1 minute read
Register yourself for FREE here.
Summit registration is required.
Use code: CAF-PRESENT-23
(This code is non-transferable)
If you have already paid, please contact us. Your paid registration can be refunded or transfered to another individual. Please DO NOT share this exclusive Presenter registration code.
Can I invite additional Co-Presenters, Facilitators, Hosts, or Coaches?
All presenters have been selected through a comprehensive evaluation process and it is difficult to add additional people after this process has been completed. If there is an individual that you would like to your session, please reach out as soon as possible to Ashley Phelan via email. Be sure to include their specific role and what percentage of the session they would be leading. Please do not invite anyone to lead with you until you have received confirmation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you for your understanding!
Keep in mind, each presenter, facilitator, coach, and meet-up host invited by CAFO receives one free registration for themselves.
Your Agreement Form must be completed by JULY 31. All session leaders, including panelists, must complete this form to ensure their participation.