation Shame, Beauty, and the Healing Power of Community

Thurs, 1:15pm

• • • •

Attachment: Parenting with Your Brain in Mind More than Possible: Helping Families with Special Needs Children to Keep their Children at Home Surviving Puberty and the Sexual Development of Children with Complex Trauma The Foster Journey: Characteristics of a Great Foster Parent #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Thurs, 2:30pm

• • • •

7 Global Trends that Impact OVC Care… and 7 OVC Trends that Impact the Globe Good Grief: Seven Ways to See Grief as a Gift Helping Caregivers Hold Hard Stories for Traumatized Children More than Enough: What Foster Care Movement Could Look Like Right Where You Live

Thurs, 3:45pm

• • • • • • • • •

Adopting Older Children Church and State Partnerships in Foster Care Faith-Based Support for Foster and Adoptive Families How to Harness the Power of Story to Help Children Heal from Trauma Reframing the Struggle: Finding Hope in the Journey of Foster Care and Adoption Refugee Foster Care: Journeys of Hope The Cognitive Core Using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Survey (ACE) in Ministry Valuing Attachment Rituals in the Lives of Children Impacted by Early Institutionalized Care

Fri, 8:30am

• • • • • •

Data as a Tool for Transforming Foster Care Where You Live Embracing Adoption’s Inherent Loss and Grief: Knowing and Loving Adoptees So You’re Considering Adoption? Five Questions You Need to Ask and Where to Find Answers Soul Care: Luxury or Necessity? The Church’s Role in Family Restoration Working Together: Building Collaboration through Regional Alliances

Fri, 9:45am

• • • • • •

ACTIVE Family Support: A Practical Model to Prevent the Unnecessary Separation of Children and Strengthen Families Creating a Trauma-Informed Culture in Your Ministry Site Navigating Birthparent Relationships as a Foster and/or Adoptive Parent Restoration at the Core Special Needs Adoption & Foster Care: Do I Have What it Takes?

Hague Workshops (Suggested) The suggested related Hague sections listed are offered on an advisory basis. Consult your agency to confirm sessions will fulfill requirements. Complete the online survey for each workshop you attended: CAFO.ORG/SUMMIT/CEU/#HAGUE, also available on the app. Wed, 4:15pm

• • • •

Finding Families for Children: The Condition, Needs, and Challenges of International Adoption Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family Tech Wisdom for Raising Kids from Hard Places Triple Threat: Teenagers, Trauma, and Talking

Thurs, 10:00am • Living into the Squirm: Open Communication about Sexual Development • Parents as Partners: From Co-Regulation to Self-Regulation • Shame, Beauty and the Healing Power of Community Thurs, 1:15pm

• Attachment: Parenting With Your Brain In Mind • Heading Back to a Child’s Country of Origin: Exploring the Current Trends of Heritage Trips... • Surviving Puberty and the Sexual Development of Children with Complex Trauma

Thurs, 2:30pm

• Good Grief: Seven Ways to See Grief as a Gift • Helping Caregivers Hold Hard Stories for Traumatized Children • The Power of Identity: Real-Life Journeys to Belonging as Children of God

Thurs, 3:45pm

• Adopting Older Children • The Cognitive Core • Valuing Attachment Rituals in the Lives of Children Impacted by Early Institutionalized Care

Fri, 8:30am

• Discipling Children Coming From Hard Places • Raising Black Children in a Multi-Racial Family • So You’re Considering Adoption? Five Questions You Need to Ask and Where to Find Answers

Fri, 9:45am

• Navigating Birthparent Relationships as a Foster and/or Adoptive Parent • Restoration at the Core • Special Needs Adoption & Foster Care: Do I Have What It Takes?

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


General S e s s i o n Sp e ake rs K O L I A A KSI U TA From the age of four, after his parents death, Kolia spent 13 years in the Gorodnia orphanage in Ukraine. During this time, he met Christians who told him about God and he repented at age 24. He graduated from the orphanage and entered Chernihiv National Pedagogical University, Expertise of Cultural Property Department. He is now a team member of the ministry, serving orphans through sports. He longs to grow in his faithfulness to God and see how God will use him more with every passing day. Since last year, he’s become a member of the National Children’s Council under the representative of the President of Ukraine for children’s rights Nikolai Kuleba.

GOV ER NOR MATT B EV EN Governor Matt Bevin is a husband, father of nine children, veteran, small business owner and is currently serving as the 62nd Governor of Kentucky. In his first term as Governor, he has shown an unwavering commitment to fiscal responsibility, working tirelessly to strengthen and stabilize Kentucky’s financial foundation. Through initiatives like Red Tape Reduction and Kentucky Trained, Kentucky Built, he is working to make the Commonwealth the hub of excellence for engineering and manufacturing in America. Gov. Bevin is committed to investing in education and workforce development, reforming foster care and adoption, creating a healthier Kentucky, protecting those who protect us and creating open and transparent government.

C H R I S B R OOKS Senior Pastor with 20 years of experience directing programs and ministries aimed at supporting global leadership development, local economic renewal and community development, and the dissemination of theological training impacting hundreds of churches and pastors across the globe. Visionary leader leveraging a passion to equip Christians, enrich families, and empower communities to guide church leadership, staff, and members in accomplishing a global impact for Christ and His Kingdom.

S TEPH ANIE FAS T Abandoned too young to remember in Korea, Stephanie was placed in an orphanage. When she was around the age of nine, a missionary couple adopted her. Despite the rich healing love of her adoptive parents, Stephanie’s past tormented her. A deep personal encounter with Jesus Christ enabled her to exchange her pain with Him at the cross and see her identity and purpose in the light of God’s love. God has honored her to share her story with very diverse audiences over the past 30 years. She recently wrote her first book; She Is Mine. Stephanie and her husband reside in Portland, Oregon surrounded by their children and grandchildren, her childhood dream lived out in reality.

ROB E RT GE L I N A S B ELAY GEB R U Robert and his wife, Barbara, live in Denver Belay T. Gebru “Uncle Ben” founded Hope with their 6 children, where he serves as the for the Fatherless (HFTF) in 2012. HFTF Lead Pastor of Colorado Community Church operates two small group homes from – a multicultural mission of 3000 followers which children are able to be placed into of Christ committed to washing the feet of forever families through domestic adoption. the Mile High City. Because Robert has deep Additionally, HFTF is a founding member of desire to see the body of Christ empowered the DEBO alliance which hosts the annual to serve the poor, the down and out, the Orphan Summit in Addis to train leaders disabled, those deemed unimportant by society; he founded Project and pastors. Belay’s own story is one of tremendous tragedy and 127; a national ministry dedicated to a family waiting for every child redemption, both shaping much of his ministry to the fatherless of in our foster care system. Ethiopia. He is recently married to Koki and serves as the executive director of Hope for the Fatherless.

PA R I S GOOD Y E A R - B R OW N Paris Goodyear-Brown, the founder and director of Nurture House, is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor with 20 years of experience. While she specializes in treating trauma and attachment disturbances, she often provides help for anxious, angry or depressed children and teens. She is an Adjunct Instructor of Psychiatric Mental Health at Vanderbilt University, guest lecturer for several universities in middle Tennessee, and has an international reputation as a dynamic speaker and innovative clinician. She has received the APT award for Play Therapy Promotion and Education. She is the author of multiple books, chapters and articles related to child therapy.


H IS GR AC E AR C H B IS H OP D R. J AC K S ON OLE S APIT AN G LI CA N C H UR C H OF K ENYA Archbishop Jackson serves as the Primate of the Anglican Church in Kenya. He has studied in Kenya and the U.K., and in 2012 he was also awarded an honorary doctorate in professional studies by California-based Global University for lifelong studies. His interest revolves around peace building, ministry to the children and youth; and leadership empowerment. He is married to Esther Sapit and blessed with 7 children. As Archbishop, he fights not for land or wealth - but for the young people of his country, for justice and compassion, and for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

K R I SH KA N D I A H Krish is the founding director of Home For Good, a young charity seeking to make a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children by finding loving homes for children in the care system. He is an advocate for fostering and adoption. He has written 13 books including the catalytic “Home for Good: Making a Difference for Vulnerable Children”and “God is Stranger: Finding God in Unexpected Places” (IVP USA). Dr. Kandiah has been published in the Times of London, the Guardian and is a regular broadcaster on the BBC. Krish is married to Miriam and together they have seven children through birth, adoption and fostering.

B OB LEPINE Bob is Senior Vice President of Content Development and Chief Creative Officer of FamilyLife, and co-host of FamilyLife Today®, FamilyLife’s nationally syndicated radio program. He is the author of The Christian Husband, and the on air voice for “Today In The Word,” produced by Moody Radio, and for “Truth for Life” with Alistair Begg. Bob also serves on the board of directors for the National Religious Broadcasters. Bob and his wife, Mary Ann, live in Little Rock, Arkansas. Bob also serves as an elder and teaching pastor at Redeemer Community Church.

JE D D M E D E F I N D As husband, father, leader and friend, Jedd desires most of all to reflect the heart of Jesus Christ. For nine years, he has served as President of the Christian Alliance for Orphans. Prior to this role, he served in the White House as a Special Assistant to President George W. Bush, leading the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Jedd has worked, studied and served in more than 30 countries, with organizations ranging from Price-Waterhouse in Moscow to Christian Life Bangladesh. His most recent book, Becoming Home, offers a crash course in adoption, foster care and other expressions of love for vulnerable children. Jedd and his wife, Rachel and their five kids, now live near Washington, DC.

J OE NOËLLIS TE Joseph Noëlliste is a versatile musician and choir director who relishes traveling the country to start, develop, workshop and lead many different types of conference and church choirs including traditional chancel, gospel and worship choirs. He holds an MM in Music Theory from the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, and is a PhD candidate in Church Music at Baylor University. He is currently writing a dissertation entitled, “On Merging Choirs and Bands: The Capacity and Conflict of Worship-Leading Choirs in Contemporary Worship Music.” Joseph would love to work with you and your choir.

M A C POW E L L When Mac was a sophomore in high school, he moved to Atlanta, GA where his passion for music and faith found an outlet in the band THIRD DAY. Over the past 25 years, THIRD DAY has helped transform Christian music, selling 10 million albums, earning four Grammy awards, one American Music Award, and 24 Dove Awards. MAC POWELL and the FAMILY REUNION officially started in early 2018 as the next chapter of Mac’s musical journey. The Family Reunion is a band that has developed over the past several years from the musical “brothers” that have been recording and playing live with Mac in support of his first two independent solo projects.

R OB B IE S EAY B AND Robbie Seay was born and raised in Texas. Robbie currently serves on staff at Bayou City Fellowship in Houston, TX as the campus pastor and worship leader. Many of the songs written and recorded by the RSB are songs inspired by events, stories, and the people within their church and community. Robbie and his wife Liz have five children; Ethan, Eliana, Ezra, Brian, and Kay. The Robbie Seay Band was founded in 2001, which now consists of Seay, Ryan Owens (bass), Matt Kidd (guitar), and David Keil (drums). Songs from the band have been featured in TV shows such as American Idol, One Tree Hill, and numerous other shows on the ABC network.

K O N D O S I M F U KW E As Lead Pastor, Kondo is charged with setting and communicating the vision and direction for Mission Point Community Church. Kondo was born in London, raised in Zambia, lived his high school years in Australia and then came to the United States for college. He holds a BA in Biblical Studies and a Masters of Divinity with a Counseling emphasis from Grace College and Theological Seminary. While at Grace, he met and married his wife, Melissa. Kondo and Melissa have five children, four daughters and one son. Kondo prides himself in his constant dominance of all family card and board games (although this is heavily disputed by his family).

C URT TH OMPS ON Curt Thompson, M.D., is a psychiatrist in private practice in Falls Church, Virginia and founder of Being Known, LLC, an organization that develops resources to educate and train leaders about the intersection between interpersonal neurobiology, Christian spiritual formation, and vocational creativity. He is a frequent speaker and the author of Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves. He graduated from Wright State University School of Medicine, completed his psychiatric residency at Temple University Hospital, and is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. He and his wife Phyllis have two children.

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


G eneral S e s s i o n Sp e ake rs S AR A VA R GA S Sara Vargas is the founder and executive coordinator for Pontes de Amor in Brazil – NGO that offers training and support for adoptive families and professionals on adoption and OVC development and care. She is also the president of ANGAAD, the National Association for Adoption in Brazil. She is the mother of four kids and is also a worship leader and a pastor. She represents World Without Orphans in Brazil and is an Orphan Sunday coordinator in Brazil.

C RY STA L W I L L I A M S Crystal Williams is a national speaker, author, foster care advocate, and foster care alumna. She uses the arts to promote individual and community change. Crystal graduated from Emory University with a B.A. in English/Creative Writing/Theater Studies and received her MBA from Georgia State University with a focus in organizational management. Crystal believes strongly that, when serving youth and families in excellence, astronomical impact can be made. Crystal is currently a fellow with Foster America, working in Ohio’s Department of Job and Family Services as a project manager on Family First Prevention Services Act implementation.


DOMINIQUE WH ITE Dominique placed her son, Everett, for adoption in 2016. After leaving the hospital in a closed adoption (with no intention for communication), she and Everett now see each other regularly. Dominique loves using the Lord’s story of grace and redemption in her life to help others walk through the beautiful chaos which is adoption. Her favorite part is sharing what adoption is to women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy and helping them make the best decision they can for the life they are carrying. She wants women to know that they are not alone, and can unite together! Dominique’s faith is important, and her birthmom community helps her cope with post-placement. She is birthmom strong!

Sp e ake r Notes

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Sig n a t u re Sp on s ors

Lifesong for Orphans | #46-47 Lifesong for Orphans is bringing joy and purpose to orphaned and vulnerable children through indigenous orphan care around the world and foster care initiatives in communities across the United States. We facilitate no-cost church and private adoption funds nationwide and provide adoption grants and loans to adoptive families. Thanks to TMG Foundation and key partners, all of Lifesong’s fundraising and administrative costs are covered. 100% of received donations directly help children in need.

CarePortal | #11-12 Connecting you to the child in need. CarePortal is an online platform that brings the needs of hurting children and families in your community to your attention. Caseworkers uncover the needs. CarePortal makes local churches aware, giving them a real-time opportunity to respond.

#CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey


Champ i o n S po n s ors

One More Child | #35-36 One More Child is passionate about providing Christ-centered services locally and globally to abandoned, neglected, abused and vulnerable children through five core areas: Foster Care, Single Moms, Family Support, Anti-Trafficking, and Child Hunger.

Su stai n e r S po n s ors

Chosen & Dearly Loved / 1MILLIONHOME | #5

Bethany Christian Services | #37

1MillionHome is a campaign that fuels a turning point in the orphan crisis—working to help kids living in orphanages get home to their parents.

Bethany Christian Services is a global nonprofit organization that brings families together and keeps families together. Strengthening families for the well-being of children is our top priority.

Buckner International | #24

ECFA | #52

Buckner International is a faith-based nonprofit ministry dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, families and seniors in the United States and internationally. #HopeShinesHere

ECFA enhances trust in Christ-centered churches and ministries. We are dedicated to helping orphan care and adoption agencies earn the public’s trust through adherence to Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship.

60 #CAFO2019 CAFO2019.ORG/survey

Su sta in e r Sp on s ors

Lifeline Children’s Services | #23-24

Orphan Care Alliance | #10

Lifeline Children’s Services exists to equip the Body of Christ to manifest the gospel to vulnerable children. We seek to accomplish this through adoption, foster care, global orphan care, counseling, and education.

As the regional bridge ministry for Kentucky and southern Indiana, the Orphan Care Alliance mission is serving children and families affected by foster care and adoption by mobilizing communities of care through local churches.

Orphan Outreach | #53

Small World Adoption | #1

Through donations and involvement like yours, we help more than 4,000 children annually by providing food, education, medical care, and emotional healing in order to introduce them to God, who loves them and wants a relationship with them.

God uses Small World to turn orphans into sons and daughters. We perform domestic and intercountry adoptions, humanitarian aid, and crisis pregnancy counseling. We have placed nearly 3,000 children into healthy, loving, Christian families.

Su p p or te r Sp on s o rs

Alabama Baptist Children’s Home | #51

All God’s Children International | #20

Everyone can be engaged in orphan care, and it doesn’t have to be complicated. We have ideas and resources needed to help any Christ-follower — no matter their life stage — engage in meaningful ministry to children in need.

All God’s Children International is an orphan care ministry answering God’s call to provide the love and care that every child deserves, empower local leaders to intervene for children in institutions, and create pathways to family and independence.

Back2Back Ministries | #33

Both Hands | #44

You’re here to learn to better care for children from hard places. It’s not easy. But we’re here to help! Stop by our booth to learn how our Trauma Competent Care training has helped over 2,600 caregivers in more than 56 countries around the world.

Both Hands has spent 10 years helping Christian families overcome the financial hurdles they face in adoption. Through a service project for a widow in their community, our families have raised an average of $12,000. We want to meet YOU!

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S uppo r ter S po n s ors

Connecting Kids With Care | #48

Dave Thomas Foundation

We enable doctors to volunteer to support global orphan care efforts. We offer no cost medical file reviews, care plans, and medical support for orphan care ministries, adoption agencies, and adoptive parents. Come see us to learn more!

The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption is a national nonprofit public charity dedicated to finding permanent homes for children in North America’s foster care systems

Dresses for Orphans | #43

Faith to Action Initiative | #9

The mission of Dresses for Orphans is to help orphans feel special, loved and cared for by providing them with new, specially made dresses and shirts.

The Faith to Action Initiative provides free educational resources for Christians seeking to respond to the needs of orphans and vulnerable children around the world, upholding the belief that children grow best in the love and care of families.

Focus on the Family | #25

IHL Group & ROI Initiative

We believe that every child deserves to know the love of a family & that every family deserves the chance to thrive. Our goal is to educate & empower families for waiting children in foster care & to provide bestin-class resources for families.

IHL Group is a global research and advisory firm for the retail and hospitality industries. Through our research and data services, we provide the technology insight that companies need to effectively compete in a global market.



JR Foundation

Mercy Projects | #13

The Jeff Ruby Foundation is focused on what we believe to be one of the most vulnerable populations in Cincinnati: at-risk youth and foster kids. Along with helping alleviate many of the root causes that drive larger systemic issues like poverty, homelessness, and hunger, we have set our sights on fundamentally improving the outcomes for everyone involved in the current foster care system.

Mercy Projects is giving away nice tote bags to the first 200 visitors! Rumor has it a few Starbucks gift cards are available as well. Join the cause to help vulnerable children be raised in loving families in Ukraine and Armenia.

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Mission Valley Travel | #49

Orbie for Orphans | #2

Mission Valley Travel is an international wholesaler, specializing in worldwide air travel arangements. Since 2001 MVTI has worked hard to save you money on simple or complex multi-stop itineraries. We are here to serve you in any way we can to make your travel happen.

If your ultimate goal is for hurting kids to know our great God, we’ve done the work for you! We provide tools that teach biblical truth (unique to their needs) using fun, hands-on learning!

Ornaments 4 Orphans | #50

Patch Our Planet | #B

Ornaments 4 Orphans is a social enterprise that sells handmade, fair trade Christmas ornaments to prevent OVC’s and support families in East Africa. We have a church partner program from Orphan Sunday through Christmas. We’d love to tell you more.

We equip churches with custom orphan care strategies.

Reece’s Rainbow | #14

Replanted Ministries | #3

Reece’s Rainbow advocates and finds families for orphans with Down syndrome and other special needs by raising funds for adoption grants and promoting awareness. Every child deserves the love of a family.

Replanted empowers local churches and organizations to provide post-placement support to adoptive and foster families. Interested in providing support or launching a support group? Come find out how we can help you and check out our new book!

Safe Families for Children | #45

Show Hope | #34

Safe Families for Children hosts vulnerable children and creates extended family–like supports for desperate families through a community of devoted volunteers who are motivated by compassion to keep children safe and families intact.

To care for orphans by engaging the Church and reducing barriers to adoption. We believe that each child has the inherent, God-given right to be a part of a loving, caring family. Our work is dedicated to restoring hope to millions of children living

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Exhibito rs A Makers Studio by Revive | #8 Come make your own “It Is Well” chalk board signs, learn about faith based DIY classes that teach relationship skills and grab a hand poured candle made by women recused from human trafficking.

Adoption Airfare | #15 Adoption Airfare® is a Specialized Travel Agency, offering DISCOUNT AIRFARE for Missions and Adoption Travel. Our team of Christian agents are and are experts in Adoption Travel, and can discuss the details of planning your very special trip! Adoption by Shepherd Care | #55 Adoption by Shepherd Care was founded in 1980 as a 501(c) (3) nonprofit agency. Our mission is to provide competent and compassionate adoption services to birthparents, prospective adoptive parents, and children needing a forever family. Agape Children’s Ministry | #17 The Lord has used Agape’s ministry process to successfully rescue, redeem, rehabilitate, and reintegrate more than 2,000 vulnerable children. Learn how our process works and how to get children out of institutions back with their families.

America World Adoption Association | #16 America World is committed and passionate about building families according to God’s design of adoption while caring for vulnerable children around the world.

Apparent Project | #C Apparent Project party sales empower Hatians to provide for their families. Our fundraisers help Hatian families while helping parents in the US raise money for adoptions. AP childcare & education creates opportunities for workers & their children. Bair Foundation | #29 Bair’s Christ-centered programs & services are designed to strengthen families & enhance family function. When out-of-home placements are needed to keep children safe, the goal is always permanency, working towards family reunification, if possible. Finally Home | #28 The Finally Home Family Strengthening Program is evidence-based and strength-based designed for the whole family, comprised of SuperHero Academy (Resilience Training), FH Titans (Life Skills Training), and Survival Skills for adults.

Go Be Love International | #31 Visit the Go Be Love International exhibitor booth to find out more about upcoming mission trips, to learn more about our missionary care programming and to purchase merchandise at ridiculously low close-out prices.

Hands of Hope | #32 Join a movement of churches across Indiana serving as a unified Body of Christ making a difference in the lives of children in foster care. Stop by to learn how you and/or your church can engage in practical ways.


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H.E.L.P. (Honor. Encourage. Love. Pray.) Tree | #A Child welfare professionals bear one of the most important responsibilities in our communities: the safety and wellbeing of our children. Come by the H.E.L.P. Tree booth and write a quick note of appreciation to local area social workers. And, pick up your free copy of our booklet, How to H.E.L.P. Child Welfare Professionals.

Hope for the Fatherless | #6 Hope for the Fatherless is partnering with believers in Ethiopia and around the world to develop a culture that values and cares for orphaned and vulnerable children and places them into loving families through domestic adoption.

Hope Institute | #19 Because very child deserves the chance to thrive... Hope Institute partners with OVC care providers. We teach research-driven strategies that have proven successful in the field, and we adapt the training experience to each unique program.

Integrus | #54 Integrus leadership is committed to providing leadership and organizational development solutions to kingdom minded leaders who have a heart to impact the world.

Loving Shepherd Ministries | #27 LSM provides vulnerable children with a loving FAMILY and equips them from childhood through adulthood so they can reach their full, God-given potential. We work in Haiti, Ethiopia and the U.S. (through free adoption resources.)

LYFT Learning & Life Skills Reimagined | #26 Life Skills Reimagined is digital self-sufficiency curriculum & online platform for youth working towards selfsufficiency. Content teens like. Easy planning and execution. Full tracking and reporting. In English. Some Spanish (universal) components. Media4Kids International | #4 Media4Kids International strives to provide faith-buildining DVD’s as well as the Never Alone Promise Book filled with beautifully illustrated, Biblical promises of help, comfort, supply, and God’s presence. Available in English and Spanish. Nightlight Christian Adoptions | #40 We help couples grieving infertility adopt orphaned children and embryos so that they can fill the hole in their heart, and we help children without families living in poverty and in ignorance of the gospel find permanent families so they can thrive.

Orphan Voice | #38 Orphan Voice is a Christian, orphan-relief outreach, supporting orphans, children with special needs and children at risk for trafficking and sexual abuse in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.

Pathways for Little Feet | #18 Pathways for Little Feet is passionate about helping Christian families adopt. We do this through financial assistance & post-adoption support. Our mission is to provide sustainable care for orphans.

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Exhibito rs REACH | #39 Come see why hundreds of orgs like yours use REACH to manage their sponsorships and donors. With over 70,000 sponsorships in our system, we are experienced and offer the capabilities, tools and support you desire at a cost you can afford. RiverCross | #30 OVC often experience trauma that caregivers aren’t equipped to address. Since 70% of caregivers are oral learners, we address this need by producing audio dramas laced with trauma-informed care to equip caregivers and help children heal.

Sunrise Children’s Services | #42 At Sunrise Children’s Services, our heart beats for children and our mission is clear. We provide care and hope for hurting families and children through Christ-centered ministries.

Taylor University | #7 Our unique academic program exists to equip students in best practices, allowing them to serve vulnerable children across the globe. Stop by to learn about this innovative program and how God is using Taylor students to respond to the vulnerable. WinShape Homes | #21 Chick-fil-A Founder Truett Cathy founded WinShape Homes in 1987 as a way to provide homes to children. We exist to glorify God by providing loving Christian families for hurting children and we do this through Group Homes and Foster Care.

ZOE Empowers | #41 Best solution for leading orphans and vulnerable children from extreme poverty to self-sustainability.

I nfo S po n s o rs


Helping Children Worldwide

ABBA Fund helps provide adoption assistance for Christian families. The ministry is best known for their interest-free adoption loans to help with the final costs of an adoption, and their Family Adoption Fundraising platform.

Helping Children Worldwide supports programs in West African that transform communities by serving vulnerable children and families through sustainable development, education, health care and spiritual mentoring.​


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THE FUTURE OF GLOBAL MISSIONS September 6 - 7, 2019 Chantilly, Virginia

Join Helping Children Worldwide at our first annual policy conference, Rising Tides: The Future of Global Missions. Together we will explore how to become the rising tide that lifts all boats and dive in deep to discuss unique perspectives and programming in global child welfare, public health, and short term missions. Please join the conversation! For more information, visit: Helping Children Worldwide | EIN #76-0729857

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Note s


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“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:18

nov 10, 2019 an initiative of the members of

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Co ntac t s & C on n e c t ion s Name



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“ L I K E A FA M I LY ” I S N ’ T A F A M I LY

More than a decade of research has proven that institutional care is not best for children. We know this. But our hearts beat for children whose parents are unable to care for them. We want to help, and the need is great.


“ L I K E A FA M I LY ” I S N ’ T A F A M I LY. Bethany’s priority is to move children out of orphanages and into families—if with their own family isn’t possible, then a loving foster or adoptive family in their home community.

Stop by our booth to discover how you can help change the world through family or visit


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May 8 - 10 | Louisville, KY

Christian Alliance for Orphans


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