Seasonal Catalogue January – February 2013 Lamp unto my Feet
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To Walk or Stay
Trusting God through shattered hopes and suffocating fears Lara Williams – Greensboro, North Carolina Her marriage slowly deteriorated behind the facade of a happy, Christian home. After six years together, with three young children, Lara discovered the devastating reality of her husband's marital betrayal. Lara gives tender guidance to any woman walking the unexpected paths of betrayal. But even more than that, she testifies of the victorious life in Christ available to everyone, regardless of any shattered hopes or suffocating fears. "This is no mere "winning-through" story. It is about how theology changes lives. It brings big doctrines into home and marriage and the choices we make every day. Very relevant and very good thinking." Ann Benton ISBN 978-1-78191-128-0 | Trade | 144 Pages | PB | £7.99
Supernatural Living for Natural People
The Life-giving message of Romans 8 Ray Ortlund – lead Pastor at Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee ROMANS EIGHT is a favourite of many Christians for it contains verse after verse of pure spiritual gold. It opens up to us peace with God, the ministries of the Spirit, the urgency of personal reformation, the glory of our eternal inheritance, the power of God's goodness at work in our daily lives and the invincibility of his loving intentions toward us. In this thoughtful and perceptive book, Ray Ortlund delves deeply into Romans 8. Our appreciation and understanding of the chapter will be thoroughly revitalised. “Ray Ortlund in his exposition of Romans 8 has succeeded in weaving together both truth and application, both theology and the realities of everyday life.” Thomas R. Schreiner “Ray’s confidence in the power of the Spirit-energized Word of God shows forth on every page of this wonderful, Christ-exalting study of Romans 8.” Sam Storms ISBN 978-1-78191-139-6 | Large Trade | 144 Pages | PB | £8.99