CF4K Cat 2014

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Lightkeepers 3 Little Lights 4 Torchbearers 5 Risktakers 5 Trailblazers 6-8 Voices against 8 Hidden Heroes 9 Time to Eternity 9 Defenders of the Faith 9 Missionary stories 9 Classic Stories 10 Classic Devotionals 11 History Lives 11 How to 11 John Bunyan 12 Classic gifts 12 Newsbox 13 Colin Buchanan 13 Fiction 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 Adventures 15 Jungle Doctor 16-17, 24 Devotions 20-21 My First book 22 The Big Book 23 Building on the Rock 23 Student’s Guide 23 TnT Studies and Curriculum 24, 34-35 Project 17:17 25 Apologetics/Issues 25 Toddler Theology and Board books 26-29 Puzzles and Activity 30-33 Children’s Bibles and gift books 36-38 Bible Time 39 Bible Wise 39 Bible Alive 40 Author Info and News 41-45 Parenting books 46 2

INTRODUCTION I was calculating the other day that it is nearly sixteen years since I’ve been working as children’s editor at Christian Focus Publications. In that time things have changed – my computer for one is almost unrecognisable. Gone are the piles of floppy disks – replaced quite recently with a super-duper hard drive and back up system. But some things haven’t changed that much. One of the first projects I worked on when I joined in 1998 was The Bible Explorer. Now I’m working on a second edition – a cleaner, leaner version. We’ll have the same text, the same artwork, just a different design and layout. (See page 36) And so to continue with the theme of beginnings I think it would also be good to point out that the first two children’s books that Christian Focus Publications published over thirty years ago are still in print today. Mary the Mother of Jesus and Gideon the Soldier of God were the first two books we presented at the Frankfurt Bookfair as potential co-edition projects. (see page 39) They are still regularly reprinted in English and are often the first books off the shelf when we have meetings with foreign publishers from across the world. Take a look at some of our international news on page 43. It is good to look back to our beginnings in business, in family, in church history too. James Williamson, one of our new authors, helps us do just that with his two new titles: Facing Lions, and Fighting Wolves. It is important for new generations to realise the truths that the early church fathers fought for and the heresies they stood up against. Of course to look back to our beginnings also means to look back to the beginnings of the World and it’s creation – to the tragedy of sin but also to God’s glorious plan of redemption before time even began. This is something we need to ensure our children begin to read about for themselves. Catherine MacKenzie Children books editor

by Irene Howat

Each book has 10 short biographies of inspirational lives – It includes fact files, prayer suggestions and quizzes. Mass Market | 160 pages | PB | (RT 7-8, RM 8-12) £5.99 $8.99 each

LIGHTKEEPERS BOYS BOX SET Includes all five of the Ten Boys books in a gift box presentation set. Great for Christmas or birthdays. ISBN 978-1-84550-318-5 £24.99 $39.99

LIGHTKEEPERS GIRLS BOX SET Includes all five of the Ten Girls books in a gift box presentation set. Great for Christmas or birthdays. ISBN 978-1-84550-319-2 £24.99 $39.99

TEN BOYS WHO CHANGED THE WORLD George Müller, Brother Andrew, Nicky Cruz, Billy Graham, William Carey, David Livingstone, Adoniram Judson, Eric Liddell, Luis Palau and John Newton. ISBN 978-1-85792-579-1

TEN GIRLS WHO CHANGED THE WORLD Gladys Aylward, Mary Slessor, Isobel Kuhn, Elisabeth Fry, Jackie Pullinger, Amy Carmichael, Joni Eareckson Tada, Catherine Booth, Corrie ten Boom, Evelyn Brand. ISBN 978-1-85792-649-1

TEN BOYS WHO DIDN’T GIVE IN Polycarp, Alban, Sir John Oldcastle, Thomas Cranmer, George Wishart, James Chalmers, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nate Saint, Ivan Moiseyev, Graham Staines. ISBN 978-1-84550-035-1

TEN GIRLS WHO DIDN’T GIVE IN Blandina, Perpetua, Lady Jane Grey, Anne Askew, Lysken Dirks, Marion Harvey, Margaret Wilson, Judith Weinberg, Betty Stam, Esther John. ISBN 978-1-84550-036-8

TEN BOYS WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE Augustine, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Hugh Latimer, Jan Hus, Ulrich Zwingli, William Tyndale, Thomas Chalmers and Lord Shaftesbury. ISBN 978-1-85792-775-7

TEN GIRLS WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE Would you like to make a difference? These ten girls grew up to do just that...Katherine Luther, Bethan Lloyd-Jones, Sabina Wurmbrand, Susanna Wesley, Ann Judson, Edith Schaeffer, Ruth Bell Graham, Monica of Thagaste, Susannah Spurgeon, Maria Taylor. ISBN 978-1-85792-776-4

TEN BOYS WHO MADE HISTORY These boys made history... Charles Spurgeon; Jonathan Edwards; Samuel Rutherford; D. L. Moody; Martyn Lloyd Jones; A. W. Tozer; John Owen; Robert Murray McCheyne; Billy Sunday; George Whitefield. ISBN 978-1-85792-836-5

TEN GIRLS WHO MADE HISTORY Ida Scudder, Betty Green, Janette Li, Mary Jane Kinnaird, Bessie Adams, Emma Dryer, Lottie Moon, Florence Nightingale, Henrietta Mears, Elizabeth Elliot. ISBN 978-1-85792-837-2

TEN BOYS WHO USED THEIR TALENTS Paul Brand, Ghilean Prance, C.S. Lewis, C.T. Studd, Wilfred Grenfell, J.S. Bach, James Clerk Maxwell, Samuel Morse, George Washington Carver, John Bunyan. ISBN 978-1-84550-146-4

TEN GIRLS WHO USED THEIR TALENTS Helen Roseveare, Maureen Mackenna, Annie Lawson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sarah Edwards, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, Mildred Cable, Katie Ann Mackinnon, Patricia St. John, Mary Verghese. ISBN 978-1-84550-147-1

GOD ANSWERS PRAYER By Irene Howat | £5.99 $8.99

GOD ANSWERS PRAYER FOR BOYS Stories from the Bible and from the lives of believers to help boys understand how God answered prayer. ISBN 978-1-78191-152-5

GOD ANSWERS PRAYER FOR GIRLS Stories from the Bible and from the lives of believers to help girls understand how God answers prayer. ISBN 978-1-78191-151-8

WILFRED GRENFELL Linda Finlayson Wilfred had many experiences as a missionary and medic in the frozen wastelands of Labrador and Newfoundland. Come and take part in the adventure. ISBN 978-1-85792-929-4 £5.99 $8.99 each


Catherine MacKenzie, the author of this series, loves to collect books about real life

Little Lights heroes and then write about them. A5 | 24 pages | HB | £4.99 $7.99 each (RT4-5, RM 6-7)


AMY CARMICHAEL Can brown eyes be made blue? When Amy Carmichael was a little girl she had begged God to give her blue eyes.But, blue eyes were not the eyes of India - but Amy’s brown eyes were. ISBN 978-1-84550-108-2

GLADYS AYLWARD Are you going to stop? The story of a girl from London who grew up to become a missionary in China, started an orphanage, and escaped a war zone. ISBN 978-1-78191-161-7

C.S. LEWIS Can you imagine? Find out how the little boy, C. S. Lewis, grew up to be one of the best known children’s writers of the 20th century. ISBN 978-1-78191-160-0

HELEN ROSEVEARE What’s in the parcel? In the jungle an orphan baby needs a hot water bottle urgently. But no one would ever send one of those to the hot equator would they? ISBN 978-1-84550-383-3

CORRIE TEN BOOM Are all of the watches safe? Corrie ten Boom is constantly watching out for danger to ensure that her friends in the secret room are safe. But she trusts that God is the one who keeps them safe. ISBN 978-1-84550-109-9

HUDSON TAYLOR Could somebody pass the salt? Hudson Taylor’s mother forgets to give her boy some soup, but while he waits he learns about the country of China where he will go as a missionary one day. ISBN 978-1-84550-111-2

DAVID LIVINGSTONE Who is the bravest? David Livingstone didn’t think twice about travelling to Africa to tell people of Jesus, despite the dangers. He trusted in Jesus - the bravest one of all. ISBN 978-1-84550-384-0

JOHN CALVIN What is the truth? When John Calvin was a young boy he was taught many things that weren’t true but when he discovered the truth about God and Jesus Christ it was a very exciting time for him. ISBN 978-1-84550-560-8

ERIC LIDDELL Are you ready? The race begins and Eric Liddell thunders down the track.Which is more important - winning a gold medal or honouring Jesus Christ? Can Eric do both? ISBN 978-1-84550-790-9

MARTIN LUTHER What should I do? Martin has a lot to learn in school but no one teaches him about how to get to heaven. What should he do? ISBN 978-1-84550-561-5

GEORGE MÜLLER Does money grow on trees? Find out how God changed George Müller from a thief to someone even children could trust. ISBN 978-1-84550-110-5

MARY SLESSOR What is it like? Mary Slessor lead a tough life. But it helped her when she went to be a missionary amongst warrior tribes in Africa. ISBN 978-1-84550-791-6

How far would you go for your Lord? These biographies tell the story of those who sacrificed everything – even their lives. Includes discussion starters, Bible studies and time lines. (RT 7-9, RM 9-12) Mass Market | PB | £5.99 $8.99 JAMES CHALMERS The Rainmaker’s Friend Irene Howat James Chalmers was a Scottish missionary explorer. He took the gospel to cannibal tribes and in the end his life was taken by the very ones he went out to serve. ISBN 978-1-84550-154-9 JIM ELLIOT He Is No Fool Irene Howat Jim Elliot forfeited his own life to bring the good news to the Auca Indians. Read the story of Jim’s love for a fighting people and his fight for a loving God. ISBN 978-1-84550-064-1 NATE SAINT Operation Auca Nancy Drummond The story of Nate Saint, a missionary pilot, who was killed along with four others while bringing God’s Word to the elusive Auca tribe in Ecuador. ISBN 978-1-84550-979-8

POLYCARP The Crown of Fire William Chad Newsom Polycarp was a church leader who faced up to the might of the Roman Empire. He was willing to risk his life for the spread of the gospel. ISBN 978-1-84550-041-2 TITANIC The Ship of Dreams Robert Plant As the Titanic sank John Harper was focused on saving souls. As his life came to a close he still preached the gospel. ISBN 978-1-84550-641-4 TWO MARGARETS Danger on the Hill Catherine Mackenzie Margaret wants to make Jesus central to her life, as do the other Covenanters, but will this conviction cost Margaret her life? ISBN 978-1-85792-784-9 WILLIAM TYNDALE The Smuggler’s Flame Lori Rich William Tyndale was a Bible smuggler. Read about how God wants us to be brave and to stand up for the Truth! ISBN 978-1-85792-972-0

Exciting stories, which will help young readers to discover the excitement of the Christian life. Includes devotional features and life summaries. (RT 5-6, RM 7-11) Trade | PB | £5.99 $8.99 ADVENTURE AND FAITH Linda Finlayson These men (includes two Bible characters) were all willing to take risks. They faced danger and difficulties – Martin Luther; David Brainerd; William King; Brother Andrew; Nehemiah and Stephen. ISBN 978-1-84550-491-5

FEARLESS AND FAITHFUL Linda Finlayson These girls (includes two Bible characters) were all willing to take risks. Elizabeth Welch, Mary Slessor, Mildred Cable, Gladys Aylward, Ruth, Abigail. ISBN 978-1-84550-588-2

DANGER AND DEDICATION Linda Finlayson These men (includes two Bible characters) were all willing to take risks. William Tyndale, Adoniram Judson, Jonathan Goforth, Bruce F. Hunt, Moses And Paul. ISBN 978-1-84550-587-5

STRENGTH AND DEVOTION Linda Finlayson These girls (includes two Bible characters) all took risks for God. – Katherine von Bora; Fidelia Fiske; Amy Carmichael; Lillian Dickson; Deborah and Jehosheba. ISBN 978-1-84550-492-2

FACING LIONS J. R. Williamson Meet people from the early church who stood up to opposition from the devil, who is like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ISBN 978-1-78191-153-2

FIGHTING WOLVES J. R. Williamson Meet those in the early church who fought for God’s truth and stood up to the false teachers described by Paul as ‘savage wolves.’ ISBN 978-1-78191-154-9


We now have more than 35 titles in our highly collectable Trailblazers series. These are exciting biographies for tweens to teens. In the books you will find timelines, thinking further sections and life summaries. Be inspired by these super role models to follow! Mass Market | PB | (RT 8-9, RM 9-14) £5.99 $8.99


ADONIRAM JUDSON Danger on the Streets of Gold Irene Howat Adoniram was America’s first overseas missionary. He travelled to Burma and then begins a story brimful of romance, intrigue…and pirates! ISBN 978-1-85792-660-6

BILLY BRAY Saved From the Deepest Pit Michael Bentley Billy was saved from the deepest pit and went on to tell others that they can also be saved from their sin. ISBN 978-1-84550-788-6

AMY CARMICHAEL Rescuer By Night Kay Walsh Amy’s story is one of bravery and adventure. Read how she saved the lives of children from destruction and showed the love of God to India. ISBN 978-1-85792-946-1

BILLY GRAHAM Just get up out of your Seat Catherine Mackenzie Billy Graham was sixteen when he first preached the gospel. He has now preached to over 80 million people in 185 countries. The message is timeless, full of hope and Christ centred. ISBN 978-1-84550-095-5

AUGUSTINE The Truth Seeker Karen Murdarasi Augustine wanted nothing to do with Christianity but this all changed when God changed the young man’s heart. Augustine became one of the most influential Christian teachers. ISBN 978-1-78191-296-6

BROTHER ANDREW Behind Enemy Lines Nancy Drummond Andrew grew up wanting adventure but not God. But God took charge of Andrew’s life and things changed. Andrew trusted in God and had the greatest adventure ever! ISBN 978-1-78191-297-3

BILL BRIGHT Dare to Be Different Kim Twitchell Nobody would have thought a scruffy rancher’s son would head one of the biggest missions that the world had ever known – Campus Crusade. Read the story of a man who loved Jesus above all else. ISBN 978-1-85792-945-4

C. S. LEWIS The Story Teller Derick Bingham This book tells the story of C. S. Lewis who wrote some of the most famous books in the English language. It also tells the meaning behind the stories he wrote. ISBN 978-1-85792-487-9

CHARLES SPURGEON Prince of Preachers Christian George Charles Spurgeon was a simple country lad who went on to become one of the best-known preachers in the world. Find out how a snowstorm meant that he became known as ‘the prince of preachers.’ ISBN 978-1-84550-155-6

GEORGE MÜLLER The Children’s Champion Irene Howat George Müller was a thief but God changed him so he became a champion for orphans. This book is about how with God and faith you can change the world. ISBN 978-1-85792-549-4

CORRIE TEN BOOM Watchmaker’s Daughter Jean Watson Corrie ten Boom’s story is about how God’s love and forgiveness can exist even in a Nazi concentration camp. ISBN 978-1-85792-116-8

GEORGE WHITEFIELD Voice That Woke the World Lucille Travis George Whitefield preached to many people in the United Kingdom, America and beyond. It is estimated that he spoke more than 18,000 sermons during his life. ISBN 978-1-84550-772-5

DAVID BRAINERD A Love for the Lost Brian Cosby Life on the American frontier in the early 1700s was difficult. David Brainerd was one of the first missionaries to the various Indian tribes there - a risky situation to be in. ISBN 978-1-84550-695-7

GLADYS AYLWARD No Mountain Too High Myrna Grant Gladys Aylward was a brave young lady who went to China on her own and was able to rescue 100 children from the Japanese army. ISBN 978-1-85792-594-4

ERIC LIDDELL Finish the Race John Keddie Eric is a sporting hero and a role model for many youngsters. But his life was more than medals– it was a race for God. Find out how this race took him to China. ISBN 978-1-84550-590-5

HELEN ROSEVEARE On His Majesty’s Service Irene Howat Helen Roseveare was held captive in the Congo for six months. But she eventually returned to continue sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and to set up a nursing college. ISBN 978-1-84550-259-1

FANNY CROSBY The Blind Girl’s Song Lucille Travis The story of a little blind girl who grew up to be a talented poet and musician. The hymns she wrote are still being sung today. ISBN 978-1-78191-163-1

HUDSON TAYLOR An Adventure Begins Catherine Mackenzie Hudson knew he must obey God’s command to ‘Go into the world and preach the gospel.’So he went to China where thousands were dying without Christ. ISBN 978-1-85792-423-7

ISOBEL KUHN Lights in Lisuland Irene Howat Isobel Kuhn’s faith brought her to Asia and the Lisu people. Her hope was that these people would discover the life and love that she had in Jesus Christ. ISBN 978-1-85792-610-1

JOHN NEWTON A Slave Set Free Irene Howat John Newton travelled the oceans to make money from slaves. Find out how God changed his heart and life so that the Slave Ship Captain sought to free slaves instead. ISBN 978-1-78191-350-5

JOHN BUNYAN Journey of a Pilgrim Brian Cosby John Bunyan fought as a soldier but when he trusted in Christ he faced other conflicts. The preacher and writer had to suffer persecution and be put in prison for his faith. ISBN 978-1-84550-458-8

JOHN STOTT The Humble Leader Julia Cameron Find out about ‘Uncle John,’ a man who has been recognised across the world as a pastor, friend and leader.

JOHN CALVIN After Darkness Light Catherine Mackenzie John Calvin’s ideas were radical, his life was filled with dramatic events and dangers. Find out how this great teacher changed the church. ISBN 978-1-84550-084-9

JOHN WELCH The Man Who Couldn’t Be Stopped Ethel Barrett John Welch fell in with the wrong crowd – then he met God. Find out how this adventurous preacher couldn’t be stopped even by a canon ball. ISBN 978-1-85792-928-7

JOHN G. PATON South Sea Island Rescue Kay Walsh In the heat of the South Sea Island John G. Paton, far away from home, wasn’t afraid of hard work. He was strong, determined and he trusted in God. ISBN 978-1-85792-852-5

JONATHAN EDWARDS America’s Genius Christian George Jonathan Edwards was full of questions. He saw God’s beauty in nature as well as in God’s Word. Discover a brilliant man who was a founding influence in America. ISBN 978-1-84550-329-1

ISBN 978-1-84550-787-9



JOHN KNOX The Sharpened Sword Catherine Mackenzie The story of John Knox who went from being a bodyguard to a preacher of God’s Word.He stood with his convictions - biblical and political. ISBN 978-1-78191-057-3

JONI EARECKSON TADA Swimming Against the Tide Catherine Mackenzie Joni Eareckson Tada’s story is not just about a tragic accident. It is about how God’s power transforms lives. Joni’s work today with thousands of disabled people is a miracle in itself. ISBN 978-1-85792-833-4

MARTYN LLOYD-JONES From Wales to Westminster Christopher Catherwood Martyn Lloyd-Jones was destined to become the Queen’s Surgeon. However, he gave up fame and riches to preach the gospel. Find out why he was so on fire for God. ISBN 978-1-85792-349-0

PAUL BRAND The Shoes That Love Made Lucille Travis Paul Brand was a missionary to lepers. His work and compassion changed how the world saw this disease and the people who suffer from it. ISBN 978-1-84550-630-8

MARY OF ORANGE At the Mercy of the Kings Linda Finlayson Mary was born to privilege, heir to the throne of England, Scotland and Ireland. She was brought up to believe in the God of the Bible rather than the fabricated teachings of priests. ISBN 978-1-84550-818-0

RICHARD WURMBRAND A Voice in the Dark Catherine Mackenzie Arrested by the Government of Romania in the 1960s, Richard Wurmbrand was convicted of a crime - loving Jesus. ISBN 978-1-85792-298-1

MARY SLESSOR Servant to the Slave Catherine Mackenzie Mary had a hard life. She grew up in the slums of Dundee in the 1800s. However, this prepared her for the the life she would lead as a missionary in Africa. ISBN 978-1-85792-348-3

ROBERT MOFFAT Africa’s Brave Heart Irene Howat Robert Moffat learned many skills as a gardener which helped him as a missionary in Africa. With a sword, shovel and Bible he showed great courage and God’s love to that continent. ISBN 978-1-84550-715-2

MICHAEL FARADAY Spiritual Dynamo Derick Bingham Michael Farraday was dyslexic but he was still the brains behind the electric light. In this book you will also read about his love for God - his greatest discovery. ISBN 978-1-84550-156-3

ROBERT MURRAY MCCHEYNE Life Is An Adventure Irene Howat Robert Murray McCheyne travelled as far as Israel and started a mission in Hungary. But one of the earliest lessons he learned in his Christian life was that you don’t need to travel far to preach the gospel. ISBN 978-1-85792-947-8

PATRICIA ST. JOHN The Story Behind the Stories Irene Howat Every place Patricia called home was an inspiration for her stories about Jesus. From North Africa, to Switzerland - each story told the gospel in a way children loved and understood. They still do. ISBN 978-1-84550-328-4

WILLIAM WILBERFORCE The Freedom Fighter Derick Bingham One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty-five years. His name was William Wilberforce. ISBN 978-1-85792-371-1

VOICES AGAINST INJUSTICE Catherine House Elizabeth Fry; Thomas Fowell Buxton; George Loveless; Katharine Bushnell; Harold Moody; Martin Luther King, Jr; Makence Getu; Desmond Tutu; Joni Eareckson Tada; Daniel, an Eritrean Christian. ISBN 978-1-84550-280-5 £4.99 $7.99

VOICES AGAINST SLAVERY Ten Christians who spoke out for freedom Catherine House Anthony Benezet, Elizabeth Heyrick, Baroness Cox, David Livingstone, Granville Sharp, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Olaudah – Equiano, Samuel Sharpe, William Wilberforce. ISBN 978-1-84550-145-7 £4.99 $7.99

WITH TWO HANDS True Stories of God at work in Ethiopia Rebecca Davis These stories from Ethiopia show the power of God. Find out about the invisible evangelist, the two girls who prayed and other astonishing stories. ISBN 978-1-84550-539-4 £5.99 $8.99 THE GOOD NEWS MUST GO OUT True Stories of God at Work in the Central African Republic Rebecca Davis From one old woman’s prayer a young girl was brought to faith, a missionary was sent to Africa and a church was born in Central Africa. ISBN 978-1-84550-628-5 £5.99 $8.99

WITNESS MEN True Stories of God at Work in Papua, Indonesia Rebecca Davis True missionary stories from the highlands of Papua, Indonesia from 1955 to 2010, when one of the tribes received their first New Testaments. ISBN 978-1-84550-972-9 £5.99 $8.99 RETURN OF THE WHITE BOOK True Stories of God at Work in Southeast Asia Rebecca Davis The Karen tribe had been waiting for generations to hear the Word of God. The legend of the missing white book had been passed down throughout the centuries. When the missionaries came they found a people ready to listen and believe. ISBN 978-1-78191-292-8 £5.99 $8.99

AFTERWARDS I KNEW Stories from the First and Second World Wars. Christine Farenhorst A grandfather sits in front of a warm fire as the flames rekindle memories of times long gone - the next generation needs to know the truth. ISBN 978-1-84550-563-9 £5.99 $8.99

THE MERCIFUL EYE Stories from the Middle Ages Christine Farenhorst From the depths of history and the dark days of the middle ages we read stories of danger and intrigue but ultimately of faith, hope and love. ISBN 978-1-84550-562-2 £5.99 $8.99

GUARDING THE TREASURE Linda Finlayson Many have lead and inspired others to discover the truth of God’s Word. This book retells how people guarded God’s holy Word through history to the present day. ISBN 978-1-84550-683-4 £6.99 $10.99

WIELDING THE SWORD Linda Finlayson Wielding the Sword is a great introduction to the men who preached and the women who taught God’s Word throughout history. They stood up to heresy and held out God’s truth to the world. ISBN 978-1-78191-295-9 £6.99 $9.99

CHRISTIAN HEROINES Just Like you? Catherine Mackenzie From the slave girl Blandina through to the young mother Betty Stam – discover 21 Heroines who faced their struggles with strength – the strength of God. ISBN 978-1-84550-460-1 £5.99 $8.99 MISSIONARY STORIES ON SAFARI Lorna Eglin Discover what it’s really like to live in Africa. With the help of your four-wheel drive vehicle you will discover how Missionaries build clinics and reach distant tribes as they safari with the Word of God. ISBN 978-1-84550-505-9 £6.99 $9.99

WAR CHILD Memories of a World War II Childhood Maurine Murchison “War child ... will help children connect with the past. They will read Maurine’s memories and realize that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.” ISBN 978-1-84550-538-7 £4.99 $7.99 MISSIONARY STORIES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Betty Swinford Find out what it’s like to be in the middle of a rebellion in Africa or how to work in an orphanage in India. Meet people like Gladys Aylward,Jim Elliot, Amy Carmichael and others. ISBN 978-1-84550-564-6 £6.99 $9.99



Based on Real Life Stories The classic children’s books range from much-loved dramatic stories to daily devotions. Full of insights and helpful encouragement. (RT 7-8, RM 9-13) Mass Market | PB


LITTLE FAITH O. F. Walton Little Faith is the story of a young orphan girl brought up by a Christian couple. ISBN 978-1-85792-567-8 £4.99 $7.99

A BASKET OF FLOWERS Christoph von Schmid Falsely accused of theft, her father dead – Mary learns to trust God. Exciting tale with a dramatic twist that makes this book a good read. ISBN 978-1-85792-525-8 £4.99 $7.99

MARY JONES AND HER BIBLE Mary Ropes Mary Jones lived in Wales over 200 years ago. After years of saving every penny she walked 50 miles in order to buy a Bible and bring it home. Her story inspired the founding of the National Bible Society. ISBN 978-1-85792-568-5 £5.99 $8.99

A PEEP BEHIND THE SCENES O. F. Walton The story of a young girl, Rosalie, in a travelling circus. She knows what goes on behind the scenes of her life there - but she doesn’t know the truth about God yet. ISBN 978-1-85792-524-1 £4.99 $7.99

PRAYERS AND PROMISES Frances Bevan See God at work as he provides for those in need and brings people to himself. ISBN 978-1-84550-038-2 £4.99 $7.99

BRIGHT SUNSET J. H. Wilson A classic tale about a young lad who suffers a tragic football accident. His life falls apart but he is able to discover a greater treasure - Christ. ISBN 978-1-84550-114-3 £4.99 $7.99

SAVED AT SEA O. F. Walton A stranger arrives on the island and Alick finds out that there is a rock that you can depend on in life. Whatever the storm throws at you Jesus Christ will always be there – our anchor and fortress! ISBN 978-1-85792-795-5 £4.99 $7.99

CHILDREN’S STORIES D. L. Moody This collection of stories will thrill both boys and girls as they find out about children who lived a hundred years ago and who needed to know Jesus Christ in just the same way as we do now. ISBN 978-1-85792-640-8 £5.99 $8.99

SUNSHINE COUNTRY Kristina Royovej Palko discovers a hidden treasure, but not what you would expect. It is like a map that can share with you the secret of life and how to get to the Sunshine country. ISBN 978-1-85792-855-6 £4.99 $7.99

CHILDREN’S STORIES J. C. Ryle In this book J.C. Ryle encourages us to teach the whole of Scripture to children. Useful for anyone involved with children at home or in church. ISBN 978-1-85792-639-2 £4.99 $7.99

THE LITTLE WOODMAN AND OTHER STORIES Mary Sherwood and George Shaw This book focuses on tales of land and sea and the memories of those people who have had excitement, adventure as well as great friendship with God. ISBN 978-1-85792-854-9 £4.99 $7.99

CHRISTIE’S OLD ORGAN O. F. Walton Christie is a street child. The one thing he wants most in the world is a home of his own. With Treffy, the Organ Grinder, he finds a place of peace and learns about Jesus. ISBN 978-1-85792-523-4 £4.99 $7.99

TRUE TO HER FAITH Harriet Gabourel Suzanne is kidnapped and put into slavery because her Huguenot family believe the Bible. Is this the end or does Suzanne’s life have a new beginning? ISBN 978-1-84550-220-1 £4.99 $7.99


These classic devotional books have been the source of blessing to Christian families over several generations. Whilst still retaining their classic feel, the text has been updated to appeal to today’s reader and additional features such as activities and discussion starters have been added. Topics and issues covered include biblical characters such Abraham; Moses and Joshua; Family; Angels; God’s World and Jesus Christ. (RT 5-7, RM 8-9) £4.99 $7.99

LINE UPON LINE (1) ISBN 978-1-85792-586-9 LINE UPON LINE (2) ISBN 978-1-85792-591-3 PEEP OF DAY ISBN 978-1-85792-585-2

Written in a relaxed, engaging and modern style by Mindy and Brandon Withrow. (RT 7-9, RM 9-12) Trade | PB

HISTORY LIVES BOX SET A beautifully packaged box set of the highly recommended ‘History Lives’ series containing all 5 volumes at a special price. ISBN 978-1-84550-814-2 £29.99 $44.99

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Adventure, Africa and a doctor: If you combine these you get Jungle Doctor, the well-loved and inspirational series. Paul White, an Australian, was a missionary doctor in Tanganyika and whilst there he learned to clothe his teaching in fables. Written when Paul returned to Australia, these are based upon his experiences in Africa. Beautifully written with great application. vTrade | 176 pages | PB | £5.99 $8.99 each


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Stethescopes, the thorn trees of Tanzania, adventures of an ancient model Ford, life-ordeath surgery by flickering lamplight, monkeys and giraffes, vultures and crocodiles - in story after riveting story Paul White, ‘The Jungle Doctor,’ has become known by his books across all five continents, and in scores of languages. Richard Bewes

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Life with…

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ON FIRE and other Bible Stories Irene Howat There are lots of firey stories in the Bible. God used it to keep Adam and Eve out of the garden, and Jesus cooked fish on the beach. ISBN 978-1-84550-780-0 £5.99 $8.99

THE SINGING SOLDIERS ...and other Bible Stories Barbara Haley A choir in a battle, singing in jail, a cranky old king. Here are some unusual stories from the Bible. ISBN 978-1-84550-249-2 £4.99 $7.99



40 Days with… by Dominic Smart Take one Bible, one character, 40 days and 40 Bible readings - studied and explained! Dominic Smart (RT 9-11, RM 12+) Large Trade | PB | £6.99 $10.99

40 DAYS WITH DAVID From Shepherd Boy to King of Israel Learn about who David really is - a failure yet faithful. Investigate a fascinating life from the Old Testament. ISBN 978-1-84550-370-3 £6.99 $10.99

40 DAYS WITH JESUS A Journey through Mark’s Gospel Learn about Jesus the Son of God and the Son of Man. What really happened at the cross? Your life can be changed because Jesus rose from the dead. ISBN 978-1-84550-193-8 £6.99 $10.99

TALK SENSE Sammy Horner When you follow Jesus you join God’s family, but this is only the start! Find out how to be a strong healthy Christian. Useful material for a holiday Bible club or VBS. ISBN 978-1-85792-757-3 £2.49 $3.99


40 DAYS WITH PAUL A Journey that could change your world Learn about Saul the arch enemy of the early church who became Paul - a man with a desire to spread God’s word and glorify Christ. ISBN 978-1-84550-567-7 £6.99 $10.99 CHILDREN’S DEVOTIONS Frances Ridley Havergal This book gives a whole month’s worth of classical devotional readings. The illustrations, poems, and Scripture verses will make it a firm favourite. ISBN 978-1-85792-973-7 £6.99 $11.99

66 BOOKS ONE STORY A Guide to Every Book of the Bible Paul Reynolds The Bible has one author - God- so we need to see the Bible as a whole, as God’s Word. In this overview each book is simply explained. ISBN 978-1-84550-819-7 £11.99 $18.99

READ WITH ME Jean Stapleton This family devotional will help you read through the Bible with your children. From the beginning to the end you will discover the Saviour who is in all Scripture. ISBN 978-1-84550-148-8 £8.99 $14.99

COMMANDED L H Martin If we have put our trust in the Lord Jesus, we have a mission to honour him in the way we live. ISBN 978-1-78191-120-4 £5.99 $8.99

LOVE IS Laura Martin Find out what love really is and about the One who is love and gave it to us in the first place. ISBN 978-1-84550-971-2 £5.99 $8.99

KNOWING GOD Scripture Memory Book 1 N. A. Woychuk These eighty-four memory verses will help you to learn about the one true God and his character. It includes helps, explanations and a story-telling section. ISBN 978-1-84550-779-4 £6.99 $10.99

HOW TO HANDLE YOUR LIFE Carine MacKenzie An excellent devotional tool to encourage children in daily reading and prayer as well as a useful resource for children’s talks and assemblies. ISBN 978-1-85792-520-3 £5.99 $8.99

INPUT-OUTPUT Getting to the Heart of Personal Prayer and Bible Study Jo Boddam-Whetham Ideal way to help young people start a life of personal prayer and Bible study. ISBN 978-1-78191-125-9 £6.99 $9.99

GRANDPA MIKE TALKS ABOUT GOD Michael S Lawson We love it when people sit us down to tell us a story. Grandpa Mike’s tales explain God’s love through stories and Bible verses. (RT 5-7, RM 8-11) ISBN 978-1-84550-250-8 £7.99 $12.99

A YOUNG PERSON’S GUIDE TO KNOWING GOD Patricia St. John Patricia St. John has written her own guide book to encourage you to get into God’s ultimate guide book - his Word - the Bible. It comprises of 46 stories based on The Apostle’s Creed. ISBN 978-1-85792-558-6 £6.99 $10.99

GLORIFYING GOD Obedient Lives from the Bible Carine MacKenzie Find out about the ten commandments, God’s rules for our lives and about the only one who kept them, Jesus Christ, God’s Son. ISBN 978-1-78191-124-2 £5.99 $7.99

100 FASCINATING BIBLE FACTS Irene Howat This book will take you on a fact-finding expedition to find out some amazing Bible facts in order to help you to discover more about God. ISBN 978-1-84550-476-2 £5.99 $8.99

FOLLOWING GOD Carine MacKenzie There is one fruit that is produced in a Christian and that is the Fruit of the Spirit. Find out about the different parts of this fruit by reading this book… ISBN 978-1-84550-750-3 £4.99 $7.99

GOD’S BOOK OF WISDOM A Family daily devotional built on the wisdom of Proverbs Belinda Buckland The book of Proverbs is a wonderful part of the bible that has loads of wisdom and handy tips in it for life. It’s a must read for anyone who wants to follow God and avoid the pitfalls. ISBN 978-1-85792-963-8 £8.99 $14.99

TRUSTING GOD Carine MacKenzie God is often called Jehovah but he has many other names. Discover what some of these are through stories and puzzles. Trusting God uses the King James or Authorized Version of the Scriptures throughout the text and puzzles. ISBN 978-1-84550-271-3 £4.99 $7.99

PRAYER IS AN ADVENTURE Building a Friendship with God Patricia St. John Prayer is a vital part of a relationship with God. It is a two-way communication. Children can speak to God but he also speaks to them and they can listen. ISBN 978-1-84550-528-8 £4.99 $6.99

SING, DANCE, SHOUT Doraine Bennett Through this book we can get to know the wonderful, amazing, faithful God who deserves our praise every day. An opportunity to read some awesome stories from the Bible. ISBN 978-1-84550-656-8 £6.99 $10.99

TLK2ME God’s answer for today Rachel Smith For teens who are asking questions about becoming a Christian. ISBN 978-1-85792-822-8 £0.99 $1.50

TIME FOR A CHECK-UP! Sammy Horner Doctors have a way of knowing what the problem is, even if we don’t. Did you know there is one Doctor who knows you, from head to toe, from inside out? He knows how you feel, and can help you. ISBN 978-1-85792-256-1 £1.75 $2.50

Penny Reeve Join us for two Tania Abbey Adventures. Tania, an ordinary girl from a regular Australian town, is concerned for the environment and righting wrongs. Trade | 96 pages | PB | £4.99 $6.99 each THE BACK LEG OF A GOAT Shanti lives in India and her family have very little money. Tania is able to make a difference – and discovers the importance of belonging to God’s Family ISBN 978-1-84550-340-6 £4.99 $6.99

WATER OR GOO Tania wants to run a stall at the Water for the World march! Water may be just an everyday thing to Tania and her friends but it’s really important to people like Shanti - an Indian girl they know. ISBN 978-1-84550-341-3 £4.99 $6.99


My 1st Book

CF4K imprint is birthed on the belief that you’re never too young to know Jesus. With this in mind we believe it is important to provide key Christian teaching that can be understood by 4-10 year olds. In the My first book series you will learn about Jesus, Bible Prayer, Bible Promises, Christian Values, Questions and Answers. Each page in each book has a verse to learn and an explanation. (RT 4-5; RM 6-10) 150x100mm | 64 pages | PB | £2.50 $3.99 each MY FIRST BOOK OF QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Carine MacKenzie This book explains the Christian faith to young children in bite-sized chunks. “It was a great pleasure to watch our daughter learn these answers. As usual teaching a child great truths enriched our thinking and worship.” John and Noel Piper ISBN 978-1-85792-570-8 £2.50 $3.99


First three questions and answers 1. Who made you? 2. Why did God God. make you? To glorify him and Genesis 1:27. enjoy him. 1 Corinthians 10:31.

3. What else did God make? God made all things. Genesis 1:31.

MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT THE BIBLE Carine MacKenzie This book teaches children that God’s Word is true, eternal, pure, living, perfect, inspired and without error. It is seed, a sword, a fire and spiritual food. ISBN 978-1-78191-123-5 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT THE CHURCH Carine MacKenzie The church is a group of people - a worldwide group of people that spans the whole of history. Discover how if you love and trust in Jesus Christ today you are part of this amazing group of people too. ISBN 978-1-84550-570-7 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT THE GOSPEL Carine MacKenzie Children have questions about everything including God, the Bible, Jesus. My First Book about the Gospel will be a great help to children and families as they discover the truth of salvation. ISBN 978-1-78191-276-8 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK OF BIBLE PRAYERS Philip S. Ross Children need to be taught from God’s Word. This book will help your family to do that while memorizing scripture, praying and worshiping God. ISBN 978-1-85792-944-7 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK OF CHRISTIAN VALUES Carine MacKenzie Children need to be taught humility, generosity, truthfulness, purity and respect. Here are thirty-one different values to show us what Jesus Christ is like and how we should behave. ISBN 978-1-84550-262-1 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK OF BIBLE PROMISES Carine MacKenzie God never breaks his promises. Every word he says is true. These promises are for you so it is important that you read and understand them. Ask God to teach you and your family as you read this book together. ISBN 978-1-84550-039-9 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT GOD Carine MacKenzie This little book looks at different aspects of God’s character and helps to explain in a simple way what he is really like. ISBN 978-1-78191-260-7 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK OF MEMORY VERSES Carine MacKenzie The truth that we learn as children can be brought back to our memory at vital stages in later life. This book of memory verses will prove to be a treasure to children for today and the future. ISBN 978-1-85792-783-2 £2.50 $3.99

MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT JESUS Carine MacKenzie Children want to know about Jesus. They flocked to him in the past and they still do today. With key Bible verses this book shows Jesus throughout scripture. ISBN 978-1-84550-463-2 £2.50 $3.99

HOW DO I GET TO HEAVEN? Nancy Gorrell How do I get to heaven? Can anybody go there? What happens when someone dies? This book provides children with helpful teaching on heaven and eternal life. ISBN 978-1-84550-733-6 £2.50 $3.99

THE BIG BOOK... By Sinclair B. Ferguson BIG BOOK OF BIBLE TRUTHS 1 Don’t you just love a story? The stories in this book tell you about what it means to be a Christian. One of them is called Mothburgers! Now what is that about? ISBN 978-1-84550-371-0 £7.99 $14.99

BIG BOOK OF BIBLE TRUTHS 2 A book full of stories that shows you what it means to be a part of God’s family. Find out what a revival is and whether Jesus’ mum ever got in a tizzy! ISBN 978-1-84550-372-7 £7.99 $14.99

BIG BOOK OF QUESTIONS & ANSWERS A Family Devotional Guide to the Christian Faith Children are full of questions. Where did I come from? What is God like? This interactive resource contains answers, activities, prayers, and Bible references. ISBN 978-1-85792-295-0 £8.99 $14.99

BIG BOOK OF QUESTIONS & ANSWERS ABOUT JESUS A family guide to Jesus’ life and ministry This book tackles questions children have about Jesus. What was special about him? Why did he heal the sick? Why did he have to die? ISBN 978-1-85792-559-3 £8.99 $14.99

Joel Beeke & Diana Kleyn These true stories make up a series of devotional books with scripture readings, questions and prayer points. It is a great children’s talk resource too. (RT 7-9, RM 8-12) Trade | 176 pages PB | £5.99 $8.99 each

HOW GOD USED A DROUGHT AND AN UMBRELLA Read about the drought and the shepherd boy who lost his sheep. You will also read about people who stood up for Jesus. Themes: Faithful Witness and Childhood Faith ISBN 978-1-85792-818-1

HOW GOD SENT A DOG TO SAVE A FAMILY Read about Flying Bread, Martha’s Raven, and the Stolen Sleigh. Find out about how God cares for us and how children can believe in him. Themes: God’s Care and Childhood Faith. ISBN 978-1-85792-819-8

HOW GOD USED A SNOWDRIFT Read about the snowdrift, a little slave girl, and a fierce tiger. You will also read many other dramatic rescue stories as well as about how to honour God. Themes: Honouring God and Dramatic Rescues. ISBN 978-1-85792-817-4

HOW GOD STOPPED THE PIRATES Read about pirates, a burglar, and a Russian servant girl. You will also find out about the amazing things that missionaries encounter and how God can change lives. Themes: Missionary Tales and Remarkable Conversions. ISBN 978-1-85792-816-7

HOW GOD USED A THUNDERSTORM Read about the thunderstorm, some hidden treasure, and a Bible in a suitcase as well as many other stories about how we should live for God and read his word. Themes: Living for God and the Value of Scripture. ISBN 978-1-85792-815-0

REBELS RESCUED A Student’s Guide to Reformed Theology Brian Cosby Reformed theology teaches that only God can take our sinful hearts and replace them with ones that desire to seek and follow him. ISBN 978-1-84550-980-4 £5.99 $8.99

GOD’S STORY A Student’s Guide to Church History Brian Cosby As you read this book discover God’s Plan, God’s Story and God’s People - the church of God. Throughout history God has preserved his people. ISBN 978-1-78191-320-8 £6.99 $9.99

WATER THE EARTH A Student’s Guide to Missions Aaron Little In this book you will see that the task of Mission is not a solo stunt and that it doesn’t rest on your shoulders but on the greatness and sovereignty of God. ISBN 978-1-78191-321-5 £6.99 $9.99


TnT Ministries Provide icebreakers and most importantly sound Biblical teaching. With photocopiable worksheets these are books which every youth worker will want to add to their shelf. Includes study notes for leaders of the groups. For 14-18 year olds | A5 | PB | £6.99 $9.99 each A WONDERFUL WORLD Book 1: Five Youth Group Sessions from Genesis to Revelation Nick Margesson Theme: Creation from Genesis to Revelation. Creation (Genesis 1:1-2:3), inhabited (Genesis 2:15-25); ruined (Genesis 3:1-24) repaired (Genesis 12:1-8 & Matthew 1:1-21) and restored (Revelation 22:1-5). ISBN 978-1-84550-461-8 £6.99 $9.99

SEX AND RELATIONSHIPS Book 4: Six Youth Group Sessions from Genesis, Romans Corinthians & Eph Roger Fawcett Theme: Sex and relationships - ‘Male And Female’ (Genesis 1-3); ‘Exchanging God’s Truth For Lies’ (Romans 1:1827); ‘Flee From Sexual Immorality’ (1 Corinthians 6:12-20); ‘Live As Children Of Light’ (Ephesians 5:1-14); ‘What I Hate I Do’ (Romans 7:7-8:2); ‘Create In Me A Pure Heart’(Genesis 39:1-23). ISBN 978-1-84550-549-3 £6.99 $9.99

KEEP ON GOING Book 2: Seven Youth Group Sessions on 1 Thessalonians Nick Margesson Theme: 1 Thessalonians - Getting a Letter (introduction); A Genuine Conversion (1:1-10); a Trustworthy Messenger; (2:1-16); An Enduring Faith; (2:17-3:13) A God Pleasing Life (4:1-12) A Certain Hope (4:3-5:11) Final Instructions (5:12-28). ISBN 978-1-84550-462-5 £6.99 $9.99

THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN Book 5: Six Youth Group Studies from Matthew Roger Fawcett Theme: The Kingdom of God Introducing the King (Matthew 1-4;) Introducing the Kingdom (Matthew 5-7); proclaiming the Kingdom (Matthew 10); Kingdom Relationships (Matthew 18); Thy Kingdom come (Matthew 24-25). ISBN 978-1-84550-643-8 £6.99 $9.99

GOD RULES! Book 3: Seven Youth Group Sessions, God’s Loving Rule in the Life of Joseph Nick Margesson Theme: Does God really care when the going gets tough? - God Chooses (Genesis 37:1- 36); God Cares (Genesis 39:1-23); God Reveals (Genesis 41:1443); God Plans (Genesis 42:1-38); God’s People (Genesis 44:1-45:3); God Provides (Genesis 45:1- 28); God Rules (Genesis 50:1-26). ISBN 978-1-84550-548-6 £6.99 $9.99

THE PATTERN OF THIS WORLD Book 6: Six Youth Group Studies on the Christian and Media Roger Fawcett Theme: The Media - Your Heart (1 John:8-2:2; 2:15-11); Your mind (Romans 11:32-12:2); Your eyes (Luke 11:29-36); Your words (Proverbs 6:6-11); Your Life (Ephesians 5:1-6). ISBN 978-1-84550-644-5 £6.99 $9.99

Paul White – Australian missionary doctor in Africa Larger-than-life animal fables told in an amusing style. It is fictional writing that teaches robust truths. Read about Monkeys who don’t believe in crocodiles and who throw coconuts at Leopards; An unhappy hippo; A Rumbling Rhino; Toto and the Tug of War; and how the Elephant helped the Mongoose. Each of these fables has a gospel message as well as a fun story. RTM 5-7 yrs, RM 8-11 yrs |Trade | 96 Pages | PB £5.99 $8.99 each




Josh McDowell & Ed Stewart Through the aid of True-to-Life stories, Josh and Ed offer biblical insights and practical instruction. These books are ideal for teenagers and their friends who face difficult issues such as conflict with others; death of a loved one; finding true love; unplanned pregnancy; divorce of parents; knowing God’s will; past sexual abuse. Perhaps now more than any time in their lives they will need a 17:17 friend. (For 12 + years) Mass Market | 64 pages | PB | £2.99 $4.99 each



JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD - THE EVIDENCE Catherine Mackenzie This book answers the question ‘Did Jesus rise from the dead?’ Yes he did! Find out about the most amazing event in history so that you can tell others about it. ISBN 978-1-84550-537-0 £4.99 $7.99

YOU ASKED Your Questions. God’s Answers. William Edgar Twenty four questions which are often asked by young adults are given a biblical, common sense unpatronising answer. For example, “Can we trust the Bible?” ISBN 978-1-78191-143-3 £9.99 $15.99

TOUGH QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BIBLE Joel R. Beeke Real questions from real life situations answered with a genuine concern for children’s souls takes them to the one true God and gospel. ISBN 978-1-78191-230-0 £5.99 $8.99

GET MOVING Motivation for Living Paul White Paul White, author of the Jungle Doctor books (see page 10), teaches the twelve plus age group about honesty, money, witnessing, prayer, guidance and relationships. ISBN 978-1-84550-629-2 £4.99 $6.99

STRAIGHTALK Your Issues; Your Problems; Your Solutions Lisa Stadler Straightalk deals with teen-specific issues such as self-image, divorce, stealing, gossip, authority, peer-pressure etc. Features real life discussion and prayer. ISBN 978-1-84550-260-7 £6.99 $10.99

SCHOOL SURVIVAL Louise House This is an ideal companion for that important step in life – changing school. an interactive book that helps you survive and enjoy this major transition. It’s full of advice from the ultimate guidebook, God’s Word! ISBN 978-1-84550-353-6 £5.99 $8.99


Hazel Scrimshire Almost guaranteed to become your child’s favourite books after just one read. Each book applies a Bible story – the shape of the book represents a key part of the story. 10 pages | Board | £2.50 $3.99

AMAZING JAR OF OIL ISBN 978-1-85792-084-0 BIG CRASH ISBN 978-1-85792-085-7 SAFE AT SEA ISBN 978-1-85792-346-9 SAFE WITH THE LIONS ISBN 978-1-85792-190-8 THE BIG PICNIC ISBN 978-1-85792-082-6

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Famous Bible Stories Best-loved Bible stories for 2-6 year olds.. Join the adventure and discover God’s loving care through the stories of these Old Testament characters. 12 pages | Board | £2.50 $3.99





Stories Jesus Told Carine MacKenzie Retelling the stories that Jesus told. Find out why the shepherd risked leaving his flock to find the missing sheep, and what Jesus wants to teach us. These are an instant hit with young children giving them an early knowledge of the teachings of Jesus. Special features – find the hidden item in every picture. (RT 2-5, RM 5-6) | 16 pages board | £2.50 $3.99 THE FOOLISH FARMER ISBN 978-1-85792-990-4 THE LOST COIN ISBN 978-1-85792-988-1


THE MISSING SHEEP ISBN 978-1-85792-987-4 THE PROUD PRAYER ISBN 978-1-85792-986-7

THE RUNAWAY SON ISBN 978-1-85792-989-8 THE SELFISH SERVANT ISBN 978-1-85792-985-0

Catherine Mackenzie Extra chunky board books that tell the story of how God made us and wants us to respond to him. The pictures are gorgeous and there is a Bible text on every page. Large Squarish | 16 pages Board | £2.50 $3.99 GOD GAVE ME FEELINGS GOD GAVE ME SIGHT ISBN 978-1-85792-565-4 ISBN 978-1-85792-562-3

GOD GAVE ME TASTE ISBN 978-1-85792-561-6

GOD GAVE ME HEARING ISBN 978-1-85792-563-0

GOD GAVE ME TOUCH ISBN 978-1-85792-560-9

GOD GAVE ME SMELL ISBN 978-1-85792-564-7

I can say to God Catherine MacKenzie Simple words with strong biblical truth teach very young children that they can talk to God and tell him anything; he is listening to them and loves them. These colourful books follow the A.C.T.S form of praying (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication). Large | 10 pages | Board £2.50 $3.99

Born to be King

Catherine Mackenzie Full of bright colourful illustrations and simple text. This set of books tell the Christmas story. For children up to 4 years old. Individual Books: £2.50 $3.99 130x150mm 16 pages | Board Book

Catherine MacKenzie Tells the Easter Story simply for 2-4 year olds. Individual Books: £2.50 $3.99 130x150mm 16 pages | Board Book

I CAN SAY TO GOD, I LOVE YOU ISBN 978-1-85792-692-7 I CAN SAY TO GOD, I’M SORRY ISBN 978-1-85792-689-7

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God Made

Show your pre-schoolers that God made everything around them. These sturdy books start them early in their understanding and are so attractive they always pick them up first. 140 x 100mm | 16 pages | Board | £2.50 $3.99

GOD MADE ANIMALS Una Macleod ISBN 978-1-85792-290-5 GOD MADE COLOURS Una Macleod ISBN 978-1-85792-291-2 GOD MADE ME Una Macleod ISBN 978-1-85792-289-9 GOD MADE THE WORLD Una Macleod ISBN 978-1-85792-292-9

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Carine MacKenzie Chunky board books that will tell children about different aspects of God’s character. They will love the illustrations: you will love telling them the message. Square | 14 pages | £2.50 $3.99 GOD HAS POWER BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-477-0 GOD IS EVERYWHERE BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-480-0 GOD IS FAITHFUL BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-481-7 GOD IS KIND BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-476-3 GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-479-4 GOD NEVER CHANGES BOARD BOOK ISBN 978-1-85792-478-7

Penny Reeve Join the animal detectives and find out what it is that is hiding in the jungle. Solve the mystery and discover about God who has made all sorts of wonderful things! (RT 2-4, RM 5-7) Large square | 16 pages | PB | £2.99 $4.99 each GOD MADE SOMETHING ENORMOUS ISBN 978-1-84550-693-3 GOD MADE SOMETHING FUNNY ISBN 978-1-84550-691-9 GOD MADE SOMETHING QUICK ISBN 978-1-85792-774-0 GOD MADE SOMETHING STRONG ISBN 978-1-85792-771-9 GOD MADE SOMETHING TALL ISBN 978-1-84550-692-6 GOD MADE SOMETHING AMAZING ISBN 978-1-84550-694-0 GOD MADE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL ISBN 978-1-85792-773-3 GOD MADE SOMETHING CLEVER ISBN 978-1-85792-772-6 JESUS CHRIST TO THE RESCUE Catherine Mackenzie Jesus Christ has come to the rescue.He came to save people from sin and help them know God his Father. He came to rescue you. ISBN 978-1-84550-973-6 £4.99 $7.99


JESUS CHRIST THE BEST KING OF ALL Catherine Mackenzie Some people are trying to find someone very special - the King of Kings. They find him in a stable where he spends the first hours of his life asleep in a manger. ISBN 978-1-84550-568-4 £3.99 $6.99

Irene Howat, Illustrated by Michael De Boer. A series of six books each with their own theme. As you read you will learn about what God thinks about telling lies, helping others, working hard, boasting, beauty and grumbling. The characters help to bring the story alive for your child. If you want your children to learn about, and live by, ‘values’ be sure to buy the whole set! (RT 4-5, RM 6-7) | Large Square 16 pages | PB | £2.99 $4.99 each BOBBY BOAST A LOT ISBN 978-1-85792-978-2 GRANNY GRUMP A LOT ISBN 978-1-85792-980-5 HARRY HELP A LOT ISBN 978-1-85792-976-8

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FERDINAND The Engine who went off the rails Ann Benton This delightful book uses a little train to teach children profound truths in a simple way. This is a wonderful way to show how the Lord Jesus Christ deals with the problem of sin. ISBN 978-1-84550-444-1 £4.99 $7.99 CREATION SERIES The Creation Series 8 Book box set Carol Leah Early readers are introduced to the story of Creation. With a clear gospel message this is ideal for Christian schools or families and is written to a standard that teachers and parents will appreciate. ISBN 978-1-84550-554-7 £11.99 $19.99 OUR NEW BABY Catherine Mackenzie This is an ideal book to share with a young child who is waiting for a new brother or sister. Jane and Tom discover about babies and families and how it is that God cares for everyone... including the new baby. ISBN 978-1-85792-547-0 £2.99 US edition ISBN 978-1-85792-607-1 $3.99 GOD’S LITTLE GUIDEBOOKS CREATION 8 Books Box Set Catherine Mackenzie The six days of creation retold for younger children. Also includes the day of rest and a title to show how God’s Word is continued in the people who love him. Illustrated by Rebecca Elliot. ISBN 978-1-84550-592-9 £6.99 $10.99 GOD’S LITTLE GUIDEBOOKS - BOX SET 10 Commandments Box Set Hazel Scrimshire Sam and Katy learn about God’s Ten Commandments and how they need to read God’s word and do what he says. ISBN 978-1-84550-445-8 £6.99 $10.99

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Presenting TnT Ministries - the leading name in Sunday School materials Your seven steps to teaching success Reproducible – activities can be photocopied. One book per teacher is all you need. Interactive – pupils learn skills to help them study God’s word for themselves. Comprehensive – each syllabus covers the major doctrines of the Christian faith. Enjoyable – young people love it and learn from it - so you’ll be happy too! Biblical – the central focus of each lesson is what the Bible teaches. Teacher friendly – lesson plans and preparation tips guide you through the process. Trustworthy – overseen by a respected organisation concerned with accurate exposition.

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Children can be taught about God from the earliest age. These books are designed to help parents and teachers simply and clearly explain fundamental truths of the Christian faith as well as lessons from the Old and New Testaments.

A CHILD’S FIRST LESSONS IN KNOWING GOD ISBN 978-1-85792-224-0 BEGINNING WITH THE BIBLE The Old Testament ISBN 978-1-85792-454-1 BEGINNING WITH THE BIBLE The New Testament ISBN 978-1-85792-445-9


There are fourteen books in this series and each book contains a term’s work and is subdivided into 3 age ranges (3-5’s, 5-7’s and 7-9’s) so that families can learn together. There is no specific order but together these books make 3 years of lessons and include different things to do each easter and Christmas. ON THE WAY 3-9’S BOOK 1 Creation, Abraham, Jacob ISBN 978-1-85792-301-8 ON THE WAY 3-9’S - BOOK 2 Christmas, Miracles of Jesus ISBN 978-1-85792-319-3 ON THE WAY 3-9’S - BOOK 3 Prayer, The Easter Story, Peter ISBN 978-1-85792-320-9 ON THE WAY 3-9’S - BOOK 4 Joseph, Job, Moses ISBN 978-1-85792-324-7


2 years of classes directed at this crucial age range. Includes photocopiable activities (Like all on the way material) and lesson plans and guides. One book is all you need per teacher. ON THE WAY 9-11’S - BOOK 1 Psalms, In the Beginning, New beginnings from John’s Gospel, Christmas Prophecies Fulfilled. ISBN 978-1-85792-551-7


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This age range starts to develop greater reasoning skills so ‘On the Way’ is more discussion based at this level. Tackles key societal issues like homosexuality and teaches them how to listen and analyse a sermon. ON THE WAY 11-14’S - BOOK 1 Abraham, Jacob, The Messiah, The I Am Sayings, Ruth ISBN 978-1-85792-704-7 ON THE WAY 11-14’S - BOOK 2 Paul, Philipians, 1 Thessalonians, Suffering ISBN 978-1-85792-705-4

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Are you looking to add another dimension to your teaching? Do you want children to have strong Biblical foundations without compromising on fun and activity? TnT have developed The Game Is Up for this very purpose. All the games are directly linked to the lessons with strong Biblical emphasis. Visual aids for photocopying and clearly explained teaching points make this an excellent addition to any church resource library. There are puppet sketches and scripts, loads of activities and games. Can be used alongside the On The Way curriculum or as a seperate resource. THE GAME IS UP - OLD TESTAMENT (BOOK 1) Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Joshua ISBN 978-1-85792-550-0

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This is the alternative way of doing a Holiday Club or Vacation Bible School. You can adapt this easily for several weeks of lessons or several days. Just like the other On the Way material these books teach that the Bible is God’s relevant, exciting and dynamic guide. It’s reproducible, multiage as well as biblical and teacher friendly. MESSAGE UNSTOPPABLE Acts In this amazing race around the world you will see how nothing can stop this wonderful message as people from manynations come to understand the truth about Jesus! ISBN 978-1-84550-616-2 GOD’S ZOO From Creation to the Cross - your kid’s club can learn about Salvation. ISBN 978-1-84550-069-6

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BIBLE EXPLORER Carine MacKenzie Are you ready to go on an adventure with God? His Word is all you need. When you’re exploring God’s word – get ready for the ride of your life! Fact files and other devotional extras introduce the theme of Christ in all of Scripture. ISBN 978-1-78191-301-7 £8.99 $14.99

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CHRISTIAN FOCUS STORY BIBLE Carine MacKenzie The word of God is full of wonderful real life stories: spies on the rooftops of Jericho, the young boy who kills a giant, and the most important story of all, that of Jesus. ISBN 978-1-84550-494-6 £9.99 $15.99 JESUS- THE REAL STORY Carine MacKenzie Did you know that when Jesus was nailed to the cross he asked God to forgive the people who were hurting him? Jesus changes lives and his power can make a difference in yours. This is the real story of Jesus. ISBN 978-1-85792-930-0 £6.99 $10.99 THE LIFE OF JESUS Carine MacKenzie Who is Jesus? What did he do? What is he really like? Do you want to know more about Jesus and all the things he said and did? It will tell you what he is doing now and how you can get to know him. ISBN 978-1-84550-749-7 £6.99 $10.99


Each story includes Scripture references, a question that focuses on the story and something to spot in the pictures. £6.99 $10.99 each (RT 3-5; RM 5-6) LITTLE HANDS LIFE OF JESUS Carine MacKenzie The life of Jesus is a story that will never end. His story is an adventure that you can join; a mystery that you can solve; a love story that’s about you, God, and his great loving heart. ISBN 978-1-84550-339-0 £6.99 $10.99 LITTLE HANDS LEARNING TO PRAY Carine MacKenzie Reading these stories will show you and the child you read to, how people in the Bible spoke with God. ISBN 978-1-84550-591-2 £6.99 $10.99

LITTLE HANDS STORY BIBLE Carine MacKenzie The Bible tells a story of love, sometimes of despair, but ultimately it’s a story of hope. These 69 stories take children through God’s Word. ISBN 978-1-84550-435-9 £6.99 $10.99


Words of Wisdom from the book of Proverbs Carine Mackenzie Problems? God gives good advice. Here are some helpful sayings, which have been taken from the book of Proverbs help you understand what God wants you to do in your life. (RT 4-5, RM 5-7) A5 | 24 pages | HB | £4.99 $7.99 each


Sinclair Ferguson How are we to become wise? How should we pray? How do we become happy? How can we be kind? Find out all the answers, as taught by Jesus. Jeff Anderson’s use of modern day pictures helps make the teaching of Christ applicable to the children of today. These books give a clear understanding that with Jesus as our guide in life we will always be headed in the right direction. (6-12 year olds) A5 | 24 pages | PB | £1.99 $3.99 each

WISE WORDS TO FOLLOW ISBN 978-1-84550-430-4 WISE WORDS TO OBEY ISBN 978-1-84550-431-1 WISE WORDS TO TRUST ISBN 978-1-84550-432-8 THE PLAN How God Got the World Ready for Jesus Sinclair B. Ferguson Before the dawn of time God made a plan… a plan to love, save and rescue. The World was made ready for Jesus Christ to save his people from their sins. ISBN 978-1-84550-451-9 £7.99 $11.99 OUR LOVING GOD Carine MacKenzie Who is God? What is he like? Can we know God? This book will help you discover amazing facts about our loving God. Find out what God does and how much he cares for each one of us. Stunning artwork from Fred Apps. Paperback ISBN 978-1-85792-419-0 £4.99 $6.99 Hardback ISBN 978-1-85792-294-3 £6.99 $12.99 WORDS ABOUT GOD Nicholas Choy Every child needs to know about God. Words like merciful, faithful, holy and gracious will help children worship the one true God. ISBN 978-1-84550-778-7 £6.99 $9.99

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CARING CREATOR Carine MacKenzie God made the whole world just by speaking! He cares for his people, the plants and animals which he made. He wants us to be a part of his plan. We should trust him and tell others about The Caring Creator. ISBN 978-1-84550-690-2 £5.99 $9.99 CHILDREN OF THE BIBLE Paperback Carine MacKenzie Children of all ages can and have been used by God. Read about Samuel who was called to be a prophet; Joash who became a king; David who fought a giant and many more stories that your children will be fascinated by. ISBN 978-1-84550-450-2 £6.99 $9.99 THE MAGNIFICENT AMAZING TIME MACHINE A Journey Back to the Cross Sinclair B. Ferguson This adventure in time hinges on one moment and on one man – the Lord Jesus Christ. The time machine takes you back to the beginning but also to Easter and back to the Cross. ISBN 978-1-84550-547-9 £7.99 $11.99


LIVING WITH GOD Nancy Gorrell This book will teach your 6 to 8 year old about Worship, Heaven, Obedience and Prayer. Lively, engaging illustrations and attractively written explanations. ISBN 978-1-85792-532-6 £6.99 $10.99

MEETING WITH GOD Nancy Gorrell This book will teach your 6 to 8 year old about Creation, Jesus and Salvation. Lively, engaging illustrations and attractively written explanations. ISBN 978-1-85792-531-9 £6.99 $10.99

3. Blessing the Nations


od spoke to Abraham after he showed his faith in God. Abraham had been prepared to offer his son Isaac as a sacrice to God. God spared him from doing this and blessed him

greatly. God said, ‘In your offspring (child) shall all the nations of the earth be blessed’ (Genesis 22:18). God was pointing to one particular child to be born many centuries later – Jesus Christ. You can read about this in Galatians 3:16 in your Bible.

God conrmed to Abraham that Isaac, his son, would be the one in the line of the promised Saviour. ‘Through Isaac shall your offspring be named’ (Genesis 21:12). Which son of Isaac would be the ancestor of the Saviour? Jacob is mentioned, ‘A star shall come out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall rise out of Israel’ (Numbers 24:17).

Sharing the Good News


Andrew: John 1 ndrew was a fishe rman on the sea of Galilee. When John the Baptist started preaching, Andrew heard him with interest and became one of his

followers. One day John pointed out Jesus to Andrew and a friend, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God.’ Andrew and his friend spent the rest of the day with Jesus. They realised that he was the Christ, the Saviour of sinners. Andrew wanted to share the good news about Jesus and he immediately went to find his brother, Simon. ‘We have found the Christ, God’s chosen one,’ he told him. He brought Simon to meet Jesus too. Jesus gave him a new name – Peter, which means a stone.

When a person comes to know Jesus for himself or herself, it is good to share the good news with others and tell them about Jesus.

OUR BABY BOOK Carine MacKenzie A wonderful book for new parents to record their baby’s early days. Bible verses throughout make this a good choice compared to secular alternatives. ISBN 978-1-85792-026-0 £5.99 $9.99

WHEN GOD SAYS IT HE DOES IT Carine MacKenzie From the beginning of time God has made promises - and these promises have been kept. He has made plans - and these plans have been fulfilled. God’s prophecies, plans and promises have been accomplished through Jesus Christ his Son. ISBN 978-1-78191-322-2 £6.99 $9.99 HOW GOD CHANGES PEOPLE Carine MacKenzie Find out how the lives of people in the Bible were changed by God through his Word. Read about Zacchaeus, Paul, Lydia and many others. ISBN 978-1-84550-822-7 £6.99 $9.99


Jesus changes people – from a man up a tree to the

None of us are born Christians--we must be born

disciples he made. Carine Mackenzie retells for 5-11

again. Carine shows the need for repentance and

year olds stories of what happened – and happens –

faith in Jesus in each biblical story she recounts

when people meet the Lord. Engagingly written, and

in How God Changes People. This book will most

beautifully illustrated, How God Changes People is

certainly encourage children to think about what it

a book every family will enjoy reading together.

means to be saved. The illustrations will delight the

Sinclair B. Ferguson

eyes of both children and adults, and the stories will delight their souls.


Keri Folmar




Carine MacKenzie, illustrations by Duncan Maclaren Our first children’s books, now with over 3 million copies in print. Each book is about a man or woman in the Bible. Their stories are reliably retold and applied for today’s children. (RT 5-7, RM 7-9) A5 | 32 pages | PB | £2.50 $3.99

ESTHER The Brave Queen ISBN 978-1-84550-195-2 GIDEON Soldier of God ISBN 978-1-84550-196-9 HANNAH The Mother who Prayed ISBN 978-1-84550-163-1 JOHN The Baptist ISBN 978-1-84550-164-8 JONAH The Runaway Preacher ISBN 978-1-84550-165-5 JOSHUA The Brave Leader ISBN 978-1-84550-166-2 MARTHA & MARY Friends of Jesus ISBN 978-1-84550-167-9 MARY Mother of Jesus ISBN 978-1-84550-168-6

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JESUS THE CHILD ISBN 978-1-85792-749-8



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Irene Howat’s journey through life has drawn a question mark on the map of Scotland, having lived in Moray, Edinburgh, South Argyll and now back home in Ayrshire. She is married to Angus and they are busily semi-retired from ministerial life. Irene writes for adults, teenagers and children. Her work is mostly biographical and historical. Take a look at her renowned Lightkeepers Series as well as two recent titles God Answers Prayer for Girls, God Answers Prayer for Boys. She has also written several titles for the Trailblazer series including her most recent biography for teens Robert Moffat: Africa’s Brave Heart. Irene also edits The Instructor, the Free Church of Scotland’s monthly children’s magazine. One of Irene’s recent projects has been to set up Irene Howat’s Story-a-month-Club which you can discover for yourself at To relax Irene enjoys family life, especially grandparenthood, reading and water-colour painting. Some of her books: Ten boys who changed the world – Page 3 Ten girls who changed the world – Page 3 On Fire – Page 19 Books Ablaze – Page 19 100 Fascinating Bible Facts – Page 21 God answers Prayer for Girls – Page 3 God answers Prayer for Boys – Page 3 Robert Moffat – Page 8

Sinclair B. Ferguson

‘It was very difficult to write,’ Sinclair exclaims. Perhaps it’s an article for a learned theological journal he is talking about? Or a textbook for academics? Are you surprised to learn that it’s actually a children’s book? Well it is. Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson has written a number of children’s titles and is Associate Preacher at St Peter’s Free Church in Dundee. He was Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church of Columbia and also Distinguished Visiting Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. Prior to that, he was minister of St. George’s-Tron church in Glasgow. But in addition to this remarkable ministry that criss-crosses the Atlantic Sinclair has taken considerable time to preach and write material aimed at the youngest members of his congregations as well as children across the globe. The Big Book of Questions and Answers won the CBC children’s book of the year award. His most recent book The Magnificent Amazing Time Machine takes the reader on a journey through time back to Creation and then back to the Cross. Some of his books: The Big book of Questions and Answers about the Christian Faith – Page 23 The Big Book of Questions and Answers about Jesus – Page 23 The Big Book of Bible Truths 1 – Page 23 The Big Book of Bible Truths 2 – Page 23 The Plan – How God got the World Ready for Jesus – Page 37 The Magnificent Amazing Time Machine – Page 37


Colin Buchanan

If you are looking to cross an activity book, picture book and a song book with Bible devotions for families then look no further. Through his Christian children’s books and songs Australia’s leading Kid’s artist Colin Buchanan is able to take deep and timeless truths and present them in simple and captivating ways. Colin has many strings to his guitar one of which is his country music. Colin Buchanan’s unique career is as successful as it is diverse. He has 9 Golden Guitars to his credit, is an APRA and ARIA award winner, is loved by a generation of children for his role on ABC TV’s iconic Play School. Entertaining has always come naturally but his reputation as class clown was tactfully toned-down by Miss O’Brien in his Year 4 school report when she wrote, “Colin is outspoken…” His songs have been the Christian music soundtrack to countless car trips, kids clubs and Sunday schools. His UK tours have taken his music across the globe – you’ll hear “Colin songs” in Hull and Hartford, Sevenoaks and Stirling. “My kids Christian music has always been so important to me – I take the singing of God’s truth very seriously – I just happen to do it in dressed as a caveman or in an inflatable chef suit! Find out more about Colin at: Titles: Super Saviour, Remember the Lord, Practise Being Godly – Page 13

Carine Mackenzie

Carine and William’s young girls used to ask as they read a children’s Bible story book ‘Does the Bible really say that?’ and the answer would have to be on too many occasions, ‘No’. This was the beginning of Christian Focus Publications as William and his brothers set out to meet the need of good Christian literature for families. Carine’s first writing project was a children’s book on Gideon and this soon became the internationally acclaimed Bibletime series – still in print today over 30 years later. Over the years Carine’s books have been translated into more than seventy languages and have sold several million copies. Recently Carine and William visited one of the Christian Focus mission partners in Jordan. The Bible Society there have translated several of her children’s books to give to children in the Middle East – including Iraq. This year the charity Blythswood Care translated one of Carine’s Biblewise books into seven Eastern European languages. These were sent out in shoeboxes along with helpful gifts to young children who would otherwise have received no presents at Christmas. It is really encouraging to see how God has used these books to spread his word from Scotland to the world. In 2011 we celebrated the publication of Carine’s 150th book: 365 Great Bible Stories, The Good News of Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. This title sums up what CF4K books are all about – being faithful to God’s Word, focussed on the Gospel and filled with application for a child’s life. But the writing hasn’t stopped after 150 titles… there have been several since then and more in the pipeline. And as the years have gone on since that first book on Gideon there are now grandchildren to tell these stories to. Gideon Soldier of God – Page 39 Biblewise – Page 39 365 Great Bible Stories – Page 36


Catherine Mackenzie

Catherine is the children’s editor at Christian Focus Publications but before she wore that particular hat she was also a writer for CF4K. How did her interest in books begin? Well, Catherine dreamed of being an author from a very early age. Report cards from school were full of praise of her love of stories and frustration at her abhorrence of anything mathematical. Growing up with a publisher father and a writer for a mother – books were never far away. Amongst the usual Enid Blyton books and stories from Narnia her shelves had stacks of biographies about famous missionaries such as Mary Slessor, Corrie ten Boom and Richard Wurmbrand. The next step on from reading about these Christians and the sacrifices they made was to write about them – and her first title was A Voice in the Dark about the Romanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand (see page 8). ‘Real life stories hold a fascination for me. I love how it’s the true stories that often surprise you the most. Real life is often stranger than fiction. Christian biography can be the same with people like Mary Slessor hitting a hippo over the head with a saucepan, or Hudson Taylor suffering a near fatal injury while dying his hair. But the real joy in reading and writing about a Christian life is seeing God at work.’ Two of her most recent titles have been How to be a Bible Princess – Page 11 and How to Be a Bible Warrior. – Page 11



Almost from the beginning Christian Focus Publications has been involved in what the book trade calls rights or co-editions. Many of CF4Ks books have been translated into other languages. It’s exciting to see the wide variety of languages that there are in the world and how God is getting his word into so many corners. Switzerland: Recently we’ve received copies of several children’s books published in the language Rumantsch Grischun – a language that is found in Switzerland but only has about 70,000 speakers. See photo left Papua New Guinea: There are also plans to have My First Book of Questions and Answers translated in a dialect from Papua New Guinea by some missionaries who are working in that area. Eastern Europe: Jesus is Alive was also translated into Albanian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Serbian and Ukranian for the Blythswood care shoebox appeal. This year we have a new title What’s the Point of Life? - an evangelistic pamphlet on the life of Mez McConnell. This will be translated into several Eastern European languages Indonesia: The Bible Alive as well as Jesus Christ to the Rescue have been published in Indonesia by an indigenous publishing company there. See photo right Trailblazers: And here’s another interesting fact. Next year we will publish our 40th trailblazer. Several of these youth biography titles have been published in other languages such as Korean, Afrikaans, Arabic, French, Dutch, Spannish, Russian, Indonesian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Romanian, Macedonian, Chinese and Turkish – as well as Braille.


What people are saying about our children books Noel Piper on the Adventures series (page 15) Talitha’s been a traveler since before she can remember. In the earlier days, I was the one searching Lonely Planet guides for details about our destinations. And both of us loved the great photos in Eyewitness Guides – almost as good as being there. If Christian Focus’s Adventure series had been available when she was younger, I think she would have enjoyed them. I know I would have, for both physical and armchair travel. Catherine MacKenzie describes the 15 books in the series as “a mix of geography, nature, history and mission... a really good read for children age 8-12. Noel Piper Wife of John Piper

Thabite Anyabwile on 66 Books One Story (page 20) This book is forged in the fires of love for the Savior and for children. It’s written by a man with deep passion for the word of God, who believes our children should know the Scriptures better than they know the players on their favorite sports teams or the characters from their favorite television program. This book is written to equip both children and their parents in this holy ambition of knowing Christ better and loving Christ more than anything else we know and love in this world. Thabite M. Anyabwile First Baptist Church of Grand Cayman

Marti Machowski on Great Kings of the Bible (page 37) In exposing the sin in the lives of Saul, David, and Solomon, Deepak Reju shows convincingly that Christ is our true hero and the greatest of all kings. While many cute Bible story books help build familiarity with the Bible in our kids’ lives, we as parents need books like Great Kings of the Bible to help our kids see the evil of sin and stir their need for a Savior. It is then when Jesus truly becomes the Greatest King for each of them. Marty Machowski Pastor and Author of The Gospel Story Bible and the Gospel Story Curriculum 44

Helen Roseveare on How God Changes People (page 38) From the first picture, where even the robin looks startled at the sound of breaking glass .. to the timid child with his mother and grandmother .. and the wonderful assurance that bold and timid children are all precious to God, and each needs God’s love and gift of forgiveness .. this is a lovely book – for all ages! and will make a super present to grandchildren and to grandparents alike! Yes, this book will fortify any young person’s library of books about Jesus and His love, as well as about our waywardness and His forgiveness. As it cleverly brings together the individual people through the New Testament who were changed by meeting Jesus, it quietly challenges the reader: “Has He changed me yet?” and put a hunger in their hearts to become part of Jesus’ family. Helen Roseveare Missionary, Writer and Public Speaker, Northern Ireland

Youthwork Magazine on Jesus Rose from the Dead: The Evidence (page 25) With so many different things taught at school these days and a whole host of stuff available online, knowing what is ‘truth’ can get quite muddled. This will be a useful book for younger young people to understand and grasp a greater understanding of the truth about Jesus’ resurrection.

Connie Dever on God’s Family (see page 29) Absolutely love it! I love that is simple but thorough in helping children of all ages understand what it means to become a Christian. Looking forward to putting it on our bookstall. Well done! Connie Dever Wife of Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington D.C.




A NEGLECTED GRACE Family Worship in the Christian Home Jason Helopoulos Jason Helopoulos calls church leaders and members to reclaim the practice of family worship as a glorious expression of our Christian faith, to seek and enjoy the love and beauty of Christ daily. This book provides plenty of wise and practical help for how to get started. ISBN 978-1-78191-203-4 £6.99 $10.99

AREN’T THEY LOVELY WHEN THEY’RE ASLEEP Lessons in unsentimental parenting Ann Benton Ann Benton’s material contains wisdom distilled from her popular seminars on parenting the next generation. You will learn six key concepts: accept, beware, communicate, discipline, evaluate and fear the Lord. These are applied with understanding and sensitivity. ISBN 978-1-85792-876-1 £5.99 $8.99

TEACH YOUR CHILDREN TO PRAY Denise George This book is a non judgmental, practical, approach to Christian parenting, with a wonderful focus on prayer. Denise George uses her life time of mistakes, triumphs, inspiration, questions and prayer to write a book that will inspire you to pray and teach your child to do the same. ISBN 978-1-85792-941-6 £7.99 $12.99

WORLD-PROOF YOUR KIDS Raising Children Unstained by the World Ruth Sisemore Increasingly the influence of the world, with it’s ‘me first’ obsession, is causing problems within the Christian home. Is your family influenced by the culture rather than your faith? It’s time to put things right. If you want to help your family then the Sisemore’s are here to help break the cycle. ISBN 978-1-84550-275-1 £8.99 $14.99

OUR DEAR CHILD letters to your baby on the way Denise George Pregnancy can be a difficult time but you can take heart from these encouraging letters written by writers Denise and Timothy George to their yet to be born child. They are honest, heart-warming and full of wisdom. An ideal gift for would-be parents who want to give their child the best start in life. ISBN 978-1-84550-141-9 £7.99 $12.99

OUR COVENANT WITH KIDS Biblical Nurture in Home and Church Timothy Sisemore Dr. Sisemore teaches you about Christian parenting and the church’s responsibility towards its children. This is a practical and theological approach to parenting and children’s ministry - and shows how to nurture children to be disciples. ISBN 978-1-84550-350-5 £7.99 $12.99

FAMILY RELIGION Principles for raising a Godly Family Matthew Henry You are a Christian – how do you look after your family? In this collection of Matthew Henry’s writings on family life, he expounds good sense and gives us better patterns for our devotional, practical and spiritual needs. Henry believes that a spiritual home can help grow the Church and enable the whole community to live peaceably. ISBN 978-1-84550-313-0 £8.99 $14.99

THE FAMILY YOU WANT How to Establish an Authentic, Loving Home John Huffman In an age of broken homes and disintegrating family structures, John Huffman investigates the real issues at stake in the family and helps you to live in the best family that you are able to have. John’s advice is practical and comes with solid biblical foundations. ISBN 978-1-85792-933-1 £7.99 $14.99

THE FAMILY WORSHIP BOOK A Resource Book for Family Devotions Terry Johnson What is family worship? What have other people done? Why should I do it? How can I start? Let The Family Worship Book equip you to lead your family devotions with its answers to key questions. ISBN 978-1-85792-401-5 £11.99 $19.99

HOMEWARD BOUND Building an Attractive Christ-centred Family on Eternal Principles Edward Hartman We live in a culture that exalts personal gratification. Society has bought a subtle lie that there will be no day of final accounting - and so our children don’t live with an eternal perspective. Ed Hartman faced the news that his young wife was probably suffering from a brain tumor. It was a wake-up call to raise his family with in the view of eternity. ISBN 978-1-84550-348-2 £7.99 $12.99

AUTHOR INDEX Beeke Joel, 23, 25

Little Aaron, 23

Benton Ann, 29

Mackenzie Carine, 21, 22, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 36,

Bingham Derick, 6, 8 Boddam-Whetham Jo, 20 Buchanan Colin, 13

37, 38, 39, 40 Mackenzie Catherine, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33

Bunyan John, 12

Martin Laura, 20

Cameron Julia, 7

McDowell Josh, 25

Catherwood Christopher, 8

Moody D L, 10, 12

Choy Nicholas, 37

Murdarasi Karen, 6

Cosby Brian, 7, 23

Newsom William Chad, 5, 17

Cromarty Jim, 15

Plant Robert, 5

Davis Rebecca, 9

Prime Derek, 19

Drummond Nancy, 5

Reju Deepak, 37

Edgar William, 25

Reynolds Paul, 20

Eglin Lorna, 9, 14

Ross Marianne, 30

Farenhorst Christine, 9

Ryle J C, 10

Ferguson Sinclair, 23, 37

Scrimshire Hazel, 26, 29

Finlayson Linda, 3, 5, 8, 9

Smart Dominic, 20

George Christian, 6

Spurgeon Charles, 12

Gorrell Nancy, 19, 38

St John Patricia, 12, 18, 21

Grant Myrna, 7, 14

Stapleton Jean, 20, 30

Groce Mandy, 29

Swinford Betty, 9, 14, 15, 17

Havergal Frances Ridley, 20

Travis Lucille, 6, 7, 8

Hill Bartha, 15

Vann Donna, 14, 15

House Catherine, 8

Walton O F, 10

Howat Irene, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 21, 29

Watson Jean, 6, 12

Jacobs Sheila, 18

WEC, 13

Keddie John, 7

White Paul, 16, 17, 24, 25

Knights-Johnson S, 31

Williamson J R, 5

Lawson Michael S, 20

Withrow Mindy and Brandon, 11

Leah Carol, 29

Woodman Ros, 30, 31 47

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