1 minute read
Dear Friends,
Thank you very much for serving God and His people as an instructor at the CAFO2023 Summit.
Yours is a weighty role. You’ll help to shape not only participants’ perspectives and ideas, but also – wonderfully! – the love and service they pour out to vulnerable children and families all throughout the year.
Our theme for CAFO2023 is UNHURRIED: Living with the Long View. We pray that every element of the conference will help to grow in each of us that calm, light unhurriedness that Jesus always showed.
To live that way – particularly amidst the intensity of ministry – is only possible when our field of vision takes in the full horizon: not just days or even years, but decades and even eternity. Such vision sees the gifts and burdens immediately around us ... and also “the joy set before us” yet in the distance. It marvels at God’s patience as He steadily completes His work in us and through us. And it pays special attention to the slow process of transformation, especially how small acts of love and faithfulness change a person over time.
Please consider these things afresh as you prepare and weave them into all that you share. Please also join in earnest prayer for one another and for all who’ll join us in Oklahoma City.
It is a joy to be a part of this with you all, dear friends – each of us a small part of something big and beautiful that God continues to grow!
With love, Jedd